HomeMy WebLinkAboutS2023-0057 - PermitswroyT City of Newport Beach d Community Development Department- Building Division . Ery<' B Civic Center DBeach, CA 92660 r; "+ Permit Coun; one: 949) 6443298 � Inspection Requests Phone: (949) 644-3255 newport6eachca.gov/inspections Combination Type - Work Class - Other 11IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II 11Pool Permit : S2023-0057 Plan Check No : PC2023-0665 Issued Date : 04/1412023 Inspection Area : 8 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS AND N:i'V4ORiK ON SUN -DAY AND HOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address : 429 TUSTIN AVE Legal Desc : N TR,919BLK MOT 21. Description: SFR -POOL AND SPA 427 SF WITH DRAINAGE (CITY STANDARD). Owner: BRIAN ODONNELL Contractor : GARDEN PROS Address : 429 TUSTIN AVE Address : 409 FLETCHER AV W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Phone : (949) 274-2966 Applicant: GARDEN PROS Address: 409 FLETCHER AV W ORANGE, CA 92865 Phone : (714) 243-5100 Owner/Builder Address : Phone : Code Edition : Type of Construction Occupancy Groups: Bldg Height: Building Setbacks Flood Zone Use Zone : PROCESSED BY: ORANGE, CA92865 .:.Phone : (714) 243-5100 Con State Lic :-997386 -Lic Expire: 10/31/2024 Bus Lic : BT30061953 Bus Lic Expire : 01/31/2D24 Workers' Compensation Insurance. Carrier: PALOMAR. SPECIALTY COMPANY Policy No : :PSIC0701238001 W. C. Expire : 11/21/2023 2022 '.Fire ,Sprinklers : NO Fire Hazard Zone : NO U No of Units :i 1 No of Stories Front: 10, Side: 4, Side:4, Rear: 5 X R-1 - Single -Unit Residential SPECIAL CONDITIONS: INSURANCE Architect Address Phone : State Lic Engineer: THOMPSON MATTHEW Address : 1201 N TUSTIN AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92807 Phone : (714) 630-6100 Designer Address Phone : Construction Valuation : $130,110.00 Added/NewITI sq. ft. Bldg: 0 Alteration sq. ft. Bldg : Added/New sq. ft. Garage: 0 OWNER-RU111-DER DECLARATION Hereby alieruh a Wer penalty ur wQry than B tam exempt from The GcErt£xaclsus Stels Lioarise, Lend for the feewan(ej .radiOafed below by tk'ae cheek aaFk(sj I ta'ave placid next to the npplicabie 'teanta; seci£Un "r Cx31 A. i3Q ese, alA pone, estonii Co, 3, .%anti trt5' or «Ual':'tty Mat aw4Wres a pwn'fl w c: of TtIO1 niter, inTpr ,re, dt:ax toil, Or I'almif any etrUG era, pl ur to to itt Lv inGe', ahAD r: "quU fe`,= ,he . pp`ioas,t: for 10 PC= to me v signed StalOment lot M or she i5 Irconsad Pursuant, to t?w provisions of on ,State' L cenSe Low (Chapter :;; f.Gommornrrlq vif l SoctiCR 70L`aj Of =Jivitoon 3 C the BusmCSG and rrofessions Coon) or Vial he or she is exelaWt from. krosure sand the. basis for the lslaged e%Y,'r1f hart. 14, ` nWtan of Section 7015 by any Tipp€iamn far a perm t.Srlbjeols the of okilm to'a civ, Pena#t, 0f of morn than five hundred deiiars Las ovmer of we property,, n'r my emp:ays:es berth 'a`.'ayes s5 iheir:sole a.empensaBOn, MR do U Wider E_i poltiarta Of Is work, and the :struclure is rot irlenrJed or oiferec for sale (Sectto n 704t. Eo:,mess and Praia. siGn., .,ndn: the Contraerorr:Maw L.Frame Law does not apply to ar owner of prope!ly whp, through tsnpl per' or'pomonaF Pifi;rt, builds or improve, r e properiy, prowdai that the nF';o>•.t.nler;tsare .LL i,. ri,c Ead: c a.4nroc: fal= sole.. If', howde}L" f, the tLFrr7lrrg cr #Rlpsaven7ertE is sold wilhlrt OrN£ yea£ 02 corr,irinticn, the OwneFBilAder wool have tile, bwdoirr t;f iplO w; ,3 that it was nu; buitl Or dprovod for the purpose al' sale). 3 " as fawner o f the ploi=eaty. alro > xc Usive! cawrarrimfl; snih :icatseo Convactom to oovstrret the project: isect on 7D44. Baseness and Plodessiona Coale; The Cuntrac'tom State License Law d es not apply is an owner of propeev who bi.Mds or Improvesthereon, and who Oonfracts for L'ro t)Tge' :iS ,vith a liue;nsod Carli>act. r pursuant to Roo Cohirat nf5' State Lioullse Lev,=). € am exempt € o l lu;en:7re of WW the Cun!racic li SAW :.it:eme Law tur i€ae tc Ih}rng :eawn i.d n'j sEFynaf.ira GGirbs t arknuvfadt7o i?IIIi, axCrlpi Eo;• n?y 3n'yr;nal rosr;ItlnC€ in which t nt+;;st Wait, mWdod for at ic3r`. , no scar prior to O'T-.octron of Mo nnomvowol Coierad by tni5 ,;:or Tlat, I canno lot, oil! oli a rlluc Ure' Riat I rolve boill':as are Uwnl:'.f-}kaliriC' li It han rML been '_uns f idedro to oog3 Nosy by licensed CoolmL'tors. I uwL 'rli-Wod that a: cow of lno appf ;:a Glo W. s:,,..^morl 7p't#4 W Me BU9wL:as £t£tu` 7nfestiions Code. is available upon raueat w#ten, Ms a: pfOtjon is ,uG!Omhtad or at the f011owIng +deeG Gila;ht#p.l.!'v'lVttY,t@ fr,0 ra, OviC21AV9,hirlf. sitsnahlre::fPmax:ny f3>roro¢;r n. Authorized myPro,...... .,._...._......._.._.. ...............,._._. ......... .,........... _.,.,..,..._.,__----., Date,..._..,.,_.,,.,...___... _...,..._....,_....... #LENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION heraby aff"ol (Ifi fer p" fl Ity of PtahU y that i dr'l U( W.?"J'Hri i3 F fA' prUVF,i One of Charter J (Oomnmr-O ng with Section 70M)V C ?� V 1IC.CF {i of Ins Dusil:o's and IProf`>:a ro :.s and my i7oems .. 4 f s fame nd v,�eri Llcen r Cin.,s _ License Yin 3at> / �.? Contractor ".gna£ur' VORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION ✓�� WRNiNCi; PAILUae'r (. 5E«ifN£. }4r1H95ENe' CpMPENSATadN C6Y3:'R4GE IS UNLAWF£)L. AND SHALL elle,lE«'i' AN etfNtilYkN'. eti CNltk3NAt YtMAtTIGe At7rS [:I9`IL PtuYS {aY-Ta tlfat HV'.Yt}rtf4 T'40d !EN« n0t,lliRS !SiaL+,ROAl, 1N APrk'f'ltl4 TO THE: UST OFCnM:PENFAT oN, DAMAGtal AFi PRov:DaD MR. IA'ECT10N Pat, OF VIC LAWR Carla, INTCRf'ST; Ayn ATTQR'4" s. FaaS, here:toy aMm and r pena'ty of ph jury one of thn'lnlEoevE lq r+erinr rrtfnns: I ave and will maintain a r e, E I to of content ell a a,:, For bd ker f xam4i>'nsdlion r a'saed by the O:iraolor Of In;lalstriai Re atiot;s as p'otis *ll fox ,.y Section 37,T, of the tabor Code, for tie 'ri Ilercc of fYl.. 1rGrxfCx'yu'krf�h EI•,> px.h`al+ I>.�c..;w. Polly NU. end vri31 mein tan twor'a, rF comososcRiori ;hstaraane, as recto w1 by . e-hon 3710 of the €...(bar Carle, for tixe perfconarlce of ,t'e wta.K for wiFirh tie permit is issDeo a,,;y, :or'Nes . saniar'arn+ policy nun Lief ane_ elf Agarn _,_..._.._....... ,__,_..___.__.__....... ..,.. _„_„„„„.Phoee: fl _— CertEfv d.0t, En the pertomianCe. Of are was i twhch Mrs barn:$ I su td:. E titlM old SIODley an", pefson In any Manner so as to beconlle. 6"Ibject to the k:o%keJs ilJni(YansaEirH1 laws Of Ga#fforn€a, am, agm t. if 153uxi#t# hw nmr suh#as;f to tt r r'. mnf rss-afmn { rrvl in of Set clan 3PM of the Labor t a£ir I sal ll fo tilwth cnirlply w h those pr w:sufns. twune of App€icatt 0 po�,,,R Di jI,T��, _3___�_____.,___ cuWATION Flee RFtIgc Tf�. C E( l ND(NG AGENCY ... _ _..... .____.. _,._.� .. .---,-..---. VI army affirm untfnr pcna q of rr dry tole horn it"I nonshuslinn Icnd ns aticaay art the pedlnrtraorrt of Me tdnor fnr witch this permit Is is„'3od (3SCtlon -'3(97, Clw Codei, ade eNsme Address rra.1 an)tre> Lsre bn Awl, f rexrtiEy to i`e1t,Nr of f# r, ioi&on'iwg; am the pre,lw y owner or aulharixec :a act on the properly ovi ler's bRihalf, i have read ifb b appA=carlon aril t.hn inlonnalion f nyva Fravideeri is i'l, red, f agree W camp, ad9h ail appicabie City and oaurtT `lydin;nc8s end state lnm' relafir..ta to haijafk nnj cOnstrection. authorize repro entalivels arui onyamount; tr jaY=r(�rL'.R-rCL ,, , £dlenrrtif'ied property fool lospeufion purposes, P y ���' b ila,UrU of f re fl lY QnVllar' or Authorized A:7u'n� ` WI I \ l tit KA�w Print Pr0DoelV OwE*cr3 or &IhorlZerf Anent t NaOoij coo 1 / / ��'�y Llate 1453 I kBiVri rA0Cxx1 ri3 r CERVF=_A,f 5E. OF iif f •la)'Aril- a QM04+ULi: ... _... ,..... NOf h,CATION IS i,MI 4YPLiLAE3„£ r:: ICEVOUe ON USE ONLY Aii rpd( red 1 arm.S. iatciheN g3`a i ana fines which serva a5 parr of n puol/spa b3frfer, Shari he Is, obi pear to a-proL al"till pop;/spa & ,.n,,,l remain in p are & ba rrla rtalnaai far the RAW the pool /% „ „ „ _