HomeMy WebLinkAboutE2017-0132 - Permit Applicationu0c ) X S (7J �t' ZL/lGZ KCAL) 4,1110, Worksheet for Electrical/Mechanical/ Plumbing Application �EWeoRr City of Newport Beach Building Division " e, �<,FOPP,P 1. Project Address (Not mailing address) Building Permit No. l - - S i Floor I Suite F 2.Owner's Name Last First Owner's Street Address -- - City State r— Zip --Telephone -- -- - Owner's E-mail Address - ----- - --- -. r 3.Applicant's Name Last First A licant's Street Address City F State Zip �— Telephone r 4. Contractor's Name Last Contractor's Street Address Telephone Mechanical Furnace Quantity up to 100,000 btu.r over 100,000 btu:r wall/Floor heaters:re Heat Pumps/Package Units up to 100,000 btu: up to 1,000,000 btu:—.. up to 1, 750,000 btu:--. > 1, 750,000 btu:r— Boilers/Compressors up to 3 HP:r--'. 3 HP-15 HPF__ 15 HP-30 HPrs"'. 30 HP-50 HP:r >50 HP:r-- Air Handling Units up to 10,000 CFM:r > 10,000 CFMr VAV Box:-•••. Repair/Alter/Add HVAC Number of Zones:-. Ventilation Bathroom Fan:r Exhaust Fan:y— Attic Exhaust Residential HoodF Commercial Hood: Metal Fireplace Gas Line:y Fire Dampers:r Applicant's E-mail Address Contractor's E-mail Address Electrical New Construction Quantity 1 & 2 Family S.F:F-- Multi Family S.F:r— Receptacle, Switch Lighting Outlets Total OutletscF Lighting Fixtures Total Fixtures:r Total Low Voltage:-°•••. Separate Circuit:r Motors/Transformers 0-1 HP or KVAF_ 1-10 HP or KVA:r 10-50 HPorKVA:r- 50-100 HP or KVAJ Over 100 HP or KVAF__' Signs One branch circuity♦ Add'I branch circuit Service 0-600V not over 200A:r 0-600V& over200A:� over 600V:r-- Temp PP/Piggy Back Sub Panel:- Z Other First State Lic# �— CiTy F— State F_ Zip F_ Business Lic # Bathroom Quantity Plumbing Quantity Water closet(toileUr BackRow device up to 2":yi Bidet: BackRow device over 2":F Urinal :y—LL Regulators Bath Tub: Lawn Sprinkler System :r— Showerstall:� Roof drains: Lavatory(basiN:y— Hose bibb:F— Hydro-massagetub:y— Drinking fountain :r— Kitchen Kitchen sink:-_ Garbage Disposal: Bar sink:y-- Vegetable sink :r— Dishwasherr— Laundry/washing trap:- Ice maker.- Floorsink:r— Miscellaneous Floor drain :r— Water piping:r— Water softener. r— Water heater:-_ Lavatory(basin) Gas Sys up to 4 outlets: Gas sys # of outlets over 4:r— Grease trap:r— Grease interceptorr— P-trap:r Sewer New sewer:-` Sewer alter/repairr— Sewer abandonment:F_