HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-2023-BLT-APPROVED MINUTESCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Corona del Mar Branch 410 Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Meeting Minutes Monday, June 19, 2023 – 5:00 p.m. I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. Chair Paul Watkins called to order the regular meeting. II. ROLL CALL – Roll call by Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome. Trustees Present: Chair Paul Watkins, Vice Chair Janet Ray, Trustee Ash Kumra, Secretary Doug Coulter Trustees Absent: Trustee Barbara Glabman (excused) Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Nadia Dallstream, Corona del Mar Branch Librarian Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Staff Absent None III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Trustee Janet Ray led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. Chair Watkins called for any requested items to be pulled for separate action or discussion. A. Consent Calendar Items 1. Minutes of the May 15, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Chair Watkins noted the following items: • Handwritten Page 7: Last paragraph, first sentence please add the word “fewer” between “having” and “patrons”. 2. Patron Comments Chair Watkins commented on the third public comment on handwritten page 14 and commended Library Assistant Erik Gunderson for having received acknowledgement for helping a patron with technology and printing. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 2 Chair Watkins asked Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth what was meant by “no screens for the children” on handwritten page 14: patron comment 4. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Helmuth responded that it referred to computer screens, likely because the children sit on the public computers in the Children’s Library, playing games. Chair Watkins commended Librarian Jasmin Avila for being very helpful in locating a DVD for a patron. Chair Watkins noted what Library Services Director Hartson wrote on handwritten page 16 regarding all the help Vice Chair Ray has been throughout the past eight years. It was very well said, and Vice Chair Ray deserved all of the praise that was provided. 3. Library Activities Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. Library Services Director Hartson provided the written update, which was included in the meeting packet. 4. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. Chair Watkins reported that the budget located on handwritten page 26 reflects that we are 92% through the Fiscal Year (FY) and thus far underbudget by 9%, with expenditures at approximately 83% of the budget. There are still more postings to come for the month of June. Library Services Director Hartson commented that May and June invoices, which count towards the FY budget, will be paid into the month of July. By August, the Board of Library Trustees will receive the final FY End numbers. 5. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins asked if there were further questions, comments or public comments on the Consent Calendar and there were none. Motion made by Trustee Kumra, seconded by Vice Chair Ray, and carried (4-0-0-1) to approve the Consent Calendar with edits to the minutes of the Board of Library Trustees meeting Minutes on May 15, 2023. AYES: Watkins, Ray, Kumra, Coulter NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Glabman Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 3 VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 6. Corona del Mar Branch Update Nadia Dallstream, Corona del Mar Branch Librarian Corona del Mar (CdM) Branch Librarian Nadia Dallstream welcomed the Board of Library Trustees to the Corona del Mar Branch and provided a brief summary of her background and experience, and the staff members working with her at the Branch. The Branch is a modest size of just over 3,000 square feet, with many of the same services of larger libraries. With an inventory of over 12,000 items, the Branch also offers laptops and tablets for in-library use. Over 30,000 items were checked out from the CdM Branch in the past year, with over 28,000 patrons visiting the Branch. The children’s collection continues to be the most popular, however, they have seen an increase in adult material also being checked out. Programming is strong with a 167% increase in program attendance from last year to this year. Branch Librarian Dallstream provided summary information about programs and events hosted by the Branch and goals for the upcoming year. Chair Watkins was impressed with the number patron visits and inquired about the parking situation for the Branch. Branch Librarian Dallstream explained that there are busier times during the week, and they continue a good relationship with the community who often move their cars when they know there will be a storytime or special activity. Chair Watkins thanked her for the report and commented that it was received and filed. 7. Children in the Library Policy (NBPL-4) Staff will update the Board of Library Trustees on the Media and Sound Lab at Central Library. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth explained that the Children in the Library Policy NBPL-4 is intended to guide staff and patrons as to acceptable behavior in the Library. The policy review included changes that staff recommended to make it more concise in language and provide more guidance on expectations of children’s behavior within their programming. Chair Watkins commented on some of the changes he suggested based on comments by Mr. Mosher which included: • In the paragraph that begins with “The Newport Beach Public Library welcomes children of all ages…”: Before the last sentence in the paragraph, add the sentence “In addition, parents, guardians or caregivers are responsible for the library materials reviewed by or exposed to the children under their care”. Given the recent concern over censorship of Library materials for children, adding this sentence would make sure the responsibility for materials that are viewed by children falls under their caregivers and not the Library. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 4 • In the next paragraph, which starts “For purposes of this policy”, based on Mr. Mosher’s comments, Chair Watkins suggested adding: “’Children’ are any patrons under the age of 18, and …” continued by the rest of the sentence. • In paragraph 1, which begins “Children under the age of 12”: Reference is made to children left alone and in many other places in the policy “children left unattended” is used. For consistency purposes it should be “children left unattended” throughout the policy. • Second page of Attachment B, in the sentence that begins “As with any violations of the Library Use Policy (NBPL-1) the police may be contacted”: Mr. Mosher mentioned that the Library Use Policy is referenced; however, the policy does not make mention of contacting the police for disruptive conduct. Accordingly, Chair Watkins would remove the last sentence and add “In response to noncompliance, staff has the discretion to contact the police”. It keeps the concept without referencing the policy that does not mention contacting the police. • Second page, paragraph 4: Sentence beginning with “If the Library closes without prior notice due to unusual or emergency circumstances…”, staff had removed the words “under the age of 18”, Chair Watkins likes the idea of leaving those words in to remain consistent with the prior paragraph. Chair Watkins requested staff review the additions to determine if they’re addressed in other locations and/or are appropriate additions. Library Services Director Hartson commented that she felt the additions are sound suggestions for remaining consistent throughout the policy. The change regarding contacting the police is well-worded, as is the change addressing the responsibility of material viewed by children. Chair Watkins opened the item for public comments. Jerry Kappel, NBPLF CEO, provided public comment saying he thinks it’s strange that a child can drive at 16, but are defined as a child under 18 in the library. That seems to not hold water in his regard. Further adding, while he understands why the policy is in place, he would have been sorely disappointed if he was not able to go into a public library by himself at the age of 16-18. Chair Watkins stated that is a very good point, however, “unattended” applies to children under 12; the “children under 18” in the policy is defining the word “children”. He does like the idea of defining what constitutes a child, it could be 16 years of age, for example. Vice Chair Ray commented that she agrees with Mr. Kappel as she has two grandchildren one of whom has often visited the library unattended since he could drive. Chair Watkins restated that “unattended children” references children under age 12, but that the definition of “children” is what is in question here, and that he was okay with using age 18. Secretary Doug Coulter questioned if there had been previous behavioral issues with teens. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 5 Library Services Director Hartson replied that she has on occasion had to refer to the Library Use Policy with disruptive teens and has, on occasion, had to ask teens to leave due to disruptive behavior. The Library issues adult library cards to anyone over the age of 18, younger than age 18 are considered young adults and children. Chair Watkins noted through Mr. Kappel that the policy references “under 18” in several other places. He’s inclined, for clarification and keeping it consistent, “children” be defined as patrons under 18. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, thanked Chair Watkins for taking is suggestions seriously, however as staff is attempting to streamline the policy to avoid repetition, it makes sense to only reference “under the age of 18” one time, in the second paragraph. Chair Watkins explained Mr. Mosher suggested that in the beginning of the Policy children be defined as patrons under the age of 18, then in Sections 3 and 4, they could eliminate “under the age of 18” from both sections. Motion made by Trustee Ray, seconded by Trustee Kumra, and carried (4-0-0-1) to approve revisions made by Chair Watkins to Library Policy NBPL 4, Children in the Library. AYES: Watkins, Ray, Kumra, Coulter NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Glabman 8. Budget Amendments Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported that City Council approved the Library’s budget for this FY at $9,177,920. Throughout the year, the original appropriation has increased due to donations and grants. Unreported items include the cultural arts, and donated funds or encumbrances that have rolled from previous years. All of the comments from Mr. Mosher regarding budget amounts were all rolled funds. Funds that are rolled are donated funds that don’t have to be used the same year in which they were donated. The Library always uses their General Fund first, prior to dipping into the donated funds which can roll into continued years. Major donations this year include $200,000 from Friends, $5,000 from The Foundation, and $55,300 from donations and grants for the literacy program. The Library materials budget is much higher due to rolling over Foundation and Friends money. Literacy gets more complicated as the CLLS Grant is very specific about which accounts the grant money may be applied. There are multiple categories for Literacy benefits. The only categories that were reported were categories that could be expended from the grant. Chair Watkins commended Library Services Manager Lightfoot for her report. Dorothy Larson, Newport Beach resident, provided public comment stating when she reviewed the budget it seemed there were not increases year over year for materials, the number stayed static, and questioned if they were receiving enough funds for materials. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 6 Library Services Manager Lightfoot explained that after many years of staying the same, City Council increased the Library’s General Budget for materials last year. With the help of Friends of the Library, the Foundation, and private donations, they are able to maintain their robust collection. The Library has been able to satisfy almost every request for materials. Chair Watkins commented that unless he’s incorrect, next year they will likely see over $10,000,000 for their budget. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed that with gifts and donations, the funds will be over 10 million dollars for their annual budget. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 9. Lecture Hall Update Chair Watkins reported that Mr. Kappel did a wonderful job in addressing all of the issues in his Foundation report, which was submitted in the Agenda Packet. It looks like all the areas are covered. Last year, Public Works Director Dave Webb stated that later in the year, they may be revisiting the Witte Hall civic auditorium. Where Council sits on the topic is not yet known. All members of the Board of Library Trustees who had not received the update by Mr. Kappel were provided a copy of the update. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 10. Balboa Branch Replacement Update Trustee Ray will report on activities related to the Balboa Branch Replacement project. Library Services Director Hartson reported that there has not yet been movement on this item. Public Works is still looking to assign a project manager to this Public Works project. Library Services Director Hartson has coordinated a meeting for the subcommittee for the end of June in order to meet one more time to discuss some things that Library Services Manager Lightfoot and Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth learned at a recent workshop they attended on design. This project is still on Public Work’s radar; however, they are currently juggling many projects. Vice Chair Ray suggested another member be appointed to the subcommittee since she is rolling off of the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins commented he thought Trustee Glabman would likely take her place in that role and he would volunteer to help her. He is interested in Vice Chair Ray being involved in the design and they will look into how they might make that work. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 11. Library Services Report on Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 7 Library Services Director Hartson reported that staff training is an important component of the services they provide. They have introduced a number of opportunities, while working closely with Human Resources, and encouraged staff on all levels to participate in training. One particular training this year was “Vulnerable Population Training” available online, and all staff members have been encouraged to take the core courses because they are all out on the floor and interacting with the public. They resumed the all-staff meetings in February, and another meeting is slated for July. The Art Exhibition and Sculpture Exhibition Phase VIII Grand Opening is June 24 with over 250 pieces in the one-day juried art show. The Library will be closed for the Fourth of July at all locations, and the next Board of Library Trustees meeting is scheduled for Monday July 17, at Central Library. The Summer Reading program has begun with “Find Your Voice” as the theme. This is the State adopted summer reading program theme which helps staff with marketing ideas and limits time staff has to spend on reinventing the program every year. In a synopsis, “Our voices include not only the sounds we make, but the words we write, the art we create, the movements we perform, and the actions we take each day to impact our world.” Next year’s theme will be “Read, Renew, and Repeat”. Library Services Director Hartson took the opportunity to thank and acknowledge Trustee Ray and presented her with a gift, stating that it has meant so much to have her as part of the Board for the Library Trustees for the last eight years, and listed a few of the many projects she was involved with. She looks forward to continuing to hear Trustee Ray’s thoughts on the Balboa replacement Library in the future. Staff will truly miss her every month. Vice Chair Ray thanked Library Services Director Hartson and everyone for the gift and stated she has truly enjoyed being a Trustee on the Board. Out of all the Boards she has worked on, this one has been such a different and growing experience because they represent the public. That takes a different mindset, and she appreciated that opportunity. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 12. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board Report on the most recently attended meeting. Vice Chair Ray stated this was also a topic covered in Jerry Kappel’s (NBPLF CEO) report that was submitted. Vice Chair Ray stated the Summer Solstice event was a tremendous experience, well attended and very well done. Good job! Mrs. Watkins commented in reference to Vice Chair Ray leaving the Board of Library Trustees and stated that the science program is going to be fabulous going forward. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Library Live Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 8 Trustee Ash Kumra stated there was nothing new to report, meetings will resume in the fall. C. Witte Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins reported there was nothing new to report. 13. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Chair Watkins commented that the Friends of the Library held a spectacular luncheon. Author J.A. Jance did a nice job. Secretary Coulter commented it was nice to see Chair Watkins at the luncheon. There was no Board meeting, however, they held a members and installation luncheon, during which a $200,000 check was presented to Library Services Director Hartson, and the new Friends Board was sworn in. The income in May was good at $16,980. Ms. J.A. Jance gave a nice speech that reflected on some of what she went through to get to where she is today, shared some of her poems, sang a song, and offered to sign books that were purchased. It was a boxed lunch, with a salad, and Wendy provided the dessert which was outstanding. Everyone seemed to have a great time. He really enjoyed working with them and they cannot do enough to raise money for the library, it’s amazing how they stay involved. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 13. Literacy Services Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Literacy Services Advisory Board. Library Services Director Hartson reported that Andrew Yang is the new literacy assistant. They are doing reference, fitness, and background checks for a potential literacy coordinator candidate. The Literacy Advisory Board is working with the Foundation for a transfer of funds over to the Foundation. Mr. Kappel added that the Advisory Board has a proposal, and the Foundation Board formerly voted to assume responsibility for those funds. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, provided public comments noting that when the Board of Library Trustees has held meetings at the different branches, staff struggle to define what their service area is and tend to default to the Council district in which patrons reside; however, there are seven Council districts, but only four of those districts have a library. Mr. Mosher asked if Library staff has ever attempted to map out what people in different parts of the city consider their branch. Board of Library Trustees Meeting June 19, 2023 Page 9 Chair Watkins noted it was a worthwhile comment. VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Trustee Kumra met with Library Services Manager Lightfoot to discuss the Media Lab and possibilities of expanding the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program opportunities. They also discussed adding new kinds of programs such as social media etiquette and hot-topic programs, such as artificial intelligence, and future devices to help better understand technology. It was a good brain-storming session. Chair Watkins commented that the Summer Solstice event was great, and the Friends of the Library members’ luncheon was fantastic. The next meeting is scheduled for July 17, at the Central Library, and he wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July. The Summer Reading Program is in full swing. At the June 13 Study Session and Council meeting, they had comments on non-agenda items and four of the six speakers favored censorship versus the right to read. There is a book called “It’s Perfectly Normal” that was made available at multiple branches that a patron deemed as age inappropriate for her grandchild. It’s a subject that gets a lot of media review. The Board of Library Trustees has been reviewing it with staff. City Council has shown interest in the subject, and it’s a moving target. They are aware of the issue, and of the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement. They are examining the issue, and staff is doing the best they can to address it fairly and thoughtfully. Chair Watkins commemorated and thanked Trustee Ray’s years sitting on the Board of Library Trustees and offered the following toast: You brought commitment, friendliness, and knowledge when you arrived on July 1, 2015, and you now leave memories, friendships, kindness and, quite frankly, a little sadness as you depart. It was a fabulous eight years, Here’s to Janet”. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 6:07 p.m. Submitted by: Paul K. Watkins Chair Approval of Minutes