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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-01 - Orange Coast Pilot--- .. .. --- . . . . Dixie crying tr.~e n9 Weep,itlg willow ing carloads of curtoatty.£ to tb1I rural A local weekly newspaper rePorted the NEEDHAM. Ala. <AP> -It sounds llke a whinln1 puppy, but the noise apparently comes from a hu1e pecan tree in Unnie Jenkins' yard. Some believe the 1hosta of lon1·buried Indiana or babies are wblmperiq. Others seek a more rational explanation, speculatina that an animal trapped ln a nearby bolJow la squealin1. And a forester ''-Y" .1aae1 seepiu through tiny slits ln.Jhe wood may welJ maie a cryina noise. What.ever the reason, the noise is at(ract· spot in southwest Alabama. ID fact ao many phenomenon, and a swarm of tour .. l1t1 have nocktd to tbe 15-foot-tall tree that Mn. descended on rural community. Jenkina baa 1tarted cbarilnC 50 c~ for a Tbe crowds peaked around Ea1tcr when chance to Uaten. tbe famUy ',',had 400 people in the yard here "We tbouabt it wu a do1 1leep· at one time, •aid Mn. J'enkina. dreamlD1," said Mrs. Jenkina, who flnt "She •aid can wtre lined up IO far,atona be.rd the sound April 12. "You know how a the narrpw roads that the aberUf bad to come do1 crlea out in bll sleep Y(ben·be'1 1Jeep· lwlce to help with traffic. And a neilhborln1 dreamlnt? storekeeper estimated some 3,000 people "Well, we remarked on how it muit be a "spent their Easter Sunday in a traffic jam." pretty good dream because it was luUn1 ao Choctaw County Sheriff's Deputy Ken· tong." neth Ctenahaw esUmated tbJt t.bomanda of people, many armed with tape reeorden, · have come here to iiaten to the wblmperin1 pecan. At first, the crying could be beard sevetal yards away from the pecan, a popular shade er.d fruit·bearing tree in tbe South. In recent days, It has grown weaker. A hole bas been du1 at the base of the tree, and a listener can put his ear to a pipe. ·· The noise sounds like a crying puppy or the baf1( of a baby seal. The Jen.kins' believe the noise emanates (See CRYING TREE, Pase AZ> 4 Hicks testifies • ID Alcala~ case· DA ·claims he told lawyers informa~t recanting testimony on HB girl's killer By DAVID KVTZMANN Of ... Delt.,,.... ..... Oran1e County District At· torney Cecil Hicks has testified be told subordinates to nollly convicted child killer Rodney t\lcala's lawyers that a jaUbouae informant was recanting his testimony. However, _the prosecutor who persuaded "ln Oran1e County Superior Court jury to convict and sentence Alcala to die ln the California gas chamber testified later that be did not convey the information because be believed Alcala'a lawyets would already know. · · The ~tlmony of Hicks, mak· Int an unusual appearance in court aa a witness, and Deputy District Attorney Richard Farnell occurred at almost the same time Tbunday that intor· mant Robert Dove wu beiDI sentenced to UI in state prlson for violation of probation. Dove, a 2$-JNr..oN hero.ML -9· diet, bas clllhned he lied on ~ •ltne11 stand durinl Alcalt'1 trial a year aio about oveme..r: in1 the convicted killer ..admit to 1l•pping 12-year·old Robin Samaoe of HuntinRton Beach un· conscious abductinl her in June, 1979. Questioned by Alcala appeals lawyer Keith Monroe, Hicks told Superior C9url Judge Philip Schwab he first learned of Dove's recantation March 9 when two dru~ rehabilitation program officials called bis office. The county's top criminal justice administrator said he was informed that Dove had made statements to dru1 counselors admitting lo perjury during Alcala's highly publicized trial. Hicks said be also was told that Dove had 1one to the county Public Defender's office in the Oran1e County Courthouse lo re· .. ant hla testimony. Becauae he knew "virtually .notbini" about the case, Hiett said be asked lnveatl1ator Gerald Mont1omery of Ilia office to tell Farnell of the situation and itaisw idm notify'a taw1en. However, both Monroe and co- toanael David Zimmerman have eowtended tbel were never notified of Doves admissions of petjury by anyone connected with the district atlorne)''s of· fice. When they did find out, they immediately petitioned tbe California Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus seeklnl a new trlai. The state hi1b court then ordered the hearings before Schwab, the original trial judge. Farnell, called lo the witness stand later Thursday by Monroe, said be received the in· formation from Hicks about Dove but admitted be did not relay that information to de· fense lawyen. Asked ii be had received in· structions from Hicks to inform defense lawyen of Dove's per. jury claims, Farnell aatd be could not recall. But be maintained that his un- deratandinl of tb• situation -.. that Dove bad .a.tven a statement to the public defender'• °"'" and that there was little doubt tbia lnformatJon would ftDd lta way to Monroe and Zim- merman. , Schwab, aftK bearln1 TbunclaYt teaUmbfty by IDcb, ,.....,_tu ~ nwnel'qul other wit- ........ iuled that he would not ·<See ALCALA, Pap "2) • ,,..., ... ,......, Lee....,.. ottc~ ~ttometl Cetj_l Hk:la umtr to giw}ril teltimonfl m the cou of convicted child killer ~ Alcala in Oratfle Countu Su~ Court. ~De~th .Stal~s ~;J\. hunger striker .Jailed guerrilla predicts he 'Will die 'Within 24 hours BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP> -Jailed IRA 1uerrUla Bobby Sands ~Uevea be wUl be dead within 24 hours, an alde aald today after visitinl Sanda on the 82nd day of b1a hunter a trike. "He is ln tremendous pain and baa very little 1trenitb," said Owen Carron, who was Sanda' mana1er ln lb• April 9 voUng wblcb elected the guerrilJa to the BriUlh Parliament. "One eye is completely shut and be bu very little vllion ln the other," said Carron. "He Oil· ly recopdzed me by my volce • ., · Sanda rejected another appeal today to call off bla bun•er strike, and supporters briefly ec- cupled an office at the be9d· quarters of the opposltlon Labor Party in London. Tbe appeal wu made by the Labor Party'• on Nottbem Ireland, Don Concan· non, who Visited Sanda and three '>tber auerrlllaa who are de· mandlni refotbl amounune to 1rantin1 prtaon~r atatm to lrilb Republican Army inmates. 'lbe fou.r rejected papal apP.4;ala thll WMk. . . 'I should think there ts notbln1 anybody else can do, and no one can aecedt to their demands. He had quite a political ariument wlth me for about a minute this mominC," Concannon said after vlsltina Sanda and the otbert at the Mase prison. He said Sanda, in tbe S2nd day of f astibl, wu mentally alert. On Tbunday, Britain accused the IR'.A ol 1Urrtna a "calculat· ed, cold-blooded" campaip ot terror 111 tbe name of Sandi. Frank Hu1bea, jailed with Sanda, received the last rites ol the Roman Catholic Church on . Tbunday, abd relatives said be was approacbillt death ln the 46th day of b1a hunier strike. They aald Hu1be1, 25, im· prilonecJ fOC' lUe for lbootinc a soldier, bat cW'fteulty 1peaktni. Lut rite. have already been (Bee au. Pa .. AJ) ....... Hunger ltrlU rupportn• Can"JI picturt• of IRA leadn tdtO hcg joined BobbJ1 Sandi m 1torvotion at BtlfCJlt pmon. DUICI CIAIT lllTIEI Low cloudiness nl1M . and mornin1, mostly sun· ny Stturday afternoon. Lowa toniaht 58 alont tbe coast, H inland. Hltb• Saturda1 M to 88 at lbe beachei, 14 to 78 Inland. l r l'URVIVOR8 -Three surviving sons of Franklin D. Roosevelt meet with former pre· sident Richard Nlxoo ,i the funeral of thelr ,. ............ brother John in New York. From left are Franklin Jr., Nixon, Elliott and James, who lives in Newport Beach. )/- I Diedrich delay granted Defense files new challenge in fund-laundering case Yet another delay has been granted in the four·n:or·old campaien fund-laundertn1 cue of Ralph Die<trich, a former Orange County Supervisor. Diedrich, who left office Jn 1979, ii accused of 1.'00Jptrinl with several former polltle1l U · soclatea to violate provlaions of the PolitlcaJ Reform Act of 1974 • by failing to report the \rue source of funds that were used in 1976 poUtical campa11n1. He wu ori1inally indicted by a county Grand Jury on the charees in 1977. The case baa been In the couru since. At a hearlne Thursday before Superior Court Judie Jame• Perez, defense attorney Marshall Morgan souehl the de· lay so that he may file .new challenges to the felony charges on 1rounds that prosecution is barred by the statut~ of limila· tlon.s . Perez aiireed to reschedule the pre-trial hearing to oeit Friday. Dledrich's trial Is scheduled to begin May 26. Economy plan pushed President heaps invitations upon congressmen that I bad to say, 'I know bow busy you are and must get off the phone.' Even my brother in Louisville doesn't talk that long," Hubbard said. At least one of the members of the House meeting with Reagan Rep. Margaret M . Heckler, R·Mass .. who had been waver· ing in support of his economic .. lUideQst fears grow I Sy?:ian iss(les 'of grave concern' ..... WASHINGTON (AP) -n,. with ,.traint ur&ed on all 1idet State Department bu contlmwd. -lncJUdlng larail. Accordln1 to Syria mond Sovlet·made 1ourcea who uked no! to be S~M·t ml11lle1 lnto Lebanon, named, that tncludet batkpedal· and a White House official called in1 from earlier American state· the overalJ 1iluallon In the bat· tnlents which lllrael had taken as a mlhtary green light Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes aaid "We have taken aome diplomatic steps about which we will not comment at this time." tle·tom nation "of erave con· cern to the United States." At tbe same Lime, the ad· mlntatratlon 1aid Thursday that Israel has u1ed U.S.·supplled aircraft in the fi1ht1n1 -and American officials question whether that may be In violation of U.S. pa cu with the J ewtah state. Sentencing slated in patient's death "We are aware," said a writ· ten State Department state· ment, "that U .S .·supplied aircraft have been uat?d . We are lookinl into the question of applicabJe agreements" which bind Israel to using American equipme11t only for self-defense. Department spokesman Dean Fischer said the SA M missile placements were yet enother troubling escalation of the con· met. But Fischer said there was no evidence to confirm some press reports that Soviet adviseri, had ' gone with the SAM mlaalle lnto Lebanon. Me anwhile, intense U.S . diplomatic efforts lo (eatore peace to Lebanon continued, From Page A1 An Orange County man. who was awaiting trial on charges that he posed as a physician In Irvine and caused the death of a patient, pleaded guilty to In voluntary mans laughter and pracUcin1 medicine without a license. . The guilty pleas were accept· ed Thursday by Orange County Superior court Judge Everett W Dickey, who scheduled May 29 sentencing proceedings for Gerald Barnes. The defendan~ a Mission '.'1e Jo resident who once lived in the exclusive Coto de Caza area of South Orange County, could face up to four years in state prison. He had been facing charges of second degree murder In a trial that was to begin Monday in Judee Dickey's Santa Ana courtroom Barnes was being held in Oraoge County jail on Sl million bond alter he allegedly applied for another physician's job in Wisconsin He was charged with causing the death of 27 -year old John McKenzie of Anaheim, who djed of uncontrolled diabetes in late 1979 aft er being examined by Barnes at' Pacific Southwest Medt<'al Clinic in Irvine Accordtng to prosecutors, Barnes had worked as a physl· c1an there for several years. lt was alleged he had used the medical records of a Stockton physician namf'd Gerald Barnes lo pass himself off as a doctor. The defendant had once been a pharmacist in Illinois . CRYING TREE • • • from the tree trunk, and they've tried ev· eryth1ng they can think of to determine ex· aclly how the sound is made. They sawed into the tree's base to see u there were hollow roots They searched the yard for holes and tunnels that small animals could becomt trapped in. ''We even hit Ute side of the""tree to see if our noise made a difference ... said Mrs. Jenkins. But it didn't Allen Bruce. a forester ror American Can Co. in nearby Buller, Ala . inspected the tree and concluded that the sound could be gas from "heart rot" seeping throui;h tiny slits in the wood. "Heart rot" is decay at the center , of the tree and causes fungus that m turn pro· duces gas, he said How long will it go on" "I wished I knew," Mrs Jenkins said "It wouldn't matter to me 1f 1t stopped today, but I'd like to ~now what it 1s before il does." WASHINGTON CAP> -With party iovltallona, phone calla and cutninka, President Rea1an la turning up the lobbyin1 heat on waverin1 Democrats and Republicans as the House de· bates his economic pro1ram and the GOP'a leader In the chamber claims Reaaan already hu the votes to win. As the House kicked off bud1et debate Thursda1, the prealden~ also launched a series of meet· Ines that one White House aide said would bring as many as two dozen Republicans and Democrats into the Oval Office to meet with Reagan before a showdown vote expected next week. plan decided to vote for the i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;i;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ijijjijjiiji;-ji--iji-j~;jjiiiijjiiiiiiiiiiii president's budget. 11 In return, the chief House budget writer Is telling defecting Democrats they won't be able to come back for more money for their districts later If they help pass Rea1an'a proposed bud1et cuts. "The lobbyin1 Is unbeUeva· ble," said Rep. Carroll Hubbard Jr., D-Ky ., one of 47 con· servative Democrata being wooed by Reaaan and Republican leaders. "I realized how big the lobby· ing wu when I 1ot a telephone call Crom the president (in early March> and he talked for so long From Page A1 ALCALA • • • • broaden the scope of the Supreme Court-ordered bearin1 to, include cont.enllooa that the actionl ol the Dl1trict Attorney's . Office showed a belief ln Dove' a recantaUoo and lent credence to it. . Dove, meanwhile, waa C)ven the l&-mooth state priJon term by Oran1e County Supulor Court Judie William L. Murray after ad.mittinl to-five violaUom of ;>robaUon. The pri.looer, who will remain In Oran1• County Jail unW the conclualon ~the Alcala beartn1. bad been placed on probation ortalnally for recelvln1 stolen property. The probation vlolationa ln· , eluded bl• unauthorlaed de· parture from the Phoenix Houle I• dru1 rehabUltallon pro1r1m, uae of narcollca and paaainl a bad check. I 3 die in crash; I found day later f BURNEY <AP) -Three perlOl\I died ln an ac~ldent on a 1 country road that •aan't db, covered untll a 'tour bu1 driver HW an tJUund IUrvivor tryinl to 1•t up an embankment, aulborlt!• reported Thursday. Calttornia HiShway Patrol dla· patcher Ed Fer1uaoa aald the accident happened Wednesday I mornin1 on Klabway It near tbi1 Shalla County town about 200 airli.De mUu oorthH•t of San FrailclHo. ..... ~'·"-.. ~N.Wwd IL 1'hOINil KMYll Freudians meet in NY NEW YORK <AP) -An in· ternational cast of hundreds roamed the corridors of the Plaza Hotel . listening to speeches on "Sex and Language" and struggling to figure out just what was going on. "It's much more the scene than the speeches." said one participant Thursday al the firth congress of the International Freudian Movement. The movement: established in 1973 in Milan , Haly, by P•Y~hi>•t A1'man11o Verdi&llooe, attemptl to uae the psychoanalytic principles of Sl1mund Freud to deal with the problems of our age. At least, that's what lt seems to do. ThroUCbout moat of Thursday's sesslooa, obscurity and non Se· qulturs were the rule. Drllg records name 'biggies' SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -The names or polltlcian1, 1bow· bualnesa figures and hllh· • society people have turned up in cocaine aales records sebed by pollce, accordin1 to a report in today's San Francllco Cb.root· cle. "These are bl11te1,'' the un· named source was quoted u aayln1. ''The record• name peo- ple. There are politiciana, 1bow bualnesa people, profe11ional peoJ>le. It namet 1oclety people and the places they go." The records were seized from the apartment of Michael War· ren Coletta, one of 1ls people It· rested in Monday raid• that netted more than 1T poundl ol C9Calne worth an eatlma~ S2 million, accordJn1 .Jo federal dru.1 acenu. •• • · 1 will vole with the presi· dent," she said. "but I want the budget process to be expanded In the future so that the Impact on the Northeast as a region will be analyzed in advance." House debate was continuing today, u were Reagan's meet· inga with Hovse members. House Republican leader Robert Michel of Illinoia said Thursday. meanwhile. that he's ~onv1nced Reagan already has the battle won. But to make sure outnum· bered Republicans vote as a block. Reagan is holding a series of one-0n-one chats witta GOP members described by Michel as being of a "little bit more liberal persuasion" and possibly· wavering. Deputy While House press secretary Larry Speakes said to- day that Reagan scheduled two hours or meetings with con· gresamen this morning, but would not say how many were invited or reveal their names. ··we do not Intend to telegraph our le1hlaUv• st,.-•t~-C:y,'!.... Speakes said, adding there waa "a chance" the administration could lose the vote and ••we will continue our lobbyine efforts here right up until the vote." From Page A1 IRA .•• administered twice to Sanda, who was elected to the British farllament last month while aervln1 a 14-year sentence on gun charges. Visitors lo the Maze said the skeletal Sanda, 27, Jailed for poaae11in1 arms, has lost aU feeling ln bis 1ums and mouth while his body is racked by cons· tant pain. They said Hu1hea, 25, ·imprisoned for life for abOQtinl a sbldler, has difficulty speakin1. Sands' mother, Rosaleen, s&ld af~er vilitin1 the priaon that her son ~wu prepared to die and doc· ton must not interfere. Mrs. Sands said ahe promised ber aon ahe would not let doctors try to save him 1f he 1Upa into a coma, unless the Brf Ush government concedes to his demands. Two other 1uerrllla1, Raymond McCreeah and Pat O'Hara, Jolned the hun1er •trike 40 da)'I •lo but visitors said their condition wu not critleai. All four hun1er 1lriker1 reject .. ed a papal plt;a to end their fut. Tb• .ftev. Jotln Mwree; 'J)enonal 1ecretary to Pope John Paul 11, returned ThUttday to Romt after hi• three vJalu to the Mase thl• •eek faUed to chln1e tht prlt0nen' mlnd1. / In London, leaden of the Labor ahd Liberal partlea backed the Conaenoatlvt Gov· trnment'a ref\1111 to make~ CHllObl that WO\l&d allow Jailed 1uerrilla1 to wear Uieli own cloth•. 1110Cl•te f,...11 ind do llO prllcln wort. But a dltMftUn• ltlLtlA~ ··~d • blll c::::l•d b7 La .. Sn.le ---"ae1otl1Uou on elodalat .-..a work. BrUilD doel tlOt ~ ...... ..,... .. • poltteal ptttoMr • "TONE ON TONE. Subtle tone on tone colof'atl'ons enhance the marbleized plush pattern effect 1n this luxurlous carpet. Face yam la Antron nylon from Du Pont. A fiber which masks soil and helps maintain a lush appear- ance. Antron is the longest wearing fiber Now's the time to• step on the Lees f?u Pont makes. Carpet you 've been wantg to buy PU/SH. A rich nylon plUSh that wlll enhance any decofat-• Ing tcheme with its deeper, richer colors. This le one of Because right now right ere we've L .. tradltJona1t1oo<covering•and1t'1 taahioned to give ' ' yeara of beauty. combined wtth eay ca,.. put our best selling Lees Carpets 1t gives you eumptuous elegance with com-on sale. plete ~1111y It's our Great States Carpet Sale CUT AHO LOOP. The newest look of bold cut/loop~ structlon In comblnatlOn With flowing multk:ok>red styling featuring Lees best carpets with the tor fashion 1n fNfKY type ot decor. Du Pont Antron Advantage They're Made t.rom Antron nylon yams. tt11s beautltut • carpet la a natural for nearly~ decor. made to resist dirt, staining, wear and SCULPTUAE.At>atractpattemtotllghtandlhadowcreete Crushing even Static Shock. a look and feel of rare elegance. Echoing -.xturwa In ' f h I natut9. tt\la carptt wofb equally well In~. modem Just 8 feW 0 t e great VS USS: or formal rooms A luxurioul caf'P't carwd from 100% Antron nyton yam r.n.cta the • finest carpet ltyflng plua ht ultimate ~wear. • .. , ' Al"WI,.,.,... Moviegoers, from left, Lee Marvin, James Coburn, Katy Jurado and director Sam Peckinpah pose after screening of a Coburn movie as part of the Western Film Festival in Santa Fe, N.M. this week. Assembly speaker 'aluxiys on time' Being Assembly speaker has its glamorous moment!>, ' but making s peeches 1n Sacramento lo farmers at 7 a m isn't one of them. especially for a b1g-c1ty legislator hke Willie Brown. But the San Francisco Democrat told the Com municat1ons Workers of Amel'ica that he's adJustin~ to the routine. "I go by and make the farm s peeches when I'm on my way home,·· he said ... A little hung over, not in great shape, but at leastl 'm on lime." Gov Hugh Carey's new wife plans to ask a Roman Catholic tribunal to annul two of her previous three marnages on grounds that one husband was a b1ganust and another did not like women, according to The New York Times The Ti mes r eported that Evangeline Gouletas-Carey, who wed the governor in a Greek Orthodox ceremony April 11, hopes the tribunal will annul the marriages so governor can be restored ood st14nding in the eyes of 'th Catbolk church Al the start of tbe gov- ernor's courts hip of the wealthy real e1tate en- trepreneur from Chicago, Mrs Gouletas was described as a widow But her first husband was found lo be alive and well in California, and subsequently two other marriages were reported all three ending in divorce. whicn is not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church Rock musician Elton Jonn paid $31 .000 at a London auct10n for 232 original scripts from the British TV series .. The Goon Show·· Frank Sinatra wiJI perform in South Afnca tllj.s tummer, but a statement issued by his public relations firm said his contract will not allow segrega tion at his performances. Sinatra wHI star in concert from July 24 to Aug 2 at Sun Cit~ in Boputhatswana. but a standard clause barring s~gregalion was included, said publicist LeeSolten. The Coalition for Better Television and the Jlev . .Jerry Falwell lashed out Lt chiefs of the three major networks, challenging them to accept an invitation to debate the merits of the coalition's campaign to clean UP television. The Rev Donald E. Wlldmon, chairman of the coalition, said he and Falwell wer~ prepared to accept an in· vitation to appear on a televised debate on Ted Turner's WfBS-TV and the Cable News Network. Wildmon noted, however, that the invitation bas been declined by the presidents of all three networks -Gene .Jankowski of CBS, Fred • Plert'.eof ABC and NBC's Fred Silverman -after they made speeches last month con- demning the coalition's cam- paign as censorship. Armand Hammer, chairman of the board of Oc- cidental Petroleum Corp., was named California In· duslrialist of the Year at a Los Aneeles dinner attended by 400 of the state's top educators, scientists and busi- ness met\. Hammer received the award from Ernest Lobecke, retired chairman of Ticor Corp., at ceremonlea al the Museum of Science and In- dustry. Hammer was recognized for bis achievement in build· ing Occidental Petroleum into one of the leading corpora- tions in the nation and for his contributions to art 1tnd science. Much of nation soaked Temperatures range from 35 in Minnesota to 94 in Texas C.Oastal iooather r-~r--------.,..,....-ii,..-.,..lfll!lir. erowna•ll• ------·~',~!~,.SC Wlrwls llKomlnQ IOUthWHI lo -II 10 lo 16 llnob In afle._. 1 IO 1 - SOlllh•ttt.rly •-• Low ctoudlneu thr0U9ll lonlQM ""1 P*rtk' wnny lhll •lier,,_., U.S. swnmary Showers cowreo much of Iha -lion ThUr...,.y, ulerwling over Ille ctnlral Allenllc CoHI, and 11\e cen· lr•I Plains. A lhuncMrtl0<m wakh wa1 po1ted ovar por11on1 o f LoulllMa, Tues, Mlulu"'91 •nl lhe Corollnos Sho•ars also 1e11 acrou the southern two•lhlrd1 of Flo•ldt, •llhol;Qh lltltt ~ '"""Y In most of the r .. I of IN COi.Witry Temperttur.s -IN nollOrl et ,_ POT r-.ct from• .._ of U In Oulvlh, MIM., I• a ltlQfl of .. 111 T•m pl•, Teus. For l~y • .,.,_"were bredtcteo ,......, Mkhl9M -Inell-It IN -"l•ntlc CO.St from Vlrgll\lo l~outll Jiew E,.._. ~1 •I•_,. ... 11«ted lrom "'9 norU-11 hell ef tN Pt(lflc Coatl urou Ille wettun third Of Mont-. Tem11«tturH will rM<h llMMlt fO 1M9r ... _,non,.,,. Moine -tM llfJfltf Or..C LAMI Ali--"'-'' Of llMr '° ..,._ ~ •ICtitftd from IOllt!Mnl ...... Env'ONI Knl• to Ult ...,..., Ml•IMl#f" Volle,. Hltfll of ellOut tO _,.. oxpec!M -ceollrtl fflorlN tlld THH, with rHdlnet M•r lot !l'WW toutftern i.v.oo ofMI t'-1!111M~ CMrt.tnWV c11e....- o.1c-Cln<lnneU c .. ,,.1_ ColllrnlMll 0•1·1'1 W1I\ O.n.,.r 0.IMOl ... I O.troll D\111111\ FelrlNtllllt Huttord Honoh•h• 1 ...... 1 .. J eOM1vlle JIHIHll KoMClty L.atV ... Llttl• lllCll Le\111¥111• ..._ __________________________ .......... ~-...--~ Memlll!lt The HWS on Th\lrlCMy precllclff fol• tlllM ltw'ough S.lvrdey wllll l•I• nlOfll end urly "-"'"° ._ cloudl n.u over coes..,, ., .. , Co•Jlal •net fnl•rll'Mldlole ¥tll•Y lemperelurH "-kl r•ntt from 71 lo as f'rld•Y. •Ith ...... belwffn H •ncl '°· The •--..u wlll Cllflll-to 1IUI• With ltlgfll "9 to !OS ..;fllle IM 11-r clnem 10P ti IOO Hol •Ir Cllftllnved IO ~ lhe cenlrol ~'""' -perts Of Hoed.I 111 recOf'Ck~lnv heel for ll!O tnlrd ltrtltfll city. N•t11rt twMCI on ti. •Ir <onflllon 1119 fOf' C-1•1 .,_.lltrs Th<lnd9y ~•111. Hltll lempera111rt1 11rnollee, _,,,,,In '"'end ., .... aa1<wtflolf HW 101 de9rHS Tl111rtNY Tittl ,'"' "'1111• • reconi Mt onlr tr. .. , .. ,.,. _ ..... t l ..... , •• ..,. ... the IMfllhl AIW!I. O.Wn~ Seer-lo llU ... 111 N'401!r .. twt, ,_ ...... ,.,.,"'°' lhOn the Old record !Or April ID 991 111 1'0 Th\Wtdty WU .... third d•y In. row lhOt the mercury rocoro hOl;llU Ill S«r.nef!le Foretnltrt et Ille NW~ Miid a lrou9h of low.,,-. wa HIM( ... to rtuh Norlherfl co11tornlo llY w•elt-end ll<'lllCI domp-ethor. Temperatures . Albany AllMl4\lt Amerlllo AMllor ... ·~ .... "'"'"'-Atltlllt Cty Btlll!MR 8f(1'11ftOIW'l\ •114'111«11 ..... ... toll N"TION Ml t.o ., .. . " .. ,. $1 JI a • '1 ., St S4 '5 .. ., " tl JJ ., .. 64 N ........ ... ............ ... Melll DW t , •aw kotdl "'"' ... ,.., lwma 1 t te IMlto Monl(o I I tO t 2 .. I J IW I I - NtWjlll't I I 11 $on Oi.tlc-ly 2 J II °"'** "'....,.,: utti. C41MtO. Miami MUwevll• 11114>11-St.I" ....... 11 .. .... 0r .... N-Ven Norfolll Okla City ,. • Omolle 0'1• .... "'""p!N l"tlMlll• Pttelld, Mit "11•1141,0A ....... a.., --ltkl\IMM Saltl,.eM '9ettl• St L.Gult ltl"·T.,,._--~~ Sf5ttMM .. ._.._ TutM W"'-lnfln CM.ff'CNINIA AptlltYelley .... ~·-. .,.. 8MUIMlll ...... . ... ••vt .. llGtf!IN 1""911• ....... LMeA,,.,..... ·., SS as .. 11 ... '7 ,. .. ti 1• n '2 17 56 '5 • " '° S1 n " ., .. 17 • » '5 .. • .. .. .. n ti " .. .. ~· 10 .. ... .. ,. n • ... II • .. ' • Orange Coast DAILY P1LOT/ Friday. May 1. 1981 PSA\in new p-itii Move would expand airport to 5 airlines By F&EDERICKSCHOEMEID.. OtU.DM!y ...... ,..., s A3 John Wayne Airport is destined to become the home of nve com- mercial airlines under an airline . ~access plan now under study by Wf Oranee CoWlty government of· *iala. PSA already has. taken de~iv y of four Super 80s and has decl ed it will fly them atthe airport Air Cal, Republic and F ntier have announced pla s to purchase the Super 80s. Should Western not comply with the provision to purchase quieter jetJ, it would be eJec:ted from the airport Oct. 1. said MurryCable, airportmirnager. Further. the plan would requlr that alJ earrlerd aervlna t.b •lrport use quieter jets tor •tle 25 percent of their ntchta by Oct l, 1982 . Under the plan, PSA would eat two departures ptr day by th ooW>tY ordering both AiiCal an Republic to give up_ one nJlh each . AlrCal c.,.rrentlf lj permitted 25 departures per day Republic 12. Fron&Aer, two an Western, two 'q\After weeks of intensive n~11ttiaUons, a plan bas been ad· van'*<! that would permit Pacific Southwest AirUnea to join the four incumbents Air Cal, Republic Airlines, Frontier Airlines and Western Airlines-at the alrport. PSA initially would be given two departures dally. The carrier holds route authority from the federal Civil Aeronautics Board to San Jose and Sacramento. U oder the proposed plan. Western would be on shaky ground because it has no plans to purchase the new and reportedly quieter DC-9Super 80s. The plan, a!> written, would re- quire all air carriers lo state in writing within 60 days that they intend to purchase new and quieter jets. Western, which operates two rlighta dally to Salt Lake City, Utah, hu ~nservtne the airport since last October. • _ Western and Frontier were permitted to beein servtce in Oranee County under a Lem· porary access plan adopted by the county Board of Supervisors un- der pressure from the Federal AviationAdmiruslrallon The new plan, largely produced by the staff of Supervisor Thomas Riley. whose district includes the airport, would require all air car riers. within three years, to con· vert their·neets operated ~t the airport lo DC·9Super80s Cunently. 41 d•p•rtures ped day, averaged annually, ar~ permitted from the airport Under the recently approved airport master plan, that figure would increase to ·55 as noise re- ductions are achieved through the introduction of quieter jets As new flights become avail&• ble, they would be aJloc•ted to carriers using jets lbat produce the least a mount of noise. Supe~1sors will consider the access plan at 9.30 a.m. Tuesday a t the Hall of Administration hearing room, in Santa Ana )ail se.citrity weighed Slaying of county inmate raises concern over cell In the wake of a death and a non-fatal stabbing, the Orange County Sheriff's Department is planning to modify an inmate holdine cell at the Orange Cqun· ty Courthouse in Santa Ana. U . Ed Hendry disclosed Wed- nesday night that he will seek approval from the county Ad ministralive Office to enlarge two windows that allow deputies lo look into the holding cell located in the courthouse base- ment Hendry said it would be pref- erable for one-way windows to b~ installed so lhal inmates can not deteet when they are being observed by deputies. Concern about safety in the holding cell bas heightened in the wake of two incidents On April 20, an inmate standing trial for murder died from wounds suffered while being held In the cell Eight day« later," a second inmate was stabbed in the arm. Sheriff's Lt Wyatt Hart said fl ve men are considered sus- pects in the fatal assault on Michael Bottoms, 22, a Long Beach resident who was await· in& a second trial on murder charges in connec~on wit.h the stabbing death of his wife near Disneyland last August. Bot· toms' first trial ended in a mis- trial after a jury could not reach a unanimous verdict. Hart identified the suspects as Gilbert Lovato, 22, of New Mex- 1co. a state prison inmate ac· cused of murder ; Philip Sen teno, 32, of Baldwin Park, facing robbery charges · Bill L Frisbee. 30, of Orange, facing trial on charges of assuull with intent to commit murder. Kirk W. Smyth, 29, of Torrance. also facing trial on charges of assault with intent to commit murder, and Arthur Ruffo, 25, city of res idence unknown, facmg trial on robbery charges Add1tionally, llart said, Lov- ato and Frisbet> are suspected of rnflicting a wound on Regi nald Holland. 34 . of San Clemente, while Holland was m the holding Because of space considera· Lions. female inmates are no longer held in the cell . Hendry said lnstead, 1t 1s reserved for so-called .. high power" inmates tho!>c who are accused of serious crimes. Hendry said swift action must be taken to improve visibility in· to the cell Two windows each about one fool square now pro· v1de the only v1s1btlity into the cell Hendry said he will also r~­ quesl that a window be Install~ to provide visual access to a restroom connt>cled to the cell cell last Monday Holland was v A head named not senously mJµred Hendry said the· cell in which the attacks occurred origV'lally was designed for use by female inmates and. thus, af. fords more pnvacy than an ad jacenl holdinr-ell ~ WASHINGTON <APJ Pres1· dent Reagan has announced he has selected Robert 1> Nimmo, a former California s tate senator, to head the Veteran's Adm1mstrat1on Rangers reuniting A reunion w1U be held May 2 at El Toro Manne Corps Air Sta- tion for survivors of the six Unit· ed States Army Ranger bat· lalions which saw action in World Warp Ceremonies at the evening re· union m the Noncom Modular Club will Include memorial s peeches for the late Gen Omar Bradley For more information about the event sponsored by the Wes tern Chapter of the Ranger Battalions Association of World War II call Walter F Nye at 497.3724 Life at Park Newport is a com- Vn1 •r nr;7°11a*'e ••1nr!,.J bination of wivaoy when you 1\ ,,_,, J r • ll rrVI IU wan1 it: social golngs..on when you're in the mood. and ext\H-Of eas. u. re arat1no recreation when you feel rusty .• in the rr:iiddle of 011ieryw/JerP. Here is the ultimate in care-vr ~ V. free Newport Beach living aur- . "" rounded by every convenlence . Park Newport residents have a gou~et mart<et. a beauty lt)Op I and dry cleaner Just atepa away from their apartment. There are 8 lighted tennis courts. 7 pools and a $750.000 Spa and athletic club. ., • s Laetrile teSted,· 'not effective' Controversial substance. given first human test by cancer unit :1PT - .... 1 ...... STATION-SITTER Mary LaPorte, 71-year-old mother of four Boston firefighters. sits inside fire station as unofficial ··watchdog" of idled equipment More than 400 firefighters and policemen have been _laid off r~c.eolly because new c;tate tax-rutting law has stripped m!m1c1~al budgets. WASHINGTON (AP> -The first contr.olled human test of Laetrile has shown lt la "not ef· (ecttve" as a cure tor cancer, scientists said The Laetrile trial was sponsored by the National Cancer Institute ln an effort to settle decades of controversy surrounding the substance, which Is made from the pits of apricots and other fruits and nuts '·Laetrile has been tested. It ls not effective." Dr Charles Moertel of the Mayo ClinJc told a meeting of the American Society of Clinlca1 Oncology Thursday. ~OERTEL SAID that of 1{!() patients studied 104 of whom died during the tnal there was partial response to lhe treatment in only one case and this response was questionable Laetrile produced no substan· tial benefits, he said. It proved ineffective in extending life span, relieving symptoms or im· proving the outcome of patients. Four medical centers are tak· mg part m the unusual $500,000 test program, which began early last year. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., as coordinat· ing data from the Memorial Sloan·Kettering Cancer Center an New Yo.rk City, the John Jonsson Oancer Center <Jf the University· of California Jn Los Angeles and the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center m Tucson. Animal tests generally show Laetrile is ineffective against Seal's antics may end ROCKPORT. Mame <AP> Andre the seal, who used to get headlines with has annual swim from Boston to Maine, has been running mto trou· bl~ lately both m and out or the water each fall and decided last wanter to let Andre roam free IQ recent years. the trained seal spent wmters m the New England Aquarium an Boston. then re~ turned to Rockport under his own power for the summer But has trainer. Harry Goodridge, com- plained about the cost of flying"Andre to Bosto~ However, complaints from fishermen have convinced Goodridge that it's time to seek a new wmter home for Andre Gcodridge said the 19· year old harbor seal was up to his old tncks, clam- bering aboard fishermen's dinghies and perhaps stealing bait. CALL NOVELLO CONSTRUCTION HAS LIFE TIME GUARANTEE ) n~r>vell~t> SELLS DIRECTLY TO THE ·PUBLIC, •• THAT'S HARDV To · BEAT" AYSALE , . NOW IN PROGRESS! , "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE ·yo BEATH" ALL FURNITURE HANDGRAFT~D . , NO ASSEMBLY IJN~ TECHNIQUES - WE BUILD OUll FUllllTUIE STIOllEll • lmEll • FAITEll • I FOii LEiS THAT'S A FACT -WE IUAllAllTEE /Tl/ ORANGE LAGUNA Hllll FACTORY SHOWROOM FACTORY 8"DWROOM 1132 E. Kltlll 2JI01 AWllllllOlu Cit'* ,, .... ,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,., , ....... ,..,J- (714) ua-3573 a~-•10 cancer, saJd Dr. Vlncent DeVit•, direct.or or the cancer institute, and m011t doctors and acientista don 'l believe It worka But Laetrile has been used by hundreds of thousands of persons, with many testifying to its benefits. The U.S. Food and Drug Ad· ministration is trying lo bar the use of Laetrile on arounds that its satety and effectiveness ls unprovedt but 23 states have ap- proved ts use within their , borders. I This situation finally led the government to consent to a scientific trial, said Derita THE TRIALS are designed eventually t.o involve about 300 patients with varylnt forms of cancer. Those enrolled in the tests are advanced cancer pa- tlents beyond hope or a cure through other therapy The patients get 21 In· travenous Laetrile injections followed by taking Laetrile pUls dally for maantenance They also follow a special "health food" diet, taxe multivltamlJls and get enzyme tablets recom· mended by advocates of the therapy Faked story probe due NEW YORK (AP) -The Na· tional News Councll wiU in· vestlgate the circumstances sur· rounding the faked story that won a Pulitzer Prize for Janet Cooke of the Washington Post, Dick Cunningham. the council's associate director, aatd. , . ·' Cunningham said Thursday he and Abe Raskin, also an as- soc! ate director. would go to Washington Monday and prob- ably spend the week pursuing an anvestagataon that will pay partacular attention to "the im· pact on journalism nationally in the area of confidential sources, responsibility of editors. hiring and training and the atmosphere in the newsroom." Tbe latter was a reference to what Post editor Ben Bradlee has called creative tension on the paper that "some people have suggested contributes to the temptation to hype a story," Cun- ningham said Miss Cooke's story, purporting to be a first-hand account of the life of an 8-year·old heroin ad- dict . was unmasked as a fabrication a few days after it was awarded a Pulitzer for feature writing. Mass Cooke, who had thwarted eHorts to check the story by as- serting confidentiality of sources, resigned from the Post and the pnze was forfeited. The council decided to take up the matter after a written re· quest to Norman Isaacs. its chairman, signed by Dean Lionel Barrow and faculty mem· bers or Howard University's journalism department. Barrow earlier had calleq for an independent investigation of the affair in a speech to the Amencan Society of Newspaper Editors m Washington The National News Council is a self appo10ted, foundation- funded watcndog of press performance that takes up com· plaints from people or organiza- tions alleging inaccuracies by the media REE covmoY ~Ats~ ....-.... W/SAtlP + ~ir.At*ER --:: - ..... ,_it 1~ 150 cust9ME-1\S ~--=l) J "J;. 0 00 MINIMUM PURCHASE -__..., W/$1 · 1omer1 ---~-~ t()(\e hal pef cus CO ¥ cos1'UME-ci:>M ~!:_ 6 :t ...,, Ac£, Come dressed in your best western \7' 15 T".... at1are and get a Polaroid p1cture:taken. 50 Glfi CERTIFICATE All pictures aiong with the winners. $ nd -bl ._,.. -t:" wall be daspiayed May 9· 1 7 Winners ~ "r'~,-n,,~ notified by phone Pack uJ' your picture ,,_ GIFT CERTIFtCATE $25 .. d GI ~ after May 17. 3 FT ~et'TIFICA°TE ;;."" s1sa1 • FREE · BALLOONS • REFRESHMENTS • DEMONSTRA.TIONS • DOOR · PRIZES HUNTINGlON BEACH 6862 EDINGER (7 14)' 842-4445 ... ~ ......... '~COAn MWY. • tAIJ# MOT TO ICMI ' MOSKATEL'S HUNTINGTON BEACH STORE ONLY ' . . ' • ... • PET, RENTAL ISSUE BACKED -Three act- resses tell a Sacramento press conference of their support for a state committee-backed bill to prevent owners or low rent. gov· ernment.subsidized housing from refusing lo rent to senior citizens with pets. From left Eld~rly rap artns budget SACRAMENTO <AP> A statewide con fet"en ce of elderly Cahforruans has condemned President Reagan's proposed buildup in military spending. Representatives said the Statehouse Con - ference on Aging voted for a resolution asking Congress to oppose Reagan's military budget and transfer some of the money to social programs Reagan wants to cut. The conference has several thousand del egates elected from local meetings around the state. The meeting is a preliminary to a White House conference on aging later this year. Physician fired SAN JOSE CAP) -A physician has been dis· missed in the death of a 13-year-old boy whose mother begged Santa Clara County Juvenile of. I. fi cials to give her son Intensive medical care, authorities say • Dr. Stanley Lourdeaux was fired Wednesday Crom the center. where he treated Rudy C Ochoa last month i.n the inf.irmary, where Ochoa died of pneumonia on March 26. Ruling disallou:ed SAN FRANCISCO <APJ A Judge's ruling al· lowing sex 'discrimination in binng by the all-male Bohemian Club, to which President Reagan belongs, has been rejected by1a state commission, which will cas<; itseJt.. · The Fair Employment and Housing Com· mission could have adopted the Jan 19 decision by administrative law judge Robert Kendall, saying the famed club could legally reruse to hire women Firemen f llltt actwn SAN DI EGO (Al» Disciplinary action ts be ma prepared against five male rireftghters ac· cused of sexuall y harassing female firefighters who must share the same shower and bathroom with them Trock flip kiUs girl LOS ANGELES <AP ) -A trip to the beach turned into tragedy when a traffic accident kill~ a 15-year-old girl and Injured several other people. A pickup truck loaded with youths swerved to miss a large board on the Santa Monica Freeway, went out of control, hit a motorscooter and flipped over, the hiahway patrol said l.nkewann rece,-,ion BERKELEY <AP> G. Gordon Liddy, who went to prison for his role in the Watergate scan- dal, has won mixed reviews after a speech on the Berkeley campus, once a hotbed of student radicalism. ~2nd IRUST DEEDS OWHH/MOMOW.B OCCUPIES OraRge Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 s B-1 flies final test Last of /our prototypes to b~ put into storage EDWARDS A IR FORCE BASE, Calif. CAP> -The ad· vanced but-controversial B-1 bomber, canceled by President Carter but facin1 possible resurrection from President Reagan. has made Its last test night. . Rockwell's Jack Hefley, meanwhile, siad, "The Depart- ment of Defense is involved in a bomber study that lncludes a number of optiom -one of them i4 a 8-1 derivative aircraft -to answer the need for a long-range combat aircraft " An Air Force statement said the four B·ll "wtll be put into storage pending selection of a long-range combat aircraft by the Reagan Ad· mlnlstration." If necessary, B·l teatln1 could resume late next year. the statement said. TesUn1 of the bli bomber, packed with computers, a ter- r a in following a utopilot and sophisticated anti-radar devices, · has concentrated on itA ability to penetrate enemy ten'aln and de· liver its nuclear weapons on target "I'm going to miss flyin& the bli bird. S he 's a unique airplane," said Lt Col Fred Fiedler , head of the 8-1 test pro- gram which omclally ended Thursday after four years. . .... ~ Only four of the big planes, de- signed to replace the nation's aging fleet of strategic B-S2s, were built by Rockwell Interna- tional before Carter canceled production on June 30, 1977 . Midwife bill nixed ·~-......... are actresses Margaret O'Brien, Gloria DeHaven, Sen. David Roberti, Martha Raye and Mrs. Lucille Hoyne, 74, Glendale, who said she had to give up a low-rent apartment because she owns a cat. The administration had said billions of dollars could be saved by concentrating instead on the cruise missile, which 8-52s could be modified to handle . BUT ALTHOUGH the B·l never went into production, the test program continued at Edwards Air Force Base. The four prototypes -two of them long since retired to "flyable storage" -logged more than 1,875 hours in the air since the first was delivered in December 1974. The planes soared to high altitudes at twice the speed of sound and skimmed just 200 feet above the desert at 600 mph. The final fhght was planned as a two-hour mission to "finish up the final testing, .. said Lt Phil ~~~-,..~~~~~~D_e_l_a_n-'-eyofEdwards ~- SACRAMENTO <AP> An attempt to set up a broadly · based licensing system for midwives in Callrornia has been rej,cted br the Senate Health and Welfare Committee The measure, $8670 by Sen. Barry Keene. 0 -Me ndocino, ca lled for creation of a Midwifery Examining Commit· tee to oversee midwife certlfica· tion, assuring that midwives are adequately trained to attend childbirths and provide care for the newborn. The bill, which needed five votes to get out of committee, only received three votes Thurs· day, with four 1n opposition. The measure was opposed by doctors and hospital ttroups , but supporters of the measure said 500·600 lay midwives who cur- r ently operate 10 Cahfor.nia "'outside the law" need to have th e ir services legally re- cognized Under 1974 law, virtually all midwives practicing in California are so-called "nurs- ing midwives" persons who qualify as registQlled nurses with additional midwifery training. Nursing midwives there are about 170 of them In California are permitted to attend births under the supervision of a physi- cian Smoking opposed SACRAMENTO (AP > A Senate committee bas voted to ~an smoking in the public schools, but an opponent pre· diets that «"egardless of the law, "'it'll go on in the bathrooms ·· By a 6·1 vote Wednesday, the Senate Education Committee approved SB704 by Sen. Dan O'Keefe, R-CuperUno. sending it to the Senate Finance Commit· tee. ltS Aaron BrOthers lt Fra1ne Sale! Buy One Frame at the Regular Price, Get a Second Frame That Costs the Same or Less for One Cent Your wall can be a gallery 100 Here's how our frames can wori< fOf you • A pidure that's been autographed With a~ help from the Aaron Brothen l ¢ Frame Sale, you can transform your dull, uninspired walls Into a gallery of "artworks~ Now's the time to frame all those family photos, col- lages, dip!Qmas and other works of art you've been saving. Choose from our huge variety of frames In all shapes, styles and sizes. From plain to fancy and from tiny to large, you11 find the frames your waDs crave at Aaron Brothen 1 t Frame Sale. . . . . . I . It ,. I Orange Cont DAIL y ,..LOT/Ft'lday, May 1. 1981 ·Tough senteiices just one part of crime war At two recent conferences spoWghtiug the problems of vic- tims of crime, Oranfe County Di.strict Attorney Ceci Hicks in· slated that tougher prison sen· tencing would deter more criminals. Hicks said society bas to show ita criminals that it means business. Persons convicted of crimes involving a firearm, he said, should go to prison for an extra five years instead of two. And, he added,-it should be the full five with no allowances of the type that today permit in· mates to serve only eight months "hard time'' in some cases. Although he may be guilty of sounding like virtually every other elected official in Calilomia on this issue, Hicks isn't wrong when be says society must become committed to stopping crime. But it will take more tban a stiff priaoo sentence to deter the less-than-rational people who so of'ten seem to be the killers, rapists, robbers and molesters. It is clear that many are beyond concern for punishment when they commit their criminal acts. The best way to help a poten· tial victim is to keep a troubled child from turning bad. Newport Beach Police Chief Charles Gross had ·the right idea when he said at one conference that govern- ment is the fourth .entity that should be responsible for stop- ping crime. The others, he said, are the individual, the family and the community. ·Milk . maneuvering Just a month ago it appeared the dairy lobby might be losing its traditional stranglehold on Congress. The House and Senate backed President Reagan's ef- forts to roll back dairy price sup- port.s by rejecting an automatic mid-year increase that was ' scheduled to go into effect April 1. But now the Senate Agriculture Committee has backed a bill that would cost the government about $1 billion more. than the administration wants to spend over the next four years. At present, the dairy price support stands at. 80 percent of · paraty. That's the price farmers must receive for their products to match their buying power in the 1910-1914 base period, which was a profitable time. Reagan wanted the next four- year agreement to cut the sup- port to 70 percent of parity. 'That would cost the government about $559 million a year. But. the Agriculture Committee bas ap- proved a measure setting dairy supports at YS percent of parity. and costing $821 million a year in payments to dairy )armers. For the consuru._er, the percentage difference .-ouJd be substantial, ,an increase of up to 5 percent in the retail price of milk, rather than a 3 percent in- crease under the administration proposal. And. a gallon of milk already costs more than a gallon of gasoline. The government price guarantee has resulted in such overproduction it now is necessary to shell out almost $2 billion aLyear -in addition to the price support payments -just to store excess butter, cheese and powdered milk purchased from farmers. Obviously the dairy farmers like it that way. And obviously the government is handing over loo big a chunk of taxpayers' money to keep them happy. It remains to be seen if the Senate Budget Committee, which holds the reins on government spending, also will buckle under to the dairy lobby. Still battJing sex Newport Beach Sen. John Schmitz is on the sex education warpath again. This time he's proposed a bill that would pro- hibit local~ school districts from funding any sex education or f ainily life program if a single pupil .or parent found the course "oft ensi ve." In short, one individual could h'Bve such· a counre Temoved from the curriculum~ regardless of the wishes of parents who might want their children to re· ceive such inst.ruction. . or -eourse this is an ongoing campaign by Schmitz, who in- sists no type of sex education belongs in the schools. Earlier he authored a bill that allows parents to take their children out of sex education classes. That at least m$kes attendance an in· dividu31 matter. The new bill, which was pro- moted by a woman member of the San Dieio Right-to-Life Coun· cil, woµld , if passed by the Legislature, totally remove local control of the issue and perhaps eventually result in banning sex education in all state public schools. That's what Schmitz has saitt he would Like to see. The San Diegan says she feels teaching about such mat- ters as contraception implies ap- proval of early sex. And if the youngsters aren't given sex education in the home, she adds, "the street.a have been a pretty good teacher.'' There are plenty of parents who would pref er that their children receive instruction in the facts of life in the schoolroom than from their too-often misin- formed peers. • The sex education debate doubtless will continue, but at least as lhjngs stand parents have a choice. Sen. Schmitz thinks the state knows better. Opinions npressed in the space above are those of the Daily Piiot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their aulhon and artists. Reeder comment is invit· ed. Ad<lress The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box tS60, Costa Mesa, CA 91626. Phone (714) 6~2-4321. LM. Boyd/ Head of the house BurJllese law formally recG1n11n one and only one bead of hou1ebold. It's automatically. the . man therein, U any, unless 10mebody ~h.QQta iD pmv_e the man 4dnM tno much, and then it's decreed to be the man's wife, if she wants that distinc- tion. At any rat .. ~ ollictaJ atatua. ........_ Wrtte \be numbers 1, 2, 3 and• on a piece ol paper. Aak someone to drele any ot theee numbers. Four out ot flve IO ailed will circle the a. Yet," four out ot nve. Tavern types wbo like to bet on excellent odda wlo me)Ot)' wlt.b um little 1•me, too. riers in this country do own dogs -· say Lbey have no fear what.soever of being bitten on their routes. Might be a worthy notion for any carrier who do_etLtuw~ .auch fear-s. Ga ~ .dog ol your own. Q. What proportion of the murders are committed by women?, -A. About 15 percent. And Thal bas been the cuf' as 1001 as records have been kept. • Q. The SoclaJ 8e(urlty eystem wu founded In 1937 on the actuarial H · sump&a that there would be con· trlbutklna from 30 actlve worker• to support each retired workel', What'• the ratio of active to retired today? A.'Slx to one. And narrof, r \..._, -. Rules defy conunon ·sense / , WASHINGTON -Inspectors general concluded 1n his own memorandum, are supposed to ferret out waste and ·~would appear to exl'eed the corruption in that great fuddle factory customar~ legal stand_ards ·· . known as the federal bureaucracy -But U avin~ delivered h1mseU of .this op1 here's the frustrattng_ account or an in-nion, lhe IJ\\ ver apparently washed his s pector generat·s ofr1ce that was hands of the m atter Whether his responsible for the end of a sensible, in-memorandum was ignored or wtnked at formal arrangement between two gov-is not clear But unfortunate!), 1t re ernmenl faciJities that was actually ~ saving lhe taxpayers money About three years ago, the Gr~t ,. .- Lakes r(avaJ Hospital and its neighbor. the Veterans Administration Medical JACK ANOfRSON Center in North Chicago, entered into a mutually satisfying marnagc of conve- nience, solemnized by nothing more corpplicated than a "memorandum of understanding." UNDER THE TERMS of the. aeree ment, the naval hospital dipped into 1tS' ample supply of blood and gave 1t to the VA hospital, which needed it badly, in return, the VA hospital gave the Navy the services of a cardiologist it didn't need, but which the Navy did It was a simple, direct arrangement that pleased both staffs T hey should have known better Anything that sensible was s ure to catch the eye or a burtaucr.-,.1c mt picke r sooner or later In 197!1. it caught the eye of an assis· rant general counsel al the Veterans Ad· ministratjon named John T Mannine. He got hOld of the "memorandum of un d e rstanding .. and s ubjected 1t to thorough scrutiny. The arrangement, he .. m i rned m thl' C1lc•s and. sure enough. the mspc<'tor general's sleuths even tually found 1l THAT DID IT. t.acking anything bet ter to inspect than the blood for cardiologist arrangement, lhe inspector general recommended to higher ups that the VA hospital cease and desist forthwith The order was issued and the hospital admmistr at1on had no chmce but to comply The trouble 1s that. tn the years they were livtng tn their fools' paradise, both the Navy and the \"A. fac1ht1es had g rown accustomed to the pace The \ \ hospital was getting half its blood sup ply from the Navy the Great Lakes hospital was getting the sen-ices of not only a card1olog1st but two VA residents as well No money changed hands. The hospital administrators estimated that lhc Na~y ·s blood was roug hly equivalent to the VA 's medical services Now, thanks lo the zeaioLo; in the in SJH'Clor general's offH:e. ht're's what Mll happen The VA hosp1tul will have lo buy about $20.000 worth of blood somewhere ever> year to replace what 1l now gets from the Navy For the Great Lakes N:.ival llosp1tal, the end or the affair will bl' even more costly To snare a m1ht<iry cardiologist will add perhaps $50.000 t o the hospital's budget, if they have to hire a c1v1 han. it could cost lw1cP a s much There's no way lhey l·an get two res~ dents as well, so the cardia<' care will suffer "IT'S ABSURD that a nice, perfectly logical arrangement should be d1srupt- t>d for an illogical reason; mourned a Navy hospital offi cial "This was a good a rrangement," said lht> hospital offi cial ··Why fix thrngs that don't need fi xing·'" The ultimate losers, of course, will be the t axpayers unless lhe VA pettifog. gers in Washington change their minds. An offi ciaJ.vidicated this might happen because, he explatned to my assoc1alt l.uct>lte Lagnado, w bile the} can't seem to find a law that allow~ such a prac- tical arrangement. they can't seem lo find a law that expnc1tly forbids it, either That's the spirit. boys Where ther e's a will, there's a way And where there's J lack of will. there m ay also be a way California needs international trade Earl Walers 1$ on uocallon This column 1s by Secretary of State Mar<'h Fong f:u Since most of Y<H2 are aware or m y most visible respons1b1ht1es such as those relating to elections. political re- forrn and corporations. I"d like to ad· dress one of my lesser-known but econorpically vitally important func lions ~serVlngas Cal1forn1a·s Chier or Protocol a nd promoter of Cahforma products in th e intern ational marketplace. The re is no doubt that trade 1s essen- tial for California's economic prosperi- t y Ne&rly one of every 20 Jobs io this s tate owes its existence lo international trade. have Called to take adv<1nta~e of tradrng opportunities cspe<.'iall~ with countm•s in the Pacific Basin. thereb) los rng revenue und markets We ve got lo turn this dl'f1cit around Currently, many compames a re in hibiled from l'xporting by a lack of ex I , IARL WATIRS port kno\\. ho\\ uncertainties about business pracllces abroad, the complex ities of Amt•rican and foreign trade laws. the problems of packing and transporting products overseas. and an THE NEED HAS never been greater aaequate fintinc1ai resources to lnorease our exports. The present low. level of exports is a serious problem IC It continues, the unhappy effects of a low export growth rate wHI multiply geometrically in the future Ca '.fornia alone bad a trade deficit of ne.irly $3 billion last year. This trade deficit is a JOb deficit. For each $1 billion in lost trade, our state loses 50,000 to 75,000 JObs . Job loss means a loss of profits, future savings, future growth, and is the mark'of a sick economy. Presently, California buys far more than it sells, resulting tn a regular an- nua I negative balance of payments. Government and private enterprise THROl'GH E LIMINATION of gov e mment ohstructions and with the as sistance or international markettng as· sociations. we can further increase our export trade At the federal level. we need the t•qu1valent of ·one-stop shop ping · to fac1htatl' information and pro vide ass1stan<'l' for i\ me n can exporterit ~t the st ute le\.el. we need lo expand the resources :ind ser vices of the in· lernalional trade division of the Dept. of Economic• anrl Business Development State government must become a help ing partner to CaJ1fornia producers and manufacturers who se~k to enter the ex port market While "t• ctin all ap- prN·1;Jte the fact that ~overnmcnt has limited resources, I SUE!K<'Sl we should <frvote those resources tu ~here we get lh<' highes t return on our investment l~xport marketing will bnng the higl) returns we seek and need I AM CONVINCED that we could sell JUS{ aoouf any Cillifo'rma products. In an)' q uantity we "'anted, to a w:de \•ar1cty of nations. if <AC devoted a frac- t10n of Lhe lime "'hich we spend on pro· duc t1on to promotion There 1s ao almost e ndless fasc1nat1011 \\1th California's man) products around the world that we h<1vl' failed to take advan- ta g<' of in the past As Secr etary of St ute, Ch ief of Protocol. and an outspoken advocate of increased exporting, I have sought to provide leadership in this rield. I helped round two non·profil, privately-financed associations th e Ca lifornia Agricultural Promotion Council and the California Export Promotion Council. Both are actively involved in arrangint and s ponsoring trade ahows and exhibi· lions around the werld . We have made a good start. by rec· ognitr.lng the problem of trade Im- balance. We've ev.en be&un to address it. But there is much more we can and w111 do if we are lo succeed in turning the present trade deficit into a positive balance. Opinions on atheis1n stir up controversy I te ll you, one of the subjects 1t just doesn't pay to write about is religion. No matter what you say. vituperative letters pour In from the people. Who dis· agree with you. And the atheists are just as vocal ln their denunciations as the believers are. Laal year l referred, in a paren- theticaJ remark, to atheism as a false you rouse the furies to their fiercest pitch SOME OF MV best friends -as the smarmy saying goes -and closest relatives have been dedicated alheisU. My father, one ol the loveliest men who eyer lived, had no use for religlon In any of its credal forms As I have a aid before, he didn't ·even believe in God, but God believed In him, whlch ls more impor· . tant; what you believe counts rot le•• than how you feel and act. toward your ,._, fellow man. IY--1-1-1-,---0-1-1-1-1--""'!lm~~ To be convinced atheist atrtkes mo ,.,-, as dumb -shallow. tr not demonstrably ....................... ._ ..... ...,. ___ ..a,,j.,.;,_..;.;· ltl1e. 'Thia 1s why, about ~00 ye.aft aao. ">wl.the 11reat aclentlst, Thomae Hudey, and 1hallow ~octrtnc. Well, srr. you coined Oie word "aanostk" R~ rett the would l\8V/ lhaufht r attatked thP. Trlni· nHd for a word to det<'ribo and derlne ty, U.e Jncarnauoo and Ul• Torah lM thote who neither affirmed oor denied a way tMlt lett.en IUhed Jn from dovtut deity and ftlt it wu a mauu beyond atbelsta wbo felt.their. criitd had ~n hum in knowledae. mallped. 1Now a.coo llel1m s • perfectly ~U. I wu merely 1tatJng my respectable and wnab1e phUOICJPtlltal opinion, which la. Cbe moat one undo on po1tUan: ll Ii not dolmatlc. and maltes 1uch • ~plea and r•condite subject: no pronouncementa aboUt tt;e, ulUmai. but when you ao after 1omeont11 ba11c trutha or the univ.rte. n remtlnt DPft belier <or tiUlc dlabellet, in thll case>,. lo ~viun~e nd ~rauHloni lacliln1 J " .. • ' t faith, it nevertheless does not deride faith Atheism, on the other hand, is as unyielding and dogmatic about rellatous belief as true believers are about ··heathens.'' It tries to use reason to de- molis h a structure that ls not built upon reas9n; because, t .... gh ratJooaJ ar,u- ment may take us to the ed1e of belief. it requires a "leap of faith" to jump th' chasm P.K. .... -=!::it' ............. ., ........... . -............. . .... _ ... ....... _ .... ,....... lr ' CONSUMER "We don't 1et petty when the wine la tenl beck, Maurice!" DEAR PAT DUNN : What if I give a landlord a deposit to ho:d an apartment and one of us changes his mind -can I get my money back? J K .C~adel Mar Depending on the facla involved, you may or may not be able to get your money back. For example, If you give the landlord a deposit to bold an apartment for 30 days and you change your mind after five daya, the judge may 111y that you should get part of the deposit back If &he landlord Immediately rents the apartment to someone else. But if the lapdlord doesn't get another tenant, you may have to give up your deposit. In any event, II you feel it Is unfair for the landlord to keep your deposit, you might consider either talking to a lawyer or going to Small Claims Court. The best protection Is to make sure you really want to rent the apartment or houae before you put down any money. Also be cer· lain you know what the money will be applied toward when you take the place. · If you give a deposit to the landlord to hold an apartment and the landlord changes bis mind and rents It to someone else, tbe landlord should return your deposit. Some moles are dangerous DEAR PAT DUNN: Is there any way a pers9n ean tell if a mole on his body is can· cerous'> AJl I've ever heard about this is that you should watch for a change in their ap- pearance. Wha~ kind of change should you look for? S.G , Fountain Valley The California Medical Assoc:laUon ex· plains that there are many types of moles, reft:rred to medically as "nevi." In a small percenhge of Individuals, cancerous de· gt:neratlon may occur. When this happens It Is usually in flat, black. smooth. hairless moles. If such moles are noted in areaa where they are constantly lnitated by con· tact with clothing, their Immediate excision uaally ls recommended. ' If malignant degeneration occurs, it usually results In a melanoma (a mallgaant tamor). Tbe slgm of malignancy are growtb, • easy bleeding and spreadlnt to the surround· htf-.kln, tct the draining lymph nodes-or fl> In- ternal structures. Growth and/or bleeding by themselves are not certain signs of cancer, but such letlou should .be uc:lsed and submitted to mlcr~plc examination. If a melanoma Is present, further treatment may be Indicated. The association stresses that not all moles are dangerous. In fact, tbott po11e11· Ing malignant potentlalltles are not that com· mon. Tbe lne:irperien~d person cannot de· termlne ll a mole Is safe or dangerous. A dermatologist can accurately make this dlf· ferentlatlon In nearly all Instances. Clarification retpired OEAT PAT DUNN : Can a store ad· vertise similar ·products without indicating which product Is being Qffered at the ad- vertised price? I've run into this a few times and would like lo know if it's legal. M.H .. Irvine If two model& of the same brand of ltem (such H two models of coffee maken) are botb advettlsed and only one price Is lilted, tbe ad mut clearly ldentUy which model ls bela1 offeftd at tbe advertl.sed price. If a 1tore does not clarify Ill advertlslDI lD Ulll ca.e. It 11 a violation of 1ectlon 17501 of the Bu1laeu and Profet1loa1 Code. Legi,timal.e ~sought DEAR PAT DUNN: 1l seems tbe police are alway1 after tbe massa1e parlors for offerlnc more than what's I'd Uke to know where a woman can 10 for a "le111" head-to-toe 1nusa1e by a qualified person without Jolnlng a 1pa or havln1 a dodor prescribe pbY.Slcal therapy. M.S., Cotta Mua A1k ,_r doe&or &o itve yoa Ule aamet of 1neral ••r10a1 q•allfled to pro•t•• le11ttma" ma .. ate h'eatmeat. U '°"' 41oC&Or cH 't provtde refereHft, be or 11M! pMablJ CH 411red JM &o M•eMe Wbo laH lllat lalermadea. .. .... Orange Coast OAIL Y PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 Haig's influence dec~ing? WASIDNGTON <AP) -Tbe decline in lnnuence of Secretary of State Alex· ander M. Hals Jr. ls reflected lD Preti· dent Rea1a.n'1 ~daiona to lift tM Sov- iet 1raln emb.--rgo and sell five sophisticated radar planes to Saudi Arabia Haig, the self-described vicar and general manaeer of foreten policy. ar1ueci bOtb declstons were W·timed, and in the aftermath both have drawn bipartisan criticiam in Congress. At the same time, however. they have given Haig a chance to establllh himself aa a team player and return to good graces in the Whlte Houae. While his private opposlUon to the two decisions was forthrieht, bis public dlf· ferences were mild, and he quickly sup· ported the decisions once they were made. He stron1ly defend,ed them Tues· day before a hostile con1resslonal com· mil tee. tOS ANALYSIS Nevertheless, the defeata oa two key foreien policy issues showed that Hai1'1 influence has been dimlnJshed con· alderably since he took office. He won the early battles, but not these. Hale's areument a1alnst liftina the grain embarao was that It could un- dercut U S. efforts to rally non- communist nations around the world. The embargo was Imposed because of Soviet Intervention lo Afahanistan. Critics have said that since the Sovieta have not withdrawn, liftinc the em- bargo appears to reward them for not acting, while \nviting quealiona about the United States' resolve to stop Soviet advances. • Some U.S. allle1, however, a d6pted painful aanctiona of their own a1ahut the Soviet.I at U.S. ur1ln1, and the Japanese already have complained tha~ they weren't properly consulted about Liftin& the embar1Q. State Department loformatlon showed that the embarao contrtbuted to a sharp drop In Soviet meat production last year and that the Sovleta had to pay premium prices for the 1rain they dld buy. Raia'• argument •1almt radar planet -Airborne W arnln1 and Control Systems, or AWACS-was that the sale could not now be JuaUfied to ~rael. He said the decision should be delayed, at least until after CongreH had a chance to con.sider another controversial de· cislon to improve the attack capability o( a fleet of Saudi F-15 aircraft. LOSING CLOUT? Alexander Haig Post filled Criticism of Haig, which was ram· pant at the White House prior to his trip lo the Middle East in early April, has been muted since his retutn, indicating Reagan's advisers may be having second thoughts about the wisdom of public quarrels In an administration that promised a consistent roreian policy. There were domestic conaiderations in lifting the embarco. eapciaJly pres- sures trom farm states for Reagan to deliver on his c~mpaign promise. Although Wlute House aides have de· nied there was any political motivation, Senate conservative leader Jesse Helms, R-N.C .• also had said Reagan's farm bill was dead if the embargo were retained. Meanwhile, Haig has taken one sianificant atep to reassert himself as a formulator of foreign policy, declaring In an interview with The Associated Press last week that the administration would slap a total trade embargo against the Soviets !("their troops moved into Poland. SACRAMENTO <AP> • INSURANCE CLAIM IN COURT SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CASE •284340 FORCED PUBLIC AUCTION To ___ lloy_,. HANDMADE ORIENTAL RUGS ....................... 1119ft .... -"'9 W" .. ·-.............. , .......... ..-. ...,lftl ~,_ AM ,,. .,.. • ....... ...,...._.. A C.l'ftf .... e ef Avtt... .................... , .... ,.., .. _ FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, THE AUCTION WILL TAKE fllLACE : " SUNDAY, MAY 3 AT2 PM MARRIOTT INN 900 NEWPOA?CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH RUGS MAY BE VIEWED ONE HOUR PRIOR TO AUCTION TE RMS: INFORMATION: (213) 70$-0028 A. A• A Inc,, Llquidftoraa A11e11--. • .. _, BEACON BAY AUTO WASH FOR unt(l)n SUPER OR UNLEADED s I .37~11GAllON ll'lllCU SUIJfCI 10 C!!AN<:.f °"" y IF OU• SU,l'llU ·~•E .. sn <XIII COST! 1. NIW~ CINTH AUTO WASH 150 Newport Center Or (ol Fo1h1on l1lond) 2. NIWPOtlT P'\.ACI AUTO WASH 4200 Buch (1>e11t to Sheroton Hotel) J, SO. COAIT AUTO WAIH 1501 W mocArlhur Blvd (I blk W of lr"tol) •·LIDO AUlO WAIH •Bl E 17th St , Casto MHo (neor We1tcl1ffe Ploro) S. fOUNTAIN VALLIY C~· WAIH 10035 £1111 (ot Brookhurat) . •· LAKI FOIHIT AUTO WAIH 23581 Aockloeld ltvd (l blk. W. of Lok• Forel• l lvd) 7. IL fOltOCA•WAIH 23602 El Toro Ad (ne111 to Poat OH1ce ) I . OttANOI CA• WAIH 2355 N Tu111n (ocrou lrom Orange Moll) t .ltH•ACA•WAIH 2015N Tu1hnAv• S Ano (I blk N ol 17 SI) 1t. ANAHllM AUTO WAJH 216 So. Euclid St (1 ~lk So of Lincoln) 11. LAGUNA CAR WASH SAO So Coo11 H1ghwoy (Acron from Hotel loguno) OPEN 7 DAYS UNTIL •pm ... N .. M's new menu in The Zodiac: Just one more reason to come Sunday~shopping with us. Each Sunday between 12 and 4, indulge in a buffet of famous N-M dessens: all you can eat, 4.95. And N-M's Wine Bar and medley of hors d·ocuvres: all you, 6.95 . Before you go browsing. stop in for lunch! The l.odiac. Middle Level. Newport Beach. 11'1 The While Howse appeared to wish he hadn't said it, but didn't knock It down, either. Robert Doran, a 20· year Corrections Department veteran. has been ~ppointed superintendent of the Califom1a Rehabilitation Center ~l Corona in Riverside County. 1981 ·LONDON · ROADSTER BUil T IN DETROIT 10 DAY -10 CAR S~LEI • ELEGANT • EXCITING • UNl9UE 5750~EBATE .. :4-- LOMDOM MOTORS UMITID 6111 VAHMUYSILVD .. YAM MUYS l21lt 711-2444 Directer ef e•. W..·n.Mc • .........17141140-Htl IAftw 6 ,....1 ·' GIANT TENNIS AND SUMMER SALE Fri. and Sat., May 1 and 2 •BOGNER •LAFONT •HEAD •ADIDAS •COLMAR • SPORTIF TENNIS CLOTHING~ .· TENNIS SHOES % OFF Adidas , Dladora.}4ew Balance .40°/o OFF . FREE Nylon atrtn1lnt with any t•nl1 racket Plf!ChaH . .. . -· • • Orange Cout OAILYPILOT/Frlday, May 1, 1981 ---EVEHlt0- 1 •• NIWI woeiaR WOMAN Wonder w-lllwtWU a plot that lnvolvff kldnep- 1 "'"° lhe lac> Olympic •th· let• o4 Ille WO'ld ' I TIC TAC DOUGH I. ...,. ••• H ..... ••• "'ex Tlle low Of ..,. .. (1911) ,..., Gw· rett, Cyllltlll llnlll1 A lo¥- atlllt dot end hie -,.,,,.. 1y go on 111 ed"9flt'"° '*41•1rtc>to~ -~ * * '"WMt't TM M911er Wtttl 14t6tft?" 0•111 0.0- bl• lll•ynOldl, lh•lley Wlnten A woman llV ... _ IO IUI lw bl.Ill- -pwtnet wflell the let· ,., want• to IMW and Ott "*'*'· • fl.M.MMAZINI "°'*• Of "-Cl'' ... JOflll ldlrleldef: Iha ~ .., ~· °' • 10tn-oanlu-ry Vl!llnQ Mfp rl!PllU: Pwl• Slmmone 1ijllf re¥tew "The'°'°' Of OM.·~ • MOVIS ••• "Datil,,., .. (1174) ltilll Net•. OH Pllhlch Ttw IM.Nnbffno crew ol a ~Nnlloeleetroy lroubMaolne planete llnd rMI 1t0Utli. wflefl Ille llrlng "*'**"' on lllelf OOW· erlul WMPOfl'Y bec<>mw Y11Conlrollable -UBE TOPPERS · ABC D 8:00 -''For the Love of Benji." A movie starring the lovable canine in a European adventure-filled romp. ABC D .9: 30 "Amerh•thon." John Ritter, Harvey Korman, Elvia Costello and Nancy Morgan· atar in a movie about a strange telethon raising money ror a bankrupt nation. KCET D 10:00 -"Independent Eye: Cruising J Town." Documentary about three Asian-American musicians blending rock, jazz and Latin music with Asian instruments. r.... lunda tor Ilia bin· kt'upt_gowtnmenl. another pqnet, C.01 Kll'lt !Inda Illa cargo being depleled • cwa..rva Cele1>r1ty I~• lot legren, Cltuff Aklna, Joyo9 Bolillflllt Ou9ta: Tiie Skat .°"*9. ••aunoteMC .... , ... MOYll • *'4 "The Fr-Dead" ( 1HT) D•na. Andr"•· AnN Poll! A German llQI. enllal M1eMptl to bf1n9 blldl !he Htl19' ~ by ~ out Nazi deeC>- tfeeae llOlum ... G QUNIMOKI • MMTTA 1~·~8"CW. Hoat· John Denver QUMlt I.Inda AOnlladt, Helen "*kly. CUa Elllot, Hany CNpln, The leley 8 rolhera. The Everly 8rother1, War. Argent, oa'vtd Cleyion. Thomal (A) 11!40 8 9 MO .-we MGtmJNe 1•• P9YCHIC flHIHO= THE WOALO ONO ( lt70) John Aalll•y. ~Yarn.I "'°I .... .. ~ * • * "Mlll'I On A 8111nQ" ( 1M0) rm.t ltorgnlM. K«w1r1 Mat"-t .. , .... ,._ MCMI * * * '"Night Peoc>le" (195-4) Otegc>fy ~.Ito. darlc* Ctewtcwd •:t0• NIWI ..,\II Kil \\ -MORJ•G- , Rad• get•• "DMr John' leller -on • record -and the doc:lora 1ry 10 come 10 ' hie .......,_ Wllh • ,_ . 1 ' QOOO.,,..... Florida jeopardb'.11 hit IUlndlng In • "beel-l<19t 8')8rlment" conlnJ by helping to City OUI lhe nelgtlborhood Vrino· LAST CHMICe -Kriltln (Mary Crolby) goes to J.R. Ewinl for more mooey on the last show of the aeuon for ''Dallu'' tonight at 10 oo Channel 2. • Loe AN011 a Wiik INMYllW Hott· Clete lllobene. ...-! ID WAL&. ITMST WUK • ' """0111' An l!oonomlo ''•-Aepon" Ou.t •a> IACMMINTO wa<IHMVlaW Hott Mu<ray From.on ~-CJ) DAL.LAI .I.A. I-Ille pbeajble loM Of Ewing Oil and a jell eert· ._ for hie tole In Ille " NEW\. YWE> OAM« • w•A•l•H ~ Reo.r· 1 departure pu Klinger and 8.J. In I dumpa • ....VHU \ 8enny pr-II hla °""" ...wion of • Poe> leettvel "Souncb Of Auru" Holla Demien Stmpeon Stacy HunL G.-1 vai.n. Hunt. PhD. • INOUeHO(HT Ne1WONC NEWS 1: 10 • \l'IOEOWf.IT: aAO<STAOa PASS • CID ELECTM: COMPAHY(A) CJ) CUHeWI 0 MONEWS II ~ o.\Y9 AON1H Howard jolnl FOf\lle M a hOldOUI agalnll ltMMr lellow jur0t1 11"1 • pura..n11Chln0 CUI t:aO I JOt<!lfl WILD waoc>MI BACK, D MCNIWS 0 IUUUYI Ga M•A•a•H The .. perlenoee ol being wounded. flown by hell· copier to the 40nth. oC>lf· lled Ol"I and l,_ted In poel..()I) .,. -through • young aoldler'a .- KOTTD In Mid of rllillng aome ~ lor their daaa Gabe and the s-1hog1 decide lluil a 1•1hotl 11 lhe- • 81HNVHIU. Benny ~ • 019U1y Wllh an unu....i way ol dealing wllhhlaprlaOl"ler • KCET NEWUIAT Ci> 8'TlDO au "~alt" Kid kayekera run the wtllll water IWO COl>- 1>1«1 leech ltld9 lo malt• their ll\Oll (R) (I) NIW8 9 IAllHEY MILL.P Whtie awaillng WO<d ol hos promo11an. Batney eaves 1he Iii• or • 9u1e1d11 llallhlr and WOjO WOtrlN ~ ha reeponalblllty for • large Mim or money wn1c:h •• miMlng CD ITRHTil 0#-1AH ' FMHa8CO A young de tecllve ualgned 10 I murder CUI ap~ra 10 have lrled and convleled • Chleat10 au. peel In hi• °""" mind &:I OV£A IAIY 'Nulrlllon" 0.-11 ~ dlan Moray Amllerdam. Dr Mark>rl Nealle. Chef NatMI David (A) '11) MACHEJl. 11..EHMR REPORT (I) TIC TAC bouGH OJ> MERV QAlf'F'ljj Guetll Lonril• ShoH. Nevada Dance Theatre. .Gwy Shandlong, Kna Kr• I rno, Gall Oavlea. ... EDITOAl.Al 1• C88NEWI Q NKNEWS I 7:30 fl 2 ON THE TOWH HOiia Stave Edward•. Melody Rogers A loOk 11 CHANNEL LISTINGS , ' IJ KNXT ;CBSI Lo~ Angeles D K~BC 1NBC1 LO'> Angeles t' 8 KTLA tlnd I Lo~ Angeles D KABC N 1ABCI Los Angele.., (I) ><.FMB 1CBS1 San Diego 8 KHJ TV (Ind I Los AnqeJes 9 KCST 1ABC) San Diego Ga KTIV (Ind 1 Los Angeles G) KCOP TV 1 Ind ) Los Angell'!> tD KC£T TV 1PBS1 Los Angt>tes '9 KOCE TV 1 PBSI Hun1tng1on Beach - the Loa Angelel punk rOCll ~M~ln fheftlm ''The Oecllne Of w..1.,n Cl'lllkallon"; an lnlll'Vllw with a lll!llly wflo le pr .. 10 ..,,...... ~lllro­ l)Nel. I 'AtAY'8JO ~NANA I~~~ AU. .. THl,MM.Y When Mlllt encl OIOrla "-vt a fight. Ille qar~ 10 ,,, end hOld • ~-1111111 AtOhle .,,,_ ll'Ofll lhe .... ~ (Pat13) • MACHIJL. I UIHM .. MJIOf"T I!> ..... DCkt..NClll "Mexico A .....,_ Pan· ,_, .. A~ 11 lhe pollcMI ol PCX111to end Regan con- oamlng the Mure ol trade with Mexico CJ)P.M.~ "Dull• Of Hauard" 11ar JoM ~:the maid· ..... "°)'age Of • 10ttw:.nlu. rY VIie Ing lhlp r1911Ca •:00. CJ) THe INCAEDl9li HUU< Oevid .. cac>tured by eclen· tl9tl ""'° believe .... .. ., 111en and iuen to 1 •-Ch center IOt llud)'. (Patt 2)(A) D HARPER VAUEY PTA AumOt9 • ..,, llytng .,,,...., s .... wont• With • hand· aome and man1ed EnQlllh I~ on her acceptance ~hloranaward II MOV1e • ··~ "Sltytaclled'" ( 1g121 Charlton HlllOtl. J- 8 roll n A menlllly deranOld veter1111 hljacu an alrpl-wtlh • U S 1ena1or aboard and demandl 10 be llOWl"I to the SO'MI Union. Dr. Murrey l WleOen- bw.lfll l:IO D ™<I ONI Thi 1llll9n11 of Jonathan Winter• •• put 10 the t•t .. he~· ~Ion• "°'" • 11\IOlo ~ lncluCllPG J-11...,111. ~ Wiiton, Jack PMt and Dlcll Merlin • ~llMUITT NIOl'MHoe Ou.I; Olen Campt>eli •ID WAIHIHGTON WllKIHNMIW t:oO • CJ) THI OUt<a Of' HAlZAM> loN Hogg arranoee 10 rob hla own bani! on the dey of Aoeco'e wedding and pin 11 on the Outte tlOyl (R) D THI GANOITEll OHAONK:t..18 Luciano, Leliler and SleQel agfM lo 1Uppor1 FDA for lhe 1832 l)(nider>llal ,,_,. lnalion 1n .,.~ for an end to goyernmenl 1n .... u. ~Uona Into their acthllllff ID MEW GRIFFIH G~ta· Lonnie Sr,orr. NeY9da Oet>ee ThMtre, Gery Sllandllng, Kr.. Kr• mo. Gall DavlH, Biii W1trou1, Pete Batbulll, Alta Singer 8) WAU. ITREET WEE< 'Aeegan An Economle Progr... Report' Guest. Or Murray L Wledtlfl· bllum 81) VOTE.A'8 Pl"1JNE H091 Jim CQ00tr rneeta • wllh A-blymen Aon Jol\nson, Chet Wray and Nolan Frlzutle lo dlac:uaa legjllellve ,__ lhll ""'" an.ct Orange County ' t:ao D tII MOVIE * * 'Am«lcllhon" pg7Q) J<>hn Rlller. Harv.y Kor· man Al the end ol the 20lh century. U S Pr111- o.n1 CM1 ~eg. • • nlllonel lelelhon lo • AINln oll IC8l'wtal I D•NNI THI INDeNM>IHT aYI "Cnlleino J TC>Wrl" A dow- IMl'laty 1-ng on lhnMI young A111n·Amerlc1n muelolana wtlO blend roctt. JAZZ and Latin rmoalc wtth lredlllOllll Allian lnalru· menta 10 _,,.. ... their muttQll!urll ldenUly ID IUMOYEM' JOUNW. 10'.IO D YOUTH AHO THI --"The E•plO<llng World POj)Uletlon" Hoat . .Jonn A Slearn1. GuHll: R•v Hugh Amro1yt, Llcla Nlc.a- llio. ·~ NETWOMNEWI 811 UUJAN HEU.MAH: A PAOFl&..I• Ulllen Hellman lallla can- didly °' the h8'dltllpe lhe endured u • reaull ol her aland befwa the HOUM <lommlllM on Un-Amert· can Ac!Ml ... In 1052 tt:OO e D 8 CJ) O Niwa • IT AIH'lllEJ< On • mlaalon lo tranaport • rara ""'-' gtaln 10 • DO<CAVITT 0..-1: Clive Ja,,__ CID 1H1AK PMW!W8 AOQer Eben and Gene Slak•I review "Nlghlh1wk1," ··cave- man." ··~o~ern Romanc:9" and "Excall· !MK." 11:.IO 9 (I) NM BAIKET9Au. ... ton el ~1111.-lpNa Ry Coodet ~ 'Aulomc>- bllee"; the Btu. Center· pleQI play • Mempl\ll Coy ~ Iheme, Sir Oouglu Quintel pl•ya "Down On The 8ofw'· on Vldeolaoe lf.I AOAM-12 1:ao11 NEW8 • MOV1I * * * ·~ "Pal Joey' ( 1957) • Frank Slne1r1. Alta Kl\I· 'wonh 8 TONIGHT ti) MOW Holl: Johnny Caraon * * "T~ Of Terror GUMIS AA'QO Stllr and (1g72) Suzy Kendall. Frank Barbar• Bach, Gerry Finlay. :r'ai KINTUCKY 1:.-0 D MOYIE 01MY 8"!CW, * *"' "'The W-Hunt- A preview of the 1981 Der-er· pg72) Barbara Eden by conlend«e and a IOo4< Robert Vaughn II the axclltfMl"ll aur-2:00 II EDITONAL roundlnQ the annual Amer· D COMEDY 8HOf> 1cM 1rec1111on 1e ~·eo II ~ llve from Churc:hlH Down• •• ·~ "Once You Kiii A 1n Loui9vllle, Kentuc:ky Stranger·· ( 1g101 Peul 0 L.Erl MAKE A 01!AL 8urlla, Catol Lynley Ga MOVIE 2:06 IJ MOVll! * * * "Clnderetla Uberly" * * * "Newman a Law" (1979) ~ C-Mat------r(.,,111:M/T:C)l~ge~ard Iha Muon A aailOr ralla In Roger Robin.on rove wrth • Sea111e prol11· 2'.aC> D NEWS lull he won for • night In • S!OO Cl) UOVI£ pool Q8tn9 * * "Beul 01 The Dead" JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk NBC ·announces new fall program lineup LC¥; ANGELES CAP> -NBC has an· nou1iced 10 new fall series slatting slx popular performers in a renewed effort to lift the network from last place in the television rat· ines,a Tile star s are James Arness. Ja~s Gamer, Rock Hudson, Tony Ran all, Gabe Kaplan and Mick'>' R ey. Nell Carter from "SberiU Lo ' and Merlin Olsen of "Uttle "°*40 the-Prairie" also head their own,eries. N C, in a.<fdition, has Angle Die inson standing by as some all~ons are made in her new com· edy eries. A series based on the hit mu cal "Fame," is also being rea ed as an early replacement. Ft Sinatra has signed an ex· clu1tve contract with NBC for a serl«is of specials beginning in the fall Tbt NBC schedule, like the ABC tcb~ule announced Wednesday, re· lies ,heavily on 1tars who ha~ bad lhiglitf ra~ show. in the past. _ ""arco Polo," a minl·series hued THE UNCOMMON CARRIER R · . ·- Come see the simple sophisticated sensible and sensational Vespa Scooter ~Sl7't The Best on the odyssey of the young 13th cen· tury Venetian, is being filmed for next season in China, Italy and Morocco. Other dramatic speclais are "The Executioner's Soni." from Norman · Mailer's book on the last months of conv~ed murderer Gary Gilmore; "Little Gloria . . . Happy at Last," based the 1934 child-custody case of Gloria Vanderbilt; "Prlnceu Dai~y;' 1 from-the ttst....ffilff by Judith Krantz; "Rage of Aniell!I," from the book by Sidney Sheldon; and "World War Ill," a four.hour drama of events that could lead the world to global confilct. Here are the new series: "Bret Maverick,." t-10 p.m. Satur· day. Jame• Gamer, late of "The Rockford Files," reprises hil laid· back 1ambler from tbe ABC aeries of 20 yean-&10. Tbe older Maverick at· tempts to settle down in tti. town of Sweetwater -but it'• not ao euy. -" Prince," 7..S p.m. Sunday. Peter Barton plays a teen·a1er who ls really a prince from another planet Keeps Getting Better Just opelJPd: Abercrombie & Fltch Coming soon: · Bailey Banks & Biddle David Orgell fla/Jgen·Dcm ' ]. Jessops & Son.s u~ Miller's Outpost Rirl.oli~ with special powers. The show, aimed at youngsters, replaces the long·running Disney series. "Father Murphy,'' 8·9 1 p.m. Tuesday. Merlin Olsen is an 1870s prospector wbo poses as a priest to establish a school ror orphaned children. -"Loye,Sidney,"9:30·10p.m. Wed· nesday. Tony Randall (''TbeOddCou- ple") plays a surrogate father to an atplring adr~n and her youn1 daughter. The series, an offshoot of the movie ''Sidney Shorr,'' will be taped in New York. -"The Rock Hudson Show," 10·11 p .m . Wednesday . Hudson ("McMillan and Wife") plays a former private eye who eets back in- to business when he helps hit son set up shop in Los An1ele~ .. Jack Scalia play• the son. John Wil'der ("Streets of San Francllco" and "Centennial"> will create the aeries. -"Gabe and Guieb," 8:30-9 p.m. Thursday. Gabe Kaplan ("Welcome Back, Kotter") ls a New Yorker and Gulch Kooch ("Carter Country") is his Texas sidekick in this comedy set in a country music club. Kaplan is the creator and co-writer. -"Gimme a Break,'' 9:30-10 p.m. Thursday. Nell Carter plays a housekeeper for a recently widowed eolice captain and his three children. -"The Mickey Rooney Show," 8-8: 30 p. m. Friday. Rooney plays a feisty grandfather rescued from a re· tirement home by h.b grandson. -"Chicago Story," 8:30-10 p.m. Friday. ThU show created by Er1c Bercovici ("Shogun"> follows the ac· lions of police, legal and medical teams. Jt is NBC's first 90-minute drama in several years. -"The James Arness Show," 10·11 p.m. Friday. Arneu, who starred as Marshal Matt Dillon for 20 years on "Gunsmoke," then did "How the Weal Was Won," playa a 52-year·old man who returns to the police force as a rookie after w 12· year absence. T Daily Pilat FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1981 FEATURES COMICS STOCKS 83 84 87 Pacific Fed seeks approval to merge with Oceanside Fed D I a , .. B5 . Hardy so~"ls • survive on island of ice GRINDSTONE ISLAND, N.Y. <AP) -The Icy waters of the St. Lawrence River keep the lM>s from intruding on the lives of Sis Matthews and the handful of other hardy peoJ1le who make their homes here on Island. For six months of the year, solid ice separates Grindstone from the rest of the world. It is one of the few of the Thousand Islands resort areas to be in· habited during the winter. It has a IUestyle aJI its own. • Seven miles long and three miles wide, Grindstone is a mere bit of land between Canada and the United States, where elderly women cross· country ski to visit neighbors, where children attend a one· room school and where basic transportation is a "power punt," an aircraft engine on a flal·bottomed wooden craft that can negotiate water and ice as they come. "IT'S LIKE stepping back 30, 40 years ~he way things are done here," says John Kellogg, who left a prosperous business career on "the mainland" to live on Grindstone. The 16 families living on the island through the winters do so without the conveniences most Americans take for granted There 1s no gas station, no grocery store and no hospital. When a car bre~ks down, the islanders have to repair it themselves. Every few weeks, a junk dealer from the mainland picks up the rusty leftovers. Townsfolk must store up their own winter* food supply Preg· nant women leave the island weeks before their delivecy date to avoid a last·minute dash across the ice. · The islanders depend on each other to get through the winter untiJ the river opens up in the' spring THEN, GRINDSTONE becomes a summer resort · island, a place where wealthy corporation executives and Ivy League presidents live side·by· side with the islanders. Most of the Grindstone Islan· ders know no other life. Francis Garnsey's family has lived on Grindstone; at least three generations. Sis Matthews was born on the island 72 years ag". Her mother was born on Grindstone in 1889 "Basically, everybody is relat· ed in some ~Y or another. If they aren't uncles, they're cousins, or their great · grandfathers were brothers," says Nancy Bazinet, who teaches the island's 10 elemen· tary school children. "We have our grudges and reud1, just like In any sqiall community wtrere people ilve close together, but, basically, we are very close. Everybody is very helpful and the islanders stick together. They r~lly do," Mrs. Bailnet says. At the turn of the century, Grindstone Island was a busier place, with a population of more than 400. Some worked the granite quarries that produced paving blocks for Chicago city streets and cornerstones for Montreal buildings The island also supported prosperous dairy rarms that provided the milk for the Grindstone Cheese Factory. IN THOSE DA VS, Grindstone boasted a village, a saloon, a boatyard and enough children to flll two schools. The quarries closed ln the ear· ly 1900s · and the cheese plant . closed after World War 11. The island began to loae lts people to norUtern New York. Today, 1 ) .~ When school's out, children head for home by bus or snowmobile. Only 10 pupils remain. about 50 people live on the island year'~round. Charlie Matthews stayed on Grindstone even after the loss of the cheese plant made his dairy farm unprofitable "When I was a kid, we had a "' little village with 10 or 12 families living over on the north side of the ISiand," recaUs the 69·year-old Matthews. "There were 35 operating farms with cattle on every one. We had a cheese factory and there -was a rta vor in that cheese they couldn't get anywhere else. "They all moved off the island, back lo the m"linland where they had electricity and telephones,'' he remembers. "It was just one of those things." NOW MATfHEWS and Sis, hi~ wife, worry that soon there may not be enough children on Grindstone to keep the one-room school going. G Charlie MattMtol, ft, pda °"'of 1toru1 on hU Oladdone form, °"' o/ /n1 r~ on ialand rm'linil· cent of IN>a rural AfM't'ica. j ... i ··we want to keep our school alive. We would lik.e more young people with children to move to the island," says Mrs. Mat· thews When they outgrow the httle schoolhouse, the island's children are ferried across the river daily during the warm months to attend high school on the mainland During the winter , they board with mainland relatives and friends during the week and return home for the weekends. Tbe Grindston~ lalanders have to RlA.u their dally rountlne arou1'ft""the river crossings. But the river also protects their in· dependence from many of the hassles of modem·day life other Americans face. "Very few of us on the island know what it ls to just go for a cruise on the river. For us it 1s transportation over and back, like a road," says Mrs. Bazinet, the school teacher. "You have to adjust to the fact that whenever you want something at the store you can't just go out and get it," she says. "You have to go down to the river, then go out in a boat or power punt lo cross the river. There are a lot of things you've got to do Just to get to the other side of the river. The biggest ad· justment, in living here, is cross- ing the river." WHEN HER OLD washing machine had to be replaced, Mrs. Bazi{lel had her new one pulled on a sled across the river by a snowmobile. The basic vehicles, the home· made power punts, provide a bone·jarring ride, but they can cross ice llnd water when the river is not completely frozen. Electricity and telephones finally reached the island in 1956, but many other aspects of modem American life have yet to cross the river. Most of the islanders do not bother licensing their automobiles. Many of thftjr vehicles would not be allowed on New York state roads because of defects. "A car here ls anythina that starts and has four wheels. Some of the ears don't have any brakes and very few are re· gistered. U they run, that's all we need," Mrs. Bazinet saya. The islanders boast that there 11 no need for police on their island. Hardly anyone travels more than 20 miles an hour over the 13 miles of dlrt roada, and there bas not been a 1ertous ac· cldent on Grindstone that anyone can remember, aaya Francia Garnsey. CROSSING THE river In winter 11 often difficult and sometimes danaeroua. Garnsey makea a Hvlnl cro11ln1 the river. He runa his homemade power ~ u a tail and am. bulance and bou1ht an Army , H1rph.11 landlni craft and a aw-· plus Navy boat to ferry beaYJ Giindatooe. Re cr•se• the river dallY to pick up the mall ancf the laland'a 1cbool children. In the 1ummer. lh• 100 nieort bomee on lh• llland ttlJ wltb • CAM ADA l~U U\T Ulfll \. • NJNIS SUMMER RESORT Winter isolation wealthy vacationers "1.-s run to hve in a communi· ty that changes so drasllcally. You can't tell the Grindstone farmers from the Yale pro• fessors or the corporation presi- dents. They all look the same in summer, .. s ays Catharine Kellogg. "The islanders have a saying about the summer people,·· says Mrs Bazinet ·'They like to see them come and they like to see them go." The Kelloggs were .. summer people" for more than p. decade before making their permanent home on Gnndstone four years ago John Kellogg insists he re· lishes the lifestyle, even though his newspapers co me at least a day late ;md he has more routine daily chores Kellogg, who 1s applying modern farming methods to re· vive an old island farm, says, .. It's not tsolation. Jt 's quality living "WE WERE conspicuous con· sumers and we've gotten out of that here. We changed our lives like day and night ''The lifestyle 1s great if you can convince your wife she can get by without an automobile and the creature comforts." Not everyone thrives here. Some come, try, and go. But old· timers like Francis Garnsey love it Garnsey, with his white hair , and beard, his ruddy chapped I face , is reminiscent of an aging r Ernest Hemmgway, a creation .. ,· or Grindstone Island. His f~mlly , has lived here for three genera· ! lions. He is often the tenuous link that connects the island with the outside •orld In his power punt, he lakes the island·s older children to the mainland high school, crosses the two·mije channel daily with the mail. takes the hurt or sick to medical aid on the mamland shore. The river can be dangerous. People have died crossing it. WHEN .THE BLIZZARD of 1977 struck, Garnsey was lead,_ ing a caravan of four s n o w mob i I es f u-1 I of schoolchidren to the island. Blinded by the whileout in the middle of the ice·covered river, he abandoned the snowmobiles, linked hands with the children and guided them home, setting course by the wind in his face "Thal wasn't so bad. I've had a lot worse crossings," he says. At 53, he admires the indepen· dence of bis fellow islanders. "You get to be a farmer, a mechanic, and if you own cattle, your own veterinl\rian. Myself. I'm a farmer, school bus driver, mailman, mechanic and taxi driver. You name it. I'm it." He could add ambulance driver and census taker. "I wouldn't live anywhere else in the world," he'l:lays. • But, alas, not everyone shares his infatuation. His three daughters;noved to Florida. Gardenen like snakes Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 NATION En_tJ,: of world due iii 1980s, ;author-prop/mt says NEW YORK (Al>) -Hal Llodffy, wholae bookt about the end ol the world b1v1 outaold thoee ol almott any other author ln the a .. t decade, llYI the 18801 mark the "Countdown tO Armaaeddoa." The phrue, heraldln1 a catutrophtc war, la the Utle 0. Lindsey'• ·1atest preview of bil· tory'a final yean. He H)'I they're "Thinas are ftttlns Into a pre- cise pattern of the predicted closln.a even ta," be said ln an in- terview. "They're all comina · simultaneoualy ln this eeneraUon." Lindsey, 51, bu turned out six -«rmrs sine~ 1970, beginnina with the prodlelously sellfna, "The 'Cate Great Planet Earth," all of \ttenrftleused OD the end Of time. Ahoglther they've sold more than 30 million copies. A mood of finality "ls in the alf," he said. ·•A Jot of people sense lt.'' Tickln& otr various occur- rences ot recent history which be links to Scriptural references about the concluding travail of the world. he said, "Prophecy is happening right before our eyes." Unlike some prognosticators of the end, Lindsey doesn't fix exact dates for it, but HJ'• tt will come ln the present 1e11eration. "It'll ha~n before the end of tbe century," be a&Jd. • A frtendly, unaffeded Texan, Lindsey wa• a Koreaq War Cout Guardsman and later a New 011leana tuaboat captain before tumln• to Chrlltlanltr. He became ablorbed ln BlbJt hope or ln effort.a to prevent aucb a final conflaaraUon, be sald: "A• lonl u we're aUU ln world, we·~ to Uve rapon.aibly and 1eek to praerve a peaceful way of life . . . &o continue pro- claimlns the Gospel . . . and seek to help thoH who suffer and are ln need." ' 'The conflict over who owm Jerwalem will set off a . war that wiU bring all others into it. The war will escalate until it covers the whole globe, until the last fearful battle called Atmageddon.' prophecy, and earned a master's de1ree at Dalla• Theoloetcal Seminary, majoring ln Greek, the orlfinal lanpa1e of the New Testament. "I'm nOt out to scare people, but to wake them up," he said when questioned about it. "But I'd rather scare bell out of them than have them 10 there.'' He said his main aim Is to evoke faith ln Christ. Asked if consl1nlng the world to early doom didn't cause a kind of fatalism without any H.e said be began taking those obligations seriously when be became immersed In Bible prophecy. "Before that, I was just a bell- raising tugboat captain. But there was a tum-around ln my life." Of the approachin1, ln~vitable calamities he foresees po Earth, be said, "I believe these lhin&s with every fiber of my being. I believe it'• bappen.lne and it's going to happen." According to the scenario of hla "Countdown" book lnued by Bantam, Ara)>-Jewfah COG~ ntct over Jeru11lem will cause a "areat power to the far north," the Soviet Union, to invade the Middle East. "AfpanlJtan was a tint 1t.ep ln that -direction," Llndaey writes. A&ainst the Soviet 1weep, be uya, communist Cblaa, the "Kinas ot tbe Eut," will enter the war, alone with the Wetlem world, unilled by fear into a new Roman-type emplre foretokened by the 10-natlon Common • Market. Lindsey see• Scriptural aJ. lusiona, both In the Old and New Testaments, to the various modem powers, tbiir recent and anticipated moves, alone with a calamitous finale ahead. · "The conlllct over who owns Jerusalem will set off a war that will brlni all others into it," he aald. "The war will escalate un- til it covers the whole globe, un- til the last fearful battle called Armageddon.•· Al the height of that horrible war, on the verge of wipin1 out all human lile, Christ will return and intervene, saving the world. with believers destined for a restored, eternal world. He says the spark that Ignites the war ln the Middle East may be · a Umlted nuclear bomblnt, wlth 1uch power reported In hands ot 10me lllamlc nat.lona and which may be made ava11a· ble to the Palestine Liberation OraanlJaUon. ''According to Scriptural prophecy. something ls goln& to h1ppen that ls 10 fri&htening that people of the West will ac- cept a cllctatot that will come up out of the 10 European Common Market nations," he said. • "One of the speclflc predk- Uoos ta that t.h1J man will suffer a seemingly mortal bead wound and be raised up to amaze the world. This powerful leader will be the anti-Christ He will prom- ise peace and security but it will be a pseudo peace." Lindsey, before bis first book, served seven years with Campus Crusade for Christ, lecturln9 to students. ''The thin& that really In- terested even non-religious atu- denls, waa prophecy," he said. That spurred him to start writ· ine about lt. HU 1970 book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," has sold 18 mllllon copies and still la in demand. Other best-selling se· quels include ''The Terminal Generation" and "There's a New World a Coming". FINALITY IN AIR? Hal Lindley Sounding the urgent note about it, he said, has caused "people of every walk of life to come into a relationship with Christ " The lady is .a coiitest champion ,. ........ Brooklyn houset.Vife has won so many prizes she can't remember them all ~ ByJULESLOH Al"becMllC.1 I 1 NEWYORK-Twopackagessit on Selma Gla.sser's dining room floor, unopened. One she rec- ognizes as containing a kitchen blender She has no Idea what is in tbeother. "So many things are being de- livered aJI the time I can't keep up with them," she said. "I'll open it later, when 1 have time.·· In the Brooklyn nelJhborhood where Mrs. Glasser hves, in a modest, stucco row hou&e, she is known a.s the cont.est lady. But. among devotees of the rhyming jingle and the 50-words-or-less testimonial, her rame has long since overleaped the bounds of Brooklyn. "I'm ramous," she said. Asimplefact.statedbriefly~ She is a contest maven. No challengeonboxtopormatchbook cover escapes her eye. She knbWs them all, enters them all, and wins far more than her share or them. Her freezer was a prize. Her stove was a prize, and her oven. Her car was a prize. She won it before she learned to drive. Her several bicycles. her motorcycle, her mink coal, all prizes. Prizes crowd her house. Indeed, warm her house: her gas beating system was a prize. "I can't remember everything I've won," she said, "buttheprizes that thrill me most are the ones I never would have other wise. "I mean, what chance would a Brooklyn housewife have to go on a date with Sid Caesar? I did tha-l. Or lo be a-guest of Engelbert Humperdinck at a ringside table at a big hotel on opening night? "I've had trips to Rome, Paris, the Caribbean. Trips all -over. Floriaaseveral times. California. A Texas dude ranch. Without con- tests, experiences like 'that just wouldn't happen to me." She teaches a course in the Brooklyn College adult-education program titled "Writing for Prize and Publication." She alsoorrers a correspondence course, and has just finished a book: ··A Complete Gu Ide to Prize Contests Sweepstakes, and How to Wt~ ·Them." "lam a writer," she said. "I am not a mental giant. You don't have AMERICA to be to team to write a few words for big money. •·A filler in the Reader's Digest is worth $50. I've hit Reader's Digest many times. I've hit Good Housekeeping, Saturday Evening Post, lots of them. And," she said, "I get a byline. You know what a kick a byline is." Rightnowsheisrevvinguptoex· plain, lo 25 words, why il pays lo saveatacertainbank. That's a good payoff. and I have as good a chance as anybody to win it. .. No argument there. Mrs Glasser seems to have a knack for winning, a gift. She attributes lt all to positive thinking. "It's 99 percent enthusiasm," she says, with zest. "You have to say to yourself, why can't I do it as well asanybody1 You're not going to win them au, but there's always achance." Thefirstcontestsheentered.she won In her mind it landed the best payoff of her contest career. "My husband, who is now de· ceased, was my intended then," she said. "I wanted to marry him. One day be handed me an entry blank: 100 words on why I w1nted a trip to the Catskills ··I won the trip -and then won him' au in a matter or a rew months. Alter winning that first contesl,lwasbooked." "I'm /amoua," Myl Selma Gl.olser, and indeed 1he u among the thouscJncU of contelt devot~ei nationt.11iM. She hal won 10 many merchancJUe prize• she can't ~ep up with them. It would beimpossibletosay, ln 50 words or 500 -ords, how many prizesshebaswonin30yearsofen- teringcontests. Mrs. Glasser ls a small, Sliibt lady in her early 50s and ls con- stantly on the go. When she is not working on her contest entries she 11 spreading her secrets to Qthers. "That's 2S words for $20,000 So, itseems. was he. 'Stage fright' pill "Newspapers thriving · boon to performers ANP A says industry set record for ad revenue in 1980 DENVER (AP) -Performers suffering the agonies of "staee fright" may get relief from an In- expensive pill that doctors say works without slowing or dialort· ing the senses. creases, and the increased sym- pathetic tone causes tremor and a decrement in fine motor coordination." WASIDNGTON <AP> -The American newspaper industry, "economically sound" despite price increases and a reduction in the number of papers, main- tained clrculatlon levels and set a record for.~¥erUain1 r.evenue4n - 1980, a study says. As' whole, the business alao became the nation's largest manufacturing employer. The BMual study, published by the American Newspaper Publishers Association, shows the nation's dally newspapers at- tracted a record SlS.6 billion in ad- vertising In 1980, up from $14.5 bUlion reported in 1979. ··Despite turmoil in the national economy. extensive competWon from other media and cbaoline lifestyles In the citizenry, newspapen remain eeononucal· ly sound." the ANPAsald ln anln· troductory statement. "U.S. newspapers attained all-time records in advertising revenues, employment and the number of Sunday newspapers." According to the report, there we-Te 1,'1<t5" daily ne-.papers publishing on weekdays in l980, of which 357 were . mornln& papers. 1,358 afternoon papers and 30 classified as "all-day" papers. While the number of dallies published on weekdays represents a drop from 1,763 in 1979, the ANPA said the number of Sunday papers continued to rise last year -from 720iii1979to 735. The overall clrculation for Sun- day papers also rose, from 45.87 mllllon to ~.37 million, but weekday dally circulatjon dropped slightly from '62.22 million to 62.20 million. The nu m be.,. of weekly newspapers also declined in 1980 to 7 ,602 from 7 ,954 in 1979, the re- port shows. A11 for -em-:r.a..10-7ment; the-al· soclatioo sai the lnduatry pro- vided work for 432,100 ln Ul80, up rrom 420, 700 ln 1979 and enough to take over the top spot ln the Labor Department's lialln& of the na- lioo' s largest maoufacturlna employers. The annual staUaUcal profJe • also shows that newspaper prices took a sluble jump ln 1980, as did the cost of newaprlnt. The number of daily weekday newspapers charatn& a •tnile- copy price of 25 centa climbed dramatically from 144 ln 1979 to 555 last year, while the number ot Sunday papen cbaratna a stneJe· copy price of 75 cents rose from 15 to46ln1980. QUITS -Drummer Denny Laine who bas been with Paul McCartney's group, Wings. since 1971, quit this week afte~ tr dectsion was made to temporarily halt the _group's tour. The medicine, propranolol, is a prescription dru& used widely for certain heart ailments. It block.I the 09W 2f adrenalin into the bloodstream~ accordIDg -to Dr. Charles 0 . Branllgan, director of the Noninvasive Vascular Dla&ttoetic Lab at Presbyterian Hosr.ltal. ff • findings were presented to tbe Eastman School of Mualc and the University of Rochester medical school in Rochester, N. Y., and released to The Denver Post. BranUgan, his brother, Tom, wbo is a music instructor at the University ot Nebraska, and Dr. Neal Joseph, a professor of opblbalmolo&Y, tested the pill on musiclana In Nebnska in 1979. Tbelr research was reported ln the Rocky Mountain Medlc,J Journal in 1979. Since then. the During tests at Juilllard, 16 musicians received either the pill or a placebo 90 minutes before each of two test recitals during a two-day period. he said. The musicians' blood pressure was measured before and after each recital, their heartbeat w·as monltored and they were ob· served for outward signs or stage fright, he said. The test-:: showed that musi- clMs who took propranolol were less nervous and anxious, bad fewer tremors and less. thereby lmprovin1 their ac- curacy, style and ease during tbe performance, Brantigan said. The qultlity of the mualcians' performances was ev1luated by Carlos Moseley of the New York Philharmonic I Bertha Melnik or Eastman and by Tom Branti.ran. Newaprint con«tmptlon re- mained steady at 10.1 mllllon metric tonJ,, but the price ot a sinate metric ton ol newsprint ln the eastern United Sta tea climbed h'om$413lnl979to$470ln1980,the ANPAaald. lndi b •d • ed team bas conducted more tests at an I DIX the Unive,rslty of Nebraska and Beer biJI boosted WASHINGTON (AP> -An at-the Jullliard School of Music In tempt by the Covelo lndi1n Com-New York City, SACR}l MENTO (AP) - munity to expand the legal "A performer, beset by fear, Legislation backed by brewers M>undary of Ill reservation in finds ltd body reactint as it would 1od beer wholeaalera to ban Mendocino County, Calif .. has when facing a hosWe mob or a volume dlscounu on beer to been turned away by the U.S. tiger," Brantigan Bsaid. "Blood stores has breezed tbrouah ita The laraest daily newspaper u ot Sept. 30, 1980 wu the Wall Street Journal with 1,838,89l dally subscribers, It wu followed, in order, by the New York Dally Newa. the Los Anaeles Tlmet, the New York Times and tbe Chlca10 Tribune.· Supreme Court. ' ls diverted. The heart rate ln· second Asfembly committee. . .---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_..:.,.~_..;..~~~~~- Marathon dancing echedwed at OCC Youth to meet Appllcatlona for the Oranae County Red Cross Youth Leadenhip Development to be held June 22 tbroucb ''Dance tor Thote Who Can't" 26 at the Cedar Lake a 12·bour dance scheduled al Camp and Conference Orans• Coast Colleie in Cotta Center, Bil Bear Lab Meta May t, will ralM money are now belnt accepted. for muacular dystrophy re-N t nth th r o u e h search:---• eleventh 1tade ltudenta The ance will be1tn at noon may pick up ap}llica· In the coUeae 11an. and nve ttooa at their local htlh bandt wUI perform, AdilWialoa 1chool or Red Cron ..=is .$. More informaUoa ii Service Center. More in· av.,.lable at -.$S07. fonn.U. ls available a w-saai. • ~inlng sets • iron toys • old oak piano • tables • cabinets • desks • chairs • buffets • cedar chest • dressers • watches • sewtng machines • old ltalil'l IOYeseat • Cushman motof scooter • hldria6e mlls from lrltand ,. I . .. - ..... •;-t" ............. . .... ._ __ -.. FEATURES Orange Coast DAILY flitLOT/Fr1day, May 1. 1981 •• ' 'Ieacher's· future · in doubt Is spelling a huge ene DEAR ANN . l am a male student attending a hiih acbool in a state close to an Air Force base where rny rather Ls stationed. A freshmal) &irl and I (her stepfather ts also in the miUtnry> were havln; problom11 In history Both of us were nunklng. The teacher offered to clve U4 additional help al his aparlmentdurine the holidays AU thl'ff of us are involved with drugs The Sffond day we met with the teacher. he said be would - All llllfll ~ •• pass us if we would have mtercourse while he watched and took pictures. We were all high and 1l didn't seem Uke a bad idea. 1 am six feel, two inches tall and weigh 20~ pounda girl wasn't a virgin, but I know I hurt her real bad, That night her parents took her to the hospital because she was bleeding and in pain. They believe she wa& raped. She has not accused me and I don't believe she will. but that teacher still has the photos and 1 am afraid of what might h&ppen. Could I be charged with rape? I am nearly 18 and the girl is 15. Could you answer nghl away. please?' I am SCARED OUTOFMYWITS Dear Scar.-d: You didn't rape tht: girl. She atrttd. Her a10 nll1bt make a cllfference lD certala sta~s.bowever. Tb at teacher abouJd be kicked ou& of tbe •11tem. I ho1"' yOtl bave tbe •utt &O te.U y_oar parent.a the wbo1e trutb,1'1ie itrt•s pareau 11a0Jd.d be e.U.ted la thla ef· fort aleo. VoubodueecU01e&1ntoad.ru1pro1nm and1et oft whatever you are on. ao yoa can tblnk 1tralpt. S&udtn&1 wbo are 1paced out 1od rtoaed cannot con· centnte IOdl enou1h to UDder1taod what 11 beln1 Hid In the clauroom. I ur1e you both to teek help at ooce. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have two sons Cdlt· ferent fathers) who are two years apart. They are the same size but as dlCferent in looks asni1hlfrom day. \>eople have asked me the dumbest questions about these boys, such as "Are tbey twins•" Or. "Whachoneis adopted?" The all·time winner was last week. A man at an oftlce picnic (half drunk> ambled up to me and said, "These boys don't look anythlne like you OR your husband. How do you explain It'" I looked him stral1ht. in the eye and rephed, ··Row come you haven't heard? I play around.·· The clod sobered up in a hurry. His mouth dropped open and his face lumed red as a beet Everyone who was standing around heard it and roared How was that for a comeback? I LEWISVILLE. TEX Dear Tex: Far better than being defensive and I ttying to offer a logical explanation to • lunkhead I like that. Toucbe ! a · del He should 'keep off grass' Spelling 1s ttie key to language and effective communication. unfortunately most executives don t know .how to use this powerful tool QUESTION: My 13·yur-old son is using mart· juana. When I confronted him with It be claimed that marUuana l11 harmless. Is ll? ANSWER Definitely not' One mari1uana "joint" lS as biiu"mful to the lungs as an entire pack of cigarettes. Perhaps more so in that the mari· juana user inhales the smoke more deeply than one s moking cigurettes MariJuana abuse carries with 1t the risk of chronic lung 1rntat1on. em physema, <loss of the lung·!> ability to function properly I and It IS Strongly sui.pel'led. !uni( cancer IL also has adverse effect on the brain. nervous system and the reproductive organs A pregnant woman who smokes marijuana may well damage the unborn child The incidenC'~ of miscarriage is higher. ' Be that as it may. 1t 1s hard to convince a teen ager of anythin~ when you are up against peer press ure. Hopefully your youngster · will outgrow this troublesome habit In thlS area, marijuana presents yet another grave risk. Many young people drive, and driving ·DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE under the influence or marijuana is just as dangerous as driving when intoxicated with alcohol Mixing the two 1s even worse. By a ll means, your son shoutd "keep off the grass" 1 I Dr Richard Archer plan s to change all this He has developed CONCEPT SPELLING a revolutionary new approach to teaching and learning spelling Or Archer has. determined that there are 50 basic I concepts upon which the English language is bull I He has d1st1lled these concepts into 1 o fundamental principles which he believes are enough for everyone to use to spell well You are invited to attend a FREE INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP • Saturday May 2 • Airporter Inn Irvine • 9 a m to 1 2 noon • Free Workbook Or Archer will personally conduct the workshop and explain Concept Spelling in more detail Dr John D Roaen . a pracCliwner m Newport Beach, welcomes your questioris Send your requests to ASK I For further information ~all ~51 -9255. 7'/-IE DOCTOR , P 0 Box ISM. Costa Mesa, Ca . 92626 Aries: Start new direction Saturday, May z. 1981 By SYDNEY OMA RR ARJES c Mar 21 ·Apr 19). Circumstances favor your efforts You make new start In new direction Added recognition results from comple tion of major project Another Anes plays proms nent role Whal seemed a "lost cause' rebounds into profitable enterpn se. TAURUS <Apr 20-May 20> Someone works on your IJehalf in quiet. unassuming manner~ Doubts fears can be erased. Leo. Aquarius persons figure prominently New contact could be start of impor HOROSCOPE lant relationship You rt• invited tu become me mber in fraternal organ1zat10n GEMINI (May 21 .June 20> · Accent on re· newed faith, special friendships. opportunities to fulf1)l long-standing ambitions Family member provides inspiration and you learn meanin~ of "loyally " CANCER !June 21 -July 221 Supersor appears indecisive. Key now ii. to be flexible and to display versatility Social encounter proves boon to career Give full play lo intellectual curiosity Gain indicated through written material LEO (July 23·Aug. 22>: Blocks to progress will be You'll h ave greater freedom of thought.. action_ .F.ocus...~n tr.av.el. long distance. communications and publishing Aquarius. Scorpio and another Leo fi gure m scenario You recoup loss. VIRGO c Aug. 23·Sepl 22 >. Your ability lo perceive potential surges to forefront Emphasis on emotional involvement. financial analysis and You can Charge DAILY PILOT Classified Ada 642-5678 Did you ever have nails long enough to break? Let our new man_flcunst make your nails look beautiful SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF MAY On our Nurture Nail -Normally $40 MOW '30 dealings with Gemini. Sagittarius and another Virgo Member of opposite sex aids 1n focusing on ob1ect1ves LIBRA <Sept 23-0ct. 22>: Maintain low pro- rile Contractual and other obligations come into clear focus Time #s on your side. Know it. 'Play "a1tsng game I:.egal maneuver dominates ~cenctno You'll make important domestic adjust ment. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov 21 l . Be realistic m connection with )Ob, basic issues. dependents. Pisces, Virgo natives play important roles. Keep resolutions concernmg diet. nutrition and health. Define terms. cla rity objeclives. Dress for oc· casion 1 SAG ITJ'ARIUS C Nov 22·Dec. 211 · What had been elusive now comes w1thm reach Bring forth creative resources, impnnt personality, style. Capricorn, Taurus. Virgo natives play key roles . Romantic interests and children Ci~ure in exciting scenario. 1 CAPRJCORN CDec. 22·Jan. 19): What had been an annoyance is removed Emphasis on res· 1dence. family, security and employment. You now are ready for "cold plunge" into future. One who aided you in past· 1s due to make reap- pearance Che~k is in mail' AQUARIUS CJ an 20· Feb. 18): M ak1e i'lquiries. Get views on record. Stress independence, originality Deal with Leo, Aries and another Aquarian. Telephone call could result in short trip. Your position is strengthened as r esult of spedal document, legal contract. PISCES <Feb. 19-Mar. 20>· Analysis of data verifies views. People you respect will seek your financial guidance. You could have "Midas Touch .. You gain by sharing knowledge. Sense of direction is reinforced You locate article that had been lost, m1ssmg or stolen. MIDICAL TIAM Mimi VOLUNTE1RS WITH · DEPRESSION A Medical Research Team is studying the ~of an anti-depressant medication. 11 WY• tm MJ•IB STiii: Volunteer• mu1t be over 18 vera of age and exPtf'l•nclng depteNion (feellng lad or blu• for any rwaon) ror at leaat 4 weel<a. ·~I WILL llC.YI A ... brief phy•lcal examlnJtion. EKG. lab t"t•. eye examination, chelt x..,.ay, medlcetlOn and villt• with • profenk>nal. Cal 71 4 752-5928 '· 752·5926 Specdal parabue ~ tall -~~ =.r==.t::_ Save on a collection of Oriental blinds Liven up a roo~ for spring P1l'r 1 ·s plants and blinds shake ocr the doldrum., or wantc-r Look at these sale prices! .... TortetM M11&oa. • ...... 9llck 388 • 4 88 • 583 288 7 88 4 88 10.88 688 15.88 8.88 l888 • • 10.88 ·~ Ficu• Be.gamtaa ~~~W.lnlfD . Pier.1 111ports · fike home a touch or tbe tropic• In a !l gallon tub. Wtth a little care and lot.a of admlratJon your plant will thrive. Guaranteed for \lO day1 or your money back. 1888 ' ' • ' THE fAMIL\' CIRCt:~ "Birds ore very useful. They eat harmful insects and br9<JdcMt1." ll.\Rll.\Dl'ki; by Brad Anderson ... ~ .- by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Th• gr .. test c1ddy I ever had!" "We ... and that Includes YOU ... are on an austerity budget!" ·'Look at it this way . . . Every time-I come in here. our back yard gets CLEANER!" .ll'DGE Pi\RkER 1 EA'T TOO MOCH I l eLEE.P TOO MUCH ANPI PON'T E><ERCl9E Kr Al.L. MOO~ Ml'l..LINH PSST, M>.MIE·· I i HINIC l SEE A PRoW~Efit. 'TMERE.'S CERTAINLY ROOM FOR IMPfWV'EMENf .; . by Harold Le Doux PMNtTS HE~E'S lHE llm.O WAR r FLVIN6 ACE SOAAIN6 O'JER TJ( ~N FROO Tl'MBLE" £ED8 AUNT FRITZ 1--- CAN I HAV E A PHONE IN MY ROOM? GORDO ~! I ~ll.L&O 1".-, ~1.:f ! .. - o·---· I NEVER HAVE AN Y PRIVACY WHEN I'M ON THE PHONE J -m1~ IS~'f GOr~ TO WORK ! by Charles M. Schulz • ~ ~ ~RO'JWER IS A POOR 8LIAAER ! by Tom K. Ryan ; I I: n tl by Gus Amola bfKevin Fagan . , J ......... ..._ ............ OceoMde Fednal Pr•lidnt Jock W. DailbeU, cenln, "*'°9 ~ toith Padfic Fednal cludrman, Joe G. Balwr, left, and pratdent, Venw PotUr, rigid. Pacific Fed to merge again S&L to file documents joining it with · Oceanside Fed. Pacific Federal Savlnes & Loan AsaoclaUon has formally announced plans to mer1e witb Oceanside Federal Savin1s & Loan Assoclalioo. Representatives of both aasociaUons will file mer1er documents with the Federal Home Loan Bank in San Francisco, governine body for federally chartered savines and loan astoelations in Cafttornia. The new assodatioo will have total assets of more than $1 .7 billion, combining Pacific Federal'• more than Sl.2 billion and Oceanside Federal's $4.SO million. At that aize, the combined association will be the sixth largeat fed"rally chartered savings and loan in California and amon1 the top 40 assoclati<wt nationwide. CHAJlTERED IN 1811, Pacific Federal baa 40 branch office locations in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San BernardJno and 5an Die1io coun· ties, Oceanside Federal bas 20 branch office loca-, tions in San Diego, Riverside a.Ad Orange counties. "In light of the many new services now offered by savings and loan associations, w .. declded that we can best serve the needs of our customers from a considerably broadened financial and geo- graphical base," said Joe G. Baker, Pacific Federal chairman of the board. "Our greater size will mean added strength and customer conve· nience." sumer loans, in addition to lnterest-earninc check· Ina. ••wE WANT TO STRESS that this merger represents tbe coming together of two hithlY auc· ceuful savings and loan uaociationa to aerve the common interests of both consumer bases,'' said Baker. "We haff decided t.o retain the name Paclfi~ Federal," be said "becaUJe we beUeve lbal name best reflects our expansion Into a broader marketplace and embodies the future goals of our company." Baker said the Oceanside Federal bead· quarters faeWty in Oceanside would become an lm· portant regional center ln the combined assocla· lion. lo the combined asaoctation, present Oceanside Federal President Jack W. Daybell will become vice chairman, finance. Baker wlil retain his UUe as will Pacific Federal President Verne F. Potter and Executive Vice President Robert M. Johnson. ON APlllL Z, Pacific Federal merged with San Bernardino-based Santa Fe Federal Savln1s and Loan Aaaocialion. That merger boosted the combined company to 21st in California and 11st nationwide In terms of S&L assets. Baker said that the combined auoclalion will be offering tel4!phone bill-paying, credit cards. I im~~:; m;;: exped~ CM· A corporate office for Pacific Federal ii under construction in Costa Meaa at the former site of McNally High School, on 19th Street between Newp0rt and Harbor boulevards. PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUfo llUllN81a MMW ITATIMllNT PUBLIC NOTICE MUtllCJ ll'A&. couaT Of' CA.U~IA COUNTY Of' CMIAMa MA• ... ~CXMINTY JUOICfM. 0tna1CT .,., .• ~ protected LOS ANGELES (AP> -"You wouldn't take SS,000 or $10,000 In cash and put It out on the sidewalk and leave it unprotected all night," says Rufus "Tinker" Whittler. "But that's what people do with their can every night." T,,. fol_..~ Is tlielftl INll---,.MIERICAH INOUJTlt1A\. SUll'· 11'1. y . t .i Mor.. St., W.1111\lllUar. CAf'Jm. Wllllem It ........... Jr •• '112 It-Or., H_..... a..cll, CA .... Tiii$ ...,._It c.OftdWlell..,., 1 ... •lv141oel. Wllllem a. "8Mll..., Jr. Tlllt •18--llled wllll t .. c-w Cl9fll Cit Or .... C:-y ... April Jt. ltll1. ..,.11 .. 11'111111.,_. Ore .... CNtt Delly ....... ...., '· •• 15.12. "'' ...., ..... J 1 .CllMmnlle ... ll'L.AINTU'I"; SKYWAY LllASINO, INC., e Cal~e~liltM 01.l"llNOAMT : IMILY ITAllllCMAN, OOH l·X, lltGl.UStVI IUMllllOed CAHNO....,. NOTICll Yew -..... _., Tll9 G-1 _., ~ ... eeu-1 -.._ -....,. llelllftl ""'-,.. r......------------' •fl"'n • de'fL ....... lftfermeti. PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI llUllt1811 8'AM8 ITATaMaNT TIM lotloWlftt ,..._ la t11e1ft1 Wll· ,....n: belew. lf'l'Ollwtllll .. _.U.ed¥1nelM ett_., lft ""' metWf, !,GU --H Pr•-''' • tMt ~r wrttte" ..._, .. ..,. -y119f1Mtl .. "-· AVISO, U..... M lltlle -•U1, II trl...n.\ "'9de dedcllr coMr• Ucl. Orange Coalt DAILY PILOT/Friday. May 1. 1981 •• ~hool to -'sell' grad!J8tes Rochester University promotes students By .IOBN ctlNNIFJP .~ .............. NEW YORK -Tbe que.Uon aroee over tbt role ot a 1cho01, whet.her lt wu wise to tranJrer fundl from atrlctb acacleqilc endeavors to more mundane matten, aucb u "'MlliD&" ltt J?aduatet. Dean William ff. Meek11QI, Graduate School of Mana1ement, Unlvtnlty of Roc,better, wu 1kep. Ucal, but M. AliMO McGrath. plaeeiMnt director, won him over, arJUin1 that tt pays t.o practice what you teach. And ao 1 deleaatton ot pro. fe11or1, admlnlstratlve aides and 1tudeeta hired rooms at the Hilton Hotel and tnv~ cor· porate recruiters to a reception, followed by Interviews with tbU year'• sraduatln1 class. WITH D~MA.ND A.ND sup- ply in balance, ''we bad to be assertive," said Ms. McGrath, heraelf a relatively recent col· le1e graduate. CUIOOPP "What we did " ahe explained •·wu apply tradlUooal markettrie tactics to selllnl the busi· ness school to eet a bi&aer share of the market." Meek.Ung beamed. The $5.000 or so, be sald, was well spent. Thirty i\ludenta, all of whom paid their own room, board and travel expenaes, were exposed to more corporate hlrera than they could have seen an weeks on their own. Twenty-four comp,.nies that had not recruited on the Rocbeater campus came to look the students over. RICHARD LILL, %3, a triple major in cor· porate accounting, finance and economics, said it expanded his horizons. Previously, be said, he was content t.o stay In Rochf'sler. After the interviews, bis optiom greatly enlar1ed. He conceded, ··I might have been limiting myself." Christopher L . Snyder, vice president of Data Reaourcea and bead of its New York operations, was so pleued he said be would consider a finan- cial contribution to the next Rochester venture, already,,lanned. Data Resource•. a consulting company that is sometimes call~ the econon)ist's economist. is youni -everac-a1e ls wider so -and tut· 1row1.n1. It recru,JU 50 muten la) bUalifnl ad· mlnlltra~ esctr year. . SN'YD!a, WHO LOOU over moet of the top scboola, llked what be saw. "At tb1s ,tcbool )'~ can h.lre a eraduate tor SZS.000 to t:al>,000, comp11ed with tp.000 to $40,000 for • ffal'vard MBA." bt aald. uat1 Resow-cu htres H.anard &radl -It was foWMled by Ott.o Ecut• of llarvard -"but at that prtce we're not 10 excited," tald Snyder. Moreover, Rochester'• MB.Aa are 1tron1 in finance llDd 1ccounlin1. wb1c.b &yder , .. ma to like: "We need atrone analytical 1kl11-," be said, ''and 11tron1 entrepreneurial 1kill1, too.'' New employees are expected to be team leaders (at maybe M0,000 a year ) wit.tµn two yeatt, be said. They must be problem solvers. and know bow t.o meet with clients. ROCHESTER'S DECISJO~ to eo out aad meet the market rather than watt for the market to come to it ls praised as innovative and maybe even unique, but It is just good marketln1 practice, aa)'s Ms. McGrath. The school, ahe explains, knows it baa somethln1 to Offer, even if some timid recruiters have avoided the campus' winter snow and lee. With enthusiasm, she points to a ranktn1 of busi- ness schools that puts M.l.T. first. Rochester fourth, Stanford fi.tt11 and Harvard 10th. At first, said Mecklin&. the business school utUizejf the services of the univeraity'a central placement office. He establlahed a separate office , : for business students and hired Ma. McGrath to • run 1t. l When she proposed the New York plan, "I was skeptical," he said. "It would be costly, and it was not clear we would 1et benefits from It. •'There was a fundamental question of how much should we use to help students get Jobs. We're an educa( tlon institution primarily." But. said Meckling, who appreciates eood marketing, the experience convinced him that the money was well spent. Based on the results -the enthusiasm of the students and recruiters, for one -there would be more such recruiting programs, be said. Anti-counterfeit product developed . BOSTON <AP> -Polaroid Corp. has de· veloped a new product lt says will help companies ranging from the producers of Levi jeans to Cartier watches combat counterfeiting of their products. The Boston Globe said the new product, known as an "optical phenomenon," will be unveiled May 14 at the San Francisco meeting of the Interna- tional Anti-counterfeiting Coalition, a croup of 40 companies that range from Walt Disney Produc- tiOlls t.o the Federation of Swlls Watchmakers. A POLAROID SPOKESMAN, not identified by name by the Globe, said the new product can be attached to the comer of a record jacket, the hang · ta1s on apparel or the sales tax on jewelry, and cannot be duplicated except at high c~t. PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS HllHU MAMSITATIU'8MT TIW fol_.,,. --ere ...... IMAI-•: l ••• A. ASSOCIATES, '°' A..,._ It., N.-t ...... CA ftlMO • Clleri.a ldw•r• HellM•n, tot Al._. St., ......... 9Ncll, CA ftMI. ..,_.. L. ............. .._ IC.,N ......... M:fl,CAtMM. Tiii• _...... 11 cGllllllc18tl tty 911 1111lftcerPor•t.d ••to<l•tleft etMr -... ~ ...... L. Hoffm.. Tlllt ........ -1 ... wtUllN c-ty ~ .. Or ..... CeuMy ... A(M'll 2'. ,.., . • l"Hlta ll'111111111tc1 Or.,. .. co .. 1 Delly ....... ,,..., '· .. u. n. ,., ...., PlJBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE . .., NOTt~ TO talDITOU Of' MIL.It TllAldP8a IS.C.. 6ttt .. "7 U.C.C.1 ._,.., .... tsua;'PL Notk• 19 --tt.i.n lo Cf'Hllon of IM wllfllft NllNd lr_,...or Viet e lluill tt ...... 11 111111111 ... ~ ... perae11•• pro11erly llerelft•lter deecrltloell. Tiie _,,. alltl M1MM --o1 llle lnl ....... ITentfwor 81'9; AIMJI o.c ... ellw F...,ka, Inc., 16~ H•lt A.,....,., lr>l!M, CA '271•. Tiie -... M1MM-. ol IN ,,.......,. .,._..._ ere· i.-ol '"-'"· lllC •• ,.,, Seulll s.. ..... ,.. Str .. 1, 1.81 .......... CA ..... ,. Tllet .. .,,....,,, -1~ lier ... II deKrlllld "'99Mfel .. , Au-ta r9'elvMle, lrNWllAlrY .,_. •'8C:ll In lrMt,...-n li.ts......,..,...11~ c..i--. lblb 9N llinw. -I• ltc•t•o et: 1'712 "el• Ann .... lrvlM,CA'2714. Mked to describe the product in detail, the spokesman said, "Describing an effect we uy ls unique is dllficult." Other companies have developed similar anti- counterfeittng materials, but most, if not all, re· quire special lights to be seen. POLAROID SAID ITS product will be ap· parent W>der natural light, allowing consumers to assure themselves they are eetttng the real thine, and not a forgery. when they buy designer jeans or · an expensive brand-name watch. Coll\pany officials said the new material would be priced from a fraction of a cent to a few cents per item, and would not add aubst.antially to the price of an item. ---------- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH PICTIT10UUUlltlHI OF ETHEL E. BARD, NAMalTATllMCNT I k I ETH E L ...!i~'::"",..._ _ _.. E L I z A B ET H . 8 A R D NOltTH COUNTY OOMH. 2\t •. AND OF P,ETITION TO 20t.11s1 •• ~--.CAnu7. ADMINISTER ESTATE ,,.. ....-..iitt.llllllM.,tate Mete,CA'2W. • NO. A10l629. Gery YocllH, 1'7J RoH,,.•ry, T 0 a I I he I rs . C:.0.t•IMM.CA'2627. beneficiaries, creditors Tiit• ~ '' coM11Ctiet1 by e eeM•llf ...,_.,,., and contingent creditors ~ L. Pelef'lle of Ethel E. Bard, aka n•• ......-•• 111e11 wftll.,. Ethel Ellubeth Bard and c-i., Oet11 ., o.. ..... c:.-MT 911 Atwll 2'. '"'· person$ who may be f'itllt otherwise Interested In Pllllll•flH 0r ..... Coe•t oe11., the wlll and/or estate: Pt1ot. "'-Y1.t. u.~~· PUBUC NOTICE Whittier knows whereof be speaks. By bis count, he had stolen at least 8,000 cars during a lS-year career before someone -be blames or- ganized crime -blew a bole ln hb cheat with a sboteun. That seemed like a good lime to bow out, says Whittier, who is now national spokesman for an anti-car -theft procram sponsored by the Monteomery Ward Auto Club. KAT'S -LAWN ANO OAltOEH CAaE, 21$ Del Mer Ave., C•te MHe,CAflW. '"' wtllerlcJe. -.. uo. ,._. --------Tiie '""'""' by._ Mld lr811tf-R ..... iec.tltft It: AltH A petition has been filed by Richard Moore In the Superior Court of Orange County request· Ing that Richard Moore be apPolnted es personal representative to ad· mrnlst~ th• ·e1tc1te or Ethel E. Bard, aka Ethel. Elizabeth Bard (under the Independent Ad· ministration of Estat.S Act). The petition Is set for hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive. West, In the City of Santa PICTITIOUI aullN811 NAMll ITATllM8•T TIW lel-"'f ,.,._ -CIOlftt ......,....., calllomia,. uy.a Whttller.. bas amona its di.a· Unctions the No. 1 ranking u far M auto theft eoes. Almost 150,000 ears are stolen in the Golden State every yea~. he notes, with the nationwide tal· ly almost 1 million annually. "There's a car stolen every 29 seconds, so there probably will be a few stolen before we ftnish tbia lnterview," ~tier safd in an interview. ALTHOUGH MOST CARS are-stolen by amateurs, Whittier says more and more pro· fesalonal thieves are eetling int.o the buainess. Most people make it pretty easy for any thief, says Whittler, by leaving their cars unlocked. ••About 80 percent of the cars that are atolen are open, and of those 40 percent have the keys In them," he said. "The main thing ia common senae. Take the keys! U everybody die\ that acrota the United States. auto theft would drop in half." Whittier says Mont1omery Ward's H.O.T . CAR (Banda Off Thia Car) pro1r•m may also help. The company la offerinl a tr~ kit at its st.ores which includes tapered doQr lock buttt>na which cannot be "popped" w.lth a coat hancet: ldentlfteatlon•atlckera, an anti-theft handbook 11nd • membenblp ln nationwide axatem offerin1 a $1,000 reward convlcUon of a 'H.O.T. CAR thief. The stores are allO feline inexpensive anti-t.beft de· vices. ..... "rr 80VND8 LIKE a 111:.,~~cb, but lt really lan't ~-you cu eel aom for not.bin&.-Uie door lock buttons d~'t cost an)'tb.tna -and you're protectlni a car you maybe paid '10,000 for.'' be uld. • ••Abo they're oClerint a~U •wikb for 14 8Dd chant• that Witt •t.ou mQtt thtevet. You're ~I fbout $S to proteet your ~r. It comes with dir~· Uoaa ud It taka about 20 minutes to lnttall lt. Or for 112.•. t.bey'll lDltall It." Whittler also baa some free tips for car owners: -.. Park in wetl·llt anu:• -"Don't leave nJuabltl ln tbe open -put ttitm ID tbe trUnk net lock thein QP." • -"If 1ou ltlVt your tar for Mrli~·or at a •arlf~ l•ve ~ tbe lpltklG k17. Doa't lean tbe lllOM• It.,.. I used to P•>' -'°" I by to 90mebadf'1 Mme .•• -"0.•t leaH t.bOH eutomaUc 1ara1• doOt .. OJMlll-....... litW, or ~·u ta. that. aad u.. ant =:aa~~ = ,.:~ l~::a~ ~llMlfttodolafllltM~,......._ ........ ~,.a. ............ _ ........ ~ ... -............. , bt"'-t IE ........ IU Oel MM Ave., c.ta Mitu, CA fMJ7. TMe...,"' ........ dMclliel. " X. ..... IE. Ellclra Tlll• ......,.,. •• ntetl ... tlle c...,,,., c..-Cit Or .. ~ ... ~II 2', "'1. f'1'1tJt P11i.lla1Wd Ore1t .. Coe1t Delly ll'llot, ,..., 1, .. 15, n. 1"1 ,..., PUBLIC NOTICE cltflt'9 tlle • ....._ LN le I-~­_.,.., siu ........... k nar .. -.• "' _____ ._., ..... ,. fl•cei'li'l-'l•t•meftte, '9 Hh ~. -~~ ~,..... 11 ..., •19wM .............. ., .... tltfl99 . 1. TO THI OIFENOANT: A ch•ll com,i.w ,,., ...,. nleO by .. 111.,,_ llff eplfwt .,.,, If yeu wtMI .. defWltl thlt lewsutt. --· WltNn •• .,. etter ttllt -la~ .. Y9" flte ••tit""' -s e wna.11 r"""• to tM ~. UftltM -do to, 'l'eur •Miit wlH M ......... ., .. l"ICTITIOUI IMlllMIU pllc .. lwt Cit .. 114ail'ltttl .,_. ltllt ~ IUMe PAT8MSNT IM'I' 9111W 8 ,....,,.... ...iMt .,.._. lw Tiie loll-Int ,..._, e>'e ctolftt ti. rellef ..,_... lft tlW ~flt. IMitl-•: w+llcll COlllCI """'1 In 19m1-.-OI 0 AMUlA AltT ICL ES Of ...... lalftt ef-YOI' """9t'tY Of' LIATHl~P11W.1Mll.-,W.e, oltt•r rwllef requestM In 1M c..,... Celt• .... Call ........ n.27 .... , .... ltAUI. H. SOTO, IS71t ~le. O•lell Aptll 1, t• WHtml~, C.11 ....... e n1G. ·~J. WKll NINPA I.UNA eAIU.JAS, IMl 0Nti ll'em-A-. C:..te , t.ilfon"• a,._. L..-11 mt7. .,..., lteul H. Se.. JOHN II'. lllAll'IU.0 TM1 --lllell wltll U. "'42 aMCll ~ t C-lf Cl•rll 01 Or .... ~y Ill Hv1111 ...... a.di, CL ftM1 A.,11 •• '"'· ... .,.,. 17141 ........ ll'w&»llNtl 0r.,.. c:-t 08!1'1' ll'llot. PIMIMM 0r.,.. C.O..t 08!1'1' ,.IOt, 4"11It,17,J4,M8Y1, 1tl1 1 .. Mll'I' 1,1, U,D. l"1 tm41 PUBLIC NOTICf: PVBtlC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI eVllMUI ....,. ITA.,.,..MT Tiie ......,_ ,.._ -tlielftl Mfl!llU..a: AMaUR08Y INl'li."~'"su. MJf C-MA, N8Wport ... cti, CA .... S.Mlltl ,.,.,,.,.. .. .,, lln Ce,..., New"'19Mc:ft, CA ft6a. Slllrley lllllliMMll ........ ....,, .., CMW, "-1 llMdl, CA.,.._ Tiiis ....... II condlKted by 911 lft. tllvlclMI. SMMI lwilNrPt Tllh .........,. -flied wit!\ IN c-ty Cletll Of Or .... ~l' Oft .-.rll 2', ... , . """' 11'11111111\H ~.11 .. CHal Oefly ll'llOt, ,,,,.., 1, •• "· n. 1"1 .o2.t1. PUBUC NOTICE C>Kwetl,.. F .... lca, lftC, TMI ulcl 1111111 llMlf« II i..... le llrt c_....... .. IN effke Of: 8cnlltHI Tillt atpor8llo1t, )ttO Wllllllre Bollln1nl, l.M .......... celllorftl,e tOOIO on ot 81\tf' 11111'( tt. .. .. Tll• ne,,.. ·~ Mldrftt ol Ille ..... .., Wllll ....... , ... _ _., .. llletl la ~ Tiiie C:.,..rltltft, JtlO Wllanlre ••wlev•rd, LOI AntelH, Callfoml• MIO -IN le1t ,..., fer llllftl ctel-""' .. ., c'"''°' llWlll lie Mey 21, 1"1 wtlkJI 11 IN MlMH dey....,. .. ~fM­ tlon clel• 1PKHIM ellovt. A"U Com-P811'1' end ,...,. ............... llUll- IMH H Altell~y. 5o lw • Is "-to uld 1111-Tr_r_ ...., lllltndecl Tr_,_ ..-1119 .......... ---bull· MM,,_ erlCI 8tllllr-wltlllft Ille """"""Mist pnt: t Oelet1:•11t7,1t111. lMllol f elltlU, Inc:. ., ,,,,.. ~.ti • ..,... .. NIW"°"T KAll801t $ttlll'YAlt0, UJJl&t. ..._,, CA llM&. ~ How•r• C.-11 .,.._ Ill, 1141 .....l•• Wey, ........ tt .a..11, CA ftMO. Mic_, 0. lleln. fltl llwtl.....,., L .. ~CA'°°" Tiiis _..,... II c--. ., e ........ ~,. H_,, C. al"'°tl 111 Tllll 11--.t -llleO wltll IN C:-t'I' °""' °' °' .... CellMy ... A&><ll "· 1tll1. Ana, California on May ,.111111.,,.. 0,1111,. c ... tl:!r.: 27, 1981at9:30 A.M. 11'1101, ,...,1,1, 11,u.1t11 1tOM1 IF YOU OBJECT to the ---------- granting of the petition, PUBLIC NOTICE you shoOld either appear .--------at th• hearing arfd stete PICTITIOUS8UllUU your obJectlons or file NAManaTaMaNT written objections with :..'~IOWlllO -1"" 1• •1111 MA· the court before the hear· ltlENT ••• T"OU.IN ANO Al-lnw-. Your appearance IOC•ATI'" ms. ar ..... ,.,._,...,. be I b itl,C:..IA-..,Cal~,.._ may n person or Y UHT a . TltOl..l.aH, a••~ ""' your attorney. strHt, Newport .. ec11, c.11,... .... IF YOU ARE A'*'· CREDITOR or a cont-Tllll~lsC>lfttlllc"4fltyM~ ......... lngent credit« of the de· tc...e .. Trt11e11 ceased, you must file Tiii• ......_. .. •• w1111 ... your claim with the court cov"'" Clet'tt o1 0r-. CouMy 111 or present It to the Aprll2',t"1. """• ~rsonal representative ll'W!llNtl ar-. C"...c ~ ,....._ appointed by the court ...,,,e.u.n."'1 •1H1 within four mq,ths from . \he d6Se: ot flr.sJ Issuance i ~ tullUC ~O'J;ICE of left.,.. as provided In · ,.. Section 700 of' the Prot>ate . f'ICTITI:,.~ .... Code ot camornla. The MAM8STattm'" 4lme for filing Claims Wiii TIM tllleo'#IDI ...... ere tlet119 nol exph-. prior to four i.u.t= •1 months from the date of ••¥•~~~~:"::~~ th• heiring noticed Ao1t11•. lllll• c. C•••• M•H1 above ClllfM!le--. YOU MAY EXAMINE OllW..OJ.'°'-llA.-c.illllK fl' k t ..., t-rt A••1111•1 swtt• c. CHt• M8H, the t IP .. ., ,,. cou . cailftNN-... If you ,,.. lnttf'ftted In CLt,.,.o•o MANUa1.. HH the tstlt., vou may flle • ~.:::.:=· ._.. c. c.-......, rtquest with the uu(t to '"'• .__ 1t ~'" ~., • reeelve IPKlll Mltlce of 1 .... ,_......_. 1he Inventory bf tttet• as· · :::t;:: Mti and of tN petitions~ tllh .........., .. ., ... wtt11 ... 1ccounts and reports c-1, c..,_., 0r..,.. c:.wty • descrlb1d In S•ctlon ~" .. ""· 1200.5 of the Callfor"fe ~er..., o.. o.ii~': Probilte Codie. ~ 1, 1, 11,.,,. .... Trem•hH,, Slte•ll. ltroUd & •Mttlftl~ ...,..ymt Law, WI OUH Stnet, ttll l'IMr I.ts A•I•, CA ... ,~ CttJ> '21·Z111. PubHahod Onno• COHt Delly Pttot, Mft-.11 2, 1, ttl1 207M1 ' . ,.;-'"' .. ExecUtive escapes John Ca.stalucci ltonds to one o/ the vintage biplanes M flus recreabono.lly dunng break3 from hU job as preftdent of Long Beach-baaed La Mesa Energy Corp. ' ~ MALIBU <AP) Wher~ does a sue cessfu1 busin ssmao ao to aet away from it all'> Everywhere - " Vou fly ~cross a rid&i in th~ Al · r leghenies and suddenly there's the most be1.ulJful val)ey you've Qver seen," .nys John Castlilucci •·when you ao over lhf Grand Tetons, they look like knaves end tork& 11taod mg up pn end Then you clro1> down into Jackson Hole, Wyomtna and it's just like a roller-coaster ride " On the ground, Castalucci iJ pre$idenl of La Mesa Energy Corp • a Long Beach-based gasoline marketinf company be'~ buUt rrom $2.S million to $100 million m sales over the lest six years. But to escape. the S7 year·old bachelor lakes to the 1ur ln ooe of his two hand-built, World Wu l vintage biplanes. "THEY'RE TRJ('KY to fly and they're exciting," he said. "They basically fl y like little righter planes or World War I It s real seat-of-the-pants flying, JUSl as il you were back an the days or the maalplanes ... Castalucci, who laves in Mallbu, has hopscotched coast twice in the las t two years, seeing the country an 300 mile stretche\ between refueling stops "Tht·rc·s a tremendous amoun' of satis ractwn m flym~ around the country to ull kind> or smaJI alrporta in au kinda of ter rain," he said "One minute you're roa1Un1 hol and the next you're freezin1 cold Your mind is lotaJly on Oylna and making sure you do the right thlngs, because in these _planes you don't have tlme t\> make a lot of mLs I Ukl'll " CA.b,.i\LUCCI STUDIED economics and Jaw but went str••abt into business after law school by borrowing enou&h to buy a am~ll c·om pany which sold plumbing supplies Ao manufacturers of recrea1lonal vehicles. Ke rcver8ed &lumping sales and reallzed a sub· stanllal profit when he sold out three years later, The Arab oil embargo bit shortly thcrt'after, and Castaluccl decided gasoline marketing was a growth business. ·'It was an Important industry and It loo.kt>d a.., 1r aggressive competition was a \\'I') big fac:tor, as if you could grow with the rag ht kincl of effort." he said "We still ht•llt•ve at~ a ~ro~lh industry' La M1·sa 1s o;llll expanding, and Castaluc- <'1 as Lakin~ tht• company into new growth an•as But fo1 rt'lllxat10n, he still likes the v 11 w ut 9 ,000 fel't You for~t·t about the rest of the world," hl' says ·You see ranches and farms with alfalf~Wtl\ 1nJ! in the wand JUSl like what I 1 t•ad about ~hen I was a kid ·· Conoco unit chairman concerned ahotit deregulation's future 'Our energy criSis is not o~e of ultimate. availability, but recently was selected as chairman of C'o11oco·~ marketing subsidiary in the United Kin~dom ·"For some companies and some 1nd1vruuals. the impact wall be painful The inefCtcwnt will not survfve." he says ·one of lack of control of our national destiny.' HOUSTON iAf» Oilmen have responded to the decontrol or oil pric~ with record drilling operations, but a Conoco executive says he worries there isn't enough determination, both m government and m the industry. to m ak P deregulation stick. "On the government side, there continues to be a plethora o{ laws, rules and regulations that regulators can invoke almost at will lo short-circuit the intent of the decision made at the lop," says H K Bowden. "Particularly at some COLLECT OAS CORNER R.,• Cofn1 & St•mp1 GOLD & SIL VEA 4-30-11 ' -~ C .... t<la tt Sii-Ci. Sll.14 ••• _ __...._. '"' Sell Our :!4th war Kr~r-$4tt.U '*-U AUpt. u.i1 .-.JI UOI M llO Conwwt ~1J $476.JS JO P .. o, Ut6.• we1.• '°"' Sllnr ~ MO% *"' l'INANCINO NOW AVAILAILI c:.. ... ·--· (714) 556-MSO South CoHt Plaza Vlllege -......... fAu ___ C..•• """•I PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINEU NAMlf STATEMIEltT T,,. tollooWlllt per50n IS ooino Du11 Mll•l THE SOURCE. l,. So H•rbOr, !><in I• Ana, CA '1210., Jerry A WOOcl, , .. , Me.., Or •CJ,• Ana, CA '1101 T11l1 bu.,,..., ll ton<IU<•d by .,, on dlvloual. Jerry A wooo TM1 •t.-1 •es !tied ••Ill OW Co.,nly Clerk of Or6n0t Counly on April 21, "" Publi•l...i °'-CO.SI O•ily P1lol, Aprol 24 ,.,,.y I I IS 19'1 , .. , .. , a Auto & Homeown1-rs .~;_;..-. Quotes By PhOnf' f MMW INSURANCE "-~IOUP 541-5554 or ll5-l437 19 I 4 Hcrbor • Cotta PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 1- N1JIU -f'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS f'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS I MAME ITATUUNT NAME STATEMENT Tiie tollowit19 1Mroon1 trt doing TM loll-Ing per'°" b 001119 butl bu&1neu .. neuu ' FULLl!RTON COltPORATE LAOO INVeSlMENT COMPANY PLAZA, llJO &rOGa.Nll-Orl\I•, Sullt 4• CanyOfl Island Or Ive Newport 100, ~It A"'9. C.IHO!'niat21AS.., CA '2AO TIM e.rao, Chlldr11n_It.-t <.Jt '"°'"""', 44 C...yon ISl•ncl Donald Gr••-. Tf\IUM, R_ .... Or Ive. N-' &lt<ll, CA 9166Q Wells, UI Soutll Fl-51,. .. , LOS T llll butl.,.u " ConduCl.O by .,, on .t.ngelu, CMllOfnl• .0012 dlvl<lu•I. Herbert W l(almbacll IOS. San Tllo<oltonl-'CICI lle90 Orlvt Newpor't B••tll, Tiii• U1t1rnent WA\ 1111<1 with ti. C•lllornla '2MO Co.,nly Clerk ol Oronoe County on No"""" ... Ztlll.,, U741 u S.rre, Ai><11'10 ltll lagun• Hiiis. C•lllOfNt UUl l'l .. Jll TIM I(,,_'-"• e Ctll ... .W. PubllShld Or-Coul O.llv P1101, P1rtneril\lp, Olw 8r-llOllow Orll/t, Aprll 14, M.y I I U, ltll 1'~1 Stnta AM. CllllOfnta U70S PUBLIC NOTICE ltOTICI 01' TltUSTlllE'S SALll NO.T-,_J Otl Frld9y, ~V 22nd, ""· It • U 1.m., HOM£ FlfOEAAl ,$AVING$ ANO LOAN AS$0Cl.t.TION OP SAN DIEGO, I CorPOflllon, 11 TrvtlM un der that ONd of Trust O.led Jun• U, 1f7', eJCKllled Cly Fr4fflk G. Slier, All Unmarried Mall 1nc1 reco,.,,.d June >t. '"'· .. 1 .. in.ment No 4012A 9oo4' 117'1 P-1441 o4 Offklal Aecord1 Of Orange Ceunty, Miil• of Clllllotnla, •Ill ••1114 publl< we lion lo 1111 lllQNtl "40.r for <Mii ll'o lfwilll _, o4 Ille "nlieel ~. at lllt lronl Wltr.n<• 10 the old Or.,,o-County GourlllOuH, loottcl on Sallla Ma Blvd., 11e1w .. n srwm0f1 St. 4llld llromwty In tM Cl· ly ot Alla, Covl\tr of Qrangf, SIAte of Gllltoml1. all i1911t, title 41'\d 1111-1 _.,._ lo alWf -lleld 11y II ...... , Mid Deed of fNll, hi Olal Pf'• C..oree w C.111\aml, ,1322 Mo<\ ltr•r Strffl, South Laguna, CAllllOl'nle ,,,17 Tiiis buslnHt h t ondutted by • ..... ,.1119rtntf'lfllp ~oew c .. t~1 PUBLIC NOTICE N-7DU NOTICS 01' SALi 01' al,AL P'ROl'l!ltTY .t.T l'ltlVATI SALi NOoA·IMIH lower lcv'ds, 1 here as lht' dear impressjoo very little has c:hangl'd " On the industry ~1de. ht• adds. there are a lot of pt.'oplc wbo ha\ e never known anything but c.·ontrols during their clreer!- "CONTROLS HA VE rewarded mediocrity and created vested interests, ' Bowden contends "Our industry has lost some of Its daring " The return to free market competition will hit ~ny of those~~_?ple hard, says Bowden. who EXECUTIVE SUITES JADE MANAGEMENT 881 Dover Dr .. Suite 14 NEWPORT BEACH 714 -631-3651 . PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTltACTOltS CALLING f'Oll llOS Sthool 01\lrlcl COAST COM MUNITY COLLEGE OISTAICT ___ J SutERIOll COUltT 01' Tltlf Sf.t.Tt 01' ULI l'OltNl.t. IN .t.NO FOlt THE COONTY 01' OllANGE BONNIE BRISBY BllLY 81t1sev. PATRICIA BRl~8Y Ptarnutk .. I VIRGINt ... ANA'tA 0• VIR(,INIA . or-. county, Ot<. It. 1t1t, ·-I~. P119t l<lt,J.M Angelat Co. Jan 17, ltl0, look1', P't9t....UO lb) P'lalnllfh fin• C:•uMd • name -<II to .. t~IN tf UM la. rotlt Of •U 5' 'CM'll•fl ff C:.li19mle I( oe1tm11ne ewfll•Otlp fl Mt tHI .,._ pertr 1111nro1 Hid cour\lle-. ceu..r • P\llllkltlan ... ,QI ., l•leptl-nlll'lltltr• lffd/IW MOrtt•I Ill ell ~C_.llto1Ctt1'9""-': He notes a rash of refiner) rlosmgs followed President Rl·11 gan's Jan 28 executive order terminating oil pnce controls eight months at\ead of schedule "THE\' INCLUDE NOT only small pnvate l) owned refineries which were offspnngs of federal controls, but also older inefficient refineries of major companies." Bowdtn says "But painful as 1t is. lhls rationahzalion of our industr~ needs to OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HEW YORK t ... Pl Cirli<O NASDAQ quotatlOM Cll1SoG• 1t10wltt11 ltl ..... 1 bld1 ClllUIA and lo-I Oft.,.1 by CllJUIB m1ru1n\llLt.,11 of Cl.,kJL fllurl, Pri«'I do nol CIOwCp 1n<l...S. retell MtrkYC> C.OlrTI• ..,.,kdown "' umm ColG>hol •Hlon 10< Thurta.y Sto<k Bod Mk ComC111 .. l!L Ind Ul't I~ CmlS/lr "FAProt ..... tVI Cmwlel "VM CP ~ S C01'Ptp I "«uray 11 uv. Cord•• "ddlw>W 1) ., • .., Cro1Tr• ' "dvllou ·~ •'6 CullrFo 1 ""'8"' ~ Jt'"' Cytllron AlellAle> :M t lH• 0.nlyM "ll<oln< 41 Q OttOH I ..11,ne '"' ,,. OaylM•• "'ii•• ~ '" 08ffr !~:::· $~~ '~" 8:~t~~' "GrHI 13'·a 14 OeweyEt'" • 4' lntGp .. , , .. \'> Ol•Cry> "'Mitro• ~ 70\ro Oo•nCru 4'N1llns 14\1 u~ Oocull 1 ,.g.,.., • ~ W • 0o11re;., .. RnM'o 20 20· .. OoylOB ' "W•ldnO ... ,. 10 Ounk1nO .. mstn8nt ~ H Ouror" • .. n1dllo II'" II~ E•Orl•f .. ngSA """ ""-E•tnVnco ~~~Gd r~ ~~ EconLal> 4pldZllt 21 21 EIPHEI 4rdlnGP ~ l.,, EldlrBe ... MICOll ~ J1 l EltNucl 411GtLI 1.._ 14~ El-ul .. lll nRs 20\• 20"• EnrO.v B••rdCp u•, .,,.., EnrMetllO 8tlltPP 12•• IJ"" E1'Asv 8engH E 10 10• • Entw1111 8HICRt g I l ''t EqulSL 81ulFr n •-. zn, EqtOll 81yl1MI< 11''> il\O FSC 8MllM "' ·~ F•Drln BenlP11 1 7 I " F 1rmGp BenllyL )9 ,,.,. Fldl<or 8elJL•b 51 \<o S2\o4 Ft8k5vs 8evMgt IS'• u" F18osln 81b0Co 111·. 12 FtEmpS OlrdSo<\ IS•t It FIWnFln Blrt<llr •"-•111 Fl198IU 81yvoor U''> U" Flltkgr 8onanuo S''° U• FlotlPnl 8rwTom s J'l't. Jt\11 Fl1NFI• BuObH IO'llt ""' Flurocb I 8ulf1l1 42 '1~ FortttO 8urnupS "''• ••~ Formklll CHI.. Fin 2~ , .... l'ranfl~p CPT C<P g }1\0i FrlAILEI GalW&~ 11Vr~ F...SG C.nraclH >"4 at\ F,..,,nt • Cap Eno FullrH8 l I i.t• 1~ G•I•• yO t1 llY> GnAutm 2V. 21.>t GnOevcs IS"' 161'1 GnR1E1t 2~ 1" Oovf.f"n 1~ 13~GrttnM i 11 GreyAdv v" Glllfttlt 11 ~~ ~:~e:iri Cl~ 14 Hardwlle ov. •7~ Hr11Row MUTUAL FUND C:•.,.... an a-1 -ell w lie tillChclfld 1J1 ... ",,.... llWtWMI~ (o wllt<l'l 11\(ludlf c11«l11119 ~ r• tltfrtli.11 In 111 Je ~•It. ~ M•fll Of Molbl' YtllKI• ... ,ell f« rt 1111-0 wtll<l•t, • ""'' ,.,,.11,,. • •net WICt 1911t'#M 141 Wltfl PtrltNI 'Ol'llt<I of klllwfl Ptt-l t*de• ti ly llrief Matcll tN lllQWlrlf1, Pl•l"Oll't llaft 41/t~ nl rMl ~· -t't er p11t9GIWI ll'ICl9i1Y ner •ht ....... ,, ~lallOfl ""' 41l191\tly --... ~ ........... ,~ .. ... happt'n. needs to run its course. lo ensure a str<mg. hl0<.1lthy induslr) to serve the need of the publi~ CffH'il'ntly •• Bo" den says that allhou&h there is curre ntly• surplus of gasoline and crude oil, the Unitect States still has an enl'rgy crfsis to solve. .i-Our energy crisis. 1s not one of ultimate uva1labihty, but one ol lack of control of our nHl1onal destiny. he says HE SAYS THE United States has the energy rl·~11urccs lo meet its requirements for man)' Cl'nlunl'.'s, but the nation must "move ahead on a hroad array of altem<ttives.. and make every effort to let all energy ~ources compete fully " .. NASDAQ SUMMARY OOWN> LAii 3 1 • ) . .. . 3 2 , llllt 1V. 1~ 5 "" :•11< ,.-. ..... . .,., 5~ S''t 9 '"' ..... 13\lo l '" 2"o .... JV. l'Jo cno > .. 1 ... .. ... v. ...... S-16 \4 ..• ... " ... ~ "' ~ .... lit .. .. , .... .... -1 .. ... "' -.,. P<I 011 14 l Ott 143 0 11 Ill Oii ll 1 011 II I Off :i: Ott Off 10,1 Oii 107 Oil H Oil Off on l.l Off 13 Off I.I Off I.I 0 11 1.0 Oii , .. Oil 1.1 011 1.1 Oii 11 Oii 1. Oii 1.• OH 1.l Oft 1.l Ott 1.1 Oii 1.1 . ... t +w •• -·· •• Orange Co11t OAJL Y PILOTTFriday, May 1. 1981 s NY E COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS IWOTA~1'9Q.llD• Y•AIMltO• , ...... ,CHll(.MIDWUT .... , ... "' ..... M>&l'OM.ou•o•f ... 0 CIMC•••AYI ITOCW a •C-.... •••9 lllNUIO a Y Tfll •Ato 41110 1•tfl,.a f . .... It'• always lntere1Una t.o bear bow people Wt about you. Wbat are they really aa)'tn1 when you're not around? We NeeotJy cbeclsld tM paftl o1 Ad· vertllinf Al• mqulne to see wbat 41fferat publlca· Uon1 . are au1nJ .about· tbelx. rudep. ¥a1aunes. oewapapen and broadcaaU.O, ataUom advtrttae ln Advertlalq A•e to re,cb advertlffrt and tell t.bem T'hat sweU audiences t.bey have. Do you read Ptayboy, for example! Hqb Hel· ner'1 maauine bas a new pJtch for advertlaera. He's aayinc that wit.b the president 1end1o1 out positive signals, "the malaise Is over" and America ba1 moved from pesalmlam to Tb~ bottom line, for Playboy, 11 that "a lot of money Is eoina to be releued by conaumera" -and here's where you, 4'ear Playboy reader, with your "lust for life," · come in: ''THE MAN who now baa $500 toward that video re· corder is poised to spend the ex· t.~ .-,l-11-1 .-.-.. -llZ-----i .. tra $300. He wants to spend acain. And he wlll. For that video recorder. For that camera. For that car. For that vacation. For those clothes.·· Do you see yourself there. Playboy reader? Are you ready to spend? Bride's, a Conde Nast maeuine, informs ad· vertisers that It has a direct pipeline to an audience of panting buyers. It describes its typical reader u "the blue·cbip bride." What makes them blue ebip apparently ia their propensity to spend: Sl2.5 billion thl• year. Bride's magazine cleverly points out that ilB readers make up the "core of a S933 mUUon recesslon·proof travel market -99 percent of blue·chlp brides take a honeymoon'' (what about that poor other 1 percent?). ANYONE IN YOUR house read Seventeen macazine? Jts message to advertisers ia that they should buy space in the Aucust back·to-scbool issue ~ because it's allegedly read by 9 million teen.age girls who are "about to go on one of their biggest buying sprees of the year ... Last year, according to Seventeen, these little teen.agers spent nearly 16.8 billion on "everything from shirts to shoes. from cosmetics to calculators." Once they're back in college doesn't mean they're out of reach, either. No sir. there's an outfit in Chicago, Communication & Advertising Services to Students <CA~>. which reperesents 1,3'2 coUege newspapers, and it tells advertisers this about college students: ·"They may not read their Plato, Freud or Sbakeapeare, but they always read their colleg, newspaper." Tlllt ONE THAT lakes the top prize in snob ap· peal is the publication, W, upscale offshoot or Women's Wear Daily. Its ad features an effete couple saying: ·•we have absolutely no guilt about our gilt. Rich is better. Our brandy la better. our clothes/iner, ceilings higher, wallpapers silkier . . . Are you aware that our average family Income is $82, 700? That one in five of us is a pillllonaire?" That's the common· denominator of all these messagei about audiences: they spend big. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES H~~~CAP) "IMI 0ow...i-a-.,p NIEW Yottlt IA~ -S.... .,_.._ 9"k• ~U__,. ~ lO .,.,, Mt d\afllt OI 9le f"'-mM1 active o-~ Low CIOte CllQ Hew York ~k 1!11C'*'99 IMYff, I 'ltd IOOt.16 UO ,.,_,. "1.1,,_.ft Ir~ N1t'-Wt11 at ,,_. "'8n $1. Tm 41.JS 1 !" CH.J,,_ J ... Ill< 7.S.100 1714 + \It Utl 105.10 '1 I .G !OS,,,_ 0. II ... d .tOO S714 + 't ,._ •t.17 42 06 ... ,,_ U 2 cat t '17.JOO 41~ •I"' ,,_..,. • .• .• .. . . . . . S.oJl,700 'U.JOCI ''~ + 1 Tr.., . • . • •• ""' Con ffi..2DCI 20111 • v. UtJI• ...... ·... • • • • no.soo East Kodak "2.AO )W lllo '5 1111 ,_..2,500 ..,., 5'1,109 ,,~ ~Wneor, !!;5 ea ::~ WHAT STOCKS DID ~J:it t4I ~::: ~ ~ NIW YOltlt CAf'I A/K. lO warn um11 1'fJ 14 + v. rooe_,. ~ ''"' m ,1 11 •. ,.1 /loil't84'Kad "" Anltlchfl<I J7S ~ .,. Decllnad '" AMERICAN LEADERS HIW V04lK CAii> -""'9e .... ...,_ ..., ., ......... _.......""" TIMclllr(• lll'tCM. .......... , ...., ............ .,,, ..... ......... ,...., ............. """ ............ ,, ................ ... ...... ....,.. MO<fWlll. ·-'""'-.. ..,, • ....... • v=:-r.::, I~ New llfOfl• 11 New lows 11 WHAT AMEX OIO HIW YOltK (API Ap<. lCI Advanced TodaJ, O.Cllnad m ~'rt:ru:. 11' New llltlll II ...... -. ' f'Nv. °1L 40S J2S "' n ti METALS llloif'Wy c....-~~ • ....-.u s.~ tieft• LeMa<Mtsa,....._ U..,vo~a ....... lllll-. , .. tLStV IM\alt w--11• ... • ._...... 16 cents a """'4. H Y ~ .... .., . ._ ~MllSA1troy 0&.,N y SILVER TIV'IMY H .... y~~.$11.--t .. y-e. ·Bupsai eXllitiit ; slated t . ... By iEFF PARKE• PorlunllY to show their work to the Of•...,.,.....,. public For ua, it'1 Jutl like dlaplay- l So t lb ri t South ln& paintinaa or aculptures or other me e nes ern arts Califomia rractitloners ol the del· "The art of growl~-tllonlll •tarted lcac.e an o bonsai will be on hand in China and was introduced to Japan Saturday and Sunday In AnaMltn ror by travelers around the lab or 13th \be 18th annual Oran&t' County century. They got the idea for main· Bonsai Exhibit teining miniature trees by seeln& the 1'he tw~ay exhibit Is sponsored ones growing naturally in rocky b)' the Oranae County Bonsal Society hillsides. Naturally, In Japan where a,_d the Oran1e Empire BOf\lai Socle-the space is so limited and the people (y, both member• or the CaJifomia are so artistic, bonsai erowing Federation of BopaaJ Societies, re· became very popular. putedty the thl~d laraest in the ~orld. • • Bonsal andt you pronounce it T he free eithiblt wlU be held 1n the • k i l Btookhurst Community Center 2711 bone-iai, has ta en .on a spec a C ' popularity in California in the laat W. reacent, Anaheim. few years with so many people mov- Approximately 100 bonsai will be ing to apartments There are four exhibited, ranging In SIZ&,.(rom the . c' I d tiny "mame" bonsai measuring 6 club~ in Ora.nge ounty a one, an inches, to the full-sized California ~hey re g~o~ing ~II . the U~e Grow- junipets measuring 3 reel tall mg bons&J 1s a difficult lhin.1 to do, SeveraJ exa~ples of "Saikei,.. but the ~esults can be fantastic. I aaw Japanese landscapes done In trays a bons81 two weeks ag~ at a Buddhist (not considered true bonsai by Temple, gnarlt;<f beaut1rully, that the puriats) will also be shown owner wouldn t sell for less !~an HtghUahts or the show include a SS0,000. It was out or lh1s world. he demonstration of "mame" bonsai by said. Larry RagJe president of the KoFu The Orange County bonsai clubs of· Bonsal Kai ' and dirt'ctor or the fer .classes to help new enthuaiasu Colden State Federation, who wlll begt~ _ lhe long pr<?cess of becoming dwarf l t t m · t t lh 1 prohc1enl at bonsai a P an ° In ° 8 po e 5 ze "Some people have a sensitivity to or a tea cup ·t .. ·d M II "A with As a 1rand finale. Francis Watari, 1 • • S&J oe er. nyone Fuchsias focus The Nauonal Fuchsia Society, Garden Grove Branch, is set to meet at 7 30 p.m Tues- day in the Garden Grove~ommunJty Center, 11300 Stanford Ave , Garden Grove. r The meeting wlll feature a dlscusaion of fuchsia culture by club members. For more ln· formation, call 827-8605 or (213) 596-32'4. Property Being Sold NURSERY Liquidation Sale presadt>nt of the Oranie County artistic talent lea!°"s rast. My cluses Bonsai Society and tt'Bcher will con-stre_ss the theor~t1cal approach -we . ' begin by learning about tools and verl a !5 year old juniper Into a pots loOR before we attempt the basic Earne Moeller shows off his bonsai plants All Specials Subiect to Supply on Hemet bonsai for the RUt'Sls Sunday ofter straight trunk technique. Jt takes 8 noon few years to become good at bonsai. Saturday at noon, James Barrell, The most difficult part to understand founder and first president of tJ:le is design Anyone can learn technl· Golden St.ate Bonsal Federation, will que... · Give fuchsias a Pinch SAVE UP TO 70°/o demonstrate his techniques, followed For more information call 535-7528. by a "salkel" demonstration by Tony Pinching new growth on fuchsias will force bushy growth and new wood to carry this season's blooms. Thomas . considered to be the southland authority in the field. wate r geraniWl18 ChaJrman or the exhibit committee ls Eame Moeller of Anaheim. a soft· Geraniums have the reputation or going for weeks without waler. This is true -they will . but, they won't like it In pols. especially, the geranium will give an inferior performance if water is lacking Feed roses after the first flush of bloom Keep aphids in check with sprays. • IPoken man and bonsai enthusiast for some six years. Put in that new lawn now before the hot summer weather arrives. "This is the big event of the year for bonsai society members." he said. "They're excited by the OP· Mulch around moisture-loving plants such as fuchsias, azaleas. hibiscus and camellias. ~:~ ---......... So 711M1 &.t-.-~ T,..... St_,, .t YOUf' °'°'w fCeM Stor• ....,_'"' YOVI At••! COITAMUA641-1289 ·-..._.-lllllHION v~9S...()401 ,_,c...,. ... c_ .... (left 00..-l'"'l' "A•et'Y 'k•r I •"pott ... 28 8 •L WHISKEY BARRELS 17" DEEP 24" DIA. IEl!D Solid oak, steel-banded half· barrels. Heavy-duty planters. Bold Flower.a· Ready to Bloom HYDRANGEA Striking foliage. Long•laatlng blooms of white, pink or blue. (J GAL. 3.98 • 5 GAL.12 .501 Very effectlve whe n p lanted In our wooden half-barrels! [t];}1J§;lf;l;)Q Mother's Day Is Sun. May 10. Send Mom the Best Hug of All ... FTD BIG HUG BOUQUET (t Excluslve FTD hand-painted ceramic bowl, filled with beautiful fresh flowers. . We can send It almost anywhere by FTD. Del. I 11rv. ~:·::~~:~ I tie 1 • J ~:d::J. Credit cards accepted by phone. SEE US ... For all your Mother's Day Gifts. Beautiful, orlglnal sllk, dry ... , and fresh floral bouquets. Since 1946 Ha1lts}titS Nursery · Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Hook tho• snalls anti slugs~ with I ·IHAl~S Ill ... Mow the lawn to 11-'.I to 2 inches during the growing season. Don't let it overgrow between mowings Plmll in M ay Some heal loving plants seem bet· ter with later rather than earlier plantings May planted tom?toeS, for instance. often produce faster than those planted in Apnl LLOYD !i garden shop 21st Anniwersary and · Expansion Sale If YOU HA VEH"T IHN TO LLOYD'S IM THE LAST SIX MONTHS. YOU A.RE IM FOR A COLORFUL EXPERIEHCE! PATIO FURNITURE · SAVE 33 TO 3~0/o ON ALL FURNITURE IN STOCK SOD by A va11fac IMlllll9I Gal-turf LARGEST NVEMT.ORY IN ORANGE COUNTY. DRY GOODS ~ 1!l NO .,_. S2J9 • .,. .. reg '111 sus ·~ 1-. ... ' '~ 21 ll ,... ... 1, s4.15 """"1 • ll "" • • SJ J5 ....... Giii SIOIO '9J5 I IEDDIMG PLAMTS 4" Petunias "'9k 58c 4" Begonias "' 9k 58c Lobelia IPOflypec .. , l1f. ·9k 58c I 4" Fuchsia "'•w 19) GROUND COVER FLATS GAZANIA Ml•ed Colors , _.,.,~11 95 CONT AIMER PLANTS &SCALLOMIA HYIRID .. NEWPORT DWARF !Mew,,..._, .. MM.ti ' ~..._ I .... ,..._ 'l .H Mow '2.50 2111L ,..._If.fl Mow 'I.ti · st'"Aa JASMIHI I .... ,..._ •J.IO Hew 'I.ti ~ 1 -. ,..._ '12.H H.-,r 'I.ti ' A6APAMTHUS rtTH rAH I flL ,..._ •J.IO Hew 12.10 .I ... ,..._ 't.IO Hew '6.IO CHECK OUR NEW LINE OF ~col.'0R HANGING BASKETS AND PLANTER-·POTS - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $500 R...,. y.,;... old wire .,-.. with MHI -4 ... $5.00 off tl9e ,..chae price of a MW ........ ,_, M*et ,..-. fW ellClt Hw -ball&et, ... _.,,,,,,, w ........ ... .. Dally Pilat FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1981 FOR THE RECORD CS . lf .. JOHN SEV ANO ·: .. .:,-~'} :·.~ ---------~-----. ··j.h, ymce didn't have-any other c~~~ce ( .r>• I Vlnce Ferra1amo's si1ning with Montreal wasn't what be wanted to do. Just ask Vince, he'll tell )'OU. But the former Ram quarterback 1atd be felt trapped; that there was nowhere else to turn. If there had been a choice, be says, be wou~d ha e made the right one. But there wasn't. Vince claims be picked Montreal only ecause he had .. no other selection. Sure, the Ram him an offer, but it was an offer Ferragamo couldn't even consider -and there are reasons why. Ferragamo swears that the Rams' final offer was less than the one made to him lut November. And, believe it or not, money was not a factor. Staying in Loe Angeles was, however, and this Is why Ferragamo will be throwtne bombs north or the U.S. border instead of in the NFL next season. "I wanted to stay, I really did," said Fer- ragamo Thursday. "But a person can only go to certain lenaths." . In the end what Ferragamo wanted most wi::11 a ".Do trade" clause in his contract. The Rams balked, or to be more accurate, owner Georaia Frontiere balked. "Every time we eave in to something, Vince alwa~s wanted something mo,re," said G~rgia the other day. "The last thing be wanted was a ·no trade' put in his contract. That's where we stopped." · Why the Rams hed1ed on that condition is un· known. Vince has an opinion, but he's only guess· ing. , "I don't think they ever thought I'd go to Canada," admitted Vince. "I don't think they felt threatened by the free-aeent market." Reports on the Rams' final offer have ran1ed from $300,000·to-$330,000 per year for three years. Ferragamo says the team's final proposal was m\lch less than that. Interestingly, Ferragamo said the Rama did make a legitimate offer in November, but he want· ed lo wait until after the season before making any decisions. "I thought at the end of the sea.son they'd offer me a similar one ~ but they didn't," he explained. "If they haci I would have signed two days after the season was over." Ferragamo, out of frustration, went looking for happiness elsewhere and found it in Montreal "I was disappointed (with the Rams) because I felt they should have known enouah after two ' ' ' years to know whether I nt into~ future planl or oot. · ... :', "What they really ahoulb.\.\ done was sign me after the Super Bow), 111 .1980. I would bave signed for a lot less th~ 1,..~sldn1 for this past season," said Vince. , .!\< It's been hinted here in tJ\11 (OJ~n for month.I that General Manager Don Kl.Olite~an was not to blame for the Rams' failure (ti~ J1Wntn1 Vince. Instead. 1t was someone hl1hu. . "' Vince's story about a pbonf ~versation held with Georgia April 19 or th\f ·p-~nth conflrma thattheorv. • '· ·,.· "I called her because I w~&o bear it from her," said Vince. "I told berC ~Loa Angeles and everything about it add that'('.d like to work <SeeSEVANO,PageCZ) . 11•': ' . ,, .,,, : • • • f'":. Angels ~jing an open h~\lse . t , , Opponents come in, win, andJeave f ... ;; .• By ED ZJNTEL . Angels for tbetr,lillmense hitting 0tu.o.M1y~1.,... • pot e ntial 1et ·.struggling Boy oh boy, there's nothing thems elveJ; •ad other id'e•s like ~ing back home, is Th.ursday d.ight:.:'.. there? ~ ~ Lots of friendly people there to IN THE M~ ,lopsided I<* greet ya, always warm and this season, \b4' .B.•wers teed otr comfy. It's really great. on three AriRl ;pttchers for 16 Well, great for some: not so hits, entou~ t.0'~112-1 rout that · gre at for others. Like the afterward\ felt Pregosi angry Angels. Anaheim Stadium ain't and unavattal)i~ to(tbe press. exactly home sw~t borne these Instead o( i•kJ'ng the usual days. Heck, the tnmates _at San questions from tfie media corps, Quentin have a better lime at .Fregosi an1.1t. the-door to his-of.. home thafi the J\:ngels ao at fice and talked lbings over with theirs. a couple of sco(Jts. AFTER GOING 3·6 in the first Unders~l)nl ,r he was not bomestand, the Angels re.turned thrilled wt~. tt'~r the or bitting equally al Thursday night for the first o( an fault for the · l'fng loss. 11-game stand at Anaheim PerhapS'.W~ pited Fregosi Things were on the up and up the most ~~~-·ct that Angel for Manager Jim Fregosi's club hitters ag~ ~e night off in despite a loss in Wednesday's Anaheinl". Ai' ~his lime, it Billy Brawl game in Oakland. wasn't a .Maet . ugh or Rick The Angela had won two of Lanefor'd ·« 1 "Norris who three from the red-bot A's and held ·thein.,_•t.:Jl)8.1.-. -instead H were 4·3 on the short road trip. was Jerry ~e Fregosi had optimlatically · ,,. · vowed that things would be bet· ''Al/GI&''• :c8SMALLY a re· I STREAKING ROADRUNNER -Rio Hondo's Cal Berandini tries to score from third base on a passed ball in the ninth inning. Alas, this Roadrunner wasn't Quick enough, however, as . Detty,. ... ,........, ........ ic..... catcher Chris Schulz threw to pitcher Beje Mahoe in plenty of time to record the final out of the game. Golden West won, 10-3, to move into a tie for first. For story. see C3. ter the next time in Anaheim ltever, d:tdt>~ ... even ·know be prior to leaving for Minnesota wouldsta~ Wl e niebt betou last week. when P~t,e :V Jcovich tol.d But the Milwaukee Brewers, Manae~ »gb.Jf~ers he wou~ the team most compared to the be unat>le to llf~h because 2f -v.s. is plunging toward sixth place By ROGER CARLSON Of-Delfy~lwt ~ONG BEACH -Uoited States water polo .. in hot water since thia II FINA Cup tourna· ment began a week ago, returns to action at Long Beach Stare aaiaiost 1980 Olympic Games silver medalist Yu1oslavia as a solid underdoc ton11ht following ill latest frustration - Thursday's 10-9 defeat at the band• of CUb•. Yugoslavia ls .in second place behind the unbeaten Soviet Union and after Thursday's Aet· back, U .S . Coacb Monte 'Nitzkowsli says bis team ls bat· Uln1 for fourth or fifth place now -"Third ,place ls possible with wine over Yu101lavia and • Hun1ary, but that would be very toutb to do," nya Nttzkow1kl. The U.S. coach, Pf:rhaps-a bit P\llPcll.Y watching his team .:blbw ..a 4-2.lelld and fail to score with # six-on fo'lr situation ·· · when lt wu down by a goal in the crucial 1olng, added: "We can come back ana play -but really, I don't have a line on UI." a 1·S count at hautime, thanks to . three fine defensive plays by goalie Hamann, Campbell's second 1011 and singles from Jon Svencben and Carlos Steffens. FOB THE FIRST time since the opener a1atnst Bulgaria, the U.S. offense was)Qnctiontng like a well-0Ued machine. At least for those two period.a. Then a fatal lapse overcame tM U.S. as Cuba shooters beaian whippuag the ball in tJ\e net - once, twice, three times to take an 8·7 edte. still in the third quarter. · McDonald helped the cause with a steal, but then a man-up situation failed to produce, ~aln a man-up situation went · for nau~ht. then .t6e ultimate disaster. Up by two players when tw<f Cub•ns wer~ kicked out almoet . simultaneously· with '4 seconCla .left in the quarter, the lJ.S,, despite shootlni twice, could not score. The final frustration came wltb seven aecondl left ln the eame as Greai Boyer was re· (8" CUBA, Pate Cl) ' .. RUDE HOMECOMING -Golden West•s Jack Settle crashes into Rio Hondo catcher Hector Saenz while tryina to ICC>re ~ the ,. sixth inning. Despit• the ~lllslon. Saenz held on to th'e ball and Settle was declared out. THE LOSS puta Ute U.S. in place, but at the rate lhinl• have been aoine. sixth plice ii vel")''fnuch in •l1ht and a dl1tinct pc>11lbility by the·tlme • thln11 are eompleted tonllbt. the next to 1 .. t evtnint of com· petition lo 'tbla el1ht·natlon tournament. Ton1Cht'1 aame 11 at 8 : 30, the nl1htcap of a ·w aY.ward Lass, ollly fif!I!, sCi-atched ·from --1cl'ledule wbtch includu Bulearia and Hun181')' at '· the So•let UniOll Ud Spain at 5:30 and Au.trllla &Del Cuba at '7. Thunday'1 demlae waa a .tun· ner, to fty the least. for Nltakowskt and the ·American 14ua4. ~ Tbe U.S. jump.cS to a 1·1 lead oa a pair Of .101i. by Kevin ·aoberteon and Peter Cam~11·1 flit& Gt two ce.tlnuatloa . Dia.ya off 1llcll pa11e1 from Orew MClDoa.ald aad Clater> ........... .... Aiillrle-...... .., . . ., LOUISVILLE (AP) -Waywar~ La111 tb.e only filly entered in 'Saturday•• Kentucky Derby, ·waa scratched today to run later ln the day ln the Kentucky Oaks, a a.,....-old ft.lly neat. Meantime, the owsaen of F11ln1 Naabua, wbO wu blocked oUt of tbe race ThUnda,y wbeft the n1tn1 Zee Sta- ble aurprilinllY entered filly. went to stat. covt today ln a.n ef'fort to bav~ their Colt f« the DerbJ. Carl Un.a, ma.Jor\tJ owns GI FIY1n1 Zff 8'alM, Hkl today, "JI It WUD't for tbe pOllt pcl9IUoD of No. • we would uve ... to tM DilrbJ. B1llt m1 araaw, • .I .. r. soreneaa ln hit~t shoulder. A left,ha"ndu; Au1ie hadn't won a ga~e .... itarter in near· ly three Yearit.~ since Aug. 2'J, 1978 when be, ~Jt Detroit, 10'.:l on a two-~r\. A Au1te:a:m ~· ll start Qfl May 9, l\'be was rockdd by Bili m0re" · ~three r\lftS on seven bita in~il,Qipinas . ' Not exacttri;fne. but Thurt· day nlg,h~~ g~ the Angels, a star ~as .r.\ . . . '• .. ~.,, .. • I • -:. IN SEV,.,,.~ •gs, Auaiust.inle allowed' Jli1t. )ingles by Rick B~rlt$Oll . ·i )jb Ford before coming QQ ~·l4'•or of Rickey Keeton ~aµie:'&.dgers thouUt he h•tt il\Cfugh pitches by then (85). • .t. , In the m4dtrm•. the Brewel'f, who have .¥~ione battlna ~lgblb whp ~t j262 last ye~ (Roy H~U,.iJour JUYI wbo batted ~r,·. J)1 1980 ln tbe lineup, ~ t. practice on Starter ers'i I ferson, then JoJ;tn ' ~4~i. and flnall)'., Luis~ c..,· 'Every, e Milwaukee a~ t leaat One !Pt and'· , lnclud.lnc a ainaile; pJe and foer VBJ .. ' ' •t • ""' ~ ·. ~ ( . , • • ' HoweO.,us com.tail Ul· to the 1 •, JJrewera were battina ~DUI' ~ .218> 1tnat6d hr·a n1D~a" ·"run second l)l· nin~ to ctlaffif n (0-4). Yet the was •till lo COJDe. 'l1l6-• I Vih0 took, a swine ot.. Jf · uUve acore- 1 eai innl~ .... ~ the 1aD"e, <Se• :'-ase a> • it~ •• ~ , t1, ... .,,. . \ , .. c,il. "i.\d • ;; -I I 1.-' ~ D6n. ~ ... 'Preside nt Garvey,' it h as a ring to it From AP d11palebea LOS ANGELES -Los Aneeles II Dodgers first baseman Steve Garvey says be has been urged to run for the U S Senate once hts playing days are over · In an interview published in the June issue o! Playboy magazine, Garvey, 32, said he has been approached by "very hiih·profile people" in both the Republican and the Democratic parties about a political career . .. They feel that I would be a very big asset . because of personality, ac- complishments. ideals and so forth," said Garvey, who vol· ed for Ronald Reagan in last year's presidential election. •·Either I start at the U.S. Senate or nothing," be Garuey continued "Because I wouldn't have time to work my way up. I'd be 36, 37 or 40 " Being in the Senate, said Garvey, would give him a chance ·'to make this society a bet- ter place to live in for all of us. That's what I'm doing now, what I've done all my life: Develop ideas and principles that will set examples Jor people." H successful on Capitol Hill, Garvey added, he would consider trying for the presidency. "I'd -consider 1t because I know mysA! as a person and I know 1f I were elected to that posi· tion, it would be nothing short or my complete, total dedication." he said. Quote of the day Ted Turner, owner of the Atlanta Braves. replymg to criticism about the outragwus salaries he has paid and the way he has moved players around ... At m y stupidest, 1 wa~ never as stupid as the Boston Red Sox." " Gonng gets the Islanders rolling Butch Goring's shorthanded goal Iii woke up the New York Islanders, ' who then added two more second period scores in 4112 minutes, including Goring's game-winner. for a 7.3 NHL semifinal playoff triumph over the New York Rangers Thursday The defending Stanley Cup champion Islanders lead the best-of-seven series 2-0 Pekka Rautakallio scored one first·period goal and set up another to lead the Calgary Flames to a 3-2 victory over the Minnesota North Stars, evening their semifinal series at one apiece. The Flames got steady goaltend1ng by Pat Riggin, who blocked 37 shots, including 17 in the final period. Smalley's homer has Boston reeling •oy sm,lley hit • two·ruo homer II and Gary Ward and Gltu Adame drove in a i>alr ot ruo apiece ~· Min· netot' tianded Boston lta fourth con- secuUve de!tat, ~1Un1 tbo fted Sox and Fnu Tanaaa, M . to h11hli1ht American Le11ue ac Uon Thursday ... Eleewhere, Pat Pataam bad two doubles and two runs batted in and Rid Roaeyeutt shut uut Kanaas City on tlve hlta - the fourth shutout In a row lor Texas pitchinJt -as the Raneers blanked the Royals, 7 0 . Kea Sln1leton homered to support Mike Flanagan'• three-hit pitching as Baltimore beat Toronto. 4·0 .. Cleveland rallied for three runs in the seventh in· nine. two of them on Toby Harrah's first homer of the year, to beat the Chicago Smalley White Sox, 3·2 ..•. Dave Rozema pitched a two· hitter as Detroit broke a 10-game losing streak with a 2·0 . victory over Seattle. Rozema, 2·2, gave up smgles to Richie Ziak extending Zisk 's hitting streak to 13 games and Rick Auerbach in the third. Astros back on the winning track Craig Reynolds and Jose Cruz II s lammed two-run homers to power Houston to a S·l victory over Atlanta to highlight National League baseball action Thursday. Joe NJekro scattered live hits in sending the Braves to their fifth const:cutive de- feat. It was the Astros' fourth win in a row. Niekro, 2·3, struck out two and walked one ... Elsewhere. Dave Collins rapped three hits to support the combmed five-hit pitchmg of Mike Lacoss, Joe Price and Tom Hume, enabling Cincinnati to edge San Diego, 4-3, despite two home runs by the Padres' Joe Lefebvre. Collins raised his league-leading average to .405 ... John Candelaria scattered 10 hits in ~ innings and drove in two runs and Dave Parker slammed a two-run homer as Pittsburgh whipped the skidding New York Mets. 7-4. their sixth consecutive setback Skalbania wants Payton next CALGARY, Alberta -Now that [!] he has signed quarterback Vince f. > Ferragamo and wide receiver James Scott to Canadian Football League contracts Montreal. Alouettes owner Nelson Skalbania ha~ set his sights on Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton. .. 1 need one good running back," Skalbania told the Edmonton Journal between National Hockey League playoff games of the Stanley Cuv semifinal series between his Calgary l' tames ana the Minnesota North Stars "I've offered Payton a contract ( shouldn't be. saying this because when you print it the Chicago Bears are going to realize the situation and the price will go up. "But I need one good running back And to g.1ve me twice as good a chance of getting one, I m gomg after Walter Payton." Payton holds NFL season records for most carries and most combined attempts, and the single-game rushl11g record of rts yards. Six yachts race this we e k e nd for Cup • The .. Sacred Sixes" of one- fifne Olympic fame will see spirited action in Marina del Re y s tarting today when California Yacht Club brings six or the speedy 6 meter yachts together in an entirely new (armat for the Cal Cup • For many years the Cal Cup has been raced for on a match tace basis by two outstanding yachts -similar to America's Cup action. In the first two days of racing the six yachts will compete as a IJ'Oup. After four races -two today and two Saturday -the top four boats will be selected for match racin~ Sunday. ·On Sunday the first and fourth boats will race each other and 10 minutes later the second and . third boats will take off in another two-boat match. The winners of these two races will face each other In a final race for the Cal Cup Typical of the fleet competing for the Cal Cup 1s Ah S1 Si, de- signed by Doug Peterson of San Diego and built by a San Fran· cisco syndicate in 1979 for the U .S.-Aussie Cup. · Another 6-meter competing under the St. Francis YC burgee will be St. Francis VII, owned by the California Maritime Academy Foundation. St. Fran- cia Vil was also built for the U .S.-Aussi~ ·challenge and won It. . . 'In the Cal <.'!up action Ah Si Si will be skippered by Dennis Durgan of Newport Harbor Baseball standings AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division Oakland Chicago Texas An1el11 Minnesota Kansas City Seattle W L Pct. GB 18 3 .857 11 6 .647 5 10 7 .588 6 10 11 476 8 6 12 .333 10''2 3 10 .231 11 5 14 .263 12 Eatt Division New York 11 6 .647 Cleveland 8 4 .667 1-; Milwaukee 9 7 .563 l~ Baltimore 1 • 8 .467 3 . Boston 7 9 .437 31'2 Detroit · ' 8 11 .421 4 Toront~ 7 1~ .368 S NATIONAL LrAGUE West Dtvlaloa W L Pct. GB Dod1ers 14 S . 737 otnclMati 11 7 611 21~ Atlanta 9 10 .474 5 San Francisco 9 12 .429 6 Houston 7 12 .368 7 San Diego 6 14 .300 81h East Dlvl1lon Montreal 12 4 . 750 St. Louis 9 3 .750 1 Philadelphia 12 6 ... 687 1 Pitllburgh 7 6 .538 3~ New York -. 10 .288 7 Chicago 2 13 .133 9~ . . ,,....,..,...._ Hovstofl ~' Att.ftta I CIMlrwwu4 9-0INti "llttbU!'Oll ~. "*"' Yttll • · Yacht Club, former two-time wmner of tbe Congressional Cup and tactician for Dennis Conner in the 1980 defense of the America's Cup St Francis VJl will be sailed by John Bertrand, two-lime Laser world champion the other boats in the Cal Cup will be: 8 r i a n· W e r h t e I m e r ' s Warhorse. SeattJe; Andy Rose of Balboa Yacht Club at the helm ot a Texas boat, Ranger; Dis· covery, a Peterson design, owned and skippered by Hank Thayer , NHYC ; and .Perspicacious, a wooden boat owned and skippered by Gayle Post, Balboa YC. . ' .... ~........ . . 0...... (.-., Ml et Mo<!tr .. I 1'-'*l"Mtl J.O w luml2·1), n .. " At .. IM (f'!HTY t-2l •I OlkatO OCrwec •21 Heu.-l"Vell Ml 4lt l"lll.llloH'tfl lkWTY 1.01, Seft OleCll9 <•lcMt._, 1·11 el"N&'W Yon ( ZAKl!ry • f) ,JI len l"rMC*° ,,. .. ...,., >II et ,...,...._.. 11..i-1.o>" Clf>cltwletl 1• 1-11 et It. Leult ISllll'W( Ml," McCord's next stop: Twilight Zone Gary McCord, who describes n · hlmsel! aa a bbarre maclclan and says he cets help from b1J force field. converted an uncanny puttina touch l11to a seven·under·par 64 and the first round lead In Thursday's Houston Open eoll tournament. McCord, 32. a non.winner In eieht years of PCA tour acUvitY.t said he used an illusionary tx· perlence to reach ''the third dimension ln put- tin1. And 1 maybe just scratched tM surface of the fourth dimenalon. Nobody hu been there before. My force field was very atrona. My plume, the swirling force of enerey, normally extends about six feet above my bead. Today. lt must have been 10 feet tall," be explained. That means he had a &ood round . . . Britain's Mark James and Spain's Joae Canllare1 shot tour-under·par 68s to beat better·known com- petitors, includln& Sandy Lyle and Gary Hallber1, and share the opening round lead of the Italian Open . . . Sandra Hayllle, a 20- year LPGA veteran, fired a aparklin& six-under· par 66 to take the first round lead in the CPC In- ternational golf tpurnament at Hilton Head Island, S.C. Haynie posted seven birdies and Just one bogey Baseball today On this date In baseball in 1969 : One day after his teammates had been no-hit by Jim Maloney, Don Wilson gol revenge tor the Houston Astros with a no-hit, 4 O victory over the Cincmnati Reds. On this date in 1922 : Charlie Robertson of the Chicago White Sox retired all rt Detroit batters to face him in a 3-0 perfect game victory: the last major league perfect game until Don Larsen's World Series gem in 1956 On this date in 1920. The Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves played to a 1-1, 26-inning tie with both pitchers -Brooklyn's Leon Cadore and Boston's Joe Oeschger -going all the way Today's bitthday Toronto pitcher Roy Lee Jack~or 1s rt Walker decides to stay at Georgia Georgia fo'>lball standout • Herschel Walker has announced he will not sign with the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadien Football League The Washington Redskins obtained New Orleans Saints' tight end Henry Childs in ex- change for an undisclosed 1982 draft choice ... If the Bjg Ten carries out its plan to bar all teams at the University of Illinois from post- .... sea~ play and withhold revenue for two years, it could ~!'eek the lllini's athletic program, school officials say Some officials even want to consider leaving the conference. The Big Ten 1s expected to announce its penalty Saturday The heavyweight championship fight between W BC titleholder Larry Holmes and former champion Leon Spinks has been postponed and will be moved out of Las Vegas. Television. radio TV: Basketball NBA playoffs < Bo!>ton at P.h1ladelphia>. 11 30 pm , Channel 2 <taped > Horse racing -Kentucky Derby preview, 11 30 p m .. Channel 7 R ADIO: Baseball Dodgers at Montreal, 4.30 p.m., KABC (790); Milwaukee at Angels, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (7 10) Ironwood. SPORTS BREAK/ BOATING From Page C1 SEV ANO COLUMN somethln1 out. But she eave me no encoura1e· ment. ·'I worked ua well flt I could wltb Don Klosterman. He wai. very 1tral&ht·forward and honest. but it apparently wu out of hl1 hand1. "When I talked to her she dlacouraeed m~ In every way It was a 'ttke it-or-leave It' type of lhing. .. '"They thought I was u.slng Montreal as a blutf, that I was using them for leveraee. To me, it was much more than playing games " In many ways the Rams' mistreatment of the Ferragamo incident paralleled the Dod1er1' ml•· handling of Tommy John. The Dodgers, lf they had acted rather than stalled, could have had TJ for a mere $285,000 per. They procrastinated, though, just like the Rams, and the Dodgers found themselves not only without a left-hander. but without a pitcher who has rastuoned back-to-back 20 victory seasons. Now it's the Rams who will have to sit back and see JUSt how much they have lost. "The decision was the most emotional of my life." said Ferragamo somberly. '"The major thing I want the fans to understand is that I wasn't greedy for rhoney and I wasn't using Montreal lo get more "The ftnmtcial end was satisfactory, it was the other terms that weren't met I was willing to take less money because I wanted lo stay in the NFL and with the Rams." Ferragamo hopes the fans don't portray him as the bad guy in this shootout. "It's difficult to say anything that will• make them <fans ) realize what went on," said Vince. "I loved the fans here and the way they cheered for me as a player. That's the hardest part . leav- ing those fans and leaving my teammates " ••• Ferragamo admits the CFL isn't in the same league as the NFL and that's something he's going to have to adjust to. "It does pose a challenge," he says. "I'm just going to go up tht-re with the intent:on of doing well I'm going to try to bring to the fans up there what I brought \o the rans tn Los Angeles " Which should mean plenty or excitement. Sailors set sail for Annapolis The Newport Hl.lrbor High School sailing team , ranked No. 2 in the nation, is headed for An- napolis, Md., where it will compete Saturday and Sunday for the Cressy Cup and the Mallory High School sailing trophie~ Corona del Ml.Ir High, ranked No l in the na· lion. will not make the tnp for lack of funding. CdM won the Cotton Bowl Regatta at Fort Worth, Tex this year The high school sailors will sail 420 and Laser d1ngh1e!> Harbor High) team will be skipper Tim Sullivan and crew Tom Corkett 10 the 420 A div1s1on. Will Longyear and Mike Nash. 420-B. and Gordon Wanlass, m the s mgle·handed Laser Wilson Hi gh School or Long Beach 1s the only other Southern California team competmg The Mallory Trophy will be scored by 420 div1s1on points only Only secondary school teams are eligible. The Cressy Cup w1 II take the total score of all three divisions The Reason is The Locati and much much more! ' ...... ·. .. VISTA VILLAS. PHASE II OPENING A number of rare site.., are now available foacuring extraordinary views and lakeside locati(ml'>. Add 10 tnis lronwocx:fs 36 hole~ • of ~upcrior Rolf. .. 14 cC'luns fnr day or ni~ht tennis ... 30 immac, ulate swimming riools. acres of colorful gardens and mani, cured lawns above it all on a high plateau That'o; why Arnold Palmer chose Ironwood a has place to relnx an the sun FAVORABLE Fl~ANCING , . Ask our sales reprcscnrntivc to outline th~dernils of a special program applicable to a c-hoice of gracious new hom~s available for occupnncy now and fe::icuring 123A'\. interest rates ( 14'',, Annual Percen taJ::c Rate) 6 new decorated models arc ready for your review. PRICED FROM $144,2~ IRONWO~,D COUNTRY C\.UU HOMl:S IN PALM Of.SERT '49·200Marlpoy Ori~. Pnlm ~.C11ifom1a92l60 · Td<714) }46,0551 ...--# t -- , . I ., ' .. . ~ ...... ----.. ,,,. BASEBALL/TRACK Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 Golden West had proper planning ;s a result, Rustlers blast Rio Hondo ; OCC, Gauchos don't do ba~ly , either , : By CURT SEEDEN Rustlel'f ran their record to 5-2. ed 13 runs on 10 h1ts, four walks and an error. 0t•e>e1tr,..,.....,. Former Ocean View Hi1h atandout Chris Reagle Montsomery ripped a lhree·run homer, -Golden Weit College Coach Fred Hoover spent Schub, meanwhile, startint to look Uke an iron Scott liroot npped Lw~ doubles in the marathon lo· the entire week 1enrin1 his players up for a ritht man bebind the plate. added a sinele and a triple, nine for two RBI as OCC Improved It.a record to handed, side-armed pitcher like Rio Hondo's scorin1 twice and collecting an RBI 12-4. Kevin Kohler. Combined with Fullerton's 7-6 setback to San Atter all, GWC had seen Ute crafty, bending "OUR DEFENSE HAS looked great lately," Ana, the win left just one team with a chance o curve ball thrower for two years now, knowln1 be noted "Hoover and our catcher Schub -bas catching the Pirates Cerritos must win it• laat was one of the reasons the Roadrunners were lead-played well all year." three eames and OCC lose it.a last two tor tbe ing the second round of Southern Cal Conference Before the eame, ruo Hondo Coach Jerry Falcons to ~ven tie for the crown. . baseball action. Schlegemilch admitted he was a little concerned ' occis Larry Lee ripped a patr of doubles, his about the pitching depth on bis team 14tb and 15th of the season, and knocked In fiv Fred H"°"" Mik~ Mayne SO HOOVER PR~CTICED all week with one "We're just lod)un& for ways to keep on win-runs. while Amaral was 4-for-4, scorin1 three . of has pitchers dishing up swooping side-arm ning. We have the momentum, and although 1 times and knockinl{ In two runs. · Monarchs, CdM captur~ titles pitches during batting practice, and lo say the Saddleback 8, Cltrua 3 · I least. it paid off Thursday. .,,. Gaucho pitchei; Ben Amaya allowed juat on~ The Rustlers jumped on Kohler for four runs JUSE D "LL earned run in eight innings, lowenng his ERA to in the first inning and went on to whip Rio Hondo. ~ 1.58 and the Gauchos took a big step towards lbe 10·3, and move into a first-place tie in the second .=-Mission Conference's Southern Division crown, round standings. with the win at Citrus. "We came to play." admitted .. pleased know we don't really have the pitching to keep !JS Rust) Evans belted his fifth home run of the Hoover. "We worked hard this week and we an-here <m first place>. It 's sure nice to be in front," year, Pete Harrell went 2·for·5 with tw(> RBI ancl tici1:1ated they'd be starting him (Kohler )." he explained. Mark Swancoat also knocked in two runs with a: By the time the inning rolled around, . There was some sharp pitching at G WC· base hit and a sacrifice as the Gauchos upped theit· Mater Dei Hl1h completed its dual meet season with an unblemished 9-0 record as the MonarcM routed Loyola, 95-23, in prep track ac- tion Thursday. Kohler was long gone and the Rustlers were sitting however. Mark Stone had little trouble with a record to 13-7 in conference play. . on a comfortable 7-0 lead behind the two-hil Roadrunner team that included seven hitters with In other meet.a, Corona del Mar captured the Sea View League championship by virtue of its 93-43 victory over Costa Meaa, and Estancia fell on hard times again losin1 to El Toro, 89-46. At Mater Dei, the Monarchs coasted'to the Angelus League ch~pion.shlp behind the efforts of Kevin Hie1in1, Kennedy Pola and Paul Williams. Higgins won the 330 lo~urdles (39 7) and the 440 (Sl.7). while Pola won the 100 (10.2), 120 high 'IR4CK m hurdles (1S.7)·and had a third place finish in the shot put < 43-8). Williams rounded out the trio's-performance by taking the 220 (23.7>. lone jump ( 19·21.AJ> and finishing second to Pola in the 100 (10.6). .. At Corona del Mar, the Sea Kings (8·0) .had a surprisingly easy time with the Mustan1s (7-1). Brian Fargo was the big eun for CdM as he doubled in the 100 ( 10.2) and 220 (23.2) and also anchored both victorious r.elay teams. Shawn Gallagher also added to the scoring by wrappin1 up the mile (4:23.6) and two-mile (9:37:9) events. Brian Kemohan was the last two-event con- tributor as he captured the 120 highs ( 16.0) and the long jump (20·4 ~). The win was also No. 21 without a loss in league for the Sea Kin11. At El Toro, Estancia had all it could handle with the Chargers. pitching of Mark Stone And it was 10-0 before the batting averages above 300. Roadrunners scored three harmless eighth-inning In other games: runs Ora nge Coaat 17, GroHmont 6 ''WE'VE BEEN H11TING the ball well. When Coach Mike Mayne's Pirates clinched al least you start making contact consistently, you know a tie for first place in the South Coast Conference you're going lo do well with a control pitcher like wi~h a ~hippinJi? of the Griffins al OCC. Kohler. That was the case today," Hoover said. · The Bucs looked like anything but conference The Rustlers pounded out 15 hits, three by the champs for the first four innings, however Gross hot-hitting Larry MacArthur who rapped a single mont pitcher Jim Kurzaner. despite allowing a and two doubles for three RBI. third inning run, carried a no-hiller into the fifth. Keith Hall added two singles and a double, Rich Amaral bunted for il hit to lead off the in· good for two RBI. He also scored twice as the ning, and 45 minutes later. the Pirates had collect PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IU$1NISS MAME STATEMENT The 1011-ln9 person• •r• Oolng bV''"""~' I CROW REOHILL ~OEMAKEfll, 11941 Fiit h A-.ue. Irvine. C•lllornl• 9271'. Crow Re<1hlll, • T•nr llmll•d perlnertl>lp, 179'1 Fi tch Avenu•. lrvlnt, C8111omla t7714 I S11oem•k•r Auo<lllH, LIO ' • C•lltornl• tlmlled penne,.nlp, t44S W•allt>vrn Roeo, Downey, CAllfornt' 9020 T"I• bu••nen II conouc1.o by • 9'ner•I PW"lne""IO er-11-m ,.. OoMld S. Sutro 0-r•I P.,1ner Tl>I• ... ,_, ..... 111.0 With Ille County Clerk of Or.,.,Qt County on Apron.••• • ._ ..... lt..Ull' .............. . ll'r•leu ..... 1 uw CW~•tl•, Ott Me<Artllllr h11leur•, S11lle 1H, .... ,.n INdl, C.llforn.I• ·-· ,., ... ,. Publl•Mcl O•lly Piiot, April 24, W..y I.I, IS, 1911 lt.._11 PUBLIC NOTICE 1av111• AANCM WAT•• DIST••CT llOTICll Of' ... ll .. AAATICHI Of' NEGATIVE D•CLAaATIOMS Football signups slated S1gnups for Costa Mesa Junior All-Americari football teams are scheduled for Lions Park iq Costa Mesa Saturday from 1·5 p.m. , Several Rams, including Preston Dennard, ar~ srheduled to be on hand during'the afternoon. The age hm1t for candidates is 8-14 as of August 1. AppJicants for the five various divi.sions mus6 bring their birth rertificates with them Saturday! PraclirP officially begins in August 13 oz "ero~t or 16 oz poor can YOUR ~ 3(1oN Of 40W HIAVY•DUTY 79~ Limit 24 Qts. Jim McCarthy and Paul Smith provided the only bright spots for the Eagles u McCarthy took the mile (4:42.8) and two-mile (9:56.5), and Smith the high jump (S-10) and pole vault C 11-0). TM trvlM RM>clt W•l•r Ol1lrkt II >r~ertnv • Negoollve Oecteretlon '°' eec:tt of tr. ""'i.cta dKc:rlbed De-. 4 "Drelr" , OecleretlOfl Is P HORN #612V 158lA~ W.rh nu•< ho<~ of l !.l"llon\ ~ \fOttt fOf ~l'~I\ ;;::• v.19--,,. ••'--"• ......... RtUUt•Ulll"-- Nutter ta~es Trojans, 3-1 Ille et U. OIJ!rkt offke •ncl la evell• ol• '°' pullllc 1-tlon A lff9elive Dec:l.,•llOfl tor •ecfl project •Ill ... :on1klerecl tor....,...,,,., or 411-..rovel W , K · N tt oy Ille 8Mrd of Dtrector1 of Ille Ola-WHITTJ ER -Golden est s 1m u er trtct •• ,., ,..,..."" 10.,. 11e10 _, "· tossed a three-hitter as the Rustlers defeated use. Itel, ..... lloMr of • 00 p.m . In ,,. 3·1, in women's colleciate softball action Thurs· ~~.~~6.i.n~ .. 01 c.....-ortve, day. 1. Prejec:I N•me; IRWO Oen•r•I Nutter, who bad a shutout until the seventh in-:>1>11ee11ot1......, S.•• tor 1.0. No 102 :;ro..p .. 10. oing, loet her bid as the Trojans touched the ri1bt-Pr•lect ~· baodel' for a walk, sacrifice and single. ,.;.": .r.::=a:'.:C~"":.. ~ The Rustlers, 33·10, scored a single run in the :~1e1141e11111es, .,._,,...-Nelle ... ..., first and tallied twice more in the seventh on two ·•1m1111..-.t of 111e 1Rwo c.p11e1 1 R•Mr ... l'loftR. 1ingles anu two errors. Tiie pro1«1 of 14 sec:on0 Nutter scored the first run of the same as she .... of o.r-.. <>1111ee11on ..,,.,. of 1 d d Im,., • ...-District No. 102, wtllc" reached first on an error, slo e secon an came .,.,. e.it1>0r1re11 llY u. e1ec:u"" tn ""· home on Nancy Mercado's doable. lhe •mount ..... Delnv-o•llm•t• -·..:.::;:.:::.....::...::.:.=::.::.:.------~I y $1,1'0,CIQO, The,....._ for wtll<" TAX SHELTERS ,., . ,.,.,.,, •Ill be said 11 10 eccomo01fl Ille Pie<\ of ~ tor lmot•-enl Oii• trkt No 102 M _,,... In AU!l<dl 101' 10 ,.norm ,.._,,,., -•· ec.,1,. (),j & Go\ • Red Es1o1e • M alln tor, •n4 conllnitl c~pll•I Stomp1 • ~ leosinq leclllll•• thrOUQI\ 1"2 In '""°" .. 10 DIOUCTIOMS WI TO llO'lle THIS YIA.l t11e .,.,..,_...,. t1Klro1-of 111rllMllc· tlonel ~. we" H IN Oty of •HALO L IOZM NCAMCIAl S8YICIS trvlne. Tiie -.nderle1of11>e project 714 ........_ •I07 ere Ille cut,_ of Ille cetnm\Hll ty "=========='~===========~ 2. Prol9CI Meme; l"WO ~rel :.. Obllfellon 8on4 Sele for t.D. No. 103 MERCEDES--~AGUAR--VOLVO SPECIALISTS FrH 011 Fiiter w/$1~95 on c .... CHICIC OUR COWITITIVI PRICES ARST & GRAND ARCO 1354049 1222 I. I et loff 5 fwy I 1-S Except S-. Group •·10. Prele<t Locellon Tiie pr_..s project Incl"*• cS.- 1lgn, all• ecQ!hltloft. C-UllCllOft M · c•pltet leclllll•s. ,.._..,. ltlHllH, - relm!M>rtement of IN I "WO C.pllel 11 ... rveFl#ICll. Tiie project conlllt• of tr. Ullnl Ml• .. Generei Obli91ttlon ..,._ ot Im· provemenl Olstrld N•. IOJ, •"''" were ~ell by Ille •lee.lion In "", IM emount Of tale being •POl'OJdnwrte· ly ~.4'°,000. Tiit ~ lor wtllc" bond• •Ill tie Mid 11toeccomplla"111e iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj Plen of WOtlls tor tm,.,o...,....,t Ola· trlct No 1o:s • ,..,,. .. In APtH "n te perlerm plennlng, clealen, ec11utre This Weeks s~cial lt7t CADIUAC COUPE DE VILLE Factory 2 tone ~Int, CadilJac wire wheel covers Ct an ".Utro('Oo(." (768WKT>. '8995 11tu '°'• end conatr11cl cepllet lecllllle1 UW"'Clfl 1"2 In r_,. to IM developfMnt &ec:lllOM of lurllldlc- llonet eoenctea, slid! •• tr. City of lrvlM Tlw .... flCIMlet of Ille ,..Oj41Ct •••IN clll,_ot he-unity. 1. Prolec:l l'QIM' IRWO Gener•f Oblltfllotl 8Clncl Sele for t.O. No. IM. Project Locelion: T'ht prap1MC1 project ln<llldn •· •11!1. 111e ecCIUialtlOot; !*'llrllCllM of cepllel leclllue., .,._,,. aNOIH, end relmlN,_,,.,,. Of tr. l"WD c.pltet Re-Funds. Tl>e prole<t c-IJt• of Ille '"'"' ..._ of Oenerel Ollll .. tlon 9onclt Of tm-pro.umenl Olftrl<I Ho. IOS, wlllcll wei'i 81111wlUll ty 1r. elkllon In lt74, tt>e •mount of Ml• lltlne apcN"•lmet• Jy U,.00,oot. JN fllllrPoM tor wtlk" l>onclt wlll lie MICI II to ~11111 Ille Plan of Wortll fw DI" tTICI No. IOS .. rW\Mll In Merell 1'76 to perlerm ~ •'9n. kqvlre situ fer, •IMI conatyict c.i.epllat lec:tlltlet ""--" I'll 111 ,._.., .. '° • .._, nc.T GUAT e1i1 rauM• Ille dev....,_. de<ltl-of 111rltdl« WITll ·-Clll •.utn. l llonel "9fl(ltt, MICll 11 tr. City Of -•-• trvtne. Tiie '*'tllclM'i.t tf Ille ,..olect are IN clH-ftl -~ty. 4. ll'r•lect Na111t: '"WO 04j\ere t <>Mi,.lien llond Seto tor I :O. ..... 1 ...... ~ .. 10. ,.,.lee:, IAU!laft: , TIM ~ }N'ojtcl lf'Cllldu ,._ t1o11, allt •4'11•111111. .-tructlen et c.pltel fKlllltet. pl-"'t ............. ===:!::======:?:::::-j"::=::::;::=::::===::::;::::::;::; rtllllllllnelNlll Oii 11• tRWD~tal , ...... "" ..... PUBUC NOTICE Tiie "'9j«t <-l•b tf Ille -.1111 .... Of Oefttrtf Olll ... tkNI ..,,.. llf • tmpro~ Oltlrl« ..._ IOt, wfll'll •cnnow ..,...... "'C'Tl"°"' ev1t11ua .. ,. eullWl19f.., tt11 e1e<tM11 l4' 1.,., UMa t~A1'S .... .., 111AMa t1'ATLWllfT 1f1t _...,..fl ............... ~. ,. fll9 ......__ ---•'..;,;: ~•-lfltt -•• en o.i,.. '' at,111,IOO. TM ,..,..,. fer """" ·--.,." ... ,...... • -WllM• a . bollft will 119 MN It .. ~Ill N .._I~-;. -I •-·-W t. MITCHlt.t.•OSAOCHa' Al-11111'1 tf WofU t.r 1,,.o_t Ols-a. • ~ · .-__,... ey, IOCIATU trlct .... 10t 11 ...,._!fl A\111191 1'7' C:.u--. 1""7 2. OlAOCHI' OIV•t.O,.M .. tT tt WMml ,._...., .... ec..irt .. =-c.:.~= COM,.AlllYO ............ ucr.-............_ tltH ,.,. -c•••lrvCI (Hiilei w •' ......._ ,.._' tU I ,_ ,. .... , a .......,, "" -'facllltllt.,.,... ... 111 ,...,_ .. •• -_.....,, .... • --· " • .. ......... "' ..... f/11 ~· W 1111 ~ OrM, hl'9 •1•, tlONI ~~ ..Cll • U. Qty tf WI! "o.tW, -• ,.._ ~ltM'.fl,CA..._ trvlt!e t .. ....._ ....... ., .... ejfct .... :-c.e .... ~...., '""'"' c. Ou•o ... l~C~l • MtlMclU•~ .. , .. '*""'-11.,;" .. ...... , -twc.!• i!::i':"'' .._ ....... -J, ,,..._....,_..,._I.__ ,._ .,..,.........._II.CA...._ ·-~W.WMll!ft ...... ·== .~.. Tllll..._lt_.. • ..,ICM• ,.,.Hd ....... I Will · le ~ .., 1 ,_ • ..._ Wiii'-A-...... 1911 .... ...... =::--........ .......~........ .... llVI" ........ ~"""" (Mwl. TMI ----·z:...... ~~ C-tr11tti.. llf ..,!f 1.-C..C °"' .. CIMlty -. t..I' • ., I) ........ tt-•..i-~ l• "" lllll .......... -U. iltlll 1111 l'lll lR, T ... Mf!lfflcletltt lfl IM ...... R ... ' c;..ty a.. .. °'""" (RMy -dtl-.fll•Ulllf!Mll"o ,, ..... "'"'...... . ..... ,.,....,,_.. ................ ., ..--....-Cllll..., ,._, ..,...... ..., c...t OIMf ..._ tl•t •lf!llffclllt 9fftctt1 .. _ Ill•· •• .,.~......... ,,.... ....... '1.~ .... ,.... 1 .............. cateMl•MPI. ......... ..... .., .... 0.... ..... .... .... ....... ~ __......,...,., .... .... ~a.... .... ...... fl,tt•'... l .. .... WASh.lbl~ m1l<1ew '"\l\t~\nt, p r .. \hrunk Cl.u1.c ed5t's h.•llt' "rom"'!'I holes ••e down cord 358! IC70 I RD· I ftts up to 13'2" IC701RO 2 lies up co 14 < 3988~ IC70 I RD·3 Ills up to 16' 45~ IC701RD 4 ftts up to 19 IC701RD-S ftts up 10 22· 59!8 Umu 12 g"llon~ per cus10mer SHEEP- SKIN COVER NlW UA.1.AND- 32? rure wool. cool In mer &. wami "' vwuer M4ec hi~ w.ut\.Ablf' Slmpl(' inst<'lll<'ltlon rawn 01 honey colot • 1044 111040 42~.~- FIRE . EXTINGUISHER RlDCAP59s #2100 I #3050 . EA. , _,,.,,,, , ........... -· . ..,_ ALKALINE BATIERIES lb.oll~IO•!MC~ 1~?. RAY O ·VAC #813 2 #814 l ('Or 0 ·Sile ~ ~ MOTOR MONITOR Comt11n.a11011 vacuum &. I\,~ (>Ump IM l't'i &. ITIOCOI monitor RAC 1 538 lKS .SPOT MIRROR • } lnCh di. 69• HIADUSS DOOR LOCK KNOBS ~===========~ SA1 or MU'l.IC 4 -W•y1Um W~nc.h {l4"1 IUUILT MASnR CYLINDER -CHl\1110\.lT l'lobl W" '"""' b<•t.i 1'1/l II'"_. a. diK btAli~• lA<f'C)t ~It' (twYftjr ~IA '-f'1t-' f0a.D t.,.,<t1umbl:#lf\ 1()01 7l 1Lrt f"on•Ot.f0fc1 lf0 f(Wlfl() 1...w.. 1~1• IW><tw<o ..., ,,._.a."'"' ....... 1011 181u< w • ,..._ di1< 6. 1016 S1W w H ..... n l\an<.!1 IUIGK ~ l'ONTIAC 1961 14 lw """" ll<,..n, DOOCL 1'1.'l'MOIJTH 1Qf>7 1s1 ... ""'"""°"'"' 1649 Cll<t' RUBIER STRETCH CORD 9" ~ 19' / 10 Hj9'f f~7 49~ s· ' hooks THllUSH Most Americ.ln CA1'1 MUFFLU • .. .,. ....--. ' I • Orang• Coast OAJL y PILOT/ Friday. May , • 19§.1 erby highlights weekend· 'TV menu odger-M-0ntreal game, NBA playoffs will be televised Sunday ~aturday's TV, radio I I TELEVISION !9:30 a.m (11) -THIS WEEK IN SEBA.LL. 10: 15 a .m. (4) BASEBALL -The nciMati Reds meet the Cardinals in S. Louis. 11 a.m. (5) TENNIS John cEnroe vs. IUe Nastase in lhe WCT allenge Cup, taped in Montreal. 1 p.m. (4) GOLF Third round ay m the Houston Open. <7> WIDE ORLD OF SPORTS A special rtormance by the USSR gymnastics am, taped at London Also: A live re· rt rrom Churchlll Downs on the Ken- t cky Derby 1:30 pm 011 OUTDOOR LIFE - ock car driver Cale Yarborough capes the pressures oJ the race track fish for wahoos tn Panama. 2 p.m. (7) KENTUCKY DERBY - he 107th running of the Kentucky erby from C hurchill Downs In Louisville Outstanding ehg1bles include Proud Appeal. Tap Shoes and Cure the Blues 2.30 pm 121 WOMEN'S TENNIS The finals of the United Airlines tournament of champions. taped at Grenelefe Golf and Tennis resort in Orlando, Fla. 14) WESTERN OUT· DOORSMAN Segments include a visit to a rodeo held on a reservation near Pocatello, Idaho, and a look at the pro· spering razor clam industry in Ocean Shores. Was h. 3 p.m C7J -WIDE WO&LD OJ' SPORTS Covena1e continuet ln the gymnastics performance by the USSR team. Also· A live recap of the Ken· tucky Derby 4 p.m. (2) -SPORTS SATURDAY - The world's greatest pool playen meet in a nine-ball ellminatlon tournament, taped at Lake Tahoe. Also: Motocross riders traverse a 20-lap course at JFK Stadium in taped covera1e of the Philadelphia Supercrou. (7) - GREATEST SPORTS .LEGENDS - Trainer Frank Whiteley and jockey Jacinto Vasquez discuss-the horse rac- ing career or Ruffian 4:30 p.m. (7) -T~NNIS The finals of the AJan King Tennis Classic, taped at Las Vegas. 6:30 p.m (50 ) TENNIS roa THE FUTURE Tennis Coach Vic Braden demonstrates the proper way to go to the net and avotd "eating a fun sandwich " 7 p.m (50) SPORTS AMERICA Highlights of the 1980 Boise pro-am rac quetbaJI tournament 8 p .m t50> SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY. 9 p.m <5> TOP RANK FIGHTS OF THE 70s A rematch between Carlos Monzon and Rodrigo Valdes for the middleweight crown RADIO Baseball Dodge rs at montreal, 10 am.,' KABC (790 >; Mllwau~ee at Angels, 7 p.m .. KM PC (710>. Horse Rat'ing -Kentucky Derby in· tervlews by WyM EIHotl, 9·40 a .m 10:40 a .m ., 11 :40 1& m • 12 40 pm. and t :40 p.m.1 KNX 0070> Sunday''$ TV, radio NOTE: If the Philadelphia Boston aeries coes to a seventh 1ame, lt wtU be telecast on Channel 2, Sunday at 12 :30. ll will be preceded at 10 a.m. by Sporu Sunday. Othe~lse, the first cham- pionship playoff game of the NBA rinal1 will be telecut at 12:30 p.m. 10 a.m . (SO) -SPOaTS AMERICA - Highlights of the 1980 Boise pro-am rac· quelball tournament. 10 :30 a .m . (11) -DODGER BASEBALL -The Dodgers meet the Expos at Olympic Stadium ln Montreal 11 a.m. (50) -SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY. 11 :30 a .m . (4) -GOLF -Final round play in the Hou.~ton Open. 12 :30 p.m . {9 ' WOMEN'S GOLF - Final round pla) m the CPC women's international tournament from Moaa Creek Plantation course. 1: 30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD - Curtis Parker 07·2> takes on Wilford Scypion (19-1) in a scheduled 10-round bout telecast live Crom Atlantic City, NJ Also: The women's professional cliff diving championships, taped at Waimea Falls, Oahu, Hawaii. 6:30 p.m . (50) -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE -Tennis Coach Vic Braden demonstrates the proper way to go to the net and avoid "eatin& a fuzz sandwich." 7 p.m. (50) SPORTS AMERICA Track team impressive Highlights of the 1980 Boise pro-am rac- quetball tournament. , 8 p.m . (50) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY. McNair calls it UCI's greatest meet feat 9 p.m . lSl -'roP RANK FIGHTS OF THE 70s -A rematch between Carlos Monzon and Rodrigo Valdes for the middleweight crown. Monzan, undefeat· ed stnce October 1964. was making his 14th title defense. By JOHN SEVANO Of -D•ly 1'11111 SUH NEWS AND NOTES: Last weekend turned out to be very productive for the UC Irvine track squad and its coach. Kevin McNair. First, the Anteaters s wept a pair of dual meet foes, whipping Stanford, 101-58, and edging Oregon: 83·78 The UC/ REPOKI ~) I l't\ win_..Ppped UCI's dual meet record lo 7·2 and reversed a pair of losses to the sam e schools last year ·'This has to be the greatest dual meet accomphshment in UCI history," said McNair "It's definitely the greatest experience I've had since com· ing to UCI." The Anteaters were led by Junior sprinter Eddie Carey, who ran past NCAA hnahst Darren Nelson m the 100 meters < 10 7) and world class sprinter Hasheef Kassan in' th1? 200 <21 32> ~ ~ _ ...... Spark Plug ea. Carey theA anchored the victorious 400-meter relay <40.91 I • • • McNa1r also found tame lo do a ltttle recruiting up north as he sigped Chris Prieto, a 6-2. 165-pound sprinter from De La Salle High School m Concord Prieto won the 400 meters last year as a Junior at the Meet of Champions with a time of 47 .5 He's also run 10 5 in the 100 meters • • * Consider the hasty return the UCJ 1,600-meter relay team had to make last Sunday in order to compete tn the Mt San Antomo relays : Bill Oorvall. Tony Wells, Carlyle Kidd and Carey had lo hop a plane Sunday morning in Palo Alto. followed by a quick drive to Walnut Well. considering the circumstances. the quartet did pretty good with a third· place finish and a time of 3:08 17 Carey. incidentally. was invited lo run in the 200 meters and he responded with a seasonal best of 20 96, good for third place. RADIOi Baseba1J -Dodgers at Montreal. 10 am .. KABC (790 ); Milwaukee at Angels, 7 p.m., KMPC C710). Horse Racing -Kentucky Derby m· terviews by Wynn Elliott, 9.40 a m., 10·40 a .m .. 11 :40 a .m .. 12:40 p.m and 1 ·40 p.m .. KNX 0070) (The DaUy Pilot I.a DOl respoulble ror late changes.) Bast is favored The return of Alan Christian lo speedway motorcycle racing action al the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa is at least two weeks away but Mike Bast is ready and favored to capture his fourth scratch main event tonight. Christian, of Huntington Beach, suf· fered a shoulder separation in a crash several weeks ago at Costa Mesa and has been sidelined ever since. ~-~ Air Filter -· 95c 99~. Diesel Fuel · COnditioner .S]l~ •• Auto Thermostat No's: 3306, 3308, 33009, J3036, 33038, 33039, 33129, 33139. All Climate Motor • 0 .1 ~ALVoulf I "OT_.,.. Multl·fliscosity J0-40. 89! Gallilal -. ~ Battery Tie-down , No. 1!702. s31e~· STRIDERS The three-way ·adjustable shock that's now computer tuned s1&~- SPORTS ON TV I UC IRVINE PVBUC NMICE -------- P\JBUC Nor1cE ... ,.. PICTtnOUtlUMMaU NAMa IT"TaMallT Tl\e fol-lflll IN<-1 ere Mlflll ............ ,AR WIEST COAST '""OPIE .. TIEI INVESTMENT o"ou ... uso c.1111ec A-. s...11e C. C..te Mitw. CMlfwnl• ~. GE"-'l.D J SOUZA. astt CM!llec Aveft11e, l111te C. C••I• Me1e, Gelll.,111.atMa. CL.,~ORD MANUaL, USO Cedlllec A-. SoAla c. c.a. -... Celltorft141 f»a. Tiii• llllsl ..... I• caflCl..clH by • llmlled-'......,. Gef .W J . $ewe, ~.i ... .- Till• ~ ..... flied wl"' -Covnty Clerll ., 0r8'199 C-y ell Aprll 20, 1"'1 ~ .... ,, Pll4>!1.-Or .... Ceut Oelly l"llo4, Mey I, I, IS, 12, 1•1 ~t PUBLIC NOTICE ... ,.. "CTITIOUI au1u1au Mot.Ma ITATaM&llT PVBUC NOTICB PUBLlC NOTICE l"ICTITIOUI 1us11ea11 NAMa STATIM&MT TIM loltow\nt .,.,_, la ~ twal MH•t PALADIN SYSTl'.MS, 21U W Ocean Fronl, Newport leecll, Celllernle.,.., Fr-~ Pelecllno. 211t w Oc een '•Ont. N••PO•t •••< ... C41lllorflie.,.., Tllll -ll c-.Cled by en 111 dlvld11el Fr-J Peledlfto Tllll ~ WM llled wllll the COlll'llY Clerll 04 or .... C-y ... Aprll 14, 1"1 ,.. ..... PuDll ...... Or41n9t Co. .. t Delly Piiot, Apr 11, J4, Mey I, I, 1•1 PUBLIC NOTICE PtlBUC NOTICE· llOMll P\JBUC NOTICE l"UIUC NaA•IMo NOTICI IS HE"E8Y OIVIN lllet a PU8LIC HEARING 19tore Ille (lty c-11 ., l .. City .. lrtl'* will .. lleld et lM C:-11 CN--.. CM< Center. 11100 J.,,,._ ......... lrvtne, C.11'9rftle, et 1 JO p.m • ••· .. - -r .. lter .. """" ....... ....., 12, , ••• -.... "9tl11Gn ., • IMjerlty .... OWftl•I .. v.. ,,,,, .... ., .....0 ..... m e lntelned roeda wit"'" Ill• Smoketr" Oevtl.....,1, deKrllH tMr•ln, r~lng , .. City of lrtlM by rHO-• c11ewm1,.. w,.hf, by re-• wm , ... -almlty le or c-llaft w1 .. "°*IC ,_ -the _, ..... ~Mil ...... __ .,. _.,ceu.. ol , .. pr..,111ort1 of 11w Vehlcle ~ ol Cetllornle to tvc" roeoa A c.., of wci. Pot11i.. 11.,, Ill• JA the olflee ol tlW CJty Ci.rll Det.d Aprll 2', 1"1 Heney C Rowl- CllY C..,.l Df IM City of trvlne PvblllNd Or-Coeat Oelly Pllet Mey I, t•t 20,,_.I PUBUC NOTICE Tiie 1041-tna per-.1 ••• ootne IMlllMUM. PACl~I( IHOUSTRIAL PERSON· "CTITIOUI MISINaH "CTITIOUI 8USIHaU NEL SERVICE, "o __ ,, Cencer HAM& STATUHNT NAMll ITATllMINT Drive, Svlt• 275, ..... Port •••ell. , ... IOllOWlflil per_,, ere OOlno Tfle '"''-'"' -SOii I• dOlnQ ..... ,. Celllorrilen.u. DllllMH., ,,.0 ., AM IE R 1 CAN e VS INES S OCEAN CHARTERS. J CorPOrele SANDRA LYONS -ARTIST, JUYI SE .. VICE CO .. PORATIOH , e PIHA,"-'19Hch,CA~ Al•Uado Piece, New1>or1 8U<ll. Celltornl• <~•lion, •10 Newport Merle ..._,.., Ad6m1, 104 Linde l•I•, Cetttornt• n..1 Cel'ller Orin , Sulle lU, Ne•porl Nirwporl .. edl, CA '1..0 Sendre Cerala Lyon1, JIJY, Alver-a .. cll, c.tllorN8 tMa. Alel'I L Adem1, 10• llnde Ille, Piece, N--1 8eecll, CA '1•'1 Thi• bullMU I•'°""""'" 0, • ,.,. NewPort 9eecll, CA '1..0 Thi• -lneH" ._,..,by en in -••loft Thi• blAI~• I• ""'""''•d b' ... In· OIYlduel. -le: .. ~ dl•ldu•t SendreC L"°"I Ser"'<.e eor_.etkln -•• H A°"'"" Thia •la-I WM liteo wllfl llle Wiii'-' J wo-.. TIU• •!element .... llled Wllll , ... Co11111, Clerk ol O•""llt c-... , on ~.,. Coun1, Clerk ol Oren90 Couf\ly °"I AP'll 22. 1"1 Tflt11la-w• Ill ... wit" I,_ AP'il n 1"1 '1_,S C C ot 0 r-·m . f'l"7tl PuDll ..... Or-eo.Jl Oelly '"''°' ovnty lerk '""lit ......, y Of' Publllhed Or-Coul Delly Ptlot, Apr1l 2'. Mey t I, IS. l"t 1,.J-11 ~11 21, 1'11 ,..,. April 1•. Me, I, I. IS, 1"1 1 ... -11 PvOll.,_ Or .... Coefl Dell' Pllol, Mey 1. a. IS. tl. '"' JOM-11 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUSIUllNlllJ NAMESTATllMINT Tll• 1011-1~ .,_,....,, er• dOlllll lllOTI CE O~ $ALE 11<111,,. .... Notl<e 11 heffbor gt...,, P""'"'"' ID ADVANCED MAlllCfTING end M<llOnl JOJI -1071 ol the Cl••I c-MANAGEMENT A~IATIES Jun 01 Ille Stele ot C••llorn1• lfle vn Peuo Del Mer, L•tune Nlguet, d•ralgl'l•d, M<Ferlefld Towing •n<. Ce1tlorntem11 wlll Mii el puibll< eu<tlon, et n• H ICnebe Menegemenl Ser•l<O, 8etevle, Or-. Gelllorrwe •-et tnco,, e Gelllorn11 corporetton, JI01 10 00 • m on T-y ,,. t?lh Dey ol Pe,..o De l Mer. Leeune Nlguet, Mey I"'· the t<"l-lnQ deterl-pro Celltornt .. »17 party, to wit "• Tflh 1>u11,,.11 11 condvtleo Dy • I t 1 • c fl e v P 1,1 , v 1 n C0<poret1on •CCY1UZl1'4t4. Otllornle Licon.. ICnebe_ge,,_,I • S .. S7W ServkH, lflC, S•td WI• II'°' lhe purpo .. ol Wlil Cerl Kn.O.. Pre11oen1 lying llen ol IN ,,,_,tlgned lor •-· Tfll1 "••-wes lllecl wllh lllt lnQ end/or ''°'-CNl"Qel ·-•fler County Clerk of o .... llt COvl'lly on with co1ts 04 -•rll~~ 1fld t•l*lltt A1>rll I , 1te1 ofwte ,.., .... Oeted 1111• Ill IMY of Mey, , .. I PuDll...., Or-Coeat 0.11, Piiot, Slnce'91y. • April 10. 11. 14, Mey 1, "" ,..,.., JudyMcferlMMI Pllbtt...., Or-Cout Delly Piiot, Mey t. '"' ltl .... 1 PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS 8UllNl:IJ PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IUSINaH NAM& ITATl .... NT T 111 lollowlno perapn 11 dotne ............ -IC I RR IGATION CON TROL COMPANY 1140 L Logen Street Cotle Moew. GellforrMo t»ll Rl<Mrd Biiiingsiey, 1210.t. L-n Strfft,Cotle1Mw,Celllor"'etll2'. Tiii• -~· 11 conc1vc-.a D, .,. lfldl•ld ... t Al<IWlrd 1111111>9~1•) T11t1 lla'-1 w .. llled with ,,_ Counly Cler1<ol Orenge Cqunt, onAprll ...... ,., ..... Pubthl.O Or-C:0..1 Delly Pltot, Aprll 10. IT, 1', AMy I, 1"1 1'2JO..ll PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI 8USINaU NAMa STATllMl:NT TIM loltowlflt _..,II doint bwli MU'll RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE NAMa STATEMaNT SERVICE. 10101 Sle«er A-. •IOI. !"•lol~i>ert•M•l•dol"9Duol~• ,_telnVelley,C.lllornletVOI. PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS MISINllU H JOHN 8UtHA"D CUSAClt, MD NAMllTATllMlllT 011:~~;-... ~lllltl.efW,C.telMw, Pr•ll-Drtw, H-U ......... ,.. Tl\e loll0wln9 peraont are CIOlf19 l "RIGATION CONTROLLER C•~~~r~= .. --b I . 1>usl,,...e1 CARE, 271 UI« Lene, Coate IMM, l c '., " MASTERCRAFT JEWELRY AND Celtlorl'lle '1U1 dlvidllel DESIGN, tlliOt Men... Rlwer Orcle, Rolleft "-v CIN ll, 211 Lllec ._.,,., Tllla ;':-'~"'.:! Ill«! wltll V.. F..,ntelft Vet .. y, CA '710I Coote MeY Cellfcw1W1 t»l7 loo ~ O.•lllJen .>irw••rv inc.. Thi• -inn. " condllcl ... by .,. c ... niy c..,_ of o....,.. '-"'Y .,, • Celllornle corperellon. ttUt lndlvl-Aprtt J, 1•1 ,. Martent River Core le , Fo11,.t eln R-rtR Cltlell Pwblllhld 0r-c.. t 0..11 •:::: Vell•y.CA.9t1GI Tllll llftl!Nlll "'" 111.0 ""llll 171t _..,. ' y • Thlt ~MU 11 C--Dy 'at.or· County Cla<k ol 0r .. ~ Covnty en AJW ll 10, 17, 14, ,., t. 1 .. 1 17 ... 1 PGrellon Apr II I, l"I --- --- Ml s1emon 0w1111., ,.,...., PUBLIC NOTICE ~'Y. '"' PuDlllNd Orenoe eo.11 Delly '"!lot, 8oe>Slemon.. PTesldent Aprll 10, 11, 14, Mey I, 1"1 1'1MI Tlll1 llel_,t w .. 111.0 wltll t,_ County Cieri< of Or.,ge C:O..nty °" Aprll 21, '"' '1M7tl Pvbllt/led Or_,. C.0.>I Delly Piiot, APtll 24, Mey 1. I . U, 1"1 1~1 PVllUC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IUSINaU NAMll ITATaMaMT T 11• loltowlne ...,...,, 11 d01n9 DutJ. PUBLIC NOTICE ""' .. SKAN4.IH(, 11" AnMWlm, Colle Me .. , CelllornM t»» NAMl: ITATaMaNT Ore9cwy Pllllllp S-enaen, 175$ Th• lonowlno perlOft• er• d•l"9 A,,.llelm, C•le Meu, c41111ornte f2'2' Ollll~~~T e'.NTE._P .. 1SH LTO .. di::;:!.~ la coMllc-by etl In· PICTITIOYI IUSIMaU HIS 8l11e Key, Corone del MA<. Gtwgory P. Sll4ln .. n ~ICTITIOU. IUltMall c e111 ...... m2S Tlllt .._._ •n filed "''"' ""' NAMll ITATa..-.. T JOMtlh c. ...... MU ..... Key, Covl'lty Cler1l ol Or ..... County Oft Tll• lell-lflll ,.._, •• ,. Mlflll COl"one .. -· c..111-e nus APfll u ,., -IMU•: l.w. 8. -· »U 81w ICey, ' ~t ..... W&a<AM, 1663 SUp«ler A-,. Cerone ... -· Celllornle m2S Plli>ll.,_. Dfllflllit Coe" Delly Piiot, Cat41...._,Cellloool•ft611. Tlll1blltlneaal1<ondll<lltdbyellmlt· AP' 11 24 AMyt 1 '"' lltMI HENRY l"ILGAI ...... Oelldele lllP•rl,,.,llllp. ' ' ' ' 0t1,,e,o..-o-.ce111WN~ ,,....,,c.-.. ----------- STtEVll STO"Y. 141)1 Uvrel • ..., .... "-PUBLIC NOTICE Otlft, "1-llOI, c.llfenlle taa. Tlll1 ~ •• llltcl wltll .. Tiiis llllJl""I It CO~IH • ., • Covn1y Cltrt ol Orenet Cffllty ... --------~ICTITIOUS au111111s ........ ...,,_._ Allf'll U , 1"1 --..w.Plk.., Tllla ~ -flt.I *lift , .. C"""tY Clerll el Or-C-y en ~ ...... . ,,,.. PvblllMCI °'".,.. Coeat o.lly Pli.t. ~II It, 11, i., ltMy t, '"' 1611 .. 1 PUBUC NOTICE ~1CT1nou1 au1111a11 llAMa ITATll ... NT Tiie fellNlfle i--11 •lflll 1>1111· -··: CUSTOM CA"PllT CARE, :m H. le,lllem Mr•t. Or11n99, Celllorl\le '2'6f .. AUL De •• Torre. JU N. aertll•m Str•t. or..,.. C•lllorl\le ft6t': Tlllt tanj-1• C-ttcl by., 11'1• Cllvlel\Ntl. Pwt 0.1• To,,. Tlllt .............. lllect .. 1u. tllt CO\lflty Cl-ol Or811~ Cowlty °" ~111,"91. fll.-n llAMalTATS.MalfT Pvbl..,.., Or-CMll Oelty Pl.... Tiie ......... _._ It llolflll -.11. ........ .,,,.,....., 1,1, ,., 11'441 ...... . PUBUC NOTICE IEX .. &llT f;llPORT$, UUt Atcuer Dr1v., 0.... ~ c.llferlll• .,.,. "l'AHCIES DIEHLSIEH OE LA TO .. RIE, ..... AIC.el6r Ori..., De.,. PICTITIOUS aUllMlll "91ftt, Cellfenlle .. ,. NAM& ITATaMaNT T"ll _.,..I• c-t.11 by 811 !ft. Tlla lollo•lflll -IOft• ere tMlln• Cllvlduel l>utl,,.11 M ,.,enc .. D. De Loi T.,,.. .. HOl!HIX &URGIEIU, 101 Thia .......... w• llled wlti. - Weatmlllster Avenw, We1tmll'l1ter, Ceu11ty Ci.rt ., o.-.,.. ee..My ell C.lllofnl• ~"" u .... , Cttl.WlltlM ... ,,_lellll, "" Pl .... l.lttteflelcl ~""'• Hllfltl""°" llHcll, ~ti..,_. Or .... C-t Delly l"llot. Celllomlll '2IMI AP'll 11, 17, U, llMY t, 1•1 11 .... 1 Pete "'-'-kit, S .. I Lltuef .. ICI Drive, Huntt"9ton .. ec: .. , C..lllOf'fll• ---- t2141 PUBLIC NOTICE .,Tiii• bullMu I• conovcted by. ___ _ ,.,..,., .,.,,,.....,,.,, c-• . CM1sun11,,. P. ,. r011lleltle Tiii• 1141 .. _ •M fll... wltll llM MO a TN Oa.&11e8 HIDICIA~ DHHICT C011nty C~rk ol Ora11~ C.Wnly en A,wll U,1"'1. "•"• ,,, ..... .......,A_ ,.........~ .... ~,.... Pv011'"9cl Or-C-.1 Delly Pllt4, PvOlltNCI ~ Coittt DAiiy l"llOt. ,._,,, 17, J~ May I, I, 1'11 • ,17U.1 Pl..AINTI~~· C & W ACTION ..... TAU, INC. A_,11 10, 17, l4, Mey IJ 1•1 1 ..... 1 PVBUC WOTICE" PIC'hflCIUHUSIMHS MAMalTAT&MaNT Tiie ,_....._ __ ., ...... llutl 1::~~.NG THIE SON J1w1EL.n , 11* ....,.._..,Cale MeM, CA..._ ... '*-Olrlttlell JtwelrJ. ·-· a Cellt.,111• car,.retle11, llHf Mant!!t IU....,, .._..,. Valley, CA .,,., Tiiie ..,.,_ la Ulft!Nc ... " e <er• -•UM. .. ..._dwlttllft . ,,....,.,, '"'· . .. ...._,,,.. ...... Tl\lt ~ W• 111.i Wiit\ t .. c-ty C1ar11 .. Orlfl99 ~' • Ael'I• n. *1. .., ..... ...,...,.._.OP-. CMtl OellY ,. ... , A«tl u. Mey '· ..... ,., ,..,.... PUBUC N&l'ICE PUBUf; N$)TJCE PICTITIOUS Miii Naii NAMa STATaMaNT Tl>• '"''-'"' --.,. Clel WM1te111•: T SHIAn "'-UI. 11W L..-w Hll Mell, l.ellMa Hllh.U. t'MQ. ICttll '· ....... lfm Siarra "9"8, 1rv1,,., CA mts. 1C••t11 J. larllllrka. ua tut c.n.._ kMllMIMe,AZILUM. Tlllt Wllllfft II <Oft4NCI ... tlY 8 11m1..-,.,-..,.... Ktlll-·'-" ... _Tlllt ~ •• fl .... wllfl tt.e ~,, c:.i.. .. Or1119t c-ty -. .... ,.,, D8P81fOANT: RITA O._A .. Ut1 DOISll ......... XX, ltteh,.lw t••ua.a , I 0 'V.' of I • • AMERICAN LEAGUE 12, Angeli 1 MILWAU1taa CALl..OIUUA .. ,.... .., .... M9111M.<f 6 0 I 0 Car•• lb 4 O O O y._I, M 6 I J I llH'lt•ll, U 4 I 2 0 C....t, llo • I 2 0 FOfd, rf J 0 I 0 0tl1Ylt, II 4 J 2 I Peltll, Jb I 0 I 0 Hl .. t, d4I 4 J J I LYllll.CI c 0 0 D llmm-,c 4 t I 2 8eyl0<,• 4 0 0 0 TlletnH, rt I I I I e>o.111 .... c ' 0 0 0 ldwre._ r'f I I 0 0 lt11i.wt1, rl J o O D H-tll, a I J J S Grich JO 1 0 0 0 i~'=;O 2:., ~ : : ~ Cler11: II I D 0 0 TtLtll 40 12 1• 1J H;o:::~ :Ill J~ ~ : : ken...,1 ........ ~~au~ m tJO 2~12 CelllOJllle 000 000 001-1 Ii 81H'lttorl, OP -Mllweull .. I, Calllorllla l-LOB Mllwaull .. 9, Ce lllorN• 4 28-Hlalt, -II. Tllotnal HI v ..... t. Howtll HA-Hlslt Cl) SF Tllomu , Gell\ftff Mllw-.. 1.-H 11 lll II IO AU9UttlM (W, 1-01 Kfflon I 2 0 J) I I 121000 ( ......... Jtll.,IOft, IL, Q-4) D'Acqo.111.o W MMI T J » A -l),421 11,, s~ 1 one.. 4, .,,. Jen• l 0 0 • • 0 I I 0 I T0<en10 000 000 000-0 J 2 8elll~ IJO 000 00.. 4 • 0 TOON,..,._ Ill -Wl'lltt, Wl>llrner Ill, Fl~ -~-W -FIAftt9tf1 (Hl L -T-11-21 H II l elllrnorc. Slno1ttoro m . A 1,116 TwtMt,aef••4 MIMt toU JJO 010 100 e 11 J 8011.oft 100 000 012 c 1 0 Erlcklon, Corb•ll It) end 8u1tra, TeNnt, I . S'-11•Y Ill. Clter (61, Aalrwy Ill -All.,_, W ErlOIOft (I 21 L - Tenen• 10.Jl HA Ml-•OC., Smalley Ct) 8H1011, Ilk• '"· Puu Ul A IS.SO. I ... _ >. 'flflol'9 1 .. I Chlu90 OJO ODO 000 J t 1 Cltvtl•ncl 000 000 >0• l • 0 8a11moar1 .... Hoyt C11 -E111an, WalU •"" 0111 w -W•lll (>-01 L -eau..._wn 11 l l HA -Cltwl-• .Harrah (I) A -.. .,. ........ 1.••Y .. •I t<an1e1 CllY 000 000 000 0 S 0 T .. H 001 041 fOa 1 10 J Gale, Maclln UJ. $9111torll 111. Wr191rt 111 a"41 Grot., Honeyc1.1t1 w HOfteftUll 12-01 L Ga le ll·Jl A 1', •U T 19ers l, MarltMn t 0.lroll JOO 000 000-7 • O s .. 111. ooo ooo ooo~ 2 o i.oiema -Parrltll, GIUI°" •net N ... rOft W Rozema U·ll L Glea1on 12·>1 A-i ,11• N•tlon•lle•gue AltrMI, ., • .,.. ' HOll.ttO<I )OJ ODO 000 S 4 I AtlaftU 000 100 000 I S 0 J NltllrO -Miiby, 8->. Hannall ltl, Malller (ti -8enadlCI W J N1•ro 11·11 L 8o191 11-31. HAI H°"''°"• •onold• <JI. J. Cr1.1t UI A -10,006 ·-•.P-•J S.n 01t90 000 000 1112 S 1 Cincl,, IJO 000 Ola 4 11 1 Ml.Ira, LI.Ital tit - T l(e-dy, LACo .. , Pritt (I), H.....,. 19) -Nolan, O'lerry <•> W -L.C-11·21 L -Mura tl>-Jl. S H .. me Ill HA -San 0 1-.0. L•F•IWre m A -lt."4 Plr .... r.~• Pllbb1.1ret> un 101 000 -1 11 I Htw York 001 100 002 -4 10 l Car10tl.,.1a. Telllll,.. Ct>. Jaell.IOft l•I - Nicosia; Ila._., Falc-<•> • .-.... - 111 anct Tre¥tno. w C-.. rl• l Ml L - i.a. J-10.ll S Jack_, (11 HA -Pil tso .. roh, ,_,,...., tJ> A ~.sSJ. Top 10 18-•Uathb) A.Mall"AH LEAGUE 0 A8 II H l'ltL Slngltton, lalUmo<e U » 10 U 471 lltll. S..ttle 20 ,, 11 )0 JtO 811,,0lllN. SHUit ' l 1 I 12 Jl1 Kempt, Detroit •• .. • U m krMI-.~ 11 .. 10 1S ~ Fltll, Clllt8110 U 11 e I) ISi Dwyer, lalllmore • 2• S • .:146 L111lno l, <:Ne-1• SI 10 tO .)41 01,u, Cltwland 11 IS c 12 .161 HarrOft, Sa.ttle 12 • I 1l lC2 ,._.__ SlntltCllfl. Baltl..-.. 1, Artntl, OP.....,, 1, Smalley, M1""'"41U, •; 0.. ....... A ...... •• ._ .... Ill Armu, Oallland, n, ~lley, Mlnnuota, U; Sl"ll,._, S.lllrnort, le Fllll Chic-. 14 pttc""" (J Decbl-1 M Morris, O.lll-. ~. K-.ofl, Oa•.-. 4.0; Wallet,, U ; l'-11, ......._ M : Hoyt, Cllluoe, U , Lerch, MHweullat. 1-0. lur,,.. ~ 2.0. C-r, Tuao, >-0, H-y<utt. r.-. 2.0 MATIOtfAL LEAGUE 0 Al II H l'rt Colllnt, CkKlnNll 11 H 11 1' .406 Flynll, HY Mell IS 4' 1 1' .• .--• ...,11_.-.,,,.. 11 ,. 12 n m H•<*r.-i, CNc -" SI s n .Jn C~-. Clnc.,,....11 11 M le JA .M i.a IMI, Mllfttreat " u n n w ~raltt, Clli"90 " J4 2 11 .w ftmp-, SL Lo<lls 13 SI ll 20 .J4S Mal!Nws, '9111 .. lpl\le u so 10 11 ..MO Ht ......... I, 5(. LOUii 1l SO ' 11 .MO H-11-0awton, Montrtal, S. Sc 11m101, Phllafelpllle , I ; Carter. Montreal, •; Kln9mM1, Hew Yer11, 4, J. ThofnpMln, Pit· 1tb11rgh, ~ -rwr, Atlante, '· M1.1rplly, Atlanta, 4 ._ ......... Contt1Klon, Cl11cl11"et1, 21, S<hmlOI, Plllladelpllle, ,., Oor'fty, 0M9en, 14; Murp11y, Atlama, u ; CMt•r. -lrHI 1a, Ori"""· Clneln'Wtl, 12; CMleit, Ian Fr- tlt<O, 12 P'hclll ... u o.i....1 Yat1e1Mla, DMt••>• S•t ; Carlton , ll'llU~•· ,_.J lal*non. MontrMI, W. llMM!I, ~. :M; Sof'tnean. St. LCIUK, 1.0; M--.....,... M l Sllhwy, SI. L.out .. l•t ; ••••ll'tl. ClnJlllMll, 2.0, ltntptMr, H-*l,M. From Pag'e C1 .. _.,...,,.._ • Collea. te0re1 U of ..... 01 ... JG; \)$tU' Cha"""" I, i..tVorne t eomnwm., col .... ...................... 1110 ...,._ 00* 000 OJD-I I 4 Go-Wotl .. oat lb It IJ • Kohler, c;.mpCMlt UI, 81avu U I anf SHtl!, St-. Ma1-Ill -$thul1 W-Sto11e 14 41. L Kehler 28-8eran411"l l llHI, Hall, Ma<Att""r J (OWCl. ll- S< .... 11 IGWCJ 0r...,c.e.111.~· Oronmont 400 020 000-6 t i OranteCM>t 001 O(tall I0•-111J I t<1.1ralnger, O.ller Ul, Stnlth UI, J- ltl and .... ,.., .. Slwkltt, SlnlOf\, Jliltl (I) •nd 0 1•. Smevoe W-Slmon 16-11 L- Geller 18-LM l , Groet t. V•n--.. M•lbon COCCI, Her11tll (01: Hll- MOnl~ry IOCCI. AlYaroi, a ... nerd (0). ~·•.Cllnlll l s..ci1-. 000 100 401-4 t • Cllr1.1t 000 000 OOJ-3 1t t Amaya, Ktn11ey ltl -1rw111. T~ WIUlamt 111. S.l•t Ill -Hovatter, W-Ameye 11·21 L-Torrei. S-Klnney IJ). 21 H ... reo. $cl\MfMr IS), EYant, Smltll. C•mpllell, o.nmlrop, McCord (Cl Hll- EYant ISi COMMUNITY COLLEQE South CoHt Conference =>••nvec-tt •::errilH ~nl•Ana F11lletrton 'i•nOl991>MeM 1'At San MIOftlO •:itOIJmont n.n..y'• lcerM Orangt Coal 17, GroMmOftl • W L 0 8 ,, . ' J\'t • J . "" . , ..... . ' ...... J 14 10 San OltQO Me .. •. Ml S.n Ant.,..lo ) $a111e,.,.. ,, Fullerton• ~···o­Sant.e ,.... at Mt $<111 A.ftt.,..lo S.11 OltQO ~Wat Ful .. rton C•rrllOla t G,_,,. MIHlon Conference ~THEllH DIVlllON Saddl-11 $anOlt90CC Sovlllwttlem Palomar W L 98 I) 1 HOllTHEllH DIVISION cu .... S.n 8er, Alnrsldt Cllattoy T~Y'tScWH Saddl-lt •. CllrUl J So<llllWtttem 16, Palomar t San 01-CC'· i.1ve,..lde s San 8-0•no s. CNll•Y I S.-y·ao.-1 A1ver11de •I Saddl-k San 8tr,..,dlno a1 San Olt90 CC Cllru1a1Pa1omat Cllalley al Sout.l>wftttr11 10 ' 111> ' 10 JI/> • u 1 u • 12 • 10 10 J 1 u s Southern Cal Conference SICOfolO llOUNO Golden Wts1 W L G8 s J Alo Ho.- LA H•r- Lo1A-IKCC SanlaMOft1<a Cyprttl EHtL01Anetlt• LA Sckllhwttl TIIWMeY'• kWH C.oldtn WHI 10, Rio H-J LA Harllo< 10, LotAft99,.l CC I Cy Dre» c, Monica O s J ~ l J • J J J ) J J 4 JI/> I S JV. LA SO..lllWftl at Eall LOI Anvelt• ~·o-· Golden west a t LOl Ane-lff cc Eau lOl ..,..._al LA Harbor LA So<ot,,_11 at CvD<•H R 10 H-al §Mita Mnn1u Watef polo II l'INACU.-TOUllllAMENT lat"""-· ..... , C.-11,U..._.M_, Sc-."' OMtterl Cuba l 2 l 1-10 Unlltcl StMK 4 J 0 2-t Cuba KCW'l119. A11l1 I, Aoclr19Ue1 J, Olar I, Coste 1, ltlro I, R-1. e.natH I. Unlltcl St-tcorl"ll A-nlOft 2, P Campbell 2, Slellen1 2, M c Ooneld I, Svend Mn I, J CMncltoell I OTMEllSCOllH Soviet Uftlorl 7, Hvftoary S Spa In U, 8"'99rle 1 Vu9011avle • • .lwtlr•ll• 4 TC*l~T'S ICHE DULE • 11u._i."' H_..y S >O Slwltt Union vs SCNln 1 A .. •lratla VI c- • lO Untied St.Ill n . YlillOMaYI• High Mlfloof t,.ck • c--.-n.c:.u-u 100 1 Farvo 1c-1. 10 2. 2 ~"' ICGMI, 10J, l. Riha (CM), 10 S 210 I Feroo ICdMl, 21.2, J . -r11n tCdMI. U I ; J. Cul.,.r ICMl, 24 0 440 1 Cul....-(CM), SI.I; J. McG11l- ICdMI. S1J, 3 Alltft ICMI. 12 9 MO I Hornre ICMl, 2 00 t , 2 Al..,_ ICMl,J 011 J _,_ICOMl,2 OJI • Mtlt I 0.11 ...... ICdMI, 4 llt; J Colla CCdMI, •12'.4, J LaCroua ICMI, •. JI 7, J.mne I Gall..,.., ICdMI, t ;ll.t ; ,_ L•Cro1• ICMI, 9 »I, l Holl-(CdMI, • n > UOLH 1 Ort90 lCMI. 40 1, 2 Al..,_ ICMI, 41 l,J Htr11el ICdMI, At.6. 1tDHH -I, Kernoflan lCdMI, i..O. 2. Herbel (CdMI, 16 J; J c ... (CdMl, 16.7, 440 rt lay -t Corona oet Mer. 40 44 J. Miit reia, -I Cor'G<M def Mar, J llU. LJ I IC...-ICdMI, 20-411>; 2. *- CCdMI, 20-J, l HtmaGo\ICMI. lt-7 HJ -1 Miiiett ICMI, 6-2; 2. Boeke ICdMI, W , l. V~(c:MI. J.10. • T J I A'-ICdMI, 41-S, 2 1(.,-.-- (CdMl, 41·4"'>, J M<O..!Nwu tCOMI, ... PV I S.....i-t ICdMI. IJ .. , 2 aa...i (CCI.Ml, n.o. no third S" -t. It_. CCdMI, JO.JV., I. M- ICdMI, c~; J_ k l ICMl,<M • OT -1. Ha.tie CCMJ. 1-.C, i ~·­ICdMI, 122-4, J. Met-ICM), 12'-t • ANGELS WSEe • e scored eipt runt on el1bt hit.a otr o· AcqulJto over (he next ~ lnn1n1t. 8)' 1111!! TIME the seventh ln· · nln1 1tretcb rolled arowsd, ·the Brewen wen 1ttuni atop an U.O lead and the few f ant left were llJtalnt, ''Take·me out to ~k,IAa lot." Fresotl l.i D' Acqut1to a11d Sanchn ~ u tooi as they could feed, UP .• balls to the b1ppy MUwau-" bitters, hopina to 1lve U.. bullpea aome rat '9 prePM"iltioa tor tho rematiid« d thla...... • Ton1ftt • .f'OOkl• »lire WlU Cl•l), whO Wat briWut ln a tw-o; bit Win over Mlam110&a SUndeJ. 1ett UM 1ta.rt for tbe A.qelJ ····-Rudy Lett• (2.0). "f heard In 1prin1 tralmDI that tbl loNI' Ill.,,... bit.,.. Utt ANell Ml Bnwen WoWd b41· tbe team that got tired of a<: oring rum flrst," AuauaUne Sfl id . "l trled to block out the bll le ad when I got l1t the mound." "I WOULD HAVE been h•PPY if Aull• cO\ald b•ve gonfl live Cl nnln1a>,'' aald Rod1er1, the k• rm er AJ16el catcher in hla fint fo1ll year 11 the Brewen' rr1 anaaer. "We've been atttinc 1q •me super pltehln1 lately. The A ngelt are. bavln1 the 1amt p1 •oblem.1 we are. I lhlnk UM w armer weather helps." Howell acreect with that no- Uon. "Our 1uY1 were •wlnclnl U1 e bau creat ln 1prtn1 traJniOI. \\' e ttarled out Jn Cleveland on• bit·auttl\LI day, bUt lb• ne.xt day It l*''t from 65 derr~• to '5 (n a h•nrey.• .ll'll bt hlce to pla1 ln Sr11ut.bffn CaJlfomia wbert Jt1a a Uit ue warmer Jutt watch, ,._•n '''re Ute bill Plcklq up." • -,. ,.;El ---·- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 Angel, Dodger Schedules Angell on Radio KMPC (710) Ood99ra on A•dlo KA8C (790) Angela on TV Dodg.,1 on TV ....... "'..., Channel5 Chann•I 11 Cl Sunday Mpnday TuHd•y Wedn••d•y Thuraday Frld•y Saturday May 3 Mitw 11 -.1 •lllll(tfiat~.10-~ 10 Oetr0tt al -. 1 • ...,,at lllets. I~ 17 11 18 5 Yn.s11-. 7ll • ~ 11 PM11t$ 4~ 12 19 6 Yftels at a.a. I}) • ....,, 11 Plltlkts 4 3) 20 7 Yll!Ues 11 ....... 7 ll • ...,_, at PMtaes. 05 14 Alpb al Mltw llll him ii """' 1 35 8 • Detroct It, I Ju 0elr041 JI ..... 1 .....II Me!S.~ll'J llftttS II Mell. 11 {6 15 11 ..... atOelr11tt • Alctb .i Oelroil. 11 I~ lltets II "-"' • } Met ,, ~/Ill 22 • All* at De11oit. 10}) Mets 11 ~ I Ill -It Clev , 4.lS •atC!eot,Ul ...-al Bait 4.lO Phlllles at ~ I J~ 21 Alpis at 8111. 4 ll Chqoal Alltb. 'lfl Ch1l;~O Al lllills. I • .._.,, al Reds ~ h • Wttn Al I<~ 11 I~ Pill~ at llflllr\ I 35 Plllffs at .....,_ 7 35 25 26 24 Cll1cago II .. I • .._.,,at~. 10 I!> ((If) Toronto al -. 7 30 ...., al Ali.tu. 4 l5 f0tonto 11 ....., 1 30 ._... al Ali.tu 4 35 roconto at Ale*. I JO Wpc's al Al~ta ~ J!> 28 Dlllfltr• at AllM!ta 4 ~ 31 June 1 2 3 4 • All* al Chicago. 10 ll Redsar --..1~ 111911 at rcronto. U:l ..... at loconto, Ul All* al f0t111to. 4 JO Attanta at ...,,. I 35 A~raat--..135 AtUrlta at lll&lf1 l 35 Maw Del ts, L• .... U 100 I Pola IMO>. 10.2. 2. w1111- UO), 10 6, ) Aa mlrH Il l. ID.•. 220 -I Wllllarn1 IMOI, U 7, 2 L-tLI, 14 I. l Rovira tMOI, tc 4 440 I Hl119ln1 IMOI. 11.1, J lle¥1ra IMOI, SJ I, 3 W-lMOI, Sl' MO I llrown IMOl, I St.I : 2 .-1.nt.e IMDI. 2 112 1; l. Arri ... (MOl, 2:01. I Mlle -I M<Muttr IMO), 4'0 S; 2. Menlne1 IMO), 4 121 J T0t•r IMO>. • 45.J 2 mll• 1 Ntlton (MDI, 10 00 J, 2. Muno1 IMOI, 10.11.2, l Ettrade IMOl, 10:JO.O 120HH I Pola 111101, IS 7, J. S.nlt IL), I• l , ) ILi, I• t llOLH I Hl119inl I • di, Jt 1, J Aotlt- ancltr ILl,41 t, l GlllCK Ill, 41.> ·~ , .. ,, I nwter Doi. 0 .1. Mlle rtlay I. Maler Oet, J.JS.t . HJ 1 JuerQeM CMOI, t-41, J Wei"' (LI. H , a Sutplllft (MDI. S,.10 SP I Ur-ell IMOI, .. 2, J. Ollvat (LI, ..,j•..,, l Pola IMOl,U. Pl/ I Ryan IMOI, 12 ... 2 Gelllv., IMOl.11 .. J.O'l-.ra lLl, IJ-0 LJ I Wllllem1 (MDI, 1'-211>, 2 lntll\e Ill, 11 11 l L-(LI. Ii 31/t l1T-tt,Et-la4' 100 I l 1bargtr <E Tl, 10 7. 2 Pearce IEI. IOt, l Barrws IEl, 10.t . 2JO I L'l'lWlrger IETI, 23.4. J 8al0tlll cEn .u 3 wem (ETl,Ut c40 I 8aldtlll (ETI SJ J, J H11rd IETl, U 0, l KltrnQt IETI, SS 2 I "° I L-(ETI, 2 06 >. 1 Klaf•r l EI. J 0. C, J Hurd IE Tl. 1 01 1 Miit I Mc:C.rlll~ i'J.if • 41 I, 2. 5'1YI>' ma IETI, • c7 I, J~nln91\am IETI, c C9 s l m ilt I Mc:CerlllY IE). t » 5, 1 Cun- n1noh•m 1ET1 t st s J Farlen CETl, 10 11 Q IJOHH I Elor1dQlt IETl, 16.1, J Smith tEI. ••I, J 8-n t EI, 1' 8 UOLH I P.arce IEI. cl 2, 1 EIGrklllt I ETI. 41 S l Au1t1n lETl,411 c40 relay I El Toro, 411. 7 Ml••,. .. , I El Toro, J » J HJ -1 Smith (El, S.10, 1 Cllne IETl, 5_.; J. Leury tET), H , LJ -I 8arne1(E l,JO.l'n,J HtallltE'>. 11 "'" J Warner IE Tl , It 1 TJ I HfflhlETl.Jt-4 J Warner lETl. J9.J...,, l Cline IETI, J9.0 PV I Smllll (El. 11.0. 2 Spltt lEl, "'4. no lltord SP I Holl\ (£Tl,4S.•, J. S.ree ... t IETI, u .c. l M<Alplne (El. 4M '"' OT -I P.lert tETI. 1S~• 1 Hot/\ IETI. ,._.,., l va1e11er I El, 14-1 Women'• toumament (MM.i..Cli.,, ~ ... ) 0-.......... ....... Andre• Je.gtr cltf. SylYle Hanlu ,. 1, w. Henco Mal\dlikOY• cltf K.•11'1'1' H ..... •lh, ... 2. 1 •. Martina Navra111ov• dtl. Yv- Vermuk, ...,., M . A09lna IMralllOYa *' Wendy Tun>llUll, .. 1,6-4, ... J Pernod~ tourn•ment (ai ........ 1 O.r'9rtlt111"'"91ft Andrew Jarrtll m l Toroy Or.,..m, ._I, , .. , Joroelllan Smllll 0.1 0-le Vltw r, 1·S, •-l , ll•Y -. ml. i.1c11trd Lewi>. 2'4, M , • J, John Feawr oer. Deon Joubert, •.O • .,., WOMEN 0.rWftMI~ JtMy M;iftdel def Ianthe Cunnln9f\Mn, •·2, •-l, Lli Gor-dtl Cathy OrMry, •1. •·•. • 2. Broda Rtmlllon d•I Kate 8ratlltr, ... ,, M , FICW'rlt MllWll dtl Ma'" 800111 .... 1 ..... WCT chamolon•hlp• (at Da)letl Qotlr1erf1Ml lltlelff Joflan otrlek def. Woltek f'lball, l·S. ~ • '· •-c Community college MIHION CONl'RlltNC• TOUaHEY lal.-....... 1 f'lntll-11119ift Se rrano IS•ddl ella<lr) def Troller I Pelomarl. t-J. i-t, tttlrtcl, 8e<ll (S.. dlebaclll def 1..eung ISalilhw .. ternl, M , •1. S.C....11-SI ..... P all°" ISAcldl•baOI aet. Ena11u (Saft lernardlnol. 6-1, • I, Olmtt .. d lkd· dltlN<kl def Sliva <Soutnw .. i.rnl, M '-1, M , Staci! (S.n Ole9o CCI cltf San--...... H , Wllla'Qrg (Secldl-11) 0.1 J-11 IPal-1, ._,, ._,, Downey ISaddltClt<kl dol. Qui-(San Dlt9o CCI, W 1 6-1 , ~­CS•ddl-kl 0.1. KUnt.lly ($ow111-..lanll, t ·O, •·I, Scrlbfter CSeddlObaclll del 8llband1lja CPalomMl,6-C,6-4 ------• OowntY Ptelot1 (s.ddlebackl m t ._...,.._ Well•r ISo1.1tllwHt.,nl, 6·2. •-1, 80<11· WltttntN•g IS.-.-Ckl, def. 811baMJIJ• Jacobtlll (Pelo'"er), • 2, •·I , S<rlllfler• OlmtlMd (s.ddlt6ao1 del H-ICwll""" (P•l-1 •'.6·1 H!vh tchool a .. _ u~ • ......,., H•~ u"'-s-.... PaallOW (NI Iott to H6'tm .. n, .... Iott .. Jeftltlnt, 2•, •f "-'""'· 7•, lost to MatlM. H . s-tHI !Ml. J'4, won. 1.s, !Mt, •1, J-4, Je MV.rt (HI IOtt, J-6, won, M . H , •t; Jo Mt•"' (HI lo.I, a-4, won,~ ... I, 1'4 o-.1• Tllorp.Godoer IN~ 1011 lo HuHn••· ~lmmo~. u . t'4, ljt(ll wllh Olson-~. ... 1. H , -rtt Bird (fof) -.ut,•1,6-4,.tt, 6-2.6-1 ~ . . ., . Women'• aottball ~•OE O.....W"tJ,UM;t Golden w.t1 100 ooo J-l • o use ooo ooo 1-1 , ~ Huller -llkharch, Slmley ...., H-. cock. W-H<i! .. r L-Slmter 28-Marudlo IGWCl. 18 -G<ay CUSCl Women't gymn81tlca MtOfllCMOOI. s-........ ~ ... " ,_tt11tel11 Vaftt'I 1•.tt. WHt"'"'"" 1a.U Floor e-clM -1 OMiand (FVI. 9 I. Pommel llorM -I O.~land CFV), t J, Al"9l -I Oalll-IFVI, t CS, Ve1111 I Grlllln tFVI, 'U, Parellel bars 1 OU l•nO tFV), t •. HorttOCllal bar I. O•kt•nd (FVl, 1.t. Houston Open oar, McCord Tom Kiit Halt lrwl11 Ben ,,.,.,,.. Tom Pwuer David EdW.,Olt MtU Holland l ruct LltUllo TornmyValtftllrw 8o«lllyW-ln Jay Ha• Oen Hal_._, T "°"'" Or -V L-rO"*'-' 0oftJanU¥'( Jerry lillkt McCullough ...... y '"""- Jeck A- C1.1rtl1Str-ll011 Slrack L°"Gr-.n ltrty .i.cUt lolt Glider Mlll•Svlllvan Jim 8-• a.tty Colt a111 "oewa J-Com HI<• FeMllD TemWel.,._, ~t••­LenHllllllt OlllOy Ollblr1 a .. ue....,. Oane Ovlllley Jerry McO- Mllt Donald Don Poolty o.or ......... Vlctw A-•-a. ... Llttltr ._., .. khol. L-lt o.m.nts ~ddla PNKe Gay8r- 81.11Ch 8tlrd TomJ-ft MlkaMorlty areci aryant i..H.Sl- AUrlaWltt Or90A-1 J .C. SMecl Tt"Y OleN 0-gec.dle .-atLIMwy Jim Pent Pttar Oostari\1111 Oave l undtllrom 8r1Ke Fltl- Llndy Miiier ll<*SllNrw or .. ~ CalYln l'wte JOllftA- Franll C-r o.uer.-1 Dan Elcllelberger O•n PoN °'"" ..... Tom Stot-v LPOA tovrna.,,.nt I .. NII-....... LC.I Miiare Haynie Holtl1 Sl«y Oo!ICllt ""'"" ICJllhywtll~ C¥olyn Hiii Sltvi• lar\tlecdftl klll O...iet 5alldre SfowJdl 0. It LIMldqullt .... ""'_. •·Mary ~"'"' Do__.. ...,_., OotGermeln s....r • ...,,_ CIM)'Hlll s.11., Ltttlo Amy Ale.ff •·1-.....-,....,., °"'"' l(atlly_.n From Page C1 U JJ-+I J2.:IJ-4J l1·l4-4S J).J:2-4S ,,.,,_ J2-Jot- M-J:2 .... ,,.,.. .... J+.32 .... u.~ )4.~ u.w-.1 Jl>.Jl-47 :M-»--41 ,,,.,,_., U.M-41 >4-D-47 .,,_., J2·U-.7 )6.U-41 l!rJJ-41 JS,.~ u.u-.. )4.)4-41 ).).~ Jj,.JJ-41 ,,,,.~ ,, ......... ~ ,,,,.,._ »-...... s.u-.. ls.M-lJ.M_.. )4.~ M-u-.t M-~ U-M_.. u-~ M·U-.. 14-U.... JJ..Jl_.. ,,. ...... ""~ ·~ U-u-10 ll·»-10 M-M--'11 M-M--10 •J:2-19 ~ 11-»-'11 ~70 ,...._,. JS.»-70 U.J.5-70 JS,.J$-10 a..M-10 Jl>.M-10 »-»-11 »-»-11 l2 Jt-11 11·M-11 >S-»-11 Jt.J.5-11 )64).-11 U-»-11 ,,..,._,, J>»-11 l1·M--11 ,,.,._71 M·'1-1• ~ ,._,...... ~ '7·»-10 Jl•U-1! Jt.»-7' J7·»-12 M-Jt--17 Jl·»-7' u.11-n ., . ._,, ll·»-71 ..._,, IWS-11 ,,,._71 ,...,_,, 114-11 ,._.._,,, ,..,.-n ,, . .......,, Loa Alamlto1 T"UlllOAY'S llESULTI I stlll 91 -19111 ... ._.. ,,,..11 ... 1 First race Roval Sl9N1I I Kuebler), 2.•. Joo, J 40 Emorv Direct IRal<lllCW'dl, II•. 10 CO Ci•-•> 6oY ICral\el J 90 ll tu<la CO JI pa10 SU ID Second race ~i»r mooH !Grundy), f.00, c ID, J ID HOftOr Bound CLlllfllhlllt, 4.JO, J .0 Andy 1-1....-fGOl.ll.rtel. S.40. ThlrO race S1 ... 11 LH N <Grundy), S 20 J •O l 10 Ou I\\ I tr I Catonl, t JO, 4 WI, Corn1 .. 11 C..O.lle CAIWMnonl J JO ll eucta Ull pa1oweo FOllrlh ract lu<"f A IAal~lllCW'dl. t JO. c co J 60, John H e nover H ( Ouart•ro101 6 oO c co Gel away N CLaCl•1tl, S lO Flllll ta<t II•• H"I> 10.'Yllll I 00, •to. .. Ml. Hll Crw"• I L..ongol, IC to, t 00, Ke.,- Jane CGrroo<vl t 40 U .,IKla l !r11 pjll.i )111 00 Sl•ln ratf J.,l'I' Hunter t8alttrl, i.40, 1 .0, J JO. f-our1~ ROSf (L191ltlllll),) 20, 2.60, 011ran10 I LOftGO• 1 .0 S. .. nll'I r•·• A L WHO.• I ROMn), IJ.IO '20. •ID Sporly 010 Al I Tremllteyl, 10 40 •.JO, C NvmHlllbllly IA.,bll\l,JOO Ueucla () ~l paoo \1'1 00 U Poe•'>•• IC ) ) S 1 J) 1>4ld )1',091 ID wlll' lhrH WIMl"Q ll(U U !\I• llOrWS1 U Pie• SI• Cottsolal.on pa10 Jl'7 JO wllh 40 wlnnlnG• U<kf'I\ lfl.,PhOrW'1ol E1g11111 ••• O•n1• Jay t 0.1omerl, •.40 2 IO, 2 40 Chief Gu1 A IC-land I, J.JO, ) to luml>o'r Joy I Otnnlll. J JO Nlnlll rat• 8d•l1n t!>llerr9"1, 4.40. 2 ID 2 to Ablt !lower •Todd). •JO c 20, J.,r) Wiiiiam <Soon<-• 11r1 J 20 U .. act. 11-JI paid \UCO Ttnlll rac• Pa<.en 8111 tGrunctyl, U.40 1 IO. I 10, Ov• Jtll tl(uebl•rl, I .to, S 2D,• A•dOO 'To\•••I. c JO '2 Hatt.I 1•11 oa1d \ISi 00 All<. s )CO Hollywood Ptrk f HUi.SOAY'S llRSULTS I Siii of u.4ay tller ... llw .. -11 .. ) F lr•I race Rtcl RldQwar ll lllflaml, 4..0, l 00, 1 '° So<111ecr Marc IP••"•'· I.JO, ••• Hui Hu' f ~10.-rant • l .0. S.cond '"•<• t • Ft••'-C Oe•etaov.u.,..,, t 40, ~ 40 l IJIJ L rnn • K ..-ledge ( "-retl, >O 40 II 00 Clt •tr 1u .. tMalO-rlnlt, J.30. ll D•1ly• II 111 pa10 )41 CO S2 Delly Doub•• COflWl•l•on t I II ... Id \1 00 T111td •4'<• Friona l>Wwleyl, • .o. •co • J ID I ynn • fan<y •V•IOl~IKol, 11 40, •to, 8ell• • En•<>v l~l-l, • 00 U •a.act. CI 21 paid SJJI 00 Four111 ra<t l..alprlft<•I" (Hawltyl, 'JO, ~ 00. l 40 AIW'tl Tout (T~adel. 11 30, e 00 8ria,.1n I Ba11aaar I, e llO Flllll IMt Arid !>1,...t 10.•-u-vtl, 1 IO, • co. l JQ Haro to Lat (Mer_,.11, 10 20, S 00, Mliler C.r"""'"lt' (Hawley), 3 .0 \S •U<1• IS 7) paid llt•.JO. Sl•lll ract O,.Nmlc Lactv (M<C: ....... 1, c tO, l 40. l IO Sl•llartlle ILlpf\an'll, I eo, 4 to. Aa<lltl A«lltl IBall&UI), •.40 S.vemll •«• MajCW' ~rt (forO). ll 30, 1.40, l ID, L.o Ou< De Bar (Maletrlnll, .. ao. J 90, El P•ncM Angrl (Llpnaml, U ... •<la U ll paid \1'? SO $1 Pie~ Sia ( 11 I t+l•I 1Nld $122,SJ0.20 with -w1nn1no 11ue1 Ula llOrllll. S2 1•10 St• <onW>l•llon paid l3ll 40 wlllt 10 wlllnl"ll llOeh llivt _,..,, E tQhtll rac t -Emperor't Key ICut-1. •IO,.'° J JO. Tiit AraYl• Klcl (Hawley I l to 1.0. 5nam·s FOOi I Pierul, 1 ID N1n111 rec. Nallvw Pr-IOf llll'<CM rorol, 6 to, c CO. J ')(), Tr1.1t1tl0ed IC.~). S tO, 3 40 P•Otllul 1n Vall ITorol, J.JD U tUCll (~) paid 0 2.SO Alltndance 11 c73 Kentucky Derby fleld Here •re Ille tftlrl ... POU PGtltltl'lt, jo< •eys •no Ille probablt odds for Saturday s 101111 runninQ of Ille Ktftli;c•y Derby at 0>urc11111 Downs, Ille 11,.1 tee of Ille T r1plt Crown lor lllorouQhbrad llonH ~ PP H-J.cuy 09llt Spi•nd•d !>prut• 1Mo4arguel l!rl a Golo.n Derby I E"'lnol&ll 2 I I Perlel IHewleyl IC>-1 1 Ooublo Sortie C T"°"'4>l.lr111 10.1 • Proud AppUI t Felli J-1 I Hl banO IF•ll~I 10-1 PIHlM'I Co•oroy IVtlasqueal 4·1 t Pass lh« Tab I P1ncay1 Jo.I ' II Noble Nnnu• CAMnUIMftl 10-1 10 I H0tdow<1 l Oay ICllapmanl 10.1 11 WoodchOp(ltr 10.lar*""Y•I JO.I 11 Wtl• o.<oraled IMacl»tlll :».I ll I ClaUIC Go C.0 I 81«kl 10-1 le Top"-' C~yderl JD.I U 8 010 E90 fllve1y) .. 1 1' Cure trw BIUh (!>110tme1ter1 .. 2 11 I Btau All tRUOOlccol 11>-t sit I Telt•ll'411 Sllldlo IWllll .. I 14~1 It Tap si-t IHtrnaftOUI •I a Eftlry btuuw 04 D•rtlal _,.,,,. .. 111 DOtll Dy JOllrl R Galtles 1>-Flyln9 Z .. Stali>lt tlltry t·mu1uet t•••O Owner. I S..rl & Turf Slablt, 2. JoNI" Gain .. -Fr-rlto E LMlmann; l. Ml e nd Mn Henry Grune end Ellaa .. 111 OaYll. 4 Freel and L°"ll VI•; S, llM!celm H. Wlnlltld,. Jonn A C.alne1, Stanley .. ...,. end Hobert t:nt..,manft; • M A. Coeli., 1. luc:lll•n<I Farm. t L--VIiiena!: t F1,1n9 Zft Stebl• 10 Roger OomW..,.r .... M•rle Fr•Cltl 11 G,.....I,... Ste... 12. HtrlNrl Alteft 13 Verne H. Wl11<1Mll; " w. .-. lll•hoO, U Or JOMf>ll Kidd alW J , O. aarton, 16 B•rlr.,.,, Flret..,._; 17. C:.... "OUIMll, If 0W-llotl f'ann; It, ....... J, ,_tten, Artltu< I Han<ot-111, Mrt. "°'~la Ovro ano Mn we-11 Han<~-. 29 30 ..... II ChoCdj'O ,, • uttb Al Cl1K.lgo 11 15 Reds al "-"' kro .11 Win I~ 5 e • Ball. at -. I .Iii Bait at ,.., 7 "-"1 at Cl.Os II l!l Wftrl &I Ubs. 11 30 Community college swimming STATE C"AMPIOH~HIPS (al OilblO V••l•y Coll-) JOO lrff 1 ~"''''~' l 0••0'0 VelleY> 4:ll CM, 2 J•ll•• "vll•floo) c lJ i. l C..rt•r CWfit V1 ,,,,, • •\ H ) At,,009'111 1s-1e-.~1 c JI n • F<..i''°" 1Goloen Weit>~• '161, t) Nt'l•l"""' .. ffiuld•n We\U c.SO 21 HO '"°° 1 lJ•vn. t u11~rwn1 ' \1 JI'#, '2 C•"•h•I• ff::'ulh·•l(Hll I ),4 •0 J ShOtl (Weil Vallory1 I 4 I \ P•Otll C(,olo.<I WetO. 1 SI 0'1 I f '''''t"'• t~ddt•b.t<.k), i s•" SO ,,... 1 M tddh. ton 1 t>teblu v111ey), 1 LAmr°" •v•,,lu••I ll ll, J ttlel Z•ppel (S•n tr>\t'1 •-'ow•ll I Arn•1'CAn 'Uver> ,, 1i e. , 0 .. "'"" t IOt itn9't (..0.1UU JI 11 OhU\9 1 w 1 •••" H""''•tl•J, no POintt. 1 Eh•'»On .. t •'•'b•• ._, nCI Qelnt,, l Oln•et (OtlltL rK1 '"''"'' 4 Wh1ll' tOr.tnge Coe.tu, no oo•nh I r1,nri \s..ctkl1Pb4Cln. no polnll •OO ml'dlef ''"'•• ~ ,.i..,too J 1'1 t1 1 01~0 V•ltf'y l r• ... , P"''o"''*' J ls s. s. Golden w .... I J • • •OOl•~O J ll 10 T••m w.orn 1 U1.ab10 V•llt r, 11 p01nU, J, W11l V•ll•• /1 I f HHf>rtOfl , ... s..o dlebatlt. ·~ \ "010.r >Nn• J6 '~ Or- Cot11. JO Wom~n COMMUl'lllY COUEG&: Sl•'4 Cl\lmp1on>lllP• 1•1 0 .. 111. V•ll•r co11,..1 SOD frff I-'.~ ,,.,., M l \4n AnlMl•O) • JI t• l Y~ Ml . t1 Ar•I• 11 f C. /(f J Gore (Amirnc"" i•• ,1 r H ,.,, 100 •noo ' t '"' 1i 1 tJ1AtHc Va11~v1, 1:00.02; J Ott1111h1111 t'>411 lJtttQO Mfls..iJ, 1·00 91 3 S...\111 .• rf"L~ • I (•tlHht I 01 C». •. WArO ( ... ,, 1 t 01 11 \ • 1n'Q\l•od CGoleleft Wt.a, 1 111 ·~ so tr ff 1 ., .. ,,, l 1 l •'"'""'' 1 .. n 1 Ondtl\walO Ou<117" t °"'"· 1• aJ J Cllel Dent CO••tMo ,.,H,., M,..,,..,.. 1GrO\\monu · .. JS 01 0 1¥1"9 ' MA~ .. ·~lt)t•fi W• t O l &S 2. H••lun\ 01•• If# '(Alltt). ) ., rs l Z l e91nbu~'" .,. . .,_.,,,,,g"1 J'fl es " K.ohlmlar l!Mlddl•M• •I, )8~ 00 10 Cvn nlnohem ~ S40d'r1J,t' ti 1 lll 10 l I (.lark IOrll\Q<O '"'"' JI•," .4100 Mf"Clley , •• •r 1 O••blO V AilP\' •.0010 1 E•<• • tl.C l .,1 ~""n tonlo " u a .c (• t .... ,. i/11• '' • 'fr. M 1 Or•nveCoa•t • 11 Teem \£.Or•\ ' P·•t; (1 V•Hf'y ,, .... , POlnll, J Golot" .,.. • ., )• J Ml !Min 4n ton lo. SI • :.>, ,.,,,,,. c '"""' 11 10 s..o. dleback I• HIGH \CHOOL EOllOlt t4 M•,.ltt~ 71 JOO mtOley r•I•• I t 01\.,,, 1 U' •• :ZOO ''" • Ae•m · M; Ql '' /VO 1noo 1 Wlntroy IMI l ,, ll )0 ,,.. I R- (111111, J1 Sl, 0 1V•"<I I Hanr If 114 •J. 100 fly 1 Mee 1Ctn11• t f I I O• ot 100 Ire. I, Sllleldl tEI. II •)I, \00 ,... ' Kor-• (El .... °' 100 ""'. I Sl,,•ldl tEI I 'Iii "· 100 l><U•I 1 ll°"n"' Ml I 16 11 400 lrH r9!1y I I 01\Cltl J 11 M Misc. Thurlday·s trenHctloM 8ASEIALL Nalloroal Let1111• ATLANTA BRAVE'> Au>l•••ltG Brien A.uettUN, o..rtt•r ldP, horn 1tw cJ1u bl1G lt\t A.MM ln•vO(eib,. w 11.,f'r'\ oo M 1._• Lum. ouu ... oer •• ,.,. bl'4l·rn.ar1 Arntn<ltt Lt.09.,. TEXAS RANGER\ Pl•ttd Jam l<tm, pitcher, on llw H <l•Y O•...,ble<t ""· rotroec UY• lo ""'" 11 <•1100 up John Buleher pUt "-'• from W1cn11• of''* An.eritan A' -l•llOft l"OOTSALL Hal ..... I fOOlball LH9.,. HEW ORLEANS S41NTS r._,, Htnr'I' Cllll1 .. , 119111 rnd lo Int W11n1ng1on llted1111rtt for ~,., "'"'•" lt:lWd \tll dr•rt cllolu SEATTLE St/\~AWIC> S1t1nt0 Davia l•yte, UQttt f'nd M~k• ftOf', qverterbed1., Herry SyOn•Y 1\.11 l'•nn ano Dan a.miw-runn1nQ bot<~' Paul Jofln1. Al L•11"nt1111, u•I••• Po•••ll •nd Ken '"°"'--· #IO. •«•·•rr\ T ........ OeclrlCk aftd £~ Row•ll ctfllfen\1'W'• llMtntn, Wiibert Gou """ba< D•vf Francis. cornerback. Wthnn Aht6rt1 end Andy Orallam. placO <kt" and Woody u~ ...,tY, -1er Jo trHa90'n1 contraca. SOCCltt N-AnWrl<U S.t<er La ..... WASHINGTON DIPLOMAT<, Sl9"tcl (NY• HaYW'Ood. lorwdrd NHL playoffs St!Mlf'INAL 110\IND t ll<nl •t So9n I • Ttwr~y"t Sc:w• HY 1..-rs 7, -.y Ra!'OQ4rs, (NV l•lan· Mrt tMd -lel, l 01 (.•loary C•loary J M•nnnot• 11-10 lltcl, I II ~..,...,.,o.em• N'fllll"'!def' ., ..... YCW'lt Ranoert.. " Spo_i-ts show set at OV CUBA UPSETS UNITED STATES • • • Several sporta celebriUea, ln· c ludioa Los Angeles Kln11 center Marcel DloMe will ~ on hand for the fourth annual sports s pectacular tbow at Ocean View High Saturday, M•Y 9. Top amateur body builder Bronston Austtn, Kaui. champ Furnlo Demure, Hveral Golden Gloves boxlna~llampt and martial arU exparta wlll abo partJclpate. The tbow lndudet demonat.ra· llona by YMCA Kar1te 1tudma1 demonalr•Uona on weapons UH, free aparrtna eventl and enter· Lalnment. Proceeda Crom the 1how wtU 10 to the West Oran1• ~t1 YMCA and \.hf Oeean Vlew HlCh football procram. AdmlJISan ii SS.10 at Use door.For Ucbt laformauon. ~ the YJICA M1·taa. • rou&hed up ln the two- meter area on• drive; but came away ~th nothJna •• tht of· ficlala looked the other way and Cuba held oo. "YOU'VE GO'M'A be Oil the "top of ~f tame to set tbe payo~H ' remarked Nltlkowakt re11 the offlclala' refuHI to JD•ke T1an1l1Uon: Tiie foul wt1 there, but the U .8. clld IQ ~· terve anotber chance, It bad w11ted too many already. ''Cuba scored from outalde ind from t.b• counter 1Uadl. We're obvtCNtb' not smooth ud 11 the ten1lon bu.lit, we 1ot tJchter. . ·'You have to 'Ive Ctlba cred.l~ lt'• the bat Ive Hiil tbe Cubam lll•1. lhe7 wanted lt, .. eild NltlkoWstJ. • ti T he '11 p flop act by lbe Americans, before a crowd of 1,000, saw ·occasional burst> of firepower, such as Robertaon'a t w o a s !i i s-t s a n d 1 t e a I ; McDonald's three 1te.ll, &Hill and aool from the back row; Campbell's two score. off pUMI rrom his teammates; and a COU· pie of assl1t.1 rrom Joe Varpa. Rut the inability to score Wlt.b a man-up advantaae (the u.a failed live times In the flnal 15 minutff of play) turned t.bct bll playa Into mere 1tatl1tica la another t1etb1ck. For the victoriom C\lbanl, lt helped e.rue the atln1 of a M defeat In February before a packed bowo In Cub• by tht U.S. team. Spain moved to wil.bin a tit ol tb• U.S. with a lJ-1 wln 8-utaaria, hd bJ lil1acael Estiarte's .,,x goals, white lht Soviet lln1t1n continued its un· beaten ":iys with a 7-5 verdict over Hungan , sparked by a d,. rense wh1 r h shut "''t Tamaa· Farago, who ••ntered the g8JJ1e with 11 goitl!I to his credit Z o r a n C o 11 c c v i c I 6 d Yu1oslov1a to n 6·4 win over Australia With thrE>e aoals. ..._ * ( -------------...-,,~--------·-- .. ~ < ~ ~ !1 t' . ... •• • , t ,. .,. , I'. .. ~ -I Orange Coatt OAIL,Yi'ILOT/Frlday. May 1, 1981 c:f" c ...... n ·co10TBcno11. The perfect companion fo! HBO, CINEMAX is a 24-hour movie channel featuring foreign films, classic films, action movies, children's movies, .. more than 30 Offered at a v-i~ .. viewing conveQfflllaf.'l And mu , ;-. "' '< t::MMf~· ~ Ve a choice of more than 80 · ·\~cl\ month. And there's also our expa Qi ~l ' erv.fct vi~ satellite which adds the•jfll~.~ra 1Pr6grams to the ones you now JW:~·~t'l,.:(Qur TV s~i: · ~ ' ·, '},.., t ,. .. " ' " Cable News r{'~F~ · 4-hol,U' News and P bl. 1\ tr. . ~s-i':! . ,. <f . I' I ' • E~P~ ~~~~~J~~~iNetvJO;k · · • WIBS -24-h6ut·~~ Superstation • WOR-24-h~~~V&tl< Superstation • USA Network t. USA Sport$ Network r • Calliope -C~dren's Entertainmerat · C-SPAN-~~stn Action - • Associated Pt'essJ'ftewg • Los Angeles ~ ~n~ UHF 1Y Statlbns • Se1ected San t>leyEf'J'? tatiOns .· ! . , ' FM S . •, .. :t.... • ' • eIVIce ·· ~ ,.. · . ~ ,. :- Kaleidoscope. It's ~~.citing package, a new dimension in h~0~¢t}~~l'tainment. And a real . \ value as well. ~st~f ~. it1s available now in your community. Call us today and ask about our special introductory offer. Save $20 on the primary outlet installation. Call 640·9840 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and see how l<aleidoscope can become your entertainment connection. ~--------------------------------...----, i SPECIAL PREVIEW WEB NOW! 1 I . I ; .... .. •= I . I:: From April 30 to May 5, all Cablevision customers will be able to enjoy a special Preview Week of HBO or CINEMAX. You'll see HBO or CINEMAX on cable channels 3 and 20, and CINEMAX exclusively on channel 12 following KWHY's regular pro- gramming. Preview Week begins at 8:00 p.m. Don't miss outr And use this channel guide for your new channel allocations, effective May 1. ·I I I I I I 1: Cable Channel Cable Channel I 2 Channel 2 KNXT Los Angeles 21, 22 Irvine Unified School District Interactive I 3 Associated Press News/Community Service 23 Channel 10 KG1V San Diego I 4 5 Channel 4 KNBC Los Angeles 24 Ch~nnel 30 KHOF San Bernardino I Channel 5 KTIA Los Angeles 25 Channel 40 KTBN Fontana 6 Channel 28 KCET Los Angeles 26 Channel 17 wrns Atlanta. GA I 7 Channel 7 KABC Los Angeles 27 E. S. P. N. Sports (24 Hours) 1 · 8 Channel 8 KFMB San Diego 28 Nickelodeon -Children's Programming I 9 Channel 9 KHJ Los Angeles 29 Cables News Network (24 Hours) I" 10 FJectronic Viewing Guide C"DIP .. ) 30 Channel 9 WOR New York. N.Y (24 Hours) I 11 Channel 11 K11V Los Angeles · 31 C-Span/USA Sports Network 12 • Channel 22 }$WHY Los Angeles 32 Blank I 13 Channel 13 KCOP Los Angeles 33 Cinemax (24 Hours) I 17 Channel 34 KMEX Los Angeles 34 Home Box Office I 18 Channel 18 KSCl San Bernardino 35 Channel 52 KBSC Coro~a I ·1::: 19 Future 36 Channel 50 KOCE Huntington Beach I 1~ 20 Home Box Office .. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Clip and Save - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -J ... . . . . . . , . . I • .. • , ' ' __...,._ -- ls this the end DIVERSIONS 02 RESTAURANTS 03 I NTERMl~SION 04 for Steve All'en's 'Meeting of Minds?~ .. DB ~- , ~Childe Byron·' ··starS wear very well DeLancie close to Byron r~le By JIMMY JOHNSON l:MiN, ...................... John ct~Lancie, now atarrint as Lord Byron In the South Cout Repertory's production of 1'Cbilde Byron." stumbled into the part much like he stumbled into aclint. It's a role, however, which he wears like a well-tailored suit. DeLancle plays Byron as lf the part were written especially for him. "I feel close to Byron," de- Lancie revealed. "He was the type of man a lot of people would like to be. He's honest, doesn't hold a grudge and smart enough to see why people do the things they do. •'These things place him above most people,·' be added. ··He gives you a certain sense of . calm. Here it is 1SO years later and people are still reading and falling in love with Byron." DeLancie 's father is a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra and his mother is French and loves the stage. He attended Kent State, went to Julliard, then to Stratford, Conn., where he was picked up by Universal Studios and was under contract for two years. "I was always pushed to be an actor," DeLancie pointed out. "I didn't give it a lot of thought. You might say I stumbled into it. It wasn't until about two or three years ago I decided to re- alty be an actor. "Since then, and for the first time in my u~. I've been lead- . ing myself. 1' m no lone er a vic- JOHN deLANCIE ... stumbles Into 81/f'on role. tim of myself." the same time. Although he believes theater is "Working on film la great the ~ssentlal performln1 art, de-because of the money and the L4ncie doesn't put that kind of exposwe ls astronomical. Many lilbltatJoaonhlscareet. actors don't aeem to undentand . He does both film ana lt is lmportantto have both sides . television. , -mm ~stage-eoing. . ''Staee acting ls aJearnin& ex-"In this country many actors : perience," deLancie said. spend time saying what they Growth takes place on the stage won't do," be said. "But ln : and film acting ia a result of E111land, they do everythin1. :that, but lo be a good actor, you Thal &ives them the ability to . bave to have all aspects &oin& at work in many facilities." Mlinl is a reallty wlth de Lancie but like moat people, be has a dream and it baa nothine lo do with bi.I career. "I'm totally at ease around water," be said. "I feel drawn to • the sea. lt'a where I 10 when I have thing.a a> sort out. ''I dream of taklnl five years out of my life and sailing leisurely around the world. "I have tbia frieod whom I <See JOHN, Pase.DI) Chii:wse student gets education in l;._t;>ppola~s Zoetrope s~ 87 MICHAEL DOUGAN ..... ......,""' .... Min Yeh had been in this coun- try for two yean when 1be de- cided ''t.q take a tour throueh the HollywoOd experience" by audi- tioning forta dance sequence in Francis ppola's upcoming .film "One rom the Heart." So she joined some 2,000 hopefuls in a line that wrapped several times around the Ndrth Hollywood studio where the cat- tle call try-outa were held. "I think it waa probably the most energy-consuming ex· ·perience I've ever bad in my life," said the pert 24-year-old Huntinston Beaab,.,resident witb a heartmeltinJ smile. It was, presumably, worth it. Miss Yeh wu one of 24 dancers ·•elected for Cappola's scene number 84, a fantasy sequence set on Bora Bora. The dance was choreographed by Gene Kelly. While on the set, Miu Yeh met the castlna director for . "Hammett," another picture tq come out ol Coppola'• Zoetrope ·•tudio. The rum will be loosely based on the life of DubleU 1 • :~~~ett., tbe famoua mystery, Shy Cole could skip hut bow By MA.RY J,\NE SCARCEUO Of .. Dllty ........... Me1an Cole, who plays Ada in South Co~t Repertory's "Cbllde Byron," hate supported herself in the acting profession on stages on both coasts for nine yean, but she describes herself as a shy person who hates the curtain calls afterward. "I'm at least faintly embar- rassed by the applause. 1 reel like I'm implicitly asking for ap- proval," she said in an in- terview. She also doesn't read reviews of her plays until after closing, she revealed. "I'm afraid 1t will make me self-conscious," she said. "I have a job to do in playing the part, and I don't want anything to interfere.·' Wrinkling ber nose at a pic- ture of herself in cosfome, she added, "I don 't even like lo look at photos of myself in a part. It gives me an outsider's view, and I want to be inside the person I'm playing." The Illinois native got into act· ing via musk and performed often on flute and piano which made the transition to actin& easier. ·'I bad,. reached the point in music where 1 was a very good amateur, but I wasn't willing to practice eight bours a day to mak~ the grade as a pro- fessional musician," she said. Switching to an English major during her junior year in col- lege, Ms. Cole araduated and went lo work for a New York publisher as a secretary, taking actin1 leuom al night and on weekends "just for fun." MEGAN COLE ... Started acting lesson '}tat for fun' The fwl became more seriou, tboueb, and she completed a master's decree in directing and lacks only a dissertation to com- plete a doctorate. She planned lo be a professor, but actlng opportunities got in the way. "I came to the West Coast in 1972 to work in Ashland, Oreeon." she said, "and I've been going from one play to another, generally on tbis coast, ever 1~e. "I'm one of the few actors 1 kno~ who have no home baae at all. I go where the work ls. Right now I'm trylng to sublease my apartment in Santa Barbara, because I leave for Seattle the day after I close i n 'Childe Byron."' Since most plays run about two months, Ms Cole usually can plan on moving that often. ··I like change and seeine new places and people," she llatd but admitted, "l Jong for somethine of my own." She has become known in the regional theater circuits. so Ms. Cole often is called by ,. theater needing someone lo play a specific part, as did SCR for the part of Ada in "Childe Syroo." (See MEGAN, Page 07) · Genuine Indian art Can be ' I .,. --'"l'h~Y were lodin& for tomeone to play a leadlne role . called Cry•t•l Lln1J wbo's a • Qhln..-iirl." Niel Mlaa Y eb. "a yery YOUDI, they aaJd pretty, .• tnnocent 1irl who'• lnvolved quite accidentally in one ol th& •oat Mrioul criminal cues bl s.anrr~." . ~an excellent iiivestment Youq, lainocent, pretty and Cb6'eM pretty well sums up Miu Yeb'• more apparent charfttert1Uc1, '° the WlU be trytn1 ,out, at their requllt, bl , .... ,,. ' I think it lavolH1 some .social eomment1 about tbe minority role In the United States at that UllM," lhe Hid. "It'• not only • ,.: it'• mon for me. I lane to work mon MCI-I am I CllliltH llid It tel ....... , ........ ., ~-·· . T~ .. ···~ "I'" bou ....., ...... lllchalllal flw• .Dalfal•ll Hammett .,....... .. , ' .. Hootng o Holl~~·· be1an selling Indian-type jewelry several years a10 when lt became fashionable lo wear. , "In ~ days, aJl of a sud· 'den, it looked like the Indian• were IOlhl to be ruined," •aid Mn. Bull0ck. "They were in -r. Orang9 Cout DAILY PILOT/ Friday. May 1. 1981 :...PLAYS------ "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DR•AM" opens a flve-WHUnd run tonight at the Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (99S-..113). The Shakespearean comedy plays Fridays and S.turdays at 8.30 p.m. through May 30. "HEDDA GABLER" Is In the first of two weekends at the main theater of Saddleback College In Mission Viejo, playlng Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sunday at 1 p.m. and May 9 and 10 at 3 p.m_. "THE SOU MD OF MUSIC,., Is enjoylhg a solct. out weekend at th• Newport Theater Arts center, 2501 Cliff Or., NeWport Beach, with performances '°"lght arid S.turday .at 7!30 p.m .,_Suftday at 1 p.m. Sbtndby tickets may be aval .. bt• at the door. "A Yll!W FROM THE 8RIDG•" CIONI out ltt ' enaaOement at the Saddtebec:k Vattev COf'(t· muntlfTheater, 257't·C. Obrero, Mluton Viti• I • (130·9252) with performances tont9ht and Saturday at a p.m. Mlc .... t e .. utz dtrects the, Ar.t"ur Miiier drama. . "•••L CRAZY" Is .. ftl :OMt ...... at S.n Ctememe Contft\unlty ThHter, 202 Ave. Cabrlllo, Siii\ Clemente with c101lng performances tonlght and Saturday at I p.m. For tickets call •924t65. "CHAPTl!R TWO" 11 tn Its fln.t weettend at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse 3503 s. Harbor Blvd., Sant• Ana (97t•S.St1). of Chrl!St In the 20th Century and problems H• fecH trying to balance His role as S.vlor with H It physfcat existence at a man In a technotoglcat society. For Information call au-6617. "THE PAISLEY CONVIRTlaLE" continues at the Huntington BHch Playhouse In the Seacllff VIiiage center on Main Street at Yorktown Avenue In Huntlnoton Beach. Cur- tain times are 8 f..m. Fridays and S.turdays. Tickets at .,.7...,.. . "BABES IN ARMS" ruas nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times· through May 10 at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 1•0 Avenlda Pico, San Clemente. <•92-9950) "CHILDE 8YRON,"· revealing the llfe of poet Lord Byron In a series of flashbacks by his dy-, Ing daughter, Is on stage at South Coast Repertory through May 17. For ticket Informa- tion, call 957-4033. -CLASSICAL MUSIC--- "THE MIUUtY MONTH of May, An English Celebratlon of Spring," Is the theme of a spring choral concert at 8 p.m. tonight at the Unlversl-t y United Methodist Church Culver Drive at University Drive, lr'Ylne. The event features the 5eddleback College North Campus Cttoru1 and ~hamber Singers accompanied by a guHt orchestra. Tickets, at $3, are available at the Office of Community Services on cam- pus. For Information call SS9-1313 or •97-3785. , ·Feet' at Saddleback·College theater. The prc)gtam will feature ballet, jau, mod•rn and tap dancing. Tickets are 54 general admission, $3 for stUdents. Call the box office at 831~56 between 10 a.m . and 2 p.m . to- day. -GALLERIES----- • Performances tonight through SUndaV at vary. Ing curtain times. "BEHIND THE MASQUE,'' an or191MI o1ay by UCI graduate student Jim Harrison, WJll be Titli SAODLEBACK COLLEGE WIND Ensemble wlll be joined by percussionist Barry SUverman for a concert at 8 p.m. Wed· nesday, ~Y 6 In the Saddleback College Main Campus f.IM Arts Theatre, Mission Viejo. The evening also Includes a performance by the Saddlebeck Community Band. Adml$slon Is $•.10 or $3.50 for students and Gold Card hpldets 4lnd $2.SO each for parties of 12 or more. , -DANCE-~---- CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING$ by Gwen James, Saddleback College Instructor, will be on ekhlblt et Coast Federal Savings and Loan, t' 2620 5an Miguel Or., Newport Beach, through the mbnth of Mey. "l'•ET DON~T FAIL ME Now" is the theme of 'iaerformed In the university's Studio Theatre In the Fine Arts VIiiage at 8 p.m. tonight and S.turday. The play concerns the second coming "''' yNr's Saddleback College dance depart-COLLAGES, S~RIGRAPHS AND MIXED· ment concert at 8 p.m . Saturday In the campus MEDIA works by Thomas Lau·rsen, former In· ~~~~~~~~~--~----~ ....... ---,-------~~..,....~~~~~ . . 11le Ulll•_.,,, of Callfonl.: 1"111• ., ro•H•tl Author. Psyc ~loglst. and Feminist • SCIENCE AND THE AMERICAN RJTURE a lecture presented by Dr. Philip Handler • UMIVHSfTY OF CAllfOIMA. IRVIMI COMMITTEE FOR ARTS pn1 b CALIFORNIA CHAM•• CHOI.Al.I performs from the Renaissance. baroque. classical. and modern eras Sat. May 9. 8 p.m.Concert Hall L.A. WIMD 9UIMTIT -classical chamber PHYLUS CHESLER_ ''MetlmdWo..11111 ... 101 .. President of the National Academy of Sciences music Mon. May 11 . 8 p.m Village Theatre Th~. May 14, 1981 I,...._ Fl 10 MtCICGI SCietlcH Lectwe Hall Wednesday, May 13, 1981 8 p.wa. Sciewce ~ Hall University of C4f011tla. l"lne EAST /W!ST PL.AYERS in "Bulos" original play dealing with the Philippines EAST jWEST PL.AYERS In "Mos" original play dealing with the Philippines Tickets ASUCI Box Office. $3 general admission; S2 faculty) staff, UCI Alumni Association members. and other students; $1 UCI students. Information call 833-5588. Tickets A SUCI Box Office $3 general adm1 ss1on: $2 faculty, staff. UCI Alumni Assoc1at1on members. and other students; $1 UCI students. Information call 833-5588. Tues May 12. 8 p.m. Village Theatre For further information call 833-«l78 Tickets available at the ASUCI Box Office Mon -Fri. 930 am to 4 pm SS • General. S4 -Other Students. UCI Fae /staff & Sr. O t , $3 • UCI Students. S•O round trip: With free parking In Buena Park and Fullerton. Then 1tralght through to W. "Happy Painter" wunam canu Alexander Invites you to the Pren1lereof MaalcofOll Painting II TllUNllQ, llaW 7 at 8 PM on KOC8, Cllannel so. DlscOVer your own arttst1c talents llbl 09Ckmt S1tUrC11Y1 It 7:50 PM flor lnltrUCtlonll mlterlatl wrttl llMllCM, P.O. IOX 210I, HUnttnoton INC:ft, CA t2M7 Las Vegas. non·stop In '4Yl-5 hours. And, please, forget p11t "bus rides ... Fun· are the Barbary Coast on the Bus promlHS to pamper you strip, and th• Four Queens with on-t>oerd luxury never downtown. (We can book rooms beforofoundon ttMtground. Our here, too, If you like). Come Flrat c1 ... Groundlfnera"" give back when you're ready. We run you the uttlmate In 1lrllner com· dally 1chedu)e1, seven day1 of tort. With ftrat-run c::"'iiil...&11\'\ ~V.ttl tht week. We're motion pictures. ..,~ ... ~ ICC llcenaed 1nd Aecllnlng Mita. can tor-lnaured. And ex- Rudlng lfOhta. clualvely you re, Earphc>ne ttereo [114]635•1390 Orange Countyf • SAll/ROAY NlfHIT SURF'# 60'1 May2 Remerrber 8eldl ~ ~ ThP ~ Qld.Ladv From P~ Tt!llNll' ~ ~ wns 'IQ.I to Cl.ll1Y t-it apwi •cu Sltf'n (:()"s Plf'Y \Wit aet 'IQ.I fl tt-.r rrood for urms ,. FRANKIE AVAi.ON St1rr1111'" OUt 11'-m111lcal tp"CllC11laI of >1Ulinf """' and-lonll tCMMC!i. TheRollon R'-ltf'll\le t JO& 10 lOPM JAN&DEAN lHE VENTUR.ES THE ASSOCIATION 1HE SURFARIS 0-...•-1 •nool"M And tlw 1hlMM11911 ~of lHE MAIN STREET ElECTRICAl. PARADE UO&ttODl'M "fANTASY IN 1HE SKY"' RRn\()IU(S t.IOl'M WI~+~ !"AIU( HOURS Saturday May 2. 9 AM-Midn~ ~ 3, 9 AJ.+7 Pt.1; M1Y 4-1.101'M~7 PM ' ' • ' ' structor at the Laguna school of Art and Design, go on the wa,ls May 6 at the Fine Arts Gallery, 22 Lumberyard Pina, 3M Forest Avenue, Laguna Beach. • THE ANNUAL STUD5NT ART Show at Fullerton College opens a frH 19-day run on Wednesday, May 6. A reception from 7 .. p.m. that day In the new gallery at 321 Chapman Ave., Fullerton, will kick off the exhibit. -ETC.------ CINCO DE MAYO MEANS the Sth of May but Anahlem's anpual Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Is set for tonight through Sunday at LaPalma Perk. corner of Lapalma Aven~e and Harbor Bqulevard. Activities Include a coronation dance at 7 p.m ., carnival rides today through Sunday, a car show and mariachi band tomor- row and a morning Mass Sunday followed by a sky-diving exhibition, boxing and soccer matches. THREE CHOIRS will perform gospel, rock and cJasslcal music in "Oh Happy Day," Golden West College's spring vocal concert today and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the campus theater. Tickets are $2.50. Call 89•·988S. FRANKIE. AVALON, JAN AND DEAN, The Ventures and The Association will highlight Disneyland's special "Saturday Night at the Park' on Saturday. Park hours will be ex-tended to midnight. AN AIR SHOW and open house to com- memorate Armed Forces Day will be held this Saturday and Sunday at the Marine Corps El Toro Air Station in Santa Ana. The air show begins each day at noon but because of large crowds, It's wise to be the~e when the gates open at 9:30 a.m . . BANJOS, FIDDLES, GUITARS and mandolins are the Instruments of the day when Cal State, Fullerton, presents Its 11th annual banjo and fiddle contest Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to -4 p.m . In the practice soccer field. Some 100 entrants will compete for trophies and more than $1,000 In prizes. Adm~sion $3. TtlE CANNERY HARBOR CRUISE & SUNDAY BRUNCH Brunch et Cennery from 9:00 A.M . BOAT LEAVES AT 11:00 - RETURNS 12:30 SEAFOOD BAR SPECIALS Mon. (hru Thur. After 5:00 P.M. FRESH LOCAL ABALONE SANDWICH $2.95 ROAST BEEF SANDWlCH $1 .50 HAPPY HOUR Mon. Thru Fri. 4:0().e:OO p.m. Well Drinkt .90 Draft Beer .50 Fr•• Cannery Cl•m Chowder LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NlghUy and Sunday Afternoon . ltSIDllt WATWROlffltE&tAURlliT 3010 LaFAYE1TE, ttEWPORT BEl\Q{ USBYATIOHS 714-675-1777 I'm aure Pete Wiison Ilk• alt of Newport will be our next gov- ernor If tt-e Big Canyon reception hoeted by Gavin Herbert and friend• of Pete Wllaon la ~ an Indicator. It looked turned out to help Pete ......... __.......,. ..... launch hi• campelgn for a atrong Ceqtornla economy. Tilanke for • lovery party and 1 chine• to meet Pete WJ11on, our neat governor. Of'EH SUMO A Y 'TIL 6 Slncerely, • Ernie & Sally Camp COMPARE THIS PRICE r---·r(•l 'l:J•hl-----, r-----R•PT;ltT11----, I FLOWER SHOP SPECIAL t I YOU SHOULD HE OURS! I I AT THEIR PRIME NOW 11 FOR MOTHERS DAY I : GORGEOUS MARGARITE : : INCOMPARABLE : I 99DAISIES 11 STRAW!ERRIES: : c BIG ORIGINAL:i3 1 891 I BUNCH I I BOXES • I !_ ll'!!l!_~'!_c!':..._!'1_C_!>~e_~-~ !_.!:I~_!--~2~!!.--J VALUE -QUALITY -SELFC flON -SERVICE ,-----l(•l'J:l•hl-----· ,-----r(·llf ~·~ ----: IWE SELL 'EM BY THE TONI! lflAST OF THE NEW SEASON : FRESH TWICE !DOUBLE HEADER TOMATO, 1 EVERY DAY I I SALE I I MUSHROOMS , , CHERRY IALAD I I 11 TOMATOES TOMATOES I I FULL 89c II lln. I 1POUND Pound 11 39c Bo• aoa 49c1 I ~':!!~~~b!:.~E_o~~~_l l };~.~2!..._~~~~..P.9!!; VALUE.QUALITY ·SELECTION·8ERV1CE r---""-·f "11J:l•Jir---.... r----~u11•J;Lt.IJJ-~--., :Vou IHOULD SEE THE saE I REAL iRRSD NOW I JUMIO atZE · 1 NEW CROP I l T~Mc KIND : l JUICE ORANGES I , •v cAoos · ·1 SS , !3 ~ot 1.00 ii cAf:oN .55: • I I Lbe. 11.00 I 1l umtt Ila W~uPon J ' Limit 3 Carton• W/CouDOn t - ---.:,~V,~.OUALITY.SELECTION:I~~ - -.i; ~_. 1-aliTfto.t~L'l!auv-i r--;;-v~·~~;;-1 I CILLO IAQ : : LOCAL GROWN 'l I 2 cARR2o9Ts ll CUCUMBERS I : •ae• c :1 3 FOR-39c : I Umlt 4 lag1 11 LIMIT t I I W/Coupon , , W/COUPON I '---------------ll _______________ , '. --~-----~ .. Orange Coast OAll,.Y PILOT/Fnday, May 1, 19~1 03 Try local Mexican restaurants for Cinco de Mayo meal By NORMAN STANLEY Ott• DMIY ...... 5wt Start lhe countdown today uno, dos, tres, qualro! Then you'll be ready for the bi& "Cinco" that comes up next Tuesday Better stiU, stop the coWltln& and start the Cinco de Mayo celebrating torught That way you can get an early start on this year's observance and stay in top form for a full weekend of food and fiesta not to mention a mellow round or two of marll~rltas · Before 1ietting under way. however, don't con- tuse -as so often happens -the occasion as Mex ico's equivalent of the Fourth of July Mexico's In· dependence Day is September 16, observing the day Miguel Hidalgo gave the famous "Grito de la lndependenc1a " meaning the Cry of lndepen dence. OUT 'N ABOUT Cinco de Mayo celebrates lhe victory of the M'exican troops over the Franch in a battle led byf General Ingnac10 Zaragoza, at the forts o Guadalupe and Lorello In 1863 This battle took place in the city of Puebla. capital of the state of the same name, which is lorated 85 miles southeast of Mexico City uaners hereabouts have an almost unlimited choice of topnotch Mexican restaurants to setiate their south of the border appetites. Here's a list of Orange Coast spots bound to enhance any celebra- tion DON JOSE, 9093 E . Adams, Huntington Beach, 962-7911 , TORTILLA FLATS, 1740 S. Coast Highway, Lai\lna Seach .... 49t·93S8; ACAPULCO, 1262 S.E. Br1stol, Costa Mesa, 754·6528; RED ONION LIDO, 2406 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, 675·2244. CASA MARIA, week-long celebration with pmata breakmgs, festive decorahons and colorful costumes <four locations >. 25052 Del Prado. Dana Point, 496-6311 ; 23732 El Toro Road. El Toro. 586·6230; 16060 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, 842,2541 ; 18512 MacArthur Blvd .. Irvine. 833-8230. Ml CASA <two locations), 105 Mam (at Balboa Pier>, Balboa, 675·9600. 296 E 17th St.. Costa Mesa. 645·7626; EL TORITO (two locations). 4221 Dolphin Stncker Way, Newport Beach. 833 9740, 24233 Avenida de la Carlota, Laauna Hills, 951 9137 EL MATADOR, .1768 Newport Blvd . Cos\_a Mesa, &t5 0324 . EL LUGAll, 213 Ocean Ave .. Laguna Beat'h, 494-9763, CANO'S (seafood of Mex· ico>. 2241 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach, 631 1381 , LAS BRISAS (seafood ol Mexico>. 361 ChH Drive, Laguna Beach. 497-5434. TACOS AND TEQUILA, 3300 W ' Coast Highway, Newport Beach, 646-4893; LA PAZ, 1133 S Coast Highway, La&una Beach, 494-4015; THE VILLA, 34311 Coast Highway, t'.>ana Point, 496 5739, SWALLOWS I NN, 31786 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 493 1388 ~!!!!!!!~~bast tans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Art Show Un1Que onomal gifts tor Mother's Day lhru Sun Huntington Center Turn your unusables into usable cash. Call Daily. Pilot classified 642-5678. • OINNl K Pl A 'f llOU~l At ctieGRANQ HOTEL DENNIS JAMES VIRGINIA MA YO &ALANYOUNG In the hilanous new comedy By Ron Clartc and Sam Bobnd< FIVf \.HF.KSO~LY April 7 • \tay IO MAKE RESERVATIONS (714) 772-7710 "Whe..e or Whfn", "The I.adv H 1 Tramp" "Poor Johnny One Note" "I Wish I We,... 1n Love Ap1n" An<J More• Every Tuesd1v thru Sunday Evenings (714)-492-9950 MAKE RESERVATIONS t~11tc1·tai11111e11t t:•••••c~ 1~LIVE% ,,,, Mett't Coasl Tea1" Mey I L099 1 .. ch S~y '10-'ll s...-, •• Meya.t / Ith Annual L01MJ leoch l11tenurt'-ell hsH•ol Moy 16-17 Collfonilo loys Choir Mey 17 . .......__ \ \ :Longc:John8i]ver~ MAY 3, 1981 1-5 P.M. I nlfJ< 1 rled R(lsket s f rorn China. India. Tanurn /l.ssfJrf ed Indoor and Outdoor Plants Sil' F/11Jrer A rrangements ·Cut F?oirers LOVE Bi rds -Interior and Exterior Design " r:.rqws1te and l ruque PfJrcela ms Cnique Willow Furniture fflw ~ fffJa/oce 2088 SO. COAST HWY. 494·1074 LAGUNA BEACH Make Reser¥CllioM Mow For MOTHER'S DAY CHAMPAGNE · s4 25 BRUNCH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I 2 Noon to 2:00 P .M. DINNER -12-Hoon to I I :00 , ..... PRIME RIB ..... 16.95 BAKED HAM .•. 16.25 ROAST LEG OF LAMB ................ 16.95 STUFFED CORNISH GAME ta .......... 16.50 041LDREN UNDER 12 .......•.•........ 13.50 SOUTH COAST PL~ZA THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE EXHIBIT OF ARTS FOR THE HANDICAPPED CAROUSEL COURT ~ SATURDAY, MAY 2 •ALL DAY I -~ DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? If you have j ust filed your new Fictitious Business Name and have not yet submitted It for publication, please don't forget that the limitation Is 30 days fr9m date of filing. The DAILY PILOT will publish your statement for $40.00. Our circulation Includes the entire Orange Coast area and legal notices appear In all editions. In order to submit your statement for pubUcatlon aend appropriate copy and a check to THE DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Meaa, CA. 92626. We'll do the rest. For Information about legal advertising please call 642-4321 Ext. 332. A Family Shopping/Dining , & Entertainment Center I. Fish& Chicken Dinner $2:49 vie Can Accommodate Large Groups IUTCHIH UHDH MIW ~IMINT • I 1670 Newport Blvd. Albertson's • Bank of America • Btlbo Baggms • Coco's/Reuben's • Command Performance Oolphln Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel • Mione's • Music Market • Photography by Jeffrey Southern Callforn1a Optical •Spa Lady • Swensen's •Vicki's Sunshine Factory Our crispy flsh flllet from the icy North Atlantic and two boneless whitemeat Chicken Planks® ... with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes, that's a winning combination. ~~Bilver~~ SEA.FQQO SHOPPES JlfltwMr .... C:....M9M Jutt S®ttl of S.n 019QO Nfv Ao'oa from Fedc:o COST A MESA 642·8293 ( Let's H~ve a Clam Bake Arthur s Rest11ur11nt will bring our famous clambake nght to your locetlon All you do 11 set the date, invtte )'Our guests and bring hHrty appetites Our cooka and waitresses will do 1111 the r•tll Ow C'-lHll!e C-ktt of: OlroW11deNc'-t cS-cllowder • 1 Pound bolled M111"11 Loblter with drawn butter • Steamers with hot butter and Cllf'l broth • Golden ffled or Bar·B·Oue chlci<en • Homemade creamy coleslaw • Sweet corn on the cob Plus Ice cold wetermellon and hot corr .. to top off the teal! i f ' , , . -·--·-a------·--------------~~--~--------------------· ---------------------------------- 04 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Frtday, May 1, 1981 Playhouse pliins 3 premieres By TOM TITUS Of .. o.llJ ............ How do you lop a season m which you put on two world premieres in a row? Simple. By putting on a three world premieres ma row That's the !ituation at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. which mounted back-Lo-back firsts In 1979 with Ian Bernard's musical "Twibghl Bar" and John Ferzacca 's historical drama "The Failure lo Zigzag " "'-' This season , the -------- Laguna players will go INTERMISSION that accomplishment one better with a s ummer-------- schedule of three brand new attracltons. In capsule form, they are "Alter tbt> Fact," another Fenacca play. this one about a young man's investigation of the murder or his rather dunng a rehearsal for the play' Hamlet,'" running July 8 25 "Match Point" and "Dead Heat," lwo one acts by Laguna playwright Mary Jane Roberts to be directed by Cra1~ Fleming, runnme July 29· Aug 8 "Daugbten> Darllnl(,'' a soph1st1caled com edy by David Marlow, who directed "The Fan tast1cks · at Laguna last s ummer, lo be s taged by playhouse managing director Douglas Rowe. run ning Aug 12 29 Ferzacca al!.o will direct ·Arter the Fact," the latt.>sl in a long line of productions the Orange Coast College drama mstructor has mounted at the Th~ater Festival'• western ctiv1s100 It'll represent the West 10 tho upcomin1 national final• in M ichlgao, with the U S champion teoing to Monaco for International com~ehtion "Dead Heat," its comparuon plax. is described as a satire which de picts two heads or state who ~are drawn mto warfare over a similar inability lo communicate. Marlow's "Daughters' Darllug" 1s set at a seaside resort on the Fourth of July where a woman and her three daughters try to put their lives in order amid a contusing tangle of boyfriends, lovers and an ex husband and father. Reservations for all three summer shows are being laken now al the playhouse, 606 Laguna Can- yon Road, Laguna Beach You can order them by pnone at 4!14 0743 • COASTLINE CO MMUNITY College is seeking to develop a cadre or experienced community theater directors to teach production classes, m addition to productng and directing plays The sister college of Orange Coast and Golden We~l will be offering courses, lecture series, seminars and workshops in vanous community rac11ities tn lhe Coast Community College D1stricl Those mtert-:stcd ~hould call Marge Ball at the college offlt·e <96J 0811. ext 273) to obtain an ap pltcal1on • I •. _ ... , -.t..\•-• • ,.,......... ... ............. p J• --#· .,,,, ..._ ...... ~-=-~ . .. .. . --· . -··. -~.! --. . ., . .{.' _.,.4 .... J.-. -~, . ., ... _.._,...·~ • ~-,-._ ~-'""' ":1 I "" I:''-::-:,. ;:1•1 '._!:- tf ... ·::.r. J • _ ... ...-·--. • ....... -r · ... ,. .. •. , .......... · 1 ._ ................ , ... _ • .,. ,.j_, ••• ~ _. • .,,. -•61' _..I •-.,. ••• ,,,. ~""' .. -t " ....... -... .. '··' .~. ........ •-""• ., .. ...... ' .. . . . .. ' -••.4111 ··~·r•'-,~··' .. ···1··· ,,., .... -. .,_, .~ ... ··-"' .. t ,...,. I'' k.I •t i,.rl I••-I • '• .............. ~···· .. . . "'' .... ,. ... ... .. Leonardo da Vmct drew schemes of light falling to earth from the sun m the early 1500s Moulton Hts Laguna s hows tnclude "Ballroom.' CALLBOARD Auditions for the Western "PippJn," "Starting llere, Starling Now " and the play "Un•en Grow the Lilacs" <the non-musical Da Vinci codex to go on display in U entire first season< 1969 70) al the playhouse vt•rs1on of "Oklahoma"> will be held Monday al 7 A rare 470 year old Leonardo da Vinci "Match Point." a comedy about hus band and p m at tht• Westminster Community Theater, 7272 manuscript will be exhibited May 7 through June 7 diagrams.• Admission lo the exhibition is included in the general admission of $1 for adults; 50 cents for senior citizens, students ~d young people between ages 5 and 17. Admission is free to all visitors on the second Tuesday or each month <May 12 during the exhibition). wife tennis parlnt.•rs whose inability. to com· Maple St , Westmins ter director Jan at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. municate leaves them with losing scores on the Angelino will bt• looking for 19 men and seven The so-called Codex Hammer, compiled playmg field of hfe, isn'l technically a world pre· women in all age brackets two or three of between 1508 a nd 1510, is titled "Of the Nature, micrc stnce it's already been staged at Laguna as the men should be able to play the guitar or fid · Weight and Moveme nt of Water" and contains a the winning t•ntry in the American Community die collection of notes and 360 detailed drawings and \l&,.~~~IJ)),m_~~~~H~i~~~~:~':~~~.;;;~;!,~d~~~~~~~~~~N~~~wHJ~FEA~~VE~~~URa~~~~ng~r~~~~=~==~-:~==~~~-:=~~~~= .~l\ /JJ:JJ 'f//!I' Rib11. )ou 't'f' QASSIC ITALIAN CUISINE vnET PAAICING 2325 l. Cont Hwy, eon-i dlf Mw c.-for ............... 67l-t267 CAfotJier'S G/Jay- This Day Is Special! l hir ,,,,,ud '' 1n111ng tt·-.t.wr.1111 h,1-. pn·p.Hl'd ,1'l i.11 llWIHI l11r ~l11th·r'-. D,I\ llh !udin)!. ''lll ... upt•rb~lt"'" ll·m.1!..1.111d .... hi llllJ' ll'lllJ'lll.I d11Hlt'I Utlwr 1,1\ 11rilt• l'nlrl'l'' .111d ..a -.p1..•1..1ttl d11ldn•n'-. nwnu \\ill .11-.n lw ·" ,11l,1bll' I n·.1l "\!om .ind tlw t.rniil\' 1t1 ,1 \'l'r\ -.~wn,11 .ind nwmor.1bll0 d1nani; t0\pt•n1..•111..t• I )1nrwr Imm 4 PM . ua1Dato •\ \ ~f\ l•P~"~"' R<"'it~u,.nl C.enlur~ Plaz.a Hotel 277-1840 &O fa'ihion Island l'-l'~vport Ii each . b44-48 I 1 California's Finest Five Star Dinner Theatre * Proftrulonol Th•otre * Excellent Ouffet Dining * live Music and Dancing * Beautiful Decor .J * Dinner and ShQw for One Price -------Presents ------- THEUJIZ Book By Wrllram F Brown Music & Lyrics By Ctiarlre Smalls * Portormances Tues Su & Sun Brunch 3&03 e. H8'bor 8tvd., 8ante Ane 92104 ....... INtt/I .... OilfO '"" ....... " ~·. l.J~"""' E t•f>r Eatf'ti! Tu es.-Sat. Y'all Come Down to MONDAY TALENT .. NIGHTS Stun Orio" MC & LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE EVENING AmalPurt1 cnll for 11i!(t'"U/>t1 111m•! T1tPJjday -Saturday . . LoTLghon1 Saloon F Pa lures: And Lit'f' Country Music Dancin!( %8682 Marguerite Pkwy• Mission Viejo• 495-1900 ~ . ..._..~--- DJ MOTHERS DAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH I •II• 11• h •r \••Ill 'I 1,1111.l.1\ l l111 t.1l•ul1 •11•h11lk•1,'n111<h 11 d ; 111ll11,h I l 1111q l1r111 111 1•\ ( h.11111• li,!l h' I{,""' l\..11111 I I j\,., I 11.~.·.111 1111 ( h 111q ,1i.:111 'i,llt.1 l\.1~ •• ,1 ""• ,, l\.r-. t 1111.!ll n lnd1\1d1. ilh l '1l·,,fo'J l "1111,·km·• ~.q •1 ·I··· Ill I I l 11?l'' p,.,,, lw,I \\ 11.,1, . ..., .i,,,,,,,. H.trn Turk,, R, ,·1 H, •11l.1<l111 Amhn"'·' .111,I \~ il,l,irl ...,,11.1.I• Bru•-,·1 "1'r••l th ·\11 ( ir.11111 Ch1cl..n1 LI\ t·r l'.111 lml1\'11l11.1l 1'11).!lr .. h T rrtfl •. '• 11 .. ,T111 .. 111 r11.1i.:mli" 111 Cir.ind H.11irik1111 A,l11h, 'I l /';, l 1111,!r, 11 '1 i:, l Ir 111 dH , l••i.:.1111 J'm ,1, \ ,.1 rlw { ir.111.I f',,rr ,ti.:• I{,''·"''·'"' 1\d11lr' 'I 1 ;~ ( "l11ldu·11 '-i i 'i (~o111t111uo1110o '''"' rr.111111H 111 ...,, r-111c lr1 •111 I• \ \1 r .. ~ l'\I I\, '•'r \.lllPll' '11!.!j!l''trd i'2 .. ;;; i THE REGISTRY HOTEL h :-,\1 ~1." :\rd1111 l\•1111·, 11,I lr11111• i'2·Si ii l h, hq: .. rn It " t .. q~ "''''' P1t .1• It '\ .. ~todays news everyd~¥ DlilJ Plat L_____ in the l , - Roast Beef ~ F resh Salads Roast Lamb 1¥ & Much More Bourbo n Glazed Ham Decorative Marriott Ice Carvings Marriott's Famous Twin Pianos OUR FAMILY HOLIDAY DINNERS ARE BECOMING A TRADITION. Vlease make your reser.vatlons now. Call 714-640-4000 Ext. 610 l New~Beach -9" .Marriott· Hotel~ Tennis Club 900 Newport Center Drive We know how to throw a fiesta. Celebrate Cinco de·Mayof April 27 through May 5. This week-long ce lebra- tion is filled with festive decorations, piriata break- ings, costumes and just plain fun. It's a feast worthy of a national holiday, featuring the fabulous Filet Mignon Las Adas. Plus free dessert with every dinner entree. So this year, take a trip to Mexico for Cinco de Mayo. It's as close as Casa Maria. Casa Maria. MEXICAN RESTA<JRANT All the Oavor of Mexico."' £.. .... Hu11t1ng1on Beach 16060 Bc>ach Blvd. oH I 405 842 2541 Make your weekends "special" with a magnificent champagne brunch overlooking ~ewport Bay. Smorgasbord buhet, only M .15 1'4.50 under 12) S~ I 1:00 ...... S:OO ..... ....., 10:00 ~--• J:OO p.a ' . . , t , I. r Orange Coast DAIL. Y PILOT/ Friday, May 1. 1981 oa Bobby Bare show a ham-burner Bobby Bare is a terrific personificallon of the changes that have come lo ('()Wllry music in the last few years. An infusion or rock and roll rytbm11 and guitar licks and a shin in subject melter from mother. trucks and prison to contemporary COUNTY phenomena have enabled• _ Bare and the other REVIEW socalled laws or Nashville to draw crowdJI that would have, until recently, scorned their music. Bare's appeal was demonstrated Monday ni&ht, when 325 people paid $12.50 to $15 a seat to hear the hefty singer and his band at Santa Ana's Crazy Horse Steak House. They got their money's worth and then some. Bare doesn't merely please hts audlences. he puts them in a frenzy. He opened Monday's show with the song "Drunk and Crazy" and that set the tone for the evening. The repertoire was so hard· driving that Bare actually apologized when in· troducm& one of his rare slow numbers "We don't want to peak too soon," he explain~. _ Backed b~ ti~hl, en~husiastic fou!:..:_piece Real Cantonese Food ut here or take home STAG CHINESE CASIND I I I 21 d Pl. Newport lead9 OIW. J.tHO M-to Midoli9"t Daily-Wttti"'4b Ufttit I 00 a.M. .. -...... PUT A-- LITTLE MAGIC .1tt YOUR LIFE Sec the w11ardry of <.us Sc .ire~, cl ml·mbl·r of thl' prt:sug1011'> Hullywoull Mclgte C.t')tle JI S011th Coast PIJ1.1 I lotel's Hlue PJrrot Loun~c. No Cover • Performances Tue.·Sat. from 9 p.m. °" IU Sllm. Sal.• MIS i fHSI ncmau:s. m NM AND COFFEE ~!~s 495 ~0000--... 1""",,._•f01,..0fillf &Al •fOl•Na..l' CALL (7\4) 640-5123 , ... _LC.-/ lllOna"'IO.AY __ .. ~ .... .,. -~- band. Bare brought the house down with rockabllly rounds of "Wh.ite Frieght U1htnin'" (!loon to be released on a new LP>. "Goin' Back to Texas (and Be One More Horse's Ass>" and a mammalian rendition or "Up Against the Wall, Redneck Mother." The show was laced with rowdy humor. One son& was per(ormed with finger sian- ing for the hearing impaired. ln another, a red· neck complains that his marriaae to a hippie Isn't working. "but I'm toodrunktotell you and you're too stoned to bear '· It all reflected that chaoge In direc· tion for country music. Fifteen years a10. any Nashwille sonawriter who penned a tune called "Quaaludes Again" or "Drtnkin' and Druuln' and Watctlin' TV" would have had their auitan tarred and feathered. The warm·up was provided by a lass known as Rattlesnake Annie She picks &Wtar and sings and seems to do both fairly well, but she could barely be heard over the roar or a crowd that chose to lg· nore her When Annie sang "I'm so lone'>ome I could cry." we believed hef. -MichMl Dougan -\_ l t ' :~· l)~nJ;al ~r ~ .. ,~.; INOIAN RESTAURANT -.., ~ HIAKFAST • LUHCH • DDe4M • 1 DAYS . l•lly Dandng M1g11tty _ MAY 2for I SPECIAL twttti ..... _,, Order 2 Indian Curry Dinneit and pay only tor highest priced dinner Vahd Mon thru Thur. 5930 West Coast HlcJhway H~wport Beac.h • 646-4202 w 646· I 302 f.'U7.ARl:'Tll llOWARJ>'S • CURTAIN CALL DINNER THEA TEA PROUOL Y PRESENTS FINAL WEEK Rodgers & Hammerstein's Htt Musical TUE NITE SPECIAL YANKEE POT ROAST DINNER & SHOW $11 95 RESERVATIONS (714) 838· 1540 ~ .. Opening May GUYS A DOLLS :a: 690 El C.tm11•0 Re<ol r U\11.. = 1900 W. lcAoa. Newport leoch • 673-1401 CINCO DE MAYO SPECIAL May 2nd· May 3rd HUEYOS RANCHEROS s3so SUNDAY OHLY OUR FAMOUS EGGS 194EDICT EYE OPENER Sl)ECIAL ·Includes: • 2 Strips lacon • I Egg • I P•cake • I Cup Coff~e S.ned frOM 6 A.M,..10 A.M. '- JHE COOKERY RESTAURANT 500 W. Coast Hlcjtlway, ~ leoclt ecrou fto-. ..._a., cWt 646-6909 Hours OPEN 7 DAYS 6 A.M -2 PM ' P.-------------~ 1·· 11 ~ Chinese Cuisine 1 . /l'/f' ORlENTAL COCKTAIL LOUNGE I 1 .BAM80D'"""""'0•~::"·" 1 1 li1-TERR•CE SPECIAL I I -\lJI~ ft 55 25 rr .:-:., I I ~~ 1•-. suo1 1 A.p lltws Et Roll, P• r Wr~ I ml~ c .. ~ .... Soup • lntr•H -e"' & lour I I Pork, Aspar~s. 8"1, MwslWOM'I CNcltM\ I I; il'rl9cl ltlce • T'e• & F«1une eo.... ' l lrw J or more-Pork C-Mel" j IOf' 5 rw more Md I(.., Poe Chicken I I ~ ~ /..)f:. Off"' E:•fJlre• MeOI, 1•1 ·I I C-O-Ont..e1•101ne0utl ( .J:.fM ~AST 1_mt CO~TA M~SA . MS-M50: _._------------- Sally Find .,, . .... . . RETAIL• WHOL1!8ALE • CATl!AING CHEESECAKE MAKES AN ELEGANT DESSERT I MILt"H and O\'tar 30 DI ffe-rt"af tla\on MR. D'S CHEQECAKE CO. Free Sample 698 W 19th St Prior To Purchase Costa Mesa 631-531 • Bobby Bare in his element 1-0ok Jnn R estdurdnt AUTltENTIC CHINESE FOOD ~ :\IAN DARIN & SZECHUAN CUISI NE 4 LL':'\CH •COCKTAILS ::t'4 • DINN ER '•l't . .'\ l l>A\'' • 11 •m to 10 PM 13055 CHAPMAN AVE. I ~:..~ -:..:: ~rr.~·~ •:::;:•ti 75<.'-3565 FOR THE HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT IN ORANGE COUNTY . ... Go to the May 1-2 May 3 Afternoon • JACK MILLER May 4-5 • GEORGE BUTTS May 6-7-8-9 • LIVE JIVE 2406 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH 675-2244 ---- ROMT PRIME RIB OFaEFMJJUS & Choteau Belair lusscx "Y" ST.EMILION 4 SI I U~• drifte }.?!!~.. r Distinct1w Waterfront Dmmg Oyster lw • Cuckta1b '· .ill3 W. Pac1hc Co.1'1 Ht~WilV N ll • 642 229S FOR YOUR DINING & ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE SHELLY GORDON ·DUO Tue. thru Sat. DANCING ~4 FOREST AVE LAGUNA BEACH 111'1 fM l.w"'°""r9'411 Ample frep Parl<•flO 494-9491 752-8558 ~!f~NT FIRE WATER Tues .. thru Sat. TWICE AS NICE DUO Sun., and Mon DANCING NIGHTLY O!*rlookmg BtauJt/ul Lo.kt F'ortst Twlllght Dlnne,. 7 Daye • WHk 4 to 8 p.m. -= 115'95 23311 MUlALANDS AT RIDGE ROUTE EL TORO 770-3222 · • CRO~~OUSt I - JIM McGOWAN Song Stylist Tues. thru Sat. MARGUERITE 01 STAFANO Sun and Mon TWILIGlfT DOIMOll ,,....... ........ -·- 32802 COAST HWY LAGUNA NIGUEL IAf (,.....,..,_...,"•"••rt 499 .. 2626 496-5773 , the whole Peanuts 9an9· everyday in the Open 7 Daya tngbest Quality COCKTAILS NoUve Me•lcon Fw<ii'~ . . We have an exciting new rest8urant to show you! It's our dream ~ome true and you're l.nvited to join us. Still not fancy, but so much more beautiful. 8-IJPllat 942-4321 Now~aring VIC GAR€1A DUO Don Jote It proud to ~. dit9Ci from~ V.0-.. oM of the flnett ouitart In the country. • We've saved the intimacy. We've just added more. We've. saved the friendly atmosphere. Now there's more room for friends. Come to the new Le Blerriti. Ample covered free paoong, exceptional 8tmosphere. superb prov1nclal cuisine, careful service. Join us for award·wlnnlng dining for lunch or dinner. Now it's even · more llke coming home ... to Fmnce \ bB Bl-RRRITZ,M FRENCH RESTAURANT ~ I lam to 1 lpm Daily Sol and Sun. Oinntt tfOm !Spm SUNDAY CHNi\PAONE MiUNOt tOom to apm 4'1'61'1. N~ Blvd., Mewport &och • ~Mtiona Phone 64~700 • Coc:kt4111 •. ~· t 1 I I 'I , I . ..... ~ .. . . . ... •• i" -~------... -.. -~·--· ... • .,. Otange OAI~ V PILOT/Friday, May. 1, 1981 • • • . John tm~ancie is Byron (Prom Pa1e DU crew up wttl\1" "eLancte re· membered. "With both of ua travelln1 the way we do, our paths croes about once a year When we are in the same town at the same time we have a HY· n1: 'l'Jl meet ypu at the dooka.' "We'll meet and just walk and dream. We've done lt all over the United States." John deLancie has his dream. )fe also ·hu bis nightmare. It happened May 4, 1970 while he -was student at Kent State. "l was real active in the peace movement at Kent State," be re· "called. "Like so many other young people orthe day, I was ripe rortbetlmes. "l was a member of a rep· ertary company al the lime. We had been out of towh and I got back to the university the night the ROTC building burned. "I was there during the in· vasion, saw the shooting and ended up going to Washington to talk to the Senate. Until this hap· pened, It had all been a game. but this was a shock, an awaken· ing. And it didn't happen because of any great political thing. "It happened because of panic," deLancle revealed. "Thi• l• a point no one bu made. The 1uardamen bad pushed us out of the commons, across an area and up aealnst a fence where the only escape was throueh a small gateway. ·'Al the guardsmen continued thelr invasion, the students were forced through the eaJeway. around another fence, where it appeared we were surrounding the euard. •'When the invadeu dis- covered what was happening, they turned and ran up a small knoll. It was from there they opened fire. ·'And that brought an end to the movement ... the day we shot our children." With the movement dead a6d the war in Vletf\am winding down, deLancie in time found himself on the West Coast under contract to UniversaJ. Alter two years as a contract player be moved to Seattle for a year before returning to Los ''I've di scovered I like California," he said with a smile. "L. A. is good for me. You need a lot of focus to operate in L.A. It's big, so unless you know what you want, how to T~e.~~ ·~ ..... ·· . SHOWTIMES- Weekday1 7:00 & 9:30 P M Sunday 2:00-4 20-e'.40-9:00 • 1et it andhowto1et there, y~re 1oing toapend a lot of timeln your apartment." Knowtng how to aet there finally led deLancle to Costa Mesa and the South Cout Repertory Company ... and Lord Byron. '' l stumbled into this part bass-ackward," he chuckled. "I wasn't tbe first choice for Byron. Someone else bad been picked. but as lt turned out, he couldn't do the part. '' l came be re to try for 1omethin1 else and ended up do- ing Byron. "It has been a nice experience for me," deLancie concluded. "I've learned a lot working with Martin Benson, the director, Romulus Linney, the author, the cast, and, of course, Megan Cole, our leading lady. " 'Child Byron' has been a reaJ JOY I hope it doesn't end on May 17. I hope 1t will be picked up in L.A." ~I JIVE ON STAGE " SATURDAY -7:00 P.M. STEVE NOONAN R ,, .. ,,j. 111\""'l'te:••ilY""-·• IPAI\ .. ""',,.,,..._.._.. ............ .- 4 ACADEMY AWARDS lndudlng DEST PICTURE AMC OllAllCI °'0"9" fl/ 03'0 ......... .,Ol Co\ta loltt.1 ~ 74U HOW PLAYING UWAllOI' WIUO TWI• "' n..,., ~ l30 f9'IO ........ WIOOPIUGt l• .. •t ~~I 06~~ llWAllDI" ClllUIA WllT Wflttm1nile< 891 J'IJ~ OWUN"IMITltlCT .. flu•••nglOll llllch IU 11388 nu ... •n-• 0••"9' 639 1170 • , ...... lCClf'lU f•Tllltl ...... T Everyone here is crazy ... e~eryone else is cracking up ... Krh Krlttotf1no" ' HEAVEWICATE '"' 1 100 t i ll $yl-tt!"'SUllHI •trrHABI 1 100 l tOO 10100 D'""'' Hopper ATi.ANTIC CITY (lit) AT 1 100 1110 10111 IUNOd lTAlit" CAVEllAll (NI 11111111 I01U • . . . ~olden ~~~ ~ ~.~ f/iliilaJr a 9or1 · ~ GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A Lo Corte Dishes Lunch Dinner 011lv • Food ToT1k~ Out 4711 C ...... •~I 10JJ H..._ II•& 750.1171 • 750.9091 COSTA MISA ............ 642·71'2. 631·"'' Slo""'ll HARllV HAMLIN • ;OSf PH 801T0M ~ Of BORAH \/AN ~l~fN8URG'f ·RI( HARO (Ox · OA"JHA<;C.t~r' W11tt.>n by HR CHRISTIAN·· f.~c ,,, ... p,. °"'" • • Mi I'-"•" Fl r,•;lo"4 Prodvcrd by JAC." FROST SAND! RS • Q,,,.,.,,.d bv Ntil < N(I' 511 ' Mu""'"'~ b1 Ml(HAH MHVOIN •t • •Mt ,..,,, .. I • • "A prehistoric 'Animal House:" -Joel Sfeeel, UC-TY Good Morning America ---NOW PLAYING ----"--- .... CISTl•IA llNl Al\lllttnl 011 .. In ld•trlb C1nt1111 WOOi!~•' 11u1111.u~ c.n1.i a u197t a141 111•1 ~~1 om •• a• •• UA j,lo;ra Wdltlll<-t.rtdtt!le 11111!90 •GU (11&1 Sii ~ 1') W& UU "A true screen epic ... T hc stars arc sple n d id ... immeasurable in power." Kevin Tho1n<1~. Los Anacl« 11mc~ ~£Ant'/ (1vui1/1-l ~ 1µ~~ .. ~ ~~~-~ ----.·~ ' ~ 7 ~.j_... "1<1S11.Ris11~111Nl'\ \lnt\IJ. l\IN"' 11LA\l:..'"("'t1 ~·~ ..... < l IRJ<;ll 1f111.R\\AI "'-' k ~II\ I II Kl 'v\\1 \\ATI.R\ll lf\ llRAJll ll lC 1<11 MHIJ J1 111 f~'Y,'! ~ ~J~_!J,~'1!:1,1; ilJ•t .. HRirx·;f~ •\ii4\~~~1t;...,i>f'll· k)A,,lAR~JJJ ~t1J·1A1J(1\11'-.> t .... ~.-,. w ....... , ••• -::"'.'"~--=-~,. _.,.. _ ...... __ ..... -...... - T United Altlata en-.-~-. ,-,w--~-.-, ..... ...._.,.,,.,_ .. NOWPLAYtNa MllllOll YIUO CllllllQt lO••'OS /ttfl(J 1••"' C•°"°°"" e;io 69'!0 &3• 1~~3 lltWl'OllT IUCll OIWllll £dw•rds Ntwac.rt Stlatwm °'"'' tn 6-140760 139 eno wtlTMIHTUI £aw,1e. C•ntf'll Ntsl 8'31 3q3~ I I l r ---;. . .' teve· Allen's 'Mee.ting of Minds'. endangered 1 MICHAEL DOtJGAN .. ...,"" .... While we raU about the ratlnga 1y1tem that ao ten pulls quality pro1ram1 off commercial levlslon while eatbetic amoebas thrive, we metimes look to public TV aa a h.ven Immune m such trivial wb1m1 a.a mass appeal. 'Taint to. What Neilson 11 to lbe vroflt·maldng outlets, e Station Pro1ram Cooperative la to PBS. The teat victim of thls conv.eluted method of fundln1 d buyina programs ia Steve Allen's "Meeting of lntla," perhaps the ost sUmulaUna aeries TELEVIEWS ever hit the airwaves. "Meetint of Mlnda," lien has expounded up· the old parlor ques· n, ''What blstorical figures would you like to lo· te to dinner?" Allen not onlv Invites them. but ey attend. On last week:s sbow Allen's guests ere capitalist philosopher Adam Smith, pioneer· 1 birth-control advocate Mararet Sanger and ahatma Ghandi of India-for·the-Indians fame. 1 As usual, the conversation was polite but Emetimes pointed Gbandi, an opponent of all in115 carnal. wa~ offended by Sanger's umahistic attitude towards sex. Sanger was upset by the exploitative. sweatshop capitalism of her tra, which she blamed on Smith. And so on. "Meeting of Minds" is meticulously re- •earched, well-directed and acted, often entertain· in. and always enlightening. And, apparently, it's ls dead as Its guests. How can a boffo PBS hit like "Meeting of Minds" slip so suddenly down the tubes? It happened in Houston three months aao. when public television managers from throughout the country gathered for the annual bargaio·and- bid fest that Is the Station Program Cooperative. At ute cooperative, the managers bid for pro· gratns offered by producers. Last January 110 shows went on the block.1fany, like "Meeting of "A sweeping story of courage ••• I am roaring my approval for 'Lio11 of the Desert'." -Jellrey lyon1. WPIX·~/WCBS RADIO WEST COAST PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT NOW SHOWING •orange CINEDOME 634·2553 •Costa Mesa HARBOR TWIN 631·3501 Dolly 8:00 PM Mon-Thuf 8:16 PM Fri 7:00 l 9:60 PM Sot-Sun 1:00 • 4:30 &. 8:00 PM Sot-Sun 1:00 • 4:00 • 7:00 l 9:60 PM "WHERE MOVIE GOING IS AN EVENT' ~ PACIFIC'sm~·aaME. ~Sunset near Vine, Hollywood• 213/,66•3401 • ....,.11,. Dolly l2.30 • 3;"5 • 700 8110:15 PM .-----........, I IOIOFFICE OrENS 11 00 AM I CXJI DCUV ST'WD J • I Tltl((ll ON SALE THllOUIHOUT lACH OAT FO .. THAT OAT s l'E .. FOllMANCES .. ,. ........... _ . • ..,...._ _......, .. "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" -''XANADU'' ·1~, ....... "HARDLY WOAKINQ' ~The 1 •rt #2 (R) -----.. "DIRTY TRICKS" ---"PRIVATE ~ BENJAMIN" ~ - television and the many cabl~ayatema that are H · panding across America . Honi1berg said the commercials are out, however. "It would never attract enouab of an au· dience for the Nelbon ratln&." he obeerved. - But he isn't alvlng up. "It'• a show of ldeu," said Honiaberg, "and it's worth ll keep· Ing it on the air." If not, nothing ts "itEYOND TliE REEFl ' (PG) -"THE LAST CHASf" Forpd by a pl. found by • Kini· EXCAUBl11l 0 l!l PLUI ----··· mriC>Slllla UMMAMOI ----_.._., Ill "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN"'"' your -..~ •rullty. (!J ~ ---_......, .. "KINOO,THI ~ MOUNTAIN" ... . -BEYOND m~,w, • I ... ,,. .,., ,..,. ..,,_LAST JHE RlE ::.':.'~'=- .. . I L .: J I I I • • .Min Yeh <From 01) aald. "I lbou1bt it ml1ht be interest· ln1 to aee the so-called Hollywood people, what the audltk>n would be like." Mtu Y~h t.hlnks she wu selected "probably because I'm a forei1D stu· clent and maybe different frotn the- very typical Hollywood actresa who already haa a certain stereotype: that's-Just my own presumption, though." She said the experience has been in· valuable. "You have a chance of meeting with the ulUmate standards and you realize bow people really made themsetves the persons they are," said Miss Yeh. "It means you really have lo try and I think that's the spirit of this country.'' she added, "to encourage people to re· ally go for their dreanrs, their American dreams.'' Miss Yeh's ultimate dreams are not in America , but -back in Taiwan, where she hopes to use her training to upgra~ the performing arts. She ad· miu, h.o'wever, that a career on both contJnenu would be "ideal." •'I want to learn bow to approach a cood fusion between my own culture and some of the American ltaltl that I apprec!late a lot," 1ht-.ald. "For each art form, to team the pattern la very easy. But to transform It Into a message that ls <rele¥ant) to our culture or back1round, that ls the challenge." Among art forms, Min Yeh con· aiders herself to be primarily a muai· clan. She recently audlUoned for a Bob Hope talent show playlnc piano. The composiUon was "a folk IOQl ln pan· tatonic scaJe but wlth jazz styles and Improvisation " ( Pantatonic refers to the five-note core often used as a basis ror Central Asian music.> She plans to return to Taiwan this sum mer to join another brother in some recording and televAtk>n ven· lures. While there, Miss Ye1i said abe would gather material for a theatrical production back in Los An1elea, her final requirement before graduaUon. John Boolnw> • EXCALIBUR N1111rl TftTY· Hr1m M1rrt'n· N.cholas Cby·Clw~ LW18'11· P.ul CAollrry -Nicol W1llwmon Execut1v~ Productt1 Edgar F Gro..s ... Rcbm A f.lwn11t1n·Dirteted-Prodoc.d .. )ohn Boonn•n Scnornpl•y., R09po l'•llt•nbni!-lohn Boorman IRJ ~'9.r..J!:-1 Ad.ap4td from Malo<y • LI Murw D•rth111 ., R.J.po P&llmbq STARTS TODAY MA• IOaTN COA&T IYUfY CINlDOMI COiia Meu 549·3352 Orange 634·'2553 • PAUii ACCIPTID FOi Tiii DIA•_,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT1Frl~. May 1, 1981 * • • .Megan Cole · ( •·rom Pale DU {Last year ahe appear~ ror the flrat time there ln Shakespeare'• "Much Ado About Notbinc.) The part ls actually two, a~e the plays both Ada and, ln·a nut.back, Ada '1 mother Anabella. "You have to like every character you play, because every llvln1 person can justify h11 own reuona for doing what he does," abe said, ''but Ada was eailler to like than her mother ·•Ada wu a brilliant woman whose life was thwarted, but her mother was too sel!·rt1hteolia and Jud1men· tal. I can play her, but tr I met her, I wouldn't like her." Swltchlng roles onsta1e was no problem for her. because she has done a one-woman show ln whlch she became 50 different characters in an hour. • "I love making qucuilver changes and putting on difrert:nl diaeuiSes," she said. "It's like say.nst to the au· dlence, 'Things aren't what they ap· pear to be. If neither character ls the oqly option, then anytbln1 I• poeal· ble. I" Pla)'in1 Ada'• mother u a young woman, she consciously pitches bef voice about •ix tones bither, part of vocal knowledge passed on to her by an older slater who slQga opera. The humor in the play comes from the segment with Ada'• mother, althoulh the production ltaell la not a comedy. "l love moat makin1 people lau1h," she saJd, "and I'd like to do more comedy. but often I end up ln drama for some reason. "I guess there's a serious mien about me." For such tragic roles as Medea, she said, "My job Is to flnd Juatiflca· Uon of her and play It relentlessly." And although Ms. Cole ls a strong, independent woman she won't be limited by type-casting. "Somewhere deep inside me there's a helpless. fluf(y blonde," she said. "If I had to play that part, I know I could ferret it out of myself and do It." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAMM 8Rll Brea 529 5339 AMC ORHOE MALL Orange 637 0340 UA CITY CINEMA Orange 634·3911 UA CINEMAS MALL Westmmsrer 893 05-'6 EDWARDS' SAODLEBACK Er Toro ~81 5880 EDWARDS' CINEMA cutnR Costa Me!Ml 979 4141 EDWAllDS' fOUITAlll JALLU Fountain Valley 839 l!lOO ORANGE DRIVE·IN Orange 558 702? • ...... ICAnU LINCOLN ORIVE·IN ,.. ..... .....,. Buena Park 821 •070 Ann llllY tttl Ml ...... c.... ..... n.n ,._,..., ....... . * MIDNIGHT MOVIES * '" tl*Ullt AllO Wl'Otl1' (Wltf I D!M 4-Trlek Stereo! rnt·SQ~·m1AlttS·Tnt·SAMt ~.-. _.,, ..... "JOURNEY THROUGH THE PAST" Burt 3:30·7:45 CHUCK HORRIS (!) \.{'41;11 ~=· j c~~M·~:~~·G; tt-•·t••40•1U•t 11•1t11 .,,.u ... , .,. ..... ,. ·---·---~ Hf.AYEN'S GATE (A) ............ t "1'1Ll•N '"' llOD'f COUlfT COWY-..9 Fl'llDAY THE 13111 Pert 2 l"I ·•--·t:•·••·ti:m· ... ··•• "MfOO ll41111A IN CAVEMAN (PGI ,., .................. . _,~--­ATLANTIC CIT'I' (Al lllCll un\A . a.uon-.. """' -01 .. TY T"ICl<B INI -~,..: .. . LH ........ _. ....... ,._ ... , ... ,,.. ,--., ----KINO 01" THE MOUNTAIN (PO) ...... ,,!tl•lt11 .. , .. lt11 •*11 •1t11•1!11 l'ACIN,: 'l'MIATllD-.. ,,, ~ l1'MTOI '1°"91 9YC*I ---lMS DAY AT MMCM-.-• ...__. .. IAllTO l .. M~Y&...._Y _.._... ........ .,..__"_ .......,. 1:11 ..... -.......,. ............... . Ull,OITAltT NOTICE! CMILOREll UllOER 12 FRU' -"""' • l!Uarn --........ -01•1•11~.1;• i11r::1.-~i!it r~;"-'i~..,~~i!*:.l] ... :::;:~=:Al II .... AM Cer llecllo Wit ft ltnlllon Acc•-Y l<ll)t v-°"'"AM l'orUlll 2_,,,, :ir::w~:: I A~~~mi~c:·rJo7"-( lJ!.i!~~ 879-9850 . 0000 OUYI ftAfl llAc.t IPOI I Ne AM CM 11.-.. Wltft Ignition Acc•-Y a.1.,. YOOI °""'AM .... rtabl ~ . if •tMOO ITAlll• • ----fl'fUOAYT'Ha 1•-..1(R) -MY kOOOY VALINTINll (It) - 1$.81 TOYOTA CELICA GT LIFTBACK Economical 5 speed trans . AM-FM floor speaker MPX stereo bucket seats, steel belled radials carpeted floor mats & much more' (049620) 56999 FREE CREDll 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DR. DELUXE 5 SPEED Economical 5 speed trans MPX stereo .deluxe pinstripes wtteel well moldings steel belted radials and more' (646176) 55549 1981 TOYOTA SHORTBED PICKUP Equipment includes 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on power front dose brakes. one touch tailgate panel steel belted radials & mor.111 (014042) 55999 1981 TOYOTA ~~!!~~P'"!~!AN Equipment includes ~pel well moldings, power front body side moldings, t~ more! (156113) disc brakes. bucket sea s A SUPER VALUEI CHECK! BUY A 1981 LEASE A. 1981 VOLVO DL LEASE A 1981 VOLVO DL BUY A 1981 VOLVO DL VOLVO DL 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed overdrive trans .. power steering, power brakesi wheel well moldings & more. 4 Door Sedan Automatic trans .. ower steering, power brakes. ~1nsripes. wheel well moldings & 2 Door Sedan Automatic transm1ss1on, power steenng, power brakes . pinstripes. wheel we I 2 Ooo.r Sedan. 4 speed overd~e _ trans., power steering, pow~r braklJS. wheel well moldings, p instripes. more! (639965) '"°""'- 11000--•-T-1 clO"" 1113' z ..... ~ 00 TOIAI ot ~ldiimi49 {1937 41). ,,. tu. 311 monlll~ tlOOO cap redUCl•O'I lot•I-·= ~ 16)4900 Total ol .,.i -on apPf.,..d ti.Oii A -"" i.aM °" appr 0.,ed C'•d•t Rn1dyl' '• -$"187!~~ Fabri9i29 -fi78~o!H . USED CAR . P·RICE ROLLBACKS! ! 1979 TOYOTA CELICA GT Thia "BLACK" GT has 4 cyl., 5 speed trans air oond pwr brakes. AM-FM stereo caHette. tinted glass. sunroof. steel .radial tires, rare fl'lOdet! (0-47YBKl 55999 1971 VOLVO 145 WAGON 4 cyl. engine, 4 1peed tran9*as1on. air condit1oning. power brak ... luggage rack & tots or room fOf' the famllyl (23fO'qA). 1980 VOLV<f265 GL WAGON e cyl , automatic trena .. factory arr cond . pwr 1tMrlng-brak•·wlndow1. AM-FM ltef*> casa., tinted glasa, plnatripea. metallic paint & 1t8tl redials. (1ACP227). _SJ 1,499 1978 TOYOTA CELICA Ltftback model 4 cyl automatic trans pwr s1eerong, AM FM stereo vinyl interior & loiks 'LIKE NEW (815VPY)..~ steal at 54599 1976 MG 11B11 CONVERTIBLE 4 cyl.. 4 speed trans .. power front disc brakes. AM-FM sl9reo cassette, new top & in excellent oond1tionl (406896) 1974 VOLl(SWAGEN BUG eco,.,omlcal 4 cyl engine. & apeed transm1ulon. radio. vinyl Interior & whlttwall tJre1. Runt "LIKE NEW ECONOMY PLUS! (017LPF). 53299 1976 TOYOTA CORONA SR5 Hardtop. 4 cylinder engine. 5 speed transm11ss1on, raa10 vinyl interior. steel tad1a1 tires & a 'hard to ltnd modelt (489TBE). 53499 1978 TOYOTA CORONA Luxury Edition Wagon 4 cyl .. automatic trans . air cond .. pwr steering & brakes. AM-FM stereo, WOOdgra1n ext .. steel wsw radials, luggage rack & morel (068267) · 54499 1974 MAZDA RX4 WAGON Equipment Includes 4 speed transmiaslon, radio, pln1tr1pes, wh"I well moldings. bucket eeats & low mlle1 Exc.llent cond1tlonl (005NLF). A ateal at . ·~2499 SALES Dl!PARTMENT HOURS ~ .............. .....,... ...... --. ...... 10 ..... t ... .· J J / I I • I .J .. . . . -. ---____ ..,..._..., _________________ ~---------~ ..... ~-----.... -~ • Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT/ Friday, May 1, 1981 . . Don't · iust • Sit there small I .. on your T fortune ••• I e • • . " Look around your house and CJarGCJe and you'll probably discover you ~ave a mountain of oldies but goodies you c·ould sell. Move that mountain. Call a friendly ad-visor at the Daily Pilot. Use the direct line. Thousands of ready-to-buy ad readers are 11shoppi1KJ the ads in the Daily Pilot every day. Many are eGCJer to buy iust •hat yc;»u . have to sell. .,.___..___.,..._...,.....------, -~--. ---T _____ __...__c~----t .. ~ ---...,.--... --- ~ NATION Coin . to honor. Ge Orge ? WASHINGTON <AP> In 1932, the 200th birthday of George Was hington was marked ~ ith the issuance of a com memorattve quarter whose de sign 1s still used in the 25-cent piece circulated today Now. a move is under way for a one-year onl}, com memorative silver half dollar to h onor Washington's 250th birthday next year T he chief sponsor 1s Rep Doug Barnard Jr., 0 -Ga Among Jhe co sponsors is Rep. Frank Annunzio. 0 lll .. chairman c.C the House Banking subcom m 1ttee that has jurisd1ct1on over coins. HEARINGS ON THE proposal are expected to begin May 19. Under Barnard's bill. the U.S Mint would strike a minimum of 10 milhon half dollars of 90 percent silver. to be sold at a price as low as possible APWl ...... 19 BEAR HUG A rnung lila('k he<.1r o.;('eks refuge in a tree in the Pocono \ .1n•a ot Penns\ I\ anta after receiving ear tag..., Thl· n1h "as placed \\lih an adopti\'e mother c.tftt•r a hullclozl'I" :tl'C'tdt·ntall~· opened its den and its motht•r rnn oil "They will be legal tender. and will be the same size and weight as the silver half-dollars that were produced 1n this country until 1965." Barnard said "The premium will cover the costs of producing the coin. mcluding thl· <·ost of the metal. but will be kept as low as possible to ensure wide dis tr1but1on " The price would be set by the Treasury se<:retary It <·ould be sold at 20 percent above cost, \.\1th any profits go111g lo thl' Treasury There would be S4 or $5 worth uf s11"er in t>i.ICh coin at th(' rate of about $10 an ounce. so the l'Oins would SPll for about $6 apiece U.S . not laughing· BARNARD SAID The l.Jnited States ha:. struc k 48 com memorat1ve half dollars for special event:.. beginning in 1892 with the Columbian Exped1t1on. through the 150th anmversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord. to the final one in 1954 on the birth of Rooker T Wa~hington o ver 'Dial-a-Joke' B:v UL'Gll A. Ml'Ll,ff;A' A 1' Spe<tal C••e•pondenl NEW YORK So thl' fcdl'ral governmt•nl ts lo\\ t'rtng tht• boom on bored bureaucrat!'. \\ho try to hrigbtt•n up lh1•11 da\ h) dialing Dial I\ .Jol<1· According 111 .i .. tor) m I ht• N<'v. York Times. 1>1al A Joh· and other Junk e;Jlls' from 1ust one federnl 11ffict> hutld1ng 1n Ne\\. York. 26 Fcdt•r al l'l;i/it add S3.000 " month to l nd«' Sam s phont· 111 II /\nd this. as hun•aut'rab '"\. 1s onlv tht> lip of tht· ttt•hl•rg Last yeitr :\la Bell h1e1ghed all thl' ~a) to the bank '>pl1tt1ng her sides <Jver tht· 29H 011111110 calls over her "a rious Dt al It iines Dial a Jokt• 1>1at <• Prayer. Oaal-a -lloroscopc. ell that rak1•<1 1n SlR million un increase of :1"1 m1llion 'll"h cJlls over the pr!'\ 1uus 't•ar TUE l '.S. GENERJ\I. Sl'rVttt•s Adm101strat1on 1s tiattling thf' phone cumpan) m•pr the costs or instalhng .. petrnl ..,crN•nmg dl' vices to s<·n•l•n out thl' yuks 1n keeping with President Reagan's budget t'Ulb.icks. As usual. the bureaucraLo, arc approachanf.( the problem from the wrong diret•tion. The solution is not to "t'rt'en out Dial a Joke calh hut to pro· vidc a rival 1n hou~t· sl'n IC"l' thJt would eut Ma B<'ll off .it tht• quip The Rt.'al(an JWople should begin b) creating a lh'partment of Comc•d\' ut C:ih111<'t l1•vt·I and th('n n.•cru1t llenn) Youngman as its sec n•tar) Instead of J;:athl'nng moroSt·I~ around lh<· \.\at er c•ol)lt>r gnpmg to each o l her about I'' 1 rs t Am('ndment abu~t·s in"olvL>d in screening out Owl a Joke JOkci. from tht• rederal S\\ itchboard, our public servants could pu!-.h a button on th('tr d('sks and h<'ar llenny pour out unl' hn('rS en <'r the intercom alonl>( the lines of -"I C'OME FROM a famtl) of five brothers .three are still a l ive and two work for the federal government " "How can vou tell a federal employee in line at an Off Track Betting parlor? He's the one with the binoculars." "What do you call a bunch of bureaucrats standing on a corner singing whale sipping Tab and eating apples7 The Moron Tab and Apple Eating Choir." "Now take my wife. a real angel. 'She's always up in the air. harping on something "Take m y wife ... someone. please .. IN BETWEEN Henny's skits. the cl"ll .• servi ce comedy network could pip~ in sessions of Congress Uve tor n couple of laughJ and miaybe some Cablnet mcet1n1s. ., Aa • Will Roaers oh••rved ~ "There's no trick to bein1 a • humorist. when you hayc the whol~ 1ov •rr\mcnl workinf for you." Tbc Department of Comedy would have imm•n¥ 1ov· ernment.rcsource:s to CJraw upon once tt be11n1 Culfillinl Its deatlny In accordance with Ptrlllnson s lneloctable law of bur1eonln1 bureaucracy: t.IJWGAN'S STEW · Work t'Xpands so a!) to fill the 11011· .1\ :.11l.1hle for 1ts com plet10n fht• JOk1•sm1ths employed by the• departmc•nt under Secretary Youngman - c·an gl'I hu.,~ 11ght a\.\.t} turning out J st•rtt·s of h11morou-. c· .1 ... ' l' l t l' ~ • \\h1eh the b n r t' d burt:aucrats c .1n amu~C' t h t• ms e I " <' s vouNOMAN \\1th bel\H•t•n coffee breaks and trq.1:. to the. \.\ ater cooler or the computer hank The previous adrn1nt'.)trat10n has left loads of malPnal ·The Best of Fl1lly Carter" Memorable Mot!> of Mtz Ltlhan Am\ Chats \.\1th Dad Ahout ~ut'll'ar Prohferat1on or Please Pass the SALT " WITH THE CARTER family buck an Geor~ia. Washington as sorely bereft of Lbis sort of thing. l{ood famih acts being hard to <·ome by, but there's no reason the Repubhf'ans in power can't make good use of the talent in then-ranks From his hospital bf'd the ptt•.,tdl'nt prov('d to he u ma.,ll'r of thl' i.:enrc, the best in his party since Lincoln 'Thf' Most of Calvin Coolidge" '>'Ouldn't take up much space on a humor ca"Sette or make for a Ion~ in-house phone call. but tht• routmes could always be fleshed out with some humorous asides frorn Herbert Hoover Don l laugh Hoover got off a couple of knee-slappers in his day. h ke "Bl('ssed are the young for they shall inherit the national dt•bt and a speech JUSl before the stot·k market crash that promised, "W(' shall soon be in sight of the day when pov ert v shall I><' banished from t his nation ... But maybe that one m ight sound better if played back In response to the government's ,rival ver'lion of Dial -a- Horoscope RESEARCHERS burrowing In the Department or Comedy's archives, which will be located in the basement of the Executive ··My lcgislataon will re estublish this tradition ... he said ·on a practical note. 1t will pro- vide Amencans wit~ an inex pensive way to own sil ver. and will help reduce both the budget deficit and the trade deficit George Wa s hin g ton 's administration est ablis hed our system of coinage. which is so practical that at has been copied b-. most. of the nations of this earth lo some extent.•.• Shakesp e are group faces debt wo es VISALIA 1A P > Faced with the choice of presenting their lhird season or shutting down for a year, directors of the California Shakespearean Festival have voted to keep going. The 6-3 vote was made in the face or a $270,000debt. an estimat- ed $216.000 in expenses through May and commitments lo cast and crew members. The decision to proc('ed was followed by announcement of performances. .. Macbeth" and "C' mbelline" will run for seven weeks beginning June 26 at lhe CollegeoftheSequoia s Theater. "WE'RE CONFIDENT that we c&n pull it off," said Alan Levey. managing director of the pre- sentation that was greeted with national acclaim in its first two seasons. The shaky finances'' are not un- usual in non-profit theater," he said Before board members. he admitted it would be "an enormous risk lo go ahead with the festivaJ based on its financial picture ... Soard member Steve kabot, a Visalia attorney. proposed to '·go d.Brk" and scratch the season. "We are faced with two crummy alternatives, .. he said. Ka bot feared proceeding would lead to cancellation in mid-season and a permanent end to lhe festlval. Office Building, the baroque pile HOWEVER. THE majority next to the White House that voted to gamble on raising the Mark Twain considered the money lhrouah community ap m o s t a m u s i n g P i e c e of peitls a method used last year to architecture in America, should raisesummeroperatlna costs. have n~ tr~uble tocati~~ Pat David Fox-Brenton, artistic 0 Brien s st1i;ing rendition of direct.or, asked the board to con· Knute Rockne tt Glpper BJ>ttCh,--llnue with the third festival In a ror Instant replay to !edeuJ lelte~ em ployccs in need of a Ufl. • ·o~r crediblhty ls on the UM,•• Ltm. ar~ always so~ tor said ~ey, noting JlClorl and de· laugh~ in ~overnment carclea: sigrfers have been 51g11ed for the The m stupidest gucstlQn• ever comlngfeat.lval. · • asked nt a pro denUal IO'.t&a .... conference. The 10 1te p1aest onsw~ra. The 10 dumbUt blUs ever~ntdroduced in Con1re11 .Th" 10 umbest ev~r pa1sed. The 10 dumbest cat11res1men • who helped pa them. the only problem iJ Ir the aov· ernmenl takes over D1al·a·Joke what will the telephone pollsters uae for ., ablll next eltttJon1 The vot rs had th la t l1u1b last Um•. J~e 'halts' fire ¥Al>l$.)N, IU. (AP) It took . a Judae·s order t o 1et . flreftahtert to put out • Junkyard fire ln a "no·man's land" after the blaze burned un- checked for three hours and threatened nearby homes while: four dej>artments arlUed ov .. · JurisdJC!tion. ~ • APWl...,,.to AFTER THE STORM A weeping child wanders through debris of a village in India aft er 1l was torn by a tornado which killed 35 and injured 200. besides r azing hundreds of houses Music r eaches deaf kids Hearing impaired embrace performing arts W /\SHI NG TON 1AP1 In the fall of 1!178 thl' Buffalo Phtlharmonu OrThl'i.tra ga\e a chtldn•n s corwt-rt for u spee1ul a u d l t• n l' c . d t• .If ) o u n gs t c r ~ equ1ppetl \\1th sound ampltf1cat10n cit•\ 1c1' on l11an from a lol'al school 'li11 ont> kne\.\ what \'.ould hapf>t'n Some of the childn•n had as much as a !.18 percent he<inn~ loss The) \\Ml' high lrequt>ncy. ~ i r l' I t• s s h l' ;11 I p ho r, I." s \.\ h 1 c h p1t"kl•tl up FM 1 adio signals from m1c·rophont•'.) on stage When Uw final nott's hHd faded and th<• l'OnduC"tor put clo\.\ n ht~ hat on t ht• voun~stcrs \.\ t•nt \.\ ild "I 1)0'\'T KNOW \\hat tht· ehlldn•n \.\t·n· hearing but 11 \\ 1m1rwnst•I) plt•asurablt• Tht n•sults \\l'rt' n•m; Siltd 1.arn \!alloy. <11n·t·tm· ol TV p ortrays nasty vi ew of execu tives_ LOS ANGI-:Ll:•:S 1AP1 You may think J R E\.\ 1ng. the villain of CBS TVs run a\.\ a) hit ""Dallas · 1s mereh an out rageOUS COnCOl'lion d rl'U med up by Holly ..... ood ,w ri I l•rs Tht• Media lnst1tutt• hl'ltt•\es otherwise In a studv called 'Crooks. Con men an·d Clowns Busi nessmen 1n TV Entertainment · the Washington based, busmess supported research cont•t•rn Sa)S that dastardh· business l'X ecutives beholden to nc1th<'r God nor Const1tut1on are thl' norm on pnme time tl'l('VISIOn Among lhl' stud~ s c·on l'lus1ons -OVF.R llALI" OF all cor po rate chiefs purtr<t~ <'d on television eommit illegal acts ranging from fraud to murtler Fort}-fa\e per,ceot of all business acltv1t1es on tt'lev1s1on are portrayed as illegal. Only 3 percent of television businessmen engage in sociall~ or economically productive behavior II a r d w o r k i s u s·u a I (\. r1d1culed on telC\ 1s10n aS ··workahohsm that inevitably leads to straini·d personal n• lat1onsh1ps "WE WERE S l 'RPRISED b} such heavy emphasis on busi n essmen as crooks." sa id Leonard J Tht>berge, president of the mstatule and editor of the study The study grrw out of the Media lnstitulc 's primary funclton monitoran~ TV news coverage or b4s1ness and economics Cnl1ke the entertainment survey. Theberge says his group has found little a nti-business bias in network news bro!ldcasts Among the Media lnstitute's 300 individual and corporate members are Mobil Oil. West inghouse. General Electric and 20th Century-Fox. He said the study reviewed 200 episodes from 50 programs between December 1979 and April 1980 on all three major networks. "'THE S&IALL businessmen are portra yed as social climbers, buffoons, foolish; the big businessman only seems to have time for c riminal activities," Theberge said in e telephone interview "The murderous, duplicitous, cynleat bu.sinesaman ls about the only kind o! businessman there ls on TV adventure shows, just as the t'unnln1. trick•ter buatn .. aman ahares the sta1e with the Pompous buffoon busl· oe11man in situation comedies." Whal eftect does this TV view ot bualness have on the public? • "The attitudes of youhs people, who watch TV more than they spend lime tn • cla11room -they tend to sh a re , this nenhve view of buslnu•men,':. Theber1e HJd. ·•1 don't want to oventate th case J-ob._..~ TV la a major influence on p1•oplt"s valu1·s hut so 1s school and n•lig1on But it cena1nh 1s i.I pervas1\·e tn fluenct• : EVIi. JR. EWING Actor Larry Hagman Bomb-ripped casino to reopen soon STATELINI-:. Nev l AP1 llar\ev's resort llotel Casino as i;cheduled lo .rt.'Open 111 a [e\\ weeks folio\.\ 1ng months of re const ruction after"'an ex tort1ontst's bomb rippNJ through its second floor offJC('S last August Executive Vice President Richard Kudrna is touting the re built 11-story hotel. scheduled for a m id Ma) reo)iemng. es the "safest bu1ldm~ in the state of Nevada " Kudrna said the reconstruction will cost about $18 million at least six time'> the amount of damaae estimated Just after the explosion At least $16 million of that amount has been Invested in security and fire prevention syste ms. hesnid Douglas County end state or dinances passed following tv.o tragic fires at Las Vegas casinos required the 1nslallation of 11prlnkler systems. Bul Kudrnu said hallways and elevator shafts also will be pres· surlzed to prevent the spread or any ftre!I that might occur In addition. each of the hotel's 195 rooms will bc equipped with smoke detectors end Intercom systems und video eumeros wlll sc•n \he-hallways and lhe casinq floor , heutd. • A pc>rUon of the resort was shntlcrtd Au1. 27 by a oomb planted Inside the casino by ex· tortionl.sts who demanded '3 mllllon 1n cxchani• for ii'· formatlonOnbowtod fu~ thtde. ·,vice. the N.1t10nal At'l't•ss C't>ntc.•r tn W ash1ngton a non profit a gene~ \.\ ork1ng \.\1th puhltr sen Jtt' ~rt>UP'> to expand part1<'1pat1on or the handtC'Uppt•d 10 th1.• .irtS Th!' Buffalo l'h1lharmon1c nO\\ has th 11\\n auclto s\sll'm for tht• lwa1ing 1mµJ1rt'Cl · und t•ount~ 200 cfraf IH'oplt· :.imong its season su b~n 1 hl'f"'> St rn 1 la r rnul>I!' l'd uc·J.t ton prt1Jt•t·ts for deal chtldn·n .incl adults h,l\t' bct>n undt 1 t.1kl'n h' orc:ht•slras 1n S:. r.1t0 11!-.1· N \' l\:t·\.\ \.,rk Ctl) Phtlad1•lph1a and /\tlantu Aflt·r \f'ars 111 IJ...'TlOranc·t• an~ m1 ... undt•rstandmg on both s1d<'s th<' /\nwncan 1wrform1ng arb Jntl tlw t1Jt1on's 15 m1llton dt•al c·1t11tns Jn• 1·mbrac1ng t:ath othtr at last Th<.• 1nn•nti\t• Stl'ffiS Ill p:.irt lrnm a 1973 rt•d<.•ntl la\\ n·c1u·1nng equal at't'l'SS b) handttJp(ll'd pl•rsons to ;trts pro gr<ims supported h~ tht "'1at111nal Endowment for tht• /\rts Tll•.ATER~ ARE ln\CSttng m t·lect rontl' ltst1•n1ni.: dt•\ trt'!'. and s t 11 g 1 n g s 1 g n I a n g u a g 1· per fm man1·es to reach u va:.t potl'nt1al tJud1c·n1·1• The dc·af an· brP<lktng OUt or lht•1r IJrgel~ h1dd1·n suhcultun· of th1• arts tQ offer' tht• hc•ar1ng \\orld a nch .. 011n·t• 11f < ultural lalt>nl B1·,1de~ n·present1ng an l'normous nt·\.\ a11d1cnt•1• for th< arts. <ll•af a111sts thc•m!-.t•lves art• produf'tng \ 1..,ual arts danc1· lheatt•r and rtlms that daalo thl'tr h1·artnJ..( \le\.\l'rs and rcflcl"t a uniqut• c·ultun• which has b<'t·n shockingly abs1.•nt from our ~allcne:.. slag<.'S. art centers and cinemas · says Eugen1.• Bergman. an English professor at Ca ll audt•t College 1n Washington In a report publtshC'd b) th1• "i a t JO n H I /\cc·<· s s Cl' n t er. ht' wrote•. "Ttus \ 1J,{orous nc.•w in tcract1on 1s ('p1lom1led by lh<· a\.\ ard ~inning play 'Children of a I.e~st•r God.· performed lo heann~ audtl•nc•c•s by a leading aclr<'-.!'. \\hO l'i deaf her'i<'lf ' MARK ~EDOFF'S Rruadwa) hit. \'.Inner of the 1980 Ton) Award for h('st play. 1s th(' tale of a troubled lo\(• affair between a SJ>l't•ch teac•hl'r and a dear studt•l'\t \\ho ~truggle to over l'Omt• the communications gap bet ~H·t•n t he1 rt wo eulturt.'!t The road company came to W ash1ngton ·s National Theater with an 10fr.o-0rNJ sound system for the hNtnng impaired. de signed~ Sound Associates Inc of Ne · York It proved such a succ<.' s with the audience that the National is raising money to install a permanent system of its own. at a cost of about $10,000 Th<' infran•d system. which transmits sound on lig'l)t beams to w1rel<'SS headsets or hearing aid attachments, already is of fered by the Kennedy Cenler'11 Eisenhower a nd Terrace theaters and by five other theaters around the country PERHAPS A DOZEN or more theaters across the countrv have install~ or are experimentma with vanou.11 sound systems for.., the partially deaf. The listening devicea are rented in theater lobbies al ll nominal fee. usually a dollar or two eac h performance. Bul for th~e with total loss of heorln1. sign lnngua&e la the on ly w,y lo enjoy the performing art~ A<'cording to 8ergman1 Amcri<'Bn Slan Language fs the third most wldel)r used lan1Ua ln the-country. after ErtaU•h an Spuniah. ln some theaters , 1l1n· Interpreters stand ln front or on the sld Of tb 1u1e, helptna dear per ont te t he audl n ee Collow the atti<ID. [I/ I ' • ' . . Auto usage more costly WASHINGTON <AP) -The annual cost of owning and operatine a new intermediate-size eutomobile hu risen a~ut 13 percent in the past year, the American Automobile Association says. The average cost of owning and driving the 1981 car is $3,601 annually, or 24 cents a mile, the association said. This compM'ed with a co.cit of $3,176, or 21.2 cents per mile. in a survey taken on a new model last year. DEATH NOTICES BLOCK SOPHIE L . BLOCK beloved mother of Caroline Costello, SISter Of Jarrett W Sheldon, William Sheldon. Ch"arles Sheldon. Alma Maller. Eleanore Ferriera. Lou11e Mendoza, also sur vived by 2 grand<.'h1ldren and 4 great-grandchildren Services will be held at 12 j)O noon on f'nday. Ma.> 1 1981 at the Church of Our Fathers. Fores t Lawn Memorial Park. Cy press Directed by Forest Lawn Mortuary Jn lieu of flowers contributions may bl' made lO the American Cancer Society in memory of Sophie L Block S. Boose, sons William R Boose, Jr . and Richard S Boose, daughters Mary Margaret Ralston and Kathenne Ehiabelh Booth. and 8 grandchildren Funeral service arrange- ments are pending at the Saddleback Chapel. Tustin, Ca 544·1450 KERBER V IVIAN ANGELINE KERBER. a resident of Huntington Beach Ca for 10 years Passed away on April 28. 1981 She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of San Gabriel and also a member of the Eastern Star Lodge She 1s survived by her BELL husband Roland A Kerber. JOHN EDWARD BELL. a a son Oa\'1d A Kerber of resident of Burbank, Ca Sunta Monaca . Ca . a Pasi.ed away on April 28. daughter V1rg1nia A Walter 1981 He 1s survived b> a or Los Angeles, Ca .. 3 dauehter Jacquely n A grandchildren, 2 brothers R o b e r t s a n d 4 Gerald Scheltens of Florida grand<'hildrcn Services and Ronald Scheltens of wen: held on April JO. 1981 Minnesota. 2 sisters Irma 1 at 11 OOAM at The Church of Lauster of Maryland and Jesus Chnst of Bernice Johnson or North Sa ants. 801 Dover Or . Dakota and several nieces Newport Beach. Ca with and nephews Services are Bishop Keith Duke pres1d-scheduled for f'nday , May 1ng Interment was at l , 1981 at 11 OOAM at the .Jl arbor Lawn Memorial Harbor Lawn Memorial Park Servi<'es under the Chapel with Rev. Ford R direction of II arbor Lawn-Miller of the First United Mount Olive Mortuary of Methodist Church of San Costa Mesa 540-5554 Gabriel off1c1attng Inter· BISHOf menl at Harbor Lawn DAVID LEE BISHOP. re Memonal Park In lieu of i.ldent of Santa Ana, Ca flowers contributions ma) Pas!led away-on April 26. be made to the American 1981 tie as survived by has Cancer Society Services un mother and father Mr & der the direction of Harbor Mrs Orville Bishop of Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary Garden Grove. Ca . a ofCostaMesa S40·5554 daughter Shonoha Byrd of MUNGER Anaheim, Ca., 3 brothers RUTH D MUNGER. resi Steven D . Orville G and dent of Newport Beach. Co Randle Bishop all of Santa Passed away on April 28. Ana. Ca . 3 sisters Ellen 1981 Born on September 24. Jeager of Garden Grove. 1923 in Brooklyn, New York Ca . Jerry Meeks of Santa Survived by her husb•nd ' Ana, Ca . and Patricia George, daughters Nancy Bishop, also of Santa Ana, Ruth Munger of Newport Ca. Services were held on Beach. Ca. and Sally M. Thursday, April 30, 1981 at Rhoades of Riverside. Ca .. 2 2:00PM a~e Harbor Lawn grandsons, parents Mr. & r.&emori Chapel with Mrs. Robert H. Dahl of Paator G1 Moreno of the White Plains, New York and Apostolic sembly of Jesus a brolher W Robert Dahl of Name of acentia official-New York. Funeral services 101. Interment was at will be held on Friday, May Harbor Lawn Memorial 1, 1981 at 2:00PM et the Park. Services undec the Pacific View Mortuary direction of Harbor Lawn·. Chapel. Interment al Pacific Mount Olive Mortuary or View Memorial Park . Costa Mesa 540-5554 Newport Beach Pacitic BOOSE View Mortuary directors WILLIAM ROBINSON WIUTE BOOSE. US Cmdr. USN JOHN WILLIAM WHITE. Retired. He was a resident resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. of Irvine, Ca. for 10 years. Passed away on April 28, Passed away Aprll 29, 1981. 1981 at Hoag Memorial Survived by his wife Justine Hospital at the aae of 64 . He -----------.Is survived by his wife IAL.Tt lllCHIOH SMfTl4 I TUTHtU WHTCUH CHAPEL •v e t 11h Sl Costa Mesa 6<t6-9371 P'tllClltK>TMIH SMITHS' MOHUAJlY 627Ma1n St HuntinQlon Btiach 53&-6539 McCa.MICll MOITUARIH LllQOna Beach 494-9415 L~una Hllla 768-0933 Sin Juen Cap111rano ••1ne Kathleen. 4 sons John While of F.scond1do, Ca., Robert While ol Costa Mesa. Ca . Steven White of Anchorage. Alaska and Michael White of Lon&. Beach. Ca .. als.o 9 grandchildren and 1 great· erandchlld. He was arriliat· ed with the Electrical Union Lo<'al 1441, Santa Ana, Ca. for 38 years He was a veteran oC World War 11 tn the U.S. Air Force Mus or the Resurrection will be celebrated al 8 OOAM oo Fti· day , May l, 1981 at St Joachim's CalhoUc Church, Cost a Mesa, Ca. In Ueu of flowers the family request• donatlons be made to the! ADl.,'1'k•n Heart Fund or lhe Amlltkan Cancer Society Arranaementa by Neptune Society, Newport Beach with burial al aea. SMITUEaMAN DIANE BETTY SMITHERMAN, resident of Costa Meaa, Ca. Passed away on April 25, 1181. Sbt 11 survived by her Roy Smitherman of Costa Meaa, Ca , mother Roat Dawe ol Zn11and, 2 cbJldren Derek Smitherman of Reno, Nevada and Brent Smitherman of Coeta Meu, Ca. Memona.t Mrvlcn wer'lt held on Thursday. April IO, ltll at ll:OOAM at tbe Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel with Fat.her lf1rlu Coykendall of St. Jamtt l:ptlcopal Church or N .. •Poft IWflc:b ottlclatln1. s.m~ under u.-dlNCtlan 6t Harbor Lawa·llOUnt Olive llottuary of COlta lfeu .. MO-• D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F ·1 · E .. D 6 4 ·2 •• S· 6 7. 8 A.Ntou.n«mitnt.a l'a• Pool LotplNotltff .._ ........... P...-.c11Ml.t• Sot1&1 Clwbo• Trevet• SEIYICES Thla newspaper will not knowln&ly accept any advertiaine tor real ettale which la in vlola- Uoo of the law. ~ .................... 1 ----am --noo --.... -410I •ut UI» ~ HIOIS: ~erlfMn slMMllddleda ...... deNy ... ,..,.... ~ ron ln•1ll•ely. n.. DAILY N.OT •1•11 labllty for .... first l•correct laHrtloa Giiiy. ::: 1---------1 -= HCM1M1 for S. = ...................... . IGeMrCll 1002 -lOIO JOIS ---- , ...•................... LUXURY LIVING Be ready for summer! Beautiful pool, jacuzzi & gas BBQ comes with thia 1 year new Eaat alde Costa Mesa twnhme. 3 suio Bdrma, 2~ batha, shows mo like a model: desiener :: wall papers £1 window ~ coverings. Take advan-= tage ! Only $129,500. - .,.. IOIO IOIS mao ---flO.o lllU .., ----IOU --DI IOD -mi -81111) ---.. llOli -----IO'IO --.... tlJt t1• ... 646-7171 ·rHE REAL ESTATERS OHEYEAROLD Best location, steps to pool & volleyball UH DER SI 00,000 Perfect starter home 'with 1reat assumable .loan CaU now 751-3191 C:. ~f I { l T ~ Pl~OP£ f~ 11! •, YOUR llST V ALUI IM CAMEO SHORIS Lowest priced fee aim· pie opportunity. Great assumable TD En· joy a~emooo sun and viewa from wood deck. 3 be autllul private beachea. Only 1549,000. Ca II today, 673-8550 · THE :REAL ESTATE RS :; l• .. OC .... IAIR .. __ OM1' __ _ C: 2 Bdrma. 2 ba, unfum. MIO --~ --•iv -- New. l850yrly. IAYaOMT 3 Bdrm, 1 ba, unfum. Mtnt cond. atW>yrly. CHA..._R.OMT 3 Bdrm. 2 ba, unfum. S750 yrly. associated fi t.i I 1,. ~ J.' 11 M° f f, l 9 .. '1 ' .. ""' ... '. ' fl 2 UNITS $94,900 Super investment! Two ~ Bdrm units, one with fireplace! Current in· come--'740 mo. Flnanc· ln1 ! One year home pro- t e c tl on plao lncld. Hurry, l.hla won't laat! 148-7171 THE ~EAL ESTATE RS To Pl•e~ your "Fut"• Dlrect.Of'J ad ... C1Jl Now 642-1671 ...w The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 suru PIHAHCIMG AV Al!.ULI Pride of ownership 4 bedroom ··Palermo'' in Harbor View Homes features wooden flooring in entry and country kitchen. Inviting family room includes wet bar, fireplace and guest bath. Outdoor entertaining is a breeze in this lush backyard with extra large patio and firepit. $325,000 Fee. Call LARAINE SHAW for details and financing. 675-6000 or 760-9088. U~IVUI: ti()MI:' REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 Eaet CoHt Hlahway. Corona dcl M81 A SSUMI L.AaGE LOAN on this excel value. 4 Bdrms, laree pool, gas fireplt. new carpets. On· ly $96,500. Call 979-5370 today. · ALLSTATE REALTORS' THISOHl'S FUI WISTaa. SIH,500 lf you thouaht you could not afford Newport &!ach, look at this Sharp 2 bdrm. condo with 2 rull baths, fireplace, pool and bar Terrific locaUon. A Division of Harbor lnv~tment Co Abse>lutely no cost lo view this 5 bdrm home w t't h R V pa r k i n g , sparkling pool /spa. llalian tile e ntry, & plumbed for solar heat. Take over existing 7%1~~~~~~~~~~1 loan, S22S PlTl, OWc.1 ________ .. I Will help fmance. Wha• a prtce. $123.750. Sub- mit! Submit! 545-9491 REAL~ATE ---· HO!YES! HOIYESI It you're undecided, see this spacious family home with spa and many upgrades . 3 bdrms , l'•• bath . f i replace, mas t e r bedroom 11 a beauty. Home warranty in- cluded. Sl2S,OOO. Now's the Ume lo call for view- ing appol n tmeiit $45·9491. ~Wakllu REAL ESTATE Y•C•S.. TM-Pacific From lhls Cameo Highlands beauty. Priced lo sell, $339,000. Only 10% down with owners aa11St.ance. One level 3 Bdrm plus huae yard. Call now, 613-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS TERMS, TERMS Only J.S'fo down for th1I outatandinc Dftl'ly new condo. 2 Br + den, rami· ly room, view ten- nis/pool. A ereat buy at $204,000. ~ ......... 8°/o ASSUMABLE! 161,000 VA aaaumable loan, and owner will help with finandng. 3 buee bcfrm1, ~ full balba, formal dinlni room. Pride of ownentitp. Only $138,900. Call for more detaila. 548-2313 THE ~EAL ESTATE RS WHHE CAM YOU .: GET A PAYMENT Of$740 for a 3Br and not have lo qualify ? We can get it If you have about $17 ,980 Cub. Agt. 154$-2411 Spy.JlauHll This immaculate pro· fessionafh decorated home 11 loaded with charm. Tbe bright in- terior reatun!S the finest in carpeta. waJlcovering and window treatmenta. The custom pool and spa toeether with lush landscaping make this comfortable home perfect for eriUrtainlng. "59.SOO D.M.Mwrta.I 644-HtO GRIATFVTUaE IMMEDIATE TAX SHB.TB EASTSIDE.' 2 separate houses. Uve in 3 Bdrm arm rent 2 Bdrm. Large separate yards 2 car garage pl~ lovely pool. 399 RALCAL?d. (offThurin . offVlctoria) OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ~l~-;JI! c.1itH . -... I ·,~ ~~ 730-4760 atDGIUHE UHCHISTATE Spec,_. View Thls Oranie Park acre eatate la situated ma· jestlcally atop a hill tak· Ina full advantage or paaloral and U1bt vlewa. Overlooks Rldgeltne Rai;quet Club. 5 Bdrma., 3~ l>ath1. m sq tt. The pool. spa, BBQ and out· door entertaining area a r e outstanding. l.47 acres. Laree assumable loana . Priced to sell. $118$.000. Mk for Joleeoe Cannon. Ruldence 991-0533 or Elite Aasoc· Uatea Real 730.0760 amucm SI00,0001 OCIAMllOMT Cbotet eoroer duplex I Bdrm, 3 bath up. 2 Bdrm, Z beth down. Can convert to a lar1er home. SELLER -WILL HELP FINANCE at 13%. '795.0001 ..... ..,..,... llALTOU •'75-7060• DWLIX a bdrm. abatbeacb unlt. l'freplace, bulJt.Jm. Ex· cellent rental area. Near btacb " bey. '2&\,000. Ml·ZZSI evet. associated t1 JJ ., I ~ , M' ! '• f ' ;,, I ' I STaOU.TO HIWPOITUACH Chumlnt 4 Bdrm. Cozy llvin1 room featurea ; wood bumlq fl.replace. Owner will help finance. Only $209,900. Hurry. call 61J.l550 THE ~EAL ESTATERS CE llDlll ILlllS CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE SUPEI SPYGLASS Two Stories Of Excellenc~. Sunken Living Room With Fireplace & Beam Vaulted Celling. Large Family Room, Full Length Hearth, Wet Bar. Plus A Huge Bonus Room. Sellers Will Assist in Financing. Pool Size Lot..Shown By Appointment. Asking $565.500. A ''Joy Of Newport" Listing. LIDO ISU Near Community Beaches , Clubhouse & Tennis. Large Quiet Corner Lot With Traditional Three Bedroom~ Plus Great Guest Quarters With Bath & Bar. Or Billiard Size Recreation Room. Beautifull>' Land~caped Lanai & Patio. Expandable Lot. $75,000 Reduction For One Month : All Cash To Assumable Loan. Price. $350.000. WOODIRIDGE. IRVIHE Best Financing Available. Large Assumable 30· Year Loan Al 11.753- & Owner Will Carry Second Trust Deed. Desirable Three Bedroom, Single-Level With Large Enclosed Patio. Great Starter Unit Or In vestment Enjoy All The Amenities Of Woodbridge. Owner Motivated. $108,900. GRANDEUR ON UtlJA ISLE A ,....._. of gnllil. propcwtfoa • P""ticJIOlls Undo 1.a.. WM-...,. ..... gs.... o•er brick wall Wfrf Ir dip pool/spa to total ~· Two story J.o.M wifl wfftdlng oak slall W"'f1 ....,., fo1111t•f11. For••I lh•llHJ roo• wttii ........ t-ny '""' ~ lcrge 11111kH bar. For.•I dl11l119 ML + ..-tkltclMtt.Lawiom_.... ..... + 4 £Sit MG OOIM. 1.crge o.fdoor patio boat dock Ir tip for 3 boah. $1,lt ,000. . NEWPORT CUSTOM--l.ARGE , Spoclon 2bd. 2 bo. -.... '"' hd ~ IOC.. FmNly rOCNll, fttra lg. lot, room for pool. c .. to.t Wit for orftlllal OWMn. fuly •Mlatecl Mmy ........... $249,500. lock lay wea. PENINSULA POINT-SUPER w• to lay & oc.-tr... tMs •llllgted ......,. co.,11tety ..... & .. Ir lotldl of ,... for .... t..ay. 5.-c'-Z...IJN'y wltlil ,..ged & fJl"OOYM ............ ir wwMllll. &....,. l b9d. lb& ...... ,_,,_ + ....,..., $444,500. WAlERFRONT HOMES. INC R[Al ESTATE "-''-"' Rvn'.t"' Ptopt:ttl\ Mdn.t'f1'"'"1ot·nl 2'436 W Co111 Hwy Newport Beach 631-1400 118C&RN COWIOY TE1t• C R [ M T A R Y [ E D R N I E C T K M SOSTT ~SONWDLAXOELUP LT PAE NM Y X P R E.M S k k RT U T 0 G T I R Y 0 A Y K C U H C N I C A SRSNETEIEZ~SOIYOUTS S M £ M A S N L W R l 0 R II C X M M I H E U T H T L R T T F E £ 0 A X U X T U D T I L U $ I A S Y 0 I t E R L P Y A1UMMJRUSAUS08S~ENA R [ D S A 0 A R M T Y R A T 0 W Y I 0 E M S W II U K 0 L II I W E R H 0 R T II DWCALCADAOTUUDNUMO TEW LYSTXALWYCQ l~¥""il~~~...._.~£WJSAORA ODIW .. NADLJTIUWO j , • Hla•••fwS. ..._..,_.Wt ......_,_S. ..._..,_.S. ......_..,.,.. OrangeCoa~t..PAILYPfLOT/Frlday,Mayl ,1 981 * El ....................... •••••••.••............. ...•...•.•••••.•....... .....•••............... ....................... '~ . ....... 1002 1002 .... ,.. ·1002 ., .. ,.. 10021 ... ,.-1002 ......._,_S. · ..._..,_S. ..._.. .... S. Ha•",_'* ....................... •...•.......•.•........ ....••.••.•...•...•.••• .••...•...•...•....... ··················!···· •.......•••.............. ,.................... . ........••.•.......... ············•·••······· 1002 G1•ril 1002 llwl ... t•'"1dl 104 ttutlqt• .... IMO NO DOWN . ..... SIU IAIGAIM ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AND $9.000 4 + IOMUS + PQOL. · PAYS COST Giant• BR, a story! Botius rm with Total cub ~-4 to walk in wetbar! Cozy FP! Sparkling clou Hcrow. lluat pool! Take over $98,700 VA loan at ~ualllf. tor JoalUI ll•a 9~%. payable $992 PITII Priced to d= ... '':'J.~ l!"ID'fu; llYIMI TlllACI -"°"' lOW sell fast at $159,990! Call now! b':!1a'tt:.oJ*~i VllW OP IAY, OCIAM & CATM.INA tor more d•hll•. Relax In an attractive gazebo & enjoy Mf.DU the sunsets & exciting boating activity. Call todar to see this lovely 4-bedroom, Traditional home with a THE :RE A L ESTATERS WAIEIFIONT CMOS HUN'l'INGTON HARBOUR Pu.rcbue with 5~ down on fantastic term a. Brand new, c pl'd, draped , ON THE WATEll. Guarded 1ate entry. VMWI, 2 aar. Pool and tennll. 2 fr s BDRMS AVAIL Ill· , llED. From$298,ooo. CaU 714/556-IMIOO COLLEGE PARK $25,500 Total down and uaume '92,500 loans. ·a Bdrm charmer with fam ily room co un try kltchen/lMnf area. A beauty for only $118,000. Call for more de~la. 548-2313 THE :REAL ESTATE RS huge family room & large wet bar. Beautiful poQl in front courtyard & a separate spa. A complete new kitchen with aH new top.quality appliances & cabinets. One of largest lots in area (almost 'h acre>. Fee land. WULIY H. TAYLOR CO.. UAL TORS 2111 s.J...,. ... ..., NIWPOlT CINTIR. N.1. '4.._..t I 0 WAL YER S. Kltli & ASSOC. 673·2500fl59-0768 "RARE IEAUTY"' ''French Country" 4/3+Maid-on waterfront. Pier/Float for 50' boat. French brick flooring peg/wood floor. Rough.sawn, white·washed Cl!dar. "Chinoiserie" in master BR/Bath. Offered at: $1,795,000inclds land. OPIM SUMDA Y l·l PM 223 EVENING STAI LANE ( THE ~EAL ESTATE RS Sl-67&7 ONE OF THI FOUST HOMfS EYER! In Cameo Shores, a sprawling 4 bedroom, with study and exquisite kitchen wrapped around an inviting pool and accented with a sumptuous spa and, of all things, an incredible garage! You should see it! There's a view too, for just $675,000. REALTORS, 675·6000 2443 Eut CoHt Hl1hwa11. Corona ~I Mar WI HA YI 47 Of THI llST MHNrS IH TOWN OWHa ounun Corona del Mar Duplex. Huie OWMl'I unit. 4 cu 1ara1e Submit all of- fers now. Must sell! Renanller. Matller's Day May IOtll LIDOI NOt9S Featured on H Tour this lovely traditional sp us, custom 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, newly decorated. Priced to sell quickly at $475,000. Newly remocjeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath plua lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam ceilings. Great for entertaining. $420,000. PENINSULA POINT lllACHNOMT Panoramic view at wedge, from prime large lot, 4 bdrm, 3 bath custom home. 3700 sq. ft. featuring marine room, en~r)'., living room, dining room, bwlt-ms, etc. $1 ,385..000. IAYFROMJ We have several fine homes with pier &slip, starting at $1,500,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l I , 11 , y , , 1. l1. • . '~ ~ f, /) t, I b I o/ newpo,.f REALTORS '75-5511 CAl'llR OP;OITUMITY -Joht o ~ ..... Clltd dpalNc ........... fir-. Ul...t cCNllMhllon ....... Attrocffn offket Clltd loh of ,........ _.IMc• cmlilable. Coll John or Yodi/ fll 675-5511. -::__ S&S GOLOENWEST ESTATES The very finest for the EXECUTIVE BUYER. Elegant 4 bdrm, 3 bath (1 bdrm, 1 bath down>. + bonus room & 3 car garage Popular "Huntington" Model. 3000 sq ft, customized in every detail. Escape to the country ... with a back yard of winding paths, gazebo, gas & tire BBQ, babbling brook. Offend .. $290,000 Call Madeline for appt, 961-4602 t 62·' I lt 1022 c .. t•M ... 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jasmine Cl"ffk decorator home, plan 1 on rreen· belt immar. $305.~ 640-1145 llACH DUPllX Xlnt shape, pnv•cy " parkln1. Owner wall finance $90,000 dwn Good rate of return Broker Chris ~7·1.568 RIOUCEO! Owner will carry part of financing on this out· standing custom duplex. ~ block t.o the beach. 4 bdrm front unit, 3 bdrm rear. Private patios On· ly $495,000. VAff'El:MS Summertime fun 1tarta here for your family wath private pool" spa Move rl&ht In to this lov· ely refurbiabed 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home At only $129,500 It's never been easier to buy lhan now. We recommend quack action 556-2660 C:. <,{I I ( I -t-" PH< '~'I ){!II • I $40 ODO ON Owner tm finance. 3 houae1 on a lot.. Ea1tslde Cos ta Mesa . Only $179,000. Call &U-9161 . ;.'.'>i .. ,,. ,, ·ti ·~ ' . ....... LIT"STAU Ca h1._Splh THE ONLY WAY TO GO Scarce residential waterfront lot in Npt Beach. Bujld among homes valued $1.5 to $5.5 MIUJON. Offered at: $960,000, incls land. @ Send a message to Mom via the Dally Pilot· s Mother's Day Page Your message will ap- COLE OF MEWPOIT RIAi.TORS 2515 E. co .. t Hwy •• eor..., Mer MAUIY ST AUFFH SEA LION UAL TY 673-5354 OPE N HOUSE REAlfY / Jodi H l.etda. Mtr'· '75-1771 SUMMER POOL HOME Lovely family fun home with 18X32' pool. 4 Bdrm, family room, stone fireplace, many extras. One of a kind! Sl.26,900. Call for more details, ~2313 THE !<EAL ESTATERS GREAT INVESTMENT 3 BR 1 Ba, S72,900. M · 1umable flnancln1 & seller w/afso carry paper. Call for terms 752~99 COASTAL '1JVIMG .. Prestigious Monarch Bay Terrace~ Laguna Niguel. 4/3+Den w /some ocean view. Assumable 1st may assist. $364,500, incls land. Plac1n1 your Clusafied H you want your a<l ad is so sample . just vertising message to re- give us a call on the ach more people at phort~nd we'll help you lower cost, Classified as word your ad for rast re-the way t.o go! Call Now! suits. 642-~ 642·5678 HIWPOIT Outstanding 4 Bdrm end unit in model condition. Located in most desirable area of The Bluffs -$225,000. SEA COVE PROPERTIES 714-63 J-6990 1 pear in a pretty flower JI box. For Information and to place your messa1e call 642-5678 TODAY! RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES EVERYONE'S FA VORITI STUET Spacious family home on lar1e private lot. 4 BR. each with own bath. Family, dln.inl It Uvin1 rms. Look oul on POOL. Secluded spa. Pot.ting area & stora1e shed. M38.000 fee. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 675-5511 OWMU WIU. TRADI 20 acres near Rancho Californ ia Owner wants condo In Nwpt, Irvine, Costa Mesa. Can be divided Into 4 lo 5 acre parcels for small equity or Sl50,000 takes all. Small R E. In vestor wanted. 556-6516. ..... ....., 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, large 2-sty town h.o use Super recreation facilities and excellent Eutside loca· lion. A sharp home. priced at ~950. lcAoow.dRlty '73-1700 HST IUY IH AREA Charming duplex, by owner. $239,500 Assume $104,000 at 11~.<'{ So of hwy. 2 Bdrm + bach 213/430-9156 FIXER 3br, l~~ba home wath room for 2nd unit. So or Hwy Asking $260,000. 760·8520 Ste phen Meyers, Bkr. FANTASTIC CdMDUPLUIS I 006 2 great floor plans. Ex· ••••••••••••••••••••••• eel location. Assumable --------• finao. Hurry on this! IALIOA ISLAMD Barbara Glass, Century DUPLEX. Best financ· 21Sandpiper.640-4950 lo I . Steps ~o ... South oita Mesa I 024 bayfront. 3 uurms. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• baths and 2 Bdrm unit ..._ ______ _ wtlb mini view. ~ Oceanfront Dplx 6415200 MESA Y&DI 4 years old, 3 6 2 Br, 2 .,. Comtry CW. V- Ba, blt·lns, 4car1ara1e. Lovely 3 Bdtm 3 balh Bestlocalloo. '750,000 end unit, encl o 1 e d JACOBS Dl::llJY court yard, double RUY. garage with loads of IASTSIDll2 2 bdrm on large R2·1ot. auumable financ1n1 C.M .. D Bourke Realtor 548-9950. ------ 311, 21/JIA COHDO Almost New! Frplc. Balcony, Palio·Yard, $130,000 Owner will fmance PP ONJ.. Y (213) 373.5704 -----Jbr, 2ba, "Halecrest" Home $129.500: 557-3881 41D.W&DEN 2Ba, Insulated, Paneled thru-out; copper plumb· mg, new roof, covered patio & gas BBQ. Tree shaded "Huge Comer". t Sl.20.000 I $30KDOWN I Assum 51/•% P.l.T.I. I tllOK balance amoruied lA years. mcl 1~ in· teresl-no points. PP :'( ONLY! &U-2319 LEASI Ol'TIOH Luxunous CWltom con· l1 I , I Plan lllRealty GIANT HOME! A muat iaee! Covered en· try to thia maanlflcent 5 Bdrm 3 bath home. Huie family room, brick flrepl.ace, formal dlnln1. Buillln breakfHt bar. Beautiful' pool a nd separate spa. Gu BBQ ONE FOURTH ACHIN H.I. Ocean view -elegant customized home on just under 112 acre lot. Completely private expanded 4 Bdrm home . Oversized living room, private dining room, & gated pol area. This is a beautiful unique property newly offered at $795,000. -~~~'~7~5-~6~6~7~~~-t~~~~~~~~ storage cabi nets Beautifully maintained To Mother With Love .... Love has a way ol r~urninl to Ill source On 1h11 •ptt•~I di\ lhfo love you have 11n n 1a return~ with • •~<'••I mt'"ll•l' or warmth Take a looll See ho~ mueh fOU •rl' IO\ Ml adult community. with pool and spa and secun· ly gates lhruout. Walk to exclusive Meu Verde Country Club and golf course. Asking $185,000. For Information and ap- pointment to see, call 54().1151 do 1700 sq rt 2 frplcs. 3 1 I bdrm. 2~ baths. S800 mo 1165,000 642-4623. 1• I • $17,'900 AT " ~ . So. Coet Pima• Believe it or not. we 1 have a spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with excellent terms. 759· lSOl or 752· 73'73. . and flrepit. Many, many extrH. Only $189,900. Call for more details. M&-2313 , THE REAL ESTATERS IAST SIDI AXa What a me11 I Brina eaint brushes, sbovei. ind rakes and make SSS on this bar1ain Only $139,000. Won't lut. CaU now. .@ ' SEA COVE PROPERTIES 714-631 -6990 LOVELY FAMILY HOME In excellent neltbborhood. cao.e to the city aboppinf center. Near uhoo a and tran1portatton. Huie room1 thnlout. Lari• hJDllY room w,Ub Swlltdbb fireplace. Beaudfw Rained ,. ... wlndowa lo 2 or tbe batbrooma. 8parllUn1 pool wttb run, etc.. etc. Seller hl&b1Y moti••t.d. and 'trill-..U VA. Coma to U. Open Houae on Sunday. ~1700 THE :REAL E S TATERS PBaNSULA con AGl-$225,000 Walk to bay or beach. Great location. 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, fireplace in the living room. Flexible terms. 759-1616 SEE AND BBJEVe The very finest buy in th~ Harbor area. New 1650 sq. ft. condos. 5 minutes to beaches. One half block to major shopping centers. Cement drives, air conditioning, microwave oven, trash compactor, large walk~ closets. Garage with opener. Pool and 2 jacuzzts. WILSON PARK CONDOMINIUMS HOW.Wlho. c .... w...,cA 714/Ul·IOH "'-SI 36,000 oa~ send -1 ~ HERITAGE . . REALTORS MESA VERDE Exec 5 Bdrm 3 Ba home w/beaul. pool in pvt set· ting. Lr1 a11umable, low interest loan. Tim Rhone. 631·121116 Aat. OWHB· W/AM.AMCI MISAYa.DI POOL HOME Jual 11n time for sum mer! This channln1 4 Bdrm home features huge family room w1tb bar, skyliihts and slalned 1lass windo,'8 <>Nerlookln1 beautiful solar heated pool and spa. And. for the avid photo1rapher, a com· plete dark room with custom cabineta, 1ink, separate water heater, lilbt •ealed and veolllat· ed. Beautllul wallpapers and levelon thruout. A unlqtle kltcheQ with cedar 1kyll1ht and re· ~e11ed U1htio1. This cuatomlzed home Is a must to aee. Offered at $1Jt,900. f'or an appoint· ' cnenttoeee, callM0-1151 ~ J HERITAGE . RE ALTORS MISA~BDE Spaclou. I Bdtlll 2 Ba pool bolile under marke\ at $US,MO. lntlude1 $H,oot of ... umabla loana. Tlm llhona . al•S..~ ~ ........ ."; If REAL F..sTATE , ' COUEGI rAIK 41D.W '• New listing! Lovely street, walk to schooll and shopping Bdrm could be used as se p.arate 1uest or area w /private entram:e. Call art 646-4390 for appl •I I I ,, STEAL! SlEAL! STU&.! I! Onve by 391 La Perle Lane (o(f Tultlo Ave, ~ below 16th St > This as-,,,; sumable loan 4 Bdrm, , 14"• ba R2 lot ONLY '1'• $137,900. CHARGE! Cen· tury 21/Gold Coast Realtors. 548-1168 IMVISTOlt IMDOUIU NO DOWN Bach. Flat. Total Securi· ty Condo. $1011 ,000. 978·0423 O'IHHOUSE Sundayl-4 1999SantaAna Ave. Reduced $10,000 for quick sale. 2Bt + iuest bouae. $128,000. owe papere. AitNU812. $40,000 + S/Moh SHOO dn, $HS/mo, 912!,ooo. E.ade.. a Br, 201 llonte lllsta.131-5471 I I I t • o,_.. s.t/s. 1.s By Owner 38r, 28 a , llaaa Verde, aolld fin. $Ut,500 1213 Daltota, 558-1114. 11~ FiNANCING ...... I I ~ I ~ ! Verde I ltor)', 4 JJr, + den. Ftx 4s uva. $170,000 full price . Atent 55f.GH. ~, I· • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/frrday, May 1, 1981 :-. r;\.~s'h 1·n on· 7or11_--· _ .. '-'~ -.._, •• , • lute tfllnt for Or•nte County edYettlMr•- Th ere are two ways to win with a Piiot High Roller Ad Run 7 days for $7.77 11 days for $11.11 -3 llnes Items totaling $500.00 or less Call 642 ... 5678 Daily Pilat Private Parties only -no commercial businesses please. Any classification. No cancellation Rebate. Fo S ..... _ H F Hou•H For s• Hou•H For s• HOUHI For Sale HOUIH For Sale Mobile Hamn lftCOfM Property 2000 Horute1 r ... •1•1. or S• ••••••••••••• ••• •• •.... •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ... for Sa'-I I 00 •• • ••• • • •••••• •••••• ••• c·;:;~;.;;;;.·······;~~~ i;;i..·:············;0·44 1-:v·1.:.·············io44 L;,:;.;.;;· .. ;;;.-····io·si M.wport IHdl t 069 M.wport leoch I 069 Nntport Beach I 069 ••••••• ::.............. APPU VAi.LEY ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near new • Plex,,2 VIEW CONDO AW ARD WIN· EXCITING bdrm, 2 bath each unit ,., Newer 2 Br 2 Ba Many D &"SUBSIDWn'•Ar~-·l.ftV~rx:Ai ·rv HING NEWPORT CONDO • • with fireplace, enclosed I uparadea Large as IV.,.._ n~ r I od I Th R-t Club patio. double garage t aumabJe I.owl Seller wall U111que oxg Q\ l' m e $135,0QQ • -..,... $165,0-00 Bill Grund). l 10 Lakl' Park 2Rr Den n . B. h 1!176 KIOl:b'400d 3Br Rltr, 675 6161 carry larae 2nd TD with 2Bu \' aulted l'l'1hog-., f Bt'autll ulh 1·a1 •·•I CCJ1 2Ba, 111-'ht 101. Lr.i ll\ & 20% down frenl'h doon. an den & ewpor eac l}u1el .1du.Jl ar\•J "''1nt •llnan.i ,1rea 21 yr~ + lo D Bourke R~or Kit llvaraded carpet & µJllu nr pool :! 151.lrm. :l <tu a I 1 f > Sm a 11 Pl' l I 7 UNITS ~-~ Cerumic Lile an earth l1a, 2 1 a1 i:ar 01.\nt'r "'111 "'l'lrOml' 9 ocean , iew apts. 8 RED TILE ROOF tonl' 'co!orf. Pror dt• ht.>Iµ r1nantl' \l(l leltt.viftTown romm'I underground SlS,OOOASSUMES VA SpactOUl-t 4 Brs home 011 l'Ontl'r lot i.11tnl'd lamhrape Ac o ~ 1;.i2 r,:l""i t>t2 ~• l!HI Hoyal Lmn·r 2411tiO parking ele\·ator. rron I 3 Br 2 Ba, dbl g11r. w mountain vie\\ Huge bonw. Im l't'l>' to 15·htl·re pHrk f 2Hr ?Ba w1fom1I\ rm. la ge on Coast Hw > swim pool St09,000 \\el bar. bnck patio for entertaining & w lcnnas & 40 al're lake cean ron $8,900 PRICE '"L•I-' llall:. nat·t•,t 51>tJr Prime Laguna locauoo 957 8787 $7-4,000 a!-.. um Jl lOJ•' • Tl pr. 21 yr:. + lo quJhh 540 3666 ~eattyHetwori&• lov. ma in le nan ce ) a rd l} u1 l' k Sl54,!lll0 Oµen hou!it' REDUC OH!! $ Also lOxtio 2Br, Whela possession possible S2!1!1,500 Jll\tt' I tivm ~at.Sun Pl' OWNERANXIOUS! :!B.1 "'furn rm t•·m·I n Do You CAD[? Edlund 642·8235 <Glll H31 iliJ.I or An.-; l\d 114111 This 5000 Sq Ft; Home sits on Lincht l111J1C.1nt· 1 .1 .. 1\•1111 111 poirh $;.>9,500 ftft Jttrl2 tJOOl~hr.. lsle. A pnvatc guarded Community in ~ :!1• 1>,1up.-1.1111·.t1 .. 1111· CLASSIC Reaf Estate Do you\ care where. you live• One wilh a shiny pool? Elegant Panellna? Fam Uy· & dining rooms? Do you really cure uboul charm? Ir you do and think thal you t·u n manag<i SUS.000. cull for Cull d etails But don't wail ! Call Ct>nlury 21 Goldslar at 646 7434 D•aPolnt 1026 .......•. , ............ . OCIAH VIEW LOT v. acre. plans, pcrm11 3 m i nut es, lo Dunn Harbor 3000 sq rt home Will surbord1n a1~ $135,000 714 898 7007 H.tlftcJton hoch I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SEA WIMD w /POOL •Designers 4Br 21,Ra. pool hom e Nr Brookhurst & Atlonta Reduced to Sl68,000 2700 S/FICHSIDE Custom 48r. 3Ba w pool & spa, 4 blks to the brh $197,500 DUTCH HAVEN Sharp 3Br, 2Ba nr Bea1·h & Warner Sll.2,900 ASSUME VA Lik e new 4Br, 2Ba w/$62,000 VA loan at MINT CONDITION Ideal 2 Hrs. 2 bath "C.1rd1ff' 111 Tht· Terrace of Univers1t~ Park Supt.•r location, neutral eolor dt-eor 1.\. a tt r a c t i \' e f i n a n d n g t c r nh \ 11 excellent buy at $142,500 St·ott Ah.1011 551-8700 <G 12 > Ciimp\.18 Valley Center 762·1414 - Wooctbriage VU!atP Ct•r 1 or 551 8700 W aJnut s....~ . !LaqMnO leoch I 048 Up~la1rs 2 ed'rm. 2 1' 2 ••••• •• •••••••••••••••• ba 166,000 assumable at STEAL! 12"'2'''< price S89.80t> WHITEWATER VIEW Call M 1chael 540.8lOO or J Md 2 Ha. room for l"-"'I Mlulon Vi~io I 06 7 ........•....•......... AFFORDABLE J Bdrm M1~i.ton V1eju ~nl(ll· family honw with t•ount n k1tdum and lo'· t'lv mo.unlam v11•w Only S2!l.R50 down tu cxl11slml{!> und no qualtfy111~ $124,500 Town & Country R~al Estate 552-1800 ~.~~r.!~~~ ... !?.6.!I CONDO W (.VIEW I Rtlrm s.21110 ilwo '41111 mo\ l' vou an \s.,ume 111,111, Sl3i ,51111 J<Je Hwi:crl> 631 l260 \itl 642 0377 Lov. duwn :.2711 ,IHHI I Beautiful Woodbnge $Lease Oµl1uo 5-tO :wit. _________ _, Place B1sca\ Model. Whela• n low interest loan $269,900 Agl E Thompson. 551-8700 Real state WOODBRIDGE Must sell brand new Peters #2 Plan 4N 4Br, 3Ba, close lo lake Open Sat/Sun l2·5 #3 & #6 Warmsprang $245,500 645·9850 dys, 675-9857 eves. BEACll llWb\\\'1\ 'I i':'<ccpt1onal '.' llllr m with beamed n•1hn~s f rp I c, P ri 11 ale, nt'.tr e v e r ) l h 1 n I'\ fl rtl \ $171,750 Laguna Vlllocp R.E. 497-1761 IACklAY 3 Hdrm. 2 ba\h h"omc plus 1cll'al mother 1n la'4 quurtl'r~ C'ompl "' hath s:!'211 uoo Roy McC~. RHr. 548-7729 LIDO ISLE 91'2'7< $117,900. 1---~~~~~~~ R.IE. Profft1lonol1 OPEN SUM 1-5 LAGUMA NIGUEL 24341 Loi S.rronoi 4 Bdrm 2 ba pool ~r.1 111ew O"llLY$229.000 Ca!luJI t!legan(,-,• 1s the l'<•ptwn lur th11> btoaullful Sp<1n10,h ~lyle home on pr1·st1gwui. L11l11 l!>le lnt·luclt·~ 4 hdrm!> Jll \\1th ll\ l buttl'l>. ITI door outdoor li'41mmini; pool Jlld ~p.i 1-~\l·el f1n11nc1ni: Oflert-'1 at $64!1 000 963-8377 OCEAHFtlOMT 2 br, 2 ba rondo Dlslre~!> sale $179,000 R&H In vestments, 7S2·2197 LANDMARK 2 stry 4bdr, 212 ba 3 rar gur New 10 out Sl56.500 built In ranan 963 8377 *ASSUME 91/:J% 4 Bdl~• ba $79.000 VA 1st. $120.000 wltO',, dn Prine only Rkr 751 6836 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VA TERMS On this spacious 2•Bdrm Greentree home. Needs TLC but has great Polen- Ua I. Priced to ~ell at $119,SOO. Call for info e-Rl\NCH RE.ALTY 5!l 1 2000 HIGH ASSUMAILE 4Br home w spa, xlnt cond $169,000 552 6940 *STARTER HOME Flexible rlnancmg on this 2 Bdrm Greentree fixer. Owner will help with coat. Ca11 for de· taU1. --rU\NCH ~ Hr /\l. rv ~.!. 1 2000 Tllf'flerocll ..... o.,.. ..... 2 story, 4 bdrm, dlnan1 rm, added den w/wet bar, s teps to park, comm. pooU,tennl1. As sumab{e loan. Owner will uslll in financing 1210,000. Fee. A1t , &40·5560 Open Sat/Sun 11-4:30 19 Orchard, Orangtree Adult pallo home 2Br. conv den, 2 ba, 2 car gar Assume $68,000 lst TD al 911..~ Wall help r1nan ce $139 ,900. 559 6297 WATSlFRONT Woodbridge prime lakerronl IO('at ion Views fore,·er J Bdrm. 2·~ ba, pvt spa Flexible financing Spectacular• Offered al 1354,000 <.:all 552 1800 arid ask for Lynn Noah Town & Country R.alton 552-1800 $711 PSlM0- 1s all you pay when you take over existing loan on this sensational 5 br home in IRVINE. This home is spacious & neat as a pin & Is ready to move into. Only $170,000 759150lor752-7373 :-....-: Walker 8 laa REA.bESTATE LOCJUIMI leodt I 048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE SHAKES Weathered ced;ir shakes. that 11 'Custom designed 3 bdrm, Cam rm, 2 baths Exlens1,·e use or wood glass & ceramic tile. Beam real ma. frplc Sl65.000 M l!lslon Realty (714)494.()731. L SECLUDED LAGUNA EST ATE S pecuculer 4 Bdrm custom contemporary home, on over ·~ acre or complete aeolusion . Breathtaking ocean 11nd caO¥on views SparkUog and spaclou1 thruout Dramatic Laiiuna dream hoc;n•. 1&95,000 don osen I• .1:1r 1'"- WOOOSCOVE LAGUNA IEACH Upp« Duplex Cozy channmg bachelor unit "1th 3 gara~t-s and storage room ll1~h be<1m re1hnJ?, h:.ih'11n1t'' excel Ot't'<tn 'll'"' rram1·d h\ mulun• lfl'l'' \ La .: u n <1 I ii n ti rn .1 r k "'1th nl'\4 halhroom"I <could ust• mon• wurk 1 Pnced bt'lu" mkt tu 't•ll qu1rkl'.' al $175,00ll 494-8057 * Coti= Re alty .\. lnH•.,lmt•nl 640-5777 MEW PORT COHDO I ...,h,1rp I Hr 't•1·unl' I 1-:Jlt \1 ,111' ,1nwn111 .. ., \..,~umabll' loan' CJnl\ Sl5,0llU d\\n 1 \'1q,:an1.1 O'Brll'n AJ!l li7:1 l'.J:!:J •LIDO ISLE• l,1J\1•h 2Ur :IH:.i homt>, hc.iut n•m11dl•llC'd 2yrs Jl:ll S4S.l,IOO v. Xlnt fan Oµt•n how.e Sun 1 5 119 Via Vella. Own<'r \J.!t 673 0697 RCTaylorCo 040. C)<l00 IUILDE(tS ATTENTIOM: ·c101t up view property on lari!e lot with loads of room to expand Cur- renll} has two 2 bdrm units Great opportum l) Redut'l'<.I to $425,000 LIDO ISLE Rrlaht und chetrtul 2 ~tory on 4~' lot New p41inl, wallpaper thru out 4 Bdrm, rltnlng rm, 2 rr pl ell, 1uno> pal10 $4~.000 h h f N t u,, ch u() lt hall' J'111, lllll' hum .. ·"'" t e earl o ewpor O\!a n < MOllLE HOME slips for <3> 55' 70' Ya<:hts. For Sale or 1 ... 1t1111·" 1'111·1 ti pJrl-.111~ S"'LES " Ill 1111\1"' J.11111111 \ ---Trade 1.11111111·' 1 .1~~11111,ol1l1· n1~. II arbor Stt· lUti SPANISH STYLE 4 UHITS IH _ __. ' l111:1111111g <\ill J,.•r I otll 54().5937 We are developer s so subrntt land _or 111 1;.:1 ;.m SAN CLEMEHTIE Walk to bchm Try 25'. down owe rest. fmaoe 1ng Lge lot Bring of fl.'tt.' $190,000 • other Heal E:;hte to owrwr .Jim ....,...Walker8Lee Thompson. ii:I 27 '•111n ' I rl1 !->t•lf <..ontarnl'tl $.1!150 HI .\I. ISi \Tl 1~12 li7 :12 ROISlTSRLTY. <7141498 1040 493-0202 l sanCI~~ 10761\it ... la 5• atlull :wr 111.1. ••••••••••• ... •••••••••• :i!U'i.5:<! rn,11 111.lrm dl't·k ·---~~~~~~ oH·• "'""<h·d ... tll'J01 Nr (714) 828· 1280 (2131 598-136 3 l800J 352-3710 I WALK TO IEACH 1 llt"IJ hu .... 'huµ S:!f; z:,o !_~·-·------~-.------~~~---DUPLEX-$125.000 , 111''41 lUS..J•f' DUPLEX \s1>umable loans Pride of ownership townhouM· '>l) le with encl yard Only $141.500 Call no'4 979 5370 CUSTOM HOME NEWPORT lmmac·ul:.ite l'U~torn honH'. ~ prl\·att1 brick patio~ ..... J.HH'toll~ 11\ ing rm ,:! Br. :1 Ba . gourmet klll'ht·n .ind <Ill tht· goodies Plush ('arpcts. \\ alkmg <II..., tanre tu the bcat'h &: \\ alt'r Don t mhs this one for $265 ,000 QUAIL PLACE PROPERTIES 752-1920 g ~!!!.VJ,~ REAi.TY OCEAN VIEW-COUNTRY AlMOSPHERE IN CORONA DB. MAR Spyglass Ridg<.• t·ul cl~ sal· t-:nter through eletlnt gated deep dnH•\\et~ to this approx V'J acre of country setttng wh1C'h inC'lud(•s mountain & oc:ean vie\\ s G~m·rou.-. usl' of \\ rought iron ft•ndng !'>Urroumb th1~ ht•aut1full~ maintained I levl'I Lu~k built home Computenzed SN'tmly I!'> JUsl one of the many et nwn1l 1t•s of this :i BR familv rm & l ·11 hath homt• 3 car garage. pnva('y & ~ecunty l-to rare Owner willing to carry 1\ITD Great Terms 1 Ca 11 for dt-tails $519.000 includes land . Rea Arnold 644 6200 (QJ3) . Newport Beach 001 Dover Drive HA.rbor VI~ CPnlA:lr 642-8135' . 644 62°00 • (,n•at f.n !'>hth•·• \I< 1 l~TS 11~:·1 Hfo;,\J \' \ Tt•rrn.:. t b" lu :.twp I ~Br. ::ll.1, 1h-11 ,,Ullll) JI I II •' I!. 11 I I I I ,. µ11rd1 . '4H. lo ll<'h &: lran!-porLH1un ,1un· \ !1 l!I] H2411 ROBERTS RLTY. i: ALLSTATE t; t H!lfl 1040 1~1:1 oiu:! *MOVIE IH TODAY FOREVER WHITE WATER VIEW $375.000 11 111~ th,. "1111111 111 pou11d1n,., i.urf f'h1 homt• ha-, lb nv.n lalt• lo lt:ll. ih ""' n tndl\ 11lu;tl1 l~ 1-. \lt•llent 1111 alltHl on ocf'all Il1~hly uµl(r.ul1·d with e>.tra larJle lot Seller ha::. lari:t• luau Jl 11', lo\\ !111\\ 11 l!iH '>HIHI or 7ill 16113 WALK EH & J.lo.E It ~. San Juan Capistrano I 078 ..•....•............... 3 Mi~1 Fr Marina 1 WITH OCEAH VIEW Rancho San Juan Edotes I '711 llhlt \\Ill<' 111 f.tnlll) , ... ri.. 2t>c1rrn :!bJ l"ttl l \ rm U1n rrn '>hl'd l'11•111t lhl1• \II .1ppl ~)I~ ~10 ""' nr 'JM ,:IO'J Acruq~ for Sal~ 1200 . ......••..•••.....•.•• RANCHO SANT A FE 400ACRES .\µprtl\ed m.qJ for 114 Estate Lot suhd1v1s10n t 12() • .11·r1·-, lor ruture dt• \l'luprnl•nt 1\ll Hund10 Sant J Ft• s1•n ll'l'I> Rull tnJ: <011unl1 ~ suit• <H'l'l'n tu~1t1·d II\ ~ 1 ruund run run1ot '>l roum Orw of il k1nrl l..\S'f of a kind REALTORS Loh for Sale 2200 ....•......•........... OCEAN VIEW LaCJWMI leock $170,000 with $90,000 suh ordinat1on 90' fmtge gentle slope Allan Heller Bkr 714 8.51·8050 Lot in llills above Nwpl. m areu or nulhon dollar humei. Ready lo gu S310,000 Gil Agl 857 0211 l'rn·, .. t to .. ..r1 .it S4l!.~><> Out of C~ 111•r ;ir1 l' 1n ,Jpprovcd Pro~rty 2550 ul'"tJI rn,t) t .. : purl'hilsed ••••••••••••••••••••••• wparatel} New Mobile llo me 3Br '-,OL'Til('O \ST 2Ba frplr . redwoo1l L . .\.'lilO C'O deck. cedar shake sad o, l'r 3 ooo "q fl 111 17141481 <1611:1 mg nr lake & s k11 nl( cll'l':dlll'e Exdu::.l\t' m·'4 Business, Prwt"t1y 1400 141 .900 Terms or tradC' 1 hom1•!.. from $51!),1100 -r-· 499 3816 ....................... l I 14''' f1n;int·1nc a\0111 1 C'haitt·r Hit' t... In"''' NEWPORT Rentals 491, 11122 · K:ll xx11 '' o fl 1t 1· h111Id1 ni: ••••••••••••••••••••••• S.125,tMKI I I urn won 'l Houses f\rnislwd • 1hr 2bJ, ~''''JOH' ,q1 LJst I Hall c;rund~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• prox SRIK al ll'•' tiiS6161 LCHJWlaleodl 3148 f r 11 I ' ~ P rr n k I 1• rs Commercial • • • • • • • • •••••••• ••••• • • Xtras' SI~ !lW llrok..r Property 1600 2 Br 2 Ba Patio. ocean 493 ill20 • • •• • • • •• •• • ••• • ••• • • • • view, now to 9 30 Adib. - Santa Ana I 080' SHO,PIHG CENTER no pets. bus to bearh • ••• • • • • •••• •• ••. ••••.•I 21 500 sq ft c; lendor;i $850 mo 494 4475 BY Owner 11\H', :1 t11 Nt•"' pt!) h·u:.t'il Sched Newport leach 3169 frpll'. dbl gJr St12 sou 1n1·omt• S1!17.UOU on triple ••••••••••••••••••••••• 751 8045 nt·t reuses Ownt•r must LIDO ISLE charming 3 , •• 11 SJ ,tiOO,ooo .Agl I 2 Bd (~c1o nr ~11 t'-.t I 2 l :1 I 5 .'i 3 H 5 5 2 or bdrm, 2 bath. p ayroom Plza Adi~. sel' $87 . .'iOO c7 14>846 3278 Just remodeled $1650 mo lo mo 8111 Grun<ty. 55&· 15 lO or Opt•n h•H' 675-6161 every Suodav 1 5 Hew&cluslve! -- 640 SOJO BALBOA ISi.AHO Big Canyon Condo Jbr ~~~~~~~~~~~···~··••If M A c ,\ H r 11 l' I! I \1,inn<' \Vt.' hal(h vis decorator furn, view _: 11 1 · pool, tenni s. Isl' \'11.L>\C:E 1 H'ilr Tit'\\ 111 It\ ()('JllOll IHI pnme 11 Sl800 mo. 640-6999 DUPLEX on WA TY Dock for 30' loaf 3 &c 2 Bdrms, 2 frplcs, decks and patio C /21 H4twport Cntr 640.5357 Townhoun condo on bluff in Newport Beach with easy walk to ocean & beach Owner'Sh1p or 3 bdrm, 2~ ba un1l mcl lge pool, j1cuu1, saunai. & h1hted teruus courts Sl89,000 with 150,000 down. Ask ror Susan 640·3796 or Bruce 760-6060 days; 851-2205 PENTHOUSE UNIQUE COHOO . with boat dO<'k, pool. security + 180 deg ocean, ~at allna, .bay vl~w Fee land $450,000 Smith Meyer, Bkr 640-5357 548-7813 {'Ondo' Two bt:droorn m nirn•·1 ••s 1•x1sllnl( re exclu.,1\'e ,galf•d t•om I.ill IJU,ani•ss plu& two LlDO ISLE BAYFRONT. munll \ Lot:. of rcl'r<'J rentJI unit.. $..'">.',Cl OOO .sm boats + 60' doc k 1ng pool, pavilion with HOMES 673 SURF. 673-7677 t1onal fadht1~ antlutl -WATlRfROVT Wkly, no'4 summer hrephH0t' billiCjrd" ijOd REAL ESTATE ----- pang ponR Con\t'n1tmt 631.,1400 HouHI Unfwfti"'-d lorattol\ rlose lo all' ••••••••••••••••••••••• $99,500 T 1\HREl.I Condominiums/Town· General 3202 BK R 540-1720 hou1es for sale 1700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' • • • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • Lease with option to buy. OPEMHOUSE ,Hare~in,glestoryCondo beaut1ru1 home an Sut Sun 1 4 1 Br ! 11 • male 10 Upland with pool & spa Gd,fmancmg,3Br.,J>Olil beach Villa Pacaru:. Call Mon-Fri. 17l4.> spa 3221 S Manl\Aha Hunt Bch Mrt 9811·2297 953·9822 or Sa,t 1Sun, .\s(l 547 7006, 975-04-lR ncom• Propftiy 2000 <714) 538-_28_18 __ South Lagiiana I 086 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Executive wants lease •• •••• ••• •••••• •• •• •• •• DUPLEX· H.I . w /option to buy 4 or ~Br ~ N1•11r beorh, two JBr un home tn vie. orCdM hia.h its, 2 l'ar gar, nr park sch. dlslnct. 673·5835 ~ I TSL INVSTMT 642 1603 ~~~~~~~ ~------• lalboa lalmld ; OCEAN VIEW ••••••••••••••••••••••• OUPL.,_v Yrly,_2Br, 2Ba, Crplc, ·~ 1206 OCEANFRONT BARGAIN'' This heauurul octa n front 4 l>edroom. 3 bJth homl' ha~ a fireplace. decks beamed ceilings, -far, Uoo/mo. 1st & lasl 1>rnst1c reduction on l ,OOOsec. (213)445-1978 brand new Balboa duplex 1st owner5 200'.I lolboa P•8 .. a 3207 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR THE DOLL.AR loads of purkmg, amt '\5 C ONSCIOUS locau-d just steps to the drprec1auon Great ren· tal ar('a 100 reel from beach Largt.' 3 bdrm, 3 butb plus 2 bdrm, 2 bath Own er will a1.11lst 1n financing. $425,000 Steps to Bch, C\lte lBr duplex, uUJ pd, yrty 210 44t.h St SS30 673-7954 aft 3pm. avail May 5th. 111nd ! ! 499 4.551. We ha\e o superb \.';.alut! CGpf1tr.a leocll JZ 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rcdh1l l~Re.1Ity 1;1 :: l:ittll FAMl~Y • m thl!i spaCIOWI 4 bdrm. . Lingo 21 > ba Bayrrest home Br, 38a, bltns, frplc. all Men) extras included. "''11"'" _ _ redecorated S850 mo 1wlmmina pool, shelves 34544 Calle Portola. and cabinets m lhe 4th OtMr l.d Estate ~~~~~~~~·! Owner (714) 549-2062 bdrm, 2 fireplaces •••••••••••••••••••••••'; Oul.ltandlnic yard w1th Mobile HOIMt FIX & SAVE! COf'OfHI clet Mw . 1222 \\bod bridge Realcu 551·3000 • nti ptcwv, lr"IM' WATI.RFRONT _ev_e_a_&_w_lmds __ . __ HOMf.S REAL ESTATE 631•1400 cltru1 trees. Assumablt• For SaM I I 00 3 & 4 un!l!I priced to ••••••••••••••••••••••• loan owfter will help ••••••••••••••••••••••• move now' Sellers want 4 Br + mald'1 quarters . llllDEI llAllET Colr•r. Put Syrac\lle Plea eabirtl I Bdrm + dn, I la, Iara• famlly ltttcbU. Alkana· 1000·1 UliCklr mantt. 'C.U for dMallj, nuuurully l'\'modelod 3 Br 3 B•. new kitchen, plumblnit. elec .. at frtsh pnint., Qt bt-uch. c.11 A11t. 752t1920 tor •ppl J!A~ tO,..TlliHP.N.I • $10.000 DOWN• Beaut. 3 br, 3 ba, Ira fam rm. Lra bckyrd. Open house Sun. 2300 Heather 1,,Q. 631·0517. finance. ~.000. PAl.M SPIUNGS AR~A quick eacrow Beaut. decor, 1ooer 2 Br 2ba 'yrs old Com pl , J~ vtew. tqp of Spyalass. rum OnDMlee"et•golf NEI~.,: $2000 /mo . Koop courae In adlt park -~:1266.Ait. ~a~~to;~~~~~ <)Jfllj~l N l~k:. 3 Bd 2 Ba, F.P .. 1ara1e. -714 /641 07fi3 p1Uo, avail. now. Ut & N,. w Mob i 1,.' JI om e , 278'1 Rr1 "lol St l•1t, '89$. 642.5290 oceonview El Morro t•o.,ta MC!>U, \A Beach l'ark. sp 70 2Br. tp•cc rent'SiT~ me>. 20 yr la.. 15i,900. 499 38111 !--:,$ b o M, I t .· --. __ ~------~ H1m"U. ... J.ei1il •••• Afal••u.t.n. Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/ Friday, May 1, 1981 •••••••••••• ······-··· ••• • •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •••• ••••••••••• ...... 1 t I " JIU ••••••••••••••••••••••• C9r1M ....... lll lnlM JJ4( Mew,.,.._. J26t ....................... ...._. ...._. 1116 Afia t h ....._ ~1 tmats ......_ !fa lw•"• ......._ .. SlilN 4JOO •••••••••-•••••••••• •••••• • •• .. •••••••••••• •••••••••-• .. •••-••• lbr', Z'-'b&; fam nn. le• -••••• .. ••••••••••••• ;.-~~:.:::••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••-••• •• ••••••••••••••••-••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • I 8 I Ba. a1J l de-Sm l llft. CGDdo muw bdrm w/cleck, l W /11,o. Jllr, MW paint. --1124 .... 3140 Mew,.t.... llH r, • .-.. 1 ___ "MW 1 I bdrm I bl W1lJowoe "50 a I 81 _ , IBr, paU0t, forn:1al dlallll modtra, l&f, P9Uo. m ••••••••••••-••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mtr to abr :a bdrm apt ~-. lUIUQlc., Prime ind J•t'deetr. fttccl bclr IBa, avUlable now. '725 area w/wct tier 1plral Coral Ave. (W)-.1511 I br coodo, nr Sb Coa1t acro11 from Faablo11 locatloa. 1 blk Crom yd,n.recbooll51l·l011. mo.~-atalra, ft.pie:: far , na.211t ' Phu, av1ll. 5/l. lbdrrJl, q11Jet, aecur•. ~ Blk to lk'h. Dr. IBa. l1land. "'30/mo. loci. ocea.o."50/m0.1'0-~ Newport 1Jfb area. I e "25/mo.m.w W /D , patio, p•ol. Dwnatn,rrplc.'7001M utila.CaUPaul,MO<lfm. Colooy 1 BR. 2 BA. Fam IAYCUST avall 511 SIOO/mo ..._, • • ll01 Malun a.du!U. No Pet.. 1J744th8t.MM140 c..e. MeN JU4 rm. trpl.-' loc., comm. Lovely I Bdrm. deo 1315 · ••••••••••--••••••••• Juat off HartJor 2 Br l $Up /mo. 84l·ITU, MaJe/fero S br, 2 ba bn ....................... pool, ten. '125. Av 512. family rm. Jut rt· lmOUtUpd.lBJU>,.p&u. Ba.SmalldocOK 1615. Nl-U31. ' S-C•er 1 ta Jl76 or S.C1t Plaaa/Frwy Jbdnn, Iba, frtlk. r&Qle, 1-.... deeonted~pool • • .., .,. '17 &. B~Ave. 8alboe 551-tlllt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spa, SZ2$ + thare um. 1ar,Yl'd,fValJl/ "apa 11500 Alt "'fl bs•tta lm1u Nopet,Slf·lW '500.LaraezBr.1"4B•.Nearnewlbr.apt .• bu1Jt· 84l-48U. MK!. tl'H. ta.mlS. TUl1\l lOCIC '71-l4U · · •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• MISA Y9tDI I.AST Beautiful area, 4 bloek1 Ina, carpeg, ctrepa, car --------- Nr nut-... -• ea a B 4Br, 2~Ba. new carpet, ,. ..... "'-" J1N .. 1 BR. yrly, utu, 1ar, 2 8 r , A p t . to water. No pell. port, Januadry facility, Male U want.a rem rm· ___ .., a palat, avail. May 22nd. New .. 1tary CIOOdo pen ....................... OD tbe bay View. w/dl1bwa1berl frplc •• ., publJcUMllcou.rt..and mte run prtv, S2'75/mo. ~Y•rd.acareleeaar. azs1mo.llaylae.Ownr thouae. Ocean• n.oun· UtU. laland. l bdrm, 1 Up1talr1 lmmac. vaultedcelllne.oalcon1. 1olfCOW"M~tbehlnd Incl utll. 770·7921 or ';:.':.i:t~-:::· Aft7U.0Ja'7,S51"'400 , ~~uJ:;w;.~ :Ua:J!s ~ic:,w~\dll~laaszt r:.~r.:a~ Sat ::::i 1:~u b:;tla:o 2to!ndt.!~.'P!Uo~d~t! :~~~~r'!~atl u~11'yn~ Ml-UOOut:W. Smolret'"9 2 Br 2 Ba 1 t •1000 rtl-O'TM pell. $500 II up. 2MO 1ar. ~ mo. t mo lie. S.W5/mo. Owner &4.2.0UI 21 yr old fem wants to 1br 3 br, 2~ ba, condo, 2 car condo, J car prqe, nr comm un Y · • · , C.,att-leedi Jiii Harla. S..3647. No children. or pets. new 1bal'Pb' decoraled pr., dedt, paUo, pool, tennlt/pool/Khool. Avl. l'75-91S2875-ltUJ. ...... ,, •• J707 ....................... Ref. req.-..:1!9 3 br, l~ ba, 2nd nr apt, I Condo in Woodbrld1e $100, M0-«83 S/2. $125/mo. (213) LIDO ISi.i ••••••••••••••••••••••• JBr. llBa, bitna. frplc. ocn 1 br, new crpt.1. adulta, no cloHtoahoppina, beach, w/fem 2$+2br, l\.itba, S.Chtded 2Br, 1Ba patio ,7 .. '11920C'(2UH7~ a bdrm•+ COGVertiblt Decorator rum. 2~ view, $475 mo. m~ peu, $225. 1!1 l!'lower, 2Br.2Ba."50mo.Near no pets or amaJI frplc , wub/dryer home, pool, adlta, no IMdl 3241 de?,_o'!.:?..48, lee =:"C:W, +~~No dy1, MH730evs C.11 . 14f.'1113 ~:J~ ~=Id . children, 8550 83$-3252 Amen lnd p()OI, ten.nla. peh, HOO mo. 24S3 ....................... pau.,,. •UUIJfflaP. waon peg IU·03118 CerH• dial Mir' 3122 1 fl 2 Br. Apta. Adults, no s.t. ._ 3110 lakea "p&rb. Non-amkr Oranae Ave, 1ee Mar Oceanfront rental.I lllOO Realty.~. · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• pet1. 1325 " 1375. l Br townhouae, blt·lnl, ••••••••••••••••••••••• pleaae. SSZ5/mo + "'- Apt 8 . 751-Z'71'7 mo." up. Adlta only. NewportTerrace,2BR2C .... MeM 37242Br,2Baduplexw/1un· 6Sl-2177,311W.Wllaon. faclnt park fr pool,Extralc2Br2bacondo. uu!s:~orJan 7$t-S505 3 b 499-Slte Ba end unit. Pool park••••••••••••••••••••••• deck. 411 Poinaett.. aduJllool¥.0pnl·5Sun. Patio, car, pool , _o_r _______ _ P•l~tt!ut:e:C::.·oc~: EME•••"'t"Y setUnc 9ll50 lit~~ CASADIOllO ' $700/mo. lyr lae. La ZBr, caJ'llOl1, lndry, 10201 Holbum Dr. Hunt. wa1hr/dryr, prof paint· Nonsmoker to abr 3 br llUUoiljJ A Ma-4ui: e.u:IZ72 · ALl.JJTIUTIES PAID 675-01.U Jackie $315 mo. 842.aM.lor (2l3) Bay . n r Ad am a I ed. new drapes. Adults bouae in Woodbrld1e. view yard, pref. 3 bdrm. 2 ba, ocean 598-3703 Brookbunt 173·'1121. Close to Ml Sq Prk SZI0.857-21maft tpm. newlyweda, ~ + utlla. view, 1ardener Ind 3 Br. 2 B•. Pool fr Compare before you 4 8d 2~ La, 4 car aaraae. $385/mo. 77s-<1629. 631·1088 MS-aoot Sl250 mo. 1 yr lie. Don, Jacuul. Prest1alou1 rent. Cuatom dealan newer bldg, So. of Hwy. 2Br, crpts, drpe, paUo, Male/Female-enjoy llv· lnl In my plush, mllllon dollar waterfront home in Hunt. Harbour Rent neaotiable. 846-4125 Ocea~vlew 2 br. 1 ba, Co Id • e 11 · Banker, Harbor View. ntOO/Mo. featurea : Pool, BBQ. $1200 pr ruo. Aak for W /D hookup, 00 pets "IH 3144 499-1320. Call 768--0654. 1urrounded with pluih Darrell Pash. 6!1· 12186. S39S. 146-SW16; 5'4·5939 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1ar., pvt yd. Adulta, no lanchcapin&. Adult liv-Oran1etree Plan 4, pets. 1'75· &4.2~7$2 L11•• H• 3210 4 Br. 3 Ba. Large Home. lnl at Its belt. No pell. Beat arn. 2 br, compl. re-lbdrm + loft. Adults, no Mr. So. CCMllt Pima 2 Bdrm lba , sar , children OK. $435 /mo Ast E SI b ••••••••••••••••••••••• WeatcUff.tlOOO/Mo.Call BachfumiabedS370 dee, bit-Ina, patio, pets. Pools, t.ennis. $475 · de 2 r, l\.it ba, frplc, ,\Stractive 3 Br. 2 Ba. ln 7U-0154. 365 W. WU.00. 6'2·1.971 drapa, adults, no pets, 73CH250 5'2-7e<» 2Br 1 ba at "65/mo. ,yd, patio. dishwasher, l.aauna Villate.Nopeta. ---------·------------i MOO 543-2765aft.4. ' · Agt.8Sl-OU4 Female 30 will ahare rurniahed 2bdrm •Pt 2nd bdrm not fuml1~ed Pool, S200 includes Util C M Avllll DOW MS-0414 Patrica 5pm wuber/dryer hook· up, SCli9S mo. fl11..fA112. Super Luxury 1 story 1 bdrm furn. cottase. 1 D-· ,_.._. 31•6 La,_• IHdl Jl41 ----1 aar. No pet.a. lllOO/mo. house on SanUaso Dr. 4 penon. Clean" private. lmmac. 1 Br, ocean vu, 1 _. -• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •till 1190 831·6513,675-8902 tu•-..... 3252 Br. a Ba. with separate No pets. $4.25 incl. all blk from b<:h. Shared ••••••••••••••••••••••• l Bdrm. North End. Walk ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••muter bdrm suite an utill~ sarase. laund racll. lor2br,baJcooy,D.W., tobeach.lncldsutila.No curity apta, lbdnn & 2 1tory house, 3 Br, 2 ba. Nr school1, children welcome. no pets SSSO/mo. s.»6183. New 2br, 2ba CONDO. m 0 1 t e 1 e g a n t · · 1875/mo. Alt673-1181 dean. Coln lawidry " pets. ~ ... 1S26. 2bdrm, util pd, adults, frplc, ocn view, tennis SUSCA.SITAS wahr. aar. nr ocean no pets. From S375 courts S725/mo 144-59Sl neaabborhood. Family, Spectacular ocean 6 city Ml-0252 Newport.._. Jl6f &36-S506. d 145-93Bll Livlns It Dinin1 room. Furn. 1 br. •pl. $325 " liahta view from every ••••••••••••••••••••••••---------• M /F 25-.0 to 1br btll pvt 3Br fadl rm compl furn hdfne nr So. Cat. Plaza, pool/Jae, pride of ownership, may have use of 2Br. 1375 mo. + ..., u u. 540-1122.5. 675--4917 Sharp 3Br, $650 incl wtr Is••. locked sates. Aet.645-UU aya, eves Wallpa,..r It carpet• up. Encl. sar. Adults, no room La s 1 B No. Dana Point off Cat 4000 r~ pell. 2110 Newport Bl. · r e r . Diii WWPOIT 4bdrm, 2ba, Crplc, gar, in thru·out. 11950 /mo. 548-496Sbtwn81tSPM '600/mo. Call Anthony Hwy, ocn vi.e• all rms. s;.,. -.n lovely neishborhood. 714/759·8974. wkdy1 642-5757 eves &: 2Br, lBa, hardwood Ora $735 leaae incl sardener, Hmllatt• ..... 374 wknd1. 644-8889. & frplc. t500 mo. Tommy ap•1m1E11TS no pet. 499·4721 or Harbor Rld&e, 2 br, 2 ba •••••••••••••••••••••• 494-2469 Mllll One bdrm hie In com-838-49Zl condo, hot tub, Sl.900 mo. $37S/up 1.2 bdrm, pool,•-------- plex. Lota of charm, ~-7196eves. Jae, adlt. 19992 Florida, CLOSITOllACH Ldryfac,utilpd,nokids LAGUNA NIGUEL LIDOISLE H.B.8'2-2834orlM.2·3172 2 bdrm, 2 bath, peek Laree 2 Br. l~• Ba up 1talra, frplc. $475. 661·8437 or pets $350 mo. lst, last HIGHLANDS, 2Br, 2Ba, • view, sundeck, carport. & sec. 26.'M <>ranee Ave. frplc, nice yrd. No peu. 3 br, 2 ba, lie patio, on H.1.'I FfHEST Nice! ReadlJune 1. 9660 II Toro Co.ta Mesa. 64&-3420 S500/mo. 664-4700 xtra·wlde lot, avail. now s anisb Estate u · 1 mo (no dogs) 3132 -------------------1 thru summer. Act fast-P · · vmg. j45~·CIEIEIC ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOLL HOUSE b b , f ' 0 I Beautiful sur· 2 Br 2 Ba. new condo, 4 r.2 a.2cargar,rens. won l last ! n Y roundines Terraced Totally upgraded 3 1 Br. p1tio, attached lse lot, low maint avail $1100 /mo. Virg1n1a pool. Sunken gas bbq,1 bdrm, family, 2\l'J bath. larae ltl.tcben, pool. No aarage, atove & ReCrig. lmmed. S750/mo'97-4279 O'Brien, •at,673-1323. aparklini fountains 1 Ready now. On the pets ~l-l51S. Oranse St. near Del 4 BR + den, Niguel BLUFFS, 38r, 3Ba, fam Spacious rooms . &reenbelt. Peek view. H•tlMjt..leocll 3140 Mar. $395. Adults. no Separate dining a rea. Plans. $1300mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• COUMftY CLUI LIVIHGIH NEWPORT IEACH An aduJl commuruty on the Baell: Bay. Spec tacular Spa, 7 swim· ming pools, 8 li&hted ten· nil courts, bike trails, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lasuna Beach Motor Inn, 98S No. Pacific-Coast Hwy. Lacuna Beac h. Daily, Weekly, Kitchen available Low winter 1---------• rates. 494.~. Room with kitchen privleges. Adult.s only 962-7520 WAMTID Female to sbr w/2 flrls N B Apt. nea. Cal aft &PM 543-809'7 Back Bay area 2 sep rma i---------• for rent in Ice house. M or F . S225 mo ea rm. + 1/4 u ti I. 642.1986 . peta.e7:H372. Shon&, guard gate. rm, pvt spa, St,050 Walk -in closets, f.P J 1 ,1,1_. Some ocean view . 644·2300 • homelike kitchen & C?<>U>na c./IUl/l. Ea1t1ide, newly re· Comm pool. tennis, bi ts w-• .. •-H l ~ d ed B New 2 Bdrm Condo, Ope, ca ne . ..... .., un -* ,~o ADULT ~~ LIV ING putting green .Room . kit chen Bachelors, 1 and 2 privileges. Newport bedroom• apartments. Bch and townhouses from ~10.00 per month Share M. V. pool hme, adlt male pref'd. Refs & gd character 1275 Rose, 641-8629: 7SlM616 ecorat 2 Br 1 a. walk to beach. $875. 1 j N H anston Center. enclsd patio in small 491-2501 orGZ-2958 poo • ac. r oag 1Bedroom-furn,5'-40 C'YfJ-849~ yard. $475/mo 64&-0491 H09p. saso Mo. 833-1361 d f -0 Vf.J or675·3432 MIHioll V'-fo 1267 Dave, days, 557·7630 2 Be room· um, ..,i aus E. CoHI Hwy .• CdM • I & 7 BA P 1110 Apes • 01snwune1> & 880 \ On Jamboree At San Joaquin Hills Road (714)644-1900 Nice clean 2 Br 1 Ba., enclsd garaae. Child OK $435, tst. last + aecurity dep . 25H Oranse ·•E" 548-ZT78 2br, lba, sarden, married w /1 small child '550/mo. 673-3614 E. Side lbdrm, encl yard. $.150/mo + S350 sec dep &4.2·2638 BeautiCul new condos. S650. Dbl gar w/opener, 400 sq.ft. utro turf deck. cl09e to ocean 641-1991 : 531-4361, •at. This 4 Bdrm, 3 ba 2 stry, vacant. Nds family. S7 50 / lllO. t\ll 548-1168 Adults, no pets. ••••••••••••••••••••••• eves. Utilities Free! HOYE FOR RENT -· 4 Bdrm. '600. Fenced Newport Sbora 38r, 2Ba, yard fr sarase. Kids 6 Lennis & pool. Nr Bch. pets welcome. 964-2566 S750. 968-9110 or 9'73-29'71. Agt., no fee. Family home. 2 Br 2ba. CotfaMftG 3124 LA QUINTA HERMOSA ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16211 Parkside Ln, 1 blk MESA VERDE home al· W: of Beach, 3 blks S. of m09phere. 2 "3 dill apta. Ed1nger847_ 5441 No pets. 546-lO:W. • Pool & Ate Room • C.1• Otn l l"llSUOtn9 • JOQ 10 Buen i S"Ops • St< 11 Giits SEA ENVIRONMENT "~ 1/t<A"''• TON" fl ~'~ 4~00 Newport.._. 32'9 frplc. pool, tennis, pvt ....................... comm. 2 bib to ocean Logma 374 2 Br 1 Ba. Maple St. 2 " 3 Bedroom I . Oceanfront for Winter Rental•-Furnished & unfum. Bro«er. 675-4912 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo rentals. VUJa Rentals 175-4912 Broker llG CYH LEASE 7~7199 •••••••••••••••••••••• Adult, refris, no pets $40().$450 Kida OK. no 3 Br 3 Ba, formal dm.. MOllUHOMI B .. ~AUT. 2 br_._oceanhview, ~;!:tt.·d.~:.u:.ierra pell pleue. Water/ OCEAMRlONT lrs muter suite, very Super dbl wide, 2Br, ni-fnhion uccor. uee, ---------Trash Paid. Carport Furn. 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. 2 abarp, pool, view, hot 2Ba, own yd, close to gorgeous lr, Sl,000 mo. Spacloua3BrDuplex 914-2566or97a-2971. Agt., car garaae with office, tub S2000/mo. Bob &i bch . UOO mo-mo Avl.5·lto7-15.499·22Z7 MZS.Pool&laundryrac. nofee. washer fr dryer incld. DovleKoop.631·1266 642·6991or675-711Mevet . .w.;-portleoclt 376 548-95Se Av a I I . Now ---------2 Bdrm, 2 ba, cpta, drpa, Wkly /Mnthly SPYGLASS HILL •••••••••••••••••••••• d/w, encl aar. Beach 6 5 TSL MGMT 642-1603 1 Ii! •SE W ATERFltONT • Fantastically furnished ...... ~ n ny Points area. S430/mo ---------~ w /boat llip included townhouu, with ocean ~-~I'll 842.8032 Cliff Haven, 1804 Clay, 2 3 Bdr, formal din., fam 3 Bdr 2 Ba, dbl sar. rm view. Tennis court. pool. •p•~s BR 1 Ba. fplc, no pets rmo 2 fireplacean lrg for power boat up to 11925/mo. 766-9117 A -·.....,..' SEASPRAY 28 2b er"" yard 11600/mo. Bob 6 about35'.$1150/mo_ ---------•Beautiful landa.caped · r , a, .....,.,mo.875-0349 D I K 6311266 Whitewatervlew,20steps sar.den apll. Patios or frplc . Rec. & aecurity. A:: e oop. . JACOIS REAL n to sand, cheerful, nicely decks. Spa. Heat pd, Nr beach. 1645, 891-6396 WESTCLJFF 2 Br, l~ ba 675-6670 ftlm2Bdrm.Avail5/16 covered parking _ agt townhouae.Adultaonly, H --L.-.... VL.. no pets 9550/mo. 1728 D_. PoW 3226 __. .... w to 6/25 S600 Mature Adults, oopeta. ••70 W aterfronl condo an Bedford Lane. 548-75"33 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gracious family home 2 ntE BLUFFS. A k>vely 1 adults. 631-0174 2 BR, l Ba .. Hunt. Harbour w/ocean •Cl09e to marina abdrm, 1 t o r y 4 b d r m . level 3 Br. 2 Ba. oo green 2 BR.1"4 Ba $470 vu + sailing, tennis, Steps to bcb ~ BR 1 Ba, 1 ~ ba. frplc, yard, Fumlshlng avail al no belt near pool. 11125 WAMTID 398 W. Wi.laon, 631·~ pool. Jae. Ideal beach fplc, dbl gar, patio. $630 $600/mo. Townhouse. extra. $1200/mo i.e. No lease. Aeent 759-1082 Dalbo• Bay Club apt. d'-Uvlna in unique 1 Br, den mo. yrly. 9118-82163 495-'486. * pets. 2015 Port Bristol 644.9513 2 bdrm 1 ba, r /p, .... Cr• Call Elaine 544-5997 Newport Crest 2 Bdrm, 2 hwshr, nu qits/drapes, " loft. $750. Eves/wknch Ste1>9 to the bch, lge 4br, orf40.53S7 leve\ condo, p()OI, Lennis OCEANFRONT saraae1 $460. 821-1890 21.3/592-2474 2~ba daed ln patio. yr ---------• court 217 Wild1001e Wkly, dlx 2-4br f 1 .....,.., 673-2S07 Roomate wanted, mature 642-6811 person, 1 mi from Npt ----Bch . $230 mo , Lady & son to shr home townhouse. Call 548-4998, w /other lady $250fmo. ·cindy in~l 1&til ; kit & laundry --------- pr1v Own Br & Ba. CM Prof. Fem 30+ desires area. 642-1828 aft 6 , same to shr CdM home. 893-7594 Mn Orr Seperate bdrm, llv area, Remember Motller's Day bath Pvt entrance, patio & laundry Very sec I u de d & q u 1 "et $500/ mo + ~'J ulil 759-1487 eves. Send a =.!~o Mom M/F 2br~ba hse. via the Dally Pilot's Laguna, gar, reap, non Mother's Day Page. smkr, $25()/mo Robert Your message will ap-870..7288, 546-1218 pear in a pretty nower box. For Information Fem rmmt.e, ZG-~. want and to place yo ur ed to shr S_Paetoua 3Br. message call 642·5678 2Ba condo tn CdM S260 TODAY ! (2 13 )435 -087 or (714)644~. Jana Private room and bath In lovely mobile home in Balboa Isle-Mature Fem Huntington Beach, nr to shr cute 2br, lba hse ocean. Employed person w/same all-furn except only. $231? per mo Must your bdrm S350/mo Call have work and pre v. Lyn 675-8283 rental refs .860-5844 aft. Rmmte needed nice 6 pm. home in Lagwta Niguel Pnvate home Westcliff, 1ep entrance, bath, want workins adull 846-5355 M I F non·smkr. pro- fessional. Call for appt 495-0909 CLASSY COMDO For Lease. Dana Point 3 Bdrm. Ocean view, pool, serene llvln1 . $725 TbomJ>900 Mgmt. Corp. 03-01'1 llG CYH COHDO '750. <Ticonderoga to In· 873-SURF,673-7677 l Bdrm~ w/loft, 2 Ba, 2 Br 1~ Ba, CU pd, $350 Y· _.,., mo. Lo I Bd 2 Ba ii •-pid •~ w11.aft,.,.. .. ) or refda, stove. pool $420. + $350 deposit. Crpta, W • .....,_ Rm for:, rent on bch, $175 .,fo'°rT:-. 4350 vey2 ,ava . m:; .., ...__ d bltlnl MF d ,....,_, mo . 754-1561 dys , -Imm ed. tll Sept. t. 213/691-7537 283 Avocado. 821-1990· drapes, · · c • · Belboa Bay Club apt. S?!J.2166 eva. Ella ••••••••••••••••••••••• $850 /mo. '31-1286. R-_._--.-----J-2_1_0 AeDnULnTrSBeach Btl . 6'4·9513 Single Ger, 1ockable, ror Patrick Tenore Ast. --2Br,l8a,$US/mo. • no P• 1 · 1---------Hohh,Mohk 410 1torase. not parking. Hmt ...... le9Ctt 3240 ' ............. ~......... Callwltdya 183-4894or~ B l G C A N Y 0 N ...................... fJS/mo.646-2389 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2ba, .__ lined ... ln Beaut. 3 br, 2 ba, frplc, all 7SIM173 ---------To-nho"~ 2 Br 21 .. Ba bo f .. ...., •• ---------lB t i 1 -• T wnb .. ....., · ~ · Bal a Inn ocean ront. "-Mic• l~ 4400 lmmacJBr,2Ba,cul-de-Weatcllff, nice for new decor. Drive by. r, r ·ev~ 0 ome. Dlnina Rm , Den , Lo i Le ales Dall VTTI - HC, frplc. patio, l690 cpl/1ml fam. ms. lncl 2317 8. Lowell. 9600/mo. MIWL y DICOL Frpk, blt·lns. pooJ, spa, b I w w n r r . y ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br. gas pd, encl gar tennla, gar, nr b<:h. No eautlfully appo nted. or weekly. Kitchenette. 1617 Weatcllff. N.B. Want mo.M7·452SaJUPM. ardnr.Nopets,646-2389 llt,lut+Sl50.644-5069 d/waaher, pool. Adults pela 1475. 847-8758 ; $975.6«-St!M SOO&up 675-874-0. financial lnat. 70009.f. 4bdrm, 2\l'Jba, frplc, wet· 2 br, den. 2 ba. Walk to SCMlltt L.,... 3216 YUR·ROUND FUN: 8'2-5073. ,_848_·99_16 ______ ,2br. lba, rrptc, stove " SEA WI lat. noor. Agent541·5032 . bar, 1 block beach. No '--a"h. T-nn·la •-pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• Social Aclov11tes O• ·-f · i I .,.. ... "' • 2 Bdrm coodo. Lakesbore Avail. now 2 Br. or 3 Br. re r 1 a n c ' new ICOLLCBfTB pets. $'725/mo.964-2283. -~=~r~;::m2; if ~=~O~~?~~r. ~er~~":;~~·eeossu~~:; adlt complex. Compl. Apt. Frplc, dsbwahr, cpt/drapea UOO /mo i MOTEL •211 TWM4M $450 · 2~ ba, den, din. rm. Ice 11es•P1usmuchmo1e rec. facU. Nr So. Cat ear. 1or2 clilldren OK, 752·1111 days, 752-0591 HIEWPotn' 1 P _ _.. .. _ h .1 ... S'"""/ _,,. ........ $4915/mo. SS&-8232 no p•ti. Water/trash _e_v_e_al_w_k_ndl ______ , •Weekly rentals now Elegant executive suites Poo • ., .. ,nrocac HARBOR RIDGE·3Br, _,c.., UJ4N mo . .....-'"""'• GAEATRECRfATION: ,..,,0770 "' .1 ...., d in prestlse location. llp-5191 3Ba, st ... .au, vtew £eeks, 499·5021 Tennis-Free Lessons or'""" paid . S•75 & 1550. Quiet 2br, lba, gar, pool, avu ·• up. b -~ •-----'-----"LO• •Color TV •Phones iJ\ Wit compltrte support No lie req. Brand new CONDO else to b<:h, rec area, tennis, sec. aate avail ttow only '850/mo. ~ (213)833·1319 d1y1, <211)831-6734 eves ~lean •br, 2ba, are•t loc. Nr the beacb. 1695. Malloy Rltn, 91CM342. Jae, pool. te ols , ... 11 (pro & pro shop>•2 28r, l~Ba Townhouse. 1164-~orf73.297l.Aat , adulti, no JSels. _.50 rooms. aervke1. $2,000/mo. 675 4078, •oma cozy cottafe, Health Oubs •Sauna• no fee l601D lSthSt 642 7340 7141851-088& ~9099 lbdnn, lba, 1t.:1ne frplc, Hydromassagt•Swim· Frplc. Pvt patio, gar, · · 2274 Newport Blvd. C.M clOH to ocean. '700/mo. ming. 01mng~nge adults no pet1 _.65. Condo, lbdrm, lba, pauo, DUPLIX-wPIR ----~ __ 7445 ___ ___. •DELUXl~IS* llGCAMYOM ......-~~--·*-----BEAUTIFUL APART· 543-75lO blt·ina,tennls,pool,apa, Modern3br,2ba,frplc, LIVE IN NEWPORT 1 Room S3 Room. No Exclualve, full security, COiieio•• •• MEHTS: S1ng1es. 1 & 3 br, 2 ba, crpll, drape•, sauna, sec. aate, nr decks, bit-Ina, aar. 100 BE~CH FOR s100 PER lease required. 21n Du· beautiful 3 Br. 3 Ba. Fw9'hMd 3400 2 Bedrooms • Fur· patio, carport, no pets. beacfl. USO/mo. Dee: yds to beach. Avail. 5/3. WEl:K.6'5--0440 Pont t>r. ACSJ. AlrPorter Private yard, wet bar fl •••••••••tn••••••••••• .nislled & Unturn11heo_ N&S. 645-911118 962·2912or8'2-"7'. 127-46\h St. $700/mo. yr. Hotel. 833-3323. 9-12 It replace, many other C«ado Cd •Mutt L1v1ng •No Pets ly. 646-6102 S w ar ......._ 420 . amenities lncludlnc Luxury • M, bl.kt • Mooel• OP4M daily Spacioua2 Br$365. Pool• THI WHIMITall ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• CdM Deluxe SUites, AC, Maich room. $14.50 mo. to bcb, lBr, awim pool, 9 to 6 llUftdry fac. Luxu_ry Adult units at af. 1 Br. $390. 2 Br. 1625. Newport Beach House ampl s>kc. ut1J pd. 2855 Call Anthony wlrdya Jae, pvt patio, under· Oakwood 541-15.56 rordable livine. 1.2 " 3 Adults only, no pets. 1409 Summer Weekly Rental E. Cat Hwy. 67~ 'bdrm 2ba nl , __ lion "'2·5757 eves It wknch. All'OWMl111 ~· 49M6'12 Br. Well decorated. Superior.645-MM 39th8t \l'Jblldromaand • • ce """8 • M4.J81t. va IDIUOIU. Garden Apartment• VILLA COltDOV A Olympic liu pool, Utht· . · ' Prime NeWJ>9rl Center frplc • dhbwasher. MCM!t uW tree. New crpt, I ed Leonia court. Jacuul, WESTCLIFF 2 BR. BA, com~ furn. off street omce apace w/1pec· $700/mo. 891 ·1947; On0olfCne3Mm\Jba •il••li•,• 1 Nawpot1Mech/So. end iarace. patlo, park Uke landacapiJ\1. D.R.,frplc,J>OOl,patto.. parlr 1.takln.reserva-tacularocnviewfor1ub- _GMOeO ___ .______ + den • bar SllOO .. !':~.:.;.~~ .... !~~! ,~:,1:~~6~~. dtbwabr. 1nctry rm No Kmt beautltul blda. (n AdO.lta. $585. ~ Uom 540-l83:Uveaonly leaae. lcrlhqft. 760-920t Townhome near ~. t ~806or6*-t71~ 2bdrm 2 red 171., .... 1 .. 13 pet.t H.B. Balboa Peninsula. Furn 2 • nun · • c2r, cove •1 --• 2 BDRM '466 From 13115. 8'6-0IUI ............ .._. ll40 Br, quiet 1oc. SO yrds to Suite off Pacific Cout 1 Harbour, 3 Br 2 Ba in Im· BLUFFS Plua condo. a patio" \<. to beach. Newport leech/No. 1 BDRM '395 ••••••••••••••••••••••• beach. $450 wk. 675-3148 Hwy, nr Chart Houae. mac. cOQd. Comm. pool. br, 2~ ba. No peta. ~ Acceaa to pool A ~-880 Irvine zm E&den Ave. CM. NB. 340 sq.ft.. $400 per ::~~~n':°:'m1c!~ _mo_._7_80-_1573 ______ , ~I:>:~~)~7M, (7"11''=.1104 &a-7• Kennebunkport? !~~~ .. !~~ mo.CallJobnMi-2117 ....... Al\. -------· Lu •B ___..... b 2 HUGE Bedroom• In Didn' he win the •NWPT OCEANFRONT MIWPon llACH •UteA ISLI• "· r .. ...,._,, 1~ a, au,..r location. Full" u-Grand Pri • '"M'> Is Udo Iale ba..,.ront. alb Convenient Peninsula 9"1M_. 3244 POll9rf patio, elect 2car ••r. ..... d b llt 1 1 tnJrtOCO X Ul '~' 1 '' loc•Uoa acniu from Cl· •H•••••••••••••••••••• 5 + Malcl'1 +Den+ 58& doae to So. Coast Plau SHORTTERK Rentall carpete , u -n1 , • -• - - . ~:~tR•F dock. Wkly. ty Hall. Eucullve atyle Woodbridp~"50 +Lota Moret 2aty, ~ • park. UH he. Weekly~monthl)' lromtd floor. Multa, no ~fD~ ---------1 offlcea w/full eervlc" lbr • 1 ~ba, redwood aq. ft. ~ for ca) 80' 5'9-02$9. A1ent, '15-8170 peta. tl50mo. 841-44?7 • If you re not sure who (or wtlft) t<ennyb'Jnkport Qui.t room w/llceoaed avail. From 215 1q.ft. e;: ==~ ~,:!:p· botu, private •uard 2elltafrom&o.CatPlau, S.C .. ula 3776 Newport Helahta 2br, was.dOn'tfeelb.s-you'renotalone. marriaaeCOW1HlorNB. end up. No leaH r•· ,,,_119 aated commty. th& moat 1 or 12 mo. IN. -mo. •••••••••••-•••••••••• lba, enc.lld pr .• sos. KennytJunkport IS Ont or 14 clstlnctive!y Pool. bllre tralll, nr Bch. quired. Call17S.aoo2. pre1t11lol.ll ltlaod la Xlnt~. 111-4540 lbr, lba, cJeu. oew Tum 54M2l2 ditfttent lpirtmtnt It Selwlnd Village ~~!! .. kl. $500 wkly Office to abare Costa llMl'AU Newport Beach. Call • d:ral* utU pd Wlk tb --------• H ti BMch. c.......i VI --2Br.1~ N. •"'° ==.f:.>~~:! ~b~,.pool~~:k ~~~1':.~~J.:1 w. Na~~:;e.2~.p.::1;.:. '"or~~nonar.i:;'~~~n~ ....... ..._ 4 K••·~';. ::~·~baba ._ ppana N Moeday thru pado, -mo..,...mtm $415/mo.6'5-55'17. The kind of ltt9ntJon you~-••••••••••••••••••••••• ------~----- 8 .. _ .. ._.. l"rid•1· -• -m. b 51 I~, A Ptrftct blend of nature Ind JIVjlVI llovtn1? Avold deJ)09tll IOO 1q. ft. '-TI otflcee. I r.l-. __,Pl1RN uul" --J&I* -11 2 00 br, !!~~:.~~ . ..,-• cut llvlnc expemal MacArthur iv Harbor, ----9C ----.,. • • P""'.. ..,"" _._, natlld In 1 fore9t With babbllng brootcs Ind quiet Profeulonally 1lnct 8 .A. Bob : U8·122l, Npt Ttn11ee 1 Bel a a. -· -· • .--. ·-•••••••• .. •••••••••• a1t...1pm' ponds. eOOled by natur11 cxt1n AOJJ to mi. U'l·tm eondo, pool/Jae .• eocL Be Ht. lri·kvel. poOI, • HIFlll MJ --......_..._;;_'_____ that tanniS COUrJ,'I. swimming poolS. 1jlcuz:zl ana ffAa~•----------- aar. tas/mo. aa ot 111. •pa. pr.•. i.t; lut + ....... -.............. :a B t. 1 '4 8 •. fr Pl c 1 convenltrf( locltJon near Shopping Ind --·- utOe. f• lnct. •*2 le(. Ml·-.-. APTNTI N>I UNI' Town b o u • • u n l t . amploymeot Ind ~·ve got 1 place lt1)00e would llMlle aar·taa, lridat.,.oit. H .• B •• UfO/mo. su.1121 ; proud.I>' call homt.(Even t<ln~nkpori.1) •Sk•~* a11el111he Newport .... ••· A<rall 1111. loiD. ........ ~ la·IJIJ Ont Ind tWo bedroom, ont Ind two blth Oo&aiileJorllcf~Jly !!it~~ .. ~· NMlll As::.·~ ... '!'·~-.: -&ASTS---ID_E_IBr-.,.--· -__ -'IOUlt _,.l'tmlMS from M40.00. Mtect )'OW' compaUblt ••-•u-. lft ym-._. ......,....... ....., r•ett to •alt )our m&ltw,.,. ~ 1 89tr ...... l'"'"' _.. •rtt: i ~ on'•.~: Plool. •P•. ~-· ....._,~ llt91tJit.Sb.aNd-U...,, ~W:f-~"'.... DMA. --· ...... wfr 0 " 1121 np .. c:e ata. room, aOOa•UP, •• ,. ••• nO UIDo••Dr .... llNB patlO. YrtJ ••· .., • ...... -.......... b••••~ c•lllDla. pet, ... , uA" G1·1'Dl ~xi~.-t-W....,.._Nltlri'W.,,....._ __ 1•-Loe--l• ::liJ&'°· SA·IMI " ·,..ut. J .... ~ .. ~"!ldz 6~?.:'11~!:'.::0~. Rm11J&e-....10mla• CONDO or poolla•P· pa ' ..,._..-,.. ....... t.q Dll DA upper UD· d • f1/1t .. ol1, II• lbr, WDTCJ.DT. AA&A I Br art1. MIO •o. Wall TILllOllT. ta-•-tt •· .... Mi-•-dee. 1"• o ar .c. Plau. flalllaed H•rtJard/ ...-. .-. ~. ... ltrHt Aeal Btltt•, -Mtaa [;i-;t;,~ MTS. aua, ,..., JacHal. •tr••·· A .. u 1 ... 1. • ..... ,.cao.. Very •• ,. lhla , .... lbOpjliDI 171~1 ~ .. ~ .. ~·! .. ~~!!~..1111 :;~~·~ •l•o, <n4) ... 1f71 Pft• .... Ai91 .... -. 11&1..a.EAU1 ..... bJ ... t.htDallJ ·-,_..,Call.,...,°" ..,.. <m>•Mll"9. ~--••t ,CWililllW A*MNl7t Plio. Csa.lnta Adt. ClaalflectMa W 1 I I • I 1.I I .. .... - Orange Ooaat OAILY_PILOT/Friday. May 1, 1981 All Around Carpenter ROOll ADDITIONS Car~ntry, cablnlU. '*>I General ~leanln& lllCIC & STOMI W AUPAl'B.JMG Fintab Ir Routh. Prtt Ir Kitrheoa Uc'd cuar repalrt, plumblna FrH ReU ablt-ReferenCt'll Tile, Marble&. 1-·rplu Prof. ln1taUed. lit roU Eat. J ohn 919.4529 or Financina avall•ble# est . Call An1wer Ad Own trans. 962·0610 673·6650 <2L3l&:M 0140 h u n ti C>r " c O on. $1 67 Per~ 775·P2 642 U40 tff1,64.2-4300,24hn W QUALITY ... ""'ONRY 1·639-l429forfreeett ----Window•. Ovens. all m""' 'J'ha"t'I p y c..,.. Senke Rtsldenllal Ir Comm re Carnantry Masonry Wuhtn1. etc We aim to Llt"'d quar Coa•t Home ••PAINTING Don't for 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• modellni Rm add it R~lnl Plumbm& please! 979-!066 lmprovt!ment Financing Call Unless You Car~· ....-· • os ere e wr m Drywal' Stu"co. Tiie l d ...,., .,. '· Pinter/... • ....... . ...........•..•...•.... ···············•••••A•e Plaster P1tchln1. lnl .. t. . ao yrs up Neat work. 54S·2977 <Paul l LOCAL SANDBL.ASTER Uc. ln1, rtu. No job loo bt111maU M0-7909 PLASTERING llouaea, Sec:sfty Sy .. 1• add1llona, re color, over ••••••••••••••••••••••• block walla. Free eat Burtilu•FitC'•Scannert• Low •4W2 Safea •Physical B~r riers c .M /N B. sa s 30d~ad ham"""'lr t teamclean p ll Con l k avallabJeM2~!95l 536,......l("•h-) in Colot brtehlenera, wbl • ft r ... Ho useclean ng one D. ••LeY crpta 10 min bleach. Lie 11227773 G.R. yan, & more. J B. 646-9990 U\Orouahly. CaU after 5 Custom Masonry & Con NEWPORT PAJNTING 1iu ll•ll, Uv -din nns Sl.S. Gen £ontrctr6'75-Sl33 Hardwood Aeon pm 962 8175or962·6786 crele lOO's Local Ref's Comm Uldus resid rro,.rty .... ,._... 846-487 l - Pl&.OJ av1 rm $7.50. coueh SlO. Drywd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lie/ Ins !Bond 645 8512 Free eat Low rates ••••••••••••••••••••••• •-&..../A"aararN . ~w~ ~~ou Prof service to save you ••••••••••••••••••••••• SBYICI chr $5 Guar ellm ~l ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARDWOOD FLOORS lfouaecleanin1~try Jen Jim, 840 1705 Rod 673-07'J7 DllllCTOltY odor. Crpt repair lS yrs DrywallSpeclallal Cleaned&Wued ny, I 'm the beal! Reha ---t11'le & money Newport k Pacific R.E. ~3683 Alter,1llon1 A; Dressma -I na . exp d . re1u DO IT NOW! exp. Do work myself Qual & prod New & re-A yt· 8J2·4ll8l S A ble, ref. ~1-3709 MASONRY &TILE A.Ill For 5-drw Refs S31·0101 mod· #389M4 · 532 ~9 ° tme, · · SUNSHINE Our spectaJly We solve First Claaa int1exl paint· il\g, wallpaper, refinish cabinet.a, etc. 979 5294 Real Estate Seorvkes 540 ~93, 646-3393 W C ---c H.-a-.. your problems 631 2004 YoorDaHy Pilot e are Carpet leantrs -., HOUSEKEEPING Ser vice Directory Ste1m clean A upbola DRY W A~ L O u~ ecft ••••••••••••••••••••••• Give your home that spr Bricklayer fireplace and Representative Wo rk a uar Truck pertise e can an e Haul,deanup.ooncrele ina cleamna look all house facmgs Blol·k. RALPH'S PAINTING L1r Int/Ext Low rult's ·········•············· ste-c.._... Newport Real Estate ••••••••••••••••••••••• agent will coru11der trad· 11er vices Wh»l have Steam Cleaning 642-5678, ext l 11 mount urul IMS-3716 your proble!!11 63~ removal. Dump lruc.k year·round, with quality brick, stone Call M1k(' Free est 964 5566 ~~~~~~~~~~! NoSteam/NoShampoo Electrical q_u1c~ 64.2·7938 & dependable work 631-7321 .\(;cowl" Stain specu•list, fast ....................... DUMP JOBS Free e1llmate, re Flne painhne by Richard ••••••••::?•••••••••••• dry Free~l839-l582 ELECTRICIAN priced Small MovmiJobs ference fur nished . MIJlllll..._. Sinor Lie.ins 13yrsof LEIGH ROB ERTS Specialized Account111g Service S48· 1484 -----nght, free esumate on Call MUCE646·1391 licensed & bondt.'d ••••••••••••••••••••••• happy NB rustomers UPHOL&DRAPES largeor sma11Job6. 952.303' Muu bhnds &woodi., wm Thank you 6314410 Cleaning m your home Lie. 11396621 673-0359 Hauling &..ownp Jobs duw llnllng, vert1cles Tl P TOP CARPET & Ask for Randy Howntttt.cJ Phone est 549-0536 A.1..A...16 Floor Care 96()..6266 REMODELING 641 8427 •'••••••••••••••••••••• Mo i r--• -_...:._ --Electrical work. res1d & w .. , .... , ., w II ., ttCJ • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • c I"--" tk eea r. monu1 y or I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Driveways pa rkana lol ••"""f•"'com comm'l.631~ Treeishrubtnm. garage, cons11ter pt'lS Rt.'fs ' ••• & d l "' Moving" The Starvrng .repairs, sealcoaling •••••••••.•••··~··••• --1 /Tiie yar ceanups .-ree Vicki5569250,7S41239 CollegeStudents Movin" S&S Asphalt 646 4871. Acousl1cCe1lings + """"'ca est. 557·82'71 -------., Llc'd custom hand texturing ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reputable College stu· < o has grown, ln:.ured ------Lie 389944 S32·5549 Formica Countert.ops HAULING Student has dent.s will trade occ pro "d m..e good v ll'l' labysftffllg Custom buUUcUU1talled. large t ruck Lowest tecuoo for nn & board •Tl24 436 L1 ceni.e •• .... ••••••••••••••••••• C......t/ latest colors & deS1gns rate. prompt 759·1976 Summer only Ref 6418427 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free est 646-4871 Th k J hn College Student. ex p'd, ml lex. any job for less' Alex 851 9371. SS2 0231 DAV E'S PAlNTlNG Setv1 n g satis f ied customers 9 )'TS Qunl mlegral) Reas. an:. he 760 7301 PAPER HAHGIMG you got to lrade7 Bruce Enalnes. mat"hmery Blom~ren . RE MAX Nocrpls 963-9925 Re a Ito r s 759 1221. Spriflklen 760-0297 ••••••••••••••••••••••• R.E. EXCHANGE The best way lo sucreed 1n real estate today The benefits are many CONSE RVE WATER A u tomatl' Your Sprinkler Sprem 714 S86-lS91 rrom avoidance of taxei. Tile to leveraging into your •••• •. ••••••••••• ••• • •• dream propert) For a free t•ounsebn11 session with a profess1ondl ex chanl(e spet"1allsl. call M.tra anne Cai.1no . member Nal'I Council of TILE l ~STA LLATION Floors. Kitchen. Bath Reliable Craftsmen Rogers Tile Phone 6311.1458 fo:xchongors. 963 8182 Custom llle 1ni.tallahon, Mat ure person wa ll Foundations, Retarning ~~· o ~vail.833-1414 babysit anytime Mon· ~alls. Hillside Restora· ~ardet11ftg Hoaeca--&..... Londsca-'- Fri. in my home. ref's. t&on . Slabs, Pal1os. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••=:=:?'••••••••• ••••••••t'::?••••••••••• ABC MOVING , Exper prof. low raws. quirk careful service 552 0410 25 yrs exp. Free est Fast. neat . rellablt- S81roll & up 645 6'490 R f t-firs. k1l . bath!! & rt-lated 00 "'CJ remodehog free l'st reas 548·'!7~ • Block & Bnck L1c'd. CLEAN-UPSILAWN Want a REALLY Cl,EAN WE 00 IT ALL' NrSo C&t Plaza Full, pt 6428387eve:. 96()-053!} Mamlenance Lndscp HOUSE? Call Gmgham We do 1t best! We do at 'MOVIN·MAN ' WALLPAPERING ••••••••••••••••••• •••• R I 97u 6160 Qt: ALITY ROOFING otcer rvmg " lime & swing shafts 0.4 Child Ccre Free est· 642·9907 Girl. Free esl. 645-5123 ch ea p es l ' Russe 11 IS careful. courteous & (•heap. Pls rall 642 1329 4 Craflsman·lype Work 673-(1759 .. All types. free ei.t T,... Se"lc• Visa, MC. S4l·S9JO '••••••••••••••••••••••• yrs 557·2140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • GARDEHIMG ROBIN'SCLEANIN-G Landscapmg. 644·7062 Cab!Mt MaUMJ Hot ~ul ~h9~~h M WedAMTID k Service a thoroughly LANDSCAPING ~~:~~~~r.5:'! ..... Wall Paper Hanl(m~ All work guaranteed Tern. 545-6268 HARBOR R<XH"ING NOW JS THE T IME to prune your trees Call "The Experts" 20y r:. loc&I George S48 3239 CABINET·CARPF.NTRY llan Preschool 646.5423 sweepi n g Free ideas. L1·c a•a '"'"1 QUALITY PAINTl-:RS ••••••••••••••••••••••• n . r1s· 1 ow. mg. gmg. ra ana. clean hoose ~0857 Rototilling, clean ups & - - -t t 646 0944 ..._....,. BARGAJN RATES Small Jobs & Repairs Contractor :;5~~:r es or Expertise Housekeeping ---Free est 848 5684 DOC'S PAINTING hdi. returned! Docks. boat s l1pi., ant ext hsc Pr ompt , rel1ablt- serv1ce Da' e 645 0389. 839 S851 Leak Repair res comm tst qual mat 'I & labor Beal any bid 631 9193 Wefdb•CJ Free est 6'45·2003 ••••• ••. ••••••••••• •••• 1 _ _ __ SuppUes furnished Masonry C-t-Coostruct1on All types Gardening, landscaping, Personalized 641-4970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -r-··..., 20 L' l · & BRICKWORK Small ••••••••••••••••••••••• yrsexp rreees tree lnmroin« re NEEDYOUR HOME DOORS&WINDOWS Lie 11334589 645-5973 moval. maJQr rlean-up. CLEANED? ::::a .N:::.~~t.' ~~~~J Repaired or Repllu:ed Corona del Mar Con~t Co I Cree es~52 1349 -Evelyn, 642-0728 afl 5 675-3175 •STEVENS PAINTIN<: Int ext Free item11l•d est Neat.Quahl) v.ork 832 3208, S46~oC> ROOFING ••••••••••••••••••••••• All lypes. repair:.. lndu!> Comm Res1d decks Free ~tamales Atlas Mobile Metal Call Bob 548-0769 548-9007 BALBOA ROOf'ING CO. Window c..-nq Free est 635 3720 dt-s1gn <'<?nsultat1on bi. Handyman HOUSECLEANING b I All Types Ma!>onry All Types Remodeling & dt-sign director. col.or ••••••••••••••••••••••• J apanese lady Exp•J. 1 Very reas Lie bonded Inter Exler Rehmshm~ ceilings wa1lpaper Lil· Plaster /Repair Take advantage of $100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• gai. or food 31ve away "Let TheSwuhine In ' Repairs, top quality 17 i.ketchs. & aid 1n obtain HOME IMPROVEMENT dependable S49-l029 Bob 548_27~. 536-9906 ·yrs in area .Lic'd Mr mg fin 644 4289 Remodeling Odd Jobs __ _ Cam & Sons 898 5105 Neat patches & lexlures me est. .8'3-1439 Realtors welcomt.' Call Sunshine Wmdov. 673 6743 673 0403 Cleaning. Ltd ~·8853 Palombo, 962-8314 I C~rpenl;;.. Additions & 28 yrs exper 9'79-2265 Nurses aide. housekeep-FRPLCS bwJt & refaced. · l REPAIRS ing, reliable, exper. brick/stone veneers 30 Want Adb Call 642 5678 L~cm~/~bs·25 Y~~x;;·19 Call anytime. 675.3014 64.2-7163 yrs exp. 893-3743 PATESSIAN CUSTOM PAINTINt: Int ext Material labor guar t'ree est 953 98 10 The fastest draw 10 the SELL 1dlt-Hl•mi. with a Wc::.t a Ou1ly Pilot l>dlly Pilot l'lass1f1ccJ ED'S l'LAST(-:RING All Types Int Exl 645-8258 FREE EST Class1f1ed Ad 642, 5678 Ad 642 S678 ·Office Rental 4400 lusinessRental 445 MortCJagn,Trust Lost&FOWld 5300 Persot1Gts 5350Personal1 5350 HelpWanhd 7100 HelpWCllftd 7100HelpWanted 7100 •••••••••••••••••••• .... • ••••••••••••••••••••••• D•eds 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AIRPORT Versailles lRr, wlk to •••••••··~··•••••••••••FOUND · Saint Bernard COVER GIRL ACCOUHTIHG ASSEMBLERS We will BOOKKEEPER/Fe EXECUTIVE SUITE I Bch. pool. Jar. laundry Macken4RahMhJ. mother & her pupp). FIRST LADY * OUTCALL • CLSUC train Apply 7A M Small manufacturer or St'veral off aces avail an fac $.525 mo 642 495~ SINCE 1981 identify 5:£.8125 Escort. Models 953 0778 MC' VISA Ex P in bank r<'C :. MacGregor Yachts 1631 Spa equip has key open lst&2nd TDs. S.SOK SIM + ---G 1 & 0 k Placenlla.Co!>la Mesa 1ng with outc;taodang full service exe(' irn1le Ma-.seur Nutritional "' d 2 poodJ lblk& ra....,D~-. enera posting I ey growth p<>tential l d 0 ,. I Ow n er /Non Owner .. oun . es l "J _.._,.... SH[ b t h XI t ocale n t.'ar '-Consultant Sl'ek l> hve 10 • 972 1'245 > ouc req n "· ... oP--"-Dri•er F'am1l1ar1t\c with A l 752 ........... 1 SFRs&Condos wht. Westport C.:enl * · ., * b ft s I "''" ~ ~ arpor _.,..,... opply w 11prererably> ene 1 s a ar y com~ safeg uard pegboard Cornqtercial & Industrial parking CM. 631·1454 or MC & VISA Accept~ E S (' 0 R T S & mensurate w ability Nr -Counter Pft'SOf'I BA YFRONT. elderly folks w t rue con PETER DOBBS eve 675 2918 MODEUNG O C A 1 r port Ca 11 Full lime Good driving s Y s le ms he IP f u I NWPTBCH C'ern for good health 6406016 673-9043 835-9199 S49 9322 T!°ll' Ru s ty record Able to learn Responsible for all at". OHacespaceforl\e muslbequ1el ~1619 REWARD Losl male Pehclln, 2862 McGaw counter work Apply counting runcllons thru 540-4419 Wattt 2 f-22<'/o Yield? golden rel.river Friend * FOXY LADT * c 3 11 s TAC E y w 11 h 1 M 1r acle Mazda . 2150 trial balance Work with 1House lo rent nr bch 2 On your T D 's Notes I Y Nam c Gomer OUTCALL ONLY Daytime F.scort Serv1t•r rvme Harbor 81. outside CPA for stale Executive ofc nr Air Port :.tory 4 or bdrm + pool $$Raisers-Investors$$ 496·119~ VISA MC Afternoon 0eh1'lhl Accounts payable ex per meots &'taxt-s Should +sectyrecept.Jonarea. Long term Xlnt refs Call DeruusonAssoc •972-1138• 5294631 10 key, Light l)pm~ & Babysitter needed bemature.dependabLe. nrAirPon S350mo incl 71495619752137230307 673-7314 Lo s t Male Golden gen ofc 646-3224 es wk maturewoman,2 3da)s w1thasenseofhumor A Janitor. A C. crpl & r Retriever Name Slotm * * STACEY F'onnerl) With dys week My home 2 boys. real opportW\Jly to grow Paneling 83J.l<ll4•t>st/ Purchase of 2ND TD ·s vicinity H11'(hland North SPIRITU~L "FANTASY" is Now 21yrs & 6/mo Eastbluff along with us Call ---Flnanc~ ar ranged. f'or details View Tract, Lagun a READINGS . w 1 t h . T II I-~ .ACCOUHTAMT area 760-1179 (714)646 9664 blwn tOam .. lusln.s1Rental 4450 ,··••••••••••••••••••••• call Niguel Day or n1lt.' lOam-topm F'uJlyL1<·d GIRLFRIENDS" NB Work close to home ' noon AskforLloyd ••••••••••••••••••••••• l-iness 960 1957 Broke_r __ 495.J676or497 1708 492-7296 or 492-9034 l_Rl5 759~l2t6 Property management. Babys itter needed . 2 IOl'VIKIU::8.:a "' & ff .... S Camino Real, San l l I d d boys l yr •~2 •r b\es & "" ....,..~ ,. or store o IC(' space Opportw.ity 5005 S30.000 2nd TD on Nwpt Clem cons rur ion. an e ~ .• ~ al reasonable rate!> •••••••••••••••••••"•••• h 1 .. , 1 l 1 1..osl black Cat. male, velopmenl company of occasional overn•1'lhl ACCOUMTAHT 500 to 2700 Sq Ft. For Sale Fashionable 0ome24 " 'tmhse~~~ 3°1n01Y has st1lche:. on rear left AFTERNOON fers exceptional oppty C a I I 6 J 1 2 4 2 6 W /Minimum S )rs exp & MESA VERDE DR ue mon .....,. hand leg !las she1ld on .. ..,, "~s for a qualified. exp'd at" eves wkends h 1 g h accuracy l o boutique. Prirne area. ~ck Vic of Main & "''_....." DELIGHTS countanl Send resumes supervise books for PLAZA Nwpl Bch areu Send in ----~/ Beach, H B 963 9792. MASSAGE SPA * * to Chns Pl$ar1k 17711 Babysaller needed. ex lnme based nat'I t"ham 1S2S Mesa Verde E. C M quiraes to box 11905. p O --~ H /Offi /H t I f h Id ,. nowab/ 960·93lS Be pampe red b) lb ome ce o e 'B' M1tchel1Nonh Irvine per or 5 moot o of weight reduction 545-4123 Box l560 Costil Me!>a L!st & FoWtd Beaut Girls Open * 529-4631 * 92714 baby Balboa Pen an salons Exc1tmg oppt~ PrhneLocation 92627 •••••••••••••••••••••••Keys found Capra Ln. lOAM 4AM 7 day!> 24 Hrs Now lHring i('rt!a 675-8442 cal1Nancyal955 1491 1270 Sq ft on bu.'l}' Reacf\ A.Mouncetnefth 5100 Mesa Verde W Identify Phone 645-3433 MC VISA ACCOUKTS lookknpilMJ Cieri& Boulevard Hunl1nglon Sml Gift Item ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca 11 bl"'" n 6 · 9 Pm ----Ee: Banking Full time, ex per helpful Beach" Ideal for real Mfca,C S48·145-0 R SVAILE TB.I.St but not nee Many com estate office. i.tore or 7 years 10 Gusa:~s. net Limo serv All occ & wed SILVA If you are a sharp person pany benefits Apply at other suitable business ting approx . 22r, pr dings, 2hr m1n1mum Found Auslrahan Shep THE MIND CONTROL with 2 or more yrs of Expenence required. 1660 Placenta a Ave . 2 Private baths, ava1la· year Priced at only f" e m C h a u f f e u. r Lab mix Blk & Gry Fem G ·1rHn•ends lnsplratloo and tet"hn1· solid acctg. e.xper with IARCLA TS IA.MK Costa Mesa ble immediate I Y lo 144,950 Seller says sub· t714 >999·°"20 Also Blue Point Siamese ques Cor a bettJ?r, richer gd. background an ac· Con ta cl Cathy Antunez Xear leatt Attrartavely mil all offers 7521920 ---Cat. NB Aruma1 Sheller •ESCORTS• tue Easy, practacul, counts receivable. call 6311511 Businessman seeks p/t priced Lost & FCMM 5300 644-3656 Offlce/H ht powerful 3.000.000 en· us EDP exper helpful. E 0 E M IF/V H associate m wholesale 642 4321 _. ..,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Home/ 0 thus1ast1c Graduates not nee. 8U$y Account· 1--~~~~~~~~l supply. 7S4·1742 · · ••• -J ftl 1AIL Found Cocker Spaniel * 759-1216 * Free lerture. 731 9430 ing Dept. in electronics 1 Weekdays TV Costa Mesa Area . co offers a variety orl•---------•cE 642·5105 * 529-1883 * duuec;, competitive pay Banking •CAI DRIVERS• Checker Cab 77().0222 COSTAMESA PLA FOUND ADS 24Hrs Now H1r1ng Remember & excell benefits, in · IRAHCH Shoppmgcenlerstoreon NOPHTIES · Foundlargemaledognr MC VISA eluding our 4 DAY SECRET.ARY 17lh St 4·860 sQ fl ARE FREE Golden West college •-------•1 Mother's Day WORK WEEK co 1s see our ad in today's <714)642 8519 10,... T1I l :lO P'.M.I Identify 847 8236 . located in beaut. Laguna t" I ass if i e d under CAFETY.IA HELP Days or evenings, Mon F'ri. Good benefifs Call 4475 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OU1 ce Stor~ Business space, l412'C40 Choice Harbor· Baker Center. Costa Mesa Vacant. $425, agent 54\).1366 ---Shops stores. hobby. 312 SQ ft , 12' ru W lge dr & 210 sq.fl. w1smk C.M 548 7249 • . ,. },000 sq rt of space avail on Harbor Blvd near Warner This space ad joins o well established retail store. 1l is ex· cellent space for addi· Uonal ret.all. hghl as· sembly. specially shop, or inventory storage Could be exrellent dis· tributlon center. Call 546-3700 or 847 .2223 --- .... trial....... 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $.S'1S. Approx. 2000' In· dus'l /Offit"e 18101 Redondo Cr "Q". Hunt 142·2834 .. MESA INDUSTRIAL PARK 7t I W. 17tti St. c ......... c •. 642.-4463 • 1lllO aq. ft Unit avail. May ut. Carpets, drapu wet bar. •3311-St' l<l· fl. •Leuhi1 Office bn. Moel thrv .Fri 8-4. •c102. Call ---May I oth Canyon, or beach & re· "Secretary" : scaau '(JS EXOTIC ESCORTS send a message to Mom sort areas Call for appt WELLS FARGO APPLIANCESF.RVICE 642 5618 "'"1. •558-1946• \'la the Daily 1'1lol'i Telon1c Berkeley . I"...., • ANSWERS ServmgallofOC Moth,r'i. Oa1· Pal(c 7144949401 EOE """"" & SALES Beslc&•---------i ft Your message will ap 714-830-9800 busiest service agency Lost 11 '--.i mo old Brindle N1rely Gauge pear '" J pretty Oowcr in the Harbor area Est box For informut1on I! yrs & still growing Pit Bull. F. bet Supenor Kinky Radius SWEETHEARTS a nd to p I ace your Net~ stead)' S7·8K per & Nwpt Blvd or Hoag DRUNK S message "all 642 SG78 Hosp 631 5474 I know this guy who •ESCORT * ' month Owner relocat -. -thinks he llas an.vented 24 HOURS TODA y ' .AEAOllC IMSTRUCTOAS Expr 'd only Newport area 759·1'58 mg oul of!kate Ver) re L os l. I., t Go Iden th" perfect hangover v1·sa/MC 529 1927 .,.. Maturl' fomale compa AIDE Work w /han · asonable pnce 731 5375. Retriever, w/bm collar, ~~~eNK He's a I w a Y s 1----------1 nio~ to 52. like fishing, dlcapped adults Must Motley to Loan 5025 nola~~~B.I 760·9584 lro1lel'.'ing. extended . be strooo, wiluno to 88· Make your s hopping w " " Banking 752 7113 before 2pm • --- Car Wash help, full or P T . apply an person. Met ro Car Wash. 2950 Harbor Blvd, C M *CASHIERS* Mew lnl11e Ra11ch Market .aw hlriRg ful .. part ...... .,. trolft. 17' 4)838-9570. ••••••• •••••••••••••••• Losl. Diamond watch. WANT ACTION? · easier by using lhe Daily trips in Mexico ntt s1st 1n tasks i uch as 2nd TI> Loans CdM BanJc of America Class1fed Ads642·5678 Pilot Classified Ads. Ad IUl94, Daily Pilot, Box toileting, feed11il. gen Sl00,000 lo $250.000 18'1 area, or Bullocks. So 1560. COll_l!_M~ !2627. cleanvp. Excel'• vaca· HEW ACCOUKTS Newport Beach S&L has opening for New Ac· counts Counselor. New Accts .. IRA/Keogh. col· lections. & NOW Acct.s ex per req'd Salary I~~~~~~~~~~ commensurate wlth•ex. per Full insurance benefits & paid career apparel. Ple1se call· + poin~s Coll Bkr . Coast Plaza. Liberal Generous, Good Looking lion & insurance 96Jt5~ ~ REWARD760-0480btwn \a/ Man to meet brood be nefi t s United Low rate homeowner S&6pm W~1~~ mandedwo1Jlan2540for Cerebral Palsy Asso~ .• loans . $10.000 & up. Any Found: M. mostly wht mutual fun Valentine _s_a_n_ta_An_a_,546-__ 5760 purpose. short or long Terrier w/Green ribbon. 631·045-0 N.B ANSWER ING Serv No. term 714/8952S68 ___ Marshalls on Bch Blvd, ~'I.fol{ ---;-ANTED' exp. nee. Part & full Mar+9«!9ff. T...t KB 768·7306 JUL.,.r A ,.,J (,.7 Adventurous woman time. Min. typing req'd . Ms Denny Parisia 71~ MEWPOltT IALIOA SAVllM~S & LOAM E.O.E. CASHIH - F rT position avail S1lary commensurate with exp. Apply in p e rson , Metro Car Waah. 2950Harbor Blvd C.M. --------- CASHIER Exp'd .. fd. working con Dffds 50l5FOUND Black snake \.=--..,u\""1 l.o\~. Captneedslslmate 83l ·Ot40EOE I~~~~~~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• about 4' long. Please Offshore cru15in1 vet1el Asaemblen/Electronacs IEA T 1~ TIOH ds Must be able to work Sattter~Co. ldenlify64().6S23Lou I A Beeasygoing &over 20. Jmmed. opeoing for Sit. & Sun. Other hrs. to Slar1 now~arn extra be arranged. Apply In income ln your spare person: Kerm Rima ~e. For appt. 848-6995. Hardware, a&es Harbor All types of real eat.ale ~ Write Jamey Reil 2005 final aaaembly position. Investments since 1949. Loal "Duke". all whJte ,,,,,,.. N W Balboa Blvd 1'243 E " p w I l h 8 1 r S~t. younc male Samoyed V~/nnwf ...h Newport Beach. CA screwdriver desirable. WTDt Reward. Call Howard fl..Qr'·'' '1 IC/ 92Qi3 Small friendly Co or B e a u t I c I a n s Ir ,_B_l_._C_M ______ _ '42·2 I 71 545-0611 548-4305· U0lJ/ aJ.. rSYCHIC ocean. 64S-3632 ask for Manicurists with cllen· 1·-------- Widow has money for Have something you ~I Readm.1 Jack556-1..!_78 1_w_e_s_. _______ _ 2ND T .D.'s any slse want to sell" Classified -,:....._.& ASSB•&.a above $10,000. No credit ads do 1t well -C11l A•~• .Jjj i r-:::._ F/T, aome electrical H · NOW . 642-5678 lf#NWV-"" serv ce ,..,.... aembly 11'..n preferred. '. no pnJty For action ••••• ••••••••••••••. ••• .....,. call AGT 671·7311 ----1 When placing your ad ... a JobtW~ 7075 Some overtime may be a.nytlme ... ~,... Trwt Dally Pilot ad number will ••••••••••••••••••••••• _n_e_c_ ... __ 2'58_. ___ _ wan~ can ~ •.• !~~ .......... ~!.~~ appear In.your classified ad IMTIODUCIHG: "Ssa•·-s ~ J.HWALKERAGENCY "' ._ tele; be tell-employed, pick your own hours . Fl r1t class salon 6$7·2234 Beauty HAUlDU-..a • MAMICU.IST Le1 .. altu.aUon Stud.lo Five. N .B. Judy, 6'2-t443. ;,low. % • Ral• . 2nCI Trust Deedl . we take your messages <N C 0 c > toe. Mlmon vteJo co 2 d I ow ex to · · needs Auemblert w /2 ~ hours a ay ... you ca I 1'7152-8 ~kctrtl• )IU. eap. Candidates Blllln1 clerk Fore•pand· in at )'Our Convenience An 1 1 r91•u tn '• muat have ad. manual lnl CM import Co. Gd Low cost equity loans avail. $201000 to $150,000. 18 yr. loan. Assumable. owner occupied J f . ••c • v v dexterity, 1d. eyt1i1bt, typtna elllla riq. Some dur OQ Of ICe hours and get PL "s'ilvi~££ NT neatlna~anctlrde. phone up. a +. Xlnt the responses to your ad . . . Now you.r &oved onea can peodabte. Wen lt ln llle utary ben ~ trowtb this service Is only $7 .so remain In their own 1uppor1 mtdlul elec· potenllal.MM8SS • F I f home. whether the needa tron1u. Gd. benema. week. or more ' n orma-are for compentonahlp, 0 DI)' '.::Jo D 1 lb l • IOOl ... f"-C CASHIERS UTDTEM MARKETS For 2nd le 3rd Sh.I ft a We promote to manaae ment Ir supervision from within. WANT ACAREER? Cottalleaa WDel,Mar 131·9'21 La1una Btach •HUI t iOn and tO place your ad hOrne -altitenance or '*"°"' nl l)tnOa· Orowln1 Lapna Beach llr.l-81 ... -a-W• "an MDl em·plyml Med •P· CPA finn, Xlnt 1alary ·~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~ call M2·5678. ~id•~ WbO ~re pit. CaU :. llra. Pan.W, CtOll'lll~ w/abtH· 1; Uioroujllly pro· Sil..-ty. Good benaflh, fe11lonally acrHned ~!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~! plHUnt 1tmo1pbtrtl rormonlllfoeall8u11n con•. loutloe. Cal Walker • ..-. Suaa•*-1.0GM l .. • ~ ' ~!?~ ..... ?!.~ CLmM:Al Leadlos local pest con· ttol compan1 oeed1 tueral "P:/T office Ptrte>D.Oel. EotrI level pc11IUoo. 'l'yp(na office exp. beJplul. Call Tim, Monday, May Uh, •1pm. 9'7N021. w..w 11oetl.e,w-.. 1100 w..w 1100 ................................... ,. .............................. . co~a.M . • ... llAL Of!ACI Nffded fOf' poaidon U 0.part._ 5Core t.ootJn1 for a vef)' In· mah-up artlat at a teretUot 1)9.J't tJme job Newrrt e.ach uloo. 11rw.,,..."-1 1 ffl • Mui be u~·d (2U) --r· D p •uant 0 ce '54-IU5 • Aft tiscattnc. fut IJ'OW· Clerical, tor mature . 1111 retaU co II now bir-~rson. Location P.C.H . COUMSILOI ~fullUm.•"• ... Ume pt Bcti. Esper. a D J _.. m1.11t A~te typtn1. ay ~amp. une 29-Au1. ht p, male • female. no ahortbaod. ao hr. -. HefP.~ 7100 . Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT1Frlday, May 1. 1981 .. ~ 7 , > mil ....................... ,: { .. .. :==.. ~~~~ ..... !!.~ ~~~ ....... !!!!r.-r .. w-.1114 ·1100 ..._.W~ 7109 .. d --'-• to a ••••••••••••••••• ~·· ·~';;J.7. ••••••••• ., ay w-. • ., yean } & experif'l>ee requJred All MllMCA4 PIST CONTIOL 1 llSTAUIAHT 19111--'·•· •·----Van Dorn machtnea. Full Is p/Ume rront ale. TICHMICIAM NMd host penoa •but t&&ii( ~~ ~ M u 1 t k o o w Busy G P l.n F. V Pea 1Aa4ln1 locaJ pest C'On· lwlp. APPlY l.n Pff110n "' I mfr AL Polycarbonal•, ABS, ~lm rr.m1 trol company need• Mon ·Pn. -,.s pm, o~ , c!O~TAMTS SAN and Styrene. Medic I Otn P/Um route technician for Seafood Ded:, Reubeo ·aretar•r 'a Reota 28.. 10.m-J: 30pm wkly· M a n a I e m e o t o P · week locl\adel Sau, Sun PrevSoua experience d• pol'UlniU. avaU. PleaM Call· 8"-'7431 Clerical aired M.2S·M.'75/br. apply In piU'IOO. SAM to PIX._,.....,,, Nl1utl Sborea Com· SPM, Wed. thru Fri., Ge.oeral X..1una Buc'h 11\11 co muolty Auociation, Saddleback Valley , ..... -----• Steady year rwod post 1 a ce, e •~ady job. Group bealth E Lee, l!U E. Paclflc Pu1111tllnl Showroom tn lion. No layotf1, m-.tor ~. •rlcbalr!_~~Newport Ii: profit Wrlna. Entry Cout Hwy, Newport Wu1•tnater ~eek company. Verycl~en ac ..,......,.. ofc. Pa· l•vel po.tUon. W• lnln, Beacll , qrwr1 ~ vironment. I llent bllUnp, collec· no exp niecesury. C11l tor -~ i,vel pos . C.\MlaOMFG. hona, appt 1cheihalin1. Tim, Monday, May 4th. Reatauraot Colon, Jsonu· furnlahlnfa °"4la • person for W.Ol22 Plaza, 23'710f!1Toro Rd ., VICKI HESTON I OUI' fNDt o/c. to operate El Taro. 213-Gl-0383 _ • •wltcbboard, op_an " COUNTER Peraon to~~~~~~~~~I • ... ____ • ........__ l'Ollle mail 6 ualat w1th write contract.I In tool I-• ~ P • r a on n e 1 De pt rental ctr. Must work DIPUTY CUI.I( I Speclalhina In workload T)l)e 50wpm wknda. S.oetita. Will Startm1 aalary *l mo. Temporary Clerical mln. Previous clerical train. Apply: 22600 Lam· Harbor MunJclpal Court PenonneJ Hper. desired. ' day bert-1203, El Toro bu openin,p tor men " 540.0400 work wit. We offer ed. ---women. If you type 40 ,;;.-.-.-.-;;;.-.-;.-;;;.-.-. pay • beneftts. Call for Counter Help & caterlne wpm • an! lnterated ln 1- 7801 Clay Ave, H.B. EJCper~rel'd M6-028'7 t-Jpm. m.eo'n. KltcbeA R..uurant ha.,'all Calilomia'f (W ol Sch lmmed. openln11 for a.~1 twn. rental co II SolGarl\eld>. Medical Aaalltaot, GP PESTU~IDE S~RAY Holt /Hotteaa. a t.;.utledta1et'• E 0 E M/F ofc, CapoBcharea 0 p E RATOR· Ex per Cubien. Both dy. He I m atatr r .. expand -----___ ~1..eoo1 w/peat control •P· ahlft avail. Apply In l.nt!' :.a.tallnp. pre· IHJICT. 5ITUP M~"j I pUcator Uc. Top pay & person btwn 9am·3pm f'd. IU •-i... M. br. de-<2 yearaexp ) ""ca Au't, H.B. Front benellt1. Please call ' 271'2 O..U1a Hwy. San pen w:~~per. ~uU IHJICT. MOLD & back office. Exper. (71•> 76M7519AM·3PM . .{uao Capistrano E.O. E. or p 1t1iae. Moo·Sat .• helpful 147·600C NJIO M, Suft 12 N l•AJI Medi I Photo booth attendant. RHtaurant Mana1er, -5p"1f. · COiot•ct . c1:Sn; appt. Telonic Berkeley, Busy OeU, some cook· excellent benefitf. call GENERAL omc·E 714..ut.9401. E.0 E ing F /ltme, exp. pref. 833-04Jl X332. '601 Jam· ~~~~~~~~~~I Feasts-494-4'772 __ 4 boree, N.B. EOE. Reel.ater today for local (2yeanop ) Fas~~on Island GP. afternoons . Phon e muat have eood rel'a. "1419.EOE Lit, 2nd and 3rd ahllts, 6'0-7293. lmmed. openlna • 1hort11!~••s=~~==~~ other trainee positions seeks experienced 833-3Ml 11 available. front/but office staff PLANTS · ~ -temporary us1e.nments ---------Counter penon, F/Time, i---------•I CLatCAl expandioa print shop ln AuthorluUon operators Lake Forrest area. Lite p/tJme. Graveyard poei· table & bindery 830-5785 Uona open. Wort ~~ hn per wt. Hn. avail. Tues. thnJ Sun., lOPM- 8AM $4.01 to1tart. TymabattTraosac:Uon Services, Inc. 2462 Dupont Dr., Irv. Counter Help. F/T. Ku.ater't Cleaners S@-4243 COUNTaHl&.P DISMiH ENGIMB. Mra. co. In Mlssioo Viejo area needs exper. in electrical connectora, 557-0045 Cr\-Llr\': llMP'OllMY ffilSONNIL SUMCfS her met I c sea Is . 3723 lirdt Stnet transducer desiao. com· H•~ leocll poneots materials & o E methods. 1~~~~· ~·~·~~-I E.0 .E. M/F Duties Include dea1go, !- drafting, materials test· l•--------•I ---1 ine & R&D projects. General Office COUNTaHELP Mechanical Engineer· TYPIST- F /l, P /t, days, apply 1n "rson. 711 E. Balboa Blvd. CUD CAM•OMFG. for part-time Is vacation Interior & exterior Restaurant 7801 Clay Ave., H 8. coverage. IH4-031U . maintenance, fuJJ.time, Meyerhof's, J)t"lmary Stadol!Computer Corp, (W. of Bch. company benefits, must supplier ol eood f<>Qd to W ~•ndini· We bav• S of Garfield). Meclkel Office have food driving re-the I rvioe corporate v~c&lltleif for qualllied E o E M/F 3-4 days/week Mature. cord ~. communityoeed.l peoS»le ofa~d• Hlea 6 ulet ----stable person. Bkkpg. for undwi h _ .. , Call;<>RS tranacrlb101. surgery PlllSS PaSOH c m .... ne. 1u~~&aw-"1-4'-l'liGs11:> 3yra m1n1mum exp. scheduU.01 & collection. Fully qualified ofCset llmple food prep. Moh· ---~----- w /close tolerance Salary nea Resume to Mio 3 yean experience P'rl, l ·Jpm No ,ex· S~ISTIA.IMHS machinrne. sheet metal Box 108, S. Laguna Davidson 701, Ryobi perlence nee. St•r~s E1tabJtf6ed Clievrolet fab. Knowledge or 92677 with T51. Darkroom a minimum. Call Suaae de4le.IJ:lp needt layout, blueprints, & in· Medical Asaillant w t· plua. For Interview, call 5.5 __ 7_·6_232..,..· ______ 1 llJO\t,~ .r.ople in· ~pectlon reports Paid ed for office opeoin:~r 8551137. RESTAURANT FIT, PIT ~:t!'.ai.J: eoni:!~'!:: ms. holidays .. Appl~ at San Clemente General PIODUCTIOM sandwich man• counter Web'b ('714)494·1131 or IH«'i .... IHG Hydraulic hose com· pany needs person who ha1 knowledge or basic math & bluepnnt read· Ing. Irvine. Kendavis lnd.Co.5'().7839.E.0 .E. Delaney's Salty Sam's ing decree pref'd GEH.OFC.CLERK fast seafood restaurant Qualified candidates Diversified duties Ac In Newport Bea"h 1·s send resume to: Mrs .. J curac:> with fieurea ea Ricmar Eneineering, Hosp Front office exp help Plaza de Cafe (714)~ 1FlS35tM.artensV 11 River Cir req Back ollice helpful. ASSISTANT Gary's Deli, 752.5401 . I oun alll a ey Needed full or part·t1me 5~-.a. ..... HS 1 i (714)641--0280 634·Sl2S. 768-80:20eves. No exp. neceuary but · '-" an eye for detail & abih Reatauraot Eata Chevrolet, IHSUUMCI tytoworkatafastpace SGT.r&'PJllOHl'S deaJ,r hip need' " Excellent opp. for exper. MED IC AL I.ACK is required. Books on :%.\ STC motlv~'f: people In-· seekme mature counter ans · 2 l S 9 1 Vi a sent i a I Excell co help. Bilingual helpful. F~bricante, Suite 603, benefits which include PIT. F /T, days. $3.50 to Miasion Viejo, Ca. 92691 discount privileges, Cl.Bl( TYPIST Ener1etic person with eood typing needed for bu.ay managio1 general arency . No exp ne~esaary, but ability to learn a must. Attractive salary & all company benefit.a. Call Linda at 549-8161. CLEU TYPIST Work in beautiful sur round1np at the harbor 32·40 hrs/week. Pay commensurate with exp. Requires good typin1 skills, bookkeeping & general office exp Please apply Tues thru Sat Dana Pt. Manna Co . 24701 Dana Dr Dana Pt. Coc ktail Waitr ess / Waiter, high volume houae · Orange County Airport area Only de· peodabfe It exp need apply. Call btw 2 & 5prn, Mon·Fn. Ask for Carole Smith, ~8721. C-Ompanlon to live·in with elderl y woman , housework. Must have car. 548-33116. start. Apply at 632 Lido __ medical/dental, life ins , Park Dr .. N.B. __ DINING Rm. personnel, profit sharing & pension CUSTODIAN 1 mm e d for luxunous apt. hotel. plan Apply in person opening for expet detail Perm., full /part time J.C. reo.EY oriented custodian in opensnes Gd. working 24 Fashion Island.NB quality Fashion Island conds Uniforms fum'd E 0 B M IF retail clothing store W1l11ng to train. lo· _ FulJ.t1me position w /at lerv1ew by appt. Call I GEH'L OfftCE tr a ct iv e s a I a r y & Hope at 581·8115 Good typing skills, work benefits Ca ll Ray D 1 sTR 1 Bu T 0 RS varied. elec~nics firm 644-5070 -WANTED, Full or PIT Advan~ed Kinetics . 1231 ~livery Person needed New ultrasonic device Vi ctoria, CM E 0 E Good drivina record ehmmatesallpests&r0-Ca l1 _64_6_·7_1_65 ___ _ H u n l . B ch a re a dent.J Ground nr oppor GUARDS 536-2593 · no inventory super pro Full & part time All AssasU!nt f1t.s' Call Nancy 891-2227 areas Uruforms Curn'd Wstmnstr Ag~s 21 or ovtr, retired RDA Dental Assis tant _ Donut shop. Early AM Prosthetics. X·ray lie._ shift. no exper nee. App exper. nee Excel ofc-ly· D1pp1ty Donuts, 18S4 hrs. -benefits Submit Newport Blvd. C.M ~~=upon interview. DRAmMAH -------Part time Engineering D...talH~at draw1ng11. Aerocomp, needed lO preventative 957-6597 r oriented office I day wk --DRJV_---- to start. P08sibly more '"" in near futW'e. 495-4600 S3:92 to $4.33 per hour. -Hours nu. Shall operate Dental Hygierust for buay motor vehicle for senior office near So Coast c i t 1 z e n c e n t e r . Plaza ~ seniors to welcome No exper nee. Apply · Universal Protection Service. 1226 W. 5th St.. Santa Ana Interview hrs 9-12 & 1 4. Mon Fri Hand spuwers and pro fe&11onal knitters want ed" Will train spmoers 4992987. -~ HARDWARE SALES Full time/part time Ap ply 1n person Crown Hardware. 3107 E . Coast Hwy .CdM ----deshnatlon u nee Must Dental also maintain applicable HEAVY E9'11P. CUSTOMSt SERV. records. Must posse11 MECHANIC RIP. drivers lie. " be able to Experience with cranes, competent Customer OFC. Tape. Inc. 7ll·C W. 17th N PfhDAI . Sf OltfEll 'terested all upects of Servl,.e R•p •ss•-ti'ng Limited X·ray permit St c M .uo cc:<>c ow nng or u & auto~. Contact Gary .. .. .. .., · · .,.,..,,_,.,, part time openint: at Web)> (714)494·1131 or Agency's top producers req'd 646-3903 I i ~ N t B h L ,.ftfta..--~ ocat oos at .C .I (714 1167 c:1r:::61~ oc. MEDICALUCEPT. v-•°"'" Airport. Varyinedays& ---.....------,. ---1 Wanted for rt position TIA.IHIE hours , idealsupplemen I •SllA~TllSS• IHSURAHCE Must be dependable. er Rubber hoee products, l a l i n com e for ficient, & type well muat pua co. physical homemakera & stu SALIS 631~90 including back X·ray denu. Our proeressive, PEISOHS ---1 Takina applications arowine company offers 0 u ts tan d Ing op · MEDICAL FRONT OF· btwn 8 & lOAM only. opportunities for adv an· port~ities exp'd or ln· FICE· Nwpt Center. full· S l rat of I ex . 176 7 1 cement based on your exp d Salary +com· time 644-8722 Armstrong Ave . Irv job performance . missions. Phone Bob ---EOE. A Kendavis Ind , Pleasant working condi· Smith 95a-3W Medical, full ume front Co. tlont be 1.8 & over IHVOICE CLHK Wanted for lge Manne Hardware Store good benefits, 1mmed open· ing. Call 645-1711 JAIEGH IHT'L Sowth Coast ftlcna 1s now interv1ew1ng for sa les associates & alterat1on1st Ex - perience necessary Ex o((ice position MLSs1on Apply ln person btwn l VieJo . Requires P/Tmommg.s3hr1/day &6PM. medical. secretarial ex· 3-S/wk good telephone 2300S.E. Brutol per includme insurance voice, F.V. area. Call Santa Ana Heichu billin~~~l(~ 968·76386-8PM.._ (Next to McDonald's) MEDICAL ___ , IECEIVIHG CLEO ~~~~E~.O~.E~·~~~ RECEPTIONIST Fulltime. Retail BusyNewportCenterof. clothing s tore . Ex RetallclothingsaJes FIT fice. responsible. en· perience preferred dys, exper pref Xlnt thusiastic, typing p T. Hours 8 · 30-5: 30 Mon ben Call 1...arry n().1677, FIT S40-2023 Fn Call 644-5070, ask for Lag Hills. Kalle cel lent compa n y Mothers he lper after benefits. 3333 Bristol St, school l hr dady Selva C o s t a M e s a • Blue Lantern 661·1873 (714)549-8703. Retail Sales Receptionlst/gl!neral of Fast action , h I g h rice. P /T 4 hrs pr day to volume retail leather work Into full time. Call eoods st.ore in Laguna Pegl)' for appt. 549-7611 Beach needs mature & Nicolet Instrument exp salesperson for . --NANA needed for 2 sm. Bridal abop-part tJme. 5'6-1121 5.56:933! S~CRETARY A YOUD.I and fl"OWlng na· tionaJ ·~ertialna aeen- cy oeed1 you to assist 4 acco'tnt executives Mu.t atave friendly pro- fessiaoal phone manner, accu.ra~ typlna sllills ~ excell. o.raanizataonal ability. ReaponalbiliUe1 •imll'lar to account coor4_ip~ior. Phone 111 today ts?·s:JOO Exe aect.q to pres of t0· trntal service co. 10 frvme DI aJrport Dici. type.fil• plus light bk· kpr. Tryl arrangemts services for British clients Aero·spce exp- desirable salary open. 7U ·833·1464 for in. tervtew, Janitor P /Full time Xlnt children S3 50 hr, 4 day oppor for retired or wk Ref's 962 1915 semi retired lnd1v1dual ------ Office & shop clean up Newport Beach Law w/minimum maint. Ap-F ir m n eeds office ply in person at R1cmar helper/messenger. Must Engineering Inc. 11535 have· reliable car. Full Martens River Cir. lime 8 30-5 30, S4 per Corp , Irv Thurs, Sat a,. Sun. If you IECEPT10NIST erljoy sellina. llee Gayle i--S-EC_.__UT .. -.,-- at Un Bel Di on top level -Required for growing, of Village Fair Mall, Partt~sne, approx 21 international company 1194 s. C9ut Hwy on hrs I w~e k . Jean I Minimum 3 .Years ex· Mon-Wed. or on Fri. ~. per., word processing, , ___ .._ ______ (~ typing & good telephone lO..Spm_.____ SECUTilY •' Companion Driver 4 phy's act, mentally hao· d1c'p M·28, Prr SC/h.r 644.0634. 1-5$-7268 Tired of working in the lbta:n Cbalrlf. Class 2 lie. cata, loadeni. Vacation, dental office, but would PP Y e ore Friday· benefits. holidays Con Uke to use the skills you May lSth, to. City of tact Neil Kerney, Hugo havt! acquired over the 1 r vine· C 0 mm unit Y Neu Proler C-0 901 New Fountain VIUley hr., 20< per male Ask for (714)641-0280 Joyce 640..5650 skilla. Neat & organized Sales lmme<S_lat.e~g/full-" and not afraid .or hard • IRIDAL SH<>r• time. South Laeuna area CO MPUTER OPERATOR·Exper on Burroughs L9000 Lumbel' estimating. xlnt workinc conds. Medical & dental ins. S-5. 5 dys H B. 847-8511 years in dft!Ustry'> An Services Dept, 17200 Dock St • Term1na I Janitorial route, Reliable HUISE xlnt opportunity exists Jamboree Rd. 754·3890 Island <213)83J-028l couple needed o wn Mature woman aide to with the team o f Drug Store Clerk, exp trans /phone HB/CM care for handicapped customer service rel>s preferred Xlnt pay, 40 $6.50/mo. 581·2730 alert lady. Must have for Safeguard Health Hospital car to accommodate col- C a re Systems, the .hrs. Moulton Plaza WAUCLEIK ---------.i lapsiblewheelchr.9to5 C o r e m o s t d e n · Pharmacy. Lag. Hills. Raleigh Hills Hospital in JANITqt!t $4.SO per hr N B loca- tal /medical computer Mr Drey145, 768-3784 Newport Beach has an We have an immed hon 645·3953 billing & information £.&-.. -t...L... / 1mmed opening for a opening for a janitor. - -system Experience m gw-C. l"UllREMt Ward Clerk. FuJI time full time poe1llon 9PM Nursing dental adm1nsstrat1on Wnr.,.._ pos . a-11 evening shift to 6AM shirt. XJnt fnnge MUISES AIDES required, good verbal Needed by Laguna Hills Acute care hospt. exper benefl.ts package For 7 30-3· 30pm & part·llme work Good growth propei~ owners as· potential, benefits. Part time-Costa Meaa s o ~ a t 1 o n • salary Contact Mr Short'ft• d tspeedwrit· (; Pref. exper 1n retail I reen, 644-9800. clotlung sales. ng,. 1ood typing re· 546-l8Zl 556-9333 quired' ... ust be outgo· RECEl'TIONIST Leadine Mortgage Com seeka experienced re· cept1onist HEAVY PHONES Lite typing required Sam Spm. lllSS-lOSS -----lng, ~able &c enjoy SALES a but~ office dealin' Career opportunity In wllb ~embers & public. sports promotion & sales Exce.(l.Ut benefits. mgmt Call Mr c~. $900/ID(>, Niguel Shores 541-4117 Comlb\UPty Aalloct•ttcm (7H)•~ ·• ·-· COOIC Full time pos. avail. Ideal schedule. Excell. co. benefits which In· e lude discount privileges, medical/den- tal, life ins, profit shar· lnl 6 pension plan. App· ty in peraon: skills & the ability to industrial co ntrol req'd For interview interview call Liz Slot· 3.30·7 30pm Country work well with people. manufacturer co ntatt . Ph yllif> ten(714)&4l-1616 Orap-Club Conval Hosp. PleasecallDemseSmilh Fullt1me Wtll train Wttner. 714·645-5707 ply in person at 549·3061 at: (714)957·ll21 ext. 855·1353. -EOEM /F Avdvanced Health ---- #235 or send resume Center 1300 Bristol St. HURSIHG RECEPT10NIST needed lmmed open· : I l r •;·I l Sales & delivery dnvers SECRtT~ ' LAW AIM mes for motivated peo· person w .on . I Deluxe ofc ·OC airport pie. Can easily earn over m•cu:~· tf)_e charg 1 area, phones , type SlO/hr. Call Craig after P~~ n:.o ~~_on J.C ....... EY 24 Fashion Island, NB E.O.E. M/F COOK Cs.ock ._., For Newport Beach Co~munity Aaaoclation CIUbhouse Summer mootha, June.Labor Day. 7 days, llam·Spm & Tues. nights LIU 8pm. Contact Joan Tanner, 673-6170. with salary bl.story to· JIWB.IYSALES North, Ste 100, Newport RN, 7.3 30pm. LVN, Sateiuard Health Care WUJ train sales person Hoste11 Beach. EOE M/F llpm·7am, 3 days week. (SOwpmJ, Gen, olc, ad lpm : 951-41642. sec a ex per .. typ. min duties Gd Ben lnl &klUa a must. Bu.ay Systems, 2283 Fairview for fine reuiJ •tore io IOI IUR.HS Pvt 41 bed Con val Rd Costa Me~a . Ca Fashion lslanJi Mall. Now hiring P /T day Hosp. lmmac. with &d Barbara 752-'7551 Sales Qfc \n H .B. Phooe Gin• 92626. Phoneforappt. 759-1722 Hostess. Interview Jewelryst.oreinSo.Cout staCCioe Santa Ana Hts D.P S IM p S F t t rt . C 2·4pm, Mon-Thurs. 37 Plaza needs bright SA. 549·3061 --------an as ic oppo uruty or Fashion Isl d N rt person for office duties. l.Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiilii•-ilililmiiil DENTAL OFffCE en thus 1 as tic .& i r I . Center an ' ewpo 54().9066 ,. RECEPTIONIST TRAINEE Typlng req. NB area 631-1500 Receptionist N .B . lmmed. FITopemngfor -OFFtcESEltVICES pleasant group practice. Recept. /Typist in Beaut. HOST JHOSTfSS L A N D S C A P E ASSIST ANT RecepUonist 640-1122 Newport Center office + B e a u [ i tu 1 n e w CONSTRUCTION posi· Health care co. In Irvine Our #1 girl is moving . xlnt inceJ\\lve program waterscaped co n l ion . Must have alt has an lmmed openin1 Fashion laland coosuJt. Stop'! Take lime to relax 644·2507. dommium tract 15 seek round exper Top pay & for an indivtdual to join in& firm need.a someone and shop al home It's Ing "polished .. in benefits Please call our Office Services fast Phone & typms. Simple With Daily Pilot FASTFOOO dividuals to ueet pro-(7 14 ) 768·4751 from Staff Duties include Xlnt aalary + booiu.. Class1f1ed Ads And 1r Must be 18. Piua parlor s pe c t 1 v e buyer 5 9AM ·3PM sorting & delivering Call "Bobbi" 644•0783; you have somethm" to on the beach No exp Position req · tt ---------1 mail & xeroxing. Must n 1 ... 1a. ·v-. • wres a rsc LR'-_•• s-·y hn able to Uft 0 "' lbs. •--~--~-'"-"'-'""-----11e ll . call a friendly nec.873·1811 live appearance & abiU· ..__ I:"-""' °" "' F111e retail store nds a 8'1-3611 F I l I m e e x p e r --'--~-------•$ ilY sales person Oppor !. ~lP.'1l,.•lJ co. hu p/l (2 w /1d ben. Contacr d.,yl} tor good Ketarah at 768-8383 tyl>'lsoili'us, good Sales wfn~. some exp HELPWAHTID! req.~Call840-&500 ~ Telephone sales. No ex· SICJnAIY per. nee Excell. co Prft"ptt.t ChW'ch By benefits. Commluioo Ttrf! "Sea Mon· Fri. program & profit ahar· 9·l~JI(. General office Ing. Apply in person . duu.e.•~ Peonysaver , 1660 ---.~------ Placentia Ave .. Costa ---------Meta Classified Ad Viser at ---ty to communicate well REC.-r'IOHIST have a Calif. Driver's llCEPT10HIST 642·5678 frottt.,... Cltrits with people. Applicants Some exp. req. general lie For more Inform a-s• & I~ ..... _ * •SICRIT AlllS * * F/time Ii P/time. must be available to office duties. 831·5333 lion & Interview, con· 1 ~ -.,..,. S• ~cPrea/NoShS16,200 , I ' •1 p•1 A. S.c-a.. p/..._ work wee.lends. Uc or ---------1 tact : Terry Jones. art John Wayne AiipOrt F II •• Word ProcelaSl.S,600 . ••••••... I J I DI Hotel i';;"~euna Call non.Uc individuals will LEGAL SECRETARY 714-641-1816, EOE M/F or 1 persoo ofc. Need u or pan time. Male~ t.e J /C-OnstSlUOO ., 494-9436. be considered For in Position available to one !;!~~::~person Exp ~[0~~~ r ~~d ex::rli:e'f. P• /Varty$1S,600 • • • terv1ew contact Alicia who ha.s broad· based ex· optic a J tu h 0 ic1a 0 . Neal a pp ea ren c e . !'Jdlct; Wtant Ours e Classr'fi"ed Ad......+i.-: .. g • Fulltlme employee for 979-3376 perlence ln the areas or needed for Sight lnstru-Receptlorust. Prr AM , s Lasuna Beacb. 4"-eM7 ·S£ Agy, lnc • IGI U~ll electrical asaembly & ---------corp. eat. planning. menta No exp nee Will dyt. Airport area. No eh Eat '&t EOE Supervlaor for Classlrled Deeartment. e clean.up. Will train. Hotel Desk Clerk-Night Some bus. lit Beautiful train ~n Job · M~t be typinc. Phone personall· Sales P /T forladlu N 4 1133-8190/Free •Experience necessary. Excellent comp&Ay . 13.35/hr 645-9552. Auditor. Experlen,ced suites ln Fashion Island, iood w/handa 2523 w ty 6 neat appearance a speclalty tbop. Puhlon.f~~;!!l~·i'.·~~~::J~~~~~~ •benefits. Salary commensurate with . Full·t,me Broil•rmao, NC R 4200. Apply to NB. 35 hr work wk . PCH NB 644-ms · must. Laurie. 75'2·5lll l1laad. Flexible bra.1'!~111!-·ll!·l!,lll!!"!IJI~ Iii"'~----• • experience For appeintment for interview, '" David McNeil or Mrs. Salary commensurate ' · · Call Mimi 7~9951 i-..,..... call 642-4321. ext 277 • day or nite. Apply ln Baltazar. Hotel Laguna, w/exper. 644-651.2 Optometric oCOce, PLT. RICB'TIOHIST ••~ • • peraon, Mon·Fri, 3-Spm. 425 S . Coast H wy l be t t ln f'uUUmelloo-Fri. Muat SAUS::NCICIUf 2607 W Pacific Coast 494 ·1151 between Ll9UOltCLRICS mus nea ,oueo g, be penooable 6 well Part Unn!. Outaide, • ·;l frtal•wt •• General Assiorwnent •• Hwy, N.B.8*0201. llam-5pm. for new store near o.c. williostolearn. 847·59?7. eroomed, "enjoy meet· 1ltal1htcomm.11Tt.'7S63 Ji'l.ll :Svcea. fl rm' .,, YUL Airport. Exper. nee. p rt Ji ln1 the public. R«iuires l'•tlito•' taland, neeclt Secretary to L Time, p/Ume. Ana--------Wine knowled1e pref. I IRI 1ood •pellin1 " pen· E Salespenon for Boutl· ,top·-~c~ exec. aecty. •• e ~~orot' nee. Call: HOUSECt.EANERS Good pay for eood help. Co•nl igY°""' man1hlp. No typing. que ln N.B. P/tlme. exp. r:r~r,t~~y. ~b•llen•· Executive Office .• · To~/br,car.845-5123 Steve,640-llillS. c-i--Phone ••perience pre-ptef'd.875-:.>20 . I .(" e e ,,._ I ... I R L ~ ferred. F\111 company,......________ typ/ utlla a mutt. immediate opeolttl for versatile lndMduaJ. • " A 0 F C MANICUlUST·Elite new Adults with outstandio1 benertta. Apply : Pen· Saleapersoa wanted tor Noa ... ,.. pluae .. e Mutt be c•pable of bandllna fut.paced, e ' AA/Ar Houaelleeper wanted, salon, experw/clientele, attractive pefiooalities nyaaver, le80 Pl.acenUa attractive women'11hoe Xlnt. "4tatal/medlcal • varied and. lnterettlnl duUea for newtpaper. Con 1truct1 0 n 0 r be able to ttay xl.nt Joe. ou Birch St. to 1pend 1.5 bra pel' week Ave., c .M. dept. ln Fuhlon bland, ~ .U: '11'"'40-0 • e.xecut.lve II penonnel adminlltrator. C.ll: a u to mot I v e ex p . oveml1ht some wkeoda, •cross Sheraton Nwpt. couiueUna youth a1es Full or part·Ume. Ex· 8'2-Cl,Ext.mforappt, • neceuary. Oppty to reference. 94&-~0 or NB.'752·59'19 10·15. Eventn1• Ir perleoce preferrecl. • Cl .,. d 0 sile smes • learn, IBM tystem 3' 891·26'71ext1Z -....-------· Weekend.a,'75 llCB'TIOMST '40-7810. \ . SICllTAIY • assl le ut comiuter 1ood p~ MAIN P e r w k . C a l l for prn\Jfte Lido rHI AD=STIA-1 • " 'kt t' KouaekHper tlulblc 2''"" a "" ... tb Sal f l \ ''"' Sal .oo wot 111 con • • B.ICTllCIAN ...... .,:-pm. mon . ru estate of Ice. Randi• Hperaon or P •n E•paiq Jn1 reHard •n e~peraon to handle Real Estate . t1bn1 Jo1n our team bra , Ena . a pk lnl T h 1 1 Fri. Mt-4321 ext. a.a. pbones&execul.lvelevel atore, Ptr Ir weekend.a. llr!il•~ versatil•, • eve opment accourHt and automotive c;.trr·31021.nOranie . w/tran1. Xlnt wrklnl o • P comp eta 87' Aakfori.on.. ,,. cllenta. •1t·t--'••1kiJ'a 8'5-33121~. cr,r~.~--lnded lo· account. Mutt have at least .z )'UJ'I . cond N-Bcb area Yacht C.ll. Call Dick ~ ...,., 7 .,.... ,.. .,.......,... .. v a •""to provide e npertence. Salary pha commiaion Mu.t . · .. ,.. · LuckeyMUOU C.-• fill.n1 niquired, Walt, SALES p ERION ~ ~ have car, mlleaae paid Exctilen.t com~n IMllAL OfffCI Call eve 7«MI062 Mon· ,.. ~7JOO. . • MC~ •unort fOI • ~nta. For :f,polntment rcw Interview, cafi e Factor, office need• Fri t·S MATRIA&. SJOC w. 1 atreet ::=~~ 6 IOJJie A dila l t tr a tl v e • ·58'71, nt. 7· e t7piat •bo wlll aJ10 HooHkeepar, live In. HA.MDU.-OltaM .... Ca llMTA&.....r --~ · Excel. t)'p- • 8-6 e anaw•rDhon. doalm· Mutt underataod lmmed. opentn1 for Equal Opport. for L••111U'• leadiof •.&•-•"''• · ID(.j)t.:;bWb'toor· • ,.., r11111 Evenines • ~l-&1C>1iln1, il,a1ntain En1ll1b. F/Ume, much ~-18 c~rtt. ~bber hote ltmployv R.!: omc.. ruu tlme .•• a::r:;.'J,; ...... ~~~-.uln~~=t~ C• ... y .... c...r.. Hu 6 Juat ltnerally Ume off. Reta. Non r.:i.,. .... ,rcal'•~~.~~tlb•~ PART Time O.y1. Au. ~~ ... req. eT.sruuUor ~th.~~~~~. a. Newpe>rt Pharma· • • hep thlllll orpnlqcl arnohr,a1..as1 ~UUlll. -· ~rv No Cati ""w .., un .. ---• 11·91w LllhSt •Adultl with Out1tandla1 attracltve . for aeveral ditoraanl&ed ay. Takiq appUe.· . op. MC. : womn'a depl. Salary+ U m ' • penoaaUllu who toJOy ~ wtth 10.15 men. S700/mo. Mf·llllO. Houaelreeper/Companioo tJoo. bt"1l I fl lOAM OQ• s.te-ma F.01! a ,a. 8A.LISPIR.SON fv fOmml11loo, call for l'.""-H._.wa..._....,1...;.;..;.at.:...;:,;..n.;.;..._' e 1.aroJd youthte•enlo11 Mpin. caLl&t.i-'321 . Uvtln«<M. 11 Str&toflu. 17111 ,..llOMADM.. aai. ........ bt-.t· apPt. · e atJcabttwMn2Pmt.o~pm;aUorLOrt, e m.JOCJI. Atmmoon1 Ave •• In. Youna.clYIWftlt,:;leo ...... JllOcoaun.Htw THILOOI • EO~ A KAnd.avls hid., co., ..... ,_•per. • P /T olr. Newport MM100 0~ C.... • Co. reUremHt plaa ad· Pac.1.fte &.&•• • e For ClUfllled Ad 11 mlolat.rMar wQi -u.c D ,.. e ACTION .:!.~ =.:orn Ptr tr111t au't"f-baell· UITAUIAN'f ' ~ Wta fr11Y aStreet, C • • C.JJ a contrOl iaJoa.; N'pt ~ 1round. Pott loa ha-&1 aadwle• Maller bfa 1,,CA'. Oall7PUOl M21a0 • medhtelt ••all., All·IPll .1101.1·rr1. l:qual OpportunltJ Employer e AD:VJSOR • ,....,. 8"d DcihpplJ. .. 111 aallaaJUmt .llT·ITM • • ta-51"11 111·11N ~~~~---.........=::..;i •••••• ••••••• 8*11WJap(Mtwtf.bD~7'111d wi..t~ 1 WutAdJWp • ... .,. PWW ... Mi&. DUJ Pilat ta , . t . i • I • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Mey t , 1981 O S. IOH Mlsutt.•-IOIO ,._..It 0..-lotO ~ .... • 1011 ..... s. 1011 ...,. ............................................. . •==•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . WURLITZER, 1ploette 0 < z > e o R Ill Corn• r Oarai• ~.Sat/Sun i.s Tool1, houaehold 1tem1 Mother• 0.y1 Un.lqlMt ln model 4410 two 4'-note -y.._W-.1 7100 W-.1 71ffHelpW-.I 7100 -I II l•••P• ealm <Oven, 211 Apoleno, Bal hi S1t•·tandS ... 12rn3SZ expanllve 1111• '°' keybo8'di U pedal lri~~:T.•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••, ....... ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• but It. i001 , •300 I E a . Mlle:. Ir anUquea. Apel Ln, H.B_. _ ___ motheN 71~5919 aft notea, auto iooe coettrol, ~-· SlllPllW w..-11/ PUBLlCP\IRNITURE .. l·IU5-• THE 81 Cc r. ST Spm •;_'P~:Jock,llGll.:.-::: !IOfNt•rt UIUMI DIUY•Y ... ION ' •AUCTION• LI ThomuvUJe tbl, an 2 Family Oaraa•r GARAO£R 2Sc·? Oolf Whirlpool wuhln1 f:oo CH~ d.-TOPIXIC. • Carffr. In aaJee, 1aJea Party milal ltore. F'T · laid wood w/2 Iva. e lad Clolhinl~~~ tt•m: club1, ladiu • kid• mathine, livered. 54'7·1M5 SICllfUY . mana1eme.nt, .. 1.,, 6 /or PT. Apty 2ozs Toalh 7:JOPM derbk chn. '500/bst olr : ~~; 9 ,;:: 1 ;{b21>• cloUlee "•boel. 1portln1 567 8.'113. ¥Jr alectronlc1 t'O la +callTomFIMIU-Wl Newpo~_.M. -Lovely Bdrm uh, 673-8902eves.~0724 WhltUer,putMonrovla. 1ood1. raptorichc,,1 y Keyboard e lec pl:~o, tetkinl 1 career pll'llOO FIT chat.a, dinlnJ rm tbla, w...... A c M ·au come•' 32$ Either 36 1n ndh11 mower elec Rhodu 88 key. nt who Ukc. a 00.Y dealt, STATIOMAIY Warehouu pt"rtOn chn. child'• rocker•. Colonialtypehutcb mp uau.el' ve, . St c M (2blu So of start II hprun2hrs seso. •ound S45!»/otrer bu all.lll1 oC typln1 S tore In CdM needa dy1, Xlntben f:ll Bob refrlaeretor, itove. D>O OWO.._S. 20tbSt iwtteutolSan 8ft campersbellll25 8 •f7J._214_1_. __ _ • Owpm • ahrthd HlH1>9raon i'/Ume, 5 7iO-Ul 75 ;La&Hi _ PLUSLOTSMORE! 6311711 Clothei.f'umflure6autA> taAn•St> IM6-7909Sat ft PU. uUlilytrlr. S400 BABYG"''"~DP1'""'0 1 eed day1. Xlnt woritb\I con· -----S "'VE 1t .. v. S ""VE AIM" "'" IOwpm. We.,. • • do Ea.....U.,.,.<lltft Wo•k only ,.,.,.., ,. -n ,. Antique hend caned equip .. etc. '"'6 "°W ... ,,._..., 6'S·1942 Beau1uu11ooet.-., •·:~:.:.:::i:'s..:i!li ..... PbGne .... , ... , .............. P IT We ...... BofA, MC, Chi• ... """'""· 18tbSl.,C.M. -I065 Companion N1<he Alme , ....... .., -- l# 1 N appl Welcome new midcota C11bler a checks & 536,.M3Ueveoinp C .. T fi v· ----• dlver1uicat on. On· --· Hoipltality Hoateaa Caih NO PERSONAL _ _.__ 3 Families 11 roas..ey, ••••••••••••••••••••••• of lme Paca 1c 1cw Sporil19CJ..._. 1094 smoker Locatloa close STOCuaot(U neediafewaoodpeople C Hl-.:CKS PLEASE • Mu~l sell 2 new over Northwood Villaae. Oriental desip carpets, M814795'&50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~e~~I ~~~i~~'t~:j~ Tl.AME l c adred• .... ~y;:w r It er !'::,c!cta;;,a;~!:~~e. Jte'9-' stuCfed cbaan Ona. coat Irvine. Sat/Swt 9-S ~a1~~s~:~ ~~·~· ::,~: ROIERT WOOD 5::3!e:~~1Q~o°!'~: Colle1es.rada Oppty n nee .... · · MASTERS.AUCTION IMO, ask tmea. Other Gara1e Sale, Household 9113-5032 Oil Painlin1 ·r1tle 67~•3411 Ex c e 11 be n er It 1 Newport Beach aro for TICHHICIAH rt Bl d CM furn also avaH Sat. May furoiabinaa. clothes, J --lry -1070 "Laguna Beach" Sz ~.. ------pacllaae. Salary comm. hard workln1 en X-RAY 2075 ~Newpo v 2 1945TtresitaLn NB comm'l carpet, 4x8' •wt x 30" date 1947 Reply WANTED Scuba &ear in with ex per Only thoH thuai11tk lncbv Send re· Permanent position for 839 9625 6"-8686 646· 1M8 pyywood & much more ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kramer 229 E 6th St St eood condition only · ueltJn1 permanent sume to PO Bot 430, realatered X ·Ray Sal/Sun 9.4 21131 SILVER DOLLARS PaulMmnss101 751·81187 J m nlneed111pply. Marlton, New Jtr~ey, Technician Off1cew1t.b3 1-1 le 1020 8' Sofa. Uc new, earth Lockhav• .. C1r,HB 19 in "ood to xlnt cond, •mp oy e f "'"""'3 Orthopedic Sur aeons eye • • tones. Best otrer '""' • ... GA M E SHOW PRIZE ..., 1~-Send re1wne or letter o ......., &4' 8440 da . 548 1777 •••• •••••••••••••••••• • various datee, ...,..100 yrs 1 "', --. appllcatlon lo. Mrs. STOCK Clerk part time eve~. yi, MXRAC1NlitUK1'~ 1 64B-~aft 7pm LARGEGARAGESALE old, S18-S26 ea Call SILVER G l FT Hl,.,St.reo 1091 (tyle. 23891 Via d for12yruld&up Webcu Collectable, lpc student 10786 El Paso St. FV AnswerAd 1466. CERTIFICATE worth ••••••••••••••••••••••• tabrlc1nte, Suite 603, for ma!"llM! har ware Mffce.•llM Crome Redline forks. desk Oak Aaking $50 Motorcycle parta, knack 642-4300,24hours $1000 Will sell at 1750 Beautiful Color TV, 2 yr Mi11lon Viejo, 92691 stor.e Call B,:l0b~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1ood cond, $7~ OBO 847 0065f>ves knacks, clothes. Sat & --K-G G Id 546 921Sor67J..0340 wrnty Free delivery M•nne. 549-9871, ~. ~ .A.-"-.. 100 ""5·!1631 Sun 9.5 Unique 14 o en r-s1~8 646-1786 MJF/H _........... v• ood d · Di am on d R 1 n g Metalcabmets,oldalnk& .. · · I·---------..:..:..;..:.._:.._ ______ I•••••••••••••••••••••• · c For Sale Lil g con 1 S I · Wood (WGT "'~. VVSll l4KG · -..11 tbl 14"ColorT V -" Roadmaster 40 11 ruiser Couch & '-Orfee Table Cu de-sac a e m .... anlJque ""''ee ~ SICllTAIUIS Succesaful Person. Ex-WANTED TO IUY w /sp ring fork $200 bridge, 16-22, Bracelet & Ruby ring 64&-41411 646-1405 apldly expandtn1 pandlng bualrtess re· I buy old 1uns, 6442199 5489517 Irvine Sat 8 30·4 30 548-7356 ewpoJ'\ Beach/Irvine quires success oriented 1 diamonds, ivory, jade" -----Qual Furn Spc Maple Antiques, china, plants, ---.- · lpvestment firm bas 1m· person wanting to collecllbles. Call (714>1.UldlngMahtrlal18025 BdrmSet,7'cstmso!a. furniture stereos boatlnvestmentquahtyfacet ed. openings for the d1vers1fy income, must 972-4926 & ask for Dane. ••••••••••••••••••• ... •• 48 pc set Franciscan \'quip, toys, bikes.' ed SAPPKJRES over let following positions. want self employment. ....:.....---------i 15 gal antlqut! white "Desert Rose" incl are 6 ------ea Your choice, only Exec/Pel"SOnal Sec'y ca I I co r a pp t l ·------1111~-t semi-gloss latex enamel, be~t xtra piece, books Est ate Ya rd Sa I e $150 per stone' 640-8688 Execullve~relary 114 964-ltlEit. WESTMINSTER S7S 645-6490 on Antiques by ex Fri Sat/Sun Furn ---#- AdmamstraliveAslt ABBEY ----Ori.ental Rugs, clothes, St.unn1ne l..04 carat -: Junior Account.ant TEACHER's A.Ide want· ANTIQUE MALL IEDWOOO 2X6'S dealer Misc items &. variety of things 1998 diamond cert1!1cate ap· 'AIP. AIR Bookkeeper ed Exp 5 mornings, Dally 10-6, Ft110-9 Xlnt decking. 8-2Q' long 546 5419 R 0 s e m a r y p I ace praised $11 ,633, $4900 1 Telelype()perator 9·12. afternoons 4·6. Closed'Tue5day lOK ' on hand. 55•/ft M usl Sell ' Stereo ( c 0 r n er 0 f E bestS52·6339 Co. offers excel. fringe Susan, 64_0-_...:8820..:._ ____ 1 11751 Westminster Ave. 646·9885 anytime Console. nest tables-3 pc 2 o th / Ro se mar Y J MochlM-1071 • benents & advancement -Garden Grove 55+8103 bl t · ' 11opporlunlties Please Teoc~ c_.. C.ts 8015 wood coffee ta e-an q 642·6973 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'call Personnel, 752.0070 Before '&~~r school ii~~ii~iiiii;ii~·•••••••••••••••••••••• oak lamp tables·area 4 families: C.ompl. scuba Cement i:nixer ~ne sack 7 E.O.E. , hours Fulltime during WESTMINSTER Tor toise shell Siamese rugs-swag lamp-mirror gear, furn, baby items, h.p. Wisconsin engine school Vacations & ABBEY kittens, Huntington Qch 640·7179' l .. _ .. too'· stereo $125 Firm 968-9919_ 'Id area $50 960-1~ wa er~. ""· 'I --ho Iida Y s · Cb 1 re n ANTIQUE MA1.L -s piece Span1sh Dinette t v.. much more 1966 Mlsc.UCllllOUI 1080 Secretary Center Permit require· Dally 10-6, Fri 10-9 DcHJ• 8040 !>el. like new $125 Call Port Clandge NB offi••••••••••••••••••••••• menu 5'8-8849. call bet Closed Tuesday ••••••••••••••••••••••• after 6pm. 979 1473 " Ford 1 MacArthur Sat 9 4 LoY• laldons l&ilpm __ ___ 11751 Westminster Ave KEESHOND Pupi. AKC. ----640·0010 Helium Bouquets de· BRANCH SECRETARY TELEPHONE SOUCITOttS Hmng now for summer ells Fargo Bank haa Work 3 9pm. Mon Fri. n immediate openmi! No exp nee No selling 'for a Secretary in ou1 Call 966·0151 aft lpm._ 1 ~oro office. Telephone Sahl lnualified candidate Exciting vac.atwn club. -kbould b9'1e good t.yp1n~ promoting for re~rl kill,. (55wpm) and bf 1 ·condos7 nee~~ 3 l 6 ble to communicate ef briebt, responsible, am- • flciently Some on the bilious .people Gd ob training m the urea phone voice nee Guar f New Accounts will bf against comm Wkly. rovlded paycheck 3 p it sh1Cts Garden Grove 554·6103 Champ sire. M F' Pet & 8' blue sofa. S25. Curio Ii vered Perfect for s h o w P v l Pt Y cabinet. S7S 10' stereo Coffee & end tbls. 5 selec every occasion 673 4419 Antique square grand 213 697-134.saft6pm console w am fm, SSO t1on coke vending 549 0206 machine Baby clothes piano. Circa 1880 SlSOO. Golden Retriever pup Antique Hall, 270 E 17th pies, 6 wks, At<C, Sl75.1 A1rSpr1ng twja bed w Costa Mesa. 548 3111 556 7572 eves 1 bedsprd & dust rume --Like new Sl60 645-9442 f'or sale Antique Partners Detk. Very good cond. 1-14/7S2 7515. Eves. AAA Home Dog Tramtnlo! - Does your dog have good Bunk be<I stit. good rond , manne~" We specialize $125 Dbl bed, $65 in happy owners &. well Dinette set. $35. ~-1.294 mannered dogs C..38·9~ --Antq Eng. Wuk stand --Mo•inq-Mlat SeH desk. Marble top, inlaid Lhasa Apso. male AKC s pc Interior Systms AppllMcet 801 Ule $350 ~2746 w papers 1-'ri endl} wall hung Twn beds. Sl50,675·7141,9to5 tan corduroy tailored 20" girl's bike. Tape re rorder Misc No re asonable offer refused' GENUINE RUBIES Only S20 per stone' 64(}8688 Sunday only 9 t.o 5. 3265 Trlr mounted Welde r Washington St, CM. '400 2 Patio drs S20ea --642·1353 aft JPM B I G YARD SALE Elec Cart S250 1 boat & trlr $250 642 l~aft 3PM REDWOOD 2X6'S Xlnt deckmg. 8-20' long lOK · on hand SS' 1ft 646 9885 anytime -- POOL TABLE; exqu1s1le old fashioned mudel w1art1sllc piano legs 19" Color Sylvania Consule $75 Call morn· ings 640· 71li!_ Zenith 25" color console TV. S100 645-579$ eves. 833 8830 X694 days Slate Leather pockets 15 '' Color T V remote SlSOO \ alue. sacrifice control 6 mos old S300 $595 Delher Free 966 1363 8_~ 102 loots Ir McwW ReCrig, chair, sofa & Equf,......, stamp collection Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• 962 9858 G-..."°' tO I 0 Plants Ohve trees 1n tubs. orchids ferns, Many more. 549-4131 Ice !>katang outfit Orange, su.e 6 8 long sleeves looks new S25 631 4715 631 -0612 Karastnn wool 12 BY 18 area rug Sculp(ured g~en. fringed PP 6:1'1'-1889 WANTED· Air condt t1oner for a sash wm dow Load leveler or trailer hitch IBM Elec tnc corrective Selectric t.:v p!w rt1er 1s: -8967 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Non profit org needs your boat, plane, car, etc Liberal tax deduc· t1on advantages 21316!>4 2341 AVON RedC[afl Many extras, 40+ Seagull eng, gd cond $1050 544·0079 JO' fiberglass Sall • Motor New Make offer 536-7134 loat1, Maiatau:aace / Senlu f020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Marine Electnc1an Dest gn 1install /repa1r Qua I. work. 549-2520 eve We ofrer an excellent ' salary and outstanding benefits combmed with a friendly working at mosphere For more in formation please con tact. avl. Call 9-5, Mon-Fri., 543. 7957 or $CJ.8137 •••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR AREA TOOLrUSHERS APPLIANCE SERVICE Purebred bl11ck labs Have shots 10 weeks Females 631 5349 C.:ahfornia based dnlling We buy used appbances contractor seeks grow· -we sell recond, guar Ma le Poodle for sale mg foreman for Hunt-appliances. 549.3077 Reasonable lo right par ington Beach rigs Xlnt lluY Af'PUAHCES ~ 646 8~ covers. Man's desk and o(c chr. New Schwum t>xercycle. butcher block dining table 142 "1, 4 ra ne & leath t'hromecraft chrs. Beaut antq gold, etagere, glass & wood. 7' i.ofa. Mangnavox end la ble stereo, Early Amer cab s tereo, pictures. etc 83J. l737 Wicker table & 4 chairs, misc tables, exercise bike, many household items, plants .. baskets. collectibles Sat & Sun 9-5291 E.23rdC.M SAT May 2 Flea Mkl Sale .. 9.3PM at school, cnr Alderwood & East Yale Loop, Woodbridge. Irv. Kmg Sz MaU /Boxspnng S60, Dbl _Mattress/~x spring SlO, Exerciser $25. 640-5296 Sliding closet doors (Palermo ). (8 )93''·?Ix42 ''W . (2)93"Hx36"W. good cond1t1on. SlO ea 644-6579 loah. roww 9040 Musicol lnstrumeul1 8083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................•.. CONN Director trombone with case. Excellent condition. $100 675 8052 after 6PM 1978 SKtrJ.ACK. 24' w trailer Xlnt financrng Call Gary or Don 631 1400 i I Mr. Fcrquhcr 714-830-9800 ~=!~~e & ~ne~ib8x S~ Les 957-8133 FrH to You 8045 Bakersfield CA 93303 or -•• • ••• • •••••••• • •• • •• • • MOVING SALE Freezer. refng. stove, bdrm & LR furn . k1tch utensils, potS, pans. ap pliances, serv dishes. baske'ts, toys, sprtg equip . add mach . typewriter, books , clot hes, tool!!, lumber. lamps, antiques, pie lures & frames, etc All good cond Sat & Sun 9 to 4. 56 Beacon Bay, N B Call for d1recl10ns , 640-1199. Lab series. single stack cabinet w1four 12' 200 - 21 ' LYM AN Lapslrake Classic Bay Boat Needs call <80Sl327·S736 Whirlpool supreme elec· To warm & loving home tnc dryer for sale or w yd. exceptional Dobe. trade for gas 960-6265 1 yr old ma le, x Int Remember w a t l r a t e d 1': v c i. work )800. 67~2968 __ _ WELLS FARGO BANK Travel EXCLUSIVE Nwpt Bch travel agency M1n1mum 2yrs exp w travel agency Sai>e'r agts ONLY Contact Gaylene 645-nn Travel Agency 24S41Rockf1eldBhd • Orange Cty s abre El Toro. Ca equipped travel agency EqualOppEmplm1f1h pos1t1on for exper SECRET.ARY Versatile pos1t1on for person with accounting & sales order process mg exper Type 50+ wpm Call· K.H ~8894 SECURITY GUARDS Openings for quahfted ind1v1duals Good start mg pay Refundable un- iform deposits 9711 7243 & 638-8191 SEC'Y-DEC. Career opportunity with very good erowth poten- tial for dedicated, prof secretary who is not afraid of hard work & will perfonn responsibly & efficiently. Contact Mr Green,644-9800. agent Call manager 754 1555 TR.A VB. .AGENT Exp 'd comm 'I agent needed for fast growing O C Travel Agency Apollo e.xp pref Cheryl RJ3 0492 TypeHf /P.,.,.._ Min 3 years~perience 1n both areas Quadratek Capable of full-charge Art Dept. Darkroom experience a plus For interview, call 855-1137 --- TYrlST General ortice work, no experience required High School graduate. Costa Mesa area. Will be moving to Irvine soon. Good benefits. Farmers SEC'Y/RlCEPT. Insurance Group, Fu 11 t 1 me . Varied 540-4100 ...iuties. typing 50+, or· • E.O.F,.. _,, __ ganizat1onaf's.kills. peo-1----------1 pie oriented Adva.nce- me o t opportuni t y Irvine Chamber of Com- merce 641-1667 ---r--.---SELL AVON FULLTIME EamS&-$1.0prhr ... Call964>-lli22 SEWING MACU!NE OPERATOR Sall loft exp. 631-1&42 Typists IOHHDED Long & short term pay No fee. Top Single needle operators, experienced Lots of work. full time. Infhop. For interview cltll 498-6520 Npt Bch S56-85W Equal Opp Emplyr M IF want Ads Call 642·5678 ~,_, ~ ~~ 4' Work atter school and on Saturday getting ne:" cu a tom era for the area s lead ng newspaper. Btg S Plus prlat. trlpa and bonusee. . c .. •ce..c. 642-4111 .... 211• Equal Opportunl1y I!~ eve watchdog 641 8378 Refrigerator, S200 Loveable older male Washer & dryer. S125 ea Col he Gd watchdog Gd All A t cond 646 5848 health 63Hll83 Trundle bed, hardwood l>tdes. custom cvr & bolsters Like new S300 or bsl ofr 640·2743 Natural Knotty Pine Ta , ble 51 .. round w 2 22" 4' long Le.Gourmet solid Lr g s Pa Ye d f e m lea\ es & 6 <'hrs $325 maple cooking stand. Doberman. excellent 1631 5009 w s pice & pan rark, watchdog $40-3758 $450 673-3122eves F di ·6--11 ale Cut velvet 8 ft daven raen Y yr ~ < m port Sunshine colorlt, Maytag washe~ & ~as n e u l c red (, o Iden beautiful Cost 1950 ask dryer. gold, hke new. Retriever to l(ood home 1 n g $ 1 5 0 1 6 7 3 2 $300 both 759-1176 Lon 631 lln> Golden west. JIB Refrigerator. frost free. Hans nds you M • 8mo 8055 excellent.tikenew$250. Blk & Brwn Shep, GarogeSale 548·8513, 548-4485 Keeshound mix 968· 1124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · aft 3 All in gd cond 8ft couch, Washer & gas dryer. noral Twm beds, misc clean. works eood $75 & Fumtture 8050 548 7891 S8S 548-8513, 548---4485 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Garage Sale, Sat/Sun 9 4 3120 Lincoln Way, C M Lots of goodies FURNITURE & GARAGESALE Reel. chairs, sofas, tables. lamps. uphol chairs. smk.s w counter, ht chair. playpen, other child items. misc Sat 9 ·4 . 1900 Port Weybridge, Nwpt Bch 498-8329 Mother's Day ~~i~ & 801s Moy I Otll ••••••••••••••••••••••• Send a mess~ge lo Mor;n s m 1 t h c o r o n a via the Dally Pilot s l t r Model 300 Mother's Day Pa~e d~~;r~;ndtlion J150 Your message will ap C II Dalebout Bav & pear m a pretty nower s!ach Ask for J~net box For information S h 631 7300 and to place your mit · - message call 642-5878 Office furn Mui.I 11 TODAY ' quid ate 1mmed Prac Frank Hamilton orig Waler color, 18"x24'' Early work from 1965 A beaut winter scene. a brilliant art invest S3500 (7141796-2080 lass top table on barn boo pedestal w14 de cora tor chairs $350 646 2876 t1cally ne"'. ideal for com put er co 4 oak 2 31' Chris, VHF, CB, encl head, slip avail , fun boat, great shape S8900 or orr 644-9895 aft 6 pm. 38' lertrmR SF. letter th• n.w. Save o•er $40.000. Ow11r. 675-6670, 67).4515 33rt Owens Brig S /f'. radar. pilot, Halon system, gen , new Crusaders In Nwpt shp s.n.soo (714)64(}7246 Tappan dlx rnitrv wave · * * I BUY * * touch control\ 'iil.ra lge. Good used Furmlure & Only used 3 m~ $350, Appliances-OR I will sell 640-2746 or SELL Cor You Furn . wash mach, '79 Buick & misc items. All xlnt cond Fri, Sat & Sun, 5-1 lhru 5-3, 10626 El Toro Ave., Fount. Vly. MOVING SAU Used carpet. xlnt cond. Rugs, lamps, books, hi-low, avocado green furniture. pictures, etc 161 sq. yds. ·S2 yd. SAT /SUN 9·5 2939 SS2·0760 layer shelving for t'Om '74 Thunderbird. 24', deep pulers, 2 white form1ca v. Cuddy cabin, Vanson s ecretarial des k s, I Trlr. Bait tank & pump orange chair 2 brown Full canvas, many le;ither exec choirs. 2 xtru $8500. 661 1438 brown tweed exec ------ cha1ri., l oak work 15· Boston Whaler, 70hp center wtwhite formica Evinrude Less than 20 cab across top, 2 walnut hrs Cover. trailer SS800 desks w 'secretanal re 673·8910 after Spm turns w / w attached '77 17\.-i ' Tn-Hull. l30hp, credenza. 1 engmeermg Volvo 4 cyl. 280outdrive. table. 4X9'. 966-0281 . Walk thru bow. Seats 10 Whirlpool Washer 6yrs pld S75 557.3795 MASTERS AUCTION 646-8686, 83).9625 GIANT GARAGE SALE Moving to Australia. Sntl appl.. Cum,. girls Catalpa, EastbtUlrs, NB. --- I IUY FURNITURE IOI Les 957-8133 ...................... -- H e sold owner must Waterbed gd cond. Qn 8~'ft new hardware, pwr size-complete $200/bst a nd hand tools, ofc offer 641·8234 equip. new Ce 1 los lOOOsq ft. of beautiful of g u 1 ta r a • m. o Ped s · flee rum for sale. all or motorcycle, 63 Cad, rt 646_..lll.. panel truck, etc pa -- AUCTION WAtERBED Queen 11z . Sat, May 2nd, 10 am shelves, quaJ mattress, 23611.eruth h e a t e r . S 1 5 0 I 0 B 0 Santa Ana Heights 631·0883 SE of J . Wayne Airport. •----~-.--;_-;_ ___ _ take CdM fwy E on Bristol past Campus to •TOOMUCH• Spruce. tum S Overstocked coQdition · 'MUST SELL "'1 our in· clothes. motorcycle. etc TWO GARAG& SALE Sat 10-5 ~l Buckeye, Comm. pinball, Npt Bch, E .bluffarea. luggage, typwriter, vacumm. kil /hshld items Sat/Sun 10·4 2040 2044 Vista CaJon, NB (the Bluf_fs_> __ _ Garage Sale furn + Iola more. 1657 Texas Circ1e C.M. Saturday 10-4PM Oak furn., sew mach , ---Duncan Phyfe sofa. TV, Avon collect1bles; cos· misc. bsehld items. etc. Neighborhood Garage Sale May 2nd & 3rd. 8 JOam. Brus kingsize bed, hide-a -bed sofas, lamps, 13rden hose, furn .. & misc Items 968·6736. 8611 Lorraine Dr H B (Magnolia & Yorktown) tume jewelry, misc. Must sell. 20221 Crown hshld items Sal. & Sun Reef Ln. H B Adamll It 9·3. 114 Amelhy1l <al· Magnolfa Sat/Sundm_ Jey'>. Balboa Island. Includes: New dead venlory. At Cost Or Best b o1 l s . hands 1 wt . Offer! No reasonable of-E v e r y thin g G o es ' buralar !. emek e fer refused' TERMS Fri /Sal. 95 297 Lilac Patio furn., tedwood & wicker: Ml5' Item!!. 390 Antiques Victorian love seal, old books. bibles, a letter signed by Albert Einstein, pair of Mary Pickford's tedd ys Jewelry· Wm. Rogers silverplate flatware. svc Cor 6, S7S. 14K rinas & other jewelry. Sony portable stereo cassette recorder w /Am -Fm radio & Garrard turnle ble SlSO Sears gas ienerator, 4500W never used $800 Three genera til>n sale antiques to mod. See Olmes·a ·line ad Saturday. May 2 207 Mesa I>nve, CM , Sat Sun. Please not before 9am. P•ts 1087 people New upholslry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Single axle American Golden Retne\ er Pups lrlr $'400 840-3410 __ AKC Reg. F /S2SO & ·°62 Chris C rafl 18 ' M /S200. See parents R bout w/trlr S2SOO 831•0517 una · 645·2338 Malucaccan Cockatoo l', yrs, male. Flr lo ceiling 8' PF1beErg.lass dDmg$h3yO, 02 cage. $9()().968·1962 H vinru e , - - ---548-7468 rlano1 & ?nJ-s 8090 ---.- ••••••••••••••••••••••• lB' baycrui$er, red&: wbt 5'8" A B Chase Lout!! canopy top' Characte~ XV Ampico reproduc-boat parade winner 1ng &rand piano Slip avail 673·7873, Completely restored & _67_3_·7_6_7_7 _____ _ rebll Piano originally bit in 1921. Like new· etod mvestmeot Collec tors item As king S20.000. Hammond Organ · & Plano Center 30' Stephens, last survey SJ0,000 replacement. Sl0,000 market Sound hull, aood eng Needs paint. l6a496-7M!8 Sell idle items 642 5678 CdM 644-8930 alarms. pine wrenches, AVAILABLE Lane shovels, levels 8" tilt 21 I 2 S. lrt1tol Much Misc. looh M..W loafs, M..-. loat1. MariM lo.t1, M ..... ~~r ~~·n:~: "i!i~~=~ B.~~~~'i' BLOCK GARAG-E-SAL_E_ •• ~~ •••••• !~.~ ... ~~·~ ...... !~.~~ .. ~~·~ ...... !?.~~ .. ~~ ....•. !!»!'! Santa Isabel C.M. Want Ad Help? 642,5878 auto key mach, air 9AM-SPM, May.2nd Sal. stapler. gondolas, 1helv· --only Rio Villa Dr. Anti Ing, wire measure, angle Sofa· bed, 7~'. custom , Bch Golden west & drill, 1tep ladder, band twJll, blk/gray pattem, Slater truck, CB a.nteMu, 4 &d cond. '75. Mt-t5'79 ------- moped• whls, Urea, -Huge Sale Fri-Sat-Sun part1. SU.zuld, Moped: Chrome/Glass.42" Cof!ee 9 5 Antiques, collec· whls, tires . cellos, Tbl $300 paid S600 VI.king llbles, loads oJ fumlture. harmonicas, audio vis· Furniture PP 846-8964 French Provincial sofa, ual projecton big&: •ml 40'1 rattan llvln1rm. 1pltr1, GarUd changer, BDRM Set. dresser. ~tr iame table, dlnlna sets, multimeter Lalor, file ror. nlte stand cabinet more, everythlne priced Cab, a a f e ., N ~ R hutth w/drawera 2 yrs to sell. 355 Rochester, 1wllchbrd, rblt 93 Cad, old looks brand new. c M. For direction• p a n e I truck • n e w '650. 646-3405 MS-9288 aquarium 1upplle1. In ·---------1-=~.;;..:.:;.:__ ____ _ Oril box•. ClrcruleTV, SAT May 2nd, 1·5PM. fum &: mucbmon. SUMM£1 20292 Ramona Ln, HB. M•lrChllrVtaa Clothlna, VW parts. sm. ffonored 1 SPECIAL appllancet & houlehold NH--& Auoc ltem1. Auct.loneera/Appra!Hn ll 67 n.. Da W.J.J29,120ZME 17th, nn II N•l1hborbood Qara1• Senta Ana ba 0 t'•ALl.)'OU ply Sa I e . Baby fur o ., ConaloiUpMay9lb fora • houHhold ltem1, lots Top v•de autA>moUve 301nday •d more. Cedar TtM Lane. toot., eq\llp Ir machlOta. the Unlverttty Park. lrvlne. Cell for brocburo DAILY tAJI Sat. May Znd. San ~ 1'l! PILOT Dle10 Frw1. So. on SllVICI Culver, Euton Dl~T lltcbelaon. DOITNOWI NEICllBORHOOD 1•,_.~ SWAPlll:&T Yovr1>au1 Pilot Sat. t-2. GUl J'.d-. Pl'kt S.rv~ Dlnt10rJ .nr • ...:-1 • fta,,,....tJve lot, 801..a • "'1Cltu111I. 64Z-M71.'l'Jitlll ff..I 8 """'· lwWNn nleome • ...-1a1o. The leader for 1981. • • Af f ordably _ Inexpensive-~~~ Fashionably Priced, ... ~ I ' '• ,. ~ ., ·--... ·"' _' ... ...... ,..... t040 fwWt .... 9160, ... •.h.. •• A.Wot, l•p•rtld Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May T'. 1981 * P.a ··~···················· ................•................................................... ao. JllPORTAl'n' Chevy Luv ·• Lontb4MS, .... ,., 9701 W... t 720 AMtoa, M•w. tlOO,Atttoa, New tlOO AMto1, New tlOO Wot, N•w ttOO 1te'::'u=v:1: H.P. NO'l1CZ TO AM / r Iii ca11 stereo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••-•••••••••• •• •••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••• • ••• • • •••••••••••• ••• ••• •••• • •••• •• ·~ •••• •••••••••••••••••• •• • 54loUr7 ~ ~ge~~~J ~~1.=pel' ·~11· Rellllllller $99 •• lloat«ey liAJ.DJ bl. Tbe price of ll•M• M .._,,, Day Beloa ,_ Sl,ZS0/080. advertlHd by veblcle '7t Ford pickup. l ton. l1m1 S JOH atomic 4 eoi. w/2·1 deal•ra lG th vebicle lumber rads" t.ool box· w., Iott. r • d u c t I 0 n t r a n '. cla11ified adverll1ln1 ea, new Uiet " nm1, Send a meaap Lo Mom Complete •· ._,. W. columns does not ln· l&OOO. 754 7985 via tbe Dally Pilot '1 OVER INVOICE elude any applicable M h • o p lttb St. Cll; 13l,tJIS; &ens, UcenM. transfer '72 Datlun PU, ru.oa 1ood. ot er 1 •Y a1e Alta Ml-19 1 Your mess•&• will ap. ee1, finance cbar1u. Sl.2M. 14$-7$18 pear ln a pr«ty nower SALE 20'SIOPJACK ~:rJ:~fe!~i#:!'J: -----box. For Information W /Trlr. II 50 channel or dealer documentary ,77 DATSUN P .U .' a nd to p lace yo ur radio I hn. only on rbtt preparat.Jon charaea UD· amtrm , radials, 59K ml, meau1~ call 642·5678 111 H.P. llerc cruiffr 1eq otberwiH specified $5200/0B06'75-31l8 TOD_A_Y_. _____ 1 ua. t7500 "4-Slll7 aft b th d -•-"'a...a....o 9705 ON ALL IPll 1--'Y'--_e_a_w_, ua_e_r. ___ , MOVING-MUST SELL :'!';.-;;>.;~;;•••••••••••• ~.f1 '76 Oat.sun w/11hell, best 210s 310s '71 21' Wellcraft Nova, XL. rully equip w/trlr, VI Volvo 25511.P. like new Sl2,000. 8'2-2921 cly1, evea 731"°"3. to.ts.Sal t060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll' Hobie Cat. Good cond. Trailer, cat box. 11750 or . bat ofr. Shella, call 559-9133, Ben 552-97~ 25' RACING Kat. .-rs or offer. Newport 27$, 1917 Bristol. "SaUed by UttJe old Lady fr o m Pasadena". Inboard. loaded. $21,000.. PP. -492.3744 -9520 offer. 875-1853 LEASE DIRECT! ...................... ---------1 PRITTIUT '57T-llRD IMTOWMI IEST OFFEll! <OCWKZ> THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD COSJA ME SA 647 0010 '46 Ford Wood ie, restored, $13,500. ALSO '29 Model A Town Sedan. 4 d.r , restored. Ideal for 1tude1lt . Sl 0,500. 875·6161. ,_, '510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '11 Dodae Van auto, p/11, p/b, re1. aa1, S1495 648-1678,640-0417 '79 Dod&e van , auto, air, P/B, P IS, FM, 19K ml, lllOOO. 556-9686 '76 GMC Loaded Custom paint It tnlr PS/PB, AC Ster, Craeaer .-hls . lo mi Rea 1as, sharp, beat ofr. 754.U:Uor493-6300 1981 ALFA SPIDERS IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752..0900 '73 GTV FM radio, new tir es, Just tuned Dy 497-2406, ev 497-4331 1974 Chev Van New AYdl 9707 paint job. X'lnt body ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cassette stero $2195 77 AUDI --s unroof 4 speed. air. & lRUCKS l11c"-lllg 4X4a IN STOCK! Invoice does not Include dealer 11\Sl.Uled options. Sale ends Monda,,_, 5/4181 at close of bw11 ness. Copy of ad muat be presented at time of purchase 673-0160 NeWport Beach. Dynamlt'el. Fox 2 door NEWPORT Allto1 WClllhd 9590 very clean (779SPZJ to.ts, Slpa/ '48 Studebaker Land ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• $3195 Docb 9070 Cruiser Xlnt cond. Sell w E p A y TOP DOLLAR JIM ....... 111 .... 0 o ATSU N ••••••••••••••••••••••• ortrade.4.93-4761 f t d """""" o r op use car s VOLKSWAGEN BOAT SUPS FOR RENT NPT BCH. 25•.35·. 142-4644 IOATSUPS For rent 846-4419 Newport Beach 1Up. lmmed. avail. Call Tom 645-0222 Wanted : 17' ·111p for Johnson Hull Cla11ic 648-413Q btwn 5-tpm. Priv. dock. Balboa Cov- es. Mu. 40 ft pwr boat. Rt:1trlctlon1 S225 87J.l"9 '73 Saab 96, GL xlnt cond. Ori& owner. Lesa than 50,000 mi. $2,000/bst ofr. Call McGowan d ys 646-4431, 642~197 eves '67 Imperial Le Baron. Bit w /blue lther int. Best offer 7~0150 ,....... ¥.Wein 9530 IA.NT INDOOR OFF- ROAD SWAP MEET. Saturday night May Znd. Orantre Co. Falr- ll'OUnd1, Costa Mesa. 24 Hou.r info. 498-9177. • foreign, domestics or 888 Dove Street classics. If your car is 18711 Beach Blvd . NEWPORT BEACH extra clean. see us 842-2000 FIRST! 8] 3-1 300 '72 Audi 100, ~pd. $1500 ~ I or best offer. "78 280Z, amlfm, a/c, 4 !73-1732. __ spd, xlnt cond. 46,000 mi. 78 AUDI FOX must seU 1mmed $6950, Dynam1te2doorsunroof 857 l322~S,S52·~ev. #I 111 o,.-.._c_.. with automatic & air ·73 Datsun 610 wgn. good 2925 Harbor Blvd Very clean (535XDF> cond, very good mpg, COSTA M ~A $4795 $1600. 831·91216 9 79-2500 I JIM MARINO '78 Datsun 510 Sdn. dlx in· WANTED!! Clean Imports Top Dollar ,akf!l VOLKSWAGEN . 18711 ~ach Blvd I t ext. AT, air, AM/FM 842•200" 1 cass stereo. lo m1, mint ! _ -I cond S«OO 7S9-9030 ~~~·!~••••••••••••!?.~!! '71 240Z. Ne;-paint. rblt Trwportatloa D ... llll)9Y Psis C oU Jim HOC)cm ••••• •. •••••••••••••••• Body. en,., whls. etc Mike L* or •59 Bug F.yed Sprite eng, new tires. new w/hardtop Xlnt S2600 shocks Mwit sell this C•p•n. Sde/ 759·0244 aft. 6pm Cre•llr Moton IMt 9120 ~.Race. 835-3171 ···;~ ~:;~-·· .. . ~~ ........... !~.~~ liiiiiiiiiiii!iiii Dynamite Westfall• camper. 4 speed with only 49,000 miles. (4UWXA) $59'5 JIMMAllMO YOLICSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd. 142-2000 Cabover Camper, Joni bed mini trvck. l82S or bat ofr. Extru. MS-6314 Moto!:t~/ Sc 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yama, Kawa, Bultaco Dirt S300eaofr 2430Hol- ly Lne N.B. 64$-1496 SUZUKI T250, 2 cyl Slrttt Bike xlnt cond '500 M0-6481 '81 "GAZELLE" '29 replica Mercedes, Prim rose yellow w /blk fen- ders, VW drive train, $7500 call aft 6PM 64()..0967 WhHI Drfy" '550 • ••••••••••••••••••••• 19719UIAIU 4X411AT Thia 4 wheel drive has Jow miles, la a stron1 runner It is priced for a quick sale! C315TDX>. MAICIOffH Offer good thru 514 /81 TIMMOHS VOLKSWAGEH 3940Cherry Ave. LONG BEACH <OPEN SUNDAYS) l714Jl21-ll01 ..... ~llDUf Or Sell You.-Clean Import On Consiqnment111 Call Our Used Car Manaqer TODA Y111 831-2040 495-4?4~ Saddlebaclc BMW Mission Viejo WEIUY CLEAN CARS AND TRUCKS COMHRL CHEVROLET · IA or Ill\ d I I IS I \ \11· . \ 673-9211Kelly wk . S3599 t bi.t ofr -549-2096 IMW 9712 ---- •••••••••••••••••••••••Flat For The Best • • • • • • • • • •••• •••• •••• • Buy Or Lease Deal ·73 850 Spider, lo m1, In Orange County conv. or hd top Stereo. ComeSeeUsToday' mags, hke nu, $2650. & SADDLEBACK BMW 28402 Marguente Pkwy Mission Viejo Avery Pkwy exit (offs Freeway) 131-2040 495-4949 _Closed Sun_da_y_s __ 1 CREVIER 557 ·7287 --- '75 Xl9, xlnt cond. amlfm tape, new paint, 30 mpg. $3300/obo. 675-4378 Honda 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VISIT YOUR ORANGE COAST All makes, models and colors. Classified Auto Advertising '71Triumph650 TR&C, &d cond. Call Fred after 6pm 131-*'S. '74 Blazer, rebll eng, air , new tires. S3000 . (189PP1) 760-8820, 499-1613. 546-1200 &I SI 6 H OADWA't' SAtollA A"A 835·3171 TH' ULTllllA ff OllrVlHO MAC'!IHE HONDA HEAD9UARTERS TODAY!!! UNIVERSITY SALES&SERVICE OLDSMOllLE HONDA GMCTRUCKS 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540..9640 in the DAILY PILOT Dirt Bike, '74 BSA, 500 cc, Uke new, .00. CaJI Sun- day, 963-5941. '78 Honda XLJS9, UK like new•. M5-UM2 ·ea BSA Victor Special. 2100 ori1 mi xlnt <'Ond. 9850080871-7532 '71 Honda Hawk 400cc, xlnt. falrin1 as helmet, l850/0BO. 535-7952 '81 Yamaha 650 Special, 2500 m11es , like new, Sl.800. 411t-2286 '72 SUZUKJ 250 street nteks 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Pwchale!! Lowtillaage! ltl04tpd.-51pd. D..._PlcllUp'1 Tre•1ulo111 Savillas!!! MalredOwa .ct MOAlllf ,.,...11t1 BARWICK DATSUN '>a,. Juo,. C op1\ITCl"O 831 -33 11 bike, clean as fut. new 1 _________ 1 paint, U00.980-6'81 Yamaha 400 Endro Xlt. con. Low Miles. MOO. 551-5916 '·if 41onct. XRIO. Runs &ood '300/obo. Great for Starten. 840-13111 Gerry. ~H ..... S./ •ClteT.MU'IO LUY 1/>foll Stab with dual re8l'JI Ideal for lanchcapera. etc . <Ser. 6056). OMLY$59'1 HOWAID CMYJ'OW Dove"QuailSta. NEWPORT BEACH IJJ..0555 ' .... /S ..... fl60 ......................... 1--------- WE CAN SBJ... YOUIR.V~ W.UCM • RENT: 22' lux. mtr bome. Slpe 6, aell-cont. SUS/wt. + 8• ml. N0-.1585. ,,..,..,, ...... tl70 197tGMC LOMGm PICKUP AutomaUe trans., pwr. 1teerin1, stereo tape, flber1lua 1beU • ONLY 20,000mllesl (11Jl7). OHLYS5995 MllACU MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd. COSTAllESA ... ......................... 64"5700 '77 Terry DW, eaee. Ufl, "1--_...__ _ _.._ ......... __ _ jaclirl, a /c, Uh new, '71 Toyota PU, tool box, tnoo. 751-llMS tood Ura, 58111, '3250. 22ft '72 trall•r • '11 '71-$980 aft. 4· Cbry119r car, complete '79 Toyota SR·5 Sporta hoollup,IMOHIZ-o5a Tru~ll . 51pd, am /Im AIM kt, .... ,... .. 1&ereo c ... ateelbelted & Accau 1 IH t4'ff r.cilal1, buct•t seatl, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 50,000 ml. warrant)'. ..... D~Z motor. + :-:r,;•· 7 17 BhM, Jl .. coad. •,000 ml. Call 0.0 SM-1111 or 551-41122. '71 Ford F·250, 1reat 1bajN, tool bOx, Nl()C) 010. Brad 588·2880, -.1Ht HIGHIUYY Top dollars for Sports Ca rs, Bugs. Campers, 914'11, Audi's Ask for U/C MGR JIMMARIHO VOLICSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-2000 TOP DOLLAR II PAIDFOR GOOD&CLEAM USED CARS! miracle mazda 2150 ........ d. COIM Metc1 645-5700 WANTED! •USEDIMWs• '76 2002 4Jlpd (0603) '793201S/R 15894) '79 528i S/R 0076) 'BJ 3201A (OHS) Cloted s-day1 76 IMW2002 4 speed. Very clean local car ( 123RKL) $5895 JIMMAAIMO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd. 142-2000 --- The Most &citil!g Part Of Your IMW PwchaM Or LIOMC...I• Mclaren IMW!! IYJOrLHs. ly o .. PltoM Pim! 1714) 522-5333 ORAHGE collNTY·s Late model Toyotas and Ol.DEST Volvos . Cal l us TODAY!!! liarle Ille TOYOTA·YOLYO 1'66H--11•&. c .. t•lo\•'"' " '46-UO> w UO.f4'7 ~ Top Dlllar Paid Sales-Service-Leasing Roy Caner.Inc .. Rol)t 'koyce BMW 1540 Jamboree _!fewport Bea.fh 640.8444 '77 BMW 320i, 11lvr, 11nrf. A I C, stereo . Dys 848·3109, eves 646-6010 ForYourCarl '77 BMW 320i, black, xlnt JOHMSOM A SOM cond, R ecarro pkg, Llllco .. Uarcwy Am/Fm stereo cass, air, 2ae Hart.or Blvd. 1Jloy1, rdp, best offer. Costa Meaa 540-513() Wltday1 aCter 6pm : ~-OIU. w.,., ·ovER ........ For You:rOood vw. Poncb9 or Audi '758MW 2002 U1ht Blue, anrf, steno, air, Lk nu Xlnt buy '499$. &&5-8809 '720 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 71 DA TSUH 2IO% VW •PORSCHE·AtrDJ 07namtl9 4 1peed cou~. WE. CouUllway .,Gold beauty, v•ry clean. et Ba)'Side Drive ( .. UDD> Newport Beach 613-0800 $69'1 Premlwn prices paid ror any u.ed car ( fotttan or domelllc > lo 1oodcoodlllon .. See Ua nrwu JIM MAIUMO · , VOUCSWAMM 11111 Beacb Blvd. IU.JOOO -, ----- Autos, UHd !Autoa, UHd 1~11to1, Used !Autos, UHd j Autos, Us.d •.•..••.••......••...•...•....••...........•.•......••.•............. , .....••......•.••...•...••.•••...•..••.••..... f f f -.. • . P.4 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 ...... I•• 1rtM Alltoa, ._p1rt.d Alltot, UMHI •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._,.,,rtH Alllot.hleport.d ......... artH .Allhtt,l•porhd ... leyce 9716 Y ... w... 977 ttOI C--. 9917 ••.......••••.......... ····•·•·············••· ....... :. .............•........• : •........... , ....................... ••••·····•••·······••••·······••·••··········• ••.......•••••.....••.. • 71HOMDA Meri:...... '740 ...... 9740 ...... 9141 •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. 74 YWDAIHll I -.--a... '17 Covert, new &op, new o,aamlte cvcc 5 apeect ••••• •••.-•••••••••• •••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Im ROY Deluxe 4 door waaon 4 tlWI 111 c b ell n rad I a 11 . Hatchback. Clean wttb 'ft 300SD. h.u•~leaeJ 1p .. d -wltb air low M ..._, Da Am/Fm rua, wire pub low mll•. UMWRN> SELLING YOUR met aray, anrf, luxury LE.ASE CAIVllt mu ... Sharp! ci44i.10> -1..-S J cape, I cyl 250 eni. auto 1ltt5 MttlCEOES! Int. 125,500. ~•: DIRECTI ROLLS·ltOYCl $2191 M9J IOlll tran1, NII ml, Xlnt JIM MARINO WIPAY 759·t11~ves. ~wk nds. • ~t'::11 JtM M.filUMO ~nd a meaage to Mum cond. Sl500 "7-2111 YOUSWAGIEH TO,DOU.AI IS •79 OOSL 28 ooo ml .....,.. VOUCSWA... vJa the Dally Pilot's '79 Camaro, auto. P IS • 11711Bea1h8lvd. CallJacaBacon loaded. ltbr i'nt wlr~ 1911 l'IUalOT CLOllGSUNDAYI ll'JllBtachBlvd Motber'a. Day Paae P/W,rad.,St750 ' 14J..2000 JIM SLIMC*S wheels, Caaaett, Mint TURIOI S.-t7'0 142-2000 "(::: :"~~tyw~!!;. ISMllS5. Honda Preleda ·a1 fuJly IWOITS cond. BeatOO 760-9588 , -....................... '73 BUS/cuat campr, DU box . For information '69 c•u••o lWJOHarborBlvd. llACH IMPORTS and (o place your -equip,allveraportmodel COSTAllESA MGI 9744 IM80ove8treet L.EASE btka, clt~h /ena menage call 642.567'8 l owner, clean, auto, $'7500173-3233 8311278 833-9300 ••••••••,••••••••••••••• NF.WPORT BEACH DIRECT! -:1~c~!1t1om lnt l2980 Alan TODAY! ma11, 307 eng. 2 barrel J -I 79MGI v __ .. _..., carburator, dlfltal __. 97'0 71J..0900 •MC 9905 clock. am/fm 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 280C. XJnt cood. Must ROADSTER '71 s I lr pd "" fl '8'1 Jaguar 3.8 MK ns all tell f7500/0BO 752·2404 New top, AM /FM stereo Ponche 9710 1911 SA.Al (' rocco, a . ,.. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm 995-89118 orig. very well main· tape, excellent condl· ••••••••••••••••••••0 • AM /fl'M cau., clean, 76 SPortabout wan 6 cyl tatned Muat Sacrifice dya~ 552-5417 eves. tlon, one owner car ai 0 J A N T 1 N D 0 0 R TUUOt '6000 Firm. 95u 25o PS. AC, stereo: 1 Sl995'. CM•rolet tt20 8'6·8570 '62 190 Bluapunke, cln, nu low miles. (406'19G ). P 0 R S C H E *REDUCED• 49K miles. S4().g472 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "--Ghia 9734 valves, .e t c Sl800. HOWS5477 SWAPMEET May 2nd, llACH IMPORTS '79 convert, yellow w Wela ttlO 1t7' CHIVIOLIT morns. ~7051 Offer 1ood ... , .. 5/4/81 24 hr lnf0, 498-9177 Ml DoveSlreet blk top, '8200. 878-8'135 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHIYIYTI COUPI ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' 1 • N•WPORT e•ACI' A i G TIMMONS '89911 XlnlCond. llhr lnt. ~ ~ ~ '71 ISTATE utomat c traru · air '5p8 hla 1850 en1lne '78 Blue MBZ 450 SL. VOUCSW•Glb..I alloys, mus• ••II 71z.ot00 Late '79 VW Convertible, w•~~ cond , AM/FM radio & orache alloys. new Dark blue leather, soft ........ 0,...~Av..,..e. ....,,•::,,.. white on while 7,000 "",."" maa wheels <<XSORIX) tires. interior 980-2545 ti ht bl """' ......... • T _,.......,. 'IO S b nni'OLJ 11 M 1 A i t a.( top, I ueext.39,000 LONG BEACH aa wu • m ••· nt cond apac ous s at1on ONLY $2595 ..,._ter8. _ miles, atJl/fm cassette, •OPENSUNDAYS> 0 7 1 Porach• 914 A·l cond FM CHHtte 8739174 wa1onfromBu1ck This MIUCU.._....,..,,.....,. ..... ___ ....__ •-9740 alloy wheels, new Pirelli ' • 2 ODO 87 .. 1 f1llOO ~ hunter green beauty has _,.. -~-ndial tires Complete (714,121-llOf •1 OO / ~ 109 · ' '73 Super Bua. new rullpoweranda veryat· 215-0HarborBlvd •••:wiW:ii'Mu;'••• ch .1 831·8300extl4lvemia_ Torot. 9761 Ml r helln1 , am /fm tractive price COSTAMESA , aervice recor avat · '77 MGB mlntU095 .7• Pora""he 911s, oak ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1teteo. clean, 12895 <l32VWA) 645-5700 11·2400-lOOO+SD OneOwner.Loadedwtx· 67J.8293 u "' Toyota •,7 Corolla 98011377 a ·: SAVE S$SSSSS tru Car lJ like brand green. Sl3,t50 Days . Liflbaclt S&, S.P<l. new • magnon Earlellte's new $26,975 Call Gary '78 MGB. beautiful. 768·70Sl ,evei 9Sl-'18lll tlru /br•kea , $3200 '71CONVERTIBLE 1t77CHEVIOLIT TRANSPORTATION Bisel 714 /642·4283 or priced to sell, $4850 PP. 'll8llUPORSCHE 8S7·2302."4..oel5 While w/black. xlnt. MOMTICilLO ~ St...ung eNew BualneH Acccerdl11t •• CeNfenllle--....eM ..rOIHilloM C.. (Ito. 17tl0 ta 1l'Ut) ell (llefM>ll• ...... -.,,.. .. under • flcillliou9 1111-"'"'I .... • tlal•-111 wttll Ille ColUlty Clef1I •nd hoe H Pllblllhtd lour ''"'•'In • lltwepe(llef Mnlnt ltHt •••• 111 wllloll th• .,.,1l11•H le locet•d. The 11910"'0111 h ••qul••d by law a11d I• llOCtHefY It! IW04'alllf yo11r bualn•H 11•111•. Mo11 b•11li• require ptool ol IWnt to o,tt11 co"'m•rclal ~._ Tll• DAILY "LOT provldH lloCtl 1111'9 •1141 1M1ll41Catlcwl -*-•·We have an IN _. .. ,., lo'"'' •nd -•1111in • d•ll• •••vice lo tit• O••nt• Co11111r Coun"-llttltr at• b' one ol our convenl•nl olllc•• 01 pllon• 11,. Ll!OAl Ol .. AIU'WNT M2-u21, 1!11 332 lo• mo•• lnlor,..elioft end lofnte CONSULTANTS 714 '7547188 na-4460.675-9325 2 yra on complete bealofter ~8597 . Automatic lran1 . till 645 4211 G Toyota Land Cruller '7~. pont1ac 549 ••oo wheel, cruise control. ____ • !!J '69 MBZ 280 SE Coupe. Opel 9746 reJ1tore,Andla11erviced. loml 1321()() '70 VW New Ball, Brks ..., pwr ateerin& & win,---------' .• 73 ....,.1~ Clean Sll.000 64~6990 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f1900/0B0.'493-34118 • ....,._, Louk•~ runa &real dows,splltseat,AM/FM r--------.. -.....,.... 57c 1460 --2480 Harbor 81 ·al Fair Use the Daily Pilot Xtra sb ... rn 220 sedan or ~ Must sell in 1 wk, '73 'llO PORSCHEl56B &11150 day1842·6M3 C""ta Mesa stereo tape & ra~lye • -r Opal Gd cond n~t Of '79CorollaSIUllftbk, AC, "" wheels ('OU>'T'UIT) "Fallt Result"' service Autqmallc, power steer· ' · ....,. · New clutch, tires &·bra, ..,... "• ing, air All main rer494·8614 S6000.ll42-0lll0 AM /FM 1tereo. radl1l1, '71 VW Bu&, areal cond •77 Reaal, sunroof, new ONLY $3995 directory Your ten• n c e records e.geot 9741 good ·cond. *4950/.bat ofr. New brakes. Por1che radials, 50,000 mi, S32SO. MllACU MAD>A service IS our i.pec1a1ty C806PKW> •••••••••••••••••••••• '67 912 Porsche. AM/FM 648·8697 maaa . beat ofter 673·5990aft.4. 2150HarborBlvd $4995 74 pRtllft.EOT casa, .xlnt cond. S6300 or TrhMtph --9767 673·~· -COSTA MESA ~ b t f .... ., "7"" '68 Riviera, FM radio, JIM MARINO Diesel! 504 aunroor 1 0 r . .,... .. '"'----••••••••••••••••••••••• '68 VW Convt. Xlnt cond, S500 firm. 497.2405 dys. 645-5700 VOLKSWAGIEH beauty. Papers on fruh .72 BllT Cpe Yellow TRIUMPH 1200, 4 pass. Recond It eng reblt. 497.4331 eves ---- Call 642 5678 ext 322 I l871l Beach Blvd enalne. (059LFF) mag 1 FM 8 tr k · convertible, xlnt, ap· $4700. <213)'71MH!321. -Woa, Hew tlOO AMtos, Mew tlOO 142-2000 A l"THORIZEO SlffS sharp '9750M2·~ ' pearance & mechanical. '66 Sky I ark. pa rl I y ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---\I EHCEDES HE:';iZ JIM MAAIHO ' makeorter. 673-7032 '71 SCIROO<:;O restored, Xlnt cond. in & ~ak e th osl' good DEAl.f;R VOLICSWAGEH Little Is 8111!! Classified TR6-409VNV S2.000 Lomi.clean 751-7631 out.98,000mi Nutrans. SEE OUR NEW household items you're HJI l7<10 rn:;.1700 87 Be h ads are really small brakes & minor eng not using a\allable lo 1 11 ac Blvd.' ··people to people" sales Needs body work, eng, 76C-w1111) overhaul S59S '080 RAM NEWPORTE~ CUSTOM VAN CONVERSIONS !lome other rumily b) ad - -• 142-2000 calls with bag readership rebll, hard top96()..0194 Blue Great fun X 'lnt 646 9418 · vert1smg them for !>ale S~LL 11lle item!> with a and big results! To place v .. sw-9770 cond Musuell 494·1555 -------- 1 n C lassifil'd ('all Dally Pilot Classified Have something to sell~ your claccifaed ad. call ~·· '72 Buick Electra xlnt Ad 642·5678 Classified ads do 1l well "" ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• '67 Baja. new pa ml, new 642 5678 ----today 642 5678 -1 1974 VW mt. snrf. am/fm stereo cond all tux optio,liji, I own, $2100955-2117 Autos. Used Autos, Uaed Alltos, Uaed I FACTORY CA.MPH Sl900 760-1179 ------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 4 speed trans .• AM/FM Cadlloc 99 I 5 I ' . ' ~ I ~ • ' I • I ' • j ; I " • ' 1 ''·t· ·, s9997 '. : • ' ~ I j I • : I ' ' ; I . • NEW 182 MERCURY LN-7 .57"5 I NEW 18 I MERCURY LYNX 55811 (9'18~) I NEW '81 MARQUIS WAGO.M ~ ZS .-... SI0,108 ( lk< 11381111 I I NIW •ao M•CUIY :Z.HYI ·51397 stereo la •-tr ' '64 VW Bus, rw\S great. ••••••••••••••••••••••• pe .. ex a nice · reblt ene. trans, needs <B77MGB>. body work 963-6134 ONLY $4995 MIRACLE MA%DA 2150 Harbor Blvd COSfA MESA COHTEMPUTIHG CADILLAC? I .\ ',. ! ; t, . I ; • • •• I t r •.. 'I t \' .''. : '' : •. r11 ]r 1:. I 645-5700 ~'71 VOUSWAGEH COMYERTIILE 1977 Rabbit Deluxe 4 spd AC AM FM $3995 Clean 557-1773 "68 Bug, runs Xlnt S725 499 5754 We specialize m leases for the business e~ ecut1ve & professional True ks, Vans & 4X4s We're your Ram Tough Trock (;enter' '79 DODGE Loaded! (03373). 4 more Vol•o 9772 at aimilar savings! ••••••••••••••••••••••• LaNJe Selection Of Mew 1911 Cac11K1 Mow ht Stodt! 58597 79 FORD llOMCO 4X4 Priced tor quick sale at #I VOLVO DEALU 58597 OHLY $7177 IN ORANGE COUNTY' Offer good thru 514/81 TIMMONS VOLICSWAGIEH 3940 Cherry Ave LONG BEACH <OPENSUNDAYS> 1714,.21-130 I '74 YW Sa.EUUG AM -FM cueeUe 1tereo. $2200 or best offer 953-1717 IOYWIAlllT Cuatom 2 door 4 1peed Air, only 7000 miles Very sharp. (lADl..698> $5695 JIMMAR.IMO VOLICSWAGIEH 18711-Beach Blvd 142-2000 SALES, SStVICE AHDUASIMG OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPE~TS EARU llCE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 646-9 303 540..946 7 75 VOLVO Dyn1m1le 242 4 speed Air condatJoo Origma1 sharp car <003023> $3995 JIMMAIUHO VOLICSWAGIEH 18711 Beach Blvd 142-2000 '73COUPE DEVIU.E Here is luxury at an af· fordable price. This top of the line 4 door Cadillac in beautiful brown has full power features <330JNR J a. magnoo pontiac 549-4300 2480 Harbor Bl.·al Fair C06la Mesa '79 PLY. TRAILDUSTER WAGOH (Dle2I '71 DODGE liMCHAIGER 414 Qltltl '71 CHEVY V AH COMVHSIOH l-~ 56997 •'78 EL DORADO SIAR· , .. ----------------• RITZ · Lealher interior, MARK HOWARD ORAMGE COUMTY VOLICSWAGIEH VOLVO tilt wheel, cruise. Lie. 478DOF 16750 -Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury · Costa Mesa 54().5630 'It Pl.Y. CH.UW ·"''"rmm.-71 c*" ...... Cft. CDl'l'MI! Larae selection of LargestVolvoDealer Volkawageoa with com· an OraneeCounty! 14997 12497 petltlve prices. BUY or LEASE . Uowcwl DIRECT 1973 SdV, xlnt cond. S1600. TJQtlYY 7fMIKuaY ~~~!rN•, Like new leather, M lchelins. 6"2-6368 ~ ..... •Jttl 7t'°9 = 14497 71C"'" Garden Grove 1O120 Garden Grove Sh Garden Grove 530-9190 '.::C '31,7. c-. ...-! '4697 71 YW SCflOCCO DyRamite Bruil brown melallic. 4 1peed, air, 1tereo, Very clean. (079CSl1) $56'5 JfMMAllHO YOLUWA4HH 117U Beach Blvd. 142-JOOO ~~NDOOR VW · PORSCHE OPT ROAD SW AP WEET Saturday Nlcbt May 2, Oran1e Co. Palr1round1, Costa Meu. 24 boor Info. 714/4111-91'1'7 IOVWDllSB. Dynamite 'L' Model 2 doot, 4 ·~ wtth fee· tory air. Very aharpl (719ZSM) ""' JtMMAllMO • YOUSW..-e 1an18'Mlt•wd. IGIOll .. '7190MI '77000H ~ "'--'' .. "'""""' 12tt7 '3497 S<luth L<>ast Dodge 2888 Harbor Blvd -Co .. ta Me\a 1l40-0 .UO Z)tW«( IJ 'P~ Wll ... r1.,;. ....... .. ·510000 OFF the AdvertlHd sale prices below, when you pAHftt this coupon! lotter good...,.. May 5, 1911. All con Hbfect to prior tale.I · 197' PONTIAC 1971 OLDS 197' POU TUMS AN C ...... ~ Cpo. L#f:ledl CaeMtte. etulN, full utomatic, power ateerlng, 1lr .,_,Ind more. (12~A). , 150 miles. (1561 ~ Blue 1>oc* Blue book t7H5. $6700. D.Jl.'S \ALI NICI .,.,,.. WI NICI 56995 1979 IUICI ................ 4 d06r, full power, atefto .-. CNIM, a1 .oeo mil• (1653). ah.- book 18121, D.Jl.'1 IA&.I NICI ~5395 1975 IUICK 11.-.c,. . ull pow•;·auo roof, 48.000 ml tlful earl (014&·A> D .U. '$ SAi.i NICI •rn1t1 lllC... Full POWer1 CrulM. atereo. 8.940 Of1g. mltell (9013-A), Blue boc* "421. ..,,.,"I MU NICI ·s5395 .· I• Alltot.UMd .UMd Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 ee•eeeee•eeeeeeeeeeeeee .................. Ue•eee ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C .. •NW 9920 •tlMal.. 9tJO Pord tt40 Mefocwy 9910 Plldo ttl7 Alllot. UMd Alltos, Uaed A,etto1, Mew 91001 Auto,, Hew • 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• .,. ••••••••••••• f ••••••••••••••••••••••• 77.... •'74LINCOLNMA'UKIV •'81 FAIRMONT with •75 Mere waa pan * '80 PJNTD wltb ..tloc "61 9'65 Tb Is fa ml I Y 1I1 e ha• power wtott ow1, 1,000 mU•,8 cylloder, Io ad e d , p S I P 8 '. ecooomy ' cyU,t;id•r1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C h evrolet 4 d oor Is power •teerin1, fuctory powe r •te•rlnt AM/FM rark 84().TI02 Power 1teertn1. POl"O SUHltllDSI "78 P'JREBlRD Esprit at>.olutety a bea utiful •Ir, itereo Alaf/Fttl, Ult automatic transr:nwion' - ' Factory Driven" with Lookln i bars xlnl cond loaded w/x· car. Soft btl&Holor with wheel, crube control. Lie BIG151 · "5ff0 '. •'Id MERCURY BOB· radio. Lie. lltZEP · Real ~a1'!.·r9 Com!'~! tru. pp ~9 9'44 days, m atcblnt Int erior. IHtber interior Lie Jobason • Scm Uncoln CAT ~ ,._ ..... ~ ---' 1479'7 · Jobmclo 41 Son and ue th'"' b'Z' -e 552·70l3t!\<~ R 5e1TZV · SM97 ·Johnson • • cy ... ._,r , • •~· Uncol.n MettWY . Coeta "' .. <tlZ ED> •Son Lincoln Mer•:ury . MerclU')' • Costa M•a tinted class, "Ford Fae· MeH ~5a0 • have! We'reotre 1 Ute a magnon Cotta M .. 540-~0 540-5630 tory Car" Uc. <Mn' PQ loweet prica ever on our 'T1 FB, f"ormuJa, blk le ---------• S.791 . J ohmon " Son "78 Bit 6 Wht Pinto lood enUre lnvtn~! aold. loaded. vry clean . c........ . ttJZ '79 Granada. Lk DU, Xlnt Lincoln Mer~ury . C<Mat• cond vnder IOIC ml, a magnon k200 848 3431 ••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••• mlg, 2Dr, Muat Sac at 11 .... a , .. ,,. ........ .....,.,,./080~•.•...., "" $3800 937 1747 ft 5 ..,. ....,._, _,..,., ,.... ~ '74 Fireb1rd 1 owner very Pontiac 549-4300 IC9079•Cv!!!IT~lrL.ETOP • . . . a .... 9952 '71 Pinto Wp, 2empg, • ' •udp. ~~nl ~L.!u llres I tune •• , • 70 Ford Ranchwa1on. •••••••••••••••••••.... Xlnt d s:z ll50 · -~ UIOHarbor 8 1.·at l"alr Automatic trans • aar Great la ml I y car. '75 Muatana n clean 4 ~~~rl~S ponuac 549-4300 CCIAa M•a cond .. AM /P'M s tereo $700 /obo. 494-6931 on·tbe·flr. 4 • cyl 191. tape, Vette ma•,. & till I -. ..... 9960 "~0"'H bot Bl t F-1 wh-1. (-"'XD.-). U.Cola tt45 11;ver, new pa nt, ..,.,... ._., ar .•a .. r ...... -" Michelin t lre1 S189" ••••••••••••••••••••••• COila Meaa ·11CH1VY MOMYICARLO Low m Ue1, loaded . <<JSSUCD) · ' O .... LY $1 1 &· 95 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' <I " ",.it * '78 TOWN SEDAN luUy firm' 548· um aft· 5· Trade your old sturt for new goodies with a Classified ad 642·5678 • 1977 Pb'. Volare St a . 1--,---------------_ .... _ ----------------'--------.. W aa. PS, PB, AC RH. '2990.557-1773 MJ~~bo~~~A lojlded Including power ·~Mustang, auto. 6 cyl, $3995 COST M°"J · windows & seals Lux· cassette p s v t xJnt A ER ~ urioua! 1..ic. 233UKH • ' ' " ••5 B d d 64'"5700 $5950· Johnson It Son cood $2000. 54&-1238 u aracu a , nee a '71CorYett.t Leather, T·top, 16,000 work, 5400. Lincoln Mercury · Coeta '75 Ghia, oria owner. Im· 962-6U6H.B. Mesa 540.5830 mac. cood, $2500 Pvt miles, sllver·red 11. Must '79 Llnc. towncar, loaded, party 7~1996 PCMltlac tt'5 SHCar'! (PAUL'• xlnt cond., xlnl main· Uke nu late '79 Must. SK SadclelllldrlhAW tained, $9900 /0BO ma, AIC, PIS. AM /FM M wion VitJj •> 831·8031 S.5 wkdys onJy. stereo, spd control, war· 131-2040 495·-4949 • •• rfcll 9947 ranty t1I '83. S62SO CaU ClosedSuoda!f_s __ ••• !•••••••••••••••••• 644·5442 ~~ ~ &31.aD> SHOWIOOMCIOHD. '70 Maverick, 6cyl, auto, '74, Extra sharp, lo ma 's '75T·TOP 24mpg, runs goad S750. Gas saver. 4 cyl, 4 spd, SEE US FIRST! Power brakes, power _ 642·1158 nu pa ant, tares, brks, We have a &ood selection o f NE W & USED Cbevroleta ! windows, power st.eenng ercwy 9950 $2350 540-7371 wath tllt/telesc oping •••••••••••••••••••••• Id bM 9955 steering wheel , air. ORANGECOUNTY·s 1'"° AM I FM St eo ••••••••••••••••••••••• er • rear Ft,..EST CONNELL CHEVROLET ~:l<ll.1•l••t llhd • •I'> I \ \11 .-. \ 546-1200 window defo i:ger. " automatic trans. Snow LINCOLN-MERCURY white with Burgundy in· DEALERSHIP terior 27,000 mil•f'S. Im- maculate lhruout l 18100. ~-~ ,,,,,.~ 754·6790 or· Ans1o11er Ad ~ T' M.t Sell #209, 642·4300 . 24 liirs. LINCOLN-MERCURY 16·18 Auto Center Dr. CLEAN '73 MONTE C-r 9933 SD Fwy-Uc Forest exit CbA R LdO. inStl l vier Awl/ •• ~;;';•••••••••••••••••• IRVINE ur1un y er or r cond .. AM/FM cassette, •'80 COUGAR XR .. 7 with ~30-7000 b _._ · tilt, cruise. s t ereo, ---power r-ea,steenng. power window1. Lie •'79 MARQUIS 4 door SlSOO 768-5837 l.979 OLDS CUTLASS SALOM IROUGHA.M 4 DR. Automatic trans.. split pwr seats. AM /FM stereo, pwr. steering, cruise control & more! (126WZG). OMLY $5599 MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• TRAMS-AM SI Larae 1eJection ! Take your choice from '77 to'8l's (41kTEL> Some bard to ftnd models at ·rmijnon pontiac s4t-4300 2480 Harbor Bl.-at ,.air Costa Mesa v·7s PONTIA C PHOENIX with rally wheels. radio. power steering, ractory air. tilt wheel. cr uise control. Lie. 111019 · $3997 · Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury Costa Mesa 540-5630 '74 Vega Wa,on. Eng nds work S400orbet(>(r 646-5604 183ZAT . S7950 . Johnson w 1 t h r a c t o r y a 1 r , &SonLincolnMea·cury · AM /FM stereo. Lie Cal1642-5678 64S-5700 Want Ads Costa Mesa S4o.56!IO 627YBO · S56SO Johnson Atltos. Hew 9100 Allfoi, Hew 9100 AMtos, Mew· &c Son Lincoln Mercury ••• •• •• •••• •.••••. •• •••. ••• ••. • •• •. •••••••••••• • • •• •• •• •• • •••••••••••• •••.• •••••••• ••• •• •••••• Costa Mesa 540.5630 '69 Cougar XR7, .151 VS. '76 Chevy Suburban. big auto, ate, S600 eng. Xlnt eond $5000 842·3255 ·79 Zephyr 'Cl, 13.550 ma, (213)790-6321. -~---9935 AM FM stereo. AC, PS, .,_,... PB. Ghia model. crwse '7 6 MOt41.A ·~··•••••••••••••: •••••• control. $499() 857-2879 2+2, 4 cyl, aood •7900DGEOMl'.lonly -.------~ mile age, a /c., radio, j 23.400 m.ues, autpma~ac • 78 MONAJ\C H with transferrable warranty transmission, radio, Am Fm stereo. power 557-3527er759-0060 tape deck Lie 51!lXKA · wmdows. factory air '75 Nova Custom 4 dr, xlnt cond , A/C, nu paint , good gas ma $1950. 960-6481 '76 L111.U1a. blue. whale vfn ·tnl, auto, s wiv bucket seats & more. Xlnt cond. $1950. 6JL!!78 Chrysl.r 9925 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ '78 CORDOBA with sun roof, AM /FM stereo, beautifully equipped Lie. 205258 · $4152 Joh.nsoo ., Son Lincoln Mercury · Costa Meas 540.5630 '76 Cordoba blk w /burg ant. AM /FM cass 8trk, nu tires. aar. lo m1 751·98111 $4287 Johnson & Son cond1t1 on1ng . Lie Lincoln Mercury Costa 008UNQ . $4997 . Johnson Mesa 540..5830 & Son Lmcoln Mercury '71 Dodge 340 motor , Costa MesaS4o.5630 trans runs. ne«1ds re· . bu1Jd1ng orrer trade • 80 ZEPHYR with only 960-7884 · · 11,000 miles. 4 cyl.mders. -· - - -bucket seats. stereo. '66'Dart 2dr, 6 C) 'I , auto, License 601ZEE · $4797 · runs good. s.575. Johnson &: Son Lincoln 645-7578 Mercury Costa Mesa 540-5630 9940 •~------~r • • • • • • • • ••• •••• 11 • • • • • • A.utos. Used •'80 LTD WAGON "Ford Factory [•riven ... roor rack. air condJtion- ang, s te reo, Uc f154ZGZ 16997 · Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury . Costa Mesa S40-:i630 60 Galaxy Xlnl n.anmng cond Needs femder & radiator $1000 or best •........ , ...•...•.•... NABERS CADILL:AC ii Want ~d Help? 642·5678 orrer 497 3967 1980 CADILLAC COUPEDEVIW <604ZBJ I Wot.Mew 9100 Atltos, Hew 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s12,595 1980 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM <325ZBW> SlJ,995 192~ rSHERE!. '81 Pontiac . T1000 $ It's Exciting! It's 5porty' Its New! It's Fuel Eff1c1ent ' and Bargain Prrced. SEE IT NQWI (2015 77) a._ ma~non ·. ~ontiac 2480 HARBOR BLVD. AT FAIR -COSTA MESA 549-4300 Have something lo st•ll" Sl'll I h1n~' fa-.1 wath Daily Classified ads do 11 wl'll 1 1'11111 W:111t Ad~ ___ _ Autos, Mew 9800 Autos, New 9100' ......•.•.••..................••.............. ,. 'Ill AM/FM CAR STEREO ~ CHEVROLETS 1979 CADILLAC SEDAH DE VILLE (453WWZ > s9595 NEW 1981 ESCORT L SERIES NEW 1981 MUSTANG 2 DR. SEDAN ..... -TOii -.... ~ Camaro -1728511 1111011 ~ C.Orvette -· 11438011 '98111 '79 Chevette SOLD 1355011 142511 ~ Camaro -1703511 1148511 &1 Monza SOU> 1546511 176611 ~ Camaro .... 1850011 '97511 '79 Impala -·· ~·· '&)111 '79 Nova -1493011 173111 '79 Malibu 1528011 1881" '77 Malibo -1353511 1~11 OTHER MAKES '79 Bonneville ... ,. '581511 '&1 Trans/Am -1865011 '78 Olds Cutlass ....... 1580511 79 firebird -16195" '79 Pontiac soU> '6125" '77 Cutlass -14~011 '79 Cadillac 11~11 79 Buick -1703511 '77 Cutlass SOU> 1398511 '79 Bolek SOU> 17~11 '131611 '102511 'll~" ~511 '626" lli05ll 1146111 'Bli" 153511 182511 TRUCKS & VAHS IMPORTS 11 ~z -· "~· '6820° 77 ~hca tot.D '4760" 78 Trhl!Ot TU sou '58~" '95111 '511". '970*• 'Bf,011 '725" '3'21" •22111 ·~l" 11215" ~ 'tllCI 1617511 11339911 1312511 '5550" 1459911 1752511 1449911 1419911 1439911 1319911 1449911 '7625" 14699" 15~11 1559911 1397511 1859911 '619911 '3450" 1622511 5599" '547511 '5925" ·~ .. '557511 '249'J" 16.599" i.mgt• 14675" 1979 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE <603400) s12,995 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE <358VOY> s9395 1977 CADILLAC SEVILLE (870SPK> ss995 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DE VIW (793VAZ> . s7995 1979 CADILLAC SEVILLE (711YBD) Sll,995 I 97~ CADILa..C COWID•V1LU <788WKT) s9995 '2085 ( '"" DOC.t UOH Ot• D"'ll U70' lO On, Jlft • t.o ' h( (l\t<I Of lflOf 00-A t NJ tttf\"IO 111' '',... "'' ,, n '74 CO-'IGAI XR7 •utO"'f••·< ¥1 " po P\Hf) "'""'' ~ 1P.t10i1 •2452 ~ ., ,,.,. .,. f Ot• O""'t um• o,.,. ''" · ,,. & -.: uY.o••'NfCIOrilt ... ...., , ..... 1o-....... ,,, .. MOR FIHE USED CAIS ALSO IM STOCKI 76 CHIV CAPllCI •1.1'""•'·< va os.. pa, "' 0\.0. •'~,.,,...I tr«' ~ confrcM ·•2472 •2959 ''"' Ol l(f Oti Of"f Ct \h pr.ct Ott,.rnt mt.JS> U1IO t; 0"'1¥ SIM • It• ' ()tt1, ''". •••1.IK CtSl'IOf h(' CH frl Or lrliOt do-r1' .rio frlldt dowrn Mid "" mO for t11t mo ror 1• MOt AP• h A~ I 11 '2915 '•"' •tC• ~ ""' Of .. ti Of'lol, Sift • tu ' '< <•~ ,, ,,.., ....,._ .,_. , ....... "". -.,.. I•. '71 ZIPHYI WAGON vt_llC. .... ,_ ,.,_ '79 PINTO CPI • c;y! • YMd ,., ..... , •3375 '79 FAilMONT • (fl ................. .. -... llP..Sll • '3688 •427.9 ""' ..... Otl -U«J • °"'' '"' .... & ... _ ..... __ _ ~ti ... "' G -AH MUSTANG '"'" ~h( Ol .. ""~ f""f t •t rld:IO tt1f tlil\t..,, .... 1 •P•llll '79 PLY • VOLAH WON. vt .......... !( .... •" ;::. a::... ::"i.~ •4377 C.0111 '9'1(t °" .... . ..... ., o..-, '"' .... ' .. c oil' Of ,,.., .,_ .,.. ,,,. -.......... ,. II Jt 3 DOOR HATCHBACK 1 139?:NTH I J -,.. U\ 1,., i l.C- dn"' \ Jt " "'IC •or 60 ,.Qt' II" •V· pt l(_p l "XI C" ' ••· t c •"Id t!OC' '•• O•• °"'''"""'' pr I,.. \WJ)O ,.... .\PQ ... ~ '""''' 156°!NTH .. ._., .... . , ... ~ ... p!I .. ~7n, ,,~ ••• oll•'CJ "°"-••• Ch t llM,•'h4"!1 OI' • ~ Gt. " • ..," •1 r ... , . 1701 YEAR BIRTHDAY FOR. MUSTANG! . . ' 1 . I~ • Orange Coast DAILY PJLOT/ Friday, May 1, 1981 FRONT WHEEL DRIVE! • I MEW 1981 PLYMOUTH T~KE YOUR PICK HORIZON MISERS # s TCJ HATCHIAQC Equipment includes 4 cyl engine, 4 speed trans . bucket seats with lold down rear seat and morel (200420) FRONT WHEEL DRIVE! NEW 1981 PLYMOUT 4 cyl engine, 4 speed trans . max. coohng, REL I A ~ T body side moldings, lelt remote mtrror. wsw " glass belted radial tires and mo<el (145687). s -5gg5 BRAND MEW 1981 · DODGE HIGHEST MPG 6 PASSENGER CAR IN AMERICA! 41~~. Js.:~ These r. EST, co 'Ou re mparison o Is •re for m11e-oe may van,: as ac1ua1 LAHsr'!c~~~~ ([JJmi{jmmJ -S2000 OFF MANUFACTURER S RETAIL STICKER PRICE Loaded with options 1nclud1ng air oond . tilt whffl. AM·FM cassette & 40 b. C.B . 4 deluxe recliner SWMtl bucket .seats. moonroof. Ice box, turbine wheels & radial tires Vista'Bay windows. convertible sofa bed. cruise control. roof rack with ladder & much much morel (28783) List price -$17.695. NEW 1981 PLYMOUTH CHAMP 4 cyl engine. 4 speed trans .. bucket seats. radio. body side moldings rear window defroster. wheel trim rings. wsw tires & more• (2004281 FOi FLEET SALIS & LI AS 1 ·. IMPOl.MA TIOH, CALL CfltflNAt«O 546-19 4 NEED CASH??? .. ,., .................... .... --c..-... ..... ,.... ...... . ............ .,.. ........ -....... . SERVICE! HOURS: Moftday thru Friday 7 :30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a .m. to 5:00 p.m. SEE oun~ SERVICE DEPARTMEMT ,HOUT RENTING A 'II CHaYSL.llll OR PLYMOUTH. . ' . -·-·-~...,,.. ..... Ylll llllllWI DAILY PIPll FRIDAY, MAY 1. 1981 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS t ~ . .. . , Dixie crying tree no we~p~ng willow • I_ NEEDHAM. Ala. l AP> -It sounda like a whining puppy, but the noiae apparently co~es from a hu1e pecan tree in Linnie Jenkins' yard. Some believe the 1hosts of lone-buried Indiana or babies are whimperlq. Others seek a more rational espJanaUoo, specuJating that an animal trapped ln a nearby hollow ls squealing. And a foreater say". 111ea aeepln1 t.broueh tiny sli\s in the wood may weU make a crying noise. Whatever the reason. the noise la attract· ln1 carloads of curloslty-seeken to tbla rural spot in southwest Alabama. In fact so many bave ftocked to the 75-foot-tall tree that Mn. Jen kins bu atarted chareiDI 50 C!'nts for a chance to listen. "We thought lt was a doe aleep· dreaml.ti1," said Mrs. Jenldna, wbo first heard tbe sound April U . "You know bow a doe cries out in bis sleep when he's sleep· dreamlne? · -"Well, we remarked on how It aiuat be a pretty good dream because lt wu lasting 10 long." • " A local weekly newspaper rerrted the phetlomenon, nnd a swarm o toutl1t1 descended on thl'l rural community. The crowds peaked around Euter when the family "had 400 people in the yard here at one time," said Mrs. Jen.kins. 1'She said cars wue lined up so far along the narrow roads that the sheriff bad to come twice to help with traffic. And a nelehboring storekeeper estimated some 3,000 people "spent their Easter Sunday in a traffic jam." Choctaw County Sberifrs Deputy Ken· neth Crenshaw eatimated that lbouspdl of people, many armed with tape recorders, have come here lo listen to the wttimpering pecao. At first, the crying could be heard several yards away from the pecan, a Q<>pular shade ar.d fruit-bearing tree in the South. In recent days, it has grown weaker. A bole has been dug at the base of the tree, and a listener can put his ear to a pipe. , The noise sounds like a crying puppy or the bark of a baby seal The Jenkins' believe the noise emanates <See CRYING TREE, Page AZ> Hicks· iestifieS ID Alcalil. Case DA claims he told lawyers that informant -recanted testimony on HB girl's killer( By DAVID kUTZMANN OfllleDelfr,........., Oran1e County District At· torney Cecil Hicks has testified he told subordinates lo notify convicted child klller Rodney Alcala's lawyers that a jallhouse informant waa recanting bis lestimony. . . However, the prosecutor who ~ersuaded an Orange County Superior Court jury to convict .and sentence Alcala to die in the California gas chamber testified • Jater that he did not convey the Jnformation because he believed Alcala!s lawyers would already know. · ~ The testimony of Hicks, malt· lnl an unusual appearance in CQ\lrt u a wi\,ness, and Deputy Dlatrict Attorney ~ichard ·Jamell occurred at almost the tJme Thurlday that infor- rqant Robert Dove wu beinc sentenced to 16 months in aute prison for violatloo of probation. Dove, a 25-year.old heroin ad· diet, has claimed ht lied on tbe 1'it.ness stand durlnc Alcala'• bial a year aao about overbear· in& the convicted killer .cfmk to 1lapping 12-year·old Robin Samsoe of Huntih"ton Beach un- conscious after abducting her in June, ur79. Questioned by Alcala appeals lawyer Keith Monroe, Hicks told Superior Court Judge Philip Schwab he first learned of Dove's recaotation March 9 Dove admitted to perjury at Alcala's trial when two dru. rehabilitation pro1ram officials called his office. Tbe county's top crimtnal justice administrator said be .was informed that Dove had made statements to dru1 counselors admtttinl to perjury during Alcala's blthly publicized trial ruck.a Bid he also wu told tb-t Dov~ bad aooe to the couty Public Defender'• office in tbe Orange County Courthouse to re· callt bis telt!mony. Because be lme• 4'~ nothlne'' about the cue, Hlch uid be asked investigator \. Gerald Montgomery of his office to tell Farnell of the situation and b've him notify AlcaJa's lawyers. . However, both Monroe and co-- counsel David Zimmerman have contended they were never notified of Dove's admis9'ons of perjury by anyone connected with the district attorney's of. flee. When they did find out, they immediately petitioned the California Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus seeking a new trial. The state hi1b court then ordered the hearin1s before Schwab, the orieinaJ trial . Farnell, called to the witnes stand later Thureday by Monroe, said be received the in· formation from Hlcka •bout Dove but admltted be dld not rela1 Ul•t informaUon to de-fenae~era. AJked II be bad received I.I> •tructlons from Hieb to inform defenae laWJen ot Dove's per- jur1 claims, Farnell ••ld he cc>uJd DOt recall. But be maintained that b1a UC· dtt1tandin1 of sltuati90 wu tbat Dove had atven a statement <See ALCALA, Pa1e A2) Dtltrlct Attorney ~ Hfckl wait• to give Ml ustbncny in t~ of convicted child killer Rodnev Alcala in Orange Count11 s~ Court. • J)eath st~lcs ffiA hunger striker · · Jailed guerri'lla predicts Wife (~) and mother of Win &lftUC poUceman grlew at Im funnal. Conit~ Gary Martin IDOi killed bu a bool>JI trap. aUltude of the city la one ol bate and 41.aUkt toward them. "Newport wanta minortUes he will die within 24 hours BELFAST, Northern Inland CAP) -Jailed IRA guerrilla Bobby Sands believes he will be dead within 24 hours, an aide said today af'ter visiting Sands oo the 62nd day of his buneer strike. "Hell in tremendous pain and , bu Vel'J little streneth." aaid Owen Carron, wbo was Sanda' ~nager ID the April 9 voting Which elected the guerrilla to the British Parliament. "One eye is completely shut and he has very little vlslon in the other," said Carron. "He OD· ly recognized me by my voice." Sandi ~ected another appeal today to call oft .bis hunger strike, and supporters briefly oc- cupied an otnce at the bead· quarters of the opposition Labor Party in Loodon"- Tbe appeal was mad• by the Labor Party'• spokesman on Northern Irel~d, Don Concan· non, who vtslted Sanda and three other 1uerrUlu who are de· mandln1 reform amount.Int to ... . and the worldn1 clas1 to come ID · add clean their tollttl and then get tut ol town by sundown. Tbe1 CNewPort re1lcteotl) w•t granting prisoner status to Irish Republican Army inmates. The four rejected papal appeals t.hi.s week. ''I should think there ls nothing anybody else can do, and no one can accede to their demands. He had quite a political argument with me for about a minute this mornin1," Concannon said after vislUng Sand,i and the others at the Maze prison. He said Sands, In the 62nd day of fasting, was mentally alert. On Thursday, Britain accused the IRA of stirring a "calculat· ed, cold-blooded" campalp of terror in the name of Sands. Frank Hu1hea, jailed with Sands, received the last rites ol the Roman Catholic Church on Thursday, and relatives said be was approachinl death in the , 46th day of bia hunaer 1Crike. They said Hugbea, 'tS,' im· pritooed for life for 1bootin1 a soldier, has dlfficulty apealdJu(. Lut rites have already been <See mA, Pase AJ) them to remain f acelesa f!'d silent." Newport Mayor Jackie Heather hid Scort9•1 remarks ...... ! . Hunger •trike iuppof'Ura carry pfcturts of IRA ~odn who hal Joined Bobbf/ Sandi in ltarvation at Bdf41t priton. DRUSf CIAIT IUllll Low cloudlnesa niaht and morninc, mostly sun· ny Saturday afternoon. Lows toniaht 58 alone coast, 84 inland. Hichs Saturday 64 to 68 at the beaches, 74 to 78 inland. . . llllDI lllAY Tta. aar. o/ SouUt coue Rcper1C?'JI'• "ClaiJdt Bllf'O"" c0tttfnw to tNGr U>IU "*" •• ~1 ••. DI I • -.-......... J .. ------· ............... . • • • • • Orange Cout OAJL Y PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 From Page A1 MAYOR~ •• •· abouJd be allowed to retitle wtth hi• wile, told Judie Duncan that the two are ''fully barmonloua ln their relationship." Mra. Anthony told the Jud£e tbat ahe bad no fear for her peraonal aafety and wanted ber husband to return bome. The judee then removed a condition on Anthony's releue from jail that had stipulated that he was not to reaide with bis wife Mrs. Anthony has said tbat she doesn't plan to teadfy a1aiost her husband, who ls accused or placlng a .45 caliber handfun to her head on April 9 and firing a shot that grazed her scalp Mayor Anthony refused to comment this morning on his future political plans. He hasn't attended a City Council meeting since the 1tssau1t: In addition to Mra. Anthony's statement to the judge, defense attorney Crosby Ciled a letter with the court from Newport Beach psychiatrist Steven Smith that said lhat Anthony posed no danger to his wife. Crosby said that Anthony is now on a sugar-free, low·sodium diet to reduce a high blood pressure condition and a case of "latent diabetes''. He refused to say whether Anthony's physical or mental condition will be used as a defense strategy in the case. From Page A1 - ALCALA • • • to t})e public defender's office and that there was UtUe doubt this information would find its way to Monroe .and Zim· merman. Schwab, after h earing Thursday'$ testimony by Hicks, Farnell and numerous other wit· nesses. ruJed that he would nol broaden the scope of the Supreme Court-ordered bearing to include contentions that lhe actions of the District Attorney's Office showed a belief in Dove's recantation and lent credence to ll. Dove, meanwhile, was given the 16-month state prison term by Orange County Superior Court Judge William L. Murray after admitting to five violations of ;>robation. The prisoner, who will remain In Orange County J ail until the conclusion of the Alcala hearing, had been placed on probation originally for receiving stolen pr_?perty. l'he probation violations 111· eluded his unauthorized de· parture from the Phoenix House drug rehabilitation program, use of narcotics and passing a bad check. Victim slain r for $185 debt • PACIFICA (AP>-Onthenlght that Stacey Benjamin disap· peared, her family was warned three times that ahe miebt be hurt if she didn't repay a $185 debt, a family friend says. Miss Benjamin's body, strangled and stabbed, was dis- covered early Monday morning near Highway 175 ln Lake Coun- ty. Two days before, the body of her friend Paula Gedding, 23, • WJlS found 15 miles south of Half Moon Bay. Charged with the two killings and held in the San Mateo Coun· ty Jail on $1 mUlion bail each were Rlcarda Soria and William r •.: Forrester, both 18, and Donald J . Beardslee, 37, and Cleo Frank Ruthetford, 30. I I . o.ilr ~ ..... " P•W1C:ll 0'0-11 Irvine Mayor Art Anthony, with wife Elaine at hts side, pleaded innocent today to /elooy auault charges. ~~~~~~~~~~ From Page A1 HOUSING CRITICIZED. • • helping tbe housing group. The others, he s aid . arc Garden Grove and Orange. Council members. who agreed lo reconsider the funding ques- tion later thJs year after city housing policies are updated re- minded Scorio his group 1s suing Newport Beach. alleging hous- ing discrimination Several councilmen. said giv- ing f~ds to the group would be equivalent lo supporting the lawsuit against the city. "They're just thin·skinned," suggested Scorio, "you'd think suing them was some sort of federal crime. They should com- pliment us for trying to help them achieve a better image " He said discrimination is hard to pinPoint but "the minonty community feels as though it's steered away from NewPort From Page A1 "We 've been prov1d1ng services to Newport for a long time and I find 1t unhelievable the city finds an attempt to pro· vide an anl1 -discriminat1on service so atrocious: "They treated me hkc I was from Mars," complained Scori o. whose background is Hispanic. The housing director said statc law now requires a city to provide an inde(>t!ndent agency to monitor housing questions Scorio claims it could cost Newport up to $125,000 to set up such an operation He said his group 1s ready and willing to provide s u c h services for $20.000 "But I'm not ~oing to ~o back as a beggar ." he msisted ··we can live without .Newport bu(tne question is can Newport live without us?" IRA STRIKER. • • administered twice to Sands, wbo waa elected to the British Parliament liU$l month wflile servlng a 14-year sentence on gun charees. • Visitors to the Maze said. the skeletal Sands, 27, jailed for possessing .arms, haa lost all feeling in his gums and mouth while his body is racked by cons· tant pain. They said Hughes, 25, imprisoned for life for shooting a soldier, bas difficulty speaking. Sands' mother, Rosaleen, said after visiting the prison tqat her son wa.a prepared to die and doc- tors must not interfere. Mrs. Sands said she promised ber son sbe would not let doctors. try to save him if he sUps into a coma. unless the British government concedes to hil demands. Two o ther g uerrillas, Raymond McCreesb and Pat O'Hara, joined the hunger strike 40 days ago but visitors said their condition was not critical. All four hunger strikers reject· ed a papal plea to end thejr fast The Rev. John Magee, personal secretary to Pope John Paul II. returned Thursday to Rome after his three visits to the Maze this week failed to change the prisoners' minds In London, leaders of (he L a bor and Liberal p a rties backed the Conservative Gov- ernment's refusal to make con- cessions that would allow jailed guerrillas to wear their own clothes, associate freely and do no prison work. CRYING TREE l i . 1 • From Page A1 I .. - • • • Crom the tree trunk, and they've tried ev· erythlng they cao think of to determine ex· actly how the sound ls made. They sawed lnto the tree's base to aee u there were hollow roota. They searched the yard for boles and tunnel• that smaU animals could become trapped in. "We even hit the alde of the tree to aee lf our noiH made a difference," said Mra. Jenkins. · But it dido 't. O"ANGI COAST D1DyPlat Alien Bruce, a forester for American Can Co. in nearby BuUer, Ala., inspected the tree and conclllded that the sound could be gae from "heart rot" seeping through tiny slits in .. the wood. "Heart rot" is decay at the center of the tree and causes tuneus lbat ln turn pro- duces gas, he aald. .How long wm it 10 on? • "I wished I knew," Mn. Jenkina aa1d. "It wouldn't matter to me if It stopped today, but I'd like to know what it ls before it does." 'Paper bag' death probed ~ SAN JOSE (AP> -Police of· flciala aar they're reviewing a policy o tapina paper ba11 around iome auapect•' headt followtn,a the death of a prisoner • 1tho was subdued by lhe pro. cedur .. San Jaee Police Chief Jciteph MeNamara aatd Tbut&day the ,P•Ptr bal method nad t>ffn rec· ommended by aome pbytJdans 11 a way lo contn>I exttemety aaltated people or lbOle Under tbt lrifluenee Of the haUucenoeen PCP. ........... ~orisent bill eyed . Panel ba~ks parental nod for abortions SACRAMENTO <AP> -A plan to keep unmarried manors from getting abortions without consent from their parents or the courts has been approved by a Senate commltt~ The biU, SBl54 by Sen. John Schmitz, R·Newport Beach, would reqwre the minor to ob· tain written permia.ton from both parents or guardians, or petltioh a Superior Court for an order permittmg the abortion. The court could allow the abortion only tf it found the minor was ''sufficiently mature and informed to malce the de- c1s1on to have an abortion" or, if Jobless decline • in county The une mployment rate In Orange County in March edged down shghUy to 4.4 percent from 4 6 percent in February, the state Employment Development Department has reported. But the March unemployment rate was higher than the 4.1 per cent rate of March, 1980, the de partmentsaid. County employers hired more than 6,000 new workers in March, while the number or jobless persons declined by 2,000 from February, the department said. The department is predicting unemployment r ate could drop even further later in the year due to expected improvements in the economy. In its monthly labor market re port. the department a sked private employers to make er. forts to hJre government workers who are losing jobs because of cutbecks m the federal Com prehensive Training Employ- mentAct <CETAJ program she did not meet that s tandard, that an abortion was in her best internts. A 5-2 vote Thursday of the Senate Health and Welfare Com mlltee sent the bill to the Senate Finance Committee Schmitz. a Catholic and father of seven, said his bill wouJd "frankly', put u many stumbl· Ing blocks as possible to having abortions." 'J'he measure was supporte(I by ant.J·abortion ~roups ana 0!'· posed by women's orearuu· lions, 1tbortion·ri1hta advocata, and Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s Health Services Department One opponent, Beth Meador of the American Civil Liberties Union. questioned bow minors could afford a lawyer to petition the court Busy weekend due I • Air show, lOK run , musical events set A free air show, a 10-kilometer run and various musical events are on tap this weekend along the Orange Coast Here are some of the things go~g on : -BLUE ANGELS . A free show by the U.S. Navy Precision Flight Demonstration Team <Blue Angels) will highlight open house at the Marine Corps· Air Station, El Toro, Saturday and Sunday. The air show begins at noon. The Blue Angels perform at 2 p.m. both days. RUN : A five-kilometer and 10.kilometer run will be held this weekend at the Ford Aerospace facility in Newport Beach at 7:30 a.m. a nd 8:30 a.m respectively. CLASSIC CARS. Classic Mercedes-Benz automobiles will be displayed at Fashion Island in Newport Beach Satur· day and Sunday, sponsored by Harrah's of Reno. -PIANO CONCERT : Pianist Deno Gianopoulos will perform at UC lrvine Fine Arts Concert Hall at 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $3, $4, and $5. COUNTRY ROCK : Terry All en will perform Satur- rtay at 8 p.m., at Golden West College Community Center in Huntington Beach. Tickets are $2 at the door, 15744 Golden West St. -CLASSfCAL MUS IC: The Golden West Singers and Golden West College MadntJBls also will perform, singing classicaJ madrigals. pop. gospel and jazz-related music Fri· day and Saturday at. the college's main theater, 8 p.m. Ad: mission is $2. TONE ON TONE. Subtle t0oe on tone colOratlOns enhance the marbleized plush pattern effect 1n this luxurlous ca~ Face yam Is Antron nylOn from Ou Pont. A fiber Which masks SOtl and he4ps maintain a tush ,appear· ance Antron Is the longest wearing fiber Now's the time to step on the Lees Du Pont makes • be t' t b PLUSH A rich ny1ortplush that win enhance arrt deoorat-Carpet you ve en wan ing 0 uy. Ing scheme with its deeper. richer colors. Thia Is one of Because right now right here we've Lees traditional noor covering~ and It's fashioned to gNe ' ' years of beauty. combined With easy care. put our best selling Lees Carpets It gives you sumptuous ei,gance with com-on sale. plate praciicahty It's our Great States Carpet ·Sale CUT AffO LOOP. Th• newest look of bOtd cut/loo~ ttruct10n 1n combination with flowing muttkx>lofed ... , ... ..., featuring Lees best carpets with the for up-to-date fastuon In every type of decor . Ad Th • Made from Antron nylon yarns, thls.oeaut11ut Du Pont Antron vantage. ey re carpet IS 8 natural for near1y ~decor made to resist dirt, staining, wear and scuLPTUAE.Abstractpattemsottlghtandsnadow~ h. tat·c Shock a look and feel of rare elegarlce. Echoing textu,_ H'I CfUS tnQ, even S I · nature. this carpet woti(s aqually well In c:aaual, modem JUSt 8 feW Of the great V81UeS: or formal rooms A luxuclous carpet C8l"l9d from 100% Antron nylon yam reflects the finest carpet styling plus the ultimate In wear ... • . • ~ JL I I • ---... ---....... -- Al'Wir..-. 'Moviegoers, from left, Lee Marvin, James Coburn, Katy Jurado and director Sam Peckinpah pose after screening of a Coburn movie a& part of the Western Film Festival in Santa Fe, N.M. A&Sembly speaker 'ahmys 011 time' Being Assembly speaker has its glamorous moments, but making speeches in Sacramento to rarmers at 7 a m . isn 't one or them , especially ror a big-city legislator like Willie Brown. But the San Francisco Democrat told the Com munications Workers or America that he's adjusting to the routine "I go by and make the farm speeches when I 'm on my way home," he said."~ little hung over. not in great shape, but at least I'm on lime." Gov. Hugh Carey's new wife plans to ask a Roman Catholic tribunal to ahnul two of her previous three marriages on grounds that one husband was a bigamist and another did not like women, according to The New York Times The Times reported that Evangeline Goule&as-Carey, who wed the governor in a Greek Orthodox ceremony April 11. hopes the tribunal will annul the marriages so the governor can be restored to fOQd standing in the eyes or the Catholic church . At the start of the gov· ernor's courtshi(l of the wealthy real est ate en- trepreneur from Chicago, Mrs Gouletas was described as a widow But her first husband was found to be alive and well in California, and subsequently two other marriages were reported all three ending in divorce. which 1s not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church Rock musician Elton John paid $31.000 at a London auction for 232 original scripts from the British TV senes "7'he Goon Show·· Frank Sinatra Wlll perform in South Africa this summer, but a statement Issued by bis public relations firm said his contract will not allow 'ieg regation at his performances Sinatra will star m concert from Ju1y 24 to Aug. 2 al Sun City in Boputhatswana, but a s tandard clause barring segregation was included, said publicist Lee Sollers. ' . The Coalition for Better Television and the Rev. Jerry Falwell lashed out at chiefs of the three major networks. challenging them Lo accept an invitation lo debate the merits of the coalition's campaign to clean up television The Rev . Donald E: Wlldmon, chairman or the" coalition, said he and Falwell were prepared to accept an in- v 1 ta tion to appear on a televised debate on Ted Turner's WfBS-TV and the Cable News Network Wtldmon noted, however, that the invitation has been declined by the presidents of all three networks -Gene Jankowski or CBS, Fred Pierce or ABC and NBC's Fred Silverman -arter they made speeches last month con- demning the coalition's cam· paign as censorship. Armand Hammer , chairman or the board of Oc· cidental Petroleum Corp .. was named California ID· dustrialist of the Year at a Los An1eles dinner attended by 400 of the state's top educators, scientists and busl· nessmen. Hammer received the award from Ernest Lobecke, retired chairman of Ticor Corp.. at ceremonies at the Museum of Science and ln· dustry Hammer was recognized for h~ achievement In build· ing Occidental Petroleum into one of the leading corpora- tions in the nation and for his contributions to art and science Oklahoma twisters kill 2 left dead in tornado assault; storms widespread C.Oastal. tU!atlrer NIOlll •nd momlnQ low Cl-, wltll s.1uroayafta,,,_,~11ywnny. Coa\tal low lortlQllt M Hlofl Satur OayUto61. 1"1anc11ow 1on1g111 M, Sa111re10 111g11 7Ho71 WatMU 1 El .. ..,,.,... variable wlncls over· "IOllt, 11.cOminoWHI IOloulhWHI 1010 i. knob Seturoey after.-Wind .aavH 2toJ1•1. westerly twell• t to 2 lltt. Lowovemlg1Ylclowlnen1urnl1>q 1 tomostly.....,ySahifil•v•fter.-. .... 9Mc.ll ... %"""" 1 Santa~ 1 Ntw,_. 1 SM Oltet C-y t .,.... ......... ,,uw. ....... .... ..... I I J • Whal do yoaa Hke •bout the Dally Pilot? Whit tbl't )'OU Uh? Call the numbilr below Md your menace •Ul be NtOtded, tranterlbed ud CS.livered tb t.hl •PIWoPri•to edftbr. Tbt NIM M·hour aoawtr'iftl Hrvfce may be uaed to rec:ord letten tb I.he idltot on an.y topk. MlilbN<CGntrlbuton auatt ln· elude tMt.r oamt and teltpbi:Jne numller for verUlc1Uon. No circwetioa calla, pleue. Ttll 111 wbat'a on your lftlnd. U..A~let 12 M Loulsvll .. .. 5.c Mempllls 17 " .OS Miami n 10 "' ... ..,. " J7 Mltf .. St.P ., • 10 NHltVlfle II • Haw Or.._ • ., 1 44 ...... v-M SI Non Olk ,, SI Okra City " S1 .IS Oma"8 71 •s Orlanclo " ., Pllll .... lptila u . 46 Plloenla .. " Plttso.H9h " u Pl'•""·& ~ 4l Piiand, , 71 .. Atno .. " Salt!AU a 50 Sa"D .... " .. San FrM 67 50 TODAY S.COfMlllllll •:•111..... • • MTU•OAY .......... 1.41•"' •.• l'lnlllllll •=•·"' ... SKeMMw t ; .. -IJI. II ._......_ •·•111111. u ......... 1:• •""·,.... .....,... •:••·"' . 1111.-.,..•:•111.m,,....~y J1tf•.111. ----.. - Oranpe Coast DAILY PILOT/ Friday, May 1, 1981 H/F Dew plan PSA • m Move would expand airport to 5 airlines By J'REDERICK SCHOEM EHL OfU.0.W.1'1111111 .... John Wayne Airport is destined to become the home oftfive com· merclal airlines under an airline acceas plan now under study by , Orange County 1overnment of· Jicials.• · · ~After weelu of Intensive nwtiaUon.s. a plan has be~n ad· vallted that would permit Pacific Southwest Airlines to join the four incumbents -Air Cal, Republic Airlines, Frontier Airlines and Western Airlines atthe airport. PSA initially would be given two departures daily. The carrier holds route authority from the federal Civil Aeronautics Board to San Jose and Sacramento. Under the proposed plan, Western would be on shaky groond because it has no plans to purchase the new and reportedly quieter OC-9 Super 80s. The plan; as written, would re· quire all air carriers to state in writing within 60 days that they intend to purchase new and quieter jets. PSA already has taken delivery of four Super 80s and haa declared it will Oythem at the airport. Alr Cal. Republic and Fronlter have announced plans to purchase the Super 80a. Should Western no\ comply with the provision to purctiase quieter jets, it would be ejected fro01 the airport Oct 1, said M urryCable. airport manager. Western, which operates two fliahts daily to Salt Lake City, Utah, has been servini the airport since last October. , Western and Frontier were permitted to begin service in Orange County under a tem- porary access plan adopted by the county Board of Supervisors un- der pressure from the Federal Aviation Administration. The new plan, largely produced by the stalf of Supervisor Thomas Riley, whose district includes the airport, would require all air car- riers, within three years, to con- vert their fleets operated at the airport to DC-9Super80s . '~ Furthi>r, the plan would require that all carriers servlna the airport use quieter jets for at least 25 percent of their nt1hts by Oct 1,1982 Under the plan, PSA would aatn two departures per day by the county ordering both AirCal and Republic to give up one Jtleht eac h A1rCal curre ntly is permitted 25 departures per day. Republic 12, Frontier, two and Western, two Currently. 41 departures per day, averaged annually, are permitted Crom the airport Under the recently approved airport master plan, that figure would increase to 55 as noise re· ducttons are achieved through the introdudton or quieter Jets As new flights become availa· ble, they would be allocated to earners using jets that produce the least amount of noise. Supervisors will consider the access plan at 9· 30 a m Tuesday at the Hall or Adm1n1 strat1on heanngroom, il'I Santa Ana J Jail security weighed Slaying of county inmate raises concern over cell In the wake of a death and a non-fatal stabbing, the Orange County Sheriff's Department is planning to modify an inmate holding cell at the Orange Cotin- ty Courthouse in Santa Ana. Lt. Ed Hendry disclosed Wed· nesday night that he will seek approval from the county Ad· ministrative Office to enlarge two windows that allow deputies to look i ... the holding cell located in the courthouse base· ment. Hendry said .it would be pref· erable for one-way windows to be instaJled so that inmates can· not detect when they are being observed by deputies. Concern about safety in the holding cell bas heightened in the wake of two incidents. On April 20, an inmate standing trial for murder died from wounds suffered while being held in the cell. Eight days later, a second inmate was stabbed in the arm. · Sheriffs Lt. Wyatt Hart said five men are considered sus· peels in tbe fatal assault on Michael Bottoms, 22. a Long Beach resident who was await· iog a second tnal on murder charges in connection with the stabbing death or his wife near Disneyland last August. Bot- toms' first trial ended in a mis· trial after a jury could not reach a unanimous verdict Hart Identified the suspects as Gilbert Lovato, 22, of New Mex · 1co. a state prison inmate ac- cused or murder . Philip Sen- teno, 32, or Baldwin Park, facing robbery charges Ball L Frisbee. 30, ol Orange, facing trial on charges of assault with intent to commit murder, Kirk W Smyth, 29, or Torrance, also facing trial on charges of assault with intent to commit murder, and ArthUr Ru(fo. 25. city of res 1dence unknown. facing trial on robbery charges Additionally, Hart said. Lov ato and Frisbee are suspected of tnrticllng a wound on Reginald Holland. 34, of San Clemente, while Holland was an the holding cell last Monday Holland was not seriously injured. Hendry said t.he holding cell in which the attacks occurred ong1nally was designed for use by remale inmates and. thus, af. fords more pnvacy than an ad· 1acent holding cell ·eecause of space cons1dera lions, remale inmates are no longer held in the cell . Hendry s aid Instead. 1t is reserved ror so called 'high power" inmates those v.ho are atcused of ' serious crimes Hendry said sw1H action must be taken lo improve v1s1b1hty an to the cell Two wmdows each about one foot square now 1>ro v1de the only v1sibihly into the cell Hcndr}' said ht> v.1ll also re quest that a w1ndov. be installed to pro\ 1de visual access to a restroom coP1nected to th<: cell VA head named WASlllNGTON (AP> Presi dent Reagan has announced he has selected Robert P Nimmo, a former Cal1forn1a s tate senator, to head the Veteran's Administration. Rangers reuniting A reunion will be held May 2 at El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta· tion for survivors of the six Unit· ed States Army Ranger bat· ta lions · which saw action in \Vorld War II. Ceremonies at the evenmg re- union in the Noncom Modular Club will include memorial speeches for the late Gen Omar Bradley For more information about the event s ponsored by the Western Chapter of the Ranger Battalions Assoc1allon or World War 11 call Walter F Nye at 497 3724 Your private world of pleasure 4 in the rriiddle of everywhere. Life at Park Newport is a com- bination of privacy when YoU want it. social going~n when you're in the mood, and exhil- arating recreation when you feel rusty. Here la the ultimate in care- free Newport Beach living au~ rounded by fNery convenience. .. Park Newport residents have a goormet market. a beauty shop and dry cleaner Just 1tepa away from their apartment. Th4tre are 8 ligt\ted tennis courts. 7 pools and a $750.000 Spa and athletic club. Fuhlon Island's fabutou1 lh<>PS ar41 Just acroaa the way. New.. Port'• year-round attraatlona. undy beaches. pleaaura boat•. • Ing, deep sea ftahlng. S)lua theetett. museums and hundred• of tine r .. tauranta, ACL right here. Right here betide Park New~rt. Why don't you vlalt our Rental Office and '" If au thla ianl Just What yoo've been loOklno for. On Jamboree at San Joaquin Hilla Road. Tel• phOn• (714) fM.4.1900. " APARTMENT._S & :TOWNHOMES FROM ~ 10. .. I _.........__ .. -.. -- A4 s· Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Frld•y. M•y 1, 1981 Laetrile teste d , 'not e ffect ive' Controversial substance given first human test by cancer unit .,, .......... WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe first controlled human lest of Laetrile bu abown It la "not ef· fective" as a cure for cancer, scient.lats said. The Laetrile trial was sponsored by the Na lion al Cancer Institute in an effort to settle decades of controversy surrounding the substance, wblch " made from the pits of apricots and other fruits and nuts. "Laetrile has been tested. It is not effective.'' Dr. Charles Moertel of the Mayo Clinic told a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Thursday MOERTEL SAJD that or ltlO patienu studied -104 or whom died during the trial -there was partial response to the treatment in only one case and this response was questionable Laetrile produced no substan- tial benefiu, he said. It proved indfective in extending life span, relievin& symptoms or im- proving the outcome of patienu. STATION-SIITER -Mary LaPorte, 71-year-old mother of four Boston firefighters, sits inside fire station as unofficial "watchdog" of idled equipment. More than 400 firefighters and _policemen have been laid off recently because new slate tax cutting law has stripped municipal budgets. Four medicai centers are tak- ing part in the unusual $500,000 test program, which began early last year. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., is coordinat- ing data from the Memarlal Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, the John Jonsson Cancer Center of the University of California in Los Angeles and the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson. Animai tests generally show Laetrile is ineffective against f Seal's antics may ·end ROCKPORT. Mame (AP> -Andre the seal. who used to get headlines with his annual swim from Boston to Maine, has been ruruung anto trou- ble lalely both in and out of the water. each fall and decided last winter to let Andre roam free. However. complaints from fishermen have convinced Goodridge that it's time to seek a new winter home for Andre. Goodridge said the 19- year·old harbor seal was up to his old tricks, clam- bering aboard fishermen's dinghies and perhaps stealing bait. In recent years, the trained seal spent winters an the New England Aquanum in Boston. then re- turned lo Rockport under his own power for the sum mer But his trainer, Harry Goodridge, com- plained about the cost of flying Andre to Boston (ALL NOVELLO CONSTRUCTION HAS LIFE TIME GUARANTEE) .. D«[)vello SELLS DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC , ''THAT'S HARD TO BEAT" • DfC>VellO AY SALE NOW IN PROGRESS! ~~THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO BEATH". .. . -ALL-FURNITURE HANDCRAFfEO NO ASSEMBLY LINE TECHNIQUES WE IUILD OUI FUlllTUIE mOllEI • IETTEI • FAITH• I FOi LED THAT'I A FACT -W(lllAIAITEE 1111 cancer, said Dr. Vincent DeVita, director of the cancer lnsUtute, and most doctora and acientista don't believe It works. But Laetrile has been used by hundreds of thousands of persons, with many testllyln1 to i ta benefits. The U.S. Food and Drua Ad- ministration ls trying to bar the use of Laetrile on grounda that Its safety and effectiveness ls unproved, but 23 states have ap- proved its use within their borders. This situation finally led the government to consent_ to a scientific trial, saJd De Vita. THE TRIALS ar e designed eventually to involve about 300 patients with varying forms of cancer Those enrolled in the tests are advanced cancer pa· ttents beyond hope of a cure through other therapy. The patients get 21 In- travenous Laetrile injectlops followed by taking Laetrile pllls dally for maintenance They also follow a special "health food" diet. take muJUvitamlna and get enzyme tablets recom- mended by advocates o( the therapy Faked story probe due NEW YORK <AP) -The Na- tional News Council will in- vestigate the circumstances sur- rounding the faked story that won a Pulitzer Prize for Janel Cooke of the Washington Post, Dick Cunningham, the council's ..associate director, said .. Cunningham said Thursday he and Abe Raskin, also an as- sociate director, would go to Washington Monday and prob- ably spend the week pursuing an anvesllgataon that will pay particular attention lo "the im- pact on journalism nationally in the area or confideptial sources, responsibility of editors, hiring and training and the atmosphere •• in the newsroom." Tbe latter was a reference to what Poet editor Ben Bradlee has called creative tension on the paper lhat "some people have s uggested contributes to the temptation to hype a story.·' Cun- ningham said. Miss Cooke's story, purporting to be a first-hand account or the life of an 8·year-old hef'oin ad diet, was unma sked as a fabrication a few days after it was awarded a Pulitzer for feat.µre writing. Miss Cooke. who had thwarted efforts to check the story by as- se rting confidentiality of sources, resigned from the Post and the pnze was forfeateo- The council decided to take up the matter after a written re- quest to Norman Isaacs, Its chairman, signed by Dean Lionel Barrow and faculty mem- bers of Howard UnaveTsity's journalism cjepartment . Barrow earlier had called for an independent investigation of the affair in a speech to the American Society of Newspaper !:ditors in Washington The National News Council is a self-appointed. foundation· funded watchdo~ or press performance that takes up corn -• plaints from people or organiza· lions alleging inaccuracies by the media ---- CO ¥ cos1'UM£ CON lfS~ •. t ...., r . A.c£ Come dressed in your best western \i'P-4 5 T'" .., attire and get 8 Polaroid prcture taken J, 0 GIFT CERTIFICATE All pictures. along with the w1nnel's. $5 ncl bl ltre,"-will be displayed May 9-17 Winners Z5 Gl~t'Rr1FICATE notified by phone Pick u" your picture $2 rd pJ,.AOE after May 1 7. $ FT CERi\FICATE $15GI • FREE BALLOONS • REFRESHMENTS • DEMONSTRATIONS • DOOR · PRIZES HUNTINGiON BEACH 6862 EDINGER (714) 842-4445 f~COUTMW,. """Men TO ICALI MOSKATEL'SMUNTINOTON BEACH STOFfE ONLY I ' J ... ~TiffiTia Laguna's. Egly leaving bench LOS ANGELES <AP> ~ Superior Court Judge Paul Egly of Laguna Beach, whose involve· ment in the Los Angeles schools desegregation case spanned more than three years and ended with the reversal of hls mandatory busing order, will re· tire from the bench Sunday Eily's retirement was con- flrtned Thursday. a day after EJ(ly submitted his notice to Superior Court Presiding Judge David N Eagleson 'l'he Los Angeles desegrega- tion case began in 1963 and Egly took it over after the state Supreme Court ruled in 1976 that the school system should in· slitute "re1tsonable and feasi· ble' · measures of desegregataon Last March. he withdrew from the case, expressing deep disap polnlment and frustration at the removal or mandatory busing from hjs integration plan ON MARCH II, the state Supreme Court upheld a Dec. 18 ruling by the state 2nd Court of Appeals and on April 10 the school board had the last man· dalory bus rides for 23,000 children in grades I 9. Tht> board pJ1tns all·voluntary Integration measures next fall. The relationship between Eg· ly, the Board of Education, Its attorneys and representatives oC anti busing groups was often stormy. In 1980 ht; survived a re- <' a II attempt that reu 72,000 signatures short of the needed to force a vote. Egly was up for reelection next year but had already said he would retire before then. ' Egly, 60, was named to the Citrus Municipal Court Bench in West Covina in 1963, after prac· licang law an the Covina·Pomooa a rea. lie was elevated to the Superior Court in 1968 by the governor at that lime, Ronald Reagan. WHEN THE school board pro· posed an all -voluntary integra· hon plan to ham in 1977, Egly said. "This plan does not de· segregate one single school . . I am not prejudging the case, but I have some very strong doubts about this plan •: Al Egly',s insistence. man· datory busing or about 25,000 Los Angeles school children in grades 4·8 began in September of 1978 Owens Valley I water truce set ' LOS ANGELES I AP I A three· year truce an the Inyo County-Los Angeles water war, thus ensuring a continuous supply of groundwater from the Owens VaUey, was announced by both partiP.s Los Angeles depends on Inyo County for about 80 percent of its drlnktng water. Ill feerings between the two areas have been festering since the tum of the century. when the powerful Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began quietly buying up Inyo County land to get control of its water . The proposal, released simultaneously Thurs· day by both sides, calls for a temporary halt to several lawsuits and would assure Los Angeles or 1 continued flows in its twin aqueducts Writers ' pact eyed -~ LOS ANGELES <AP> -"The Tonight Show" star Johnny Carson. whose pro1ram has been aub· sistlng on reruns for three weeks due to a writers' strike, may be back on the air soon due to a ten· tative agreement reached by the Writers Guild of America and independent producers. The board of directors of the Writers Guild voted 16 I Thursday to approve a tentative con· tract agreement with the splinter group of pro· ducers, said writt'rs spokesperson Shannon Boyd The pact could pave lht> way for a resumption of work on some movies and TV shows ·- Bird recall due? LOS ANGELES <AP> A two-year-old or ganization that cla1ma some credit for causing Los Angeles Integration judge Paul Egly of Laguna Beach to retire h~s taken on California Chief Justice Rose Bird. and has given her 60 days to resign or face a recall I Marvin Feldman, chairman .. of the Committee Advocating '• Leg a I Limitations CC ALL>.i ••H called a press confer<?nce Thursday to detail wh1tt he called Ms Bird's ·•total disregard for the law and the will of the people , she has usurped the power or the Legislature by depriving the citizens or the protective benefits of anll·crime laws : she sides with the criminal against the police and the prosecutors 90 percent or the time .. B-1 testing ends EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE <APJ -The already canceled B·l bom~1· project has ended with the final test flight or the last Oying prototype or lhe advanced aircraft. The 8 -1 was canceled by Pr~sidellt Carter In June l!n7 and Thursday's two-hour fliaht officially marked the epd or the aircraft's four.year test pro- gram. ''I'm going to miss flying the big bird. She's a unique airplane," said Lt. Col. Fred Fiedler. who headed the 8 -1 test progr&m. Tax rebel convicted SAN FRANCISCO <AP> A federal Jury aacrees that cru1ading tax·avoidance author William Greene knows how to skirt taxes. But ll says he did so illegally. The 42-year-old MUI VaJley author was con- victed Thursday of fRillne to pay more than $9'7 ,000 In taxes for 19'73 and 19'74. 21111 TRIS1· IEEDS OWHll/HOMOW. B OCCUPllS Call Wllllam 8. Mitchell c.11 tOday fOf q\IOte • No ot11iget.on llaN natlOnOI ~ (114) 975-1121 ===: Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Friday, Mey 1, 1981 H/F AS LEAVING COURT Judge Pavl Egly Mayor wins equal time Gay scout s~s over e.xpulsion· LOS ANGELES <AP> -A 19- year·old man who once took a male dale to a hlgh 1chool prom, bH 1ued Boy Scouts ol America for expelling him because he Is a homosexual Timothy Curran, whose lawsuit was filed by the American Civil LlberUes Union, said a Boy Scout executive lold him homosexuals were immoral and thus not permitted In scoutinJ(. Curran, a college student, seeks to retain h1s rank as an Eagle Scout and lo participate in this summer's Boy ScoutJamboreein Virginia. BAKERSFIELD <AP> -This The suit also seeks $520,000 in city wants equal lime to reply to damages from the Oakland Johnny Carson quips, such as "I area's Mt. Diablo Council of the spent a week one day in Boy Scouts. Another piainllf'f in Bakersfield." the suit is the National Gay Task Mayor Mary Shell, tired or Force, a New York·based non· Carson's jokes about her town, profit group a s k e d h i m t o co me to Curran said Scout Executive Bakersfield for "an updated Quentin Alexander met with him view" of the oil a"d farming after readlng a newspaper article center 100 miles north or Loe about Curran's life as 8 homosex· Angeles But Carson's attorney, Henry ualteeo.ager. AP..,..... Bushkin, wrote back declining .. ''The plaintiff was informed ... that as a homosexual, he was the offer. not a good moral example to be Mrs. Shell replied In a letter to emulated by younger scouts." the Bu~in Thursday that ''in the suit said. interest of fairness, I would like to ask for equal lime for The ACLU called this an m · Bakersfield should Mr Carson fringement of freedom of re ridicule our town on the 'Tonight liglon as well as other c1v1l Show.' " rights BOARD MEMBERS -Jerome Waldie, left, and Allred Song hudated with a well wisher in the state Senate wher~ they won approval as members of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board Thursday. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. was ejected by Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti from the Senate chamber when he showed up to con,gratulate Waldie. ltS Aaron Brothers lt FraD1e Sale! Buy One Frame at the Regular Price. Get a Second Frame That Costs the Same or Less for One Cent YOUJ Will can be 11gaiety100 Here's tlO\lol our frames can work tor you With a llttle help from the Aaron Brothen 1 ¢ Frame Sale, you can tran~nn your dull, uninspired walls Into a gallery of "artworks". Now's the time to frame all those famUy photos, col- lages, diplomas and other works of art you've been saving. Choose from our huge varlety of frames In all shapes, styles and From plain to fancy and from tiny to large , you'U ftnd the frames your walls aave at Aaron Brothen 1 ¢ Frame Sa.le. FINE LINf AAT MAMERS Fftlr1 Ct?t-~ A5'0RTMCNf iJf Jc f.KJN-Ja(IC ca.ORS. Rtrr 2 99 .l.00 ' ., J • ~----...,,..-----:----------------------------------------------;-=---------------- Orange Cow OAIL y PILOT/ Friday, May 1, 1981 Tough sentences just I . one part of crime war At two recent conferences Jpotllghting the problems of vie· Ums of crime, Oranfe County District Attorney Ceci Hicks in· sisted that tougher prison sen· tencing would deter more criminals. Hicks said society bas to show its crlminals that it means busineas. Persons convicted of crimes involving a firearm, be said, should go to prison for an extra five years instead of two. And, he added, it s hould be the full five with no allowances of tbe type that today permit in- mates to serve only eight months "hard time" in some cases. Although he may be guilty of sounding like virtually every other elected official in California on this issue, Hicks isn't wrong when he says society must Just a month ago it appeared the dairy .lobby might be losing its traditional s tranglehold on Congress. The House and Senate backed President Reagan's ef- forts to roll back dairy price sup- ports by rejecting an automatic m id-year increase that was scheduled to go into effect April 1. But now the Senate Agricultur e Com mittee has backed a bill that would cost the government about $1 billion more than the administration wants to spend over }Jle next four years. A~ present, the dairy price support stands at 80 percent of parity. That's the price farmers must.receive for their products to match their buying power in the 1910-1914 base period, which was a profitable time. Reagan wanted the next four- yea r agreement to cut the sup- port to 70 percent of parity. ·That would cost the government about $559 million a year. But the Agriculture Committee has ap- proved a measure setting dairy supports at 75 percent of parity, become committed to stopping crlrne. But it will take more than a stiff prison sentence to deter the less-than-rational people who so often seem to be the killers, rapists, robbers and molesters. 1t is clear that many are beyond concern for punishment when they commit their criminal acts. The best way to help a poten· tial victim is to keep a-troubled child from turning bad. Newport Beach Police Chief Charles Gross had 'the right idea when he said at one conference that govern- ment is the fourth entity that shbuld be responsible for stop- ping crime. The others, he said, are the individual, the family and the community. and costing $821 million a year in payments to dairy farmers. For the consumer, the percentage difference would be ~ubstantial, an increase of up to 5 percent in the_ retail price of milk, rather than a 3 per:eent m · crease under the· administration proposal. And a gallon of milk already costs more than a gallon of gasoline. The government price guarantee has resulted' in such overproduction it now is necessary to shell out almost $2 billion a year -in addition to the price support payments -just to store excess butter, cheese and powdered miJk purchased from farmers. Obviously the dairy farmers like it that way. And obviously the government is handing over too big a chunk of taxpayers' money to keep them happy. It remains to be seen if the ·senate·Budget Committee, which holds the reins on government spending, also will buckle under to the dairy lobby. Still battling sex Newport Beach Sen. John Schmitz is on the sex education warpath again. This time he's proposed a bill that would pro- hibi t local school districts from funding any sex education or family life program if a single pupil or parent found the course "oCf ensive." In short, one individual could ,have such a course removed /tom the curriculum, regardless <>f the wishes of parents who might want their children to re· ceive such instruction. · . Of course this is an ongoing campaign by Schmitz, who in- sists no type of sex education belongs in the schools. Earlier he authored a bill that allows parents to take their children out of sex education classes. That at least makes attendance an in- dividual matter. The new bill, which was 'ifro- moted by a woman member of the San Diego Right-to-Life Coun- • cil, would , if passed by the Legislature, totally remove local control of the issue and perhaps eventually result in banning sex education in all state public schools. That's what Schmitz has said he would like to see. The San Diegan says she feels teaching about such mat- ters as contraception implies ap- proval o( early sex. And if the youngsters aren't given sex education in the home, she adds, "the streets have been a pretty good teacher.'' There are plenty of parents who would prefer that their children receive instruction in the facts of life in the schoolroom than from their too-often misin- formed peer~. The sex education debate doubtless will continue, but at least as things stand parents have a choice. Sen. Schmitz thinks the state knows better. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of 1he Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artlsb. Reader comment Is invlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone <714) .642-4321 . • L.M~ Boyd/.Head of t~ house Burmese law formally recoinJzes one and only one head of each household. It's automatically the man therein. if any, unless somebody cbOOMI to prove the man drinks too much, aod then it's decreed to be the man'• wife, ll she wants that diatinc· Uon. /\t a rty rat•, Jn an ofllclaJ 1tatua. ----_ _ WrlM lhe numbet• 1, 2. Sand 4 on a piece ot pa]>er. Alli someone to circle • any Ot these numbera. Four out ot five to A1ktd will drtJt the I . Ya, tour out ot ti••· Tavern types •be Ulle to bet on ncellent odd• <iln moaey wtth this Uttl• 1am1. too. • Tbe letter c1rr1en who own do11 - and about 18 percent of all letter car· ders ln this country do own doas - say they have no rear whatsoever of being bitten on their routes Might be a worthy notJon for any carrier who does have such fears. Get a do1 of your own. Q. What proportion or the murders a re commllted by·women? -"· About 15 percent. And that has been tbe case u lont as records have beea kept. · ,. Q. The Social Seoi.arlty system was founded tn tt37 on lb• actuarial a1- 1umpUOb that there would be con· trlbuUOGI from 30 actt•e workert to support each retired worker. What'• the ratio ot active to retired today? A. Six to one: And n1rrow1n1 ~ . . ... FRANKl~, l'M a:«t>U> 1) AOOROON BK"1SE I IXNT BfUM IN l<JLUN6 ~~R ~UtMN BE1tl1 . ~utes ~efy . c'Ommon sense ~ '_, " WASHINGTON Inspectors general are supposed to ferret out waste and corruption m thal great fuddle factory known as the federal bureaucracy But here's the frustrating account of ah 1n !>pector general's office that was responsible for the end o( a sensible, 1n arrangement between tw() gov ernment facilities that was al·lually savrng the taxpayers money A bout three years ago. the Great· Lak1s NavaJ Hospital anCf 1L'> neighbor, the Veterans Administration Medical Center Ln North Chicago. entered into a mutually sattsfying marriagt> or conve nience, solemnized by nothing more complicated than a .. memoran~ of understanding " • .. UNDER THE TER~1S of the Jgrce ment. the naval hospital dipped into its ample supply of blood and gave tl to the VA hospital, which needed it badly. in return, the VA hos pital gave the Navy the services of a cardiologist it didn't need. but which the Navy did It was a simple. direct arrngement that pleased both staffs They should h ave known bl'ttN Anything that sensible was sure to catc h the eye or a bureaucratic nit picker sooner or later I Q 1979, it caught the eye of an ass1s tant general counsel at the Veterans Ad ministration named John T Manning He got hold of the .. m emorandum of un- derstandin g·· and s ub1ected 11 to thorough scrulmy The arrangement. he con duded 1n bis own memorandum. .. Wo uld appear to exceed the tustomar~ ler;:al staf\dards " llav1n~ dehvered himself or this opt nion, the lctwyer apparently washed his hand!> of the matter Whether hi s memorandum was ignored or wmked at 1s not clear But unfortunately. 1t re G -JA-Cl-AN-D-IR-SD-N -~ m <J 1 ned in tll£.!Lle~ and. sure enough, thl' inspect.~eneral s sleuths even tuall) found it. • ... . Tlli\T DID IT. Lacking anythmg bet ter lo 10spcct than the blood-for cardiologist arrangement. the mspector general recommended to higher-ups that the VA hospital t·ease and desist forthwith The order was issued and the hospital adminis tration had no choice but to comply Thc trouble 1s that, in the years they Wl'r<.' hvmg tn th<.'1r fools' paradise. both the Navy and the VA facilities had grown accustomed lo the pace The VA hospital was getting half its blood s up ply from the 'Mrvy. the Great Lakes hospital was geltmg the sernces of not only a card1olog1st but two VA res idents as well ~o money changed hands The hospital administrators estimated that the Navy's blood was roughly equivalent to the VA's medical service:l Now. thanks to the zealots in the if\ spt>l"lor general's office, here's what Will hap~n The VA hospital will have lo buy about $20.000 worth of blooG every year to replace whal 1l now. gt-ts from the Navy For the Great Lakes Naval Hospital. the end of tht' affair will bl' even morr costly To snare a military cardiologist, wilt add perhaps $50,000 to the hospital"s budget, 1f they have to hire j c1v1han. 11 could cost twice as mucl1 Then•!'> no Y.ay they cao get two rest dent:, as well. so the <'ardiac care wi9 suffer "IT'S i\BSl 'RD that a nice, perfectly logical arr:mgcment should be dis rupt: c.•d for an illogical reason," mourned a Navy hospital official "This was a good a rrangement.'· said th1.• hospital official. "Why fax things that don·l need fixing"" The ultimate losers. or course. will be th(• taxpayers unless the VA pettifog,· gers an W<ishington c hange their minds, An official indi('ated this might happen because. he explamed to my associat' Lucette Lagnado. while they can·t seem to find a law that allows such a pran t1cal arrangement they can't seem to find a Jay,. that expltc1tly forbids 1t, Cllht•r That s the spmt boys Where there'' a "'111 there's a wa\ And where there'1 a lack of w.111 . lhere. may a lso be a" a) California needs· international trade Earl WaJers is on vacalton This column 1., by Secretary of State March f '1mg Eu Since most of you are awan• or m) most visible respons1b1 hltes such as those relating to elections, poht1cal re form and corporations. J "d like to ad dress one of my lesser-known but ecoMmically vitally important func lions -serving as Californw 's Chief of Protocol and promoter of Cahforn1a products 1n the international _ mar1s4'tplace. ~ere is no doubt that trade 1s essen ttal for Califom1a's economic prospen ty Nearly one of e\ e ry 20 Jobs in this slate owes its existence to mtemattonal trade THE NEED HAS never been greater lo increase our exports The present hrn level of ex,JX>rtS 1s a scn ous problem If it continues. the unhappy effects of a low export growth rate ~ill multiply geometrically m the future Cahfomia alone had a trade deficit of nearly $3 billion last year This trade de(1c1l 1s a job deficit. For each SJ bilhon fn lost trade, our state loses 50,000 lo 75,000 jobs. Job loss means a loss of profits, future savings, future, and is the mark of a sick economy. Presently, California buys far more than 1t sells. resulting in a regular an· n ual negative balance of payments. t;overnment and private enterprise .. have faill><l lo l:Jke ach <lntHJ.W of trading port m.1rkl't Wh1~ \H' c·<in all ap. opportunilH•s cspee1all) '\\1th counlnes pn•t1att• lht• faC'l that .f:O\emment has in th<· l'ac1 f1c Basin lht.•rch) losing' hmil1•d rt'soun·t·s I su~gest \.\C should revenue and markets We'\'e got to dt•\olt• thost• n •snurct•i. tn where we gel turn this dcf1c1l around the hight•sl rPturn on our investment. Currt•ntly. many companies ilrt' an Export mark<'ling \.\ill brtng the high h1h1tcrl from exportmg by a lack or ex returni:. we.· sc(.·k and nt•cd IARl WATIRS port know ho''. uncertainties about husmei:.s practices abroad, the complex 1tH'!> of American and foreign tradt' la\\S. the problems of packmg and transporting products overseas. and in adt•quatt> financial resources THROl Gii ELl~11NATJON of gov· ernmcnt obstructions and w,th the as· isas lance of mternaltonal marketing as- soc1 at1ons. ''e can further mcrease our export tradl• At the federal lc,el. ""'' need tht• equ1' a lent nf "one-stop shop ping" lo fac11ilatc 11lformat1on and pro v1de ass1stanC'e ftrlmencan exporters At the state level, we need to expand the r('sources and services of the in le rnallonal trade division of thP Dept. of Economic and Business •Ot•velopmeot. Slate government must become a help ing partnPr to California producers and manufacturNs who seek to enter the ex· I AM C'ONVINC'ED that we could sell JUi.t about any California products. io any quantity we wanted, to a wid~ vanetv of nations. 1f we devoted a frac- tion of tht• l1mt• w h1ch we spend on pro- d udwn to promotion There 1s an a I m ,, s l (.' n d I(' s s r a s c I n al 1 0 Jl with Caltfom1a s man) products around the Y.Orld that Y.t' havt• failed to take advan tage of tn the past A s Secn•tar~ of State. Chie f of Protocol. and an outspoken advocate or mcreast•d t•xportmg I ha\'e sought to prO\ 1clc leadership m this field I helped found two non profit . privately-financed a ssoc1al1ons the Cal1fo rn1a i\~ricultural Promotion Council and the California Export Promotion Council. Hoth are al'tavcly involved m arranging and sponsortng lradt' shows and exhibi- twns aro1md the ~orld We have mude a good start by rec· ogn1r.lng lhc problem of trade im· halanct• W(.''vc t'vcn begun to address 1t. But there is much more we can and will do if we are to s ucceed in turning the present trade deficit into a positive balance Opinions on atheisDI stir up controversy I tell you, one of the subJects 1t JUSt doesn't pay to write about is rellalon No matter what you say, vituperative letters pour In from the people who dis agree with you And the atheist.a are just as v~al ln thei~ denunclaUons as the believers are. Last year I referred, In a paren· theticaJ remark, to atheism as a false ~ 1-Yl~Nl-Y H-IR---!Rl-1 --.~ and aballow doctri~. Well, air. you would have tbouahl I attack~d the TrtnJ t)•, the Jncamatron ll'fa the Totth :\M way thole let.ten 1uahed In from devoul alhtlata Who fett, lht\r creed had been maJlined \ Aftt.r au. I waa mtr Jy atatin• my opinion. •bil'b ii th motl one cen do on 1uch a complex and recondite 1ub]ect: but \Pt"hep YO\J 10 aner JOmtone'• ba le ~llef <cl' bulc dltbelld, ln lhla case ~.\ you rouse the fun es to their fiercest pitch. SOME OF MY best friends as the smarmy saying goes -and closest relatives. have been dedicated atheists My rather, one of the lovellett men who ever lived, hod no for religion ln any of Its credal forms. A1 I have said before. he didn 'l even believe in God, but God bellevt>d in him, which is more lmpor tant, wha\ you believe counts for less than how you feel and act toward your fellowman. To ~ e convinced aUteist strikes me es dumb s hallow. ti not demonstrably false. Thia is why. about 100 years aao. the areat scientist, Thomaa Huxley, coined tM word "aanostic." He felt the neect for a word lo describe and define tMs who neSther affirmed nor deriled a dell)', and felt lt was a beyond human knowtedae. Now a1noatlci1m 11 1 perfectly respectable ind teaablt phllosophlcal po1lt1on: il)J not do1m1Uc, and makes no pronount mentt about the ultimate truths ot the ynlverae lt remains open tn evidence Mid perauulon; lackin' faith. 1t nevertheless does not deride faith · Atheism , on the other band, ls u unyielding and dogmatic about rellJious belief as true believers are about "heathens " It tnes lo use reason to de· mollsh a 11tructun that is not built upon reason ; because, U)ipugb rational argu- ment may take us to the ed&e of belief. it requires a "leap oP'fallh" 1o jump lhf' chasm . lllllYCll 'Re earCh tat» Junk foOd, particillarl)' candy ban u re1ponalble fot eoerln1 juvenile crlme rate. Good th1ni candf bara have Jht'\O\k ln •l• and est&lat.el ln price. ~ P'.K. ....,., .. .-..-..,.....w....-n-•• -~ ...... -.......... _,I ....... _ ,.... ........... Dfolty,... l I 0 lJ ' Dally Pilat . "1 FRIDAY, MAY I, 1961 . Pacific Fed seeks 0 t FEATURES COM ICS STOCKS BJ 84 87 approval to merge 0 HUITllGTDI BllCH I f BUNTAIN VllllY with Oceanside Fed . . 85 ~ No .smut here, say -FV officials -~----- HBdump transfer resumes Excavation of a chemical dump in Huntington Beach has resumed after a one-day dela.y ca used by an emergency or - dmance passed by West Covina orciC'ials Los Angeles Superior Cour1 Judge Thomas Johnson issued a temporary restraining order Tuesday blocking the West Cov 1nu emergency ordinance until a court hearini;! May 12. The emergency ordinance seeks to stop all transfer of sub- s tances from unauthorized hatardous waste dumps to the privately owned BKK landfill an West Covina. The ordinance was unanimously passed by the West Covina City Council Monday. Mola Development <.;o and BKK Inc. fil ed for the tem· porary restraining order. The developer 1s financing the ex· ravat1on to m ake way for 224 condominiums on 12.5 acres that includes the abandoned three acre chemical dump The dump, located 700 feel southeast of Warner A venue and Roba Chica Street. was used for oil refinery wastes in the 1940s Th<' excavation began last week an~ is expected to take 11 more weeks State Health officials oversee the excavation, which is guided by a series of safety and air monitoring restrictions imposed by Huntington Beach city of- ficials Miller Cha mbers. r egional s uJ,Jerv1sor for the Department of llealth Services. said the State Attorney General's oCfice also will file suit lo keep the BK K opt•n to waste from Orange Counly because BKK is the only s ite in Southern California that accepts toxic materials Oran ge Count y offici als estimate there are about 40 unof· f1 cial and abandoned chemical dumps in Or ange County that need to be cleaned up. URBAN COWBOYS Cindy Le imac h and Brian Lenzkes. fifth graders at . Fulton School in Fountain Valley, get in- to the 'piorteer spirit during the school's western fair. More than 150 youngsters in grades four through s ix p<irticipated. a Sports injuries feared HB parents , doctors object to trainer reductions Athletic directors. team doc- tors and parents have warned Huntington Beach Union High School District 1 ruslees that more students could be injured next year if athletic t rainers are reduced to part-lime employees The trustees are considering reducing the six full time trainers to part-time employees lo save about $84,000 next year. Education standards lo be a trainer also would be reduced from a four-year college degree and trainer certificate to a two- year college degree The West Orange County dis· trict is the only one 1n the stale with full·l1me trainers. accord· ing lo district officials. The financially troubled district al ready has cut $300.000 from the sports program as part or overall budget reductions of $3 9 million next year Ken Duddridge, athletic direc· tor at Edi:.on High School. warned trustees Tuesday that the lowered education and job standards wouldn 't attract qualified trainers and that the district could "be sued for a bun- dle" if a student is injured while under inadequate training supervision · trustees to keep the full time trainers "But I probably couldn·t get up again." he said "If there were qualified trainers in my , day , maybe many of us wouldn't be creaking and limping .. The trustees voled to decide the issue this summer after the st a le Legislature releases its ,fund1~g formula for public W1ucat1on. The ft c ounts fil e d in HB loan ca se Tap rap zapped He said without full-lime trainers the young athletes will be in practice situations ··under walk-on coaches totally un- trained'" Lo diagnose or prevent injury Dr Robert Bielen, Edison's team doctor during football games, told the trustees he believes the trainers prevented "knee problems·· and "serious injuries" during last year 's foot· ball season by preventive ex- ercise and taping programs. Grand theft charges·ha ve been riled against a 30·year·old Long Reach man who was paid to help arrange low -interest business loans in several Oran~e Coast cities and allegedly failed to pro· vide the services he promised. Valley panel won't halt dance classes A request from private dance stud ios to hall city-s ponsored lap and ballet classes has been rejected by the Fountain Valley Parks ,and Recreation Com - mission. Comm1ss1oners voted un a nimously this week lo maintain the current policy or offering self-supporting dance classes geared to a beginner's level. But the question of whether the cit y should offer classes that compete with private industry ~as surraoed during d iscussions of Fountain Valley's current financial problems, and the is · sue may come before the City Council al budget hearings Recreation commissioners considered the matte r after re· cei ving a teller from Dance Masters of America. a national teacher association. Local dance s tudio owners also have voiced opposition to the city classes. The association contends that low-cost city classes are harm- ing private studios' business. while offering poorer-quality in- struction. But the commission also re· ceived 29 letters and a support 's tatement containing 11~ signatures from parents who want the city dance classes con· Unued. Some fam ilies, especially those with more than one ln· le rested youngster. say they cannot afford private lessons. "Paying $40 a month for private danC1? lessons would strain my budget,.. said Fow1· taln Valley ruident Barbata Coulson, who bas a daugh~r enrolled ln a city dance dan. ballet and tap classes run P e r sonal powe r topic of ~eminar "De\'eloplna Pef'IOMI Po..-er In Women," a two-houT aemlnar, will be held at Ora nce Coast Collete In Costa Mesa next Thur1day. The aemlnar will betin at 7:~ r..rn. In OCC'• Cbemlttry Build· 01. Room 207. Ad Q)lulon la ,, ... $13.2~ for 10 weeks. covering one 45·mlnute lessonB per week One p~ivate Fountain Valley dan.:e instructor, who asked that his name not be used. insisted that many c ity dance c lass parents can arrord private lessons. For those who cannot, studios are flexible in instruc· Lion prices. he s aicl "It is our contention that the city shouJd not be in the teaching business," the privttte instructor said. "It's a duplication of ef forts.·· Fountain Valley currently of· fers 25 city dance classes involv- ing 340 participants. according to parks and recreation director Gary Davis. "There have been questions raised in the past about the city competing with the priyate sec· tor," observed David l>rebish. chairm'ln of the Parks and Recreation mi ssion . ·'That's not the city's intent." Prebish sAid city classes are usually large and geared to the "novice." He said more serious students who ctes1re more in· tensive Instruction and in· dividual attention usually opt..Cor the private studios Surfers vie in Huntingt,on More t han 60 surfers were scheduled to participate Satur- day in a surfing contest in memory of a Huntington Beach Hlgh student who died three year& ago. Greg Detter. who was a member of the dChoot's surfing team. was kllled In a· cldent In Oregon three yeara ago. His sls~r. Deniie. a senior at the school, alone with aurl'lna coachJ Rob Hlll , organhed the event Trophle1 wUI be awarded to Ute top alx 1urfen and top t.hrff k.Dee riders. Other awards are a110 achedulecl. The contat is acbedultd to be&in at. S°:30 Sltur· day momlnJ aL LaJct Street, ln Hu.dllnit.on Beach. I • Parent Don llulell agreed. "It's a great relief lo me that while m y boys are out there praclicihg <football I someone qualified is there to take care of and minimize injuries,·· he said. Or. Robert Cassidy, team doc- tor al Marina High, related a personal situation. A former high school athlete. Cassidy said he'd like lo "get down on my knees and beg" the Police hunt stabbe r of Valley man Irvine police were sei!fching for a suspect today ill connection with the knifing or a 21-year-old Fountain Valley man Thursday a fternoon. Steven Lopez wns stabbed in the left knee cap and in the left elbow al 2'45 p.m. as he was leaving his job al Shiley Laboratories, 17600 Gillette Ave., police said. Irvine police sergeant Dick Bowman said that Lopez knew the assailant and that the two men argued before the stabbing over a girl they both knew. The assailant Oed on foot aCt~r the incident, holding what was described as a butcher knife .. Lopez was released rrom Tustin Community Hospital after treatment. Job fair planned for Golde n West Golden We:st College's Job/· Car er Fair held May 14, in front of the cafeteria pallo. trom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . More than IO Southern California buslneaaea will take part In the free event and more lnformaUon Is available from the · counHlln1t and 1uldance center, 892-7111, extension 419. llunlington Beach police Sgt. Bill Van Cleve said the man. Jeff 0 . Van OeVeere. turned himself in lo authorilies Wednes· day. one day after a warrant for his arrest was obtained by the Orange County District Al lorney's oCfice Van DeVeere was released on his own recognizance and is scheduled for arrai·gnment May 6 1n Wes t Oran ge County Municipal Court. Van DeVeere's business ac tiv1tic~ were the subject or a "00 M mutes" report filmed at Havel Mold, a Huntington Beach in dustrial firm. After the report a1redt other local businessmen reported their experiences with~ Van OcVeere to police. accord ing lo Sergeant Van Cleve. The detective said the case against Van OeVeere Involves seven alleged grand theft vie lims from Huntington Beach. Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and Cypress. One count or attempted grand theft also was Cited in connection with the Havel Mold investiga- tion. Van Cleve said. He said no money changed hands between Van OeVeere and the owners of Havel Mold. Van DeVeere is the owner of Hamilton S hield Financial Services, based in Long Beach. Cras h injures HB motorist A Huntington Beach man in jured when his Volkswagen nn reportedly swet"ved out ot con trol Thursday in Costa Mesa ls reported in serious condition to· day al Fountain Valley Com munlty Hospital. A witness told police that the van, driven by Mlg~el Valadez Eaplnoza, 26, pa.aaed hia west- bound car on Victoria Avenue at about 12:30 a.m .. wandered to the ten, Jerked to the right and then tumed over on lt.a left side Pollce aald Espinoza. of ~1 10th St.. HunUn1t.on Beach, was alone In 'the vehicle and autfered head and lntemal lnJuriea. A·nti-pornography campaign said ·marring to image' By PIUL SNEIDERMi\N Of Ille O..lly l"tMol SIMI Concerned that reports or an anti pornography c·ampa1gn led by Fountain V~llc>y Coun cilwoman Barbara Brown may be marring the t•1ty'i, image, Mayor Ben Nielsen has issued a written stalt!ITlenl µrotlmrrung "Fountain Vallev 1s a Cl ean Community " N 1elsen s aid tht• statemC'nt was the result of a dl:.cusMon Monday night with Councilmen Marvin Adler, Eugene Van Dask and Al llollinden during an of riC'ilil council study se:.i.1on lie said lhe statement rl'flects tht· sentiments of the other thr<'c· councilmen as well a:. h1m sdr Mrs Hrown wa:. absl'nl from the stud~ session The mayor's st<1t(·mt•nt points out that Fountain Valh.·y has no retail cst;.ibli:.hments that could be considered "adults onlv" and that local theatl:'r;> ·'huve· a his lory or s howing films and r eat u res considered atn>pta hie for general v1t>wing " · "The avetilabity of ~xually t•xpl1c1t materials. 11 an!!'. se01Tis to be limited to tht' s ale of maga:r.incs at lot'al liquor !>lores and t>onvenicnce markl'lS," the -'>tatement says. Nielsen contends that police and planning department or f1c1ab have been able to obtain <' o o p e r a t 1 o n f r o m I o l' a I merC'hants 10 k('t'Plni.! s ut h rn<ilc·rials out of tht• VIC'W of m1nor!-t The mayor also cunsultl•<I with Poli C'C Chief M <1 rv in Fort in on tht: matter '·contrary to some reeent art4tlt·s llll this SUbJl'CI , 11 IS the t police > department's po.,1tion that our community 1s not bt>1ng overwhelmed by or subJC'Cled to ob:.ccnc• material.· th<• '>late ment say~ Interviewed Thursday, Chief Fortin confirmed that he• does not believe Fountain Vallt"Y has a pornography problem. lie said his officers tt>ok some materi:d to the Orange County District Attorney's ofrice last yt•ar in response lo complaLnls. but ~aid the material was Judged not to be 1n violation or obi.cenity laws Interviewed as to \.\hy the statement was issued. Mayor Nielsen said. ··1 want lo make sure the people of the city re ahu· that we're not sitting idl~ by while somt· of these things go on. ''If you l1>0k at Fount am Vall ey, we have no dirty movie houses or massage parlors o r adult bookstores. We don't have the things some of our surround mg neighbors have." The mayor said he doc!. not oppose Mrs. Brown·s campaign to eliminate pornography "We're not saying obscene material is good."' he s aid "Rut wc want to make sure this 1:-. not blown out of proportion "If we do have a problc•m in Fountain Valley, I'll work as hard as anyone lo gt•t rid of 1t." r' \ ' ·POSIT/VJ.; HK<;PUNSr:· Barboru Hr1111111 O~ltf Piiot Sl~ll Pllolot 'CLEAN COMM/ NJTY. Hen :V1el.wm Mr.. Rrn"" n -,,11d '>hL· docs not hc.>l1 eve hc1 c <1mpa1gn has hi.irmecl tht• l'lt~ ·., 1mag<· • 1 think lht• op1.1os111· I!\ t rU<'." sht· s:mJ I'm i.:ctlinfo: C'a ll s from people: who s:.iy it 's ~real that Fount u1n Valll'Y 1:. doing something ahout this problem " Mrs Brown said she has acted as a private c:1t1zcn in this cam· paign and hopes the matter does n·t enl<'r lht• poht1cal arena "I rt·ahl't' Hw ma\or 1s run ning for n · l'le<'L1on ·and ""ants e \•er) thing in tht• cit y to run -,m oothl•.'' she· -.aid "I Lh111k we're• all aware that Fountain V;.illc•y 1s a beautiful ci t).·· Mrs Brown said "Rut I don't think Wl' should put our h<•:.i<ls 1n the sand und prdl•nd nothing is h<1ppc•ning ht•rc .. '~etired' principal returns to old post By PATRICK KENNEDY 01 Ute O•lly PllM Si.If Huntington Beach Union High School District oHicial$ believe Lee Eastwood has set the dis- trict record for the shortest re· tiremenl by a school principal 19 days. Eastwood. 40 , quit a s Westminster High School prin- cipal on April 10 t o take over a new caree r management company he'd recently purc'hased an Santa Ana But l e11s than two •.unwooo weeks after his resignation, he was negotiat lng to get his $42,492 a year jub back. "It's in my blood," Eastwood aaid from his company's Santu Ana office. "I've been in educa lion for 14 years and I'm looking forward to getting bock to It " District Supertnlendent Frank "Jake" Abbott said )1e was sur prised that Eastwood wanttd to come back so suddenly, but ts "extremely pleased to have him hack." Abbott seld he'd received as- surances from Eastwood that he would ~lay on thC' Joh for a "period of y<'urs " The school board 0Hic1ally re· hired Eastwood early Wednes- day morning m closed session He staru. back at the JOb on July I , but he won't be behind the desk. "I'm not a behind-the-desk principal. .. Eastwood suys. "I'm out the re interacting with leaehers and kids." He said that was the major element missing from his new, but soon to be short-lived. posi· lion as president of his Corporate Dynamics rompany Eastwood said he·s not sure "'what my role will be" with his new company But for the time being he's going to hire a consul· tant to manage It for him "I'm back In the school bUSi· ness for good. It's an exclUn~ game. an exciting vocation," he said. ·'The company's been around sinr<' 1972, is strong and good, but I enjoy interacuna with a lot of people <as a prtnclpall.'' Eastwood tnlllnlly was hired by the district lost summer. He had worked as a school principal with the Pal~ Verde!' PenlnauJa Unltled ~hool Dtstr1ct tor lour yean. Ptlor to that he was a teacher and Ul!ll11tAnt pr1nclpa1 In the Ora.nae Unlfted SCflool Dis· trtct . ' l I • ' - ----...... -..------------------------------------------------_. .. ---------~ I 0 IJ ll fl l I le l( s fl i : Orange Coast DAii.. Y PILOT/ Friday. May 1. 1981 NATlON End of World due in 1980s, ·author-prophet says NEW YORK tAP> -Hal Lindsey. whose books about lht end of the world have outsold •those or almost any other author In the last decade, says the 1980s mark lhe "Countdown to Armageddon." The phrase, heralding a cat astrophic war, is the title of Lindsey's latest preview or his· tory's fina l years. He says they're unfoldinJ. "Things are fitting into a pre- cise pattern or the predicted closing events," he said in an In· terview. "They're a ll coming together simultaneously in this generation." Lindsey, 51 , has turned out six books since 1970, beginning with the prodigious ly selling, "The Late Great Planet Earth," a ll of them focused on the end of time Altogether they've sold more than 30 million copies. A mood of finality "is in the air," he said. "A lot of people sense it." Ticking off various occur- rences of rece'nt history which he links to Scriptural references about the concluding travaH of the world. he said, "Prophecy is happening right before our eyes." Unlike some prognosticators or the end. Lindsev does n't fix exact dates for it, but says 1t will come ln tbe present generation. "It'll happen before the end of the century," he said. A friendly, unaffected Texan, Lindsey was a Korean War Coast Guardsman and later a New Orleans tugboat captain before turning to Christianity. He became absorbed in Bible hope or use in efforts to prevent such a finul conflagration, he said: •·As long as we're still in the world, we're to live responsibly a nd seek to preser ve a peaceful wuy of Ille ... to continue pro· claiming the Gospel . . . and seek to help those who suffer a nd are in need." his ··Countdown" book. lssued by Bantam. Arab-Jewish con· (hct over Jerusalem will cause a "great pow~r to the far north," the Soviet Union, lo Invade the Middle East. "Afghanistan was a h rst step in that dlre'ction." Lindsey writes . / Against lhe Soviet sweep, he says, communist China. the ''Kings of the East," will enter 'The conflict over who owns Jerusalem will setJO/f a war that will bring all others into it . The war will escalate until it covers the whole globe. until the last fearful battle called Armageddon.' the war, along with the Western world, unified by rear into a new Roman-type empire foretokened by the 10 -n ation Common Ma rket. Lindse_y sees Scriptural al lusions. both in the Old and New T estaments, to the various m odern powers, their recent and anticipated moves, along with a prophecy. and ear n ed a master's degree al Dallas Theological Seminary. maJoring tn Greek. the origfoal langyage of the New Testament. "I'm not out lo scare people. but to wake them up," be said when questioned about it "But I'd rather scare hell out or them than have them go there." He said his main aim is to evoke faith in Christ. Asked if consigning the world to early doom didn't cause a kind of fatalism without any He said he began taking thos~ calamitous fina le ahead. obligations seriously when he "The conflict over who owns became immersed in Bible Jerusalem will set off a war that prophecy. will bring all others into it." he "Before that. I was just a hell· said. "The war will escalate un- ra ising tugboat captain. But tit it covers the whole gklbe. un. there was a turn-a round in my til the last fearful battle called life." Armageddon " ' Of the approaching , inevitable At the height of that horrible calamities he foresees on Earth, war, on the verge of wiping out he said. "I believe these things all human life, Christ will return with every fiber of my being. I a nd inletvene, saving the world, be lieve it's happening and it's with believers destined for a going t-0 happen." -restored, eternal world. According to the scenario of He says the spark that ignites the war ln the Middle East may be · a limited nuclear bombing, with s uch power reported lo h{lnds of some Islamic nations and which may be made ayaila· ble to the Palestine Liberation Organization. ··According to Scriptural prophecy. something is going to happen that is so frighte ning that people or the West wlll ac- cept a dictator that will coine up out of the 10 European Common Market nations." he said. "One of the specific predic· lions is that this man will suffer a seemingly mortal head wound a nd be raised up to amaze the world. This powerful leader will be the anti-Christ. He will prom· ise peace and security but it will be a pseudo peace." Lindsey. before his first book. ser ved seven years wi th Campus Crusade for Christ, lecturing lo students "The thing that really in· terested even non-religious stu. dents. was prophecy," he said. That spurred him to start wnl tng about it. His 1970 book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," has sold 18 million copies and still is in demand. Other best-selling se- quels include "The Te rminal Gen eration" a nd "There's a New World a Coming". ,, FINALITY IN AIR? Hal L..mdsey Sounding lhe urgent note about it, he said. has caused "people of every walk of life to come into a relationship with Chris t " The lady ~ IS a contest champion Brooklyn housewife has won so many prizes she can't remember them all ·~-....­"I'm famous." says Selma Glasser. and indeed she i$ among the tbousand$ of contest devotees nationwide. She has won so many merchandise prizes she can·t keep up with them. ~ ByJULESLOH A,.Spo9<1a1Cer"•IR .. M NEWYORK Twopackagessit on Selma Glasser's dining room floor . unopened. One she rec- ognizes as containing a kitchen blender She has no idea what is in the other "So many things are being de- livered all the lime J can't keep up with them." s he said. "I'll open it later, when I have time." In the Brooklyn neighborhood where Mrs. Glasser lives, in a modest, stucco row house, she is known as the contest lady. But, among devotees of the rhyming jingle and the SO·words-or·less testimonial, her fame has long since overleaped the bounds of Brooklyn. "I'm famous," s he said . A simplefact,staled briefly. St.e is a contest maven. ,,No challengeon box top or matchbook cover escapes he r eye. She knows them aJI , enters them all. and wins fa Iii.more than her s hare of them. llPwould be impossible to say, in SO words or 500 words. how many prizes she has won in30yearsof en· teringcontests. Newspapers thriving ANPA says industry set record for ad revenue in 1980 WASlllNGTON <AP> The American news paper industry, "economically sound" despite price increases and a reduction in the number of papers, main· tained circul ation levels and set a record for advertising revenue in 1980, a study says. As a whole, the business also became the nation's largest manufacturing employer. The a nnual study. published by t h e American Newspaper Publishers Association. shows the nation's daily newspapers al· lracted a record $15.6 billion in ad· verlising in 1980, up from $14 5 billion reported in 1979. ··Despite turmoil tn the national economy. extensive competition from other media and changing lifesty les 1n the citizenry, newspapers remain economical· ly sound," the AN PA said in a n in· troductory s tatement. "U.S. newspapers attained a ll-time records-in advertising revenues, employment and the number or Sunday newspapers." According lo the report, there were 1,745 daily news papers publishing on weekdays in 1980, of which 357 were morning papers, 1,358 afternoon papers and 30 classified as "all-day" papers. While the number of dailies publi s hed on weekday s r epresents a drop from 1. 763 in 1979, the ANPA said the number of Sunday papers continued to ri'Se last year -from 720 in 1979to 735. T he overall circulation for Sun- d:ty papers also rose. from 45.67 m illion to 54.37 million, but weekd ay daily ci rculation . ,.~ .......... CONDUCTOR -Comedian Danny Kaye rtaht, asslata vlolinlst Carol Webb of the New York Philharmonic, In playtn1 ''Happy Birthday•· tor Zubin Mehta, orchestra conductor at a New York celebration. Kaye say1 be will conduct a ~slon fund benefit performance by the Philharmonic Sept. 23. -----.. ~ dropped slightly from 62.22 million to 62.20 million. The number o f w eekl y newspapers also declined in 1980 to 7 ,602 from 7,954 in 1979, the re- ports hows. As for e mploy ment, the as- sociation said the industry pro· vided work for 432,100 in 1980. up fro m 420,700 in 1979 and enough to take over the lop spot in the Labor Department's listing of the na· lion's largest manufacturing employers. The annua l statistical' profile a lso s hows that newspaper prices took a sizable jump in 1980. as did the cost of newsprint. The number of dally weekday newspapers charging a single- copy price of 25 cents climbed dramatically from 144 in 1979 to 555 last year, while the number of Sunday papers charging a single· copy price of 75 cents rose from 15 to46in 1980. Newsprint consumption re- mained steady at 10.1 million m etric tons. but .the price of a single metric ton of newsprint in the eastern United States climbed from $413in l979to$470in 1980. the AN PA said. The largest daily newspaper as of Sept. 30, 1980 was the Wall Street Journal with 1,838.891 daily subscribers, lt was followed, in · order, by the New York" Daily News. the Los Angeles Times, tbe New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. · Marathon dancing scheduled at OCC "Dance ror Those Who Can't", a 12-hour dance scheduled al Orange Coast College In. Costa Mesa May 9, wlll raise money for muscular d ystrophy re- alearcb. The d"1!ce will begin at noon tn the college gym-, anll five bands will perform. Admission la $5. More Information is available at "6·5507. Tom Murp#atM'• Jun Coaltmg column wUl rtltlnw Wfdn.ttdov. In Che meantlm., M '• looking ftW gordnt tn Gorcfn arooe. • • ··---·- Her freezec was a prize Her stove was a priz~. and her oven. Her car was a pnzc S he won it before she learned to drive Her sever al bicycles. her motorcycle. her mink coat. all prizes Prizes crowd her hou~c Lndeed. warm her house: her gas heating system was a prize "l can't re member everything I've won." she s aid. "buttheprizes .Lhal thrill m e most are the ones I never would have other wise • · 1 m ean. what chance would a Brooklyn housewife have to go on a date with Sid Caesar ? I did that. Or lo be a g u est of Engelbert Humperdinck at a ringside table at a bi g hotel on opening night? "I've had trips to Rome. Paris , the Caribbean. Trips all over Florida several times. California A Texas dude ranch. Withoutcon· tests. experiences like that just wouldn't happen lo me." Mrs . Glasser is a s m all, slu~ht lady in her early 50s a nd 1s con- st antly on the go. When she 1s not working on her contest e ntries she 1s s preading he r secr ets to Qt hers. QUITS -Drummer Denny Laine who has been with Paul McCartney's group, Wings, since 1971 , quit week after a decision was made to tempora rily halt the _group's tour. Indian bid nixed WASHI NGTON <AP> An ut tempt by the Covelo Indian Com· munlty to expa nd the legal boundary or its reservation in Mendocino County. Calif .. has b,een turned away by the U.S. Supreme Court. Youth to meet A pplicalions for the O r ange Co unty Re d Cross Youth Leadership Development Center to be held June 22 through 26 at the Cedar Lake Camp and Conference Center. Big Bear Lab a re now being accepted. Ninth thr o ugh eleventh grade students may pick up aprllca· tions at thelr loca high school or Red Crou Service Center. More In· formation ls available a 835·5381. Gets degree Judy Roaencren Sandman of Cotta lieu recelved her Bachelor o Arts dear~ from OhJ State Univeralty. . ... . ... ---........ She teaches a course in the Brooklyn College adult-education program tilled "Writing for Prize and Publication." She a lsooCfers a cor respondence course, and has just finished a book : "A-Complete Guide to Prize Con tests . Sweepstakes, and How to Win Them " "I am a writer." she said. "I am not a mental giant. You don't have AMERICA to be to learn lo write a few words for big money. ··A fillet in the Reader's Digest is worth $50. I've hit Reader's Digest many times. I've hit Good Housekeeping, Saturday Evening Post. lots of them. And." she said , "I get a byline . You know what a kick a byline is.·· Rightnowsheisrevv1ng uptoex· plain, in 25 words. why it pays to save ala certain bank. "That's 25 words for $20,000 That 's a good payoff. and I have as good a chance ·as anybody to win it..' No argument t he re. Mrs . Glasser seem s to have a knack for winning, a gift.She attribut~itall lo positive thinking. "ll 's 99 percent enthusiasm." she sa ys. with zest. "You say to yourself, why can't I do it as well as anybody~ You'renotgoing to win them all. but there's always acha nce" Thefirstcontestsheentered.she won. In her m ind it landed the best payoff of her contest career . "My hus band, who is now de· cea sed , was my intended then." she said. "I want\!d to marry him. One d.aY he handed me an e ntry blank: 100 words on why I wante d a trip to theCatsk1lls. "I won the trip and then won him . all In a matter or a few months. After winning tha t first contest, I was hooked.·' So. itseems. was he. 'Stage frighl' pill boon to peef ormers DENVER <AP) Performers s uffering the agonies or "stage fright" may get relief from an in· expensive pill that doctor s say works without slowing or distort- ing the senses The m edicine. propranolol. Is a prescription drug used widely for certain heart ailments. It blocks the rtow of adrenalin into the bloodstream. according to Dr. Charles 0 . Brantigan, director of th e Noninvas ive Vascular Diagnostic Lab al Presbyterian Hospital. His findings were presented lo the Eastman School of Music and the University of Rochester me dical school in Rochester. N. Y .. and released to The Denver Post. Brantigan. his brother, Tom. who is a music instructor at the University of Nebraska, and Dr. Neal J ostph. a professor of ophthalmology. tes ted the pill on musicians in Nebraska in 1979. Their research was reported in the Rocky Mountain Medical Journal in 1979. Since then. the team has conducted more tests at the University of Nebraska and the Juilliard School of Music in New York City. "A performer, beset by fear, finds his body reacting as it would when facing a hostile mob or a Hger .'' Brantlgan Bsaid. "Blood is diverted. The heart rate in· . • old oak piano • cabinets • tables • desks • chairs • buffets creases. and the increased sym- pathetic tone causes tremor and a de c rement in fine motor coordination.'' During tests at Juilliard, 16 musicians received either the pill or a placebo 90 minutes l>efore each of two test recitals during a two-day period .. he s aid. The mus icians' blood pressure was measured before and after each recital , the ir heartbeat was monitored a nd they were ob- served for outward signs of stage fnghl.hesaid. The tests showed that musi- cians who took propranolol were less nervous and anxious. had fewer tremors end perspired less. thereby improving their ac- curacy. style and ease during the perfo rmance. Brantigan said. The quality of the musicians' performances was evaluated by Carlos Moseley of the New York P hilharmonic, Bertha Melnik of Eastman and by Tom Branti1tan. Beer bill h•osted S A CRA MENTO CAP ).- Le"gis lation backed by brewers and beer wholesalers to ban volume discounts on beer to sto res has breezed through its • second Assembly committee. • dining sets • iron toys • cedar chest • dressers • watches • sewing machines • old Italian loveseat • Cushman motor scooter • harltrade dolls from Ireland • • ll s 0 ii n e l II II . • ;-r .,. " '4J • • •, . ·" ..... .. Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Friday. May 1, 1981 H /F . NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOTUIC>ff,INCLUDI T•ADUON Tltl NIW VO•ll. MIOWIST. PACll'I( l'IW. IOSTON, OtUOIT ANO CIH"HllATI UO<lt llJ!("ANOl'41NO •IPC>IUIO IV THI NAiD AHO INSTIH&T S•I~ N•I )•lot N•I S.le\ N•I Sal•\ 1.tlt • Nol P·E h<I\ Clow CllO P E hd> Clow C"9 P·E hd• C:low C"O P E hck CIOM P t: 110\ Clow Ct19 OubP 2.04 • 2M 1a ......... HejNH UO a It » -\4 Malt! pl UO .. I Hiio-i., PIM•K It Jn t.i1 wl . . 1 17\to, •• ,. guile pl 6,7S . ~ 1 114 Me '4\C 1 It ,.,.. 14 Mtl'OI 1,70 7 ii ,...__ Ila li'IAftlfn .I• It •• 01 t 7 U ~ ._ 11ke pf t'° . 11 ~ • l'I Hellrl111 I.JO • u t11n • \4 MtrJW .,. u .-,_ " Pl•>'lleY rt 10 IOI 1£1 n u >U 12~, -. S.I•> Nt l g~t=; , : : : ~ e~-; ~ ~:::l::C .1-: tt ,, ~ .. , ~ ~~~·m 't'.t I: ~ ~ : :::.: I ~:: t ll~·pt rn • '6~ n~: 1 '4o CH/llo Fn p Vo""'1C1fn.. .. ~'.'9o~n\r n:ii ,.-:: \.It~=~~~· ,!J ~ ~ L.._~ ~ =g~~J:= 1: n::: ~ :::P:!t. srn ~";, :·:11 ·: :\'I=~ CHA pl 1,10. • ti--.... OllCILI 1.IO 1 221 nv. ..... Mtuton .JD . 10 'l>"f• \It Mc:Onfd' .iO 1i ., .., -1111 ,.,.., .... 4021 JI n :., • 14 ,, .. _ CHAI 1.1.. I• I~ .. 0114 ltfO 2.10 .. IUO • .__, HMl«Hln I.II • 1'7 )1\11-"" McO!lO 1.0.10 m ,, -IV. PooT•I • " 1 ... , IQ • ,._ .. CPC J-M I ttO .. + 011Qprl(210 .. J ll"'-l't HewllP .fO JI m ~\o'IM<OIO 1,901J jlt .. -v. P,,,i.c .A ' 10. r\lal .IOlt 1' Ulli+ \lo CPC ..,, • ~.._ D\IQ P• 2.ll dDD 1$\11.... HeJ1ctl .Ml 1• ,. .. Mc:GrH 1 ... 11 .. '71.'t+ "'° ~nr Of uo . dlO II .70 15 m JIOl\11 H CP H•I 2 • JO I~ OllCI pr 2.IL. 1140 t•l4 ••.• m~•r ,IO 7 l• ·~ ~Mein! O It Sol~t-Port0¥ 1.70 • at? PMkG .SA 6 • I~. , CSX U • • SIO JO\lo-OoycoP n ns Zin 19V.. v. H,~OI!_. 1·",, »J l!~. I' Mc:U•n .D .• .. .-.. .•. POGt pf 11 . .IO •• 170 ~! 1 -·,· ,? 141~.'_ ~ s..1.-.... CTI '° IJ JO .-.. •• . yl'IAM 1S """. \lo '"'"" ... • • .... + ... Mc: lout 17 1'4o... Po ltc.11 l.tO u 1• ···-·-• ,.-... -.. F "'"_Clo~ c ~~c .Ill •• "• --,,.... EGG' -·---H lion IAO u· 216 ....... M<Ntll ·'° 10 1 W,:.:·:..: "9tm~I 1,.0 • 1a.o YIW'911 1.\1! I .. ,.._ \4 14-'#;--...... -5020 u Jt\4-v. Hollelty .7' t J2I V1'>-\4 AMtd • n ... PotEI pl U) .• 1 ...... pn .... ·-7 it -1 MA .. ' 22 I~+ \It ...... 11 f.U ,,.,.._ E Sy\ 1 )1 •• u ......... HollyS .75e ' •• 42f\o + \'o AM .. ,. .so 14 SA U..+ " Pr•ml« ... 1• )1 ~ -\4 )'KO t tO u JO 15'4-.. ACF l .JO 10 5' .. + '4 ellflll 70r 16 J,) 2.W. EtoleP .. 10 10 21.,; + \It HM•G p!l.10 , SI 1V.-14 -rn ,. If 15' ,,.._ V. Pr'f~e •• S I 12flo-\It -T-'r -/lloMF 1.2~ 12 set U14 + \II tmrl n ' at 16 ti ~: Eawo I.JO IJ t U"'+ \It HomJtk UO 11 :MS U~ Vt llA•lvlll• 1,90 10 l7' u2~ r,> Pr I mt :rl 1'111141 ... + 1" EC.O I 12 6 IU la+\• 14 AM Intl . 1121 ,,__ " mRL II le , 77 SJl•'H £lll1Alr 101 I~ ..•.• Hondt .M( 12 141 ~h +1 AMmrtt . 16 1 --"' Prl t.I" 12 '1 14 -\It TRE I t 111 ~. Vt APL 16 ~ \'o •mlP 2 10 7 54 JI~ EAi-•10 ,.. sv.. " Honwh J 7 :170 91"--1 M•r<SI 1.fO • • .. ProctO uo ' .us 71 \Ii TRW 2 41) 10 ... '21'11+ ~ '"'" 1."4 ·; 61 UV> ol ,·J2 • 164 ~ ElAlr pll.•• 1 1""• .... 110011u 1.t• 10 in "~ ~ M•rTK • I 10 n J2 .••• PrcUISil .at 19 u 1,_.= 14 RW pr ,;'° I ,,. -I ot.S/llo , S. .. ~ .s.syt,.'..'.·~ ~~!.I.IQ •• " 1'14-EtAlr DIUO M 11\IH ~ Hor18 n 1,:19 4 I 149\• l.'t Merck 1~ it tff ~-14 Pr•l•r uo a 11 iMll• .., un&rd .M ' 111 H I'>-Vt ATO .to S n 111'... • PE 91.12. '2 2t • Ean~F 110 • u .... + ~ HorltOll t2 JI !!!···;,,:_ MerOltll 1 a 14 M •...• Pl1tCol 141 7 4+1 14\'o+ "'i •lley , 17+ 614-~ AV)( ,;a" ., ,,._..... elR .MU IOt Mio.+ EHIUll 1 J3 1114+ ~ HolPC' .MU .. , -~"" M•rrLY 1.1 , stO ,,... ... , PSC.ol pfJ.10 . " '"'-14 •"•Y pf I • J 11'1 • v. /llo-1.b I ... 16 I.. f7~ 14 tnnon 1..20 1J JI» 29\4 + EsKoO la 10 ltS6 1S~-1 HO.tlnll .60 I 14 !Of\ •• " Me .. P & • IJ 10 m ,,_. .. Vt P$1ncJ a,60 6 tt ,,..._ \'o tndY 2l 110 M-'4>-.. • /llocmec 1.40 t 10 17111+ ~ N(;lt& ,'20" 100 14V." EllOfl 1.n IS Ill .-.. .. H0\19/IA 1 . .0 Ii ' Jll't .•... MstA nl ....... m )114 + "' PS In pl 1.0ol •. 1100 I .. Tal)ltY WI lat » -Vt Aornoo .04 I •I ~ Ill Hid 1.20 1 122 u -.. Eaton pll,lt t 1>$7 .w. Hov1Fb ,20 II n ·~-\'o ,,, .... 11 I°"' II 2• IS •.... PSyNH 2.12 s .,, ""· .... Tndy(ll " 44 11V. " :~\:,1::-,;: ':~~.~ :~:~e9 d~i. ,fi .,t-'4t.2 ~~~~:j ,·~~ ,n !:::...~ ~::r;.~:~.~ 29' ~.:~:G·:,,,.10<2i .~ m::.'.·~ ~i=~::tlf:: '-= n~:.'.·~+~~:~. -~·~ 1~ ~-;1~ AMO. 17 122 11 --lrlial wl s 41\lot I ECll&Br 1.J2 • u ""'· ' H011lln '·" • :ioo t7~ .• ' Metrm • 10 1 UH:. .••.. PP4H pl4.2J .. 4 2711.+ I'll Telcom ~Jj ·-20 7 ....... /llo .. nLI 2.D ~ S11 J6'h• \It t rna t 1.112 1 171 321'11• Edwrcl UOe 7 JO ,._ " HouHG I.JO t 212 ~~ t% MIEll 1.D .. ,1000 171'> •••.. P$HH pfJ.75 •• Z. ~ V. leldyn l ' U6 I=• ... ~-. ..... _ ... n 1,20 •• 1!! 17>~···.· .• • troCO s IQ 1UO S9 -1 £1Pa<O , • . 171 Hf'o .... HollOlh ••••• to ,,:::-. ·~ ~~ .. CT•"• 1'.·!' I! •' 11•,11.-... "' .. PSYHM UI • 11' 22 -"' •IPrMI " 1J.) . • ' ,. ,_ -,.. i roFrt .S2 s 20 tJ•.-. El>G dOl2.lS 4 11\lo-V. How•ll .401J 12 ...., .. ...., •• , PSvEO f· .. S 10t 17¥.-\'o Telex J2 ISi ~ .. ""° :1~=~~' -::: ~ 1:tZ::: =~~~' rn. ~ :~~ .. 1rc~rpt l:~l4 1l U~-,: ~ ~~::.~ 2 2: t m:· ~ MldSUI 1 • .i mt• 11---14 ~ug ::,~·· ·~ 1~~ : ~ :~. ,,~ n~ ~ .. :: Ak1one .Ill n '1 11~-:i. arT•< 2 10 41 41\lo + 1 EllCA• 1' 2J 1111-" HuCIM 0 1.10.. 27 2" .: \lo =ii~::~ ::: I~ ;; ~ = PSEG pfJ.17 . 6 14Vt .... , .nc p r 7'0 ,_ I ti .. ~.'••PP pl/llol.t,'27 • 27 16~.· ~ arrGn I.t ie I 1a~-tlM•M9 IS •I ~ .•• , H11lly .>2 1S lot 1711'> ..... M 1t8re1 1.10 1 ti l1¥o-14 PSEUU .. 6 """ + ~ lrtclyn 1' D lit • ..., ,. :r ,.. ,.. tttPlr 1.10 1 S3 2414 EMM pf 1 J 1-... , H119hTI 1.1J U U6 17'11.• \4 MlllR .S2 tO JO 111<'1 + \'I PSE 12.U _ t120 .. Vt..... HOrO .JOe J , .. 11 -111 AIAP P 9 . .r.50 Sllli-~ artHw 1.22 9 • 19~ •. Elgln UO 7 l U + \lo H11m•n • .Ml 71 I.. 3'~-\lo /IAlnnOt t .Ool S 6 11" + •;, PSE "'7.IO .• &.lO SI ... ,. HOr pll.16 14 JI" '-AlaP Pl II -d50 II -. ar1WI 40 t IS 11,_.. Effalt 7S SO • • .. H11m• pf1,JO .. 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I f IOY.,. -· IC Ind 2 • Ml JSl4-"MoPSv 11> t II ·-\It PurltnF• 1 Ul 1~ y, Tu(> 1.M 1 d ,.'II.-\lo /llolb.,to .40 s s 11 ••• enco " 2• 1114-• Emplns .t01• " J714-~IC lnpf JJO '" n~-..., MOPS Of1.4' .. 1 1•1n+ 14 P\lrollr 1.411• 14 s~ ._ Tolncl ,1()1> t .,, '9\lt • Vt Albtsn ·• ' I 1' -.,. entu ,25 7 77 J.SVt En9MC I.I• • 97' 4'\11+ :i. IC:N 60I '"• ..._ #loobll 4 j 22ti '2 -'llo OUAkO UO I W JSV.-y, Tealnll 2 IJ 4» llOV.. /llol<•n I IO • 111) l4 • \') •nSoW U L s -~ 1J • Ennl18 .M g I ••1to-"' ltllACll 1.tO 110 ~-.-~ MOIHIM so n J\') ~-so .IO IJ 161 14 • ~ THlnt t .05 ~•Ul lSl4.' .. /llolcoSld l 1 I 191'.-14 enHlld 2.» S t 17~··· En>r<ll 2.o+ I 51' ~ .... • '"" IN.Al"' 1,IO . · 21 l>l't + ~ 111\ctlll!U .21) IOI S1 111111.: .ii; Qutna 1 .10 12 VJ 1.1~ •llio TaOGe• II" '114 ~ ..... Alco wl I 10\lt t "' enllLI I.Pi 4 3+ UV.+ EM pf 10.J:l . 16220 •-1 .. IU lnl l.10 J llo+ "~-... MdCpl n It 4S 1.-+ \lo o ... 1tor •. 1+7 ............ Ta Pit .JS It 17 40 ..• /lloludt •. 10 l)V. ... eflllPS .... 1 lO 1011'>-Enlu .• 1 M '*"'• "' 1,dutlhnotpr ~.·?! . I ,. • v. MO~K '1 " 12 .... -111-111 -THUlll 1.• j .., Ill'> ..... Afl9Cp I 09 1 II »Vi• .... nlaE 1,20 11 S7S 47\lt• I Envrtoc S2 I~+ Vt P '" • .. 1'111 .••. MohllOt 15 JM 2~+ .. RBlnd .lt 14 11 914 -Vt TU.$1111 2 6 lJ8 SJ ~ /llolOCP i>n• 12 ,....,_ \IJ •nMPYw• 1 .. ~ t 1~ 11¥>. Equllx 2 . .0 ,, 11Ullo + 1\li ldHl8 1.10 I »' :n ......... l<\ollt.A 1,20 • • l1V.-~ RCA 1.IO , 107' 2 ......... Tuff In . . 71 , ....... Allllnt l.tO 10 " '111'>-" So -, .-,,~ + Eq111mi. .. t ''-· ldHlff • IS 1 IJt • . . Monrcn .IO 4 71 26 + " RCApl J.SO . 110 • -11'1 Tu Iron I IO " S4 »1<'1-~ Al gin pl ) lO 70 -h enT•I 2 10 • 2l0 ,..... Eqm~ pl1.31 1 Ill'> --Id .. , . ?2 •'4-.... MollOQr ts 1 31 so.... ACA j)f • . I S7V. Tl•tr pl 2.oe . , l'4\ ..... /llolloPw 1 '111 s 17 .. ....._ \'o •ntrDt 05121 270 13111+ EqtGt' l.l2 • s ~... .... lllP-r 1.ll • 410 1714 .... Monsen J.IO I• -11 .. ·.: .... ACA Pl 2 12 ''° w,...:.:.·;,.; Tut<l' I .cl . , n¥. ..... Al,eoGp Ill 100 lO:v... . • nlryTI .70 • .. l... EqlLI l.410t JI 60 ttv.-.... II Pow plS 78 uoo 2711'>. v. MnlOU l.IO 9 It '""" • RCA pl ],65 I 26 .... + \lo r,.rm II 21 " ~ Vt Al dCp 2 40 7 IUD S314 • ~ en•lll I .cl S O lA<o .... Eimr k 1.M 16 JO M~+ 14 ITW 1.0I 9 d JO~, •. MonPw U I 7 160 27"-ALC M 13 JJ 16 Tlliolll & I 14 11 17\lt ... AjldMnl :n ' 25 11'-• \ti rHHd ·'°-· 41 IS -E&Qufr• .IO .S I ll:f'ot \lo lmplCp I.JO H >t 22'-+ 14 MonSI t.IQa . J.S 144\+-·~ RTE ·40., lt t1to:.'..i,4 Tllm8ot l.'11• 7J 57\'), ..• A ldStr 1.10 • 213 2•14-l.'t HlAlr .ID IS J20 J4V. + EnoC .1()1> I 18 1S -'°" I NCO 12 n 11' JOV.. . . MON'!' .th t 1• 7\11 + Vt Ral1P11r .n I '" 12"°' Tllonlln .toll I 24 ll,_..• "" AlllsCh J • •» ~-114 hmr•n I •• 10 m 27 .••. E•lrlrle .M 11 121 14~ .... 1ncC•P ,. 11'.(i. . 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Eacltr l,Mtl .. 4 13"4-Y. lndN•U 1.16 S l• 24 -"° Mor .. $ ,IO ' 11 26V. + \lo AeYthn t.40 14 212 "~ Iii Tlm1ln I.Ill IS 1U 72 -t:i. /llomrc• 1.l2 1 ,. 221'>-14 ll+&Fd 1 l:Z. • t 12¥.-e....... • 61S1Q .. ,... \lo '"••<o 122' ,., 2l • "'MorNof 1.SJ ' ll1 22\li .... Aead81 .IO ' 1U """• l\'t Timi PICC.JO .. 12 t(W,-•.i. Arrtrc Pf 2.60 .. 1 » -'h h•H J.1~ s m • •7'1t.. -,._,. -11199rA lAO ' tl 7•~-v. Motrole t.60 13 w 77\lt-y, Rd8tt pl2.U . 96 n • 14 TlmosM 1.n 17 s• ., v. AmHeu 1.10 s 16.i 32\'). .... 119,... ..0 • l l·V.. =Mc 1.60 I 107' ~11'1-"' '"'QA pl 2.lS .. 10 ..,,,,._\to MIF ... 1 1.4' 10 71 lSfo-Vt ltllR•I '·'* • 2 .......... tlmkn ) .. 40 9 37 7l'h .. ". AH .. pl MO ·· 3 1'214 •~ hmNY l.M • IS7 S4 =abr~ ..... SI 2'•t. "° lngrTac S4 10 1 U'lt M11nll'd 11 '9 1\lt-,,.. R•cnEq It U 15V.-Vt TOdSllp .to 9 33 27 -I Arrt4Qr 16:1:2 a22u1'""•" hNY p11.11 .. 20 2l-l'o= •abrCI ':11 a 17 111eo :-\lo lnrdSll · 2 l0 .. :u....: ,_.. Mnld pf 40 .• 11 Slit Aactmn .20U 113 11111-i.. TOllhm• ~' 17 11\l't-Vt AmArr -1016 17\')+ \'o "9•V• ... t 15 :M -•acel ., •S 5'14-.... lnsllco Mb ' IQ 20 ..... "'° MUlllftQ .• s 151.'t::::: AMC. .60 II 6l '"'· •• TolEdl• J.21 1 .. IS ....... . ,,,,,,,, ... . 111 '"'. Vt MtPn 1.S2 12 SS2 ]7'.lt + F•lrcllO ,IO • II• ?6•i'll. " lnsllC pl 1.25 ll ll'h-" MU'•IHIC 1 21 7 33 17V. llehl8 2.10 s 11 )7 ...... 1'o Toi Ed pfJ.:16 • • • ISfo-.... A Air Pl 9 1' • '4 hlMlw .. S SI •...• Faire pl J.60 .. 12 44 t I ln>lln• . 12 '"· ••• Murp() .7S Ill ff l214 +. i4 AelchCh 4t a 11 1'1'11-\lo TolEOr.21 . . 1 IO'o-'ill ABekr ,J.Sb U 10 1..-+ Ito ClliMI pl ll S"1> • t FemOlr ... I 22 16~ -V. llCPS. I.tie . ll I~-14 M11rryO 1.10 I .. 201'>+ 14 A•IGp J • IS 77 ... -"° Tonka .SOr 1 l2 ,.,..._ \It /llo8rl'lds •.20 • 41 ""' • 'ill hlPneT 2 9 20 22,._ •rWstF t SO Ullo , lnl•rco 2.a 1 lJ SJ•;.-'4 MulOm I .. . . 39 11 ,. •.. R•IG pl J.60 10 1"4-14 Toot Ao .40b I 3 9~ • ..._ /llollckt..1 UO 1 251 II~•..._ hkFull .lO!t • s• ,~ ..... =ara11 " '6 13'."• \lo lnlrlk 2,2017 7 ~. 14 Mye,.l .7012 10 1~ ..._ Rellnp1 2,.. l JJ .... ToroCo 97 ,,.._ \f• ABldM .16 9 U 21'14 ... CllrlsCll .•II I 41 M:it-•od.,• lU 1"' t ,.._ llllAl11 .60 • 1' 1-V. -H-H -RepAlr 10 9. SI 1'4, . TOic1o :161 JO:i. .. ,. /llo811SPCI .. 1 2 uv.-~ Chrlstn .• 17 1 IV-?..SICO I.JO I S4 21 .... 18/IA l.4' ''"' SI ........ NCH .12 I 11 2114-\'o A•pCp .60 S3 )IV.. v. Tow t II ... ' '° 1911'>-,,.. :~·~ ~::·~ nl ~l": .. ~ ~~~~~: 1.10 , 11:; 2s...._ =m•P 1.10 i; 1u ..,...,. ~ :~:~~·;:,.:I ~2 J~ n~ ~ =~=e 2:~ t .: :~·i4 :::r:.s 1.20 : +: 112~ •• ~ l~~~V' .. it .~ ~-~ AC'nlry .10. I ' ""+ "'° Chryt "'' 121 ;~: ~:: ... oa .. .~ ~:v...:: ~ IFllHr pl 5.7, . ' ,.'l't. \'o N80 2. s SS -\It AepN~ 1.20 1 .. J.S\lo + v. 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We recently checked the pages of Ad· vertislng Age magazine to see what different publica· tions are saying about their readers. Maguines, newspapers and broadcasting stations advertise In Advertising Age to reach advertisers and tell them what swell audicmces they have. Do you read Playboy. for example? Hugh Hef. ncr 's magazine has a new pitch Cor advertisers. He's s aying that with the president sending out positive signala, "the malaise is over" and America baa moved from pessimism to optimism. The bottom line, for Playboy. is that "a lot of money is going to be released by consumers" -and here's where you. dear Playboy reader. with your "lust for life." come in. ''THE MAN who now h as $500 toward that video re- eorder is poised to spend the ex· \~ l ~~ -.l-lTD-l-ID-l-IDW-1-Tl--i~· tra $300 He wants to spend again. And he will. For that video recorder. For that camera. For that car. For that vacation. For thole clothes ... Do you see yourself there. Playboy reader? Are you ready to spend ? Bride's, a Conde Nast magazine, informs ad· vertisers that it has a direct pipeUne to an audience of panting buyers. It describes its typical reader as "lhe blue-chip bride." What makes them blue chip apparently is their propensity to spend : $12.5 billion this year. Bride's magazine cleverly points out that its r:eaders make up the "core of a $933 million recession·proof travel m arket 99 percent of blue·chip brides take a honeymoon" (what about that poor other 1 percent?). ANYONE IN YOUR house read Seventeen magazine? Its message to advertisers is that they s hould buy space in the August back·to·school issue because it's aJlegedly read by 9 million leen·age girls who are "about to go on one of their bigg~st buying s prees of the year." Last year, according to Seventeen , these little t een-agers spent nearly $6.8 billion on "everything from shirts to shoes, from cosmetics to calculators.·· Once they'r e back in college doesn't mean they're out of reach, either. No sir, there's an outfit in Chicago, Communication & Advertising SerVices to Stude.nts (CASS l, which reperesents 1,342 college newspapers. and it tells advertisers this about college s tudents · "They may not read their Plato, Freud <>r Shakespeare, but they always read their college newspaper." THE ONE THAT takes the top prize in snob ap- peal is the publication, W, upscale offshoot of Women's Wear Daily . Its ad features an effete couple saying : "We have absolutely no 1ituill about our gilt. Rich is better. Our brandy is better, our clothes finer . ceilings higher, wallpapers silkier ... Are you aware that our average family income is $82,700? That one in five of us is a millionaire?" That's the common denominator of all these m essages about audiences: they spend big. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORl<(AP) Flnol Dow·Jones •·o~ AMERICAN LEADERS . "· . " . '"" • I ..... ,.,.. tor Th11rsday, Apr JO STOCKS lO Ind 0 !;,'.l ... ~:Jli.'IO~i"C:r,s. ~'S'1 JO Tm UO.lS '32.•7 423.61 42&.JS. J 9'I IS Utl 105.70 IOl 47 104 83 10S.•S. 0.18 6J St.. 187 17 311U2 Jf7 06 J84,J, U2 '"""' 5.031,700 Tren 1,2'IO,JOO Ullls S20,SOO 6S SIK 6,8'7,SOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI< IAP) Apr JO Advanced Declln•d uncllenQM! Tot11 lu 11e• New lllOllS New lows WWAT AMEX OIO lod•y •'IO 81' .4()0 ·-)7 17 NEW YORK IAPI Apr 30 Prev o:rt 1157 w 192) )7 2• Prrtv UPS AND DOWNS Name i ~m~:.r .. ~~ l Fllmwaya • C•n•I l{ano S Zlptll Cp • Welno<o ~ ~~1!c~ollf" 9 R•pFnSvc 10 Vendo Co 11 Am Sterlll1 12 LTV Cp Pll tl Purofnd 14 WlnnOI« . :: ~:.~~,:". Hem• I Gl'IOate n 2 IUlnt l ,3691 J l.••IStr•11n 4 IU lnt/llo S Pnwll 2.~ • • Amwa1r pf& ! 1 lllPw f .70pf : • ArNt••t• p/I I~ ~~r;:b:re II WallJlm Of II Wolvef WW U Far WHIFn l: ~n~1~:Se1 1• Madltn Fd 11 P•lm8t1cll COLD COINS Pel, U;> 17 2 Up II 9 Up 10.8 Up 10.7 Up 101 Up 10.6 Up 9.7 Up U Up 8.6 Up l.l Up 1.2 Up 1.0 Up 71 Up I.I Up 7.S Uo 7 0 Pel Olf 12.1 Oft 11,2 011 11.2 Olf 9.J Off 7.1 Off 1.l Off 7.0 Off '·' 8:: N Off u Off S,7 Off S.4 Off S4 Oft u Off u Off S.J NEW '!'ORK (AP! -Prk•l llte Tilv.-Y ef ION '°""" comptred •Ith WMMtlla'(a prt<e-. I(,...,,.., t 1ro101., "11.00.1111 '7..00. ....... L.Nf, I troy oi,. JJ07 OD, 11P ti.GD. .... ~ ,., ,..., 1.) 1roy 01., 1'14·.00 ... u... ~ A..,_ 100 <'-'I. _., troy 01., ._.00. ....11.00. sovr.-·o: l>lllll•PtAr• Ad••nod Oeclln..S Uncn1r111eo Total ln11e1 N•w lllglls N•w low• TOCS.y 184 m 234 81& d~ls 11 ' Tll11"4ey 40S n s 81S ii II ,, .. 90 ono • pound, u s 0••11,... uon l • tat1l•. pound. M 4l\lo C9111S a poutld, O.llvored. hr ... ru1 -••I• ........ com~llt 10. Ah1"1111Wft 1' cenh a POllnd, N v M•rtttrl' M20.00119r lle\k. Pl•ll-~.OD troy or .. N 'I' SILVER Tll<lrldlly f<a!ldy• I. Harl'Mn, $11 OlOe>er l;oy ounc• GOld QUOTATIONS Th11r-y LNllN: morning llWlnQ Mel .00, 110 ~7S. l ...... 1 •119tnoon llalng $41.7S, 111> $.S.'11. Perla: erwmoon fixing $515.0>. 1111 M.U . ''•flllfwt: llalng ~.00. llO 11.79. I~''" IAI• ttter.-n llttlnQ MIO.GO, up M.00; MG.OOASll.O. "'"'' • M .. m.111 Only dally QUOI• S412.7S, llO u .so. • II~: only dtlly qvo11 t42.1S, up I~! O.lly dally Qll01• l•t>rlC .. 1501.C», llP $.S.72. SYMBOLS •1 .· '"' r _ .. .. 0 range Co~st DAILY P ILOT/ Friday. May 1, 1981 ·~nsai exhibit slated • portun1ty to show their work to t he By f):tF l'ARKER Of~ ...... ,..,. ~ m oC the finest Southern \al fol"Jl.ia pract1tloners oC the del 1cate Jrt of bonsai wa ll be on hand SaCurday and Sunday in Anaheim for the 18th annual Oran~e County Bonsai Exhibit The two day ~xhibat is 'lponsored l>y the Orange County Bonsai Society an d the Orange Empire Bonsai Soc1e ly, both members of the California Fede ration or Bonsai Soraeties, re· putedly the third largest in the world The free (•xh1 b1t "111 be held an the Urookhurst Community Center , 2771 W Cre:.t·cnt. Anaheim Approximately 100 b<>nsaa wall be 1•xhibitcd, ranging in size from the tiny "mamc" bo11sa1 mcas urmg 6 inches. lo the full s ized Cuhfom1a Juniper::. mcttsun ng 3 fef•l tall Several examples of "Saike1 .' J apancSt• landsc·a1ws done 1n trnyi. I not considered l rut' bon:.<.11 hy purists I w1 II also h1.• sho"" n H1ghhghts of the sho" IO l'IUdl' a demonstration of ·mame" txmsa1 b)' Larry Ragle . president of the KoFu Bonsai Kai and director of the Colden State f''ederat1on, who wall dwar f a plant to fat into a 1x>l the sw• of a lN1 l'UP public For us, it's just like display ing paintings or sculptures or other arts ·'The art of growing bonsai st arted 1n Chana and was introduced to J apan by t ravcl~rs around the 12th or 13th century They got the idea Cor main- taining miniature trees b} seeing the one::. growing naturally in rocky hills1dt•& Nat urally, in J a pan where the spate as so li mited a nd the people are so artistic. bonsai growing became very popular "Honsai. a nd you pronounce it • bone zai. has taken on a special popularity in Cahforn1a tn the last few yettr::. with so many people mov- ing to :.ipartmNab There are four dubs an Orange County alone, a nd they'rl' growrng all the time. Grow ing bon::.a1 1:. a difficult thing to do. hut th(' res ults can be fantastic I saw a bonsai two weeks ago at a Buddhist Tcmplt'. gnarlt•d beautifully, that the O\Hlt'r wouldn't sell for less than $50,000 II was out of this world ... he :.aid Tht· Orangt· County b<>nsai clubs of- fer tlas!-.cs to hl'lp new en\hu;;iast~ beg111 the long proce::.:o of becommg profadl'nt at ~nsai . "Soml• peopll.' havl' a :-.ensitivaty to 1l," said Moellt'r "Anyone "1th Jrtaslte talent lt•arns Cast My classes Fuchsias focus The Natwnal Fuchsia So<•aety, Garden Grove Branc h. as set to meet at 7 30 p m Tue:. da) 1n tht• O.rden Grove Community Center . 11:JOO Stanfo rd Ave . {;ardcn Grove. The meettng Wiii feature a discus:.1on or fu<·hs1a culture by club me mbt.>rs For more in form atwn. tall 827-8605 or (2131 596-3244. ACUS M PLANTS ATWHOUSALI QUAUTT-elCAUSI MHOWTHIM ..,..._.. CLOSIO 1•.u. ...:::::. ::_. TU If SO A Y ~ ~:!; Property Beinc.1 Sold NURSERY LiquidatiQn Sale As a grand ranall'. f''ran<·1:-Watan. pre::.1d<'nl of the Orange County Uons a1 Soc1N) and teacher. will ron vt•rt a 25 yt-ar old Juniper mto a J1onsai for tht• gue:-.ts Sunday afll'r noon. str<'SS the theon•l1l'al appr oach we ,.J·a nw ,Woeller shows of I Im; l>o11sa1 plant 'i hcf(an b) learning about \ools and All Specials W.,iect to Supply on Hand pots long befnn· we a ll<'mpt the busic Sat.urda\ .11 noon. Jamei. Harrell founder :rnd ft rl>l president of the c;olden Stalt• Bonsai Federation. -will dC'lnonstrate has terhn1qut.'S, followed b) a ":.a1kt.'1 " demonstration b\ Ton) Thom as. considered to be the ... outhland uuthority an the fal'ld :-lra1ght trunk tt.'chntqut• It takes a fr\\ '1.•.ars tu bt•<·om<' good at bonsai The most difhl'Ull part to understand is dt•s1gn Anyone cal} INirn techna (jUl' " Give fuchsias a pinch SAVE UPTO 70°/o For more 1nrnrmut1on t·all 535 7528 Cha1rqrnn ,,f the t•xhibat l'Ommitlet' 1s Earnl' Moeller of Anahl·am, a sort ... poken mJn and honsaa C'nthusaast for soml' :-ax vcarl> "This as ttie big event or the' year for bonsai ~ocict) members," he 'iald. "Th<•y're t''H'll<'d b) the dp Wat~r geraniwns c;t•rm11ums have the reputation of guing for \H'l·ks without water This as trut· they "'"· hut, they won't likl' at In pol!., es pecially, t he ger.1n1um "ill givl' an inferior pl•rforrnance af "atl'r 1s lark an~ l'1nehang new growth on fuc hsias ""'II furn• bushy ~rowth and new wood to carry this season's blooms f'N·d roses after the first flu~h of bloom Ke"µ aphids in check with l>pnt)'o P ut in that new lawn now before t he hot summer weather ar nves M ulch a r ound m o isture loving plants s uch as fuchs ias . aLaleas. h 1b1::.cus and camclltas ,, . ,, ,. ......... ' ..... ' ' cos r• .. ,s.641 -1289 I SM Hf"WPO'I 9fw0 Ml5SIOH Yl(Jo495-040,_- 1'*2t C•Wno C•SH•tteno fS1n 0..90 rrwy •t .-... ,.., '"•f) Hun11nyton O>nter I 2 lush var•Pl1es 6"poh ... 288 •o NEED HELP! •ilif °"' [)o.l t·Yourself Store . . or h ..t.1•• '"" r-ompl'tl'nl ptun l>Pr 10 !hp wl1P• : BLOCK Pl~~MG i HEATIMG IUUGOTMAID ...--..!"::..: tlACM 848-3636 Truckload Plant Sale Huntington Center 1 12 lush vanelfes I ... pots ... 288 .a.I WHISKEY BARRELS 17" DEEP 24" DIA. IFJiA Solid oak, steel-banded half- barrels. Heavy-duty planters. Bold Flowers -Ready to Bloom HYDRANGEA Striking foliage. l ong-lasting blooms of while, pink or blue. 0 GAL. 3.98 ! 5 GAL. 12.501 Very effective when planted In our wooden half-barrels! [t];~t]§;l#J;lQ Mother's Day is Sun. May 10. Send Mom the Best Hug of All ... FTD BIG HUG BOUQUET iS Exclusive FTD hand-painted :~:l; ceram!c bowl, filled with -,~ beautiful fresh flowers. .. -We can send it almost anywhere by FTO. Helping you I ti.ft] Dce~.g& ~~;· sey It right • ll'r .1. be added. Credit cards accepted by phone. SEE US ... For all your Mother's Day Gifts. ·~ Beautiful, original silk, dry 11 and fresh floral bouquets. Since 1946 Ha1lis~tl'$ Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Hook .those snails and slugs with THA1·•5 IT! 20% OFF all sl-zes BOWN H RD IVllYTHIMO YOUWAMTIH AHAIDWAllSTOll - @3 --....,, \1111.1. th1• la1.1.n_to t•~ to 2 tnches clur 111i.: thl· gro1.1. 111i.t st'ason Don't ll•t 1l OVl'l'g1ow hetwt•1•11 mowing~ Plant ill May Some ht·at loving ~!ant:. seem bt>t tt·r with later rather t)rnn earlier plantings M ay planted tomi•toes. for tn'ilant•f• often pl"liduce faster than tho:-t• pl.inted an. J\pral .. LLDl'D•!i garden shop 21st · Anniversary and l~!e!!~~!!s IH~!!~IX MONTHS, YOU ARE IN FOR A COLORFUL EXPERIENCE! ' PATIO FURNITURE SAVE 33 TO 35°/o ON ALL FURNITURE IN STOCK BEDDING PLANTS LARGEST NVEMTORY IN ORANGE COUNTY. 4" Pe'tunias 4" Begonias lobelia (ponr,,.c~' 4" Fuchsia rec. 9k 58c rei. 98c 58c ref. 9k sac I ref. s us 79c GROUND COVER FLATS GAZANIA MludCokln CONTAINER PLANTS ESCALLOHIA HYBRID . -~ DRY GOODS Air -O-M1tic Sjloo!Ht 111. reg '3 )II s 2.29 311. ftlQ ., " '4.75 s,ectraclde 1 pt -.v.," '5.95 20 lb. "'Cl '5 IS S4_95 Gro-Power 40 lb. reg '9 96 s 7.95 $10 !IC) '9.95 NEWPORT DWARF .I H•w ,rodllct Oii Merti•tl I CJllL 1"99-•].91 How '2.50 2 CJlll "9• •t .'5 How '5.'5 ST Al JASMINE I CJllL 1"99-'l .50 Mow 'l.'5 5 911f. "9· '12.t5 How 'l.'5 AGAPAMTHUS 'ETlfR 'AH I CJ11L 1"99-'3.50 How '2.50 2 IJlll. 1"99-.,,50 How '6.50 CHECK OUR NEW COLOR HANGING AND PLANTER LINE OF BASKETS POTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Retunt yot1r old wt ... boslwt with mo11 and 99t $5.00 off ttM $ 500 ~::1•e priu of a new balbt. IOM botket rdvrft for each new . OPEN MON THAU SAT 7-6, SUN 9-5 30 SALE GOOD THAU 5/13/81 2038 8M1 (at Ba St.I Costa Mesa, CA 92627 I (714) 646 7 441 Westchff (~Rian) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Harbor View Center (IONWly~) If it floats, chances are you'll read about it , 1024 Irvine Ave ·Newport Beach Hl·llU corona del Mar 3 10 7 E. Coast Hwy . ""'" . f'ricft ..... ftn ~I, I tt I 1614 San Miguel Or Newport Beach 64'-1171 • . in the Daily Pilat 642-4321 ' I I' I s ) ' . \, ,1 • I s 0 ii n ll l h ti $ fi • • ~ ( Daily Pilot FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1981 H F FOR THE RECORD JOHNSEVANO cs ... Is the Presidency next for Garvey? See C2. ... : Vince didn't have any other choice Vince Ferragamo's signing with Montreal wasn't what he wanted to do. Just ask Vince. he'll tell you. the U.S. border instead of in the NFL next season. threatened by the free-agent market." years to know whether I fit into their future plans or not But the former Ram quarterback said he felt trapped; that there was nowhere else lo turn. If there had been a choice, he says, he would i-eve made the right one. "I wanted to stay, I really did," said Fer- ragamo Thursday. "But a person can only go to certain lengths." In the end what Ferragamo wanted most wis a "no trade" clause in his contract The Rams balked, or to be more accurate, owner Georgia Frontiere balked. Reports on the Rams' final offer have ranged from $30Qj)00-to-S330,000 per year for three years. 1',erragamo says the t eam's final proposal was much less than that. Interestingly. Ferragamo Sl)id the Rams did make a legitimate oHer in November, but he want· cd to wait until after the season before making any dC'l'isions. '·What they really s hould have done was sign me after the Super Bowl in 1980. I woula have signed for a lot less than-I was asking for this past season,'1 said Vince. It's been htnted here in thjs column for months that General Manager Don Klosterman was not to blame for the Rams· failure in signing Vincet Instead, 1t was someone higher. But there wasn't. Vince claims he picked Montreal only becaµse he had no pther selection. Sure, the Rams made him an oUer. but it was an offer Ferragamo couldn't even consider -and there are reasons why. "Every lime we gave ln to something. Vince always wanted something more." said Georgia tht> other day. "The last thing he wanted was a 'no trade' put in his contract. That's where we stopped.'' ·•I thought at the end of the season they'd offer me a similar one but they didn't," he explained. "If they had I would have signed two days after Vince's s tory abow a phone conversation held wilh Georgia April 19 or this past month confirm:s that theorv. Ferragamo swears that the Rams' final offer was less than the one made to him last November. And, believe it or not. money was not a factor. Staying in Los Angeles was, however. and this is why Ferrapmo will be throwing bombs north of Why the Rams hedged on that condition is un- known. Vince has an opinion, but he's only guess- ing. the season was over '· ,,. "f don't thank they ever thought I'd go to Canada," admitted Vince "1 don't think they felt ..,,,..... ---, Ferragamo, out of frustration, went looking for happiness elsewher.e and found it in Montreal "I was disappo1ffled (with the Rams) because I fell they should have known enou1th after two ·'I called her b~causf I wanted to hear it from her ." said Vince "I lola her t liked Los Angeles a nd everything about it and that I'd like to work <See SEVANO, Page CZ) . Angels running· an open house Opponents come iTJ-, win, and leave By ED ZINTEL Angels for their immense hitting 01111e oa11, Pt1eu1a11 p o t e n t 1 a I y e t s t r u g g I i n g Boy oh boy, there's nothing the m selves. had other ideas like coming back home, is Th,ursday night. · there? Lots of friendly people thert to IN THE MOST lopsided loss greet ya. always wa rm and this season, the Brewe rs teed off comf:r It's really great • on three Angel pitchers for 16 Well, great for som e. not so hits. enroule to a 12· l rout that great for others. Like the a fte rward left Fregosi angry Angels . Anaheim Stadium ain't and unavailable to the press. exactly home s weet home these Instead of taking the usual days. Heck, the inmates at San questions from the media corps, Quentin have a better t ime at Fregosi shut the door to his of· home than the Angels do at fice and talked things over with theirs. a couple of scouts _ AFTER GOING 3·6 in the first homestand, the Angels returned Thursday night for the first of an 11 -game stand at Anaheim Things were on the up and up for Manager Jim Fregos i's club despite a loss in Wednesday's Billy Brawl game in Oakland. The Angels had won two of three from the red-hot A's and were 4·3 on the short road trip. Understandably, he was not thrilled with either the pitching or hitting which was equally at fault for the crus hing loss. Perhaps what irked Fregosi the most was the fact that Angel hitters again took the night off in Anaheim. And this time, il was n 't a Matt Keough or Rick Langford or Mike Norris wh~ held them at bay instead il was Jerry Augus tine STREAKING ROADRUNNER-Rio Hondo's Cal Berandini tries to score from third base on a passed ball in the ninth inning. Alas. this Roadrunner wasn't quick enough, however , as Delly Pl ... ,..,.._ Illy akMnl lleel!Nf' catcher Chris Schulz threw to pitcher Beje Mahoe in plenty of time to record the final out of the game. Golden W~st won, 10-3, to move into a tie for first. For story. see CJ. Fregosi had optimistically vowed that things would be bet· ter the next time in Anaheim prior to leaving for Minnesota last week. But the Milwaukee Brewers, the team most compared to the "AUGI E", NORMALLY a re- liever, didn 't even know he would start until the night befor,e when Pete Vuc kovich told Man ager Bob Rodgers he would be unable to pitch because of soreness in his right shoulder. V.S. is plunging toward sixth place By ROGER CA RLSON Of t• Delly ...... S'9ff LONG BEACH -United States water polo, In hot water since this II FINA Cup tourna- ment began a week ago, returns to action at Long Beach State against 1980 Olympic Games silver medalist Yugoslavia as a solid underdog tonjght foUowirlg its latest frus tration - Thursday's 10·9 defeat at the hands or Cuba. Yugoslavia Ui in second place behind the unbeaten Soviet Union and alter Thursday,;; Ret- b a ck , U .S . Coad\ Monte Nitzkowski says his team is bat- tling.for fourth or firth place now· -·'Third place Is pos~ible with wins over Yugoslavia and Hungary, but that would be very tough to do," says Nitzkowski. The U.S. coach, l>f'rhaps a bit punchy after watching his team blow a 4-2 lead and fail to score with a six-on foijr situation when it was down by a goal in the crucial going, added: "We can come back and play -but really, I don't have a line on us." a 7-5 courlt at halftime, thanks to three fine defensive plays by goalie Steve Hamann , Campbell's second goal and singles from Jon Svendsen and Carlos Steffens. FOR THE FIRST time since the opener a<gainst Bulgaria, the U.S. offense was functioning like a well-oiled machine Al least for those two periods. Then a fatal lapse overcame the U .S. as Cuba shooters began whipping the ball in the net - once, twice, three time! to tak~ an 8-7 edge, still in the third . a\l'arter. McDonald helped· the cause wittl' a steal, but then a mart-up situation failed to produce, again a man-up situation went for naught. then the ultimate disaster. Up by two players when two Cubans were kicked out almost simultaneously with 44 secon<ts left In the quarter, the U.S .• despite shooting twice, could not score. The final frustration came with seven seconds left in the game as Greg Boyer was re- <See CUBA, Page C5) RUDE HOMECOMING -Gold~n West's Jack Settle crashes into Rio Hondo catcher Hector Saenz while trying to score in the sixth inning. Despite the collision, Saenz held on to the ball and SeUle was declared out. A left-hander , Augie hadn't won a game as a starter in near- ly three years, not since Aug. 28, 1978 when be beat Detroit, UH on a two-hitter. Augie made his last siart on May 9, 1980 when he was rocked by Baltimore for three runs on seven hits in 2~ innings. Not exactly an ace, '>ut Thurs- da)' night against the Ange ls, a star was born. IN SEVEN innings. Augustine allowed just two singles by Rick Burleson and Dan Ford before coming out in favor or Rickey Keeton because Rodgers thougilt he had thrown enough pitches by then (85J. In the meantime, the Brewers, who have som eone balling eighth who hit .262 last year ( Rey Howell> and four guys who batteq over .304 in 1980 in the lineup, took batting practice on s tarter Jesse J efferson, then John D'Acquisto, and finally, Luis Sanchez. · Every one of the Milwaukee starters collected al least one hit and Howell had three, Including a single, dout)le, triple and four RBI. Howell , batting .176 coming in· to the game, (the Brewers were batting a miserable .216) slngl~ in a run in a three-run second in- ning to chase Jefferson (0-4). , Yet the worse was still to come. The Brewers, who took a string or 18 consecutive score- less innings into t h e game, <See ANGELS, Page CS> THE LO~ puts the U.S. in roudh place, but at the rate things have been going, sixth place is very much in sight and a distinct possibility by the time things are completed tonight, the next to last evening of com· petition in this eight-nation tournament. Tonight's game is at 8:30, the niahtcap of a schedule which includes Bulgaria and Hungary at 4, the Soviet Union and Spain at 5:30 and Australia and Cuba at 7 . Judge orders Flying Nashua Derby • can run m Thunday's demise was a stun· Der 1 to say the least. for Nlutowak! and the American 1quad. The U.S. jumped to a 3-1 lead on a palr of toals by Kevin Robertson and Peter Campbell'• first of two conUnuation plays off 1llck paaae1 from · Drew McDonald and <later) RoberUoo. And the Americana were up by LOUISVILLE (AP) -A Jftdae today 'ordered that Flylng Nashua, knocked out or Saturday's Kentucky Derby by the 20-horse llmlt imposed by Cburchlll Downs, be allowed to start in the race. The Judge ordered that Fl)'inl Nashua be allowed to fill the place of Wayward Lass, the only filly that had been entered in the 107th runnlnt of the Derby. Earlier in the day, Wayward Lu.1 had been scratched from the Derby fteld In favor of runnint ln today's Kentucky Oakes for three-year-old fillies. Jefferson Circuit Judge Charles Lelbson said "a rule has been overlooked by the track stewardl and not f oUowed by tbe track 1tewarda, '• Flyinc Nuhua, trained by Larry Bar- rera, was knocked out or the rac~ when the Flying Zee Stable surpr1slniJy en- tered Wayward Lass on Thursday. Two other horses also were bumped because their earnings were less than thl 20 al· lowedtoenter. · The rule Leibson cited was tlJat two horses with common ownership may not be entered 1n the same race to the ex- clusloboranothersin1leentry. Flylng Zee Stables also bu Noble Nashua entered in the Derby. · Track officials told the judge that the 20-horse limit had never fo1·ma1ly been adopted by Churchill Downs stewards. tr more than 20 horses are submitted u Derby entries, the field ls Umlted to the top 20money-wtnners entered. 1 •• Blll Rudy, director or public relations at the track, said at mld-mornint there would be no preliminary bettin& Friday on the Derby because or the conf'uslon. Preliminary bettini has been a taadl· tlonal feature on' the day before the big race. He abo said Lynn Stone, president or tbe Downs, wu meetmt "1th tract at· torneys to decide whether Liebeon'1 de· etalon would be appealed. Rudy alaosald he did not t .now lfthe rul- ln1 would open the way for another colt, in addition to Flyln«i ~ashua to eater. "1 haven't read the decision, and I can't say," Rudyaaid. Two horaea besides Flyiq Nubua, Law Me and Mythical RUler. wer• , -------- eliminated Thursday by the Churchill Downs policy of limiting the race to the 20 horses with the highest career-earnin11. The ruling was put into effect after 1914 when 23 horses were crowded lnto t.i,e lOOthrunninaoftbeDerby. ' There was no lmmedlate indication •• to wlMth•r owner• -of Law Me and Myth.teal Ruler ml&ht try to uae the same rullna to 1atn entry. Two other bones, Golden Derby and Proud Appeal, are~­ nlng u an entry wlt..b John R. Galnts a baring ln ownership of both. lf 20 10 to the poll th• Derby will h worth '392.000 with '3041400 1olnc to tie winner, ma.kln1 Jt the ncbMt Derby In history. , . : I ) ' ) ) ) ) !~ ' ( I I I I I t (:I Oronge Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 ,,;.;.---------------------,. 'President Garvey,' · it has a ring to it From AP dispatches LOS ANGELES -Los Angeles Ii Dodgers first baseman Steve Garvey says he has been urged to run for the U S Senate once his playing days are over In an interview published in the June issue of Playboy magazine, Garvey, 32, said he has been approached by "very high-profile people" in both lhe Re publican and the Democratic parties about a political career ··They feel that I would be a ver y big asset because of personality, ac· complishments. ideals and so forth," said Garvey, who vol· ed fo r Ronald Reagan in last year'::; presidential e lection. ··Either I start at the U S Senate or nothing." he Garvey continued ··Because I wouldn't have time to work my way up I'd be 36, 37 or 40 .. Being in the Senate. said Garvey. would gl vc him a chance "to make this society a bet- ter place to live in for all of us. That's what I'm doing now, what I've done all my hre: Develop ideas and principles that will set examples for people.'' II successful on Capitol 1 ltll . Garvey added. p'would cons ider trying for the presidency "I'd conside r 1t be,ause I know myself as a person and I know if I were elected to that pos i· lion. it would oe nothing short of my complete. total dedication," he said Quote of the day Ted Turner, uwner of tht> Atlanta Rravcs. replying lo e·rilicism about the outrag«ous salaries he has paid and the way he has moved players around: "At m y stupidest. I was never as stupid as the Boston Red Sox ·· Goring gets the Islanders rolling Butch Goring's shorthanded goal ~ woke up the New York Islanders, ' who then added two more second period scores in 412 minutes, including Goring's game-winner. for a 7.3 NHL semifinal playoff t riumph over the New York Rangers Thursday The defending St anley Cup champion Isla nders lead the best·of-seven senes 2·0 Pekka Rautakallio scored one first-period goal and set up another to lead the Calgary Flames to a 3-2 victory over the Minriesota North Stars. evening their semifinal series at one apiece The Flames got steady goaJtendrng by Pal Riggin, who blocked 37 shots. incl!Ming 17 in the final period. Smalley's homer has Boston reeling Roy Smalley hit u two-run homer Ii and Gary Ward a nd Glenn Adams drove in a pair of runs apiecC' a11 Min nesota handed Bos ton its fourth c·on seculive defeat, beating the Rud Sox nnd~ F'ran• • Tanana, 8-4. to highlight Amenl·an League u(' lion Thursday . . Elsl'where, Pat Putnam had two doubles and two rums butlt'd 1n un<.I Rid ffoneycuu shut out Kan~u' ('aly on ri vt> h1t11 the fourth io.hutout m a row for Texas p1tchln~ all tht• Rangers bl anked thl• Royals. 7 O Keo Slnglt>ton homered to s upport Mike Flanagan'!i three-hit p1tl·h1ng as Baltimore beat Toronto. 4 0 Cleveland rallied for · three runs in the seventh m ning. two of t hem on Toby Harrah's first homer of tht> year. to beat the Chi cago Smallt'Y Wh1h• Sox, 3·2 Dave Hozt>ma pitched a two hitter as Detroit broke a 10 game losing streak ·With a 2·0 victory over St•allle Roz<>ma. 2 2. gave up singles to Richie Zisk t•xt1•nding Zis k 's hitting streak lo 13 game... und Rid. Auerbach in the third Astros back on the winning track C'raig Reynolds I and Jose C'ruz m· s lammed two·run homers lo power llouslon lo a 5·1 victory over Atlanta to h 1ghh~ht National League baseball action Thursday J oe Niekro scattered five hils 1n sending the Braves to their fifth consecutive de feat It was the Astros· fourth win in a rov. Niekro, 2-3. struck out two and walked one Elsewhere. Dave Collins rapped three hits to support the combined five hit patc hing of Mike Lac oss, Joe Price and Tom Hume, enabling Cinci nnati to edge San Diego. 4 3. despite two home runs by the Padres· Joe Lt>febvre. Collins raised his league-leading average to 4~ .. John Candelaria scattered to hits in 8'1':1 innings and drov<.• in two runs and DH•e Parker s l a m met.I a two-run horner J S Pittsburgh whipped th<.• skidding New York Mets. 7-4. their sixth consecutive setback Skalbania wants Payton next CALGA RY. Al~rta Nov. that [i] h.c has signed q_uartertnH·k Vince 4. > i; erragamo and wide rccc1v,'r James Scott to Canadian Footb<Il l l.e~gue contracts · Mont~eal Aloucttes owner Nt'.lson Skalbani a ha~ !Sl't his sights on Chicago Bears running back Wllltcr Payton ·1 need one good running back." Skalbanaa told the Edmonton Journal ~tween National I lockcy League playoff g.rn1c:s of the Stanley Cuµ sem1f1nal series bt.'twecn his Calgary t''lames ana tne Minnesota North Stars "I've offe red Payton a contract I shouldn·t be saying this because when you print it the Ch1tago Bears arc going t<• realize the s ituation and the price will go up ·But I need one good running back. And to giv£< me twice as good a chance or getting one I'm going after Walter Payton " ' ' Payton holds NFL season records for most carric:s and most combinL'd attempts, and the single game rushing recvrd of 275 yards Six yachts race t1!is weekend for Cup The "Sacred Sixes" of one lime Olympic fa m e wall see spirited action in Manna del R ey s tarting today when (;alifornia Yacht Club brings six of the speedy 6-meter yachts together in an entir ely ne\\ fQrm at for the Cal Cup. :•For many years the Cal Cup has been raced for on a match race basis by two outstanding ~achts similar to America-'s ~up action. ' , Jn the first two days of racing )he s ix yaohts will compete as a :group. After four races two ioctay and two Saturd ay the top four boats will be selected :tor m atch racing Sunday On Sunday the first and fourth boats wall race each other and 10 .m inutes later the second and third boats will take off 1n a nother two-boat match The winners of these two races will f clce each other in a final race for the Cal Cup. Typical of the fleet competing for the Cal Cup is Ah Sa Sa. de signed by Doug Peterson of San Diego and built by a San Fran cisco syndicate in 1979 for the U.S. -Aussie Cup. Anothe r 6-meter competing under the St. Francis YC burgee will be St. Francis Vil, owned by the California M arit1me Academy Foundation St Fran- cis VII was also built for the U.S -Aussie challenge and won It. In the Cal Cup action Ah Si Sa will be s kippered by Dennis Durgan of Newport Harbor • !JasebaU standings AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division Oakland Chicago .Texas Angels Minnesota Kansas Citv W L P ct. GB 18 3 857 11 6 647 5 10 7 .~ 6 10 11 476 8 6 12 .333 101 ' 3 10 .231 11 5 14 .263 12 i Seattle East Division New York 11 6 647 Cleveland 8 4 667 'i M ilw'aukee 9 7 563 112 Baltimore 7 8 .467 3 Boston 7 9 437 31 ., Detroit 8 1 t .421 4 Toronto 7 12 .368 5 ~Y'•k«ft Mllw-.. 12, "-'' I ae1u,,_. '· Toronto o MlnnelOUI t, 8o1ton • Clev••-J, Chlceoo 1 1 hH17, l(ef!WI CllyO f Oelroll 1, SHIU• o ' Only o-tclleduleel T•.....-1~1 Mllw-.. (<ft ;.01 el ..... I~ (Wiil Ml, n T0<onto (SlleO 1·31 •I 8•111more ( P•lmer 0-4) " Min-• (,.rroyo l·ll •I 8ollon <Eclloo .. y 1·11, n n Chlce90 C&umo J-41 •t Clevelend 18-w 1 ·ll, l-~~~lel City IL-rd 1-21 •I TeHt IMellOCll 1~;.;-0~.~~ uno. ..... ooa 0-21 •• o.-. • ..., Oelroft I ftOl-1·11 el s..tli. I P•rrott HI n NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division W 1..4 Pct. GB Dodgers 14 5 737 Cmcinnall 11 7 61 1 21 "J Atlanta 9 10 .:.4f.4 5 San Francisco 9 12 429 6 Houston 7 12 .368 7 San Diego 6 14 .300 81".I East DlvlsJon Montreal 12 4 750 St. Louis 9 3 750 Philadelphia 12 6 .667 Pittsburgh 7 6 538 3•1o, New York 4 10 .286 7 Chicago 2 13 .133 91, T--..Y1k- Hou11on s. Atlante I Cln<l,,....14, s.n Olo90 J PntJ-., 7, H-Yorll' T-r'•O-D~ (HoolA>ft >-01 •I -!real (Sandel"ton ).0 or &un-ls Ml;n Allente 11._rry Ml et CN<eoo ( l(revec 0-21 Houston IRYWI HI •I Plll•burgh (S<urry 1.01, n S•11 oi.oo IElcN•berver l·l) ., ...... YOO. (h enry ).ll, n S<0n f'rWICltco (Al•Hnder J·ll •I Pllll-IPlll• (E~l:.';1~:~)~lo l l ) al SI LOUii (5111rloy J-0), n Yacht Club. former two-time winner of tht· <'flngressional Cup and lactH·1an for Dennis Conner in the 1980 dt•fense o r the Ament«1 s \up St Francis \'II will be sailed bv John Bcrtr<Jnd. l\\11 time L·aser world champion The other boat~ in the Cal Cup will be : B ri an W er hteimer 's Warhorse, Seattle: Andy Rose of Balboa Yacht Club at the helm of a Texas boat. Ranger : Dis- covery. a P eterson design . owned and skippered by Hank Tha yer. N H YC : a nd Persp1cac1ou:.. a wooden boat owned and !>kippered by Gayle Post. Bal boa YC • McCord's next stop: Twtlight Zone Guy McCord, who de1cribes n hi m11ell os u bizarre magician and iuay• he ge t" help from his force rield, 1·1111vl'rtt•d un uncanny putting touch Into a ~t1ven under·pur 64 and the first round lead ln Thur11duy'11 Houston Open golf tournament. Md'ord. 32, u non-winner in eight years o( PGA tour ortivlty, said he used an illus ionary ex· l)l'r ience to reuch "the third di mension in put- t1n1i1 And I maybe just scratched the surface or th•• fourth dimension Nobody has been there before My force field was very strong. My plume. the swirling force of energy, normally 1•xknd~ ubout six feet above my head Today. it mui.t h-.vl' been 10 feet tall," he exrlamed. That mcun11 he had a good roWld . . Britain's Mark Jameii and Spain's Jose Canizares shot four.under-par 68s to beat better-known com· 1a·titon1, Inc luding Sandy Lyle and Gary llallht-rg, and share the opening round lead of tht-llali;in Open . Sandra Haynie, a 20· Yl'Ur LPGA veteran. fired a sparkling six-under· par 66 to lake the first round lead in the CPC In· lt•rnullonal golf tournament at Hilton Head blund, SC Haynie posted seven birdies and JUSt Ont' bogey Basebal I today On this date in baseball in 1969 0fll' day after his teammates had bet>n no hit by Jim Maloney. Don Wil son got rl'vt'ngt• for the Houston Astros with a no hit. 4 II victory over th<' Cincinnati Reds On this date in 1922: Charlie-Robertson of the Chicago White Sox retired all 27 Detroit batters to face him in a 3·0 perfect game victory. the last maJOr (('ague perfect game until Don Lursen's World Ser ies gem an 1956 On this date in 1920: The Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves played to a 1-1. 26·inning tie wit~ both pitchers Brooklyn's Leon Cadore a nd Hoston 's Joe Oeschger ~oil"lg a ll the way Today ·~ birthday Toronto pitcher Hoy Lee Jackson 1s 27 Walker decides to stay at Georg ia Georg i a rol)~ba II standout • He rschel Walker has 'announced he will not sign with the Montreal Alouctles of the Canadien Football League . . The Wash1ngtpn R edskins obtained New Orlean,s Saints' light e nd Henry Childs in ex- change for an undisclosed 1982 draft choice . If the Big Ten carries out its plan to bar all teams at the University of Illinois from post- season play and withhold revenue for two years. 1t could ~reek the Illini's athletic program, school officials say Some officials even want to consider leaving the conference . The Big Ten is expected to announce its penalty Saturday . The heavyweight championship fight between WBC titleholder Larry Holmes and former champion Leon Spinks has been postponed and will be moved out of Las Vegas. Television. radio TV: Bas ketball NBA playoffs <Boston at Philadelphia>. 11 :30 p .m . Channel 2 (taped> Horse racing ~ Kentucky Derby preview. 11 30 p.m .. Channel 7 RADIO: Baseball Dodgers at Montreal. 4·30 pm~ KABC (790). Milwaukee at Angels. 7·30 pm . KMPC C7101 SPORTS BREAK I BOATING From Page Cl ... SEVANO COLUMN something ()ul. But .she gave me no e ncourage· ment ·'I worked ui; well as I couJd with Don Klostt>rman. He wa11 very straight-forward and honest. but it a~parenlly was out ot his hands. "When I H1lkt•d to her she d1scoura1ed me in f'ven way It wus a 'take it-or leave it' type or thing "Tht') thought I was using Montreal as a hluff. lhat I \\as using them for leverage To me. it was ~u(·h more than playing games " In many ways the Rams' mistreatment of the Ft!rragamo incident paralleled the Dodgers' mis- handling of Tommy John Thl' Dodgers, if they had aC'ted ralhl'r than s ta lled, could have had T J ror a mere $285,000 per. They procrastinated. though, just like the• Rams . and the Dodgers found themselves not only without a ll'rt hander. but without a pitcher who ha~ rashwnl'd back to-back 20 victory seasons . No"' 1t ·~ the.• Ram!> who will have to back and :set• Just how mueh they have lost Thi.' de<·1s1on v. a!> the most emotional of m y hft>, · su1d Ft•rragamo somberly "The major thing I want tht• fans to understand is that I wasn't i::n•l•dy for mnnl') and I wasn't using Montreal to l:(l'l rnon· '"l'ht· f1nanual <'IHI was satisfactory, it was the olht'r tc•rrns that Wl'rl'n't met I was willing to take less mor1c) bl1eaus<· I wanted to stay in the NFL and with thl' Ham~ .. f'l'rrugarno hupt•s the fans don't portray him us the had gu) 111 this shootout "It's difficult lo :say anything that will make them <fans> Lt'illiz<.· what went on." said Vince "I loved the fan~ here and the way the) cheered for me as a pla~l·r That's the hardest p~ leav· ing thost-fan~ and leaving my teamm•" * • * Ferrngarno admits the CFL isn't 1n lhe same leagut• ao the NFL and that's something he's going to have to adjust LO "It clot·s pose a <:hlllleiige," he says "I'm JUSt going to go uµ thNc \\ ith the mtent:on of doing well I m going to try to bring to the fans up there wh;.it I brought to the tans 1n Los Angeles." Wh1l•h should me;.in plenty of excitement Sailo:rs set sail for Annapolis The· NC'wport Harbor High School sailing team. r;.tnkl'd No 2 in the nation. 1s headed for An- napolis. Md . where il will compete Saturday and Sund a~ for t ht• CrL·Ssy Cup a nd the Mallory High School sailing troph1cs. Corona dl'I Mar lligh. ranked No I in the na- tion. will not make the tnp for lack of funding. CdM v.on the Cotton Bowl Regatta at Fort Worth. Tex . this Yt-ar The• high school sailors will sail 420 and Lasi'r dinghies. Harbor lllgh's team will be skipper Tim Su I II van u nd crew Tom Corkett in the 420 A d1v1 s1on. Will Longyt'ar and Mike Nash. 420·8 . and Gordon Wanlas~. in the single·handed Laser Wilson lhgh School of Long Heach 1s the only other Southern C;.1hforn1a team competing Tht> Mallory Trophy will be scored by 420 div1s1on points onl~ Only secondary school teams are elag1bll' The Crcsi.y Cup will lake the total score of all three d1vis1ons Ironwood.· \ The -Reason is The Locati n ... and much much more! VISTA Vl.LLAS PHASE II OPENING A numhcr of rnre ..,1te ... arL' now av.11lahlt' il'atunn).! l'Xtr;H1r<lmary view ... .ind bkc~1Jc lnc;itaon.., Add l\11h1" lmn'''<10J\ 36 holl''> 11f ... url·nnr golf. 14 n1uns tor day 11r nighr ll'nn1s ~0 1mm;ic- ul.1tl' "w1mmmg rool... ,lcrt·s ot u1l11rful ~arJl·n ... anJ nuni· l"Urt'J lawn~ nhow II 11111111 n high rL1wau Th.11 \ why Arnnld P.ilmrr cho:-c ln>nwl10J a~ hi.., plan• tn rl'bx in thl' 'Lin FAVORABLE FINANCING A ... k our ... nlt-s rcrrt''t'ntal1\'l' to \)Url11w tlw dt·tail ... of ti 'PL't:ial pro~r.1m applic:iblc w .1 ch111n' ot ~r.1rn11i... Ill'\\' hnmr" <H ;1il,1hk for occupani.:y now an1l k.11urmg I Z 1-t'' .. 111tt'rL''l rate'\ ( 14" ... A11nu.1I Pl·rn·m.1gl' R.1tl'I (1 Ill'\\' dt.•t11r.Hl'd nw>dd'> :ire· ready £or your rt'' kw PRICED FROM $144,200!" IRONWO~~D COUNTRY CLUB llOMES IN l'ALM m. ERl 4Q·l00 Manpos<i Onvc, P;1lm 0t''>t'n. C.11iformn 9Z2N1 T1•lt7 141 H6·0~1 •Pritt c•//i:< 11\'t' ot ti mt• o/ /111hlirn111111 A /0<:1 sht't't '4'1th dtta1/etl ntil\ 11/ hom('ou ner a\H>tkllHm /el'' """ , /uh mtmbcrslup m/omwtwn ., u1'<11lohlt ctl rhr lronw<xxl Salt'\ Of(1u ~ \ ~ r FOR THE RECORD / BASEBALL / WATER POLO ~ • • • • 'If " AMERICAN LEAGUE Brewera 12, Angela 1 MILWAUKAE CALll'ORHIA ....... . ...... Molllor. cl • 0 1 O C•r•• lb • o o o Yoliftt. H 6 I l I BurlHtl, u t I 1 0 C-r, lb • I > O Fotd. rt 3 o I O Oellvle, II C 1 2 I Ptltk. lb I O I 11 Hl•••.CID • , t I 1.vnn,<I • 0 0 0 Slrnrnon1, c t 2 I 2 Beylor, db t o O O Ti,om ... ,, I t I I po .. n1n11. c l 0 0 0 £dwrdl, rl I I 0 d Benlqu.i, rl J 0 0 0 Ho .. ell, ,. S J l S Grlc". JI> I 0 0 0 Ge nlnr, 2b J 0 I I Cl•rk, 11 1 Q o O Romero. Jb 1 0 I O Hob'°" 30 J o o o Tot••• ..,, ,, "IJ Tol•I• )I I • 0 sc_,,,_..,.. Mll .. •uk• on 110 110 11 C•lllornl• 000 000 OQI I £-Bun.'°"' Romero DP Mll,.•uk" 1. Ctlllor n4• 1 LOB Mll,.eukff 9, C•lllornle • Ut-Hl•le. How.II, TllOmt\ lB Younl H owell HR Hl\I~ !JI !.F f "omo. G•ntner ,,.,,,._ Au11u1ll"' IW, 1-41 l(,.lon Ce11t-. II' H R ER at«> 110~1S 121000 JollorlOR, IL, 0~) O'Acqul•to S.ncnu T 1 3S A 13,121 1\) s 3 S"> t t l 3 I ontftt •, llW Jays o 0 0 0 I Toronto 000 000 000-0 J 1 8•111more 130 ooo OOJI -• 6 o Todd, 9.,,_ Ill M14 Wllill, Whllmtf \II, Fltft•GM'I -Gr_,.,, W FltMgen (M l I. Todd II 11 HA Bal11morc, SlnglelOft OI A 1.n• TWIN t, • .., Saa4 MlnnelOle 1)0 010 100 a 11 2 8oslon 100 000 011 t 1 o Erltkson, Co•b•ll 1'1 end B111~r•, TaneM , B SIM'ller UI, CIH r 161. Aeinty Ill end AllenW>n W Erl,kw>n 11 21 I. T•nene l~ll. HR Mlnne,ot•, S,rn•llo l•l tloston, Ric• ll ). Peret UI A -IS,SO. ..... _ J, ...... S.• 2 Chic •90 020 000 000 l t 1 Cl•••••no ooo ooo 30• J • o B•umGMttn, Hovi 111 -Eu••n. W•ll• •nd 0 1•1 w W••" CHll I. Beumgerten 12 11 HA Cl•••l•nd. H•rr•ll Ill A .. .,. R•-" 1. Rev•lt S K•nws (11¥ 000 000 000 -0 ~ o h a H 001 Oil 10• 1 10 1 Gel•. -rtln UJ, Spllllorll 111 WrtQhl 111 eno Grol• . ....,,.,cull -Svndbe•o W Honevcull 11-41 L Gt1• I 1 11 A 16, \S1 T'9er> J, MarlM" t Ot troll JOO 000 000 2 • o S.•111• 000 000 000~ 1 0 Rouma -P<irrish. G1 .. 1on •lld N., ron W Ro1tma 12 21 l GIHlon 11 )I A S,11,' NellonalLeegue Aslrot S, 8r•YH 1 H°"1ton 203 000 000 -S 4 I Allanl• 000 100 000 -I I 0 J Nlearo Ml4 A•~•• BoQQ• .... nnan 161, M•llltt ltl W J N1ekrO 11·ll L lloOOI (I JI HR• H°"sloft, Revnolm n>. J cru1 UI • -10.0Cl6 R-4,PM,..IJ $An OleQO 000 000 102 -l s 1 Cine inn•ll 120 000 Oh -t 11 ) MurA, I.UC~ 17) -T Ke,,,,.dy, UCou, Price Ill. Hums 191 and Nolen, 0 B•rrv ltl w L•eo... 11 21 I. Mur• l~J) !> Hume 131 HR Sen 01-LtFeo.rt II) A 11,1'• Plra4H 1, -114 Pltl>Our(lll 102 llll 000 -1 11 1 Ht w vor-. 001 100 002 -• 10 , C•-•.,1•. ro .. ••• 191, J«kton "I -Nl<o•I•, R• JOft<S. F•l(OM 161, AHrdon · Ill ano Tre•lno w C-••"• 11 JI L Re. JonH (~31 s J ..... 'IOR (I) HR Pll 110 .. 1gl'l, P•rker (21 • Top 10 , __ u t1••1tl AMElllCAH LEAGUE G Al • M "'I. S1no1t1on, e.111more U U 10 JS tll Zisk, S.ell.. 10 II 11 JO 7'0 B"rr°"9M, Su llle q 31 } 11 .• 7 Kemp!, O.lrotl 1' .. • 2S J1' 8••ner.,o, Clllcaoo 11 •' 10 2S .J6l Fllk, CN<tQO ll )7 I U 111 Dwvor, B•lllmor• • 16 s • l4' Lutlns~I CN<-16 !ii 10 10 Ml OIH , Cl• 11 JS 4 IJ Jtl Herron, Su tt.. 11 JI > ll J.11 "·-·-Slngltton. 8'11imore, 1. ArmH . O• .. l•ncl, 7. Sm••lev. MlrvwWC•. t , o ... ,._, •-••· s. ·-... ~1 .. Arm••· 2J, Smtll•v. Ml1'M~•. U; Slngl•lon, Bt lllmor•, It; Fisk, Chi<-. 1t PlllCl!ifll ti O.Cl11Mtl M Norris, Oekland, S.O; KtOUQll. Oakl•nd. f.O, W•lll, Clewl-. J 0, t<ancll. A-h, W : Hoyt. Chic-. J-0. Lercll, Mllweuk ... 1-4, Burn•. CNceoo, 2-4, C-r. Tu n . , .. HOMVCull, Teus, 7-0 HATl~AL 1.i AGUE G Al II H "'l Coll Ins. CIRCIRNll .. •• 11 21 - Flyn11. HY-II IS •• 1 .. -ROM, Pllll.otlpN• II 1• 11 1' lll H•nderW>n, Chic-•• .it s n n• Con<•P<lon. Clnconnell 11 66 It 1• JM Ralnu, Montre.i " 61 11 11 US Mora~. CNc-I I )t I I? UJ TemplelOfl. SI LOUIS 13 SI 13 70 :Id M•lllle>n, Pl>ll-11)111• 11 50 10 11 l40 Htrl\tnOH, St Loul~ 13 so • 11 ,)tO H.,_•u11t O •wson, Monlrtel, I. !.Cllmldl. P llll•clelphl•, s. C••le•, Mon1ru1, t , K lnoman, Htw York, •. J fllornp,on, PH l1lluroll, •. Horner, Allenle, t ; Murpl\y, All•nt•, 4. ....... ~ ... Concepcion, Clnc1nnell. 11. Sc,,mldt, PllllACl•ll)llla, 11, 01rvo, DM1•r1, It; Murpny, Allent•. 13. CMt•r. Monlr••• 11. Qrleu•n. Cln<lnnell, 11. C.1>911. $An Fr., cTsco, 12 Plktll .. It O.Ctfl-1 ValeflJ1tt1a, D••1er1, S·t ; Ce rllon Pl'lll•a•P'll•. 4-4; s.noe,,101" Monlr•••· >4. Rhoclfn, Pllt..,.,,91>, l-O, scWen .. n, SI. Louil, 1-0; "-· ~--M : Slllrl•r. SI l.Ou(1, 2·0: &erenyl, Clncinn•ll. 2-0. Kne-r, HOl.ltlon, 2-0. From Page C1 College acorea U 01 S..-i l>u190 24; USIU l CMOln•n ), L•Vot,.. J Communl1y college RIO Hor.oo~ Wftl :0 ·~ ~_! J I t Gol°"" tOO OH 10• 10 IS 0 l(onl••. C•mplMll UI. Bleuu II) -!.eeftt Slane, Me1-Ill Ml4 !kl .. 1lt. w- SIOne I• t i I. l(olllor 2B B••t lldlnl IAHI Ht ll, M"A•llH" 1 (GWCI; )8 - !.cnu11 IGWCI 0<M9tC..tl17,G-t Grournon1 tOO 010 000-• t 1 Ot•no• Coe•• 001 011t12 1oa 11 I) 1 IC.urr11'9t1 Geller UI, Stnllll Ill, J- "I "'41 S.nero, Siwicki, SlmOll. J"'" (I) •nd O•• Sm••OQ w Simon 16·11 L Gtllor 1B I.ff l, c;,001 I, Vtnar~o. M•IOOn 10((1, H.,n.11 GI. HR Monlgomory COCCI Al••••J. 8er nero IGI S.~• '· Cltnia J S.dcll•O.O 000 100 IOI • t 4 emu• 000 000 003 J 10 0 Am•v• Ko,_, 191 .no lrwln. fortv , Wllllt ms Ill. S.I•• Ill eno Ho••ll•• w- llm•v• II 11 l Tor,., S-Klnnev 121 lB H•rrell !.<'-Per ISi E•t l\1, S...1111. C.empoell, Cummlno>. McCoro IC) HR Ev•n> ISJ COMMUNITY COLLEGE South Coest Conference w L Or•na• Ccw•I 11 4 Ctrrllos t S•nlA Ant • F"ll•lrlon • S.n 01-00 Mow • Ml S•n AA1onio • • Ciroumont 1 I • T.....-, .. su ... Or•n~ Ccwsl 11, G•O>)MORI • S•n 01"9C> Me .. 6, M1 !.en An1on10 1 S•ntt AN I. FullertOft. S.l_y .. G•-• !.enu1 Ant ti Ml S.n Anlonlo S•n 01t90 Mew •1 Fullerton CerrllO> •I Gro~I Ml11lon Conterence SOUTHERN DIVISIOH GB 21'1 l ,.... )'1' 4"' 10 W L 01 ~OleDeC .. S.n Oleoo CC 5.ool"•hlern P alomar -Po ~ 1'h HOllTHEllH OIVISIOH 9 10 )II) • 14 1 Cll•u• S~n Bernardtno Rl•.,\ldt Ch•ll•r IJ • IJ • 10 10 T~J'l ktro S.Oc:tlebe<k •• ~''"'' l Sou111-s1ern I•, Pa lorJ\t r 9 S.n 0~ CC t, R1ver11clt S Sen B••n.oro1no S. CM lley I S.111' .. , .. C..ftM• Rlvtr''°' •I SdO<lleb«k S•n Bern•rclino •• San 01eoo C( Cil•u>" P.01omer C"•Hey •15.outnwf~ltrn 1 1) Southern Cal Conference HCOHO•OUHO Go•oonw .. 1 Rio Honoo LAH•r- w 1. oa s , lo> Anoei"' CC S•nl•Mon•U CvP•"'• EaSI Los Angel«! l A Sou1nwes1 Tlw"'8y'\)CerH Go1a.n Wosl 10, R 10 HOndO 3 lA Har-10, Los Anoo•u CC I C vpron '. S...I• 0 s 1 s 1 3 3 J • 3 • I •• E ••• LO> AngelH 2, LA Sou1nwHI 0 s.wrwr '•G•rnH Go•otn wu1 •• LO> Anoole• CC EHi LPS AnoelH •• lA H•rl>Or LA Soulllwe>I II Cyprou A IO HondO •I S....le MoftlU Weter polo 11 "HA(UPTOUllHAMUIT l•I ~ ... , .. S\at•I c-10, u .. 1 ... St•tn t S<-'"' Cuot l 1 l 1 10 Unlled SI.... t 3 0 2 t Cul>A w:orl~ R"" 3. Roonouo11, OIAJ I. Co•le I, R 11q, 1. Remo• I, llfnllei I Uniled StetH .coring RoDerllOft 2. P C•mPD•ll 1, Slellen\ 1. Mcbon•ld 1, S••nd>tn I, J Cempbell I OTHEll sco•n S<l•l•I union I , Hunoarv S Sp•in 13, 8UIQAri• 1 Yuoolt•vl• •· AV\lrat1a • T~IGHT'S SCHEDULE •-Bulger .. •I HUR04•y S JO So••e< UM>n ••· Sc>e•n I Au•lr•ll• •• CUC. I 30 Unll4!d Sl•I" •s YU90slevla High achoo! track C.,_. -.t MAr '2. C.le -.. 4J 100 1. F•fOO ICCIM), 10.2, 7. Mar11n (CdM I, 10 3. J. Allla ICM>, 10 S. no .1 F••oo tCdMJ. n.2. ? Mert1n ICdM ).13 t , 3. Culver ICMJ. 1t 0 u o 1 Cul,,.r ICM). Sl.7, 1. McGM1rwwu ICCIM), ~l.l, l Allfl! ICM), S2 9. MO I ,..,,.,. ICMI, 1 00 t, 1. Al .... ICM>. 2 01 I, l Ander\Oft IC.OM). 1 01.t. Mii• -1, GellAOfler ICclMI, t ;lJ 6, 1. Colle ICd M ), 4 ,, 4, ) l •C•Ot H ICMI, • 31 7. 1 mlle 1 Gall .... r ICdMl, t-31 t ; 2 LeCroue (CMI, t S4t. > ICdMI, • St l J:IOLH I Gnoo ICMI. 111:.1, 1 ........ (CMI, ti.I,> Htrbel (C.CIMI, tl.6 IJOHH I l(ernoll•n (COM), I• 0, 1 Herbel !COM), 16 3, J C•M ICCIMI, "·' 140 r .. l•y I C0<one cltl Mar, t0 4.._1 Mlle r•l•J -I COront dfl Mar. 3 JO S LJ I K•motwtn ICoMI, 11MllJ, J. "<one ICCIM). 20-l, l H-edt ICM), 1'•7. HJ I Milloll ICMI ... 2. 1. Boell• (CclMI, •-O, J Vtnebl• (CMI, S.10 fJ 1 AC'tlht ICdM). tl-S, 2 l(er,_ l(dM). fl •'>, l M<GulMfl> ICCIMI. »4. PV 1 S'l'fl'111oul ICCIMI, IJ.6. 1. Beldon! ICOM). 11-0 no lnlrd SP 1 R098,, ICCIMI, SO.l\/J, 2. Sl•Ull ICCIMI, 0.11'; J Siii iCM). 43-1 OT -I ... lllt ICMI. 1Jl..t, 1 Fie-. ICdM). llN . 1. -llOR ICM/. IH•t ANGELS LOSE e • • scored eight runs on eight hits off D · Acquisto over the ne xt Wl innings. • BY THE TIME the seventh In· ning stretch rolled around. the Brewers were sitting atop an ll·O lead and the the rew ran.s left were singing, "Take me out to the parking lot." Fregosi let D'Acq1,1isto a.nd Sanchez .io as long as they could teed up balls to the happy Milwaukee bitters. hoping to aive the bullpen some reat ln preparaUQn tor the remainder of thl• aeries. T.onighl, rookle Mike Witt (1-1). who was brtlllant. in a two- hlt win over Minnesota Sunday. sets the start for the Angels a1ainat Randy Lerch <2·0). "l heard In sprint tralnina lb1t the IOler ln a came between U.e Ancel• and Brewen would be the team that got 'tired or scoring runs first ,·· Augustine said. ··1 tried to block out the big lead when I got to the mound." "I WOULD HA VE been happy 1f Augie could have gone five (innings)," said Rodgers, the former Angel catche r in his lirst full year as the Brewers' m a nager. "We've been getting some super pltcbing lately. l'he Angels are having the same problems we are. I think the warmer weather helps ." Howell agreed with that no- tion "Our cuya were s wlnJlng the bata in~spring Crainin1. We started out in Cleveland on a bea utiful day. but the next dlY it got from 65 degrees to 45 In a hurTy. It'll be nice to play In Southern Callromla where ll'• 1 little warmer. Just watch. )'OU'U see the-ball UJ'~' 4 $ 0 a a 0 a a _ a a -.. .. . . .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May t, 1981 H /F Cl , ~ ~~ Angel, Dodger Sehedules ~ Angeli on Redlo KMPC (710) Angela on TV Channel 5 Dodger1 on Radio KABC (790) Dodger1 on TV ·channel 11 ... , ...... ,...._ I Sunday Monday Tueaday Wednelday Thur1day Friday Saturdey May 1 2 'lllw at .... 7JO ...,.. at hpos, c 35 ,.!YI ii Altetl. I ..... at hPo.S 10 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M11W ar ..-1 • Yankees at -. 1 JO Yanlet$ at -. 7 30 Yriees II 11111111. 1 30 Yriees al -. 1 ll Ottrlllt •I -. 7 ll Detroit at .... I • Ween at Eiros JO l5 • ...... at Ptulhes. 4 35 • .._.,, al Phillies. c 35 .....,. at Mets. 5~ 1M1tn at uim. 4 ~ • ~ at Phllkts. 4 35 ~II Mets, II~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Oetroil ii Air*. l ..... al ..i.. 5:ll Alt* at lilllw .. >.~ Alfels al M1tw. JI Jl. _... at Detroit. S • a.ets at Dettoit II 15 • """' at Mets. I I 05 UpoS II llllfln 735 UPoSlt~7 ~ bPoS II llllfln 1 J5 Mets 11 llfllln, I 35 Mets al ~ I«> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 • .. els al OetrOlt JO JO Al(tls at Ctev . 4 35 ..... at Ctev.Ul ..... al Ball. 4 Jl Miiis a1 Bait 4 30 OMcaao al -. I ll Chicago at ..._ 1 Ptlll~es at lllllW\ I 35 Phlttes al llllfln 1 35 • ......, at Reds. 4 35 • Wren ii Reds 11 15 Met~ al ~ I O!i PIMlhes at w.n, I ~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cillcagoat Alll*, J I01onto al -. 7 J) loionto at .... l 30 IOfonlo II ..... 7 30 Wt•n at Att,il4 4 35 _. al Chicago, ~ JI • Alttls at cn.ueo. 1115 • W(trs at Reds. IO 15 llJH) Wttn at ~Jtanta. 4 35 ~ al Atlanta. 4 35 .._.,. al Atlanta. 4 J5 Reds at llfllln, I J5 Reds at IMllr1. l ~ 31 .;une 1 2 3 4 5 6 • Al(tts al Chggo, 10 JO Airth at kwonto, 4.ll Atlanta at -.i, 135 All* al !~onto. 4 Jl "'*at l~ooto. 4 Jl • Bait. at -. I 30 Bait at All'ls. I lll@ltn at Wis. II .JI Reds at Deilln 1.0!> ""'' .. 0.1 tS, '--.... u IQ() I Po•• IMO). 10.1, 2 WlllllWM 1101. 10 • l Remlru ILi. l0.6 110 I Wlll1•m• (MD).13.1. 1. Lono Ill, H I, J Aovlr• IMOl, 14.4 t•O I H•QQ•n• IMO). !• 1, 1 Aovlr• IMOI, SJ t . l Wood (MOI, SJ.• NO I Brown IMOJ, I ff t. 1 PIMl\e IMOJ.1en1, l Arri-(M0 ), 2:01.1 Mii• I M<MtSl•r IMO). t·o .s. 2 Merllnot (MOI, • O.t . l Toi ... IMO). • H 3 J mlle I N•lton IMOI. 10 00 3, 1 Muno1 (MDI. 10 11 '· l E'1r•cl• IMO), 10 JO 0 110HH 1 Pol• IMOI. IS I, J S.lllt ILi, i•.J. l Alounoer ll). i. t JlOLH I HIQQIM ( •ell, 3t I 1 Ale• •nde• ILi. tJ' l G10CX fl.), tl.l ••0 ruly I maier Del, tS I Mii• '"l•Y I lllWlff 0.1, l U .9 HJ I JIA'F<;leflS IMO).·~. 1 Wellll IL), H I, 3 Sulpl\ln IMO>. Sc-10 SP I Uren1c11 !MDI, 41 1, 2. Ollver (L). .. l'1>, J Pole IMO),.,.. PV I Ry41n (MO>. 11•. 1 G•lllV"1 IMOJ. n .. , l O'M re IL), 12-4 LJ 1 W1lllems IMOI. 19 1'f>, 1 ""'"' ILi II 11, J 1.-(LI. 11 l 11> El Te<•"· E•-Mi .. 100 1 ~ '""'9t' IE f l. 10 I, 1 Pt•r<• IE I 10.8, l B•rnes (El, 10 I 210 I ly ... r99r IETI. J)t 1 8•1delh IETI, lJ l W•rnlETl,U.9 •.tO I B•ldelll IET), SJ 2, 1 Hurd IETI. SSO l K•«<"-IETl,S12 MO I, Logen !Ell, 1 0. 3, 1. Kiefer IE), I 0.. ) Huro IETl. 2 01 I Miit I M<C.rllly (El. 4 t2 I , 1 Sll,p. m• IE Tl. t ti I, ) CunninOl'l•m (ET), . . , ) 1 m lle I M<C•rl"V IEI, 9.S..S; 1 C..,,_ nlngll•m <ETI ' s• S > Ftritn (ET). 10 11 0 110HH 1 EIC1rlc19t IETI. 1' I, 2 Smllll (E1,1•I l B~n l EI 161 l301.H I Po re• IE), 11.2. 1 Eld riooa IETI cl S.l Au1lln lETI CJ1 140 re••v I El Toro, .. I . Mil• r•l•v 1 E1 roro, l lS 1 HJ 1 !.m1ln IE). ~10, J Cll,,. IETI, S .. l l.eury IETI, W l.J I 8arne11E1, 10-111>., HH ln I El). 1 .. 11....,, 3 We1rwr IETI. It 1 TJ I HU llllETl,Jto.•. 2.Wernt r (ETI. Jt.J"'. l Cllne (Ell, J9o.o PV 1 Smllh IEI. 11~, J Spies IEI. M , oo lll1rO SP I Holll IETI, 4S t, 1 S.roeent CET). 4f.4, l . M<AIP•n• I El. 4)-t•.r.. OT I Ptl•F\ I ETI, UH. l Holll I ET). ..... \" l V•ltlle< IEl. l~I Hou1ton Open Gery McC.oro Tom IC.Ile ..... '""'In Bon'""""'" Tom Purtl., O••id EdWercn MIU HOH- Bruce L1etr~t Tommy V•ltnflRP Bol>byW-1n Jt, ..... O•nHell_....,. fllOm .. Gr•y Leonerd n.omo-> Oofl JAnUMV J •rry PAie Mille McCUllouQh B .,,,. J T "°""""'1 Ja<' Renner Curllt St•- Ron SlrtU Lo.iGr• ...... B•rry JM<kel Bob Glider Mlkt Sulll•en Jim Boore>s 8 -vCOle Biii R_,. JoMCoot. Hick Ft ldo Tom Wellllloe>I Pt ie Br- LOft Hlnlllt GIDlly Gllber'I BH uBellQl'I Oe n• 0..IOleY Jerrr M<<ift Mlkt Oon.tld Oon Pooley Georg• e..<ns Vlclor Rtoal•dO Gant Lii""" BoOl>y HIU'IOh L.enn10 Clt,, Eddie ,,.•nt O•v Br•-• B .. 1<11 8ei•d Tom J•n~lns MIOMO<'ltV Brad Bry..,1 R.H. StkH Mer~ Will G,.11An1..,.1 JC. Sneed Terrr OleN George Cedl• Pel LlndMV Jim Otnl Peter e>o,t.,nul• D••• L~trom Bruce Fltl..,,.r Lindy Miiier 32-111-41 ,,.ii:...s )1.JA--t.S ~-..s 1)..- ll·~ )4.J2- ll ·- )4.JJ- 33-3447 J.t.JJ--61 Jl.,._..7 1'-Jl-tl )4.~7 JS.2147 U.:M.-f1 )4.n-67 »-ll.-f7 >2-3$-67 J.e.047 U ·»-4 ls-J>.-fl U.»-tl )4.)4-.-tl 1)..)s-.1 U-»--te )~,,._ 32·._.. lt->4---tl JS.)4-tt ~ )4..U.-.. lS.>t ..... ,~,....., ~ ~ ~ U·-~~ :M·~ )4.~ l1·a2 ...... »-~ Js.:M-... ,..,,_... U-U-70 ll-J:J-10 »->t-10 ~-10. .. J2-10 ,._,._70 31·»-10 J+»-10 J4..M-10 )}.JS-10 JS..U-10 JS.U-10 . ,._,._10 ,._,._.10 U--11 ~1 ,,.,._" Sports show set at OV · Sever al sports celebrities, In· eluding Los Ange les Kings center Marcel Dionne will be on ha nd for the fourth annual s ports s pectacular s how al Ocean View High Saturday. May 9 .• Top a m ate ur body builder Bronston Austin, Karate champ F'umio Demura, severa~.Golden Glov es boxing champs and martial arts experts will also participate. The show includes demonatra· tlons by YMCA Karate students. demoMlratlons on weapons Uie, tree sparrtn& evenu and et>ttt- tal nment. Proceed.I rrom the show wiJl •o to the Weal Orange Coun1f YM CA and the Ocean View Hleh football progr-am. Admlasloo ll u.~o •t lbe door.for ti9ket informauoo, pbone YllCA 9'1·9822. Allanta at ~ 7 35 Atlanta at -.n, 7 35 _..,at Cdls, 1135 &oo SMer., Greo ..-~ Ca lvln -• J °"" -'-P' r •nil C-r OouQ T-1 ~ o .. , Eklwlberoil• D•n Pofll O••o B•rr Tom Stcwey LPGA tournament 1s1 M11-.. -. s .c.1 ~ndre H•ynlt Holli• 51.a<V O.Dlllt Au>Un l(elhY WllllWW'tn Cerolyn Hiii •11vl• Bertol«tlnl Belll O"'"" S.nd•• Sllul.kll Dalo l.OndQW>I Pal M v•n •·M••v lAUOfltlrner DebllltMA-Y Ool O••mAln S.ndr• Pel'"" Cindy Hiii S.lly Litt!• Amy Alcoll M•rleM H._ M.,V Dwyer l(t lllrMArUn J1·J4-ll U-»-11 »-U-11 •u-11 U--11 J1·:M-71 U.»-11 l7·M-71 31.)1-11 )4.)1-71 »-»-'* >a-,._... Ja.»49 l7·J:J-10 >1·U-12 »-»-n n .u-n )l.»-12 31.u-n is.n -n J1.,._n ,,.,._,, -.u-n -.u-n 37.,._n lt-37-12 37·»-12 -..u-12 ,..,._,, 31.-n Women'• tournament (M...._.Clty,Ple.I ~IMISI ..... Andre• Jaf119r af. Sylvle Heftlk•, 6·2, W ; H•n• -.cllk""• Clef. K•llly Hor••lll, ... 2. 1·6 ; Marlin• Nevrelllo•• dot. Yv onne verm u"· M , M , R99IR4I Mtr,l'ova def Wtno, Turnbull, .. 7, H . •.J. Pernod~ tournament Cat a ....... I ~Ml$llotMI And•-Jarre11 def Tony G•a11:tm. ~1. , ... Jone""" Smtih ael. °""'' Vln•r. 1.s, ._>, R•Y _.def. Rlcllerd Lewll, '"'· M , •·l , Jolin F••vtr dfl, 0.0.. J°"oert, M , .. 1 WOMIN ~ISi ..... J•nnr -• def ltftlM Cunnln(llhem, 6.J, 6-3. Lil c;oroon •• Ctll•y Drury, .. ,. • t , • 1. Bred! R tmlllon def. KAI• Brelller, .. ,, l·S, Flcwrl• MIM I def. Maret Boolll, .. 1,M WCT chamolonshlp1 , .. 0-~IS ....... Jollen Krletl def. Wojt.a Flbek, l ·S, H , ...... Community college MIHIC* CONt<IEalttel T6ualll!V (ath-1 l'lnt•-....... St rr•no (Saddl•b•c k) def. Troller I Pelomerl, .. 2. s-1, retired; 8eck (S.0. dl•l>Kk) det. '"-ISout,,....lern), M , .. , ~--SI ..... Pellon CSeddloba<-.;) dot. En•h" (Sell Be•n•rd lno), 6·1, •·•. Olml!Hd IS•d· dl•beck) def. Sliva 1Sou1-starn>. M ... I, •-4; Sletk (SM D1e90 CCI def. S..tano, M . M, Wilt-II ($ed01-kl def. JKCIOelll I P•lom.,.), .. I, .. I; DowMV ls.ctdltb«kl IHI O..i-ISan Olt90 CC>, .. J. 6·1; 9Kll (S.ddl-k) def. 1(-y ISooil"""°', 6·0, •·I , Scrlbn., (SaCIGI tb•<k l def Bllbendllla (P•lomerl,M,•~. _ _. __ _ oow.....,·Petton (Secldl.O.Col "'· ~ W•b., (So.,11\WtU•rn). 6'.1, 6·1; leek· Wlllen-o ISaddtetle<U, dtl 8 11'*'4kli. J •coDelll (Palomer), •·1, •·I; !.crl-•· Olm1l•ad ISadlllebe<kl def H-Kullmari ( PAIOmAr), M , •·1 High acttool E•I-1J\\, ~ Ha,._t 11\lt SI ..... P H lr-INI losl IO H•r1menn, .... IOJI IO J tn .. lft•, ,,., def. PerkM, 7,., lost lo Me1Mis, I 6, S,vtndten IHI toll. 2 ... -· 1·S. IOll, ~1, >•. J ... Mren (NI ~1. w. won, M. ,.,., .. 1; Jo. Myen IHI lost. 4-6, won, .. >. •·1, 1 ... .,.,,.... TllO•P·GOCllM• (HI lost lo HuH nOW• Sim mons. w , 1•. tollt with 01 ..... s.inon, ..,. H . MA<rH•Blrd IHI 'Piii ... ,, M , .,.ill, •-1, .. 1. Women'• gymgallca HtOHfCMOOL '-'..-.-a.. ... , ........ .. _ ... v....., f•·"· .... _ .. ., l&.P FIC)O( ta•rclM -I. 0..1-(Fii). t .1, Pom mel 11or .. -1. 0.klallG IFVI. I.I, Rlno• -1. OMll-(P'VI, t . .S; Veull -t. G rlllln IFVI, t .lS, P•rtll•I b.,a -1. Oakland (FVI, t •· Horlmnl" O.r -l. 0 akl41nd (FV), 7 ... From Page C1 ~ • • 'If " Women'• aoftball cou.EGa ""-•~t J, use 1 Golden WHI 100 000 2-J • 0 USC 000 000 1-1 l I Huller •M R1c,...rO,, Slmlt'r -H- tock W Nu11er I. Sim"' JB-Mtrc-IGWCl. 38-Gr•Y IVSCI Loa Alamlloa THVllSOA'l''S llESULTS IS.el ........ M...U _tl,.1 F lrtl r«t -ROy•I S10MI (ltuoOler). 2.ID. l .00, 2 40, Emory Oirtcl CR•lclllordl, IS.ID. 10.411. G-t> Boy ICreN I, ll t uc:le 14·,I Ptld"3.ID Second r«o Suc>er moo" !Grundy), t 00, t .ID. l.ID, Honor 8ound ILIQllllllll), 4.10. 3 60; A""V'' Mel-(Goultrlt), s 40. T"lrd •«o Sl ... rt I.ff N (Grunoyl, S.10. J.•O, 3.10. Oun\ltr ICalon). 1.20, 4 . .0 . Corn .. •11 c.as1i. IAndorW>ft), l 111 $1 tl«<l.o IS.JI peld M2 ID Fourth r11te Lucky A I A•lclltord). a JO. • tO, l •O, Jolln Heno•u H I Q""le rolol. 6.60. t t O; Gtl •w•v N (U Cleir). S 10 Fiii" r9C.t Ber H<ll> l o.Mii), t .00, •.ID, t,to, H•I Cll.,i. l1..or'9ol, It ID,. 00, Ke,_ Jt M (Gr990<YI, I 40 l1 •YKle (s.71 ... hi ,,,, 00. Slalh •«• J UJY Hunl<r IB•kff), l.40, 2.MI, 2.10. F_.111 Rot.e (LIQnlllllll. J 20, UO, Ourenlt 11..onQOl, 2 .60 s. .. ntn rtu -A I. W-• (Rown). U.IO, t 20, I .ID. Scx>r1Y Old Al ITrembll yl, 10 .0. 6 20, C'-., HlllbUly IAul>k'll, l .00 ,, euct.o IJ.S) P•ld 1111 00 1.2 Pick SI M (t-S-l-S.1-3) 1>410111.093.IOwll~ lhrtt WIMIR(I tlCU I• hi• ,_ .. II. ll ~ Sip ConM>l•hon pelo 11'7 111 wllll tO w1nn1nc llck•I> lll•e "°'""'' E IQlllll rer.t 0...le Jey I°"'°"'"'· 4 40, 2 tO. c.,.., Guv A IC-l•ncll, 3 20, 2.IO. L-r Joy 10.nnl\), J.20 H1nln t.o<t B""fln l!>herr•nl, t .tO, 2 ID, 2.M>, Able &o,.tr ( Toddl. •.10, •.20 • .i.m Wllll•rn <~•lllel, 3 10 l1 e .. eci. 11·11 peldlU .40. Tenlll •<Kt Pectn 8111 !Grundy), n.«> 110; Ou< Jell (Kuel>lefl, 1.60, .UO,• RIOQo IT•ultr) •• 10 ll U tc\a t•ll pe Id 11 S1 00 Alle~t S.~ Hollywood Park TMUaSbAY'S llUULTS UU1e1_,_....,_ __ "ll F'1r11 •«• -Red AldQ"ey lllPl\tlrnl, 4 to, J.00, 1 • .0, Sc>i•ll.., /\IWrc tPleru). 1 JO, too. H"I Hu i (-IQArlnl),, 60 Second•«• Lt i:,.n 10.•a/lou-v•I, t .tO, S.tO, ] Ml LYM'• ~-1"'99 ( Pe,.,I, JO 40, I 1.00, C"""' 1u .. (MtlQarlnl), l.lD. ll Ot lly Oouel• ll·UI pe1a $>11 tO. ll Daltr Oouble clln50IMIOft 1"1) peld $1.00. T"lrd r«• Fri-(Hewleyl, t.60, t..C. J .ID. Lynn'1 Ft11ty IV•IOM-1, 11.40, 4.60; Bell•'' En•ov (CMl•nedel .•. oo. "•MCI.I 11-2) paldW l.00 Fo..rtll rece -LelprlntHJ.t (Hew .. yl, ,t .20, j ,00, J.tO; Reclno Tout ITelacMI, 11.JO. •.OO; Brlantln IS.llAJerl, t .00. Fiii" r11te Reid Sl,...1 IOtlallOun•yel, • "°· l.10. Herd to LH tMar-ll, 10.10, s 00, ,,..,..,. C.remonle1 tHawi..,1, 3 . .0. I S e11e<Lt IHI peld llll.SO, Sl•I" reu. -O,nem lc l..Mly (McC.rr..,), 4.IO, ).40, J IO, Sl•llMell• (l.IPl\tlrnl • .S.00, f . .0; Reclltl R«lltl (BAll•IAr), t ,40 S.vt ntll r«• -Melor Soor1 I Toro!, 11.20. j ,tQ, 3 eo. Le Due Oe S.r (Mtloarlnl), •. oo, 3.ID. El P-llo Moel ILlpM,,.), > .0 Uu· 1cl• ( .. 11 ... ld•l•?.SO S2 Pltk S,la I 12 l·•·S.I .. , pela $1 U,U0.20 wctll OM wlMing ll<k•I Ula ,_ .. s ). ll PIO SI• totu.ot4ttlon paid Ull ea .. 1111 10 wlnnlno tickets lflw --> E IQ"'" ••<• Emperor's K•Y CCesl-Otl,. to .• 60, l 10. r ... -""OYI• Kid , ..... 10 >. l.IO, > .0. Sllem" Fool IP18nt), 2.ID. Nlnlll r«• Ntll .. Pro>Ot<lor IM<C. ronl, • .0. 4 40, J 00. TruOloeo (Cell•,...I, S.IO, 3.tO, l'IXUllul In \/ell CTorol, J.20. U •••cit ll 41 pelo \'2 50 Allencl....ce 11,413 Community college 1wtmml"9 STATI GMAM .. lOtlSfU'°' t•t ~ v.ii., e.u.ee1 soo f; .. -1. we111 ... , 10t.01o Y•ll•YI. t ·:n.o•. 2. Jtll .. !Fullerton>, t :)l.16; i. CAfl., 1-1 Vt •l•yl. 4 U .». S. a00r ..... 1 (S.ddlet>«kl, t:J7.7S, •. RAClllOft (C)oldltft woo , •·~.6'; 12 Wllllmo,.. Co.Iden w"u, 4 S0.21. 200 lndo I o. ... 1Futlerlorll, I SI.It, J C•n•ll•I• I Fulier<onl I H 60, l ShOrt IWUI Velley) I 14 IS I P1chll !Golden Weil), I !101 I Fu)lmu•• IS.ddi•i..<~I. 1 )t .lt so •••• -I MlddlOIOft IOI.Oto \l•llevl. 20 7t; 2 Lelhrop tlltftlur•I. 11 11, J. lllt l Ztppol (Sall Jou). Powe ll lAmerlu n Rl•erl, JI J'I • Po•le,,,,.I '°'-Coe•ll, 21.11 Ol•ll•O I Roblntll IAlnr•ldtl, no po1nu . t Elllw>n IS.Odl~bee\.I, no polft\>, l . Olnleel IOellel no polf'll,, t Wnhe IOr- Coe1tl. no polnU 1 RVMI l!.eddlebeOl, no point.I, tOO mecllev •tt•v I F ull.rlOft, l 2' '1. 1 Dl•blo Y•ll•Y. ) l'i 41, l P•lom•r. 3 "S6; s Goldeo. WHI, l 31 It, • S.CICll•l>Kk. 3 ll 10. Tu m "°'"" 1 Ol•l>lo lltllty, 11 PQlllU., 1. Wo t v.11..,, 11, l. F.Mi••"""· "· • s.o-01eo.c1t, 4S. S Go•oer. We<1 l6, 10 Or- Coe•I, 20 Women COMMUNITY COL.LEGE , .... a-.mttl ......... lat Olalllf V•ll•Y c.11..,1 IOO ''" I P1l,,...r IMI !.en AnlonlOJ. t . st. 1', J Y~ IMI S.n Antonio). ) Ol.7t; J Gort (Amorlctn R1•er), S 11 79 100 ·1noo 1 C•"• CDl•D•o V•ll•YI. 1.00.0t , 2. 0<11110.on (S.n Olfoo Mew). 3•mp IE1 C•moool, I 01 OS, t. Ward (Gole!M Wosll, 1 01 II, s r<•no• I Gold8n We•ll. I OJ 0 SO Ir.. I ll•f'll I El C-•m1001, 1• 91, 1 Ondtnw•kl 10.~ Coa•ll. 2• a1, l lllfl Oen\ (01.000 V•lltyl _nc:,, IG•o•~ll. UOI. Dl•lnQ -I MtOtt IGoldef'I Wttll, tU.1$, 1 M•wkln\ I Ot•~•o Y•lltYI. l ti TS: J. Zl•Qenb.nch t Rl•or,1001. H1 II, t Kohlm ler l!.tddltt>e<kl. ltO 00 10 Cun· n1no11aim 1t!.eddl•1>•n 1 lll 10. 11 Ciera !Orange C:0.•11. Jl6 IS t OO rnao1ey H•tv 1 01ablo V•lloy, t .0',70, 1 E• C•m1no, • 12.60 l Ml S,.n..,.. Ion lo, 4 " IS. • c.otc1 ... We.I • IS.. I Oraft9t c~. • 111 f1. Tum .so<...-.1 1 Ol•«>•o lltll•v. 11•1'1 polnu. l Goldtr'I wesi. S9. l Ml !.en An· IOnlo, st. ' Oranoe Co .. 1, 11 10 Seid• Gl•beck, It HIGH SCHOOL £•-"·""-"""" 200 m ecll•Y rei•V 1 EdllOR, 2 11'9 41; 100 ''" -1 RHm IMI, 1 01 "· 100 indo -I Wlnl,..y IMI, 1.~I 1J, ~ lrM 1 ~ IMI, 11 SJ. Ol\llno I a .... (El. llt.tS; 100 fly -I -Ken11e CEI I.OJ OI, 100 l<M - 1 5nlolds (El,,, O.. SOO lree I Ko.-1 (El. S 46.0.. 100 ""'" I Shiel~ IEI, I OS ... 100 l>rH'9 I Boehm IMl, 1 I• /1 tOO lrff , ... V 1 EO•IOR l SI SI NHL pleyoffa SEMll'IHAL llOUHD 1a..tofS.-) Tl1Mrldar'1S<en1 NY 111-fl 7, NY A.,_,,) IN'f 11141n °'" ........... 10) C•loarv 3, Monne•ot• 1ISerHI•11..a I 11 _,.,..,.,.,c;o.,,,. H V .. ......,.,. •I Hew York R•ngel\, n Misc. Tilur.ctay'a tranHctlon1 aASEIALL ~~ ATLANTA BRAVES -R .. cuval.CS Brlaf\ Auel1tlne, outtltlder, tr om ll'le C111•bl"' 1111 Atlled 1,,_111>•• "''"'" on Mlh '-"'"· ouUltl0..•11'11 beMman ....... ""''-"'-TEXAS RANGERS Ple<•CI Jim Kem, pltt ller, on tllt 1l..,.v o lw bl.., 11\1, r•l,.,..-u .. lo Ap<ll 11. C.lltd uo Jol>n B111c,.., pll<lltr. rrwn Wlclllt• ol ll>e Amerlu n Ai- -ltllon l'OOTllALL ... , ...... ,._._ .. y.,._ HEW OllLEANS SAINTS Tr-Henry Clllllll. llolll •nd, 10 lilt WuMnglon Rtdall'lns for '" unolsclo"d LH1 drtll tl>ol<a.. ' 'Sl!A'f~EAHAWKS -SIQMcl 0.vld 8ayle, 091>1 -· M"t TIO<f, -rteri..<"; Harry Sydney , Biii Fenn e nd Oen IOOm~, runl\iRQ ""'"'· Pa ul Jol'lnl, Al L•.,l>•nlll•I, Jellrey Po,1011 •nd K•n TllOmp-., •ldt •Kol v•rs. Tllorntl Dedrick eft4 £"'9ftt AOWi'll, c1tten1l•o llnemen; Wiibert Gosi, llneba<Ur, Deve Frencl1, cornerb•ck; WllM>n Al•tr.1 ono Andy G""''"· pltc•klOt", •nd Woody um- pftrtJ, -tfl', lo f,.e •9tnl conlrtcll SOCClll ...,. Alft9fletfl Socce• u ..... WASHINGTON DIPLOMATS SI"*' Cll,,. Haywood, 1-••d • CUBA UPSETS UNl'fiED STA TES ~ • • • roughed up in U\e two· meter area on a drive, but came away with nothing as the of. ficials looked the other way and Cuba held on. "VOU'VE. G01TA be on the top ot your game to 1et the payoff," re.marked Nitzkowski regarding the officlala' refusal to make the call. Translation: The toul was there, but the U.S. did not Cl-. eerve another chance, It ttad wasted too many already. "Cuba scored from outside and from the coCanter attack. We're obviously not •mootb and as lhe tension built. we tot tighter "You have to 1lve Cuba credJt, lt'a the best I've seen Cubana play, they wanUld It," aald Nltlkowlkl. The flip.flop act by the Americans. before a crowd of 1,000. saw occasional burst.a of fire power, such as Robertaon'a tw o ass i s t s and steal ; .¥,~Donald's three 1teala, aaslat alftl goal from the back row; Campbell's two scores off puaea from his teammates; and a cou· pie of assists from J<>t! Var1u. But the inability to score wttb a man·up advantaae (the U.S. tailed flve times In the final 15 minutes ot play) turned t.b• bl& plays. into mere staUaUet in uother setback. For the vfotoriou Cubana. it helped t rue the 1tln1 of a M def eat In February before • packed house In Cuba by the U.S . team. Spain moved to wit.bin a lie ol U.S. with a l.3·7 win wer Bul11rla, led by Maauel Estiarte's six goals. while the Soviet Union continued its UD· beaten ways wi th a 7-5 vef4iet over Hungary, s pa rked by a de- fense whic h s hut out TamH Farago, who entered the aame with 11 goals to his credit. • Zor a n Go p ce vic led Yu1oslavia to a G-4 win ovar Australia wilh three goals . * "'-0 NOTH -Cooch a.t• ......,. ....... ...... ~' ~y·• qff .. y ..mi ...... Of_,....,.. -._,. -111 • ...-i .. ~ .... _. ef llh lrw tlmo _,.lftt ..., .. CMn Ill tll• O"H rMf'll, MYI Italy~ OetfMftf, _,.,,. -.. _... '-Wt...,,__,.,, .i u. -<MIW, ., .,.... ,_ _ "......., "*'""' v.a., ...,._.: :7 r 11191, (lie IJ S..J ~-..... ...... .....,. , ... t,_ IOllf'Ny wlUI 11 ... ,. ................ -tM te0f'"'9 ....., -..-. ---Ot'lf"ek .. -•. '"' .... "'-· ..... .,,.,. .... Wl!Ulfl., tM .. y .......... ..... ~--....._. .... , .. .,......, 01\'...-C 0...-. . . IM.~ ,.,_...,... ..-.c11r.r-.u.a.aacwM,...,.....,. ........... -............. ... . ............ . . , -----'--~------l.-__ .,. -I I .. ' i t" . -------"...--------· ...------~~·_... ............... _ .. ________ . ---------· --4 ..... -·--..--.... ~ ....• .-.. , ... a ---•-2---111•-... •n• .. . .. ' I OI Orange Coast DAil. Y PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 . Movies. News. Sports. Dazzling entertainment specials. Superstations. They're all part of Kaleidoscope, a new entertainment package fro m Community Cablevision (ompany. We're ... expanding our service to offer you a fulf range of programming and a wider channel choice. In addjtion, of course, to the clear, sharp "' reception of cable 1V Here's what you get · with Kale idoscope: • . 1 • • Home Box Office, America's favorite pay 1V ser- vice. HBO offers you a choice of blockbuster . movies, exclusive sports programs .and entertain- ment specials .. You'll see rnovies like "Rocky II;' "No rma Rae:· "10'' and others. Plus stars like Diana Ro ss, Robin Williams and the Doobie : Brothers. And on HBO, all programs are uncul ~ and without commercial interruption. - c:: c .. . . more than 30 mbVies each month to choose from. Offered at a v-:irie.ty of times each week for your viewing conveqience. And your viewing pleasure. And mud! .more.· With HBO and .CIN~. you have a choice of more than 80 programs each month. And there's also our expanded cable service via satellite which adds the follovving extra programs to the ones you now have on your ry set: • Cable News Network..:.... 24-hour News and Public Affairs • ESPN -24-hour Sports Network • WIBS -24-nour Atlanta Sup.erstation • ·woR-24-hour New York Superstation • USA Network . USA Sports Network . Calliop~ -Chiltlren's Entertainment C-SPAN -Congress in Action ·Ass ociated Press News • • Los Angeles VHF and UHF lV Stations • Selected San Diego 1V Stations • FM Service Kaleidoscope. It 's an exciting package, a new dimension in home entertainment. And a real va lue as well . Best of all, it's available now in your community Call us today and ask about our special introductory offer. Save $20 on the The p~rfect companion for HBO, CINEMAX is primary outlet instaIIation. Call 640-9840 from a 24-hour movie channel featuring foreign film s, 8 :00 a.m. to s;oo p.m. and see how Kaleido.scope classic films, action movies, children's movies... can become your entertainment connection. r-~-----------------------------------, 1 SPECIAL PREVIEW WEB NOW! . i := From April 30 to May 5, all Cablevision custo mers will be able to enjoy a special : . 1 • Preview Week of HBO or CINEMAX. Yo u 'll see HBO or CINEMAX on cable channels 1 I : 3 and 20, and CINEMAX exclusively on channel 12 foll owing KWHY's regular pro-I 1. gramming. Preview Week begins at 8:00 p.m . Don 't miss out ! And use this channel I I guide for your new channel allocations, effective May 1. I • I · Cable Channel Cable Channel I 1: 2 <'.:hannel 2 KNXT Los Angeles 21, 22 Irvine Unified School District Interactive I I . 3 Associated Press News/Community Service 23 Channel 10 KG1V San Diego • 4 I Channel 4 KNBC Los Angeles 24 Channel 30 KHOF San Bernardino I 5 Channel 5 KllA Los Angeles 25 Channel 40 KTBN Fontana I I 6 Channel 28 KCET Los Angeles 26 Channel 17 wms. Atlanta. GA I I? 7 Channel 7 KABC Los Angeles 27 E. S. P. N. Sports (24 Hours) I 1-8 C-hannel 8 KFMB San Diego 28 Nickelodeon -Children's Programming I ·~ 9 Channel 9 KHJ Los Angeles 29 Cables News Network (24 Hours) I I 10 Elec tronic Viewing Guide (""DIP .. ) 30 Channel 9 WOR New York, NY. (24 Hours) .. 11 Channel 11 KTIV Los Angeles 31 C-Span/USA Sports Network I I : 12 Channel 22 KWHY Los Angeles 32 Blank •· I 1: (~ !~ ~:~~: .. ~ ~~~ t~; ~::!:.: ~! -~~;fo~2b~s) I ·~ . 18 Channel 18 KSCI San Bernardino ;35 Channel 52 KaSC • Corona I . :s 19 Future 36 Channel 50 KOCE ..Huntington Beach I 1~ .20 Home Box Offi ce . liiil • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Clip and Save - - -... - - - - - - - - - - - -.I . ' CaII Now Save $20 A ( 5 3 3 ) I ( ~ ' I -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Friday, May 1. 1981 Bonsai exhibit slated By JEFF PARKER Of -04111, l'llet St.tff Some of the finest Southern Californi a practitioners of the del- icate art of bons1u wall be on hand Saturday and Sunday an Anah<'am for the 18th annual Orange County Bonsai Exh1b1t. The two duy exh1 b1t as sponsored by the Orange County Bonsai So"C1ely and the Orange Empire Bonsai Socie· ly, both members of the California Federalaon Of Bonsai Soc·1eties, r~· putcdly the third largest 1n the world. T he t"Nte exhibit will be held 1n the BrookhurSt-eommunity Center. 2771 W. Crescent, Ah aht'im Approximately 100 bonsai wall be exhibited. ranging in size from the tiny "mam c" bonsai meas uring 6 inches. to the full sized California Junipers measuring 3 ret't tall Several c·xamples of ·sa1ke1 ."0 Japanese landscapes done in tra) s I not cons ide red true bonsai b)' purists I will a lso be shown I hghhghts of the show include a demonstralton of "mamc·· bonsai b) Lar~ Ragle. president of the KoFu Bonsai Kai and director or the Golden State Federation. \.\ho will dwarf a plant to fit into u pot the size of a tea <'UP As a ~rand finale, l'"ranc1s Watan, president of the Orange Count) Bon~a1 Soti(•t.> and teacher. will t·on· vert a 25 year old JUn1per into a bonsai for the gut>sts Sunda) after noon. Saturday a~ noon, Ju m es Har rt•tl, founder and first president of tht• Golden Statt• Bonsai Fl'dt>rallon. will demonstratl' his ll'chn14ues, followed by a ""saikt'.!1 " dcmons trat1u11 by Tony Thomas. considered to bi• the southland authority an the field. Chairman of the exh1b1l committee 1s Earnl· Moeller of 1\nahe1m. a soft s poken man a nd bQnsa1. enthus1~t for some six years ~. ~ • 0 Th1s I!. the h1g C'Vent or the year for bonsai soc1el) membt-rs.' he said ··The) "re t>xt1tcd b) !he op ~ portunity to show their work to the public. For us, it's 1usl like display mg painllngs or sculptures or other arts ""The art of growing bonsai started Ill Chma and was introduced lo Japan by travelers around the 12th or 13th century They got thC' idea for main· lain1ng miniature trees by seeing the ones growing naturally in rocky hills1dt>s . Natur<1lly. 1Q J apan where the space is so lJmited and the people are so artistic. bonsai growing became very popular ··Bonsai. and you pronounce it hus taken on a special poputarity in California in the last few years with so m a n y people mov· ing lo apartments There are four l"luhs 1n Orange County alone. and they·rc growing all the ta me, Grow 1ng bonsai 1s a dafftt•ult lping to do. but the results can be fantflslic. I saw a bonsai two '"'eeks ago al a Buddhist Temple. gnarled beautifully. that the owner wouldn "t '>t'll for less than SS0.000 It '"'as out or this world, .. he s aid Tht• Orange County bonsai dubs of· fer c lasses to ht·l p ne\.\ e nthusiasts ·begin the long proC'css of be&mang proficient at bonsai ··soml· people have a sens1t1v1ty to 1t.' said Mocllt'r 00An.>one with artistic talent learns fast My classes slrl'ss thl' theoretical apµroach. we b~ by lcarn1nn about tools and pM'!°lunj:( b<'fore we atle,cn pt the basic straight trunk technique It takes a fl.'~ years to become ROO{I at bonsai. ~l'ht• most dirricult .part to understand 1s design Anyone· tan lcat<o lechna que .. • fo"or mon· information tall 535 7528 Water ~eraniWl~ (;eranium:-. h:I\ e lht· r<'putalion or going for \.\eeb without water This is· t"fu~ they will. but. they won·~ like it In pot s. l'SIH'Cittll). lht• g l" r .1111 um " 111 g 1' t' an 1 n f c ri or 1a·rf11rmancl." 1f "'alcr 1s lacking Ea mt> Moeller shows off his ho11sa1 µ s Give fuchsias a pinch Pinching ne w growth on fuc·hsias will force bushy growth and new wood to carrv this season's blooms Feed rose; after the first fl ush of bloom Keep aphids in t heck with s pra)., Pu: in that new lawn now bcforl' the hot summer wea4her arnve~. ~1 ult-h around mois tur e-loving plants su<'h as fuchsias. atall'as 1)1b1scui. and camellias "' Mo\.\ tlw la\\n to 1 1 ~ lo 2 inches during lht· ~rowinK wason Don"l 16' 1\ m t•rgrm.\ hl'l'-'t'l'n mowings P/a111 ;,, May Somt• ht·at loving pl;inb seem bt!l- tcr "With l<iter rather thao earlier planting.., :\t a~ planted tom <ltoes ,<for 1nslan1·c uft(•n µroducc faster than thc1s<· pl,1nll-d 1n April Fuchsias focus The National f'uchs aa Society, Garden Grove Branch, 1s set lo meet al 7 30 p.m Tues· day an thl· Garden Grove Community Cente r. 11300 Stanford Ave . Garden Grovr. The meeting will feature a discussion of fu<•hsia c·ulturc by club members. For more in· formation. call 827 8605 or 1213> 596 3244 ACUS OF fll.AMTS AT WHOUSALI 9UA&.n'Y.-CAUSI WIHOWTHIM ., ..._ ClOSl:O > •~ ..:::::. !:..,. TUtSOA Y ~ '.!~ Property BeillCJ Sold NURSERY Liquidation Sale All Specials ~iect to Supply on Hand SAVE UP TO 70°/o '""" s..,., .. ,, "• AAR'°'f '4 4'.f ' ~tA •• .,A ,f<t PH.fl<f ~·6 ~7<; 1 Block West of Harbor °'Wemer C1vO. W•-"'O'•' ~ ·~•· H.0 •gr P~11 C.Of\~'°' •a"' t. w WHISKEY .BARRELS 17" DEEP 24 '' DIA. IEJU LLDl'D•!i ~ COSTA 1111tSA641 •1289 tU•H•~ai•O MISll()ff VltJo495•0401 1m2 C•rNno Capturano fSan ~ frwy al A•u) ~ •• .,., Huntington Center 12 lush vane11es , .. poh . 2 sa u . HEED HELP! •itlt ow Do,4Hoursett StOfe ... BLOCK f>l.U~~HG HUTIHG I nu •OTHAID. .. ~"'i1oi! llAClf 848·3636 Truckload 1 Plant S(lle Hunting1on Center 1 2 lush vanelles , .. po ..... 2sa ... j Solid oak, steel-banded half- barrels. Heavy-duty planters. Bold Flowers -Ready to Bloom HYDRANGEA S triking foliag e. Long-lasting blooms of w hite , pink or blue. [J GAL. 3.98 • 5 GAL. 12.50\ Very effective when planted In our wooden hall·barrels! (tJ;; 1) #;I #J;~ fi Mother 's Day is Sun. May 1 o. Send Mom the Best Hug of Al l... FTD BIG. HUG BOUQUET ··'--' Exclusive FTD hand·painted .~~ ceramic bowl. filled with -.~ beautiful fresh flowers. ... · We can send It a lmost anywhere by FTD. Del & sent ~~'::~~;~~ · I tk 1 • l ~:~d~:J Credit cards .accepte d by phone . SEE US ... For all your Mother's Day Gifts. • Beautiful, original silk, dry ... 11 and fresh floral bouquets. Since 1946 Hu1lis}tl's Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa Hook those snails ~ . and .slugs with 4 THAT'S Ill 20 % OFF · all sizes West cliff (IOt'llleliy Alan) 1024' Irvine Ave Newport Beach MZ.llH .... , MHA lVHY'ntMCI YOU WAHT '"A HAIOWA .. ITOll OPEN 7 DAYS .A WEEK Corona del Mar 3107 e. Coast H-.yy . ''~ . PrkM .... 'nlrwMlpl, lfll Harbor View Center (farmttiy ...,-id! 161 4' San Miguel Or , Newport e-ea-cn ....... 71 garden shop 21st Anniversary and Expansi• Sale IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TO llLOYD'S IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS, YOU ARE IN FOR A COLORFUL EXPERIENCE! • .. ::... I - SOD by " uu11fac OAllDEftl o .. -turf PATIO FURNITURE · SAVE 33 TO 35°/o ON ALL FURNITURE IN STOCK BEDDING PLANTS LARGEST NVENTORY IN ORANGE COUNTY.· 4" Petunias 4" Begonias lobelia u•on,-•1 4" Fuchsia reg. sac 58c rei. 98c 58c reg. sac 58c I roi, :1.2179) DRY GOODS Sjloon-lt ll'J. reg '3 Jll '2.29 311. reg •7 18 su5 Spectrac1de 1 "· '99 •199 '5.95 20 lb. •OQ ., 75 '4.95 ~r 40 a. ~ •96 '7.95 Alr·O-Matic Gill ••o 50 19.95 GROUND COVER FLATS GAZANIA Mixed Colon CONTAINER PLANTS ESCALLOHIA HYBRID NEWPORT DWARF ( M.w Prodllct Ofl Merta.ti I C)ll6. "9-'l.H How 'Z.50 2 Qlll "9-'t.tS How '5.'5 STAR JASMIHl I C)ll6. "9-'l .SO Hew 'l.tS 5 Q& "9-'12.95 How 11.n A4UAHTHUS PITH PAH I pt. "9-'l.50 Mow '2.50 2 C)ll6. "9-•t .50 How '6.50 C.HECK OUR NEW LINE OF COLOR HANGING BASKETS AND PLANTER POTS ······••••••e••··················· htwn your old wire balket wl"' mo11 and ciet $5.00 off ttt. c::r• pMU of 0 HW balbt. IOM bask.t r•tu"' for Heh HW OPEN MON THAU SAT. 7-6, SUN. ~5.30 SALE GOOD THAU 5/13/81 2038 Blvd. (at Ba SU Costa Mesa, CA 92627 I C714l 646-74'1 VISA. If it floats, . chances are you'll read about tt . . in the Daily Pilat 642-4321 \ .............. .. , BUSINESS I STOCKS ]. I • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1. 1981 N B7 Dow Jones Final OFF 2.16 C LOSING 995.59 ll 's always interesting to hear how people talk about you. What are they really saying when you're not around? We recently checked the pages of Ad· vertising Age magazine to see what different publica- tions ate saying about their readers. Magazines, newspapers and broadcasting stations advertise in Advertising Age to reach advertisers 11nd tell them what swell audiences they have. Do you read Playboy, for example'! Hugh Her. ne r's magazine has a new pitch for advertisers. He's saying that with the president sending out positive sj,gnaJs, "the malaise is over" and America has moved·from pessimism to optimism. The bottom line, for Playboy, is that .. a lot or money is going to be released by consumers'· -and here's where you, dear Playboy reader, with your "lust for life," come in: ''THE MAN who now has $500 toward that video re· ... corder is poised to spend the ex- ~ra $300. Ile wants to spend again. And he will For that video recorder. For that ·camer:i. For that car For that_ vacation, for those clothes.", Do you see yourseJI U\ere. Playboy r~ader'• Are you ready to spend? Bride's, ·a Conde Nast magazine, informs ad· vertisers th~t it has a direct pipeline to an audience. of panting buyers. It describes its typical reader as "the blue-chip bride ... What makes them blue chip apparently is their propensity to spend: $12.5 billion this year. Bride's magazine cleverly points out that its readers make up the "core of a $9~ million recession-proof travel market -99 percent of blue-chip brides take a honeymoon" (what about that poor other 1 percent? I ANYONE IN YOUR house read Seventeen magazine? Its message to advertisers is that they should buy s pace in the August back-to·school issue because it's allegedly read by 9 million teen-age girls wbo are "about to go on one of their bigges.t buying sprees pf the year.·· Last year, according to Seventeen, these tittle teen-agers s pent nearly $6.8 billion on .. everything from shirts to s hoes, from cosmetics to calculators .. Once they're back in college doesn't mean they're out of reach, either No sir, there's an outfit in Chicago, Communication & Advertising Services to Students (CASS>, which reperesents 1,342 coll ege newspapers, and it tells advertisers this about college students: "They may not read their Plato, Freud or Shakespeare, but they always read their college newspaper.'' STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS NtM..SCr• l SntFelnl ~ ""ldSovUt lllM Pen Am StdOllln<t ~~•ec~g Net Oywn Rowen 'THICO Inc AllRlchfld Cl\off MIM Citicorp Euon UPS AND DOWNS Heme I 0-•nlll 'fl' 2 H lnclYJilr 3 Colllnl Alk ....... w·•wll S GTFI 1. • S.erle o 1 un1tov•l I 6ntftonylnd • Wllllllrt 011 10 Oalordlnd 11 Allllld Mlln 12 GrowGo i II ODECO s u Prlme<:m u S&mbol lbl 1• Occl 2.169' 11·51• .. Y!Wo ·~ 1 Dro 1 h c:IWlk:.OIO< l MngtAMt • NllMedt!n I S tM!Lt t. IOIPf9 • G~•Yllnd w1 70r~o I K~r 01-t WeltlOCe I 0 TW CAlf1I wt II U nlon Ct<1> 12=sw .. " . . Corp 14 w "•' IS IUlftl Co "wo1 ... rww 17 fat OllW'I Ul'S LHt Che! 1S • 71t> ~ +. 10"9 + I 10\lo • 'Ill 1014 .. \4 ""' + 1 t \IJ • \It H\ + \It ,,_ + \4 16lil • "' n + t\111 t'lll • \It .M\4 • 11111 .," • 2\111 s + 14 .. ,_ oolit\ t 1- l.aJf6Yo -~ 24\4 -lfli 15\4 -1\111 21h -"' 1M4 -I "' -"' 714 -11' 11 -\4 U'lll -11111 ttt --11'1 -\It 1"111 -1 1•11o -1 .... Q -2'-161'1 -I 2t -11111 1~'111 -" GOLD COINS • \IJ ---l'a • \4 -\4 • \It -\4 +21111 -.-. -\Ill -14 . -. "" -14 • \4 ~·· Up II.I Up 10 •• Up 10.I Up 7,, Up 7.t Ull 1.> Up U Up t.a Up U Up U Up S.• UP S.• UP S.• Up U Up U Up 5.2 UO"· S.l Pct, Off 7.S Oft 7.0 Off ... Off •.• Off ... Off .. s E •. s u u Off •. J Oft u °" ... E°" I~ s.1 s.r u Haw YOAK (AP) -Prk• •••• T....,..., Of fOl<I -· ~ *'ti\ W-.My'a IM'l<tl. I(~. , """ •••• uu.oo, .. t7.00 . ..... LM, 11,..Y OI .. "'7.ot, ..... . ••tc:. JO P"O. '·' troy ..... M••,ao • .,. t7.00. A•llriMI 100 <-.. "°2 troy 111 .. ..a .. oo, ""'11.00 METALS c.....-17-..'IO cents I PGUn<I. U.S <lelll,... llont L.eN ll cents• pound Ziii< 'l\4 cents• pound, O.h•ere(I. Thi S4.Sl4' Met.It WMI< -II• ID Al•m'-7t onu •pound, N v Mtr<wy Ml0.00 "' lllSlo.. ,.l1tl-$41.S.OO troy o~ .• H Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS L .... : momlng fixing SAM.TS, 1111&&.ao. L...._: •ltemoon llal"9 '4t7 50. IH> M.15. P•rl11 CIOMd. • ,, ....... ,,_. l•rl<ll: Ciot.d H.,uly & H•r141•,.: only d•lly q~olt .... 1 JO, up M. 75. ll~ only delly quoi. MU.SO, .. M.75. .......... , only delly QUOlt l8bf'IC.-$J07 ,00, llP ...... SYMBOLS .-..-··~-- ' ,\ ., I. • 0 •• 0 • 0 0 • • s 4 cs 0 • .. . • -• ---·-------__.,,,F• ·~~ • B2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 NATION End of world due in 1980s, author-prophet says NEW YORK tAP> -Hal Lindsey, whose books about th~ ,. end of the world have outsold those of almost any other author In the last decade. says the 1980s mark the "Countdown to Armageddon " The phrase, heralding a catastrophic war, is the title of Lindsey's latest preview of his· tory's final years. He says they're unfolding. exact dates for it, but says it will come in the present generation. "It'll happen before the end of the century,·· he said. A friendly, unaffected Texan, Lindsey was a Korean War Coast Guardsman and later a New Orleans tugboat captain before turning to Christianity H~ became absorbed in Bible hope or use ln efforts to prevent such a final conrtagration, be said: "As long as we're still in the world, we're to live responsibly and seek to preserve a peaceful way of ure . . lo continue pro- claiming the Gospel . and 11eek to help those who s uffer and are in need." "Things are fitting into a pre· else pattern of the predicted closing events," he said in an in· terview. ..They're all coming together simultaneously in this generation." Lindsey, 51, has turned out six books since 1970, beginning with 'The conflict over who owns Jerusalem will set off a war that will bring all others into it . The war will escalate until it covers the whole globe. until the last fearful battle called Armageddon.' the prodigiously selling, "The Late Great Planet Earth," all of themfocusedonlheendoftime. prophecy , and ea rned a Altogether they've sold more master's degree at Dallas than 30 million copies Theological Seminary, majoring A mood or finality .. is in the in Greek,. the origmal language air." he said "A tot of people or the New Testament sense it:· 'Tm not out to scare people. Ticking orr various occur· but to wake them up," he said rences of recent history which when questioned about it. "But he links to Scriptural references I'd rather scare hell out of them about the conc luding travail of the1n have them go there." the world, he s aid, ··Prophecy is He said his main aim 1s to happening right before our evoke faith in Christ. eyes." · ,_.-Asked if consigning the world Unlike some prd'gnosticators to early doom didn't cause a of the end, Lindsev doesn·t fix kind of fatalis m without any ~----------------------- ---=--..--=-------=-=------- He said he began taking thos~ obligations serious ly when he became immersed in Bible prophecy. ''Before that. I was just a hell- raising tugboat captain. But there was a turfl-around in my life." or the approaching, inevitable calamities he foresees on Earth. he said, "I believe these things with every fiber or my being. I believe it's happening and it's going to happen " According to the s cenario of his "Countdown" book , issued by Bantam. Arab-Jewish con rtict over Jerusalem will cause a "great power lo the tu north," the Soviet Union, to invade the M lddle East. "Afghanistan was a rirst step ln lhat direction," Lindsey writes. Against the Soviet sweep, he says, communist China, the "Kings of the East," will enter the war, along with the Western world, unified by fear into a new Roman·type empire foretokened by the 10-nation --Common Market. Lindsey sees Scriptural al- lusions, both in the Old and New Testaments. to the various modern powers. their recent and anticipated moves. along with a callmitous finale ahead. ·'The conflict over who owns Jerusalem will set off a war that wall bring au others into it, .. he said. "The war will escalate un tit it covers the whole globe, un- til the last fearful battle called Armageddon " At the height of that horrible war. on the verge of wiping out all human Ure. Christ will return and intervene. saving the world, with believers destined for a restored, eternal world tf e says the spark that ignites the war in the fttlddJe East may be · a limited nuclear bombing, with such power reported in hands of some Is lamic nations and which may be made availa· ble to the Palestine Liberation Organization. ··According lo Scriptural prophecy. something 1s going to happen that 1s so frightening that people of the West will ac- cept a dictator that will come up out of the 10 European Common Market nations," he said. "One of the specific predic tions is that this man will suffer a seemingly mortal head wound and be raised up to amaze the world. This powerful leader will be the anti·Christ. He will prom- ise p<'ace and security but it will be a pseudo peace." Lindsey, before his first book. served seven years with Campus Cruse1dc for Christ, lecturing to students. "The thing that really in- te rested even non religious stu· dents, was prophecy," he said. That spurred him to start writ· ing about it. Hi s 1970 book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," has sold 18 million copies and still is in demand Other bes t selling se· qucls include "The Terminal Generation·· 11nd 'There's a New World a Coming" FINALITY JN AIR'> Hal Lindsey Sounding the urgent note <1bout 1t, he said, has caused .. people of every walk of hfe to come into a relationship with Christ " The lady • IS a contest champion Brooklyn housewife has won so many prizes she can't remember them all Arwi,....... .. I'm famous, .. says Selma Glasser. and indeed sh~~ among the thousands of contest devotees nationwide. SM has won 110 many merchandise prizes she can't keep up with them. • ByJULESLOH A'1S..-< ... Crrw ... ••1tt N EWYORK-Twopackagessit on Selma Glasser 's dining room rtQor. unopened. One s he rec· ognizes as containing a kitchen ble nder. She has no idea what is in lheother . "So many things are being de- livered all the time I can't keep up with them," she said. "I'll open it later. when I have tL111e:· In the Brooklyn neighborhood where Mrs. Glasser lives. in a modest. stucco row house, she is known as the contest lady. But. among devotees of the rhyming jingle and the SO-words-or-less testimonial. her fame has long since overleaped the bounds of Brooklyn. 'Tm famous," st\e said. A simplefact,slated briefly. She is a contest maven. No challengeon box top or matchbook cover escapes her eye. She knows them all, enters them all, and wins far more than her share of them. rt would be impossible to say. in SO words or 500 words, how many pn zes she has won in 30 yea rs of en· ten ng contests ;Newspapers thriving ANP A says industry set record for ad revenue in 1980 WASHINGTON 1APJ -The troductory s t atement. "U.S . American newspaper industry, newspapers attained all-time "economically sound" despite records in advertising revenues, price increases and a reduction in employment and the number of the number of papers. main-Sunday news papers ." tained circulation levels and set a According to the report. there record for advertising revenue m were 1,745 daily newspapers 1980. a study says As a whole. the publishing on weekdays in 1980. business also became the nation's of which 357 were morning largest manufacturing employer. papers, 1,358 afternoon papers The annual study. published by and 30 classified as "all-day .. th e American Newspaper papers. Publishers Association, shows While the number of dailies the nation's daily newspapers at· pub Ii s h ed o n weekdays tr acted a record $15.6 billion in ad· re presents a drop from l , 763 in vertising in 1980, up from $14.5 1979, the AN.PA said the number billion reported an 1979. of Sunday papers continued to "Despite turmoil in the national rise last year from 720 in 1979 to economy, extensive competition 735. from other media and changing The overall circulation for Sun- Ii f es tyles in the citizenry. day papers also rose. from 45.67 newspapers remain economical· million to 54.37 million, but ty sound." the ANPAsaid in an in· weekday daily ci r culation ~----------__;...~---------------"'"' .. u ......... CONDUCTOR -Comedian Danny Kaye, rieht, assists violinist Carol Webb of lhe New York Philharmonic, ln pla)'inc "Happy Birthday'' for Zubin Mehta, orchestra conductor at a New York celebraUoo. Kaye says be wJll conduct a pension fund benefit performance by the Philharmonic Sept. 23. ,\ a--.~ -3 a a a a·a>rx a 9 9 an dropped s lightly from 62.22 million lo 62.20 million. The number of weekl y newspapers also declined in 1980 to 7 ,602 from 7 ,954 in 1979. the re- port shows . As for employment. the as· sociation said the industry pro- vided work for 432,100 in 1980. up from 420, 700 in 1979 and enough to lake over the top spot in the Labor DepartmeQt's Listing of the na· lion's largest manufacturing employers. The annual statistical profile also shows that newspaper prices took a sizable jump in 1980, as did the cost of newsprint. The number of dail y weekday newspapers charging a single- copy price of 25 cents climbed dramatically from 144 in 1979 lo 555 last year, while the number of Sunday p"1ers charging a.single· copy prjce or 75 cents rose from 15 to46in 1980. Newsprint consumption re· mained st~dy at. 10.1 l'l)~lion metric tons, bdl the price of a single metric ton of newsprint in the eastern United States climbed from $413in 1979to$470in 1980, the AN PA said. The largest daily newspaper as of Sept. 30, 1980 was the Wall Street Journal with 1,838,891 daily subscribers. It was followed, in order, by the New York Daily News, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. Marathon dancing scheduled at OCC "Dance for Those Who Can't". I 12·hour dance scheduled al Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa May 9. wtll raise money Cor muscular dystrop~y re· aearch. The dan~e will begin at noon in the COilege gym, and five bands will perform. Admission la $5. More infor mation Is avallable at 558·~. Tom Murphbw'• Ju.t Cooattng column wW NIUmf WtdMtdalf. In the mcontfnu, he'• lookino for oordem in Gam.n Groo.. ' _.J ___ _ 0 a a a •••• a Iler freezer was a prize. Her stove was a prize. and her oven. lier car was a prize She won it before she learned to drive· Her . several bicycles. her moio-rcycle, her mink coat. all prizes. Prizes crowd her house Indeed, warm her house: her gas heating system was a prize. "I can't remember everything I 'vl' won," shesaid. "butlheprizes that thrill me most are the ones I never would have other wise. "I mean. what chance would a Brooklyn housewife have to go on a date with Sid Caesar? I did that. Or to be a guest of Engelbert Humperdinck at a ringside table at a bag hotel on opening night'' "I've had trips to Rome. Pans, the Caribbean. Trips all over Florida several times California A Texas dude ranch Withont con· tes ts, experiences like that just wouldn't happen to me." Mrs Glasser is a small, sli~ht lady an her early sos and is con- stantly on the go When s he 1s not working on her contest entries she 1s s preading he r s ecrets lo Qthers. QUITS -Drummer Denny Laine who has been with Paul McCartney 's group, Wings, since 1971, quit this week after a decision was made to·t~mpotUrily halt the group's tour. Indian .bid nixed WASHINGTON <APJ An al· tempt by the Covelo Indian Com- m unity to ~pand the legal boundary or its reservation in Mendocino County, Calif .. has been turned away by the U.S. Supreme Court Youth to meet Applications for the Orange County Re d Cross Youth Leadership Deve lopment Center to be-' held June 22 through 26 at the Cedar Lake Camp and Conference Center. Big Bear Lakt> are now being accepted. Ninth through eleventh grade students may pick up a pplic·a · lions at their local high school or Red Cross Service Center. More In· formation is available a 835·5381. Gets degree Judy Roaenaren Sandman of Coeta Mesa received her Bachelor o Arta degree trom Ohl State University . ShL' leaches a course in the Brooklyn College adull·education µrogram tilled "Writing for Prize and Publication.·· She alsoorrers a correspondence course. and has JUSt T1nished a book : "A Complete G u1de lo Prize Contests. Sweepstakes. and How to Win Them." ··r am a writer.'· she said: .. I am not <1 mental giant. You don'thave AMERICA lo be to learn to write a few words for big money "A filler in the Reader's Digest is worth $50 r ve hit Reader's Digest man} times I've hit Good l lousckeeping. Saturday Evening Post . lots of them. And,'' she s aid. ··I get a byline. You know y,•hat a kick a byline is." Rightnowsheis revvinguptoex· plain. in 25 words, why it pays to save atacertainbank. "That's 25 words for $20,000 Thal 's <1,.8ood payoff. and I have as good a chance as anybody lo win it .. No argument there Mrs . Glasser seems to have a knack for winning. a gift. She attributes it all to positive thinking. "It's 99 percent enthusiasm," she s ays, with zest. "You have to say to yourself, why can't I do il as well as anybody1 You're not going to win them <111 . but there's always achance .. Theflrstcontestsheentered.she won. In her mind itlanded the best payoff of her contest career. "My husband, who is now de· ceased. was my intended then ... she said. "I want~ to marry him. One day he handed me an entry blank: 100 words on why f wanted a trip to theCatskills. ''I won the trip a nd then won him. all in a matter of a few months. After winning that first con test, I was hooked.·' So, itseems, was he. 'Stage fright' pill boon to performers DENVER (AP> Performers s uffering the agonies of ''stage fright" may get relief from an in- expensive pill that doctors say works without s lowing or distort· ing the senses. The medicine. propranolol, is a prescription drug used widely for certain heart ailments. It blocks the flow of adrenalin into the bloodstr.eam. according lo Dr. Charles 0 . Brantigan. director of t he Noninvasive Vascular Diagnostic Lab at Presbyterian l-t osp1taJ. llis findings were presented to the Eastman School of Music and the Univers ity of Rochester medical school 10 Rochester, N Y , and released to The Denver Post Brantigan. his brother, Tom. whe> is a music instructor at the University of Nebraska, and Dr. Neal Joseph, a. professor· of ophthalmology. tested the pill on musicians in Nebraska in 19'9.· Their researc h was reported in the Rocky Mountain Medical Journal in 1979. Since then, the tejl m hes conducted mo.rfi tests at th~ University' of Nebr§'ska and the Juilliard School of Music In New York City. "A performer. beset by fear, rinds his body reaclin8 as it would when facing a hostile mob or a tiger." Brantigan Bsaid. "Blood is diverted. The heart rate in· • old oak piano • cabinets • tables • desks • chairs • buffets creases. and the increased sym· pathetic tone causes tremor and a decrement in fine motor coordination." During tests at Juilliard, 16 musicians received either the pill or a placebo 90 minutes before each of two test recitals during a two·day period. he said. The mus icians' blood pressure was measured before and after each recital. their heartbeat was monitored and they were ob· served for outward s igns of stag.f fright, he said. The tests showed that musi- cians who took propranolol were less nervous and anxious, had fewer tremors and perspired less, thereby improving their ac- curacy, style and ease during the performance. Brantigan said. 'The qu<1lity of the' musicians' performances was evaluit\ed by Carlo~oseley of the Ne• York Philharmonic. Bertha Melnik of Eastman and by Tom Branlil(an. . ' Beer bill boosted • SACRAMENTO t_AP > - Legislatioh backed by brewers and beer wholesalers to ban volume discounts on beer to stores has breezed through .its second Assembly committee. • dining sets • iron toys • cedar chest • dressers • watches • sewing machines • old Italian loveseat • Cushman motor scooter • hardnade dolls from Ireland .. I a o a a a· a a a ........... -......:_•. 3 2 ' 2 a a s . -. -' -----------~ -------~-----·--------l DRANlil COAST . Dall) Piiat FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1981 FEATURES COMICS STOCKS 83 84 87 Pacific Fed seeks approval to merge with Oceanside Fed ., 0 I 0 . 85 . . '" Charges fly ·in Wayne Ai1·port flap Nt•wport Be<1ch officials are bc1n~ accused of using legal ac llon "to h<1rai,s , int1m1date and fru!>lrah• Orange County gov l'rn nwnl an its efforts to ope rule .J11h11 Wayne Airport That ch~rge 1s made sn court documents filed b) the county in res ponse to a law!>uat in which th(• city is -;c•t.•king to overturn recent app1 O\'l:ll of the airport mJ!>\er pla n In its eight page rc:.pon!>c to the c·1t y·., 52 11a gc •H'lion. at tor111 ·y' for lht· count} l'la1m the • Ill lh' ALMPN LOCKABEY city 1s en~ag in g 1n a "~.> slcmat1 c program of initiat ing laligat1on, whelher or not suh:;tanlially Justified." to force the county to comply with what are being termed the city's "Wl· l:t'A ful and inappropriate de mJnc!s" r.:gurd1ng the a irport. The county tilso is claiming thal Nl'wport Ueach is attempt ing tu rorl'e lhe county to ab du·at<• a major portion of <its) authority and respon~1biltty for the futUrl' Ol)l'ralions " The masll'r plan was ::ip· D•ily Pll .. 8oolll"I! WrHff Don Vaughn. or .. Big O" as he was known in the in- tt'rnalional y uehtmg fraternity. died while engaged in the chor e he loved best wrestling with a cantankerous head sail on the foredeck of a racing yacht. There wa~ no one be tter at Jibing a giant s pinnaker or flogging a bfg J.{L'noa jib m a gale than the 6'5" 243· pounder For that matter. he could hlindle any difficult chore aboard a yacht . I saill'd with Don m two long distance races aboard Windward Passage lhe 1969 Miami-Nassau race and the l969 Honolulu race. both of which were stormy a t times Whether on watch or in the sack be low, Vaughn'!> huge frame could be counted on to be nn the heaving foredeck whl'n thmgs became critical OROINARIL\' AN easygoing chap who understood the rules of yacht rac- ing. Vaughn. like other members of the en•w of Windward Passage. had tears m his eyes as he tossed furniture a round ltw ho le l room in Honolulu a rte r WP was unjustly JH'nalized two hours in the-1969 Tra nspac. robb~ng the )'ad1t of first to fin ish honors a nd a new e la psed trme r e- cord In \hi' H)7 1 llo11olulu race. Vaughn w as credited by the Johnson hrothL'rS. Mark and F r itz, who t00.k ove r the yacht arter lhc de ath of their father, with recruiting and s parkan~ a crew I hat led Windward P assage to a clean s\\-eep and a new record As a Nt·wµort Hcach businessman. Vaughn has been praised as a "crl'd1t lo the community a nd the yachting world ... Vau~h11 nevt•r b1~c ame a yacht owner unttl recently whe n ht• \H•nt into partnership with Tom Corkett on the purchase of a 'al Cruisin g 2-46. In racing he a lways pre- ferred lo he li sted among what he called the "Indians" or "deck apt•-; " THE BIG FELLOW will be. sorely missed, not only aboard his favorite packet, Windward Passage, but by the entire yac:hling community. Many owners relied on him for advice on what kind of deck gear and other ac- cessories to buy for lheir boats. He was a m ember of Newport Harbor Yacht Club, St. Francis Yacht Club of San Francisco, Lahaina Yacht C lub of Hawaii amon g other yachting or ganizations . Vaughn has often been quoted as saying that yacht racing was as much an athletic sport as football, which he played in high s chool. in college and as a pro. M~sic cent er get s $1 ~~Ilion g rant --. By JODI CAOF.NHEAO ..-' .. mg of $6 million in matching OI U.e D•llY I'll .. St .. t A $1 million grunt from thl' Ha rry G Stct·le Foundation of Newport Bc<1ch for th<' conS'truc t1on of the future Orange County Music Center 1n Costa ~esa was announced Thursday gifts by lhe ·l'nd or Mar ch Last year. lhe ramily donated a five acre sit~ for the musi<:, center "''a nd Sl million in cash The lates t cash donat ion ltrings the total or announced gifts for the $411 million perform rng a rts center to $9 mil hon The Segerstrom family kicked off lhe fund·raislng drive last · J a nuary by making a $S million cash gift contingent on the tais· Fire blame d • • on cig are tte A burning cigarette i11 being cited as the "probable cau11e" of a $125.000 house fire on Lido Isle that claimed the life or & 52· year -old woman on April 22 Newport Beach r1re in - vestigators s peculote Mary Ann Cahill. who Pt>rished in a bedroom of her 241 Via Genoa ho me. accidentally dropped the dao rette whl le s moking In bed. Flr~mcn say because of the extensive damage to the S3Cf0.000 home, particularly to Mrs . Cahtll's bedroom.' It ia unUkely they'll be ab1e lO be more pro. ctn on lbe cause o1 ·the early momlNC bluu • a 111 February Jim Bentley, c h a irman o f B e ntley Laboratories in Irvine. and hi s wife, Irene. pled ged $2 million. The tlarry G. Steele Founda- tion was establis hed in 1953 by the late Gracc,C Steele in honor of her husband who was presi- dent of U.S. Electrical Motors In Los Angeles. Mrs. Steele was If long time Newport Beach resi- de nt until her death in 1974. The $1 million pledge Is port of the S6 mllllon sn matching funds. About $12 million bas been raised toward the construction of the 3,200-seat theater, a lthough $3 million in gifts have yet to be announced, according to music center s pokesman Gar y Phillips Earlier t his week Blurock P artners hip of Newport Buch was named us a c<>nsultanl to Caudill Rowlett Scott Inc . of Houston, the firm chosen to de· sign lhe center. The Newport Beach firm sp clalizes ln civk, educational a nd commercloJ projects. The two flrm.s have worked together on about 12 projects, includln1 the design of Cypress College. Preliminary studies have in· d luted that 158 mllUon wUI be nMded to build aod ndow Ute performlna arts theater. proved by lhe county Board of Super via;ori. F'eb 18 The plan calls for $75 million in improve· ments at the airport, including doubling lhe size of the terminal. n ew parking a nd traffic . fac1hlles. an increase in the permitted number of daily J<'t departures and a decrease 111 noise exposure to residents hv ing under takeoff patterns The city 1s contending in its l<1w s u1t that e nvironmental documentation prepared for the mas ter plan 1s inadequate. parta('uJarly with respect to tral Ck and noise issues. , The pla.antiff has made a d ec1s1on . a~ a governmental policy of the city of Newport Beach. to oppose by all possible actions a ny development of J WA. and to actively seek by an y means a delay in any such development. regardless of the ,~nvironmenlal . soci al and economir bene fits of any such development to the citizens of the cl'ty of Newport Beach or the Coun y of Orange." the county said in its responi.t• I mplementallon or the master plan and the r elated Airport Noise Control and Land Ust> Compatibility Pl~n ··promises s ubs t an t ial environmental. social and economic bt>nd1ts" to both residents of Newport Bea<·h a nd ·the county. accurd1n~ tu lt1t.• response The count) I!> cla1m1ng that prior to a pproval of thl' master plan, the city attempted to w111 legal "guarantl't.'s" that 1Aouhl prevent llw current Board of Supt.•n 1:-or-. ur futurt> hoards from m.1k1 11g 1·1·rtain• ltonan th•1·1saoni. with resp<.'cl to llw 11111·1-.1tw11 of J WA." Tht• 1·1111nt.\ 1s l'Ontending the l'lf) \.\-U:. attt•mpt111g lo achieve · ;rn 1111pr11p1•r and 1nuppropriate dl'lq~ut111n ol gove1 nrn ental .1uth11rit) b~ tht· hoard of 'II p I' r\ I:. Ur S l 0 I ht' C 1 l y 0 f Newport J11·a1•h on n matter of 1·11unt ''" 1dl· l·u n1·1·rn .. fo1 1 ht' -;ult.> .111d .;p1•1·1iil benl'f11 u( lh1• l'll\ or :-.; I'\\ JIOl I lk<sC'h . Truant arrests soar in Me sa Police report 184 errant students seized in week-long crackdown As Costa Mesa police movt>d i nto t heir fifth da y of a crackdown on school truancy lo day, figures show that 184 stu dc,nts have been arrested in the week long effort Sgt Bill Bechtel. 1n charge of the Srhoob and Community Against Truancy team s weeping tht· city, said 34 tru.rncy arrests wcrt' made Thursday with orren dcrs living us far away as I.uh wood Most of Thursday's offende rs. inve:;t1gator:s said , came from Hat•k Ba} and Costa Mesa high schoob l'olitc a nd Costa Mesa High School a dministrators have been the targets of complJints from pa rt'nls of children netted Tues day when they crossed Fairview Roa11 (rom Costa M'esa High School to have lunc h at the Orange Coast College s nack bar School offscrals contend those arrests never s hould have been m ade and polif'c counter that school officials. cooperating in lhe i,wecp never had notified them of t he st'ma authorized a nd Valo?tJc lun t h lrad1t1un that hrcaC'hcs school district "closed camµus" rule!> Police. "'ho ~c1zed eight Cost:.i Mesa lhgh students at t he col lege campus before the lunch pe rwd Tuesday. contend they have re<.·1.•i\•ed rnmplaints from college employees about ·youths cong regating on the campus But Dr Robert Moore. college pres ident, said this week that M esa Hi g h s tud e nt s are welcome on the• college t•ampu~ at lunchtime '(f hl'Y a re Oll r (ut uri· st u tknts. · h<• sa11I t\ net Moore nmt rad1ctt•tl 1>uhce cl;.1 ms lhal marijuana and drugs art• ust'd by some high school student'> "ho drifl to tht• ram pus during -.chool hours I ft. ..,;ml drug-. W<'ft' a prot>lcm 111 the 19f>tls hut that h1· 1s not a w;.ar(' of a prnblt.·m no'A Ih•chtel countl'rt.•d thal he re ceivcd thrc<.' <'al ls from collegc cmployt'cs today disputing Dr M oort··~ com mtnt:. and l'launing some high M'hool students are abusive. havl' been caught Stf'al lllg fr<>m lockers and using drug:. at the campus M t• a 11 " h 1 I e , Tu es d a )' . J n ve:.t1gators sa1c1 rcsult!> of their truancy drive arl' beginning to bear fruit T r u J n c·) rt• µ 11 rt l' II I ) h a s d10111wd off. <.'~JH'l'tcill) at Mesa l11gh 'Alll<'h leach lht· c•l'I' an lht' nu m hl'r of arrt:slcd -.tudt•nt:- 1 n addition. hurgl~1ry dl'1.1al in \ t•!>t 1gator' talking lo ..irre-,.terl -,.1ud1•nls n·pol ll•dl\ ~.1\ lh<.·:- havl' c·111111· up with lt .. Jds thal 1·ve11tuallv m:J\' h.•ad to :.arrest~ and l't'('O\'('f) oi stol(•n nrop1•rt) 1'hl•. 11 U:.tlll'\ 'Wt.•cp, 1111 thl• planning<I lu1 month:.. w<1:. l l'tlO{l'ft•d h) a'n 10 cn·us1nu; numlwr of d:.ayhghl lHrr~lur1es Sgt Bt.•<•hll-1 'a111 Het·t.'lll arr<•i.t '> !>how that man y o f tht• thefts arc by roung-,.lt•r' who leave l' in <>earch of eas) money to pla:. ele<'l1•1n11· g<•mt.· machine!> at a r l'atki. anc.J 111 s mall conve· nJ1•nr1• markl'b Insects plague .meeting Irvine councilwoman meets mosquitoes at seminar Irvine C ity Counci lwoman Ma ry Ann Gaido says she got som c first hand Information about mosquitoes a t a three day confe rence this week in Red ding .. Yeah, I got hit u couple times ... she said 'Doc' makes guilty plea in fata l it y An Orange County man, who was awaiting t rial on charges that he posed a s a physician in Irvine and caused the death of a patient. pleade d guilty to in· voluntary manslau ghter a nd practicing medjcine without a license. The guilty pleas were accept· ed Thursday by Orange County Supe rior court Judge Everett W Dickey. who scheduled May 29 sentencing proceedings ror Gerald Barnes. The defendant, a Mission Vie· • jo resident who once lived in the exrlusiv<.' Coto cie Caza area of South Orange County. could face up to four years in state prison He had been facing charges or second degree m urde r in a trial that was to begin Mond ay sn J.udge Dic key·s_S<t11• Ana courtroom. Ba rnes was being held in Orange County jail on $1 million b!Wd a(ter he alleiedl~.applied -for another physicta n's job in Wisconsin. lie was charged with causing the death of 27-year old J ohn McKenzie of Anaheim. who died of uncontrolled diabetes in late 1979 after being examined by Bnrnes a t Pac ific Southwest Medical Clinic in Ir vine. According to prosec utors. Barnes had worked as a physi· clan therf fo r several years. It was alleged he had used the medical records of a Stockton phys ician named Gerald Barnes to pass himself off as a doctor. Mesa garage blaze probed 1\ fire that gutted a Costa Mesa garage early this morning and destroyed a car that had been stripped is under lnvestiga Uon. 'The blaze, al a vacant home at 280 Victoria St:, was reported at 12: 16 a .m. by 8111 Sberbacoff. 248 Victoria St. H~ said he spotted It as he returned born' fro~ vtelt1n1 a friend. Structural damage waa Hated al $500 and Cl&m&lt to the car al $1.000 . "It was a reall y fascmallnlo! co nference. Did you know thuc are other: insects beside mosquitoes that have venom' l didn•t rea lize how much disepse was transmitted through those mos quitoes ··But some of the topics were really hy~tencal. There was one se min a r e ntitled . 'An Epidem10Iogicul r nvest1gation of E as tern E.quine En · cephalomyelltis in Southwestern Michigan During 1980 " Mrs Gaido is I rvine 's representative on the Orange County Vector Control District. wh ich financed her trip to tbe Mosquito Abatem e nt Con (erenc1.•. Mrs Ga1do added there is a serio us side to the issue of mos· .... qu1to abatement because of a shortage of fund s since the passage of Proposition 13 Strate&i~ for increasing fund- ing in these districts was one or the main topics for conversation at the confen·nce. Mrs Gaidn said Sht' said she ch ove lo tht' con ference in her station wagon. camping out in Santa Cruz for one night during the trip Sht-s aid a 'ballpark estimate" of her trap bill 1s about S200 Mrs Gaido. back 111 ln1r.e. s aid mo!>4u 1tocs are sometimes cited as a problem by he r cons t1 tue nls who li vl' m the area or San Joaquin Marsh -RICHARD GREEN LEARNS 01'' MOSQUITOES Irvine's Mary Ann Gmd11 Teacher union angered: Possible c u ts in benefits called 4doomsday scenario' A Newport Mesa School Dis· Cuc called the boa rd's refusal trict teachers union s pokesman. lo offer raist>s and s uggestions of angry about board refusal to of possible cuts an lJ1.•n cf1ts a fe r cost-of-hving s alary hikes "doomsday scenario ... this year, has suggested cuts in • Teacher· real'lion. he s aid. has district overhead as one way of ranged from "shock to disbelief. m eeting s al a r y a nd fringe to disgust and,finally.toanger ". benefit demands for next fiscal The school board has refused to year -. nwke it<i lary and fringe benefit In a printed "teport aired al offers during this year 's ncgotia this week's board m eeting lions until it learns how much in Costa Mesa. Bill C ue. chief money t he stall' will allocate the negotiator for Newport Mesa district gext fiscal year I • • Fe.der;atton or Teathers .. said the Allocatiorts less than those re· union s demands for anc~ea~es ceived this year. the board re· next year w~u~d cost the distn~t _i>orts, could result in its seeking about $3.7 m1ll1 on m ore tharrthis cuts in benefits granted in pre year. vious years . i:'he bigges t p orti o n .. he C e said Newport-Mesa al claimed. could be met by cuttmg u . f · wh t h lie d highe r than locates higher p~rcentages o its a e ca . budget to maintenance and ~vera~e overh~a.d ex~enditures. ope rations expenditures than the mcludmg admsn1s~rat1ve . main· average amount of all other un- tenance and operations costc;. ified districts i'n the county. Using figures Crom the Orange County Department of Education for the 1979·80 fiscal period, Cue indicated districtwide ad· minis tration costs c ould be halved and still be in line with the average cost of such functions throughout other .dtstMcts in the count v Overhead cuts. he contended. could provide $3.6 million tor use toward meeting teacher pay and Crinl(e·benefil increases Added to the list of possible tund divers ions we re th<' $300.000 savings expected from closing Rea Middle and Corona del Mar Park hearing due The last of five public meet iJlgS on plans for Crystal Cove State Park win be held May 12 to discuss lanll use and racWtles tor the l 900·acre/ark. State Parks an Recreation of· ficlals say it will be the final in· formatlonal planning meetlna before the proposal goes to the parks commlaslon tor formal Marlnp in March, 1982. Porks representatives will dis- ' cuss proposed preservation areas, recreational uses and de velopment ror the park between Corona del Mar ond Lnguna Boa ch. The meeting begins at 7 p.m . In Newport Beach City CouncU Ch ombtrs. 3300 Newport Blvd. For more tnforma\lon about the mMUng. call Dave Allan at (916) 322.7S04, Elem<·nt;,iry schools Tran~rl•rring some funfls from deferred ma1ntt•nance budgets. adding unbudgeted interest earned on distra ct money sn de· po!-.1h uncl adding a n ant1c1patcd 2 percent in sl,tk block grant funds "'ould mon· than make up the total nel•d1•d for.the raises. he said He .. aid the combined prog- ram suggested by the union would a~all¥ lea ve. the d1stric~ with SJ 7 m illion surplus next year Cu i• "urned t h at d1 stri'ct budgl'l cuts lll'Xt year s hould be m ade as far away from the c lassroom and teacher as possi· ble and urged trustees to stud~ the union package Teachers seek pay hikes rang ing between 12 and 25 percent. dependi ng on how long teachers have served the district. Adminis trators say the aver age salary for the dis trict's 900 teachers is about $26.457. in· eluding money paid into retire· menl plans. C urre nt teacher de mands would raise lhc average to about $30.000 for the 10 months worked Two Ne wport c ondos burn Fire from an unknown ongln caused major domaa•s to two Newport Rench condominium.. shortly aner 11 a.m. today O(ficials said there were no in. Jurle11. The fire wu h~ld to tw~ unlts located on Patrice Avenuf In th Park Lido complex m wesl Newport. . . I ~ 1 -.. • so 0 • • • ¥ 2 5 PA .4 ,. .Z .,4?.0 .. 0 -• • ... • .-....,-----··-"· .... .. $ 0 4 I _______ ._ ...... ..._........_------·-----~--------.......--·· _......_ ______ . -.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Friday, May 1. 1981 Bonsai exhibit slated By JEFF PARKER Of .. o.ll'f ...... llAH Sbme of the finest Southern Califorrua praclit1oners of the del· lcate art of bonsui will be on hand Saturday and Sunday in Anaheim for the 18th annual Orange County Bonsai Exhjbil The two-day exh1b1t is sponsored by the Orange County Bonsai Society and the Orange Empire Bonsai Socie· • ty, both members of the .California Federation of Bonsai Societies, r~­ putedly lhe third largest in the world The free e xhibit will be held in the Brookhurst Community Center. 2771 W. Crescent, Anaheim Approximately 100 .bonsai will be exhibited, ranging in size from the tiny "mame" bonsai measuring 6 inches, to the full-sized Cahforma junipers measuring 3 reet tall Several examples or "Sa1ke1, .. Japanese landscapes done tn trays (not considered true bonsai by purists I will also be shown II ighli ghts of the show include a dem onstrallon of .. ma me" bonsai b} La rry Ragle, president of the KoFu Bonsai Kai and director of the Golden State Federation. who will dwa rf a plant lo fit into a pol the size or a tea cup • portunlty to 11how their work to the public For us, it's just like display ing paintings or sculptures or other arts "The art of growing bonsai started in China and was introduced \o J apan by travelers around the 12th or 13th century They got the idea for main· tainmg miruature trees by seeing the ones growing naturally in rocky tullsides Naturally, in olapan where the s pace is so Limited and the people are so artistic, bonsai growing became very popular .. Bonsai. and you pronounce it bone-za1 . has taken on a special popularity in California in the last fe.,.. years with so many people mov mg to apartments There are four clubs 1n Orange County alone, and they're growing all the time. Grow- ing bonsai 1s a difficult thing to do, but the results can be fantastic I saw a bonsai two weeks ago at a Buddhist Tempi(', gnarled beautifully. that the ownl'r wouldn't sell for less than SS0,000 It was out of this world," he said T he Orange County bonsai clubs of· fer clas~es to help new enthusiasts begin lht· long process of becoming proficient at bonsai ., l Fuchsias focus The Nal10nal Fuchsia Society, Garden Grove Branch. is set lo meet at 7 30 pm. Tuei. duy in the Garden Grove Community Center. 11300 Stanford AVl' . Garden Grove. The meeting will reature a discussion of fuchsia culture hy club members For more io formation. call 827-8605 or <2131 596-3244. ACllS Of PLANTS AT WHOUSA.LI quAUTY-alCAUSI WIHOWTMIM Property ~i"9 Sold NURSERY Liquidation Sale . As a grand finale, Francis Watari. president of tht' Orange County Bonsai Society and learher. will con· verl a 25-ycar old JUniper lnlo a bonsai for the guests Sunday arter noon. "Some people have a sensitivity to il," said Moell er "Anyone with art1 sl1c talent learns fast My classes stn•ss the tht•oret1cal approach we begin by learning about tools and pob loni? before we attempt the basic straight trunk techniq ue. lt takes a fev. years ro become good at bonsai Th(• most difficult parl to understand is dt•s1gn An}om• can learn techni- que.'." Earne M oeller shows off hts bo11sai plant~ All Specials 5..miect to Supply on Hand Saturday at noon, James Barrell. founder and first president of the Golden Slate Bonsai Federation, will demonstrate his techniq ues, followed by a "saike1" demonstration by Ton} Thomas, considered to be the southland authority in the field Give fuchsias a pinch SAVE UP TO 70°/o Chairman or the t>xhib1t committee is Earnl' Moeller of Anaheim. a soft spoken man and bon!>a1 enthusiast for somt.' six years "This is the big event of the year for bonsai society members,.. he said. "They're excited by the op COSTA i.ts.641 -1289 ,.,.,. • .._..,.d "''"'°" vie:~95-0401 1.:U C•M"° C•P*•tr•l'WI (len Ol9to ,,.., al Av•ty llt•wy J Truckload Plant Sale I Huntington Cenrer I I 2 I ush va11eties For more information ca.ll 535-7528. Wat~r ~eran imt18 c;l'ran1ums havt• thl' reputation of going fur wt•eks without water This 1s true• they wi ll . bul. they won't likl• it In pols. especially, the gt•ran1um will give an in ferior pt.'rforrnanl'C if watei: is lacking. WHISKEY BARRELS 17" DEEP' 24'' DIA. IFl!D Solid oak, steel-banded half- barrels. Heavy-duty planters. Pinching new growth on ruchsias will force bushy growth and new wood to carry this season's blooms F eed roses after the rirsl flush of bloom. Keep a ph ids in check with sprays Put in that new lawn now before the hot summer weather arrives . Mulch around m o1sture-lov10g . pla nts such as fuchsias. azaleas. hibiscus and camellias. Bold Flowers -Ready to Bloom HYDRANGEA Striking foliage. long-lasting blooms of white, pink or blue. [J GAL. 3.98 • 5 GAL. 12.501 Very effective when planted In our wood•n half-barrels! , .. po ..... 288 ••. (t];i•J§;f "';1Q Mother's Day is Sun. May 10. BLOCK r'LU=MG 'j HEATING I OU .OTI4•Rll. --~~ IUCl4 848-3636 Truckload J Plant Sale I 6" pot. ... 28 S ta. Send Mom the Best Hug of All... FTD BIG HUG BOUQUET FTD hand-painted ceramic bowl, filled with beautiful fresh flowers. We can send it almost anywhere by FTO. Oel. & sen,. ~~'::~~;~~ I tt.1 • l ~:~d~:J. Credit cards accepted by phone. SEE US ... For all your Mother's Day Gifts. Beautiful, original silk, dry and fresh floral bouquets. Since 1946 Ha1lis}ttts Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa ,, Hook those snails anci slugs ~Ith ._ THAT'S Ill 20 % OFF ali sizes · Mo\4• the lawn to l 'i to 2 inches during the growing season. Don't let it overgrow b{'lween mowings Planl in May I Some heat lovin~ plants seem b~t-I lcr with later rather · than earlier planting~ May planted tomC1toes, for I instance, often produce faster than th· -,e pl.:mt<-'p in Apri l. 21st Anniversary · and ,~!'J!!!~~!!s 1M~!!~1x MOHTHS, YOU ARE IH FOR A COLORFUL EXPERIENCE! PATIO FURNITURE SAVE 33 TO 35°/o ON ALL FURNITURE IN STOCK SOD by ...A.....__ uvnfac ........,. .,..., .... LARGEST VENTORY IN ORANGE COUNTY. INDOOR PLANTS In 6" Pots POTHOS GRAPE IVY HEAHTHE SELLA DIEFFEHBACHIA -- _ ~·9.95.5 595 J DRY GOODS $pll!Ht 1•. '"II '338 '2.29 •• '99 •1 •• 14,75 s,ectraclde 1 "· '99 <1 98 s 5.95 20 •. reo 'II 75 14.15 Gr.hftr 411 a. reo • • '7 .95 Alr-0-Matic Clll 11050 19.95 BEDDING PLANTS 4" Petunias nt. 98c 58c 4" Begonias nt. • 58c Lobelia ,.,.,.,.,_., ref. 9k 58c I 4" Fuchsia rer. 'us 79c GROUND COVER FLATS .GAZANIA Mixed Colon . . CONTAINER PLANTS ESCALLOHIA HYBRID NEWPORT DWARF , .. _ ,,... °" 'Merilttl I ,a,.... 'l.H How '2.50 2 ,a,.... •t.'5 Mow '5.tS STA.l JASMIHI I ,a,.... 'l.50 How ' l.t5 5 ..... ,.... '12.ts How 'I.ts A4ArAMTHUS f'fTH PAM I ,a ,.... 'l.50 How '1.50 2 ,a,.... •t.50 How '6.50 CHECK OUR NEW LINE OF COLOR HANGING BASKETS ~ · AHD PLAMTER POTS ························--········· It....,. yow old wtr. ~ Mth _ .. .ct CJ9f U .00 off tM s r ~ price of 0 ftfW balbf, COflt .,. ... ,.....,..,. for Heh HW ROWM HA MSA' OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7~. SUN 9-5.30 SALE GOOD THAU 5/13/81 2038 ~. (at StJ Costa Mesa, CA 92627 I 014 l 646 7 441 West cliff (lot~Ricln) 1024 Irvine Ave NewPOrt Beach Hl·llU IYIHT ...... YoUWAHTIMA ... UDWAUSTOH OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Corona del Mar 3107 E. Coast Hwy • 61W... • "rice" ...... .., •• lfll I Harbor View Center (forwtty~ 1614 San Miguel Or. Newport Beach ...... ,. If it flo9ts, chances are you'll read about it . 1n the Daily Pilat 642-A321 • .. ( ·. --<--~~ ... .........., .. a • > a c c a a oosu seas 403 0 a: a c a z 0 0 a s so 5 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT1Frlday, May 1, 1981 L NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OVOT ATIOWl 1tte1.uo1 f •Ao•• O• '"' ·~· YO•IC.. MIOWUT ""C:"''· .... llOITOll 01 TllOIT a•O (llt(ltf•Afl UO<• C•C11AMll• ANO al~ITIO I Y TMI lllA•O AND l•S'llllllT "' • It's alwaya lnterealin1 to hear how people talk about you. What are they really sayina when you 're not around? We recently checked the pa1e1 ot Ad vertisl.nj Age rnagalioe to aee what different pubUca· lions are saying about their readers. Ma,alinea, newspapers and broadcaaUng stations advertise ln Advertising Age to reach advertiaers and tell them what sweU audjences they have. Do you read Playboy, for example9 Hugh Hef· ner's ma1axine has a new pitch for advertisera. He•• saying that with the president sending out positive s ignals, "the maJaise is over" and America has moved from pessimism to optimism. The bottom line, for Playboy, is that "a lot of money Is going to be released by consumers" -and here's where you, dear Playboy reader , with your "lust for lire," com e in . ~ ''THE MAN ° who now has SSO O toward that video re· corder is poised --------------.·r .. ~' lllTll lllllWITZ •• to s pend the ex· tra $300. He wants to spend again. And he will. For that video recorder For that camera. For that car For that vacation. For lbose clothes." Do you see yourself there. Playboy reader'> Are you ready to spend? Bride's, a Conde Nast magaiine, inform~ ad· vertisers that it has a direct pipeline to an audience of panting buyers. ll describes its t)(pical reader as "the blue-chip bride." · Whal makes them blue chip apparently is their propensity to spend: Sl2.5 billion this year. Bride's magazine cleverly points out thal ilti readers make up the "core of a $933 million recession·proof travel market -99 percent of blue·chip brides take a honeymoon" <what about that poor other I percent?>. ANYONE I N YOUR house read Seventeen magazine? Its message to advertisers is that they should bu y space in the August back·to·school issue because it's allegedly read by 9 million teen·age girls who are "about to go on one of their biggest buying sprees of the year." · - Last year , according to Sevente~n. these little teen·agers spent nearly $6.8 billion on "e\>erything from shirts to shoes. from cosmetics to calculators." Once they're back In college doesn't mean they're out of reach, either. No sir, there's an outfit in Chicago, Communication & Advertising Services to Students <CASS>. which reperesents 1,3(2 college newspapers, and it tells advertisers this about college students: "They may not read their Plato, Freud or Shakespeare. but they always read their college newspaper." THE ONE THAT takes the top prize in snob ap· peal is the publication, W. upscale offshoot of Women's Wear Daily. Its ad features an eCfete couple saying: "We have absolutely no guilt about our gilt Rich is better. Our brandy is better, our clothes finer, ceilings higher, wallpapers silkier . . Are you aware that our average family income is $82,700? That one in five or us is a millionaire'>" 'Ilhat's the comnfon denominator or all these messages about audiebces: they spend big. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW 'fORKCAPj F1'1411 Oo .. ·JOM> •¥11• ~'ol~~·ld•'· ,.,,,, lO HEW YORK (AP) -Wlff, TIMIB. IWI<• -nel Chenot ol f>e llft"n moll •Clive New Yon Stock Eac...,_ IH ... S. lrec:lln9 "AlllonellV e1 more th•n $1 TellKO Inc JU,100 J7Y. SldOlllnd Ul,tOO S7V. SldOllCel I '17,lOO 41~ A-en '12,500 ''"" $ony C0<p S'3.100 20'1• l!HI Kodek S.?,400 J61t', -II 561,100 •211o I 8M SSJ,000 5''-1!1u1on SOl,tOO ... ,, ~~N~fr~to ~:.: ~::~ Am&d<tl 4ff,SOO ll'- Wern Lemb :ltS.400 ?• • h • \lo . ,,. • I .. ,.. w. I . -... • 1•1> .... .,, .. ,, "°'1on Sim :119,100 17 AllRlchlld JH.000 4~ • 1-. AMERICAN LEADERS JD Ind 01: ... ~~'°~;".,c~r,5 ~';, 20 Tm 4JO JS m •7 m .. 1 41• JS-J" U Ull 10S 70 106.47 IOo<.13 IOS 4~ 0 11 •s Slll ll7. 17 .. 41 317 Cit 314,. 1.•1 lnd11• S,031,700 Tr en '·"°·JOO Ullll 510,500 •s Stk • • .... uoo WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( \AP) Apr lO p, • ., AdvenclKI Today ''° o:r. Declined '" 1157 Unchen99d .., Ml tot•I IHIJU l'IO'I ,.,, New lllOhl 37 27 ,,....,_, " 14 wt4AT4NEKDIO NEW YORK IAPI Al>f lO Prev. Mv•Mecl ·~ d~ls Oe<~Md m 40S Unc •n990 ,~ ,,, Totel IHIHS ti& IU New high• ,. ,, lffW IOWl ' 11 METALS (;-""'°'°' ... "• cMlll- UPS AND DOWNS • ............... •' - llon•. UM • c..,ll • pouncl. Zli•< '3\lo cent•• pound, Tl• $6.S?• Met•I• w .. ~ compO•lt• lb. A14tlft'-16 c ... n e PoVM, N Y ,....,...., M20 00 per ~··--.... 00 1'1)1 01., N 'f SILVER Hendy a. H1trnen, l ll.140per troy C>IJ"<t \• GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS ) ...... -........................ -.......... --.. -.. _ ... _______ ... __ ·--------·-·---.... ·-·---·-·-P"'--· ... ---------------. . --· --·--------. -··~ -· • , • ._..... .. •• t,. 2) .. -...-.. . ·~ . .. " .. . . , ·I , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 ... • NATION End of world due in 1980s, author-prophet says NEW YORK (AP> Hal Lindsey. whoae books about the end ot the world have out.aokl those of almost any other author in the last decade, says the 1980s mark the ·'Countdown to Armageddon." The phrase, heralding a catastrophic war, is the title of Lindsey's latest preview or his· tory's final years. He says they're unfolding. ·'Things are fitting into a pre· cise pattern of the predicted closing events," he said in an in· terview. "They're all coming together simultaneously In generation." , Lindsey, 51, has turned out six books since 1970, beginning with the prodigiously selling, "The Late Great Planet Earth," all of them focused on the end of time. Altogether they've sold more than 30 million copies . A mood of finality "is in the air," he said .. A lot or people sense it." Ticking off various occur· rences or recent history which he links to Scriptural references about the concluding travail of the world, he s a-Ml. "Prophecy is happening rignt before our eyes." Unlike some prognosticators of the end, Lindsey doesn't fix exact dates for lt. but says"it will come in the present generaUon "ll'H happen before the end of the century,'' he said. A friendly, unaffected Texan, Lindsey was a Korean War Cout Guardsman and later a New Orleans tugboat captain before turning to Christianity. lie became absorbed lfl Bible hope or use in efforts lo prevent such a final conflagration. he said· "As long as we're still in the world, we're to live responsibly and seek to preserve a peaceful way of life ... to continue pro- c;laiming the Gospel ... and seek to help those who suffer and are in need." 'The conflict over who owns Jerusalem will set off a war that will bring all others into it. The war will • escalate until it covers the whole globe. until the last fearful battle called Armageddon.· prophec y, and earned a mas ter's degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. majoring in Greek, the original language of the New Testament. "I'm not out to scare people, but to wake them up," he said when questioned about it. "But . I'd rather scare hell out of them than have them go there." He said his main aim is to evoke faith in Christ. Asked if consigning the world to early doom didn't cause a kind of fatalism without any He said he began taking those obligations seriously when he became immersed in Bible prophecy. "Before that. I was just a hell· raising tugboat captain But there was a turn.around in my life." Of the approaching, inevitable calamities he foresees on Earth, he said, "l believe these things with every fiber of my being . .I believe it's happening and it's going to'happen." A~cording to the scenario or has "Countdown" book, LSaued by Bantam, Arab.Jewish con fhct over Jerusalem will cause a "great power to the far north," the Soviet Union, to invade the Middle East. ··Afghanistan was a first step in that dire<'laon ," Lindsey writes. Against the Soviet sweep. he says, communist China, the "Kings ot the East," will enter the war, along with the Western world, unified by fear into a new Roman·type empire foretokened by the IO -nation Common Market. Lindsey sees Scriptural al· lusions, both in the Old and New Testaments, to the various modem powers. their recent and anticipated moves. along with a calamitous finale ahead. ·'The conflict over who owns Jerusalem will sel off a war lhat wtll bring all others into it ... he said . "The war will escalate un· til it covers the whole globe. un· ti! the last fearful battle called Armageddon " At the height of that hornble war, on the verge of wiping out all human life. Christ will return and intervene. saving the world, with believers destined for a restored, eternal world. He says the spark that ignites the war in ibe Middle East may be ·a limlled nuclear bombina. with such p0wer r eported In hands or some Islamic nations and which may be made avail•· ble to the Palestine Liberatioo Organization. ··According to Scriptural prophecy, something Is going to happen that is so frightening that people or the West will ac· cept a dictator that will come up out or the 10 European Common Market nations," he said. "One of the specific predlc· lions is that this man will suffer a seemingly mortaJ head wound and be raised up to amaze the world. This powerful leader will be the anli·Christ. He will prom· ise peace and security but it will be a pseudo peace." Lindsey, before his firs t book, served seven years with Campus Crusade for Chris t, lecturing to students ·'The thing that really in· terested even non.religious stu- dents. was prophecy," he said. That spurred him to start writ ing about it His 1970 book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," has sold 18 million copies and still is in demand. Other best·selling se· quels include "The Terminal Generation" and "There's a New World a Coming". FINALITY IN AIR? llal Lindsey Soundin g the urgent note about it, he said. has caused "people of every walk of life to come into a relations hip with Christ " The lady • IS a contest champf on Brooklyn housewife has 'J.VOn so many 'ptizes she can't 1:emember them _all A~WI,.._ ~ "I'm famous." says Selma Classer. and indeed ·she is among the 'lhousands of contest devotees nationwide. She has won so many ;.merchandise prizes she can't keep up with them. • By JULESLOH A,5'9<1Mtarr••• .... NEWYORK-Twopackagessit on Selma Glasser's din~ng, room floor . unopened. One she· rec- ognizes as containing a kitchen blender. She has no idea what is in the other. "So many things are being de- livered all the time I can't keep up with them," she said. "I'll open it later, when l have time." In the Brooklyn neighborhood where Mrs. Glasser lives, in a modest, stucco row house. she is known as U,ie,..contesl lady. But, among devotees of the rhyming jingle and the 50·words·or·less testimonial, her fame has long s ince overleaped the bounds or Brooklyn. "I'm famous," she said. Asimplefact,stated briefly. She is a contest maven. No challengeonbox top or matchbook cover escapes her eye. She knows them aJI . enters them all, and wins far more than her share of them. It wouJd be impossible to say, in 50 words or 500 words. how many pr1zesshe has wonin30years0Cen· le ring contests j;Newspapers thriving ANPA says industry set record for ad revenue in 1980 :·· :· WASHINGTON <AP) The :'.American newspaper industry, !·"economically sound" despite price increases and a reduction in =·the number of papers. main· • tained circulation levels and set a ~·record for advertis ing revenue in • 1980. a study says. As a whole, the • business also became the nation's •.largest manufacturing employer. ! The annual study. published by ·the Am e ri can Newspaper . Publishers Association, shows · the nation's daily newspapers al· ::tracteda record $15.8 billion in ad· •• vertising in 1980, up from $14 .5 billion reported in 1979. troductory statement. "U.S. newspapers attained a ll·time records in advertising revenues, employment and the number of Sunday newspapers." According to the report. there were 1,745 daily newspapers publishing on weekdays in 1980, of which 357 were morning papers. 1,358 afternoon papers and 30 classified as ·•all·day" papers . ~ While the number of dailies pub Ii shed on· weekdays represents a drop from 1,763 in 1979, the ANPA said the number of Sunday papers continued to rise last year-from 720 in 1979to 735. dropped s lightly from 62 .22 million to 62.20 million. Th e number of weekly newspapers aJso declined in 1980 to 7 ,602 from 7,954 in 1979, the re· port shows. As for employment, the as· sociation said the industry pro· vided work for 432,100 in 1980, up from 420,700 in 1979 and enough to take over the top s pot in the Labor Department's listing of the na· taon's largest manufacturing employers The annual statistical profile also s hows t.hat newspaper prices took a sizable jump in 1980, as did the cost of newsprint. The number of daily weekday ··Despite turmoil in the national • econQrny, extensive competition ;·from other media and changing ;:lifestyles in the citizenry, :·newspapers remain 1'CO'nom1c!"· ::ly sound." the ANPA said in an In· The overall circulation for Sun· day papers also rose, from 45.67 million to 5,4.37 million, but. . weekday dally circulation newspapers charging a single· copy price or 25 cents climbM dramatjcally from W4 iR 1979.lo - 555 last'year. whlle thei\Q'mberot - ·. ------------------------------ ., ........ CONDUCTOR -Comedian Danny Kaye ri.aht, ualats vloUnllt Carol Webb of the New York Pbllharmonic, ln pla)'tilc "Happy Blrthd•Y" for Zubln Mehu, orchestra ccmductor at a New York ceJebraijoo. Kaye says be will conduct • ~pslon fund benefit performance by the Pbllbarmon.ic Sept. 23. ... I Sunday papers charging a single· copy price of 75 cents rose from 15 to46inl980. Newspr!n• ~onsumpt ion· re· :.·n(ained steady at 10.-1 million metric tons, but the price of a single metric ton or newsprint in the eastern United States climbed from $413in 1979to$470in 1980, the AN PA said. The largest daily newspaper as of Sept. 30, 1980 was the WaU Street Journal with 1,838,891 daily subscribers, It was followed. in order, by the New York Daily News, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. Marathon dancing scheduled at OCC "Dance for Those Who Can't". a 12-bour dance scheduled at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa May 9, will raise money tor muscular dystrophy re· tlearch. The dance wlll begin at noon • In the college gym, and five bands will perform. Admission la $5. More lntormatlon is avallable at S56·5Wl. Tom NurphiM't J.ut Coottilio column 10CU rminw WtdMldQf. In Ila. JMOfttfm•, ll•'• loolrifto /or oordeftl m Oardn Oroue. \ ------ ---=--D . Her freezer was a _prize Her stove was a prize, and her oven. Her car was a prize. She won it before-~~ learned to drive. Her s~vetal biteycfet, her motoreyd her mink coat. all prize:s Prizes crowd her house Indeed, warm her house: her gas heating system was a prize. "l can't remember everything l ' ve won," she said, "bullheprizes that thrill me most are ttfe ones I n~ would have other wise. · · 1 mean. what chance would a Brooklyn housewife have to go on a date with Sid Caesar? I did that. ,0 r · to be a . guest or Engelbert Humperdinck at a ringside table at a big hotel on opening night? "I've had trips to Rome, Pans. the Caribbean. Trips all over Florida several times. Californja. A Texi-5 dude ranch. Without con- tests, experiences like that JUSt wouldn't happen to me " Mrs. Glasser is a s mall. slu~ht lady in her early 50s and is con· stantly on the go When s he is not working on her contest entries she 1s spreae11n g her s ecrets to Qt hers. QUITS -Drummer Denny Laine who has been with Paul ~cCartney 's group, Wings~ .sinc~e i17r~~, this -week after ei•~ecrsaon was made to temporarily halt the .group's tou!::_ She teaches a course in the That ·s a good payoff, and I have as Brooklyn College~ult·education good a chance as anybody to win program tilled "Writing for Prize it.·' and Publication."Shealsooffersa N-o a rgume nt there. Mrs. ~~ eovrw,-and has 1 GJasser~mawt:tne•kq:acafw fr:1t 1\Jst. firusfaea a bo_ok ! "A Comf>lel'e · winning. a gift. She attributes It all _._ Guide to Prize Con t est~. toposilivethinking Sweep~~akes. and How to Wm "It ·s 99 percent enthusiasm." T~~m . . .. . .. s he sayl>, with zest. "You have to, s~esaad._ lam s aytoyourself,why can'tldoitas not a mental giant.\ ou don thave well asanybody1 You'renotgoing to wm them all, but there's always a chance." AMERICA The first contestsheentered. she won. In her mind it landed the best lo be to learn to write a few words payoff of her contest career. forbigmoncy. "My husband, who is now de· "A filler in the Reader's Digest ceased, was my intended t.hen," as worth SSO. I've hit Reader's shesaid. Digest many times. I've hit Good "l wanted to marry him. One Housekeeping, Saturday Evening day he handed me an entry blank: Post. lots of them. And," she said . 100 words on why I wanted a trip lo ·· 1 get a byline. You know what a theCatskills. kick a byline is." "l won the trip and then won Rigl\tnowsheisrevvanguptoex him. all in a matter of a few plain. in 25 words, why it pays to months. After winning that first s ave ala certain bank. con lest. l was hooked " "That's 25 words for $20,000 So.atseems.washe / 'Stage fright' pill boon to performers DENVER tAP) -Performers sufrering the agonies or "stage fright" may get relief from an in- expensive pill that doctors say works without slowing or distort· ing the senses. The medicine, propranolol, is a prescription drug used widely for certain heart ailments. It blocks the flow or adrenalin into the bloodstream, according to Dr . Charles 0 . Brantigan, director of the Noninvasive Vascular Diagnostic Lab at Presbyterian Hospital. His findings were presented to the Eastman School of Music and the Univer sit y or Roc hester medical school in Rochester, N. Y . and released to The Denver Post. Brantigan. his brother. Tom. who is a music instructor at the University of Nebraska, and Dr. Neal Jost1ph, a professor of ophthalmoloey, tested th~ pill on musicians in Nebras ka in 1979. creases. and the increased sym· pathetic tone causes tremor a nd a decrement i n fine motor coordination." During tests at Juilliard, 16 mus icians received either the pill or a placebo 90 minutes bef<}l'e each of two test recitals during a two·day period. he said. The musician~· blood pressure was measured before and after each , recital, their heartbeat was monitored and they were ob· served for outward signs of stage fright, he said . The tests showed that musi· cians who took propranolol were less nervous and anxious, bad fewer tremors and pers pired less, thereby improving their ac· curacy, style and ease during the performance. Brantigan said The quality of the musicians' performances ..yH ev!IJuated by Carlos Moseley of the ~ew York Philharmonic, Bertha Melnik of Eastman and by Tom Brantht~. 1# • • • ·~ Their research was reported in the Rocky Mountain Medical Journal in 1979. Since then, lhl\-,,,.0-.. h<ict t'"!aaucted qior:e,tp--· ">' \m? umversll~ of Nebfaska 'anu the Juilliard School of Music in New York City. Hee·rwb1f1 boostro WASHINGTON (AP > An at· tempt by the Covelo Indian Com· munity to expand the legal boundary of Its reservation in Mendocino County. Calif., has been turned away by the U.S. Supreme Court Youth to meet Applications for the Orange County Red Cross Youth Leadership Development Center to be held June 22 through 26 at the Cedar Lake Camp and Conference Center, Big pear Lakf' are now beinl accepted. Ninth through eleventh grade students may pick up appUca· tions at their local high school or Red Cross Service Center. More In· formation Is available a 835-5381. Gets degree Ju'dy Roaen1ren Sandman ol Colta Mes received her Bachelor ArU delf'M from Oht Slate Unlvenlty . I ' "A performer, beset by fear. finds his body reacting as it would when facing a hostile mob or a tiger," Brantigan Bsaid. "Blood is diverted. The heart rate in· SACRAMENTO <AP ) - Legislation backed by brewers and beer wholesalers to ban volume discounts on beer to stores has breezed through its second Assembly committee. • old oak piano • cabinets • dining sets • tables • desks • iron toys • chairs • buffets • cedar chest • dressers • watches • sewing machines • old Italian loveseat • Cushman motor scooter • tm<tnade dolls from Ireland ·- .. ~ • -------.._,,::"'T"._..........,-:--' __ ,.._._...~--.u---=-•u_..w_w...,,.""'"'!!'°"¥....,,,..,_,,,,,,-:T''T ;-~ ~•,,:---Tr'T't'~, ":"!"'"'_""""'!" __________ µ ... ••-.-... r-;-•_ ~ ,. lAliUIA BIACH /SOUTH COAST Daily Pilat FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1981 FEATURES COMICS STOCKS 83 84 87 Pacific merge Fed L aguna 11ills High senior Debi Bracamonte does pretze l-like stretch duri ng cheerleader warm-up exercises. . • ~, Fed seeks approval D to with ·Ocean-side 0 . B5 ... Laguna makes responses to golf village By STEVE MITCHELL Of Ille Dally ~ ... It.ti Laguna Beach has submitted a li st of "major cqncerns" to the county rega rding an Irvine Com- pa ny proposal for a golf vill age in Laguna Canyon. Today was the de adline for comments on the proposed de· velopment to be submitted to the county's Env i r.o nm e ntal Ma nagement Agency a nd city offi cials said theirs a re "in the m ail." The Irvine Company proposes to build l.465 dwelling units on 1,250 acres west and north of the city's Sycamore Hills property. Company officials say 1,000 0 acr es would be in open space, ,, eit h e r as go1f courses or 0.11,Pll•OM• parkland. GOL F VI LLAGE The plan calls for c reation of Shaded area targeted two 18-hole golf courses covering 370 acres that would becom e the headqua rters for_ t he Southe rn me nt, says the city has concerns California Golf Association. a bout the Irvine Company plan. A company spokesman s aid .. We 've a s k e d tha t th e 195 acres would be us ed for con-agricultura l < pre!l.._er ve l C\Spects stru.ction of the 1 ,~5 d welling be evaluated as tQ whether <the ,-=-'t··~· . -,~-~ ... ~---~· -""~·J,j .: .,~;·· "''::>'·t';:~···~-~~·~~'"t:h~J<''~~-..,... (· 'Y.' • < :"'~ ~ ,,~ .. ·<:.:.e'f'l":t, -( .... ~,,;. .. ~ . ~·.h.-:: "' .. ~~ .. "~ ~-. ;..--;;- ... GIMME AN 'A' -Hopefuls work hard to earn an 'A' for acceptance as a Saddleback College cheerleader . Giving their all during tryouts on cam- pus are Debbie Cope man <left), a Capistrano Valley High School cheerleader, who will attend Saddleback, and Stephanie Wind, Sad- dleback student. Shelter hackerS unite Clubs, private sour ces react to fu~ding slash Directors of the Laguna Beach ed to the funding cut because two Youth Shelte r say they aren 't sul · other Orange County youth king over the 25 percent cut in s he lters r eceived a greater county funding for the facility. per centage of funding. Instead they a re out raising • The Family Cris is Center in money through private sources. Costa Mesa received 90 percent of Thursday the shelter was gi ven a its request, equaling $125,800, and $500 check by the Lagun a Beach the Chrysalis center in An aheim Soroptimists Club and a trove of got 98 percent. or $119, 700. gifts including sheets, towels, However, the s upervisors, bas· blankets, games and cookware. ing their decision on the recom· Sheller directors say they will mendation of an advisory com· be a pproaching other service mittee. said in the past funding c lubs in the surroundini? area to has been received from cities in ask for donations to he lp keep the the South County to help run the six·bed facility open. shelter T he supervisors said T h e Laguna Beach Youth t he re wasn't enough money to go Shelter , located at SOR St. Ann's a round. Drive , g i v es te m porar y S helterProgram DirectorJulie sanctuary to troubled youths aged Pozzetta sa id $.5,600 was rece1ved 11to 17 who need separation from in donations from three local t heirfamilies cities lastyear .. " Counseling is conducted during But she said the s upe rvisors' t he stays with the aim of reuniting action still leaves the . shelter tbe-)iamily members. ~ _ a bouL $30.000 smm of· w .. it On March25cuuntysupervisors needs to fund its progr a ms. cut funding for the year-old faci li-money which now will have to be ty frnm $122,900 to $92,200, about raisedfromprivatesources. .. ~s J>e!l;o .. t of wW&l:.Jv;is_previ~_usly Shejte~ records s~ow,J~e facili-,. ____ ,,~, .... ' -~,._-_ .. H_".1f".V1C~;-__ ,._.,.: Supporters of the shelter object-county youths from April, 1980, to · . Ma rch, 1981 . The young people came from El Toro, Mission Vie· jo. Laguna Hills. Irvine, San Juan Ca p istrano, San Cl e mente, Laguna Nigu el and Laguna Beach. Despite the fact that youths from throughout the area were provided services, only San Juart. San Clemente and Lag una Beach contributed lo the support of the shelter. Some of this funding is ex- pected to be cut during upcoming budgetsessions . The 15-membe r board of direc- tors of the non-profit shelter hope to make up some of the budget de- fi cit by selling soda and cookies at local social events in Laguna. in' addition to soliciting donations from private organizations. Miss Pozzetta said she believes ~here is a fighting chance enough money will be raised for the shelter lo remain open. _ "We've got a lot of good people pulling for us who are willing to work hard to keep this facility op en," she said. "We feel we pro- -_·. :. ~ential ~t~ · ... ·--. .... badly needed in the ~nity." Last Cove hearing May 12 The laSl of five public meet· ings on land use and facilities planning for the new 1,900-acre Crystal Cove State Park· will be May 12. Stale Park and Recrea- tion officials with information gathered from t he meetings to t he parks commission to utilize in formal hearings in March 1982. The May 12 tneeting will be at 7 p.m. in Newport Beach City Council Chambers. 3300 Newport Blvd. For information. call Dave Allan at (916) 322-7504. SI.a// changed Two new members have joined the Laguna Beach Boys Club staff and another club of. ficial has been promoted. Karene Gould, who lives in Laguna Beach, will run the arts and crafts center. 8r1an Doc:u~rt a form er club member ana volunuer coach . will be the om director. David Keigan , former gym director at the club, has been named program director. lOK nm slated A 10-kilometer run is scheduled May 30 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in front of the city of- fices at 32400 Paseo Adelanto in San Juan Capistrano. .Entry forms, at a cost of $7, must be completed by May 22. Entrants receive a T-shirt. After•race entertainment wUI bf' by tbe Bucka?oos Country Band. For information, call 493-1171, ext. 247. Pr&-achool .set E lementary schools ln the Capl1trano Unified School DiA· trict will accept a prln& kln· der1arten reglJtralions May l8 to 29 Ctom clilldren 5 yean old on or before next t>ec. 2. For information on inocula- tions and re gis tration , call 496-1215. Lagunans to golf Laguna Beach senior citizens can learn the fundamentals of golf beginning M ay 23 at Thurston Intermediate School. The eight-lesson course by form er golf pro Werner Schram will cost $12. Call 497 -2441 for reglstratio.n. Job /air planned Golden West College's Job/· Career Fair will be beld May 14, ln front of. the cafeteria patio, rrom 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. M ore than 30 Southern California buslne111es wllJ Lake part in the free event and more informaUon 11 available from the counsellnc and 1uld1nce Cflnter, Mia·17U , exteulon 419. 'Doc' makes guilty ple~ in fatality A~range County man. who was awaiting trial on charges that he posed as a physician in Ir vine and caused the death of a patient, pleaded guilty to in· voluntary ma ns laughter and practicing medic ine without a license. The guilty pleas were accept- ed Thursday by Orange County Supe rior court Judge Eve rett W. Dickey, who scheduled May 29 s.enlencing proceedings for. Gerald Barnes. The defendant. a Mi ssion Vie- jo resident who once lived in the exclusive Coto d e Caza area o f S outh O r an ge Count y , could face up to four years in st ate prison . He had been facing c harges of second degree murder in a trial that was to begin Monday in Jud ge Di c k ey's Sa nt a Ana courtroom Barnes was be ing ·held j n · Orange County ja il on $1 million bond after he allegedly applied ("9-f another physician 's. job i11.. ~~.:#nr· . ~ ............. ~ ~~,,;._, . t!. ~.... • ' He was cflarged with causing the death of 27-year-oldy John McKenzie of Anaheim, who died of uncontrolled diabetes in late 1979 after being exam ined by Barnes at Pacific ~outhwest Medical Clinic in Irvine. According to prosecutors, Barnes had worked as a phys i- cian there for several years. lt was alleged he had used the medical records of a Stockton physician named Gerald Barnes to pass him~elf off as a doctor. Music board dinner host An tnglish·style buffet dinner, hosted by the Laguna Beach Summer Music Festival board of directors, will be Saturday at 7p.m. The Pacific Broken Consort, a Loa Angel~ renaissan'ce music ensemble, wUI provide the enter· tainment at the Vorpal Gallery at 326 Glenneyre St. Donations will benefit the summer festival's filtb season of claulcal music concert s in Laguna Beach. For reservallon1, call Art Fong at 494-7112. The re ma ining 55 acres would In addition. the city wants to include retail shops , a 300-room know what impact homes in the rnn and. ac_reage for a potential canyon wiij have ori the Laguna school site m the canyon. Greenbe lt. as s hown on the The pl an calls for the first of city's general plan. six phases to begin in 1983 with City officials also a re con· c reation of the two golf courses. cerned a bout the visual impact the inn and about 270 dwelling of homes on a regional park that units. mig ht be localed in Sycamore The county's EMA is in the Hills or adjacent Laurel Canyon. process of preparing a n environ· And the impact of traffi c on mental impact report on the pro· the na rrow, winding Laguna Can- posal. and company officials say yon Road "was the first con- the first public hearings before cern we listed ,·· Smith said, as the county planning commission we ll as the downstream !storm are expected in Aug ust. runoff) capability of Laguna The land is currently designat-Canyon. ed as an agricultural preserve. A somewhat similar develop- The company is seeking a coun-me nt plan, which would have in· ty general plan a mendment to elude d use of a portion of the remove that designation'. city's 522-acre Sycamore Hills A planned community zoning and realignment of the canyon aesignat ion would allow the de-road. was dropped by city and; velopment sought by the com-Irvine officials nearly two yeari' pany for the project. ago because of city council con- Ron Smith, Laguna Beach's cerns a bo ut hous ing in the director of community develop-.canyon. Bv ALMON WCKABEY o.,,, Pli.t ... u .......... Don Vaughn, or "Big D" as he was known in the in- ternational yachting fraternity, died while engaged in the chore he loved best -wrestling with a cantankerous head sail on the foredeck of a racing yacht. There was no one better at jibing a giant spinnaker or flogging a big genoa jib in a gale than the 6'5" 243- pounder. For that matter, he could handle any difficult chore aboard a ya cht. , r sailed with Don in two long distance races aboard Windward Passage -the 1969 Miami-Nassau race and the 1969 Honolulu race, both of which were stormy at times. Whether on watch or in the sack below, Vaughn's huge frame could be counted on to be on the h.eaving foredec1t ... when things became cril.ical. OKDINMlJLV AN easygoing chap w~v~..the . r,u.le,s of; "o"lt.t.J,"aa- ihf; '3uf?}ffi';"'fike l>tner midu:~ns \li'''fJk,. crew of Windward Passage, had tears in 1.ocuHv his eyes as he tossed furniture around the hotel room in Honolulu after WP was unjustly penalized two hours in the 1969 Transpac, robbing the yacht of first to finish honors and a new elapsed time re- cord. In the 1971 Honolulu race, Vaughn was credited by the Johnson brothers, Mark and Fritz, who took over the yacht after the death of their father, with recruiting and sparking a crew that led Windward Passage to a clean sweep and a new record. As a Newport Beach businessman, Vaughn has been praised as a "credit to the community and the yachting : world.'' " Vaughn never became a yacht owner until recently when he went into partnership. with Tom Corkett on the purchase of a Cal Cruising 2·46. In racing he always pre-• ferred to be listed among what he called the "Indians" or ' "deck apes." .: THE BIG FELLOW will be sorely missed, not only aboard his favorite packet, Windward Passage, but by the entire yachting community. Many owners relied on him for advice on what kind of deck gear and other ac· cessories to buy for their boats. He was a member of Newport Harbor Yacht Club, St. Francis Yacht Club of San Francisco, Lahalna Yachl. Club of Hawaii among other yachting orgartlaatlons. Vaughn has often been quoted as saying that yacht~ racing was aa much an athletic sport aa football, whJcb he played in high school, in college and as a pro. . . J --- -. . -·------·--........ -- L Oranoe eo .. t DAILY ~OT/,,_,, ~ 1, 1111 George Jones. Barbara Mandrell hug joyowly after accqtfng country music awards Thursday night. Jones, Mandrell tops in couritry ~H~ Stopped Loving Her' song of year ; Parton, Lee also honored LOI ANGSLES <AP ) -awards, he has Cai led .to win any O..r,ae Jooe9, lone considere4 awards rrom the academy in the •1 •t• peera to be eoufttry past two years ••~'• pN91ter male 1in1er, Comedian George Burns won ..... ._..,, Mudrell, who h• the academy's first -ever special "'°ta~ bet co•lry career into achievement award. Burns thJs a WMkiJ a.elevWoa aeries, came year recorded a oountry music ••t oa lo• of tlills year's album and a single entitled Ae effll'ly of Ce-.ntry MHic .. Willie I Nelson) Won't You Sing Aw1,. show. a Song With Me." Nelson re· l•n re~entty onrutfte a porledl}' has agreed to do so . ...,..rai.l Mwt with alooholiam The academy 's Pio neer ••4 m• a dl'unatlc comeback Award, presented ror recogni· wtth the hit, "He Stopped Lovint tion of outs tanding a nd un· Uer Toclay." That sons won him precedented achievement in the 1l9 .. e reeor• ol the year and field of country music, went to 1001 el the year honors Thurs· country old-timer Ernest Tubb . • .,. 116pt, and the 49-year-old •Hafer waa chosen toJ male voealilt. Mt11 Nandretl, whose Satu:· •a1 ftltllt aeriu on NBC. "••r~ara Maadrell and the llaMrelJ Sbt.ens," has just been ..... wed for the fall seHon, was a a Med entertainer of tbe year. "I WA8 COUNT a Y when uuntry wuft 't cool," Miss Man· 4rell said, borrowing the lyrics frot11 a song she has just re- teued. "My succeiis is a com· biHtien of my wanting it with all my 9'eart and the inevitable poJ>'ll• arceptance of country musk." "I'm so happy. This is the . ..,. ....... Entertainer George Burns is presented special achievement award by Roger·Miller. "I TOUR ED for 207 days last year," said the 76-year·old en· tertamer "I'm more comforta· ble on my bus than I atn at home." The Jim Reeves Memorial Award, given to the ·person who made substantial contributions toward for1 henng international acceptance of country mus ic during the past year, went to Ken Kragen. who produces and manages many country stars. The Charlie Uaniels Band cap- tured tht> touring band award for the secdnd year in a row and the Palomino Riders were named top non·touring band for the fo urth time 1reatest thing ttiat has happened <'ountry scene last year with BLIND SINGER Terri Gibbs. lo lfte ln 4' years. I 1uess you "Lookin · for Love." frnm the picked top new female vocalist KLA(' RADIO in Los Angeles rotta hanJi? ln lhflre," said Jones. movie "Urban Cowboy," picked of the year. won an immediate won the academy's radio station who ~lved little Industry rec· up top ne w male vocalist hohors. standing ovation from the au of the year award fo r the eighth 01nill011 .unt,IJ.. llhis year and Lee ran a country music cluh dience. Her ··som e body 's time. KLAC disc jockey Sammy halM'l 't enjoyed the pop sales or just up the street ff':>m Gilley's, Knockin' "has been a huge sue· Jatkson was a first-lime winner sonH other country stars. the Texas nightclub where the cess on country charts and as a as disc Jockey or the year. Tile award was presented to movie was filmed, and plays in crossover bit as well. J ohnny GimblC' was him by his u -wife, Tammy owner Mickey G11ley's Ur ban Alabama. composed of four fidd ler for the Uurd consecutive • • Wynette. Jones sang bis current Cowboy Band musicians from that state who year and Al Rruno repeated his Mi All t hit, "He Stopped Loving Her To· The movie was a huge box have suddenly emer ged as in:a victory from last year and cap· ss1ng an a day," at the ceremony and, l)ffice portantfigureslhisyearincoun· lured his eighth award in ·the., .-chan,P~ lyric~ he san1: . many with greatly try music, was named top vocal guitar category. _,_1;f" .. ----~ '..... a-4" ' ti"" ~.. -~.... -. :·~, .... ...._ ~·v--~·~.......,.,.,~._.,,"'·i..~-~~ .~ · ~~-~ ~ . -·~ ··~~'.Jl{Wbi»~as a re· · :--;; .,_.,.. . .... --1'.r .... ",.-~l.:. ~tt;d . A ~~itry~JnlSf)l-wt'1r . .-t. •• ~\>;"~~'ritd:d~. ~~---~~...... • ~~·-4'l~"-~ri!~~-·· "-~-"-£Y ac Yout Oun movie'i;; soundtrack as album of his country music career into the keyboaro ~d ano ~-,,-Y~ ~LLV PAaTON, who had. the year. som ething of a pop music tu red his fourth over all trophy. ATLANTA CAP> A 14-year · o_ld black youth who had been re· ported missing has been found s afe and returned to his parents a police spokeswoman said to'. day. Pohce found William Harris Thursday evening, according to "S pokeswoman-Parthenia Jef- ferson, and h(' was reported to he back in school today. The teen-ager h ad been reported missing by his father T hursday. His case was handled by the police department's missing persons unit. but notice also was given lo the special police task force investigating the murders o r 26 blacks a nd the disap· pearance last Septemher or 10· year-old Darron Glass Democrat leader WASHINGTON IAPI House Majority Leader Jim Wright told the nation Thursday night that a vote fo r P res ident Reagan·s budget plan was in effect a vote for a lax cut that would reward the rich while giv- ing little help to the average American. The Texas Democr at. in a 'televised response to Reaian'a Tuesday n ig ht s p eech to ~ Con·gress. sought the support of America's middle class by link· ing the upcoming budget battle to Reagan's three-year ·tax re· duction plan 1981 auto~ DETROIT <AP) -Claryalff Corp. rs increasing Ure p?'tl:!ft ot its 1981 cars an average ,er· cent, or about SUH, effective lo· day . The increa se. a~neunee4 Thursday, does not ap,t)' t. ~ already in dealer l"enteriee, Chrysler said. The Ht. mater sa id t he price ln creafe lt necessary to offset ri•hl c.• but added that it will net i• crease prices ac.Wn thr1nt Ult 1981 model year. Toxic pmaJ.r tfliU. PHOENIX. Aria. <AP > - About 109 pounds of a ,.t.ntb.Jb' poisooous and explo&i~ po1)der spllled Thursday wliln a tMfl truck ander tow owrt~ I half mile SGuUI of ~et ~ officials said. TbrN w•e M r. ports of injuri•, •at• lilt. AJt• Schmidt of tM ArilOD& D9Pll1· ment of Pubti~ Safety. UN.TED l'UT101'S <•P> - The: Unlled States arttMlt Md France cut a total ol "'....._ in 10 minutes 11lunday lllPt to kill four Third World reMIYUom calling for sanction• dffiped '9 drive South Africa o•l of Nambia. Japan uill -limit t>e,a eominated for fiv e awards, The movie of the year award career. came up the loser at the Winners or the awards were waa urned top female voc:aliat. w e nt to ··Co a 1 M 1 n e r · s 16th annual a wards ceremony. determined by balloting among Me wasn't at the Shrine Daughter ,"the sloryofcOl~Y He had been named in six 2,195 members or the Los All,.toriu• for the ceremony music quee n Lo retta Lynn, categories. Including entertainer Angeles based academ y, which f•4 th .tlver-color~ cowboy which stars Sissy Spacek Miss o f t he year a nd t op male is in no way affili ated with the hll ....... \.rophy was picked up Lynn was to have been al the vocalist. But although he h as larger Nashville-based Country by her brotller. cer e mony but r ecently was achieved superstar status and Music Association and its annual lobMy Lee. who burst on the hospitalized in Nashville received a s tri ng or other awa rds ceremony in the fall. Te1ts show laetrile ineff~ctive . I WA SH I NGTON <AP ) La-. the pwported cancer v.t.-that htora say t\as ~ th0taandil away from proven t~t.apy, railed its Cirst con- t ro19itd human test and shou.ld be contMered wortkless, scieatists .. ,. "LM!triJ• hu been teated. It is aot tffec:tiu," Dr. Charles ......... fA the Mayor Clink said thunday •l a meeting of the A"eritaa Soc)ety ef Clinical On- ~oloey. The National Ca1tcer Institute. wilich sporu1ored the trials, said it hoped they would settle the eeatrover sy s ur rounding Laetrile, a au.,atance found ••urlily Ill Ute pill of apricots ••d ~aebea aftd in bitter abnoftds, and its usefulness in lrHti.fta CJrncer Moertel said the results are baaed upon data froll'\ a core group of 156 of the 171 patients enrolled in the 11tudy. Of these patienta, 104 died and in only one c a1e was there a partial rmpome to die treatment. And Uu1t ~ 'Wu quutionable, he a4tted. • ~ Dr. Vlneoent T. De Vita, head of tt.. cancel' lAIUtule, said the re- Mila proved Laetrile's failure as a 191'CW treet9'etlt. (ALL NOVELLO CONSTRUCTION HAS LIFE TIME GUARANTEE) D4C>Vel 14() SELLS DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC, •• THAT'S HARD TO BEAT" D4t>Vel 14() AY SALE NOW IN PROGRESS! ''THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE "1'119 hoUew promise of this dr•I ha ltd U1ouand1 of t 1 Aen.rtc9M 1way from potentlaJ. ex~nor s 0 auto• ly ~ theraPY, of seiftltific '.I;' _., \'alkUty," DeVit~ said. "Now • the fac:ta SP-Ilk for the~~IVeJ.." TO BEATH" To.Cvo <Th i The J~pan~~:' governme nt told" America's chief trade negotiator today that It will limit auto exports to the United States for two years. with a 7. 7 percent cutback In the first year, Japan's Kyodo News Ser vice reported. There was no immediate in· dication of US. reaction to the Japanese proposal. Neither American nor Japanese officials were available for comment. · The decision as reported by Kyodo appeared similar to pro- posals put forth by the Japanese in meetings on Thursday that U.S. sources close to the talks ha.d said would not satisfy the U.S. Congress. rare appearance PEKING CAP> -Com1nuailt Part1 Cbairaen " .... wtao lt -.ectAtd te be demoW!l la. u,. ... ,.. CMntM, ••• ... leadln1 IVHt at a lllay Day celebration 'nlunday nlabt. It wa1 only bb third pubilc ap- pearance in five months. Hua wu applauded al' be en- tered the Great Hall ol tM Pec>- ple and a1atn as ho left early. ' I His' apf>earance at>it'enti~ia\ · ?'! • ' •• • ' •. , · • ""'·~1 .. · t: -./ intended as a show ol nerm.tity • In Chinese leaderabip rHkl. Trio quizzed ~ria slaiJ#Phw in threats tu .... to lranianlt W ASHUIGTON <AP) Al1erla, praised lairisbly for Ma me diator role In fNeln1 ... Ameriua hestacu f,._ I..._ captivity, is 41.Uetly pr~ Iran with Soviet·maclt ..... far ita war with Iraq, lnferm• sources toJd The Auoclated Press. Delivery was beau• in early April lhrou&b Syria. whielil 9C· cordint to MUrcet lllaa ,..._ wkll Libya in tryi .. to ~ Ira• In tlile tau •I Met- ¥naelmeu. Arab ... ,,." let' Iraq. &dPole.pinl WARSAW. Pe&aM <AP> - SMc:U.el"'9 ........... rula..~etUb•r• ••nl• 1t.re11 a........ ._., c~lf 11eata•1 ~ • 1trlkltlt a Wa.ce .,.. .... UM party's Htb.ortly ... ,... ... reform t.bat bu 1rown ,....., •lace I• •• ...,.., law •· rHt, offlcl1I ••• Weat1n aourc• Hid 1'~1 .... on president 87 T .. A.19cla~ Preas F...-.t auUloriUes are fluetl· U.l .. two men i.B Mississippi j a lh a ad another m an in 0••11•, Neb.. who alletedly threatened to kill President Rea1aa. John Kinchner, 38, of Omaha was being held In lieu of lU.000 boa• belnt ~araed Thurs-dar wtttl making an oraJ threat • tbe lie ol tbe president. a.rt WlH Jr., •. waa or- 4ered 1te1d °" s1e1,oeo bond in Jackson , Mlsa., Th•nday on c.._r1ea of threatenin1 the presl- 4 .. t. AuUMritie• Hid Wise'• lut llnown addr.,a was Murphy, Jll.C. • ••••llllppl lutborltie1 alao 1.W WUlam . Aaw. 11, o1 Cwatt1e. Ark., was Jelled l• c."' .... · Mlsa .. after betq .,. reat-4 ThYrtday by hlalnray =el lavut11ator1 and 1~•1 . AftanHJ autborttl• ....... -pt'Obldoe for ...,.,., • u.ft eoevidimal. , ' A·L·~··tllfN1TtJRtH'.AttricFiAfrEo • <.... ' " NO ASSEMBl::V LINE TECHNIQUES WE IUILI OUI FUlllTUIE ITIOlllEI • lmEI • FAITEI • I FOi LEll THAT'S A FACT -WE IUAIUTEE ffll HOURS: ALL SHOWROOMS MON.-FAI. 10-9, SAT. 10-1, SUN. 11-8 ORANGE LAGUNA HILLS FACTORY SHOWROOM FACTORY SHOWROOM 1132 E.JCltlll tl.101 A_.. DI La Cll1oCI ,, ...... ., ,,,,,,,.,, FWy.) ,.,, • ., .... ,.,.,,) (714) 538-3573 (714) 581-3570 ·---• NORTit COUNTY SAN DIEGO FACTORY SHOww.ooM 1791 o.w. St (Oc•llllll lfwd.) (0..Mt._,.,...,...,, (714) 439 -8647 r --------------------:-:~-~-------".""'""'----~-------------..... ' • .. ~ .. ......,_. Moviegoers, from left. Lee Marvin, James Coburn, Katy Jurado and director Sam Peckinpah pose after screening of a Coburn movie as part of the Western Film Festival in Santa Fe, N.M . . Assembly speaker 'alunys 011 time' Being Assembly speaker has its glamorous moments, but making speeches in Sacramento to Carmers at 7 a m isn't one of them, especially for a b1g ·l·1ty le.gislator like Willie Brown. But the San Francis<:o Democrat told the Com municat1ons Workers of America that he's cid1ust1ng to the routine "I go by and make the farm speeciles when J'm on my way home," hesaid "A )ittlehung The Coalition for Better Television bnd the Rev. Jerry Falwell lashed out al chiefs of • the three major networ ks, ch allenging them t-0 accept an invitation to debate the merits of the coalition's campaign to clean up television. The Rev Donald E . Wlldmon, chairman .... of the coalition. said he and Falwell were prepared lo accept an in· vi t ation to appear on a televised debal~~on Ted Turner's WTBS-T v--and the Cable News Network. '""'" ~qo ~~~oP-:.bJt at 'f" ' ... ").... ~·· • '.?; \~ Wddmon noted, however, that the invitation has been declined by the presidents of "''•; ... ·-~~ -. ~~::ft ,. Jank" :~'lc"t,..~Cltt;: ·..-1ld "" Pierce of ABC a nd NBC's Fred Silverman aft er they made speeches last month con- demning the coalition's cam- paign as censorship. Gov Hugh Carey's new wife plans to ask a Roman Catholic tribunal lo annul two of her previous three marriages on grounds that one husband was a bigamist and another did not like women, according to The New York Times. The Times reported that E"v a ngeline Gouletas-Ca rey. who wed the governor in a Greek Orthodox ceremony April 11 . hopes the tribunal will annul the .marriages so the governor can be restored lo good standing in the eyes or the Catholic church Al lhe start of the gov- f!rn or's courtship of l~ wealthy real est ate en· trepreneur from Chicago. Mrs Gouletas was described as a widow But her fi rst husband was found to be alive and well in California. and subsequently two other marriages were reported all three ending in divorce. which is not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church Rock musician Elton John paid $31 .000 at a London auction for 232 original scripts from the British TV senes ··The Goon Show.·· Frank Sinatra will perform in South Africa this summer. but a statement issued by his public relations firm said his contract will not allow s egregation at his performances. Sinatra will star m concert from July 24 to Aug. 2 at Sun City in Boputhalswana, but a s tandard clause barring segregation was included. said puhlicisl Lee Sollers. Armand Hammer , chairman of t he board of Oc- cidental Petroleum• Corp .. was named California In· dustrialist of the Year at a Los Angeles di nner attended by 400 o r the s t ate 's top educators, scientists and busi- nessmen. Hammer r eceived lbe award from Erne,t Lobecke, retired chairman of Ticor Corp • at ceremonies at the Museum of Science and In- dustry Hammer was recognized for his achievement in build· ing Occidental Petroleum into one or the leading cor pora- tions in the nation and for his contributions lo a rt and science Oklahoma twisters kill 2 left dead in tornado assault ; storms widespread Coastdl 'IU!atlier Nlon1 ano moo11no low tlOU<b, wotn Sa1urdayal10,,_,mos11vwnnv Coa,tal low 1on19111 SI HIQll S•lur d•v•HoW lnlano IOW tonlQllt ... S.turoav '"On 141011 W•lar'5 E luwtwr•, varl•b._ wll"dl 01i11r nl9n1, l>KomlnQ•Hl lo•oulhwnl 1010 16 llMU S.lurelay •ll•rnoon Wino ••vn 1 loJ tMt. wHl•rly •••II• I 10 2 IHI. LowovernlQlll CIOvdlMnturnlnq lo mos II v ""'"Y s.t.,,day •t .. ,,_ V.S. summary Torn•_, •nd 1119" winch lllU'IO*r.O 'acrou Oklahoma, llllllng •n Intent In• mol>il• ,..,.,.,., da""'GlnO but Id I nos. up rooting ''"' •nd iu-klnQ out power lnMveraltltlH Tiie lnl.,,1, J.monltw>ld Jowph Ce<•I Baldwin, was klil.O In Grady County, lOU1h of Rulh Sc>rlno• ...-11. baOy's mbtner was ll1leel In Mrlou• but Ualll• 0 .d•d ------ Gu•lv •ll•rnoon "'Inds art •llO pre-Bo> Ion dle\tclln,..,,,,..rnoe:ur1.. • _ flrowl\J•• .. " 92 ,. LotA"Q91ft LOUl1vllla Mtmpll" Miami .-.illw•ukM Mpl1·SI P 12 " ., 11 Sl 6S II .. ~ '3 10 37 • .. N.ullvlllt N•w Orlt- N•• York, Norfolk Oki• Clly Oman• OrlAn<!O Pllll•dalpfff• Plloenl• Plt11burQh Pll•nCI, Mil Pll•n<I, Or•. Rt no • ., 1.44 Sall L•k• S•n 011go ~ Sf".M!n ~ .... •• SI 13 SI .. S7 7J 0 " ., u .. 96 14 SS ~ .. 43 11 .. " "' ., 50 71 .. ., 50 5"•111• 70 41 SI Louts 11 Sl SIP T•~ U .. SI SI• Mari. 49 >O ~pok•,.. 11 S7 . OI TulH U l~lM ,. · • ~ ' P\'roltU: , , ~-·i-1 ... o~:E"i.1. •• ·,Go.'war~iascs. oveclwnentfl;. 1torm hit l•le HurSO.y A storo In Anadarko In toUlll central O.lalloma was clemolhNCI llY • lorn•do. ano Mvtr•I a~rtmanls and another slor• w•r•lleaY1iydMM99C1 --.. .. S.turclay art U • • C\ufl.110 .,.._ .... 1eoli6l>ut 1Sln Los Af'l9ti.s, to Cllarl•\n SC lo I& In coastal ano lnlermtcllalt cn.,111n WI/ volleys, n 10 81 In lhe mounl•lns, 9210 Cll•y•n~ 102 In northarn daMrt• •nd 96 to IO<l In Chicago ..... ,...., ... 1,,,,.,, -· -..... •J ~~ . -· -··-"' ' ,. -· ., '°"'"•rneleMrtl. Cindnnllt H•rrv Smith, 7•. of AM<larko. sul 'T' al ,., ... a ,_,, "11kll and died durlno .I emperi ures , ... ''°""' Cedo c-·· lt\llhorlll .. •••• lnVHtl99llng r_.-ti lllal Smllll .,., drlvlno Ills ur wfMn Ille IO<MdO Albany 1111. All><I<!.,. "' u ~, .. ., 34 Cl•••l•nd Columbu$ O•l·FIWU1 O•nv•r Des Moln.s Otlroll Oulull\ H•rtlord Tiie slormaltoknocllacl-npo•er Amarillo lints HrvlnQ Anaclartlo, Lo<kaba, ASMvill• Oracement-8lf'l9tr r, .. ,.,..,.. re All•nt• ~eel uprooeH .... Ut of CNcUsf\a In All•ntc Cty .. 63 t) " ll S1 ., ~ JI Htl•n• Cr.Oyc-ly 8•11imora Otller twlsi.n -•• ,..,..,,eel n.•r BlrmlnQtlm Cllkllu""MICIAlhll Blsm•rO 8olM ., S1 .. 6S JO 05 ., n ii 2t tO 47 Ho.-olulu Hout ton lnclf!aplls JacUllYllt K•n• City LOV99# Ll111t lloek 1• S2 lS It :I' SA 41 0. '7 49 .01 M 4l .. " .. " •> 1.0. .0 ., ., ,, '2 u .. °" 0 ll Sl ·~ .0 ,. .. ., .. tO 14 u lO " tO .. B•k•rslleld 101 70 Blyth• tt 1S Eurtll• SI 4' Ere1no 94 •S Lanusler ~ 5' Marysvlllt tt 6' Mont•r•v " S2 ....... ,.. IOI o ... ,.,,.. 112 Paso ltotffs ., 52 • R•cl 81uff tJ 6S R•dw-Cily ts 62 Sacra,.,,.,,.o M " kllno ts S2 kni. 8artoWa IJ S7 Stoclltell .. Tllerm.r tS .. ?, ii o1 Sun, moon, tides fadifomia Altar I/le clwm end .-.rt 111•1 Ila,,. •• ,..._ Ille ,,_t two-911dl, iOutMNI C.I~-miglll nO( be l>l•m•d tor • bit of •h•ll<l•m Ntvtrn•i-. u. ~II tor S.tur· N Y call• tor mlkl, WfW\y WNther wllll ... 1y t1lefll .,,_ mornlno low cloucl11'Ht alot191'1MC-: Southern California aurf report TOO•Y SacOftclhllfl 1:2Dp.m, J.t IATUltOAY Flrttl-2:•1•.m. O.J a.rt ... ,.. ""' %um• 1 kMaMonk• I Ntwporl I San D..., (.ounly t ~tw1at11r11ey1 u _ .... ,.._... ~ ..... t , J , Wt "'N 10 10 1J 12 We're ·Listening ••• ~ . What do you like about the Dally PUot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to tht! appropriate editor. The same 24-hour anewertn1 service may be used to record letten t.o editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must ln· elude lhelr name a nd telephone number ror verification. No clrculaUon uUs, pi.ate. Tell ua what'• on your mind. , ' • S-ll lwtll ..... ""' .... Dir I J SW t 1 SW I t SW I t SW ""11119" 1:4Sa.m . 4.t SKOMI-l;.p,m . 0.1 lt<Oflclllitfl l :»p.m . 6.0 SUt1 -1:• p.m., rllM 9.atutMy ••h •m. Moon Mb 4:• Pm., rlMS $e!Uf' .. Y S: tta.m. D~PWDtl .. ry ............. Monday·Frlday. II you do not h8Y9 your ~r by 6:30 o. m. call before 7 p m and your copy will be delivered • Slturoay arid Sunday. If you do nol receive v<>ur copy by 7 • m . Clll before 10 a m end y0ur copy wUI be de!Nered ' Mc* g=~J~~!•::1..n1 Not11'1wtet l-41.lnttngton BHch and~mfnlter l*IUI L.ornt~ ~ --·--- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, May 1, 1981 H!F A3 new plan .PSA • ID Move would expand airport to 5 airlines .. By FREDERICKSCHOEMEHL OfllieO.lllyf'IMtUl.tlft John Wayne Airport is destined to become the home of five com· merciaJ airlines under an airline access plan now under study by Orange County government of· ficials.• '·Arter weeks of Intens ive n6g9tialions. a plan has been ad- va~ed that would perm'\l Pacific S<>uthwest Airlines to Jo1n the tour incumbents -Air Cal, Republic Airlines. Frontier Airlines and Western Airlines at the airport. PSA initially would bJ! given two departures daily1The carrier holds route authority from the federal Civil Aeronautics Board lo San J06e and Sacramento Under the proposed plan, Wes tern would be on shaky ground because it has no plans to the new and reportedly quieter OC-9 Super 80s. ·The plan, as written. would re quire aJI air carriers to state in writing within 60 days that they intend to purchase new and quieter jets. PSA already }las taken delivery ol four Super 80s and has declared it will fly them at the airport. Air Cal, Republic and Frontier have announced plans to purchase the Super 80s. Should Western not comply with the provision to purchase quie.ter jets, it would be ejected from the airport Oct 1. said Murry Cable. airport manager Western, which operates two nights daily to Sall Lake City, Utah, has been serving the airport since last October. Wes tern and Frontier were permitted to begin service m Orange County under a tem porary access plan adopted by the county Board of Supen·isors un· der pressure from the Federal Aviation Administration The new plan. largely produced by the staff of Supervisor Thomas Riley. whose district includt!s the airport. would require au air car- riers, within three years, to con verl their fleets operated at the ai rportto DC-9 Super 80s • further, the plan would require I hat all carriers serving the airport USf quieter Jets for at least 25 percent of their flights 6y Oct. 1,1982 - Under the pl an, PSA would gain two departures per day by the county ordering both AirCal and Republic to give up one flight each AirCal currently is , permitted 25 departures per day. Republic 12, Frontier, two and Western, two Currently. 41 dt•partures per duy, averaged annually, are permitted from the airport Under the rccl'ntly approved airport master plan, that figure "'ould increase lo 55 as noise re- ductions are achieved through the introduction of quieter jets As new rt1 ghts become availa ble. they would be allocated to carrier~ using Jets that produce the least amount of noise Supervisors will consider the access plan at 9 30 a m Tuesday at the llall of Administration hl•aring room. in Santa Ana Jail security weighed Slaying of co~nty inmate raises concern over cell In the wake of a death and a ico, a stale prison inmat(.• ac· B<•c-uuse or s pace considera non-fatal stabbing. the Orange c us ed of murder. Philip Sen l i<>n!., f(•male inmates are nc1 County Sheriff's Department is l eno, 32, of Pi.irk. facing longer held in the cell. Hendry planning to modify an inmate robbery t·har ges Rill L s<.11d lnMcad. 1t 1s reserved for holding cell at the Orange Coun Fris bee. 30. of Orcingl' facing so l'alled · high powt•r" mmcill'S ty Courthouse in Santa Ana trial on charges of assault with those who arc a ccused of Lt Ed Hendry disclosed Wed intent to commit murder, Kirk <;t•riou!. crimes nesday night that he wiV seek W _Smyth. 29. of Torrance. ali.o llt•ndry said ~lo' 1ft action muM approval fro.1'8 .!lie r.oun&y Ad, ra.c in~ trial on cha~;_-..C.·1~;tuJ1 be t;;akcn lb 1mprO\C v1s1bi11l.> IO -• ministrallve Office lo enlarge with inte nt to commit murder. to lhl' tell TYol) \\indows rch two wiri.9C?~-lQ.cll. aUQw deP .. !ilies; ... ~d ,Art~.ur. Ruff~:"2s., £1l\ of "' l:lbout one foo~. -;~~e now pro , ..... ~· ·~ ~l '( n•-: ;~a"g-li..r.., ..l>'~h-.. ):c..,. . ' . '1c~~~ "l~~->_, • ~/}lkti<~~ 'located in e courthouse ba• robbery cflarger. ,. l'e1f I ment. He ndry said 1t would be pref· erable for O)le-way windows to be installed so that inmates can· not detect when they are being observed by deputies Concern about safety in the holding cell has heightened in the wake or two lncidents. On April 20, an inmate standing trial for mu rder died from wounds suffered while being held in tee cell . Eight days later, a second inmate was stabbed in the arm. Sheriff's Lt Wyatt Hart said hve men are considered Slls peels in the fatal assault on Michael Bottoms, 22. a Long Beach resident who was await- ing a second trial on murder charges in connection with the stabbing death of his wife near Disneyland last August. Bot· toms' first trial ended in a mis trial after a jury could not reach a unanimous verdict. Hart identified the suspects as Gilbert Lovato, 22. of New Mex· Additionally, Hart said. Lov alo and f'ns bee are suspected or inflicting a wound on Reginald llolland, 34, of San Clemente, while Holland was in the holdingl cell last Monduy. JI oil and ~·a.s1 not seriously injured. llendry said the holding cell m'l! which tht• attacks occurrl'd originally was designed for use by female inmates and. thus. ar fords more privacy than an ad J a cent ho\ding cell ll('ndr} i.a1d h4.' will also re quest that a w1ncl(lw be installed tr) prOVllk \'l!.UUI cH't'CS.s to :1 rt'stroom <·onnectcd lll the C'ell VA head na111ed WASHI NGTON (AP> Pres1 dent Reagan has announced he ha:. selected Robert P Nimmo . a formt•r California s t att, !.enator , ti) head the Veteran's Adm 1 n1!-l ration Raugers reuniting ·A reunion will be held May 2 at El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta lion for survivors or the S IX Cnll ed States Army Ranger bat tahons which saw action in World War II Ceremonies at the evening re union in the Noncom Modular Club wtll inc lude mem'lnal spN~Chl's for the.• late Gen Omar Brad le) For more information about the cvl•nt s ponsored by the Western Chapter of the Ranger Battalion:. Assoc1at1on of World War II call Walter f' Nye at 497 3724 Your private world of pleasure Life at Park Newport is a com- bination of privacy when you want it. social goings-on when you're in the mOOd . and exhil- arating recreation when you feel rusty. , in the middle of everywhere. Here is the ultimate in care- free Newport Beach living sur- rounded by every convenience. Park Newpcrt residents have a gourmet market. a beauty shop and dry cleaner just steps away from their apartment. There are 8 lighted tennis courts. 7 pools and a $750.000 Spa and athletic club. • Fashion Island's fabulous shops ar4t Just across the way. New- port's year·round attractions, sandy beaches. pleasure boat· Ing, deep sea fishing. plus theaters, museums and hundreds of fine restaurants. ALL rlght here. Right here beside Park Newport. Why don't you visit our Rental Office and see if all this Isn't just what YoU'Ve been looking tor. On Jamboree at San Joaquin Hiiia Road. Tele- phone (714) 644-1900. APARTMENTS & TOWNHOMES FROM •510.00 -.. ... --·-------·- • ~--·-... ·--... ·---,.:=--· ... ·-·--.-... .. ~ .... ----..... -.... ----·-.. ,..._ .... .,.._ __________ ~---------------..... ----------------_________ ..,.._..,_ The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642 -5678 .... h .... H t for Sat. Hoelw• f«' S. ....,... Fer S. . H .... t fer Sele INDEX ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• wre1 • tooz G .... ,... 1002 •••NI 1002 • T1 Plact Y•r A•. Can 642-5678 MOUSES FOi SALE =.a111l&lld le!boal'tftlMollt C.polttano 8urh C-..lhlNer a..t.w ... llXlll llXll 1007 10111 um ICll:M 5 6 -7 Dea. l'otnt IJTcwo ,_ ... va11eio liwllllll\Oft llU<b 1 ... 1 ... :: EQUAL HOUSING :: • O PPORT UNI TY 10t4 ,.,.. Auto usage mµre costly WASHINGTON <AP) -The annual cost of o wning and operating a new intermediate-size automobile has risen about 13 percent in the past year, the American Automobile Association says. 8 ..... lle••b IA&Wle Hlllt Laa...,. N1a1111 Wwlaft v .. io ~li:'-8:~" San J.,.,. C.pblrono s.i.. ....... s..i llu<h Soulll Lacuna Vt"Htn:untttr Mablle Home1 lialo 1000 ltu IOll ,. IO'll um IOllO ICIM '* IC• llUO hbllafMr•a Mofke: All real estate ad· vertls~d i n thl 1 newspaper is subject lo the Federal Fair Hows· In& Acl al 1968 wb.ich makes It illegal to ad- vertiee "any preference, limitation, or dis· crlminat.on based on race, coll)r. rellaion, sex, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or dh· crimlnatioo." This newspaper will not knowinaly accept any advertising !or real estate which is in viola- tion or the law. The ~verage cost of owning and driving the 1981 car as $3,601 annually, or 24 cents a mile the association said. This compared with a co~t of $3, 176, or 21.2 cents per mile. in a survey taken on a new model last year. II-turru11\ed 3100 •---------• D "--Unlurn1&h<d DlO 1• DEATHS B.SEWHERE -·. ll<MIH turn or l ftf llOO CondonuN..,,.. ~vrn la Condom1nou""' l nl >42$ T°"~hltl ~ T-""""'6 L nr J.m A °"4>1o•n ""''" 3-W Dupltu• Uni 3600 AllU turn noo ApU UnlW'n JllOO ApU Purn or l'nl lllCIO Room• 4000 Room " lloerd 40IC> I lltx«I• Mole!• 4100 c~ 11onw. m10 !i.u.mmtr Rental~ t2IOO VH•taon Rt-nlal• ~ R~ncab to Shirt• 4XIO HltottS: AdYertfsen slMHlld chKll ads dally ..t report .,... ron -.11a11ly. 11lle DAILY PILOT • .._. labllffy for .... first htco r rect l11H rtlon only. NO RWALK <AP> Jazz SANTA BARBARA !AP1 &•t.::~.1.:':°1~••• !:: !•--------• trumpet player William Jack DeWitt. 80. r L o ... ,,..,uRrn1tl •4¥> Alonzo "Cal " Anderson, 64 , screenwriter whose credit~ ~~~~··1 K••111 !:l HovsH for SaN a hagh·nole artist best re· include the movie .. A Mar R••ub w.n~ ~ m b ed . U\ r .. Mlr..t R~nYb ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• e~ er in ..,., Y.ears o Called Horse. dal'd Wed BUSINESS INYEST IGeMral I 002 l mul$1c for r ecord an gs or llt~day arter a lonu illness I • ' · Duke Ellington's "Take the • " ME.NT ANANCE I .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ..... --· -·--···-. . .... . -. --_...._. --~ . \.. _, ..... ,...,,,,~v.. · atr<>Si>1~e .ror: term1r.a11;·il,~ '""'or~ e~t ~ate +;~-~~ jz.,,.,~::'M -:. ~-· ·-·· f.,,~ «A ·~ . ~ cancer patients semblyman Walter I . Dahl •n.rsimtnt 1'°"1"' i.oxi LI 'f I ~ .,... .. t,} '-' • MOM)' to Loa.n ~ •••• ,;Jtti' .'t ~w1. ~)\~'1-~-1 ~w~.-,it>"),.,. '}-, 1 \'I(' ~-~·-~~· "·,,.,$, llt'flMl~J!l'" .... "W"!¥0 OAKLAND. N J IA Pl -ANNO NC'M ... ENTS Jfia'\4ffitfp&., ) .... Jta:fi Madge Evans, 71. a stage t • gas BBQ comes with this -- and film actress who made MA MARON EK. N Y p PERSONALS & 1 year new Easts1de more than three dozen I AP> Louis A. Banth~. 74, LOST & FOUND Costa Mesa twnhme. 3 m ovies, died Sunday or former presldt.<nt or the ,. •100 Bdrms. 2'1'l baths, shows • •·1","""r~"m~l'\u ~ 1·k od l d I · Cancer u s Tobaceo Co , died ~ ~ $UO 1 e a m e : es gner LA JOLLA 1AP1 Dr Gertrude Weiss-Szilard, 71. widow of nuclear scientist Dr Leo Szilard and a nuclear researcher in her own right. died Monday CH ICAGO 1AP 1 Robert W . Reneker, chairman of the Universal) of Chicago board or t r ustees and retired c hairman and chief ex· ecutive officer or Esmark Inc , d ied Monday ~fter ap· parently suHenng a hean attack GLENDALE 1A P ) Frank Lanterman, 79, a former slate assemblyman known best for hi~ legislative campaign to re form the California mental hospital system, died ot congestive heart failun a f te r a two week hospitalliation DEATH NOTICES CAPAROTTA ANTHONY F. CAPAROT· TA. age 70, resident or Hunt angton Beach, Ca. Passed away on April 28, 1981 Survived by his wife J ennie. daughter Janel Nagle or Huntington Beach . Ca • brother Louis Caparolto of Massachusells. 5 sisters Marv Catrabone of Hunt · ington Beach, Ce., Manon Nevens of Sanla Ana, Ca .. J enny D o h er t y o r Massachusetts. Barbara Caparotla of Massachitsetls and Rose Grienier also of M assactrusetts. 2 grandchildren. Ri ck and Lisa. Visitation will be belc I ALTIIH GHOH SMf1l4 & T\ITHILL WISTCUFf CHA'IL 427 £"111hW ··, • Cosla Medll 6 46·9371 ··' NICl .. OTffHS SMITHS' MOITUA&T 627 Main SI HunhnQton &ach 536-6539 'ACe.te Y•W MIMOllAL , ..... Cen'etery Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Dnve Newpor1 Beach 644·2700 McCOSMta MOITUAlllS LaQuna Beach 494-9415 Laqun1 Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p1strano 495-1 776 HAalOI LAWk-MT. O\.IYI Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa ~5664 "9CIMOTNHS 1&1 llOADWA Y MOITVAIY 110 8roldw1y coeia Meta 6'Mt50 ( IA1al NOii<~ ~ 11 •· . d Monday a-1 • t•outw1 .uio wa papers "' wan ow I ,, .. -..... $3lO coverings. Take advan· HOLLYWOOD t APi ~·.~~·tio· = tage ! Only $129,500. SERVICES 646· 1111 Wiiiiam Melklejohn. 711, a ._ .... O.r•ctor> lfollywood talent scout who L EMPlOYMENT & discovered such greats as PREPARATION Mickey R ooney. Judy Srhaoh ltutnictiOn Garla nd and Ronald JooW•nted• Reagan. died Sunda} o 11•1P1..__ 111 " •· MERCHANDISE Ant!Cjun R I VERSI DE I A P 1 ~~:::;,.,,.•• Philip H. Timberlake, 97 t!ld.1: M•aen •h v. ho continued the insect T . c .......... Eciu•P""'"' documentin g "'ork ht· u.1. began at L'C R1\t:rs1de an ~iovou 1932 unlit blandness forced a t'llr...i"" halt last Thunks~avlng, ~S.J• dacd hereApnl 17 ~Good• Dl'ARTE !AP I Cyrill<' D. While. 102. a construe tion superintendent mon· than 50 ~·ears on suc·h pro Jects as Pa'>adenu 's Hunt angton·Sheraton Hotel and l'n1 on Station an Los Angeles. died Apnl 21 on Friday, May I, 1981 from 7 .OOPM lo 9 OOPM Recita taon or the Rosar v will be held at 8:00PM at the Dilday Brothers Chapel. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday. May 2, 1981 at 10 OOA M at St Vincent DePaul Catholic Church , ft301 Talbert, Huntington Beach. Entombment will be at Good Shepherrl Cemetery Directed by Dilday Brothers Mortuary, Beach and Talbert. Huntington Beach. Ca B42-m1 DICKES GEORGE C. DICK ES. re· s1dent or Fountain Valley, Ca Passed away on April 27. 1981. Survived by his wire Theresa. son Frank of Foun- t a 1 n Valley, Ca , and daughter Theresa of Foun- . Valley, Ca .. grandson ~ , 2 brothers HowariJ of ~ elphia,,,J~onayJ...v....U:. and Fred' ol ·~tntfl\l{f; Pennsylvania. Graveside services will be held on Saturday, May 2, 1981 at 12 . 00 noon al the Pacific View Memorial Park. Newport Beach, Ca Visita· lion will be he ld from 9:00AM lo 11:4SAM on Satur· day at the Pacific View Chapel. Pacific View Mort· uary directors. LUMMSOON c L A s s I F I E r a .. "'": -~ .. ~~ .. - 6 4 ·2 • Llvnlock Madu Mr) M&t«ll.-s M•tttll-• ll'1n1f'tl NuJ.K'aJ ln"rumenU Off1tt f'urn a. t:<t••P PtU r;::: ... ~:c~~)-Sj>o<\1n1 Good> Slort.Rn\aunnt Bu ~~·.r-.c1u. U1Yt1Stt-rff BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT c ....... 1 eo.u Mamt ~nirt­no..t.. Meruw E:41U1p &11.1P°"~ \. ao.u Rrnl Cherlor lloeu .s.11 ao.u S11po Ofxoh 8ooU ,Spttd " Slit ~.litor•t• THNSPOITATION Au-rt aft Comi-n Sal. ·'•"' Elmnc c.,.. NalltN!Jlom•• "'-Cyclee, ScOOlen • MOlor lfms.Sol• Roni 1"r11ltt&.Tr1v•I !~~'t-r~~'!"~.n~ AUTVMOBILE o ... .,a1 • AnUqun Cl•H•O Rttu1uon Veh14'ftt Si>o<'t• R•tt Rod> 4Wbttl0n,f't frtK"b v .... Au101..e .. 1n11 Autoe Wantttd AUTOS, IMPORTED ~, .. AU•Ru""'o AYd1 ~:'~" HHI<) C•pr1 Cl~ l:oll 17lluun r,,,,.,. t'1•l llond. J.icuu Jt-Karrrwn0Lh1a "~--..,1 •u·-~· cl$'1 Ope.I P1.n~111. ,. __ PorstM R....,•11 Rolls Ro~<o Ro\n Sub .... S..ban1 ~~rij°!:'p" VotUw11t'n VOl•o .. 'IOOli 1111) 1100 '110 llJI> llllO 9140 IUD 91r,o lll70 9Ul0 MOO GODFREY LUMMSDON. resident of Corona del Mar, Ca, !or 18 years. Passed away on Aprtl 30, 1981 in Newport Beach, Ca. He as survived by his wife Jean, son Thomas, daughter-in· law Eleanor , sister Madeline, and grandsons John··and Steven all residing In Corona del Mar, Ca. He has been a member of the Rotary Club ol Newport Beac-b tor 30 yeara, a member of the Newport Harbor l.a'Nn BowUnc As· soclatJon for UJears and alao a member lhe Jolly Boys Club tn Newport Beach. Memorial 1ervlce1 wlll bt held on Monct.y, May 4, 1981 at ll:OOAM at St. M lchael and All An1et1 Church, Corona deJ Mar, Ca. with Rev. Joh n Ro1era Oavlt offldatlnt. In lltv ol llowera contrtbuUont may be made to lhe American Heart Aa~aUon. Pac:lllc View Mortuary dJrector1. 5 6 7 8 To Place your "Fu& Result" Service Directory ad .... Call No• 64Z..1671 .... llZ S.11 thlnp tut DaUy Piiot Want Ada. • THE REAL ESTATERS ONE YE.AR OLD Best location, s teps to pool & volleybaJI UNDER $100,000 Pe rfect starter home with great assumable loan. Call now 751-3191 YOUR TV ALUE IH CAMEO SHORES west priced lee sim· pie opport1mity. Great assumable ut TD. En· joy,. afternoon sun and views from wood deck. 3 beautiful pri vate beaches. Only $549,000. Ca II today, 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATE RS OCEAHROMT 2 Bdrms, 2 ba, un/urn. New. S850yrly. IAYRlOMT 3 Bdrm, 1 ba, unfurn. Mint cond. S850 yrly. CHANNEL FllOMT 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. unfwn. $750 yrly. associated OllOK f PS llE /\,TOPS /tl}' 'W 8oll'HQ II' 2 UNITS $94,900 Super investment! Two Bdrm units, one witb ·,.e·~~ .~ ;{'"' come-*7'4ll mo. 'Financ· ing ! One year home pro- t e c tl on plan lncld. Hurry. this won 'l last! 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS WHBI CAN YOU GET A PAYMENT OF $740. for a 3Br and not have to qualify? We can get it if you have about $17,980 Caah. Agt. ~2411 I ........ IOOZ SUPER FfHAHCtMG AVAIL.AIU Pride of ownership 4 bedroo.m "Palermo" in Harbor View Homes f ea tu res wooden flooring in entry and country kitchen. Inviting family room includes wet bar, fireplace and guest bath. Outdoor entertaining is a breeze in this lus h backyard with extra large patio and firepit. $325,000 Fee. Call LARl\IN E SHAW for details and fin a ncing. 675-6000 or 760-9088. U,._l()UI: ti()MI:' REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 EHt CoHt Highway. Corona del Mar ASSUME LARGE LOAM on this excel value. 4 Bdrms, large pool, gas llrepit, new carpels. On· ly $96,500 Call 979-5370 today REAL ESTATE HO!YES! HO!YES! Ir you're undecided. see this spacious family hpme with s pa and man y upgrades 3 bdrms, l >f• bath , firepla ce, ma s t er bedroom is a beauty. H.ome warranty in· eluded. Sl25,000. Now's the time to calJ for view- i ng appoint m ent. !>45-9491 ~ Walkir REALEST ATE Yo.C•See n..aa.'f'aciflc From this Cameo Highlands beauty . Priced to sell, $339.000. Only 10% down with owners assistance. One level 3 Bdrm plus huge yard. CaU now, 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS TERMS, TERMS Only 15% down for this WHTCUFF SIH,500 If you thought you couJd not aflord Newport Beach, look at this . Sharp 2 bdrm. condo with 2 full baths, fireplace, pool and bar Terrific local.ion. · #- 17141673·4400 12tJt Ul-ZUI HARBOR SpyglmaHll This immaculate pro· fessionally rlecoraled home is loaded with charm. The bright in· terior features the finest in carpets, wallcovering and window treatments. The custom pool and spa together with lush landscaping make this com fortable home perfect for entertaining. $459,SOO D.M. Marshall • 644-9'90 GREATFVTURE IMMEDIATE TAX SHELTER EASTSIDE, 2 separate houses. Uve in 3 Bdrm and rent 2 Bdrm. Large separate yards. 2 car garage plus lovely pool 399 RALCALM . (ofrThurin off Victoria) OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 400Lll" ia, RIUII c.•,,n;s.;w •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •..c• $100,0001 OC..._.OMT Choice corner du_plex. 3 Bdrm , 3 bath up. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath down. Cao convert to a lar&er home. SELLER WlLL HELP FINANCE at 13%. $7~.0001 ..... ..,,...... RIALTQaS •'7~7060 • DWI.IX 3 bdrm, 2 bath each unit. Fireplace, bullt·lnl. E•· cellent rental area. Near beach ~ bay. S285,000. 642-2253 evee. associated 051('1 .. f l-J ', r1 ( ,'\ l '' I•'. JI, ,.,,., (i of I ./ STIOU.TO MIWPOU IEACH Charmin.I 4 Bdrm. Cozy llvln1 room features; wood burning fireplace. Owner will help llnanee. Only $209,900. Hurry. can 87345.'iO THE REAL ESTATERS CIE llDBIB BLlllS CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE SUPER SPYGUSS Two Stories Of Excellence. Sunken Living Room With F ireplace & Beam Vaulted Ceiling. Laiige Family Room, Full Length Hearth, Wet Bar. Plus A Hu~e Bonus Room. Sellers Will Assist in Financmg. Pool Size Lot. Shown By Appointme nt. Asking $565.500. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. · WOODIRIDGE. lltVIHE Best Financing Available. Large Assumable 30· Year Loan At 11.75% & Owner Will Carry Second Trust Deed. Desirable Three Bedroom, Single-Level With Large Enclosed Patio. Great Starter Un it Or Investment. Enjoy All The Amenities Of Woodbridge. Owner Motivated. $108,900. GRANDEUR ON LINDA ISLE A rftidettce of ,,-ct P' .,.._ °" pnsff9'ous LHMla I.a.. ........ ...... lus'9 ~· ov.r ltrfck wllll w.y & d ip pool/spa te total ·~· Two story ....._ with windinc) oak st.ii "'ff'f • .,.try fou..toh1. forlftot lhh19 roolft with spockMn f...,ly. rooM IMWllMJ kln)e H1tkH bar . ForMol dlnh•CJ r111. + CJOWWMI kltcltell.,_ ...... outstanding nearly new -=~~~~~~~;;;~ condo. 2 Br+ den, faml· ii ly room. view ten· nis/pool. A great buy al + 4 CJMSt bedrOOMS. l.crgt outdoor patio plus boat dock & sip for 3 boats. st ,3'5,000. $204,000. ~--...... 8°/o . ASSUMABLE! 731)..0760 ltDGIUNE RANCH ESTATE SpecfocallcrVlew This Orange Park acre esta\e is sjtuated ma· je1ticall) atop a hill tat'· ing full advantage of $61,000 VA assumable pastoral and light views. loan, and owner will help Overlobks Ridge line with financing. 3 hulle Racquet Club. 5 Bdrms, ...,... . "• 1~-· ~ -~·~' ~~ft The •• ...--~ • _ . ~·· .:,....BBQ atrii cxrt-Pride or ownerstup. Only door entertaining area $138,900. Call (or more are oulatancflng. 1.47 details. :w&-2313 acres. Laree assumable THE REAL ESTATERS CASA DEL 110 lewllMMewC_.. Xlntterms. 13% Interest ror 3 yean. 12132 Ed· inger-dON to Harbor Blvd. OPEN WEEKENDS 12-5 641·19111; 631-4381, att. WISTCUPF loans . Priced to sell. $695,000. Ask for Jol~ne Cannon . Residence 998·0533 or Elite Assoc· tiatea Real Estate. 730.07'0 MESADILMAI 3 Bd rm, 3 Ba, famUy rm, pool, 2-sty $179,000 5 Bdrm, 3 Ba. family rm, pool, RV access. 2 frplc. owe. t164.900 a Bdrm 2 Ba.s. "T" plan. UIOO sq rt OW\i. S121 ~900 ..... c.4$10,100 Charm ln• four bedroom home. Grut coiantry kltcben with oak cabinet.a. All new ap- pUuca. 8\4.Cber block. New c•tplb th.roulbout. Cuatom drape• •nd w e H paper. D ouble Rrwp1aee. tau,ooo. -=---== 611-7100 M.I. Selllnt •Q1t!dn1 with • DaU, PUol Ctalatned Ad ii 1 almple matter Wan&Ada Jut call KWl1'I. NEWPORT CUSTOM-lARGE Spacious 2bd. 2 bo. Oft qiMt tr11 lined cul•••· Fondly room. extra lg. lot, '°°"'for pool. cuato. W" for oriCJIMI OWWS, fuly lAMl•d. Mmly a•nff!.t. SZ49,500. lack lay ano. WATERFRONT HOMES, IN<.. REAL l~TATE '°>J ...... R ... ,,.1 ,.,,.,.,..,," ~ ....... ~ ,,.._ ,., 2436 W Coast Hwy Newport Beach 631·1400 COWIOY TERMS C R E M T A R V E E 0 R N I E C T K M S 0 S T T E S 0 N W 0 l A X 0 E l U P l T P AE N N Y X PRE.MS K KR TU T 0 6 T I R Y D A Y K C U H C N I C A S R S N E T E I E Z l S 0 I V 0 U T S S M E M A S N l W R L 0 R N C X M M t H E U T H T L R T T F E E 0 A X U X T U 0 T I l U S 8 A S V 0 I I E R l P Y A 1 U M M I R U S A U S 0 6 S M E N A R t 0 S A 0 A R M T V R A T 0 II Y I 0 £ N S II N U K 0 L N I II E R H 0 R T N L 0 V C A L C A D A 0 T U U D N U M 0 s f i 0 T ' K It b y s T x A l " y c 8 IS H ' 6 I : Q t]E " J s A D R A I 0 I D I V lt N A D L I T Q U 11 0 :· .. •• .... . .. _ .. .. .. • - -------------· ... ••.··---·-.---~---.. ~·-·---.... -............. -........ $ .......................................................... ~ • • I i NATION ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. May 1. 1981 E3 Coin to honor. George? WASlll NGTON <AP > In 1932, the 200t h birthday o f George Washington was marked "1th the issuance of a com memorative quarter whose de· sign is still used in the 25-cent piece c1r<'ulaled today Nov. a move 1s undl'r v. ay for a one year only, com mcmorat1ve silver half-dollar lo honor Wu s hington's 250lh birthday next year The chief -.ponsor 1s Rep Doug Barnard Jr . D·Ga Among the co sponsors 1s Rep Frank D Ill . chairman c.f the llou"c BanR1ng :-.ubcom m1ttee that has 1unsd1cl1on over coins HEARINGS ON T H E propu:.JI are expected lo b<'gtn May 19 L'nder Barnitrd's bill. the LI S Mint would strike a m1111mum of 10 million half dollars of 90 pert'l'nt silver. to bt! sold at <i prict: as low as possible "The) will bl' leg<tl lender, afld will be lhl· same size and weight as the ~11\·cr half dollars that w('re produced 1n this eounln until 1965." Barnard s aid .:The prl'm1um will cover the l'o:-.ts of producing the coin. 1nt'lucl1ng tht· t·ost of th.: metal. but \\Ill be J..c•pl as lov. a s APWl,.PholO AFTER THE STORM A weeping child wande rs through debris of a vill age in India a fter it was torn by a tornado which killed 35 and injured 200, besides r azing hundreds of house!> Music. reaches deaf kids AP w1r""'°'° poss1 ble to l'nsure ~ 1dc dis . BEAR HU~ A young blat'k bear Sl'l'kS refuge in a trc·e in tribut111n .. . H earing impaired embrace performing arts the Pocono :\lounla in an•n of P<•nnsvl\·:mw after The pncl' v.ould bl' sl'l by the receiving c-<1r lags The t'Ub \\as placed "1ih a11 ad.o~,JlJVl' •1 Tr~-.i:r:i-_;"~c·.r~:\ary ~!L C..11~d .. }>t·.\,.~J,,· ~ Jl;. :~ :,·.. 1'/ 1:,fl •. ')_.1/ I?. ... ~ .... ,_ ""f.'J.:.,.;?,' .::.:-:--r_-_. ,-=::h~ r":f·'; ._ -i.~: mother uft<.•r a hulldoz<'r ac·c·1dl'nlall\' ope~l'.d.~ts.d~'' ... ~. ~;Th)" ~,..·f'~~~"'1.1.1b~ WA:'ll~~TON · fA.p ; In Jirell·"s hl'adphor.t.'s wh1eh lbl· Nf~u,,,.1 ~s f',_.....,:~ '-"''.-;,._.~>t~r·-_,,.,~ -.r .v ••. ,_.;,,;.,_"' '4t ·Y..q\~ " .. }\-,~ .J, .{?~~ 1~s go:r ... \ i'<*1 . il. ··:ji~Of f ~uffa\n;. rii~\!.e\1 up FM radio signals rrom Wast111~--. ~60-prnt,. ... ~l~~ ,...__ _. .... ---::-'· • · ·~· "·~ Trea~ur} Ht "?U ~ tt4 > Philh1frmornc On·h\•s trJ ga'e a rn1l'rophonl·sonstagl' "nrl'<ing with JHthlie Sl'f\IC'l' ~ "i'·' :'.J.V~:~~·· -S5 "''.rth ~,f silH'r 10 l'al'h coi.n. childr(•n :-. eom·1·r1 for a spel'lal Whl·n the> final notes hJd faded gr11ups to 1•xµ;rnd 1><irlll'qn1tiun .. ,, .:u·~t.~s .ltti1-" h<ofaboutStll,tnc>ume. audll'Ol'l', rlt•af ~oungster s and tlH'l'llncluC't11rputdownh1s oflhl•hanclil::.ippNlrnthl·arb .. ~. t I g~ • g so thf' coin., \\oulcl si·ll f(lr a bout e q u 1 pp l' d \\ 1 l h ., "u n rt h•1lon. lhc• \oungstl'rs \q•nt v.lld The· Buffalo Phllh:irmon1<· nO\\ . . no au Ill S6apll'('l' ampllfu·at1on d1•\1t'f'<, Ill\ 1 ... in. has1L ... m\naud1os~stemforlh1· . l from a loc:~d !>dlllol '\o on!' "( HO:\'T KNOW \\hat lht· ht·aring 1mpa1n·d and tounl:. Br\K!'iA RO ~A ID Tht• L'nitl'd •· ~ < 1 f I kne" \\ \\nul<I happc·n 1·h1lr11 <'n \\l'rl' ht•aring. hut tl :..oJ c l'a Pl'CIP l' among its Sl':Json 'D al J k ' S·tLJlt'" has ... 1rurk <1R com I I bl t I S I • Somt• of the· t'hild n.•11 hart as "as 1mml•ns c· y p t•asura e ... u 1sc·r1 H'l'S . 1m1 ar music· a 0 e mem111'iltl\'t' half dollar:-. for d f I f Over I • • much as a ~IH pt•rct·nt ht·aring Tht• n• ... ulb \\l'l'l' remarkable... l' uc·atlfln proJt'l't~ 01 < l'LJ s pt•tial t'\ents. hl•ginning 111 1892 loss The•;. \\Ort' high fn•qul·nt•\ :,.11rl l..11 n :'\1allo;. dtrt.•<'lor ot d1ildrc·n Jnd adulls ha\ t' bct•n \\Ith the· Columbian Exped1twn. undl•rtakl·n t)\ 111thl·stras in Bv llt'GH A. ~1t'l.LH~A~ A> Special Cor•HllOndenl NF.W YORK So the frdcral gel\ t•rnmt•nt 1-. l<rn 1·r1ng lht• boom on bon•d bun·aunab \\hol try to brighll•n up lh1·1 r day hy dialing Dial/\ .Jolcl' According tu a' in Th<• Nev. Yori.. Time:-.. Dial A·Jokt• and other "Junk call:-." from Jllst one federal offitt' build1ni;t 1n Ne" York. 2n Ft·ckrul Pla1:.i, add SJ.000 ii month In l·nl'lt• Sam's phonl' bill /\nd this. as bure:.itll'rah say. 1s only th(· tip of lhl· 1ceh1·0~ La~t vear Ma Bell lau~hed all the wav lo the bank. splitting her O\'l'r the 299 miflmn c11 lls O\'cr her v a nous Dial It lint•s Dial a Jokt• Dial J P ray<;r. Owl a lloro:-.copc. t•lt' that rakc·d 1n SHI rn11l1on . an increase of :11 million .,uc·h l':tlb OVl'r the pre•\ mus ~ear T llF. l'.S. GENERAi. Sl'l'\'lt't's Administration ts hutthng lht• phone company over th(• cost:-. of installing spl'Cli:il scn•cning de• vices to screen out lhc yuks in keeping with PresiclC'nt Reagan's budget cutha<·ks As usual the bureaucrats arc• appr~aching thc prohlPm from the wrong rl1r1•etinn Thl' solution 1., not to !'>crel•n out1D1al-a .. Jnke call., but lo pro v1de a rival in hou:-.c· st•n 1cc that would cut Ma HC'll off LJl the· quip The Rc<1gan 1wople .,hould begin b;. crN1ting a Dn1artmcnl of Comedy ;H Cabint•t ll'vel and then recruit llcnn;. Youn~mm1 a~ 1ls :.crretJr;. Instead or gathenn,:! moro!>('I~ around t~e wtile~ t })er gnping t o each ot her about First Amendment abuse~ invol\'ed in screening out Oial ;.1 Joke JOkt':. from the-. federit~ hWltchboar(I. '11u.r n11h1:~ r ....-~· -·--.~. ~-"( •• -.1Ji-,m·1'111 \1•~-fr ~ Lflf~o:u Henn;. pour out one lint' rs m 1•r the intercom along thl' lines of -"I COME FROM a family of Ci ve brothers· th rec a re still alive and two ~ork for the federal govt•rnment." "How can you t ell a feder::t1 e mployee in line at an Off-Track Betting parlor? H e's the onc with the binoculars.·· "What do you call a bu nc h of bureaucrats standing on a corner sineing while sipping Tab a nd eating apples? The Moron Tab and Apple Eating Choir." • "Now take m y wife, a real a ngel. She's always up in the air. harping oq som ething. .. "Tak e m y wife someone. please." IN BETWEEN Henny's skits. t h e civ il service com e d y network could pipe ln sessions of Congress live ror a couple of laughs and maybe some Cabinet meetings. As Will Rogers observed· "There's no trick to being a humorist wh n you have the whole government working for you." The Department of Com edy would have tmm nae aov- ernment re!'lources to draw upon o nce ~t begins flllflllln1 Its deatln)' In accordance with Parkinson's ineluctable law or burteonins bureaucracy : r.IJWGAN'S STEW · Work t•xpunclo.; :-.u a:-. lo fill lht• t 1 m l' a ' a ii a b I t• for 1 h l' urn plt•t111n .. Thl' 1ok1•:.rn1th:-Pmployed b;.- lhl· 1kpartmt•nt undl'r Sl•C rt'tan Younj:!man · c·an lo:l'l bu-,, r l'fi( h l a\\ a~ turning out a S (' I' I l' <; I) f humorous (' J.,., t' l l c:-. \).-h I l' h th(' b II r (' d bun•aucr<its <'a n <•mu., c· l h (' m "l' l \' l'... YOUHCMAH with hel"ee11 c·11fft'l' Ill c•ak:. and trip.., to thl' "alc·r cool('r or the cnm put er bank Tht• pn•v1ous acln11n1slrat111n ha., ll'ft loads of matt.· 'Tht· Bl'-,t of Rill) Carter " · · M l' mo r ab It• :\t 11 t., of M 11 Lillian " Am~ Chats "1th Dad Ahout Nul'll•ar l'roltfor;1t10n or Please Pi:iss the SALT " WITH T HE CARTER family haC'k 111 Georgia. Washington 1s son·(\· bereft of this sort of thing. good· f<.1m1ly ac·ts being hard to comL· bv. but thl're's no rca:-.on tti<· Rt•pubhcuns in lm" l'r l'an t makl' good USl' of tht• talent in tht•1r ranks From hio.; ·hospital bl'd. the pre..,ulcnt pr<J\'l'd to ht• a m<i..,tl'r of the• gt'nre till' hest in h1:-. part;. s1111·£• Lintoln 'The Most of Calvin Cooltdgl"' wouldn't takl' up much s pace on a humor e.tS'-l'lle or make for a long 111 hou-.1• phone call but the• rout1nt's <·ould alv.ay:-. he flesh6'1 oul w1lh some• humoruu:-. asidt's from llcrbt•rt ll<Xl\'l'r • Oun l laugh I loo\ t'r got off a l'Oupfc of knt't' slappcrs 111 his day. lik0Tcslicd ll.C'-.'. if1C'. young r -: "?' ~~( U'h -"'nationaifie6l'fan1I c.i ;pl'cch JU!>t before the :-.tock m <1rkct crash that prom1st•d, "We shall soon bc 1n sight of th<' day when pov erty -,hall bl' banis hl'd from this nation .. But maybe that one m1gh1 sound better If play<'d back In res ponse to t he government's rival ver!>ion o f Oial a Horoscope RESEARCHE RS burrowing in the Department of Comedy's a rchives. which will be located in the basement or the Executive Office Building. the baroque pile next to the White !louse that M;nk Twain considered the m ost amus ing piece o f architecture In America. s hould h ave no trouble locating Pat O'Brien's stirring rendHion of Knute Rockne's Gipper speech, fo r instant replay to fe deral e mployees m need or a lift. Lists are always good for lau1hs in government circles: The 10 stupidest questions ever asked at a presidenUal press confe rence. The 10 stupidest ans wers. The 10 dumbest bills ever Introduced in Congress. The 10 dumbest ever passed. The 10 dumbest congressmen who helped 11• them. T he only problem Is If the gov· ernmcnt-takes over Dial-a-Joke what wUI the telephone pollsters use for an ablli n ext election? Th voters h ad th last laugh last time. through the 150th annivNsary of Syrac·ust'. :-; y '. "'\p" York ('ity . the ballles of Lexington and rv t t Phila<ll'lph1a and Atlanta Coneorcl. to thl· final one tn 195-t po r ray.~ nas y /\'"tt·r , e.irs uf ignoran~·i· LJn<I on thl' birth of Bookt·r T mi!->undl•rsland1ng on hoth s1dt·s. W;i.,h1ngton the· Aml'rll'an p1•rforming ans ··My legi~laturn will rt: V • 1 t • ;Jnd thl' nalwn·:. l5 million cleat l'Stahli ... h lhil, tradition." hl' Said. iew 0 execu l ve s l'll l/l'll" ,If(• t•ml~rac·ing l'i.IC'h "On <i practical note. 1t ~111 pro oth(·r LJt last Tht• 1nct·nt1\·t· v1dt• i\ml'nl·ans with an inex stem s 111 part from a 197:! floderal pcn~1vc way to own silver . and LOS ANGEi.ES 1/\1'1 Ynu Jll'opl{"'> \':J~Ut''-hut so 1s luv. rl'qu1r1ng t·<iual an'l'S'> h~ will help reducl' bmh the budgl't ma\ lh1nk J H E"1ni::. tht' H·hool and 11'11g1on But 11 handil·apped pt•r..,11n-, to ,1rb prn clC'f1c1landthetradedcf1c1t nll~inofCBST\':-.runa\\:.t\h1t t•ertJ1nl' 1., .1 Pl'f\aSl\t' 1n gr<tm., -,uppoilt·d I)\ th•· G<•orgl' Washington ·.., ·Dallas," 1:-. m<•rel) <Jn nut' fluPnc1· :\ational End11\\mc·nt foi tht• adm1n1stral1on l·Stabllshl·d our ragl•fJU~ enntod1t1n drt•:t ml·d up Arts syslt•m or toinagt.', wh1th is so by Hollywood wrill'rs Tht• i)raC't1ral that 1t has hl•t•n cop1{'d i\1ed.1a ·ln !>tllutl' hc ·ltf'\l'S h~ most of lhl• natwns of this othcrw1S(' Tll t:ATER~ \Rt: IO\t'Sting 10 l'il-<'t rorn c· listen In.I{ ell'' 1 c·t•s and s l a g 1 n g s 1 /.! n I a n /.! u a g 1• pt·rform•mcc:. to n•ach a \ ast potential a11d1l'nt'l' Thl' cfraf an· hrPaktng out of thl'lr lar/,!('1.' hidden "ubcultun· nf thr Jrt'l In offl·r thl' hl'<iring world a ri<'h -.ourc·l· 111 cultural lah•nt t•arth to some cxtl'nl · In a stud) t·allecl Crooks Shakespeare group faces debt woes VISALIA l/\P1 Faced with tht> choice of presenting their third season or s hutting down for a vear. dircctors of thc C<tlifornia Shakespearean Festival ha\'l' voted to keep going Th(• 6 3 \'Oll' \\:JS madt• in tht· face of a S270,000 dl'ht. LJn estimat ed in c>xpenses lhrough MLJ\ and commitmt·nb to cast an<i C'rew mcmbl.'rs. Tht• decision to proncd was follov.l•d b) announcemc·n t ot pt.'rformanl'cs 'Mach<•lh" and '(h mbcllim•' \\Ill run for seven \H·~·ks beginning J unt• 26 al lh1..· ('ol I c•gc of the SNJ uoi<.1s Th('a ter "WE'RE C'ON FJDt:NT that we• can null 1t off." said AlPn Leve), rrurnaging director of the pie · sentalion that was grc('ted with n<illonal acclaim in its hrst tv.o seasons The shaky fina~ces ··arc not.un· •J.SU~JlJQ w~ufit th,,elll"r, '..'.. .llc ---... ·.I •. • • . . ~ Hcfore oard members. he admitted 1l would be "an enormous ris k to go ahead with • the feslival ba:-.ecl on its fi nancial picture .. Board member Steve Kabot. a Visalia attorney. proposed to "go dark " a nd scratc h the season. ··w e are ra ced with t wo crummy alternatives." he said . Ka bot feared proceeding would lead to cancellation in m id-season and a permanent end to the festival. HOWEVER, THE majority voted to gambje on raising the money through community ap· peals. a method used last year to raise summer operating costs. David Fox-Brenton . artistic director , asked the board to con· Unue with the third festival in a letter . ""' .. "Our credibility 1s on the lme. said Levey. noting actors and de· signers have been signed for the comlngtesllvnl. Judge 'halt8' fire MADISON . 111. <AP) ll took a j udg e's o rder to get fire fighters to put o ut 3 j unkyard fire in a "n<t·man's- land" after the blaze burned un· ch eked for three hour!! and threatened nearby homes whilt• four departmcnis ar1rucd ove1· jurisdiction. Con men and Clowns Busi nessme>n in TV Ent<.·rlJinmcnt · the Washington has<.'cl . hus1n1·s~ supported re:,eareh conl'l•rn says 1hal dastardlv husint·ss 1•x erut1ves bt•hold~·n to nt•1thl•r c;od nor l'onst1lullon an· tht• nnrm on pnml• t1ml' tPlt•\1!>1on Amnng tht· o.;tud) ·:-. ron C' I us111ns -OVER llAl.F OF ;.ill rnr poralt' chiefs portrayed on lelevision C'ommit ilfrj:!a l acb ranging from fniud to murder. Fort}-fl\'I' percent of all hUSIOt'SS acln ltll'S Oil tcll'\"ISt<>n arc portray<.•rl a:-. 1llcg<il Only 3 pc•ret•nt of tL•ll•\·1s1011 busint•s-,men (•n gagl' in social!) or l'C'Onom1<'<1ll\ procluC'll\t.> be ha \'I Or. llarcl \\Ork IS U'iUally r 1d1 C' u 1 e d on I c• l t·' 1s1 on as '\\Orkahollsm 1nl•v1tabh leads l(I slra11wd pc·rsonal rJ lationships. 1-:\'IL ./ H r:WJN(; Actor l.<Jrn1 l/aqman lk:.1dl'" rt•pre·st•nt1ni:: Jn 1•nornwus nl'\\ aud1cntl' for tht art:>. dl'af artists thPm~c·hl•S art• produC'1ng '1su<.1l arts. <lanc·l· theatc·r and films that daz1le their hl'aring \'le~ers and rcfll'cl a 11niqut• culture ~hich has b1..•t•n shockingly abst•nt from our J.(<llll·nc•s. sla.l{es. art c·c>nl<'rS and ·l·inemas. says Eugene Bl'rgman. an t-:nlo(hsh profl'ssor ill Callaucll·t Colll•gl· 1n Wi.1!->hington In a report puhhshecl '" the N a I 1 on a I A l' ct' s s r e n t t' r . h e "roll'. "This \'igorous nt•\\' in teraet1on 1s c·1nlom1zed by lht• :rn ard \\10n1ng pla\ 'Childn·n of a Lt·sst•r God. pcrforml•rl to hearing aud1t!nr~·s hy a leadlrll': al'lrc•s!-> who 1s tll·af lwr!->l'lf " Bomb-ripped "WF. WER E Sl'RPRISt:O h;. )1ARK ~1EDOl-'F'S Broach~LJ\' such heavy omph<1S1" on bus1 cas1·no to hit . \\Inner of the 1980 Tony ne_s !i m ep ai. t•rc.r1kt., · saicl Aware! for hest play. is tfil• tall' Leonard J Thl•hl'rgt', pr<'s1cknl of a trouhll>d IO\.!' affo1r hl'l\\N'n of the inst1tuk and t•d1tor Of tht• reopen soon a SPl'('Ch ll'aChl'r and a dcaf stud~ studl'nl "h" struggll' to over-. ·. Thl• study gr~\\ µul of tlu• _ ..., tonw lhl• comm unit•ations gap M,6d1a .. J Q..St"4.J\l.~s QfJ?. i,~/\TEt .1 11.~i:."t<.·~•.w 1.. .4 ~. ~ .. ~--; ~-...~. ~ •• ·, ( ~ fu/.c. ,..... _ _. ..,..,__ ~br•<"T.~ ",...,...," ,,..>t(,"Vt>,.n......-e• ~1f'h d -1 t coverage or business a d :-Chl•dtilt'd to n•open in a fe'>' e roa . compan} c:ime 0 l'COno mics. l 'nl1k e thl' Wt•t>ks follO\\IOg months of re ~.ash'.nj.(tons. ~at1~nal fh,c;i~e~ e nte rtainment sur vey. Tht•bcrgc t•onstruction after an ex v.ith an infrand sou~~ :.)SI<~ says his group has found little torltlmist's bomb ri ppNJ through for tdht•h heSoarmd~ A1 m paired· 1dc anti busmess bias 1n network its :-.el·nnd-floor offH•t•i. last signe ) un ssociates nt news broadcasts August of New Y<_>rk It pro\'~cl such _11 Among .the Media lns titute's f:xC'cutive Vice Pr<'sident suc<'ess v.1th . the .Hud1ence that 300 ind ividua l and corporatt• Rich.arr! Kudrna is touting the r e the Nalwnal is rais ing money .to members are Mobil Oil. West buill ll-storv hotcl.schedulcdfor installapermancnt syste mof.1ts in g house. General Electric and a mid Ma)~ rl'opening. as lhe o" n . at a cost of about Sl0.000. 20th Century-Fox. "safrs1 building IO the state or The infrared system . which He said the st udy reviewed 200 Nevada " transmits sound on hght beams e pisod es rrom 50 program s Kudrna suid the reconstruction to wireless headsets or hearing between December 1979 and will co!->l about $18 m illion al aid attachments. already 1s of· April 1980 on all three major least six limes the a mount of fered by the Kennedy Ccnlcr's networks . dam age estimated just after the E isen h 0 we r and Terr ace ·"THE Sft1Al.L bMsinessmen are p o rtr ayed as socia l climbers. buffoons, fooli11h; lhc big businessm an only seems to h ave ti•me f or cri minal activities." Theberge said in a te lephone intcrvitw. "The murderous. duplicitous, cynical businessman is about the only kind of businessman the re Is on TV adventure shows, just as the cunning, trickste r businessman s hares the s tage with the pompous buHoon busi· nessman in situation comedies." What effect does this TV view ot business have on t he public? "The attitudes of youn g people. who watch TV more thun they spend time In a classroom they t ~nd tcvshare this negaUve view or t>uslnuamen." Theberge said. "1 don't want to overstate the case obviously TV Is a major influence on explosion. At least $16 million or theater s and by five other that amount has been invested in theiHers around the country. sec urity a nd fire p revention systems, he said Douitlas County and stale or dinanccs passed following two tragt<' fires at Las Vegas casinos req11 ir<'d the installation or sprin klt~r systems. . But Kudrna said hallways and e levator shafu also will be pres· suriied to prevent the s pread or a ny fires that mlgtitoccur. In addition. ea ch of the hotel's 195 rooms will be equipped with !l moke detectors and Intercom !lystems and video ('{lmeras will scan the hallways and the casino floor, he said A portion or the re ort was s hattered Aug. 27 by o bomb pla nted Inside the casino by ex- tortloniats who demanded S3 mllllon in exchan1e ror in· rorm4tllonon how todefu~ethedt· vice. P E RHAPS A DOZEN or more theaters across the country have installed or are experimenting with various sound systems for: the partially deaf. The listening devices are rented in theater lobbies at a nominal fee. usuaUy a dollar or two eac h performance. But for those with total loss of hear lnt:t. sign language is the on· ty wily to enjoy the performing 1.trtll According to Bergman, American Sign Language ls the third most widely used language in the country. after English and Spt1nlsh. Jn so me thea t ers. sign · lanauaae Interpreters stand in front or on the sides of the stage. hel~lnfl deaf persons lo the audience follow tht action '