HomeMy WebLinkAbout207 - House Pipe & Sewer Regulations/ ?l ORDUANCE N4 205 I -- exceeding Z5 days, or by both 'such]j IAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF (flue and impriscnment in the discre -I NEWPORT REaf,H DECL&RUNG 11 tion of the - court. TO BE [rNLA)FFLL AND TO CON" Section 3. 'This Ordinance shall be STIME A MISDE)11i;121 Ole TO published once in NEWPORT eE7'3'S CAST OR THROIN ANY :METAL Olt a newspaper of general circulation, lI!NERAL WEIGHT BF IdE 3i. `� !. °'r'. printed. published and circulated in FISH LIFE AND FT_SHIN& ,, Ili I i( the city of Newport Beach. and shall ON OR FROM CERTAIN S'rlli take effect and be in force from and TCRES IN THE CITY OF 1ES)- after its flnal passage. FORT REACH, AND PROVIDI)G i`- I hereby leer; fy that the foregoing { PENALTY FOR ALL '1IOLA 1':11:1:+ Ordinance No. 205 was passed at a reg- •� THEREOF. ular meeting of the Board of Ti ustees — i� of the City -of Newport Beath held on The Board of Trustees of the City cf - the 15th day of May. 7922, by the vote Newport Beach do ordain as tcllo,vs' of the foltowling named members Section 4. It is hereby declared to thereof. 'be unlawful and to constitute a mis Ayes. Trustees —J. J. SCHNITKER, I demeanor for any person' to cast or H. C. SLOAN. GEO. - P. WILSON: throw ever his head cr her head or - CONRAD RICHTER. '. shoulders any metal or mineral Noes. Trustees None. weight or sinker attached to any Absent. Trustees —O. H. BURK_E. !fishing line or fishing tackle. on The above and foregoing Ordinance or from any dock. wharf. pier. No. 205 having been classed this 75th breakwater, jetty. sea -.call, er side- day of May. 1922. si approved and walk within the City of Newpmti signed by me. Beach. J. J. SCHNITWER. Section 2. Any person who shall do I" President. Board of Trustees. City of any of the Pets declared unlawful b, Newport beach. IL �j Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be Attest: I deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and ALFRED SMITH. upon ,conviction thereat in a court of Clerk of the City of Newport Bea(h. competent jurisdiction shall be pun- — - iished by a fine not exceeding ;i 5.00 i or by imprisonment for a p:riod not ii O'; -j. ^ti '.0 ln1, ,e): i-. ''�C'ZC". �O. ?.OJ 'Pl .. t-ou 1. .C),i'i' !C7'. J0 77 o. .:Ic,: n'..0 :; -r O�. . o. lie-- Gisl- Jo 7�1 15 t. Zli"- 01 -._;'r 1!a ?.2, .. 11" a l: 1(7 -hoc t.ccvl'(ii ORDINANCE No. 207 (ill All drains outside of the baild- for a permit so to do. before any part' fig, and to the property line or cess- of said work shall be cmnmenced and AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 'Poo I, ' shall be first grade machine : ',tamped no part of said work shall be done cement. vitrified or Iron pipe. until after said Plumbing Inspector NEWPORT BEACH A3IENDING internal diameter not less than the has issued a permit for the proposed SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. size of soil or waste Pipe to which it work to be done Ili accordance with 200 AND SECTIONS 1, 4° G OF Olt en attached. Stone -.rare piping shall the rules and regulations lie'el¢after DIVAN CE N0. I05 OF SAID CITY. : not be allowed v.ithin 2 feet of the provided for. For said plumbing pee• -. exterior wall of an:: house or build- "'it the charges shall be collected at 1 Ing: vitrified or cement pipe shall not 1 the following rate. tu- ivit: The Board of Trustees of the city of come within 12 fucbeu of the surface 'i For any number of li _cures not to . Newport Beach do ordain as follows: of the ground through its entire exceed two. $1.00, and twenty -five s Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance course. ,cents for each addition.1 O,lere. In No. 200 of the City of Newport Beach is (e) The joining of each and every cages e-horu a build;,} permit i, e, hereby amended so as to read as foe- section of nitrified piping must be essary. the plumbing nn -rnit v.ill not lov:s: , i completely and uniformly 'filled with be issued until after iSe l -tdd on 1. All soft and waste pipes the best Portland ceuient. two parts wit has been Issued. A cbarge of $1.00 to�acp p oint 3 Peet outside of the l sand cement. an and one part cd every shall be made by ;.did r ^.mi:ing In- r ex- tenor gall of the house or building. Joint shall be thoroughly cleaned Prom Spector for every er.t•a visit made by shall be cast iron not lees than 4 inch- the Inside so as not to torn an lib- hiu?. 61 es internal diameter. when a closet (s I ! struction. � Section 3. Section 4 of Ordinance -�. connected with the same. and not less (f) The different sections must be "`o. 105 of the city of ::ev pert Beach than two inches in any case. and larg- laid in perfect line on the bottom and is hereby amended seas to read as er according to number of fixtures sides. with a fall of not less than one- follows: in accordance with the fourth inch per foot toward the prop- SectI011 4. All work duue on sih- iconnected, of Bodices and 27 of ni.t lice m ceso- oul. This p pipe witted laps shall be sub ec[ to I,,- said di of said Ordinance .:o. 900 of the city of must be made perfectly water tight. meecticn, and notice nmst be given to Newport Beach. and shall be carried It shall not be covered or concealed in the Plumbin • Ins y S pectw: b � the coo- t size to the height zany way until is has been property,' _ tested and approved by the Plumbing' tractor or owner doing slid er'ork o• having the same done. as sosn as said l ;of tileini highest of the highest vent or a[ Least six or inches above the roof of said house or Inspector. work is ready for innpectiun. All work and left witlicat culvi m' cap. i (g) All changes in direction shall, must be uncovered and convenient fur / ;building baud shall not termtnate within Icss]••Y" be made with one - eighth bends or examination until illspoc'ted and ap- than twelve feet of the ground. and one- eighth bends. All sizes proved by the said Plumbing In- I 1, given in this Ordinance are inside Spector. Sue," lnspectime sbxll be (a) In all new buildings. all vents nmeasurements in the clear. (made wdthilt thirty -six hours of sm.li - shall run through the roof perpendic -] Section 2. Section 1 of Ordinance• notification being received at tile of- ularly. and terminate at least 3 inches No. 105 of the city of Newport Beale' I rice of the said Inspector. The In- ;,�` above the roof and the same shall not is hereby amended so as to read as "pecting officer may apply the : -ater, terminate within 6 feet of any window. follows: Peppermint or smoke trat :slid all air shaft. chimney or opening. Section 1. Any person or persons necessary tools. labor, and ass :stance (b) In all buildings leaving a flat carrying on. conducting, assuming for such tests shall be turnished by roof and fire wall the vents shall ter- control of. constructing or causing to tiie Person or Dersons In control of the .urinate six inches above the fire wall. be.constructed. either an owner, agent Work. and "Itch peso¢ or persons (c) In all old buildi❑ g;. where new or otherwise. any plumbing m' house shall remove or repair any defective work is installed. all n, rents drainage within or without house g ' material or work wile¢ so ordered by all old rents. if possible, shall run as as or building within the limits of the the Inspecting officer. A¢ Y soil pipe. _ in new buildings. city of Newport Beach, shall apply to drain pipe. trap, water- closet. urinal. the Plumbing Inspector Ct said city sink. or other fixture set up, or fitting ,or fittings laid. used, or cuustructerl otherwise than in accordance with Ilkey s r these regulations, or which majr, in I Cess -pool not Iess than six feet squal z circulation, printed, published, and . opinion of ihe_P1uf#II1rg' Inspector, to nand as deep as conditions will permit; circulated in the city of 'Newport liable to becb>ne-*fective by reason of,; sefd seas -pool to be located at a ills : Beach. Poor workmanship, shall, upon not cy tance of not ]csa than five feet from The above. and foregoing Ordi¢ar1C.e l either i Inif or ,mitten from the sa;d the property' line and not less titan.: uo. 207 was passed at a regular in t- r Inspeetor, be removed m• repaired in ten feet away from any dwelling, and firg of the Board of Trustees of the the, manner determined, and within the shall have a strong and firm cover cf city cf 'Newport Beach held on the lime fixed by the lnslrsctlng officer, and not less than two inch _Redwood 22nd day of May, 1922 by the following . it shall be unlalrful 1'or a (it perenn r plant: cr concrete oi- brick arch not ,rote, and on said day was signed and persons to occupy- or make use of any less than 2 feet beiow the surround- approved by the President of the, 111011-0 or hnilding wbere plumbing ing surface of Ure ground; provided, Board of Trustees. work has been constructed unless the Owner; agent Or lessee of said building however, that, when a building is on'' Ayes, Trustees —J. J. SCHNITKERj Ii. C. SLOAN, GEO. P. WII,SON, shall have first procured a final car- }ye rear of a lot, lot tile front of which there is another building, the plumb -' COi- RAD RICIIT_�R, O. H. BURKE. tiflcate of acceptance from the I'lunib_ f. ing work cY the building in the rear Noes. Trustees Pone. ma Inspector and signed by dun. m:q be connected with the phtmbmu. 6. Absent, Trustees None. i Section 4. .section 6 of Ordinance wt,rls of the b!uldi?:g in £rent. And it. The above and foregoing Ordinance: :No. 105 of the city of Icew'pn -t Beach 1- shall be unlav:_ui for any person or Yo. 207 is approved by me this 22nd' is here]?,.- amended no as to read as persons to use m' occupy any house or day o. 1922. f 'flay, follow �: -_. btll0 in till city of Beach J. J. SCHNITIiER, Section G. 1: -11x- m' building Vf Ouse drill ht or for Till ck any house drainage. President of the Board of Trustees, which a in or for v.9rich any house drainage or phvob;ng arrangements are con -� City of Newport Beach. or plumbing arranken-.eats are con- strv.cted, laid, or installed, unless Attest: strueted. shall be saparaicly and !,I- ' dependently connected v.im ttte public such house drainage or plumbing ar- ALFRED SMITH. I Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. sewer, when such public sewer is c.m rangerneew are connected with the Ipublic sewer in z sanitary manner , structed on sneh sVicet or alley with- v -hen such public sewer is constructed : in 200 feet of such property; in cases !on the street or alley upon which the i i of bungalow- courts m' other groups of prcpeity abuts. • buildings. spacial pm•uilsslpn stay 1" : Section 5. All ordinances and parts .given in writing by the Plumbing In -'of ordinances ccnflicting with this ; spector for joint counecfiun to the 'sewer - Ordinaw e are hereby repealed. on any street or alley. And. in Section 6. 'this Ordinance shall case there is no sewer corratructott its take effect and be in force from and loch sh,cet or alley. widiln 200 feet of after its final passage, and shall be the house or building, said house cr printed sad published once in tile] building may be comrectsd with a . _.,ewport Ne,vs, a newspaper of general J -_l li it. Of I. °JO:!''i ^Ch, 'O I'... ').. ncn;i _llf? c ^ri:i, "' ':1::'i: for ;oi" ..!' _''..'.,':,c^ n. 207 is .. i:'tt corracl- con Of "n o";" 01, ','ll ;L ^ °^ .• "`;ll _P..i' tl.C��011i'7.!: o_ -_ : ;!? 2?C' 0 - o,' ORDINANCE NO. 208 AN OED1NANCE OF TILE CITY OF 11.41 "POII'P BEACH U LADING 2ii:CTIO\' S OF ORDINANCE N0.• 110 OF SAID CITY. The Board of Trustees of the city of �:ewport Reach do ordain as follows: SecCan 1. section a of Ordinance NO 110 of the city of Nevrport Beach is hereby amended sc as [o read as fellow's: Seeuon S. Each licence granted or issued under any provision of this Or -1 distance shall authorl2e the Ifeenseel to transact or carry on the business or calling therein named at the place tiserern designated and no other, and Lee said Lcenee shall not be assign- able nor transferable without the con- sent of the Board of Trustees. No if- cease shall be granted to.any person tar tiny purpose under this Ordinance if the license fee for any prior license shall remain unpaid. 1 i —.v Secfr6n 2. 'Phis Ordinance shall tatce effect and be in force from and after its final passage, and shall be printed and published once in the Newport News, a newspaper of general' circulation, printed, polished and clr -' cslated in the city of Newport Beach., The above and foregoing Ordinance No. 203 was passed at a regular meet- ing of the Board of Trustees of the. City of f<ewport Beach held on the. 22nd day of May, 1922, by the follow- ing vote, and on said day was signed and apprdced by the President of the Board of Trustees. ' I Ayes, Trustees —J. J. SCHNITKER, H. C. SLOAN, GEO. P. WILSON, CONRAD RICHTER, O. H. BURKE. I Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustees None. The above and foregoing Ordinance No. 208 is approved by me this 22nd day of Alay, 1922. J. J. SCHNITKER, President of the -Board of Trustees. City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Cleric of the City of Newport Beach. ter, afro£:. 9ttit_l, rl of Y o "it,, .';..,.': t . for ;oi i- or ^.inunc- - o. O' " i.r.l.ifi'_.71Ce, *lass;[( ),, '.: ;'.h "O ^. i'u. Of '21i on 'io 22'1 C_0° of ..tl ', 1 ')22, .14. :'CcOr in ::o l;t,::. of 3rraor` :',oac!" 20G is ;t trio amQ Lot ^OS at a rof(ula a n i 1. `L_ :dt w., lOf'.ras corr,rct Coo; 1 C'l :.1 o 1' n ^ �L�