HomeMy WebLinkAbout200 - House Pipe & Sewer RegulationsORDINANCE NO. 200' Z� In Ur new -bill rugs, a7[ vents quarter u`ieTi per font -i otivar�t. e's�reet _ .shall run through - -the roof perpen- sewer. - The-pipe must'ha, made per's AN ..O R D I iiA N C. F, -0r THE ; dicul rly, and terminate 'at least 6 I fectly water - tight. It shall =,,not he FOAF.D OF TRU4TEES> Owt• Inches .above the r6'of and the same covered or concealed in any manner THE: : CITY OF N E W:P O R T;, shall not terminate within 6 feet of , until it has been properly testA and BEACH AMENDING SECTION any window, air shaft, chimney, or : approved by the Plumbing luspecr. EIGHT fill OF 'ORDINANCE' opening. - tg(g) All changes in direet;9n slid};, NO. 105. ENTITLED: "AN ORD -li (b) In all buildings having a flat be made with one - eighth bends or "Y IN:ANCE OF THE CITY OF - roof and fire wall the vents shall ter- and one - eighth bends. NEWPIPRT BEACH PRESCRIB_' minate six inches above the -area wall. . Section 2. RE INfI'GULAT•FONS GOVERN- - (c) In all old buildings, where This Ordinance shall take" effect ING PLUAL_B.INQ,.,H`OU'SE `(new work is installed, all new vents land be in force thirty days after -,:ifs °DRAINAGW AND THE'VENT- and all old vents, if possible, shall be ifnal passage. and in the meantime Iron as in new buildings ;it shall be Printed and published once INDIO OF HOUSE PIPES � P AIaII ?P'$�WERS OF THE CITY ! (d). All drains outside of the build- in the NEWPORT NEWS, a news - NEWPORT BEACH, CAL- P ing, and to the street sewer, shall be (paper of general circulation, printed. ' IFORNIA,s REQUIRING IN -t; first grade machine- tamped cement - published, and circulated. in the City SPECTION THEREOF, 'AND ; sewer pipe with an internal diameter of Newport Beach. .:, PROVIDING INFORMATION I of not less than 6 niches. Where the The above and foregoing Ordinance hO.j�, tYWNgRS, CONTRACTORS ": surface of the: ground is on a level with No 200 was passed at a regular matt -, the street grade or above- said street.'' yrrg• of Boa* of Trustees of the AND PiUMBERS." 'igrade the pipe sliall -have a covering city of NeivporBeach held on the of not less than 12 inches. When the 3rd day of April. 1922, and on said The Board of Trustees of the City surface of the ground is below street day approved by the Ptesident of said of Newport Beach do ordain as fol -I grade and it is not possible to lay Board of Trustees, the same being lows: the pipe in the ground and obtain !passed by the affirmative vote of tae Section 1. I� sufficient fall to the sewer, the pipe following named members of said Section eight (8) of Ordinance No. lj may be supported by a substantial Board, to -wit: 105 of the City of Newport Beach is : wooden structure of such design that ,t Ayes. Trustees J. P. GREELEY, J. hereby amended so as to read as fol- -!will maintain the pipe in its proper ti J. SCHNITKER, GEO. P. WILSON, lows: .posdon as to line.and grade. `C0NRAD RICHTER, O. H. Section 8. (e) The joints of each and every t BURKE - All soil and waste pipes, to a point] section of cement sewer pipe must be ( Noes, Trustees. None. ' 12 inches outside of the exterior wall ;completely and uniformly filled with • Ahsent, Trustees, None. of the building, shall be cast, iron not �. the best Portland cement mortar, emo- The above and foregoing Ordinance less than 4 inches internal diameter, t sisting of one Part of Portland ce- E No. 200 is apnr ^ved by me this 3rd when a closet is connected with the! ment and one and one -half parts of ;day of April, 1922. same, and not less than 2 inches in' clean, sharp sand. E(Try joint must - J. P. CREELEY, any case, and larger according rot be thoroughly cleaned on the inside President of the Board of Trustees,: 'number of fixtures connected, in ac-1 so as to leave no obstructions. City of Newport Beach. _ cordance with the provisions of Sec- (f) The different sections must be Attest: 1, tions 26 and 27 of Ordinance No. 105. 1 - laid in perfect line on the bottom and - (Seat,) ALFRED SMITH: sides. with a fall of not less than pne- I� Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. niy'n ly r'i ^`.l1'.C3 ;�O.S3CCT of nu to 1, 1 - -0 ,;- t, i :'rl, •.C(1, o ri true r'ri . corrnCL co',-. _erUotc,_ '.t a '_"'C ,pAl, 1222, ..r.d t)-.at o le. :as i3rinte,i In- . ___�c I *-C d T ORDINANCE NO. 202 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF y NEWPORT BEACH GRA.N'TING TO I STANDARD OIL COHPA.SY, A { CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, THE t RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, IIAIN. TAT`!. OPERATE AND USE BPCB TRACK ACROSS CENTRAL ATE_ NIIF AND A PART OF EIGHT. EE?,TH STREET, P U B L I C i STREETS IN THE CITY OF NEW- S PORT BEACH. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach do ordain as follows: SECTION 1 The Standard Oil Company, a Cal - ifornda corporation, is hereby given right and authority to construct, main- tain, operate and use a standard gage Boer railroad track connected with the t- railroad trash of Pacific Electric Ran- way and extending northwesterly, over 1Ts- lTrUmanre s a. e pu ishedI and across Central Avenue and a, portion of street, public once in Newport Ne,". a news -t paper of general circulation, printed. e t.ity of streets in the (i[y of Newport Beach, published and circulated in the Cii- to and upon lots 1 to G, both inriusive, of Newport Beach and slmll take effect) Block 11 ;, Section "I,,' City of New -I and be in force [runt and after its port Beach. final passage. SECP10:: The above and foregoing resolution The right and authority given to was passed at a regular meeting of the Standard Oil Company, a California_ Board of Trustees of the City of New - corporation, by S.ction 1 of this or- port Beach held oil the 1st day of May, dinance is given and shall be ex(.rcised 1922, by the vote of the following by Standard Oil Company, a. Unlifurniu{ named members of said Board viii corporation, ::ulely upon the .oiul tionl Trustees: that the spur track so tar as it e_.isLs. Ayes, - I'ustees —J. J. SCHNITKER,!. in any part of Central A,'e_-Mue or Id. C. S1,t. N. C1'IO. P. wILSO :N, COIN -' Eighteenth street, shall be cpnstructedl BAD RICHTER, O. H. BURKE. { of rails o ithe type known as Tvilhy� '• Noes. 'trustees —'one. rails and maintained at all tunes to Absent, Trustees— the grade provided for the street, and 'phe above an(1 foregoing Ordinance the street between the rails and for, 1('0. 202 having been passed this 1st: ,t two (2) feet on the outside thereof' day of Alay, 1922, is, approved and shall be kept in good repair and fill- signed by pie. proved in the same manner and with J. J. SCHNITKEP. the same character of improvement as,o ii, . lent, Boar dot 'Trustees, City of the street upon which the spur track Newport Beach. exists. Attest: SECTION 3 ALFRED SMITH i Clark of the City of Newport Beach. 4 41 r,.i ° 3i. y, "1,.1,1. o_' lac pity_ of "to ., 202 iS C. COrrOCt Con,, nit' 'i t (rl' ^ J'C3 rl a' .. ".oar, 1 of 'I'Y'713'i ;' ?JS _.. ro,.-LLlCr . :ii irl 1: o let dry of 19221 .r,'?.