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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 - Proposed Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island) — Approval of Preliminary Engineers Report and Notice of Intent to Form Underground Utility DistrictQ �EwPpRT CITY OF O � z NEWPORT BEACH <,FORN'P City Council Staff Report June 8, 2021 Agenda Item No. 7 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: David A. Webb, Public Works Director - 949-644-3311, PREPARED BY: Michael J. Sinacori, Assistant City Engineer PHONE: 949-644-3342 TITLE: Resolution Nos. 2021-50 and 2021-51: Proposed Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island) — Approval of Preliminary Engineers Report and Notice of Intent to Form Underground Utility District ABSTRACT: The property owners within a roughly 50 -block area of central Balboa Island submitted a petition requesting formation of an underground utility assessment district (AD 124). The City Council certified the petition for AD 124 on February 23, 2021. The City Council is now asked to declare its intention to levy assessments and issue bonds to finance the undergrounding, approve the Assessment Engineer's Report, and set July 27, 2021, as the time and place for a Public Hearing for AD 124. RECOMMENDATION: a) Adopt Resolution No. 2021-50, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Declaring Its Intention to Take Proceedings Pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and to Issue Bonds Pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and Make Certain Findings and Determinations in Connection Therewith, all Relating to the Formation of Assessment District No. 124; and b) Adopt Resolution No. 2021-51, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Preliminarily Approving the Assessment Engineer's Report and Fixing the Time and Place of the Public Hearing for Assessment District No. 124. DISCUSSION: Owners of property located in the proposed assessment district submitted a petition to the City of Newport Beach (City) in December 2020, requesting the formation of a special assessment district to underground overhead utilities. On February 22, 2021, the assessment engineer certified that owners representing more than 60 percent of the assessable property area within Proposed Assessment District No. 124 had signed a petition for undergrounding overhead utilities. On February 23, 2021, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2021-12 certifying the petition for AD 124. 7-1 Resolution Nos. 2021-50 and 2021-51: Proposed Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island) — Approval of Preliminary Engineers Report and Notice of Intent to Form Underground Utility District June 8, 2021 Page 2 AD 124 is being proposed for the conversion of existing overhead utilities to underground locations. The property owners within the boundaries of the proposed assessment district will bear the cost of the improvements and the associated proceedings. The Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 governs the procedures used to create the assessment district. Bonds issued under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 carry up to a 40 -year term and are issued to finance assessments not paid in cash within 30 days after confirmation of the assessment. Staff is recommending a 20 -year term for AD 124. The Federal Income Tax Component of Contribution (ITCC) has been eliminated pursuant to City Council direction. The ITCC is a tax assessed whenever private party contributions in aid of construction (CIAC) are made. To date, underground utility districts have not been assessed this tax as underground utility districts are viewed as providing public benefit by increasing community aesthetics and public safety. If following the public hearing and balloting AD 124 is formed, an assessment lien would be recorded on the title of properties included in the district. Thereafter, a cash collection period would take place to provide property owners with an opportunity to prepay their assessment and remove the assessment lien. A second cash collection period is also anticipated prior to the bond sale, which is anticipated to occur prior to construction and after design is complete. The total assessment for Proposed Assessment District No. 124 is estimated as follows: Proposed Assessment District No. 124 ITEM COST Cost of Design and Construction $28,764,200 Incidental Costs and Expenses $1,262,500 Financing Bond Costs $2,789,000 Estimated Total Cost: $32,815,700 In addition to the payment of the assessment, each property owner will be responsible for the costs of connecting the main service conduit in the public right-of-way to the property owner's home or business, if applicable. The cost to the property owner for this conversion varies depending on the condition and location of the current electrical service. Each property owner is encouraged to contact a licensed electrical contractor to assess its particular property needs. As this project is very large and in the interest of time, SCE recommends designing and constructing the project in two phases. The first phase would start at the Grand Canal and move westerly to the middle of the project area. That would focus SCE and the other utility companies design efforts and allow the City to start the construction of portions of the district sooner than later. 7-2 Resolution Nos. 2021-50 and 2021-51: Proposed Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island) — Approval of Preliminary Engineers Report and Notice of Intent to Form Underground Utility District June 8, 2021 Page 3 The following is a tentative schedule for proposed AD 124: Resolution of Intention June 8, 2021 Public Hearing July 27, 2021 Utility Companies Phase 1 Design January 2023 Completed (Phase 2 a year later) Tentative Bond Sale Period May 2023 City managed utility construction work August 2023 commences — Phase 1 Property owners notified to begin April 2025 installingservice connections — Phase 1 City managed utility construction work August 2024 commences — Phase 2 Property owners notified to begin April 2026 installingservice connections — Phase 2 Property owner's complete conversions December 2026 Public utilities begin to remove overhead January 2027 structures Public utilities finish removing poles and Summer 2027 overhead structures The assessment engineer used a lot size methodology to apportion assessments within this district based on the finding that a majority of the properties are receiving similar safety, connection aesthetic, and view enhancement benefits. The special benefits from undergrounding the overhead utilities were defined as follows: • Improved Aesthetics Benefit: This benefit relates to the improved aesthetics of the streetscape due to the removal of overhead wires and utility poles. For the purposes of this report, a street is defined as either a street or alley. The removal of guy wires and other support structures related to the overhead facilities are included in the definition of improved aesthetics. Properties that are directly adjacent to overhead facilities receive an aesthetic benefit. This benefit is based on the area of the parcel. • Safety Benefit: This benefit relates to the additional safety of having the overhead distribution wires placed underground and having the power poles removed, which eliminates the threat of downed utility lines and poles due to wind, rain and other unforeseeable events. Falling facilities can lead to personal injuries and damage to structures, including fire. Properties immediately adjacent to the facilities usually have a greater risk. Furthermore, in areas like Central Balboa Island, the negative effects of falling lines and poles are widespread including blocked driveways and property damage due to impact. Many of the streets are narrow with one-way only designations. Alleys are often used as a travelway rather than just ingress and egress to properties. Properties that are adjacent to, or in proximity of, overhead facilities receive a safety benefit. This benefit is based on the average area of the parcels in the district. 7-3 Resolution Nos. 2021-50 and 2021-51: Proposed Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island) — Approval of Preliminary Engineers Report and Notice of Intent to Form Underground Utility District June 8, 2021 Page 4 • Reliability Benefit: This benefit relates to the enhanced reliability of service from the utilities being underground, due to having all new wires and equipment and having that equipment underground, which reduces the threat of service interruption from downed lines. When compared to overhead systems, fewer outages occur due to various acts of nature, traffic collisions and obstructions (such as trees). Properties that are connected to, or have the ability to connect to, the facilities proposed to be undergrounded receive a reliability benefit. This benefit is based on the average area of the parcels in the district. The range for the estimated assessment costs per parcel is as follows: District No. Range of Assessments70% of Properties Assessed AD 124 $24,614.23 to $45,334.09 Under $33,630.95 Note that assessments vary due to the property size and benefits received. Ballot Tabulation Procedures: All assessment ballots submitted to the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing, recommended to be set for July 27, 2021, will be tabulated per the ballot tabulation procedures directed by City Council Policy L-28. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council approved Budget Amendment No. 21-031 on February 23, 2021, appropriating $135,000 from the General Fund to Account No. 67502-941006 (AD Assessment Engineering) for preliminary design and assessment engineering costs. In the event that formation of the district is successful, these costs will be reimbursed by cash contributions and bond proceeds from property owners within the district. If the district fails to be formed, funds advanced for preliminary work cannot be recovered from the proposed district property owners. In such case, the General Fund will cover the advance used for preliminary formation costs. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: On February 23, 2021 the City Council deemed this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15302(d) (conversion of overhead electric utility distribution system facilities to underground including connection to existing overhead electric utility distribution lines where the surface is restored to the condition existing prior to the undergrounding). 7-4 Resolution Nos. 2021-50 and 2021-51: Proposed Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island) — Approval of Preliminary Engineers Report and Notice of Intent to Form Underground Utility District June 8, 2021 Page 5 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Resolution No. 2021-50 Attachment B — Resolution No. 2021-51 Attachment C — Notice of Exemption 7-5 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. 2021- 50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913 AND TO ISSUE BONDS PURSUANT TO THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915, AND MAKE CERTAIN FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, ALL RELATING TO THE FORMATION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ("City") desires to provide certain property located in the City with the undergrounding of electric, telephone and cable facilities, and the removal of poles, overhead wires, guys, anchors and appurtenant work therewith as further described in Section 3 hereof ("Improvements") and to order the formation of an Assessment District to pay the costs thereof under and pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 (the 1913 Act'); WHEREAS, the proposed assessment district, if it is formed, is to be known and designated as Assessment District No. 124 ("Assessment District'); WHEREAS, the proposed boundaries of the Assessment District are shown on a map which indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory proposed to be included in the Assessment District, which map is designated "Proposed Assessment District No. 124" ("Map"), which Map is on file in the office of the City Clerk; WHEREAS, the City Council has been presented with petitions signed by at least fifty percent (50%) of the property owners located within the boundaries of the proposed Assessment District requesting the formation of the Assessment District to finance the Improvements; WHEREAS, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Section 5896.8, there is on file with the City Clerk a certificate of NV5, Inc. certifying the sufficiency of such petitions; WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council that the Assessment District should be formed to finance the installation of said Improvements under the provisions of the 1913 Act; WHEREAS, the City Engineer, with the assistance of NV5, Inc., is competent to make and file with the City Clerk the report with regard to the Improvements, which report is required by the 1913 Act to be made and filed; 7-6 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 2 of 7 WHEREAS, the conversion of overhead electric utility distribution system facilities to underground, including connection to existing overhead electric utility distribution lines where the surface is restored to the condition existing prior to undergrounding, is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) ("CEQA") and its implementing guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations Section 15000 et seq.) ("Guidelines") pursuant to Section 15302(d) of the Guidelines; WHEREAS, before ordering the Improvements, the City Council is required, under the 1913 Act, to adopt a resolution declaring its intention to do so; WHEREAS, the City Council intends to consider issuing bonds secured by the assessments to be levied on property in the Assessment District pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) of the Streets and Highways Code ("1915 Act"); and WHEREAS, before issuing bonds, the City Council is required, under the 1915 Act, to adopt a resolution declaring its intention to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The above recitals, and each of them, are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this resolution. Section 2: The Map is hereby approved, adopted and declared to describe the proposed boundaries of the Assessment District, and it shall govern for all details as to the extent of the Assessment District. The City Clerk is hereby directed to endorse her certificate on the original of the Map evidencing the date and adoption of this resolution and to file said Map in her office, and to file a copy of said Map so endorsed with the County Recorder of Orange, California within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of the resolution fixing the time and place of hearing on the formation and extent of the Assessment District. 7-7 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 3 of 7 Section 3: The Improvements generally include the undergrounding of existing electric, telephone and cable facilities, including the removal of poles, overhead wires, guys and anchors and the installation of new underground service connections and new streetlights and appurtenant work therewith as shown on the Map. The improvements will be designed by the Southern California Edison Company ("Edison") and other utility providers. Either Edison, the City, or the City's contractors will construct the Improvements, and the City will inspect the work to ensure conformance to City standards and specifications where applicable. Once completed, the underground facilities will become the property and responsibility of Edison and such other utility providers. Each owner of property located within the Assessment District will be responsible for arranging and paying for work on his or her property necessary to connect facilities constructed by the public utilities in the public streets to the points of connection on the private property owned by the property owner. Conversion of individual service connections on private property is not included in the work done by the Assessment District. Failure to convert individual service connections on private property may result in a recommendation to the City Council that the public utilities be directed to discontinue service to that property. Overhead facilities cannot be removed until all overhead service has been discontinued. Section 4: The City Council hereby finds and declares that the public interest and necessity require the Improvements, and the Improvements will be of direct and special benefit to the properties and land within the Assessment District. The City Council hereby declares its intention to order the conversion of the existing overhead electric and communication facilities to underground locations, and the acquisition of the Improvements, to make the expenses thereof chargeable upon the area included within the Assessment District, and to form the Assessment District. Section 5: The City Council further declares its intention to levy a special assessment upon the land within the Assessment District in accordance with the respective special and direct benefit to be received by each parcel of land from the Improvements. Section 6: This City Council finds and determines that before ordering the acquisition of the Improvements it shall take proceedings pursuant to the 1913 Act and pursuant to Part 7.5 of the Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931, Streets and Highways Code Section 2960 et seq. (the 1931 Act"). Section 7: NV5, Inc. is appointed the Assessment Engineer. The Assessment Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to make and file with the City Clerk a written report with regard to the 1913 Act ("Report"), which Report shall comply with the requirements of Section 10204 and Section 2961 of the Streets and Highways Code and Article XIIID of the California Constitution and shall contain the following: W Resolution No. 2021 - Page 4 of 7 (a) Plans and specifications for the Improvements; (b) A general description of works or appliances already installed and any other property necessary or convenient for the operation of the Improvements, if the works, appliances or property are to be acquired as part of the Improvements; (c) An estimate of the cost of the Improvements, and the cost of land, rights of ways, easements, and incidental expenses in connection with the Improvements, including the cost of registering bonds; (d) A diagram showing the exterior boundaries of the Assessment District, the boundaries of any zones within the Assessment District and the lines and dimensions of each parcel of land within the Assessment District as they existed at the time of passage of this resolution (each subdivision to be given a separate number on the diagram); (e) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the cost and expenses of the proposed Improvements upon the several subdivisions of land in the Assessment District in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivision, respectively, from the Improvements (the assessment shall refer to the subdivisions by their respective numbers assigned as provided in (d) above); and (f) A proposed maximum annual assessment upon each of the several subdivisions of land in the Assessment District to pay costs incurred by the City and not otherwise reimbursed which result from the administration and collection of assessments or from the administration or registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds. In addition, the Report shall contain the information required by the 1931 Act as set forth in Streets and Highways Code Section 2961(b), including: (a) The total amount, as near as may be determined, of the total principal sum of all unpaid special assessments and special assessments required or proposed to be levied under any completed or pending assessment proceedings, other than the proposed assessments to be levied with respect to the Assessment District, which would require an investigation and report under the 1931 Act against the total area proposed to be assessed, and 7-9 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 5 of 7 (b) The total true value, as near as may be determined, of the parcels of land and improvements within the Assessment District which are proposed to be assessed. Total true value may be estimated as the full cash value of the parcels as shown upon the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange. Alternatively, total true value may be determined by other reasonable means, including, but not limited to, by adjusting the value shown on the last equalized assessment roll to correct for deviations from market value due to Article XIIIA of the California Constitution. Section 8: Following the acquisition of the Improvements and the payment of all incidental expenses in connection with the formation of the Assessment District and the issuance of bonds pursuant to the 1915 Act, any surplus remaining in the improvement fund established for the Assessment District shall be used as determined by the City Council as provided in Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code. Section 9: Notice is hereby given that serial or term bonds to represent unpaid assessments and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum will be issued in the manner provided in the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 to represent the unpaid assessments and the last installment of such bonds shall mature a maximum of twenty (20) years from the second day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. The principal amount of such bonds maturing or becoming subject to mandatory prior redemption each year shall not be an amount equal to an even annual proportion of the aggregate principal amount of the bonds, but rather (except as specifically otherwise provided by the City Council in connection with the sale of such bonds), shall be an amount which, when added to the amount of interest payable in each year, will be a sum which is substantially equal in each year, except for the moneys falling due on the first maturity or mandatory prior redemption date of the bonds which shall be adjusted to reflect the amount of interest earned from the date when the bonds bear interest to the date when the first interest is payable on the bonds. Such bonds shall be serviced and collected by the City Treasurer or by such registrar and/or paying agent(s) as this City Council may from time to time designate. Section 10: The provisions of Part 11.1 of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, providing an alternative procedure for the advance payment of assessments and the calling of bonds, shall apply. Section 11: Except as specifically otherwise provided for herein, the Improvements shall be made and ordered pursuant to the provisions of the 1913 Act. Section 12: The City Council hereby determines that the City will not obligate itself to advance available funds from its treasury to cure any deficiency which may occur in the bond redemption fund established for the Assessment District. 7-10 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 6 of 7 Section 13: The public interests will not be served by allowing the property owners to take any contract to be let for the construction of the Improvements, and no notice of award of contract shall be published. Section 14: It is hereby determined that the bonds proposed to be issued in these proceedings may be refunded. Any adjustment to assessments resulting from such refunding shall be done on a pro rata basis as required pursuant to Section 8571.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. Any such refunding shall be pursuant to the provisions of Division 11.5 (commencing with Section 9500) of the Streets and Highways Code, except that, if, following the filing of the report specified in Section 9523 and any subsequent modifications of the report, the City Council finds that all of the conditions specified in Section 9525 are satisfied and that the adjustments to assessments are on a pro rata basis, the City Council may approve and confirm the report and without further proceedings, authorize, issue, and sell the refunding bonds pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 9600) of Division 11.5 of the Streets and Highways Code. Any such refunding bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, or such higher rate of interest as may be authorized by applicable law at the time of sale of such bonds; and the last installment of such bonds shall mature on such date as will be determined by the City Council in the proceedings for such refunding. Section 15: It is in the public interest and more economical to do certain work on private property to eliminate any disparity in level or size between the Improvements and private property and to add the actual cost of such work to the Assessment of the property to which such work was done; provided that no work of this nature shall be performed until and unless the written consent of the owner of property is first obtained. Section 16: Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 10110, the City intends to enter into agreements with Edison and the other utility providers, and any agreement between the City and Edison, or any other public utility, for the ownership, management, or control of the underground electric, telephone and cable facilities to be installed pursuant to the Improvements, would benefit any current or future residents of the Assessment District. Section 17: Pursuant to Section 15302(d) of the Guidelines, the undergrounding of the Improvements will have no significant effect on the environment and is categorically exempt from CEQA. The City Clerk is directed to work with the Community Development Director to cause a notice of exemption to be posted as required by law. 7-11 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 7 of 7 Section 18: All inquiries for any and all information relating to these proceedings, including information relating to protest procedures, should be directed to: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Attention: Michael Sinacori 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949) 644-3342 Section 19: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 20: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 8th day of June, 2021. Brad Avery Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE .t,— C. Aaron C. Harp City Attorney 7-12 ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 2021- 51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, PRELIMINARILY APPROVING THE ASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REPORT AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2021-50 ("Resolution of Intention") in the proceedings for the formation of Assessment District No. 124 ("Assessment District") this City Council ordered a report ("Report") prepared by NV5, Inc. ("Assessment Engineer") under and pursuant to the provisions of Article XI IID of the California Constitution ("Article XIIID") and the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 ("1913 Act"), and, in particular, Section 10204 of the California Streets and Highways Code; and WHEREAS, the Assessment Engineer has prepared the Report and filed the same with the City Clerk, and the City Clerk has presented the Report to this City Council for consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The Report is preliminarily approved, and the City Clerk is directed to endorse the fact and date of such approval on the Report and to file the Report in her office. The Report shall stand as the report for the purpose of all subsequent proceedings under the 1913 Act and Article XIIID except that it may be conformed, modified, or corrected as provided in the 1913 Act and Article XIIID. Section 2: Pursuant to Section 2961 of the Streets and Highways Code and based on the information set forth in the Report, this City Council finds that the total amount of the principal sum of all unpaid special assessments levied against the parcels proposed to be assessed, other than contemplated by the present proceedings, plus the principal amount of the special assessment proposed to be levied in the instant proceedings, do not exceed one-half of the total value of the parcels proposed to be assessed, as computed pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 2961. Section 3: A public hearing shall be held on July 27, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. at the regular meeting place of the City Council at City Hall Council Chambers, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660, to hear and consider protests and objections to the proposed Assessment District and the Report and to receive and count the ballots for and against the proposed Assessment District. 7-13 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 2 of 3 Section 4: At least forty-five (45) days prior to the public hearing referred to in Section 3 hereof, the City Clerk shall cause a notice of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention, the filing of the Report and the setting of time and place for said public meeting and the public hearing referred to in Section 2 hereof to be mailed, postage prepaid, to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed in the Assessment District and whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized County of Orange assessment roll or the State Board of Equalization assessment roll, as the case may be, or who are known to the City Clerk. Such notice shall conform in all respects to the provisions of Section 53753 of the California Government Code and Article XIIID, Section 4 of the California Constitution. Section 5: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the operative part of this resolution. Section 6: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 7: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment), 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly, and 15302(d) there is a Categorical Exclusion for the conversion of overhead electrical utility distribution system facilities to underground. 7-14 Resolution No. 2021 - Page 3 of 3 Section 8: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 8th day of June, 2021. Brad Avery Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I_ Brown City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Aaron C. Harp City Attorney Attachment: Preliminary Engineer's Report 7-15 V -- I i PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 (CENTRAL BALBOA ISLAND) BAY PREPARED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH J e 8, 202` r r N V 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction and Certifications....................................................................................... 1 PARTI Plans and Specifications................................................................................... 6 PARTIICost Estimate................................................................................................... 7 PARTIII Assessment Roll and Method ofAssessment Spread ....................................... 8 Table 1 -Assessment Roll.............................................................................. 10 Debt Limit Valuation...................................................................................... 30 Exhibit 1 -Method and Formula of Assessment Spread .................................. 31 PARTIV Annual Administrative Assessment............................................................... 37 PARTV Diagram of Assessment District..................................................................... 38 PART VI Description of Facilities.................................................................................. 45 Right -of -Way Certificate................................................................................ 47 Certification of Completion of Environmental Proceedings .......................... 48 APPENDIX A. Assessment Calculations City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 1 7-17 NNIS AGENCY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PROJECT: UNDERGROUNDING UTILITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 (Central Balboa Island) TO: CITY COUNCIL ENGINEER'S "REPORT" PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 2961 AND 10204 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE The purpose of this Assessment District is to provide financing to underground power, telephone and cable facilities in the area known as Central Balboa Island. The proposed underground utility improvements will provide conversion to an upgraded utility system and will enhance neighborhood aesthetics, safety and reliability. The construction ofthese improvements will conform to existing City ofNewport Beach, Southern California Edison, AT&T and Time Warner Cable standards. Byvirtue ofsuch improvements, the proposed improvements are of special and direct benefit to these properties. Pursuant to the provisions of Article XIIID of the State Constitution, Part 7.5 of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931", being Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of said Code, and the Resolution of Intention, adopted by the City Council of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, State of California, in connection with the proceedings for Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"), I, Jeffrey M. Cooper, P.E., a Registered Professional Engineer and authorized representative of NVS, Inc., the duly appointed Engineer of Work, herewith submits the "Report" for the Assessment District, consisting of six (6) parts as stated below. PART This part contains the plans and specifications which describe the general nature, location and extent for the proposed improvements to be constructed, and are filed herewith and made a part hereof. Said plans and specifications are on file in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets. PART II This part contains an estimate of the cost of the proposed improvements, including capitalized interest, if any, incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith as set forth herein and attached hereto. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202112 7-18 N V 5 PART III This part consists of the following information: A. A proposed assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of the proposed improvements upon the several subdivisions of land within the Assessment District, in proportion to the special benefits to be received by such subdivisions from said improvements, which is set forth upon the assessment roll filed herewith and made a part hereof. B. The total amount, as near as may be determined, of the total principal sum of all unpaid special assessments and special assessments required or proposed to be levied under any completed or pending assessment proceedings, other than that contemplated for the Assessment District, which would require an investigation and report under the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931" against the total area proposed to be assessed. C. The total true value, determined from the latest Assessor's roll, of the parcels of land and improvements which are proposed to be assessed. PART IV This part contains the proposed maximum annual administrative assessment to be levied upon each subdivision or parcel of land within the Assessment District to pay the costs incurred by the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, and not otherwise reimbursed, resulting from the administration and collection of assessments, from the administration and registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds, or both. PART V This part contains a map showing the boundaries of the Assessment District, and a diagram showing the Assessment District, the boundaries and the dimensions of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District, as the same existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention. The Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram are filed herewith and made a part hereof, and part of the assessment. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202113 7-19 N V 5 PART VI This part shall consist of the following information: A. Description of facilities B. Right -of -Way Certificate C. Environmental Certificate This report is submitted on June 8, 2021 Q�OF E 8 S1, M CO 0 Z LU No. C31572 lFOFCA\\�� NV5, INC. JEFFREY MYCOOPER, P.E. R. E. No. 31572 ENGINEER OF WORK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202114 7-20 NNIS Preliminary approval by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, on the day of 12021 CITY CLERK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202115 7-21 N V 5 PART I Plans and Specifications The plans and specifications to construct the utility undergrounding improvements, and any ancillary improvements thereof, for the area generally described as Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No 124 area bounded by Agate Avenue, North Bay Front, Grand Canal and South Bay Front describe the general nature, location and extent of the improvements for Assessment District are referenced herein and incorporated as if attached and a part of this Report. Said Plans and Specifications for the improvements will be on file in the office of the Superintendent of Streets when compiled. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202116 7-22 V 5 Part II Cost Estimate ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 Utility Engineering & Construction Southern California Edison AT&T Civil Utility Construction Cost* Paving Restoration Cost (75% Contribution) Contingency 17.5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION INCIDENTAL EXPENSES: Assessment Engineering Contract Inspection City Administration Financial Advisor Bond and Disclosure Counsel Underwriter's Counsel Special Tax Consultant Paying Agent Credit Enhancement/Rating Agency Fee Printing, Advertising, Notices Miscellaneous Subtotal Incidental Expenses Construction Subtotal Incidental & Construction FINANCIAL COSTS Underwriter's Discount Bond Reserve Capitalized Interest - 5.0% for 6 Months Subtotal & Financial Costs TOTAL ESTIMATE Preliminary Final Estimate Estimate $1,260,000 $280,000 $20,432,200 $2,508,000 $24,480,200 $4,284,000 $28,764,200 $200,000 $600,000 $250,000 $50,000 $100,000 $0 $30,000 $7,500 $0 $15,000 $10,000 $1,262,500 $28,764,200 $30,026,700 1.0% $328,000 5.0% $1,641,000 2.5% $820,000 8.5% $2,789,000 $32,815,700.00 * Includes an additional $500,000 for potential street light replacements at residents request. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 17 7-23 N V 5 Part III Assessment Roll and Method of Assessment Spread WHEREAS, on , 2021 the City Council of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, State of California, did, pursuant to the provisions of the 1913 Act "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 ", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code, of the State of California, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 2021- , for the installation and construction of certain public improvements, together with appurtenances and appurtenant work in connection therewith (the "improvements"), in a special assessment district known and designated as "Assessment District No. 124 (Central Balboa Island)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"); and WHEREAS, said Resolution of Intention, as required by Law, did direct the Engineer of Work to make and file a "Report", consisting of the following as required by Section 10204 of the Act: a. Plans and Specifications b. A general description of works or appliances already installed and any other property necessary or convenient for the operation of the improvement, if the works, appliances, or property are to be acquired as part of the improvement. c. Cost Estimates d. Assessment Diagram showing the Assessment District and the subdivisions of land therein; e. A proposed assessment of the costs and expenses of the works of improvement levied upon the parcels within the boundaries of the Assessment District; f. The proposed maximum annual assessment to be levied upon each subdivision or parcel of land within the Assessment District to pay the costs incurred by the City and not otherwise reimbursed resulting from the administration and collection of assessments or from the administration and registration of any associated bonds and reserve or other related funds. For particulars, reference is made to the Resolution of Intention as previously adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEFFREY M. COOPER, P.E., the authorized representative of NV5, pursuant to Article XIIID of the California Constitution and the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", do hereby submit the following: 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Law and the Resolution of Intention, I have assessed the costs and expenses of the works of improvement to be performed in the Assessment District upon the parcels of land in the Assessment District specially benefited thereby in direct proportion and relation to the special benefits to be received by each of said parcels. For particulars as to the identification of said parcels, reference is made to the Assessment Diagram, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. As required by law, a Diagram is hereto attached, showing the Assessment District, as well as the boundaries and dimensions of the respective parcels and subdivisions of land within said City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202118 7-24 NNIS District as the same existed at the time of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions of land or parcels or lots respectively have been given a separate number upon said Diagram and in said Assessment Roll. 3. The subdivisions and parcels of land the numbers therein as shown on the respective Assessment Diagram as attached hereto correspond with the numbers as appearing on the Assessment Roll as contained herein. 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bonds will be issued in accordance with Division 10 ofthe Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915"), to represent all unpaid assessments, which bonds shall be issued in one or more series, each with a term not to exceed the legal maximum term as authorized by law, THIRTY-NINE (39) YEARS from the 2nd day of September next succeeding twelve (12) months from their date. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the current legal maximum rate of 12% per annum. 5. By virtue of the authority contained in said "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", and by further direction and order of the legislative body, I hereby recommend the following Assessment to cover the costs and expenses of the works of improvement for the Assessment District based on the costs and expenses as set forth below: For particulars as to the individual assessments and their descriptions, reference is made to Table 1(Assessment Roll) attached hereto. 6. The Method of Spread of Assessment is as set forth in the exhibit identified as Part III (Exhibit 1), which is attached hereto, referenced and so incorporated. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202119 7-25 As Preliminary Approved As Confirmed Estimated Cost of Design and Construction: $28,764,200 $ Estimated Incidental Expenses: $1,262,500 $ Estimated Financial Costs: $2,789,000 $ Estimated Contribution: $0 $0 Estimated Total to Assessment: $32,815,700 $ For particulars as to the individual assessments and their descriptions, reference is made to Table 1(Assessment Roll) attached hereto. 6. The Method of Spread of Assessment is as set forth in the exhibit identified as Part III (Exhibit 1), which is attached hereto, referenced and so incorporated. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 202119 7-25 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 1050-072-34 $ 3,937,200.00 $ 33,630.95 117.0 2 050-072-33 $ 2,244,000.00 $ 33,630.95 66.7 31050-072-32 $ 1,801,573.00 $ 33,630.95 53.5 4 050-072-31 $ 2,550,035.00 $ 33,630.95 75.8 5 050-072-30 $ 1,230,412.00 $ 33,626.64 36.5 6 050-072-29 $ 799,473.00 $ 33,630.95 23.7 7 050-072-28 $ 852,914.00 $ 33,630.95 25.3 8 050-072-27 $ 204,433.00 $ 33,626.64 6.0 91050-072-37 $ 390,585.00 $ 33,626.64 11.6 10 050-072-38 $ 2,385,774.00 $ 33,626.64 70.9 11050-072-25 $ 3,967,800.00 $ 33,630.95 117.9 12 050-072-24 $ 262,426.00 $ 33,626.64 7.8 13 050-072-23 $ 1,042,936.00 $ 33,626.64 31.0 14 050-072-22 $ 403,350.00 $ 33,630.95 11.9 151050-072-21 $ 151,817.00 $ 33,630.95 4.5 16 050-072-20 $ 2,246,155.00 $ 33,626.64 66.7 17 050-072-49 $ 2,197,877.00 $ 33,630.95 65.3 18 050-072-50 $ 1,549,450.00 $ 33,626.64 46.0 19 050-052-35 $ 1,426,353.00 $ 33,630.95 42.4 20 050-052-36 $ 1,462,785.00 $ 33,630.95 43.4 21050-052-28 $ 527,924.00 $ 33,626.64 15.6 22 050-052-27 $ 627,812.00 $ 33,630.95 18.6 23 050-052-26 $ 1,989,000.00 $ 33,630.95 59.1 24 050-052-25 $ 500,130.00 $ 33,630.95 14.8 25 050-052-24 $ 770,167.00 $ 33,630.95 22.9 26 050-052-23 $ 2,334,657.00 $ 33,626.64 69.4 27 050-052-22 $ 1,069,683.00 $ 33,630.95 31.8 28 050-052-21 $ 702,683.00 $ 33,630.95 20.8 29 050-052-20 $ 181,561.00 $ 33,630.95 5.3 30 050-052-19 $ 614,778.00 $ 33,630.95 18.2 31050-052-18 $ 744,616.00 $ 39,196.08 18.9 32 050-052-37 $ 4,109,843.00 $ 44,903.35 91.5 33 050-052-15 $ 2,999,805.00 $ 45,079.96 66.5 34 050-052-14 $ 1,251,033.00 $ 33,984.15 36.8 35 050-052-13 $ 1,678,480.00 $ 33,880.78 49.5 36 050-052-33 $ 1,585,969.00 $ 34,608.72 45.8 37 050-052-34 $ 940,022.00 $ 33,630.95 27.9 381050-052-38 $ 1,681,256.00 $ 40,953.49 41.0 39 050-052-09 $ 1,277,654.00 $ 37,287.91 34.2 40 050-052-08 $ 502,258.00 $ 33,630.95 14.9 41050-052-07 $ 825,695.00 $ 33,630.95 24.5 42 050-052-31 $ 1,030,431.00 $ 33,630.95 30.6 43 050-052-32 $ 198,523.00 $ 33,626.64 5.9 44 050-052-05 $ 690,872.00 $ 33,630.95 20.5 45 050-052-04 $ 247,759.00 $ 33,630.95 7.3 46 050-052-03 $ 834,852.00 $ 33,630.95 24.8 47 050-052-02 $ 130,027.00 $ 33,630.95 3.8 48 050-052-01 $ 812,833.00 $ 33,630.95 24.1 491050-072-18 $ 359,856.00 $ 33,630.95 10.7 50 050 072-17 $ 127,710.00 $ 33,630.95 3.7 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 10 7-26 Table 1 Assessment Assessor's Asmt Parcel No. Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 51050-072-16 $ 778,856.00 $ 33,630.95 23.1 52 050-072-42 $ 1,017,768.00 $ 33,630.95 30.2 531050-072-41 $ 2,295,112.00 $ 33,630.95 68.2 54 050-072-14 $ 792,465.00 $ 33,630.95 23.5 55 050-072-13 $ 2,236,860.00 $ 33,630.95 66.5 56 050-072-45 $ 263,382.00 $ 33,630.95 7.8 57 050-072-46 $ 1,660,824.00 $ 33,630.95 49.3 58 050-072-11 $ 1,328,076.00 $ 33,630.95 39.4 591050-072-10 $ 2,741,246.00 $ 33,630.95 81.5 60 050-072-09 $ 2,425,360.00 $ 33,678.33 72.0 61050-072-08 $ 2,443,626.00 $ 33,630.95 72.6 62 050-072-07 $ 219,674.00 $ 33,630.95 6.5 63 050-072-06 $ 2,676,571.00 $ 33,630.95 79.5 64 050-072-05 $ 184,789.00 $ 33,630.95 5.4 651050-072-04 $ 2,001,742.00 $ 33,630.95 59.5 66 050-072-03 $ 1,509,758.00 $ 33,630.95 44.8 67 050-071-29 $ 1,605,197.00 $ 30,585.63 52.4 68 937-170-50 $ 235,498.00 $ 26,614.23 8.8 69 050-071-25 $ 127,872.00 $ 33,114.06 3.8 70 050-071-24 $ 2,364,565.00 $ 33,630.95 70.3 711050-071-23 $ 292,834.00 $ 33,626.64 8.7 72 050-071-27 $ 907,535.00 $ 33,626.64 26.9 73 050-071-28 $ 457,723.00 $ 33,626.64 13.6 74 050-071-21 $ 867,183.00 $ 33,630.95 25.7 75 050-071-20 $ 185,039.00 $ 33,626.64 5.5 76 050-071-19 $ 161,345.00 $ 33,626.64 4.7 771050-071-18 $ 2,244,000.00 $ 33,626.64 66.7 78 050-071-17 $ 179,243.00 $ 33,626.64 5.3 79 050-071-16 $ 796,644.00 $ 33,626.64 23.6 80 050-071-15 $ 1,236,967.00 $ 33,630.95 36.7 81050-071-14 $ 1,757,209.00 $ 33,630.95 52.2 82 050-071-13 $ 766,950.00 $ 33,630.95 22.8 831050-051-38 $ 1,290,977.00 $ 28,332.87 45.5 84 050-051-39 $ 1,289,353.00 $ 27,945.21 46.1 85 050-051-34 $ 217,689.00 $ 33,630.95 6.4 86 050-051-33 $ 1,677,244.00 $ 33,630.95 49.8 87 050-051-32 $ 173,527.00 $ 33,630.95 5.1 88 050-051-31 $ 233,252.00 $ 33,630.95 6.9 891050-051-37 $ 1,823,586.00 $ 33,630.95 54.2 90 050-051-36 $ 167,062.00 $ 33,630.95 4.9 91050-051-29 $ 549,399.00 $ 33,630.95 16.3 92 050-051-28 $ 344,982.00 $ 33,630.95 10.2 93 050-051-27 $ 184,717.00 $ 33,630.95 5.4 94 050-051-26 $ 1,952,454.00 $ 33,630.95 58.0 951050-051-25 $ 2,931,486.00 $ 33,630.95 87.1 96 050-051-24 $ 217,515.00 $ 33,630.95 6.4 97 050-051-23 $ 4,265,000.00 $ 33,630.95 126.8 98 050-051-22 $ 785,752.00 $ 31,830.46 24.6 99 050-051-21 $ 2,490,730.00 $ 33,803.24 73.6 100 050-051-20 $ 5,244,879.00 $ 33,803.24 155.1 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 11 7-27 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 101050-051-19 $ 11743,730.00 $ 33,803.24 51.5 102 050-051-18 $ 7,341,868.00 $ 33,807.55 217.1 1031050-051-17 $ 2,712,306.00 $ 33,807.55 80.2 104 050-051-16 $ 5,508,495.00 $ 33,803.24 162.9 105 050-051-15 $ 145,608.00 $ 37,292.22 3.9 106 050-051-14 $ 1,895,028.00 $ 33,626.64 56.3 107 050-051-13 $ 172,610.00 $ 33,626.64 5.1 108 050-051-12 $ 2,805,679.00 $ 33,630.95 83.4 1091050-051-11 $ 1,889,054.00 $ 33,626.64 56.1 110 050-051-10 $ 2,211,945.00 $ 33,630.95 65.7 111050-051-09 $ 2,185,744.00 $ 33,630.95 64.9 112 050-051-08 $ 645,173.00 $ 33,630.95 19.1 113 050-051-07 $ 1,087,681.00 $ 33,630.95 32.3 114 050-051-06 $ 960,907.00 $ 33,630.95 28.5 1151050-051-05 $ 2,034,661.00 $ 33,630.95 60.4 116 050-051-04 $ 949,801.00 $ 33,630.95 28.2 117 050-051-03 $ 181,557.00 $ 33,630.95 5.3 118 050-051-02 $ 327,528.00 $ 33,630.95 9.7 119 050-051-01 $ 1,033,812.00 $ 33,630.95 30.7 120 050-071-12 $ 645,345.00 $ 33,626.64 19.1 121050-071-11 $ 141,130.00 $ 33,626.64 4.1 122 050-071-10 $ 548,055.00 $ 33,630.95 16.2 123 050-071-09 $ 1,349,489.00 $ 33,630.95 40.1 124 050-071-08 $ 183,299.00 $ 33,630.95 5.4 125 050-071-07 $ 2,539,423.00 $ 33,630.95 75.5 126 050-071-06 $ 1,615,066.00 $ 33,630.95 48.0 1271050-071-05 $ 154,637.00 $ 33,630.95 4.5 128 050-071-04 $ 1,113,266.00 $ 33,626.64 33.1 129 050-071-03 $ 121,083.00 $ 32,209.51 3.7 130 050-071-02 $ 96,395.00 $ 29,625.09 3.2 131050-071-01 $ 108,319.00 $ 31,903.69 3.3 132 050-061-01 $ 1,521,053.00 $ 29,883.53 50.8 1331050-061-02 $ 1,791,168.00 $ 30,141.97 59.4 134 050-061-03 $ 2,186,520.00 $ 33,062.37 66.1 135 050-061-06 $ 2,009,919.00 $ 40,092.01 50.1 136 050-061-07 $ 181,475.00 $ 38,149.39 4.7 137 050-063-31 $ 1,238,579.00 $ 27,945.21 44.3 138 050-063-32 $ 493,168.00 $ 28,332.87 17.4 1391050-063-30 $ 1,138,828.00 $ 33,630.95 33.8 140 050-063-29 $ 248,629.00 $ 33,630.95 7.3 141050-063-28 $ 239,881.00 $ 33,630.95 7.1 142 050-063-27 $ 826,529.00 $ 33,626.64 24.5 143 050-063-26 $ 1,267,106.00 $ 33,630.95 37.6 144 050-063-25 $ 1,866,316.00 $ 33,626.64 55.5 1451050-063-24 $ 3,958,620.00 $ 33,630.95 117.7 146 050-063-23 $ 1,576,376.00 $ 33,626.64 46.8 147 050-063-22 $ 225,638.00 $ 33,626.64 6.7 148 050-063-21 $ 1,605,987.00 $ 33,630.95 47.7 149 050-063-20 $ 158,355.00 $ 33,626.64 4.7 150 050-063-19 $ 339,324.00 $ 33,630.95 10.0 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 112 7-28 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 151050-063-18 $ 5,508,000.00 $ 39,122.85 140.7 152 050-063-17 $ 2,874,113.00 $ 34,173.68 84.1 1531050-063-16 $ 3,428,746.00 $ 39,209.00 87.4 154 050-063-15 $ 1,606,716.00 $ 35,866.48 44.7 155 050-063-33 $ 6,460,160.00 $ 41,875.27 154.2 156 050-063-34 $ 482,001.00 $ 45,260.87 10.6 157 050-063-35 $ 1,147,430.00 $ 33,842.01 33.9 158 050-063-36 $ 392,480.00 $ 33,630.95 11.6 1591050-063-11 $ 4,109,981.00 $ 39,122.85 105.0 160 050-063-10 $ 847,061.00 $ 39,122.85 21.6 161050-063-09 $ 232,838.00 $ 33,626.64 6.9 162 050-063-08 $ 776,807.00 $ 33,630.95 23.0 163 050-063-07 $ 2,537,630.00 $ 33,626.64 75.4 164 050-063-06 $ 841,527.00 $ 33,630.95 25.0 1651050-063-05 $ 891,268.00 $ 33,626.64 26.5 166 050-063-04 $ 2,056,620.00 $ 33,630.95 61.1 167 050-063-03 $ 1,999,307.00 $ 33,630.95 59.4 168 050-063-02 $ 596,500.00 $ 33,630.95 17.7 169 050-063-01 $ 150,079.00 $ 33,630.95 4.4 170 050-061-05 $ 1,561,707.00 $ 34,225.37 45.6 171050-062-01 $ 1,531,337.00 $ 36,947.63 41.4 172 050-062-02 $ 286,866.00 $ 32,812.55 8.7 173 050-062-03 $ 223,235.00 $ 33,626.64 6.6 174 050-062-04 $ 170,464.00 $ 33,630.95 5.0 175 050-062-05 $ 2,182,759.00 $ 39,122.85 55.7 176 050-062-06 $ 1,193,471.00 $ 36,374.75 32.8 1771050-062-07 $ 2,296,368.00 $ 36,443.66 63.0 178 050-062-08 $ 1,899,908.00 $ 33,605.10 56.5 179 050-062-09 $ 253,309.00 $ 33,630.95 7.5 180 050-062-10 $ 5,706,758.00 $ 33,626.64 169.7 181050-062-11 $ 3,923,134.00 $ 33,630.95 116.6 182 050-062-12 $ 357,185.00 $ 33,630.95 10.6 1831050-062-13 $ 1,619,194.00 $ 33,630.95 48.1 184 050-062-14 $ 1,889,144.00 $ 33,626.64 56.1 185 050-062-15 $ 295,890.00 $ 33,630.95 8.7 186 050-062-16 $ 248,241.00 $ 33,906.62 7.3 187 050-062-17 $ 485,737.00 $ 30,340.11 16.0 188 050-081-01 $ 1,493,008.00 $ 33,760.17 44.2 1891050-081-24 $ 5,350,000.00 $ 33,807.55 158.2 190 050-081-23 $ 2,254,237.00 $ 33,760.17 66.7 191050-081-22 $ 4,006,039.00 $ 33,807.55 118.4 192 050-081-21 $ 522,573.00 $ 33,807.55 15.4 193 050-081-20 $ 313,951.00 $ 33,992.77 9.2 194 050-081-02 $ 2,750,000.00 $ 41,685.74 65.9 1951050-081-03 $ 2,600,303.00 $ 33,630.95 77.3 196 050-081-04 $ 2,027,153.00 $ 33,630.95 60.2 197 050-081-05 $ 3,280,332.00 $ 33,630.95 97.5 198 050-081-06 $ 2,856,000.00 $ 33,613.72 84.9 199 050-081-07 $ 3,308,880.00 $ 33,630.95 98.3 200 050-081-08 $ 2,637,817.00 $ 33,630.95 78.4 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 13 7-29 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 201050-081-29 $ 1,005,268.00 $ 33,609.41 29.9 202 050-081-30 $ 1,644,243.00 $ 33,609.41 48.9 2031050-081-10 $ 1,691,361.00 $ 33,613.72 50.3 204 050-091-01 $ 156,868.00 $ 33,613.72 4.6 205 050-091-02 $ 134,502.00 $ 33,630.95 3.9 206 050-091-03 $ 158,463.00 $ 33,609.41 4.7 207 050-091-04 $ 1,437,988.00 $ 33,613.72 42.7 208 050-091-05 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 33,613.72 59.4 2091050-091-06 $ 147,927.00 $ 33,609.41 4.4 2101050-091-07 $ 1,724,114.00 $ 33,630.95 51.2 211050-091-08 $ 123,231.00 $ 33,613.72 3.6 212 050-091-09 $ 2,101,200.00 $ 33,609.41 62.5 213 050-091-10 $ 147,926.00 $ 33,609.41 4.4 214 050-091-11 $ 168,134.00 $ 33,613.72 5.0 215 050-091-12 $ 2,566,616.00 $ 33,609.41 76.3 2161050-091-30 $ 2,871,260.00 $ 33,630.95 85.3 217 050-101-01 $ 1,963,234.00 $ 33,609.41 58.4 218 050-101-02 $ 1,829,454.00 $ 33,609.41 54.4 219 050-101-03 $ 176,509.00 $ 33,630.95 5.2 220 050-101-04 $ 2,400,032.00 $ 33,630.95 71.3 221050-101-05 $ 2,040,000.00 $ 33,630.95 60.6 2221050-101-06 $ 230,938.00 $ 33,613.72 6.8 223 050-101-07 $ 531,826.00 $ 33,630.95 15.8 224 050-101-08 $ 696,744.00 $ 33,630.95 20.7 225 050-101-09 $ 2,672,469.00 $ 33,630.95 79.4 226 050-101-10 $ 3,377,952.00 $ 37,266.37 90.6 227 050-101-26 $ 7,332,249.00 $ 39,118.55 187.4 2281050-101-27 $ 6,459,232.00 $ 39,118.55 165.1 229 050-101-14 $ 4,761,618.00 $ 33,630.95 141.5 230 050-101-15 $ 559,835.00 $ 44,614.76 12.5 231050-101-16 $ 482,996.00 $ 37,287.91 12.9 232 050-101-17 $ 134,590.00 $ 33,626.64 4.0 233 050-101-18 $ 1,117,781.00 $ 39,122.85 28.5 2341050-101-19 $ 3,669,469.00 $ 39,122.85 93.7 235 050-101-25 $ 327,544.00 $ 33,630.95 9.7 236 050-101-24 $ 143,077.00 $ 33,630.95 4.2 237 050-101-21 $ 3,340,500.00 $ 33,626.64 99.3 238 050-101-22 $ 3,468,000.00 $ 33,630.95 103.1 239 050-101-23 $ 4,083,570.00 $ 33,630.95 121.4 2401050-091-14 $ 237,480.00 $ 33,626.64 7.0 241050-091-15 $ 1,224,075.00 $ 33,630.95 36.3 242 050-091-16 $ 967,111.00 $ 33,630.95 28.7 243 050-091-17 $ 1,959,211.00 $ 33,626.64 58.2 244 050-091-27 $ 656,212.00 $ 33,630.95 19.5 245 050-091-28 $ 1,900,000.00 $ 33,630.95 56.4 2461050-091-19 $ 1,089,161.00 $ 33,626.64 32.3 247 050-091-20 $ 1,081,098.00 $ 33,630.95 32.1 248 050-091-21 $ 207,577.00 $ 33,630.95 6.1 249 050-091-22 $ 176,512.00 $ 33,630.95 5.2 250 050-091-23 $ 1,228,623.00 $ 33,630.95 36.5 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 14 7-30 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 251050-091-24 $ 1,829,731.00 $ 33,630.95 54.4 252 050-091-25 $ 1,029,625.00 $ 33,630.95 30.6 2531050-091-26 $ 163,672.00 $ 33,626.64 4.8 254 050-081-11 $ 121,079.00 $ 33,630.95 3.6 255 050-081-12 $ 2,655,355.00 $ 33,630.95 78.9 256 050-081-26 $ 1,112,941.00 $ 33,630.95 33.0 257 050-081-25 $ 1,464,957.00 $ 33,630.95 43.5 258 050-081-15 $ 171,455.00 $ 33,630.95 5.0 2591050-081-16 $ 1,808,938.00 $ 39,118.55 46.2 260 050-081-17 $ 1,525,921.00 $ 39,122.85 39.0 261050-081-28 $ 521,938.00 $ 34,160.75 15.2 262 050-081-27 $ 1,648,128.00 $ 33,096.83 49.7 263 050-081-19 $ 3,933,120.00 $ 36,926.09 106.5 264 050-082-01 $ 5,156,120.00 $ 33,807.55 152.5 2651050-082-28 $ 4,400,650.00 $ 33,760.17 130.3 266 050-082-27 $ 1,015,270.00 $ 33,807.55 30.0 267 050-082-26 $ 1,922,522.00 $ 33,807.55 56.8 268 050-082-25 $ 1,314,036.00 $ 33,807.55 38.8 269 050-082-24 $ 337,383.00 $ 33,807.55 9.9 270 050-082-02 $ 272,860.00 $ 33,975.54 8.0 2711050-082-31 $ 2,173,148.00 $ 33,630.95 64.6 272 050-082-32 $ 3,647,795.00 $ 33,630.95 108.4 273 050-082-04 $ 1,077,924.00 $ 33,630.95 32.0 274 050-082-05 $ 1,342,006.00 $ 33,630.95 39.9 275 050-082-06 $ 2,967,134.00 $ 33,630.95 88.2 276 050-082-29 $ 199,863.00 $ 33,630.95 5.9 2771050-082-30 $ 2,451,997.00 $ 33,630.95 72.9 278 050-082-08 $ 823,701.00 $ 33,630.95 24.4 279 050-082-09 $ 314,299.00 $ 33,626.64 9.3 280 050-082-10 $ 589,478.00 $ 33,630.95 17.5 281050-082-11 $ 1,611,946.00 $ 33,428.50 48.2 282 050-092-01 $ 2,507,391.00 $ 33,630.95 74.5 2831050-092-02 $ 2,791,395.00 $ 33,630.95 83.0 284 050-092-03 $ 760,084.00 $ 33,630.95 22.6 285 050-092-04 $ 936,158.00 $ 33,630.95 27.8 286 050-092-05 $ 154,718.00 $ 33,630.95 4.6 287 050-092-06 $ 2,115,831.00 $ 33,630.95 62.9 288 050-092-07 $ 1,757,209.00 $ 33,630.95 52.2 2891050-092-08 $ 123,231.00 $ 33,630.95 3.6 290 050-092-09 $ 143,454.00 $ 33,626.64 4.2 291050-092-10 $ 3,060,000.00 $ 33,630.95 90.9 292 050-092-11 $ 183,797.00 $ 33,630.95 5.4 293 050-092-12 $ 694,727.00 $ 33,630.95 20.6 294 050-092-13 $ 2,100,000.00 $ 33,630.95 62.4 2951050-092-14 $ 2,900,000.00 $ 33,630.95 86.2 296 050-102-01 $ 999,450.00 $ 33,630.95 29.7 297 050-102-02 $ 246,849.00 $ 33,626.64 7.3 298 050-102-03 $ 190,511.00 $ 33,630.95 5.6 299 050-102-04 $ 590,700.00 $ 33,630.95 17.5 300 050-102-05 $ 849,281.00 $ 33,630.95 25.2 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 15 7-31 5 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 301050-102-06 $ 656,332.00 $ 33,626.64 19.5 302 050-102-07 $ 2,625,387.00 $ 33,630.95 78.0 3031050-102-08 $ 2,514,300.00 $ 33,630.95 74.7 304 050-102-09 $ 2,118,910.00 $ 33,630.95 63.0 305 050-102-10 $ 731,934.00 $ 37,287.91 19.6 306 050-102-25 $ 300,359.00 $ 33,630.95 8.9 307 050-102-26 $ 5,817,570.00 $ 33,630.95 172.9 308 050-102-12 $ 1,145,755.00 $ 33,626.64 34.0 3091050-102-13 $ 285,413.00 $ 33,630.95 8.4 310 050-102-14 $ 3,194,716.00 $ 44,614.76 71.6 311050-102-15 $ 273,362.00 $ 37,287.91 7.3 312 050-102-16 $ 3,186,922.00 $ 33,630.95 94.7 313 050-102-17 $ 202,172.00 $ 33,630.95 6.0 314 050-102-18 $ 1,866,316.00 $ 33,630.95 55.4 3151050-102-19 $ 723,092.00 $ 33,626.64 21.5 316 050-102-20 $ 205,170.00 $ 33,630.95 6.1 317 050-102-21 $ 290,011.00 $ 33,630.95 8.6 318 050-102-22 $ 1,044,743.00 $ 33,630.95 31.0 319 050-102-23 $ 437,345.00 $ 33,630.95 13.0 320 050-102-24 $ 963,860.00 $ 33,630.95 28.6 321050-092-15 $ 1,112,897.00 $ 33,626.64 33.0 322 050-092-16 $ 3,844,927.00 $ 33,630.95 114.3 323 050-092-17 $ 138,977.00 $ 33,630.95 4.1 324 050-092-18 $ 284,993.00 $ 33,630.95 8.4 325 050-092-19 $ 847,937.00 $ 33,630.95 25.2 326 050-092-20 $ 3,306,641.00 $ 33,630.95 98.3 3271050-092-21 $ 1,080,138.00 $ 33,630.95 32.1 328 050-092-22 $ 2,241,789.00 $ 33,630.95 66.6 329 050-092-23 $ 277,320.00 $ 33,630.95 8.2 330 050-092-24 $ 393,628.00 $ 33,626.64 11.7 331050-092-25 $ 159,199.00 $ 33,626.64 4.7 332 050-092-26 $ 2,300,168.00 $ 33,630.95 68.3 3331050-092-27 $ 1,539,029.00 $ 33,630.95 45.7 334 050-092-28 $ 1,560,056.00 $ 33,626.64 46.3 335 050-082-12 $ 2,098,869.00 $ 33,630.95 62.4 336 050-082-13 $ 664,467.00 $ 33,630.95 19.7 337 050-082-14 $ 2,674,211.00 $ 33,626.64 79.5 338 050-082-15 $ 197,887.00 $ 33,626.64 5.8 3391050-082-16 $ 1,248,092.00 $ 33,630.95 37.1 340 050-082-17 $ 1,025,743.00 $ 33,626.64 30.5 341050-082-18 $ 226,463.00 $ 33,630.95 6.7 342 050-082-19 $ 682,841.00 $ 33,626.64 20.3 343 050-082-20 $ 3,332,567.00 $ 33,630.95 99.0 344 050-082-21 $ 746,216.00 $ 33,626.64 22.1 3451050-082-22 $ 576,137.00 $ 33,630.95 17.1 346 050-082-23 $ 4,320,175.00 $ 39,122.85 110.4 347 050-083-01 $ 300,363.00 $ 33,988.46 8.8 348 050-083-30 $ 2,856,221.00 $ 33,630.95 84.9 349 050-083-29 $ 515,683.00 $ 39,661.28 13.0 350 050-083-28 $ 1,935,150.00 $ 39,665.58 48.7 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 16 7-32 5 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 351050-083-27 $ 973,040.00 $ 32,894.39 29.5 352 050-083-02 $ 1,134,242.00 $ 38,024.47 29.8 3531050-083-03 $ 1,119, 343.00 $ 33, 630.95 33.2 354 050-083-04 $ 152,474.00 $ 33,630.95 4.5 355 050-083-05 $ 3,537,360.00 $ 33,630.95 105.1 356 050-083-06 $ 2,067,305.00 $ 33,630.95 61.4 357 050-083-07 $ 2,450,052.00 $ 33,630.95 72.8 358 050-083-08 $ 318,680.00 $ 33,630.95 9.4 3591050-083-09 $ 1, 212, 085.00 $ 33, 630.95 36.0 360 050-083-10 $ 2,311,209.00 $ 33,630.95 68.7 361050-083-11 $ 1,289,042.00 $ 33,630.95 38.3 362 050-083-12 $ 2,803,018.00 $ 33,630.95 83.3 363 050-083-13 $ 591,908.00 $ 33,626.64 17.6 364 050-083-14 $ 159,186.00 $ 33, 630.95 4.7 3651050-093-01 $ 2, 719,123.00 $ 33, 630.95 80.8 366 050-093-02 $ 189,768.00 $ 33,630.95 5.6 367 050-093-03 $ 132,185.00 $ 33,626.64 3.9 368 050-093-04 $ 2,343,677.00 $ 33,630.95 69.6 369 050-093-05 $ 2,010,302.00 $ 33,630.95 59.7 370 050-093-06 $ 2,039,218.00 $ 33,630.95 60.6 371050-093-07 $ 995,594.00 $ 33,626.64 29.6 372 050-093-08 $ 2,139, 368.00 $ 33, 630.95 63.6 373 050-093-09 $ 2, 246, 337.00 $ 33, 630.95 66.7 374 050-093-10 $ 773,187.00 $ 33, 626.64 22.9 375 050-093-11 $ 1,048,599.00 $ 33,630.95 31.1 376 050-093-12 $ 1,905,521.00 $ 33,630.95 56.6 3771050-093-13 $ 3,226,072.00 $ 33,630.95 95.9 378 050-093-14 $ 1,914,172.00 $ 33,626.64 56.9 379 050-103-01 $ 2,856,000.00 $ 33,630.95 84.9 380 050-103-02 $ 810,510.00 $ 33,630.95 24.1 381050-103-03 $ 147,928.00 $ 33,630.95 4.3 382 050-103-04 $ 273,937.00 $ 33,630.95 8.1 3831050-103-05 $ 1,851,879.00 $ 33,630.95 55.0 384 050-103-06 $ 2,657,246.00 $ 33,630.95 79.0 385 050-103-07 $ 4,221,485.00 $ 33,630.95 125.5 386 050-103-08 $ 203,937.00 $ 33,626.64 6.0 387 050-103-26 $ 579,700.00 $ 33,648.18 17.2 388 050-103-27 $ 1,033,551.00 $ 37,270.68 27.7 3891050-103-11 $ 8,748p 179. 00 $ 33,630.95 260.1 390 050-103-28 $ 1,993,398.00 $ 33,630.95 59.2 391050-103-29 $ 776,936.00 $ 33,630.95 23.1 392 050-103-13 $ 4,222,356.00 $ 33,630.95 125.5 393 050-103-14 $ 1,726,890.00 $ 33,630.95 51.3 394 050-103-15 $ 7,912,361.00 $ 33,630.95 235.2 3951050-103-16 $ 1,276,754.00 $ 37,287.91 34.2 396 050-103-17 $ 1,108,147.00 $ 33, 630.95 32.9 397 050-103-18 $ 459,980.00 $ 33,630.95 13.6 398 050-103-19 $ 132,186.00 $ 33,630.95 3.9 399 050-103-20 $ 946,344.00 $ 33,630.95 28.1 400 050-103-21 $ 737,266.00 $ 33,630.95 21.9 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 17 7-33 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 401050-103-22 $ 2,040,000.00 $ 33,626.64 60.6 402 050-103-23 $ 1,333,472.00 $ 33,626.64 39.6 4031050-103-24 $ 218,741.00 $ 33,630.95 6.5 404 050-103-25 $ 1,816,244.00 $ 33,630.95 54.0 405 050-093-30 $ 360,351.00 $ 28,462.09 12.6 406 050-093-31 $ 1,953,300.00 $ 27,815.99 70.2 407 050-093-17 $ 2,615,109.00 $ 33,630.95 77.7 408 050-093-18 $ 235,412.00 $ 33,630.95 6.9 4091050-093-19 $ 209,648.00 $ 33,626.64 6.2 410 050-093-20 $ 2,427,113.00 $ 33,630.95 72.1 411050-093-21 $ 411,536.00 $ 33,630.95 12.2 412 050-093-22 $ 202,355.00 $ 33,630.95 6.0 413 050-093-23 $ 778,324.00 $ 33,630.95 23.1 414 050-093-24 $ 136,650.00 $ 33,630.95 4.0 4151050-093-25 $ 1,766,244.00 $ 33,630.95 52.5 416 050-093-26 $ 1,721,614.00 $ 33,626.64 51.1 417 050-093-27 $ 1,072,446.00 $ 33,630.95 31.8 418 050-093-28 $ 717,676.00 $ 33,630.95 21.3 419 050-093-29 $ 2,571,515.00 $ 33,626.64 76.4 420 050-083-15 $ 2,927,554.00 $ 33,630.95 87.0 4211050-083-16 $ 1,569,493.00 $ 33,630.95 46.6 422 050-083-17 $ 3,530,031.00 $ 33,630.95 104.9 423 050-083-18 $ 277,748.00 $ 33,626.64 8.2 424 050-083-33 $ 1,245,051.00 $ 33,630.95 37.0 425 050-083-34 $ 2,133,672.00 $ 33,630.95 63.4 426 050-083-32 $ 1,581,488.00 $ 33,630.95 47.0 4271050-083-31 $ 1,088,520.00 $ 33,626.64 32.3 428 050-083-21 $ 1,689,146.00 $ 33,630.95 50.2 429 050-083-22 $ 985,525.00 $ 33,630.95 29.3 430 050-083-23 $ 843,062.00 $ 33,626.64 25.0 431050-083-24 $ 3,111,000.00 $ 33,630.95 92.5 432 050-083-25 $ 208,564.00 $ 33,626.64 6.2 4331050-083-26 $ 1,099,320.00 $ 32,123.37 34.2 434 050-132-05 $ 1,774,191.00 $ 32,894.39 53.9 435 050-132-04 $ 2,219,807.00 $ 45,334.09 48.9 436 050-132-03 $ 3,338,231.00 $ 33,988.46 98.2 437 050-132-02 $ 309,477.00 $ 33,988.46 9.1 438 050-132-01 $ 302,610.00 $ 33,988.46 8.9 4391050-132-06 $ 3,280,126.00 $ 40,953.49 80.0 440 050-132-07 $ 2,337,088.00 $ 33,630.95 69.4 441050-132-08 $ 564,480.00 $ 33,630.95 16.7 442 050-132-09 $ 228,534.00 $ 33,630.95 6.7 443 050-132-10 $ 872,200.00 $ 33,630.95 25.9 444 050-132-11 $ 1,848,092.00 $ 33,630.95 54.9 4451050-132-12 $ 2,117,816.00 $ 33,626.64 62.9 446 050-132-13 $ 2,045,632.00 $ 33,630.95 60.8 447 050-132-14 $ 1,093,894.00 $ 33,630.95 32.5 448 050-132-15 $ 2,705,835.00 $ 33,630.95 80.4 449 050-132-16 $ 132,342.00 $ 33,630.95 3.9 450 050-132-17 $ 1,647,876.00 $ 33,630.95 48.9 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 18 7-34 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 451050-132-18 $ 393,951.00 $ 33,630.95 11.7 452 050-132-19 $ 1,515,603.00 $ 33,630.95 45.0 4531050-121-01 $ 1,039,272.00 $ 33,635.25 30.8 454 050-121-02 $ 215,721.00 $ 33,626.64 6.4 455 050-121-03 $ 686,931.00 $ 33,630.95 20.4 456 050-121-04 $ 3,608,107.00 $ 33,630.95 107.2 457 050-121-05 $ 382,159.00 $ 33,626.64 11.3 458 050-121-06 $ 522,782.00 $ 33,630.95 15.5 4591050-121-07 $ 1,070,314.00 $ 33,630.95 31.8 460 050-121-08 $ 1,193,014.00 $ 33,630.95 35.4 461050-121-09 $ 1,116,481.00 $ 33,630.95 33.1 462 050-121-10 $ 2,851,745.00 $ 33,630.95 84.7 463 050-121-11 $ 499,848.00 $ 33,630.95 14.8 464 050-121-28 $ 1,388,533.00 $ 33,626.64 41.2 4651050-121-27 $ 174,767.00 $ 33,630.95 5.1 466 050-121-13 $ 4,318,363.00 $ 33,630.95 128.4 467 050-111-01 $ 1,222,860.00 $ 33,630.95 36.3 468 050-111-02 $ 1,081,531.00 $ 33,626.64 32.1 469 050-111-03 $ 136,662.00 $ 33,630.95 4.0 470 050-111-04 $ 205,260.00 $ 33,630.95 6.1 471050-111-05 $ 3,953,520.00 $ 33,630.95 117.5 472 050-111-06 $ 2,652,000.00 $ 33,626.64 78.8 473 050-111-07 $ 880,110.00 $ 33,630.95 26.1 474 050-111-08 $ 1,690,847.00 $ 33,630.95 50.2 475 050-111-09 $ 206,500.00 $ 33,626.64 6.1 476 050-111-10 $ 636,944.00 $ 37,292.22 17.0 4771050-111-11 $ 413,209.00 $ 33,630.95 12.2 478 050-111-12 $ 594,156.00 $ 33,630.95 17.6 479 050-111-13 $ 329,445.00 $ 33,630.95 9.7 480 050-111-14 $ 2,133,667.00 $ 33,630.95 63.4 481050-111-15 $ 2,086,657.00 $ 33,630.95 62.0 482 050-111-16 $ 394,789.00 $ 33,630.95 11.7 4831050-111-17 $ 2,971,382.00 $ 37,287.91 79.6 484 050-111-18 $ 2,448,000.00 $ 33,630.95 72.7 485 050-111-19 $ 141,130.00 $ 33,630.95 4.1 486 050-111-20 $ 1,229,920.00 $ 33,630.95 36.5 487 050-111-21 $ 1,661,238.00 $ 33,630.95 49.3 488 050-111-22 $ 2,334,657.00 $ 33,630.95 69.4 4891050-111-23 $ 893,168.00 $ 33,630.95 26.5 490 050-111-24 $ 2,068,034.00 $ 33,630.95 61.4 491050-111-25 $ 1,826,119.00 $ 33,630.95 54.2 492 050-111-26 $ 962,679.00 $ 33,630.95 28.6 493 050-121-30 $ 1,936,690.00 $ 33,630.95 57.5 494 050-121-29 $ 1,082,276.00 $ 33,630.95 32.1 4951050-121-15 $ 1,575,657.00 $ 33,626.64 46.8 496 050-121-16 $ 2,210,082.00 $ 33,630.95 65.7 497 050-121-17 $ 894,268.00 $ 33,626.64 26.5 498 050-121-18 $ 3,130,000.00 $ 33,630.95 93.0 499 050-121-19 $ 2,483,103.00 $ 33,630.95 73.8 500 050-121-20 $ 125,558.00 $ 33,626.64 3.7 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 1 19 7-35 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Preliminarily Approved Assessments as Confirmed and Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 501050-121-21 $ 3,269,341.00 $ 33,630.95 97.2 502 050-121-22 $ 962,080.00 $ 33,630.95 28.6 5031050-121-23 $ 2,413,801.00 $ 33,630.95 71.7 504 050-121-24 $ 1,641,225.00 $ 33,630.95 48.8 505 050-121-25 $ 606,225.00 $ 33,630.95 18.0 506 050-121-26 $ 1,412,124.00 $ 35,465.89 39.8 507 050-132-20 $ 255,465.00 $ 44,610.45 5.7 508 050-132-21 $ 1,995,071.00 $ 33,630.95 59.3 5091050-132-22 $ 379,527.00 $ 33,630.95 11.2 510 050-132-23 $ 192,820.00 $ 33,630.95 5.7 511050-132-24 $ 172,609.00 $ 33,626.64 5.1 512 050-132-25 $ 2,214,210.00 $ 33,630.95 65.8 513 050-132-26 $ 2,108,885.00 $ 33,630.95 62.7 514 050-132-27 $ 289,430.00 $ 33,626.64 8.6 5151050-132-28 $ 2,273,106.00 $ 33,630.95 67.5 516 050-132-29 $ 186,111.00 $ 33,626.64 5.5 517 050-132-30 $ 1,423,242.00 $ 33,626.64 42.3 518 050-132-31 $ 2,374,176.00 $ 33,630.95 70.5 519 050-132-33 $ 2,805,000.00 $ 33,630.95 83.4 520 050-132-34 $ 484,803.00 $ 36,447.97 13.3 521050-131-06 $ 6,477,000.00 $ 33,630.95 192.5 522 050-131-05 $ 1,603,530.00 $ 33,626.64 47.6 523 050-131-04 $ 4,324,422.00 $ 33,626.64 128.6 524 050-131-03 $ 6,132,623.00 $ 33,630.95 182.3 525 050-131-02 $ 264,578.00 $ 33,626.64 7.8 526 050-131-01 $ 1,936,018.00 $ 33,626.64 57.5 5271050-131-07 $ 1,967,527.00 $ 37,287.91 52.7 528 050-131-08 $ 1,276,436.00 $ 37,292.22 34.2 529 050-131-09 $ 2,031,337.00 $ 33,630.95 60.4 530 050-131-10 $ 186,111.00 $ 33,626.64 5.5 531 050-131-11 $ 1,093,894.00 $ 33,630.95 32.5 532 050-131-12 $ 1,715,600.00 $ 33,630.95 51.0 5331050-131-13 $ 730,015.00 $ 35,461.58 20.5 534 050-131-14 $ 2,518,667.00 $ 31,800.31 79.2 535 050-131-15 $ 2,080,800.00 $ 33,630.95 61.8 536 050-131-16 $ 2,292,209.00 $ 33,630.95 68.1 537 050-131-17 $ 138,969.00 $ 33,630.95 4.1 538 050-131-18 $ 2,995,000.00 $ 33,630.95 89.0 5391050-131-19 $ 2,693,745.00 $ 33,626.64 80.1 540 050-131-20 $ 1,857,871.00 $ 33,630.95 55.2 541050-131-21 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 33,630.95 59.4 542 050-122-26 $ 945,086.00 $ 27,557.55 34.2 543 050-122-37 $ 3,311,356.00 $ 39,704.35 83.4 544 050-122-03 $ 817,226.00 $ 33,630.95 24.2 5451050-122-28 $ 1,391,643.00 $ 33,630.95 41.3 546 050-122-27 $ 3,600,000.00 $ 33,626.64 107.0 547 050-122-06 $ 2,950,734.00 $ 33,630.95 87.7 548 050-122-07 $ 209,549.00 $ 33,630.95 6.2 549 050-122-08 $ 945,120.00 $ 33,626.64 28.1 550 050-122-09 $ 378,497.00 $ 33,630.95 11.2 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 120 7-36 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 551050-122-10 $ 736,459.00 $ 33,626.64 21.9 552 050-122-11 $ 1,005,904.00 $ 33,626.64 29.9 5531050-122-12 $ 225,808.00 $ 33,630.95 6.7 554 050-122-29 $ 1,204,533.00 $ 33,630.95 35.8 555 050-122-30 $ 199,785.00 $ 33,630.95 5.9 556 050-112-01 $ 1,956,342.00 $ 33,630.95 58.1 557 050-112-02 $ 2,158,517.00 $ 33,630.95 64.1 558 050-112-03 $ 1,159,431.00 $ 33,630.95 34.4 5591050-112-04 $ 1,008,078.00 $ 33,630.95 29.9 560 050-112-05 $ 226,462.00 $ 33,630.95 6.7 561050-112-06 $ 3,001,414.00 $ 33,626.64 89.2 562 050-112-07 $ 1,344,605.00 $ 33,630.95 39.9 563 050-112-08 $ 1,854,046.00 $ 33,630.95 55.1 564 050-112-09 $ 261,015.00 $ 33,626.64 7.7 5651050-112-10 $ 1,139,232.00 $ 37,292.22 30.5 566 050-112-11 $ 2,943,425.00 $ 33,630.95 87.5 567 050-112-12 $ 2,885,186.00 $ 33,630.95 85.7 568 050-112-26 $ 6,461,124.00 $ 33,630.95 192.1 569 050-112-27 $ 4,685,895.00 $ 33,630.95 139.3 570 050-112-14 $ 3,093,029.00 $ 33,630.95 91.9 571050-112-15 $ 6,865,729.00 $ 33,630.95 204.1 572 050-112-16 $ 2,696,731.00 $ 37,287.91 72.3 573 050-112-17 $ 3,626,146.00 $ 33,630.95 107.8 574 050-112-28 $ 1,306,423.00 $ 44,610.45 29.2 575 050-112-20 $ 549,804.00 $ 33,630.95 16.3 576 050-112-21 $ 783,105.00 $ 33,630.95 23.2 5771050-112-22 $ 1,555,809.00 $ 33,630.95 46.2 5781050-112-23 $ 178,432.00 $ 33,630.95 5.3 579 050-112-24 $ 2,710,210.00 $ 33,630.95 80.5 580 050-112-25 $ 197,133.00 $ 33,626.64 5.8 581050-122-15 $ 1,322,778.00 $ 32,963.30 40.1 582 050-122-14 $ 336,159.00 $ 34,277.05 9.8 583 050-122-35 $ 226,463.00 $ 33,626.64 6.7 5841050-122-36 $ 239,580.00 $ 34,725.02 6.8 585 050-122-33 $ 2,843,743.00 $ 38,024.47 74.7 586 050-122-34 $ 1,942,867.00 $ 33,626.64 57.7 587 050-122-18 $ 219,968.00 $ 39,118.55 5.6 588 050-122-19 $ 3,590,000.00 $ 33,630.95 106.7 589 050-122-20 $ 2,266,677.00 $ 33,626.64 67.4 5901050-122-21 $ 3,302,878.00 $ 33,630.95 98.2 591050-122-22 $ 160,238.00 $ 31,800.31 5.0 592 050-122-23 $ 1,802,259.00 $ 33,605.10 53.6 593 050-122-24 $ 144,447.00 $ 32,381.81 4.4 594 050-122-25 $ 329,433.00 $ 27,557.55 11.9 595 050-131-38 $ 1,888,467.00 $ 33,630.95 56.1 596 050-131-37 $ 2,668,320.00 $ 33,626.64 79.3 597 050-131-24 $ 176,818.00 $ 33,630.95 5.2 598 050-131-25 $ 2,958,000.00 $ 33,630.95 87.9 599 050-131-26 $ 440,463.00 $ 33,630.95 13.0 600 050-131-27 $ 2,080,800.00 $ 33,626.64 61.8 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021121 7-37 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 601050-131-28 $ 715,792.00 $ 33,630.95 21.2 602 050-131-29 $ 293,696.00 $ 33,630.95 8.7 6031050-131-30 $ 336,746.00 $ 33,630.95 10.0 604 050-131-31 $ 2,800,000.00 $ 33,630.95 83.2 605 050-131-32 $ 2,037,797.00 $ 33,626.64 60.6 606 050-131-33 $ 1,403,581.00 $ 33,630.95 41.7 607 050-131-34 $ 406,658.00 $ 33,630.95 12.0 608 050-131-35 $ 2,325,000.00 $ 37,292.22 62.3 6091050-131-36 $ 280,647.00 $ 37,292.22 7.5 610 050-142-06 $ 593,448.00 $ 33,630.95 17.6 611050-142-05 $ 4,694,687.00 $ 33,630.95 139.5 612 050-142-04 $ 319,541.00 $ 33,630.95 9.5 613 050-142-03 $ 1,814,225.00 $ 33,626.64 53.9 614 050-142-02 $ 846,049.00 $ 33,626.64 25.1 6151050-142-01 $ 5,160,384.00 $ 33,626.64 153.4 616 050-142-07 $ 4,483,581.00 $ 37,292.22 120.2 617 050-142-38 $ 936,738.00 $ 37,292.22 25.1 618 050-142-37 $ 2,813,832.00 $ 33,630.95 83.6 619 050-142-09 $ 154,709.00 $ 33,630.95 4.6 620 050-142-10 $ 2,832,327.00 $ 33,630.95 84.2 621050-142-11 $ 130,026.00 $ 33,630.95 3.8 622 050-142-12 $ 123,397.00 $ 33,630.95 3.6 623 050-142-13 $ 204,835.00 $ 33,626.64 6.0 624 050-142-14 $ 2,362,963.00 $ 33,630.95 70.2 625 050-142-15 $ 502,645.00 $ 33,630.95 14.9 626 050-142-16 $ 134,502.00 $ 33,630.95 3.9 6271050-142-17 $ 197,469.00 $ 33,630.95 5.8 628 050-142-18 $ 2,124,527.00 $ 33,630.95 63.1 629 050-142-35 $ 889,318.00 $ 33,630.95 26.4 630 050-142-36 $ 294,979.00 $ 33,630.95 8.7 631050-123-01 $ 350,644.00 $ 33,630.95 10.4 632 050-123-02 $ 458,375.00 $ 33,630.95 13.6 6331050-123-31 $ 967,598.00 $ 33,630.95 28.7 634 050-123-30 $ 2,275,620.00 $ 33,630.95 67.6 635 050-123-04 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 33,630.95 74.3 636 050-123-05 $ 217,354.00 $ 33,626.64 6.4 637 050-123-06 $ 969,487.00 $ 33,626.64 28.8 638 050-123-07 $ 732,144.00 $ 33,630.95 21.7 6391050-123-08 $ 218,264.00 $ 33,630.95 6.4 640 050-123-09 $ 2,883,690.00 $ 33,630.95 85.7 641050-123-10 $ 1,912,500.00 $ 33,626.64 56.8 642 050-123-11 $ 146,926.00 $ 33,630.95 4.3 643 050-123-12 $ 1,260,784.00 $ 33,626.64 37.4 644 050-123-14 $ 730,238.00 $ 27,815.99 26.2 6451050-123-13 $ 445,303.00 $ 28,462.09 15.6 646 050-113-01 $ 833,971.00 $ 33,630.95 24.7 647 050-113-02 $ 420,139.00 $ 33,630.95 12.4 648 050-113-03 $ 392,992.00 $ 33,630.95 11.6 649 050-113-04 $ 722,217.00 $ 33,626.64 21.4 650 050-113-05 $ 3,084,930.00 $ 33,630.95 91.7 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021122 7-38 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 651050-113-06 $ 441,895.00 $ 33,630.95 13.1 652 050-113-07 $ 136,662.00 $ 33,630.95 4.0 6531050-113-08 $ 206,254.00 $ 33,630.95 6.1 654 050-113-09 $ 254,554.00 $ 33,630.95 7.5 655 050-113-10 $ 1,054,027.00 $ 37,287.91 28.2 656 050-113-27 $ 6,594,451.00 $ 33,630.95 196.0 657 050-113-26 $ 1,361,978.00 $ 33,630.95 40.4 658 050-113-12 $ 3,940,944.00 $ 33,626.64 117.1 6591050-113-13 $ 5,857,370.00 $ 33,630.95 174.1 660 050-113-14 $ 5,271,633.00 $ 33,630.95 156.7 661050-113-15 $ 423,027.00 $ 33,630.95 12.5 662 050-113-16 $ 3,675,122.00 $ 37,292.22 98.5 663 050-113-17 $ 217,349.00 $ 33,626.64 6.4 664 050-113-18 $ 200,529.00 $ 33,630.95 5.9 6651050-113-19 $ 2,091,078.00 $ 33,630.95 62.1 666 050-113-20 $ 161,277.00 $ 33,626.64 4.7 667 050-113-21 $ 2,478,616.00 $ 33,626.64 73.7 668 050-113-22 $ 911,411.00 $ 33,630.95 27.1 669 050-113-23 $ 181,562.00 $ 33,626.64 5.3 670 050-113-24 $ 1,819,778.00 $ 33,630.95 54.1 671050-113-25 $ 653,169.00 $ 33,630.95 19.4 672 050-123-15 $ 738,220.00 $ 33,630.95 21.9 673 050-123-16 $ 125,558.00 $ 33,630.95 3.7 674 050-123-17 $ 123,231.00 $ 33,630.95 3.6 675 050-123-18 $ 474,796.00 $ 33,626.64 14.1 676 050-123-19 $ 2,855,262.00 $ 33,630.95 84.8 6771050-123-20 $ 644,674.00 $ 33,626.64 19.1 678 050-123-21 $ 2,679,550.00 $ 33,630.95 79.6 679 050-123-22 $ 3,188,826.00 $ 33,630.95 94.8 680 050-123-23 $ 176,593.00 $ 33,626.64 5.2 681050-123-24 $ 204,212.00 $ 33,630.95 6.0 682 050-123-25 $ 139,028.00 $ 33,630.95 4.1 6831050-123-26 $ 790,313.00 $ 33,630.95 23.4 684 050-123-27 $ 1,540,991.00 $ 33,630.95 45.8 685 050-123-28 $ 227,295.00 $ 29,625.09 7.6 686 050-123-29 $ 59,701.00 $ 26,653.00 2.2 687 050-142-20 $ 229,918.00 $ 33,630.95 6.8 688 050-142-21 $ 493,188.00 $ 33,630.95 14.6 6891050-142-22 $ 1,338,931.00 $ 33,626.64 39.8 690 050-142-23 $ 165,073.00 $ 33,626.64 4.9 691050-142-24 $ 3,820,348.00 $ 33,630.95 113.5 692 050-142-25 $ 2,606,080.00 $ 33,626.64 77.5 693 050-142-26 $ 2,050,000.00 $ 33,630.95 60.9 694 050-142-27 $ 1,741,479.00 $ 33,630.95 51.7 6951050-142-28 $ 690,554.00 $ 33,630.95 20.5 696 050-142-29 $ 617,599.00 $ 33,630.95 18.3 697 050-142-30 $ 3,901,500.00 $ 33,630.95 116.0 698 050-142-31 $ 127,872.00 $ 33,630.95 3.8 699 050-142-32 $ 1,618,444.00 $ 33,626.64 48.1 700 050-142-33 $ 2,714,858.00 $ 37,287.91 72.8 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021123 7-39 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 701050-142-34 $ 3,395,865.00 $ 37,292.22 91.0 702 050-141-05 $ 3,500,000.00 $ 33,630.95 104.0 7031050-141-36 $ 4,204,725.00 $ 33,630.95 125.0 704 050-141-37 $ 4,753,567.00 $ 33,630.95 141.3 705 050-141-03 $ 277,916.00 $ 33,630.95 8.2 706 050-141-02 $ 1,657,807.00 $ 33,630.95 49.2 707 050-141-01 $ 2,760,934.00 $ 28,462.09 97.0 708 050-141-35 $ 650,700.00 $ 27,815.99 23.3 7091050-141-06 $ 2,398,345.00 $ 37,292.22 64.3 710 050-141-07 $ 316,103.00 $ 37,287.91 8.4 711050-141-08 $ 125,550.00 $ 33,630.95 3.7 712 050-141-09 $ 2,013,322.00 $ 33,630.95 59.8 713 050-141-10 $ 3,307,680.00 $ 33,630.95 98.3 714 050-141-11 $ 2,947,954.00 $ 33,630.95 87.6 7151050-141-12 $ 1,016,846.00 $ 33,630.95 30.2 716 050-141-13 $ 2,986,110.00 $ 33,630.95 88.7 717 050-141-14 $ 2,327,089.00 $ 33,630.95 69.1 718 050-141-15 $ 184,952.00 $ 33,630.95 5.4 719 050-141-16 $ 123,397.00 $ 33,630.95 3.6 720 050-141-17 $ 1,874,762.00 $ 33,630.95 55.7 721050-141-18 $ 132,342.00 $ 33,630.95 3.9 722 050-141-19 $ 1,696,684.00 $ 33,630.95 50.4 723 050-141-20 $ 1,549,721.00 $ 33,626.64 46.0 724 050-161-01 $ 727,619.00 $ 33,630.95 21.6 725 050-161-02 $ 2,184,840.00 $ 33,630.95 64.9 726 050-161-03 $ 1,072,445.00 $ 33,626.64 31.8 7271050-161-04 $ 1,547,608.00 $ 33,630.95 46.0 728 050-161-05 $ 1,076,651.00 $ 33,630.95 32.0 729 050-161-06 $ 494,753.00 $ 33,626.64 14.7 730 050-161-07 $ 1,276,169.00 $ 33,630.95 37.9 731050-161-08 $ 167,007.00 $ 33,626.64 4.9 732 050-161-09 $ 2,965,000.00 $ 33,630.95 88.1 7331050-161-10 $ 2,037,623.00 $ 33,626.64 60.5 734 050-161-11 $ 1,712,034.00 $ 33,626.64 50.9 735 050-161-12 $ 235,242.00 $ 33,630.95 6.9 736 050-161-13 $ 2,625,098.00 $ 33,630.95 78.0 737 050-161-14 $ 1,093,476.00 $ 33,626.64 32.5 738 050-171-01 $ 2,327,228.00 $ 33,630.95 69.1 7391050-171-02 $ 630,592.00 $ 33,630.95 18.7 740 050-171-03 $ 144,981.00 $ 33,630.95 4.3 741050-171-04 $ 2,272,894.00 $ 33,630.95 67.5 742 050-171-05 $ 869,566.00 $ 33,626.64 25.8 743 050-171-06 $ 933,651.00 $ 33,630.95 27.7 744 050-171-07 $ 1,241,333.00 $ 33,626.64 36.9 7451050-171-08 $ 1,632,675.00 $ 33,626.64 48.5 746 050-171-09 $ 2,517,254.00 $ 33,630.95 74.8 747 050-171-10 $ 3,804,823.00 $ 37,292.22 102.0 748 050-171-11 $ 2,382,185.00 $ 33,630.95 70.8 749 050-171-12 $ 459,592.00 $ 33,630.95 13.6 750 050-171-13 $ 5,461,227.00 $ 33,630.95 1 162.3 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021124 7-40 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 751050-171-14 $ 1,880,533.00 $ 33,630.95 55.9 752 050-171-15 $ 2,096,494.00 $ 33,630.95 62.3 7531050-171-16 $ 4,271,260.00 $ 33,630.95 127.0 754 050-171-27 $ 2,728,247.00 $ 33,648.18 81.0 755 050-171-26 $ 2,213,338.00 $ 33,648.18 65.7 756 050-171-18 $ 1,441,373.00 $ 37,292.22 38.6 757 050-171-19 $ 1,874,356.00 $ 33,630.95 55.7 758 050-171-20 $ 385,696.00 $ 44,610.45 8.6 7591050-171-21 $ 709,939.00 $ 33,630.95 21.1 760 050-171-22 $ 918,952.00 $ 33,626.64 27.3 761050-171-23 $ 2,417,665.00 $ 33,630.95 71.8 762 050-171-24 $ 587,102.00 $ 29,366.64 19.9 763 050-171-25 $ 1,008,147.00 $ 26,911.44 37.4 764 050-161-15 $ 2,175,897.00 $ 33,630.95 64.6 7651050-161-16 $ 146,284.00 $ 33,626.64 4.3 766 050-161-17 $ 2,418,930.00 $ 33,626.64 71.9 767 050-161-18 $ 3,329,280.00 $ 33,630.95 98.9 768 050-161-19 $ 2,673,828.00 $ 33,626.64 79.5 769 050-161-20 $ 189,601.00 $ 33,630.95 5.6 770 050-161-21 $ 153,867.00 $ 33,630.95 4.5 771050-161-22 $ 305,127.00 $ 33,630.95 9.0 772 050-161-23 $ 2,831,526.00 $ 33,630.95 84.1 773 050-161-24 $ 132,185.00 $ 33,626.64 3.9 774 050-161-25 $ 2,099,917.00 $ 33,630.95 62.4 775 050-161-26 $ 138,984.00 $ 33,630.95 4.1 776 050-161-27 $ 1,534,377.00 $ 33,630.95 45.6 7771050-161-28 $ 3,589,380.00 $ 33,630.95 106.7 778 050-141-21 $ 143,440.00 $ 33,626.64 4.2 779 050-141-22 $ 130,026.00 $ 33,630.95 3.8 780 050-141-23 $ 1,253,137.00 $ 39,122.85 32.0 781050-141-24 $ 219,672.00 $ 39,122.85 5.6 782 050-141-25 $ 837,467.00 $ 33,626.64 24.9 7831050-141-26 $ 1,992,389.00 $ 33,630.95 59.2 784 050-141-27 $ 1,349,489.00 $ 33,630.95 40.1 785 050-141-28 $ 882,609.00 $ 33,630.95 26.2 786 050-141-29 $ 186,703.00 $ 33,630.95 5.5 787 050-141-30 $ 847,570.00 $ 33,630.95 25.2 788 050-141-31 $ 79,646.00 $ 33,630.95 2.3 7891050-141-32 $ 780,376.00 $ 33,630.95 23.2 790 050-141-33 $ 199,247.00 $ 37,292.22 5.3 791050-141-34 $ 2,923,652.00 $ 37,292.22 78.3 792 050-152-06 $ 1,204,472.00 $ 33,630.95 35.8 793 050-152-05 $ 4,074,900.00 $ 33,630.95 121.1 794 050-152-04 $ 4,641,000.00 $ 33,630.95 137.9 7951050-152-03 $ 1,617,686.00 $ 33,630.95 48.1 796 050-152-02 $ 1,050,136.00 $ 33,630.95 31.2 797 050-152-01 $ 2,976,688.00 $ 33,630.95 88.5 798 050-152-07 $ 1,950,000.00 $ 37,292.22 52.2 799 050-152-08 $ 355,499.00 $ 37,287.91 9.5 800 050-152-09 $ 159,186.00 $ 33,630.95 4.7 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 125 7-41 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Liens Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 801050-152-10 $ 186,314.00 $ 33,630.95 5.5 802 050-152-11 $ 209,898.00 $ 33,626.64 6.2 8031050-152-12 $ 498,505.00 $ 33,630.95 14.8 804 050-152-35 $ 1,447,111.00 $ 33,630.95 43.0 805 050-152-34 $ 2,597,836.00 $ 33,626.64 77.2 806 050-152-14 $ 141,288.00 $ 33,626.64 4.2 807 050-152-15 $ 197,291.00 $ 33,630.95 5.8 808 050-152-16 $ 212,008.00 $ 33,626.64 6.3 8091050-152-17 $ 136,812.00 $ 33,626.64 4.0 810 050-152-18 $ 1,566,993.00 $ 33,630.95 46.5 811050-152-19 $ 683,747.00 $ 33,630.95 20.3 812 050-152-20 $ 2,288,880.00 $ 33,626.64 68.0 813 050-162-01 $ 160,774.00 $ 33,626.64 4.7 814 050-162-02 $ 831,417.00 $ 33,630.95 24.7 8151050-162-03 $ 3,296,816.00 $ 33,630.95 98.0 816 050-162-04 $ 3,586,883.00 $ 33,630.95 106.6 817 050-162-05 $ 2,718,613.00 $ 33,626.64 80.8 818 050-162-06 $ 1,722,563.00 $ 33,630.95 51.2 819 050-162-07 $ 1,670,613.00 $ 33,630.95 49.6 820 050-162-08 $ 1,328,994.00 $ 33,630.95 39.5 821050-162-09 $ 3,788,512.00 $ 33,630.95 112.6 822 050-162-10 $ 2,002,498.00 $ 33,630.95 59.5 823 050-162-11 $ 2,533,013.00 $ 33,626.64 75.3 824 050-162-12 $ 1,885,000.00 $ 33,626.64 56.0 825 050-162-13 $ 1,378,201.00 $ 33,630.95 40.9 826 050-162-14 $ 1,749,510.00 $ 33,626.64 52.0 8271050-172-01 $ 1,340,704.00 $ 28,591.32 46.8 828 050-172-24 $ 1,077,564.00 $ 27,686.77 38.9 829 050-172-02 $ 969,915.00 $ 33,630.95 28.8 830 050-172-03 $ 2,228,536.00 $ 33,630.95 66.2 831050-172-04 $ 118,768.00 $ 33,630.95 3.5 832 050-172-05 $ 1,340,307.00 $ 33,630.95 39.8 8331050-172-25 $ 1,815,783.00 $ 33,630.95 53.9 834 050-172-26 $ 197,299.00 $ 33,626.64 5.8 835 050-172-07 $ 2,467,377.00 $ 33,630.95 73.3 836 050-172-08 $ 2,440,778.00 $ 35,422.82 68.9 837 050-172-09 $ 1,098,691.00 $ 35,491.73 30.9 838 050-172-10 $ 1,418,820.00 $ 27,169.88 52.2 8391050-172-11 $ 1,445,651.00 $ 29,108.20 49.6 840 050-172-12 $ 325,047.00 $ 33,626.64 9.6 841050-172-13 $ 1,421,259.00 $ 33,630.95 42.2 842 050-172-30 $ 379,244.00 $ 33,630.95 11.2 843 050-172-29 $ 1,487,699.00 $ 33,626.64 44.2 844 050-172-27 $ 440,213.00 $ 33,630.95 13.0 8451050-172-15 $ 639,993.00 $ 37,287.91 17.1 846 050-172-16 $ 2,096,082.00 $ 33,626.64 62.3 847 050-172-17 $ 132,186.00 $ 33,626.64 3.9 848 050-172-18 $ 1,749,300.00 $ 33,626.64 52.0 849 050-172-19 $ 1,653,385.00 $ 33,626.64 49.1 850 050-172-20 $ 1,774,800.00 $ 33,630.95 52.7 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021126 7-42 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Total True Value Assessments as Assessments as Existing Preliminarily Confirmed and Liens Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 851050-172-21 $ 514,298.00 $ 33,630.95 15.2 852 050-172-22 $ 1,141,611.00 $ 33,626.64 33.9 8531050-172-23 $ 2,131,620.00 $ 42,026.03 50.7 854 050-162-15 $ 2,584,132.00 $ 33,036.53 78.2 855 050-162-16 $ 1,674,649.00 $ 45,204.87 37.0 856 050-162-17 $ 2,100,069.00 $ 33,630.95 62.4 857 050-162-18 $ 163,751.00 $ 33,626.64 4.8 858 050-162-19 $ 1,803,386.00 $ 33,630.95 53.6 8591050-162-20 $ 1,711,944.00 $ 33,630.95 50.9 860 050-162-21 $ 2,325,000.00 $ 33,626.64 69.1 861050-162-22 $ 883,875.00 $ 33,626.64 26.2 862 050-162-23 $ 720,100.00 $ 33,630.95 21.4 863 050-162-24 $ 1,510,774.00 $ 33,630.95 44.9 864 050-162-25 $ 243,470.00 $ 33,630.95 7.2 865 050-162-26 $ 2,164,864.00 $ 33,626.64 64.3 866 050-162-30 $ 794,723.00 $ 33,630.95 23.6 867 050-152-21 $ 3,828,346.00 $ 42,030.33 91.0 868 050-152-22 $ 172,708.00 $ 32,334.43 5.3 869 050-152-23 $ 4,156,500.00 $ 42,030.33 98.8 870 050-152-24 $ 1,948,377.00 $ 32,334.43 60.2 871050-152-25 $ 162,607.00 $ 32,338.73 5.0 872 050-152-26 $ 150,339.00 $ 32,338.73 4.6 873 050-152-27 $ 195,075.00 $ 32,334.43 6.0 874 050-152-28 $ 2,331,016.00 $ 32,338.73 72.0 875 050-152-29 $ 157,536.00 $ 32,338.73 4.8 876 050-152-30 $ 499,154.00 $ 32,338.73 15.4 877 050-152-31 $ 2,050,076.00 $ 32,334.43 63.4 878 050-152-32 $ 2,050,076.00 $ 35,569.27 57.6 879 050-152-33 $ 298,040.00 $ 35,569.27 8.3 880 050-151-05 $ 1,315,768.00 $ 33,630.95 39.1 881050-151-04 $ 3,485,623.00 1 $ 33,626.64 103.6 882 050-151-03 $ 253,312.00 $ 33,630.95 7.5 883 050-151-02 $ 336,164.00 $ 39,122.85 8.5 884 050-151-01 $ 4,485,120.00 $ 39,118.55 114.6 885 050-151-06 $ 2,242,558.00 $ 35,358.21 63.4 886 050-151-39 $ 1,070,914.00 $ 35,569.27 30.1 8871050-151-38 $ 752,575.00 1 $ 32,334.43 23.2 888 050-151-08 $ 588,063.00 $ 32,334.43 18.1 889 050-151-09 $ 1,147,524.00 $ 32,338.73 35.4 890 050-151-10 $ 729,723.00 $ 32,334.43 22.5 891050-151-11 $ 318,425.00 $ 42,030.33 7.5 892 050-151-13 $ 672,534.00 $ 32,338.73 20.7 893 050-151-14 $ 774,844.00 $ 32,338.73 23.9 894 050-151-15 $ 2,136,900.00 $ 32,338.73 66.0 895 050-151-16 $ 190,597.00 $ 32,338.73 5.8 896 050-151-17 $ 1,819,971.00 $ 32,338.73 56.2 897 050-151-18 $ 1,095,198.00 $ 32,334.43 33.8 898 050-151-19 $ 214,074.00 $ 32,338.73 6.6 899 050-163-01 $ 880,465.00 $ 33,626.64 26.1 9001050-163-02 $ 1,836,000.00 $ 33,630.95 54.5 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021127 7-43 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 901050-163-03 $ 735,874.00 $ 33,626.64 21.8 902 050-163-04 $ 1,991,674.00 $ 33,630.95 59.2 9031050-163-05 $ 2,600,000.00 $ 33,630.95 77.3 904 050-163-06 $ 975,304.00 $ 33,626.64 29.0 905 050-163-07 $ 257,041.00 $ 33,630.95 7.6 906 050-163-08 $ 3,604,519.00 $ 44,614.76 80.7 907 050-163-10 $ 355,546.00 $ 33,630.95 10.5 908 050-163-11 $ 1,928,925.00 $ 33,630.95 57.3 9091050-163-12 $ 571,266.00 $ 33,630.95 16.9 910 050-163-13 $ 4,163,014.00 $ 44,575.99 93.3 911050-173-01* $ 1,573,591.00 $ 41,939.88 37.5 912 050-173-02 $ 211,716.00 $ 33,592.18 6.3 913 050-173-03 $ 2,080,506.00 $ 33,630.95 61.8 914 050-173-04 $ 948,624.00 $ 33,630.95 28.2 9151050-173-05 $ 1,244,882.00 $ 33,626.64 37.0 916 050-173-06 $ 1,084,805.00 $ 33,630.95 32.2 917 050-173-07 $ 143,453.00 $ 33,630.95 4.2 918 050-173-08 $ 2,193,000.00 $ 33,626.64 65.2 919 050-173-09 $ 161,345.00 $ 37,326.68 4.3 920 050-173-10 $ 405,923.00 $ 33,626.64 12.0 921050-173-11 $ 4,448,789.00 $ 33,630.95 132.2 922 050-173-12 $ 439,130.00 $ 33,630.95 13.0 923 050-173-13 $ 1,391,190.00 $ 33,630.95 41.3 924 050-173-14 $ 4,215,655.00 $ 44,614.76 94.4 925 050-173-15 $ 1,102,971.00 $ 37,309.45 29.5 926 050-173-16 $ 2,699,519.00 $ 33,630.95 80.2 9271050-173-17 $ 2,967,134.00 $ 33,630.95 88.2 928 050-173-18 $ 2,121,541.00 $ 33,630.95 63.0 929 050-173-19 $ 266,730.00 $ 33,630.95 7.9 930 050-173-20 $ 1,077,218.00 $ 33,630.95 32.0 931050-173-21 $ 2,499,134.00 $ 33,626.64 74.3 932 050-173-22 $ 3,406,710.00 $ 33,630.95 101.2 9331050-173-23 $ 841,844.00 $ 33,630.95 25.0 934 050-173-24 $ 257,846.00 $ 33,630.95 7.6 935 050-163-14 $ 1,026,061.00 $ 33,592.18 30.5 936 050-163-15 $ 1,706,705.00 $ 33,626.64 50.7 937 050-163-16 $ 2,516,644.00 $ 33,626.64 74.8 938 050-163-17 $ 698,208.00 $ 33,630.95 20.7 9391050-163-27 $ 2,743,518.00 $ 33,630.95 81.5 940 050-163-26 $ 2,561,052.00 $ 33,630.95 76.1 941050-163-19 $ 2,229,720.00 $ 33,626.64 66.3 942 050-163-20 $ 302,941.00 $ 33,630.95 9.0 943 050-163-29 $ 2,858,282.00 $ 33,630.95 84.9 944 050-163-28 $ 850,488.00 $ 33,630.95 25.2 9451050-163-22 $ 744,146.00 $ 33,630.95 22.1 946 050-163-23 $ 987,363.00 $ 33,626.64 29.3 947 050-163-24 $ 1,981,166.00 $ 33,630.95 58.9 948 050-163-25 $ 2,649,752.00 $ 33,630.95 78.7 949 050-151-36 $ 2,626,100.00 $ 33,630.95 78.0 950 050-151-35 $ 197,755.00 $ 33,630.95 1 5.8 *CITY OWNED PARCEL; NOT INCLUDED IN PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT DEBT LIMIT VALUATION City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 128 7-44 Table 1 Assessment Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Existing Total True Value Liens Assessments as Assessments as Preliminarily Confirmed and Approved Recorded Value To Lien Ratio 951050-151-21 $ 3,300,000.00 $ 33,630.95 98.1 952 050-151-22 $ 312,015.00 $ 33,626.64 9.2 9531050-151-37 $ 204,095.00 $ 33,630.95 6.0 954 050-151-24 $ 2,622,492.00 $ 33,626.64 77.9 955 050-151-25 $ 1,110,943.00 $ 33,630.95 33.0 956 050-151-26 $ 197,298.00 $ 33,626.64 5.8 957 050-151-27 $ 174,761.00 $ 33,630.95 5.1 958 050-151-41 $ 2,814,322.00 $ 33,630.95 83.6 9591050-151-40 $ 2,190,639.00 $ 33,630.95 65.1 960 050-151-29 $ 603,621.00 $ 33,630.95 17.9 961050-151-30 $ 2,887,350.00 $ 33,626.64 85.8 962 050-151-42 $ 1,386,625.00 $ 33,630.95 41.2 963 050-151-43 $ 844,097.00 $ 33,630.95 25.0 964 050-151-33 $ 548,299.00 $ 29,969.68 18.2 9651937-170-51 $ 945,557.00 $ 26,614.23 35.5 9661050-091-29 $ 2,933,187.00 $ 33,376.81 87.8 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 129 7-45 N V 5 Table 2 Debt Limit Valuation A. ESTIMATED BALANCE TO ASSESSMENT (Not including city owned parcels) $32,773,760.12 B. UNPAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS $0 TOTAL A& B $32,773,760.12 C. TRUE VALUE OF PARCELS (Not including city owned parcels) $1,459,060,335.00 AVERAGE VALUE TO LIEN RATIO 44:1 * Unpaid Special Assessments shall consist of the total principal sum of all unpaid special assessments previously levied or proposed to be levied other than in the instant proceedings. * * True Value of Parcels means the total value of the land and improvements as estimated and shown on the last equalized roll of the County or as otherwise reasonably calculated. This report does not represent a recommendation ofparcel value, economic viability or financial feasibility, as that is not the responsibility of the Assessment Engineer. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned Assessment Engineer, do hereby certify that (i) the total amount of the principal sum of the special assessments proposed to be levied, together with the principal amount of previously levied special assessments, as set forth above, do not exceed one-half (1/2) the total true value of the parcels proposed to be assessed, and (ii) the amount proposed to be assessed upon any parcel does not exceed one-half of the true value of the parcel. EXECUTED ON JUNE 8, 2021 , OVESS/pi M. co 0 /<4<•y LU No. C31572 NV5, INC. EY M YCOOPER, P.E. R.q E. No. 31572 ENGINEER OF WORK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021130 7-46 N V 5 Exhibit 1 Method and Formula of Assessment Spread Since the improvements are to be funded by the levying of assessments, the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" and Article XIIID of the State Constitution require that assessments must be based on the special benefit that the properties receive from the works of improvement. In addition, Section 4 of Article XIIID of the State Constitution requires that a parcel's assessment may not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on that parcel. Section 4 provides that only special benefits are assessable and the local agency levying the assessment must separate the general benefits from the special benefits. It also provides that parcels within a district that are owned or used by any public agency, the State of California, or the United States shall not be exempt from assessment unless the agency can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that those publicly owned parcels in fact receive no special benefit. Neither the Act nor the State Constitution specifies the method or formula that should be used to apportion the costs to properties in any special assessment district proceedings. The responsibility for recommending an apportionment of the costs to properties which specially benefit from the improvements rests with the Assessment Engineer, who is appointed for the purpose of making an analysis of the facts and determining the correct apportionment of the assessment obligation. In order to apportion the assessments to each parcel in direct proportion with the special benefit which it will receive from the improvements, an analysis has been completed and is used as the basis for apportioning costs to each property within the Assessment District. Based upon an analysis of the special benefit to be received by each parcel from the construction of the works of improvement, the Assessment Engineer recommends the apportionment of costs as outlined below. The final authority and action rests with the City Council after hearing all testimony and evidence presented at a public hearing, and tabulating the assessment ballots previously mailed to all record owners of property within the Assessment District. Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council must make the final determination whether or not the assessment spread has been made in direct proportion to the special benefits received by each parcel within the Assessment District. Ballot tabulation will be done at that time and, if a majority of the returned ballots weighted by assessment amount are not in opposition to the Assessment District, the City Council may form the Assessment District. The following sections set forth the methodology used to apportion the costs of the improvements to each parcel. SPECIAL BENEFITS In further making the analysis, it is necessary that the properties receive a special benefit distinguished from general benefits conferred on real property located in the District or to the public at large. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021131 7-47 NNIS The purpose of this Assessment District is to provide the financing to underground existing overhead electrical, telephone and cable facilities as well as rehabilitate the affected portions of streets and alleys within the District, including some street light replacements. These facilities are the direct source of service to the properties within the Assessment District. The proposed replacement of existing overhead utility facilities (power, telephone and cable facilities) with underground facilities and removal of the existing utility poles and the overhead wires will provide a special benefit to the parcels connected to and adjacent to, or in near proximity of, the facilities as follows: ❑ Improved Aesthetics Benefit. This benefit relates to the improved aesthetics of the streetscape due to the removal of overhead wires and utility poles. For the purposes of this report, a street is defined as either a street or alley. The removal of guy wires and other support structures related to the overhead facilities are included in the definition of improved aesthetics. Properties that are directly adjacent to overhead facilities receive an aesthetic benefit. This benefit is based on the area of the parcel. ❑ Safety Benefit. This benefit relates to the additional safety of having the overhead distribution wires placed underground and having the power poles removed, which eliminates the threat of downed utility lines and poles due to wind, rain and other unforeseeable events. Falling facilities can lead to personal injuries and damage to structures, including fire. Properties immediately adjacent to the facilities usually have a greater risk. Furthermore, in areas like Central Balboa Island, the negative effects of falling lines and poles are widespread including blocked driveways and property damage due to impact. Many of the streets are narrow with one-way only designations. Alleys are often used as a travelway rather than just ingress and egress to properties. Properties that are adjacent to, or in proximity of, overhead facilities receive a safety benefit. This benefit is based on the average area of the parcels in the District. ❑ Reliability Benefit. This benefit relates to the enhanced reliability of service from the utilities being underground, due' to having all new wires and equipment and having that equipment underground, which reduces the threat of service interruption from downed lines. When compared to overhead systems, fewer outages occur due to various acts of nature, traffic collisions and obstructions (such as trees). Properties that are connected to, or have the ability to connect to, the facilities proposed to be undergrounded receive a reliability benefit. This benefit is based on the average area of the parcels in the District. By virtue of such special benefits, the proposed improvements will provide a higher level of service, increase the desirability of the properties and will specifically enhance the values of the properties within the Assessment District. Therefore, the proposed improvements are of direct and special benefit to these properties. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021132 7-48 NNIS GENERAL BENEFITS Section 4 of Article XIIID requires that the general benefits imparted by the utility undergrounding project be separated from the special benefits and that only the special benefit portion of the costs of the project be assessed against those parcels which are identified as receiving special benefits. Separating the general from the special benefits requires an examination of the facts and circumstances of the project and the property being assessed. In this particular assessment district, the streets and alleys along which the existing overhead utility facilities are being undergrounded function as local and collector streets. No other roadways are designated as an arterial, a major arterial or a scenic corridor in the Transportation Element of the City's General Plan. Furthermore, the City has an established network of arterial streets which appear to function as intended to provide for the movement of traffic around and through the community at large without the need to utilize local collector streets for such purposes. Under these circumstances, any use of the streets within the assessment district as "through" streets is incidental. The properties situated within the assessment district are primarily residential with some commercial and non-commercial (United States Post Office and City Fire Station) properties primarily on Marine Avenue, Agate Avenue, and South Bay Front. Under this circumstance, the impacts, both visual and safety, are largely isolated to those properties (and the persons who inhabit them) which front on these local streets and alleys, with only incidental impacts on those who visit homes within the assessment district or who pass through the assessment district on trips originating outside the boundary and having a destination outside the boundary. Based on these facts and circumstances, any general benefits to the property within the Assessment District in general, to the surrounding community and to the public at large from the project of undergrounding these local overhead utility facilities on the local streets and alleys, such as to the general public visiting in cars, on bikes or on foot, are incidental and do not exceed five percent (5%) of the estimated project costs. This general benefit portion of the cost is more than offset by the approximate 20% percent utility company contribution (included in the cost estimate on page 7 as net costs). Therefore, the remainder of the project design and construction costs represents the local and special benefits to the parcels within the Assessment District. Because only the net amount of $32,815,700 is apportioned to the parcels within the District, no parcel is assessed more than its proportional share of the special benefits from the improvements. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021133 7-49 N V 5 METHODOLOGY Based upon the findings described above, the special benefit received by the properties within the boundaries of the Assessment District is the conversion from an overhead to an underground utility system resulting in additional safety, enhanced reliability, and improved aesthetics to the adjacent properties. Based on these conditions, it is our conclusion that the improvements specially benefit all assessed properties in the Assessment District. To establish the benefit to the individual parcels within the Assessment District, the highest and best use of each property is considered. For example, a vacant property is considered developed to its highest potential and connected to the system. The more a property is developed, the more it benefits from the proposed improvements. All of the properties within this Assessment District are zoned residential. There is a direct correlation between the size of a property and the extent to which a property may develop. Because parcel size is one of the main limiting factors for what can be built on a property, or the extent the property is developed, the size of each parcel is used as the base unit for measuring benefit. The special benefits from the undergrounding of overhead utilities are categorized into the three (3) distinct benefits identified above. All parcels within the District receive 3 of the 3 benefits. For the Improved Aesthetics Benefit, the parcel area is multiplied by 1 to calculate the "Aesthetics Benefit Area." For the Reliability Benefit and Safety Benefit, the average parcel area within the district is determined and applied to the parcel, the "Reliability Benefit Area" and "Safety Benefit Area" are the average size of parcels in the District. The Assessed Benefit Area per parcel is equal to the Aesthetics Benefit Area plus the Safety Benefit Area plus the Reliability Benefit Area, divided by 3. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021134 7-50 NNIS ASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT Each parcel will be apportioned its fair share of the construction costs based on the Assessed Benefit Area calculated for eachproperty. Incidental Expenses and Financial Costs have been assessed to the entire Assessment District on a prorata basis relative to the total construction cost allocations. The individual assessment calculations are provided in Appendix A. For particulars to the Assessment Roll, reference is made to Table 1 in Part III of this report. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the assessments for the referenced Assessment District have been spread in direct accordance with the special benefits that each parcel receives from the works of improvement. Dated: June 8, 2021 , SOV ESS/O NV5, INC. F'� M, cop'9(�� W No. C31572 m JEF EY M. COOPER, P.E. R. E. No. 31572 ENGINEER OF WORK ��9tF C Iv ti� �t�a`!� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Of C pL�F STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021135 7-51 N V 5 as CITY CLERK ofthe CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, together with the Diagram attached thereto, was filed in my office on the day of 12021. CITY CLERK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, as CITY CLERK ofthe CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, together with the Diagram attached thereto, was preliminarily approved by the City Council of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, on day of , 2021. CITY CLERK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA as CITY CLERK ofthe CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, together with the Diagram attached thereto, was approved and confirmed by the City Council of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, on day of , 2021. CITY CLERK CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, as SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ofthe CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA do hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, together with the Diagram attached thereto, was recorded in my office on day of , 2021. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021136 7-52 N V 5 PART IV Annual Administrative Assessment A proposed maximum annual administrative assessment shall be levied on each parcel of land and subdivision of land within the Assessment District to pay for necessary costs and expenses incurred by the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, and not otherwise reimbursed, resulting from the administration and collection of assessments, from the administration or registration of any bonds and reserve or other related funds, or both. The maximum assessment is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Section 10204(f) of the Streets and Highways Code and shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100) per parcel per year, subject to an annual increase based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), during the preceding year ending in January, for all Urban Consumers in the Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange County areas. The exact amount of the administration charge will be established each year by the Superintendent of Streets. This administration assessment is separate from, and in addition to, (a) the per -parcel collection fee that may be added to each annual assessment under California Streets and Highways Code Sections 8682 (to cover expenses of collection) and 8682.1 (to cover bond administration costs), and (b) any fees payable to the City in connection with Assessment prepayments after the issuance of Bonds, apportionment of Assessments to reflect parcels splits or parcel mergers, and late charges and penalties for delinquent Assessment installments. The annual administrative assessment will be collected in the same manner and in the same installments as the assessment levied to pay for the cost of the works of improvement. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021137 7-53 N V 5 PART V Diagram of Assessment A reduced copy of the Assessment Diagram is attached hereto. Full-sized copies of the Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram are on file in the Office of the City Clerk, of the City of Newport Beach. As required by the Act, the Assessment Diagram shows the exterior boundaries of the Assessment District and the assessment number assigned to each parcel of land corresponding to its number as it appears in the Assessment Roll contained in Part III Table 1. The Assessor's Parcel Number is also shown for each parcel as they existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention and reference is hereby made to the Assessor's Parcel Maps of the County of Orange for the boundaries and dimensions of each parcel ofland. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021138 7-54 PREPARED BY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT- 124 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ALL SECTIONS INNUMIN LIN W, 49 POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED POWER LINE TO BE REMOVED GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED — — POWER LINE TO REMAIN PARCELS: 966 t� POWER POLE TO REMAIN IN PLACE — — ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA BOUNDARY DISTANCE: TRENCH 21,000 LF GUY WIRE TO REMAIN IN PLACE ON-SITE PARCEL LATERALS: 7,000 LF C NEW RISER POLE OFF-SITE PARCELS POWER POLES TO BE REMOVED: 175 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021139 7-55 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021140 7-56 PREPARED BY: ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM N V 5 SECTION 1 OF 5 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY o o y0 o Q ® ® 325 233 325 2� 322 ® ® 3 LEGEND ' azo 0 321 319 320 318 ® ® ® ® 321 319 rn Z O POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED 316 ® (9 317 316 ® ® 317 b GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED Q'j , 3 A 2'"S 314 ® ® S14 ® ® 315 w Q POWER POLE TO REMAIN IN PLACE uA X23' 312 ® 315 312 ® © 313 0I w GUY WIRE TO REMAIN IN PLACE 9 a z 310 ® ® 311 m 310 ® ® z O e NEW RISER POLE 27 22j � p O aos ® 309 D 306 ® ® 311 309 o� POWER LINE TO BE REMOVED 2r8°1 306 ® ® 3vs ® ® POWER LINE TO REMAIN 3 ®307 ® 365 304 ® ® 3 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA BOUNDARY AR A afl^ 302 ® ® 303 302 ® ® 305 303 3 ON-SITE PARCEL 2ps'� g 0 s00 ® ® 301 300 ® ® 747 OFF-SITE PARCELS O74 O'° 2,2'� ,s 2r2zo 2 N 14 O 24 2,s O PARCELS: 966 ® 227226 ® ® 227 2 DISTANCE: 2,s 224 ® ® 225 224 ® ® 225 TRENCH 21,000 LF A ® 2Y; 2ps °8 222 ® 223 zzz ® ® z23 2 LATERALS: 7,000 LF �O ® 2 ` O j 2p@ YS O ® 2 Y3 220 ® ® 221 220 © 221 POWER POLES TO BE REMOVED: 175 A 2pY 2gsr » ® 2 218 ® ® 219 216 ® ® 219 2s2 ®YY 216 ® ® 217 216 ® 217 214® 215 W 214 ® ® 215 I z O 202pg® J 212 0 1® 213 7 212 ® ® 213 210 ® 211 Q 210 ® ® 211Lu 6/1 208,® ® 209 208 ® _206@ ® 209 W 6Lu /1 206 ® 207 ® 207Zl 204 ®' ® 205 204 ® ® 205 L d ; ` 202 ® ® 203 X12 ® ® 203 2 200 ® 201 200 n ® 201 - I' CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SEE SECTION 2� ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - 124 N.T.S. 4/14/2021 CENTRAL BALBOA ISLAND City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021140 7-56 PREPARED BY: N V 5 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY N.T.S. 4/14/2021 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM SECTION 2 OF 5 LEGEND POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED 0 POWER POLE TO REMAIN IN PLACE GUY WIRE TO REMAIN IN PLACE e NEW RISER POLE POWER LINE TO BE REMOVED — POWER LINE TO REMAIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA BOUNDARY ON-SITE PARCEL OFF-SITE PARCELS PARCELS: 966 DISTANCE: TRENCH 21,000 LF LATERALS: 7,000 LF POWER POLES TO BE REMOVED: 175 Ln z O_ 6 w Ln w Ln w CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - 124 CENTRAL BALBOA ISLAND City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021141 7-57 PREPARED BY: N V Z IO v w Lu ❑ Lu Z Ln a d ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY LEGEND SEE SECTION POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED Q POWER POLE TO REMAIN IN PLACE GUY WIRE TO REMAIN IN PLACE e NEW RISER POLE POWER LINE TO BE REMOVED — POWER LINE TO REMAIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA BOUNDARY ON-SITE PARCEL OFF-SITE PARCELS N.T.S. 4/14/2021 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM SECTION 3 OF 5 I 311 I 309 j 307 1 305 1 303 , i 301 ' PARCELS: 966 DISTANCE: TRENCH 21,000 LF LATERALS: 7,000 LF POWER POLES TO BE REMOVED: 175 z z a U 0 C7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - 124 CENTRAL BALBOA ISLAND City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021142 7-58 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021143 7-59 PREPARED BY: ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM N V 5 SECTION 4 OF 5 BALBOA AVENUE SEE SE ON BALBOA JAVENUE 226 228 ® 1 7 7 2277=2 1 9224 ® 226 ® ® 227 226 +� ® 229 228 ® ® 227 L 224224 222 ® F@21 222 ® ® @7226 ® ® 225 222 225 ® 224 ® ® 225 224 @ ® 225 224 ® 04 225 ` 220 ® 220 ® ® 221 223 222 ® ® 223 220 ® ® 221 220 ® ® 221 222 ® ® 223 222 ® 223 222 ® ® 229 Lu Lu 1218 ® 216 ® ® 219 216 ® ® 219 218 ® _@21 9 220 218 ® ® ® ® 221 219 220 218 9 @ ® 221 220 ® ® 221 ' ® N ® 217 216 ® ® 217 216 0 ® 217 216 ® ® 217 216 ® ® 217 216 219 218 ® ® 219 ® ® ® 217 , 1216 214 �� 215 D 214 ® ® 215 ? 214 ® ® 215 W 214 ® ® 215 LLJ 214 ® ® 215 Lll 214 ®i 217 216 Q ® 215 214 ® 215 Q 212 ® C T 213 W 212 ® ® 213 w 212 ® Z 212 ® ® 213 Z 212 >s Z 212 ® ® 213 Z �i 213 1210 ® ©' 211 ¢ 210 ® ® 211 Q 210 ® ® 211 4 210 ® ® 211 7 210 ® 210® 7 210®211 LLI 208 0 209208 ® ® 209 208 ® 209 206 ®® 208¢208® P2051 208 ® 211 ® 209 208Lll 206 ® ® ® 207 W 206 ® ® 207 J 205 ® ® 207 Q206 ® ® 207 N 206 206 ® 207 206 ® ® 207 205Z204 ® ® 205 204 ® ® 205 LL1 204 ® ® 205 = 284 ® 204 ® 204 ® ® Z 1204 202 ® ® 203 Q 202 ® [@E2 03 202 ® ® ® d 202 ® ® 203 W 202 ® ® 203 X z 202 ® 203 B.I 205 q ® Z Z 200 ® 8 2 to 200 ® D1 1000 ® 100fi 201 ¢ ® 201 Q 200 ® ® 201 200 ® 201 200 ® 201 Q PA AVENUE PARK_ AVENUE SEE SECTION 5 LEGEND ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED BOUNDARY >— GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED Q POWER POLE TO REMAIN IN PLACE �— GUY WIRE TO REMAIN IN PLACE e NEW RISER POLE POWER LINE TO BE REMOVED — — POWER LINE TO REMAIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA BOUNDARY ON-SITE PARCEL OFF-SITE PARCELS PARCELS: 966 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DISTANCE: TRENCH 21,000 LF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - 124 N.T.S. LATERALS: 7,000 LF 4/14/2021 POWER POLES TO BE REMOVED: 175 CENTRAL BALBOA ISLAND City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021143 7-59 PREPARED BY: ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM N V 5 SECTION 5 OF 5 L C F L. LL V LL LL V USTMAII N. .5. 4/14/2021 LEGEND 0 POWER POLE TO BE REMOVED )-- GUY WIRE TO BE REMOVED O POWER POLE TO REMAIN IN PLACE GUY WIRE TO REMAIN IN PLACE e NEW RISER POLE POWER LINE TO BE REMOVED — POWER LINE TO REMAIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREA BOUNDARY ON-SITE PARCEL OFF-SITE PARCELS PARCELS: 966 DISTANCE: TRENCH 21,000 LF LATERALS: 7,000 LF POWER POLES TO BE REMOVED: 175 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - 124 CENTRAL BALBOA ISLAND City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021144 7-60 N V 5 Part VI Description of Facilities Section 10100 ofthe Act provides for the legislative body of any municipality to finance certain capital facilities and services within or along its streets or any public way or easement. The following is a list of proposed improvements as allowed under the Act to be installed, or improved under the provisions of the Act, including the acquisition of required right-of-way and/or property. For the general location of the improvements to be constructed referenced is hereby made to the Plans and Specifications described in Part I of this report. The following improvements are proposed to be constructed and installed in the general location referred to as Assessment District No. 124. 1. Acquisition of any required easements orrights-of-way. 2. Removal of existing utility poles. 3. Removal of overhead resident service drops. 4. Construction of mainline underground power, telephone and cable conduit, with appurtenant manholes and pullboxes, and installation of cabling, wiring and other facilities. 5. Construction of service conduit and appurtenances. The improvements will be designed by the Southern California Edison Company, AT&T and Time Warner Cable. The utility companies will be responsible for inspecting the work for their facilities and the City of Newport Beach will inspect the work to ensure conformance to City standards and specifications where applicable. The City will also construct additional pavement rehabilitation as needed for the project. Once completed, the underground facilities will become the property and responsibility of Southern California Edison Company, AT&T and Time Warner Cable. Each owner of property located within the Assessment District will be responsible for arranging for and paying for work on his or her property necessary to connect facilities constructed by the public utilities in the public streets and alleys to the points of connection on the private property. Conversion of individual service connections on private property is not included in the work done by the Assessment District. The estimated time for completion of the undergrounding of the utilities is 36 months after the sale of bonds. Property owners will be required to provide necessary underground connections within 120 days of the completion of the underground facilities. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021145 7-61 N V 5 Failure to convert individual service connections on private property may result in a recommendation to the City Council that the public utilities be directed to discontinue service to that property pursuant to Section 15.32 ofthe Municipal Code. Overhead facilities cannot be removed until all overhead service has been discontinued. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021146 7-62 N V 5 Right -of -Way Certificate STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH The undersigned hereby CERTIFIES UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that the following is all true and correct. That at all time herein mentioned, the undersigned was, and now is, the authorized representative of the dulyappointedSUPERINTENDENT OFSTREETS oftheCITYOFNEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. That there have now been instituted proceedings under the provisions of Article XIIID of the California Constitution, and the "Municipal Improvements Act of 1913," being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, for the construction of certain public improvements in a special assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"). THE UNDERSIGNED STATES AND CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: All easements or right-of-way necessary for the construction and installation of the public improvements of the Assessment District either have been obtained or are in process of being obtained and will be obtained and in the possession of the affected utility company, the City, the County of Orange or the State of California prior to commencement of the construction and installation of such public improvements. EXECUTED this day of , 2021 at CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, California. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH State of California David Webb, P.E. City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021147 7-63 N V 5 Certificate of Completion of Environmental Proceedings STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH The undersigned, under penalty of perjury, CERTIFIES as follows: 1. That I am the person who authorized to prepare and process all environmental documentation as needed as it relates to the formation of the special Assessment District being formed pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special Assessment District known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 124 (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment District"). 2. The specific environmental proceedings relating to this Assessment District that have been completed are as follows: CEQA compliance review: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt (Class 2) from the provisions of CEQA (replacement or reconstructions). 3. I do hereby certify that all environmental evaluation proceedings necessary for the formation of the Assessment District have been completed to my satisfaction, and that no further environmental proceedings are necessary. EXECUTED this day of , 2021 at CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, California. David Webb, P.E. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021148 7-64 NVIS APPENDIX A. Assessment Calculations City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021 149 7-65 NVIS ASSESSMENT CALCULATIONS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf( Connections Assigned Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO( Safety Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Preliminary Financial Total Costs Assessment Cash Payments 234AGATEAVE 1 050.072-34 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 232 AGATE AVE 2 050.072-33 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 230AGATEAVE 3 050.072-32 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 228AGATEAVE 4 050.072-31 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 226AGATEAVE 5 050.072-30 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 224AGATEAVE 6 050.072-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 222 AGATE AVE 7 050.072-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 220AGATEAVE 8 050.072-27 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 218AGATEAVE 9 050.072-37 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 216AGATEAVE 10 050.072-38 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 214AGATEAVE 11 050.072-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212 AGATE AVE 12 050.072-24 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 210AGATEAVE 13 050.072-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 208 AGATE AVE 14 050.072-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 206AGATEAVE 15 050.072-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 204AGATEAVE 16 050.072-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 202 AGATE AVE 17 050.072-49 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 200AGATEAVE 18 050.072-50 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 501 PARK AVE 19 050.052-35 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 132 AGATE AVE 20 050.052-36 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 128AGATEAVE 21 050.052-28 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 126AGATEAVE 22 050.052-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124AGATEAVE 23 050.052-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 122 AGATE AVE 24 050.052-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120AGATEAVE 25 050.052-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118AGATEAVE 26 050.052-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 116AGATEAVE 27 050.052-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 114AGATEAVE 28 050.052-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 AGATE AVE 29 050.052-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110AGATEAVE 30 050.052-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 108AGATEAVE 31 050.052-18 3,842 1 YES 3,842 YES 2,629 2,629 3,033.25 $ 34,356.84 $ 1,507.97 $ 3,331.27 $ 39,196.08 $ 35,864.81 5025 BAY FRONT 32 050.052-37 5,167 1 YES 5,167 YES 2,629 2,629 3,474.92 $ 39,359.48 $ 1,727.54 $ 3,816.33 $ 44,903.35 $ 41,087.03 504W BAY AVE 33 050.052-15 5,208 1 YES 5,208 YES 2,629 2,629 3,488.59 $ 39,514.28 $ 1,734.34 $ 3,831.34 $ 45,079.96 $ 41,248.62 5085 BAY FRONT 34 050.052-14 2,632 1 YES 2,632 YES 2,629 2,629 2,629.92 $ 29,788.39 $ 1,307.45 $ 2,888.31 $ 33,984.15 $ 31,095.85 5105 BAY FRONT 35 050.052-13 2,608 1 YES 2,608 YES 2,629 2,629 2,621.92 $ 29,697.78 $ 1,303.48 $ 2,879.52 $ 33,880.78 $ 31,001.25 1070PALAVE 36 050-052-33 2,777 1 YES 2,777 YES 2,629 2,629 2,678.25 $ 30,335.85 $ 1,331.48 $ 2,941.39 $ 34,608.72 $ 31,667.33 1110PALAVE 37 050.052-34 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1150PALAVE 38 050.052-38 4,250 1 YES 4,250 YES 2,629 2,629 3,169.25 $ 35,897.28 $ 1,575.58 $ 3,480.63 $ 40,953.49 $ 37,472.86 1170PALAVE 39 050.052-09 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 119 OPALAVE 40 050.052-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1210PALAVE 41 050.052-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 OPALAVE 42 050.052-31 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 125 OPALAVE 43 050.052-32 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 127 OPALAVE 44 050.052-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 129 OPALAVE 45 050.052-04 2,550 1 YES S 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1310PALAVE 46 050.052-03 2,550 1 YES S 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 133 OPALAVE 47 050.052-02 2,550 1 YES S 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 135 OPALAVE 48 050-052-01 2,550 1 YES n2,55O S 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201 OPALAVE 49 050.072-18 2,550 1 YES S 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.2030PALAVE 50 050.072-17 2,550 1 YES S 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021150 7-66 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit YES NO ( / ) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Preliminary Financial Total Costs Assessment Cash Payments 2050PALAVE 51 050-072-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2070PALAVE 52 050-072-42 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2090PALAVE 53 050-072-41 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2110PALAVE 1 54 050-072-141 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2130PALAVE 55 050-072-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2150PALAVE 56 050-072-45 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 21602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2170PALAVE 57 050-072-46 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2190PALAVE 58 050-072-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2210PALAVE 59 050-072-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 223 OPALAVE 60 050-072-09 2,561 1 YES 2,561 YES 2,629 2,629 2,606.25 $ 29,520.33 $ 1,295.69 $ 2,862.31 $ 33,678.33 $ 30,816.01 225 OPALAVE 61 050-072-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 227 OPALAVE 1 62 05G-072-071 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 229 OPALAVE 63 050-072-06 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2310PALAVE 64 050-072-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 233 OPALAVE 65 050-072-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 235 OPALAVE 66 050-072-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 230 OPALAVE 67 050-071-29 1,843 1 YES 1,843 YES 2,629 2,629 2,366.92 $ 26,809.46 $ 1,176.70 $ 2,599.47 $ 30,585.63 $ 27,986.16 228 OPALAVE 68 937-170-50 921 1 YES 921 YES 2,629 2,629 2,059.59 $ 23,328.38 $ 1,023.91 $ 2,261.94 $ 26,614.23 $ 24,352.29 226 OPALAVE 69 050-071-25 2,430 1 YES 2,430 YES 2,629 2,629 2,562.59 $ 29,025.73 $ 1,273.98 $ 2,814.36 $ 33,114.06 $ 30,299.70 2240PALAVE 70 050-071-241 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2220PALAVE 71 050-071-23 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 220 OPALAVE 72 050-071-27 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 218 OPALAVE 73 050-071-28 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 2160PALAVE 74 050-071-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2140PALAVE 75 050-071-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 2120PALAVE 76 050-071-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 2100PALAVE 77 050-071-18 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 2080PALAVE 78 05G-071-171 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 2060PALAVE 79 050-071-16 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 204 OPALAVE 80 050-071-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2020PALAVE 81 050-071-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2000PALAVE 82 050-071-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1340PALAVE 83 050-051-38 1,320 1 YES 1,320 YES 2,629 2,629 2,192.591 $ 24,834.83 $ 1,090.03 $ 2,408.01 $ 28,332.87 $ 25,924.87 511 PARK AVE 84 050-051-39 1,230 1 YES 1,230 YES 2,629 2,629 21162.59 $ 24,495.03 $ 1,075.12 $ 2,375.06 $ 27,945.21 $ 25,570.15 132 OPALAVE 85 050-051-34 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 130 OPALAVE 86 050-051-331 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 128 OPALAVE 87 050-051-32 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 126 OPALAVE 88 050-051-31 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1240PALAVE 89 050-051-37 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1221/2 OPAL AVE 1221 90 050-051-36 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120 OPALAVE 91 050-051-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 Z602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1180PALAVE 92 050-051-28 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1160PALAVE 93 050-051-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1140PALAVE 94 050-051-261 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1120PALAVE 95 050-051-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1100PALAVE 96 050-051-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 108OPALAVE 97 050-051-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 1 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 1060PALAVE 98 050-051-22 2,132 1 YES 2,132 YES 2,629 2,629 2,463.25 $ 27,900.60 $ 1,224.60 $ 2,705.26 $ 31,830.46 $ 29,125.20 5125 BAY FRONT 99 050-051-21 2,590 1 YES 2,590 YES 2,629 2,629 2,615.92 $ 29,629.82 $ 1,300.49 $ 2,872.93 $ 33,803.24 $ 30,930.31 51456AYFRONT 100 050-051-20 2,590 1 YES 2,590 YES 2,629 2,629 2,615.92 $ 29,629.82 $ 1,300.491 $ 2,872.93 1 $ 33,803.241 $ 30,930.31 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021151 7-67 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 5165 BAY FRONT 101 050.051-19 2,590 1 YES 2,590 YES 2,629 2,629 2,615.92 $ 29,629.82 $ 1,300.49 $ 2,872.93 $ 33,803.24 $ 30,930.31 5185 BAY FRONT 102 050.051-18 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 5205 BAY FRONT 103 050.051-17 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 5225 BAY FRONT 1 104 050-051-161 2,590 1 1 YES 2,5901 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,615.921 $ 29,629.82 $ 1,300.49 $ 2,872.93 $ 33,803.24 $ 30,930.31 107TOPAZAVE 105 050.051-15 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 111TOPAZAVE 106 050.051-14 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 113TOPAZAVE 107 050.051-13 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 115TOPAZAVE 108 050.051-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 117TOPAZAVE 109 050.051-11 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 119TOPAZAVE 110 050.051-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 121TOPAZAVE 111 050.051-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123TOPAZAVE 112 050-051-081 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 125TOPAZAVE 113 050.051-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127TOPAZAVE 114 050.051-06 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 129TOPAZAVE 115 050.051-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 131TOPAZAVE 116 050.051-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 133TOPAZAVE 117 050.051-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 135TOPAZAVE 118 050.051-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 137TOPAZAVE 119 050.051-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201TOPAZAVE 120 050.071-12 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 203 TOPAZ AVE 121 050-071-111 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 205 TOPAZ AVE 122 050.071-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 207TOPAZAVE 123 050.071-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 209TOPAZAVE 124 050.071-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 211TOPAZAVE 125 050.071-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 TOPAZ AVE 126 050.071-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 215TOPAZAVE 127 050.071-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217TOPAZAVE 128 050.071-04 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.251 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.921 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 219 COLLINS AVE 129 050-071-031 2,220 1 YES 2,220 YES 2,629 2,629 2,492.59 $ 28,232.85 $ 1,239.18 $ 2,737.48 $ 32,209.51 $ 29,472.03 221 COLLINS AVE 130 050.071-02 1,620 1 1 YES 1,6201 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,292.59 $ 25,967.51 $ 1,139.75 $ 2,517.83 $ 29,625.09 $ 27,107.26 223 COLLINS AVE 131 050.071-01 2,149 1 YES 2,149 YES 2,629 2,629 2,468.92 $ 27,964.79 $ 1,227.41 $ 2,711.49 $ 31,903.69 $ 29,192.20 211 COLLINS AVE 132 050.061-01 1,680 1 YES 1,680 YES 2,629 2,629 2,312.59 $ 26,194.04 $ 1,149.69 $ 2,539.80 $ 29,883.53 $ 27,343.73 208TOPAZAVE 133 050.061-02 1,740 1 YES 1,740 YES 2,629 2,629 2,332.59 $ 26,420.58 $ 1,159.64 $ 2,561.76 $ 30,141.97 $ 27,580.21 206TOPAZAVE 134 050.061-03 2,418 1 YES 2,418 YES 2,629 2,629 2,558.59 $ 28,980.42 $ 1,271.99 $ 2,809.96 $ 33,062.37 $ 30,252.41 204TOPAZAVE 135 050.061-06 4,050 1 YES 4,050 YES 2,629 2,629 3,102.59 $ 35,142.16 $ 1,542.441 $ 3,407.41 $ 40,092.01 $ 36,684.60 526 PARK AVE 136 050.061-07 3,599 1 YES 3,599 YES 2,629 2,629 2,952.251 $ 33,439.38 $ 1,467.70 $ 3,242.31 $ 38,149.39 $ 34,907.08 138TOPAZAVE 137 050-063-311 1,230 1 YES 1,230 YES 2,629 2,629 2,162.59 $ 24,495.03 $ 1,075.12 $ 2,375.06 $ 27,945.21 $ 25,570.15 527 PARK AVE 138 050-063-321 1,320 1 YES 1,3201 YES 2,629 2,629 2,192.59 $ 24,834.83 $ 1,090.03 $ 2,408.01 $ 28,332.87 $ 25,924.87 136TOPAZAVE 139 050.063-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 134TOPAZAVE 140 050.063-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 132TOPAZAVE 141 050.063-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 130TOPAZAVE 142 050.063-27 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.021 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 128TOPAZAVE 143 050.063-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 126TOPAZAVE 144 050.063-25 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 124TOPAZAVE 145 050.063-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 122TOPAZAVE 146 050-063-231 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 120TOPAZAVE 147 050-063-221 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 118TOPAZAVE 148 0.50-063-211 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 116 TOPAZ AVE 149 050.063-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 112 TOPAZ AVE 150 050.063-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021152 7-68 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area (sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Preliminary Financial Total Costs Assessment Cash Payments 110TOPAZAVE 151 050-063-18 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 108TOPAZAVE 152 05G 063-17 2,676 1 YES 2,676 YES 2,629 2,629 2,644.59 $ 29,954.52 $ 1,314.74 $ 2,904.41 $ 34,173.68 $ 31,269.26 5265 BAY FRONT 153 050-063-16 3,845 1 YES 3,845 YES 2,629 2,629 3,034.25 $ 34,368.17 $ 1,508.47 $ 3,332.37 $ 39,209.00 $ 35,876.64 5285 BAY FRONT 1 154 050-063-151 3,069 1 1 YES 3,0691 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,775.591 $ 31,438.32 $ 1,379.87 $ 3,048.28 $ 35,866.48 $ 32,818.19 5305 BAY FRONT 155 050-063-33 4,464 1 YES 4,464 YES 2,629 2,629 3,240.59 $ 36,705.25 $ 1,611.04 $ 3,558.97 $ 41,875.27 $ 38,316.30 5345 BAY FRONT 156 050-063-34 5,250 1 YES 5,250 YES 2,629 2,629 3,502.59 $ 39,672.86 $ 1,741.30 $ 3,846.71 $ 45,260.87 $ 41,414.15 109 TURQUOISE AVE 157 050-063-35 2,599 1 YES 2,599 YES 2,629 2,629 2,618.92 $ 29,663.80 $ 1,301.98 $ 2,876.23 $ 33,842.01 $ 30,965.78 111TURQUOISEAVE 158 050-063-36 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 113 TURQUOISE AVE 159 050-063-11 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 117 TURQUOISE AVE 4 160 050-063-10 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 119 TURQUOISE AVE 161 050-063-09 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 121 TURQUOISE AVE 1 162 050-063-081 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 TURQUOISE AVE 163 050-063-07 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 125 TURQUOISE AVE 164 050-063-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 TURQUOISE AVE 165 050-063-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 129 TURQUOISE AVE 166 050-063-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 131 TURQUOISE AVE 167 050-063-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 133 TURQUOISE AVE 168 050-063-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 135 TURQUOISE AVE 169 05G 063-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201 COLLINS AVE 1 170 050-061-051 2,688 1 YES 2,688 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,648.59 $ 29,999.82 $ 1,316.73 $ 2,908.81 $ 34,225.37 $ 31,316.56 121 COLLINS AVE 171 05G 062-01 3,320 1 YES 3,320 YES 2,629 2,629 2,859.25 $ 32,385.99 $ 1,421.47 $ 3,140.17 $ 36,947.63 $ 33,807.46 124TURQUOISEAVE 172 050-062-02 2,360 1 YES 2,360 YES 2,629 2,629 2,539.25 $ 28,761.44 $ 1,262.38 $ 2,788.73 $ 32,812.55 $ 30,023.81 122TURQUOISEAVE 173 05G 062-03 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 120TURQUOISEAVE 174 050-062-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118TURQUOISEAVE 175 05G 062-05 3,825 1 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 114TURQUOISEAVE 176 050-062-06 3,187 1 YES 3,187 YES 2,629 2,629 2,814.92 $ 31,883.84 $ 1,399.43 $ 3,091.48 $ 36,374.75 $ 33,283.26 108TURQUOISEAVE 177 050-062-07 3,203 1 YES 3,203 YES 1 2,629 2,629 1 2,820.25 $ 31,944.25 $ 1,402.08 $ 3,097.34 $ 36,443.66 $ 33,346.32 5385 BAY FRONT 178 050-062-08 2,544 1 YES 2,544 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.59 $ 29,456.14 $ 1,292.87 $ 2,856.09 $ 33,605.10 $ 30,749.01 540S BAY FRONT 179 050-062-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 5425 BAY FRONT 180 050-062-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 544S BAY FRONT 181 050-062-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 5465 BAY FRONT 182 050-062-121 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 5485 BAY FRONT 183 050-062-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 5505 BAY FRONT 184 050-062-14 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 5525 BAY FRONT 185 050-062-15 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 107 COLLINS AVE 186 050-062-16 2,614 1 YES 2,614 YES 2,629 2,629 2,623.92 $ 29,720.43 $ 1,304.47 $ 2,881.72 $ 33,906.62 $ 31,024.90 109 COLLINS AVE 187 050-062-17 1,786 1 YES 1,786 YES 2,629 2,629 2,347.92 $ 26,594.25 $ 1,167.26 $ 2,578.60 $ 30,340.11 $ 27,761.51 601N BAY FRONT 188 050-081-01 2,580 1 YES 2,580 YES 2,629 2,629 2,612.59 $ 29,592.06 $ 1,298.84 $ 2,869.27 $ 33,760.17 $ 30,890.90 603 N BAY FRONT 189 050-081-24 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 605N BAY FRONT 190 050-081-231 2,580 1 YES 2,580 YES 2,629 2,629 2,612.59 $ 29,592.06 $ 1,298.84 $ 2,869.27 $ 33,760.17 $ 30,890.90 607N BAY FRONT 191 050-081-22 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 609N BAY FRONT 192 050-081-21 2,591 1 YES 2,5911 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 611 N BAY FRONT 193 050-081-20 2,634 1 1 YES 2,634 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,630.59 $ 29,795.941 $ 1,307.78 $ 2,889.04 $ 33,992.77 $ 31,103.73 320 COLLINS AVE 194 050-081-02 4,420 1 YES 4,420 YES 2,629 2,629 3,225.92 $ 36,539.13 $ 1,603.75 $ 3,542.86 $ 41,685.74 $ 38,142.88 316 COLLINS AVE 195 050-081-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314 COLLINS AVE 196 050-081-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 312 COLLINS AVE 197 050-081-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 310 COLLINS AVE 19822L)-081-061 2,546 1 YES 2,546 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 308 COLLINS AVE 1 1991050.081-071 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306 COLLINS AVE 200 050-081-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021153 7-69 NV�S Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 304 COLLI NS AVE 201 050-081-29 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 302 COLLINS AVE 202 050-081-30 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 600 BALBOA AVE 203 050-081-10 2,546 1 YES 2,546 YES 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 226 COLLINS AVE 1 204 050-091-011 2,546 1 1 YES Z5461 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,601.251 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 224 COLLINS AVE 205 050-091-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 222 COLLINS AVE 206 050-091-03 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 220 COLLINS AVE 207 050-091-04 2,546 1 YES 2,546 YES 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 218 COLLINS AVE 208 050-091-05 2,546 1 YES 2,546 YES 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 216 COLLINS AVE 209 050-091-06 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 214 COLLINS AVE 210 050-091-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212 COLLINS AVE 211 050-091-08 2,546 1 YES 2,546 YES 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 210 COLLINS AVE 212 050-091-09 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 208 COLLINS AVE 213 050-091-10 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 206 COLLINS AVE 214 050-091-11 2,546 1 YES 2,546 YES 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.69 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 204 COLLINS AVE 215 050-091-12 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 200 COLLINS AVE 216 050-091-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 126 COLLINS AVE 217 050-101-01 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.92 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 124 COLLINS AVE 218 050-101-021 2,545 1 YES 2,545 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.921 $ 29,459.92 $ 1,293.04 $ 2,856.46 $ 33,609.41 $ 30,752.95 122 COLLINS AVE 219 050-101-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120 COLLINS AVE 220 050-101-04 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118 COLLINS AVE 221 050-101-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 116 COLLINS AVE2 222 050-101-06 2,546 1 1 YES 2,546 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,601.25 $ 29,463.691 $ 1,293.20 $ 2,856.82 $ 33,613.72 $ 30,756.89 114COLLINSAVE 223 050-101-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 COLLINS AVE 224 050-101-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110 COLLINS AVE 225 050-101-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 106 COLLINS AVE 226 05G-101-101 3,394 1 YES 3,394 YES 2,629 2,629 2,883.92 $ 32,665.38 $ 1,433.73 $ 3,167.26 $ 37,266.37 $ 34,099.11 6005 BAY FRONT 227 050-101-26 3,824 1 YES 3,824 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.25 $ 34,288.88 $ 1,504.99 $ 3,324.68 $ 39,118.55 $ 35,793.87 6025 BAY FRONT 228 050-101-27 3,824 1 YES 3,824 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.25 $ 34,288.88 $ 1,504.99 $ 3,324.68 $ 39,118.55 $ 35,793.87 6065 BAY FRONT 229 050-101-14 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 6105 BAY 230 050-101-15 5,100 1 YES 5,100 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.59 $ 39,106.52 $ 1,716.44 $ 3,791.80 $ 44,614.76 $ 40,822.96 107 RUBY AVE 231 050-101-16 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 111 RUBY AVE 232 050-101-17 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.021 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 113 RUBY AVE 233 050-101-18 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 117 RUBY AVE 234 050-101-191 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 119 RUBY AVE 235 050-101-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 121RUBYAVE 236 050-101-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 RUBY AVE 237 050-101-21 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 125 RUBY AVE 238 050-101-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 RUBY AVE 239 050-101-23 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201 RUBY AVE 240 050-091-14 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 203 RUBY AVE 241 050-091-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 205 RUBY AVE 242 050-091-161 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 207 RUBY AVE 243 050-091-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 209 RUBY AVE 244 050-091-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 211 RUBY AVE 245 050-091-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 RUBY AVE 246 050-091-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 215 RUBY AVE 247 050-091-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217 RUBY AVE 248 050-091-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219 RUBY AVE 249 050-091-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 221 RUBY AVE 250 05G-091-231 2,550 1 YES 1 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021154 7-70 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area)sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs` Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 223 RUBY AVE 251 050-091-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 225 RUBY AVE 252 050-091-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 227 RUBY AVE 253 050-091-26 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 301 RUBY AVE 1 254 050-081-111 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 303 RUBY AVE 255 050-081-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 305 RUBY AVE 256 050-081-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 307 RUBY AVE 257 050-081-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 309 RUBY AVE 258 050-081-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311 RUBY AVE 259 050-081-16 3,824 1 YES 3,824 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.25 $ 34,288.88 $ 1,504.99 $ 3,324.68 $ 39,118.55 $ 35,793.87 315 RUBY AVE 260 050-081-17 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 317 RUBY AVE 261 050-081-28 2,673 1 YES 2,673 YES 2,629 2,629 2,643.59 $ 29,943.19 $ 1,314.25 $ 2,903.32 $ 34,160.75 $ 31,257.44 319 RUBY AVE 1 262 050-081-271 2,426 1 1 YES 2,426 YES 1 2,629 2,629 I 2,561.25 $ 29,010.621 $ 1,273.32 $ 2,812.89 $ 33,096.83 $ 30,283.94 321 RUBY AVE 263 050-081-19 3,315 1 YES 3,315 YES 2,629 2,629 2,857.59 $ 32,367.11 $ 1,420.64 $ 3,138.34 $ 36,926.09 $ 33,787.75 701 N BAY FRONT 264 050-082-01 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 703 N BAY FRONT 265 050-082-28 2,580 1 YES 2,580 YES 2,629 2,629 2,612.59 $ 29,592.06 $ 1,298.84 $ 2,869.27 $ 33,760.17 $ 30,890.90 705 N BAY FRONT 266 050-082-27 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 707 N BAY FRONT 267 050-082-26 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 709 N BAY FRONT 268 050-082-25 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 711 N BAY FRONT 269 050-082-24 2,591 1 YES 2,591 YES 2,629 2,629 2,616.25 $ 29,633.59 $ 1,300.66 $ 2,873.30 $ 33,807.55 $ 30,934.25 322 RUBY AVE 270 050-082-021 2,630 1 1 YES 2,630 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,629.25 $ 29,780.84 $ 1,307.12 $ 2,887.57 $ 33,975.54 $ 31,087.96 320 RUBY AVE 271 050-082-311 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 318 RUBY AVE 272 050-082-32 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316 RUBY AVE 273 050-082-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314 RUBY AVE 274 050-082-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 312 RUBY AVE 275 050-082-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 310 RUBY AVE 276 050-082-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308 RUBY AVE 277 050-082-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306 RUBY AVE 1 278 050-082-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 304 RUBY AVE 279 050-082-091 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 302 RUBY AVE 280 050-082-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 300 RUBY AVE 281 050-082-11 2,503 1 YES 2,503 YES 2,629 2,629 2,586.92 $ 29,301.34 $ 1,286.08 $ 2,841.08 $ 33,428.50 $ 30,587.42 226 RUBY AVE 282 050-092-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 224 RUBY AVE 283 050-092-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 222 RUBY AVE 284 054092-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 220 RUBY AVE 285 054092-04 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218 RUBY AVE 286 054092-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 216 RUBY AVE 287 050-092-061 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 214 RUBY AVE 1 288 054092-07 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212 RUBY AVE 289 054092-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 210 RUBY AVE 290 054092-09 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 208 RUBY AVE 291 054092-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 206 RUBY AVE 292 054092-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 204 RUBY AVE 293 054092-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 200 RUBY AVE 294 054092-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 706 PARK AVE 295 050-092-141 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 126 RUBY AVE 296 050-102-011 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124 RUBY AVE 297 050-102-021 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 122 RUBY AVE 298 054102-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120 RUBY AVE 299 054102-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118RUBYAVE 1 300 1050-102-051 2,550 1 1 YES Z5501 YES 1 2,629 1 2,629 I Z602.591 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 1 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021155 7-71 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 116RUBYAVE 301 050-102-06 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 114 RUBY AVE 302 050-102-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 RUBY AVE 303 054102-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110 RUBY AVE 1 304 050-102-091 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 108 RUBY AVE 305 054102-10 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 7005 BAY FRONT 306 054102-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 7025 BAY FRONT 307 054102-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 7045 BAY FRONT 308 054102-12 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 7065 BAY FRONT 309 054102-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 7105 BAY FRONT 310 054102-14 5,100 1 YES 5,100 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.59 $ 39,106.52 $ 1,716.44 $ 3,791.80 $ 44,614.76 $ 40,822.96 109 DIAMOND AVE 311 054102-15 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 111DIAMONDAVE 312 050-102-161 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 113 DIAMOND AVE 313 054102-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 115 DIAMOND AVE 314 054102-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 117 DIAMOND AVE 315 054102-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 119 DIAMOND AVE 316 054102-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 121 DIAMOND AVE 317 054102-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 DIAMOND AVE 318 054102-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 125 DIAMOND AVE 319 054102-23 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 DIAMOND AVE 320 054102-24 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201 DIAMOND AVE 321 054092-15 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 203 DIAMOND AVE 322 054092-16 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 205 DIAMOND AVE 323 054092-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 207 DIAMOND AVE 324 054092-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 209 DIAMOND AVE 325 054092-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 211 DIAMOND AVE 326 054092-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 DIAMOND AVE 327 050-092-211 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 215 DIAMOND AVE 328 054092-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217 DIAMOND AVE 329 054092-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219 DIAMOND AVE 330 054092-24 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 221 DIAMOND AVE 331 054092-25 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 223 DIAMOND AVE 332 054092-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 225 DIAMOND AVE 333 054092-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 227 DIAMOND AVE 334 054092-28 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 747 BALBOA AVE 335 050-082-121 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 303 DIAMOND AVE 336 054082-13 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 305 DIAMOND AVE 337 054082-14 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 1 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 307 DIAMOND AVE 338 054082-15 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 309 DIAMOND AVE 339 054082-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311 DIAMOND AVE 340 054082-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 313 DIAMOND AVE 341 054082-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 315 DIAMOND AVE 342 054082-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 317 DIAMOND AVE 343 054082-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.50 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 319 DIAMOND AVE 344 054082-21 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 321 DIAMOND AVE 345 050-082-221 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 1 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 325 DIAMOND AVE 346 054082-23 3,525 1 YES 3,525 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 1 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 801 N BAY FRONT 347 054083-01 2,633 1 YES 2,633 YES 2,629 2,629 2,630.251 $ 29,792.17 $ 1,307.621 $ 2,888.67 $ 33,988.46 $ 31,099.79 803 N BAY FRONT 348 054083-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,6292,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 805 N BAY FRONT 349 054083-29 3,950 1 YES 3,950 YES 2,629 2,629 3,069.25 $ 34,764.61 $ 1,525.87 1 $ 3,370.80 $ 39,661.25 $ 36,290.47 809 N BAY FRONT 350 054083-28 3,951 1 YES 3,951 YES 2,629 2,629 3,069.591 $ 34,768.39 $ 1,526.031 $ 3,371.17 $ 39,665.58 $ 36,294.41 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021156 7-72 NV�S Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (VES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & BenefitArea Contingency Costs' Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 811 N BAY FRONT 351 050-083-27 2,379 1 YES 2,379 YES 2,629 2,629 2,545.59 $ 28,833.17 $ 1,265.53 $ 2,795.69 $ 32,894.39 $ 30,098.70 324DIAMONDAVE 352 050-083-02 3,570 1 YES 3,570 YES 2,629 2,629 2,942.59 $ 33,329.89 $ 1,462.89 $ 3,231.69 $ 38,024.47 $ 34,792.78 322 DIAMOND AVE 353 050-083-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 320DIAMONDAVE 1 354 050-083-041 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 Z602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 318DIAMONDAVE 355 050-083-05 2,550 1 YES 21550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316DIAMONDAVE 356 050-083-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314DIAMONDAVE 357 050-083-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 312 DIAMOND AVE 358 050-083-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 310DIAMONDAVE 359 050-083-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308DIAMONDAVE 360 050-083-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306DIAMONDAVE 361 050-083-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 304DIAMONDAVE 362 050-083-121 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 302 DIAMOND AVE 363 050-083-13 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 300DIAMONDAVE 1 364 050-083-14 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 226DIAMONDAVE 365 050-093-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 224DIAMONDAVE 366 050-093-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 222 DIAMOND AVE 367 050-093-03 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 220DIAMONDAVE 368 050-093-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218DIAMONDAVE 369 050-093-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 216DIAMONDAVE 370 050-093-061 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 214DIAMONDAVE 371 050-093-071 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 212 DIAMOND AVE 1 372 050-093-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 210DIAMONDAVE 373 050-093-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 208DIAMONDAVE 374 050-093-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 206DIAMONDAVE 375 050-093-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 204DIAMONDAVE 376 050-093-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 202 DIAMOND AVE 377 050-093-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 200DIAMONDAVE 378 050-093-14 2,549 1 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.251 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 126DIAMONDAVE 379 050-103-011 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124DIAMONDAVE 1 380 050-103-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,958.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 122 DIAMOND AVE 381 050-103-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120DIAMONDAVE 382 050-103-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118DIAMONDAVE 383 050-103-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 116DIAMONDAVE 384 050-103-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 114DIAMONDAVE 385 050-103-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 DIAMOND AVE 386 050-103-08 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.251 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 110DIAMONDAVE 387 050-103-261 2,554 1 1 YES 2,554 YES 2,629 2,629 2,603.92 $ 29,493.90 $ 1,294.53 $ 2,859.75 $ 33,648.18 $ 30,788.42 106DIAMONDAVE 388 050-103-27 3,395 1 YES 3,395 YES 2,629 2,629 2,884.25 $ 32,669.16 $ 1,433.89 $ 3,167.63 $ 37,270.68 $ 34,103.05 8005 BAY FRONT 389 050-103-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 802 S BAY FRONT 390 050-103-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 8045 BAY FRONT 391 050-103-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 8065 BAY FRONT 392 050-103-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 808 S BAY FRONT 393 050-103-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 8105 BAY FRONT 394 050-103-15 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 107 SAPPHIRE AVE 395 050-103-16 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 111 SAPPHIRE AVE 396 050-103-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 113 SAPPHIRE AVE 397 050-103-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 115 SAPPHIRE AVE 398 050-103-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 117SAPPHIREAVE 399 050-103-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 119SAPPHIREAVE 400 050-103-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 1 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021157 7-73 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 121 SAPPHI RE AVE 401 050-103-22 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 123 SAPPHI RE AVE 402 050-103-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 125 SAPPHI RE AVE 403 050-103-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 SAPPHI RE AVE 1 404 050-103-251 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201 SAPPHI RE AVE 405 050-093-30 1,350 1 YES 1,350 YES 2,629 2,629 2,202.59 $ 24,948.10 $ 1,095.01 $ 2,418.99 $ 28,462.09 $ 26,043.11 804 PARK AVE 406 050-093-31 1,200 1 YES 1,200 YES 2,629 2,629 2,152.59 $ 24,381.76 $ 1,070.15 $ 2,364.08 $ 27,815.99 $ 25,451.91 203 SAPPHIRE AVE 407 050-093-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 205 SAPPHIRE AVE 408 050-093-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 207 SAPPHIRE AVE 409 050-093-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 209 SAPPHIRE AVE 410 050-093-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 211 SAPPHIRE AVE 411 054093-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 SAPPHIRE AVE 1 412 050-093-221 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 215 SAPPHIRE AVE 413 054093-23 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217 SAPPHIRE AVE 414 054093-24 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219 SAPPHIRE AVE 415 054093-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 221 SAPPHIRE AVE 416 054093-26 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 223 SAPPHIRE AVE 417 054093-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 225 SAPPHIRE AVE 418 054093-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 227 SAPPHIRE AVE 419 054093-29 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 301 SAPPHIRE AVE 1 420 050-083-151 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 303 SAPPHIRE AVE 421 054083-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 305 SAPPHIRE AVE 422 054083-17 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 307 SAPPHIRE AVE 423 054083-18 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 309 SAPPHIRE AVE 424 054083-33 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311 SAPPHIRE AVE 425 054083-34 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 313 SAPPHIRE AVE 426 054083-32 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 315 SAPPHIRE AVE 427 054083-31 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 317 SAPPHIRE AVE 428 050-083-211 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 319 SAPPHIRE AVE 429 054083-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 321 SAPPHIRE AVE 430 054083-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 323 SAPPHIRE AVE 431 054083-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 325 SAPPHIRE AVE 432 054083-25 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 327 SAPPHIRE AVE 433 054083-26 2,200 1 YES 2,200 YES 2,629 2,629 2,485.92 $ 28,157.34 $ 1,235.86 $ 2,730.16 $ 32,123.37 $ 29,393.21 901 N BAY FRONT 434 054132-05 2,379 1 YES 2,379 YES 2,629 2,629 2,545.59 $ 28,833.17 $ 1,265.53 $ 2,795.69 $ 32,894.39 $ 30,098.70 903 N BAY FRONT 435 054132-04 5,267 1 YES 5,267 YES 2,629 2,629 3,508.25 $ 39,737.04 $ 1,744.11 $ 3,852.94 $ 45,334.09 $ 41,481.16 907 N BAY FRONT 436 050-132-031 2,633 1 YES 2,6331 YES 2,629 2,629 2,630.25 $ 29,792.17 $ 1,307.62 $ 2,888.67 $ 33,988.46 $ 31,099.79 909 W BAY AVE 437 054132-02 2,633 1 1 YES 2,633 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,630.25 $ 29,792.17 $ 1,307.621 $ 2,888.67 $ 33,988.46 $ 31,099.79 911 N BAY FRONT 438 054132-01 2,633 1 YES 2,633 YES 2,629 2,629 2,630.25 $ 29,792.17 $ 1,307.62 $ 2,888.67 $ 33,988.46 $ 31,099.79 328 SAPPHI RE AVE 439 054132-06 4,250 1 YES 4,250 YES 2,629 2,629 3,169.25 $ 35,897.28 $ 1,575.58 $ 3,480.63 $ 40,953.49 $ 37,472.86 324 SAPPHI RE AVE 440 054132-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 322 SAPPHI RE AVE 441 054132-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 320 SAPPHI RE AVE 442 054132-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 318 SAPPHI RE AVE 443 054132-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316 SAPPHI RE AVE 444 054132-11 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314 SAPPHI RE AVE 445 050-132-121 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 312 SAPPHI RE AVE 446 054132-13 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 1 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 310 SAPPHI RE AVE 447 054132-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308 SAPPHI RE AVE 448 054132-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306 SAPPHI RE AVE 449 054132-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 304 SAPPHIRE AVE 450 054132-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021158 7-74 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area (sf) Connections Assigned Aesthetics Benefit YESNO / ) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 302 SAPPHIRE AVE 451 050.132-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 300 SAPPHIRE AVE 452 050.132-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 226 SAPPHIRE AVE 453 050.121-01 2,551 1 YES 2,551 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.92 $ 29,482.57 $ 1,294.03 $ 2,858.65 $ 33,635.25 $ 30,776.60 224 SAPPHIRE AVE 1 454 050-121-021 2,549 1 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.251 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 222 SAPPHIRE AVE 455 050.121-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 220 SAPPHIRE AVE 456 050.121-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218 SAPPHIRE AVE 457 050.121-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 216 SAPPHIRE AVE 458 050.121-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 214 SAPPHIRE AVE 459 050.121-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212 SAPPHIRE AVE 460 050.121-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 210 SAPPHIRE AVE 461 050.121-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 208 SAPPHIRE AVE 1 462 050-121-101 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 206 SAPPHIRE AVE 463 050.121-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 204SAPPHIREAVE 464 050.121-28 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 202 SAPPHIRE AVE 465 050.121-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 200 SAPPHIRE AVE 466 050.121-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 126 SAPPHIRE AVE 467 050.111-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124 SAPPHIRE AVE 468 050.111-02 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 122 SAPPHIRE AVE 469 050.111-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120 SAPPHIRE AVE 470 050-111-041 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118 SAPPHIRE AVE 471 050.111-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 116 SAPPHIRE AVE 472 050.111-06 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 114 SAPPHIRE AVE 473 050.111-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 SAPPHIRE AVE 474 050.111-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110 SAPPHIRE AVE 475 050.111-09 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 108 SAPPHIRE AVE 476 050.111-10 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.461 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 9005 BAY FRONT 477 050.111-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 9025 BAY FRONT 478 050-111-121 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 9045 BAY FRONT 479 050.111-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 906S BAY FRONT 480 050.111-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 9085 BAY FRONT 481 050.111-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 9105 BAY FRONT 482 050.111-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 107CORALAVE 483 050.111-17 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 111CORALAVE 1 484 050.111-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 113CORALAVE 485 050.111-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 115CORALAVE 486 050-111-201 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 117CORALAVE 487 050.111-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 119CORALAVE 488 050.111-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 121CORALAVE 489 050.111-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 CORALAVE 490 050.111-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 125 CORALAVE 491 050.111-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 CORALAVE 492 050.111-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201CORALAVE 493 050.121-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 203CORALAVE 494 050.121-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 205CORALAVE 495 050.121-15 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 207CORALAVE 496 050.121-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 209 CORALAVE 497 050.121-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 211CORALAVE 498 050.121-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 CORALAVE 499 050.121-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 215CORALAVE 500 050.121-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,765.72 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021159 7-75 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benef Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Assessed Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 217 CORAL AVE 501 050-121-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219CORALAVE 502 050-121-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 221CORALAVE 503 050-121-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 223 CORAL AVE 1 504 050-121-241 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 225 CORALAVE 505 050-121-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 227 CORAL AVE 506 050-121-26 2,976 1 YES 2,976 YES 2,629 2,629 2,744.59 $ 31,087.19 $ 1,364.46 $ 3,014.24 $ 35,465.89 $ 32,451.65 301CORALAVE 507 050-132-20 5,099 1 YES 5,099 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.25 $ 39,102.74 $ 1,716.27 $ 3,791.43 $ 44,610.45 $ 4Q819.02 305CORALAVE 508 050-132-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 307 CORAL AVE 509 050-132-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 309 CORAL AVE 510 050-132-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311CORALAVE 511 050-132-24 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 313 CORAL AVE 512 050-132-251 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 315 CORAL AVE 513 050-132-26 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 317CORALAVE 514 050-132-27 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 319 CORAL AVE 515 050-132-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 321CORALAVE 516 050-132-29 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 323 CORALAVE 517 050-132-30 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 325 CORAL AVE 518 050-132-31 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 327 CORAL AVE 519 050-132-33 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 331CORALAVE 520 050-132-34 3,204 1 YES 3,204 YES 2,629 2,629 2,820.59 $ 31,948.02 $ 1,402.24 $ 3,097.71 $ 36,447.97 $ 33,350.27 1001 N BAY FRONT 521 050-131-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1003 N BAY FRONT 522 050-131-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1005 N BAY FRONT 523 050-131-04 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1007 N BAY FRONT 524 050-131-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1009 N BAY FRONT 525 050-131-02 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1011 N BAY FRONT 526 050-131-01 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.021 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 33000RALAVE 527 050-131-07 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 328 CORAL AVE 528 050-131-08 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 324CORALAVE 529 050-131-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 322 CORAL AVE 530 050-131-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 32000RALAVE 531 050-131-111 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 318 CORAL AVE 532 050-131-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316 CORAL AVE 533 050-131-13 2,975 1 YES 2,975 YES 2,629 2,629 2,744.251 31,083.42 $ 1,364.29 $ 3,013.87 $ 35,461.58 $ 32,447.71 314CORALAVE 534 050-131-14 2,125 1 YES 2,125 YES 2,629 2,629 2,460.92 $ 27,874.17 $ 1,223.44 $ 2,702.70 $ 31,800.31 $ 29,097.61 312 CORAL AVE 535 050-131-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 31000RALAVE 536 050-131-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308 CORAL AVE 537 050-131-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306 CORAL AVE 538 050-131-18 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 304CORALAVE 539 050-131-191 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 302 CORAL AVE 540 050-131-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 30000RALAVE 541 050-131-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1005 BALBOA AVE 542 050-122-26 1,140 1 YES 1,140 YES 2,629 2,629 2,132.59 $ 24,155.23 $ 1,060.21 $ 2,342.11 $ 27,557.55 $ 25,215.44 226CORALAVE 543 050-122-37 3,960 1 YES 3,960 YES 2,629 2,629 3,072.59 $ 34,802.36 $ 1,527.52 $ 3,374.46 $ 39,704.35 $ 36,329.88 222 CORAL AVE 544 050-122-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 22000RALAVE 545 050-122-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218 CORAL AVE 546 050-122-27 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 216 CORAL AVE 547 050-122-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 214 CORAL AVE 548 050-122-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212 CORAL AVE 549 050-122-08 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 21000RALAVE 550 050-122-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021160 7-76 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & BenefitArea Contingency Costs` Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 208CORALAVE 551 050-122-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 206CORALAVE 552 050-122-11 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 204CORALAVE 553 050-122-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 202 CORAL AVE 1 554 050-122-291 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1000 PARK AVE 555 050-122-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 126CORALAVE 556 050-112-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124CORALAVE 557 050-112-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 122CORALAVE 558 050-112-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 12000RALAVE 559 050-112-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118CORALAVE 560 050-112-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 116CORALAVE 561 050-112-06 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 114CORALAVE 562 050-112-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112CORALAVE 563 050-112-08 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 11000RALAVE 564 050-112-09 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 106CORALAVE 565 050-112-10 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 10005 BAY FRONT 566 050-112-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 10025 BAY FRONT 567 050-112-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 10045 BAY FRONT 568 050-112-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 10065 BAY FRONT 569 050-112-271 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 10085 BAY FRONT 1 570 050-112-14 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 10105 BAY FRONT 571 050-112-15 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 107 APOLENA AVE 572 050-112-16 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 111 APOLENA AVE 573 050-112-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 115 APOLENA AVE 574 050-112-28 5,099 1 YES 5,099 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.25 $ 39,102.74 $ 1,716.27 $ 3,791.43 $ 44,610.45 $ 40,819.02 117 APOLENA AVE 575 050-112-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 119 APOLENA AVE 576 050-112-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 121 APOLENA AVE 577 050-112-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 APOLENA AVE 1 578 050-112-231 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.951 $ 30,772.66 125 APOLENA AVE 579 050-112-24 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 APOLENA AVE 580 050-112-25 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 201 APOLENA AVE 581 050-122-15 2,395 1 YES 2,395 YES 2,629 2,629 2,550.92 $ 28,893.58 $ 1,268.18 $ 2,801.54 $ 32,963.30 $ 30,161.76 1006 PARK AVE 582 050-122-14 2,700 1 YES 2,700 YES 2,629 2,629 2,652.59 $ 30,045.13 $ 1,318.72 $ 2,913.20 $ 34,277.05 $ 31,363.85 205 APOLENA AVE 583 050-122-35 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 207 APOLENA AVE 584 050-122-36 2,804 1 YES 2,804 YES 2,629 2,629 2,687.25 $ 30,437.79 $ 1,335.96 $ 2,951.27 $ 34,725.02 $ 31,773.75 209 APOLENA AVE 585 050-122-33 3,570 1 YES 3,570 YES 2,629 2,629 2,942.591 $ 33,329.89 $ 1,462.89 $ 3,231.69 $ 38,024.47 $ 34,792.78 211 APOLENA AVE 586 050-122-341 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 215 APOLENA AVE 587 050-122-18 3,824 1 YES 3,824 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.25 $ 34,288.88 $ 1,504.99 $ 3,324.68 $ 39,118.55 $ 35,793.87 217 APOLENA AVE 588 050-122-19 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219 APOLENA AVE 589 050-122-20 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 221 APOLENA AVE 590 050-122-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 223 APOLENA AVE 591 050-122-22 2,125 1 YES 2,125 YES 2,629 2,629 2,460.92 $ 27,874.17 $ 1,223.44 $ 2,702.70 $ 31,800.31 $ 29,097.61 225 APOLENA AVE 592 050-122-23 2,544 1 YES 2,544 YES 2,629 2,629 2,600.59 $ 29,456.14 $ 1,292.87 $ 2,856.09 $ 33,605.10 $ 30,749.01 227 APOLENA AVE 593 050-122-24 2,260 1 YES 2,260 YES 2,629 2,629 2,505.92 $ 28,383.88 $ 1,245.81 $ 2,752.12 $ 32,381.81 $ 29,629.68 1007 BALBOA AVE 594 050-122-251 1,140 1 YES 1,140 YES 2,629 2,629 2,132.59 $ 24,155.23 $ 1,060.21 $ 2,342.11 $ 27,557.55 $ 25,215.44 301 APOLENA AVE 595 050-131-38 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 303 APOLENA AVE 596 050-131-37 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 1 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.641 $ 30,768.72 305 APOLENA AVE 597 050-131-24 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.951 $ 30,772.66 307 APOLENA AVE 598 050-131-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 309APOLENAAVE 599 050-131-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311APOLENAAVE 600 050-131-27 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 1 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.641 $ 30,768.72 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021161 7-77 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 313 APOLENA AVE 601 050-131-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 315 APOLENA AVE 602 050-131-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 317 APOLENA AVE 603 050-131-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 319 APOLENA AVE 1 604 05G-131-311 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 Z602.591 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 321 APOLENA AVE 605 050-131-32 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 323 APOLENA AVE 606 050-131-33 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 325 APOLENA AVE 607 050-131-34 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 327 APOLENA AVE 608 050-131-35 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 333 APOLENA AVE 609 050-131-36 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 1101 N BAY FRONT 610 050-142-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1103 N BAY FRONT 611 050-142-05 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1105 N BAY FRONT 612 050-142-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1107 N BAY FRONT 613 050-142-03 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1109 N BAY FRONT 614 050-142-02 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1111 N BAY FRONT 615 050-142-01 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 330APOLENA AVE 616 050-142-07 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 326APOLENA AVE 617 050-142-38 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 324APOLENA AVE 618 050-142-37 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 322APOLENA AVE 619 05G-142-091 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 320APOLENA AVE 1 620 050-142-10 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 318 APOLENA AVE 621 050-142-11 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316APOLENA AVE 622 050-142-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314APOLENAAVE 623 050-142-13 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 312 APOLENA AVE 624 050-142-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 310APOLENA AVE 625 050-142-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308APOLENAAVE 626 050-142-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306APOLENA AVE 627 050-142-171 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 304APOLENA AVE 628 050-142-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 302APOLENAAVE 1 629 050-142-35 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 300 APOLENA AVE 630 050-142-36 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1103 BALBOA AVE 631 050-123-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 224APOLENA AVE 632 050-123-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 222 APOLENA AVE 633 050-123-31 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 220APOLENA AVE 634 050-123-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218APOLENA AVE 635 050-123-041 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 216APOLENA AVE 636 050-123-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 214APOLENA AVE 637 050-123-06 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 212APOLENA AVE 1 638 050-123-07 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 210APOLENA AVE 639 050-123-08 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 20SAPOLENA AVE 640 050-123-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 206APOLENAAVE 641 050-123-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 1 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 204APOLENA AVE 642 050-123-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 202APOLENA AVE 643 050-123-121 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1104 PARK AVE 644 050-123-14 1,200 1 YES 1,200 YES 2,629 2,629 2,152.59 $ 24,381.76 $ 1,070.15 $ 2,364.08 $ 27,815.99 $ 25,451.91 200APOLENA AVE 645 050-123-13 1,350 1 YES 1,350 YES 2,629 2,629 2,202.59 $ 24,948.10 $ 1,095.01 $ 2,418.99 $ 28,462.09 $ 26,043.11 126APOLENA AVE 646 050-113-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124APOLENAAVE 647 050-113-02 2,550 1YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 122APOLENA AVE 648 050-113-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 t 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120APOLENA AVE 649 050-113-04 2,549 1 1 YES 1 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.021 $ 1,293.70 1 $ 2,857.92 1 $ 33,626.64 1 $ 30,768.72 118APOLENAAVE 650 050-113-05 2,550 1 1 YES 1 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 1 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 1 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021162 7-78 NV�S Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area (sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 116 APOLENA AVE 651 050-113-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 114APOLENAAVE 652 054113-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 APOLENA AVE 653 050-113-08 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110 APOLENA AVE 1 654 050-113-091 2,550 1 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 106 APOLENA AVE 655 054113-10 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 11005 BAY FRONT 656 054113-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 11025 BAY FRONT 657 054113-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1104S BAY FRONT 658 050-113-12 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1106S BAY FRONT 659 054113-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 11085 BAY FRONT 660 054113-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 11105 BAY FRONT 661 050-113-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 107AMETHYSTAVE 662 050-113-161 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 111AMETHYSTAVE 1 663 050-113-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 1 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.701 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 113AMETHYSTAVE 664 054113-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 115AMETHYSTAVE 665 054113-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 117AMETHYSTAVE 666 054113-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 119AMETHYSTAVE 667 054113-21 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 121AMETHYSTAVE 668 050-113-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123AMETHYSTAVE 669 054113-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 125AMETHYSTAVE 670 050-113-241 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127AMETHYSTAVE 671 050-113-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201AMETHYSTAVE 672 054123-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 203AMETHYSTAVE 673 050-123-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 205AMETHYSTAVE 674 054123-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 207AMETHYSTAVE 675 054123-18 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 209AMETHYSTAVE 676 050-123-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 211AMETHYSTAVE 677 054123-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 213AMETHYSTAVE 678 050-123-211 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 215AMETHYSTAVE 679 054123-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217AMETHYSTAVE 680 054123-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 219AMETHYSTAVE 681 050-123-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 221AMETHYSTAVE 682 054123-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 223AMETHYSTAVE 683 050-123-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 225AMETHYSTAVE 684 054123-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1109BALBOAAVE 685 054123-28 1,620 1 YES 1,620 YES 2,629 2,629 2,292.59 $ 25,967.51 $ 1,139.75 $ 2,517.83 $ 29,625.091 $ 27,107.26 1107BALBOAAVE 686 050-123-291 930 1 YES 9301 YES 2,629 2,629 2,062.59 $ 23,362.36 $ 1,025.41 $ 2,265.23 $ 26,653.00 $ 24,387.76 301AMETHYSTAVE 687 054142-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 303AMETHYSTAVE 688 054142-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 305AMETHYSTAVE 689 050-142-22 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 307AMETHYSTAVE 690 054142-23 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 309AMETHYSTAVE 691 050-142-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311AMETHYSTAVE 692 054142-25 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 313AMETHYSTAVE 693 054142-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 315AMETHYSTAVE 694 050-142-271 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 317AMETHYSTAVE 695 054142-28 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 319AMETHYSTAVE 696 050-142-29 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 321AMETHYSTAVE 697 054142-30 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 323AMETHYSTAVE 698 054142-31 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 325AMETHYSTAVE 699 050-142-32 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 2 475.021 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 327AMETHYSTAVE 700 054142-33 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.261 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021163 7-79 NV�S Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 333AMETHYSTAVE 701 050-142-34 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 1201 N BAY FRONT 702 050-141-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1203 N BAY FRONT 703 050-141-36 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1205 N BAY FRONT 1 704 050-141-37 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1207 N BAY FRONT 705 050-141-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1209 N BAY FRONT 706 050-141-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1211 N BAY FRONT 707 050-141-01 1,350 1 YES 1,350 YES 2,629 2,629 2,202.59 $ 24,948.10 $ 1,095.01 $ 2,418.99 $ 28,462.09 $ 26,043.11 3390NYXAVE 708 050-141-35 1,200 1 YES 1,200 YES 2,629 2,629 2,152.59 $ 24,381.76 $ 1,070.15 $ 2,364.08 $ 27,815.99 $ 25,451.91 330AMETHYSTAVE 709 050-141-06 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 328AMETHYSTAVE 710 050-141-07 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 324AMETHYSTAVE 711 050-141-081 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 322AMETHYSTAVE 1 712 050-141-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 320AMETHYSTAVE 713 050-141-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 318AMETHYSTAVE 714 050-141-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316AMETHYSTAVE 715 050-141-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314AMETHYSTAVE 716 050-141-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 312AMETHYSTAVE 717 050-141-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 310AMETHYSTAVE 718 050-141-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308AMETHYSTAVE 719 050-141-161 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 306AMETHYSTAVE 720 050-141-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 I 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 304AMETHYSTAVE 721 050-141-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 302AMETHYSTAVE 722 050-141-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 300AMETHYSTAVE 723 050-141-20 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.701 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 226AMETHYSTAVE 724 050-161-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 224AMETHYSTAVE 725 050-161-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 222AMETHYSTAVE 726 050-161-03 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 220AMETHYSTAVE 727 050-161-041 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218AMETHYSTAVE 728 050-161-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 216AMETHYSTAVE 729 050-161-06 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 214AMETHYSTAVE 730 050-161-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212AMETHYSTAVE 731 050-161-08 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 210AMETHYSTAVE 732 050-161-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 208AMETHYSTAVE 733 050-161-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 206AMETHYSTAVE 734 050-161-11 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 204AMETHYSTAVE 735 050-161-121 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 202AMETHYSTAVE 736 050-161-13 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 200AMETHYSTAVE 737 050-161-14 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1205 PARK AVE 738 050-171-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 124AMETHYSTAVE 739 050-171-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 122AMETHYSTAVE 740 050-171-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120AMETHYSTAVE 741 050-171-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118AMETHYSTAVE 742 050-171-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 116AMETHYSTAVE 743 050-171-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 114AMETHYSTAVE 744 050-171-07 2,549 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 112AMETHYSTAVE 745 050-171-08 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 110AMETHYSTAVE 746 050-171-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 106AMETHYSTAVE 747 050-171-10 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 12005 BAY FRONT 748 050-171-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 12025 BAY FRONT 749 050-171-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 12045 BAY FRONT 750 050-171-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES I 2,629 I 2,629 1 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 1 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021164 7-80 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (VES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 12065 BAY FRONT 751 050-171-14 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 12085 BAY FRONT 752 050-171-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 12105 BAY FRONT 753 050-171-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 109ONYXAVE 1 754 050-171-271 2,554 1 1 YES 2,5541 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,603.921 $ 29,493.90 $ 1,294.53 $ 2,859.75 1 $ 33,648.18 $ 30,788.42 11IONYXAVE 755 050-171-26 2,554 1 YES 2,554 YES 2,629 2,629 2,603.92 $ 29,493.90 $ 1,294.53 $ 2,859.75 $ 33,648.18 $ 30,788.42 1130NYXAVE 756 050-171-18 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 1150NYXAVE 757 050-171-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1170NYXAVE 758 050-171-20 5,099 1 YES 5,099 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.25 $ 39,102.74 $ 1,716.27 $ 3,791.43 $ 44,610.45 $ 40,819.02 1210NYXAVE 759 050-171-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1230NYXAVE 760 050-171-22 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1250NYXAVE 761 050-171-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1270NYXAVE 762 050-171-24 1,560 1 YES 1,560 YES 2,629 2,629 2,272.59 $ 25,740.97 $ 1,129.81 $ 2,495.87 $ 29,366.64 $ 26,870.78 1207 PARK AVE 763 050-171-25 990 1 YES 990 YES 2,629 2,629 2,082.59 $ 23,588.89 $ 1,035.35 $ 2,287.20 $ 26,911.44 $ 24,624.24 20IONYXAVE 1 764 050-161-15 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 203ONYXAVE 765 050-161-16 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 205ONYXAVE 766 050-161-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 207ONYXAVE 767 050-161-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 209ONYXAVE 768 050-161-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 21IONYXAVE 769 050-161-201 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2130NYXAVE 770 050-161-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 21SONYXAVE 771 050-161-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217ONYXAVE 1 772 050-161-23 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219ONYXAVE 773 050-161-24 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 2210NYXAVE 774 050-161-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2230NYXAVE 775 050-161-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 22SONYXAVE 776 050-161-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2270NYXAVE 777 050-161-281 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 30IONYXAVE 778 050-141-21 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 303ONYXAVE 779 050-141-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 307ONYXAVE 780 050-141-23 3,825 1 1 YES 3,8251 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 309ONYXAVE 781 050-141-24 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 31IONYXAVE 782 050-141-25 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 313ONYXAVE 783 050-141-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 315ONYXAVE 784 050-141-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 317ONYXAVE 785 050-141-281 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 319ONYXAVE 786 050-141-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 3210NYXAVE 787 050-141-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 3230NYXAVE 788 050-141-31 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 325 ONYX AVE 789 050-141-32 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 3270NYXAVE 790 050-141-33 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 3330NYXAVE 791 050-141-34 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 1301N BAY FRONT 792 050-152-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1303 N BAY FRONT 793 050-152-051 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1305N BAY FRONT 1 794 050-152-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1307N BAY FRONT 795 050-152-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1309N BAY FRONT 796 050-152-02 21550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1311N BAY FRONT 797 050-152-01 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 330ONYXAVE 798 050-152-07 3,400 1 YES 3,400 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.92 $ 32,688.04 $ 1,434.72 $ 3,169.46 $ 37,292.22 $ 34,122.76 3260NYXAVE 799 050-152-08 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 3240NYXAVE 800 050-152-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021165 7-81 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area)sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (VES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, & Benefit Area Contingency Costs' Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 322ONYXAVE 801 050-152-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 320ONYXAVE 802 050-152-11 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 318ONYXAVE 803 050-152-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 316ONYXAVE 1 804 050-152-351 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 314ONYXAVE 805 050-152-34 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 312ONYXAVE 806 050-152-14 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 310ONYXAVE 807 050-152-15 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 308ONYXAVE 808 050-152-16 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 306ONYXAVE 809 050-152-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 304ONYXAVE 810 050-152-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 302ONYXAVE 811 050-152-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 3000NYXAVE 812 050-152-201 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 226 ONYX AVE 813 050-162-01 2,549 1 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.921 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 224ONYXAVE 814 050-162-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2220NYXAVE 815 050-162-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 220ONYXAVE 816 050-162-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218ONYXAVE 817 050-162-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 216ONYXAVE 818 050-162-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 214ONYXAVE 819 050-162-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 212ONYXAVE 820 050-162-081 2,550 1 YES Z5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 210ONYXAVE 821 050-162-09 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 208ONYXAVE 822 050-162-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 1 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 206ONYXAVE 823 050-162-11 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 204ONYXAVE 824 050-162-12 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 202ONYXAVE 825 050-162-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 2000NYXAVE 826 050-162-14 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1260NYXAVE 827 050-172-01 1,380 1 YES 1,380 YES 2,629 2,629 Z212.591 $ 25,061.37 $ 1,099.98 $ 2,429.97 $ 28,591.32 $ 26,161.35 1305 PARK AVE 828 050-172-241 1,170 1 YES 1,1701 YES 2,629 2,629 2,142.59 $ 24,268.50 $ 1,065.18 $ 2,353.09 $ 27,686.77 $ 25,333.67 124ONYXAVE 829 050-172-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1220NYXAVE 830 050-172-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 120ONYXAVE 831 050-172-04 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1180NYXAVE 832 050-172-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1160NYXAVE 833 050-172-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 114ONYXAVE 834 050-172-26 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1120NYXAVE 835 050-172-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110ONYXAVE 836 050-172-08 2,966 1 YES 2,966 YES 2,629 2,629 2,741.25 $ 31,049.44 $ 1,362.80 $ 3,010.58 $ 35,422.82 $ 32,412.24 108ONYXAVE 837 050-172-09 2,982 1 YES 2,982 YES 2,629 2,629 2,746.59 $ 31,109.84 $ 1,365.45 $ 3,016.44 $ 35,491.73 $ 32,475.30 104ONYXAVE 838 050-172-101 1,050 1 1 YES 1,0501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,102.59 $ 23,815.43 $ 1,045.29 $ 2,309.161 $ 27,169.88 $ 24,860.72 1300S BAY FRONT 839 050-172-11 1,500 1 YES 1,500 YES 2,629 2,629 2,252.59 $ 25,514.44 $ 1,119.86 $ 2,473.901 $ 29,108.20 $ 26,634.30 1302 S BAY FRONT 840 050-172-12 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 13045 BAY FRONT 841 050-172-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 13065 BAY FRONT 842 050-172-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 13105 BAY FRONT 843 050-172-29 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1314W BAYAVE 844 050-172-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 105 MARINE AVE 845 050-172-15 3,399 1 YES 3,399 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,885.59 $ 32,684.26 $ 1,434.56 $ 3,169.09 $ 37,287.91 $ 34,118.82 111 MARINE AVE 846 050-172-161 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 113 MARINE AVE 847 050-172-17 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 115 MARINEAVE 848 050-172-18 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 117 MARI NEAVE 849 050-172-19 2,549 1 yE5 2,549 YE5 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 119MARINEAVE 850 050-172-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 Z602.591 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.29 1 $ 33,630.951 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021166 7-82 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Cost Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 121 MARINE AVE 851 050-172-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 123 MARINE AVE 852 050-172-22 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 127 MARINE AVE 853 050-172-23 4,499 1 YES 4,499 YES 2,629 2,629 3,252.25 $ 36,837.40 $ 1,616.84 $ 3,571.78 $ 42,026.03 $ 38,454.24 201 MARINE AVE 1 854 050-162-151 2,412 1 1 YES 2,4121 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,556.591 $ 28,957.77 $ 1,271.00 $ 2,807.771 $ 33,036.53 $ 30,228.76 203 MARINE AVE 855 050-162-16 5,237 1 YES 5,237 YES 2,629 2,629 3,498.25 $ 39,623.77 $ 1,739.14 $ 3,841.95 $ 45,204.87 $ 41,362.92 207 MARINE AVE 856 050-162-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 209 MARINE AVE 857 050-162-18 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 211 MARINE AVE 858 050-162-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 MARINE AVE 859 050-162-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 215 MARINE AVE 860 050-162-21 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 217 MARINE AVE 861 050-162-22 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 219 MARINE AVE 1 862 050-162-231 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 221 MARINE AVE 863 050-162-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 223 MARINE AVE 864 050-162-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 225 MARINE AVE 865 050-162-26 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 229 MARINE AVE 866 050-162-30 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 301 MARINE AVE 867 050-152-21 4,500 1 YES 4,500 YES 2,629 2,629 3,252.59 $ 36,841.17 $ 1,617.01 $ 3,572.15 $ 42,030.33 $ 38,458.18 305 MARINE AVE 868 050-152-22 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 309 MARINE AVE 869 050-152-23 4,500 1 YES 4,500 YES 2,629 2,629 3,252.59 $ 36,841.17 $ 1,617.01 $ 3,572.15 $ 42,030.33 $ 38,458.18 311 MARINE AVE 1 870 050-152-241 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 313 MARINE AVE 871 050-152-25 2,250 1 YES 2,2501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 315 MARINE AVE 872 050-152-26 2,250 1 1 YES 2,2501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.151 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 317 MARINE AVE 873 050-152-27 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 319 MARINE AVE 874 050-152-28 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 321 MARINE AVE 875 050-152-29 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 323 MARINE AVE 876 050-152-30 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 325 MARINE AVE 877 050-152-31 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 329 MARINE AVE 878 050-152-32 3,000 1 YES 3,000 YES 2,629 2,629 2,752.591 $ 31,177.81 $ 1,368.44 $ 3,023.03 $ 35,569.27 $ 32,546.24 333 MARINE AVE 879 050-152-331 3,000 1 1 YES 3,000 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,752.59 $ 31,177.81 $ 1,368.44 $ 3,023.03 $ 35,569.27 $ 32,546.24 1401N BAY FRONT 880 050-151-05 2,550 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1403 N BAY FRONT 881 050-151-04 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1405 N BAY FRONT 882 050-151-03 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1407N BAY FRONT 883 050-151-02 3,825 1 YES 3,825 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.59 $ 34,292.66 $ 1,505.15 $ 3,325.04 $ 39,122.85 $ 35,797.81 1411N BAY FRONT 884 050-151-01 3,824 1 YES 3,824 YES 2,629 2,629 3,027.25 $ 34,288.88 $ 1,504.99 $ 3,324.68 $ 39,118.55 $ 35,793.87 332 MARINE AVE 885 050-151-06 2,951 1 YES 2,951 YES 2,629 2,629 2,736.25 $ 30,992.80 $ 1,360.32 $ 3,005.09 $ 35,358.21 $ 32,353.12 326 MARINE AVE 886 050-151-39 3,000 1 YES 3,000 YES 2,629 2,629 2,752.59 $ 31,177.81 $ 1,368.44 $ 3,023.03 $ 35,569.27 $ 32,546.24 324 MARINE AVE 887 050-151-381 2,249 1 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 322 MARINE AVE 888 050-151-08 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES- 2,629 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 320 MARINEAVEB 889 050-151-09 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 318 MARINE AVE 890 050-151-10 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 316 MARINEAVE 891 050-151-11 4,500 1 YES 4,500 YES 2,629 2,629 3,252.59 $ 36,841.171 $ 1,617.01 $ 3,572.15 $ 42,030.33 $ 38,458.18 312 MARINE AVE 892 050-151-13 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 310 MARINEAVE 893 050-151-14 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 308 MARINEAVE 894 050-151-15 2,250 1 YES 2,2501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 306 MARINE AVE 895 050-151-161 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 304 MARINEAVE 896 050-151-17 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 1 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 302 MARINE AVE 897 050-151-18 2,249 1 YES 2,249 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.25 $ 28,342.35 $ 1,243.98 $ 2,748.10 $ 32,334.43 $ 29,586.33 300 MARINEAVE 898 050-151-19 2,250 1 YES 2,250 YES 2,629 2,629 2,502.59 $ 28,346.12 $ 1,244.15 $ 2,748.46 $ 32,338.73 $ 29,590.27 226 MA RINE AVE 899 050-163-01 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 224 MARINEAVE 900 050-163-02 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021167 7-83 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Assigned Area(sf) Connections Aesthetic Benefit (y ES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction,& Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 222 MARINE AVE 901 050-163-03 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,765.72 220 MARINE AVE 902 050-163-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 218 MARINE AVE 903 054163-05 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 216 MARINE AVE 1 904 050-163-061 2,549 1 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.251 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.921 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,765.72 214 MARINE AVE 905 054163-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 210 MARINE AVE 906 054163-08 5,100 1 YES 5,100 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.59 $ 39,106.52 $ 1,716.44 $ 3,791.80 $ 44,614.76 $ 40,822.96 208 MARINE AVE 907 054163-10 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 206 MARINE AVE 908 054163-11 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 204 MARINE AVE 909 054163-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 200 MARINE AVE 910 054163-13 5,091 1 YES 5,091 YES 2,629 2,629 3,449.59 $ 39,072.54 $ 1,714.95 $ 3,788.50 $ 44,575.99 $ 40,787.49 124 MARINE AVE 911 050-173-Ot 4,479 1 YES 4,479 YES 2,629 2,629 3,245.59 $ 36,761.89 $ 1,613.53 $ 3,564.46 $ 41,939.88 $ 38,375.42 122 MARINE AVE 912 054173-02 2,541 1 YES 2,541 YES 2,629 2,629 2,599.59 $ 29,444.81 $ 1,292.37 $ 2,854.99 $ 33,592.18 $ 30,737.19 120 MARINE AVE 913 054173-03 2,550 1 1 YES 2,5501 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.591 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 118 MARINE AVE 914 054173-04 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 116 MARINE AVE 915 054173-05 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,765.72 114 MARINE AVE 916 054173-06 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 112 MARINE AVE 917 054173-07 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 110 MARINE AVE 918 054173-08 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 106 MARINE AVE 919 050-173-091 3,408 1 YES 3,408 YES 2,629 2,629 2,888.59 $ 32,715.24 $ 1,436.05 $ 3,172.39 $ 37,326.68 $ 34,154.29 1400S BAY FRONT 920 054173-10 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 1402 S BAY FRONT 921 054173-11 2,550 1 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 1404S BAY FRONT 922 054173-12 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 14065 BAY FRONT 923 054173-13 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 14105 BAY FRONT 924 054173-14 5,100 1 YES 5,100 YES 2,629 2,629 3,452.59 $ 39,106.52 $ 1,716.44 $ 3,791.80 $ 44,614.76 $ 40,822.96 109 GRAND CANAL 925 054173-15 3,404 1 YES 3,404 YES 2,629 2,629 2,887.25 $ 32,703.14 $ 1,435.39 $ 3,170.92 $ 37,309.45 $ 34,138.52 111 GRAND CANAL 926 054173-16 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 113 GRAND CANAL 927 050-173-171 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 115 GRAND CANAL 928 054173-18 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.951 $ 30,772.66 117 GRAND CANAL 929 054173-19 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 119 GRAND CANAL 930 054173-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 121 GRAND CANAL 931 054173-21 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 123 GRAND CANAL 932 054173-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 125 GRAND CANAL 933 054173-23 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 127 GRAND CANAL 934 054173-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 201 GRAND CANAL 935 050-163-141 2,541 1 YES 2,541 YES 2,629 2,629 2,599.59 $ 29,444.81 $ 1,292.37 $ 2,854.99 $ 33,592.18 $ 30,737.19 203 GRAND CANAL 936 054163-15 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 205 GRAND CANAL 937 054163-16 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,765.72 207 GRAND CANAL 938 054163-17 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 1 2,629 2,629 1 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 209 GRAND CANAL 939 054163-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 211 GRAND CANAL 940 054163-26 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 213 GRAND CANAL 941 054163-19 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,765.72 215 GRAND CANAL 942 054163-20 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 217 GRAND CANAL 943 050-163-291 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 219 GRAND CANAL 944 054163-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 221 GRAND CANAL 945 054163-22 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 223 GRAND CANAL 946 054163-23 2,549 1 1 YES 1 2,5491 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.021 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.921 $ 33,626.641 $ 30,768.72 225GRANDCANAL 947 054163-24 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.951 $ 30,772.66 227 GRAND CANAL 948 054163-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,475.80 $ 1,293.56 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 301 GRAND CANAL 949 054151-36 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,855.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 303 GRAND CANAL 950 054151-35 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.951 $ 30,772.66 *CITY OWNED PARCEL; NOT INCLUDED IN PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT DEBT LIMIT VALUATION City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021168 7-84 NVIS Property Address Asmt No. Assessor's Parcel Number Parcel Area(sf) Assigned Connections Aesthetics Benefit (YES/NO) Aesthetic s Benefit Area Safety Benefit (YES/NO) Safety Benefit Area Reliability Benefit Area Total Design, Assessed Construction, 8, Benefit Area Contingency Costs* Incidental Expenses Financial Costs Preliminary Total Assessment Cash Payments 305GRANDCANAL 951 050-151-21 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 307GRANDCANAL 952 050-151-22 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 309GRANDCANAL 953 050-151-37 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 311GRANDCANAL 1 954 050-151-241 2,549 1 1 YES 2,5491 YES 2,629 1 2,629 2,602.251 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 1 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 313GRANDCANAL 955 050-151-25 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 315GRANDCANAL 956 050-151-26 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 317GRANDCANAL 957 050-151-27 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 319GRANDCANAL 958 050-151-41 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 321GRANDCANAL 959 050-151-40 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 323GRANDCANAL 960 050-151-29 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 325GRANDCANAL 961 050-151-30 2,549 1 YES 2,549 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.25 $ 29,475.02 $ 1,293.70 $ 2,857.92 $ 33,626.64 $ 30,768.72 327GRANDCANAL 962 050-151-421 2,550 1 YES 2,550 YES 2,629 2,629 2,602.59 $ 29,478.80 $ 1,293.86 $ 2,858.29 $ 33,630.95 $ 30,772.66 331GRANDCANAL 1 963 1050-151-431 2,550 1 1 1 YES 1 2,5501 YES 1 2,629 1 2,629 1 2,602.591 $ 29,478.801 $ 1,293.861 $ 2,858.291 $ 33,630.95 1 $ 30,772.66 333GRANDCANAL 964 050-151-33 1,700 1 YES 1,700 YES 2,629 2,629 2,319.25 $ 26,269.55 $ 1,153.01 $ 2,547.12 $ 29,969.68 $ 27,422.56 303 COLLI NS AVE 965 937-170-51 921 1 YES 921 YES j 2,629 2,629 2,059.59 $ 23,328.38 $ 1,023.91 $ 2,261.94 $ 26,614.23 $ 24,352.29 202 COLLINS AVE 1 966 105&091-291 2,491 1 YES 1 2,4911 YES 2,629 1 2,629 1 2,582.921 $ 29,256.04 1 $ 1,284.091 $ 2,836.69 1 $ 33,376.811 $ 30,540.12 Totals 1 2,539,496.01 $ 28,764,200.00 1 $ 1,262,500.00 1 $ 2,789,000.00 1 $ 32,815,700.00 1 $ 30,026,700.00 City of Newport Beach Undergrounding Utility Assessment District No. 124 Preliminary Engineer's Report June 8, 2021169 7-85 Jeffrey M. Cooper, P.E. Vice President NV5 Phone: (949) 585-0477 Email: 7-86 Attachment C Notice of Exemption 7-87 To: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Dr - P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3311 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 Orange County Clerk -Recorder ❑X Public Services Division P.O. Box 238 Santa Ana, CA 92701 From: City of Newport Beach Public Works Department 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay 2D Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Orange County) Date received for filing at OPR: Name of Project: Underground Utility Assessment District No. 124 — Central Balboa Island Project Location: Central Balboa Island between North and South Bayfronts, Agate Avenue and Grand Canal. Project Location -City: Newport Beach Project Location -County: Orange Project Description: The project consists of undergrounding existing overhead utilities. Exempt Status: (check one) ❑ Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1);15268); ❑ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a); ❑ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c); Categorical Exemption. State type and section number.— 15302(d) (conversion of overhead electric utility distribution system facilities to underground including connection to existing overhead electric utility distribution lines where the surface is restored to the condition existing prior to the undergrounding) ❑ Statutory Exemptions. State code number: ❑ General Rule (Sec. 15061(b)(3)) Reasons why project is exempt: The Secretary for Resources has found that conversion of overhead electric utility distribution system facilities to underground locations where the surface is restored to the condition prior to undergrounding does not have a significant effect on the environment. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Newport Beach Date of Approval: 2/23/2021 Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: City of Newport Beach — Public Works Dept. Contact Person: Michael J. Sinacori Title: Assistant City Engineer Signature: Tel.No. 949.644.3342 Date: 2/11/2021 iAusers\pbw\shared\assessment districts\ad 124 - big balboa island\miscellaneous files (notice of exemption.doc) 7-88