HomeMy WebLinkAbout520 - Awarding Contract to Underground Construction Company127: lunch counter at his store on Balboa Island/was was granted subject to e approval of the Health Officer. On motion of Councilman Claire seed by Councilman Hil r and carried, the request of C. W. Hutchings license to operate an e; lec is flasher in the Balboa Theater was ted. The request of Will L. Williamson reconsideration f his applic ion presented at the last meeting ficense to peddl ice cream un er the disabled War Veteran Act, w was denied at the last meeting t rough a misunderstanding, was considered, and on trop of ' Councilman wllsworth seconded by Councilman lliamson and arried, the application as allowed. On otion of Councilman Claire seed by Cc ilman William- son and carrie , the communication from W. iurphy, C mmodore of the Yacht Club in r and to calling a ::arbor bolectio , was referred to Councilman Ellsw th for attention. On moti of Councilman Hilmar seed b Councilman William- son and carried, th request of Fire Chief ker for permission to attend the Fire Chie s' Convention at Vanco, . C., was granted with expenses not to excee $150.00 allowed. On motion of ouncilmanClaire secby Councilman Hilmar and carried, the request of Ali Rajah & Co. license to practice Palmistry in the Allen Bu lding, Balboa, wa anted. Mayor Johnson appoin ed L. S. t9ilkinaon and �:rs. George Coleman as members of the Library Board, and motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Claire an c ied, the appointments were con- firmed.' NEW BUSINESS. On motion of Council an Will son seconded by Councilman Claire slid carried, the dema of L. W. iggs for insurance, having been signed and approved by he Finance C ittee, was allowed and warrant to be drawn for Be The Planning Cc ittee presented blue print of the Fricke and Rouselle subdivisio in Tract 518, and on otion of Councilman Williamson seconded by ouncilman Ellsworth an carried, the map was tentatively approved recommended by the Pla 'ng Commission. J. R. John on of the Lasky Corporation stated that they would like to get a nermi to build a fire on the boat *. iel grounded in the harbor entrance to make a picture for advertising p poses, and if they got a permit fro the City, Major Gross would give h permission. The matter was cons ered and on motion of Councilman Ells orth seconded by Councilman Hil er and carried, the City Attorney was in tructed to reply to the applic tion for the Paramount News Reel. A ordinance was presented for the first readin prohibiting the sale, aseesion, discharge or exhibiting for sale of reworks in the City, ich was considered, designated Ordinance No. 36 and on motion o Councilman Williamson seconded by Councilman Claire and carrie the Ordinance was passes to the second reading and re rred to the C y Attorney. On motion of Councilman Williamson seconded by Council n Hilmar and arried, the City Attorney was instructed to look up any ordin rtes or resolutions requiring the Mayor and Clark to issue tax deeds for operty which has been deeded to the City for delinquent taxes, whe the wners want to redeem them, and take steps to amend them so that the Council may act in the issuance of the tax deed. Mayor Johnson declared a races, awaitin a check on the bids. MMT vas a In cake o order, an the City Engineer reported that he had tabulated the bids for the improvex,ent of Via Lido and certain other streets, easements and rights - of -way as per Resolution of Intention No. 513, and finds that the bid of Underground Construction Company is the lowest regular bid submitted for the said improvement; whereupon the City Engineer recommended that in view of the property owners' request that the said bid be accepted. Whereupon Councilman Williamson offered RESOLUTION NO. 520 a�iarding the contract to Underground Construction Company, said bid being the lowest regular bid submitted for the hereinbefore mentioned improvement, and moved its adoption. Whiqh motion was Seconded by Councilman Claire and upon roll call the same was adopted by the following vote, to -wit; RESOLUTION NO. 520 Original Missing Adopted 7/15/29 128 and A Patte No. 521 AYES, Councilmen Claire, Williamson and Johnson. NOES, Councilmen Hilmer and Ellsworth. . ABSENT, Councilmen None. The matter of vacating a portion of Bay Avenue between 8th Streets, East Newport, was referred to and City Engineer n presented a Resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING THEIR INTENTION TO VACATE, CLOSE -UP AND ABANDON FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES, A PORTION OF BAY AVENUE WITHIN SAID CITY. he Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION and upon call of the roll passed by the following vote, to- A S, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Williamson, Johnson. NOE Councilmen None. BBSE , Councilmen None. City gineer Patterson presented Contract No. /37c ering the construction f the Grand Canal Bulkhead, and on motCouncilman Willi on seconded by Councilman Hilmer and , the contract was ap roved. There bein no further business, on motion of man Ellsworth sew nded b Councilman Williamsonand carried, ting adjourned to 7:39 o'c ck P.M. on Monday, July 22, 1929/ Approved July 22,. 1929 Lv /_�i �iviv City )A\1, Newport Beach, July 22,1929 The City Council of the ity of NewportdBeach met in regular adjourned session at 7 :30 o'cloc P. M. on above date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jo nson. The roll was called howing the fu 1 Council present. The minutes of the revious meeti were read and approved. The communication from John S. Harri , Business Manager of the Wm. S. Sparr interests making a propositio to sell the City 625 feet of bay frontage in B (making "B" Corona Del Ma was read and con- sidered, and on motion o Councilman Claire seco ed by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, a communication was file The Notice o Completion of the Library ilding was Council- presented and on moti of Councilman Williamson as nded by Council- man Ellsworth and ca ried, the Mayor was authorized sign the same on behalf of the Ci y of Newport Beach. The cc ications were read and acted upon follows: A Petit on signed by 27 residents of Balboa I and asking to have a mud f t dredged out at the east end of Balboa Island was coX ed, an on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded b Councilman Elh and arriedL the City Engineer was instructed to dredge an amot a eeding 4300.00, the expense of which is to co..e out of thor intenance fund. motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilor Elh nd carried, the communication from the W. C. T. U. eking ab Wine Tonic ordinance, was referred to the City Attorn for a The application of the Palisades Club asking permission to cot afloat for boat slips in front of part of Block "C ",Coro a Dewas considered, and on motion of Councilman Williamson, se by Councilman Claire and carried, the application was refer e to ity Engineer for the customary two weeks. 1