HomeMy WebLinkAbout4636 - Bayside Drive Vacation & Abandonment17 FARM NOt Is , A portion of Urelft DAVO being a pornon or Block 94s as shown up*0 a MV or 18 A RXSDLWM OF INTEMOU OR TM CM COUHM OF M CM OF REWIM SUCH OZOLARING Ift INVARTM 19 TD ON= W CLOSUG * VACATION I OP A POMM OP A in . ; I A.3 VA13MM 20 DIM IN a PORTION Or M= 94 or IRV= IS $=a- 2 VISION A)M A POMON OF B11=K "B"o 00SM M MAR,* 21 IM f4M CM LIP MWWRT WACHs, COUM OF OPAMP 3 MAIS OF CAIJUTOMIA 4 The City Couneil of the MY of NeWori'bWft. 9UNWant l�z the Vmvialons of the "Street Vacation Act of 19400'and OU 6 =,Tt�-�ts thweto# being Sections 8300 to 83Ujo Inolusiveo of the 7 Z'trs*" S*d ffigii, Ys CW8 or the State of CSW*Vnla, do" hWety 8 and declare as follawat 9 Z=ION lz MMt %he'public interest and oonv*rdanoe 10 the olosing up and aban*hnsent of a portl I On ior a certain 11 kaom as ftysWe Drive In a portion of Blealk 914 of IrvUnts 26 z1v"Ift w4 a portion or Block "DO. CoronsL d*1 F40' In the City 13 savocrt Bessho and :it is the Inte?3tIon of the City Coun*U. of tip 14 *"�U Of NONWOrt Re"h t* order the ft11*wIr4& doseribod portlan 15 in ts%o City or Newport Beach, County otr Oftnza# Stitt at — 16 �11�&* to be vacateds closed up and ab4adonsd* to-4ts 17 FARM NOt Is , A portion of Urelft DAVO being a pornon or Block 94s as shown up*0 a MV or 18 1vv1ne1* Subavisions rwor4ed In ftocall4n"us ROCOAM Mpss'Sook I* pae 88s ftcarft of QMnaft 19 CQQU%Y* callrarala# " no W"CUUrly de&.. orlbod as followas Dftirw-%I g at the ftater2r, 20 twelow of that 40ftain curot. ,said Qum baqg the eontern Mw or a 50 toot RiAt of Whys iWs--, 21 crited in dead r000rded In Book $30,* VS0 gfto Official Records or Said Orange County, as WAAS 22 a vsditsa of 150 feet " haVing a cenir Angle at "0 191 000 j - thence aouth 100 , IT 1., 00 we" , 23 along a radial to said cur" a AUtanae-ot 25 feet to a YoItt In the southerly line of xidA 24 ftys, 50 feet In width# mid polmt�" :true qWnt of be&LnnLq;* themes MxWW 3# 9 4 43 25 000 eet" alons saw ;;Ut;My line a aG6;;e:-Qr 25.75 fftt to the rmthftst oftanar at-00 da*Ws 26 Pool of I" da"ribed In de" r*0044W L., 100" 27 OM Pumords of saM cft x • , CQW%Yl tee %xWth 10* 171 W*. Mgt"! tmvw-stwly q"UW*aUW or the 28 or said Paroel a distance of O.3B featj theme,, novt# 60-0 371 OT" mat a Ustanoe of 93,00 foot 29 to the begitzins of a Un4gent OWN00 CaTteave to tho north " baying, a radius or 175,ao toatj 30 tbefte westerly along mid curve a data or 31 945 feet to the true point of bs&1nrAng*, 32 am. molt at A portion of baysids Wng a portion or Block 94, as ahawn upon a =0 of rY e. LM 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 13 141 15' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 vtil $srviaae'e W)dlvIsion, recorded in Xiscellmr4o s A cord ii V*jp $oek 1s page 68s records of egarem Covi >ty t aliforn a# and ►e particularly described as fe3,�et� sae ownning at the nortim"tr *eraw of that certain del of hands described In Reds, reeswded In Book 1173, pap 590 0ffieial Soomrda Of said OMY390 County* said ceJq.*XW beiaag An the aeouthuerly liras of that eartaain Right of Ways 5o root in eedeith, as t3OSC rIbW In eie94 rseeor4ed ixs Book 830 page 2217. Offioial 2600rela of acid grate County; thence south 790 43' 00" east, sleng southerly line of mid 50 root Riot of , Ehue distance of 65.69 feet to the northeast carnet of the afovematio6ed Mosel. of lauell tt as mirth 21' l0 t 10" eaast ales thaet n"WthaftatWJ7 vmaoneAtlon of the eaaterlw 11" of ald parcel a 41stame of 1.83 f"tj thenoQ "sonic 80. 37# b7" Beset a 416ta gee of $90 test to an Intersects Am %dth the Uorthwxy malongation of the Ovaterly line of said puseel; theaeo south 10'.17+ 090" mmt along said northeasterly prolrsr4at1*4 of the waste r yr lue of said sareel of land a distance of 0.38 feet to the point of beg1nnjrg. ECtRt, "S —58 A portion of Bajaido Drive being a portlou or Block As 8A ahown Upou it map of IrYime.'s Rtubdivisiont ream%ded In Hiseellau -4aus Record !taps, Book is page WO records of alra;ags cou4ty, C111VO anus and score particularly described as follows& S aiu3aag at the luteerseetiou of the westerly dine esf that eeertaiai parcel of lama described in Mmmi- tor's Do" of real property, recorded In Hook 2325, per. 563, Official Rsccoms of said Onnge Co=Wti a Ad the southerly lime of that certain Riot of Ways 50 feet era usidtho as de3aribetd In deatd, recorded In Book $3Q, Due 2170 0MG&M1 Records of said omrat Countyy thaeaoe wuath 79. 43' COs toasts aalesag, .thee soaatheriy 2109 of $aid 50 font Right of ' s a dis- ta_n*e of 85,03 teat to the b ftt,," ag of a t ma w# concave to the south a:ad hatavE a redius of 285,86 reset; thw4o eaata rlp alooz said ourvas and along staid southerly 50 foot Right of Wey limppa. diotarce of 12.92 feet to an Irteersecation with the southeeeatearlyr pa'>alcsagstlon of the "O tlawetorly ,luo cot Av*aado Aver--49v eta shoe,, upon a map of erect: 682, reeaor*W in 14lscollane c us A par Book 200 a 190 Reesordsr of said Orange Co patty a aaa w lifts �h said poicat bears ,forth 152 521 27" east thelteo+e no><thu 39' 400 50° east along the sauthmote rlyr prole regoen of the nortimeaterly line of said Avocado Aven"s a dif1sWee of 4020 Peet' thene3e raoarth,80w 371 07"'M at a 410tarcia of 99.73 teat to an LntearaaetI6n 9120th .thee resrtYa eateerl;t pra2o+gett34r. of the reestwlAy line of than anti oried pasreell thersaeeASO lot 10" mot alorZ said northe iastetr3; r proloag>aftiou as d3stancse at 1.83 feat to thiie paint off' beginning, 8a 8L MON, 4e A portion or hUalde barite being a peg on or 7Lesok 940 ,sat shown Von a =p of Irvinets Subdivision# re aor& d In Missaellaneocas Record Mapes. 3000 1, Mee 88s R,aa;ortds of Orange C *uoty, tlsllfosrscla, And Westerly partlaularlynelescri described as follt�aewtwrBeenn 2. i �a•n, `,AF A f � e`s. • 9 .a 1 by the City +'note of the C1tyr of Newport for said 3• V yv 1 2 carve being the center line of a 40 Right of Used 'Any, deco' Yi f� eda lib do" rb rc+K:' rdl*4 itu Y see G cok 2w# 3 page 172s of dereda, Records of said 0M3ge Coustty* as haviraz a radlua of 571.00 reot and !:suing a central angle of 100 42+ 00*j thence north 57+ 461 30 vest, tariff it, to last mntiecced curves to e6, 6 Sntersecti+ara with the southwesterly prolongation of the iosthweatorly lime of AVOOHA4 Avestirle, as 6 show Upon a tip or Thant 662s recorded its sliseell- 1r a¢�e: Of fence 7 swam norrtth 39$ 401 50" eaat along the outhwoo a r7ly prolongation at the norLhwmmrtarly! 8 line or said Avg Avenue a distance of 12.25 reset. to Ghs t;rLA polfit of basinalr4i thence oo a• 9 tinuing tl+utR: 39' 4D x"50* east Sion$ the- mutba"terllr JAVl rzat i'ao, or the reDrUmeaterly lire at saki A feet; Uieree 10 Avenue a distance of 7.91 south 57'v4t5• 0" east a distaxaee of 25.21 foot; thance south 39i° 11 0l 50" most al*.4s the southwesterly prolongation of the oeatccrtr lu-4 of said Abdo A anue a dis- to in 12 ta.°ice of 2.66 teat a goint a curve concave to the ao,sth and having a radium of 28'3.&4 facts 13 a radial li< S e through said point trears north 2Al 14+ 3511 e,v.at.; tt .mc ee we3terl4N aloe said, curve a 14 distance of 26042 fast to the true point of bdmning. 15 pmwfm NO, 5: A Portior of ffiysider Aeive betissg a ". portion o"- D Comas, del YArs recorded La 41 16 s Valos Bask 3. gazes ar:d 42 Rw ame of amnse Cownty, talifos nla, aad more WZ1c '1y 17 desenribod as rollawas Besinw3ins at the acuthme at earner of Vint eertaLi psrcasl of lend. described I* 18 da"s recorded In Bmk 2229. page 96s QPriciai asaor" or said JranGa Co )sty; said c rr*r teis4 19 in the northerly line of that certain Right fit YAws 40 feet to uid'thq as described In L0", s VW Cauctyt then" 2p 172 of deeds, records of said Orange south 570 461 30" east; €ilo-.4 tho nortbaMZr• line 21 of said 40 foot Right of tiayr a distanoo of MOT tint to the beglumL4 or a taiigant ourEra, ooneave 22 to they south and haviaag a radius of 591,00 ferat j thence easterly along mid curvae and. s.2oug the 23 northerly We of said 40 foot R11;R of thy a dia. tancre of. 30.00 feet to a paltit; a reWal lure 24 tbmmb mid point beard north 35' 081 00" east, thence westerly along a curve cencavee to the south 25 and having a radius of 223.64 feat, a distanaer of 42.51 feet to ar laterse ctior with ther aouthmetterly 26 9mIengttion or the cwterr .litre or Avoetda Avenue as Sri upon a map of Tract $82, recardeul In ftw*11ans. 27 ous igtya, Book go# page 19, Rikoards of said orange Courkt7i a Vull al. line Lbv*L4;h said firt bears Y'.unh 28�I 24* 244 35 east; thence north 39• $pr 54" taast along the aouthmmterly elongation of the cent+ar line of 29 mid Avocado Avenue a distrancso of 2.66 fleet to the point Of betrgin mango 30 31 _.till that paartior, of said street to be vaastiod, *I*&" up i �a•n, `,AF A f � e`s. • 9 .a 1 by the City +'note of the C1tyr of Newport for said 3• m 1 a 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 *W1 clasing up sad abandockoftnt, by resolation 4aatad C�`2 , , and desiViated `Resolutlan go, 4434r, a's said map 13 on file lu .the Office Of ttae OW 01er3c of the ty of "ereyeort pmt), Refer eaace is hereby Brad@ to said my for particulars as to the pr*�poaed vaaatlo =a, elasing up and of said ,wt1o; -i of &aid streets arid, said mw is made a Of this_ AeaolutI04 to the some extent, an3 p Wpose ae it the mWee heroin Incorporated la3 full. S 109 2: Mat the proceeidi -bas foci the closing sap and of We atore*"d partlau of said street shall be had asd aad the City Cctiroil of the Oity of '""port Beach bereby to proceed under tiaea pravisia"as or :.t :e "Itreat liacaL3aore Mat 1941"" awed all a orulae+ats tiseratio, belac; Saticos 8300 to 8$31# of the ►tests aa)d 21ghways Code or the State, at 8=10N 31 T1* Street Superir!te9ndent of the City of Beach shall cause to be conspicuously p*sted es1ovg the lire• the Wtion of said street proposed to be vadated, not ware than feet apart y but cot lass than three In all, notices of the of add postia:- of &&1A street, Said anotieft shall sRate ptsfage of this R"OlUtion of Inteation and t1W ti" WA purr U* howlag or all persn48 interested it or objecting to ths, p!"o• vacatie* of said portion of said street, 344 notlooas dWU so posted at least ter, days before the date► or :raid bearinss all resp=ired ins` law, SEmom 4s xoticea is horesby given uaat tb* city aawwa the city of Newport seacb doses bsreby tix Mon ys tise a .�k OF of 1937 ► at the bmw of 7130 0 aoltsesk p.ss., of aai,4 , In the Couzmil Cb=bers of the City or Newport Heaeb, located City mall of the City of Newport Beach,, as that Rise and plaaa all lreraca s i:atemated in or objecting to thm maid portion of said street, And the City Council at Mid tim will how the evidence offered by any person Interested in the d. i i a li � a 3 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 06 "eattotr O1' said portion of Said street heretofore doscribedo 59 ThIS FMOlUtiot, Of Z- dtentiOA 41*1 t be pvh.• Udmd at least ones in the Newport Mulbor Znx1gn, a nftsp RpW or 1 c1rcu1lttior:, printed# published " circulated ics the City or fist Reash, and ealA publication shall be eel before the 4at1 set Ntr the hearing or all persons interested in or cNectieg to t*m at�tiost. Me above and foregoiM Resolutions or Intention Ro. , waft ^%„ ..mow was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the► ai Coin of the City of Newport Reaetrs held or the zaJ, day of • _ _ _ ., 14357, by the following vote, to- dt= AYR3, COFT4?C1iMr4; r?. -y50 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 4636 was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 22d day of April , 1957, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hart, Wilder, MacKay, NOES, COUNCILMEN: Stoddard, Higbie, Hill None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Ridderhof Dated this 24th day of April 19 57 S ty Clerk ang Ex- tticio Clerk of the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California.