HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-2024-BLT-APPROVED MINUTESCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Marina Park Community Center 1600 W. Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 16, 2024 – 5:00 PM I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 PM Chair Paul Watkins called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Library Trustees. II. ROLL CALL – Roll call by Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome. Trustees Present: Chair Paul Watkins, Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, Trustee Antonella Castro, Secretary Lauren Kramer, Trustee Chase Rief Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Erin Spivey, Adult Services Coordinator Staff Absent None III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Chair Watkins led the Pledge of Allegiance IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. A. Consent Calendar Items Chair Watkins inquired if any Trustees had requests to pull an item from the Consent Calendar. 1. Minutes of the December 11, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Chair Watkins noted the following changes to the minutes: • Handwritten Page 11, three paragraphs up, item 10, Lecture Hall update, third line, amount by the public, please add the word through and change the Capital T in “The” to a small “t”. Further in the paragraph, three lines from the end, Please change “The Library” to The City will manage the new Witte Hall. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 2 Chair Watkins complimented Marketing Specialist Maria Nicklin on the new Library website that has been updated, citing many areas that were very well done and encouraged everyone to look around. It is very informative and attractive. 2. Patron Comments Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. 3. Patron’s Request for Evaluation of Library Resources Monthly review of evaluations of library resources as requested by patrons with corresponding staff responses. Chair Watkins noted there were 22 patron requests for evaluations which resulted in a response from Library Services Director Melissa Hartson. He has been keeping track of emails, notes, and letters to the Board from members of the public on both sides of the age appropriateness issue. The Board and City are mindful of the comments from both sides of the argument and asked that the patrons consider bringing up their concerns when the appeals and various directions are scheduled forthcoming in the near term. They are planning to approve some procedures in this meeting that will allow the appeals to proceed, and the first block of appeals can be scheduled. 4. Library Activities Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. 5. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. Chair Watkins reported that they are 50% through the fiscal year (FY) and under the $10 million dollar budget by about 4.7%. 6. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins opened the item for public comments and there were none. Motion made by Secretary Lauren Kramer, seconded by Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the Consent Calendar Items 1-6 with the minor changes to the December 11, 2023 draft minutes. AYES: Watkins, Kramer, Larson, Castro, Rief NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 3 7. Balboa Branch Library Replacement Staff from Public Works, along with representatives from COAR Design Group, will present building renderings for the Balboa Branch Library and Fire Station No. 1 Replacement Project. Chair Watkins commented that while looking through the chronological events of the decision to replace the Balboa Branch he noted the ad hoc subcommittee met several different times to discuss the project with Public Works, senior staff, the design group, and other key contributors to the project. Tonight, they will hear from COAR Design Group Principals about the design of the project, after which the public and Board will provide input. There will be further opportunities for continued public input at an upcoming Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting, as well as a City Council meeting, when this project moves forward at that level. Public Works’ Assistant City Engineer Tom Sandefur expressed appreciation for the invitation to present with COAR Design Group Principals Jeff Katz and Christie Jewett and provided a slide presentation of current photos of the project, and the history of the Balboa Branch Library and Fire Station No. 1 replacement project. Parking at the facility has been a challenge, as well as keeping a storage facility for beach utility equipment to mitigate travel wear and tear. Over the next year, they will be working to finalize the design concept that City Council can approve so the project can move forward. COAR Design Group Principals Jeff Katz and Christie Jewett displayed slides with design concepts of the different layouts they have drafted after meeting with staff, Public Works personnel, the Library Board’s ad hoc subcommittee, and key fire department members. There are two different site orientations. Option 1 positions the entire project against Balboa Boulevard with the entrance to the Library on the back side, the storage in the middle and the fire department on the left side. The playground is situated in the middle and has 14 public parking spaces included. For Option 2, the entry to the Library would be from the parking lot. The renderings will show there is some visibility and continuation from Balboa Boulevard to the entrance of the Library. Option 2 puts the building more against Island Avenue and the fire station and apparatus bay is located more at the corner on the southside of the site. Public Works City storage is in the middle and the Library would be on the north side of the site. This iteration has 13 public parking spaces allocated. One of the fire station’s main criteria is where the fire apparatus would return to the bays. Ms. Jewett continued by showing slides with different exterior design concepts for each site orientation. The intent is to include a fountain and outdoor seating area for patrons while also making sure an area is built for a playground, and with sufficient room for the Library programs. Chair Watkins summarized that they saw Option 1 and 2 floor plans with the Cottage House elevation and the Natural Modern elevation for site orientation and opened the item to Public Comments. Carmen Rawson (Newport Beach resident) questioned the square footage difference in the options and expressed concern about the smaller of the two, along with a concern for having the equipment storage onsite. Mr. Katz stated that how the site is oriented would determine the amount of square footage available to the new Library. Keith Harrison (Newport Beach resident) requested detailed design models for public viewing and expressed concern regarding the current standing eucalyptus tree that is on the site. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 4 Assistant City Engineer Sandefur responded that as design details progress, that information will be made available to the public, and the eucalyptus tree is continuing to be monitored by the City and is in declining health. Kathy Fraser (Newport Beach resident) commented on the dangers of trying to cross Balboa Boulevard, and if they plan to have a playground or community center included in the project, there will need to be a light or stop sign for safety, particularly if you want the Library and playground to be a draw for families and children. Michelle Silver (Newport Beach resident) asked about parking on the street and expressed concern given that Island Avenue is already impacted due to street parking and commented about the welfare of the eucalyptus tree, and that it be given a chance to return to health. Assistant City Engineer Sandefur explained that there would be additional street parking where the old fire station currently sits, and there will be the removal of four driveways that will also add to allowable street parking. Chair Watkins also added that there will also be a landscape plan that will compensate for any loss of trees. Rhonda Watkins (Newport Beach resident) inquired if the fire department prefers one option over the other in terms of ease of access and return of the apparatus in relation to how it might impact the Library. The Assistant Fire Chief Justin Carr answered that they looked at both options and they feel that Option 1 may be the best but both options are an improvement to what is currently in place. Rebecca Simmons (Newport Beach resident) inquired if they considered building a second story on the library to make up for the square footage they will be losing and if they plan to keep the Newport Beach Historical Society collection. Assistant City Engineer Sandefur stated they plan to move the collection out of the Library, and adding a second story on to the Library significantly increases the cost of construction and maintaining accessibility. Eric Longobardi (Newport Beach resident) commented about the fire station having a historical significance and expressed hope that there will be a historical memorial aspect as it has been in discussion with both the Fire Department and City Council. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) commented that he didn’t remember public comment ever being reduced to two minutes and it would have been helpful to have posted the presentation in advance of the meeting to allow more people to consider and review the plans and the options. The City went through a similar process for the Corona del Mar branch, and one of the main concerns was having a good area for storytimes. Neither of these options seem to have an area dedicated to that. He hopes more layouts will become available in the future. Carmen Rawson (Newport Beach resident) commented that she believes Option 1 would be more favorable for the community and Option 2, coming from the west, would not be convenient. Mike Roth (Newport Beach resident) thanked the fire chief for the fantastic work they do and commented that ultimately the fire department should be given preference of which options they prefer since it is their work of saving lives that most important. As far as the style is concerned, he preferred the cottage house style. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 5 Julie Mattson (Newport Beach resident) thanked the fire department and commented regarding the eucalyptus tree, which is a nesting tree for the herons and has a long history with the City. The tree should be considered, and she doesn’t believe it’s going to fall. Grace Dove (Newport Beach resident) commented that Library patrons were not adequately noticed for the meeting, particularly for the Island neighborhoods who will be most impacted by the project and questioned why the valuable property is being used for a storage facility. Deborah Lucas (Newport Beach resident) commented she is a lifelong tree hugger but believes the life of the tree comes down to public safety. She trusts the professionals’ opinion, particularly when children play in the area. Joyce Flower (Newport Beach resident) inquired how critical it is to have a playground at the Library, more library space could be acquired if that wasn’t included. Mr. Katz responded that in their conversations with the Library and Public Works they have found that the playground is a complementary feature to the Library and creates a more focused area for the community. Bernie Svalstad (Newport Beach resident) inquired about the timeline of the project as it was originally intended to begin construction of winter 2023-2024 and their presentation indicated construction beginning winter of 2024-2025. Assistant City Engineer Sandefur stated their timeline is a very preliminary depiction, it depends on what kind of input they get and how many iterations they have to create. If there is a coastal issue or access issue, that could delay construction. Unidentified (Newport Beach resident) commented that she also believes there isn’t a need for the playground. Outdoor storytime areas are great in the city, but not necessarily on the beach, particularly when the space could be used for expanded indoor facilities. Secretary Lauren Kramer stated she prefers Option 1 of the site layout and the cottage style of the building. Trustee Chase Rief commented that he liked the layout for Option 1 and prefers the beach cottage look. Trustee Antonella Castro agreed she prefers the layout of Option 1 and the style of the beach cottage and inquired if there are alternative locations for the storage of the Public Works vehicles, and if staff is aware of the usage of the Balboa branch. Public Works’ Assistant City Engineer Tom Sandefur answered there are no plans to build a new storage facility on the Peninsula. Library Services Director Hartson explained the usage at Balboa is the same as a branch library, it can’t be compared to the Central Library usage. Program attendance has gone up over the last few years and they re-introduced school programming as well in the last year. Library Services Director Hartson explained they are looking at the playground area as a complementary item more so than for programming, but they also want flexible areas that can be used for outdoor programming. Trustee Castro asked if a community garden or outdoor programming for adults or families could be incorporated into the playground space so that it has multiple uses. Library Services Director Hartson explained that most of the adult programming takes place at the Central Library location. Vice Chair Dorothy Larson commented that her preferences are the same as her colleagues, Option 1 for the site layout and the beach cottage style. She would like to see both iterations Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 6 continue through the process for now, if possible. Assistant City Engineer Tom Sandefur stated that was their intent, and an upcoming Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting will be the next opportunity for the public to provide input. Chair Watkins explained that with respect to what the ad hoc subcommittee had requested, both Option 1 of the site layout and the cottage style were spot on. This is the first step and first iteration of this project, there will be many other steps taken before the design is finalized. Chair Watkins noted the report was received and filed and thanked the consultants for their presentation. Chair Watkins called for a five-minute break. Chair Watkins resumed the meeting with all Board members present. 8. Process for Patron Appeal of Evaluation of Library Resources The Collection Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee will provide its recommendation for the patron appeals process for evaluation of library resources, and Staff recommends the approved appeals process be incorporated into Library Policy NBPL 2, Collection Development Policy, and subsequently approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Library Services Director Hartson reported that before the Board are the process for appeals and the application for appeals as requested at the December Board meeting. The Collection Development Policy has also been amended to include the application for appeals and the appeals process for the Board’s review and approval. Chair Watkins noted that the revisions to the Collection Development Policy are included on Pages 104, 105 and 106 of the Agenda Packet. An additional change will be included on Page 105, “If the patron disagrees with the Director’s decision, the patron may appeal to the Board for final resolution”. They will change the word “the” to a, “If a patron disagrees…” that assumes that any patron has a right to appeal, not just the person who requested the evaluation. The appeal procedures in the packet, on Page 117, will allow all members of the public to appeal any of the Director’s decisions. In Section 2 of the Appeal Procedures, it states that 14 days from the date of the Board’s meeting at which the Director’s decision was made available to the public is now included. They have also indicated that the decision of the appeal will be implemented within a 60-day period from the date of the Board meeting at which the decision was submitted to the Board. If there are multiple objections to the same book, all of those appeals will be consolidated; and that item will be decided under the first completed appeal received. At that time, all the others will be allowed to comment during that appeal. The Appeal Application has not been revised since being added to the Agenda Packet. Vice Chair Larson questioned if there was any flexibility in the time constraints of the appeal decision. Chair Watkins stated that due to the large quantity of appeal requests that have been filed currently, it made more sense to consolidate those that are for the same evaluation requests. Once the procedures have been finalized, the Board will consider a grandfathering of the current appeal requests in order to set the dates for those appeals. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 7 Secretary Kramer suggested hearing a couple of appeals at each meeting rather than designating an entire meeting for appeals. Trustee Castro inquired if all the people who appeal one book would be included in the notification process if all the appeals are going to be consolidated, expressing concern with the policy that limits the appeal on books to one per five years. Vice Chair Larson believed the notification should go out for those who file an appeal, not everyone who submitted an evaluation request. It would also be noted in the Agenda notification. Chair Watkins explained that the five-year limit on appeals was to mitigate one book staying in the evaluation and appeals process for an undetermined amount of time. Chair Watkins opened the item for Public Comments. Haley Jenkins commented regarding the five-year time constraint on appeals and suggested a shorter amount of time for additional appeals due to the changing environment of staff and the Board of Library Trustees and suggested the appeal process be listed online. Library Services Director stated that if it becomes adopted it will become part of the Collection Development Policy that is currently posted on the website. The appeal form is a fillable PDF that can also be filed online or submitted in person. Deborah Lucas (Newport Beach resident) commented she was recently made aware of the item and inquired about the evaluation and appeals process and where to find which books have been requested for evaluation. Chair Watkins explained the process as currently written. Portia Fisher inquired if staff had considered streaming the meetings for those who are not able to attend and commented the five-year limit on re-appeals is a long time and the number of appeals on a book matters, it should be made public information and not consolidated. Evaluations are important, regardless of who requests it. She applauds the Board for creating a process in which it can be done efficiently. Vien Nguyen (Newport Beach resident) commented that the criteria the Board will be using to make decisions on appeals were not listed in the appeals process. It’s good to see that time is allotted for the Board to read the material during the appeal process and questioned if the 60 days is enough time for the Board to become experts in the fields they are approving or disapproving due to inaccuracy. Carol Hacker (Newport Beach resident) inquired how many books had been pulled from the shelves in the last year based on the Director’s decision and the appeals process that is currently in place and commented that she agreed with the comment that everyone should evaluate all library material. Gialisa Gaffaney (Newport Beach resident) explained that when a decision is made at a lower court level, and then it goes to the appellate court level, they do not make a decision on the initial merits, they look whether or not the trial court followed the proper standards and procedures, and from what she has read, the standards that the Library uses in reviewing materials for age-appropriateness is acceptable. The policy provides plenty of time for review, Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 8 and also believes some people may feel a five-year limit on appealing the same book is too long if they don’t get the answer they want the first time. Debra Klein (Newport Beach resident) commented about the notification of evaluation requests that could also serve as notification to attend meetings for the appeals when needed. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) commented about his appreciation for the revisions made to the procedure and shared Trustee Castro’s discomfort for the wording of “extinguishing appeals”, it sounds harsh and more like a punishment and suggested the wording on the appeals could be ‘if multiple appeals are received on the same item, all the appeals will be consolidated into a single appeal’ and possibly move it higher in the list. It is important for the public to understand the standards the Board will be using to make determinations during appeals and his recommendation is they base their decision on whether or not the Director made her decision consistent with the Collection Development Policy. If needed the Board has the ability to amend the Policy. Motion made by Vice Chair Larson, seconded by Secretary Kramer, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the appeals process for evaluation of library resources with the following change to Item 5 and Item 7. Item 5 will read as “If there are multiple appeals for the same subject item, all appeals of that item will be consolidated into a single appeal, and as provided in Section IV above, members of the public will be provided with the opportunity to be heard on the subject item”. Item 7 will be changed to four years instead of five to repeat an evaluation on an item that has been appealed. On Page 105 change the word “the” to “a”, “If a patron disagrees…”. AYES: Watkins, Kramer, Larson, Castro, Rief NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 9. NBPL eBranch, Database and Downloadable Services Update Staff will provide an update and review of the Library eBranch, database and downloadable services. Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported that the eBranch is accessible anywhere and at any time, there are over 40 databases that specialize in many topics. Several databases have over 1,000 uses per month. The Library added Exploring Race in Society in June courtesy of EBSCO, a vendor that offers many educational databases. In December, the California State Library offered the addition of Alexander Streets which includes thousands of videos, audios, writings, and full performances of plays and albums from around the world. The Library offers eMagazines through OverDrive which is accessible through the application Libby. There was an uptick in audio books and ebooks in 2023 with a combined total of 164,687 compared to 154,539 in 2022. They are watching the trends for eBooks and Audio books as it suggests patrons are exploring different options versus traditional CDs as players are not as readily available. The Library subscribes to Comic Plus, which allows multiple uses of the same material at the same time, which cuts wait time on material. OverDrive acquired Kanopy and changed their model in 2022, now offering tickets rather than play credits which allow libraries greater flexibility for allocating funds. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 9 Trustee Rief commented he’s a big advocate for the eBranch, it is user friendly and very convenient and suggested checking the availability within the budget to allow for subscriptions to more eServices. Ms. Lightfoot responded that each year the e-budget is increased substantially for digital books, there is a program that tracks the usage of e-material that allows them focus on particular areas needed. Chair Watkins opened the item for Public Comment, seeing none he filed and received the report. 10. Acceptance of Donation Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of a donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (NBPLF). Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported that the Library received a $150 donation from the Foundation to be used specifically for Project Adult Literacy. Motion made by Trustee Chase Reif, seconded by Secretary Kramer, and carried (5-0-0-0) to accept the donation of $150 from the Foundation. AYES: Watkins, Kramer, Larson, Castro, Rief NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 11. Children’s Collection Development Update The Children’s Collection Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee will provide an update regarding their recommendation for a Children’s Collection Development Policy. Trustee Antonella Castro reported she and Vice Chair Larson met, and it is the recommendation of the subcommittee that a separate Children’s Collection Development Policy be adopted by the Board of Library Trustees to guide the Library staff in procuring material for the Children’s Library Material Collection and further, the policy will also address visual displays and programming for the Library’s child-patrons. If the trustees vote to draft a policy, the subcommittee would then work with the Library staff to craft the policy and submit to the City Attorney if needed. Trustee Rief agreed. Trustee Kramer did not agree as there is already a Collection Development Policy in place and the books can be evaluated based on that policy. Chair Watkins opened the item to Public Comments. Haley Jenkins inquired if the policy would include teens and suggested a Development policy for teens and children, age appropriateness makes a difference between older teens and young children. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) commented that he believes a separate policy isn’t needed although he’d be interested in seeing what that policy would look like. There is room Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 10 for minor tweaks in the Collection Development Policy that could address age appropriateness of material between teens and children. Trustee Kramer agreed there are tweaks that could be made to the current policy that would address the issues of age appropriateness between young children and teens. Chair Watkins asked if it would be possible to address their concerns with amendments to the current policy. The subcommittee agreed that would be possible. Chair Watkins stated the Board had an interest in seeing what they come up with. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 12. Lecture Hall Update Report on activities related to the Library Lecture Hall project. Library Services Director Hartson reported that at the January 9 City Council meeting, Council approved the Library Lecture Hall at the Civic Center. More information will be forthcoming. The City is organizing a groundbreaking ceremony tentatively on February 27. Trustee Rief commented regarding the Public Comments received via email about who manages the Lecture Hall. Library Services Director Harson stated according to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), NBPL 15, the policy will be eliminated and that will be brought to the Board as a “receive and file”. Chair Watkins confirmed with Jerry Kappel (NBPLF CEO) that the City will manage the new Lecture Hall. Mr. Kappel stated that per the MOU, the word “Library” would be removed, Witte Hall will remain, and NBPL is no longer a consideration. The Foundation has negotiated in the MOU fifty specific events per year and will coordinate with the Library to ensure their primary dates are available and of note, they can use some of the Foundations dates. Chair Watkins noted the elimination of NBPL 15 will be at the February 26 meeting of the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins opened the item for Public Comment. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) expressed confusion surrounding the Board of Library Trustees not having a say in the managing of the Lecture Hall; and the MOU is with the Foundation, not the City. When he attended the meeting, he didn’t hear anyone advocating for the Library’s use of the Lecture Hall and is concerned that some donations to the Library will now be lost. The removal of the NBPL should have been a discussion with the Board, not the Foundation. He would like to hear more information on the impacts of the Council’s decision. Trustee Kramer commended the Foundation for their work in this as they did what they had to do in order to retain an incredible facility that benefits the City. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 11 13. Library Services Report of Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff Library Services Director Hartson reported she drew up a year-end review and included it in the packet. It’s a brief snapshot of some of the accomplishments that were made through 2023, which includes receiving outstanding financial support from Friends of the Library and the Foundation, over $200,000 donated to the Library for programs, digital resources, and furniture. Program attendance has continued to increase. New programs are introduced throughout the year, there is a new projector that provides greater visibility and reliability for the programs being hosted. They continue to expand collections and technology and most recently added a read-a-long collection where the audio is built into the book. There is a new design for the children’s Library card. Project Adult Literacy (PAL) served 86 adult learners and logged thousands of volunteer hours this past year. Kappa Kappa Gamma selected PAL as the recipient for their annual fundraising event. They invested in staff training with the return of all-staff meetings and attendance of conferences along with subscriptions to online training. The Arts Commission has brought back the Newport Beach Art Exhibition after a three-year hiatus. This past year, they created over 9,000 new patron accounts and checked out nearly 1.2 million items. Trustee Castro expressed an interest in knowing how many of the new patron accounts are for people outside of the area. Library Services Director Hartson stated she will work on putting together those numbers. Chair Watkins opened the item up for public comment. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 14. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board Report on the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins reported NBPLF CEO Jerry Kappel did a great job in summarizing his report, and it can be found in the Agenda Packet. He noted in the latest issue of Bookmark that the Central Library is celebrating its 30th anniversary; there are great pictures. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Library Live Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Jerry Kappel reported the first three Library Live events were sold out with a waiting list for both. They have identified speakers for next year, and they anticipate negotiations with the speakers will begin within the next month. After the next meeting, he should be able to identify the upcoming speakers. He hopes they will have contracts in place by April so they can begin selling tickets in June. Over 100 season tickets were sold, and this was they first year they were offered. They anticipate that number to increase this year. Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 12 Chair Watkins received and filed the report. C. Witte Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Vice Chair Larson reported that Witte did an amazing job and has slated candidates for speakers for negotiations to begin. There are four or five they are considering. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 15. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Trustee Rief reported December sold more books than they expected and are now asking for donations to increase their collection before the used book sale in February. The President of the Board has stepped down, and various people are serving as interim President. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 16. Literacy Services Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Literacy Services Advisory Board. Trustee Castro reported she had a great kick-off meeting and will be attending their upcoming Board retreat. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – Two Minutes per speaker Chair Watkins stated there were none. VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Future Agenda items included: • Sunsetting of Library Policy NBPL 15 • Draft of Children’s Collection Development Policy Library Services Director Hartson reported that the Library bistro space is available for lease and the Witte Hall groundbreaking ceremony is tentatively scheduled for February 27. The next Board of Library Trustees meeting is scheduled for February 26 in the Council Chambers. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 7:13 p.m. Submitted by: Paul K. Watkins Chair Approval of Minutes