HomeMy WebLinkAbout210 - Election for Municipal Improvements-i A r F I ORDINANCE NO. 210 :are laid out and aFtown upon a map ­6T and the construction of good and suf- _ Newport Bay she" ug- harbor lines ap- flcient approaches to said wharf, and AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF proved by the 'War, Department, Jan- for the- ¢arking of automobiles and! NEWPORT BEACH, By ICS nary 18, 1917; thence northwesterly other vehicles at or near said all =� . BOARD OF TRUSTJWS, AS THE in a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Stu- preaches. All in a safe and sufficient LEGISLATIVE BODY THEREOF, tion No. 124; thence northwesterly in manner for the purposes of public DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO 4 direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Station pleasure and recreation and the uses CALL AN EY:ECTION IN A P:RO- No. .125; thence westerly in a direct' of commerce. POSED MUNICIPAL IIIYROVE- line to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 126; line t U. ea The estimated cost of the acquisition q . Section 4, MXNT DISTRICT, FOR THE PUR- thence westerly in a direct line to the. most easterly corner of Lot 12, Block of the'proposed publid'Improvement.is POSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE 636 of a Map of the Canal Section, as I the sum of $52,000.00, and of the met - QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID DISTRICT THE PROPOSITION OF recorded in Miscellaneous Maps Book dental expenses in connection there - AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE 4, page 98, Records of Orange County, I with tl'te sum of $5000.00. AND SALE OF BONDS OF SAID' California; thence westerly in a direct Section 5. DISTRICT IN THE MANNER AND; line to -the most northerly corner of Any person interested objecting to FOR THE PURPOSES SET FORTHI Lot 10 of the aforesaid Block ,636; the formation of said district or to the - -` IN THIS ORDINANCE; ACCUR. thence westerly in a direct line to the extent of said district, or the propos ATELY THE EX. most easterly corner of Lot 1, Blocked improvement, or to the inclusion of .DESCRIBING TERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE 637 of the aforesaid Map of the Canal his property in the said district, may. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL I'I. Section; thence westerly in a direct at or before the hour of 7:30 .o'clock PRDVEMENT D 18 T R I C T, SET. line to the northeasterly corner of Lot p, M. of Monday, the 31st day of July, TING FORTIL A GENERAL DE. 8, Block 638, of the aforesaid Map of 1922, file with the Clerk of the City of SCIIIPT10N OF THE IMPROVE. the Canal Section; thence westerly in Newport Beach a written protest set - d, MENT TO BE ACQUIRED THERE- a direct line to the northeasterly cor- ting forth such objections. IN AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE ner of Lot 8, Block 539 of the aforesaid The hour of 7:30 o'clock P. m. of COST OF THE PROPOSED III- Map of the Canal Section; thence Monday, the 31st day of July, 1922, iu PROVE DIENT AND THE westerly in a direct line to the most the council chamber of the Board of .- .{YORK, -INCIDENTAL EXPENSES IN CON- westerly corner of Lot 15, Block 441, Trustees of the City of Newport Beach, NECTION THEREWITH, FLYING M f th C l Sec - of the aforesaid Map of Canal in the City Hall of said city, is hereby A DATE UPON WHICH AN ELEC. tion; thence northwesterly in a direct fixed as the date, hour, and place for TION WILL BE CALLED IN SAID, line to the most easterly corner of Lot the hearing of protests. - DISTRICT, THAT A MAP SHOW- 1, Block 244 of the aforesaid Map off Section 6. -ING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDAR -. the Canal Section; thence northwest- The manner in which the proposi- IES.OF SAID DISTRICT WITH erly along the northeasterly and tions shall be submitted to the quail ! RELATIO39 40 THE TERRITORY northerly lines of the last mentioned fled electors of the district and the IMMEDIATELY CONTIGUOUS Block 244 of the northwesterly corner, bonds thereof issued and sold is as THERETO, AND A GENERAL of Lot 7 of the last mentioned Block follows: DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOS. 244; thence westerly in a direct line! The proposition shall be submitted ED IMPROVEMENT ARE ON to the most westerly corner of Lot 8 of to the qualified electors of the distrieL ' FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE Block 145 of the aforesaid Map of the by means of a printed ballot and the CIry'j' CLERK OF THE CITY OF Canal Section; thence westerly along proposition of the issuance and sale ro -It BEACH, WHICH MAP the westerly prolongation of the i. the bonds of the district for the acqui- SHALL GOVERN FOR ALL DE- SHALL northerly line of the last mentioned siticn of the proposed public improve- AS TO THE EXTENT OF Block 145 to its Intersection with the men[ shall be printed and stated upon SAIDi MfSTRICT, !AND FIXING center of 46th Street; thence south- the ballot so that the qualified electors A DATE, HOUR, AND PLACE FOR westerly along the center line of 46th shall have the opportunity and be per- ' THE HEARING OF PRQTESTS. Street and along the southwest -, mitted to vote in favor of or against erly prolongation of the center the issuance and sale of the bonds. line of said 46th Street to its For said election the district shalt Whereas,; on the 21st' day of June, 11922, intersection with the''southerly bound- constitute one voting precinct, and a there was filed in the office of ary line of the City of Newport Beach; polling place shall be designated and the.-Clerk of the City of Newport thence southeasterly and easterly a board of election appointed to con - Beach, as the Clerk of the Board of along the southerly boundary line of sist of one inspector, one judge and Trustees thereof, the same being the the City of Newport Beach to its in- one clerk, to hold,-conduct, and make legislative body of said city, a peti- tersection with the southwesterly pro- returns of said election. tion in writing signed by qualified longation of the center line'of Tenth The said election shall be a special electors residing in territory which is Street; thence northeasterly along the election, and if at said election two - within and. constitutes a portion of southwesterly prolongation of the cen- thirds or more of all the voters voting the City of Newport Beach, a munici. ter line of Tenth Street, and along the thereat shall have voted in favor of ' pality incorporated under the laws of center line of Tenth Street to the place incurring a bonded indebtedness for the State of California asking that of beginning. - the acquisition of the proposed public said territory be formed into a Mu- The use hereafter in this Ordinance improvement, then the issuance and nicipal Improvement District for the of the words "the district" means and sale of the bonds by the Trustees of purpose of. creating an indebtedness, shall at all times be construed to the City of Newport Beach of the to be represented by bonds of said dis- clean the proposed municipal improve bonds of said district for the acquisi- trict, the proceeds from the sale of ! ment district district, as in this sec- tion of the proposed public improve - which shall be used for the acquisi- tion described, or as the same may be ment shall be authorized. tion of a public improvement within hereafter modified as provided by law. Sectl0117. said district, which the City of New- Section 3. In the event that the issuance and Port Beach is authorized by law to ac- On Tuesday, the 12th day of Sep- sale of the bonds for the acquisition .quire; and tember, 1922, an election will be call- and sale of the bonds for the proposed I Whereas, said petition Is signed by ed in the District for the par- public improvement Is authorized, 1 more than ten per cent. of the quali- pose of submitting and at said then the principal of the indebtedness ' I fied electors residing in the territory election there will be submitted to be incurred therefor being the esti- which is proposed to be formed into a I Municipal Improvement District, to the qualified voters thereof the mated cost thereof and the incidental and proposition of incurring an indebted- expenses in connection therewith, the improvement work to be acquired, ness by the issuance of the bonds of sum of.$60,000.00 shall be represented and a general description of the the District to pay the costs and ex- by 60 bonds, each in the denomination exterior boundaries of such proposed) penses of a proposed public improve- of $1,000.00, and numbered from 1 to district: ment, a general description thereof 60, both inclusive.. Now therefore, the Board of Trus- and an estimate of the cost thereof, All of said bonds shall be dated the tees of the City of Newport Beach do and of the incidental expenses in con- 1st day of October, 1922. Each and ordain as follows: nection therewith are as follows: every bond issued and sold and the _ Section 1. The Board of Trustees of the City of The improvement of the ocean front money thereby represented shall bear Newport Beach as the legislative body within the proposed municipal Im- interest at the rate of six per cent. which interest shall thereof. hereby'declares its intention provem:ent district by the acquisition per annum, and p be paid semi- annually on ti-.e 1st day to call an election in that portion of of the wooden wharf now erected and existing therein, and which extends of April and the let day of October in . ,the City of Newport Beach proposed to be. formed into a Municipal Improve- from the southerly end of the Pacific each year after their date, until the bonds shall have been paid, prin- :men[ District, for the purpose of sub- Company's Railroad right -of -way into said cipal and interest. mitting to the qualified electors of and over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The of wooden All of said bonds and the Interest said district the proposition of author- placing piles under portions thereof, the laying of thereon to be paid at theAreasury of izing the issuance and sale of bonds a wooden deck or floor thereon, the the City of Newport Beach, in said thereof in the manner and for the par- constrution of a railing along the city, County of Orange, State of Cal- , poses hereinafter set forth in this Or- same, the extension of the length if dinance of Intention. Section 2. thereof, approximately 35 feet, and Section S. i See The exterior boundaries of the pro- the erection at the end of and connect- di strict formed under this or- The d pal shall be known as Municipal posed Improvement District are ac- ed with said wharf as extended a Improvement District No. 2 of the City Improvement curately described as follows: structure approximately 100 feet. in of Newport Beach. Beginning at the intersection of the length and 40 feet in width by driving Section 9. center line of Tenth Street and the wooden piles into the bed of the Pa- All bonds issued and sold shall be northerly line of Central Avenue: thence northeasterly along the center cific Ocean placing wooden stringers thereon, and the laying of a wooden signed by the President of the Board tine of Tench Street and along the deck or floor upon said stringers. The • of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach, also signed by the Treasurer northeasterly prolongation of the cen -, acquisition of a strip of land approxi- q p thereof, and countersigned by' the ter line of Tenth Street to a point in mately 100 feet in width and extend - Clerk. The interest coupons on such the, bulkhead line extending from U. S ing from the northerly or shore end of bonds shall be signed by the Treasur- Bulkhead Station No. 116 to U. S. the described wharf northerly to er of the City of Newport Beach, by Bulki�ead . Station No. 117, as said the southerly line of the Pacific his engraved or lithographed signs- bulkhead line and Bulkhead stations, Electric Railway Company's railroad:, right-of-way, upon which to construcrAwe. -i A r F I -, /,w Any and all k!onds the issuance of we'ek for tw4q�� succeeding -wee s -in: which may be authorized at said elec- NEWPORT. N�iWS ,A newspaper 6f tioll shall be sold by the Board of general circulation published in the ti Trustees of the City of Newport Beach. 'City of Newport Beach Jess ,teat:' to tile- . highest bidder therefor days a -week, and shall take effect . in cash, lawful money of the be in force upon the completion of said United States, but for not- less publication. than their, par value and accrued in- The above and foregoing Ordinance terest thereon. of Intention No. 210 was introduced at The proceeds from the sale of any a regular meeting of the Board of such bonds shall be placed in the Trustees of the City of Newport Brach Treasury of the City of Newport Beach held..on the 26th day of June, 1922. to the credit of the Municipal Im- and finally passed and adopted by said -" Prevenient District Fund, and shall be Board of..T.rustees at a regular meet - applied exclusively to the purposes ing held on the 3rd day of July, 192" for which the same was voted. by the vote of the following named Section 10- members thereof: - A map allowing the exterior bound- tries ' 'Ayes, Trustees, J. J. SCHNITKER, H. CARDOZA SLOAN, GEO. P. WIL- the territory immediately contig uous the district with relation to f SON, CONRAD RICHTER, L. S. WIL- thereto and a general description of KINSON. i the proposed improvement is on rd of Noes, Trustes —None. the office of the Clerk of the Board h, Absent, Trustees--Noue. s the le of the City of Newport Beach, The above and foregoing as the legislative body therefor, tvhicj gNe ort B,aco map shall govern for all details as to No. 210 of the City of Newport Heaml the extent of said district, and to is signed by me this 3rd day of July, which map all interested persons are 1922. hereby referred. President of the Board Nof Tr Section ]]- ustees There is no newspaper of general of the City of Newport Beach. circulation published in the City of Attest: Newport Beach six (6) days a week. ALFRED SMITH, 4 This Ordinance shall therefore be pall- Clerk of the City of Newport Beach -. -i- �. fished by the City Clerk of the City 0, July 7, 16, 23 _ - Newport Beach by one insertion each T, .v l,f „(.. .i ;.il G'10 ._ Of .. ^.3 ,.i{,r of = .C'.!DO 1 - !CCCi!, _..0. 210 is i; 2'It"` ^,•rl COT'7 of ar- Crt.i ^ :.nc0 D35sor1 b .,,`: o^. :i' of `.'rl1.�i: hol - :. o-^ .. 3d day• of July, 192', n'd t)'-t pu.n_l_isir ;c_, accordi-I ; i:o 1:1.:. W(e 172 1 , JJ (3 ) Upea Vie northerly one -half of en a days, orbs both sueh.fine. v Ocean Avenue between the westerly and imprisonment in the discreticm�o,� —._ line of Twenty -first Street and the the court. ORDINANCE NO. 211 easterly line of Twenty - second Street. SeetIon 4. (4) Upon any portion of Alvarado This Ordinance shall not Ile AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Street; between the northerly line of strued as repealing or in any way lim- NEWPORT BEACH PROHIBITING Bay Avenue and the Newport Bay. I sting the provisions of any other or- THE PARKING OR STANDING OF (5) Upon any street in the city of dinance of the city of Newport Bear, YEHICi,ES UPON THE PUBLIC ewport Beach within fifteen (15) feet, but prescribes additional restrFction, f a corner farmed by its intersection ALLEYS AND PORTIONS OF CER- Ir concerning the parking of motor or TAIN PL -BI,IC STREETS IN THE y any other street er alley, or formed other vehicles in said city. CITY OF NEIYPORT BEACH, PRE. y the termination therein of a street Section SCRIBING THE OF alley. This Ordinance shall take ec_ect .METHOD PARKING ON OTHER STREETS (6) Upon any street in front of the and be in force thirty days after Its AND PROVIDING A PE3ALTY driveway or entrance to any public: passage and in the mean time shale, r> or phivate garage so as to obstruct E'Olh ALL YJOLATIONS OF -THIS be published r -nee in NER'PORT' ORDINANCE. ingress Anil egress to and from any NEIi'S, a newspaper printed, nitblish'- such garaga orer a public street. ed and circulated in the city of Now'_ Section 2. , port Beach. The Board of Trustees of the city Every owner or other parson in; The above foregoing Ordinance No.; Newport Beach do ordain as follows: i charge of or controlling any mote. ' 211 was passed by the Board of Trust-! Section 1. I or other vehicle is hereoy prohfbitedl ees of the city of Newport Beach at al Every owner or other person in, from parking or permitting the same regular meeting thereof held on the charge of or controlling any motor or to stand uron any street in the city 10th day of July, 1922. by the Vote r of other vehicle is hereoy Prohibit0l of Newport Beach unless tLe vehicle', the following named members thereof: from parking or permitting Ithe same; is parked so as to leave not exceed - Ayes, Trustees, J. _r. SCHNITKER, to stand" upon -£ny publIo alley in the; ing six (6) inches of spec-, between H. CARD07.A., SLOAN, GEO. P. WIL. city of P:ewport Beach, or upon thej the wheels of the vehicle nearest to SON, CONRAD RICHTER, L. S`. WIL- y�_ portion et certain public streets ins the curb and the curb on the side of KINSON. ' said city, described as folloca: , the street where the vehicle is parked Noes, Trustees —None. (1) Upon the easterly one -half of: or standing. Absent Trustees — None.. rain Street, between Newpc t Bays Section & 1 The above and feregoing Ordinance and the Paci ... Ocean. ! Every owner or ether person in j No. 211 is signed and approved by me, (2) Upon the easterly one -half of charge of or controlling any motor or this 10th day cf July, 1922. Washington Street, between Newporti other vehicle who shall, in the city 0, J. J. SCHNITKER, Bay and the northerly line of Centrall Newport Beach, do any of the -things President of the Board of Trustees Avenue. prohibited by this Ordinance shall be of the City of Newport Beach. . deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and Attest: ALFRED SMITH, .upon conviction thereof shall be pun- Clerk of the city of Newport Beach. ished by a fine not exceeding $75.00 July 14. j or by Imprisonment not exceeding sev- \ 1, :,l :ir.'.(1 5; 1i �. ^ ='� O � -•1G,- Of t _'•3�.C. L'O ,••�O . , , 211 is n tr1'q JI7 rc.nc J, ^.00 Oil • . of rn.ai; s o'. 1C. u^ oL Jo.i.,•, 1"?22, ;, s". 1ccoP. 01 0 .._1 L;