HomeMy WebLinkAbout559 - Water SystemVIE CITY CJJs:C :CC 0? -C 67 GZTY 4F :;;... 'J.;t i "AGh �'3 IS UNDAIN (.w i- OhLO -.:Se • Section 1. UhIT&I _YS`i'I;,:s. The municipal hater systo,a of the City of Nowport 13oach is hereby Cieclared to embrace and iaoluau all property of ovory character, real, parsonal, and mixod9 Tae10 used In or lncicient to tho production, atora -o, conveyance ann Golivory of water to the consu:nora thcroof in tho City of Oer:port Death, to- gether with all ot:aor property of ovory chtxLwtor that ,say hopo.lztor fro;a time to time be added to it for such purposes. Section 2. SUS Mili:Tit VU.L'`.`e. The City Council shall appoint a suitable person to the o£ficc of Suaorintondont of the municipal .eater ayato.a of the City of t.evpbrt Boach, nho shall serve only durinE tho plot <sure of tiio City Council; the '�uperinten6oiat of tide municipal r;ator uystos Shall have all the po:;cr and avt't?ov ty yivcn him by this ord =nano and shell perform the duties no�3 horoaf *,Ier ivaposod upon his b. ordinance and the orders of the City l.ouncll. _ The Superintendent of the municipal rater systcrs oh all rocolvo for his services tho cosponuation fro_1 time to ti,aa fi:tcd by tho City Council and sncll be paid montbay. The Suporintondent of the municipal ^ator aySto::; shall have full authority to employ and dischar&o all por•sonS ?nocoscary to be omployod by hi: in the maintenance anu onor4tion of tllo municipal vator systorl, but shall be authorized to pay only suoh aal,os ox, por dioaa pay as the City Council may have oroviouslj fined and established. He shall also have authority to purchaso all needed fuel, supplicu and ocivipment 'or the iaaintonanco and oporatlon of Vae municipal rater 5yote., r:hon the oxpondituro does not oxcoecl tho sum of :A00.00, in all other casoa tho aanc oirll bo purclaasocl oaly upon authorization of tho City Council, and as provided for by lac', 'Phu rnord "Superintcndont," rhozoovor ucod in th3.s ordine noc, vAall oe hold a nc;. constrr:od to rnocz tho Suporintonuor,.t of :::atc7 Dopartmont of tho City of Dorsch, and any act in thin orcu.n- ance aequirod or authorizoa to bo dono by tho Superintondon,y :say be .ioaa on oehalf oi' the Superjfj4,ondoYjt by an authorizad or el- vloyoe of the ':rater Dopartmont. ''ho %jord :3poraon`= wherever uned In this ordinance shall be hold to moan and include natural parsons of oithor sox, assooiations, co ®partnorshipo and corporations, vsnei;hcr outing by tlao�..,solvoa or bj a servant, agent or c,:r)loy3og the sin -ular number shall bo hold and construed to incl. -Lda tho plural and the waaeulino pronoun to include the fcminlno. Section D. TJULtit,z -01, TO OBSTRUCT DUTIF3 OF F, :.xT.OYr E3. It Is horeby declared unlavj'ul and a ;zisdomaanor for any porson vo interfere with or obotxu:t tho Suporintondont of tho av;aicIgal uatar systau, or any of his duly appointed agon-k',s, Lopvants or am-oloyoor, in the execution of any lawful order of the GiT,j Gounell, or tho provisions of this orcinanco in the ;anintonancc and oporation of tho municipal rater systo *10 Section C. UciF,9'..'Yuj, AJ IPIT r ilr '.vi`s'it PIPPS. lvoty person, othor the the Suporintondont of tho t,ator syote:'d, • his duly appointee aeonto, norvants and oiiployo€o, who removos, chances, disturbo, or in any clay tampons or intorferos ..ith any of the facilitios, apparatus, appliancos, or property used or maintained for the production, storage, or supply of water by tho City of Dewport Beach to consum3ru thoreof, or who, without lawful authority, and prior peralssion of the Suporintondont of tho watov system, turns tho .7ator on or turns the i.7ator off from tb.o proiaises or Mace shall bo doomod guilty of a misdemeanor. Soction 5. 1AT:... �.�ATIA CONNECTIONS. iio porson Is or shall be authorized to ingtal.1 any pipo, apparatus, applianco or conn.oction with the municipal water system oxcept the Suporintondont thsroof, or his duly appointed agonts, sorvants end op,31oyooa, and ovory other porson who shall ma'_co any such installation or connection shall bo doomed ru lty of a misdemeanor. Evory ownor or tenant of tho proniaeo mho shall doriro to sonnet his or hor nPoporty with the Municipal water system for the .g purposes of hav2nZ wa'-ar furnisho4 u-) such LLIGOS shal ?. i;:a. CC U written application to the 2uperiaatant!ont of tho ravnicipu: t:ater systo, doo:• ?ibis tha prora^uers to bo connected thorn °:fit'_., t;.e size of the pipo by w. -Uch the connoetion 9.s decirod to 'tie -atio, • cettin north ' :.0 arldrours oi' tho orfnor and Cho yorson to TI. ?.0; Lill noticoo aro to bo :uallodp- the said application shall con6ain an onprosc av;Poora3nt on bohulf of ap ?licant that tb.o watOr •ca ua ut e on the psomisoo uhall In all roopects bo uacd oubjoci; 1-n:i i;ubor- dinato to tho ovLanunces anti the ordors of the City Co-zaall, and laT?ful roi ulatioaiu oW tho '�uporintondont of tho Vator system® Upoia tLes pilcuontation at tho office of tho '.atcr r7 , Darto uiont of the for t..o installations, of f eos and ozooUtIO : f the o.C.roomokit hQreinbefobo provided forD the 3uvorintondan cs:zai'? cause th5 prow -Inos doecribod in tho aaplicationD If too uuL,o abut upon tho otroot or alloy upon which thero is a city wuteviixainD to bo oonnoctod with tho city's wator main by a uorvloo pipo o-22 : dIn�, frow tho raain to t<to curb lino on tho front of tho proporty or to tno oldo thoroof oa• roar thenoofp and including a utop -cook olacodD • viLoh ucrvico pigo c2nd stop -cock shall thoroaPtor be :•vain4;c.lnod bJ and iropt within t_.o o:tcluoivo control Oil tho city, in cat;C-,c of applicatioa for :later corvico on pror_' uos not abutting upon t etreot or alloy upon vhich tiaoro £o a city victor ;.;a2n, Vao citj u211:i7. l�:y its sorvico pipo f'r oa tho main toward tho prei iseu foil u diatsaao equal to the diztanoo froi. tho main to tho curb lino on ;�roporty line, said dist=aco in no cauo to oncood 100 foot, ua.d. ,o;.>;ait connect- ion thorovith by moans of a uznlon and pipoo laid ui; tho "ponce of and Laalntalnod by the ocnoz of ti.e sobvino, or s:aj in the d1toration of tho Ouporintondent, upon the praJLto;.t of the actual co:;-L, t`:.ere'of ontond ti.o ccrvZce to the ,.)roiasoca of tiac a ?1)22cant aloni- yad bonoath any i ;ublic catroetq r' ± „`st of ,Taya, alloys or avcaiuc of na city of Do";port 5oach, but zzot othOrwiao, • z;vory prea.Aoo ou?ppliod by city vatoa L;,iull T�avo its o�;'. coparato sorvloo cons. action Tfith tho city main, ue t-hc pp :,iaas so ougpliod will not 'se 4110:70d to supply u'ator to aa�i oth,_'? os_cept to;porc�ri?ym nrovloou tact aucl. acut^ietions sally r_oi, cp;D9J s E • to ocvvioes alrauey Installed unless in trio jud ruoat of tl-ie �;uperintondont for the good of the sorvico 0r to settls ti t)7a'to9, It is for-ad noco:asary to onfox °c-- ouch provisions as to conrienblons alroad� made, Section 3m MVI E y.'}y_:; _',, BO service 00nfie0ti On 1000 thaf2 three- fourtas (5/4) Inch In size 3nall bo installoam L'ho sees for tho installation of crater sorvicos or For onlarain- those beady in shall be as folloaos For a threo- fourths mach (8 /4") sorva. Q000em• oovoomemeooa00000e0000m000moo ,,J45eJV :'or a Ono i1a01 (�) £30T "V 6 ©o 000000000amvovooe000e• 55. JO a'01• :a one £ad ono -hair inoA (1 1 /2') uerviCee000ameommome00000000 • omomeom000 .15,00 10or a two inch (�.�) &er�icoomomeo00000000oemoeoeme 'I�lioOJ For of as larCor than two Inch (2"), or '.'jhcro it becomes noeessa-J to Open pav:;d otroot, tho actual cost of labor and material in layln., ouch a sorvlco and roplaci ., the pavement shall bo ^harGod pl= 10 pov cone foe overhead. In such caaas the cost Of material ant: labor nhall be ostimated by the :uperintondoat and the ontinated cool: shall uti paid to lase City Lator Department •ay the v)-.iaon agi)1,� n for cuoli J aotallation before tho Ciorif Of connection; the aain with cho yroperty is beams; provided, that heaver the csti® 7ntod coat Is not sufficient- to cover the total e.-,aonso or labor., and )Zatorial trao d©fioit ehail be char ":)d t0 the pvoporty 'O)? vhl dal such installation waL3 ado and to the owner thereon ^ ^; prov'ded fur® thor, that tiny e;tceaa paymont shall be ?:'eturnod to tine person nncly® ink for the In£atallatione Soct2on 'ie S:31V. C:il TO SrPARAT%, ZUILJI 3. Bach Latz•yldin; su ).)l od v-1th orator b;;r thi '.:*.tor Dogartm nt *,lust have a rlis'�et sorvico connection with the main ozcopt that in canoe vihox'c tcJo or mono such Uuildin s, own:;d by the same person, are built u•aon a lot havinn, a fronta o of 50 foot, or loss, said buildinaa )say be served by one service aipo anti ono notorm -4- • L ectioza 3. P._rti, 1;1 b' ,. a'i1c :ctoz .. ,te: to be charged and collecte(2 ju,)Lthly from conoumora ei cater auyp2Zod by tho City Of 11OL'Port -,aeh to inIlabitints cf' the City of LoF ?port ,�Caci1 or to ala -firm, co,.ipaay, as3oclat on or corporation, aro hereby established and tho :.'ater Departs on ; is horeby authori^od rzG d.iroctod to chart;-, and colloct the s^c,io in aecordcnco ulth the provisions of this Ordinance. - (a) actor Paton: Cihore hater in furnished throuCh a motor for domostic uae and all Lusinosu purposes oLhor than a3ricultural, the ionthly rate for ..a:cr consumoc sha2.1 be cc follows-,- Per 5/6 inch motors, first 700 fool: or loss ......0000e. o..a0000. ,�1oa70 For 3/d i,Uch uoteruv first 700 feet or loco ...... eoo.....000.o.. 1.30 Jor 1 inch csotorc, first 1000 root or less...... ..... o.o.oaeo.. 1.36 For 1 1/2 inch motevs, first 1300 J'e^t or loam ..................... 3002 z or 2 inch r._ctoru, £trot 1GOJ foot or less........o......00l... 2.30 For 3 Inch motors, fivat 1300 foot or loss.................... 3462 'i or nd(Utional 100 cu. fto o0oo.o. 012 (b) Plat 'iatos. .�, , •� e, 3 �G * 0 'b-- 4, 3� y,, 6 °1 `.,hon avatar is furnishod not thrown a motor, a ciaan o for 4H 5 v each e3nnoction oh-Q.1 bo cn.^_de of ;12.50 por month; providod t'.aat whon tho 1sutor is paid. for annually in advance the chargo shall bo .;23.00 per annumo Prov2ded, furthc:.^, the City of Slewport 3oach shall have the riCht to install water motors on any and all wator sorviroo, and nhon motors ar. -, installed on vator norvicos, tho e- hargoo for :1,ator usod kwou_,h said :rotors shall be in accordan -o math tho utot r rnto5 horoinboforo sot i'orth. (e) Gonotruction Pt +rpoasso '.!ator st^31)liod for con3 true tion purposou whero uotors aro not installed or uuod., tho followin;; Plat ratcs aro iaoreby establishadt ..5s to ocL'TZoes 41xoaeJ ins-tallod unleca iia tho ,jaC:;_,i J�yVuialUu_icranV for t< le "ouca of tho sorvico OM to i u i.:: voi Sad nocoRnary to pL olrioionEl al.� °ear, Pac1C. I -imt of $'?G 1:,o >O AUe ?S ?6:3 "ei1OilF • 3cat-ion G. 3'. 1VICE 1'% 7,3o sorvico oonnoction. %:^os tiler. threo- fourtas (5/6) inch In Gizo be lnstallo6. %o Foos for tho Installation of vator sovvicac. uz^ .`:.'or oaalarGinS those already In shall be an foll000s Por a throo- fourtucj l aoh (3/49 oorvioo.....0. a 0000 a o o.. 0 e o o 0. 0 o o 00 o m m. 00 1J�% ror a ono ino'.1. (1',) 8OE'+7SA ©oo s. m0000 0000e coo e00000 <jo -vj7 4: or-• Z one and ono-half knc;i (l 1/21') sorvgco...m c..00 coo 00000000m. 000000000. 4514 t'or a it7O inch (29 UUY"V7.C3. coo 000000000000000000. t %V.Ql7 x o s:azoa ln.:2Eor than tco 'inch ( 211) , O•' ^.chore it 1)9c oLao9 noc000a *_•y to opon awed otrootg th© actual coat of lame- and &aterial In ouch a servlco and roylacin` the gavomont ui)all bo, ,3haxLed oalu.s - por cone foss ovorheaae In ouch casos tho cost o-v Lnatorial • canr labor n;:aall be estimated by the S1%nov1nton4o)at alca tla ontiaeded cost shall, ao paid to the City l,ator Dopart�zont !Dy the porson a7Ulyin-7 for suc_1 I.- a %atallatioil befoko tilt, i:o2 ?L Of OOijnoctim :- 10 +1€d w'- Lilo p ry.?orty Is be-un; prov clod, that wkieaove- 1119 estS- or-tod oUJt IS not fiu `A': iclont iio cover tqo total o,zgoiloo e'or end iiatorial tho deficit sTllll be chav od to the proa)uvvt :' ':o±- r1111Ah such Installation r. ^o :.:ado cailrt to the oarao ^> thorQofv plrovided aur- thorn that any o -come Payn-Iont shall i)o roturrod to the person. a_l� `ly- InG, for the inotallat:lon. S0Otion 7 TO uF•.21;i':i ^; ZUILDN'03. Bach intilding, oupliliod c71th uator b? tbo '. :ator Doaart;aoaat :auot have an (Iir lat 80vvicO connection t7_ltal ".ho main A::copt tilct in caOOn v:'-ox o two or moao .ouch buildinoo, ounces. bj tho samo porsora, are buil-t upon a lot havia13 a fronta�-O of bJ foot, or loco, said buildin;;a may be GOrved. • by One Gorvico pipe LujL: 0_1- i ?ot:, o -6- r J'� premises before grater service will be restorod. Section 11. 'Al::ENT of -.' '.IUER ChARG S. ?:henever the distribution line or lines of the aunici .pal crater system shall be duly connocvod ritbt the premises of any person, and the dater • turned on to ouch promises, the charges for water shall be a charge against the person in possession of the promises who used the cater, and the charges shall continue so long as the crater is turned on to said premises, whether the same is actually used or not. All charges for mater shall be payable on the first day of each month succeedinc the month in :.hich the crater was furnished; every charge for water that is not paid by the hour of five o'cloe?t P. iri. of the tenth say of the month in nalich it Lecomos due shall be deemed delinquent, and thereafter said !rater may be turned off from the promises. The Superintendent of the municipal rater system shall, on or before the first day of each month, mail to each oonsumor whose promises are connected with tho municipal seater vyatc,x, a true and accurate statement of the unpaid charges duo the City of • Iomq ort Beach for water furnished to such premises, setting forth that unless said chargoa are paid on or before t ?.le 10th daj of the month, the same shall th.areupon become delinquent, and that unless the delinquent charges are paid prior to the twenty-fifth aay of the month the cater will be turned off from said praiAsoa, without further notice, and will not be turned on again until aaid ehargs3s, together with a turn -on charrce no specified in Section 10, has bona paid. At the close of vastness on the twonty -fifth day of each month the person in share of the books of the municipal rater system shall furnish to the Suporincondent of the rater system a list Getting forth the premises, the name of the owner end tenant, upon which the water charges remain unpaid, together :7itih the amount • thereof and it is hereby ,aade the Imporative duty of the ^uporintendent of the crater system, on the next business day, to turn the water off -7- • E • 0,00,0 ^'o ;) -a 1'-30 ll ca'' lout o` uu_1? bo ...... o Q Q' O002a0 a'OY' OLGh 100 E quare Soot of fJ- icuGvalL... 0 0 0 0.10 Z- or o ao l 100 square foot or concro to' d0.w :aent..o0000. 0. 0 's ;'or cacti barrel of ceao:it used ^or other con @t:mQtion..000000 ..... o.0000000 0.10 Por sattll :a,�- oac_a 100 lineal foot of L wc'- Ill in tronchoo not over- 0 ft. in d, C' )`t:h.......00000.0000000000... 0003 Per Oac"d acid ti onal foot In CiO7tho 0 0 0 0 0 o u o 0.20 Tor sabtll a„ each 100 aq. ft. of 6radud oartla 9trOOt00000000000000ua0o0o. 0104 Por sottliax; each 100 sq. Et. of Ci4aOcd ovnCl ixCoZ,+pade000 o 0000000 o 00 a o o... i).JO (d) Otll!)' uus:ss l.atUr uaod fo:;' r,!.l other purposes not her'oinbenor a anumar- ated, .shall be funlfahed avid chargod fov olthor at aot-er rnteo o::� at a opocicl riato to "uo £stud by the City Council under , aps- -Irato a;-rcomcnt. -1th tho Ceia3L42076 Section_ t;. s133v!wz 'Wug bl0m, '_f atoci fox, private fire line co:viceg cxacpt wilovo auto!aatie oprini7lors mo InotoO. nt =g sa :n <3aa ,actor Is rot WequlrOd$ Within t11© City. 2 iach sorvico {,10.00 per annum, payablo L;wd— annually. 6 inch service ix115.00 per man um" payable Uc_� ®er�aurP 2�. G Inc; uorvico , 20.00 por annuu, payablo so. I- Onnual:ly o 8 Inea oervieo ;x23.00 per annum, payable ocu:i =aa=i *_allyo If such lino Is £ouid tapped for demontic uso, a ;istor shall be lnotallod on ouch service at the o,.pcnso o8' s.icti oeaFaw -16V and tho vogular rotor ratos shall be chaoL-'et! thorea.^toro Tlao rl Alt shall be rouervod to ainoom, Lot ouch fire uorvico fro. tae city's u;a3n by diroction of the City Council oat roco!�Ialoa ciatioa of the S -aparintondent oi' tho ;.:ator popartmont. -- 5ectioa 10. ^UR": °OJ (,HMIGES. , Uhon water oorvice to saNj pros cos has boon turned off b °tlauso of .=a _ °payuont: of bill or violation of this ordinance, or ordoeod by the o ;nor or tc::amr::, a charGo of �,2.30 onall be made and eollocted for each eorvleo on c,ac % ®,9CJ v y Section Iii. P_? <_;:'s =l. :iIMVIGL'. ;honovcV the ,;r .vr cal ccc npant of nay pre 3a ©c 7ra•ziously connectoa sAth ';he eltm titer aj3tc:: desir;r: to rover= the ,s ; of water -ho shall make application for renewal of w.ator service and upon pcymont of all unpaid charGes, = If ciny, together r ith a turn -on charge as spccifiG4 in Section- 10, the watuor will be turned on. ;Section 16. ITS2 or DUB -II;C F. PIECE. It rNall be un- lawful for any person to use any water for irriGation or any steady flow during the pru;;rons of any fire in the city, unless fov ;;h® protection of property, and all irrigation and spAni_linC- oyaall be immodbatoly stopped wile n an alarm of fire is uoundod in at,., part of the city, and shall not be boGusn again until the faro is ort!nuuishod. Section 17. t; STAGE OF `..ATER, It ehall be unlawful for any aorson to wc�sto cator or allow it to be wasted by 2rnperfoct or leas'inG s'topoe vrlvoo, pipon, olozoto6 faucets or other fix';va,V009 or to use we:tox olorctn without solf- clasinC valvoae or •co uae the water for pu.^a000a other than those nanod in the upon t:fateh rates for cwat3r aro basod, or to use it in violation of any • provisions of this ' ^dinance. Soetio ;a 1;'. i.:IUZ' ,cZ: :'.i0 ?kMT1 Or CITY. All rcter -3. moos otherwise r.uthob zoo. by tiie Srporintondont, shall be cad remain tho property of tho. city and will not be removed unlooti the use of wator on the proraices Is to be ontivoly atoppod or tho corvice eo -Mestien discontizauod or abandoned. In all eases where notors or motor bolos are lust, Injured or broken by carolosonossor noGllGonco of cc.1nors or occupants of promises, they small be replaced or repaired by or under the diroction of the Suporintendont and the 000t charged against tho owner or occupant, and in tho ease of non -pa, oont tho water shall be shut orr as -provided in Soction 11. in the event of the motor `otting osB of order or failing to sroGistor propoly the conournor ahall be cha? -od on an octimato mado by tho Suporintondont on Clio average raontialy conn'a_np'tion during two last, three laonths • that the same vaa 'In good order or from what ho may conca'S d,',v to be the .'host reliable data at his comand. -g- l tP � r ' Soction 19, I °Ei'i i "LSM Uihoro the accuracy of record of a eater meter ie questioned, it shall. be removed at t._e ca. moor's request and shall iii 'rya presence be touted in the shops of t410 V:ater department by moans of the anparatus there providod, and a •report thereon dull rude. Both pvrties to the test rust accept the findings so made, If the test discloses = error against the con- Sumer of more then three per coot of tlio motor's ror'istry, the excess of the consumption on the three previous roadlntsso shall be credited to the consumer's voter account, and the �:ator Dopartmont ce ll boar the entire exponae of the test, and the deposit required as herein- after proscribed shall be returned. On the other hand, where no such error iu found, the person who has requested the test Shall pay the charge fixed for such toot. Before ru it nL a toot of any meter the person requesting such a teet.shall at the time of filing his request with the ,.uperin- tehdont, matte a deposit with the City 1 ". for Department of the u ount charted for such a test, subject to the conditions heroin etatedg which charges are fisted as follows: For too -.ting 3/4" motors .............. ;J1.00 ror For to t'in, testing l'7 `x /2t' i7 ..... m . , ...... 1.50 1950 1 1 mc....,...m... y ab i' toy t in o Vt/ , 4 n OaooOmoemomOmp 200{0 ForC For eo tin, all S7 V0 O 0. O o 0 o O 0 m O o 6• 3000 testing M .*moOmaemmmso• -f ZOOO . Tortosting V7' S1 1011. 5000 Pte meter Shall be removed, or in any way diaturbod, nor tr'ao Seal broken, except in the ,presence or under the direction of the Suporintondont. Section 20. GOUSUMMIS RE3PUI43Ib1LIT''. All metors of the t,ator Department shall be placed at the curb lino of th3 street or near the property lino in alloys, vhonovor and cihorover practic- able, and be 93otoetod and maintalmed as a part of tho operation of the dopartznont. ^hero a crater Doter is placed inside the promises of a consumer, for the convenience of said eonsumor, provisions shall be • made for convenient motor reading and ropairin, by rop 000atativice -10- r of the department. Fallure to make such ,rovision by the oonsuiner shall ue sufficient cause for removal of such i ;ioter at the ont`!on of the Superintendent of the der,Prt:aent and the wIthhol( nv of service until connection is aede at the curb line no heroin provided. • The Cit7 of 11ouport Beacla shall i.n no nay rhatoocvor be roesaonsible for any da:aage to person or ps °oporty because of any leak - ago, breakra�.:.o or seepage f'roxr or accident or danaf;o to any rotor or -)ipo situated within any private promises, and said city shall not be responsible for any loakago, breaka�o oil 000pa�o from any pipe situate between auy iaotor property installed at the curb and the private prexaisos nerved thereby, nor shall said city be respozisible for or on account of any damar;e, injury or leas occasioned directly or indirectly by the existence of any motor or pipo situate upon private property. Soction Cl. tiSv O1; 1� .!,F: H%DIWITS, ftblle Piro hydrants @hall be placed, maintained and repaired by the crater dopartmento P.ay doxaago therei:o by Jordon or agency othor than ropreoeiatc -tIves of the mire or crater department, shall be n claim against the i;orson or agency com:,Utting such dauago, and tho Superintendent of the water • department shall tF-'to uuoh action as inay be nocossery to collect the ramo. Fire hydr nt3 are provided for the sole purpose of ex- tin uiohin.� fires and ohall be uuod otherwise only as heroin provided for, and shall be opened and used only by the crater and fire depart- ments or such persons as may be authorized to do so by the Chief of the Fivo Depart -aent or tme Superintendent of the `. ?ator Dayartr„ont us herein provided. All persons, fir-wa or corporations desiring to use grater through fire hydrants, or other hydrants owned or controlled by the city, shall be regnarod to obtain a. portrait, firut, frog the Chief of the Fire Department, second, fro.-a the Superintendent of the hater Department The shall issue no such permit to any person who has • violated any of the provisions of this ordinance or whose indebted - nose to the city for :rater unod or damn o to hydrants or equipment is delinquent. ilna all such porzons having permit for use of grater -l1_ fro;a the fire hydrants must provide hydrant wrenches for the operat- ion of such Piro hydrants. Permit for the use of �,.ator tarou h tho fire hydrants of the city nay be cancelled at the will of the .unerintendent of the "rater Department on evidonco that the holder thereof is or has • violated the privilogos conveyed therei;ndor. Such notice of cancel- lotion shall be In writinE officially delivered to the persons to be notified and shall be immediately offective and oaforcod. Section 22. 'AiTA1PUT, TO Ob"MM C71; PIKE HYMI ITT. It shall be unlawful for ally person to obstruct the access to any fire hydrant by placing around or theroon any stone, bryok, lumbor, dirt, or other material or to c:illful?y or carelessly injure the 8amo, or to open or operate any fire hydrant, or to draw or attempt to dray water therofrom, except an provided in Section 20 horeof. S SIOtri E1. oho city of ort Boach roserves the ri �t to Shut Off the vat:or f ou any premixes, or from any part of the distributing systom, as long as necossary, with- out notice to consumers, at any time cnon the ex =i ancies of to oo- casion may require it, out in all cases of oattensions or connections, said do;var miont shall notify consumers of the necessity of butt!%, off % ;ctor and the probablo lonSth of time the valor shall ba cc shut off before talon. such action. Section 24. Dr {fiVM -TG '.,.TER INTO cT J1 : DGITMRS. Lo station- cry steam boiler shall be connoctod directly cith the victor distri- bution system of said city, but in each and every case a suitable tank of ctorago capacity aufficiont, for a twelve hours supply for said bailer shall bs provided, and the servico pipo supplying sayd tank shall discharge directly into the top of said tank. Section 28.. hIGIIT OF IIISxBUT1IGII. , Any ofiAcor, foreman or duly authorized representative of the crater departmont shall at all times have the right of ingress and ogrosa to the consumer's premises at all reasonable hours for any purpose reasonably connected with the furnishing and conservation of vator, for tho inopaction of the entire mate?, system upon said >re:aises. -1.2- Section 26. Rr?0! T 0111 VIOIRMONO. it shall bo the duty of the employees of tho 2olice, Fire and Street Departments to give vig lant aid to tile Superintendent in the enforcement of the provis- ions of this Ordinance, and to this end they shall report all violat- • ions thereof which come to their knowledge, to the office of the Superintendent and it shall be the duty of trio Chief of Piro iApartment to report irmodiately to the Superintendent in case of, first is prom- ises Navin.- motored service for fire protection puapouos that fire has ocovred there. Section 27. E- GiZZ :JATLR. All excess water may be sold by the City of I:o..port !leach to consumers outside of said city in the manner provided by late. Bucry person who shall do or fail to do any act in this Ordinance declared to be unlawful shall be guilty of a raisdomeanor and upon conviction thereof', in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding ;x100.00, or 1uprisonaont not ex- coodinF; 16 days, or by both ouch fine and imprisonment in the dis- crotion of the court. • Section 26. Ordinances Taos. 171, 2779 4099 451, 479, 481, 520 and 534, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. The above and foregoing ordinance was introuueod at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Nowport Desch, hold on the 'ISLday of , 1940', and was finally passed and adopted on the day :�P�t�VL.aTe, 1914, at an adjourned regular mooting thereof by the following roll call vote thereof. AYES, Counci NOES, Councilmen: ABSENT, Councilren: The above and foregoing Ordinance is cloned and approved by • me this_ 2L_day of�� Attest - 0. N i. ayor of the City y of Newport Beach