HomeMy WebLinkAboutF2020-0153 - Permits�r,wr•nµ City of Newport Beach -Building Division II'IAI'III�����O��III'I 100 CNIc Center Drive, New port Beach. CA 92660 C 5 Permit Counter Phone (949)6443288 N _ ���4ruua� Job Addresr. 621 ROCKFORD RD NB Inspector Area: 5 Owner: CHRISTENSEN DANAE Address: 621 ROCKFORD RD CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 Phone Applicant CASEY MONTY Address: 1101 KING STON DR LA HABRA CA 90611 Phone: 714-47"370 Code Edit: 2019 Type of Construction: V$SPR Occupancy Group: R3/U Added /New sq.ft- Bldg: 0 Added INew sq. ft. Garage: 0 No of Stones: 2 No of Units . 0 Flood Zone: Bldg Sprinklers: Y FIRE Permit: F2020-0153 Project ND : 0659-2020 Inspection Requests Phone (949)6443255 Descnption: SFR FIRE SPRINKLERS 35 HEADS (X20183730) Legal Description: N TR 3519 LOT 136 Contractor. FlREPROOFFIRE PROTECTION Architect: Address: 1101 KINGSTON DR Address: LA HABRA CA 90631 Phone: 714-476-83TO Phone: State Lic: Con State Lic: 876004 Engineer. Lc Expire: 04/30/2020 Address: Bus Lic: ST300401 W Lc Exp Date: 07/3112020 Phone: State Lic Worker's Compensation Insurance Designer CAEYMONTY Carrier NORGUARD INS CO Address: 110119NGSTON DR Polic No: MOWC148394 LA HABRA CA 90631 y Expire. 02/1512021 Phone: Issued Date: 04/14/2020 Setback -Front: Special Conditions: - C q '' Rear. Left �SP Right FEES Construction Valuation: S3,500.00 Building PC Fee: S202.00 Fire Residential Alarm PC Fee: $0.00 Records Management: S4.00 Building Overtime PC Fee: $0.00 Planning Counter Review: $0.00 Building Extention Fee: $0.00 Planning Zoning PC Fee: S0.00 Buildinginvesigabon Fee-. $0.00 S0.00 $0.00 Fire Plan Check Fee: S0.00 Public Works PC Fee: $0.00 Fire Permit Fee : $0.00 Public Works Traffic Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Building Permit Fee S240.00 TOTAL FEE: $446.00 Plan Check Fee: $446.00 Fee Due at Permit Issuance: $0.00 PROCESSED BY: ZONING APPROVAL: FIRE APPROVAL: OTHER DEPARTMENT: PLAN CHECKED BY�J APPROVAL TO ISSUE: PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID /N SPEC77611 RJER-BUILDER DECLARATION that I am exempt from the Gonusdom, State License Law for the reasons) indicated below try the checSmadr(s) I halre placed nan to the applicable farn(s) I hereby affirm under penafty of perjury emit to cons mct alter, improve, danw lisb, or repair any stmotum. prior to its issuance, also requires Lha awlkant for dton ie37.5, Business and profeaaions Code: Any cry or county that requires a p fremt9t to the a signed statement that he or she is Roonsed pursuant to the orovlsams of L'se Contravtny' Slate , of Se Law 031.5 ebyyS {opmmenoit f r al Srctidn '7000bject) of OapolVIS i n 3 vrlhe Easiness and of castors Coda) or that he orehs is exlamPt frrm Ilcensurz; end tits basis Far the all exertpbon. An via'atiat of Sid'°^ Jai.5 any applicant far a permit subjects the apoPcant is a civil penalty of more than five hundred dollars ($500) as drain a.r1e compensation. wig do L) all e of ja potions of the work, and the structure is not Intended or afEeratl far safe {Sect�n J044, I, as owner of the PMPWW, rr mY amployeea with wag I to an owner of pnaPety who, through empbyeas R personal effort b:ridx a trnproves the Property, pravkfad that the the beading or tmprWemant is sold within one year of completion, the Owner•Buiidaf vAll have the burden of proving that It was no: bull', or stress and Professions Code. The Contractors, sale- State License Law does not apP Y provements am not intended ac etreretl for safe- :f, however, proved for the purpose of aalo). with liconsed CrmireGtors to. construct €fe projact (Sactidn 7[Sk4. Bl191n86e art', PrDTeaslens Code; The Cpmractors' State License Lew aces not t, as owner of the propeitY, am exclusively contrectirtg r ^G with a licensed Contractor umusnt to the Corltraetora`Stafa License Lavr). P ply to an ovnter of Property col*° builds or irnPmves thereon. enact who contracts for the p lam ezemRt from Licensors under She Gontradofa' State License Lavr for the fillovnng reason: 1 my signature below f scknowiedge that, except tat my personal residence En wh+ h 1 must have resided for at Isast one your parr to at a copy of the imf ab 10 iD nts Section covered by this permit, t cannot legally ucatirn w auomided or at the fotlwuln YJeb sita�httpf7ervnr:leginfo.Cagovicalaw.hunrl. O dl a structure that i haws keel as an owner -builder ri it has not beet', conatsucked in dts enGretY tr� ficansad aontracivra. t vnd®rstan.d that a copy of the eop:icaCte Vow, Section 764d o [ us rise an rofassions Gode, is avallabte upon re'.tues[ when this app - ignaturo of Ptvpeny owner o[ Authca7.att Agent ICENSED CON'TRAGTOR'3 bECLARATIDN r 9 camrtuendng with Sect'ron 7000} at Division 3 of the Business a�rtolPrsoTeaslons Cod my Iiderzze Is In full forts h,�or�y aEhrrn untler Penalty of Pariury tryst I ern Hconsed undarprorAs!ons of ChaPta ( r.i� Contactor Signatur nd etfac_ Ltensa N o Data T icense Gtess NORKFRS' COPdPENBAT'40N DECLARATION p fi pneyl0F6 FOR IN 9a�'nrN 9T086F TAE LAIt'JR GUbE, INTEPP.aT, Anr ATrOnNEY'6 tees' rwRNs�r+KNIURE TOSE roMPFNeATnt[ ppwatAGe a llNUl4YF111, AXD 9rtAL.9AIbl5rT AY attpLdyER To CaIMIra3L P[tL4Lm6a AtAr ❑VY HN£9 Ur' TO ONE NLTW111r_U fXOUS4en oounV [ tm,acq, kTr Tlla AST bP rpapgaaATsta, DAM AeEa hereby affirm under penalty of Penury one of the following declaraiiona, I nave and will maintain a certificate of consent to selfins ore for workers' compensation esued by the Coecto' of Induefnat Relations u Provided for by Section 37gd of the tabor cede, for tlrl formanre Of the work for vArlch this permit is issued. Polley Na. required by E,p�•�and reaction ineuranu, as req Section 3700 of the Labor Code, fir afo peformanm of tint wax for xhich this pertnk'ss lensed. My vroAcers' mmpense;irr l ante wrrisrritend PomalrilaY tuber rem F.Wvatlan Date I. Policy Numbs? Phone d e, F��alt e rE Agont certify that, in the performance of the work for whit satin pr�ov'Is o/ ctlon 37ctG4aOt the Labor code. I shall forthwith comply with hose provisions.0 to become SUbJeCt to workers' compervsadon aces o a" mla, an agre a i should be Wra ojt6]c1 to the workers' crTrttpert � j �-.. \ 1 tature of AppfiC 11 1 v3 C0K3TRL)F ON L P1NG AGENCY .LARAT1oN R last there Lz rulbn lending apiary for the pa-fcmanrva at the wade for which urls permit is issued (SedHon y7g7, Clv@ Code)" ,.by affirm under penalty Of P6" Lemdat's Adores dens Nama to each of the foaovang: I signature below, I co or wrna-'s behalf. 1 am the pmpady >n'+ifet or authorized to act on the Property have read this application and the information 1 have mane d is corral. l nd slate aWS alatng to �,Utldhrg construction agree to comply ilb all aPplicabie city and county Ord inan gyv den ed property for Inspection purposes, r I authorize rspresantatives of llrts . . county--Vto ert � - Pant Prvpedy Ow rs or Authorized Agent's Nnre4 �- l +" DATE BY `��-DE�}'fEf,Lg.,tTfONS PARI BT 1�F ftFLt 40AND ] w! sf.vsnarrr-D A517ESTO5 t40TFFTCATf+ J1J Tfl: [j EPA [� AOMD ASSE5;SH0lCAjiWArfS NOT APPUCABLE TO P'RODDT S(GMT4,RE.