HomeMy WebLinkAbout6006 - Grant DeedNWC ,=,bc 7/15/64 RESOLUTION N0, 6006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED WHEREAS, there has been delivered to the City of Newport Beach a grant deed by which the - Pacific Electric Rail- way Company, a California corporation, grants to the City of Newport Beach, a municipal corporation, the following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: All thmt.portion of Coast Boulevard within the said City degcribod'as beginninry at the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Thirtieth Street and the Northeasterly line of Coast Bouleva?,rds ;hence Sosstheastorly alonga, the Northeasterly line of Coast Soulevnrd to its intersection with the Northeasterly prolon€stion of the Nortbwestarly line of Twenty-ninth Streets thence Southwesterly along: the Northeasterly prolongyatifan of thy. Worthwentarly line of Twenty - ninth Stroet9 a distance of 23011 feet to a points thence Northwesterly aloe;:; a line which line is 42 feet Northeasterly of and i'prr <,llei with the southwesterly line of Coast 3oulevrard to Its intorsection with the Southeast - arty line of Thirtiath Str-:,et; thence Northeasterly along; the Southwesterly line of Thiptioth Stroota a distance of 23,11 feet to the pl2ce of beginningg said portion being abandoned by :resolution of the Board. of 'Trustees of the City of (lowport Beeson on September 19 192! ?9 a certified copy of which was recorded Jnnuaary 100 1955 in.I3oolt 2919; sago 226 of Official RecordsW PATICPL 2 3og,inning at the intersection of the Northeasterly prolingation of the Souther:storly line of gnty -ninth ::-treat and tho Mortheasterly line of Coast 'o tile voird; thence South - a)sterly alon'r? the Northeasterly line of Coast Boulevard to its intersection with she Wortheaastnrly prolongation of the Vorthwasterly line of. twertymei; hth Streets thence Southraes- terly along the ¢Iortheastorly prolongation of the Worthwes- terly li.n.) of Twent - ei>;hth Itreete a distance of 23,13 feet to a point; thence Nortutiestorly €alone{ a: line which line is !,2 foot aaorthensterly of and pnrnllol with the 3outhwosterly line of Cosset 9ovlevnrd to Its intersection with the n €orth- e.- sterly prolcnRation of tba Southe- gstsrly line of Twenty - ninth ::.tr°aota thence Northeasterly along° tho Northeasterly prolonintion o3' the S^..uthonsterly line of Twenty -ninth t3treet9 Fa distance of 73,11 feet to the plsece of beginning, said portion being )bgndonod by Resolution of the Board of ^arus- toes of the City of Hewport Ylt-mch on September 19 1921.1.9 a certified copy of which tans recorded Janu ^ry 109 1955 in Book 29199 page 226 of Official t ?aoords, PA:tC!sI, Bogyinning at the intorpoction of the Northeasterly prom long -ation of the Sonthn:iaterly line of ^verity -ol htln Str"t and the Northeasterly line of Coaast Boulevard., thence Sou'th- assterly along the Lortha.4sterly line of Coast ioul:avaard to its intersocti •n with the i)ortherast€:rly prolongr.ition of the b a Vorthtrosterly line of 'k warty °seventh ?treat; thence :';outh- westerly olong the northo�asterly prolo n 4rtion of the 4orth -, westerly ling of 'Twonty.soventh Straot9 a distance of 23,07 feet to a pointy thence Northwesterly alonE£ a line which line is V feet Northonsterly of ind pprallol with the Southwesterly line of Coast Boulevard to its inter- section eaith the Northeasterly prolongation of the South- easterly lino of Twenty -eighth Street; thence Northeasterly Along the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of Twenty- olghth 3treetp a distance of 31,50 feet to the place of beginningp said portion being abandoned by Resolution of the Boare of Trustees of the City of :Newport Beach on aepteribor 1p 192h$ a certified copy of which was recorded January 109 1955 in Book 29199 page 226 of Official Records. FARCTM Beginning at the intersection of the Northenstarly prolongation of the Sr,suthensterly line of Twenty- seventh :;treat %and the 1.orthensterly line of Coast S?oulevaard; thence Southeasterly along! tho Northeasterly line of said Coast touleverd to its intersection with the 13orthensterly pro- longation of the t1orthwcastor17 line of Twenty -sixth Street; thence 5outhwenterly along the Northeasterly prolongation at the Northwesterly line of T%yonty =sixth Street., 23 feet to a points theme Northwe;:torl; :don=e; a line which line is 112 feet i:ortheasterl;r of lamed pnn.111ol with the South- westerly line of Coast �,ulov.rro to its intersection with the northeasterly p". oloa2„ mien of txse Southe ^sterly line of Twenty ®seventh S treat; thence `torths° cterly along, the North- easterly prolongz�tion of the :1oeathe ^sterrly line of Twenty- seventh Street, a distance of 23 feet to the place of begin - ning, said portion hein. :..bandcned by Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Bier -ch on S ptember 19 192119 a certified copy of wiaich wars recorded January 10o 1955 in Book 29199 twice 226 of Official Records, Pa1RCE?i. Beginning; at the intersection W. the Northeasterly pro- longation of the Southen- sterly line of 'a:o :ty -sixth Street antis the Dortheasterly line of Coast t3oulovo..rd; thence South - o�jstorly along the orthei +sterly line of Coast t3ouleverd to its intersection with the Hort'iiaasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly line of `wen'ty ®f_fth Street; thence Southwest - erly along t,sae VoY °tiiof3s;�arly �:,rolom-ntion of the Northwesterly line of ,f *.Qnty =fifth Strnatp s distance of 23 feet to a point; thence Vorthwestorly nlon , s line which line is 112 feet North - ensterly of and parallel with the '.`,outhwnsterly line of Coast Boulovnrd to its intersection with the fiortheasterly.prolongam tion of the southensterly line of T'wenty - sixth '.treat; thence Northavotorly aslon , tho 'orthot,sterly prolon; -tion of the Southeasterly line of Twenty-s:ax tia Street., v distance of 23 feet to the place of beginninry9 said portion being aabnn® doned by i1`e ,~elution of the Do,ard of Trustees of the City of Newport Bends on Sopto -aber 1p 192119 a, certified copy of • which was racorded Jnnu. >ry 10, 1955 in Hook 29199 page 226 of Official Records. PAiICBL 6 Beginning at the intersection of the Aortho ;�storly pro - lon;ation of the Southeasterly line of Twenty -fifth Street and the Paorthe ^sterly line of Coast i3oulevvrdD thence South- easterly along the Worthe,,sterly line of Coast Boulevard to ® 2 its intersection with the Westerly line of the Southern Pracifto "ailror)d Compnny ®s right of way, thence Southerly nlonr, the Vesterly line of the Southnrn Pacific Railroad Company's right of way to its intersection with the North- easterly p:°olontration of tho Northwesterly line of Twenty- fourth Stroot, thence Gouthwesterly along the Northeaster- ly prolongation of the Northugnterly line of Tuionty- fourth Strout to its intersoction with a line which line is 42 feet Northeasterly of and prrallei with that portion of the Southwesterly lino of Co »st Boulovaard lying Northwest- erly of Twenty- fourth Street; thence Northwestarly along a lima which line is 42 feet dortheasterly of And parallel with the Southwesterly line of Coast Boulevard to its intersection with the NorthoA3tcrly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of Twenty -fifth Street; thoneo 11orth- easterly along the Vorthegaterly prolorpIration of the Southoasterl.y litre of Twenty -fifth Streets a distance of 23,foat to the place of beginnir:gs said portion being abandoned by Resolution.of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach,on September 10 192219 a certified copy of which was recorded January 100 1955 in nook 2919, page 226 of Official Records* PA" MU, Pezinning at the Intersection of the Vortheaasterly prolonCaation of the :.outhovsterly line of Twenty - fourth Street and a line 110 feet Northeastorly of and parallel with the Sauthwesterly line of that port of Coast tioulo- vard lying Southeastorly of Twenty-fourth Street;, thence Southeasterly along a line which line is 11.0 feet North - easterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly line of that,part of Coast Boulovard lyimg inodiately Southeasterly of Twenty- fourth Street to its intersection with the Wester- ly line of the S :,utharn Facific rnilroad Cor.tpnny °s right of way; thence Northwesterly along, the Uesterly lino of the Southern Pnolfic riailroad Omapany ®s right of way to its intersection with the Worthenstorly prolongation of the Southo!= sterly line of T,.;ent7- 1'° >urth t trout, thence South - westerly along the Norther:stu ly _prolougation.of the South- easterly line of Twenty -11'o urtti 21..roet to the place of be- ginning, said portion bv4ng abcnd :;nnd by Posolution of the Board of Trustees of the ,-Sty of Newpo-rt T3each on Septembar 18 19221, a cortifled copy of e-.: = =,I.ch was recorded Jnnunu 109 1955 in Book 29199 pafe 226 of Official Records, °fi9tC;s ?T, i3 That portion of thGt certsin strip of land, 60 feet in width, deser? bed " I IV' in the deed to tho Taos Pnrolns tenter -urban Railway Compaany9 recorded May 260 19021 in Book 1039 7nen 356 of Deeds,, described as followsn 99,Innan.� at the point of intersection of the South- easterly line of Thirtieth atroat9 50 feet wider as shown on the mnp of Lake Tmet, recorded in Book 21.0 ps e 13 of . Mscellnneour a "nnss rneoros of Oraah?;a Countyp caeltforni.rs0 with tho <orthoasterly boundary of said certain strip of lands 60 font In width, thence Nort:hverto: °ly along said Vorthenste-_•ly boundary to the intersection thereof with the Ffortheasts; -.1y line of Day Avenue, ns shown on the snag, of Newport 'in2oh0.recorded in Book 39 pore 26 of i_iscelloneous Maps, records of Orange Countys California, thnnee South - easterly along, said Northeasterly line to a point in the Soa:thvaootarly aralnn titian of said S.outhe astorly line of Thirtieth Slrnot, thenco Northeasterly alone said South - westerly prolongatinn to the point of beginning; m3o • • PA R6'TL 9 That portion of that certain strip of land, 60 feet In width, described aaEr7:t OT" in the deed to one Los Angoles Inter -urban vnilwny Cawpeny, recorded Nay 26, 1904 in Book 1039 pnge 356 of Leeds, bounded on the North >ayst by the Southwostorly prolongation of the Southpasterly line of Thirtieth Street, 50 feet wjdo9 as shown on the map of Lake Tract, recorded in 'Book 4o page 13 of Lliscellnneous Maps9 rocards of Orange County, California, and bounded on the Southeast by the Vestorly aide line of that certain strip of land, 100 feet widep described in the deed to the southern Pacific Railroad Company, recorded October 14.0 1921 in Book 405, page 250 of Doodso Excepting therefrom that ,portion thereof lying South- westerly of the NorWesastorly lino of Bay Avenue, as shows on the mnp of howport ranch, recorded in Book 3p page 26 of Miscellaneous Hops, records of Orange Countya Californiao 4 6's? RC L 10 Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 1 in Block 127 of the Lake Tractp gewport oach9 as shown on a Map recorded in Book 4, page 13 of i iscolinneous f %us, records of Orange County, 011forni.op said Southerly corner of Lot l being in the Westor.ly line of the strip of lend 100 feet in width conveyed by Wos McFadden to Santa Ana and Newport Railway Co_rtpa:ny by dead recorded in Bock 78p Page 399 of Deeds, racor. s of Orange County, California; thence Southerly along- said ouster y line of.100 ®foot strip of land to.its intersection with the Northeasterly line of the strip of land 60 foot in width first described in the deed from the Newport Be -oh 0imp any to Los Angeles Inter - Urb an °RnUwasy Company, recordad in Nook 103p page 356 of Deeds, records of Orange County, California; thence North- westerly along the Northeasterly line of said 60 -foot strips of land to its intersection aeit'h a line prawn at right angles to the Asterly line of above mentioned Lot 1 in flock 127 of said Lake Tract at a point 70 feet distant Porthwesterly along said Masterly line from the *most southerly corner of said Lot 1; thence ;:easterly aalonp sold line drawn at right angles to said xasterly line of Slot 1 to a point in the Southwest:arly line of said Lot 19 thence Southenstorly along said 4outhwest3rly line of Lot 10 ac distance of 7304 feet, more or less, to the point of beginningm A portion of Lot 1 in Block 127 of Lake Tract, Newport Dench, as shown on a Map r000Ked in hoots W Pogo 13 of Miscellaneous Mspsp records of Orange County, California, described as follows% Beginning at the thence Northwesterly as a distnnce of 70 feet; said Easterly line of a little more or less, of said Lot 1; thence . line of said Lot 1, a or less, to the point PAROW 12 most Southerly corner of said Lot 1$ long the 7asterly line of said Lot 10 thence Westerly at right angles to sold Lot 19 as distAnce of 22.20 feet, to a point in the Southwesterly line Southeasterly along; said Southwesterly distance of 73,44 feet, a little more of beginning. Trot 1 in Block 127 of Lake Tract, to shown on a Map recorded in Boole 4, pa �e 13 of Miscollaneous Msps, records of Orange County, California. mph® III d o Meep ting therefrom most Southerly corner at the East:arly lino of said westerly at right angles as distnneaa of 22o20 feet, in the Souttxmo sterly line along said Southwesterly 73, ? =4 feet, a little more N tr the following: ete;innin; Pt the sold lot; .then.. ^re Korth "sstorly along lot, a distance of 70 feet; thence to said ; asterly lino of said lot® a little more or less$ to an ;point of said Lot 1; thence 6owthanstorly lice of said Lot 19 a distance of or less9 to the point of beginning. Also excapting thore£ron the portion con 1yed to the City of Newport BoDch by dewed recorded Soptembor 59 1933 in Book 6269 Page 335 of Officinal !Records, PARCEL 13 That portion of Lot 2 in Block 127 of Lake 'Tract, sa shown on a Hop recorded in Book !i, pare 13 of hiscellaneous r? ps, records of Orange Countyp valifortaiap lying southeast- erly of the land convoyed to the City of fdewport Basch by dead recorded soptombor 59 1933 in Book 6269 page 335 of Official Records, PAHCQ lt.! Beginning at ca ,point in the hasterly line of Lot 1 an block 127 of Lake iractp as shown on a Rap recorded in Book 49 Page 13 of T°TincellaancousNQpes, records of Orange county, California, distant 70 feet Morthwe storly alone; said Insterly line from the most Southerly corner os said Lots 1; thence Westerly along a fins drawn at right anglos to said Easterly lines to an intersection with Me Nost rly lima of sold Lot 19 the true point of beginning of the land heroin described; thence continuing nlonp said line drawn at right an;les to the Ustaarly line of said Lot 1 to its intersection with the Northeasterly liege of the str.io of land 60 feet in width first described in the deed from Perport WPM Co ppny to y Los n ells intgr -Urban da'ilatay Company, recorded My 269 1904 In Book 103, agile 356 of t ardts; thence Northwesterly along the Vorthonstarly line of said 60 font strip of hens; to its Intersection with the strip conveyed to the vity of Newport Beach by dared rocoriod =opts °; ;nor 5, 1933 in look 626, Page 335 of Official Records; ;sows• N a°i:3 *..=:antarly alone said strip convoyed to the City of , wgort Mnch to its inter. section with the kast:rly line of Loy. 2 In said block 127; thance Southeasterly ealonS~ the ".S estarly line of said Lots 2 and 1 to the 'true point of beginning. P cy l5 That portion of Lot 20 in Block 30 of ,seta,: ort bench, as shown an as Hap recorded in Book 39 page 26 of hiseellaneous Haps, records of Orange County, Caalifor7=.a, included within the boundaries of that• ' certnin strip of lend, 60 feet in width, described "MOT'' in the dead to the Los Angeles :Enter =Ceps ban hallway Compnry, recorded iir-,y 26, 1904 in Book 103p i;ago 356 of Deeds,, Pt, 11,itz, 16 That portion of thaat certain strip of land, 60 feet in width, described "Second" in the dosed to the Pacific Blectrio • Lend Company, any, r000road December 209 1905 In Book 1239 gage 63 Of Uoods, said cer't:nin strip of Innd� being, ealgneted °S,I�oI'soHow as shown an the snap of Awport Beach recorded in Kok 39 pale 26 of Miscellaneous Onpsp records of `aranya County& 091ifornie, described as follows, .5- a ` Beginninn at the paint of intersection of the North - westerly line of Thirty -first Street, 50 fact aide, as shown an said repo of Newport Bench with the Southerly line of said certain strip of lands 60 feet in width; thence Easterly alone said Southerly line to its inorsection with the South- westerly line of Bay Avenue (nose A10, Boulovard)9 as shown on said map of Newport Bach; thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly line to its intersection frith the North - easterly prolongation of said Northweisterly line of Thirty= first Street; thence Southwesterly along said Northeasterly prolongation to the point of beginningo P QCFL 17_ Those portions of Lots 169 17 And 16 in Block 31 of &T.ewport 39ach9 as shown on a Map recorded in Book 39 page 26 of MiscolloWoous3 'Va.ps, records of Ornngo County; California; and that portion of thn,t certain strip of hand; 60 feet in width, described Wocond" in the deed to the Pacific Slectric Land Company, recorded December 20, 1905 in Hook 1239 page 83 of Deeds, said certain strip of lnnd being design€ +tad "Sos'olioiim'° as shown on said map of Newport 3each, described as asshole as follows; Beginning at the most Northerly corner of said Lot 16; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line and its Southeasterly prolongation of said Lot 16 to its intersection with the Northeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly ling of Thirty -first Stroot, 50 feet wide; as shown on said map of Newport Wench; thence Southwesterly along said Northeasterly prolongation and along said Northwesterly line of Thirty - first .Street, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence Northwesterly in a direct line to the point of beginning. PAWL 18 That portion of that certain Fa1loy, 10 feet wide, ad- joining Lot 16 in Block 31 of FooPor 't -::aach, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 3, page 26 of n1scallsa.ns sus Maps, records of Orange County, California, boundU or the ::ovthoast by the Southeasterly prolongation of the Northenstoply line of said Lot 16 and bounded on the Southway €st by the following described line: Beginning at a point in the Vorthwentorly line of Thirty- first `3troest9 50 feet widep as shown on cnid neap of Newport Bench, distnnt 2outhwenturly along said Northwesterly line and its Northeasterly prolongation 25.00 feet from the South- easterly prolongation of the 'sorthsonterly line of said Lot 16 in Block 31; thence :northwesterly in a direct line to the most Northerly corner of slid Lot 16 in Block 31, That portion of Ant certain strip of lr:nd9 60 feat in width, described "Second" in the deed to the Pacific Esloctric Land Company, recorded Uacenbor 209 1905 in gook 1238 Rage 63 . of Doeds9 said certain strip of land being; desinnrted as shown on the map of Newport Besch, recorded in Book y9 page 26 of Miscellpneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, included Athin the boundaries of Bay Avenue (40 foot aside), as shown on said map of Newport Bench. o 6 o L Together with all right, title and interest of the grantor in and to the land underlying those portions of the abutting public streets which would pass with a conveyance of the land hereinabove described in Parcels 1 through 19. SUBJECT to easements, restrictions, reservations, conditions and covenants of record, EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, however, to the Grantor, its succes- sors and assigns, forever, the title and exclusive right to all of the minerals, mineral ores and products of every kind within or underlying said land below a depth of 500 feet, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all petroleum, oil, natural gas, and hydrocarbon substances; TOGETHER WITH the right of ingress and egress beneath the surface of said land to explore for, extract, mine and remove the same, and the right to maintain well holes through said land for the purpose of removing substances from other lands, whether such lands are adjoining or removed, and every right and use necessary or useful to such rights, which uses may include lateral or slant drilling, boring, digging or sinking of wells, shafts or tunnels; PROVIDED HOWEVER that Grantor,, its successors and assigns shall not use or enter upon the surface of said land, and shall not disturb any improvements thereon or remove or impair the lateral or subjacent support of said land or any improvements thereon, and shall not penetrate said land or remove substances therefrom within 500 feet of the surface, subject to, and in accordance with, all applicable state and local laws. In the exercise of said reserved exclusive easements, mineral rights and reservations, grantor may pool said lands with other lands. The rights of grantor shall include, but shall in no way be limited to, all subterranean rights necessary, incidental or convenient to the full exercise of the rights reserved by grantor below five hundred feet (500 °) of the surface of said land and shall include the right to drill and maintain well holes through the said land below five hundred feet (500 °) from the surface thereof for the purpose of removing oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances from other lands whether such other lands be adjacent, contiguous or distant from said lands; and WHEREAS, said grant deed is in accordance with the agree- went to purchase said property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said grant deed be accepted and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to execute and attach thereto a certificate of acceptance and consent to its recording and to record said document in the County Recorder's office. ADOPTED this 27th day of July, 1964. f= • ATTEST: Mayor Vl A.._A�4 �Ci ty Clerk— -7- ti k 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH) 4 I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according, to the records of the City of Newport Beach.file.d and maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 6006 was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council. of the City of Newport Beach,. California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 27th day of July , 19 64 , by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Stoddard, Forgit, Gruber, Elder, Marshall„ Parsons NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Cook Dated this 28th day of July „ 19 64 k•ya ... City Clerk and gx -Officio Clerk of..the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California. J l