HomeMy WebLinkAbout212 - Election for Municipal ImprovementsORDINANCE Na 91F. �� e o *I .its an d Purposes :or which'( Special r'leetion Prec!net'No. 1 shall ' hG debtednr is propesed to be in embrace all that portion of the City AN 0IIt177IV',,iNiCE ' i'TME, CITY OF 911,.33Y cured is to nay the cost' of the ac -� Hall of Newport 'each- lying northwesterly NEIVP011i1 BPA "E LE[[�� l quisitim: cf Said City :n order City of the following described line: ! ISLA'FI'tE,6`RANCH R'TiEREOF, TO to furnish and pi'oFids the o? Commencing a. the point of intersec 14 LT : -THE DO.$ O F TR S r wpo t.Bearh with a sufficient and tion of the center line of 15th Street. I -- TEV,ii, OBHEhINU THE, SUBMS adequate budding within which to extended northeasterly with the SIOP:' TO TIC 1QCALIFIEVA IO 1 stab! sh an : maintain the public of northerly city limits of said Fity, EHis OF THE Ci1''Y 1p NEWPORT fie- -s of the City of Newport Beach and !thence southwesterly along said . -, REACH TITS P1OPOSITION OF t� keep and preserve the records tended center line and along the can-- I ' INCURRING OF A DO:IDED DrBT thsreof, and Conduct and carry on the ter line of 1511i Street and along-said FOR. -'THE PURPOSE SET FORM w :s!ne,s of :ha _9 city. center line of 15th Street extended! IN RESOLUTION NO. 183. OF THE: <a tfor 2, southwesterly to an intersection with SAID�ITY, C LUNG A SPECIAL Ti a cost of tha aegnisit:on of said the southerly boundary line of said; ELECTION FOR THAT PURPOSE, '+% Hall is estimated to be $50.000 city. RECITING THE OBJECTS AND rn, and the nmcunt of the Principal special G4ction Precinct No. 2) PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE IP I r the :n.dchtrdness to . e neurred shall embrans all that portion of the, DE$TEDNEfiS IS PROPOSED d0 t' `".for f, the Som CP $ 0,000.00. City of No wprrt Beach lying south -; BE IPICL'1iREB, THE ESTIII:ATEDI which slim is and will be too - great) easterly of the following described r' COST OF THE PROPOSED PUBLIC 'o be Paid out of the c".dhiary annual: line: INPROVEISEN'T, THE MAOUNT OF `' ^eme and revenue of the City of Commencing at the point of inter - TH$'.. PPEACIPAL OF THE IN. Ney:port Beach. section of the center lane of 15th IIEB'TEDNESS TO BE INCURRED GfctiOn 4 Street. extended northeasterly with � THEREFORE, AND FIXING A The mz4imgm rate of interest to the northerly city limits of said city. MAXIMU -31 RATE OF INTERI*T ''e uaid on the Principal of the In -. thence southwesterly along said ex =) TO BE PAID ON SAID INDEBTED. dAtedness of $50.000.00, whiOU _t is I tended center line and along the ces -, NESS, FIXING THE DAY ON "' "cn ^sad. to ';e Incurred is hereby ter fins of 15th Street and along said s WHICH SUCH SPECIAL ELEC. 5 f: i:ed at s P-r cent Per annum, ad a lji center line of 15th Street extended N SHALT, BE H? LD, THE It N. ^hall be Pavable semi - annually. which southwest. =.rly to an intersection with OF HOLDING SUCH ELEC- ate of interest shall not be exceeded , the southerly boundary line of said T(ON AND THE VOTING FOR OR suance of bonds for such in- city. AGAINST INCURRING SUCH IN- e. said Spec ial 1 ?:action shall beheld DEBTEDNESS, AND PRO111DING rTbithedd.�, Section 5. in said Special Iact:cn Precinots Nos., THAT 1T? -LL PARTIM. ARS SOT The Board of Trustees of the city 1 and 2 at thei polling places herein -I RECITED _IN THIS OBDINANC£, SUCH ELECTION SHALL B E Newport Peach hereby orders the 'submission . after _amid and designated: t The Polling 11f. ce for Special Else . HELD .AS PROVIDED 'BY ..LAW. of the proposition of fn- curving a bonded in the ., ; Lion Precinct To. 1 is established t ;FOR H01•DING MUNICIPAL ELEC. sum of $50000.00. fur the purpose of :hs westerly grmmd floor room of the TIOA`S IN THE CITY OF NESS'- the acquisition of said City Hall to building occ 1pL c! by the city of New ' PORT REACH. the qualified voters of the city oY Pcrt Beach as City Hall. - Newport Beach. I The polling pinup for Spacial 1T -Irc- Whereas, on the 26th day of June.. Section 6. fi -on Prgctnct ":r 2 is established atl 1922. at a •mselar meeting of the leg :I Fcr the Purpose of submitting to the �b� huilding at Palboa, used by the islative branch. to -wit. the Board of ' qualified voters of the City of New -I city of Newport Peach as a Fira Hall.I Trustees of the city of Newport I port Beach the proposition of Incur- The following named persons. eachl I Beach. by a vote of more than two - ring a bonded debt for the acquisition of whom s a qualified elector of � the thirds of all the members thereof, I of said City Hall in the suns of $50.- special election precinct !n which hei there was Passed. adopted and ap- 000.00. a s_recial election Ea karat -v is, appointed are hereby appointed set proved Resolution 1:o. 183. of the , called and ordered to be held at. in. a Board of Election. to hold. conduct, ,. City of Ne11 fort Beach. determining and for tha City of Newport Beach on anti make returns of said special -fee- and declaring that the public interest Tuesday, the 15th day of August. 1322. tion for that Precinct. said Board of, and also the public necessity dernwads which date is hereby fixed as the da; Election in each precinct to consist oft the acquisitiou at. in. and for the city, on which such special election will one Inspector. two Judges, and three: of Newport Reach of a'muni4al. im- he h =Id. and at said special election Clerks, each of said persons shall re -III' procement. which is necessary and the proposition of incurring a bonded ccive for his services as an election) 'convenient to carry out tun objects fndebtednesu for the described ur- P Gff :eer the sum of 4.00 lawful money � $ t, purposes anti powers of the city :of pose shall be submitted to the quaff- of the United Plates. Newport Beaob, the cost of which mu- fled voters of the City of Newport I Special Election Precinct N0, 1 nfetpal imp:-o-: cement will be too great Beach. St Clint: i. Insector . Arthur N Smith. p . N. m . to be paid ont of the ordinary annual The manner of holding such special I Judge. Schuyler Baker. : income and revenue of the city. of Newport Reach. election and the voting for or against i Judge. Anthony C. welch. Now. tb°reiore. at this. a subsequent I 4 incurring sr.c t indebtedness ;hgI1 be Clerk, Mrs. Emma B. Smith. Clerk. Afis. Arline E. Jasper. theetiit of said Board Trusters of as follows The of incurring abond- t Clark, iv -r ctio am S Porter. s the City of Newport Beaoh..after the I a o t for ea'lC d debt for said City Hall shall be sub- SpaC.al Election Precinct g. E e ga, adoption and approval of passage. mftted to the qualified voters the Inspector. John A. Schilling. l' slid Resoard of Trustees 193: ' of of the City City of Newport ri us by a printed Judge, Aire. Addle E. Hervey. Judge. Henry J. Burns. f Ne. port no r of Newport Beach do ordain as fel- lot ballot. and tun ballot used at said spe- cfal election, except as otherwise pro - Clerk. hire. hlatnfe A. Brown. _ lova' vided for in this Ordinance, shall be Clerk. Mrs. Sarah H. Wallace. Section 1 ; prepared, Fr ntad, furnished and die - Clerk, Walter L. Jordan.. It hac!n.g been daterm!ned and de. xribated a. l :o:ided by law for prepay -I SeCt10 - ^- S. _ cda: ed by Resolution No. 193 of the, in;;. prist:ng. furnishing. and distrib -1 The polls at the' polling places Uere 'x City of Newport Beach. passed. adopt - cline bellots at municipal eisct:cns „ inbefore designated and established in ad. and approved by the vote of more in the Cit.,- of Newport Beach. said Special Election Precincts Nos. I than two- thir @3 of all the members Each ballot shall have printed on I and 2, must be opened at six) thsreof, that the public interest and U, ;::: s tt...eoi the folluwfne: o'clock a. m., of the day of election, ,. also the puUti.: necessity demands the MUNICIP -?L TICKET BOND ELEC -� and must lie kept opened until seven) acquisition in the City of Newport I •1101J. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. o'clock p. m.. of the same day, when 11 Beach of a municipal improvement as INSTRUOTIOidS TO VOTERS. the polls shall be closed, except an follows: To vote in favor of the proposition provided in Section 1164 of the, Polit -1 The acgndsition of all that certain stamp a cress (X) °n the voting ` -cal Code of the State of California. rest property located in the city df I square at the right of P word "YES" 3: l Newport Beach, County of Orange., following the proposltlea to be voted In alon n all particulars not recited is this! State of G=_iiiornia, particularly de -! upon. To vote against the proposi- Ordinance said special election shall; scribed as: tion stamp a cross (X) In'the voting be held an 1 conducted as provided by, ., Lots 1, 2. ?, 4. 5. 6, 7, S, 9, 10. 11. 12. square at the right of the word "NO" law for holdfnJ municipal elections is 13. in Block 12 of "Section B Newport' following the rrcposition to be voted the City of Newport Beach. Section Ill. Beach." as s'::own on a map recorded upon. , is Book 4. page 27. of Miscellaneous ALL MARKS EXCEPT THE CROSS Any iloal::fe . voter at -said special , • Maps. Records of Orange County. Cal - 1 (X)' ARE FORBIDDEN. ALL D1S - election may vote is favor of the pro - ifornifi. thus :.me being the South one -1 TINGUISHING MARKS OR ERAS- Position .,uhmitted by stamping a ' half of said Block' 13; together with! URES ARR FORBIDDEN AND MAKE Cross (X) en his or her ballot in the the ilulilding. now Constructed andl, THE BALLOT VOID. If you «LRONG- voting square at the right of the word Stan eing thereon. as'a City Fall for LY STAPIP. TEAR. OR DEFACE THIS YES" follo•::ing the proposition municipal uses. is order to carry out.) BALLOT return it to the Inspector of i Voted ,per. and any qualified voter the objects. purposes and powers of election and obtain another. may cote against the proposition sub -1 the City of ?'ewpont Beach. � PROPOSITION � mitted by r`antping a cross (X) 'on his (The use of the words "City Hall"' Shall the City of Newport or her bal;7 is the voting square at heraii-fter is this Ordinance means and Beach incur as indebtedness : the right of the word "NO" following at all'iig:es shall be construed to mean; is the sum of $50.000.00 for YES ,.. the proposition to be voted upon. ! the m lO,feipai improvement described f the acquisition of the real Section I[. in the said Resolution No. 193. and as Property, situated- in said i If any voter at said spacial election) defined and set forth in this Section off city described as the South shall have stamped a cross (X) in the s this Ordinance.) one -half (Si/2) of Block 39 of voting square at the right of the word! "YES" Seetlon Q- "Section B- Newport Beach," ,Np� fCP.0 wing the proposition votes: 'Sae Scard of Trusters of the City of and the build; g thereon ; "Pon. his or her ballot shall be count -I Newport Beth proposes to incur a ereolLd as a City Hall? Sit in favor of the issuance of the! � bonded debt to pay the cost of said For the purpose of said special else - I bonds mentioned in said proposition: C3:v ??all, and to issue and sell the lion the City of Newport Beach is and if he cr she shall have stamped a '•onds of the City of'Nerport Beach hereby divided into two special else -. cross (X) in the voting square at e thl fx- the acquisition_ ttsrs6f. tdoa Precincts numbered Special Elec- right of thz word "NO" following the No. 1, and Special Else- voted upon. his or her } OdPrecinct tion Prcei:!ct Yo. 2. a lot shall be Counted against the issu- ance of the bonds mentioned.in said proposition. .- F G il F F.. V r `SbiofOn 7� _. .. ... - -, iecTTen 23. -. .-`._. L`card ot"'r4 ices oTt1Le City o$•New -II If at said election two` iids There, ba'ug no newspaper published port Beath as the Isgisuative braneli=i or morleof all i6e. Voters votin ere in the City of Newport Beach . at least thereof, held c the 10th day of July,; at shall,, have voted in fart of the six days a week, therefore the Clerk of 19�2, by the vote of -n o e than two - proposition of incurring aonded debt the City of.Newport Beach is hereby thirds of r t §s mebbars''df said by the City of Newport Reach and the ordered and directed to publish this Board of Trustees, slug on.sa'd days issuance of bonds thereof in the sum. Ordinance :No..212 In The NEWPORT Was signe,l zinc' approved -by tie Pros -'., of $50,000.00 for the acquisition of said. NEWS, a weekly newspaper publish- ident of thz Eoard of Trustees of,sald- City Hall, then the bonds of the City of, ed I- the City of Newport Beach leas city, the -aid Ordhikne-a being pa5pedI Newport Beach' shall be issued and than six da;s week. to -wit: published by ti° a_ rmative vote of the �llow- sold by the Board of Trustees of said therein otanc a week, by one insertion I ^g named . nstees. + City in the sum of $50,000.00 for said, in said NEWPORT NEWS each week ?yes, Tri stess J. J. SCHNITKkvi *' purpose. for t. •o mlecessive,weel;s„ and this Or -1E. CA 'DO' /_.k.5LCA 1, GEO. n. Wrr._ All proceedings had under this Or -. dinance a:i3 the publication thereof SO'Z, CONRAD RICHTER, L. S. dinance and the issuance and sale of as provided for in this Section shall bonds therein proposed to be Issued constitute a notice of said election, and Noas, Truatess, None. shall be had in accordance with an Act no ether notice of said special elect Absent, Trustees. None. ` of the Legislature of the State of Cali -, lice need he given. Ths above and foregoing 'Ordinance fornia entitled: "An act authorizing- Section 11. .'.Zo. 212 is signed and approved by me. the incur¢mg of indebtedness by This Ordinance being an Ordinance this loth de^ of July, 1922.. cities, towns and municipal, corpora- calling and otherwise relating to an J. J. SCHNITifER, tiods, for municipal improvements,; election tba save shall go into effect President of the Board of Trusters,; and rehule.ting the acquisition, con -' and be in force from and after its fin - of the City of Newport Beach.. struction. or campletion thereof" (be al passage. Attest, came a law under constitutional pro -I The foregoing Ordinance Ito. 212: ALFRED SMIIr II vision witi!•.mt Governor's approval : as passed 2t a regular meeting of the Clerk of the City of Newport Beacha : Feb. 25, 1901.) and any and all acts _ - -_ July 14, 21,' -S. and parts of acts that are amendatory thereof. - - I, rafred - 'a. t' , Clcr'c -of ;c 'i. of ooi'; r.c'', o I - certi.: "t, t7•o-t the for,­-oi:-�; Crdinanc. -'o. 212 is true a of ^.n Ordinance nassod 'r is o of T- Lnlsteas _ .-„_'ul' o: wootin• r,l_d. on t?}in 10t; 8.e o: July-, 1922: a-d t'r:at s c . and rnlblisn(., i accori_tinj ':o 1.'.'. ;`ii; Clor:c of c:'.— --i — - _ — ' --- - -- - - - -- Whereas, said petition is signed by; Alao fixed Monday, the -f1at day of ORDINANCE NO. 213 more than ten per cent of all the • July.- I922 ;.at the hour'df 7:80 o'' wk= AN ORDINANCE OF NEWPORT BEACI ELECTION TO BE A CERTAIN DISTB SAID CITY, PROY) SUBMISSION TO T VOTERS THEREO SITION OF INCU) BY THE ISSUANCI - SUCH - DISTRICT, PURPOSES ;i RECI' THE NATURE OF MENT WORK C THE ESTIMATED OF, THE AMOUNT CIPAL OF THE TO BE INCURRI AND THE RATE TO BE PAID ON S. SAID PROPOSITION, prevenient , proposed to be ten or any protest setting rth nay THAT IN ALL PAR-, constructe therein; objection or protest:'.with. -.b Gist• NOT -= RECITED IN An estimate of the cost of the pro= of the Cfty of Newport Beach he Be NANCE. SUCH ELEC. 'posed improvement work and of the ing the clerk of the legislative body L DE HELD AS PRO. - incfdentai expense in connection thereof, at or before the 11 LAW - -FOR HOLDING"iherewith: o'clock P. m. of Monday, the 31 '� ay MUNICIPAL ELEC That on the 12th day of $eptember, of 'July, 1922,,beipg, the. time -fixed for THE CITY OF NEW- -1922 an election would be called in Lice hearing of, said, protests:, and,..,' -„ ,PORT BEACH. !'said, district for the purpose of sub- Whereas, a meeting of the Board milting to the qualified voters there- of Trustees of the City of Newport Whereaa, on the 21st day- of June, of the proposition of Incurring in- Beach session was , duty flay, _:sand in 1922, eacei i at the day, 'hear. floc there.was filed in the office of Qebtedness by the issuance of bonds of place fixed by Ordinance.,;)Vo. ?r1�..Por the Clerk of the legislative body of such district to pay the cost and ex- the hearing of said - petition a pIro- the City of Newport Beach a petition pauses of the proposed improvement tests, and no person,.appeared ta.pb, asking that a portion of the City of work, and that a map showing the Jett to or protest against said ms -' Newport Beach be- formed into a mu- exterior boundaries of said district Now therefore, the Board of . Tab; nicipal improvement district for the with relation to the territory imme- tees of the C(ty of Newport,.$eaeh `{i3 .purpose of creating an indebtedness., dlately contigsells thereto, and a gen- ' r 1 d i ti f h ordain as follows: .,.. ... to be represented by bonds of said e a seer p on- o t e proposed im- district „the proceeds from the sale of provement_ was on flee in the office 117 qualified electors residing in the ter - 'p. in at the council chamber of the' CITY OF ritory which is proposed to be formed Board of Trustees of said city, in thje (LING AN Into a municipal improvement dis- City Hall thereof, as the dated hour,: 1- WITHIN tTict and sets forth a general descrip- and place for hearing of protests: - F AND IN then of the improvement to be con - Whereas, the above referred to map. FOR THE strutted and a general description of and general description wenk .duly; UALIFIED the exterior boundaries of such pro-1 prepared and on file in the office ECG E PROPO• posed district; said Clerk; _ A.DEBT - Whereas, the Board of Trustees of I Whereas, no newspaper of general 30NDS OF the City of Newport Beach thereafter,1 circulation is or was published in the CERTAIN on the 3rd day of July. 1922, adopted City of Newport Beach six:. 44.0. 9& THE 0$• an Ordinance No. 210 of said city, de, ;I week. and the said Ordinance No. 230 SES FOR - elaring Its intention to call an else -I was thereafter published once 4 week I IN DEBT: tlon in said proposed district. or as for two weeks by one insertion each YCUI�ED the same might thereafter,be modified, week for two succeeding weeks, in IMPROVE' for the purpose of submitting to the NEWPORT NEWS, a newspaper IIPLATED qualified electors of said district the of general circulation ; published- inahe. P THERE• proposition of authorizing the issu- City of Newport Beach less than -.efx HE PRIM• ante and the sale of bonds of such: days a week. to -wit: published.therefn ITEDNESS district in the manner and for the once a week; and IIEREFOR, purposes set forth in said Ordinance Whereas, the time within which .pro -, NTEREST of Intention No. 210; tests may be filed has expired, and Ao gDEBTED, Whereas. laid Ordinance of Inten- person interested. or objecting` tp. tthe DATE ON tion No. 210 also cent ins: formation of said dieffict, or: to the IN SHALL An accurate description of the ex- extent of said district. or to the bout. YNER OF terior boundaries of the proposed struction of the proposed impfo'6e- AND THE municipal Improvement district; - ment work, or to the inclusfilu of'31is FOR OR A general 'description of the im- property in said district, filed -,a riG SAID PROPOSITION, prevenient , proposed to be ten or any protest setting rth nay THAT IN ALL PAR-, constructe therein; objection or protest:'.with. -.b Gist• NOT -= RECITED IN An estimate of the cost of the pro= of the Cfty of Newport Beach he Be NANCE. SUCH ELEC. 'posed improvement work and of the ing the clerk of the legislative body L DE HELD AS PRO. - incfdentai expense in connection thereof, at or before the 11 LAW - -FOR HOLDING"iherewith: o'clock P. m. of Monday, the 31 '� ay MUNICIPAL ELEC That on the 12th day of $eptember, of 'July, 1922,,beipg, the. time -fixed for THE CITY OF NEW- -1922 an election would be called in Lice hearing of, said, protests:, and,..,' -„ ,PORT BEACH. !'said, district for the purpose of sub- Whereas, a meeting of the Board milting to the qualified voters there- of Trustees of the City of Newport Whereaa, on the 21st day- of June, of the proposition of Incurring in- Beach session was , duty flay, _:sand in 1922, eacei i at the day, 'hear. floc there.was filed in the office of Qebtedness by the issuance of bonds of place fixed by Ordinance.,;)Vo. ?r1�..Por the Clerk of the legislative body of such district to pay the cost and ex- the hearing of said - petition a pIro- the City of Newport Beach a petition pauses of the proposed improvement tests, and no person,.appeared ta.pb, asking that a portion of the City of work, and that a map showing the Jett to or protest against said ms -' Newport Beach be- formed into a mu- exterior boundaries of said district Now therefore, the Board of . Tab; nicipal improvement district for the with relation to the territory imme- tees of the C(ty of Newport,.$eaeh `{i3 .purpose of creating an indebtedness., dlately contigsells thereto, and a gen- ' r 1 d i ti f h ordain as follows: .,.. ... to be represented by bonds of said e a seer p on- o t e proposed im- district „the proceeds from the sale of provement_ was on flee in the office 117