HomeMy WebLinkAbout305 - Election - Issuance & Sale of Bondse -�" Map of the CanalBectton; - etice, "-- ORDINANCE NO. .30G I ,. - T `anon, f will e. I ``westerly toy direct line to the; The election' wlfl De a special imost westerly corner o- Lot 15,; _ AN ORDLNANCE OF THE BOARDI Block 441 of the .aforesaid Ma,p. of and for the ptlrpoae of OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY': the Canal Section; thence north- holding the election the proposed OF NEWPORT BEACH, AS THE i� westerly in a direct line to: the municipal Improvement district LEGISLATIVE BODY THERE- most easterly Corner of Lot 1, will be and constitute one voting OF, DECLARING ITS INTEN•1 Block 244 of the aforesaid Map of Precinct, and the City Hall, within TION TO CALL AN ELECTION! the Canal Section; thence north -.the Proposed district, will be des -i IN A PROPOSED DISTRICT, AS. westerly along the northeasterly. ignated as the polling place. DESCRIBED IN THE PETITION and northerly lines of the last A Board of Election sill be ap- THEREFOR, OR AS THE SAMEfinentioned Block 244 to. the north- Pointed to consist of one inspector, .MAY BE HEREAFTER MODI• westerly Corner of Lnt 7, of the one judge, and one clerk. FIED, FOR THE PURPOSE OF wee mentioned Block 244; thence SECTION 7. SIIBHITTING TO THE QII:1LI -' westerly in a direct line to. the The pro post ion to be submitted FIED ELECTORS OF SAID DIS. most westerly corner of Lat 8 of to the qualified voters will be the. TRICT THE PROPOSITION OF'BloCk 145 of the aforesaid Map of incurring of an indebtedness bye AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE the Canal Section; thence westerly the issuance of bonds of said dim., AND SALE OF BONDS OF SUCH along the westerly prolongation o£�trict in the sum of $175,000.00 toy DISTRICT, IN THE bMANNERI the northerly line of the last men - pay the cost of the construction of AND FOR THE PURPOSES SET[tioned Block 145 to its intersection; the proposed improvement. It at FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE! with the center line of 46th Street, the election two- tbirds or more of OF LftENTION. thence southwesterly along the [ all the voters voting thereat shall center line of 46th Street and vote in favor of incurring such Whereas, on the 27th day of July, along the southwesterly prolonga-I bonded indebtedness in the sum of !1926, a duly verified petition in tion of the center line of said 46th[ $175,000.00 for said purpose, then writing was filed in the office o Street to its intersection with the]. the Board of Trustees of the city the Clerk of the city of Newport southerly boundary line of the City I of Newport Beach shall be author - Beach, as Clerk of the Board o of Newport Beach; thence south -� ized and empowered to issue and i Trustees thereof, signed by quali easterly and easterly along thel will issue and sell the bonds of ! tied electors of the city of Newpord southerly boundary line of the city; the municipal Improvement district j Beach, residing in the territory,! of Newport Beach to its intersec -- in the sum of $175,000.00 for the 1 which is proposed to be formed! tion with the southwesterly pro - payment of the cost of the con- : into a municipal Improvement dis- longatiou of the center line of struction of the described improve - , triet, and being signed by more' Tenth Street; thence northeasterly meat. ! than ten per cent. of all the quail- along the southwesterly prolongs SECTION 8. tied electors residing in said terri- Lion of the center line of Tenth A part of said bonds not less, �tory, and setting forth a general Street, and along the center line of - however, than one - fortieth .part of description of the improvement to-rentli Street to the Point of be -'the whole amount of the indebted- lie inning. e constructed, and a general des- ness of $175,000.00 shall be payable crigtion of the exterior boundaries SECTION 2. every year on a day and date and of said Proposed district; The improvement to be con- at a place to be fixed by the Whereas, the improvement to - ,rutted is described as follows: Board of Trustees of the city of i constructed is an improvement The acquisition of the necessary Newport Beach, and designated in ;which the city of Newport Beach ly7.d upon which to erect and main- such bonds. is authorized by law to acquire; twat and the construction thereon The rate of Interest to be paid The Board of Trustees of the city sf a building for municipal uses, on such bonded indebtedness is !of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- .to -wit: a pub] le bath house. hereby fixed at six per cent. (6 %) lows: SECTION 3. per annum and. Shall_ SECTION 1. The cost of the proposed im- semi - annually. - - The Board of Trustees of the provement is estimated to be SECTION 9. city of Newport Beach, as the le is -, - The municipal Improvement di9- lative body thereof, hereby declares: pense00.00 and the incidental ex- trict proposed to be formed when pauses in comtection therewith is .the same is formed, shall be its intention to call an election in estimated to be $8,000.00. all that certain territory within and SECTION 4. known as municipal improvement of N e - a part of the city of Newport The 28th day of October, 1926, district No. 5 of the city of New - Beach. which is proposed to be Is hereby fixed as the date upon port Beach. formed into a municipal improve- - SECTION 10. which an election will be called in There being no newspaper pub- said district, and which territory said district, and upon said date an g ! ,is accurately described as: election will be called and held Lsbed in the city of Newport Located in the city of Newport therein for the purpose of submit- Beach six days a week, this ordin- lea.ch, County of Orange, State of ting and there will be submitted to ance shall be published once a California, and the qualified voters thereof the week for two weeks in THE NEW - Beginning at the intersection of PORT NEWS, a weekly newspaper the center line of Tenth Street and proposition of incurring an Inds of of general circulation printed, Pub- the di tr the issuance of bonds of lished, slid circulated in the city of the northerly line a Central Ave- said district to pay the cost and ex- oue: thence northeasterly along Newport Heath, and one insertion the center line of Tenth Street and penses of the construction of the each week for two succeeding the northeasterly prolongs- proposed Improvement. weeks shall be sufficient Publics- along map showing the exte[ior Lion, which THE NEWPORT NEWS lion of the center line of Tenth boundaries of the said district with Street to a point in the bulkhead relation to the territory immediate-, 15 hereby designated for that pur- line extending from L'. 5. Bulkhead ly contiguous thereto, and a gen- pose The above and foregoing Ordth Station No. 116 to U. S. Bulkhead I e eral description of the proposed' ance was introduced before the Station No. 117, as said bulkhead - - - -- - - - - - - - � - line and bulkhead stations are laid improvement are on file tm the Board of Trustees of the city of out and shown upon a Map of New- office of the Clerk of the city of I Newport Beach at a regular meet - port Bay showing harbor lines, lip- - Newport Beach, as Clerk of thel ittg thereof held the 23rd day of proved by the War Department, legislative body of said city, which August, 1926, and duly passed at January 18, 1917; thence north- map shall goveru for all details a regular meeting thereof held on westerly in a direct line to U. S. as to the extent of the district. the 23rd day of August, 1926, by the Bulkhead Station No. 124; thence SECTION 5. affirmative vole of the following northwesterly in a direct line to r The hour of 7:30 o'clock p, m, named members of said Board of U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 125; of Monday„ the 20th day of Septem- Trustees: thence westerly in a direct line to ben,. 1926,, at the council chamber AYES — Trustees, Modjeska, Wil- U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 126; of the Board of Trustees of the liamson, Young, Richter. thence westerly in a direct line to city of Newport Beach, to the City NOES. — Trustees, None. the most easterly corner of Lot Hall' of said city, . in the city of ABSENT— Trustees, Wilkinson. 12, Block 636 of a Map of the Canal Newport Beach, is hereby fixed as The above and foregoing Ordin- Section, as recorded in Miscellane- the date, hour and place for the ance No. 305 is signed and ap- ous Maps Book 4, page 98, Records hearing . of protests. proved by me this 23rd day of of Orange County, California; Any person interested, objecting - August, 1926. thence westerly fn a direct line to to the formation of said district, or CONRAD RICHTER, the most northerly corner of Lot to the extent of the sald district, President, Board of Trustees 10 of the aforesaid Block 636; or to the proposed improvement, City of Newport Beach. thence westerly in a three lot or to the inclusion of his. property Attest: ALFRED SMITH, the most easterly corner o7-Lot 1, ut said district, may file written Clerk, City of Newport Beach. Block 637, of the aforesaid Map of I pests setting forth such objet- Pab. —Aug. 27; Sept. 3, 10, 1926. the Canal Section; thence westerly tion, with the Clerk of the city of Newport Beach, at or before the in a direct line to the northeasterly time set - for the hearing of said corner of Lot 8, Block 638, of the petition, at which that and place aforesaid Map of the Canal Sec- the Board of Trustees will her lion; thence westerly in a direct the petition, all protests and oD -� line to the northeasterly Corner -o£l, the pet filed, .and al 'and ap- Lot 8, Block 539 of the :aforesaid. p6aring to object.