HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-2023-BLT-AGENDA PACKETCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AGENDA Corona del Mar Branch 410 Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Monday, June 19, 2023 - 5:00 PM Board of Library Trustees Members: Paul Watkins, Chair Janet Ray, Vice Chair Douglas Coulter, Secretary Barbara Glabman, Trustee Ash Kumra, Trustee Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist The Board of Library Trustees meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Board of Library Trustees agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The public can submit questions and comments in writing for the Board of Library Trustees to consider. Please send them by email to the Library Services Department at LibraryBoard@newportbeachca.gov by Sunday, June 18, at 4:00 p.m. to give the Board of Library Trustees time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of the record. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or mhartson@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.ge I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The completion of the card is not required in order to address the Board of Library Trustees. If the optional sign-in card has been completed, it should be placed in the tray provided. The Board of Library Trustees of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The Board of Library Trustees has the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. June 19, 2023 Page 2 Board of Library Trustees Meeting V.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Board of Library Trustees have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Library Trustees votes on the motion unless members of the Board of Library Trustees request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward upon invitation by the Chair. A.Consent Calendar Items Minutes of the May 15, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting (pp. 5-13)1. DRAFT OF MINUTES Patron Comments (pp. 14-15)2. Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. PATRON COMMENTS Library Activities (pp. 16-25)3. Monthly update of library events, services and statistics. MAY ACTIVITIES Expenditure Status Report (p. 26)4. Monthly expenditure status of the library's operating expenses, services, salaries and benefits by department. MAY EXPENDITURES Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List (p. 27)5. List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. MONITORING LIST June 19, 2023 Page 3 Board of Library Trustees Meeting VI.CURRENT BUSINESS A.Items for Review Corona del Mar Branch Update (pp. 28-31)6. Branch Librarian Nadia Dallstream presents an overview of Corona del Mar Branch's activities and resources. STAFF REPORT Children in the Library Policy (NBPL 4)(pp. 32-38)7. Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees review and approve revisions to Library Policy NBPL 4, Children in the Library. STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENTS A-C Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022-23 (pp. 39-40)8. Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot will report on Budget Amendments for FY 2022-23. STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT A Lecture Hall Update9. Trustee Ray will report on activities related to the Library Lecture Hall project. Balboa Branch Replacement Update10. Trustee Ray will report on activities related to the Balboa Branch Replacement project. Library Services (pp. 16-25)11. Report of Library issues regarding services, patrons and staff. June 19, 2023 Page 4 Board of Library Trustees Meeting B.Monthly Reports Library Foundation Liaison Reports12. A. Library Foundation Board - Report of the most recently attended meeting. B. Library Live Lectures Committee - Report of the most recently attended meeting. C. Witte Lectures Committee - Report of the most recently attended meeting. Friends of the Library Liaison Report13. Trustee update of the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Literacy Services Liaison Report14. Trustee update of the most recently attended Literacy services Advisory Board meeting. VII.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Board of Library Trustees has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. VIII.BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) IX.ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Newport Beach Central Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Meeting Minutes Monday, May 15, 2023 – 5:00 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. Chair Watkins called to order the regular meeting. II. ROLL CALL – Roll call by Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome. Trustees Present: Chair Paul Watkins, Vice Chair Janet Ray, Trustee Barbara Glabman, Trustee Ash Kumra, Secretary Doug Coulter Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Maria Nicklin, Marketing Specialist Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Staff Absent Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Trustee Kumra led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Support Specialist Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. Chair Watkins complimented Library staff Rebecca Lightfoot, Allison Sarnowski, Francine Jacome, Annika Helmuth, Andy Kachaturian, and Melissa Hartson on the responses they provided to patron communications this month. They were complete, comprehensive, and empathetic. A. Consent Calendar Items 1. Minutes of the April 17, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Chair Watkins noted the following items: • Handwritten Page 5: Mr. Mosher noted his intent was to compliment the Board in assisting Assistant City Manager Tara Finnigan in the evaluation process of the Library Services Director and not just including her in the process. 5 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 2 2.Patron Comments Mr. Mosher noted that the Huntington Beach Library is closer and has an activeseed program. 3.Library ActivitiesMonthly update of library events, services, and statistics. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth explained that BlackoutPoetry is when you take a written piece of text from a book, newspaper, ormagazine and redact words, in order to come up with your very own poetry. LibraryServices Director Melissa Hartson showed an example. Library Services Director Hartson explained Verbal Judo, which is a set ofstrategies that help with de-escalating conflict. It is a mastery of communicationthat redirects behavior with words that are spoken to enhance professionalism,decrease complaints, lessen stress, increase morale, and improve outcomes. BothLibrarian Rosemary Hammock and Library Assistant Erik Gunderson attended atraining conference intended to provide tools to help staff manage their emotions during challenging interactions. 4.Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries,and benefits by department. Chair Watkins stated they are under budget by about 7%, and 83.3% through theFiscal Year (FY). Salary and enhancements are at 71%, which can’t be touched,and maintenance and operations are a little over at 86.3%. Library ServicesDirector Hartson indicated she would take a look at good faith expenditures for alist of needs that could be exercised from expenditures during the next six weeks. Library Services Director Hartson commented on Internal Services Funds (ISF),which will not go over budget. The City will only expend what is available in thebudget. Utilities have increased, and the Finance Department will make thedecision of whether or not to include additional funding for those increases. Thebills will still be paid; however, Library Services Director Hartson wasn’t sure if there is reserve funding for that. 5.Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board ofLibrary Trustees. Chair Watkins asked if there were further questions, comments or public comments on the Consent Calendar and there were none. Motion made by Secretary Coulter, seconded by Trustee Kumra, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the Consent Calendar with edits to the minutes of the Board of Library Trustees meeting Minutes on April 17, 2023. 6 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 3 AYES: Watkins, Ray, Kumra, Glabman, Coulter NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 6. FY 2023–24 Library Services Budget Staff requests that the Board of Library Trustees review and approve the FY 2023-24 operating budget for the Library. Library Services Director Melissa Hartson directed the Board to Handwritten Pages 27 and Page 28 for the Budget breakdown. The City Manager approved the budget for what will be presented to City Council over the next few meetings. They were pleased that the City Manager approved the program enhancement request to move forward with facilities maintenance. Several buildings are aging, and they are used seven days a week. It’s important to keep up with functionality and maintenance. There was also an increase in salary and benefits, which is based on negotiated contracts, that Council approved. Trustee Barbara Glabman inquired about Internal Service Funds. Library Services Director Hartson explained that Internal Service Funds are planned by the City to replace specific equipment within different departments. An example provided was a staff car that will need to be replaced, the money is already accounted for over a series of years. Other items that fall under ISF category are both public and staff computer terminals. The Information Technology department budgets for computer replacements over several years so funding is not expected all at once. The amount is allocated based on each particular department’s needs. Vice Chair Janet Ray commented regarding training and travel, that there could be confusion regarding money being held in reserves and it may appear they are not meeting their allotted budget. Library Services Director Hartson responded that it was a very good observation. The Library is sending people to trainings during June, the biggest training month in the library professional world. Staff are attending library conferences in June. Chair Watkins requested Library Services Director Hartson speak about the number of patrons served. Mr. Mosher noted that in 2013-2014 about 1.4 million people were served through the Library facilities. This year they are expecting about 600,000 people. Library Services Director Hartson explained that the Library is indeed having patrons through the doors; however, library services have truly evolved, and what constitutes personal touches now extends beyond people walking into the Library. A good area to look at would be circulation; there is physical item check-out and online check-outs through e-books, audio books, magazines, and streaming film services. Patrons no longer have to come into the Library to use services. In addition to in-person reference services, 7 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 4 there are now telephone reference services email reference services, and offsite outreach services. Rhonda Watkins, Newport Beach resident, inquired if they have reached out to Corona del Mar High School yet. She works in the Huntington Beach Unified High School District, and they often suggest students visit the Newport Beach libraries because of the incredible services they offer. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth explained that a school visit is planned for the fall in order to explain the student resources the Library offers. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, provided public comment and wanted to make sure the public understands that what is included in the Agenda Packet is a high-level summary of the budget and what will be provided to City Council is much more detailed. There are many more pages about the Library that provide a better breakdown of salaries and benefits per position and some of the other categories. The Trustees might consider asking if there is even more detailed breakdown of other categories as well. A printed copy of the detailed budget is available at every branch and is available online. Mr. Mosher acquired his copy by attending the City Finance meeting last week. Motion made by Trustee Kumra, seconded by Secretary Coulter, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve FY 2023-24 operating budget for the Library. AYES: Watkins, Ray, Kumra, Glabman, Coulter NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 7. Media Lab Update Staff will update the Board of Library Trustees on the Media and Sound Lab at Central Library. Library Services Director Hartson reported the Media Lab is a specialized computer area with software that is specific in nature. The software focuses on specialized needs for projects. There is also the Sound Lab that has recording equipment for people to record oral histories, podcasts, and music. This last year, the Library saw nearly 3,100 patrons use the Media and Sound Labs. They have branded some new marketing materials. Other improvements to bring back more in-person programming included hosting an open house, Digital Saturdays, and using the Media Lab to hold a special Coding for Kids workshop. The Library is looking for different ways to use that space. The special software includes a number of different programs downloaded onto those computers such as Logic Pro, Garage Band and Audition, which are software applications for recording music, voiceovers, podcasts, audiobooks, and narrations. Photoshop and Light Room are for photo editing and InDesign and Fireworks are for designing graphics and digital imaging. Website design, video editing, and digital DVD writing software are also available. The PC and MAC computers were replaced this past year. Trustee Kumra stated that since he became a Trustee, he did a field trip and visited most of the major Libraries in other cities and found Newport Beach’s Media Lab is top notch compared to other cities. It is a very well-run department, and the equipment is good. They 8 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 5 are offering coding programs, which is a huge opportunity for youth, and is very impressive. Vice Chair Ray inquired if these services are provided to OASIS, or if they have their own technology programming. Library Services Director Hartson responded that they generally do on-site outreach events for OASIS. Trustee Kumra inquired if they foresee any future investments in the Media Lab that they should consider due to the cost of media equipment, for example if the coding camp were to really take off and become popular. Library Services Director Hartson stated she relies on her team for technical requests, and they are continuously seeking various equipment for upgrades to current equipment and software. Trustee Kumra stated that he will check with Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot when she returns and ask her if there is other equipment and software to consider. Chair Watkins received and filed the Media Lab report. 8. Marketing and Social Networking Update Marketing Specialist Maria Nicklin will provide the annual briefing on Library marketing and social media activities. Marketing Specialist Maria Nicklin reported on the marketing goals for supporting the Library and prefers to approach them with the tactic of using a modern voice with a modern look. Branding is very important and something most libraries tend to overlook. It is the Library’s personality and look, and it helps to communicate more effectively with their patrons to make their experiences more memorable. Her goal is to brand things in a consistent way. She has created a style guide that is a living document that includes everything from fonts, colors, layouts, and point size, to help maintain consistency throughout the marketing efforts. It was established for interdepartmental use. They have redesigned the website to make it more user friendly and align it with the brand colors of blue and white. Brands within a brand accomplish creating a consistent look between programs, and streamlines marketing processes each year as the programs rollover and evolve. Libraries generally don’t have the staff or resources for strong photography and design, and due to the equipment available in Newport Beach, it provides an opportunity for our libraries to stand heads above the rest. The goal is to capture images that resonate with audiences to tell the Newport Beach Public Library’s story. Marketing Specialist Nicklin showed examples to the Board. The email marketing open rate has increased by 45%. There are 30,000 emails sent during blasts. Industry standard open rate is 22%. This past year they increased the email list by 4,000. Social media is also growing, and they make several posts per week promoting programs in advance and covering events. Audience size has increased for the Sunday Musicales. Next steps are to continue finding new audiences and continue supporting the Library. All of the Trustee’s commented that it was a great presentation. 9 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 6 Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 9. Friends of the Library Wish List Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees approve the annual wish list request for funding from the Newport Beach Friends of the Library Library Services Director Hartson presented the wish list for the Friends of the Library for the upcoming FY and requested $200,000. General materials accounts for $150,000 and programming accounts for the remaining $50,000. The Friends of the Library Board has already approved the $200,000 request for the 2023-24 FY. Motion made by Trustee Glabman, seconded by Trustee Kumra, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the annual wish list request for funding from the Newport Beach Friends of the Library. AYES: Watkins, Ray, Kumra, Glabman, Coulter NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 10. Lecture Hall Update Trustee Ray will report on activities related to the Library Lecture Hall project. Jerry Kappel (NBPLF CEO) stated he had nothing to report. Vice Chair Ray stated she doesn’t have anything new after last month’s meeting. The bids were not accepted, and they will do a re-bid process at the end of the summer. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 11. Balboa Branch Replacement Update Vice Chair Ray will report on activities related to the Balboa Branch Replacement project. Vice Chair Ray and Trustee Glabman reported there was nothing new to report. They are still reviewing site plans. Library Services Director Hartson commented that Public Works held a project kick-off meeting with the department heads and the City Council Ad Hoc subcommittee. At the meeting, she clearly explained that the Board of Library Trustees is very interested in being involved early and often. Council Member Stapleton was at the Balboa branch during National Library Week doing a storytime presentation and took a tour of the Library and fire station. The project is still in its infancy stage. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 10 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 7 12. Library Services Report on Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff. Library Services Director Hartson reported that they celebrated National Library Week and is so proud of everything staff accomplished in preparing and presenting for the week. There was a variety of different programming for all ages. There were outreach events to some of the local high schools. Sadly, the Bistro Café on the second floor has closed; Community Development issued a notice that they would close at the end of April; Real Property is looking to enhance the space and get another tenant. The Friends of the Library used book sale is scheduled for June 2 and 3, 2023. The busiest time of the year kicks off on June 10 with the start of the Summer Reading Program. All ages are invited to all locations. June 13 is the Friends of the Library membership luncheon which will be held in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library. Wednesday June 14 will be the Library Leadership event for the Foundation’s Summer Solstice, which will feature author Susan Straight. One correction to the wheelhouse list, the Board of Library Trustee meeting on Monday, June 19 will be held at the Corona del Mar branch location for the annual branch update. Trustee Kumra commented that he participated in the National Library Week story time, and he was highly impressed. He had never been to anything like that. Kudos to all who participated in making such a great program. Chair Watkins requested he be added to the list to help participate next April. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 13. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board Report on the most recently attended meeting. Vice Chair Ray reported that Jerry Kappel (NBPLF CEO) sent out an update to trustees. Summer Solstice is coming up on June 14. The Board is interested in starting an estate plan opportunity for members of the Foundation, and the Stahr family is the inaugural participant in the Legacy Society. They discussed diversity, equity, and inclusion and will be researching statements they include in information. On May 4, there was the Spotlight on Science program, which was underwritten with the idea of trying to get new audiences with an interest in science. Reservations for the free event reached capacity within a couple of days. On the night of the lecture, the Friends Meeting Room was full. People were engaged, and the idea was to have three or four lectures per year that would not compete with the Witte Lectures. Trustee Kumra inquired if the Library Foundation was seeking new Board members. Jerry Kappel (NBPLF CEO) replied yes, they need at least two more, as they have five that are terming out. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 11 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 8 B. Library Live Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Trustee Kumra reported that the committee held their last meeting until the fall. A couple of highlights include the Min Jin Lee event was sold out, they polled attendees, and all responses were positive. Season subscription passes will become available on July 1 and the cost is $100 for four author events. The upcoming author events include Lisa See on October 19, 2023, Steve Lopez on November 9, Michael Scott Moore on February 15, 2024 and Tess Gunty with Samantha Dunn on April 18, 2024. Trustee Glabman commented that Lisa See is a fantastic event to attend. She is super positive. Surveys are sent out after all events via email. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. C. Witte Lectures Committee Report of the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins reported Jerry’s memo was well done. Rachel Hass Reinus will join the Witte Lecture Committee, all speakers for 2023-2024 Witte Lecture series have been identified and all but one has been contracted. The season passes available July 1 are for members only. The season has concluded, and it was a very successful season. Most of the events sold out and were on budget. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 14. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Secretary Coulter reported that on June 2 in the Friends Meeting Room, there will be a 3-books/$1 book sale for members only. On Saturday, June 3, it will be open to the public and it is $3 dollars per bag. Bags will be supplied. Friday, June 2, the hours will be 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, June 3, it will be open 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are looking for 500– 700 boxes of donated books. Membership is up to 864 members. The book store raised $146,339 in 2022, with a total income of $166,602, which includes donations and memberships. In 2023, book store sales are at $160,503, with total income at $180,026. Income was increased by $13,424. The next meeting will be the Members Luncheon on June 13, and Trustee Coulter will be swearing in the new board. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 15. Literacy Services Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Literacy Services Advisory Board. Trustee Glabman reported that there is a draft agreement and other ancillary agreements in the works. The PAL Advisory Board is working toward dissolution and are trying to work through how to provide funds to the Foundation to be used in accordance with the donor 12 Board of Library Trustees Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 9 intent. The Library will have oversight for the adult literacy offerings with the Foundation overseeing the donations and fundraising aspects. Library Services Director Hartson reported that recruitment is moving forward with a candidate for Department Assistant. The Literacy Coordinator recruitment opened and recently closed. They will be holding interviews within a few weeks. They will move on from there with department interviews. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Watkins would like to change the December 18 meeting to December 11, 2023. The June 19, 2023 meeting will be the final meeting for Vice Chair Janet Ray, who will term out. Happy early Father’s day. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 6:01 p.m. 13 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTSMAY 2023Comment #CommentResponseDate ReceivedSource of CommentStaff MemberStaff Member TitleDate Responded to Patron 105/01/2023EmailAndy KachaturianCirc. & Tech. Processing Coordinator05/02/2023205/02/2023Comment CardRebecca LightfootLibrary Services Manager05/03/2023305/15/2023Comment CardRebecca LightfootLibrary Services Manager05/15/2023405/16/2023Comment CardAnnika HelmuthBranch & Youth Services Coordinator05/19/2023505/17/2023Comment CardAnnika HelmuthBranch & Youth Services Coordinator05/19/2023A couple Sundays ago, Jasmin was extremely helpful in helping locate a DVD. She was very energetic and enthusiastic. It made my experience quite remarkable.Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about the outstanding service you experienced with Jasmin. I appreciate your kinds words and will make sure to tell her what a great job she is doing. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any other comments or concerns.We want to compliment and thank Erik at the second floor reference desk. He was patient and knowledgeable, and he helped us solve a technological and printing issue.Thank you. I will commend Erik on a job well done.I was wondering if materials checked out from one branch can be returned to another? Thank you.Yes, if you borrow materials from one of our library branches, you are able to return it to another one of our branches. For a full list of our library locations, please see this following page: https://www.newportbeachlibrary.org/about/hours-and-locations. Thank you for checking. Have a good day!Please soundproof study rooms or require that people use earplugs out of courtesy for others. I can't concentrate due to the noise of the room next door.Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us about your recent visit to the Central Library. I’m sorry to hear your study session was disturbed by others being noisy. Since the rooms aren’t sound proof, we do ask patrons to be mindful and keep the noise level down, but if it is disruptive please speak to a staff member at the Reference desk so they can address the issue in a timely manner. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns. Thank you.I like that there are no screens for the children. My kids, seven and two years old, always enjoy reading, doing puzzles, and socializing with peers through play. I would like to see more books on Japanese language and cultures for elementary-aged kids.Thank you for taking the time to fill out a comment card at the Central Library. We appreciate and value your feedback on Children's services at the Library and thank you for your recommendation to purchase more titles on Japanese language and culture for elementary aged children. I passed along your recommendation to the selector for consideration. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any other comments or concerns.14 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTSMAY 2023Comment #CommentResponseDate ReceivedSource of CommentStaff MemberStaff Member TitleDate Responded to Patron 605/26/2023EmailTerry SanchezPrograms Specialist05/30/2023705/29/2023EmailRebecca LightfootLibrary Services Manager05/30/2023805/30/2023EmailAndy KachaturianCirc. & Tech. Processing Coordinator05/31/2023I have been checking out cameras since 2017 at least. The Canon PowerShot SX420 IS is fine, but you should think about upgrading the cameras. The powershot is okay for daytime photography, but for night time photography, it isn't any good. The Canon Rebel might be better. I would be glad to make a deposit if you had a better camera. It's been five + years and you have the same old Canon PowerShot SX420 IS.Thank you so much for your feedback. I have very good news for you: we are in the process of purchasing new, upgraded cameras for the Tech Toys collection. They should be available very soon. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.Good evening! I was wondering if y'all have another of those story writing workshops for adults scheduled soon? Myself and a friend are wanting to sign up as soon as we can! Thanks for your help! Thank you for inquiring about the Storytellers Writing Workshop. We will be offering two 3-class sessions in the fall. We are currently finalizing dates with the instructor, but it looks like there will likely be one in September and one in October. Each session is 3-classes. Are you currently subscribed to our enews emailing list? This is the best way to find out first when workshops and author events are announced. Storytellers is a high demand class and in the past it typically fills up within 30 minutes of the eblast, so it’s important that you are informed right away to register, otherwise you can request to be put on the waitlist. If you and your friend are not on the emailing list, you can easily subscribe on our website; on the top right of our homepage, just click subscribe and enter your name and email address. I am also happy to do this for you if you’d prefer. Just reply with your friend's name and email address and I will use your email address that you emailed from for you. Just let me know. Thanks and feel free to reply with any questions.I have a few items check out from Central Branch on Avocado. Can I return at another location like Mariners? If so, does the account clear right away (all books checked in) or will there be a delay and possibly overdue fee due to transit one location to another? Thank you.Yes, anything that you check out from one of our branches can be returned to any other branch in our system. Items are checked in at the branch you return them to, and if they belong to another branch, will be sent Monday-Friday, though they are removed from your account right away. We also have a few “concierge” locations outside the library with book drops that you can also return to, though since we do not have staff at those locations, the turnaround can take a bit longer. For the full list, please have a look at our Hours and Locations page here: https://www.newportbeachlibrary.org/about/hours-and-locations. Hope this helps! Have a good day.15 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY To: Board of Library Trustees From: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Re: Report of May Library Activities – June 19, 2023 Meeting ________________________________________________ ____________ _____ _ MELISSA HARTSON, LIBRARY SERVICES DIRECTOR Board of Library Trustee Vice Chair Janet Ray Vice Chair Janet Ray terms off the Board of Library Trustees at the end of June. During her tenure on the Board of Library Trustees, Janet has been an active Trustee who has served in both the Chair and Vice Chair capacities on multiple occasions. Janet’s support for Library programs has been unwavering. She was appointed to the Library Lecture Hall Design Ad Hoc Subcommittee where she worked closely with the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation, community leaders, City Council Members, and City staff. Her insights helped to contribute to the currently proposed civic auditorium, which will be transformative for program and event offerings in the community. Janet’s involvement, ideas, and commitment to the Library and its continued evolution will be missed. Thank you, Janet, for representing the Library so well over the past eight years. Staff Training Throughout this past year, the Library has expanded and focused on additional training opportunities for staffing at all levels. Staff in supervisory and person-in-charge roles have participated in conflict training, de-escalating situations, and legal workshops. The Library has invested in a vulnerable populations online training subscription for all staff. This training provides tools and scripts for dealing with a wide variety of situations, including compassionately working with patrons who have dementia or Alzheimer’s, patrons experiencing homelessness, those suffering from domestic violence, hoarding disorders, mental illness, crisis situations, and several other topics. This subscription offers both self-paced workshops and live streamed sessions. In February, the Library saw the return of All-Staff Meetings and the next one is slated for July. Meetings such as these provide meaningful opportunities for our entire team to learn together. WHEELHOUSE LIST FOR LIBRARY TRUSTEES •2023 Newport Beach Art Exhibition & Phase VIII Sculpture Exhibition Grand Opening Saturday, June 24, 12 – 6 p.m. Newport Beach Civic Center •Board of Library Trustees Meeting Monday, July 17, 5 p.m. Central Library •Library Closure: Independence Day Tuesday, July 4 All locations 16 ANNIKA HELMUTH, BRANCH AND YOUTH SERVICES COORDINATOR Branches Mariners hosted many children’s programs in May including Mother’s Day Crafts, BARK, and a create your own springtime flower bulletin board. Mariners also saw the completion of an exterior painting project that restored the original color scheme to the facility. This work was part of the Citywide Facilities Painting Project and is one of eight City facilities that was repainted this spring. At Balboa, Up, Up and Away crafts were a hit as kids created airborne crafts including always popular paper airplanes. After crafting, children were invited to test out their creations on the Paper Airplane Runway! Balboa also hosted the Newport Elementary School first graders for a tour and presentation of library materials and services. Students received library cards, checked out a book, and received a gift of a book, bookmark, and bag thanks to the Friends of the Library. Program and storytime attendance continued to increase at Corona del Mar in May. Drop-in crafts, BARK, and Sensory Play programs were all popular. Corona del Mar also hosted the Harbor Day School first grade class for a tour and an opportunity to check out books. Youth Services Early in the month, Central hosted BARK for another successful read to a dog program. Four therapy dogs sent from BARK set up in the Stahr Storytime Room and participants had one on one time with the dogs, and a few families even waited to get a chance to see a second dog. Youth Services staff spent most of the month preparing for the annual Summer Reading Program, which included visiting NMUSD elementary schools, to share all about the upcoming program and exciting Summer events during the school’s Flag Deck morning announcements. Youth services staff received warm welcomes from staff, students, and parents during their visit. In all, staff presented to over 2,700 students. As the grand finale to our spring programming, Central opened the Friends Meeting Room for a Cardboard City Extravaganza program on Tuesday, May 23. Kids were excited to get to build, play, and use their imaginations. Staff provided recycled cardboard boxes plus crafting supplies, and the families ran with it. We even had a mini freeway made for cardboard cars! It was a terrific way to get everyone excited for summer. Teen Services Two Teen Volunteer Orientations were held in May, each with an impressive turn out. Staff discussed Better Impact (an online volunteer management software), Beanstack, Volunteer Guidelines, Volunteer positions and changes to the Summer Reading Program. The 30-minute orientation was followed by 20 minutes of questions, form signing, and small group training sign-ups. During the month’s Young Adult Advisory Council meeting, teens discussed college plans and built sample cardboard towers for the children’s Cardboard City Extravaganza event. Also, the three-part Teen Storytellers Writing Workshop and Collegewise lectures wrapped in May. 17 ANDREW KACHATURIAN, CIRCULATION AND TECHNICAL PROCESSING COORDINATOR Staffing Two new Library Pages began work at the Central Library in May. Nicolas Viste will remain at the Central Library while Chloe Nelson will be assigned to the Balboa Branch. There are more Library Page candidates in background and a recruitment has begun for part-time Library Clerk as there are multiple vacancies. Facilities At the Central Library, the two main public drinking fountains were replaced with much improved units. They offer chilled, filtered water and have bottle fill features. They have already proved to be very popular with library patrons. REBECCA LIGHTFOOT, LIBRARY SERVICES MANAGER Outreach Librarian I Rosemary Hammock and Library Clerk Pam O’Connor attended the OASIS Community Resources Expo on May 20. They had 110 visitors in total throughout the duration of the event. They issued library cards, replaced or updated existing cards, and promoted Libby, Summer Reading Program, Storytime, Homebound, and other programs and services offered by the Library. Many patrons that stopped by were already users of the Library, patrons of the Friends of the Library, and members of the Library Foundation and wanted to thank them for our services and praise the Library. Training Librarian I Rosemary Hammock completed the Library Supervision and Management training class. Librarian I Laurie Sanders and Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot participated in the live Ryan Dowd training on Verbal Tools for Conflict. 18 Programming In May, the Library hosted California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick. Mr. Herrick read several of his poems, shared about his journey to becoming California’s first Asian American Poet Laureate, and fielded many questions from our audience. Olivia Le, high school sophomore who recently won first place for creative poetry writing in the California Arts Council statewide competition, was also invited to share her award- winning poem. We also presented Mr. Herrick with a Certificate of Recognition from Congresswoman Michelle Steel who wanted to attend but due to her schedule was unable. There were 95 in attendance, many who were visiting the Newport Beach Public Library for the first time. The Library also hosted our final Sunday Musicale of the season with Duo MAT. The piano duo was well received with 221 in attendance. We added more chairs and left the doors open for overflow. The audience seemed to really enjoy the performance and the duo was given a standing ovation. 19 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 Tracked by #searches A to Z Databases 1244 1237 1194 695 287 741 894 633 428 542 680 8575 Ancestry 399 804 390 190 161 171 307 530 430 377 305 4064 AskART 19 15 52 14 118 16 41 17 12 19 17 340 Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow 23 32 116 38 14 175 68 46 9 19 11 551 Britannica School Edition 110 1 336 272 343 378 350 540 341 1628 727 5026 Gale Archives Unbound 2628 5694 4381 876 8325 5925 6726 7926 1314 1971 2190 47956 Gale Directory Library 7 3 8 6 21 7 4 11 10 4 24 105 Gale in Context: Biography 23 11 3 66 45 107 107 54 24 7 22 469 Gale in Context: Elementary 0 0 14 60 43 5 6 0 25 6 25 184 Gale in Context: Opposing View 3 12 22 22 345 22 24 9 135 62 25 681 Gale Literature Resource Center 71 17 33 3 30 8 59 27 23 1 12 284 Gale Virtual Reference Library 14 48 61 59 853 57 19 49 132 98 98 1488 HeritageQuest 763 396 254 181 7 144 77 56 193 395 181 2647 Legal Information Ref Center 44 30 62 31 19 16 34 25 12 26 39 338 National Geographic 72 10 17 10 48 19 20 28 28 10 20 282 National Geographic Kids 44 40 11 17 51 32 27 21 68 8 34 353 NewsBank 1155 1027 1032 1420 1051 913 1095 1086 1198 1177 1235 12389 NoveList Plus 36 47 40 73 48 28 44 21 120 85 90 632 NoveList K-8 Plus 44 31 28 45 73 7 37 4 108 45 23 445 ProQuest 2152 3766 4596 2479 2462 2366 5094 4804 5512 3321 4553 41105 Proquest eLibrary 9 0 45 6 3 3 7 6 13 3 8 103 Reference Solutions Business 903 333 240 371 265 376 614 381 1218 878 490 6069 Reference Solutions Residential 27 35 31 45 29 16 16 25 30 25 7 286 SIRS Discoverer 55 125 188 162 335 235 357 11 170 187 127 1952 SIRS Issues Researcher 639 1006 1691 814 1519 1541 1577 759 665 1322 1309 12842 World Book Online 26 1 16 32 69 70 106 768 82 28 35 1233 Tracked by #page views Artist Works 7 6 6 1 1 6 4 4 4 1 6 46 Consumer Reports 2515 2033 1710 2080 2507 2313 2554 2073 2338 1819 2274 24216 CultureGrams 32 65 8 323 307 37 111 96 197 80 3 1259 Morningstar 255 5349 4381 4098 4108 1746 4376 4054 5799 4552 4564 43282 RealQuest 124 59 45 118 30 15 9 6 8 11 17 442 Tumblebooks 19 16 52 14 41 43 107 34 22 11 23 382 Value Line 17052 15831 17229 19407 21663 17207 18433 14906 12543 15870 16429 186570 Tracked by courses LinkedIn Learning *****51 102 83 183 146 159 724 Udemy 1600 1550 1224 2013 3073 2669 2772 1953 933 ****17787 Tracked by Hours Used ABC Mouse 15.33 17.25 14.18 22.27 4.75 2.7 22.58 16.51 53.87 78.75 36.21 284.40 Rosetta Stone 31.76 35.41 45.11 43.55 56.42 48.2 111.28 97.57 73.31 45.01 20.97 608.59 Notes: *LinkedIn Learning began in December, 2022. **Udemy ended in March, 2023. Database FY Comparisons YTD 22/23 Proquest Articles Retrieved 2022-2023 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun AVG. Business Databases 831 2438 1125 3379 980 948 1577 1232 2157 1329 1583 1598 Newspapers--Current 925 926 1022 1109 907 967 1539 2009 1079 929 1194 1146 Newspapers--Historical 3937 3036 3076 3560 2743 1931 2822 3137 4721 4117 2980 3278 Magazines 15 15 32 22 19 40 38 55 56 41 45 34 20 NBPL Website Usage 2022-23 Metric Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Total Users 35112 38912 38539 39570 31210 35495 42030 35623 40097 37973 36147 37337 410708 New Users 30367 34389 34385 35105 27267 31447 37792 31573 35605 33685 31929 33049 363544 Sessions 67043 71011 68950 69570 57772 61370 75490 64159 72330 66653 65177 67230 739525 Pageviews 235396 246933 231365 230585 200686 199477 244887 215626 237808 217832 218137 225339 2478732 Sessions Per User 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -- Pages Per Session 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -- Avg. Session Dur. (min)3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -- Bounce Rate (%)52 55 56 55 52 56 55 54 55 55 54 55 -- Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Total Data Transferred (GB) 2022-23 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 160 310 169 161 105 155 158 129 173 267 128 174 1914 CdM 154 186 165 134 160 115 89 141 178 220 205 159 1747 Mariners 1050 1230 1100 914 884 1130 1210 1150 1500 1370 1580 1193 13118 Central 8250 10240 10150 8990 7590 7510 8460 9180 9750 10770 10290 9198 101180 Total 9614 11966 11584 10198 8739 8910 9917 10600 11601 12627 12203 10724 117959 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Total Unique Patrons 2022-23 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 425 396 349 328 272 329 313 284 310 355 301 333 3662 CdM 288 305 307 324 286 338 277 330 415 375 375 329 3620 Mariners 1028 1184 1337 1279 1178 1193 1178 1169 1418 1366 1472 1255 13802 Central 6605 7207 8221 7690 6991 7173 7424 7927 9163 8692 8371 7769 85464 Total 8346 9092 10214 9621 8727 9033 9192 9710 11306 10788 10519 9686 106548 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Average Number of Patrons Per Day 2022-23 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 33 36 36 34 31 33 33 34 34 35 25 33 364 CdM 18 19 21 22 18 19 19 25 27 25 25 22 238 Mariners 80 89 113 107 95 98 99 110 124 111 124 105 1150 Central 449 517 597 553 482 478 502 610 646 615 612 551 6061 Total 580 661 767 716 626 628 653 779 831 786 786 710 7813 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Average Usage Per Patron (MB) 2022-23 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 385 801 497 501 394 482 516 467 571 771 435 529 5820 CdM 548 625 550 424 574 347 329 437 440 600 560 494 5432 Mariners 1040 1070 863 732 769 991 1050 1010 1080 1020 1100 975 10723 Central 1280 1460 1260 1200 1110 1070 1170 1190 1090 1270 1260 1215 13360 Total 3253 3956 3169 2856 2846 2891 3065 3103 3181 3661 3354 3212 35335 21 MAY 23 YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 BALBOA 2,478 28,006 26,675 CdM 3,762 34,965 31,461 MARINERS 20,437 225,959 233,116 CENTRAL 52,572 609,775 628,240 eBooks 7,751 79,515 81,286 eMagazines 1,969 22,100 23,192 eAudiobooks 6,380 66,377 64,012 Streaming Films 807 8,081 8,088 TOTAL 96,156 1,074,778 1,096,070 JUN 22 99,081 JUL 22 104,603 AUG 22 105,684 SEP 22 100,025 OCT 22 100,128 NOV 22 93,338 DEC 22 90,480 JAN 23 97,351 FEB 23 89,534 MAR 23 102,817 APR 23 94,662 MAY 23 96,156 TOTAL 1,173,859 12 Month Comparison NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - MAY 2023 CIRCULATION BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL eBooks eMagazines eAudiobooks Streaming Films 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 JUN 22 JUL 22 AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 1582914 1598265 1610818 1529391 1464640 1424594 1376041 1084526 1043629 1195151 1000000 1125000 1250000 1375000 1500000 1625000 1750000 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 CIRCULATION 22 MAY 23 YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 BALBOA 373 3,627 3,599 CdM 592 7,113 4,831 MARINERS 1,920 19,965 18,689 CENTRAL 6,032 66,837 68,556 TOTAL 8,917 97,542 95,675 12 Month Comparison JUN 22 10,283 JUL 22 10,195 AUG 22 9,517 SEP 22 8,793 OCT 22 8,944 NOV 22 7,898 DEC 22 7,081 JAN 23 8,577 FEB 23 8,486 MAR 23 10,508 APR 23 8,626 MAY 23 8,917 TOTAL 107,825 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - MAY 2023 REFERENCE BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 9,500 10,000 10,500 11,000 JUN 22 JUL 22 AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 184260 190391 168496 162510 157149 156521 163392 131445 78088 105958 70000 90000 110000 130000 150000 170000 190000 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 REFERENCE 23 MAY 23 YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 BALBOA 2,149 23,251 21,103 CdM 2,780 28,658 26,960 MARINERS 13,398 130,103 109,860 CENTRAL 35,138 388,603 307,268 TOTAL 53,465 570,615 465,191 12 Month Comparison JUN 22 46,987 JUL 22 48,481 AUG 22 50,715 SEP 22 55,489 OCT 22 52,173 NOV 22 44,903 DEC 22 45,996 JAN 23 50,627 FEB 23 50,358 MAR 23 59,398 APR 23 59,010 MAY 23 53,465 TOTAL 617,602 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - MAY 2023 PATRONS SERVED BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 42,500 45,000 47,500 50,000 52,500 55,000 57,500 60,000 JUN 22 JUL 22 AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 1074933 1399841 1256238 1209719 1102106 1158344 935953 636072 145463 512178 100000 300000 500000 700000 900000 1100000 1300000 1500000 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 PATRONS SERVED IN LIBRARY 24 MAY 23 YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 BALBOA 211 1,864 1,305 CdM 630 7,275 2,749 MARINERS 1,426 9,700 5,634 CENTRAL 5,846 51,784 47,032 TOTAL 8,113 70,623 56,720 12 Month Comparison JUN 22 7,034 JUL 22 8,910 AUG 22 5,351 SEP 22 7,860 OCT 22 8,647 NOV 22 5,232 DEC 22 4,915 JAN 23 4,244 FEB 23 5,328 MAR 23 6,022 APR 23 6,001 MAY 23 8,113 TOTAL 77,657 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - MAY 2023 BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 JUN 22 JUL 22 AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 51894 49977 64473 67646 69922 70430 68241 68078 52678 64397 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 25 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES FY 2022-23 (June 6, 2023) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MONTHLY EXPENDED AVAILABLE BUDGET I SALARY & BENEFITS SALARY FULL-TIME REGULAR 2,899,704 2,987,083 2,379,508 216,908 607,575 SALARY PART-TIME 1,085,842 1,137,113 727,887 66,626 409,227 BENEFITS 2,099,015 2,256,021 1,915,365 170,291 340,657 SALARY & BENEFITS TOTAL 6,084,561 6,380,218 5,022,759 453,825 1,357,459 II MAINT & OPERATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE*208,507 208,507 174,832 18,204 33,675 UTILITIES 309,753 309,753 317,371 21,858 -7,618 PROGRAMMING 5,500 7,500 2,514 214 4,987 SUPPLIES**81,970 82,548 70,772 6,678 11,776 LIBRARY MATERIALS 669,740 695,023 633,112 83,294 61,910 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 187,886 191,550 156,406 7,889 35,144 TRAINING AND TRAVEL 10,681 10,681 6,038 2,384 4,643 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES***24,202 25,202 23,104 2,760 2,098 PERIPHERALS & SOFTWARE 5,000 13,000 0 0 13,000 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 1,588,120 1,588,120 1,455,777 0 132,343 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 1,308 276 692 MAINT & OPERATION TOTAL 3,093,359 3,133,884 2,841,233 143,556 292,650 LIBRARY BUDGET TOTAL 9,177,920 9,514,101 7,863,992 597,381 1,650,109 *PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - INCLUDE OUTSIDE PRINTING, JANITORIAL, WINDOW SERVICE **INCLUDES OFFICE , PROCESSING AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ***INCLUDES, ADVERTISING, DUES, EVENT INSURANCE 26 Previous Agenda Date AGENDA ITEM Scheduled Agenda Date Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Jun 20, 2022 Jun 19, 2023 Jun 20, 2022 Jun 19, 2023 Jul 18, 2022 Jul 17, 2023 Jul 18, 2022 Jul 17, 2023 Aug 15, 2022 Aug 21, 2023 Aug 15, 2022 Aug 21, 2023 Sep 19, 2022 Sep 18, 2023 Oct 17, 2022 Oct 16, 2023 Oct 17, 2022 Oct 16, 2023 Dec 19, 2022 Dec 11, 2023 Dec 11, 2023 Jan 17, 2023 Jan 16, 2024 Feb 21, 2023 Feb 20, 2024 Feb 21, 2023 Feb 20, 2024 Mar 20, 2023 Mar 18, 2024 Apr 17, 2023 Apr 15, 2024 Apr 17, 2023 Apr 15, 2024 May 16, 2022 May 15, 2023 May 16, 2022 May 15, 2023 May 16, 2022 May 15, 2023 LAST REVIEWED POLICY REVIEW Jun 21, 2021 NBPL 4 Children in the Library Policy Jun 19, 2023 Aug 23, 2021 NBPL 14 The Friends Meeting Room Aug 21, 2023 Nov 15, 2021 NBPL 15 The Library Lecture Hall Nov 21, 2023 Dec 20, 2021 NBPL 10 Laptop Borrowing Policy Dec 11, 2023 Feb 22, 2022 NBPL 3 Library Gift and Donor Policy Feb 20, 2024 Jul 18, 2022 CC I-1 Library Services Policy (Council Policy I -1)Jul 15, 2024 Aug 15, 2022 NBPL 2 Collection Development Policy Aug 19, 2024 Sep 19, 2022 NBPL 9 Expressive Use Areas Sep 16, 2024 Nov 21, 2022 NBPL 6 Media Lab Use Policy Nov 18, 2024 Nov 21, 2022 NBPL 7 Sound Lab Use Policy Nov 18, 2024 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 12 Circulation Policy Jan 21, 2025 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 5 Internet Use Policy Jan 21, 2025 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 11 Rules for Acceptable Use of Wireless Internet Connections Jan 21, 2025 Feb 21, 2022 NBPL 8 Display and Distribution of Materials Policy Feb 18, 2025 Apr 17, 2023 NBPL 1 Library Use Policy Apr 21, 2025 Apr 17, 2023 NBPL 13 Study Rooms/Charles Sword Meeting Room Policy Apr 21, 2025 Marketing Update & Social Networking Update Media Lab Update Policy Review (See List Below) Review Holidays / Meeting Schedule December 2023 Regular Meeting Rescheduled Information Technology Update Proposed Library Closures for Winter Holidays Annual Budget - Approval Branch Update - CDM Performance Review of Library Services Director (Closed Session) Election of Board of Library Trustees Officers/Trustee Liaisons Financial Report Comparison of Beginning Budget to End of the Year Amended Budget (Every June) Arts & Cultural Update Newport Beach Public Library eBranch, Database and Downloadable Services Review Adult and Reference Services Update Branch Update - Mariners Branch Update - Balboa Library Material Selection Literacy Program Update Youth Services Update BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES MONITORING LIST Lecture Hall Update Balboa Branch Replacement Update Annual Budget - Preliminary Review 27 Corona del Mar Branch Report: June 2022 – May 2023 The original Corona del Mar (CdM) Branch was established in 1947 and was located on the corner of Goldenrod and Pacific Coast Highway. In 1952, the library was moved to a larger location in Corona del Mar, then in 1959 it was moved to its current location on Marigold. In 2018, the 2,000 square foot building on Marigold was completely reconstructed and reopened in September 2019. The facility is a joint-use building that is shared with Fire Station 5. The new building provides the community with a 3,801 square foot library that is energy efficient and maximizes space, providing ample parking, a popular collection of materials, technological amenities, comfortable seating, and a clean design. Public Service The CdM Branch primarily serves Council District 6, which includes the Corona del Mar Village, Harbor View, and West Newport Coast neighborhoods with a total population of 13,102 residents (source: American Community Survey 2021). The CdM Branch is open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (closed Sundays) for a total of 54 hours per week. The CdM Branch offers Test Proctoring 30 hours per week. This service began in July 2022, and we have proctored 84 tests between July 2022 and May 2023. The CdM Branch offers public laptops for in-library use and printing/scanning/fax service. Wi-Fi is available throughout the branch, including on the Friends of the Library Reading Porch. Reference Assistance Between July 2022 and May 2023, CdM Staff answered 7,113 reference questions. This represents a 47% increase in the number of reference questions from last fiscal year to this fiscal year. Corona del Mar (CdM) Branch Staff answers an average of 646 questions per month. Patron Visits 7,113 4,831 2,387 6,937 TOTALS Reference Assistance YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 YTD 20/21*YTD19/20* TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3810, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Nadia Dallstream, Corona del Mar Branch Librarian TITLE: Corona del Mar Branch Update *March 2020 to June 7, 2021—Curbside and Telephone Reference only 28 Patron Visits The CdM Branch service area population is 13,102, but we have many patrons outside of the service area that visit this branch regularly. The number of patrons who visited the CdM Branch from July 2022 to May 2023 is 28,657. With increased programming and services, we have seen a steady increase of patron visits to the CdM Branch. Children’s Services We offer a variety of children’s programs including weekly storytimes, monthly sensory play, an annual Fire Station Storytime and a daily drop-in craft. This past May, we hosted Harbor Day School’s first grade classes and gave them a tour of the CdM Branch and helped them check out books. We also held several special events this past year including a BARK: Read to the Dogs program, holiday events, a science fair, and a puppet show featuring Ranger Jack. During National Library Week, we had special readers at our storytimes. Trustee Barbara Glabman shared some books on friendship with our Songs & Stories group, and Trustee Ash Kumra read some interactive books with our Family Storytime participants. Local resident Alicia Lucas wrote an article on the STEM: Science Fair program that was held in March and shared information about upcoming Library programs and encouraged readers to take advantage of all the educational programs offered at the Library. The article was published in the May issue of the Greet Corona del Mar magazine. We also have passive programs to engage families who visit the branch, such as searching for the hidden character, or solving anagrams that we post on the wall, or even flying their bee craft around the Library to pick up pollen (represented by colorful shredded paper in cupcake holder flowers) and see how it spreads throughout the branch. There is always something fun to do at the CdM Branch! Programs The CdM Branch held 122 programs from July 2022 through May 2023 with a total program attendance of 7,222. The majority of the programs are for children, but we offer a few programs for all ages including the CdM Branch Open House and the Summer Reading Program. The CdM Branch Open House is held in conjunction with the annual CdM Christmas Walk. This year we partnered with the Newport-Mesa Unified School District who provided entertainment at the Open House and we had 1,250 people attend the program. Many kids, teens and adults participated in the activities and enjoyed the refreshments at the event. This past summer, we had an increase in adult participation in the Summer Reading Program and saw a 63% completion rate. Program attendance is at an all-time high and with new programming ideas for all ages, we expect this to continue to grow. 28,657 26,957 2,967 32,430 TOTALS Patron Visits YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 YTD 20/21*YTD19/20* *March 2020 to June 7, 2021—Curbside and Telephone Reference only 29 Collection Maintenance The CdM Branch offers popular and current books, magazines, newspapers, and digital media for adults, teens and children. There are 12,370 items in the collection. From June 2022 to June 2023, the teen collection had 334 checkouts, the adult collection had 13,381 checkouts, and the children’s collection had over 23,525 checkouts (source: Collection HQ). These numbers are representative of the population we serve. Items are added to our collection on a monthly basis, and these new books and materials are well- reviewed and provide a broad range of topics for our patrons to explore. Circulation A total of 34,965 items were checked out from the CdM Branch from July 2022 through May 2023. There was an increase in circulation of 3,504 between 2022/2023 and 2021/2022. Using data from Collection HQ, it shows that our most popular collections are books and not media. Children’s Fiction books checkout an average of 5 times each per year, and where our media used to be our most popular collection, we find that each Book on CD, DVD and Music CD only checks out about 2 times each year. Overall, our circulation has increased over the past four years. Our print collection checks out often, and many patrons are taking advantage of our streaming services and downloadable eAudiobooks. 7,222 2,704 130 4,105 TOTALS Program Attendance YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 YTD 20/21*YTD19/20* 34,965 31,461 22,068 29,632 TOTALS Circulation YTD 22/23 YTD 21/22 YTD 20/21*YTD19/20* *March 2020 to June 7, 2021—Curbside and Telephone Reference only *March 2020 to June 7, 2021—Curbside and Telephone Reference only 30 Personnel Nadia Dallstream is the full-time Branch Librarian. Daisy Hernandez is the full-time Library Clerk I. Erika Aguilar is the part-time Library Assistant. The Mariners Branch provides additional part-time Library Clerk coverage, and Taylor Stephenson has been working in this capacity since February 2023. The Central Library provides part-time Library Page coverage an average of nine hours per week, and Central Library Page staff alternate days to fulfill this role. Facility Maintenance The CdM Branch follows routine maintenance schedules which include regular cleaning Monday through Saturday, weekly landscaping service, monthly window cleaning, and quarterly HVAC maintenance. In June 2022, there was an HVAC leak due to a cracked drainage pan. The leak was repaired, and there was no other damage. Measures were taken to prevent this from happening again. There are no other areas of concern as the building is very new and has been well-maintained. Summary Comments The CdM Branch provides the community with a great collection of materials, an inviting space, a variety of services, and programming for all ages. Our staff knows our regular patrons by name, and we provide consistent service by making sure we all know how to assist patrons with anything from checking out materials, downloading digital content, printing from a device, or finding the latest bestseller. This coming year, I look forward to expanding programming for middle grade students and adults and continuing to develop our branch’s collections to meet the needs of our patrons. 31 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees review and approve revisions to Library Policy NBPL 4, Children in the Library. DISCUSSION: The Library Policy NBPL 4, Children in the Library, is intended to provide guidelines for staff and patrons as to acceptable behavior in the Children’s areas of the Central Library and branches as well as expected behavior from children in all other areas of the Central Library and branches. The Board of Library Trustees last reviewed Newport Beach Public Library’s Children in the Library policy in June 2021. Staff has determined that the policy from 2021 remains an effective tool in providing children’s services to the community. Staff recommends changes to the policy that include moving toward a more concise policy with reduced redundancy and minor grammatical revisions accordingly. The revisions also provide guidance for children’s programming. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). ATTACHMENT A: NBPL 4, Children in the Library - original ATTACHMENT B: NBPL 4, Children in the Library - red-lined ATTACHMENT C: NBPL 4, Children in the Library - final TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3810, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator TITLE: Review of the Children in the Library Policy (NBPL 4) 32 1 NBPL 4 Children in the Library The Newport Beach Public Library encourages parents/adult caregivers to bring children to the Library whenever possible. The City offers many programs designed to encourage children to use and enjoy the Library. The Library staff has been trained to help children enjoy the Library and the materials it offers; the Library is not a babysitting or daycare facility. It is the responsibility of the parent/adult caregiver to supervise and ensure the safety, welfare, and appropriate behavior of his/her children while in the Library. For purposes of this policy the term “disruptive behavior” means the creation of loud and unreasonable noise, running, jumping, climbing, fighting or other behavior which could interfere with the rights of other patrons. Library staff shall administer the following policies relative to the presence of children in the Library: Children in the Library The Newport Beach Public Library welcomes children of all ages to use Library resources and attend programs. This policy is intended to promote safety for children who use the Library and enjoyment by all Library patrons. However, parents should be aware that the Library is a public building open to all individuals and it is not the Library staff’s function or purpose to provide supervision or to care for children while parents or caregivers are not in attendance. Parents, guardians, or caregivers are solely responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times while children are in the Library or on Library premises. In order to maintain a safe atmosphere where reading and studying are encouraged, the Newport Beach Public Library has adopted the following policy: 1.CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF TWELVE: Children under the age of twelve may not be left alone in the Library for any reason and need to be supervised by a responsible caregiver at all times. If it comes to the attention of Library staff that a child under the age of twelve has been left unattended, staff shall make a reasonable effort to locate the caregiver in the Library or by phone. If the caregiver cannot be located, the police may be called to escort the child to a safe location until parents can be reached. Library staff will not transport a child nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's vehicle. 2.CHILDREN TWELVE AND OLDER: Children twelve and older may use the Library on their own, but the parent/adult caregiver assumes responsibility for their behavior. All children must adhere to the Library’s standards of conduct and acceptable behavior as stated in the Library Use Policy. Staff may ask children of that age to behave and, if the disruptive behavior continues, an attempt may be made to notify parents/adult caregivers; however, the Library assumes no responsibility to do so. As with any violation of Library Use Policy, the police may be contacted in response to non-compliance. 3.UNATTENDED CHILDREN AT CLOSING: Parents are responsible for being aware of the Library’s hours and for picking up their children on time. If staff is aware of any unaccompanied child under the age of eighteen remaining in the Library or on the Library ATTACHMENT A 33 2 premises at closing time without a ride home, staff may, but is not required to, make a reasonable effort to locate the parent/adult caregiver by phone. If the caregiver cannot be located or is unable to pick up the child within 15 minutes after the Library closes, the police may be called to escort the child to a safe location. Under no circumstances will staff transport unattended children, nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's vehicle. 4.Situations may arise when, due to unusual or emergency circumstances, it may be necessary for the Library to close without prior notice. In this event or in case of other emergencies, unaccompanied children under the age of eighteen who cannot transport themselves must be able to reach a parent or responsible adult caregiver for immediate pick-up. As above, if the responsible caregiver cannot be located, within 15 minutes, police may be called to escort the child to a safe location until parents can be reached. Under no circumstances will staff transport unattended children, nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's vehicle. 5.ADULTS IN THE CHILDREN’S ROOM: Adults unaccompanied by a child may not use the Children’s Room and its restroom at the Central Library or the Children’s areas at the branches, unless accompanying or assisting a child, or with the express permission of Library staff (for example, to locate and obtain children’s materials). Adopted - January 24, 1994 Reassigned – April 8, 2003 Amended – September 27, 2011 Amended- January 17, 2017 Formerly I-20 Formerly I-6 Reviewed – March 18, 2019 Amended – June 21, 2021 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on June 21, 2021. 34 1 NBPL 4 Children in the Library The Newport Beach Public Library encourages parents/adult caregivers to bring children to the Library whenever possible. The City offers many programs designed to encourage children to use and enjoy the Library. The Library staff has been trained to help children enjoy the Library and the materials it offers; the Library is not a babysitting or daycare facility. It is the responsibility of the parent/adult caregiver to supervise and ensure the safety, welfare, and appropriate behavior of his/her children while in the Library. For purposes of this policy the term “disruptive behavior” means the creation of loud and unreasonable noise, running, jumping, climbing, fighting or other behavior which could interfere with the rights of other patrons. Library staff shall administer the following policies relative to the presence of children in the Library: Children in the Library The Newport Beach Public Library welcomes children of all ages to use Library resources and attend programs and caregivers to bring children to the Library whenever possible. This policy is intended to promote safety for children who use the Library and enjoyment by all Library patrons. Library staff are trained to help children enjoy the Library and the materials it offers. However, parents should be aware that the Library is a public building open to all individuals and it is not the Library staff’s function or purpose to provide supervision or to care for children while parents or caregivers are not in attendance. Parents, guardians, or and caregivers are solely responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times while children are in the Library or on Library premises. All children must adhere to the Library’s standards of conduct and acceptable behavior as stated in the Library Use Policy (NBPL 1). For purposes of this policy, the term “disruptive behavior” refers to the creation of loud and unreasonable noise, running, jumping, climbing, fighting, or other behavior that could interfere with the rights or safety of other patrons. In order to maintain a safe atmosphere where reading, and studying, and programming are encouraged, the Newport Beach Public Library has adopted the following policy: 1.CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF TWELVE: Children under the age of twelve may not be left alone in the Library for any reason and need to be supervised by a responsible caregiver at all times. If it comes to the attention of Library staff that a child under the age of twelve has been left unattended, staff shall make a reasonable effort to locate the caregiver in the Library or by phone. If the caregiver cannot be located, the police may be called to escort the child to a safe location until parents can be reached. Library staff will not transport a child nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's vehicle. 2.CHILDREN TWELVE AND OLDER: Children twelve and older may use the Library on their own, but the parent/adult caregiver of each such child assumes responsibility for their the child’s behavior. All children must adhere to the Library’s standards of conduct and ATTACHMENT B 35 2 acceptable behavior as stated in the Library Use Policy. Staff may ask children of that age to behave and, if the disruptive behavior continues, an attempt may be made to notify parents/adult caregivers; however, the Library assumes no responsibility to do so. As with any violation of Library Use Policy (NBPL 1), the police may be contacted in response to non- compliance. 3.UNATTENDED CHILDREN AT CLOSING: Parents are responsible for being aware of the Library’s hours and for picking up their children on time. If staff is aware of any unaccompanied child under the age of eighteen remaining in the Library or on the Library premises at closing time without a ride home, staff may, but is not required to, make a reasonable effort to locate the parent/adult caregiver by phone. If the caregiver cannot be located or is unable to pick up the child within 15 minutes after the Library closes, the police may be called to escort the child to a safe location. Under no circumstances will staff transport unattended children, nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's vehicle. 4.UNSCHEDULED CLOSURE OF LIBRARY: Situations may arise when, due to unusual or emergency circumstances, it may be necessary for the Library to close without prior notice. In this eventIf the Library closes without prior notice due to unusual or emergency circumstancesor in case of other emergencies, unaccompanied children under the age of eighteen who cannot transport themselves must be able to reach a parent or responsible adult caregiver for immediate pick-up. As above, if the responsible caregiver cannot be located, within 15 minutes, police may be called to escort the child to a safe location until parents can be reached. Under no circumstances will staff transport unattended children, nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person's vehicle. 5.TRANSPORTATION BY STAFF: Under no circumstances will staff transport unattended children, nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person’s vehicle. 6.ADULTS IN THE CHILDREN’S ROOM: Adults unaccompanied by a child may not use the Children’s Room and or its restroom at the Central Library or the Children’s areas at the branches, unless accompanying or assisting a child, or with the express advance permission of Library staff (for example, to locate and obtain children’s materials). Adopted - January 24, 1994 Reassigned – April 8, 2003 Amended – September 27, 2011 Amended- January 17, 2017 Formerly I-20 Formerly I-6 Reviewed – March 18, 2019 Amended – June 21, 2021 Amended – June 19, 2023 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on June 21, 202119, 2023. 36 1 NBPL 4 Children in the Library The Newport Beach Public Library welcomes children of all ages to use Library resources and attend programs and caregivers to bring children to the Library whenever possible. This policy is intended to promote safety for children who use the Library and enjoyment by all Library patrons. Library staff are trained to help children enjoy the Library and the materials it offers. However, parents should be aware that the Library is a public building open to all individuals. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are solely responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times while children are in the Library or on Library premises. All children must adhere to the Library’s standards of conduct and acceptable behavior as stated in the Library Use Policy (NBPL 1). For purposes of this policy, the term “disruptive behavior” refers to the creation of loud and unreasonable noise, running, jumping, climbing, fighting, or other behavior that could interfere with the rights or safety of other patrons. In order to maintain a safe atmosphere where reading, studying, and programming are encouraged, the Newport Beach Public Library has adopted the following policy: 1.CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF TWELVE: Children under the age of twelve may not be left alone in the Library for any reason. If it comes to the attention of Library staff that a child under the age of twelve has been left unattended, staff shall make a reasonable effort to locate the caregiver in the Library or by phone. If the caregiver cannot be located, the police may be called to escort the child to a safe location until parents can be reached. 2.CHILDREN TWELVE AND OLDER: Children twelve and older may use the Library on their own, but the parent/adult caregiver of each such child assumes responsibility for the child’s behavior. Staff may ask children of that age to behave and, if the disruptive behavior continues, an attempt may be made to notify parents/adult caregivers; however, the Library assumes no responsibility to do so. As with any violation of Library Use Policy (NBPL 1), the police may be contacted in response to non-compliance. 3.UNATTENDED CHILDREN AT CLOSING: If staff is aware of any unaccompanied child under the age of eighteen remaining in the Library or on the Library premises at closing time without a ride home, staff may, but is not required to, make a reasonable effort to locate the parent/adult caregiver by phone. If the caregiver cannot be located or is unable to pick up the child within 15 minutes after the Library closes, the police may be called to escort the child to a safe location. 4.UNSCHEDULED CLOSURE OF LIBRARY: If the Library closes without prior notice due to unusual or emergency circumstances, unaccompanied children who cannot transport themselves must be able to reach a parent or responsible adult caregiver for immediate pick-up. As above, if the responsible caregiver cannot be located, within 15 minutes, police may be called to escort the child to a safe location until parents can be reached. 5.TRANSPORTATION BY STAFF: Under no circumstances will staff transport unattended children, nor will a child be allowed to sit in a staff person’s vehicle. 6.ADULTS IN THE CHILDREN’S ROOM: Adults unaccompanied by a child may not use the Children’s Room or its restroom at the Central Library or the Children’s areas at the branches, unless accompanying or assisting a child, or with the express advance permission of Library staff (for example, to locate and obtain children’s materials). ATTACHMENT C 37 2 Adopted - January 24, 1994 Reassigned – April 8, 2003 Amended – September 27, 2011 Amended- January 17, 2017 Formerly I-20 Formerly I-6 Reviewed – March 18, 2019 Amended – June 21, 2021 Amended – June 19, 2023 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on June 19, 2023. 38 ABSTRACT: The Library’s City Council approved budget for fiscal year 2022-23 was $9,177,920. Throughout the year, the original appropriation has increased through budget amendments due to the addition of donations and grants to the Library. These funds increased the Library’s budget by $336,181 to a total of $9,514,101. DISCUSSION: The Library’s Maintenance and Operations Budget is amended when we receive funds from grants, donations and gifts. Most of the additional funding is received from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Newport Beach Library. In this fiscal year, the Foundation added $5,000 to fund donor specified library materials. The Friends of the Library added $200,000 to fund a wide range of materials and programming. Another area of the Library’s budget that is substantially altered from the initial budget to the year-end is in Project Adult Literacy (PAL). The initial 2022-23 budget allocation for the program was $80,973, which covers approximately 60% of the cost to operate the Program. The balance of the funding comes from the California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) Grant and donations to PAL. The CLLS Grant for 2022-23 and other donations to the Program totaled $55,302. This year, the Library also received a $3,901 Santiago Library System reimbursement to purchase eResource content. The attached spreadsheet shows the accounts into which these additional funds were allocated to cover expenditures. Note that the figures in this report do not include the annual budget for the Cultural Arts division nor do they include donated funds or encumbrances rolled over from the previous year. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). ATTACHMENT A: FY 2022-23 Amended Budget TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3810, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager TITLE: Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022-23 39 FY 2022-23 Amended Budget FUND ORIGINAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION AMOUNT ADDED - FOUNDATION AMOUNT ADDED - FRIENDS AMOUNT ADDED - OTHER CA LIBRARY FOR LITERACY REVISED BUDGET Library Materials 669,740 5,000 175,000 24,852 874,592 Library Programming 5,000 25,000 30,000 Literacy Part-Time Salaries 42,042 3,500 37,565 83,107 Literacy Part-Time Benefits 18,278 2,236 20,514 Literacy Programming 0 2,000 2,000 Literacy Supplies 0 300 300 Literacy Materials 0 700 700 Literacy Software 0 8,000 8,000 Literacy General Operating 0 1,000 1,000 ATTACHMENT A 40