HomeMy WebLinkAbout751 - Position Classification & Compensation PlansORDINANCE NO. 751 specification of each class employee shall make his request AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY shall be considered in its en- I initially to the head of his de- OF NEWPORT BEACH RE- tirety and in relation to the partment who shall promptly PEALING SECTIONS 2200, specifications of other classes seek to arrive at a solution which 22012 22022 22032 22042 22052 in the classification plan. is consistent with the classifica- 22062 22072 22082 22092 22102 (3) Statements of Desirable tion plan and acceptable to the 22112 22122 2213, 2214 and 2215 Qualifications: The statement employee. Where the department of Chapter 2 entitled "CLASSI- of desirable qualifications set head is unable to resolve such a FICATION AND SALARY out in a class specification is request in a manner that the em- PLAN" and ADDING SECTION intended to be used in deter- ployee is willing to accept in writ - 2200, ENTITLED "ADOPTION mining the eligibility of candi- ing, the matter shall then be AND ADMINISTRATION OF dates for employment or for ad- submitted to the City Manager THE POSITION CLASSIFICA- mission to competitive examin- for such action as he may deem T1ON AND COMPENSATION ations and to aid in the pre- appropriate, including referral to PLANS FOR ALL POSITIONS paration of such examinations, the City Council or to the Civil IN THE CITY SERVICE." The people of the City of New- and for use in determining the Service Commission in cases in- • port Beach do ordain follows: relative value and the salary : volving .employees under civil " 2 Section 1: Sections 2200, 2201, schedules for positions' in a class with positions in other service. "Sub- section 4. Classification 22022 22032 22042 2205, 22062 2207, 22082 22092 22102 2211, 22122 . 22132 classes. Plan for All Positions in the City 2214 and 2215 of the Municipal "Sub- section 3. Administration Service. (a) The service shall consist Code, under the heading of Chap- ter 2 entitled "Classification and and Maintenance of the Classifi- the classes positions essab Salary Plan," be and each of cation an. on lished by Resolution of the City li l said sections are hereby re- (a) Responsibilities of the Council, with such changes that pealed. City Manager. The City Manager might be made from time to Section 2: That a new Section shall be responsible for, but may time by Resolution. The class 2200 entitled "Adoption and Ad- delegate to a qualified person or grade is established for each ministration of the Position Clas- persons, the work of administer- class of positions to indicate the sification and C o in p e n s a tion ing and maintaining the classifi- level for compensation purposes. Plans for all Positions in the City cation plan. The City Manager The hours of work in the normal Service" as hereinafter set forth, shall direct necessary reviews to work week as indicated, shall ap- be and the same is hereby assure that the classification ply to all classes of the group, adopted. plan is kept current and that except those classes where the "Section 2200 — Adoption and any important changes in du- normal work week upon which Administration of the Position ties and responsibilities in any compensation is based is other - Classification and Compensation existing positions and of new po. wise specifically indicated. Plans for all Positions in the City y itions are reflected in the clas- Sub - section 5. Definition and Service. sification plan.. ' - Adoption of Compensation Plan. "Subsection I. Definition and Subject to Civil Service Com- . (a) Salary Schedules. The adoption of classification plan. mission approval where required, pay of city employees shall be (a) Classification of Posi- the City Manager shall provide on the basis of appropriate tions. All positions in the• city for the reallocation of any posi- monthly salary schedules pre. service shall be grouped into tion from one class to another scribed'herein for the respective classes and each class shall in. class whenever a change in du- grades of positions in the classi- elude those positions sufficiently -ties and responsibilities of such fied service as established by the similar in respect to their duties posit16n� make the class to which City Council. Each salary sched- and responsibilities so that simi the position was .previously allo- ule..shall consist of an entrance lar requirements as to, training, experience, knowledge, skill, per- cated no longer applicable. Any rate, three intermediate rates, a two longe- sonal qualities, and the same proposed,. reallocation shall be maximum rate and arty rates. The schedules rates of compensation are appli- made with the knowledge of the o ow- ary rates as shown in the follow cable thereto. employee concerned. , ing section (b) shall comprise (b) Preparation and Content (ss Employee Requests for the compensation plan. of Class Specifications. Class spe- Adjustments. Any Adoption of Comsation cifications shall be prepared and employee shall employee shall have the right lion Plan. The compensation n maintained under the direction consideration by the City Maria. plan with monthly salaries for of the City Manager for all posi.. get. of any. have ve request hange shall be adopted tions and, when the positions of i with respect to a change in the t to a ac- resolution of the City Council as resolution o any class are under civil service, the specification shall be ap! classification of his position. The cording to the following and as proved by the Civil Service Com- — amended from time to time: mission. The specifications shall Salary Schedules for Class Grades define the duties of the positions - MONTHY in each class and the desirable MONTHLY LONGEVITY SAL• qualifications for successful per- RASE SALARY RATES ARY RATES formance of such duties. In addi- tion to the desirable qualifica. Entrance Intermediate Maximum After 8 After 15 tions as set forth in the class Rate Rates Rate Years Years specifications, it shall be under- Service Service stood that all positions require: ability to read, write, speak and First Next Next Next After and 1 and 1 Yr. Year at d Ist t 1st understand the English langu- Class 6 12 .12 12 42 CIS. Max. L age and to follow written and Grade Months Months Months Months Months Gde. Rate Rate oral instructions; ability to get 1 $187 $196 $206 $216 $227 $238 $250 1 along with others; thoroughness, ,. accuracy, s o b r i e t y, integrity, 2 196 206 6 21 227 238 250 262 2 loyalty, and a record of orderly 3 206 216 227 238 250 262 275 3 law- abiding citizenship: 4 216 227 238 '250 " 262 275 288 4 (c) Adoption of Classification 5 227 ..238 250 262 275 288 302 5 Plan. The classes of positions -250 covered by this Ordinance shall 6 238 262 275 288 302 316 6 be established and listed by 7 250 262 275 288 302 316 331 7 Resolution of the City Council. 8 262 275 288 302 316 331 347 8 "Sub • section 2. Application 9 275 :288 362 316 331 347 364 9 and Interpretation of Classifica- ,. tion Plan. 10 288• 302. 316 331 347 364 382 10 (a) The positions in the City 11 302 316 331 347 364 382 401 11 Service shall be allocated by Res. 12 316 331 347 364 382 401 421 12 olution of the City Council to 13 331 347 364 382 401 421 442 13 the appropriate classes estab- lished by this Ordinance as de- 14 347 364 382 401 421 442 464 14 signated by the City Manager. 15 364 382 401 421 442 464 487 15 (b) Interpretation of Class 16 382 401 421 442 464 487 511- 16 ,. Specifications. 17 401 421 442 464 487 511 -536 17 (1) Purpose and Effect of Class Specifications: Each class 18 421 442 464 487 511 536 •� 562 18 specification outlines the main 19 442 464 487 511 536 562 589 19 characteristics and qualifiea- 20 464 487 511 536 562 589 617 20 tion requirements of positions 21 487 511 536 562 589 617 — 647 21 a amples of specific duties which the class and gives ch 22 511 536 562 589 617 647- 679 22 employees holding such posi- 23 536 562 589 617 647 679 , 713 23 - tions may properly be required 24 562 589 617 647 679 713 749, 24 to perform. The class specifica- 25 589 617 647 679 713 749 787 '25 tion is descriptive and explan story but not restrictive. The 26 617 647 679 713 749 787 827 26 listing of particular typical 27 647 679 713 749 787 827 869 27 tasks does not preclude the as- 28 679 713 749 787 827 869 913 28 signment of other tasks of re- 29 713 749 787 827 869 913 959 29 lased kind or character or of lesser skills. 30 749 787 827 869 913 959 1007 30 (2) Application of Specifi- (NOTE: Column headings indicate salary progression of em- cations to Positions: In deter- mining the class which a pl oyee who enters at the first step rate and meets manner of per - position shall be allocated, cated, the formance requirements for each step.) • • (c) Application of Compensa- tion Plan to Positions in the City Service. The class grades as- signed to each of the salary schedules refer to the grades recommended for each class of position in the city service by the City Manager and included in the classification plan as adopted and amended from time to time by the City Council. Each em- ployee shall be paid within the range for the grade of his posi- tion subject to the provisions of Sub - section 6 of this ordinance on the administration of the compensation plan. The monthly rates of pay prescribed in the salary schedules above are based on full -time employment at nor. mal working hours for the re- spective classes of positions as indicated in the classification plan. "Sub- section 6. Administration of Compensation Plan. (a) Integration and Effective Date. (1) Each employee in the service of the City on July 1, 1955, will be entitled to the same step in the new salary schedule as he would have been entitled to under the pro- visions of the old salary ranges and schedules. (2) No employee, regard- less of the number of years of his service, shall be entitled to longevity salary rates until he has been paid one full year in the maximum rate (Fifth Step) of the new salary schedules. (3) The provisions of this Ordinance will become effec- tive July 1, 1955. (b) Entrance Salary Rates. (1) Starting Rate on Initial Employment: On original ap- pointment to any position the salary shall be at the entrance or first step rate except as other- wise provided herein, and ad- vancement from the entrance rate to the maximum rate within a salary range shall be by successive steps. The City Manager may recommend for approval by City Council ini- tial compensation at a rate higher than the minimum rate in the appropriate salary schedule, provided that the position involves executive, ad. ministrative or professional duties and responsibilities; provided further that any such exception is based on the out. standing and unusual charac- ter of the employee's experi- ence and ability over and above the minimum qualifica- tions specified for the class; and provided further that longevity rates shall not be authorized as initial compen- sation. (2) Starting Rate on Return to Duty: When an employee re. turns to duty in the same class of position after a separation from the city service of not more than one year, which separation was without preju- dice to the employee, ,such employee shall receive the rate in the salary schedule corres- ponding to the step rate re- ceived at the time of separa- tion and shall subsequently be paid such rate for at least such period as is normally required for advancement to the next higher salary rate. (3) Starting Rate on Return from Military Service: Any em- ployee who leaves or has left the city service to enter the ac- tive service of the armed forces of the United States and who subsequently is reinstated to a position previously held by him shall be entitled to receive a salary at the step rate to which he would have been en- titled had his service with the city not been interrupted by service in the armed forces, as- suming his manner of perform- ance to be that evidenced prior to his military service. (4) Starting Rate in New Position: Whenever an em. ployee is assigned to duty in a position of a different class not previously held by him and such change is not in the na- ture of promotion, he shall re- ceive the entrance rate in the salary schedule established for the class or such other rate within the applicable salary schedule as he may be entitled to by reason of crediting him in his new position with such prior service that is found to meet the following conditions: the character and nature of the duties of the position to which the employee was assigned are similar to those of the new position; the service in the for- mer position provided experi- ence which is valuable to the performance of the duties of the new position. (5) Rate of Pay on Promo- tion: In any case where an em. ployee is promoted to position of a class with a higher salary schedule, the entrance salary rate shall be at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule that will provide an increase over the salary received im- mediately prior to such promo. tion. Subsequent advancement to the maximum and longevity rates will be on the same basis as described in paragraph (c) below. (c) Advancement of S a l a r y Within A Salary Schedule for Po- sitions in the City Service. Ad- vancement in the salary of an employee within a salary sched. ule shall be based upon the achievement of minimum peri- ods of .service and prescribed standards of performance. .(1) The minimum'period of service required for the first salary advance after the ap. pointment to a position shall be six months. For each suc- ceeding advance, at least one year of service in the position shall be required. (2) Advancement to the first longevity rate shall be made after completion of at least one year of service ,in a position at the maximum rate and at least eight years of continuous service with the city. (3) Advancement to the sec. ond longevity rate shall be made after completion of at least one year of service in po. sition at the first longevity rate and at least fifteen years of continuous service with the city. (d) Recommendations for Sal. ary Advancement Within Grade. The department head concerned shall recommend in writing to the City Manager the advance. ment in salary rate of each em- ployee in his department who has met the requirements for sal. ary advancement as enumerated a b o v e. This recommendation shall include a certification that the employee's service during the three months immediately 'prior to the effective date of the recommended advancement has been entirely satisfactory. "Sub- section 7. Compensation of Part -Time Employees. (a) Compensation of Regular Part -Time Employees. Any Em. ployee filling a position on a reg. ular part -time basis shall be paid a monthly salary according to the following: (PT -A)— Authorized part - time service more than one -half and not more than three - fourths full - time; eighty (80) per cent of rates pre- scribed for full -time em. ployment. (PT -B) — Authorized part - time service more than one - fourth and not more than one -half full - time; sixty (60) per cent of rates pre. scribed for full -time em- ployment. (PT -C)— Authorized part . time service not more than one. fourth full - time; thirty (30) per cent of rates pre- scribed for full -time em- ployment. (b) Compensation of Tempor- ary or Seasonal Employees. Any employee filling a position on a temporary or seasonal basis shall be paid an hourly rate for actual hours worked, equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in the salary schedule for the class. (c) Advancement in Salary of Part -Time Employees. Any part. time employee may be advanced in pay within a salary schedule in the same manner as other em- ployees, provided that only ac- tual hours worked shall be con- sidered in determining such ad- vancement. When the hourly equivalent of required periods of service has been attained, ad. vancement to the higher step rate may be effected in accord- ance with Sub - section 6 of this ordinance. "Sub- section 8. Special Com- pensation Provisions (a) Compensation While Serv. ing in a Higher Class. In any case, approved by the City Man- ager, when an employee, is qual. ified for and is temporarily re- quired to regularly and contin. uously serve in and have the responsibility for work in a higher class of position, such employee while so assigned, shall receive the entrance salary rate of that class or one step above his present rate which ever is higher. (b) Uniform Allowances. Fire. fighting and police employees who are required to purchase and continuously maintain pre- scribed items of uniform cloth- ing and personal equipment shall be compensated for a por- tion of the initial and mainten- ance costs thereof according to the following: (1) All uniformed police personnel and those firefight- ing personnel required to reg- ularly wear dress uniform while on duty ..............$6.00 per month (2) All other uniformed fire- fighting personnel ................3.00 per month (3) Newly appointed fire. fighters and patrolmen shall be provided with uniform al- lowances at the time of ap- pointment and thereafter as follows: a. At the time of appoint- ment- 150% of annual allow- ance b. At first anniversary of appointment -50% of annual allowance c. After first anniversary =10017o of monthly allow- ance "Sub- section 9. Overtime Com- pensation. Authorized Overtime. In emer- gencies, a department head may prescribe, with the approval of the City Manager, reasonable period of overtime work to meet operational needs. Overtime work shall not be established as a reg- ular continuing extension of the normal work week. 'Sub- section 10. Holidays. (a) The following days are hereby declared holidays for all city officers and employees with the exception of police and fire- fighting personnel: the first day of January (New Year's Day) the thirtieth day of May (Me- morial Day) the fourth day of July (Inde- pendence Day) the first Monday of September (Labor Day) - The fourth Thursday of Novem- ber (Thanksgiving Day) the twenty -fifth day of Decem -, ber (Christmas Day) (b) When any holiday listed above falls on a Sunday, the fol- lowing business day "shall be con- sidered a holiday. In addition to the above, any day may be "D r 1 L J r1 LJ r, L J designated as a holiday by pro- clamation of the City Manager,, upon approval of the City Coun- cil. (c) No employee shall lose pay as the result of authorized absence on a prescribed holiday. Employees in positions of the Labor and Trades Group of class grade 13 or below shall be com- pensated for time worked on a holiday at two times the hourly equivalent of their regular rate of pay. All other employees in positions of grade 10 or below, shall be granted compensatory time off for required work on a holiday. (d) An employee who for any reason is absent without pay on a work day immediately preced- ing or following a holiday shall not be paid for the holiday. (e) One day shall be added to the vacation allowance of each employee in a position of the police or fire groups for each designated holiday worked and such employee shall be required to work on holidays falling within their assigned work weeks. If a declared holiday falls upon the employee's normal day off an extra day shall be added to his vacation allowance. "Sub- section 11. Leaves of Ab. sence. (a) Vacation Leave. Every of- ficer or employee in the city serv. ice, except temporary and sea- sonable employees, shall be al- lowed vacation leave with pay at the rate of 15 consecutive days each year. Employees who have com- pleted 15 years of continuous service with the city shall be al- lowed 22 consecutive days of va- cation leave with pay each.year thereafter. Absence on account of sick- ness, injury or disability in ex- cess of that hereinafter author- ized for such purposes may, at the request of the employee and within the descretion of the de. partment head, be charged against vacation leave allow- ances. Any employee, or his benefici- ary in event of death, shall be paid for accrued vacation leave credit upon separation from the service at the rate of his last monthly salary or hourly rate for an equivalent period. Each department shall keep necessary records of vacation leave allowances and shall sched- ule vacation leaves with particu. lar regard to seniority of em- ployees and in accordance with operating requirements and, in- sofar as possible, with the re- quests of employees. (b) Disability Leave. Any em- ployee absent as a result of serv. ice- connected illness or injury and who receives compensation under The Workmen's Compen. sation Laws of California, shall receive only that portion of his regular salary which, together with the payments received by said employee under the provi- sions of the Workmen's Compen- sation Law, will equal his regu- lar salary at the time the injury was sustained. Such payment shall continue during the time said employee is receiving pay. ment under the provisions of The Workmen's Compensation Law, but in no event more than six (6) months from the date of in- jury. Thereafter, any employee unable to return to work may, at his option, use his accumulated vacation leave. (c) Military Leave. Any em ployee who presents official orders requiring his attendance for a period of training or other active duty as a member of the United States armed forces shall be entitled to military leave for a period or periods not exceed- ing a total of thirty (30) calen- dar days in any one year. Any employee who enters extended military service with the armed forces shall be granted leave of absence without pay to extend until ninety (90) days beyond the termination of such service. Military leave shall be in addi- tion to and may not be concur- rent with authorized vacation leave. (d) Special Leave. (1) The City Manager may authorize special leaves of ab. sence with pay for any period or periods not to exceed three calendar months in any one calendar year for the following purposes: attendance at col- lege, university, or business school, for the purpose of train- ing in subjects related to the work of the employee and which will benefit the em= ployee and the city service; serving on a jury or attending court as a witness; and for pur- poses other than the above that are deemed beneficial to the city service. (2) The City Council upon the recommendation of the City Manager may grant leaves'.. of absence with or without pay in excess of the limitations above for the purposes of at- tending extended courses of training at a recognized uni- versity or college and for other purposes that are deemed ben- eficial to the city service. (e) Absence Without Leave. An employee who is absent from duty shall' report the reason therefore to his supervisor prior to the date of absence whenever possible and in no case later than noon on the first day of ab- sence. Any unauthorized and unreported absence shall be con- sidered absence without leave and a deduction of pay shall be made for such period of absence. Such absence may be made the ground for disciplinary action. "Sub- section 12. Requirements as to Continuity of Service. Service requirements for ad. vancement within compensation schedules and for other purposes as specified in this ordinance, shall have the implication of continuous service, which means employment in the city service without break or interruption. Leaves without pay of less than thirty days and leaves of absence with pay shall not interrupt con- tinuous service and shall not be deducted therefrom. Absences of leave without pay in excess of thirty days except for disability leave and extended service with the armed forces of the United States shall be deducted in com- puting total service, but shall not serve to interrupt continuous service. All absences without leave in excess of one day shall be deducted from and shall inter- rupt continuity of service. In case of repeated one day absences without leave the City Manager may consider the service of the employee interrupted and shall have the personnel record of the employee show the same. "Sub- section 13. Administra- tion and Maintenance of Com- pensation Plan. (a) R e s p o n sibilities of the City Manager. The City Manager shall be responsible for but may delegate the work of administer- ing the compensation plan in- cluding, but not limited to, the processing of salary advance- ments, the determination of pro- per salary rates within the exist- ing ordinance provisions, and the preparation of recommendations and initiation of approved revi- sions to the compensation plan on the basis of changes in cost of living and prevailing rates of pay for comparable positions out. side the city service. Any changes recommended by the City Manager shall be considered by the City Council and the changes in the salary schedules deemed appropriate shall be ef- fective upon favorable action by the City Council. (b) Employee Requests for Compensation Adjustments: Any employee shall have the right to the consideration of any request he may have with respect to changes in the application of the compensation plan to his posi. tion. The employee shall initially make his request to the depart- ment head who shall promptly seek to arrive at a solution which is consistent with the com- pensation plan and acceptable to the employee. Where the depart. ment head is unable to resolve such a request, the matter shall then be submitted to the City Manager for his consideration and final decision. "Sub- section 14. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances. All ordi- nances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. "Sub- section 15. Saving Clause. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held, for any reason, to be in. operative, void or invalid, the validity of the remaining por- tions of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby, it being the intention of the City Council in adopting this ordinance, that no portion thereof, or provision here. in, shall become inoperative or fail by reason of the invalidity of any other portion or provision and the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, does hereby declare that itwould have severally passed and adopted the provisions contained herein, separately and apart one from the other. "Sub- section 16. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect on the first day of July, 1955." Section 3: The above and fore- going ordinance shall be pub. lished once in the Newport Har- bor Ensign, a newspaper of gen. eral circulation, printed and published and circulated in the City of Newport Beach, and the same shall be in full force and effect 30 days after this passage. The above and foregoing ordi- nance was introduced at a regu- lar meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 23rd day of May, 1955, and was finally passed and adopted on the 13th day of June, 1955, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Hig- Me, Ridderhof, Hill. NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None. - DORA O. HILL - Mayor ATTEST: MAE L. HOIT Acting City Clerk;. O � q =,o I r-, • 0/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE I SS. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I- ------------------- Mae._ L,,-- Ho- it------------------------------ -- , City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing- _ - -. - -9 I, NAME - ------- ----------------------------------------- No.------- 7J(1- --------------------- was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the - - -- 13th--- - -- - -- -day, of-- ------ June------,-------------------------------19-55--- by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN ---- $ e?sne- tt- .- _W<�dsx,-- Mac�Cay- ,_ -S -t- adder- d- ,--- Hi�bie Kidder- ho -f,- Hill NOES: COUNCILM ABSENT: COUNCI Dated this ------- 2511K ...... day of ---------------- JUIY- NB 130 -500 -6/51 1955..- ----------- ------------------- - -- - -- City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California