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1976-12-18 - Orange Coast Pilot
, Orange ~oast EDITION Dinae-•Llne • Bargafns Today * * ;VOL. 69, NO. 353, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES I .. . Blast ·5 Known Dead ·Shjp Explosion Rocks Harbor An explosion aboard an oil tanker s hip in Los· Angeles Harbor killed at Jeast five peo- ple, injured 49 and sent shock waves as far as Laguna Beach Friday. The blast shot n ames 1.000 feet Jn the air. The entire midsection or the 810 -foot tanker ''Sansinena," of Liberian re· 150Men Halt Fire In Canyon A brush fire in an extremely J:Uiged and isolated canyon area east of San Clemente scorched about 50 acres Friday before be· ing contained by more than 150 firemen, forest ser vice crews and Marines An Orange County Fire Department spokesman said the fire broke out about 11 :42 a.m. in Talega Canyon. which 1s located along the boundary of Orange and San Diego Counties. "'The fire burned partly into Cleveland National Forest and onto Camp Pend let.on ," the de· Q.artment spokes man said. "The ~cern was to prevent embers from s preading i t toward San Clemente. They bad their big one last year .'· Though ther e was little or no wind to hamper firefighters. the steep. rocky slopes prevented containme nt or the blaie (or nearly four hours. "Two of the structural fire un - ju we sent m the1'e bad to be sent back because this area is so inac- cessible, .. the s pokesman said. Tbe main access to the fire area was up Avenida Pico in San J:}errlente and through the top littret TRW Systems radar test 'acility on the O'Neill Ranch. I A total of 11 fire units were dis· b~tched to the scene from Ofange County and they were ~oined by four US. Forest ~ervice trucks, nmc Marine Corps Units and two air tankers rrom Ri verside County. The fire was totally containt'Ci by shortly .afler3p m ~ gistry, was demolished by the ex· plosion which shattered windows over a wide area of nearby Long Beach areas. An Orange County sher iff 's lieutenant said the blast caused the agency's switchboard lo "'light up like a Chnstmas tree" There was no reported damage in Orange County although re- ports of the blast came from as far away as Yorba Llnda and Laguna Beach, more than 40 miles away from the site or the explosion. The blast reportedJy opened a 310-foot hole in the ship. Initial reports indicated the tanker was unloading at the time the explosion occurred. The ex- act cause of the mishap was un- known. ''I was al a store a half mile away. All of a s udden the thing just blew up like there was no lQmorrow. It was Like there was no tomorrow,·' said terminal manager Juan Rodriguez. It was like a fl ash wave all the windows an the store blew away. One guy was lying there with blood aJI over him and he was cut across his arm. "He was bleeding Like hell and I appl ied a t ourniquet," Kodriguez said. Peggy Tredko said she was waiting on a dock in the harbor when "suddenly there was a flash and a boom. I was sitting down and it almost knocked me intothe water," s he said. It is unknown how m a ny crewmen were trapped in the ruptured hulk of the sh.ip. Early reports indicated a 300 foot hole was blasted through the ship. The Coasl Guard reported picking up at least 25 persons aboard the cutter Venturus . The tanker was reported to be docked at berth 46 at the foot of Miner Street. Televised r eports indicaled that in addition to the difficulties associated with the blast. fire and rescue, looters invaded the area. More than 200 men from four fire companies were involved in the fire fighting operation. Authorities believe several crew members could be trapped inside the tanker , but Police Lt. Dan Cook s aid the ship would be too hot to search until Satruday afternoon. _Teleplwne Threat Closes Attraction SAN SIMEON, Call(. (AP) - The Hearst Castle state park wai; dosed indefinitely t'riday follow- ing a sniping threat from an anonym ous caller who de- manded that Patricia Hearst be surrendered to a radical group. The call was received by a dis- patcher al the castle at6:47 a.m. -about 12 hours after a na· tionwide telecast of an interview )tere in which• Miss Hearst con· demned former under ground companions . The San Luis Obispo County !Sheriff'$ office said the male ~aller spoke in a monotone and ;dentlfied himself as a member 40l United Front. I "You must turn Patty over to iUS soon or our snipers will shoot ~ybody around her, including ~amlly or guards," t.he caller wa.c; uoted as saying. ''You will hear romussoon.'' Authorities say they are not are of recent activities In ornla by any group calling United Front. However, in August 1969, a ~ York-based group calling tlelt Unlted Front, distributed ..,iets In the San Francisco Bay a and announced tt was de· I j dicated to "the complete destruc· ti on of United States Im· pe-rlalism" and to "equality for all minorities:" The group later identified ltselr as a coalition or black and Chicano groups. An FBI spokesman in San Francisco aaid the lgeqcy ls not involved ir\-the case because Miss Hearst. under provision of her recent release an bail, is un- der the protection of prtvate security guards. Judge Bars ' Press, Publi,c From Court Judie Kenneth Williams barred the press and public Fri· day from an Orange County superior Court hearing lntA> an appllcallon by Newport Beach attorney Roland Stewart Barcume ror the services of the public ddencter dortnc b1a trial oo m\l.IUple crirninaJ cha.rJes. Court officlals refused to dJa.. cuss the reuon for the ban after reJuctpUy openinc the Jocked doon to an lnquirln& newsman. 1'eJ Hid th• courVoom bad been Hal•d off oa Judi• WUUaJM' lnatl'ucUcim and that they ............. lo secrecJ Cll tM .... ot Ute \eltllllOQY to beGnf;nd d\iriD1 &M ......... (9" M&aED, .. .U) -_...,. __ _ 18, 1976 TEN CENTS I Al'WI,.. ....... SMOKE ANO FLAMES SWEEP LONG BEACH HARBOR AS HUGE TANKER EXPLODES Five Known Dead as Army of Firemen Work All Night to Quell Blaze Kong a Big Winner But They Gave Bi!st Lines to the Monkey By STEVE MITCHELL Of o,. D•llr Pllet s.t.ff It's a fantastic movie. You've gol your basic special effects. You 've got your scantily-clad heroine and your bare-chested, bearded hero. And you've got a loveable monster. But Dino, baby, who wrote the dialogue? Producer Dino De Laurentiis' $24 million movie epic, King Kong, opened last night at more than a thousand theaters na· tionwide and in Canada -the largest opening in motion picture history. The Costa Mesa showing of the film opened without .the pro- mised ranfare and "wrap· around-the·theater" crowds, but the Cirst show was a full house. And it was an enthusiastic house, cheering the 40-fool monster. and booing the U.S. Army helicopter gwisbips t hat came hunting for Kong atop New York's World Trade Center.' But when it comes to speaking parts -especially those de· livered by the beast's beauty, Jessica Lange, you'd almost rather Usten to two hours of Fay Wray screaming in the 1933 version. A sampling of the banality: Shortly after being plucked un· conscious from a raft and placed in bed aboard a petroleum ship, · the heroine comes to. looks into hero Jeff Bridges blue eyes, and says, "My name is Dwan -like Dawn, except I switched two let· ters so i t would be more memora- ble." And when King Kong lifts STAR OF SHOW Kong's a Htt young Dwan off the ground in a later sequence, she shouts at the monster, "Hey, I can't stand heights." And as the clumsy, 40-fool monster begins to paw at hls nubile plaything , Dwan is brutal. but blunt. "C'mon Kong. this thing's never going to work." Hero Jeff Dridges. who plays Camarillo PatMmt Case Princeton anthropology pro- fessor Jack Prescott an the film, doesn't do much bettt!r in the dialogue department. As he and other would-be rescuers take off alter Kong and his quick-qulpping captive. they come across a trail or ~roken eucalyptus trees and larger- tha.n·normal footprints. Prescott turns to his unbeliev- ing antagomst. Charles Grodin (wearing a pith helmet. oo less) and says. "What in the hell do you think went throuah here. a man in an ape suit?" You don't see him until the rilm is 55 minutes old, but the best lines went to Kong, who does nothing but grunt, growl and moan throughout the film. But his acting is in"'lhe eyes. You grow to love the monster. just as Jessica does -although the viewer is at a safer d.lslance. You feel sorry for the mauling monkey as he tears up New York City in search of Dwan. Even when he picks up another woman -liter ally -discovers it's not Dwan .• and tosses her several stories to her death. you say. "Darn, better luck next time. reua ... And when death comes to the King in a magnificent tumble to the pavement below. you almost feel as bad as Dwan about the whole thing. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. Except for my wife who turned to me and said, "Gees, what a cornball movie." 2 Face Death Probe VENTURA CAP ) -A doctor and a psychiatric t~hnician at Camarillo State Hospital surren· dered to autborlties Friday after being indicted by the county Grand Jury on charges stem- ming from the deaths of patients at the hos pita I. The.lndictmenls were the first to be issued by the 16-member Abortion Doctor's Co~viction Nixed B 0 ST 0 N ( A P) -The ob1tetric1 and gynecofon at Massachusett.a Supreme Court Boeton City Hospital. ~ 1 . on Friday overturned the' '111estateSupremeONrtover· manslaughter conviction of Dr. turned his Feb. 1s. m s, coovic· Kenneth C. Edelln in tbe death of don, aaylnc Edelin had "no evU a fetus during a legal abortion. frame of mtnd, was actuated by 'lbe landmark case bad made no crimlnal purpose and com-. ellclam acroH the country re· mlu.d no wanton or reckless act int to perform abortions ln carr)'lu out th9' medical pro- lhe nnt lbree momM of· C*furee on Oet. 3, im ... sittrnancy. • Tbe prosecution et Edelln'a "lt11 been a ton• Ume .-uni trtal bit claimed he tried to to tldt day," Eclelln told a n.wa apbr-'• tbe fetm lnalde t.be1 tollference. moUaer ud did not try to save lt "Thia decision wlll reJieve after It Wal ttmond. Edelin'• pbytldau ln sen.ral who WOl'rl' cWeae• Ud ar1utd tbe fet\11 died ebout IOUnd medical Jud&meata ..,... WU\. end1u up at a criminal cue... "l fM f anUl•llc. OV'1'joyed - a'ild tdelin, a11h1t~ director ot J Wb'e& ellican I 1ay? .. Edelin uJd. ~ \ Jury that heard tesUmony last month on a series of questionable patient deaths at Camarillo. Dr. Ben E . Barker, a psych iatri c res ident. who testified he had failed to order special precautions to prevent lhe suicide or a Los Angeles carpenter. Ralph Cabuto, was in· dieted on a charge o( neglecting his duty toward an insane person. The charge ia a misde· meanor. In \h e other indi~ent, psychiatric technlcfa~Wern Wit.ham was charged with two coun~ of conspiracy to obstruet Jmtice and two counta of beJni an accessory after t.be tact in the crime o( manalaughter. Both charges are f elontes. Witham was one of several hospital employes Involved In Tettra.lnlns a •iolent paUent. Clarence Cormier, who tubse· guentb' dJed. Anotblrteclnletan, 'Dean Af\tine, had laid at ftnt - u dld Witham and OCher ttcbni· clans -that he had eeen uo oo• choke Cormier. Aguirre later recanted bla teatf lhony and admitted he did uao a stran•tehold to control Cormllr just before hedl~. ~ er Stakeout Tragedy InCdM By .JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol ttoe D•llY ""•"''-" An elderly man shopping for a Christmas t."ee died Friday night when he stepped in front of a s hotgun blast aimed b y a Newport Beach police oCflcer at a fleeing robbery suspect. Identity of the dead man was not immediately available from coroner's deputies wbo were try- ing to locate th(l victim's next or kin. However , employes of the Albertson's Market at 3049 E Coast Highway wt\ere the shoot· inc took place indicated they believed he was known as "old Joe". an employe or the Charles Wheeler family or the Irvine Ranch. Investigators also declined to r'!lease the name of the officer who fired the fatal shot pendinf.( "initial investigation" of the incl· dent. Captured in the 7 p.m. robbery a nd s hooting was Richard William Sutton. 20, or 1611 Calle Las Bolsas, San Clemente. He was booked on a charge of murder. Th.charge is based on the state law which holds that a suspect can be charged with murder if any homicide occurs dur ing the com mission or a felony crime. Police had conducted an even ing hours stake-out of the market for the pasl week in the hopes or capturing the bandit ~at has vie timized Albertson·s markets throughout the south coast area for the past six weeks. --' On Nov. 12, a Friday. a lone gunman took more than $800 Crom the Albertson's markets in Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar. Det. Sgt. Ken Thompson said the stake-out in the Corona del Mar store was ordered Monday a fte r: the bandit 's repeat performance in the Laguna store. which is located al Cleo Street and South Coast Highway. Police in both communities said they were certain they were lookin g for the same man because of similarities in the gunman ·s routine a nd ap· pearance. He always seemed to be alone He carried a revolver. He left on foot -no car was ever seen. A thin man, he disguised his face with a red bandana and he wore a blue knit cap. Police said the suspect seemed to prefer to strike on weekend evenings when the stores were crowded with shoppers. Some never noticed his pre- sence, but in Sunday's robbery in Laguna Beach, he wished the crowd a "Merry Christmas" before running from the store. • Friday night, three plainclothes poli cemen were staked-out in Corona del Mar. One was in the store and the · other two were in a camper ln the parking lot. Thompson said the man inside the store watched the robbery take place as t he bandanad ban- dit took money al gunpoint from three checkers. · He radioed the two men outside the store who allege they saw the bandit, complete with bandana <See SHOOT, Pa1e A.2) Coast Weather The weatherman pro· mises that the latr winter weather that has blessed our coutal resion ror the past few days will Alck around this. weekend with h10S ta tbe 70S and lows in the!OI. IN•l•Er08AY Aff.r two Jlto" o/ ~. the tkth grod.n• .ot AHio Sclaoot '" ti•• 8addl1bock Vallfr ftfJolJv bod.a Nit from ON Of tMU' /Ot>Otilf. outhori . ~ond pMl4 P.og1 Af. . Index ~ Dtr. ....._ CM ClfMct ..,.._ Cl~ °"""""' ' -·~ • .., 0--. Cf ~ ..... llM M 0.1111 MIUCH Ill ~ a;! ....,./Oll,._.11 .. •nW\11 ..., ~ Ae UM .. "'"''' ..... AJ A 2 DAil. Y PILOT F,....l"GfleAJ SHOOT •.. and knit cap. run from the store, dU1dlia1 a browo paper Hck in cne band an4 a 1un lo the other. The officers chased him and Thompson said the n eeiog sus- pect was twice ordered to hall. Apparently the shouting at- tracted the ::ittenhon of the elder- ly man who had been browsing through rows of Christmu trees stacked agains t the front of the store. "We don't know Cot sure, but we think he stepped out to find out what was going on ." Thompson said. At that moment, one or the pursuing om cers let looi.e a blast frorµ his shotgun, hitting the elderly man In the lower ab- domen. The suspect kept running, pull- ing ore bis disguise wtuch in· vesUgator s said was nung at the base or a power pole on First Avenue as the man ran past Thompson said one or the pursuing officers found Sutton hiding underneath a car parked near Jasmine and First avenues. The other omcer, meanwhile was calling paramedics in an at tempt to a id the mor tally wounded man Capt. Richard llamilton. com· mander or the department's de- tective division, said the offi cer who fired wal> unaware of the man's presence uni.JI he stepped into the line of the shotgun blast. Paramedics treated the man at the scene and transported him to Hoag Memorial Hospital whc. e hedied a short time later. Sutton was descnbed by ar· restin~ officers as c;tanding about five feet eight 1r.chcs tall and weighing 140 pounds. They s aid he had long brown hair worn m a pony t ail and a goatee and moustach<'. They said they found him hold· ing a paper bng containing "several hundred dollars'' and a 38-caltbcr revolver f'nmt Page A J BARRED ... Barcume, 39, ore n Sand ras· Ue Drive, Corona del Mar, had been scheduled to go on trial Monday on charges filed arter he nllegedly was unable to a<'· count for $53,000 that disap- peared from the estate or a San Clemente man Judge Williams delayed the trial pendin~ a court decision on Barcume's right to the public de- fender. lt was learned that " Barcume has applied for and been given food stamps and that he has applied to the county for employment as a clerical worker Barcu me faces tri at on criminal charges hied alter he allegedly mishandled the Sl03,000 estate of a man who died 10 1970 after nam1n~ Oarcume as tus adm1n1slrator Barcume wac; sentencrd lo six months lo five YNlN in st ate prison by Jud.-:e Wil liams after pleading guilty to lesser charges. His motion to w1th11raw that plea and go on trial was granted aftc-r Judge Williams refu.,ec:I to re· duce his senl<'nC<' lt Is alleged that an estimated $53,0-00 or the estate left by widower Wilson F.ugcne Luther . SS. who lived at 138 W. E."caloncc;, San Clemente, was withdrawn wtlhout authority O.ity Piiot D .. flll'Y l1Gww•Md MoMay f'rtOI. f If YOU <JI> ll(;I h1Ve fC"J' OJl>"r b'I' :. 30 p rn 0111 bl'fote 7 P"' •ncl ycur CUOV will bot d11hvP•ed SalUfday •nd S\Jndav If yO\J do 001 rocetve your cooy l>y 8 am C311 belot• 10 • m and YO<Jf <.Of1V ""'" De ~1 .... e<I Clruhtl ... T tM.h 1111 Moll! Ot1nge Covnly Al('SS '4ZAlJ I NOrthwe'I Hunltnglon Boach end We"ll,,,ln,111r UO.IJJI S.n Clemente eao111reno Beach, Sen Juon C1o"lr•l'IO. Dana Point Soulh Laguna. Laguna Niguel 4'S.06JO ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT T~t')t"~Coa1t O.lfW'Pttet ttllrflil•Pwf ,.lt1..,,, t .. ,... ..... ~· "'' ,..,.,,, .,~l•..NifjfW t ...... 0.""'•qifl> CO.\t '9'YOH\h•l\Q C»Mo•f'l't ~, .. , ..... ,.~"·'" ~~\':!.~"t~~u:,,.:;~ ~ ~::-· t"''"' Y•••••, ''"'"'•· \affJ••....,, veth1y ..,.., l~ .. ~t"!Ctlo•'t A~'~lll'tt ''°" i\ O\lbl1\1Wd S.h.arO.h _... ....,,,..,.." t~• .,.,..,,..,, -IW ... .,..,, '' .. 1111 "'" ""• •,tu••.t, '"t• Mt\4t (•100f'fttA .,._,, ll-r1 N ........ ~'°'"'•"" ,..,_ JO<_,.~ Vlce "'"'-"' .,... 0.-11>1-..,... ~··"-l(tl1fw ~~~;.,"'tt °'*"" ... ~ ·-... IMll AUl\te"IMA""41 ... lfll"' ' Of~·· lt==·,·1~~ l•llMl!IOtOft I HCft• •111-fte.Jlo•• .. '-NOt•M<• Y•11•¥. lllO'l 1.41 fOtl ~ •1"'•01• .. ,._, T efephone ('714) 104J2t CIHllllect Ad~ttltlnt ~ ~~· ll•lit•-Otlu 111.eJtO ,.,.,,,""'Clo- 4M-ttao ,.,....~"'·~ '*""'~· uo.1uo =rt.: :~ °'..t: .. c::-..:.::::~1l::: m•tt•• tr H••ttlH"'••I• M•t•11 m•t .. •tlt't41KM Wllllti.1 \H UM -ml•tl°" M _.,.....,_, ~·"" c••n .... t•r. .. l, -CMI• •'f, Ctll1<1•11I•. h•nr tll.., ey C.rrlor ti. JO -···••: ....... 11 u JO -'"''' ..... ""'' ___ .,,._,.,, Front Man Sought Munitions Cache Investigation Oellf l"llol Stltl t>hOIO LOS ANGELES (i\P ) Authorities said Frid1:1y that more than nine tons of buried guns and explosives d1scoven.'<I recently are thought to be from unrelated collections. A shadowy "front man" is s till beioJ sought, they said. Crhnmal files throughout the country are being stud.Jed In he>pes of finding a Jeff Martin for whom Donald Wiggins or Ontario says he was storing eight tons of weapons. "We hope lo locate him and e<>nfront him with Wiggins' state- ments," Los Angeles County sheriff's detective Ron Moya said. He said that investigators still believe, mainly on the basi.6 of bate literature found among the caches ot weapons, that a right-wing group -which m ay or may not still exist -ac cumulated the munitions. IT'S NAME THAT GOAT TIME IN LAGUNA Molly Blumer, "Sweet Wllllam" and Susan Gorry Wiggins, meanwhile, was ar- raigned in Los Angeles o n charges or illegally possessing machine guns. destructive de· vices and explosives. His haU- brother, Arthur Methe Jr., was Williegoat? Man Seized In Robberies LB Kids Name Barn Buddy One man is in custody today following the armed robbery of two businesses in Garden Grove By PHILIP ROSMARJN Ol 1"41 D•lly l"llet SUH A Laguna Beach billygoat came perilously close to wearing the name "Stinky" around his Animal Shelter barnyard home for the rest of his days but for the grace of Susan Gorry, age 3. Tht' little no.name yearling, who is a permanent attraction at the Art Colony SPCA shelter. Wal> the subject of a name-the-goat contest dreamed up by shelter manager Don Brown. r Brnwn said his staff never got around to naming the pot· bellied, black a nd-white billy and that it w..is high time somebody did. Nobody, Brown said then, not <'ven a pot-bellied billygoat not yet old enough to sport a res~c table goatee, s hould have to go through life without a name. Certainly not in a barnyard open daily to m embers of the public who regularly call to him by one or another name. All those names can confuse a goat. The goat is still work.mg on his goatee. but thanks to Brown and about 25 local kids (the human variety) who responded to his help-a-kid <the whiskered varie- ty> campaign, the goat's got a name He almost got Stinky. The com- petition was fierce, but the name kept rising to the top of the pile the SPCA judges sifted through. There was "Little Billy Grurr." Stinky prevailed. Next came "Perfume." Still , Stinky. Then cam e "Arky." That didn't make it. Stinky stayed No. 1. Then came Susan Gorry. Not much of a name. for a goat. But that wasn 't the name for the goat. That was the name of the girl who was going to name the goat. Susan Gorry, aged 3, of 1134 Miramar St., Laguna Beach, de- Strain of VD Geu Close Watch in U.S. WASIJJNGTON <AP> -Public health oHicials consider the ap· pearance of a pPnicillin-res1stant strain of gonorrhea in the United States a "small problem'' at the moment but are watching 1t closely, a government speciafot said Friday night. "It's a problem, at the moment a very 1mall problem because only S3 cases have been reported here. We anticipate more cases, but how m any more we can't say," Dr. J ohn R. Seal told a re- porter. Seal, deputy director of the Na· tional Institute of Allergy and In· fectious Diseases, said about half of the gonorrhea cases reported in the Philippines and about 10 percent or those in Liverpool, Entland, have been roond to be of the new strain that resLsts penicillin, the most widely used drua against the venereal dis- eaae. He said scientists hav~ round that spectlnomycln, a more ex· pensive and less commonly pre- scribed drut, still appears to be effective in combattine the new st.fain of gononbea .... Al long as penicillin worked, ·no one felt a great need to use spec- tlnomycln,,, but lt ta beiftl stvcn clOHl' aue.ntlon no•, heaald. S.aJ and other fPlclallatl •t· tencled a workshop en rrlday to .review drorta ln tracktq and do· allna wttb the new ttra!D. Much ol the delecUve work bal been performed by tbe Center' tor DtJ. HH Control lo AUanta and mWW'J pbra:ldaos. ' cided she would n:ime this goat Friday. who had no name -• David Davis, 22. of Riverside For her . it was "Sweet was arrested by Orange police Wilham" at first sight. The following a radio broadcast by Judges agreed Garden Grove officers. An A good name. armed bandit stole $400 from a It wasn't S usan's fault that Garden Grove hardwarr and when it came time for her to ac-buildin~ supplies store am.I SIOO cept her prn.c plaque and pose from a drug ston· for picture<; Sweet William In both cases a small-bore re· steppt>d on her fool and pulled at volver was di~playcd to the her socks .ind generally tned to clerhs. Davis o fft•rt·tl no re- getaway. s1stancc No weapon was found. Maybe a goal shouldn't have a although officers said tht' money name was recover ed BAR STOOLS FROM s3900 t , arraigned on similar char((t'S and ordered to appear at a pre lirninary hearing io Los Angeles Feb. 14 . The Los Angeles char~es st11m r~om the discovery during the p8.llt two wee'"' or arms nuecs concrete bunktr-; in the desert near PalmcL1lt·. 111 th1• northwtst cornl·r uf tht> rnunty, and at Wig J:ms • foundry 111 Pomona where Mt'lht> 1s 1Jtoployed. Courses Take 250 Viets Off Welfare By KATHY CLANCY Of IM D•llt ,.lloU\ltt English language instruction and job training designed lo lake 250 Vietnamese r efugees off public welfare roles over the next slx months is being planned by Orange t ounty officials. The $200,000 state-financed progra m is designed as a joint ef- fort between the Coast Communi- ty College District in Costa Mesa and the county Department of Social Services, according lo a report to county supervisors. Under terms of the program. the college district's n e w Coastline Community College will provide English in.slruction ror 250 refugees over the next six months. And while many of them already are in vocational train- ing, the report said, the college also will provide tutoring help. lo addition, the college is to set up special vocational training for 50 of the English language stu- dents. County officials said they ex· pect the new program to begm next month-. The college district, which is to be paid $149,000 for its mstruc- lion. plans to use a facility in Garden Grove, the report said. The students will be referred to the college program by county SQCial workers, who also will hJl!ldle job placement. ' County officials said in their r.eport to s upervisors that they sought instructional help from several community college dJ&· tricls before r ccommendifte Coast. ,. The new Coastline Communlty College oprned this fall and operates without a campus, or- r~nng courses in rac1litics scat- terro throughout the Coast dis- trict Klan Link Gets Study WASHINGTON (AP) -'l;be Rev. Jesse Jackson said Friday that Defense Secretary Donjlld Rums feld has agreed lo in· vestigatP possible link'\ between Ku Kl ux Kl an members in the Mannes and t·1v1han right-wing paran11htar~ groups. Jackson, a civil rights leader, raJSl'<I thl' possibility of suctt a connectrnn durtng a hou.r-lOJ1¥ Pcnt.agon meeting wl\h Hurns feld, d e fense general counsd R1ch~1rd Wiley and other senior offtc1.ib I le also ur~ed that 14 black Mannes charged with assault on w h 1 t c M a r 1 n c s a l C a ·m p Pendleton, Calif . last month be tned together instead of singly. Wiley indicated sympathy toward that proposal, ihe civil rights leader said. WEBER ~ ~K~.!HE I s44ss !. REG. s54_95 ... Co11ncil . Sets Ag Study San Juan Capistrano city coun cllipen have voted J.2 to establish a steering c6mmittee to develop 311.Jlgriculture preservatioo pro-gum for tbe city. Opposing the motion were Councilmen John Sweeney and Richard McDowell. The committee, comprised of Mayor Douglas Nash, Planning Commission Chairman Phillip Schwartze, City Attorney James Okazaki, City Manager James Mocalis, Planning Director Thomas .Merre ll and Public Works Director William Murphy, will meet to develop an agr iculture fee ordinance, stbeduled for council considera- tioo Jan. 5. Also planned Jan. Sis council in- itiation or a general plan amend- ment to provide for agricultural preservation. A tentative s chedule for de- velopment of a city agriculture preservation program, as out- lined by Planning Director Mer· reU,shows: -Jan. 6-21 for dev-elopment or the program, with input from ranchers and farmers. -Feb. 2 for council approval of the program in concept. I' ....: Feb. 22 for a Planning Com- mis,sion public hearing on the genera) plan amendment and I other recommended measures for agricultural preservation. -March 2 for a council public hearing. · Merrell said that although San Juah voters in March declined to raise taxes to pay forfarntlng pre- servation in the city, they indicat- ed on an opinion question on the same ballot a desire to preserve agriculture The need to preserve rarmmg was further underscored in May, he said, when the stale coastal commission took action, limiting sewer connections on prime farmlands. Council establis hed a n agricultural preservation fund in November, to which Mayor Nas h has pledged $500. Development of an agricultural preservation pro~ram will 1n elude legislative and budgetary considerations, economic inccn· tives, possible city acquisition or farmlands, possible rescindin~ or city and coast al comm1ss1on restrictions on non-prcservabll' farmlands and alternative fund ing sources. Merrell said. Judge D e nies Child Abuse Trial Motion A m otion for a separate trial by a San Clemente woman accused or' abus ing h e r 2-year -old daughter was denied Friday in Orange County Superior Court. JudgeJamesO. Peret'dec1sion means that Ca ro ly n Sue Brewster. 23, of 3619S. El Camino Real and codefendant Marine Kenneth Ray Bolden. ~. will be tried together Jan 10 on felony counts of child abuse. Mrs Brewster is free on $2,500 bail. Bolden, who 1s stationed al Camp Pendleton, Is free on his promise to appear fortnal The couple was arrested Aug 17 'alter Cora Brewster, 2, was treat- ed at San Clemente General Hospital for injuries that alleged Jy included cigareUe burn.<i, bite matk&Mthearm, a black eye and multiple bruises The chjld, untonscious on ad mission. remained on the critical list for a week. She was reported Friday to be recovered from her injuries and is being cared for in a foster home. O••lf t'1••1..,,.10 Longs for Home This m ixed breed. l 11;i YC!ar- old pooch has been at the Laguna City Animal Sht'lkr <Canyon K e nnels) Jong<'r than any other pup. 1 le ~ friendly, housebroken <.1ml has all h is s hots. All he needs is a namt• and ~omc place to call home. Investigators Still Mum About Arso11 Oran~e County fire d<'p:.irtml•11l arson investigators Friday wen· still refusing to n·leasc further m formation on the SI .4 IT\Jllton blJl1 that swept throulf'h part of llll' Saddleback Valley Plaza 1n ~:1 Toro two weeks ago. A fire department spokcsmu11 said thP investigators arl' mil hrushed wi th their 111tcn1t·w::. ancl are awaiting further mformal1un on laboratory te:-.ls of sample:-. taken from the bum£-d out dis cothl'que where the fir e:-.tarkd Fi re officials del'lart"() the bl:i11· arson just a few da;,.s c.trter 11 rn· curred hut have t<'fU<,t'(J lt> t••ll what cvirlence was found at th1· scene. The ftrt' dt•strnvcd Bambi ' nightcl u b c.tnll t.:.u .idJa1."1•11f fac1l1t1cs, a lcasinJ,! offin· for llll' shopping center ;incl J ).'.0111 rn• t shop Laguna Beach Building Up Bu1ldm.: in L;1g11n 1 Bear h <1111 ing Ncn ember \\as 11p • l i~ !MIO n·n•r the !'>ame m1111U1 .1 \l'Jr ,,g,, hut ovPrall t·on!->Lrurl1un l 1111 tmued to lag behind that of 1!175 A monthly r<"porl of th•· Laguna HeaC'h Dto-p.irl 111t 11l 111 :\lumdpal Sen1c I'S r€.'leust'<l n• t'l'ntly show~ .\ t•..ir to d<1lt• <·1111 struct1on 'alu;_il111ns 1il $7 ~I :n1lhon tra1hn~ last )-c•:ir s tot ti of SS. I m illion for lh<' s;11111 .January to Novcmhl'r J>t•riod Of lht: Sl,O!l5.000 111 1·11nst11w lion during Nf)\ t'l1)lwr . $!111 711 was for 13 single f.in111\ h11n11 and onl' du pit•\ Jail Dope Found SAN DIEGO <AP> T\\o "~ 1tors arnn•rl at the rounty J.lll with a Christmas ~1ft of t1•11n1-. shoes for a prisoner EyC'bro" went up bccetuse lhl' 1a1I ha~ no t('nms court Ins ide the shot:s. Jailers '>a) they found S200 worth of hnoin Two me n identified a~ F.clwarr1 Sottak, 31. and Elmer ll.111, r. were booked Thursday for in vesti gati on or smugglin~ transportation and !)<•sscssin1• heroin. Their h<11 I 'A.as set al $13,000 eat'h Sugar Daddy? '• Mali, 32, Adopts Lover WESTERLY, R. I. <AP) -Elaine Ivy Tattersall hac; taken Joseph A. Comolli as her lawfully adopted father. The Westerly couple decided to lake a new approach to cohabitation. Instead of marriage or simply hvmg together, lbe m an has adopted the woman as his daughter. Comolll, 33, adopted Miss Tatters all, 32. in Westerly's Probate Court this week. Her parents are still ab ve. A spokeswoman at the town clerk's office said the adop· lion of Miss Tattersall was legal because "she is of age and can be adopted by whomever she chooses .• ._ The couple was unavailable for comment Frjday. Their phone went unanswered. "The major fact« ls here we have two people 'Uvinn in sin,"' said the couple's lawyer. Aram K. Berbenan. "To legitimize lhe cobabitaUon, they became related. "The daughter can use the name of the father. People will believe they are married because they use the same name. They obtain respect.ability in the oyes or their peeu." Berberian, who claimed he used the legJ I toct1c blm.self three7ear1 ago while divorcing his first wife. said the-adop. lion o a lover can olffll' other benefits • . "The daughter can never force the father to pay allmooy," the lawyer said. "Each par&)' b nds OH'r blckwarda to be pleasant. rather than to be obnoxloua with lmpunlty.'' DAILY PILOT A3 Park Fights De ts 1V Game Flaw Eyed Lion Country Trying to Hari g On WASHINGTON (APJ - The t-'ederal Trude Com- m1ss1on said Friday that 1ts ~taff is looking into the possibility that popular ho m e television video games may leave a perma- nent imprint on TV tubes. f\y Wit.I.I \M S('lfRt-.uu .. R 011 ... D••ly 1'11.ot ~·••I I.toll ('uunl r v Saf.111 l''t'l'lltl\ l'' an• m•1:ot1Jl1t1~ \\llh "\ariou~ ~ruups of 11\'lll'lt" lo raise $700,000 !Htdt·d h\ Apnl JO to helµ save thl' rin.1m•ially troubled lrVIOl' w1ldltf1• p.11 "· which IS $8.9 mllhon 10 <h·bt Lt•on Unt1•rhaltt•r, g<.'neral manai::er of tht· drive-through Afrt(an cmimal santtuary. ::.1.11d the <·ash payml•nl 1s part of an ar· ra.ngl'mt•nt made \\tlh the park·~ principal bankers An 10Jlt:JI $500,000 mu~l be paid by Jan. 22, ucconJ1ng to the new pact. In add1t1on. J l>aymcnt pro- Cl'<iure involvin~ llw company's t.'qWty interest m .i new park in J.ipan has been arran.i:cd that would help dissol\.e the com· pany's debt The banks Y.111 also bt> g1,en .i 10 }c>ar warrant to CIC quire up lo lO percent of Lion Country ., o,to<:k at 25 ('t!nls per ~hare The ftn~1I p..irt of tht arran1w ment t':llls for th<' bank to becoml' ownt•rs of obhgat1ons owed to t.1011 Country and prt' viously pkdgt>d by tht' company as security for thl' current debt~ Harry Schuster . Lwn Country board cha1rm:rn and <'h1ef ex ecut.J vc officer. said there 1s no assurance the compJJly can raJse the irutlal $700,000 that would :-.el the agreCJllcnt in motion But he said progn>ss 1s being made in restructunng the parks finances and a lca!lc arrnni:c ment Y. llh the Irvine Company for the acreagl' occup1ro by the park. Unterhalter i:.a1d F'nday thut failure to pay the $700,000 would not result m "any drastJc acllon by the banks ·' He said all part.u.•s involvt'tl have been dealing in a "sp1nt of • • PHONE 968-3 32 9. > 25" DIAGONAL -~ 111 . ....__ IOOq.o SOLID-ST A TE CHROMACOLOR II -1977- ZEHITH H2550P cooperation · and that f.:ulure to p:1y "ould J'' <•baldy mean futther negol1 Jtt01h At'<'ording to the park official. plan:. are an thl' W•>rk:. for attrac tions aimed ..tt 'tun11nJ1 :1round" Lrnn Country s finan~·c:. hy :-.um- mer "Wl• art" t'11rrcntly nt·totrnlin1: fo r what Wt! would call a n Afnt'an 1-'au-, wt11d1 .,.uuld be hke the Hcn aissan ce 1''airc (tn Agoul'a) only Non.h '\fncan m motif," Unterhaller :.<lid The official also said work 1::. wider way to upgr.•dl· and 1m pro'<.' existing park fal il1l1l's. but notl>d there are no plan:. lo install th.nil ndes and other dttract1ons common to amusena nt p<.irks Uke Magic Mountain Jlld f\.nott ~ Ber ry Farm . "We aren't sat1sf1ed thJt su('h things are what' \\>-C nt.'l-d to 1m- pro\.e our situation, ·he said A s p o k es m a n em - phasized that the probe by tht' fo'T C's Bureau of Consumer Protection Is ex- tre mely preliminary at th.is point and that the com- m is s 1 on h as taken .no CormaJ action on the Issue. The FTC staff can look into the situation but a formal Investigation must be authorized by a majori· ty of commissioners. Police Slay 13 BUE NOS AIRES, Argentina (AP > Security forces killed 13 persons suspected of being left- wmg guerrillas in s cattered clashes throughout Argentina in the past 24 hours, government sources reported Friday. .IT'S COUNT -DOWN TO , , .. DIAGONAL CHROMACOLOR II r , 1-~ .,,_ i.':· ., '• ·1X.;,. !'!-J ~»·'<·· ,,, .. ~,~ ~~--~ . ' ~ ......... <c ... • ,_ ,, ...... ~" ......... \tyt.4 ( ... ~ °""'-"""' ( ....... ......... IL<,..... u .. o,.,.... ..... ~---It REMOTE CHROMACOLOR II COMBO 1977 M~ ~ ••....W.odw:hwy price! Hos I OOo/o salcJ.ttah, AFC , Chromcrt.ic, SpotUC)ht Dl .. a. Said wttt. l-year pk t.re t-. w......ty! .......... , .. ~ ..... ....., ........ _.., ~ c. ... ., • .,,.... fYGo-l:t.<..,...lc. ..... 0.--. ........ ..,,..... -- I l~"'-f-cllll C:•......_•4 C ........ ~ IOO'Yo Soff6-SJcrt•, ZOOftl R~ • .AM.qr-o SOUotd Syuem, I Troclt f'lcryff hcorder C~. AFC, Color Sysll!m, fVG T-""J Sy1t..,.. ~-· ~-· ~·'N .... ..• ' .. ; . ..?J-~ ··~a 10 .. . ·•'9. ·" .. .. ~ 25" DIAGONAL 25" DIAGONAL BUY OHE OF THESE- ~H 12 Hilt l < I <;•ii•• r\i] ~ Hl2lW ELECTRONIC WATCH for Men BL.ACK & WHITE TV r425lOE 100% SOLID-STATE CHROMACOLOR 11 1977 MODEL FREE DELIVERY AND SET·UP 19" DIAGONAL >C.2S70 ZOOM REMOTE '76 MODEL CLEARANCE! "'°"' For LOW-LOW PRICE' 25" DIAGONAL ZOOM REMOTE ....,_..., for lf77! The bfft 111 Xulth It" Dlo9oaal color .tele•laion. 3-yeor plctw. Mr wornnty! ... IWHphl9 profit• Olld tlHlt li11u •11dow this 1111lq11e Utt ro--111o d•rn f•ll·to-the·floor co111ol~ wfftt tfl. loolr of Siii.,..,...) Md top1Nstleoti011. 25'' .OIAGONAL CHROMACOlOR II ALL-NEW PUSH-8UOON TU HING AIC ot1w$ o l -YUll PICTUlll TUIE WAUANTY, 1-YE.U Ftlfl 'AITS AHO SllYICE. F«H DILIVHY A.MD ~ .... ~·--... sn .IJI' '"" Dilf90NI "or L or'90".I \ 2511 DIAGONAL CHROM ACOlOR II All-NEW PUSH-BUTTON TUNING H2544 · Has I 2-posltlo11 •-ti.co...011d ci.-.t MffftlOfl, I OO"lo JOl6.lf ... ch•nl1 •d power 1...try .... syshM. Free dell•ery .. ,d IMtaioti-. 3-YR. PICTURE TUBE WARRANTY! 2511 DIAGONAL ZOOM REMOTE '76 MODEL CLEARANCE! SGJHI LIMITED SUPPLY! PHDNE FOR LOW PRICE FULL WARRANTY!· 44 DAILY PILOT Saturday December 18. 1979 Los Rios Plan OK'd Final SJC Draft Due in Spring By ANNE COOPER OfU..Dally .. llOC~ San Juan Capistrano city coun- cilmen have approved amended preliminary design for re· development of the 0-acre Los RJos dlalrict, the mission city's oldest neighborhood. Council approval this week was for the second or three phases of a study prepared by tht: Arroyo Group consultant firm, with minor modifications by the city-appointed Los Rios steering committee and the city Planning Commi&sion . COMPLETION OF 11IE final phase of the consultant's study is expected in March or April, said Thomas Merrell, city planning director. Santa Fired Woman's 'Image' Cited OMAHA. Neb. (AP ) -Melody Moore got fired from her job as Santa Claus because she was a woman. "You just can't afford to disiJlusion a child," s aid the store manager who fired her, Robert Patterson. Miss Moore quoted a store representative as s ay· ing parents conu>lained because they said "it ruined the image of Santa Claus." "They fired me because I'm female and that's c:liscrimination," Miss Moore, 20, said. She had received $2.40-an-hour as a back-up Santa. Miss Moore had played Santa about six times before being asked to turn in her red suit and white beard. Old vs. New Newport Association, City Poles A.part on Plan As far as the Central Newport Beach Improvement Association is concerned, it's the old parts of town versus the new when it comes to getting unsightly utility poles replaced with underground lines. Members of the association came to the city council this week to ask for a freeze on future undergounding projects until a new guideline committee can be formed to re· vi e w the ci ty 's existing guildelines on the subject. ACCORDING TO Publi<.' Works Director Joe Devlin, half their wish has been granted because the existing project along P~cific Coast Highway between .Jam- boree Road and MacArthur Boulevard will use up the city's utility underground fund for the next three years. Devlin had explained that the Coast Highway project will re· quire the Power company to ad· vance the city about $400,000. which means the city won't be able to take on any new projects for the next three years. City councilmen dld not act on the association's request to add citizens to the committee that selects a reas for undergrounding and based on the reaction of a few council members, it doen't appear those changes will be forthcoming. T0HE REMOVAL oC the power poles and placing or lines under· ground is done by the city with money set aside by the Southern California Edison Company. The money. which comes from utility bills paid by Newport Beach r esidents and busi · nessmen. accrues at the rate or about $120,000 a year. BOBBY LOVELL, president of the 1mpro\•ement association, Tot Hot Pot Commercial Goes Off Air WASHINGTON CAP> -The maker of Uncle Ben's Converted Rlce has agreed to stop showUlg a television commercial of a 4· year-old girl putting her hands and face close to a hot pot or rooking rice. the Federal Trade Commission announced. The FTC was concerned that the commercial "had the tenden· c:y of capacity to influence children to engage in behavior which is inconsistent with re· c:ognized safety practices and thus poses a seri~ health and safety threat.·· THB AGENCY SAID Fridl.Y it knew ot no child being injured as a result of attempting to mimic the girl in the commercial. But it said fiaures from the Consumer Product Safety Commission show that many preschoolen are injured by kitchen appliances. Under the proJ>C)Sed conaent agreement, Uncle Bea's loc. of Houatclll and its New York ad· vertiainc acency qreed not to depict 1oun1 chUclren COOking or c:Joseq enmlnlng roods belni cook•d without adult aupervlllon. said her organization believes "that the people who live in the older parts of town, who have paid the bills the longest, ought to have a higher priority than the newest parts of town." Mrs. Lovell· noted that the poles in the alleys of the Balboa Peninsula constitute a safety hazard from s parking lines in proximity to wooden hou.ses. SHE ALSO maintained that pladng the small lines on the peninsula underground would not be as costly as the underground· ing of major trunk lines wbich is now being aone. While addressing the coun<-'il she said s he found it "strange that the new areas have the priority. I would like to have a h('aring on the equity of the guidelines." The committee in question is made up of City Manager Bob Wynn, Devlin, r epresentatives of the Edison Company and Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com· • pany and a member of the city council. AT THEIR recommendation, the city council adopted a policy that specifi es a top priority for undergrounding projects on Pacific Coast Highway because 1t 1s lhe city's m nin thoroughfare. Devlin said that when the cur· rent proje<.'t i~mplcted, the utilities will have been put under· ground from the Balboa Bay Club to MacArthur Boulevard. Devlin said that the next series of projects were to have been in the West Newport area, but those projects are the ones being de· layed three years. The city has $42,000 in a re- serve fund for Los Rios re· development, granted under the federal Housing and Community Development Act. San Juan bas applied for an additional ~.000 this year to be added to the re- serve fund. The Los Rios district lies east of San Juan's main thoroughfare, Camino C apis trano, and southeast of the mission. It is bounded on the east by the Santa Fe Railroad tracks, on the south by Del Obispo Street, on the west by Trabuco Creek and on the north by the Mission Village tracL GO~ OUTLINED FOR the area, which is inhabited primari· ly by Indian and Spanish- American fa milies, some of whom have lived in the neighborhood for generations, in· elude: (1) providing for residents to be able to remain in the area, (2) preserving historic Los Rios Street and (3) protecting the dis· trict's rural character. The preliminary r edevelop· ment plan divides the district roughly into thirds, with the north Little Hollywood area re- maining r esidential; the middle being converted to a public park, incorporating historic adobes and construction of a shopping bazaar and public amphitheater: and the south being designated low intensity commercial. REHABILITATION LOANS and a phased program for new low-cost housing are proposed for the northern residential sec· tion. Verdugo Street would be closed to vehicle traffic and be convert· ed to a pedestrian walkway con· necting Camino Capistrano lo the park and bazaar. The walkway would interrupt Los Rios Street. creating a cul de sac either side or the Verdugo walkway. The bazaar is planned to ac- commodate tourist-oriented specialty shops and cafes. AURELIO RAMOS, 32262 Los Amigos Ave .• told cowicilmen Los Rios residents were not fair· ly represented on the steering committee and have repeatedly pleaded with the city to be left alone. "No one needs to define what it means to be left alone," he said. "Some of the elderly people especially, with families who have lived in the same place for generations, ask only to be left alone without inter!erenc~ in their lives." "I can understand t.bat Los Rios residents want to be left alone," said Councilman Yvon Heckscber. "But they're not go- ing to be left alone if we do absolutely nothing. If we do nothing, they'll be wiped out - by outside interests or perhaps by people who a re there right now.'' MAYOR NASll directed city staff to prepare back-up informa- tion in four areas relating to the preliminary Los Ri06 plan: how circulation will be affected by closing of Verdugo Street and in- terruption of Los Rios Street; what capital costs wiU be to the city; how city goals for the dis· trict can be communicated to re- sidents; and bow commercial de- signations might be intensified. Youth Killed HESPERIA (AP> -A 17- year-old boy has been shot to death in his apartment by four men who then fl ed in a car, ac- cording to police. Timothy James Smith died instantly when he was hit by the shotgun blasts. THE CHALLENGED com· mercial ahowf!d a mother rernov· Ing a pot of cook.in' rice and u · aittnlnl the )'OW\8 lifl to watch it. Oarist•a• Parade lletlte Ollty ,. .. """ ..... MICHELLE MONTOYA GETS HER BOOK AUTOGRAPHED Theodore Taylor Ukff to 'Try and Turn Kida on to Books' Favorite Arrives Aliso Kids Meet 'The Cay' Author' By LAURIE KASPER Of Ille o •• ,, l'lklt ~ After waiting two years, some Aliso Elementary School stu· dents finally met the author of one of their favorite books. Although Theodore Taylor lives and writes in Laguna Beach, just 20 minutes away from the Saddleback Valley school, his time was booked solid when the school's present sixth graders read bis book, The Cay. when they were in the fourth grade. THE FIRST APPOINTMENT their teacher, Kathy Shaner, could get was Jast week. Taylor said he travels around the country talking to youngsters just one day a week during the months of November, December and April. It's time stolen from his writing but be does it to "try and tum kids on to books," he said. He's discovered that, "They really don't associate books with a person." BUT TIIE AUTIIOR, who is working on his 23rd book. as· sured the students, "I'm no di(· ferent than your father. your mother , your teacher, anyone else who works." He said he puts in regular work days researching and writing the books in bis office. It's something be has lo keep doing, be said. because it •s his income. Taylor advised the youngsters, several of whom are aspiring writers, "There's no reason why you can 'l write a book if you want to. ll just takes work." He ad· vised them to begin writing now. HE STARTED WHEN he was 13 as a newspaper sports re· port.er earning SO cents a week. "Now, 400 years later, I'm still doing the same thing," he joked. But he also warned them that everybody has failures. Three of his books have been "complete bombs" a nd never will be published, he said. "What you must do is go on, though," he said. The author admitted he got in· to writing young adult books by accident. ••rr SEEMS THAT everything I've done, at least that worked well, has been an accident," he said. He began writing for young people in 1967 when he thought others might h ave the same curiosity his children had about the movie industry in wh.ich he was then working. After his book, "People Who Make Movies," was published, he said. he received 3,000 letters from young people. Since then. he's written one young adult book each year. THERE IS NO difference in the way he writes adult and young adult books, he said. "The only thing I do is watch my four.letter words." Taylor said he wrote The Cay, · the book the Alisos students had read and enjoyed, in three weeks. But. he said, be thought about the event which sparked the book for 10 years before that. It started, he explained, while he was researching for a book on submarines. He read the report of a Dutch ship torpedoed in the Carri bean Sea in 1942. WITNESSES REPORTED Niguel, Viejo that an 11-year-old boy escaped from the s hip and got into a life. raft. But because the water was dark and fiery. he said, they couldn't reach him and he drifted olf into the.Jllght, ~to,bNee!I - again. For years, Taylor saJd, lte would remember this scene and wonder if be could have survived if an adult were with him. "One day, I decided to do what a writer can do and that is breathe life into him," he said. BUT HE ONLY began writing the book after being in.spired by the songs of a group of black peo- ple, which included Dr. Martin Luther King, while working on a movie in Miami. The book was the story or the boy and a black mao s hipwrecked together on a liWe island. It was written with a lesson against racial prejudice and dedicated to the civil rights leader. The book was a hit both in this country, where it was made into a movie and shown on television Jast year. and around the world. Fourteen editions, including French, Norwegian, Hungarian and ~apanese , have been published. In addition, it's scheduled to com e out in Moscow next summer. Water District Sets Conseroation Rules New Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo homes will have to meet strict water conservation standards before waler service will be pro- vided by the Moulton Niguel Water District. The district board or directors vot~ to impose the requirements af. feeling tank-type water closets, lavatory and sink faucets, sh<'wers and urinals. .. IN ADDITION TO laking this positive step to cut down the wasteful use of water in homes, we have been encouraging pre· sent home owners to install de· vices which reduce the now or water in toilet tanks, shower heads and sinks ." said Carl Kyala, district general manger. The new rules become effec· tive Jan. l. They apply to homes· and other structures for which building permits are needed. TIIE RULES ALSO apply to re· modeling or alterations for which a building perm it ls required. The rules speclfy installation or low-use fixtures. Exact. specifications are available from the water district. Court Upholds City Home-building Cuts SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The stale Supreme Court ruled Fri· day that voters of a general Jaw city may enact an ordinance by in· iUatlve which restricts residential bulldlng within the city. • The 5·2 decision involves an initiative ordinance enacted by voters at Livermore on April 11, 1972. It prohibits issuance of further residential building permits unless local educational, s ewage dis· posal and water supply facilities comply with specified standards. TIIE COURT REJECTED THE contention that land-use or· dinances limiting immigration into·a community must be sustained by a compelling state interest, but also refused to sustain such or· dinances merely be<:ause they serve local interests. The court declared such ordinances are valid only if they are re- asonably related to the wel!ar~ of the region affected by the or· dlnance. Since the Livermore case reached the tribunal before trial it had no evidence of the probable impact of the ordinance on Uvermore or the sWTOUDdini region. Under those circumstances, the court said the ordinance could not be unconstitutional on Us face and returned the case to Alameda County Superior Court for trial. THE SUIT BAD BEEN brought by Associated Homebuilders of the Great East Bay. Inc. and others to prevent enforcement or tho ordJnance. The child placea btr face and ~lbowa cloee to Ute hot pot and af. terwatd. wben the rice la served at the table, au proclalma. ··1 coot.I It all b1 m1Mlf ... The annual Newport Harbor Cbrl.stmu Boat Parade gets under way toniaht. It will follow this route around the harbor at.art-• ma 818:30 p.m. ofltbeBalboa htey Janel Ina. '11le paraCle, ep<mored by the Newport Itarbor Chamber d Commerce, will run ni&btb' through dext 'lbursda,y. A aim liar gr-owth ban enacted ln Petaluma ltd to a 1975 9th U.S. Coon. of Appeals declslon that the city wu w1tbin Its rtabla to aeek t.o preserve "Its a amall-towncharacter, open •paces, and to crow at an Orderly end dellberatepaco.·• The U.S. Supreme Court upheld that rul1D1 lut Febru8.J')'. - t ~· > ---"' •-... -~ "' • ~ .-'-• -• • r "' / 70.nainute T orture ·She's Murdered ·For 3 Cents MIAMI BEACH, Fla CAP) -Sarah Kirsch, 70, moved to Miami Beach to escupe crime in New York City. She is dead now, apparenUy choked slowly by a cloth gag placed in her mouth by armed robbers angered that s he had only three cents to give them . While police were searching for the two robbers, an elderly friend recalled the 70-minute reign or terror that led to Sarah Kirsch 's death. pany," said Esther Josephson, 77. "I WAS SICK and my two The women who came over friends c ame to keep me com· were Mrs. Kirsch and Adelaide llo9n tor Red Comic Red Skl>Hon p.>sc•s in front of huge r c plic:u of his c h a r acter ·'Fre ddie th e Freeloader" which will be featured on a noat in the Pasadena Hose Parade New Year's Day. Slouss, 81. "When the knock came on the door, they thought it was a.oother lady and Mrs. Kirsch went to open it." Two young men with guns and a knile pushed their way in and tied up t h e women , Mr s. Josephson s aid . .. THEY SAID THEY came lo get money and if we did not make a sound, they would not hurt us," she said. "I gave them $40 I had. Mrs. Slouss gave them $8S she had. But the lady they killed had only three cents, and they said, 'We'll fix you for that.' Then, they tut her over the head ... They hit Mrs. Slouss when she said, 'Oh, please stop,' as they beat Mrs. Kirsch. "Mrs. Kirsch was crying from the pain of being twisted around an<;! tied up. She had a broken hip and it was held together with a metal pin. And they said, 'We'll shut her up.' "OH, MY, THEY t aped and corded and dragged us and gagged us." Mrs. Josephson said ... And then watching her die -oh, I will never forget the sight of her there. "They c ut my phone wire, tore up the a p artment a nd took ever ything -s m all jewelry, cmaJJ safe bos, my checkbook, my meidcines. Then, they sat down and took some soft drinks· out of my r efrigerator and drank them. They were in there an hou rt and 10 minutes. I kept praying,· ·Please God, letlhemgetout. "' HOURS AFTER the men final- ly left, a neighbor heard the vic- t1 ms' cries and opened Mrs. Josephson's door. The two .sur- vivors were not hospitalized. "We were all in torture," s aid Mrs. J osephson. "I prayed, yes, I prayed. But God -no, God is not listening to us." 2 Trus tees Claim BB Survey 'Forced' By RAV E ST RADA Ot 111• D••ly Piiot Stall Two Hunt mg ton 8 <.'ach lJnion High School Distri ct trustees said this week they Wl'rt' dis pJNi:-.ed over a federally mandated survey or non-Enghsh spPak m~ '>ludenl~. Trustees votNt 3 to 2 lo approve the survey. Trus tees Don MacAlhster and Doris AllPn voted against the action. MacALl.ISTfo:R AND Mrs. Al· len said they wen• "ph1lo'>oph1cal lagwwOKs New Police Radar Unit The Lai?UnJ llc·dch City Coun1 11 authortzf'd a1 qu1'>1t1on of an <1dd1 tional police radar unit The hand-held unit will bl' operational i.oon Jfl cr the first of the yPar and w1ll 1lrl'ally expand the pohce department ·s speed en· forcement capa bility, Poli ce Chief Jon Sparks said CITY MANAGER /\I Thea! had recommended that the council delay purchase of the new unit - Laguna's second radar set -un- tU July after the start of the 1976-77 fiscal year . By a4·1 vole the council voted to fund the immed iate purchase of the radar uni t .. ly" opposed to the survey because they reel it was "forced" on the district by the U.S. Department of lleaJth, Education and Welfare <HEW> The sun•ey questionnaire, Mn srstrng of three questions about students' speaking ability. 1s ;:urned al identifying those pupils who use a language other than English and who vt limited or non-English speaking, according to Howard Roop . .issis tant superintendent. HEW REGULATIONS require all school district "to t ake af. rirma tive steps to rectify a language deficiency in order lo open their instructional program to all students," Roop said. T h e district could lose $2.103,000 in federaJ funding if 1l does not comply with this regula- tion, Roop added. Students identified by the federal s ur vey as having limited Englis h·speaking abilities will be placed in existing programs or newly developed instruction to assist them, Roop said. , Couocllman Jack McDowell voted no saying that additional _., study of arrest statistics and acci· dent reports was nl'eded to see if the purchase is justified. MRS. ALLEN questioned whether the federal government was laking "local control" from the high school district by man- dating the survey. CIDE F SPARKS said he had r equested the additJonal radar unit in r esponse to complaints l rom residents who asked for stepped-up neighborhood speed enforcem ent. The chief said the city's topo- graphy and road system are such that even if an officer saw an ob- viously speeding car, tt was next t o I m p oss ible ,t o g e t n speedometer clock on the of. fender without the rnototist spot- Une the pol\ce unit and slowlng down. Rather than a ticket, theof- tlcer could only then warn the apeeder, tbecbief sald. COU NCILWOMAN Sally Bellerue said with only ono radar car£ a motorist havtna seen the uni in one section ol th• city could be pretly sure the cout waa clear every where else. District officials pointed out that identificat ion or limited · English-speaking students will be required by the state's Bil· ingual-Bicultural Act, effective Jan. 1, 1977. MacAlllster and Mrs. Allen said they are not opposed to education programs to assis t llmited Englisb·speaklng stu· dents in the district. B01'll TRUSTEES expressed concern over the additional cos t ,in di.sb1ct st.ff tJme they aay is imposeci by the HEW regulaUon. But Roop sald di.strict staff Is already available to administer the federal survey at minimal cost. About 1,000 Spaniab-aurnamed and 95 Vietnamese students are currently enrolled lo the high school district. ·' .. PHONE 968-3329 FOR LOW _ PRICES!"~ ...... AU MODELS IH STOCK &OHDISPUY! 19 .. DIA GONAL COLORTRAK II Wmt SIGH . .U U MSOR 11 RIMOTE CONTROL l-YEJ.I P'ICTUll TUii W.4RllAHTY HURRY! SUPPLY LIMITED! 21 11 DIAGONAL 25 .. DIAGONAL P'RICE l,.CLJDES MATCHING STAND XL·I 00 s525 RIEi DELIVERY & SET-UP' 2511 DIAGONAL rdllrm= XL-100 S635 LIMITfO SUP'f'L'Y! "4 TOUCH O F CUSS WITH TOP' OF GLASS" • 3-YEAR PICTURE TUBE • I· YEAR FREE PARTS A MO SERVICE • REE DELIVERY & IMST ALLA TIOH I 19" DIAGONAL OR LARGHI ., .. ,,.lff')ft master charge ••·• .. ,, •l•frlf• , a•n . i your F.ASJI SIGNAL SENSOR II 11.ECTROHIC REMOTt 25" DIAGOMAL COLORTRAK CONTROL CEMTIER ft EMOTE COLORTRAK TAI LE MODELS J Saturday. December 18. 1976 OAILVPILOT l ~~ . • • IS OFFERING FANTASTI C SAVINGS OM IOTH '76 & '77 RCA COLOR TELEVISION!! THIS CHRISTMAS THE FAMILY DESERVES THE BEST!! FROM SOAP OPERA TO SUPER BOWL ••. IT'S RCA COLOR ( .. 1 1 TELEVISION. /{ . 9" DIAGONAL IL.ACK & WHITE Gil~ .4U097 G AC·DC U TTERY SJ49 19" DIAGONAL XL-I 00 s379 1977 MODB. ... 15" DIAGONAL ltCJ.'1 I E S T IS " Dll.GOHl.L! • A11tomcmc F l11• T 1111i 11 9 . ACM ON-lllttOft Color Tunlt19 • ~Lin• Matrix Tu!N. s335 MOO SQUAD SPECIAL!! Ye s. w• ho•• th i s h•rd ·fo·fl11d modH 111 lilllited \llpply! G.41JO 25" Dl.4GOH.U I 00% SOUO.STA Tli COLORTUI( AIU W .4RltAHTY! -OPEN- SU MDAY 12-5 P.M. CASH-90 Cl PAYMENTS) OR TERMS UP TO 36 MONTHS A5 •• ( Conlment Page J ~· . .. ~· ... All I Want for Carter's Term . • • By RICHARD E. PALMER, M.D. PrendC'llt a/ Ilic A menc:C/I Medical AatOCJOtaon • There wtll be no "First 100 Days'' reform·Lhe·wortd 1lpproach to government in lhe •• Carter Administration. ~ Of all the news that's come oul of the Carter camp in the weeks smce the election, t •• find that the most heartening of all. ~ := For the 100-days approach to government smacks of superficiaUty, un emphasis on :: style rather than subsiance. And as a nation that has undergone trauma alter trauma :: these past 15 years, we need a sense or continuity as much as a sense or change, a sense or •• dn :: soun essratherthanstyle. . -. . . . .· . . ~· . . Sound government requires a sound base and a sound base must begin with a sound economy. Therefore, I would hope that the new President would give first priority to in suring a sound economk base and achievement of a balanced federal budget by 1980. I am encouraged by the indication that he intends to do so . NEXT, I WOUW hope -and urge -that the new Pr-esideot spend the requisite period or time organizing and making more effective those government programs that already exist before embarking on any new ones. I have in mind such programs as welfare and, in the medical field, Medicaid. Most Americans have adequate health insurance. But there are some who are too poor to be able to afford it. Medicaid was designed and intended to care for those persons. The American Medical Association sup))Orted Medicaid at the time of its passage and we'd hke to see the program do the job it was intended to do WE BELIEVE TIOS c:m best be accomplished by tak· mg the following steps: l~Separatc the long-term custodial care com))Onent of Medicaid from the medical care. In 1966, total spending in the United States for all nursing home car e was $1.5 billion. In l!n5. M edicaid·alone paid nursing homes over $6 billion. Today, 40 percent of all Medicaid payments goes to nursing homes or extended care facilities. By contrast about 30 percent goes for general hospital services and only 10 percent of Medicaid funds goes to individual practi· tionl!rs (physicians. dentists, chiropractors, podiatrists, op· tometrists. lab technicians, etc J. With the development of long ·term custodial care as a major social phenomenon in Amcncan life, we believe the time has coml' to recognize the special character of long- term care for the aged and to develop specific programs to meet their needs with separate administration and funding. :?-I NSTITUTE TOTAL federal financing of the Medicaid program Ml'<hcaid 1s currently financed 50 per· cent by the federal government. 25 percent by state govern· ment~. and 25 percent by local governments. This creates disparities in the size and effectiveness of the program 3 Establish federal st andards for eligibility and benefits. Curr<'nl ly. such slandardl> are set at state and local govt•rnmcnt level!. Again. this creates inequities in the program from state to state. 4 -Administer the program through the private sector Medicaid 1s curr('ntly :.tdmimstered by state governments. -As the recent sc;;ndals have made dear, the program i:> oft<'n adminisl<'rt•d int·ptly M<'dicarc. hy contr;1:.t, 1s largc•I) ndministered through fiscal 1ntcrmcdiar1t·s 1n accordance with :.tand ards set by the federal ~nvcrnm1>nt Wt.· would like to see the same ad. ministrativc mt-('hanj~m f11r Medicaid IF THE NEW President were to introduce leg1slat1on to accomplish the above. he "-OUld find he has the support of the AMA . We want Mt.-dm11d reform. We want an effective program. We have dcfic11•nrics in our health care system that need to be corrccl("I But tnmparc'<i to 10 years ago, more Amt-rican:. .ind "~J1t'c1.:1lly the poor -have access to mcdk;1l care Tht• death rJtc has droooed nine percentover- aJI and the death rat<'S for 11 of the 15 leading causes or death have declined mthat period Infant mortJhty has droppe<l hy more than 25 percent In tht' oa:.t 10 Vl'ars and the death rate of mothers durin~ childbirth has been cut in half during the past five years. These figur es are hardly indicJtivt-or a system m cris is as has often been allegt.-d MR. CARTER WON his curly v1C'tories by understand- ing and exprcssin~ tht> Amencan people's frustration with the amount of Jtovcmmcnt intrusion into their lives. In the health field cspcc1ally, the potential for direct impact on the •.'. lives of individual citizens for good or ill -is enormous. 8yWILUAM P. TAVOULAllEAS Prerfdcm, Mobil Corporatioft Nothing is easier to give than advice: perhaps that is why there is so mucb ot lt being offered to President-elect Carter. ll 1s therefore wilh some trepidation that I take this opportunity to add a few sugges- t10ns on energy matters, hoping thut a quarter.century of experience ln dealing with the oil-producing nations of the Middle East may provide some limited credentials for the task. I To begin with, a few facts are essential. First, please understand that the United States depends on foreign imports for about 40 percent of its oil, and almost hall this amount comes from the Middle East. Both percentages will grow rapidly in the future while our own domestic production declines. E ven the most vigorous efforts to formulate a coherent energy policy for this coun t.ry will not reverse the trend of higher foreign imports for some years to come . AND WHILE MANY people -I aJDOl\I th~ -WO\lld urge the nation to do more to conserve eneray, we cannot elhnlnate dependence on forelp oil merely lhl"O'llh conservation, even if we have no growth in demand. Moreover, the effed on our economy of continu!ni foreign or domestic price lncreases for crude oil (within reasonable limits) is not as serious as a sbortaae of basic energy supplies would be. Yet, we cannot ask the foreign producing countries tbat provide these supplies lo deplete their irreplaceable re· sources for our benefit -at a fut.er rate than they require for their own fin ancial needs -when al the same time we are not prepared to develop our own resources of offshore petroleum, coal and nuclear energy. ONLY BY ADOPTING a realistic energy policy to de- velop our own resources will we demonstrate that we are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to solve our energy problem. • Of all the foreign policy issues racing the new ad· ministration, perhaps the most Important, the most com· plicated and the one m06t infused with emotion ls ~at or the Middle East. Unfortunately. the problem or securing sufficient energy for our nation is inextricably Linked with the unrest in the Middle East and cOOlfessional concern over the Arab boycott of Israel. A lasting peace in the Middle East should bring an end to the boycott and greaUy alleviate worries about energy security. The United States must. in the conduct of Its foreign ar- f airs. always recognize that all or the nations in the Middle East are sovereign nations. with the right to establish their own policies, even though we may not agree with them. SIMILARLY, THE OPINIONS and point~ of view of lhe American goverpment have always been respected by these nations, even when views and opinions differ. If peace is lo come to tbe area, It is important to keep the channels of communication open to all nations In the Middle East. It will be necessary for the new President to avoid being rushed into approving hastily drawn legislation; adequate lime for debate and understanding will ensure a better pro- duct in the end. Recently, for example, Mobil called for sober con· s1deration and debate on the subject of specific anti-boycott legislation (namely H.R. J5377) and was severely criticized by certain circles for making such a suggestion. Yet, the sponsors of that bill have now given notice that they will offer to the new Congress different legislation which eliminates some of the objections raised by Mobil. WHILE THE EMOTION surrounding this exchange or views was regrettable, I am pleased that the proponents now say they have made significant changes which appear to be responsive to some of the points we raised. This is gratifying. I would urge tb~t before President elect Carter acts on any legislation affecting the Middle East, he first consider <a) its impact on our relations with frien.dly nations - Israel, the Arab states and Iran, (b ) its impact on our need to secure foreign oil supplies, and (c) Its impact on the chances of the United States playing an important role in establishing a lasting peace in the area. An unbalanced approach to the problems of the Middle East can only restore the Soviet bloc's diminished in- . } The view of government from within tends to be dir ferent from the view of government from without. I trust and hope thnt when Carter geL'i within, he will remember how It looked from without and be guided by that memory "If Carter doesn't call soon, he can just run the country by himself." fluence, which In the long term cannot be good for either Israel, the Middle East moderates or the West. Finally, be wary of anyone who produces "quick" or "easy" solutions to Middle East problems. . 'Neglect Hurts Hospital Staffs' By WILLIAM i\. CRl\JB Craib t1 preltdnit of Ow Colaf<>nun State Employe1 A~-'ona.Uon //tJ rt' morkl ore reprinltd from the Sacram~o Bee The present situation tn stale m~nlal hospitals s tems from nejlect of lbe hospitals by the P4tople M California. By and lar1e. people are W>comfortable w\th the subject of mental illness •aid retardation and even more uncomfortable with the mentally ill:d retarded them.4'elves. Js dis com fort has led to an •• l of sight, out of mind'' at· lil$Jde on the part of the public in •$eral. State hospttal patients C_flP 't lobby for themselves, and ~ public doesn 'l get aroused beJ:auae ll rare!)' comes into con· taft with them. . UT THESE PERSONS have a to decent treatment, and y knows ll better than the ~le charged wtth their care. iflfey are not oow getting pro- f etsional treatment for their mtnta1 lllneH and ret.ardaUoo. • • • • • • • • • • • 09'ANGI! COAST DAILY PILOT : The comment pa([t' of the D11i : ly Pilot eeeks to lnrorm fllld • stlmulat~ readtrt by pr('SMt· j inll a varloty of comment'Ory • on topi c• or Interest end : algnlnc11nte from Informed • oburvors and spokesmen •. The reason they arc not getting thill care 1s I ack of money because the :ufminlstrat.ion re. fuses tq provide the necessary 1talfing. Two years 1n a row, the California Legislature saw Its responsibility and overwhelm· ingly passed bills that would have improved state hospital staffing. Two years in a row. Gov. Brown vetoed the bUI , conli nuing the Re agan admlnJstra· lion's policy of neglecting the state hospitals. During this time, federal courts imposed s taffing standards on other stat.ea that ex- ceed the modest ones proposed in the two bills vetoed by the gov- ernor. Aside from the fact that the ad- ministration will not allow enough money to get into the state hospitals' budget to provide eood care for patients, there is another problem. The Depart- ment of Health has for years followed the puctlce -contrary to budeet laws -ol using money allocated for direct, "hands on" patJent care to fund off-ward positions. Kmployes tryina to do a job cet . blamed for this shortcomlnc. TUE RESULTS OF lf\fa top. level neglect have worked ex- treme hardship on state hospital employes aJ weJJ as patJent.s. Because the ho.pllall are 10 ahort·ataffed, many tmployea must work double ahlJ'ts. Tb quality of work perfCJn¥d by any buman.beinl must c.-ertain.ly '![after 14 and U boun on the J ~ Tbe altuation bu bem com· pou.nded lately by the &own Id· minis tration · s unbalanced posture on patient rights Ob· viously. state hospital patients have. in addition lo the right to decent care, the same rights as all other citizens. And there is no question that these rights should be fully protected. . But the Brown adminlstration refuses to provide employes with the same rights and protection. The edmini11tratlon -and the at- titude has filtered down into the Department of Health -doesn't seem to care about the hundreds of state hospital employes who are injured by patients every year. THE DEPARTMENT is JJ&<>- viding paid "patient rights ad- vocates" whose success seems to be determined by the number or employes they can blame for pa· Uent injuries. The department. legislators, crand juries, etc ... are oow stag- ing investigations going back (our years lnto patient ir\juries and deaths. But nobody seems upset by the fact that employes are injured, too. Tbla attitude on the part of the Department of Health. in particular . places employes in an extremely precarious position Most patient injuries arc the re· suit of attacks by other patients. If an employe does not intervene in these situations, he or she could be charged with neglect. If an employe does intervene, there is a risk of physical injury to the employe and to the patients. If a patient is injured while an attempt is being m ade to restrain him or her, then the cmploye is investigated for alleg('(f brutali- ty. But if an employc is injured, the attitude is "Oh, well, those are the hazards of this kind of work." Many patients could be held legally responsible for injuries to employes, but the authorities do not pursue these cases, either out of sympathy for the patient, lack of sympathy for the employes, or unwillingness to tackle the tickllah legal lsiiues involved. BUT THE EMPLOVE must constantly be r eady to make split-second decisions on the fine line between necessary restraint d viol~t patients and exce.'Jtlve force. And when the employe h as done bis OT her best W>der the clrcumatanccs, the specter or de· partment Investigators is alwn)l"!I lurking ln the background. Where outrt1ht brutality ex· lltl, it must be stopped. Where murder hat been commltted, ft must be punJsbed. But the real cul:prita are the m\¥kll•beaded executives of the Department ol Health and the elltl.sl aUJtud• or the Rea11n 1nd Brown ad- mlnlstraUons. The lndlct.meou ~d It.art there . . -·---- New Year's Day Chaser: Lemo~ ByHERBCAEN . .. .. .. which be n1ures ls just (bare-.. , ly) recompense for his crlppl- b)g injuries; Page, now 34 and llvin1 in San Rafael, Is being represented by S.F. Al· ty. John Clancy, whose other weJl·known clients include Journalist Hunter Tbompeon •.. Steven Weed, atlll a If ad student at Cal, has "no plan!'" to see his ex· fiancee, the recently paroled Patricia Hearst. . .Alter atu· •1 SAN FRANCISCO -I hate to ruin your day so early ln the momlng, but it Is none too soon to start thinking about New Year's Eve and how to avoid it. The only way to go, ot course, is into bed al about 10 p.m. with earplup, Sleep Mask and covers over head, this, however, takes more character than moat people are able to summon, and besides there's aomethlnJ eerie and faintly un-Amert- can about arising dewy . fresh on New Year's morn to" find the rest of the world asleep, walking into walls or holding its head and groaning "Never again" ... Not that there isn't a lot to look forward to: Jimmy Cabtuh, Roaalynn 'a •pike beela. Hamiltoa Jordan and Jody Powell, who may be the aame person. and adorable UtUe Amy, 1ellln1 toft drinka ·on the White Houae lawn. Well, if you're atuctllt with a lemon, kid, make lemonade. dftn• the numerous late news . r I TBB WAR THAT never ended : Tlm P11e, the celebrated combat phot.o- papber wbo was wounded five tlmea most oiwoualY wblle worklq tn Vfetnam lar nme-Ufe, la •ulnc that or· aaniutloo for Sl mllllon, photoa of Patty, n!Ulllted at last with her parents, Steve t ' Brooks deac:ribea her aa "posalbly the onJy debutante to become a revolutionary who 1UJI looks like • sopbomoreprom queen.'' llY8TEalO.t1S £AST: S.F. '1 Dick O'Lone, of Avta· •• tlon Week, bou1bt a ticket ln Tokyo to ride one d Japan'• famed bilJh-speed trains. 'lbe clerk punched a computet which whirred, clicked, nubed ll1ht1 and b?OUpL forth a ticket with Dtck'• ttacllt, ear, seat number and dieparture tlme neatly pri~ ed. Tbn, to calculate the ran. \be clerk COOl\lltod hb abatm. , I m girls and boys. Wdl, anot.ber fantutic contest is over and the judges have selected the winner of Uncle Len's Annual GreeUna Card Con-test .. As promised, the winner wUI have bis (or her) card printed on the front paae of Tbe Daily Pilot Christmas Day. But best of all, the winner will get to take the entire family to Disneyland for a fun day, courtesy or the Magic Kingdom. Aside from free admiasion to the park and rides, the family will be treated to lunch and will have re- served seata as guests of honor for the famed "Fantasy on Parade" performance. The weekly winner appears in the box at the right. As with all our weekly winners, she will re· ceive a Kennedy half-dollar and a "special surprise.•• BONOBLE MENTION this week goes to the four members of the Halloran family, Emilian, Finola, BHly and Jane; Heidi Maaon, Julie Albright, Gemma Borja, Diane Cain, Debbie Cohen, Esther Wood, and Shan· non Scholes, all of Costa Mesa. Also to Judy Dudurka, Laurie Landesman, Curt and Becky Vis- ca, Noell Trau, Cheryl Held, Larry Folsom , and Cheryl Conrad, all of Huntington Beach; Steve Boulanger of Irvine, Marianne Llns of Balboa ; Steve Clites of Fountain Valley; Diana O'Keefe of Corona del Mar; and Sage Osterfeld of Miasion Viejo. Because of the outstanding number of entries received for this year's contest, and because Uncle Len would like to re· * PRIZE WINNER * Anne Cormack of 16021 Fantasia Lane, Huntington BHch Any child 14 or under, can entl'r 1 'nC'le Lcn·s Contest Here·s all you do: ( J l Draw picture on pll'l'l' ot µlain, wt11te paper 4 1<i in· ches wide and ·I inches decp. Ust' blal'k ink a nd make hn1:s black. (2) Do not copy or tracc p1t'111n· ll must be your own work. (3 ) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mall it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa 92626. Entries must be received by noon on Thursday for public a· lion on the following Saturday. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. cognize the talents and effort~ put forth by all his artist friends, a display board is being made o( many of the entries. This display will be shown in the lobby of The Daily Pilot through the holidays Then:• will b<' no contest this week since Uncle Len will have a surprise in next week's page. Watch for it. Until then, Uncle Len wishes each and every one the very. very best of every- thing Letters From Ellie DearEIUe, What causes deserts? Dear Lisa, LisaT. naked hea d and neck. Thls is probably an adaptation developed because of feeding habits. A desert is the result of s everal influences on the land. Approximately 14 percent of the earth's land surface falls into this category, and every continent has at least one. The greatest is tbe Sahara, covering an area as larae as the United States. Rainfall is the princlpal factor in desert dusuicatJ.on. Any area receiving under 10 inches Vultures do not kill prey, but feed on dead animals, thus :serving a very important role in nature. Many times, the carcasses on which they feed ar e large, and the bird must th rust its head and neck deep inside, 'ft ere feathers present on the head and neck. they would become soiled and would be impossible for the "bird to clean. ot rainfall ln a year over a long period of time is claaslfied as de- sert. There are , of course, di!· ferent kinds of deserts, some much more arid than others The tundra or the north IS sometimes called a cold desert A more predse definition of a desert is any area where evaporation exceeds rainfall. The great California Condor is one or the largest vultures. Many years ago, before this land was settled, one might imagine how these giant· birds would swoop down out of the coaatal canyonk w feed on the carcll.!ses of sea lions lllld other large marine creatures that had been washed ashdre. Ellie Not au desert. look the SI.LI• Al'\SWER TO LASr WEEK'S QUESTION: ls it harmful to eat the flesh of a poisonous snake? Strange as it may seem to some, snakes are eaten in practically all the countries where the reptiles are large enough anrl numerous enough lo make hunt- ing them worthwhile Thc nesh of poisonous snakes Is not dangerous. although perhaps not appealing to many same: some are rocky pl ateaus. some plains. som e sand, some s and Oats. and others sbiltmg sand dunes. Ellie Dear Ellie, Wb)' do vultur ee never hJlve featbers on their beada! QUESTION : There are numbers or animals that can break open dams in order to eat the fleshy part inside. Whal creature can actually pull them apart? ToayD. Dear Tony. One of the characteristics of all vultures ls the Addrl.'ss letters to f:U,IE, co The Dally Pilot, PO Box 1560, Co1ta Ml'sa, CA Y2626 ..,.,., ...... tlle •11eyc ....... "l'•""IC. t lt1' y-.. ,,. .. '"(. •"4 .. ,...,. .. )(t" C11 ... .,.11 ............ , .. 114,_. .... DO PENGUINS LIVE ANV PLACE OTHER THAN THE SOUJ1f POLE! Only two or the 18 known s pecies of pengulrua are lruc An· tarctk rttldents -the Adelws and the emperors. The others live in mucb warmer parts of the Southern Hemisphere New Zealand. Australia. South Africa and as far north as the Oalapa1os Islands, which lie alm08t on the equator. The reason we don't find these quaint. formally attired blrd1 ln other areu 11 that they will not crost Into warm ocean water from the cold Antarctic currents. Penguins are raaoinatin1 birds, unique ln many ways. Although unable to Oy, they awim with marvelous s peed, grace and endurance. Unlike most birds, their denatly packed feathers cover their entire body. except for their b«ny bills and flat, webbed ftet. 1'h1I watertight plumage helps make each stroke count to the fullesL Underwater they may soom about al 30 miles per hour lor •hort dlstanth bttween surfacing for air. To re- gain the tcy 1helf of their home, 'they may catapult thcmselvet sevtral feet up, Uke ln&te salmon Jeapln1 the rapids. During the nesting season many species un- da'eo long pertods ~ starvation,· JMng off rHerve1 ~ ltoted-up laL • 880Ut.D YOU by chance vtsJt tbe 1outborn .eoaat or South Alrtce, 1 1m1U two-to three-foot tall 1ray and whltc pengl.lln milbt waddle up to treet you wUh a loud "bee-haw." Dubbed J•ckaH P4tft1Vln9, this species tbrtv• alont the 1borta oC the .Ctpe of Good Hope. Althouab the cllmate there la var,r bot and dry, .. the jackaH penguin getc; along beauflfully since he spends most of his lime ir. the cool, rt'freshing water. Like all penguins. jackasses are extremely sociable, living in hute colonies caJled rookerit's. Each mated pair fmds a spot on the bare rocky s hore to dig Its netting burrow which is lined with small sticks, grass and seaweed. Throughout their enltre lives, the pair returns lo this s ame neat. After laying two or three e11s, both parents share guard duty a1ainst hungry pre· dators such as gulls. When the chicks batch in about live or alx week5, mother and fatber take turl15 feedint them 1ucb lreat.s as flsh, squid, crabs, loblter and shrimp. The chicks are aoon ready for s wimminJt less<>01, which include learning how t.o avold hungry octopuses andsharkl. TB£ LARGEST pengulnt are the tmperor1, who ·may reach four feet in belght end wetp up to 100 pounds . Tbe smaller and more numerous AdeJlea are aUrhtlY over t•o rtet and rarely we11h-mon than 12 pounds. Thtte two AntarctSc rtalde:au art famous for their unlque hebltl. EmSMror mil• Incubate th• •II• alone, I att.inl durlnl the 60-day vi•U in freutn1 tetn· peratures and icy winds. Adelies, the great travelers. will spend ttw winter at the northern nm of lhe ict' pack Come spring they trudge ~Om<• 500 nules buck lo their rookt•rics. Wtth t heir spic-and -span .. frock couts"' and awkward s huf· fling waddle. µcnguins fascinate and amust• everyone who sees them Long favorites in zoos, most penguins do not thrive in captivity, often falling prey to various diseases. Jackass penguin!\, howcver. do just fine in zoos and quickly learn bow to please crowds with their antics. '4ft/ty Mll<lt e Sl~Cltnl Oltlle 'o Kell~ Wtbtltf', et ~lclnt Hot, All•., C1n1<1t, IM ltlt41.-,t1011 WHAT IS A SECRETARY BIRD? This bird has a s trikingly un· conventional appearance, and the reason for his name is eaay to guess. Slicking out from behind his crown in a tuft of black featers, resembling quill pens stuck behind the ear or an absent· minded clerk. StMding four feet tall. the long-legged creature makes up a family -Saalt· tarUdae -aJl his own. Secretar y birds live lhrouahout most of Africa soutb of the Sahara. They bunt In pa.lrt or families on open plaln.t and light brush country. Although sna.lites are favorite prey, they also dine on rodeo~. tnsecu, lizards and young birds. Low trees are usually chosen for their nest sites, wltb two white e.,a the normal clutch aise. QuJt• rare, aecretary b1rdt are now prot.cted by law in moat p~ ol Africa. <Do 10lll II ave a qleldoa to ASK ANJ>Yt Sad H oa a PG1t cant wl1' 7oar name, ••e ud com· pl& addreA &o Asa ANDY la care of tllll aewap.,... Eabt.ea open co 1lrl111ld bo117\o17.) . "" ....... Bicycle Safety Stressed MARGATE, Fla. (AP) -nfty children appeared before the municipal judae to a nswer cbar1es of drlvin1 We1ally -on bicycles. Most pleaded guilty or noconteal. ''You'll plead guilty and you'll say 'Yes, Sir' when the Judie speaks to you," one mother told her child in not-to-be-disobeyed tones. , Police Sat. Ronald Perreault said the crackdown on violations, , ranging Crom failure to obey a stop sign to riding two on a bike, was part of a safety campaian in this Fort Lauderdale suburb. The children and parent.a saw a movie on bike safety, beard a lec- ture by Perreault and entered their pleas before MunicJpaJ Judge Philllp Montante. Instead of fines, Montante or- dered each violator to appear with his or her bicycle at a safety seminar next month. Family Saved By P et Kitten CRESCENT CITY (AP) -The men who usually rescue cats from trees credited a 7-month- old kitten named Burrito with saving a family from a home fare today. Dennis Bushnell, 18, told firemen that Burrito awakened him at 1 a .m . by pawing his face and · 1 ud . · din the house on ire, us e his parents and all escaped without injury. The fl.Je department said the blue apparently was caused by a faulty extension cord. Damage was estimated at $500. RA.CING PIGEON BRINGS $1,ax> STOW, Ohio (AP) -With two other men, Richard Murphy bought a pi1eon for $1,200. The pl1eon, named "Big Red," ls ·the second best racing pigeon . .in America, the grandson of Belgian cbamplon Motta, whlch reportedly won $90,000 in Euro- pean racing events. Murphy, a businessman and member of a pigeon racina club, plans to use the blrd for breed1n1. Get t i ng .t he S pirit Some of Disneyland's famous cartoon characters join a couple of yuletide carolers in bringing Christmas spirit to "the happiest place on earth." The park will h ave several surprises for the winner of Uncle Len's Annual Greeting Card Contest, including the return of "Fantasy on Parade" and new aud.io-animatronics inhabltants of the popular Jungle Cruise. See Uncle Len's column to- day for further details. Class Taught Love anJling Snake ARLINGTON, Va. CAP) -A 41-"z·foot boa constrictor named Charlie is helping teach a class of eight emotionally disturbed children how to behave - through love, not fear. When the children behave well. they get to play with Charlie as a reward. Being forbidden to play with the snake is a punishment. TEACHER STUART Bienhacker said one of his pupils gave him the idea of bringing b1a pet snake to Randolph Elemen· tary School. "He was the most hyperactive child in the program," Bienhacker said. "I didn't know what to do with him. He kept talking about how much he loved snakes, and I thought Charlie mi1ht be a way of teaching him responsibility and helping him to adaptaO<?iaUy." -- GOOD BEHAVIOR L Blenbacker's class earns point which are put toward a choice o r ewards. Playing with Charlie i the most popular. When one boy r ecently got up set and turned over desks an1 kicked the teaching assistant s aid Blenhacker, he was forbid den to play with the snake for : week. "It was the worst punlshmen he could have had," said th1 teacher. · A Weary Warbler WASHINGTON (AP ) -I mockingbird can sing all day am all night if the mood strikes him often to the dismay or those wh1 must listen to his seeming)! limitless repertoire, says the Na tJonal Geographic Society. THE QUIZ In addition t-0 belng a family fun featui;e, TUE QUIZ la an inteiral part or the ln-cJaanoom news program presented In Oranie Coast area schools.. as a publlc service by the Dally Pllot. world scope (10 point• for -.ch~ .ntw«ed comc:tl)) 1 A voluntary 2·year program for the use of air bags for safety in motor vehlcle1 wu an· nounced last ~eek by Tr1n sport1tion Sern!t;iry .. l .. a-Wllllam Coleman b-Don.tld Rumsleld c-David Matthews 2 President-elect Jimmy Carrer selected Cyrus Vance 10 become Secretary of (CHOOSE ONE: Srate, Defeme). · 3 Democrats in the House of Representatives selected .. l .. to be their new House Ma/orlly Leader. ""'wen e,,eer l..,MN .. _ I below •~11 -.\ ·newspicture (10points1f J04J IMWf' thll quftllon con.ct!)) a-John McFall b·James Wright c-Phllllp Burton 4 Whom did the ~mocrau select 10 become Speaker of the Housel Japan held Its nationwide elections last week. The election resulted In the rullng Liberal-Democrats (CHOOSE ONE: lcnln8, ' ,, retaining) their 1bsolu1e majority 1n the lower house of 5 The 1976 American-led search for the Loch Neu monster has come to an end with oo new evidence on the monster. Loch Nen Is a lake in (CHOOSE ONE: Swllzerl1nd, Scotland). newsname (10 point• if rou c1n k»ntlfy lhll person In lht """) This week the elector~! college votes, It ls my duty to preside over a joint session of Congreu next month al which the results will be counted. C.tn you give my n1me <1nd htlef matchwords (4 ,... .., eedt oeneet lftlkh) 1 •.••. succumb l ..... mundane 3 ..... ~cc'entric 4 ..... lncongruou' s ..... retlc.nt •-restrained, reserved b-d•partint from the norm or rule c-lntom1>1tlble, not hsrmonlous d-yleld to greater force e•typlcal, ordinary parliament. '·,, sportlight (2 90lnt1 tor MCh quettlon anew.red corn1c:tly) 1 This year's American League baseball rookie of the yoar awud , wen I to Detroit Tiger pitcher . , l ., 2 Defending NCAA buketball champion lndlana recently suffered in first regular season defeat In three years when It was upset by .. l .. a•Michlgan State b-Mld1lgan • e-Toledo 3 University of Plmburgh football coacll lohnny Majors hi• -" announced that he will le<1ve that post to become the head ' ~' football coach al (CHOOSE ONE : Purdue, Tenneuee). 4 The United States Olympic Committee haa alven approval to the ntabllshment of 1 year-round training facility for athletes at .. ?.. a-Montreal, Canada b·Squaw Valley, California c·Aspen, Colorado 5 True or False: The 1976 NCAA soccer champion Is the University of San franciK"C>. roundtable ) f i ram11 .. ....,, ,,,. ..,.> I Whal types of procedurH do you tnlnk should be followed by l Presidents In sele«;tlng cabinet membeof YOUlt ICOM: t1 • 1•,... -TOP ICOMJ ll •IO .....,. -baltertt. 71 to IO point• -Good. 11 te 70 polnte -fall'. • 1213·76•WX:.IM..~WlilctMln j • i I lU\l}>JSGJd 1 001A 'Jaua1&lf;>Olf ·v UOf;f.>N :awYNSM3N l puenoos~ :m•N.o ecru.> ·d n woq.t·t ~q-& :~ulS-Z :u-t :ad~'l•o•· / ~ Al DAILY PILOT Saturd1y December 18 19:'l\ -1..Christmas 'Spec.ial' .. f Took 2 Years to Make By JAY SllARBU'IT (TV REVIEW J LOS ANGELES <AP> -You may a>e sayin1 ''Buhr llumbue!" t o Chrtatmaa s pecials by now, but we'd like to direct your attention to an un- i Usually imaginative Yule abow NBC I flu coming up Sunday night. ; It's called ''Christmas Around the World," runs from 8 to 9::JO p.m. on 0th-er entertainers check ln to aet the scene !or Christ.mas In countries whence they or thelr ancestors came -Diclc Van Dyke cites Holland, Vicki Carr takes Mexico, Gene Kelly ha.a Ireland, Llv Ullman has tho Scan· danaviancountries, and soon. :· Channel 4, and de· serves a look. particularly by young viewers . NARRATE D BY William Conrad. late of .. Cannon .. . . It's quite a show. be the scene various choirs singing at Bethlehem or a West Indies sLeel band playing a lovely American pop tune, "Have YourseU a Merry little Christmas.·• 1t was two years in the maki.ne, filmed in more than 15 THE TOUR OF Christmas around the world is entirely benevolent in nature. No mention is given, for ex· ample, of the commercialization or Cbristma$ that church leaders de- nounce eacbyear. , CON1tAo countries and is JllUCh m or e than a look al how C'hrlstmas is cele brated here and in f orelgn countries. I~ It's also a study of various his· ioncal aspects of Christmas, from · s:ards lo carols, from the familiar Nativity scene to the transformation pf St. Nicholas, a bishop in Asia Minor ~n the early years or Christianity, to µiat JolJy fat man in the red suit a nd white whiskers all kids know as Santa Claus. . And at times, incongruous notes pop up, like a quick rendition or gospel songs having nothing lo do with Christmas, even though sung very nicely by vocalists Marilyn McCoo, Billy Davis Jr., and the Robert Lyon Singers or Oakland. : Jt isn't entirely rcvcrenliaJ in tone. es witness an early part or the show in "1hich comic J onathan Winters, dis· ~uised as Maude Flickert, has al the classic "'Twas the Night Before Christmas.·· I think the show could have been cut by 30 minutes without harming the concept of Christmas around the world, or som e ~egments excised for more thoughts of average folks celebrating Christmas. : Maude r eads iL str :.iight, lnit i>unctuates it with wild commentary, such as this Lhought on Santa's arrival \'W the ('himncy. A GOOD EXA~1PLE: The middle· agl'd Irish lady, shopping in Dublin, who pauses lo say the basic idea this time of year is to "make up with ever· yone at Christmas and hope you'll be like that the rest of the year." : "THE LAST PF.RSOS to come down my c himney wa!> my step- lrothcr. Wtlfo Mumford, .. Maude ob- serve:;. ... He came down on the 14th of Jtiay." Still, this NBC show is superior stuff and should be seen Sunday. ( PUBLIC ~OTICE ~ u .. ~ SUPEAIOR COVRTOFTHE HA't( 01' CAlll'ORHIA FOR THE COU HTYOFORANGE No A IOU NO TICE OF H EA lll H G OF PETtflOH FOR PllOllATE OF Will Hf4T RUTH IONE HE llMAN BE AP POIHT EO EXECUTRIX ANO FOii LETTEll5 TfHAMEHTAAV l'\1,11~ ot ~ RANCIC, l PEV(l(f Al<A FRANCIS LORIS P(VCICE 4f:»,r,.,,,,.,, : ~IOfl tE IS H EREBY f;IVfN TltAT A"'I ELEANOM A PrV(~l M~· 111...t .,,.,,..n " .,,,,,, •Qn tot p,,.,,,..,. r11 Will )tMI Ruth ,..., ... Hf•tl'TMn h•· •r>IM1•nl~•1 1·.«,.tvlr11 ttnd th• 1 .. v1t1,rr tit l•·tt.ir 'f"\l;\n'H•nt,trv t11 trw t•ll.HUI'•• 11 ,,.,.,,.",,.. 1o wh11 " '' tt'lftff' tc.r lurlhf!t p.tr11cu1.,,, 1t"<1thH1h1• 1111H· ,,,,}1J 111 W'C' flf f'ltcH1nQ ,,,,. 0.,1IH11• h1, f'1I M'l \J•I f,,4 pitr .. mfll·r 18 tQ/h ,11 10 00 l't m in lt\f' i.oortr()t)n'\ ,,. O"O·l'tmnn1 t'n t nt ,,.,,_. .-ourt 4t/00(1.,,, (,.,,, .. , Or1VflWr\r 1r 1'-CHV 'lf ~""'lAn"·' ,,11tntn1' O•l~d °'" .,,,,,.., '· I ·11~ Willi AME S• JOHH • t.ount; C.•• '" El.EA NOii PE YCI( E, ,..,i1toftlfr lft Pf'O Ptr 1M ..,,..,,,. Pt4K• Llqun41 8e•d• (.,Hlfor "''" P\.ibf h• d Or •"It (.1 1 t lJt1,11 r .11\t J>-r 1/ 11111 • n1~ • " Pl'8l.IC NOTICF. ~ICTITIOU\ llUSl,.f\S NAMi" ST.arF MFNT '"' --... "'1 '"''" , ... , . OU A'4 fi1 f HI-., r f ~ A '"H~. q t-4'•,f ~ t tJiU!i, (0 t~L~M\ f'•"' (,,.:1"tf• M t (,. fPO HoA l•I" .,,,,,1\ ,,..,"Qi' r:n '"'ii tt·Jht> r r-. Inc " f 1t fO•r\1 t t_t-.t1 •1~ 1f1 " \ V.0 t ™ltr\ A..,P Cl>\l• M1 • ( • 'f.J 0 ~· ,.,,., .,,,,~ Uu\ b;J\ln,. , ntt111,. lrt1 hv •• JI• ,.,..4, . .,., 0 11uv,r rl')•J-. 1 i Rll~RI "CO .1 .. r ( "9.\fl•\. (JO\tdyk Jt P1"'\111+ 1·1 ,,.,,\ ",, .. ,,,. ' .. " ,,,,. .• *''" ""' , ''"'"' c.1•• i. 1)1 Or•n~ ('r14,nfy 114'1 U.r•mbr>f t ,.,.._. 1<41"'1 J.\;tMl\JWol't """"ft• c ~,, u hi ~ hi,, r.,. •H\I»>• I 11 11 Ii, .. ,. \ll)' I• . '-- ; l)Palh \otif"e# ,,.,, l f"' ho •• ,, ... ""' f 't '""'"' .. ··-,,. .. , ..... ,. ~ 1-'T'htt ....... , •'• yf-1 ,., .. • • h.1~1 ( ' ,. • If\• ., .. t • I t t-t\.. I r\f r.., ' v "YJI(• t ,.,. ""' '" •' • '"'• U• .. ~.,. r t!\ 1t lff;i Mfltl f'A f y,,.,,. (h•tr l l'\I V I t '"-•• • ··~I ' 'Uo1q(1#\'\ I "'' ,t •1 ..,,, ,,. f¥ t I\ U ~I'# If Y'tltilr I "«:,. (Ill .i1ii. t V •<If M'ttlW:"''Ytl·lf~ 10('\,. . 14lrl·IHGHOM flUHHALHOMI Corona rt.-.1 M ar 1113 94'>0 Co-;ta MMa 646 24?4 HUH040W4Y ...OlTUAIY 110 Broadway Co'>ta Mn-;.i 642-9 150 MeCOllMICK MOUU41111S Laguna BAach 494-9415 Laquna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 ~ f'ACIFIC VllW I MIMOIUAL f'All I Cemetery Mortuary f Chaonl 3500 Pac1hc View Drive Newport, Calttorn1a 644-2700 "8,AMILY COlOMIAL P'UHllAL HOMI 780t Bolsa A ve. Westminster 893-3525 SMITHS' MOllTUAIY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 SNITH TUTHIU u ... OUI : WISTC&.IH' CMA'8. t Mot1u1ry * • 648--4888 : 427 e. t 1th St. • C.0.ta M 11 ' ... I I Pisces: Play UptoHmnor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): Emphasis on travel, new starts. ability to communicate with loved one. You make marvelous contacts; you're inspired by creative, spiritual individual. TAURUS (A pril 20·May 20J: You get beneath superficial layers -you find out who pulls strings, how you are affected. finances in relation to partner, m ate. Your direction is not clear, but you are closing in. GEMINI <May 21 -June 20): Emphasis on slow· ing pace, getting second emotional.spiritual wind. DPfer to wishes of partner, mate. Be aware of nghts, permissions, public responses. Don't rush Lo judgment. CANCER (June 21-JuJy 22): Be direct, prac· llcal, thorough. Don't fool yourself by thinking "so- meone else" wall altcnd to details. Emphasis is on basic material, homework, concluding structures. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Good lunar as pect coin· cidC's now with pt>rsonal magnelism, speculation, mten!>if1l'd rdat1onship, special activity associated wllh children. You havl' marvelou~ opportunity to cxpr<'ss. to 1mprmt stylt•. \'IR<;o <Aug. 2.1-&>pt 22): Jlnmc. personal en- vironm1•nt hmd to dominate. Past obligations sur- face. You're repaid for favf)rs -you're asked to seUll' financial and other commitments. UBRA <Sep t. 23-0ct. 22): Sl<itus quo does not suffice -message, call results in short trip, visit. See places, people as they are, not m erely as you might wish them to be. Refine techniques. SCORPIO <Oct . 23·Nov. 21) · Accent on possessions, protection of valuables, income potcn- t1al. Oq~anize -handle additional re!.ponsibility. Ht.>lationship intensifies. Money piclure 1s brighter <IS you are rewarded for efforts. Sl\GITJ'ARIUS <Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Lunar cycle moves up -circumstances tum in your favor. Ttm· mg. 1ntu1tion are on target. Stress your personal ap· ~aran('e. pt>rson ahty. take initiative. ('APRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ArPa that had been cloudrc1 v. 1th doubt, susp1t'icm receives benchl of grt'ater light. Visit lo in~t1tut111n, retirement h<'mf', hos pital is indicaled. C'h:mtable project ts part of scenario. AQt.ARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. JR); Emphasis on plf'ai.ure, fulfillment, rom)ince. You could be fulfrll<'d by one who proves affr('lion, regard 1s real. You also ~"l good news regarding investment. PISCES ( Ft>h. 19-March 20 > · Emphasis on :irhwvrrnent. ambition, tokPn 11( appreciation from boss. professional associate or superior. Be vt•rsutilc. Give full play to humor, curiosity. I( December 19, L-. your birthday you arc creative, original, inde pendent, tempermental, fi ery, ins pirational -and members o( opposite sex spoil you with flattery. You con parl-\ your car. And porl"I the 14'ids, too. At Fashion Island, you'll find convenient perimeter porf~ing for your car. And o convenient oU<door ploy area for the kids. The youngsters con slide. spin ond scamper to their hearts' delights while you're shopping in over 60 fine stOfes. Tal~lng time to find chose spec1ol items you need. And perhaps a surprise or rwo. Isn't It surprising. for one thing, to find o center thot cores about people more than It cores about cors? CENTER VICTIMS OF Parkinson's disease suf. fer from tremors and muscula r r igidity. If able to walk a t a ll, they often move with slow, shuffling steps Doc tors say the sy mptoms occur because the brain of persons with the disease does not produce enough of a s ubstance called dopamine. REWARD M8'114t ..... te _ ........... -ol tN• .., • ..,...... -... _.,,...,.._ .......... ..._ -. .. -.. tr..--· .... -.I.Moll-...... -... Phone: 546-6740 BALDWIN PIANOS-ORGANS Lessons Instruments ·YATES MUSIC CENTER Fashion Island 640-9020 OPEN DAILY 10 AM · 9 PM .. YANKTON, SD <Af>> -Thrte doten cookies and a loaf oC ban Ana bread brought Allee Kingsbury back home. Dr. Kingsbury's portrait disappeared from the hall that bears her name on the Yankton College campus. On the desk below was a note· "Please de- posit three dozen Cookie::. and one loaf Of banana bread on Observatory lWJ this everung and tbc pic- ture will be returned." House Mother Alice Johnson followed lhe in- !ilructions and the hungry kidnapers kept their word. Mrs. Johnson says the portrait wall be hung a litue more securely, but as a precaul.lon she is doin& a little extra baking. Ski The .. Dry Smoke" Powdttat llG ( SICY , MOHTAHA -........ "' ·~ .... "'""""'' New condos and Econo-"Inn"_ 17 t 4) 644-4926 (406J 995.4451 THE EARL'S rLUMllMG HU,TIHG All COMO. na... •• .,.., .,,,__, :.... .. ce 1n V1>111 A•••-....11 Ml'iSIO-. Vl[.JO '"q?1 c:..m.,,.,a c~u· ,, •. ~ l ., • ,.. , r •• , • 495-0401 I.. TA Ml ·"'- AM ELECTRONIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER • COMPETITIVE PRJCES • ESTABLISHED SIHCE 1951 • CHOOSE FROM MAJOR IRA.HOS "'-642-3766 811111 IElECTIOll OF llElll AllD IECOllDITIOllED auno"' COlllOLE AllD IPlllET PIAftOS -lrlllO AllD CO"IOLE OROlllS FldC"tllD DOUll fOI: ICllllBILl THOMAS ICOHLEll 1 CAMPBELL ·'· , . , ' TV DAILY LOG I SATURDAY I I AriiRNOON I 12100 Uc:.tl*lll lU Mo.II: (t) "f1ru• lllt Maplll· cat" (•dv) ·~-Got don Scotl, llelta St. John Cl bst Sldt ... m Alfrtd Hitdlc.ecl ""-nb Q)s.,ttlNll ~ Actlotl '"""' OJ El "'" .. ["'1.i "~ Q Clll ll lllC.lltftl -12:30- D Cl) Fat Mlert I CM, lW:s Q .,._it; ~ "St1ry ol 0Hl4" (~11) '60-Jttf Chandler, &Ibara Slltller !Mstl Sydney (10) W"rthlt OJ loJt ill S,KI Q) c..itdy Clwk.s Ut 'a ) CeftsMe(s htd tn Mo¥ .. : •1 Was 111 Allffnttm1t• (dra) •O-[rl(;h VOii Slrolleim, Q1J S.1111 CllllS la•• hrlde 1:00 0 CTI Kerner Clusb "A Cll<1st· 11\dS Ca1ol" 0 AtOnt1¥1111-0 Su Hunt (IQ) MoYir: "Period If Milldmat'" (com) '6?-T011y f1anc1o.a (11,) ()J Sllau111 UJJ Ctl Mom: "Tbt Oefnlor•• (dra) '66-Monleomery Chit. tl\) In Ptrfoft111ntt al Welt Trap (~ (f)) fmetu11 m O!a11111tic ~fits -1:30-0 Twili1ht Zone l6) kience rlttioa Thutre O Mov1t: lC) "'Atr11011" (sci·h) '6~ -Ktn11 Sawaia, AAema Kita. m Soul Tuitt ( l.2al LlJ) Anl1111I Wottd 2:00 0 ITT> CD Tuna 0 A&ric11tare USA O W'l4c Saum Tlttmt Q Mofle: CC) wlrun-to Caire• (d!a) '67-Audie MurphJ. (J J Thrn Stoocu Q)lJrun ED HuuU1ll Edward Asntt na1-1~1•s this histoocal eum•llihOll ol the 11l(1tnt JeWISh testml. ( 2tl lJ )) $porUcope m ltrs of the lliftcdotn -2:30- 0 Sll1umtlsls Hour 0 Oii C,mpus <al uro m Outer Umits tl\) The ()ptn M1n4 ( 291 ( 8 ) NFL GJl!lt of th• Wnk Cl!/ rl1ntstones 3:00 O SalutdlJ t 6 > llle Ch1mplons O Movie: tC) "1114 FMries" (wes) '50-Barbara Stanwyck. (101 MoYie: "SwordS111111 of Slefiq" (dra) '62-Stew;irt Cranctt. Q) Mo.it: •Bnndtcl" (wes) 'M-Aian Ladd, Mona Freeman. c2s1 f&J llJme of the Came 12$ Tiie Ml!Sie l'1aQ ED The lure ol Ille Oelphlrls (R) ( 29) (})) Sllper Bowl Sptcitb m future Film Q..tl The Unt1plaintd -3:30- O AflR 0 MoMltf blly (8l Star Tre• m Miuion: lmpoulble t2GI Porter WJCOlltr ( 29)( e ,) Friends ot Min (ltJ W1lt1 World 4:00 O Ch1d lno1 ShOtt ( 6 l U Ara's Sports World 111) ( 3 l American Ulut,te tD Cint Univtn1I • (26) N1sltville on Ille Road W Bilek Pefllltclive on tht llews (l~J (eJ) Wotld of S11rvinl m Film ruture l)tJ Wiid llin1dom W Voice of A11icultu1e -4:30- 0 ITT! m Sltps lo lu111i11 (6 ) Wild Wild Wat D Sports Chllltnft r11 Tit\ About ,.iclares G) Movie: "lest P1lol" (adv) '38-0aik Gabl~. Myrna l oy C131 r& Eduuboft 11 WMl C2ii llasttYlnt M U$k ED Gtttill1 Oil ( ~ lJJ) lltlllt lltfon Chrllttul m Pmport lo Trml ()t News m Corona "" 5:00 o cm ro 11 1 .... All Kladt 0 Animal l'lorl4 D filiiiiJ Christmas Willl tltt !Ille f1mililhe ~'"' fam1lr ll•lhers lo· rtlhtt for a tradohonal Chrislmts celebration lftlh cirols, and 1 loo• into the h11t01y OI lhe Kin& lam1ly, U (r2f) CJJ) OJJ AllC'a Wide Wo<ld ol Sports re1 N1tioft11 Geotr•llfllc O The Mun Salsa Macltlnt (1QI News Q) Mo.le: •o,.ratton Amat11dllll" (dra) '60-Peter Finch. he B111ot C21J 00 Voice of A&rkllll11re ~ T111prt11t hwl ED Tht Mims Ch""1dts m S1t1111• eom.ci, ID Ounct of Prmntlol Wlllntba -5:30- 0 Ol) <Y) (10J lltwS , • ) Music "'' Anltrlc, m Sports ai1a.. m 1111r1 ..._ EVENING I D Tiie rrict Ir .. Jtt a l,..ita.a lit Ancrin (JJl11~0L o uai (la) oo ca Cl>> S,m: Mt m cm Q., t.wr.. w.i. sa..w GJMl11t·lZ U1)(J)lttt llW fD I)(. Wiit: Tiie AlaNlsadtn d Oulll m loalnt es Miiam ramlly -7:30- • Tht MtpjlttJ D iii Stardi °'-({),,,,., ..... S>lotr a '' , .. ,,,1 01. Geo•c• flSCllbeck. <I) A CllrlabM& sa.y .., .... m fD......., ~· flJiec Cira$ mnmc.r.. 8:00 a cm rn oo lm!iij • c.art. 8'WI ClltimMs WITTiliie ldtt11I of W111te1 111 punutlfnd Charlie Brow11 and hes olt~~ic.al Pe1nut peer Lt1111s search berond slliny ah1m1num lretS, hnstl Ind t•udy neon to lind lht 1t1I yuletide suson. ., = oo M m ~ne rint C11rist1111i: Th• ·StoiJ·., 111e r1111 Cltrist-Slltw l hcS ani1111ted musical tells the story of LllC.ll An&el• l.ansbu? 1nd Cy111 Ritchard provide I hf! VO!tes lor two of lbe le..dina thllfJcters. U Lahrs lasktlbill l.ike11 VI Portland CJ) Chfntrus S,.CW "The Three Musketeers" D (tal (I)) OJ> WO!ldtr W.11t A elant gorilla Is condlt!OMCI by • bnlhant Kui allimal belleviot an• list to captUl't Wonder Woman. a MoN: ~ <'°> "Gteat S1oG1 Uprisln(' (•es) 'SJ-Jtff Chandler. mv.....,. Ol TlllltriM IN! O~homa Sutt ws. Boalllm You111-m ClltW111's Mlltical Sllew C2i1 Wmlen WltW ~n. ~. fD llle "" tt Wat m~u11cuie~ -8:30- 0 <J7I (J.) fl) !i't5il""' Ille 6ritldl StM ~he Stvssilo Sctooce. the m1n1-hurted G11nch 1e- emtttes from llOOfl& the Sn1ttn Snoots. 8 en> (() <JD Q llBC Satorcl1y fltctit Mefit: ~ (Z~r) wlbmt'" (mus) '74-1.aallt Ball, Robef\ Pres-ton. Beatrice Arthur. Bruce D1vison. This musical IS about a wildly eoctn-lllC ..oman whose spirit c.ames her and evt1yone around her tllrouah lhtt\ and lhin. f1) Gr1ttlnp to bst Ind West ED loston Pops in Hollrwood 9:00 ft ITT) m ({)All in tllt r1milt Gloria's surprise announcement that she m1&hl be 111einanl 11am lead' to :10me drulic lction by an unml1in ~like 'Wilen Gloria charces him Wttll the 11SPO!IS1b1hty ol mak1ne sure lllal ti couldn't happtn again. Q (C2il ClJ) Qfl SlllSty & Hut,i. A noted pohce captain is seen ta kine an tnvtlope lrom a rJdleteer 'tf!liclt lucls Starslty & Hutch to lfl"'1t1&ate how the upta1n tomp1lecl his m· cttdlble cnmt bmk1111 1ecord. m HeeHwGuesllartJ1mmyDe~n and Mareo Smith f1) Anilt1111 toftlest mw lnvetdles -9:30-Q cm CD m Alice r {) Stm M*n's lauch·ki 0 Movie: (90) ''Gunsmole" (wts) '53-Audie Murphy, Susan Cabot, Paul Kelly. 10:00 Q ITT) ffi CU Carol Burnett Show D1ek Van Dyke «iuests • D (~ r:J l) ,,_., MOS1 Wanted A rulhless ton·man devises a pay·ofl ieheme in which he Plim1nates ~ Jus1ness man's comptlllor and lhe "°51 Wanted unit is called 1n tollow- ne a M?ries ol bombmas. m""" m S..mur1l Otlt<liv• :afl ~utufl futures m V1s1oM 0> Ml!Siul Variety Siio• m lAlll lioldon Sliow -10:30- 0 Gtlll lar1DW 1f:OO o a m m CftJ "'"' 0 12aJ (§) 00! m llews U UCU a...etball fulsl 1t UCLA Ct) llfl Ca111t lff the Wttll C!J f riOt llitttt m Movie: "fest '*"" c.1tv> '38-t111k Cable, Mrrn1 Loy • O>USCla1blMll ((8) Cl)) Rn H11111b11d -11:30-u IMlt: CC) ·rbt c1111ttnc1n" (dra) '68-Darnn McGivin, Anne &rltr. Q Qll Cl) Cfm IL> S1turda, •icllt (4.) Mrmt: "Advent111 .. of~· tfolma" (a~) '39-81111 R.lthbone. ld1 Lupino. B Moirit: ~ •Jlle •"au, .. (dra) '68-Anthony Quinn, Michael C1ine, Cand'oce Bercen (~ Mooi4t: (CJ "'$ 0..,. .. , .. Int" (d11) '63-Ch111lon lluton, Ava Gardner. <17> lV Tllt m Club ~3JCU Ml•12 QC) Tiit 700 Cllb . """' .... l!I "' "" .. Couftby QI Moill« (J:) "Clad 11 ... Mlf· rtt" (d11) '60-0rson w,us. Juhtllt C.eco. 12:00 f.Z> llltlMtnhlfl .,._11/MoN: .. A 111111 fOf Y-llllltf· (1211 ) Mm/Sci-fl Thulrt -12:30-• lfhlt: tCl "ll11ltu af th Auncu" (•d•) '67-C1m1ro11 M1lchtll, IKk Stuart. 1:00 a m w c..c.tt a Movie: ~ "'Mullah" (sd-) ·~-John B<omheld, lon Chane~. ., All·lll&tlt sa...: "llllOCl 911 Any Datt," "ltftr• I Ha11a." "ll1t '-· cred!Mt '9trllltd Wtrll' 2:00 D lla111t ti t11t ;.1111 3:00 D Moflt: "l*t kt" (dr1) 'S3-R®ert Slid, Coleen Clay, R1Cha1d Atltn, Julie 81s1top, Leon Amu, Nnanda 81t~1. Reed ~. DAIL V ltll.OT ,4 9 The Sea: A Masculine World The 16 artlclu In thla Cour•a by Newap.per sa~ on "Oceans: Our Continuing Frontier" ate now avaUabJe In booklet bm. To order thla boOkld. the courM Reader, Stud)I G1"d•. and/or the audio ca.Hettes, pleo1e complete and return the coupon below. F.ditt>r'I Nnle. This IS the JSth o/ 16 .artict.1 .l.n lh~ senes .. 0cf01U: Our Contmutng Jo'ron111r " Con1tontlna Sa/1Uoa.Roth1ch1ld c~ra the rtlution.Wp of womm to tht 1ea, argumg tb(lt th.ti/ bove t rad1Uonally bt•n &ieludtd from 1Mlt UO/onng. OCllVllM!I. Slow Changes May Place Women on Ships' Bridges Tht" ortaclea wtre writttn /or Cour1e1 by New,paper,.a program developed by Univtrnt}/ Ezttnlion. · UC Son Dlt'go. and funded ~ o grant . from tht Not1011at Endowmnat for : the Humanities • c.oo .. iont 191' Ov Ill• R~~enl•01 I,,. lJn1 .. n11v • Of C.ahtorn1d, ByCONSTANTINASAF1LLO$ ROTHSClllLD Women have not fared better al sea than they have on land. As a matter of fact, they have fared much worse and have often been entirely excluded from sea- gorng activities. B ECAUSE THE SEA has ~\w ays been vie w e d as dangerous. and because adven- tures and physical dangers have been traditionally left to men. women stayed on land. The ear· ly. pnm1t1ve nature of sea-going vessels was not compatible with the almost eternally pregnant or lactating st atus of women. And later, a number of supers titions developed, accord- ing to which women were con- sidered to pollute the water and to bnng bad luck if aboard a ship. or by stepping across the nets. FURTHER~I ORE, IN some traditional societies, including Jslamlc, women are not allowed evP.n to swim, so that they prac· tically have no contact with u.e sea. Because women have not beer allowed lo play active roles at sea, their relationship with the sea has been primarily indirect, through their fathers, brothers, lovers, husbands and sons. Many women living on islands, in fishing villages and countries with a large merchant marine and·or navy have been socialized from a tend<'r agl' to painful de· OCE:Q~ vartur<'s. anxiety over the fate of st•a.fanni:i m en. loneliness dur. Ing long absences, pain and tra~cdy ul t he death of a close and beloHd man. andshort·hved and anxiety -ridden happy reunions THE\' COME TO view the sea uJmost as u rival wtuch lures ttWJY thC' mt>n they love and 11fte11 de!!trny:; them. Sc>afar ers' wives rel{ularlv h:W<' to stay ulonc for consider· abll' 1wriods and must. therefore, learn to stand on their own reel. They have to play the role of mother and rather to their childr<'n . manage family finance~ make family decisions and take on at lear;t some of the hui.bJnds' roles a nd rcs(JOni.1b1ht1es. In trad1t1onal societies, such a~ those an Greek islands, howev£•r, even during buJ>bands ' Ion~ absences. waves carmot make 1m portent dec1sionis They must either postpone th<'m or li?el in touch IA. ith their hu.'>bl:tllds to J.:t•t their appn)\ nl S0'1t:Tl'tE THEY alsohavt' to cope with a nd uccept a h11,h.ind ' 1n(1dchlit>S am1 more 1)r It·'~ lonJHc.>rm attachments to utht•r women In far-av.ay port~ Sometim1•s thc1}' rnanaji?f' Ml v. ell on th\'ir own and learn to en * * 'WOMEN AND ntE SEA' Seflllos-Rothechlld JOY their independence and power so much lhat when their husbands are home. the strains and conflicts are considerable. The wives become reluctant to relinquish their active and responsible roles to return to the s ubordinate, submissive wife roles. Because or the risk invol vcd in being a fisherman. wiusual com- pensatory cultural patterns have developed in some areas. Jn ltoma, nJk' example, a fishing village in southeastern Okinawa, women have been able to marry two or more hus bands. so that even if one husband died at sea, a woman would have one left. THERE HA VE, OF course, been some occasions on which women have broken with tradi- tion and gone to sea During important national crises , such as wars and national uprisings. women have often been allowed lo play masculine roles and, in som l! countrici;. ac· live roles at sea. During the long Greek Revolu· lion of 1821, two prominent Island women, Bouboulina and Manto Mavrogenous. "manned" their own ship and fought against the Turks. They fought valianUy at sea and were h onored as heroin ea. TIDS EXCEPTIOSAl.LY ac· Uve role of tht· Greek v.omcn as captains can be e~plaincd by the long and des perate nature of the Greek Revolution, which needed the efforts. resources. and sacrifices of everyone, including women and children. In a m ore romantic vein, two Erglish women. AMe Ronney and Mary Read, became full- fledged pirates. nressed as men and living lhe IJ ves of men. they spent several years on pirat e s hips and fought as bravely as any of the men It 1s possible that other women may aJso have done the sam<'. but their exploits were not recorded by male h istorians IT IS LESS probabk, however, that women, dressed as womffi, 1oined pirate ships, even If It was only to cook for the cr ew , becausl· of the fierce nvalne~ IUld antagonisms that the~ woula hav(' provoked In som t• countr ies. such ..al. HonR KonR . Thailand. and Taiwan, the sea som<'llml's becomes the habitat for the en- tire family Women spend their lives on a boat, usually anchorc'<I near the land. and row th1• boat * Afloat tlae Author C'on11tantina Sallllos-Rothuftlld. a speclallat In comparative famUy 'l~lology and sex roles, bas bef'n professor of soc•olol)' and tJlrt>t'tor nf fa m lly rttearch at Waynf' State Vnl verslty since 1912. S~e haoe hr ld r~arc:h apP<Nntmeott at tbe Merr1U·PaJmer ln.oCtitute In Dt>troll. th(> Harvard Center of Population Studies, and lhf' National Centt'r for Social Resurch In her native Greece. She hu hf'f'n a conc;ullant to UNICEF and to the United Natlon11 lntnnatlonal Women's Vear and, most recently, to the U.S. Navy on th<' sociology of naval fa mm~. Boob Include "The Sodoloicy and Social P11ychology ol DIR· abllJty and Rt'habWtatlon," and "Women and Social Polley." ( > - b•ck and forth to market and to via It. f\irtbermore, in Thailand the rowboats that circulate in the ''klongs" (c:anitls) goini from house to house to peddle fruJts and vegetables are almost en· Urely run by market women. But fhe busy rlver·taxis are always operated by men. 111£ DIFFERENCE HERE is important and mvst be un- derlined. The river-taxis are motorized and must, therefore, be run by m en who are able to deal with engines. Women. on the contrary. who are not supposed to be mechanically inclined. stay away from m otorized sea vessels. The existing division of labor in sea -related activities on the basis of gender is further illustrated by cross-cultural elhnologicaJ data collected from 185 societies. HwitiJig large rJsh and other sea animals is an exc:lutive male oc- cupation. Gathering shellfish and edible seaweed as more often 11 feminine rather than a masculine activity. FURTHERMORE, DRYING, preserving, and selling fish and repairing ne ts are most often the responsibilities of women. Finally. when diving for sponges, pearls, or fish is done with diving apparatus. men are the divers. When the diving is done without technological aids, women ctive. The "ama" divers of Japan, who dive for s hellflsh and edible seaweed while semi-naked or wearing wetsuits and eyecup goggles, are a good example al women divers with a long trodi- Uon dating back at least 2,000 years. Although modern navies in many countries include women, in most nations. including the U S . the women have not been allowed to go on active sea duty along with m e n (except on hospital ships>. NOR ARE THEY allowed aa fi sherwomen on large fishing boats that spend several weeks or months at sea . In both cases the rationale is the same: The presence or men and women on the same vessel for a considera- ble time period is supposed to lead to sexual and love rela- tionships that may bring abrut favoritism , lack of discipline, rivalries, confli ct and ineffi. ciency. When a directive was issued recently by the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations lifting the ban against women serving aboard warships at sea. navy wives made news b y protest ing vehemently against the direc- tive. IN RUSSIA A!litD the Sc:mdana- "i an countries I and spor;.idicall) 1n a few other Western coun· tries), women hnve rccenU> en· tered the merchant n,anne as radio operators, and a handtul as officers. In the 1970s. some "Cints" were recorded for the Uni ted States . The first women Wt'rc ad- mitted to a Merchant M11nnc> ano a Naval Acaden.y. ana the rirs~ all-v.oman clasi. ~raouatro from t he Coast Guard 1\Cademv (which has now become cot.'duca- tional ). Likewise. the Navy undertook a successful pilot prO$lram In which 80 women In different crew roles sailed with 500 men. WOMEN OCEANO - graphers and marine biol o gis ts n ow regularly sail on small r esear ch ships a nd participate in scientific experi- ments under the sea, living and working an close quarters with men for weeks. But giant U.S. freighters still do not employ women because of existing r<'gulatinns requiring !!eparatc bath a nd toilet facilities for women PUBUSHER'S INC. Drawer'P Del Mar, California 92014 Pleu• t«nd ntr. • • -copy/copla ol NEWSPAPER ARTICLES for "Oceana Our Continuing frontier" @ $1.50 -copy/coplu of the READER (paperback) @ $5.50 CHANOINO ROLES -The man·only world of the sea will soon be shared with women. Russian passenger ship captain N adesha Artysh may be a sign or the change. --copy/coplet of the READER (hardbound) @ $11 .95 -copy/copltt of the STUDY GUIDE @ $2. 95 -Ht/&ets of audio cauettes @ $19.95 Despite the apparent gains made by women, however, especially in Western developed natio n s, the sea is sllll a masculine territory. Pleaae •end check or money ordu. No currency or C.O.D.'s. (Callfomla ratdents add 63 sales tax.) I em tildotillg e total o( S ------------ Nam•-----------------~ NEXT WEEK : Heywood Hale Broun, journalist. and television. and radio peT1onalit11, e:rplorts the sea cu . a place of recreation and sport rather Addra1 _________________ _ Chv----------'---------~ than cu. a source of livelihood Jn the concludmg . article Jn the series, "From Work to Sport." State -------------Zip ___ _ Pigeon Troubles Come to-Roost BLOOMFIELD TOWNSmP, Mich. °<AP>. - Norris Wright's pigeons have his neighbors anut· ter. For a year and a half, Wright, a carpentry con· tractor I has kept a noc:k of a~ul twadozen pedl1reed rac:lng pigeons in his garage. But 1omc neighbors in the wealthy subdivision complained when he moved the noc:k lnto a tem- porary pl.ceon loft in his backyard. Later, lhe neiKbbora filed suit to force him to get rid of bls birds on grounds that subdivision rulea prohi:,it housing animals other than domestic pets In the out- buildings . . "We have an obligation to protect our property valuea," said Roger Cobb, president of the Upper Long Lake Estates Cotp. "If we let th ls 10, someol'le might come in with prize chickens or bantam rOOiSters." · GREAT GIFT fDEA GIVE A SET Of SAILING LESSOHS THREE 3-HOUR LESSONS -•6500 GUARANTHO RESUl TS LIDO SAIUMG CLUI MIWPORT llACH (714t '7S.Ol27 You're a customer. Not a shopper. Law Dumped LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles City Council bas moved to do away with a 59·year-old ordinance requiring It to meet every working day in City Hall. By on 8·4 vote, the council authorized draft.. ing a resl)lut ion for the April 5 municipal elec- tion that would pemtit members to determine the time, place and fre· quency of their meet· ings. Santa and all the fun Shoppers ore those anonymous bodies attached to cold cash. You II find them nearly everywhere. At Fashion lslond, we thlnl~ of people cs customers. Thoe is. people who come bock. Friends. So we treat them hl~e we expect co see them ogoln. Warmly. fashion Island is a special shopping experience. With open-air courtyards ond over 60 fine scores. It's o place where people ore speciol. REWARD '" ... •ftMftli4 .. lt•t ''" •ttKll'w• ,.. .. of tNt 1ch'1rt111n1 '"•di• we ~:'la;,on:, ~ .. :·~:~cf 1~: kw IHI UMn ~· Ho O••l•n Phone: 548-6740 ,. ""' .. I ,. ,. "· , -~ ' .' ~.~~~ " .~ I : I I !. /.1. ( 'I ' ;n _-1 ~ ...... Hyf4111 S. M. LSI 2.00 I I .,........,...,c ..... 9111<:4'Ht ..._...,_...,,...,. ~ ...... U.JO )j (J • • Bnng the children daily to Huntington Center for holiday fun and lest1v1tles loclud10g Santa. holiday pUppet shows, carollng, concerts and the m$Jes11c "mile high" community Ct\rlslmaa tree. All dedicated to Marine Corps Tov-·fof·Tots. Beach Blvd. l Edlnge!' at rne San Diego Fwy I ! J \ i ~ \ 1· ,. ,. ........ ,.... ........................ ...... , ........... ... .,..,,....,a. ........ - So when you·re cired .of being rreoted hl~e another shopper in o crowd. experience Fashion Island. Where things ore wormer for the sot1sfoct1on of our customers. :JIV FASH~ ISLAND NEWPORT@ OENTER ~I .............. y .. ., ......... .... Wt ... ,..,. ... .. sa..wt Celllr -Qiffa S. M.Lt41.M Slnce1• JN COSTA MEsAIT'S'. e1fnri \, .. . . . • ' . .. . t: .. • • ', •• •• I 0 .. ,_ . .. \o .,,, ,. .. i: .. .. .. '6 • . .. .. f ·~JO D41LVPTlOT Saturcsay. December 18. 1978 Court Served a Blow Property O~ers Nix Park Tennis Court I eJ. Two property owners, whose lj~· 1'1\tal wdts are near the site pro- , o-be built Bayside Drive s for a tennis coort in the " are trying to talk Newport ;~ · h officials out of building the n court. • Smith Bacon and Roy Kunkel :;, Eave gathered 68 signatures on a ~ . · tition asking that the court not ~ built next to the Goldenrod ·;.. •<venue footbridge, ll8 it is con-f1 t~ -t~FV Jaycees \';· :. ~~$eeking ·;;u-::_· onorees ~j The Fountain Valley Jaycees \"; Are accepting nominations for ' : !. their distinguished ser vice ij award for young m en in the city. ~ ' Nominations are open to m en ;~ Under the age or 35 before Jan. l , I 'Jo )976, who work o r reside in Foun- '1'!· lain Valley. Nominal.Jons will be ·~accepted until Jan. 7. ; The award is given to men who "-} h ave exhibited meritorious :ft ~erv!ce lo th~ir family, com- ... munity and nl:lt1on. ~--4! .:.: The award will be presented al '"-a ceremony scheduled for 7:30 ,::. p.m ., Jan. 17, al the Mile Square . ·• Golf Course Banquet Room. For .i>. more nomination information. call chamber President Woody \ .. Young, 962-8611. ··r. 'li ~~even New .~brficials Join ':!l ·~. HB Chamber ~ ·~' :seven new officials have been ~ · irected to thrce·year terms on : :.1; t4e Huntington Beach Chamber ~; pf'Commerce board of directors. ~~·.!-...'They arc Aileen Ch<.tmbers. ·/. JValt Cleveland. Richard Grun-~ (!y, James Larkin, Roger Slates. \1.· Robert Terry and Richart! Tom . . t. ;• The seven new members will ._• join with 19 holdover and appoin· ~ •. live directors who comprise the ~4 26-member board of directors. : .. The chamber also will hold an ~ election of officers on Monday. ·,.: they will be installed <tl the an· ;; nual installation and awards ban· ~ ... qQet Jan. 21. 'f"' ..... \ .. Park Garners {; ;~County Funds :r Fifth Distract Supervisor ...... Thomas Riley has presented San ·~ Juan Capistrano City Council t• Mt.ha check for S32.000in revenue ~: sharing funds. the county's con· \'" ttibution to the city·~ newe~t :} park . ~ 'El Camano Rc.>al Park. dt'd1cat-r ed No\ l. cost Sl28,SOO, sald Oen· ~ niJ; Bushorn of the San Juan public \~· works departmenl ltwas paidfor ib.-equel 8hart's by revenue shar-L l.ftl funds from Orange County, b>· ,. state funds and by lht• c1ly'1 parks : tnd recreation lund ,, ; ::The p3rk 1s localed on the west "'\ aide of Camino Capistrano, ea.cit of the railroad track\ and north of d'fe m1!\s1on ,r . .. "" .. a ftquor Burglary \l ~peel Jailed t<.. An El Toro man was Jailed on ~'=·~glory charg<'s after he took •l f'bOd and liquor valued at S113.94 flrom a l~al m arket without pay- iing for it. Orange County speriWs officers said. Deputies said Steven Cal arker, 21, or 23692 Cavanaugh, w;as jailed arter being halted out· slde Albertson 's market, 23681 El ~Toro Road, by a clerk and the 'j ~ager. templated in the master plan for the park. \JNSUCCESSFUL in getting the coastal commission to delete the proposed co1,art during hear- ings on the master plal') lhis sum. mer, the pair took their petition to city councilmen thls week. Councilmen decided to refer the question to the city Planning Commission for a public hearing next month. A hearing on the subject held earlier this month by the city's Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission reaffirmed the master plan, with only com- missioner Per Trebler dissent· mg. TREBLER, AT THE time, ex- plained that he would be willing to consider moving the court lo another location in the proposed park. Bacon and Kunkel, who own apartments near the Goldenrod site. say they believe the tennis court will be a distraction and will lower the value of their pro- perty. The 3. 7 ·acre park has been pro· posed for the past two-and·a·half year s, according to Parks, Beaches and Recreation Direc- tor Cal Stewart. WHEN BUILT, it will s tretch alongside Bayside Drive from the existing city park at Carna· Uon Avenue to Jasmine Avenue. Tbemip park will be primari· ly passive, said Stewart. with beayy emphasis on landscaping, alt.bou1b it will also contain a bike and pedestrian trail, a play area and a hard court that could be used for four-square, basket· ball or volleyball. STEWART SAID the architec- tural firm of Lang and Wood bad been hired to prepare plam 'tor the tlnl phase development of the park which initially had been planned ror May. Bftause of Ute dela,y caused by the. planning com m.lasion heat· ing, be said, the start of construe· tion has been moved back to June .. The $90,000 for the first phase construction is being provided by the state from the 1974 park bond fund. Rancher Arrested DELHI (AP> -Units of a special anti-drug strike force have arrested Albin Bettencourt. 49, in this Merced' COunty com- munity on charges of flying marijuana into the state from Mexico. BOTH PIECES GUI LDC RAFT SOFA and LOVE SEAT When have you seen a soi a and love seat value like lh1s The price 1ncluoes both pieces covered in a smart Herculon' muted plaid. quality cushion- ing. spring edge construction and extra fab- ric for arm covers Now's the time lo buy! Elegant antique finished hall pier, all wood and wood producls with carveci effect trim. A stately mirror tops the mirror backed, glass doored baae. Coat hooks complete the welcoming effect. It comea In Lemon or lime with white trim. 23x9'hx70". t ) h:>11day chur button down ginghama colorful gingham checks of navy1ied,or brown. offered in sh:>rt or long sleeves. ju.et, nght for ~~ordress. madeforus~ Crei9ton,;,, 44 fashion island, newpart center 644-5070 . NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN UNllLllVAILll Almost A Gift CHAIRS $69 ea. TOWARDS ANY PURCHASE S300 to $499. (NON NEGOTIABLEI TOWARDS ANY PURCHASE 5500 to S599. !NON NEGOTIABLE) TOWARDS ANY PURCHASE S100 to $199 rNON NEGOTIABLE) SANTA aHA COSTA MESA ~ !IOVTti ... AtN ST '~' ""ll80Jl !'tVO ""'*W~'"'"" TOWARDS ANY PURCHASE S600 and over. (HON NEGOTIABLE) fUiA.OION OA 1 E in the POKES fun at stuffed shirts everywhere DAILY PILOT , GREAT GIFT FOR DAD OR MOM THE WONDER RECLINER The Recliner allows you to sgg s1re1cn fully extended a mere finger. Covered in top grade vlnyl for easy care . M•11<Mt .. ...,0111dvt.•""'t•"""t111ttt;1tO'OO""O'O\.O ............ "'ON•&~ '"lvtNtWtfltOlitf~,,...,,.... ,.,,.,.,.,..... -~ • ., c.\w,.. "--CllelO'Y ,,..,.., ~ Q ·w~ ,....,,.. ,,... .,~•· '"'''"° .. ~•t.t ~t\Cllt • ..,..l ..... ~""'~N-. .... llP.,.._ ..... ,....... • ""' ~ 'tltlil1"' d .,. ...., ... "' '" Mlrftlilid .... •1,_V'I ~ • t ...,-19 C#fhd .,_.9>rh hllft' ,.... .,, ...... "'°"""' .,..,, '""" • ..,. ......... ..... .... -.~ .... .,. tfll.,. ...,.,., "'"' ... 10 ....... .,.., ..... . ~ ........... , ........... ., .... ., .... • ..,ftr(.-1 ~·· ...... ~tt'tl(.1-- . .., .. ,...., ....... •09Wltd .,.,.,.. ~-,,,,,,.,.,., .. .-., ....... \; ....... ,.,.,...,., ., .... ",.....,..,.., .w....,,"""1' .. .,...,' sass CHIME CLOCK 11 s our 35 day key wind Euro~an style wall clock that chimes on the hour and hall hour. In 1 Honey Pine s1a1ned ceb1ne1. 28 th" high. Gold !rimed glass ooor. 7 PIECE DIN:1ETTE SET $99 8 Y OUT VALUE o DOUGLAS A huge never-mar tot>- ped table with ext&n- 1100 Jel.f end 6 high btck chalrt. What a tant111lc Super!°' y.iue1 sgg LIMIT I $11' ~CUSTOMER ••• t I I• -~~ ;1 I! i~~~.,~ I TAFFy Co. I t I ~ . I m 1 WAWTEO: · g, -p«p/e •Mhl A' Ql lot of pvll c I l I Iii u -1 j , ::sa-,...--. ===' ... 'l'-1 ......... -· - Wolllen Artists Studied Outstanding women artists through history • will be the topic of a new course at Saddleback College during the spr· ing semester, which begins Jan. 24 Art hi s torian Charlotte Rubenstein will c~nduct the three- unit class in the college Women's Studies Center. D U RI NG TH E semester, class mem- bers will attend an ex· h ibition at the Los Allgeles County Museum of Art entitled "Great Wo m en Arti sts, 1550-1950" and other art • shows in conjunction with the obscrv a nee or International Woman's Year. "There were some ex- ...tremely famous woman artists an the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries," said Mrs. Rubens tein. "A good example wru. Levina Terrling, a portraitist at the court of Henry VIII, who was paid more than < llans > Holbein for her work." CLASS SESSIONS will focus on the character or art by women in the fie l ds of painting, sculputure, architecture and photogr aphy. in ad· dition to studies of cur- rent art trends and pro- blems faced by women in the art world~ The course instructor ' participated an a na· tionaJly juried exhibition called "WQmen USA" at the Lag 'u n a Be a ch Mu~eum of Art in 1912 -and is a prinlfl\aker and studio artist by· pro fcss1on Bilke r Rapped LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Beverly Hills at· torney who admitted swindling $28,000 from two clients has been • placed 9n five years' pro- bation. ordered to make restitution and resign h.1s • attorney's llcense. The sentence was pro nounced against John R. Russell, 58, who was also ordered to donate 200 hours to advise county jail inmates ¥fho are art ing as their own at tomeys Saturd3Y. O~mber 18. 1!;79 DAILY PILOT ·DAVE'S CAMERA EXCHAIG I I Professionalism highlights everyt~mg John Newcombe does. on the tennis court But when : comes to taking pictures he wants a came~ that gives great res.ult s but doesn t take a degree on math to OPf'fale Thats why he likes the Canon AE-i II you wa nt to l0se your amateur •• standing 1n photography the C<1non AE-s 1s the way to go • s:,,•ive-=tr '1 ~J"'"""t '••Of"' 4..1r" ~·"Q·~i~"''l!tt,.. ......... .. • t1•'VJV"""" '1""J #•• ,,... (')n"lo¥i "Jnl1 ll<t'\; I"-' fl ·~K'f f>r-:~1 tN 111~r A '11¥•_,., ,,, J ·~~td•l"-'"A~lfr• '• 11•"''•1.-r ''- • A~*fitl,.,. .. , , ,. "'" ..-. ., ,,,.,,."l"'1f'l~tt e 1 •"'1111'..,.fii .J' •• • unt!&llltil• Oitl"h"•fm•nc" ,, w ''"'°""•' ""' •· ()ti•. ' .. !'( ·-~·· : ~'"'-. - t \. • •' So eovancoO 11 ' s•mi>te Canon ~~ell GIFTS POCKET EVEHFLASH~ CAMERA W!'!"~~ BUil '!" ·"~ ELECTRONIC FLASH • ~ND BUil '!"~'~ PORTRAIT LENS. tor exciting close-ups The easy to use pocket camera with its own built-in flash. Also features a built- in portrait lens for i:xciting close-up pictures. Over 150 shots per set of AA Alkaline batteries. $5695 Full 3 ye.ar warranty • Made In U.S.A. Model 4 tO with built-in portrait lens • perfect for close-ups • f : 5.6 all glass lens • handsome jewelry case package • automatic flash compensation for Portrait shots Model710 4 ROLLS OF 20 Ex. FILM plus CASE WITH PURCHASE OF EVERY BERKEY KEYSTONE CAMERA $15.00 Value with built-In portrait lens and electronic shutter Full 3 Year Warranty Mode In U.S.A. • eCectric eye "thinks" for itself • ;,..serf ect for close-ups regufar shots • f :5.6 au glass lens • low light system "WHY PAY IORE?" m· · ~~ + ~ S 8 S d Mo ·e Came a • Chinon Reflex Zoom lens f/1.7 f-7.6-60mm uper oun VI r . Thru-the-lens reflex Viewing . Bu1lt -1n Neutral Densny • Filter tor extreme high ftghltng cond1t1ons • Backltght 8-to-1 push-button power zoom control • Designed for today's high speed film •Automatic ASA speed range 25·160 • t1slop value, over-under exposure Indicator, fade-in-fade-out mark, GAF SS/805 Re9. $469 film ending warning, film advance signal, and recording signal are v1s1ble m viewfinder • Fade scenes in or out electronically with GAF EJectro·Fade • Variable speed power zoom with manual control • Built-in battery tes· leis • Remote control switch at microphone • Automatic thru-the-lens CDS exposure control with manual over- ride • Automatic sound volume level control with man- ual highilow gain switch • Standard omni directional microphone included: unid1rect1onal microphone and boom microphone optional • Lens shade and sound monitoring ear plug included • Remote control and re· charge sockets. microphone and monitor Jacks t'he '"~dwil\. ·· ~!:~ !e~~~~ ,::~~~~,~~~m~~!~:..:~~~~~ .. Movie Calile111 ~~: vrewrng • Backl1ght control • Designed for today's high speed · film • Automatic ASA speed range 25-160 • Over-under exposure rnd1cator. him endrng warning. film advance signal, and recording signal are visible in viewfinder • Power zoom with manual control • Built-in battery testers • Remote control switch at microphone • Standard omni directional microphone included • Automatic sound volume level control with manual high/low gain switch • Sound monitoring ear plug, unidirectional micrphone and boom microphone optional • Remote oontrol and recharge sockets microphone and monitor jacks. ·' Ifs the tow cost Rolle1 35. the world's rno!lt PoPular Rolle1 of recent years Its small. abOut the sire of a pack of c1oarettest Just 9\o't ounces of precision Your customers will love this easy·to-take ... t·w1th·you 35mm It has a hloh def1n1tion wide angle precision Jens that makes a rangel1nder unn~cessary And it's packed with 'e very flit lM ACH ltlE The (.~· ... """ ''lruitiU"1ftll ~ Gan'•PL.f 1M lint r11nt ".," '''' ¥t "h onr '•nirr ''" \'nu• let• h.tnJ 't'I•• (11'1 l'I t\o '" 1 nt11r lh"lhl'ft •f'tHnn Jhrrt ,,, '' .... n1t1_.n lf't cho.1',. rrnm \.•ut ""'~ ''' d \~• l•nd t '"~''" ,,, ,_.,1~_, l\f'l\th·ri• """' ,.,.,,..~ 'i .... ,,,, <. .aH) 1h .. ,,,. In h w11h nnf' t•ni .. r 11n H•ut ''ICht •untl '"'"'' -,Ctu,. '"'''"' tl•U'\ \ (IH••hr l11tn, •t"if'f fi fi•l/t•I'\ .. HIH tl\\tf"Mf'l'U\• l f'li\' 1t11ni lfom 1 tun1n In .i rt .tn•' M It tf•Vt•rff ,,, '"' t11n\U.chtn4'." du •• wtum.lhr •Uv• (<'"'' 1n •nd u~ ,.,,.",.'tit' ft•lfht.. n f unM"hlt'ffH ft' ti w"'-11fet MC"W ~•lld (>I lun' Yates Mullc Center ,11hlon laland Next to eroacswav 840·9020 Baldwin Pianos Organs, Gultar1 Instruments LESSONS AN-452 Reg. $168. 98 Re9. $365.50 ,, Hush·A·Matic · Slide Projector No more annoying "whir" to spoil the show. Quiet operation allows your slides to get undivided atten· t1on In a relaxed, quiet atmosphere .• Automatic focusing eFull remote control forward, and reverse cycle controls on remote cord and at projec16r focus· 1ng at projector eSharp 4" f/3.5 projection lens eDAT Lamp gives clearer, brighter pictures. blower·cooled elnfinite·step automatic slide changing timer with control conveniently localed on remote ccrd eCorwenlent pop-up editQr • Trans~rent lens protec- tor stays in place during projection eComplete with self-contained carrying case and GAF 100-sllde tray • • l .. •• ptcture-taktng convenience for top results "Lens made by Rol1e1 under license from Can Zeiss. Oberkochen. West German~ -ti Sal~Pric~ ~ FREE ••• MATCHING Rollei STROBE with the purchase of a Roftei Camera' $24.00 Value ' , • •2 DAILY PILOT Saturday. 09Cember 18, 1'78 Punch ltl.t& ............... D ---- "11, bciwever, an Improvement i. 1eeo by the eocl of &he current li~cal yu r, tbl1 a1reemeet bec:omH void aDd ( n••ume d tHiDS damu ." FCC Deluged Over Rllillor WASHI NGTON (AP) -The Feder al Com- .munications Commission has been trying in vain Lor two year s to hall an avalanche or ma.ii urJing it '·not to do something it has never considered doing or been asked to do. "The letters are still coming in ~t t he r ate or , 6,000 to 7,000 a d ay," pleading with the FCC not to ban religious broadcasting from the airwaves, . Robert Nelson, chief of the FCC's mail room, told a reporter. Singles Named SALT St. Andrew's Group Grt:m.l9 Peppery Sina l cs at St. Andrew's Praby&erlan Church have adopl ed the organ1iallonal name SALT. The group of adult:; who meet on Mondays at 7.30 p.m. In various locations also named Dick Sutcliff and Jan Collier as leaders. The singles group, open to single church members of all ages, say the achronym stands eit.ber for Single Adults Loving Toeetherness, or for the first word in the platitude, Salt or the Earth. Con1re1atioa B'nal Tzedek'a fiedgllng social club will hold a Channuka.b party tonight at 8 p.m. at the Adobe River Club House in Fountain Valley. A wrapped white elephant gi!l ex- change is scheduled. Fint United M etbod.lst Cbuttb of Huntington Beach, 2721 Seven- teenth St .. holds two Christmas services Sunday. Three choirs sing at both the 10: 15 and 6 p.m. ser vices. Th e church's school children will present a pageant of the Christmas story. Plymouth Cong r egational Church presents their annual children 's Christmas progr am Sunday at 7 p.m. al the church, 3262 Broad St ., Newport Beach. ( BRIEFS J CC"atral Bible Cbunb of Costa Mesa and First Baptist Church of N.:wport Beach combine their choirs Sunday at 6::.> p.m. at Central Bible Church, 100 23rd St., for a ChrilStmas music celebration. A living nativity scene will be on d isplay at Community Presbyterlua Church. 415 FQrest Ave .. Laguna Beach, all day Sun- day from 10 a. m. to 5 p.m. Qrlat Unity Cbattb, 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, will hold a candlelight Christmas service Sunday at 5 p.m. The service features music and prayer. Services at the Zonta Club. Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, 1190 Morningside Dr., Laguna Beach, will hold a special holiday service Sunday. the fourth of Ad· vent, which focuses worshiper at- tention on the Old Testament 'pictures' of the Messiah. Community Presbyter ian Church of San J uan Capistrano will feature a Christmas cantata during the Children's Vesper service at 4-6 p.m . Sunday. Sto r ies a n d costumes of Christmas in many lands arc featured . Many local sineers will pttform a unique CbrlJtmas can· tata at the Calvary Baptist Cl:ludt in Huntington Beach Sun- day at 8 and 7 : 30 p.m. The church Is located at 8281 Garfield Ave. Community Church, Coa1reca· Uonal of Corona del Mar, 611 Heliotrope Ave., wlU present por- tions of the 'Messiah' during !!ervices beginning at 10 a.m. Sunday. 'The Gift,' ,he Christmas can· t ata composed by Paul Mickelson, will be performed Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Garden Grove Community Church, 12141 Lewis St . The ptesentation features the massed yout.b choirs of the large congregation. A family Christmas worship service will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. at Christ Lutheran Church, 35522 Camino Capistrano, San Clemente. Later, church mem· bers will sing carols in the com· munity. P rince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2987 Mesa Verde Dri ve East, Costa Mesa, will hold their ann ual Chri s t m as program featuring the church's Sunday school youths al 7 p.m. Sunday. A music program featuring harpist Maureen Love and fiutlst Mike Vaccaro will preceed services Sunday al Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The Chancel Choir will join in the services. Books Best? A Gift Woe1' Solution Finding girts ror children, especially for those who are not your own, can be an ordtal but a 1u11estion in ChrisUanlty Toda,y, a twice monthly Christian Journal, may help solve your problems. Boob. especially some oC t.be modem and brightly illustrated Cbrlatlan oriented publicatlons, a llow an inexpensive aift to be both very e ntertaining and to carry a worthwl.lle messas e fromyou as well. Recommended ln the current Issue of the magadne are Harper Book's "It's Not Fair" by Charlotte Zololow with pictures by William Pene du Bola, descr ibed as clever and humorous. Another from the same publisher la "Come Again in the Spring," written by Richard Kennedy. This one ls moce serious, dealing thoughtfully with the subject of death. Ru th Craft's book about Pieter Brueghel's "The Fair" teaches children about the enjoy. ment and underst.andinl of palntinfs tbtouih a recounting ofze a 'vitles pictured wllhln that one famous pain . Child ren 's 1br arians in most county libraries may also be able lo s uggest suitable books for children In specific age brackets. 'Cards' on Tonight Bethany Bible Fellowship's Cathedral Choir and drama department will present .. The Living ChriBtmas Cards" tonight and Sunday at 6 p.m . In the cafeteria at La Quinta High School. The presentation features secular and sacred music used lo relate the story of Christmas. La Quinta school is localed at McFadden and Ward Streets in Westminst-er. He estimated that about 4.6 miUfon letters have been received in the two years, although nobody has actually counted them. That dwarfs the previous rugh of 110,000 letters when the FCC was consider· ing in 1974 whether to ban advertising from children's TV shows. All Saints Anglican Episcopal Cbu.rch, 18082 Bushard. Fountain Valley, will hold a Christmas service Sunday at 9 a.m. when the church school's children pre- sent a nativity tableau at 10:30 a.m. A pot luck dinner is scheduled Sunday at Church of Religious Science, 20062 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach, at 5:30 p.m. Following tht: dinner church youths will present a Christmas program. Call the church for in- formation. Faith Lutheran Church, 8200 'i==================== NE LSON SAID THE MAIL volume dropped lo about 2,000 a day earlier this year when there was publicity about Lhc erroneous report. But the mail has built up again since. Nobody at the FCC has been able to figure out who keeps the rumor alive. or why, but it's the same in every part of the nation. The gist is that noted atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair is seeking such an FCC ban and has been granted a hearing by the commission. Mrs. O'flair has repeatedly made clear she has not petitioned the FCC on any subject. "The whole thing is nuts.-she said. ''I'm not doing a thing." She said s he has received a lot of hate mail on the subject. WHAT TOUCHED OFF THE mail avalanche was a petition lo the F'CC in Decem'ber 1974 by two Los Gatos, Cali f., broadcast consultants, Jeremy D. l.ansm:m and Lorenzo W. Milam. They asked the FCC to limit the number of educational F M radio channels that could be assigned to reljgious or- ganizations because minorities and others were be· ing deprived access to the scarce channels. The commission OJl Aug. 1, 1975, turned them down unanimously. ' Th e Church of Religious Science or Newport Beach, MacArthur Blvd. and Ford Road, mark their eighth anniversary Sunday. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Laguna Beach SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES S... Dec. 19 -O.r .. t•cu .SM"dalr Worship Senlce I 0: 15 A.M. "\J•iltg Cl•b'-CncM" a.ch lllWft I 0 A.M.·S P.M. Fri. O.C. 24-0.ri•••a• Ev_. ,,_.., Service 7 P.M. Frt. Dec. JI JN.-., 'Vear'• Evf' Co: a .i-..-7:JO P.M. 415 FOREST AVE. LAGUNA IUCH 494-7555 MUHHY CA~ PIOvtDID-IJ.l SMYICIS Ellis Ave., Huntington Beach, will offer Christmas services filled with singing and music Sunday at8:30 and 11 am. Music provided by the church chorus, bell choir and congregation. All SAINTS ANGUCAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Independent EPt9COpal) Acc.,..~ to ttle 1921 looll of c-P'Nyw 18082 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 REV. Ji.MISH. GIORGI D.D. Si.Ttt Dec. II-EMBER DAY 10;00 A M. HOLY COMMUNION SUH.. DIC. I t -8·00 A M HOLY COMMUNION 9 00 A M. CHURCH SCHOOL NATIVITY TABLO 10·30 AM FESTIVAL OF LESSONS & CAROLS TUIS .• DIC. 21-7·30 PM HOLY COMMUNION ST THOMAS DAY Att., DlC. 24-10 30 PM HOLY COMMUNION CHllSTMAS 1¥1 SAT., DlC. 25-9 30 AM HOLY COMMUNION CHRISTMAS DAY CHRISTMAS at CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 760 Victoria St., Coeta Meaa -631-1611 CHRISTMAS EJ'E Children'• Service . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • 1 p.m. Candlelight Choral Service 11 p.m.· CB KIST/fl AS DA I' Worahip 1.n Word and Song 10130 a.m. Nursery Care Pastors: L. V. Tornow & Erwin Kurth Minister of Music: Rodney Riese • ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY CAPISTRANO VALLEY BAl'TIST OtUROt J20J2 De4 OWtflO a4., S• ._Ce,.._ s...., w~ s .... 1,-a & 11 A.M~ 7:15 P.M. 5-dsy llbk Sc~t:)O A.M~ Clwbti.Tnl 'n9 6 P.M. w~ rw-..,...-.:45 r .M. Pastor Wilham OavenPOrt 4tl-lt40-24 H-. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NEWPORT BEACH · Pastor' Or F K Beshore. S<. Don SL1plris F K Beshore. Jr I CUO A.M.. -"THI WOllD llCA ... flU$H" OR. f . KIMTOt4 ltSHOal 6.JO P.M.. -CHalSTMAS CB..IUAT10N AT CIMTRAL lllll CKllCH COSTA MISA 7 pm Wednesday Arlult Hrl'llr Sl11r1v -NPw Ltfe-Youlh CHRIST CENTERED BIBLE TEACHING 2501 Chlf Oovt• Nf'WOQrt Beach~2-7443 HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH Coner ef FW.lew Mid lettw, C-.te MHa Dr. Y-o..n~ .... S'""°9 rtMMl917141 556·7117 SUNDAY WOISHIP HIVICIS 11:00 A.M.-SUHDAY >CHOO&. t:45 A.M. IYIHIHG SMYtCI -6:00 P.M. .. i WIDHHDJ.Y IYIHI~ -7:00 P.M. lalSTOollS CHlllST1AM SUYICI HIGADI PIOMI ~· S FIRST SOUTHEltH IAPTIST CHURCH HOW.H ....... s ....... c .......... '42-9111 SUHDJ.Y SCHOOL-t:41 A.M. WORSHIP SH'flCIS -11 AM. It 6 P.M. ..UHUl PttOYIDID PASTOI. HY. JOI Hlff4lll COMMUNITY CHUllCH IY THE IA Y Dr. w•-I. Pwiier, MMht.r SUNOAY OCC: •t· tOA M --.,,0 '°",.... ... .-I 11th• ThfltH r·,. . .-..ft.-t \ht' th'l'h<.t~-1 'l•H t "'' Mt.•O lhnr '' "'1••n ... • 'h WtON€~AY 0£C 2' llO __ , ... _ITf<'•~·· \t ol•I• llomo l'M ilt"t W~\ It.I\ "4ift \ t •Olf t•IM'""4.••I "(~ f\f"af'I\ C-OIAu UIJ .............. ..._.-., US.7'U ·~==~~~~~~ r 21 ~-~~.s.~st we·re A Going ... Glowino, •. Growi~ Churoh SUHOAT SllYICll BIBLE STUDY ... 9 A.M. WORSHIP ..• to AM a g PM "CRt:f1STMA9 CONTEXT" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES HAHCHIS OF THI MOTHltt CHURCH THI FIRST CHURCH Of CHRIST. SCIENTIST tH IOSTOH. MJ.SSACHUSITIS ''IS THE UNIVERSE, INCl.UDING MAN, EVOL VfD BY ATOMIC fORCt?" Dec....,.19, 1976 Cotto Mesa -RNt Chtlrch of Chri1t, Sde..tf•t 2110 MeM Ytrch Dr,. Cotte Meao 511..ctciy Sdtool -I 0 A.M. Church S..-wice -I 0 A.M. ....... ROOM, 2110 Muo Y..de Dr. .._ • ...,. ... leoch-fint Chwch of Chri1t, Sclfftfit lltl It Oln, ._,.tifMICNt leec:h C'-cll a S._.y Sc:llool -t: lO & 11 J..M. ...... l--221MoiftSt. CMld ~-• Mo~ufG'(' t:lO to I l:lO J..M. ,_ aeedllMJ ·-Sti.dy l"IM-Cltrlatl• Sci-..ce Society of l"il'• u.l•enlty Hltlt Sc'-' •111 c.,....o.-.. a .... 211.211 S.lldoy Sc~JO J..M. Church S..-wlc-t:l O A.M... It-2 2) Wed. S-lce-1 P.M~R11t.JOI LocJ-.. dch-111rst Ci...-ch of Chriat, Scl...ti1t U5 Hl4Jll Drh• C"'-li & S.ltd.y ki..t-10 A.M. l ...... llOCNll-214 ,_, J.nl l.opMIHIQHf-'1rstClwchofClwht.Scl...tl1t 26011 '.tty Dr., Ltpi!O M19"1 C"'-h & S.rtdoy Scheol -I 0 A.M.. R ...... l-26018 Getty Dr. Mool.·s.t-11 J..M.·l ,.M. MlsMoti vi.10-Flrst Chwcll of Chri1t. Scletlff1t c:..•ere ... .....,Sc._..21t52 C~lleNDr. a.rcti It ,_.y Sc'-'-I 0 A.M. ...... ll--S.t.•er C...t.r, Miii,._. .. Le Pn .-w,.,t .. och-Ftnt C'-rch of Chnd, Scletlffat JJO) YNI U., Mewpwt hecll a..dl It s-.y Sch.. 9:00 & 10-.JO A.M. ...... R-.1JIS'fleU. OWOC.••-'-" t»t1 a()""' lotStudJT- Hewpori .. oclt-SKMd5t-"'.li of Cliri1t, Sc&.ffst l I 00 Peclflc Ylew l>r., C--. .. W. a.rcti It ,.,...,, Sc'-' -I 0 A.M. ...... a--HOO "l "LC-tttwy •• ~ W.& h ... Tt ..... "Y M ....... -1 r.M.. Alet.rclllet All are cordlall.Y invited toaltend the chun:h aervlccs and enjoy lhc prt vllues of tbe Readin& Room• CMW Con .......... AT ALL Sll\'tCIS ,PAUL.( fl10.,.,"S 645-3191 DllYANCl10WE l.l----~1-----------------I IL TOttO S IAmST CHUICH UHtAfOtO. B l'Wo'll<IT.., lu"°"' ~ •• •"' C Wcnlllp-11 I I'll at $0 e"' w ............ , • *»7•7* FAllrH IL 10RO CHAPEL . V.H ........... , ...... SundW School -9.A~ Morning Wom1p-11 A.M. Revival Tlme-e 30 P M. A ... V, H hWIW\ .-., .232&5 El Toro l'rontao-Rd. &4~228 I •• ,~o• ''''•, 1 ST CHURCH Of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE l~""'v Of NEWPORT BEACH ;. a T ..ii ~ (MemwChu,,;n u~11..i cn.,.<nolR"'•-•k•'-L A) 7:. .a.~ ; SUHDAY SI.VICI ': ~ ;· Md SU MD A Y SCHOOL-I O:JO A.M. 1-.;.,.:._..:.. '> HV. ALllRT IUIUCI, a5cf., MIMISnR "CHRISTMAS-THE G>RIAT SftlRITUAL ADvemJRE" NIDAY, DEC. 2~7:30 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE. CAHDLBJ•HT SHVICE URBANUS S(f)UARE MacArthur at Ford Road-N~wporl Beach r1J•~ A•4 t~ ,• t~I' fl •t1Al fA( ''"A.C,l {11 Ail ;,)f 4)il1 1 ll6·6912 Mll1lder'1 Ma. S41·65'0 HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH of Mew,... le.ell CDlaclpMsl 24011n1M .. s...t.1.-.. a-ell Scllool 9:10 J..M. Mor""'9 WonMp 10:45 A.M., ........... AIAW..• Rev. Gene A. Swanson Pastor 64f>.5781 NURSERY & CHILD CARE A C.rlial .... m. die I U•Ttl c-. Df atllST j COMMUllTY CltUICH CONCl£CATIOMAL 61 I Hohtr.pe A•• .. C-.. Mw 644-7400 DOlltlld W. K.ts, MIMater IOA.M.-StMeJ.Wenlllp o..,~nSchOOt1nd u...,.,Cere B•llM CMEATIDIW CMC11 140St.A•'•PI. .tGW••yre, L..-.leecli 494..a061 JoM M.l..,....., MIMshr ...,... ........... Dlncteref Something wonderful will happen to you at the •-----------. MEWroRT HAHOR CHURCH OF RILl~IOUS SCIENCE 5 41 CenlPr SI Cosla Mesa 646-1032 MUSIC-MESSAGE-MEDITATION SERVICES & SUNDAY St;HOOL - 1030AM RC:V ELEANOR C JACKSON Msnr5ter • Teachf'r • Pract1t1oncr Tape<; Available CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF LAGUNA HACH ;•U(~ll•9u't\An~nRd 11(1 l nwl4rt HtHuv Gf'fhArO () O -M1rwauu J1Utwtlfh1111J A\111\ftnl MtnhtAt SUHDAY SHVICl-9& 11 J..M. Jr. Chlwcll & Y ovtll Qroe111pt -t A.M. O!s'y BIBLE OUR MIDDLE NAME Coast Bible Church San Diego Fwy t block So of Avery Pkwy. COf Margurite & E1COl1r M1SSton V1e10 493-1949 831-1191 -'95-1191 SERVICES: I ~30 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. HAllOl ASSEMIL T OF GOD 740W.W1h-.Co1t0Me1a 541-4704 OOMAU»Lllllll JACK llWIS Plfler MIAl1t..-ef M1ufc SUHDAY IHYICIS 9:45 A.W.-SUMDAY SCHOOL I "'JO ·M QMM.IH'S no•UM v. ""-•-Me SAMCTUAIT CHOtl CANTATA 6:00 , .M. -.Mtott CffOtl AM> CHRllTMAS DIANA Cllinti Sc• 1 .. .,. ' , • A.M. COST A MISA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~-~-·~-o.cw I flRST CHRISTIAN c ................ • 04URCH f:OOA.M. Marn & Adams Streets en.tt ... Arts...., Hun11ngton Beach 10 AM Sti1 ., W....., ... ScMel& a.di~ MlrMry ~WeraltltJ SlfUIOl IF TltE •ts I : 15.f:JO· I 0:45 AM )0121Mlplll ... GOLDl"M HOUl a..,..Mlpll 495-1310 of WOUHIP4:00 P.M. O..W Im A""' MW1ter NV'..,.,CAIO OIOV>do-0 It 111....,.~ 10.A.M-C...t.,.._.., Oll1ce 536-2589 '°""'YWer1'11tJ Dial Devotion 536-9580 _,C'-"chw-1 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 792 Vlctetfe St., Cot'9 Mele S1bteSchool9; 15 A.M.-Worshlp 10:30A.M. Youth Groups 8 P M. -Vespers 7 P.M. &.. G..,,.. De•..,,,....,. Nu,_.,,c.,,.141·J4H ~ ttfa\£"'°' ~ t; tiJ l · .'f .._'t· Tiii.ii .'W l\//>A )'tq'l ~.,,..,. MORNING WORSHIP: {; 8.30 or 11 a m. "THE LIFE THAT CHANGED A WORLD" ' Or. George 0 Wood Speaking ~ ~ -4 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 1nd 0 ~ CHILDREN'S CELEBRATION: 9:~5 a.m . (J ~'1 e·oo P.M J J ~ SPECIAL v l",.. @ 'o CHRISTMI\$ FESTIVAL "'o ..s->Jr Gtri"llf' o. 1t11111d ~~· "".4?. l'ast11r ~~ ~t:.,. ~'f.,. co .... _ Saturday. December 18. 1978 DAILY PILOT .., . Aid Effort Spreads Far Boom Year &form Groups Grow Relief Work Based on Samaritan Parable NEW YORK (APJ -A hearty, slx·fool·lwo cleric was walking to his new job Jn mid Manhattan when another man fell to the sidewalk, twisting and frothing al the mouth. Passersby i,topped to stare and worn en screamed Bishop Edwin B Broderick , re- cognizing the epileptic symptom s , knelt beside the man, put a pen cil between his teeth to pre· "' e n t h i s U OOEltlCI( gnashing his Jaws or tongue. whispered a blessing. The seizure passed and the man was himself again. FOR BISHOI BRODERICK. 1t was an incidental ~ample on his own doorstep of a vai,t undertak- ing which he now heads dis· pensing help to the affuctcd and poor around the earth. operation of uny kind ln the Unit edSlates. "n'S A MATTER OF caring, of doing corpor ate works of mercy," he says. His predecessor and the long time head of lbe agency, Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, 73, often called .. Mr. Relief" and one of lhe nation's top experts on world relief and development aid, ob serves: · • Jt 's the biggest single thing the church does.'· Bishop Swanstrom has stepped down alter overseeing the far· flung relief opera lion for 29 years and beinc on its s taff s ince it was rounded in 1~3 in the midst or World War II . .. It's a tremendous effort," he says, .. and it's also our moral ob· ligation '' THE AGENCY TERMS dil.· torted and m1sJeadmg a report this week in the National Catholic Reporter that the agen cy worked clos ely with the American military in lhe Viet· nam war and provided tons of re· lief supplies to "pay" South Viet· namese s old i ers a nd their families. Bishop Broderick says the or· ganliaUon bas laid down strict orders against overseas church workers s upplying information to intelugence ageots. "OUR PEOPLE ARE not to engage in a ny kind or espionage anywhere by government people, either of the United States or other governments," be says. He says this wo~ld undermine the necessary trust oC indigenous people. and add s: "It's sometimes bad enough just being an Amt>rican. without also being accused of spying. Thal would be double jeopardy." In its 33 years or operation, the agency has distributed $3.7 billion worth or roods, medical supphes and services, sheller and projects to improve living condihons in distressed areas around the world. Its ouUay in the past year was about $257 million for work going on among the poor in 86 coun- tries. t.os ANGELES <AP> -Reform Judaism in North America is having IUI largest atrowth since tbe post-World War II religious boom, accord.mg to a new study. The stud y by the Union of Amencan Hebrew Congregations (U AHC) sbowa that most of the 720 Reform synago1Ues ln the United States and Canada experienced a three to five percent membership growth increase this year . Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler of New York, UAHC president, told a trustees' meet· Ing here that he beJieves post Vietnam· Watergate era traumas have produced a "thirst for Jewish identity, knowledge, and moral concern." Because of the religious boom. mem· bership of UAHC congregations has risen from 1.1 million lo 1,165,000, trustees wer e told. It was reported that in contrast to this year's congr egational membership growth, 1975 membership increased by only one lo three percent. Schindler said the increase 1s "remarka· ble in Jight or reports of declines among other religious groups. Prison Mass Scheduled Bishop during the mass will b e a c hoir or seminarians. 'Love' Opens Jesus 'Model' To Communist$ • NEW YORK (AP> A !>ur11ns1ng ide a h~ sprouted in CommlUlist E~lcrn Europe -that tht character of the selfless ma.n !.t•rvang others, Jesus. is the needed model for M:musm "Jesus Christ Is not tht• enemy ol this society,,1' writes a Baptist pastor in Ploesll, Romania, Jos f Ton. "He is its only chance .. THAT UNUSUAL THESIS. nmcd as a challenge to the atheist policy of communism , had made the Oxford-educutcd Ton a target of h .. vestigat1ons in his homeland, but 1t also has gainctl him a wide following umong students and intell eq- tuals. The Marxist s ystem was pn.'<hcated on develoit ing a "new man," free of egotistical corruption an~ greed, Ton says in his analysis, but its atheist a' sumptions reject the self·transccnd1ng motive• necessary to do 1l. Consequently, .. socialist society finds itself in a paradoxical situation," hl' writ<'S 1n his con· troversiaJ paper. extensive e xcerpts of which were published in the evangellcal fortrughUy, Christiani· tyToday. IN TEACHING PEOPLE that they are only chance combinations of matter. governed by Darwinian laws of adaptatJon and survival, their attitudes determined by environment. people "lack the motivation for goodness," Ton says. "They see lbal in a purely m aterlal world only he who hurries and grabs for himself possesses anything.·· Since Marxism. to work. needs to produce noblP character of high aspirauon, ready to sacrifice sell for society's common good, Ton says the "only answer" to the problem is in his tory's supreme seU· giving example .. The need is greater now than ever, but we arc not dis- couraged," he i,ayi, .. We wi ll keep the assistance rolling to lhe poor, the handicapped, the un- dernourished in a world where half the people go to sleep hungry every night." The bishop, 59. 1s the new ex - ecutive direc tor of Cutholir Relief Services, the 1ntl'rnational r el ie f arm or Am e rican Roman Catholicism, lh(' largest of '.'Oluntary relief agencies and financially the biggc-:.t church Aid there was dispensed purely on the basis of need, lo refu gees and soldiers' families alike. without regard to politics or partisanship, the agency said. BISHOP BRODERICK, a tall, vigorous man, fo rmer bishop of Albany, N.Y .. and before that a history prolcssor and head of New York's archdiocesan radJo and televis ion office, says he hopes to continue h is pre· decessor's policies. The agency has an overseas staff of about 150 Americans and nationals, a force a ugmented when necessary by indigenous workers and volunteers from local churches through which the agencv functions The grim walls of the Orange County J ail will resound to the colorful cerem ony of the Mass on Christmas day as the Most Reverend William R. Johnson officiates over services there. The Most Reverend Johnson is the Bishop of the Diocese of Orange. The New Life Players of First Baptist Church-,_~--=--..... ---------------. of Costa Mesa will pre- It a l!'o disputed claims 1l wo rk ed with military in telligence. s aying it never shared any reports with lh_s:mihtary What CAN You Get for a dime these days?? TODAYS COMPLETE ( STOCKS 642-4321 DAILY PILOT Wonhlp in 1ou1 car In this buultlul "outdoor unctu1ry~ ... Continuing to offer dyn1mlc 1nswers in ' lite·ch1n21nc half hour 01 hope. f"ind out for yourself thl~ Sunday 11 1:45 1.m. Constructln1 for Christ in ugun1 Hills. Moulton Parr.17 1t Aidte Route. LAKE HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH 011. HAllOl D f. lCUlMA, Fo.irwll~( Putor • D1Al IJ7·PllAY The Mass Is scheduled for 9 a .m. and will taJcc place in the jail chapel. Accompanying the sent their new produc- tion, "No Greater Love," Sunday at 6 p.m . in the church's facility located at 301 Magnolia in Costa Mesa. DELIGHTFUL CHRISTMAS MUSICALE COt9W Aftd &Joy Lovely Clwis"'-Mmlc at COAST BIBLE CHURCH SUNDAY, DEC. 19 -6:00 P.M. l. SIDI CW-SAN OllGO FWY. I ILOCIC SO. Of A.¥9Y rA.UWAY,MISSIOM VIVO ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY P~1mm ttl1 C 01~q1l~llf io11nl C l1llrcl1 3262 BROAD ST .. NEWPORT BEACH 642-2740 SUMO A Y SHYICfS -t:O<i It I O:JO A..M. "GI" OF UK EMAMUll" Oil JOHH UHDYAU. '•STOli ST. JAMESEPISCOPAlOtURCH WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, tffwpon Bto<h SU!olDA -JO 4.M. Holy l...:herht t:OO & I I ·oo A.M. Hot., r-i-;,, w Monol'"J 'r•y~ IAH-atiftql ,_00 4 .M Cllwc:lt Schoel Hw_., Cen -' & I I 4.M. CHAllSMATIC MASS lrd'-t-.Y .. M-"i, 7·JO'.M lUISOAf IOA.M.Hofy&.cl-nt.H ....... s_.lc. •ltll LA 'YIHG OH OF HA!olOS 10:0 A.M.-.... YD (HOUP n.lltt.J.-,.A!Myll.bciw-"'--67s-421D ST. ANDREW EPISCOPAL CHURCH VISTA YHOfSCHOOL 5144M'cw ............... W_,hitl ~lp -I 0:00 A.M. C'"'rch Sc-It Mw'ort Cere W~doy h•""'9 5.orYlcot lt'I H-• -1:00 ,,M. 551·41'1 n.a...Ll-..tW..._11'~ View SU·)l76 Saint Michael And I Angels Episcopal Church l2ll Pocific VI.-Orin, CorOfta d .. Mar SUMO A Y HIYICE-4:00 It 9:10 A.M. "UUIU CHILO CA.lt'-':lO A.M. At40 CHUltCH SCHOOL Holy c-mu '"' T~ 1 0.411, -W ... "6ry, 9:JO 0 .111. •• .,, . .,. ·~ 0 .. 1, ·~-...... '44-0461 ST. WllfRfD'S EPf SCOPAI. OfUROf el• A••~ 11.ef 5'Mthl, .......... leocll s..deyS-.Jces Or.J..sC.e.t.y-•octw 8 OOAM -Holy Euchariatw11hmed1lation 9 30 A M -Alternare Holy Euchansr & Morning Prayer (nursery care) 9 ·30 A.M. -Church School 11 00 AM -Alternate Morning Prayer & Holy Eucharist I nursery care) 7.00 PM -Solemn Evensong w ... ....,, & Hely l>oys 10.00 A M. -Holy Eucharist Church Phone. 962-7512 Rectory,S36-4e061 All SAINTS ANGLICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Independent Ep1scooal) Accw61t lo ttte 1921 lffti ef c-"'1lyw 18082 Buahatd, Fountain Volley 963-3801 lff. JAMii H. MoaM D.o. HOlT COMMUMfOM ••••••.•.••••••••••••••••• l tM A.M. MOll•la NAYH ......•..........•..••.••. IO:H A.M... CNIMCH SCHOOL •••••••••••••••••••• • •.•• 9100 A.M. (Holy Communron F1rs1 Sund11v) 10 30 A.M. • NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHUROt 791 Do•H Or. Mewpen leech 541-lUI llOCJff J. ••NJ. , .. tor c;,_..,. A. ...... ,..._ EARLY WORSHIP 8 00 AM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9·15 AM FESTIVE WORSHIP 10 30AM .. UIHH ~All •VAllAkt WELCOME CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH M1srouri Synod 760 Yictorio St., Co1to~M lotlior v. r--· l'attor-6)1·1611 ~· orslli' 5.r•ic" -,1: IS & 11 :00 A.M. 5iull<iey ~ci.oo. a. Adiilt llW. Cloo-9: )(I A~. C~'"°" Elo-t1twy Scfl00i-S41-U6i PRIHCE OF PEACE LUTHERAH CHURCH 2 9 I 7 Mno •ordo CW~ Cotto MGM ·~' 11 J;"'~ r .I 'I • "• JA•,f n ti~ 1,.'>()N "-'•1-.t•"'; S-.., SOM -t:40 A..M. Mon1l"9 WonMp-4 & 11 ;00 A,M. '""u of l'ooco Ulttttormt School ,,_. k I .... , 411 h t I LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTIR, LCA 2'0DroclficYiowCW.,C-*4Mor 644·2''4 S."doy Schoal-t: I 5 A.M. S..fldoy Wonhlp-1 O:lO A..M. A Cordial Welc:omefrotn THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa Mesa FIRST UHITE:D METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & HarbOr Blvd Chwd1 Sc"-' t- Al A~• -9: JO Worship -I I :00 A.M. E•11LW ISBl.lL 0 0 Cos1a Mesa North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH ~~uv .. ,,tttA0<1to.e,~1 919-en• w.-, It C'--cll Sclloof ~lOA.M. ------CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Newport Beach 1400W BalbOa Bl11d 673-3805 Rev Robert Shepard Jr W~ & Cllwcll khool t:lOA..M. W\doy f'ro-School/Doy Coro 1:45...,... to 5:00 ,..._ Huntingto n Beach FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St 536-3537 WONlllp s.r.ic9: 10:15 0.111. Nvf..,., Cit~ AIJ Molntf'W,J Huntington Beach Nonh COMMUNITY UHITED METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heil Ave 842·4461 WonlMp-9 & I O:JO C"'-h Schoof 9 It I O:JO A.M. NEWt'ORT CENTER UHITE:D METHODIST 1601 Marguer1te A11e Coronadel Mar WOl-J\•O 9 A ~ wl'ft'I r,.. "\rh·""C"' 1c .. ,,.. W,11-.tuo I C.,u,,..h Sc~ 10'\CIA M Ile•. Jolwi I . 1Ct1os '44-0745 fOUfolTAIM Y.AWY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1122S ltt~ord St. 961-259) Worship & Church School 9 30 AM. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES o f the Coastal Areas Church of ffte Co•enant 2150 foinlow Rd., Cosio Mt1a lnKI' A. ICwrle. ,olfor 5-doy Worship & Chwch School-l:lO' I 0 A.M. 'IM>iw: 557·ll40 Community Presbyterian Church '4 I 5 ~'' A ... , LOCJl'fl• le ecll Ro• . .,....rJ.Torrlierlky Rn. Bdofi H. Thin '·I 0 A.M. -Chri1tlot1 Ec:t.:otioft HOlllr 10:1514..M.-Wonhip I l:ISA.M.-f.tlow.tlipHour "'-:494-7555 This Sunday Worship in 'Sf . .Jlndrcw's 'Prrt;/Jy11'1 i1m Church 600 St. Andrews Road • Newport Beach • 631-2880 OR CHARLES H DIERENFIELD PASTOR Services 8 ~9 30-11 00 A M THE MELOOY OF CHRISTMAS PART Ill: "GREAT, Gt.AD TIDINGS" Or. c~ H. DI~ l'noc"""t CHILD CJ.IE & CHllDAEM'S SUMDAY SCHOOL .U C HElP'UME -645-2222 AT ALL SERVICES lte•. L.n-t Ft-•"1tq. 'o•tw-512·07'2 SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT( ._ .....:·.,.~~: __ : .... ~ ... 1;.,;;,;5:=1~--=.;.;;.o .. ..__.] . HARIOR REFORM TEMPLE Saint Matthew Lutheran Church s ...... s.n1c •• ~ldoye•.... I: 11 P.M. Welcomes You ~s.n1ce Worship 9 00 n m -Chrisllan Education 10 15 a rn Rrttfri~eftt.-llfll 7:l0r.M. Cutnr Orhe at S.....,., lfl lnl!M H~ M. tfitr-""· ,astor 552·11 21 Rabbi: Bernard P Kini:i 1400 W. BalbOa Blvd, , ... u:wOO\ -'.-11--. --•., Rabbinic I nlern Neil Danlelir Newport Beach, Calif ~===§:~~~~~~~~~~===:::::=:~~! Educator: Doris M1chael ,_.,._...._ .. 1675-72l0 -.ILJ .. -1] .. ' 1 ~,~~~" r; : ~ ~ .. f ua=""" I · . c--.""°" .. • • . ~' ,,I to--~ Co.P\."11r•CIU'IW"IJS8"'_"_s NURSCll' SCHOOl REllGIOtJS SCHOOi. SUH0 A¥!.CHO<:ll CQHFIRMAllOH BAA/llATMlllVAH S-.lce,,; M•r-t: IS r.M~ Sota •r-t: IS A.M. lkVITINQN(WMEMllERS ---C.Mt.r ........ Hec646-SSSJ ~•u.. ......-u,..1ec1S~o4- TE I A COMIHYATIYI S•battt Senlc.1 l•tty Friday at I: I SP .M. ".._c .... .._a..•et.._..... ... " 2401 ......._ ..... .....,.... .. ecllt HJ0 SJH 646-7112 HltllW & P 0 0.1'61. TWIN\Ot "* HU610USSCHOOL taMtMNrdei"lriltt TEMPLE BAT YAHM , .......... , ltillW MllVIH D. StlYRMAH 1..W S-.. .._., ._..._ OWcfw ~S~l:ISr.M. AtT._.., 1011 C-tiltlC• St. '~~..._. ..... ....... kllo.. s-.., t ilO A.M. te I 2 ....... Sc-..-n.r..-, 4115· lel ', .... ,_. ._.,. lttfuaul'-C4111644oltH r.o.1e1211.c.... .. ...,uu1 wrrt crTEM PLE11EILA TfOdZ)· •<..._... ..... ,,.... ... ~ ......... to,.,i.. tlw s--..i VlllOf ....... 1, .. -1 .. -11111 .. OUr Ntw LocaUon Z8570 Marguerite Parkway at Avery Suit• 209 Mission Viejo Am ND A•llflou:S S.rvlcts • Rellglous & Her.w S<hool a.r lftd Bat Mltivatt • Sf1ttmood • Socl•t Clubs CHURCH SIMNlttt s.t-vlcts I PM T ...... Slat 131..0"5 Friday ... .....,, c .. .,,... ..Ollld SCH.0-11. ........ ., .......... ,..,_ THIS SUNDAY VWfLAUl.UM IJ7·JJIO ~~~~~~-'~~~~~~~---·-...,.,.~~·· ... ·..;..;."-...,..----TMUll ..... ~;;;_~~~~~ THE LrTnE CHURCH THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE -"'· -..... ..... Mc9'1CM9 ,.STOI ~-SYOot WVMC t11ae toe St MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2100 MAR VISTA DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644·1341 COMMUNITY f'lllSIYTlltfAH CNU"CH of 9., Jutn c.ao-',..""" lt?01 D-4 Oblooo9"" Juan C.o""""" CUAT1YI WOISH9' ........................ t :OO 4M CIL8IATIOH SlllYICI ...................... IOiJO AM CHUICH SCHOOL & A.OUlT STUDllS • , •...• I OtJO AM A•" A-L "'"-P•""' .......... ...._ -.~2"<>'1t•'I H~I 0..ICl<>t Chn\t••n loJuc1l•1" ...,..__..,,...,...... °'" 493 1!!01 L • WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES FAIRHlll STOCKINGS f illed with toys & candy 1 ~. oz.43c 3 oz.sgc King 1Con& In r ull Colorful 72" x 14 ~ "Oispoz. A. Lite BUTANE LIGHTIR by GARRITY l 11, tit , I" '•I l llJJ,.. L~Pr/ t1 m~ Ad1u .tablP ll!)ITIP LAot£s· Handbags ~-~~ Quilted VPlvelPPn, tullv llnPd wdtl ~ho1il<J~r strap 1n four 'lt1h·, 2.88ca. TODDLERS 2 ·PIECE PAJAMAS SETS & GOWNS Permanent pre ss and ttame 4 88 retardant material. In assorted designs & colors. Sill 2-4 • EA. • GIRLS & BOYS 2-PIECE PAJAMAS Girls In floral & calico print. with boys in sport designs. f'lame retardant material GltlS Sil( HX IOYS Silt 4· 14 YOUR CHOICE \ '\ I' •I .... PLUSH ~oil & Cuddly 1.9910 9.98 H>\MAIH YALiiY-M•••• t w.,._ ' I BIG VALUES AT ~ wannabee Fire Fighter by GABRIEL-The Jl,irm ~01\1d \ & 1l ~ oll tr' Ill~ IPSCUe. 10 ~36772 4.99 BATTERY ommo Freight Train •cno" PATROL Detective Set Mr. Mouth by TOMY-Fltp you 1 th111s between h1~ moving hps! Game ol wordinat1on & skill • Chopper Strike Kant Spill Tray • Non·skid pofyloam backing •KST ·5 1.29 --- 28 OL SIZE 4 FOR 1.00 t J '1t VITALIS WITHY7 ~ Grooms Hair Without Grease 41L sac Sil£ ULTRA BAN ANTJ .. PERSPIRANT LOTION Re1alar or Unscented 1.5 oz. SIZE 79~ EXTRA STRENGTH EFFERDENT DENTURE CLEANSER itronier a11inst stains IOTAIUTS 1.29 ~ .. V05 NON-AEROSOi. 8 ot SIZE 79c • SHAVER •40029.88 , __ 1 Lady Remington I -..--11 SHAVER · -~· • Two Heads are better t II than one. #M$140 J.;.· 15.88 NORELCO [aay6ug NEw1DJAL DEODORANT SOAP BATH SIZE 5 oz. 4~1.00 Camera & Film "PRONTO" You get a hard, dry color picture that develops as you watch. Uses 10·49 88 shot Flash Bar. #2191 • 'Super Shooter' LAND CAMERA ZEE !::oo PAPER ~~ TOWELS 160 SHEET ROLL . Quiet, accu rate, ·· dependable. · lavend er color. 3.49 COUAPSIBU LUGGAGE CADDY . Heavy gauge steel , construction, solfd rubber wneels. 7 77 ,~.p • OtAP STICK Lip Quenchers Tbe Moislurlzlnc Llpstic~ A new kind ol lipstick th at's 1 39 kind to your hps • .. • _a_a __ -"-oA_l..;;.L v_P....;;IL....;;0....;.T __ _,.____. ._, _s;;;,,;a;;,,;,tu;;;,,;r,,.;;,d,;;;,ja~i.:..· O;;;,,;ec~•-m..;.t>e_r_1_a.;...;1_rn-'e'- 1 Living Tree . Gaining As Yule Choice f:ach Christmas more and nit)re living Christmas trees find tbetr way into California homes. The lasting beauty and versatih· t:y make good sense in selecting a growing tree in preference to a Cittone. Indoors, the requirements of a Jjving Christmas Tree are much like those of a foliage house plant. CHOOSE A WELL-UGIITED TOOm and leave the drapes open during the day. Keep the roots of the tree moist. If the tree is growmg in a container, this simplifies water- ing; if the root ball is contained in burlap, set this an a can or tub which will catch the drainage. lt'6 also a good idca to fill in the gaps between the container and the root ball with ~Oil, peat or s phagnum moss to keep the root ball from dry ing out. 'KEEP THE TREE as cool as possible to keep it from coming out of dormancy and going into shock. Avoid placing it near fireplace or hcat outlets. H the room is kept very cool it may be possible lo enjoy the tree indoors for ten to fourteen days, but the California Association of Nurserymen suggests one week's Uf!!e to be on the safe side. When it's time to move the Liv- ittg Chris tmas Trc'e outside ldt'ale it in a protected spot away from drying winds. llose the foliage down t o clean away dust ahd add moisture lo the plant. When the tree has readjusted to th~ outdoor conditions, it is ready to l>e enJOYcd as patio or balcony specimen. Ti pS, Trick To Picking Right Tree To belp you select a Christmas tree, either one in a tree farm or one already cut, Dean Donaldson, Cooperative Ex· ttlnsion environmental horticulturJst at tbe University of California offers th~ sugges- tions. Decide what size tree you want and where you want to place it in your home before selecting a tree. Since it makes a difference as to lb~ symmetry of the tree you wilr choose, keep in mind whether the tree will be seen from all sides or whether it will be against a wall or in a comer. Donaldson says the tree should not be located near a heater, fireplace or blocking an eXJl. HE ADVISES cboosine a cut tree as fresh as possible. Test it to see if the needles fall off -run your finger down a branch and shake or bounce the tree gently. ll only a few needles drop off and the tree has a strong fragrance and a good green color, the tree is fresh enough lo last thro~h the holiday season if given the pro- per care. No matter where you get your tree, choose one in which limbs are fairly evenly spaced and strong enough to support lights and ornaments. IC you bring your tree home several days before you are ready to decorate it, store it outside in a container of water. BEFOR E TAKJNG it in the house, hose it off to get rid or dust, spiders, dead needles and ris that might be hiding in the nches. Let the foliage dry, of se, before decorating. . HOME/GARDEN He Left City For Christmas Tree Planting HANCOCK. Mass. CAP) - ftank Patterson, 59, gave up the big city life 20 years ago, bought a SOO-acre farm and raised a daughter and thousands of Christmas trees. He seUs them to people driving through t his town or 600 in northwestern M assacbusetts. and charges about $1 a foot, with the average tree costing about f'/. "I BOUGHT the farm in Lq57 for $13,500," he said. "Land was cheap then. I've been offered over a quarter of a million dollars for it. But I love it. .. Patterson, who used to work as a purchasing agent for an elec- tronics firm, lives in a nine-room home with his wife, Eleanor. a 'school teacher, and his 22-year- old daughter, Meredith, a senior at nearby Williams College. He says be sells up to 2,200 trees a year and (J'OSSes up to $10,000. This Year's Last For National Tree WASHINGTON (AP) -A 44-foot Colorado blue spruce that has been the national Christmas tree is dying, and this season will be its last. "It will be next year's Yule Log," said National Park Service ranger George Berklacy this week as workmen used a cr ane to adorn the 45-year-old tree. The tree was transplanted in 1973 from Shickshinny, Pa .• to the Ellipse behind the White House to serve as the first permanent Christmas tree. Previously, cut trees were used for the Pageant of Peace each Christmas. THE TREE'S TOP branches remain a lush green and it has grown four feet in its three years here, but the lower and interior branches are dead. In fact, the Park Service has spruced up the lower half with branches from a 25·foot blue spruce donated by a man in nearby rSilver Spring, Md. The cuttings are wired on to the tree. ·"''' rl'i,·1• "1 u / (! llfl Ii 1.' ·"';II ('I' I <) 16 NURSERY- FLORIST 9 rro "TE H It i\ IU l ' '1 1'111 h11111(' or 11ffin'. Weekend Gardeni Checklist • Peaches should re- ceive their first dormant spray to prevent peach leaf curl. • Take time out from Christmas preparation to plant those spring flowering bulbs. Soon it will be too late. •iJ1!1J ltfi!] "·"" "' h1·t • Control ·slugs and ' 1111 r ltvtn , lr1\'ll1C v1rtc; s .. 111 11 ... 1 rh .. nvv. 11 .. n• II•" I TC> v. a\ . \ \\ h 1-. I"\\ I.~ I \H. "\ r \\II\ ·P• 1111 .,.,,tf llltllW\ till ,1 ol1•,1tl 1111" \\111·11 I I I\ I'<· 111·1 10,I• 111111· mnn·! "'t•l1•1 I I tt 1111 I ht I l'l:-..1 S ht•'I lo r 11u1 .trt'.J l,j, ing Cll U l ~T \I \~ T H E l·;~ From 9.95 (;rrot (;jfl,.. Hort··root HOSES ~t·l1•1·t fmm n<'w pat1•nt.;, ""' fa\ tlrtt 1·~. It lt.HICllll\,. I l"lt ( ... ,. .. "' .... f'l.111t 1·r. I '''"'"'., \ t. i I "111c \l11111 .. r1·\ 11111•• I 1''1'1 'f I I. • ·"'hit"'''" ( .. , 'lii4·H·r,.I ', .• .,,' ... ,\ to' 7 I <'llf """''' ~tr,.,,,,, ~:!:i 00 1..IO flfl 111111 11111,t lw 11, ........... 1 111 t t•r ( ,,,.,, ., .. ,~' snaJls with bug pellets. • Container grown con- ifers may be placed at the front entrance of your home and decorat- ed. Many varieties are available . 1-'rom 3.98 Fre,.h Ce·<tur (;urlu ud · F re~h boug h~ 1.6Q bunch 'l'hl' s ,,ir it o f <:hri~t mu "' POINSETT J ,\S Froml0.00 Al"'>. \1 UM~. 1\/.,\1.t;;\S Rose Parade Students Grow Pageant Posies PASADENA CAP) _:_The rose ls the flower that made the pageant famous. However, for the sponsors or the annual 'Tournament of Roses Parade here on New Year's Day, Dowers by just about any other name smell as sweet. • GOING our OF IUSINESSU I VIAYTHIMGI MUST M> • JO% te 1°'4t Off! PUNTWOTTD'r...cACU MI -.cACMMI SUflflUIS FANCY Pl.ANTS I IH ...... Y .. °"· C.... MtM OPIM ... OH. ttw. IAT • I Oo4 SA VE I 00/o WITH AD AZALEAS & CAMELLIA RANCHO MJSSK>N VIEJO GREENHOUSE OITIG4 KW'T. • l714J 4'S.llOJ T.i.e U >. ,......_, te °"tfl Hwy. T__,. ,,..,,.. 114. ..., .. ....... 194.etlet ... ~~ .............. . In fact, more than 100 varieties of flowers and -r------... -.--....... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._~ other nor a are used to decorate the 60 lavish floats that glide along the S't'Jl·mlle parade route. The 20. million blossoms used each year make the Rose Parade the Jaraest Coral extravagania in the world. MOST OF T HE nowers come from right in Southern Call!ornia. However, exotic varieties of orchids and other flora are shipped by air from Hawaii and elsewhere just days, or even hours, before the parade to guarantee freshness and max- imum beauty. Southern California's best nower-growing areas are located in Lompoc 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles and Encinitas 30 miles north of San Diego. During December, fields in both areas stretch for miles in colorful displays of chrysan- themums, carnations, gladioli and roses, most of which will be harvested for the parade. COMMERCIAL GROWERS are the primary suppliers, but a handful of organizations with floats in the parade also grow their own nowers. Among these are the students al the California State Polytechn ic University campuses in nearby Pomona and in San Luis Obispo. "AJmost everyone knows how much work goes into Oowering each oC the noats during the last days before the parade, but most ~pie have no idea how much work goes into growing the flowers," says Patty Thompson, a 19·year-old sophomore at Cal Poly Pomona. AN ORNAMENTAL horticulture major, Patty is one of 65 students volunteers working on Cal Poly's 1977 entry. Her task is to supervise the grow- ing of some 300,000 flowers. TAKATA · NURSERY CHECK OUR PRICES RlST! I 0°/o DISCOUNT OH LIVE & CUT TREES ALSO .AYAH.AILE • CUSTOM FLOCKING •DELIVERY • FREE COFFEE BIG SElECTION Of OtRISTMAS FLOWERS . 780 BAKER ST. COSTA MESA 546-0724 (near South Coast Plaza-On Baker at Bristol) -===~~~~~==================~~ '111EYCUT OWN TREE SAYE THE WHOLESALE WAY TRUS • SHRUIS • HOUSE PLANTS LAFAYETTE (AP) - When people buy a Christmas tree from Gary Muerle, they go home with the tree and something else not as evident. "A lot of what we're selling is recreation," said Muerle. For a flat $10.60, Muerle allows customers to browse his four acres of Monterey pine, choose any one they wish, and cut it down themselves. BELOW WHOLESAI.£ PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING: . Blacl< Pine. Tams Junipers, Nandina. Abeita, Oleander. M0<eas Ins. and many morn ··~~ SJOO MINIMUM -,__, S.D. Wholesale Growers 11622 WARNER A.VE. FOUNTAIN VALLEY PHOME 546-3429 If.you're tired of paying high prices ••• 2068 New .. rt Blvd. Co.ta Me••• 845-4553 Stop in and see hoiv much quality your Christmas dollar can buy ! Baskets 1r .. ,,. 7 5 c Stone1.Vare fr•,, .. ' l 7 5 MacraDle' 1r0 • '1 9~_ OPENING SPE CIALS 8" Poinsettias '395 8" Ferns 8" Baby Tears ,._':.':~,.~ .. e For the truly appreciated gift gluing choose from Roger's Gardens fabulous display of indoor and outdoor plants ... at prices storting under $10.00! Unique "Pine Pots with Holly'.' Pre-Packaged ~ i) Hanging Basket KiL<> ~ z '/ complete with mossed ... ~ ~ Y/ frames, Roger's flower "'·~ · V food . potting mix and color f instruction booklet. Rogers Famous Giant Poinsettias. Gift Certi.ftcotes "A Gift That Grows'' is perject for family, friends and business associates because it's remembered year after year! You haue to see Roger's stock of cut and liulng Christmas trees. Don't mtss the six spectacular trees decorated to glue you fdeas! Shop today in.thP. tranquil atmosphere of Roger's Gardens and enjoy all the sights and sounds and smells of Christmas! r : It ' (' .. FRAN TARKENTON PLAYS REDSKINS TODAY. Sports in Briel UCLA Mauls Foe; Italy Leads Chile LOS ANGELES UCLA's Roy Hamilton and David Greenwood combined for 39 poinL'i Friday night as the ninth ranked Rruins posle<l a 107-60 victory over Race in a nonconrer cncc basketball game. Frank Thomas' 12 first-haJr points helped the Owls close the gap to 44-33 at halftime. However. the Bruins scored nine points in a row to start the second hair and UCLA was not in trouble after that. hitting 71.4 percent from the noor in the second hair tUCE fail) Vttld • ff'M">m..-11 1...-·~ 1 L•,.. •. D•tctitn 11 '"•( "'''"?f"·r • U(L A t U')1 I T '""'"~f'IG 11 ()11,..,,. "' Vrl')""'"' I. Holl•f'lld 10 Ht1tm• tc,n 21 Gr~'' So11t.,,. •.L•ooert• VAnf),.,,.,..,.,,., ~•tft'1 l~• M•ltt1M,. IJ"' l 4 44 q ,, ,.11 f-oulf'ld Out Rlf,. f"'°""8\ O•rC:S.-rt fottt• '°"" l!IC• 7J U(l.A I\ A •016 Italian• L~ad SANTIAGO. Chile Adriano Panatta and Corrado Barazzuli led Jtaly to a 2·0 lead over Chile Friday. JU~t one victory away from clinchint:: the 1976 Davis Cup. possibi)ity of ever coaching again. IA Top• Phoetd% INGLEWOOD -Kareem Ab· duJ-J abbar's 27 points and 15 re- bounds led the Los Angeles Lakers to a 118-105 victory over Phoenix in a National Basketball Association game Friday night. Guard Luc ius Allen added 26 points and forward Cazzie Russell potte d 22 for Los Angeles. f'HOtNIX l1fll Hu«I 1 ""'"V ••. A<l.•m• .. Soc>Pr\ 1$ WP'\tOh.tJ 1S 0 V•nAn•a~' ••tr~ 1 T V•nAf'\0.8~ •. l•., • f.,.httr 7 I.OS ANGELES 111'1 Ford, A"'\#111' Abdul J•tJo.61 11 AU~" 1:• W..-.ninqf,_.. 11 LA"'dr t A.OPrMtt'ty • llCUPt'( •. "'"umM'WI 1 ,,,,.,..... 1o 26 u 76 10~ ~o~'::':, Ch•MY Toi•'.~~' 7tJ ~n~ ~~~ '-"" A1>9tl~\)) TP< ~nl<~I '""'' w'"'"""' A • ••• IJSC Bete• EL PASO Kim Anderson hit 23 points Friday night to pace the Missouri Tigers to an 87 -77 basketball victory over the University of Southern California and a berth in tonight's finals of the Sun Bowl Classic Saturda . December 18, 1978 DAILY PILOT Vikings, Redskins Collid * * * • * * * * * * * Patriots Battle Oakland Tarkenton Tests Aging Washington ~ BLOOMINGTON. Minn. CAP> The Washington Redskins and Minnesota Vikings are near look· allkes in the National FootbalJ League. but their similarities wilJ end today. The two veter an, battle-scarred NFL teams have each won their conference championships in re- cent years. but neither has won the Super Bowl. The Vikings have won three NFC t itles, but are the only t eam to lose three Super Bowl games. They hope to begin putting an end to that ''Can't Wm the Big Game" Image. ''We're going to play super foot- ball in the playoffs," predicted 011 Tl' Todafl Clla11t1el 2, 10 a.-. Minnesota quarterback Fran Tarkenton. Tarkenton, 36, will be matched agains t Washington's scrappy quarterback Bill Kilmer. 37, who led the Redskins to a 27-14 victory over Dallas and the NFC's wild· card playoff berth last Sunday less than 48 hours after being charged with drunken driving. "Kilmer 1s the kind of guy you'd rather not play against," said Vikings linebacker Jeff Siemon. "You JUSt never know what he's going todo." The ageless Tarkenton enjoyed another banner year, hitting on 82 percent of his pass attempts for 2.961 yards and 17 touchdowns. Kilmer connected on 52.4 percent of his attempts for 1,252 yards and adozenTDs. Minnesota coach Bud Grant says the Redskins are "smart and tough," noting they're a lot like the Vikings. "We're an awful lot alike." said Grant. "We've both got big play peop l e, ex p er i e n ce d quarterbacks and a lot of ex- perienced ha nds." Tarkenton 's big play people on offense have primarily been wide receivers Sammy White and Ahmad Rashad and running back Chuck Foreman, while Kilmer has relied on running back Mike Thomas, tight end Jean Fugett and wide receiver Frank Grant. Foreman rushed for l,15Syard.s and caught 53 passes. White caught51 passes for906 yards and 10 touchdowns and Rashad caughtS3for671 yard.c; Thomas gained 1.101 yards on the ground while Grant caught SO passes for 818 yards and Fugett 'l7 for334 yards and six touchdowns. "Fugett presents a different kind of problem for us," said G rant , m a ppin g a Vikings strategy to deal with thetightend. "He's big and strong and has the spee<l to get deep, where he can get into a mismatch with the de· fensive backs." OAKLAND'S KEN STABLER FACES PATRIOTS TODAY. Tangerine Bowl Oklahoma State -Tackles Cougars ORLANDO. Fla. <AP> Oklahoma State's coach says he's worried becaust the team his Cowboys face t.orught in the Tangerine Bowl led 1ts con- ference in defense and the natton in passing offense. "We're scared to death or Nielsen because he throws so well." coach Jim Stanley said of Brigham Young University's G1r- ford Nielsen, second m the coun- try in total offense this season. The rangy, 6-5 quarterback le<l BYU to a 9·2 record, throwing for 3,192 yards and 29 touchdowns. The Cougars from Provo . Utah. s hared t he Western Athletic Conference c ham- pionship with Wyl)mtng and were the WA C's top defe,nse team While professing fear or Neilsen. Stanley was not bashful in praisin~ Oklahom a State's de· fensive secondary, which he said had done a good job all year. At the same time. the Cowboy mentor sang the praises of his bruising rushing game, led by Robert Turner and All-Amencan halfback Terry Miller. Stanley called the speedy 6·0. 190-pound Miller "second to nont>." Miller. who rushed for l.!>41 yards and 19 touchdowns against a tough Big -8 Confere nce schedule, is only a jumor lie On T\I Tonight Channel 13 at a placed fourth in balloting for the Jleisman Trophy, won by Tony Dorsett of Pittsburgh. Nielsen was sixth. BYU coach LaVell Edwards said his tt>am was r eady for the encounter in the 50,000-seat Tangerine Bowl. Stabler-led. Raiders Favored . . OAKLAND <AP> -The New England Patriots are in th&. postseason tournament leadinj to the Super Bowl for the fir§ lime. For the Oakland Raid~ ~wever, it seems like the l"" tame. 'Tm getting tired or be! asked every year whether Raiders are finally going to •o the Super Bowl again," says l<1ft Stabler. the quarterback w~ will match his passes tod•Jt'J against the throwing and runnirHt· of the Patriots' Steve Grogan. . •rj Four current Raiders -G~ Upshaw, Fred Biletnikoff, P~ Oa Tl' TOfla• . r Ota1111el " •t J Banaszak and Willie Brown played on Oakland's only Su Bowl team, 33-14 losers to < Green Bay Packers in the cha.th· pionship game following the 1~ season. Since then. there 1 been eight division titles in nlAe years but no Super Bowl • pearances. 111 This year's Oakland elu forged the best record in the llonal Football League, 13·1, Stabler threw for 'l7 touchdo\1411Si and 2,737 yards in the best seueof of his career . Mark van Eegbtn rushed for 1,012 yards and th~ de" fense showed steady improv ment after a n embarrasa41J# 48-17 loss to the Patnots 11 weekA ago. ~ "This year, we're going to ., whatever it takes." coach Jo~ Madden vowed as he took tt\9) Raiders into the playoffs againi" The We~tern Division cha pions lost to the Piltsbt.w. Steelers in the' last two Amet}c91 Conference title games ancf.to.tAai Miami Dolphins in the 1973 con,. rerence showdown. 1 .. i Coach Chuck F airbanks, in hi§; fourth season with the Patn°""' · guided the team to an 11·3 recori~ reversing last year's 3-11 finJ:; J and gaining the AFC wild cat playoff berth. T he off-season decision to trade veteran quarterback Plunkett to San Francisco and with Grogan. 23, may have be a gamble at the time but )!J England came up the big winn m Grogan who passed fbr touchdowns, ran for 13 includi three aga ins t the s lunn Raiders on Oct. 3. Both the Raiders and Patrio use a three-four defense, ratb than the stand ard four.m front. • "Most people consider the fense strongest against t pass." admits Oakland defen~i end Otis Sistrunk, knowing di the Raiders depend more passing than the P atriot Stabler is the NFL's passi leader, while the Pats are amo The best-of-ri ve series. which runs through Sunday, culrrunates the most prestigious interna- tiooaJ team tennis trophy m a qu~t that began late in 1975. Panalta beat Patnc10 Come10. 6·3, 6-1, 8 3 and Barauut1 toppled injury-hampered Jaime f'lllol, 7-S. 4·6. 7 ·5. 6· 1 U.S. Netters Lead, 2~0 "Nielsen has been sharp in practice." he said. "The re- ceivers ar e c atching the ball well. And that's about all we do. so we re as well prepared as we tan possibly be." Asked about lhe extra large, iong-Jegged girdle that Miller wears during a game, Stanley s aid the team doctor recom- mended its use lo keep even sup- port on his hamstring muscles. the running leaders. One of Oakland's runnin backs is former Patriot Carl Ga relt. : IAl1'n" Tri_,, .. Ta_nner, Ashe Post Easy Victories LAS VEGAS Corona del Mar's Rod Laver pulled off a mild upset with a comeback 4 6, 7-6, 7-S victory over Spain's Manuel Orantes Friday rught in the second round of the WCT $320,000 Challenge Cup Lennis touma~t. The ma-tch earned Laver $10,000 in the winner-take-all round-robin event. !lfcGufr~ to Rerip MILWAUKEE -Colorful Al McGuire. the winningest coach in college basketball over the last decade, said Friday he is resign- ing u coach of s~-ranked Marquette at the end of the cur- rent season. McGuire, 47, saJd ~ Ls step- ping down lo pursue business in· tereats and ruled out the TUCSON CAP) -Arthur Ashe a nd Roscoe Tanner are two tournament-hardened tennis pros who still are able to get sen- timental about the Davis Cup. "There's something special about Ule Davis Cup." said Ashe, the 33-year-old veteran of the In- ternational competition after teaming with Tanner to give the United States a 2..0 lead over Mexico in the semifinals of lhe North American Zone. "It's the only competition I lose sleep over." Tanner also acknowledged that he had trouble sleeping before taking the court against Mexico's Raul Ramirez, his personal nemesis and a thorn in the aide of the American team the last two years. "I feel more pressure than any time at Wimbledon or Forest Breunig's Task: DA.l.J..AS (AP) -1f the Dallu Cowboy• art to atop L<>s Ancel es· aweaoma 1round corps Sunday afternoon, then a heavy 1hare of the task talla on the shoulders of guitar ~an, Bob Breuni.1. the Cowboys' strong linebacker. BreunJg ls In his second year out of. Arbon• State and one of the moat vicious hitters on lhe club. When he's not 1t.riklo1 down enemy runners, he picks a pretty mean 1ultar. "Loi AngeJes hu probably the .uoncest runnina s•rn• in Ure leacue with that tremtndoul ol· fenahe Hne and Lawrence McCutcbe<>o runnln1 behl.nd lt., · • says Breunig. ''It will be our toughest assignment or tho year." DaJlu, the Eastern Division National Conference champions, was a field 'oal favorite ovtt the Western division champion Rams going Into the kickoff in Texas Stadium. Loe Angeles bas never made a Super Bowl. Dallas has been ln lhr". Breunl1 bas juat been prac· tici.D' and_plckln' all week getting ready. "Tbe 1uitar relaxes me," says Brfttlit who la so good be bas Hills ... he said . "Beating Ramirez was the highlight of my career -yes. much more satis- fying to me than beating Jimmy Connors at Wimbledon this sum- mer." Ashe. playing his 31st match for the United States in a Davis Cup career dating back to 1967. beat unranked Roberto Chavez. 6-4, 6-41 6·4. Ashe ra!Ued from 2·4 In the first set and 3-5 in the third set for his victory. Tanner, proving that bis court repertoire Includes more than a Eastment Dies NEW YORK -George T. Eastment, one of the country's most successful coaches o( track "1d field, died Friday al the age of72. 128 miles per hour service, struck the first and most impor- tant blow by smashing Ramirez. 7-5, 6-4. 6-4. Ra mirez almost s1 ngiehan<ied ly had beaten favored U.S. teams the last two years. Tanner was down 1-5 and had three set points against him. but rallied to win eight games in a row. The United States was in a position to clinch the best-of.five series today in a doubles match pitting Stan Smith and San Clemente's Bob Lutz. America's No. 1 team, against &mirez and 23-year-old Emilio Montano. A victory for the Yanks would render meaningless the final two singles Sunday when Tanner plays Chavez a nd Ashe goes against Ramirez. Contain Rams l>l•Yed pro!e11loaally. "I don't play for money any more like I used to/ I played three or four night.a a week for a lounge at a reslaurant when I was ill col- lege." Breun11 aaid he made tzto ~ an hour. "It 'a all rel alive what you make," he nld. "The Beatles made $.'S,000 a mlnuw." Breunlt spent most of hi~ rookie season on th.e Co1rboy bend behlnd the now retired Dave Edwards. "I've bad klnd ~ ID up.and. down 1euon," 11ld the 1likable Breunla. "I've made a JOt ol mis- tnes but I've ~one 1.10me good things, too." Los Angeles ew into Dallas Friday night and had scheduled a workout today In 'l'e~a s Stadium where the Rams have never won. "l don't think we can sub- con1dou1ly forget what hap- pened to us last year against Ute Cowboys." said McCutcheon Ni· m~bering the 37·'1 paatlng In the NFC title 1ame at the Los Anaeles CoU1eum. ''But we're a different team now th.an we were a year a10. a better team. I iuarantee you one thJn1: It'll be cloler.•• "Actually. six of our guys wear girdles and I keep getting calls from other coaches around the country asking if they're suc- cessful ... the Cowboys boss said. "The only thing I tell 'em is be sure and cut the crotch out.'' Edwards has switched 6-7, 270-pound offensive t.ackle Dave Hubbard to the left side, pitting him against 6-5, 260-pound Phillip Dokes. Oklaho ma State's de· fensive standout. "It ought to be a good match- up," the nv u coach said. Irvine Bags 69-66 Victor RIVERSIDE-Scott Jenkin scored a career-high 26 POin leading the UC Irvine Anteate to a 69-66 basketball victory ove host UC Riverside Friday night. Jenkins. a 6-5 forward, hit. oi;t \ o( 10 free throws in the secon half, helping the Anteaters bol off a Riverside rally. I JM~l'll AIMIQ<!r\ •nUd\en Oe•I• Sl•Ol\tn\ UClrvl,.. IHI It II pl tit • 10 , 'b S D S 10 I 1 I J " , 1 '° 3 0 D • Mllr I 0 4 C/l•ndltr I 0 I TOl•I~ 11 I) iO M11111,.,., UC l"'I ~,,_ 1V Sports Today 10 a .m . (2) -NFC PLAYOFF S -Th e Washington Redskins meet the Vikings in Minnesota. 11 a.m . (28) -GOLF - Semifinal play in the $250,000 m.lxed team championship al Miami. 1 p .m . (4 ) -AFC PLAYOFFS -The New England Patriots meet the Raiders in Oakland. 4 p .m . (2) -CHUCK KNOX: FOOTBALL. (7) - ARA'S SPORTS WORLD - Tips on Nordic skiing along with a boys baseball cham-p lon ship and e questrian jumpln1. Sp.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OP SPORTS -Billy Smart's Chrlstm•s Clrcu1, C..1ped at London. Also, NASCAR'a On- tario 500 s tock car race, taped. 8p.m. (S) -NBA BASKET· BALL -The Lakera pl~ the Trail Blazers at Portland. (13) -TANGERINE BOWL -The Brigham Youn1 Couaaras meet the Oklahoma Stale Cowboys, taped -t Orlando, Fla. (28) -TUE WAY IT WAS -Willie Mays, UC> Durocher, Vic Wert& and Al Lopez are among guests-a.s the 1954 World Series Js ~ called. U p.m. (S) -COUEGI • BASKETBALL -Tulsa mfft UCLA in a game taped at Pauley PavllJon earlier. (1!) -COLLEGE BASKETB"1.tL -Ht1hll1hts of the Chili 1amo of the Sun Clmlv.J tournament includlnl U'SC,; Baylor and Texas, taped fJl El 1 Puo, Texas. • DAILY PILOT S1turd1y. December 11. 1879 , " Estancia Claims Title, 68-60 By ROGER CARLSON Of I ... Dally l'IMt - Ealancia High 's Eagles rallied in the final minutes to claim thelr first ever vartllY basketball tournament championship Fri· day night, overtaking Warren High of Downey. 68-00, at Hunt· ington Beach High. With the chips down after War- ren had rallied to overtake a one· time l4·polnt Estancia lead . Mike Camp came through with a championship performance to pace his mates In those final two minutes of action to give the Costa Mesa·based Eagles the ti· tie at the 48th HB Invitational. Camp, out with four personal fouls with 7: 43 left in J.he lhirtJ period, returned to the Uneup with 4: 16 remaining as Warren's tough press was talnng its toll. Tbe Warren quintet got the tend with 3:30 to go, and had the ball again ... taking its time a1ainat the Eagles' zone defense. But a Warren turnover ended with Camp pumping in a basket from 16 feet 10 seconds later, then Pete Neumann got a re· boWld and Camp drove in and scored to make it 59·56. Camp came up with a rebound and did the same thing, driving through the Warren defens~ and scoring on a drive to make It 61·56 with 1 :31 to go. The game was Jocked, but the Eagles continued to run wild, rebounding, shooting and taking the play away from Warrm. Ray Orgill was selected most valuable player of the tourney. He was credited with six steals, bad numerous assists und scored 12 points. But even more import.ant was hiB ablllty lo help beat the War- ren preaa, whlch had destroyed Anahei m 's Katella ln lhe semifinals. Also an all·tourney choice with Camp was Neumann, who along with Ray Price, helped contain the Warren offense. Greg Krohnfeldl scored 14 for coach Dave Carlisle's win- ners and Camp finished the night with24. --Dally I'll .. ,._ .. 1tY LH P..,M RAY PRICE (25), PETE NEUMANN (23), KEVIN CORBETT (24) DOMINATE THE KEY. Newport In 60-54 ~e Loss By a Dally Pllot Writer Los Amigos H1gh's Lo~ pro· v~d a spoiler to Newport bor's que'll for the Mn50l8· champ1onsh1p of the 48\h an· al Huntington Beach uiv1ta· tfbnal basketboll tournament. P);day night plle Lobos broke 1t open early lfld rolled to a 60 54 victory. ~The Sailors f<'ll behind by 14 in first half as a combination ofx shootin" by Newport and a hand by the Lobos proved laJ. Newport made seven of 32 • ta in the fi rst two segments 'le Los Amigos was hilling JJ 22-paced by Warren F.llls, o scored 11 of his 21 poinUI In t e first quarter. Rob Galey wa~ the Sailors' on· real threat in the nnit half, ring 10 points to keep Newport thin reasonable reach at the U. with a 31 ·19deflcit. The Sailors could not cut. the argin to less than 10 until 47 nds rem ained durlfll mop.up e. Battle for Third Katella Rum Past Huntington, 85-70 By a Dally Pilot Writer Katella High of Anaheim got a three-pronged attack workm~ Frlday night to claim an 85·70 ba3ketball victory over the host Huntington Beach llighOilcrs in a rough, physical contest. The win gives Kalella's Knights third place In the 48th annual ltun- Ungton Beach IJlvitatlonaJ. Joe Rcnnon, Chuck Grei!ne and Ray Donnelly came up w1th 6S points between them. with Ren· non the game·breaker. lt was Rennon. the 5-10 guard, who scored 10 Points in the second quarter to help Katella overcome a 17·16 deficit, that extended the Katella margin to 36-23 with 3:36 left ln the hall. And when the Oilers battled to within 46-44 with 5:34 left in the third quarter, Greene and Don· nelly took charge to score eight points between them. Huntington Beach had gotten back into the game with a searing press and Katella attacked by do- m1 theaame. One last surge for the Oilers came with 6: 22 to go in the game as Gary Contreras, Cary Burt. and Clark Sims came through to cut the lead to 64 · 58. But again it was that trio- Donnelly, Greene and Rennon- wh ic h led K atella to 11 un· answered pcinls. Huntington Beach's game wu dealt a severe blow in the second period when Burt got hJs fourth personal foul with 2:551efl. He dldn 't reappear untll the fourth quarter, quickly hJtUng a paJr of bukets. There were 37 fouls called on the two teams -about half of what actually transpired in a scene dominated by bodies strewn on the floor. Contreras turned in one of hJs better etfort.s, scoring 13 points. Sima. with 14 point.a, wu clkklng underneath in Huollnaton Beach 'a surge to get within46-41l. HtMll~ ..... Kll •• ",. llO Cllf>lr.re• a I 1 IJ Sl•1"'11u\ J 0 I 6 Sor-• I ? t 8"rt 3 fJI Sln'I 7 S I It °""" 1021 O'Al>ndro i) f 2 1 ""•IOlt\I 0 0 ' 0 C-c••m• s I I ,. TOl•IS )t I) 11 70 Kettltl llll Gr- $11Ultl\ Oot>ftelly Fr-10 lt-v.,. Oro., O<Hlln Wlllel.,.,., Mc,AlolM Colbu#ll ... ",ft. . ] ... 0 0 I 0 "l .,. I 0 ! 2 10 , • 11 , 0 0 4 0 0 ' 0 l • ' • I 1 I 4' Tote11 S<Wt lly Ourllften 0 l I l JS IS 10 IS It n 10 1s-IS If " II lt-10 Other all-tourney choic• were Katella'a Chuck Greene, War. ren's Mark Mullane and Warren Ellis of Garden Grove's Loa Ami&os. Estancia h1t 25 of 51 ahota trom the field and Cotted Warren into 18 tumovera-13 ln the first half. * * * •-cle lMI ,._, .. , .. '"" "' "" ..... C-r a o l • Wal-I 0 t It CotlltU I 0 1 , ()ua$lal11 I l J • .. _ • 0 0 • Mllll-11 , . ,. I( rotv.ft ldl • • 0 It M<C.rt~y , 0 SH OrOlll , . I 12 Ure119ue 0 I • I Pf Ice I 0 , , luCW.n~o ' 1 J , CAmo • • ' ,. 'tlerttO~ 0 0 ) 0 Tot el a U II IS .. Tot•ll ,, • 14 60 Sctn.,_0-,.,... 21 " ,. .. _.. It 1' 14 U-.0 Rustlers Top Final JC Stats Golden W eat Colle1e running back Pal McKeon and quarterback Jlm Andn&a are the statistical winners in the final area JC football statistics, corn· piled by the Daily Pilot. McKean, a sophomore, rushed for 1,043 yarda this put seaaon, scoring 11 touchdowns. Andrus, also a sophomore, completed 62 of 113 for 894 yards and runeTDs. OOl OI N WIST fr.JI ltVSHING tell " ,, .... •••• " M<l(eon "' 1051 • 1043 •Sf II Met"lln " )61 • m " 3 J-y·(-•4 304o • l01 .. ) V-r 'It HO I lll II • w.tx••• 71 •SI , 150 II 0 Nl4rV•. ,, 30• 1U 11' I 4 ] Hol\I .. IS. .. ·~ I l 0 &n.tne•u• l lS p IH 0 ............ ,. 10 10 IO 10 I 0 0 Ha,_ l l 0 l I l 0 To11ls Sll ,. .. lOl ,,., •• ,. P'AHINO ... ~ ,. ye "'· ,. """"" Ill ., • "4 ~ • ....... 1 }8 ,. I )0.) l(IG • MM Un • l I 11:1 IOO , Tol•IS II) ., • 1no ~ u ltlCllYINO ,. "' .. -k• 41 no , ~ .... ., * 7 a ........... • '" ' Beu.co • 11' , JN.I(...,. • ., 0 H•,_ • 1:1 , Mertlft • ,. 1 O.l..lura J IU l We9or J n 0 JenovlO 1 ' 0 Slovlf I .. I AndrvS I It I W.O.lor I IO I Totals Y.I mo IS SCOltlNO Met<-. 61. Floron SJ, J1,...lck 30, """""· ~rtlt1, VttOtr 24. O.la ure, lltllon, 8t11<"· H•"'°"• M-k• U, W~er, Stoult, 8runuu• •. ~ktl. OllANO• co.en IMI ltU$HllfO k•· " .,. .... .... .. ~H 111 !IOJ ' f"4 • s 1 WMl"9,. H lJI • ,,. )t l Hell 40 101 ll lit ., I a.tes ., IS. IS UI ,. ] ow .. 11 11' 12' • l ll JI 0 PwMI t ,, 0 ,, .. , 0 GultnHS IJ .. " ,, " 0 ""ltlll ' 11 0 21 )0 0 O'l.ell9fl/ln " l4 10 t4 11 0 ..... .-. 10 lS l n Jl 0 Ao-J JI 0 ti 10 0 ... ,,., • " I I) .. 0 F He"""*' IO IJ l 10 IQ 0 St ... rt • 10 I ' ,, 0 ~· I s 0 s )0 I Goft••v ,. l?e ,.. ·'• .0] I T01el1 "' 1 .. 1 13' 1 .. , JJ 10 PAHi NO ... "' .. Yft IO(l. t• Oint.y l:tt SI • 101 .J'S , Mell H ,. l ,,. .!JI • O'L.eu<Jlllln ,, • 1 60 .500 , G\14\IW\t • l 0 II .800 0 Stewart l I () • .soo 0 TCIWll ,,, " • ,., .41S ' lll(llVINO "' .,. . ... P1rHI :n JIO , ~Of\ 16 197 I -, ,,. 0 ltuler " ., , Hall s loO 0 Bo•-" s It 0 ~· • n 0 8etH l ,. 0 w. ....... 2 10 I MQ<I , ,, 0 fto9art 2 " I 8utttll"9 I II 0 ""'"" I II 0 F. Her.,.nd111 I • I Totelt SCOlthfO ,, ,., ' l-u. W•allle•• t •. ll•ltt II. Hiii, Conlrt. L•ndrt, Tt-1\ler. 8 001rt. F Herrtthdtl, L•v· l"Qslon.Jos•oll~. P••••' ~"' SttOOlllACIC C.U kll Soelc,..r llJ Ven ll..., •s Y....:y •S lllttttl ,. Wlied lJ Mlllor .lt Oylttt , ... ,,.., J HelQll I -rlOft • ... ,,,_ . Hoyt I a.ct Cl\tr . ..,._ l Totell •~ Veney Miiier liernol\ Tote11 Mlll..- Mlcll• Soelc"9r Ptrdl Ho'(1 .... ,,.. Yenll.., J.Mltre °""'' Wallil . ,....,, Ye.MY M<Cul._~ Tolal1 ltUSHINO " ,, ... J4 00 • •1 104 UI, JS ,,. I tit .. 7l 0 ' 0 0 I 1 l Mt ..., ... 217 '" llS n n ' ., •I • ll • 0 " ·11 0 14 ·If tm 166 uro l'AISINO ... ,c ... .,.. 100 ,, 6 ,,. 31 II 1 114 u • 0 ,. UI 71 I 9tJ 118CllV.INO ICOltlNO IC 27 • I 1 • ' J ' t t ' , I ,. ..... .. •O I 41 • 11 s 14 I ,. 0 I I 0 • l 0 20 0 ·l.O 0 .0 1 0 .0. 0 ·II 0 0 .... 0 0 Jt ti ~. .. .StO , .•11 I . .. t I .st• • ... .. •n l ,,. 1 IO I 104 1 " 0 •l ' IO I " 0 • 0 n 0 n 0 • 0 ·1 0 _, ' VI" lltw, Ye"('f, JO, UI~ 11, MllM< 10, ~c ... r It, 141tlll IJ, Pet."-HllQfl, l'trdl, T. Mlltt, (.olt .. Heyt 1. ESTANCIA'$ RAY ORGILL (12) PUTS UP A SHOT. Tourney Action Verbum Dei Five Blasts CdM, 63-43 By GLENN WIDTE Oft ... Oally I'll« Matt LA VERNE-Potent Verbum Dei blended s uperior board strength with quickness and lethal outside s hooting to run rou1hshod over Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings, 63-43, Friday ni&ht at La Verne College. The battle settled third place in the rough and tumble San Dimas basketball tournament. The title went to defending CIF 4·A cham. pion Long Beach Poly, which sub· dued previously unbeaten Pasadena, 53-45. Corona del Mar was no match for the taller, smoother Eagles of Verbum Del (Los AngeJes).1The Easies never trailed and It -waa close for 09ly the firat two minutes aa the victon owned a M lead with 5:54 remaining in the first stanza. Then they went on one of their frequent scoring sprees and 4:04 later. when Cd M got its next baaket, Verbum Dei was in front, 13-6. From then on the bulge con- tinued to awell until al one point the Sea Kings were lagging by 23. hilting the 20·footers, owning the boards, committing only seven fouls In the game and making few turnovers. Verbum Dei wound up canning S6 percent of its field goal tries while CdM was tanking an icy 33.3 percent from the field. So cold were Sea Kings shooters that only twice in the game were they able to string two successful shots as they fell for the third time in 10 outings this season. Verbum Dei blocked six shots, three in the first four minutes of the game. Corona de l Mar showed llllle stable offense aa on- ly Jack Tuz was able to score in double fl1ures. Tuz was selected to the six.man all·tournament team. Vt""""Otl lt.11 C--•,_IMlr 101 Prllllt -M.rQuetlt Wiii.Oii wt Ill ams '-' Je<k\Oft Totelt ,, "''"" 7 1 o ll Tur f J ' IJ fWIOlllO S J 2 IJ 81e<k I 0 I 2 lhlnl J I 1 I Koe~lff ' I 0 S HllcllCO<lt 1 0 0 l l(llllon 1• IS 1 U Fair NH\Oft Tole!\ ,, It " ,. • , s 14 0 I 2 I • O 1 I , 0 •• I • l I> , 0 0 ' I ? I l I 0 I 1 I 0 0'2 11117.Q Corona deJ Mar s uffered ve-o.• through horrendous scoring c.w-e1e1M1r drouahta, going 4:0. without a kw•"' Outt9" 11 17 II l.,_.J • , 11 ,. .... ) point In the first st.ania, 4: 24 ~ without a tally in the second Boxer cn·11·ca1 frame and nearly three minutes wtthollt scoring al two junctures inthethlrdperlod. Af Sh • Meanwhile, the Eagles were ter OObDg getting easy shots inside, were Keough Gets Job LOS ANGELES -Newport Beach resident Marty Keouch, formel' major league player and acout for San Dieto the put ellbt yean, baa been added to the to. Anl•J .. Dod1er1 acoutJnc st.alf. Keotaab, who atleftded Mt. San Antonio Colle1e and use. played with the Boston Red Sox, Cleveland Indiana, Wuhlniton Senaton, ClndnnaU Reda, AUan- ta Braves and Chicago Cuba from 1956-67. In 1968. he played in Japan. . In Las Vegas LAS VEGAS CAP) Featherweight boxer "Irish" Frank Crawford was Hated in very critical condition in a local hOlpilal Friday alt.er be WU shot durtna an ar1umenl Thursday. Pollce uld Crawford, 30, formerly of Loa Angeles, was not expected to live because both of bis kidneys were severely dama1ed. Newport's bid to overtake the Amigos lead in the second f was thwarted by the wtn- r'a ability to use time -and e to keep the pressure on. aley flnlabed wllb 18 point.a and Schwalbe. who scored 12 in second half, had 14 point.a. Newport's last real cballen1e the Lot Amtgoa attack came id way throu1h the third arter when Schwalbe wu con- FV, Marina Gain Tour~y Finals Booted Into the Clark County Jail on charges of attempted murder waa former boxer Raymond Griffin, 64, of Lu v., ... Crawford, who moved here about a year ago, bad been look-lne for 1 comeback and had bffn tn tralnlnl for a ftibt in Norway next February, det.ecUvee said. t.ins from outside and lnside. * * * I "-" M•rW &.M .,...... lltl ,, "... .. ft,.'" i o 2 • Ward • 7 a •o •t114.teMt •S1t1 0 ' 0 ' v .... , • 0 ' 16 ,,.,.~ tlt1 t t , • • De/Mt\ • 0 t 0 ••• ,°""" ,,,. 1 0 1 t Tel~I f t 0 t 2 0 I •. ltNCIUMltr I t 0 t I f 4 4 !Gnctcll O t 1 f H ti It k Tetatt M ti ~ IO ........ ...,.,, , .. ,. 14 ,,_.. • ,11 It Uood4 ARROYO G RANt>t-Potent Fountain Valley a nd the rapidly. Improving Marin&1Hlgb Vlk:ings of HWltlngton Beach, rivals ln the Sunset League, claah at 8 tonight lo the cbarnplonablp basketball game ot the Arroyo Gtandetoumament. Dave Brown's undefeated Barons. now 7.0 , bUt&ed ArTovo Grande, 8'1·38, in umlflnab ac· tiCID Friday.t. whlle Marilla toppled Rlahttt.lofbanta 14arta63-53. m. usual, J"ou.ntain Valley put the contest ~ut ol tucb urly, outacorlng Affo)'O Grande 22-4 ln the first quarter. The hot·ahootlng Barona bit on eight. of their ftnt nine fleld 10&1 attempta wltb George Barrios and Roaer Hohnea COlll1ffllng tor el1ht point.a ap1~ In the fh1t quarter. Both wound up Vltth H Po(nlt. while Bo Boxold. wbo jolMd the team earUer thla week after flnlahlnl wlth football, added u. Scott FOTd bad 10 polnta. The VWn11 of St..e Popovieb lmprovt;Cl lbelr aeuon record to W by 1ettin1 a balanc.d ICOrin1 attack. Led by fol"Ward Toni' War'Nll'I lt points. the Vlkea bad four pl_,era ln double filUN· J\U\ior pard LeJIAd Bruce. ~ bed 11 potnta after lnt4rmltllon. wound '!P wlth 15 ~hll• Mldor auard CIW'li• KoeUw had 11 ud Hllior forward Mann1TOITeladded10. Jlwtna wu atv• la-'"' tl'ouble, opealn!i a.ri ball\lme lead and Ml a ~12 martin tbroa1 mott ~ --41Wf. . , ...........Y .. ley CUI ~ c.Jlt . .. "'"~ .. " .... • ,., .... , • > t • w-7 2 s 16 lltHN. , . ,, °"" , , •• Wlllr t f t <I T°"'" 4 t t tO e.wri. s •4 4 ,. tlfllt.jt ' • • tJ ....,_ t 2 4 K"'ltr J t t 12. ~_, 6 2 I ll tciAllll I 0 t t CMroll I I I J C,_ 1 t , 4 hlllttalll t t t t T"ll• U U U .S ...... • • 1" ....., .,., ,..... u " ••• , Gttlfln wu reportedly man* 101 Crawford'• comeback at- tempt. lnv .. tl1ators Hid Crawford wu abot after be and Grttnn ap. puebt1y became embnllled In M arpment over money. 'The lnal· ct.at OC1curred al Ortlftn'1 re. tldence. Crawford, a popular a1'd 'ftll· known fl1htn ln Southern Cali.fond1 durtn• the late mot Ind •uly"'lrTOI. bad not tcuibt. ln ~than a )'tar, police 1ala. I• " c Diahlos Wm; Bid For Title By ED BURGA RT Ol ll>t D•ll~ Pllel Slit" For those who saw the youn g M1ss1on V1e10 , Diablos compete in the San Clemente basketball tournamef}t last week, they would never believe that such a team eould be competin g for a tourney championshlp. But such is the case at 7:30 t ight when Dave King's Oiablos collide with Loyola of Los Angeles for the Laguna Beach tournament championship at Laguna BeaehHigh. With three sophomores and five juniors on the ll-m an r os ter, the Diablos displayed an in· cred ibl e s hootin g performa n ce ·Friday night, whipping the Brea Wildcats, 65-55. in cham· pionship semifinals ac· ti on. Hitting on 10 of 14, seven of 10 and seven of 10 fi eld goal attempts in the last three periods- that comes out to 70.6 percent-Mission Viejo quickly disposed of a Wildcats team that was 5-1. Lead i ng 29-26 at halftime, the' Diablos didn't give Brea a high percentage shot in the ,.. third quarter. And com b1ned with their con- sistency at hitting 18·20 footers. the Dtablos out- scored the Wildcats 18-8 in that period Saturd1y. December 18 1976 DAILY PILOT MV'S ROGER HUFFMAN GETS READY TO MAKE AN OUTLET PASS AGAINST BREA. Area Girls Honored Chris Anderson or Lagun a Beach lligh . School was selected most valuable player in the Cl F 4-A g irls volleyball competition this season and was joined on the first team by two team- mates and two players from runnerup Corona del Mar. Laguna Five Falls, 52-49 By a Dally Piiot Writer Timely free thro w shooting carried the Esperanza High Aztecs of Garden Grove to a 52 ·49 vic tory over Laguna Beach's Artists in action at the Laguna Beach basketball touma· ment Friday afternoon at Laguna Beach High. Ed Burlingham 's Arti sts meet University's Trojans of Irvine for seventh place al 1: 30 today. And when Esperanza missed a poor percen· tage shot with 45 seconds remaining, it appeared that Lagun a Beach might win. But with 20 seconds left to play, the Artists missed a close shot and J05t the rebound out or bounds. The Aztecs then sank two free throws with nine seconds left. giving them a three-p oint lead. Gompf scored again with six seconds left, but Milt$).,, Adams sank two mol'4!I free throws for E.x· peranza with thre~ seconds rem aining. •• Gompf wa s lft sparkplug for Laguo • coming off the bench score eight points. ;.: '77 :~ MB~ That ~ave M iss1on Vie· JO a 47·34 lead a nd Brea o .. ,. °'"" -.. ,,., ....., h .,... never came closer than DAVID EGEPTSOI\! GqAB~ qE~OUt-40, ROGER HUFFMAN (32) MOVES I N. the final score Dawn Spurlock, the Laguna Beach setter, was picked to the first team for the second straight year, along with CdM 's junior star, Dale Keough. Leslie Wendel of Laguna and Cheryl Johnston. a sophomore from CdM, were also picked !or the first team The Aztecs. taking ad- vMtage or a tWO·for-14 shooting perrormace by Laguna Beach in the thlrd quarter. opened a 38·29 lead entering the final period when they Pheasant Ort!$std • RHdy to Cool! -·~ ~~ ft..,.,,,-.,,'' ~·"'" r~11 t• nv ...,,,/ ,,... .., ... ,, •• .,, f'\f'# l~•' ... '"°"t BaP4kethall Scores JUNIOR VAR~tTV Hunt 9••< f't T OMtn•y Ch•mp1on,fit1p ""1~woot1 lt/t r,1, Hunt ltf't1Cfl PttQl.f•n 1~" f 1?1 PntJn u .. 11 Mitr..tv1,.1"1 IU i !U ''' 1nh,111 Sw,~·k ''1' 't 4 N ~ t1·•1 Fr,,...l"l"ltln 't• ti I l 1• Pufmi.tf\ 1171 '• _.., ThnMrt 1111 ~1tlft1m"' ttR )J ,,., SOPHOMORF O•tden GtOVt Tourntt~ CPt•mp1otuh1p MfUIO"""'o ,,,, tl•» L.otAl'nftf()\ Scf'lm~t11 ff] i ,. I ,t\t t-1uftM.-,, HH 11 Alt. .n S-nt:f'Jll 11'1 O'"ho~ ,, \lti'#ll''"w' ( (, .. t ,., •• • (JJ '. ' For OttrO o•.u• Co\t• Mf\..t f\' OH S•ddl•b.1<11 ,,_. .. ,,. , ' ()r)'"'"' " Sutter•·• 1 JO Mttrr1\ 14 N4..,,,.An J ~ ''>" ' .. .,. ... 01(1ti.,._,,. ..... ~. 1o-. I N 1U (Y, ~ . ' M •I ~"04"· Teu,.Mf """'' &••<" t•t • u4 ~o' •'"'"""'o' P~n,...__ '"\ i iit ft "''"''' E'"' ?<) .. )I ' /It'\ 'i.m·t"" ... ,.,. ' .. Hf''•''H•"I•) ,,.,. 1"1"'·1 11,' M41ftirnt ~R 1 1 Uqwn .. lt ll l ~t ~,..,~ ANj•r-.n,, ~ \ ,q.,.•1• fl)tfl '1 I' I .... Sinll~ I Httv•I'\ fl fr•t' '• l& '' nn,.., .. ,f'I• It,,. 1 e .. ,~ ... '" · , M•'*''""'' '"'• >"of 1 1~ ro"''''"""' ._ '''°'• ""'l'M' •• f ,,,,., (dl\O" I MU I O I Ch'M I-I ""' ~, .. Cutt""'"~"" " lt/V()nn .. ,., •• 01rJ· '"" I ,.,. ,,,m (' '• f t J I 1 II f ,.,. ' I GI,.," Gf••• fofrifr"•• c,.,.,,..,..~'"'• lU.•tte•• JI) •W>MlttlMYN1• l .. ,. ""Wr U I J: ' •v• ,_....,.o • " ,,,,.,,,.. VAl'I ... ,,. I\ ,,,.IYW'I •.. ,, •• ,. A •tt-" • MV ''0""''1 ~:., •rtn ' ~~•,.,,•n , t• ""'t ' y t• f' H"ltlom1 [. t •"' t' ,ff ""'••t,llff (.Mt.a M4t4 ft') f O ) Ci•ff•fll (;r'O'Wf' 8 Luc 1' t • Mfo"""• ~··--.,,..,, .. "' Sew'..-1 I ( W'Y t .-11.- S lU• f1t • U t••• tn &•""" t1n1 r, 1 ....... , 1 CM 'connq ~ub W"l1'm11r t I f 1f'lCh) (i•ddtf\9\ H) M•lt,1m• ( M 11 I> •llESHMAH CtlM t6Jl (f't HtJwp.ort M•fC.r t(1rwJO,.f 1141 r PH I +f\•'-y J"n• _..n 111 f IUOrl'l4t1 \,tll(ll'~frdlJI I l"itr ((,j,..\ (Olf'I ~ t) t ft I, I ""'ftfJ1\ O~v1\ nn r, ttl v,,,.n1_.,. COion-. dflt M,,,. 1nr1nq \u"'°' ._.,.,, 1 Johrl~ I N•woort Ht!ttbnr R""m'°" 1, Heftrl~ 1 ''"'''' • H•lfUmtt C.nrt>rMMfMlf 11 ~ To preserve the vic-ELWELL FARMS ~ '" t,,, "'"',., •''"*'' ~·"'"at "'-• SC Loses, 73-72, In Final Second tory. the Di ablos ran a spread-court type of- fense in the fo urth quarter and on several occasion s t~ey found men open underneath for easy layups. Elaine Roque of Santa Monica and Angi e Leaper of Lo uisville. were also selected to the first unit. s ank 10of 14 free throws !:=~S~a;o~1~a ~A;n~.1~s;4~;.;1~1~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to preserve the victory. Cosla MPsa liJ?-.:~1 1 The Artists made a belated late run. cutting Esperanza's lead to 48-47 on Bill Gompf's follow s hot with 1:05 left to SAYE 8)' HOWARD I.. HANDY Of 11 .. 01ily Piiot Sl•tt I\ las t·S('C1>nd basket 11\' rcsern• Rit·h Smith era~cd a valiant come hack bid bv the S::in C I l' m l' n t t·. T r i ton s baskctuall team Fndav m~hl as th<· host Bolsa Grande Mal ;1dors won a .th ri II l'r. 73-72. in non· ll·ai:uc ,1('t1un San Clemente. down h\ c1~ht points i.:omg into the final quarter. whir tll'd awa\' at the \fatadors ad~ ant age and raulo!ht up on a Jumper and free thro"' b\ Mark Sherr~ ;ind a p.ur of l0har1l~ to:.se:. by Tim Dunham "'1th 5 39 re- main1ni.: Aftt.'r that rt was a sce- !.a"' battll' with the lead chang1n~ hands with almn!tt l'\ l'rY bas kl't un l1l the f1nalf' · San Cit:'mcnte went 1n front. 72 il on a Jump :-hot from lhl· corner by Dunham with 53 ~cconds lo i:o. then wove a tight defense around the ~fatadvr-. lor the next 40 c;cco nd<. • With th<' Triton-. still in front b~ oni.>. a JUmp bull .,., .1s called al the free throv. l1nl' 1n Holsa (;randt• ofrl'n-.1Ye ter- rllorv v.1th nine seconds lo plJ~ and the .\f atador<; Edd} Barry i.:r abh<'d 1t Ile found Smith open under the haskl't, passed 1n and the reserve -.rored .t layup for the .,.,1nn1ng basket a~ lime ran out I t .... as a heart· hreaking lose; for coach Stan DeMaggio's Tritons Ted Hettinga played superbly In the second half despite hav· in~ four personal fouls agaiMt him and clOf!ed with 16 points. Dunham was high with 27 and Sherry added 11 to the San Clement<: total but the 5pht second con· fusion on a jump ball that resulted 1n an open man undl•r the basket, dispelled an,> though~ of victory $•n Clem'"'~ llJ) tq tt P' to fl , 1 '' ) ,, Four Diablos wound up in double figures with s ixth man Bernie Hawkins leading the way with 14 points. The seruor guard hit on four 18· footers in the second period. * * M 1\tiOft V1t Jo l•U ~ ... , !> OfoC..-., ~uftman 19 ft \ \ \ ,, * p1 to 1 " ' 10 0.Jnn-tm ~,,.., ,..,....,,, 1 0 11 P OPC.a\•' ~ F•u~nt l II ) ) ' 0 • It ,,. ' ' 16 .,, ... ,..,., I () 0 0 I 0 l!ooert• n l • ECl('•t'IOn I ' 1 O H•wlll1n' , tt n 11 ro••" 1core C)y Ow•r-t•" 0 I l 0 . ' ,.. 1l S<ert tty Oua,-,en \4n ('"11 ''"""" 11\ 1 / 11 " n Brt-tt ~ 11 8 &-·•· .-c,.,..,,. , , r. 11 1\ n Mt\\1on V1r10 I 1, 1fli I u ' . ~ 0 " u 6S Monica Park of Corona del Mar and Murie Luo· dy of Newport Harbor llis:h were picked for tht> second t eam . Othe r second unit players in· eluded Roxanne Vargas o f Sa nt a M onica : Theresa Gardin a of Louisville; Peggy Rez of Clendale ; and Ch r is Mccarry of Mary mount. CIF Football Cl~ Ctl•mp1on"'•Pt ... LO\ AO°' 11 J:°Ottt•rtct 0 J ... f....-r'lpt,. Cttv l1 V1fl1 P•r• O 1 ... Anfr•OC>F v.-.HPy J• Nortf "'"''• tt play. * * L.19un• Bue" CHI ,, tt MrM•nv' frP1N """°''\Oft RroOwrton Gome>! AtrPMJrO\Oft "'H'N>vCl" ' ., I\ I ~ 0 II {I (I , I) Tot"I\ .. ,, k•r• •r ONrtto E\~r.ttU4 1 t 13 14 L-.alluch t? • 4 * • UPTO 50% AiC LUMBER r-~--cORP. .. PRIAMISHED • • ~] 99 PAMB.IMG -4 al SHUT F«OM .... I xU PARTICLE 89c 104RD SHEL YING -4' LENGTHS PREAMISHEO SHS.YfNG ••.•.•••.•.• 25°/o OFF >/4 .. PLYWOOD REMNANTS -"tt,:-aJo" l~llADI! Al 89c University TUlllbles, 65-·54 TOOL DErARTME:NT SPECIAL PURCHASE Of Powff Md HD'ld TOOLS By a Daily Pilot Writer • La M irada Jtigh's Matadores broke open a close gam e in the fourth quar ter Friday aflN· noon. handing lhc L'n1vers 1ty Trojans of Irvin(• n G5 54 :-etba(•k in the champ1on sh1p bracket or the Laguna Beach basketball tourna· ment. Doug Sorey':. Trojans and Laguna Beach':. Artisll. meet al 1 ·30 lo- day at Laguna Beach High for seventh place La Mirada center Aristotle Me yers matched half of tus 12- potnl output 1n the fi rst two minutes of lhe final period when La Mirada pulled away Leading 45-40 entering the fourth quarter, the Matadores look a 54·44 lead with 5:03 Jefl . The Trojans. who s t ayed close earl y despite a !lurry o f turnovers . never came closer than seven agai~. su!fcnni:: through a cold- shooting fourth quarter Monarchs Rip Murphy, 83-61 Maler Del High '~ Monarchs upped their record to 7-3 Friday night in n on ·leaguc basketball action, rip- p ing visiting Uan1el Murphy High of Los An~les. 83·61 . .. The Monarchs were paced by senior guard Jim Schultz. a four.year starter. wh'o connecteo for 26 points. when they only connect· ed on six or 20 field goal attempts In the first half, the Trojans comitled 15 HiE tq71\ STICKCR PRtCC H4S BlCN JH DUCLO 1 6~•' Cllll 1001\Y roR DET #\Its ON lXClllNO P\.AN :-rnucruREO LIKl "lLASE.' SENSIBLE l'AYMfNTS• -For LAST MIMUTI SHO,,..MG AHD MUCH, MUCH MORE turnovers, many coming -i:,.,, .. c.1.,,,~,.,11 <.'ourt. man-l o ·m::in " "" agamst La Mirada's full· • OPE ... 7 D"'YS I press Still. the Trojans 140 E. 17th -Costa Mesa only trailed 31·2 · t ........ _____ _,I_::....... -----:=.-646-3261 ~ =J: halftime as their 6·5cen-'"~.:::0°,~!?,';:;.~:;b•t.. ~ ;;;:::::::: ~ ? ler.r orward Ro~er J Poirier scored eight or his ----------~========================:::=:::! 11 points in the first two .------------------------------..... quarters. and 6·0 guard Mark Eykholt had six of his 19 points. Gr,_n ~l(lf't Aclln. Ey111hon H1111fCY<1 n .. 01r-v Yu'MJ\ t1alMJ.tt" Total""' Unhftt\1tY Cs.ti lq II pl Ip 1 1 1 " t ti l ' , " ' . ,, ti 0 1 t I ~ 0 I ) n 1 • h t) S4 Score c,y Ou1,-1erl 'Jn1ver\Uy 11 H \1 l• M1r..i1 17 14 14 11LL SOMEONE'S 5ocKs' litlTH 'j'ENNIS ', I VAN CITY SURFER VANS WE'VE GOT 'EM BRAND NEW 197 6-1977 2888 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ~ti· ,,,.,f ·~I·.'' ,. . <~~it· 1" '' 'l G ive a Harbor Racquet ~',u~ :mbershlp to your speclol person(s) this Christmas at a special limited-time holiday rote: Annual Renewable Membership - Singles only Sl 00 (S25 Monthly dues) Fomlly only SlSO (S35 Monthly dues) BONUS -3 MONTHS FREE DUES! Please Note: A tew regular transteroble memberships still ovolloble. CALL 642·2000 RIGHT NOWI Don Word's Hofbof Racquet Oub 380 West Wltson Coato Melo, CA 92627 I '• ' •I ' flt DAILY PILOT Checking *8nquet Results ,.Brian Appell and Will R01ue were selected most valuable Wectnes. day evening at Fountain Valley High 's sports awards banquet.a honor- inc the cross country and water polo teams. j p ecial award win· ntn: l 'V Cron Co1111try Vutlly 111a1ua1>1e: Brian ADP'Jll M<Mt ll!lPfoved: l(lrk 8uhlor; C•l>l••n ,..., So< el tier. Jllltler v.,.,,., llto\I ll•luable Kort COf\roy; Moot l,...ov.d: Oary T1111>eau11 c.Dta1n Jeitry H uttlll"9' S.IJllom... *" Valuable G•ry Ciao, Most lmfro,,_d T!Wly 8rew,ttr. C.C.C.u>. f°'tM<c;1,_..,, '"water '•I• Vartlty Valuable Woll H-; Moot d ~ll•o Twyman, C.Dtaln . , 'ti~ JINller Vanity """1 llalual>le Sttv~ Hit'\: Mo\t l~O¥ed Brett Hod90; c..Dt.to•n: C..1Y5tnc1•tr ,,.,11.s.,11 Mo.I Veluable 8roan Um"""nour ~· IMCHO•td Neal Po,ta. CAOW•rt IAAOy8ell ,,.- Saturday. December 18, 19715 Sunset League Polo Champions Tourney Play Dolphins Deal~ 68-54 Setback By a Dally PUot Wrl&er An undermanned Dana Hills High School basketball team played the fmal six minutes with four healthy players and one who couldn't move because of a sprained ankle and as a result dropped a 68·S4 decision to Saddleback High Fri- day night. The loss came ln the battle for third place ln the Santa Ana 1'lks tournament at Santa Ana High. El Toro In 58-52 Triumph By a Dally Pilot Writer The scrappy Dana HJlls Dolphins were In the game despite having only seven players in un- iform until the final six mi nutes. Then things went from bad to worse for coach Art Jenkins' crew. The Dolphins had started the game without two regular starters, Bob Stupin and Pete Pl taker, both out with in· Juries , and another player arrived just as the game began. Then with 2:31 remain· ing in the first quarter. Scott Cook suffered a badly sprained ankle and was removed, leaving the Dolphins with six players. With 6:40 r emaining in the game, it was Sad- dleback in front, 4844, and the Dolphins were making a bid to come back. They had trailed, 46-44 only seconds before. Kevin Robertson was selected as most valua- ble player Thursday night at Newport Harbor High's sports awards banquet honoring the Sunset League cham- pions hip and CIF 4-A finalist wat er polo team. Special award win- IMir»: ,._,..rt Huber Water l"olo Va""' Newport Harbor High's Sailors of coach Bill Barnell cap-t~_ed the Suns~t League water polo championship and finis hed second m the CI F4·A pl ayoffs. Kneeling (from left) Kevin Robertson, Mike Vellekamp, Randy Parole, Rick Rowland , Jamie Bergeson, Tom Myers. Standing -Ted Tillman, J eff Stevens, J oe Beek, J eff Young, Mark Mowery, John Vollen. It was a battling band of El Toro High School Chargers that captured the consolation cham- pion~ip of the Santa Ana Elks basketball tournament Friday night with a 58-52 victory over Rancho Alamitos or Garden Grove at Santa Ana High. El Toro look command with the opening basket. and held the lead all the way, although the two teams almost came to blows in the third quarter with El Toro in But in the next 35 seconds, they lost two of the six healthy players on personal fouls and Cook was called in and stationed alone the of· feruslve baseline. But the cause was lost and Saddleback had lit- tle trouble with the four. man defense to score re- peatedly and put the de- cision beyond reach. (dpt~trl ~"t'tOV Parol~ Mt) 1 ti•h,.abfl I(,._,,,. Ant>erho,...Mo'\t .,,, f'OWid TomMtt'' • Junior v., .. ,, C>oi•ln Cris FOr\yO't MO'\t V•lut ~Go1;?t~Fu~t~l>f'rhon, Mo\l Im l'rotft·Setlft Olll•ln Or.W C,.~ MO\t V•lua ••e, <;r•fl•m Ot-Vrit,. Mo~I lmciroYflCf Gr•99 Sh·vtn\ v Bill Taylor earned most valuable waler polo hdiors at the recent Hun- ti • g ton Beach Hig h s~rts awards banquet. Special award win· ners: Yan Uy C..ptaln J•m teeff ... Mo\t VAlud bl•· 9111 r avlo<. MO•! lmor.,wd Pn11 8•11\tlan S.Opf\om•rt C.rtfel" I Hry MtN1•rn~y. Mtl'\I Vfltutblf' Tom Pf'yn_.. Mo\\ Im prov'd Ottnd f A \t hnfl'r , Frt U•m•n (dptarn Andy Ho>Y\, M O\t \/dlu.1 r.te· Ort,W' 8d"'"•· Ml')'Sf 'me>rO"fflrl 8-vWel>I> Charlie Christensen. victor in the Cl F 4 A Cll>8S country finals, was honored as varsity MVP al a sports ;iwurds ban quet for the Edison lbgh C 8untin ~to n 8<.•a <'h l cross country team Othe r award~ win ners : VAllSITY MVP (Phtrh., (tu 1\tf'n\•·t'I .o- t••n 'tudy Af(ttH,..114 mO\t 1m0 oro-w•d M•\.. l •"'"on •H~d M 111 • 5'obom. ~· 1n\01t""1l•Of'l•I 8'11f An. .,.,..,,, JUNIOll VAllSITY MVP Bob Stnvtn• mfJO ,,,, CW0¥1'd t-4tPndr1-. I(,,,,., MO\t '"· 'Olr-•t lM'l•I GH(t W l)t')(f '"°'.'" M 1tr F•rr1\ S()l'HO"°'O llE M VP !Hl)I' k l•t 'n•r '"Ota1n Jon~ te now mcl\1 \m O'~ 0•1~ \v•n\on '1'a\t 1~\ft•r• ·~··-p,.,,. \I" ,..4.,,,, ,llESHMIN MVP-,.._,.,.. \111r(fftp, (.l(Jtolll"I • t.t1ck Tomtt\ r mo'' 1mort>•f''1 Davitt V trq' MO\' tftlSP'r•h°"•' f ')m Ouh1fJ'J v Goalie Ken Hoffman was selected most out· standing Edison High <Huntington Beach 1 water polo player at th<' recent sports awards banquet Sp~c1al a ward wan ners "'~"''" C.lr0f4•"1 M4lt1t AUHt M t'\t "A"-.t· .... K.fl W"''"'°' Mo't lmotowd Olvo Pl.Cti:tard MO\f 0\,1 f~f'WJ ~-·-" J""'t~V•nttf ~ot.i1n (r"'luc11: c.~.twforrl ~· V•l~t>t-. MAH 't,.,,dtr 11t "r••~ s. .... c...tot.i1n ftnb 8 i-rq M•lt1 Mthl V•lu.abf• 0.tn Hotlm,•n Gauchos, sec Fa11 Southern California College of Costa Mesa lost to lhe host school in th e final s o f the Califo rn ia Baptist basketball tournament Frida y night, 90-88, despite placing three of five players on the all- toumament team. At Santa Monica, Sad- dleback College dropped a 74.57 decision to the Corsairs "It was the worst job of officiating I have seen in my seven years here,·· coach P a ul P eak of SoCal said after the loss. Ra ndy Adams. Ted Bergerson and Tom McCourt. who scored 31 poinL'!, were picked on the all-tourney team. Saddle ba c k was beaten inside as the "in· nang Cors airs dominated the boards Neither team shot a free throw in the fir s t half and the Gauchos went to the lme on.ly six limes. SeC•I Collo~ 1111 I~ It 4'<Mm, \ 8•rron 0 ~'91'''0f1 ~ ~l\f•.O • l M<Cou•I I) I Cl•vton ) l Gl•\ter I 0 Mel ..... I n Totill\ 'Ill Iii Hlllt•-SoCal. ~7 SJ S<HldlOIMO ISi I IQ ff II 0 n n 0 ' I 0 l 0 0 pf J I l 0 ' 1 )8 pf •• 1\ ' " IQ )I • 10 1 !Ill to 8 8 1 10 17 • ' 0 1 ., ~ 71 ) JJ ~I \a nt t M Ot"l•t ot l • )l Pro Scor es •uti.n.1 a ... ht1N11 a1'°'1at- NV' 1C"''" "l 81hton l~ Mtlw""-.. 1~ NY !Ctl\ 110 0tf~1I 11), tftdtlllnA 10• Got*" ~IAI• 111 P~•l..0.lflfltt t 14 (h•(~ l'>J ,,." Anr.,n10 fO f WA\11•"'1tl)f't•f'J Rutt••'>H AUM't• lt' ,_.,.w Orl•1tn\ 109 lM A"Qf'lr\ 111 PN>tni. 10) Pwllan<I 111 O•"••• IOS HMi-..t Hec~Of Loa .... Wa~hl"'Of~ l Tort>nln? H Y l\IAncter\ •. All•nf~) "I llw In ~®(ft)~® A iruUl ; but bought my new car in ~oote.®~ from JOHNSON 6 SON" Low Price. ond being rreored hke o member of rhe Johns°" f'omlly. wos worth 901n9 out of my woy for That's why I recommend yov drive to John~on (, Son T~ir Golden Touch ~rvice 1s the ONLY 1 woy to buy Give em o try They mol~e you feel reol lrnporfol'lt And. ro me that is importont. 2'29 HARB~ 8l\'O ~ITA ~ESA 640-6630 Coa,st Rowulup 7 Rustlers * * * Area Wrestling Honored Golden West College captured the Southern Ca l i f o rn ia L eague women's field hockey c hampion .s h i p this season with a 9-0· l record and as a result, dominat- ed the all-league teams. tbe-lead1~.-OJllntmJ rm Coach Wendell Witt's •• n Chargers used a de-:::!':., ; ~ liberate passing 'game on &<-n > 3 offense, waiting for the ~ ; g good shot most of the An<lr•*1 1 o pf tit I 16 , • 1 " s 1 0 VAllStlV S~ftVHlthl watf Fin Valley fSJI (U An•""'m ''~ Nont.,1 F 1 .-on b• "'''' 11 tOl L6tk1n ,,: I wo" bV ftut1·1t 111 Gu1t>utt tf 1 won O't' torftttl 110 8ot1~., iF I o•nn""<I Emr•r1f 11.7 •1 111 t<•rah IF' I dtc S•ll 8 1 • 133 B•rrer-totF !dec. T••ttno42 1111 '""'" I~ I d•C Slu~dN 14 l u s HaJl lFldtC Fayl l·• l\.t Hbm11ton IF'ld•t HutJ,onlO lbS Mi"tl~t 'A I dN 0 llOrl1t'f H 1 11\ Fr11n\i. l/\1111 t N1t ht)h,nnf)) ,q1 Mu"o 1r 'w "nv forfl••t H....-' Andfon,l',f1 fr I "''in by ft:)rf••j' Ftn V4llf'y t•T t tO• S•w•"I~ 0\ NOi 11t1,,._10111,,..-if t,1•nri•tO 14 tOJ l.tf~ n F 'OH A?'''''''> t 11 (,u1b1,;t f-'w on riv to,,,.,, 110 f"ll•IJlt tF) Wt>,, by fO,.r1t 111 K dtdh 1 ~'won l)y fort• •t rlJ AMr .. tn IF-1 wl\nn-; 't>''~'' 138 (h(.1t.•• ri: 1 won by ,,,,, •. ,, US \.tl1•n1 Ir J Wl')t'I by f()rfrJt 1\.4 H~ml!tt)n t F' \won b., tnrlt•t 1tl\ (jr-1'1·1tt., IF-, ..,..c Rr.-.,• \ 0 11~ Nit hohOft Ft 0('( H"''~",, 1 l'fl M •'"'0 r I dftt ~Mot ,' l H•t AnrN-' "'' ~, om"f"d l utt\JW\• 1 n )I F(ft v.11 .. !411 ,,,, h••Y Holl• ._•S NoU• • ~ ... on bv tort••' 101 l .,r•·n J; •Ot't Of" fort'"'' 111 r,., 1'ur t r d(or N 1 ·hi • 7 t)'J r, Sttn,.., J:"J~c ~·n~1QO 111 e 11tou 'F-1 df'< Y .-ro' • o 111 8 •"""'0 o: I d~c Mo ntf'I \ 1 llll <"•~ •l'!M c Coo~rtO tO Soait>f'lr iF 1 tiWon by d .. t.-uu 1~ M""lf'l"l•·v t~) o ver t1t11n11too c~ dr'tau1• 11>1 E 'le\ IS I <lor 0 8of\~y •• 11S N1Cf\f)l\O"I CF t 011tr-t1un~•rr ov ,,,.,,,_..11 1'1\ (;ordon tS •won bv IOr'"'t M•• Anl'Jltrv,o ! F ) Wt>n by fflrh•t1 Ft• v.11-. u101 1a1 1•;,,,.,., '\ NQmdt<.h lOl ·No110 1 1 r • ''"" Wn1t-' l l H7 C.v1bvr1 tr:-1 01nrv·d I 'lrihtl 1 10 no (, Boho¥ If I WO" b '¥ forto11 '11 Sf;-1ntoref fWJd,.(. e,,H.,ff /t) Ill fluntitn 'f: f p1nr,.••O t< fll't\41f\ 1 \H t)& OM,,.tto 1 F > df"C l O<hn ~ o U 'I Ch4\e i F) d,.r AQUlliitr 1 ) t\.I ._.all ,F-1 d"t Horv•, • n ffJ~ ('.,,.~11111., fF t p1nnf'd Hunt"' 1 11 111 •o<f\01""' 1~ 1 oec SanY•nt>..cn • t 1'1 M~'lri •O ,.: I df'f ... utc" , t Hwt L.,.\lt,. CW • 09( Anat''°"'' 1 O•n• Hiii\ 1441 t 111 Un P•""'-'I q M".(.-nn 10-01·t '1nt>,1, I~ '°" "'"'•' ''\ ~ ,,,,,,..~ Ov•o•t • oo "' "'""'"'" • 0•""' (J <,1 •"'"'" t I '1"1 ~Car1f\ 0 f•'"'"~r: r,,.·.,.., l 11) '11 l.tnr.lbfoorn \ O• 4,,.,,..,,.,. .. 111 -Ctouo \1 rS•t Ru'l'J" \ ,_ I ll!t Jan tl 0 f)1nn '1 <•''"" 1 I H t•\ storno -o <"< F• ,. • t 1 ,.._, Aot>trh OIOfttn•\JAt•f'C'I\ ,, ,_,., 5,""°" OJ ~t (.. f)'ht • t 1\ 8Alff'r\bv (0• (J.t1n111 ,f.H1lo' ' I~ '"'' MIH .. CO\,., ",, .t.t t , , •t.-t <.uhjno •1•w >ft,,.,,,.,.,., FltOSH SOPM 0•"• Hill\ 1 .. 1 1t•1 S•n P.1Mtual 1(1\lno•• IOI IUI El Toro •1 Patt•m I( Tl oonn•d C1n11n 11 tOl .,.u·r'lncte1 'ET J won hy lt>rtfllU 117 Ot-IETld•< •n~•n ••O UO Ffourno ., fl n plnnftd t<nott 0 1) 117 Gurt~., 1r f > wf)n bt' '°''•if 1ll Gro\\ t[ T \ 01nn.-d Cjt.,ntnrtf t 44 1)8 l'tr'"' tf 1') oinn,.rt All't)n I t1 10 ThomP'O" If l "'"'' c ,..r,n11e f) 1 ~ P,.l•r\on 1 E Y J wrJn hy forf,..1t 16S Ore II' IET> w11n hf ,.,,.,t11f P S Nel\On U~ TI n1nnl'd ~tOtttlO'd I S• ttl No rrhUC h ._.~l--NO m•l<h I Irvine 1711 US! Et Toro •"t C"'rinq Ul 1>1n1"1M:I Conttr'tl ?O 101 .,.f'tn.tri0.1 •ET• rt~c Nt'oell -0 111 Oov91•" IE TI a~c Vo"""9111e U 1 110 171 lll llll lfl 1 . Flou•nov (ETlaec Sny""" o. <;url~y !ET I <It< ... ,., b v•O\\ IE l I p1nnr<1 Cioni.1 44. l(~y IE TI 01nnod Nd\'1 l ST lflnmp\on !Ell o•c E11.ix11v l\4 S~*"dttn ft I OtC Pfl1ff"\Or\ .. 1 l~I N•l\Ot'I IE TI p•nnr>d I( v•.., 0 S8 t1!. H•n1on 11 •won by f,Jrfr lt ,,, M!\y n I IN()n b¥ torf,.lf Hwt M1:Uov f •>won oy to'"''' JUNIOR YAA~l I Y F.unl•1n V•ll•Y ls.ti (11) S.v•""" '1\ ~·w4rd lfV) won bi; tortt"1l, 10) 01\0n IF VI won bV lorl•ll •n Boy,., fFV• P1nnl'O MO"Qd" l10 lut10 IS/ 01nn..., Hoel<• 11 111 rti/t~ f\I Ot>C U•vt 'f l Ill P•oe IFVID•nnf'<)Park•r7 )I 118 ,.on tFv•wonbytorft>ll U\ NormAf'I ISt tt,.c M H dlt 11\ l\,t '.tOQll:f)f(J F V Cl••( M.,,., .. " Ml. ,, ••\ \ ' FV I a~t Hotlm.tn th L11npMd' I /1 t'ft Oot ,,..., F \I WC)f'I b f ll)rif'tl Hwt <n.nn r.v d••t M •""' Fourtl~lft Y•ll•Y t•U tt1 WHt..-n ~\ \ii Wdtd F 'I/~ w l)n Dy l!'lr-1,..if 1Ql Ot\On J \11 •on ov fort .. ,1 111 Yt\ttntt ~V o.-c GdvQnran 4 1 00 (r\<(t) 1Wl '1f't AhUNO 1"11 0 1rtt 4F'VJ won Ov fOfft:ll Ill Pdqp F VI d"l ICOl\IA<I I 0 1• Lu~CJ"V •wonr>yfortr11 U \ ~O\\ ( FV l WDl"I by tn1 ft•;! t\• \ndw f \/I won hy rnrt,.d lf>i Wf'w·,on cFv1 won by tort. If t1\ Dor 11mf' FV I won l)y tnr11111I ltt TOO #\'\ rW •dt< Hf'iC1tt,[n lO Hwt Ch1nn1r 1 1Fv • f>•l"ln~o Qu1,,ldM ,, Fov•l•ln V1llty IOI 1101 Mlfl"Olla ~\ OJVOl•• lflrtt•1I 10) ~1N1trct ,,: v t ninnP(J Wh/flll 1 i• t t? (P'l,nft IFV) won n., to''"'' 11'0 Alltl"I tM t dftc Q9r1nPtt.U 8 U \1' 01M 'F l elt>C P11tlf't._nn 70 tl3 WIJ'O 'M\ diat lun9 1 ~ IJll lllJU IFVl ""C H"c~. 1 Q tH Rf"'("" IM I Ch:< M Hdll \ () I~ Sl'\dw IFVt p1nn1·0 H-tmrnoM ) 40 •&~ Wdit\00 IF'V l P•'101(f Mi f.lnf 1 •1 \ Basketball N•-w•c;.i 'l•' Vtqa._> 11; Nonn 0-l•'>M ~r .J u~r. W> Pd' 1l1f" , .. c.,,1,,,..,.,S1 tnt ur<;•n o .. qose c ... 1 ~tcttf' llA. • ~ S.ln f--r.tl"I t\O \t l/Cl A 101 ll•ff "'1 UC 4iAt'lfd RArf)ArA 1-. r .. "" l.-'M61 M•\Y>U• 81 U\C 11 "''m""' "•mtorlf, M• ''' jOP• ~\. M .tr· ,.._.II, At"b"'m" 10 Oliiil111'1nm .. c.1 <;1 JOM'~' SMUii Utaf\ 14 Wfl\t Vtrq1"'•" 10 tf•n\1\Al M"1n~•f.-St II lndt•nA ~ Ot\Pttvl 4? Mem1>"'' \I 11 P•n" St >l• ·~ t(,.ntu< ky 11, 9owllnq Grr,.n .s• T.,a. !fl Pa\o l 10, 8ay1or M So Altb<lm• 8S. New MU l<O $1.-.J Wichita St 70, Cal Stal• IFullt<tonl 6) LSU ftq Okl•l>Om• City 11 H°"\tnn HlO, NttV•O~ IP•noJ 18 Ml\\l,\IDDI u , MAr\h.111 6) lllro1n10 l••rll 7'. O~ylon IS T•n~\\4tf'> tt, L• SttHr ,., V'ounq\lownSI N , CCNY ~I Flofld.a Stett••. S.nl• ClardO ) • Ill 0.rame IFVI d•c Ed~lotnO. 1 t 1Q1 -tie•O•sh fFVt Olt\n~ Mftl-w1n 19 HNt C'h1nn1cl fFVJ wonb.,fOrlf'lt 'ovntal" Y•llo lltl !IJI l -1 •\ ~ .. MO t l'V J d.c Sarn~ 1.0 ~~=k c!~~~e~h:~~c~~ ao;~~'' Store or o~rt .. : l 10 11 M arose. Oana H111, u 11 u " -s.r The Hi II brother s, s.<!<llobilck 14 11 19 ,, .. IOl RovntMI ill d• c 0 1.,..n, ~ 1 112-SltP""'" ll 1 dtc NaDoll, l-0 110 R1ll1nrwgh ILi oec Ahu<lro, t.0 •11 """"V Ill dt'C 09anou, • 1 in Ovn<on•FVIO•c Anoo111,10 1)8 RO\\ IFVl<ltt Brndv' 1 US M H~ll (FVldM E<l~<tn40 1 S4 P~ller\Olt IF I/ I der T "°""'' t7 1 tt) Taoo~oro lt:Vlo•cGvvb U l I~ lanll\(>r (F II I WOii bV lnrleoi l'U H'l~\Ch (~V~wnn by,Or'ff"'lt Hw1 Ch1nn1t1 (FV I won by forttlt Seven members of Uie Golden West team were honored on the first two league teams, four on the first unit and three on the second for the 12·3·2 Rustlers. Twoofthethree Mh .. onv1°1°1111 1111 w .,,,....,.,.,. defeats cam e at the 9S f'tldm•n tMJ d~c K1n,~y f>.O 101 1(1011v 1A.11decCn..v•1•0 hand s of four -year :~ ~~~0,~~:c1g~~1!~~r:.o schools. ,,, vrotll1•n (M l <le< M ou,.,,,oule\ The first team all- ~~ Thoma.on rwi <J..c "•••I 0 league squad includes: 1:11 c1ar~ <W>det v••H o Virginia Vines. Kathy :~-=·;::.::~~:\~::::~~· 1 David, Lorie Snyder and ••1 WMtlMIDonr•~d J011n>0007• goalie Mary Wilbur of 111 ,,_.n, •M1""• c1 .. ~ 'o Golden West. Denise tfll 1(1n\On IM l 01nnt•O Re,no.d\ , 11 Yeomans, Colleen K.isely Hwt Soo..cc• M l won l)y lo,.~.. of East Los Angeles; Pal H•wfllN11;r,1 uo ... , EttM<·• Jarvis, Sherry Lynch. ,0~~ G~::'7e~;,:!;0b~~~~:;:, 1 •. Mt. San Antonio: CaroJyn 111 e .. 10111 "'""°" bv 1,,,, •• 1 Power, Pierce ; and Pat-:~ Jon•• •E 1 P•.,n•a Orcx.~m.tn i)' Cape, Ci ndy Carlson, m wa"9 •e 1oec 1v••""' •oo Long Beach. •JJ-A•••v tN •o·nn•oM•he•O 11 Sherri Drevick Jo Ann :~-e1a1n tN1 p1nn1a van Ooton ConnorsandTam'araTuz :~ ~:·.~1.~::~~~~0~~·:;:7;10. of Golden Wes t were tbs Sh•l•r rE 1 won.,,'•"••• sele<'ted for the second IH H••lll IEI P•M•O Prov-n<w I "' team. ~9~1 L~:·:;:.~:~1 "'0"D•10"~'1 Golden West 's 12 vic- Mark and Mike, had five steals between them in the first half with Bob Charles hitting six straight points in the second period to widen the lead. After the altercaUon at mid court when an El Toro player was fouled and a shoving match ensued, a third player came in with a cheap shot for Rancho and was ejected. After that, the Va- queros played with more intensity and closed the gap to eight for most of the final quarter. El Toro's patient of. fense hit at a 44 percent. figure, scoring on 22 of 49 attempts. The Chargers also had more turnovers in the third quarter, eight, than they did in the entire first half. El Tero IHI HOM DA EXPRESS HON04'S AHSWU TO THE • MOPED HONDA SANTA ANA JOI W. W4•NE• 540-74l0 tories is the most in one Field Hockey season fo r the Rustlers. Ma.Hiii Hol~ Pltt••tl.t Ml.Hiii ft II "4 I• b I J IJ -------------1 l 7 1 R ------------- l/~PSITY' '""" !JI 101 Minion Vlofo CdMuorinq Kirk • .cu11 Bur' T111lln (fl IOI E•l•ncl• JUNIOR VARSITY Cd"" UI (01 M1n1on V•OIO CdM '-<or•nQ Anore l('U"W" E'Un<t• '11 fO l Tu)ttn €'\•d"'"'• -,, Otln'l <.t •'"•·•"•, -- Pre p Soccer l'ROSH·SO'H Cotta llltta (7) (0) lrVIM CM uorlnQ 09a,. J, Ro;one, 8"nc'11, ~.C11tll•r 8. Olarttt• ll Q\erles S.moson C..Oroe Total• ! 0 J 1 J n t 6 1 , f ,. I 2 7 • 0 f ' 0 0 1 1J 12 tl st Sure '' Otlartors EITo"' 11 18 16 12 -~ llanclloAlam1to~ 6 1• 11 1•-S2 2600 Horbof Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 FROM SEIKO: AN AUTOMATIC ~ FAVORITE FOR YOUR MAN THIS CHRISTMAS. No, CwotlM~•1t.to. t 1 J, 98 , ft .,,.,,.., tt•tMl 1nat•nt <Uri d•I• ofll"I «l..,lffl •t•IMf" tlt•l, foO ""m•r•I while ••el, HAROt (JI ftttr ,., .. t C'J•l•f ••lutUillll<I '"·~···· If•• OCOl1'1111-Ht .W. 11 J. •ttf Wtf'dlf\1• 9i 2 ft. w•lu •••l•d, ln•C•"' d•l4i •eltln1 u•tn<1ar. !ital"! ............ 1111• dltl. •d1u1l•ltl• l><•<M•I For anyone who· s too busy lo wind his watch, make sure he winds up with one of Seiko's Aulomallc Challengers this holiday. Not only wlll he have the right time, bul the right style too. Every time he looks at his walch, he'll think of you. SEIKO A .H. WEINERT Fi11c jvwe/-; »,_......., ""-" ..... tu«MO with~=itting Advanced SLR technology for advanced crea11111ty. With lhe llrst Light [m1ttm11 Diode melertn& system. Accurate readings down to a quarter slop, Solid slate, shock-proof dependability. [xtra bri11ht 111ewf1nder. Flare resistant Electron Beam Coated lenses. I /2000th second shutter speed. Compact, llg~tweiaht body. Screw-In fypo Prakllca mount. •239•i•pljjH:• l1m·•r t '>I • HARBOR PHOTO 3121 E. Coast Hwy. c .......... (7141 673-4670 Commercial Phololfapby • Passport Photos. tto ~ •' 'f ,, • .. DAlt.YPll.OT BOOMER by Wrn. F. Brown and Mel Ca11011 ' THE VIRTUE OF VERA VALIANT WEu, 6oo1.tet , ,..,..,....~~ '\11;-IC::::~ t'M GOING ON A WAie'IZ 01e-r ! INSIDE WOODY ALLEN Do l./OIJ 1HINK IF . .l'f Ml6"Hi'VE MNX YOUR MO$R HN> ~~ C.HIL..OtiOOD ~~N AN NJAL.'(Sf.. t-W'Pleit,, WO<>PV? FUNKY WINKERBEAN WM.4 r R> 'f>u ~Ave 10 c;o ALONG wrru 1~E WATe~ '? Noeoo411 CDU.D' v e. f{E.l.P~D KER, ~. f08IC" .. ·· by Joe Me1 then by Tom Batiuk ~~~~~~' NEXT: WHIN /1/SA$1Ell 5TNlllS! : ..._._..-.,......,~..__........-.....___, p;e s' M a "1 w11 • DOOLEY'S WORLD YloW! TlfERE~~ ON OUR ROOF! DR. SMOCK ? : C'MOl-J. 'N...i A :r· MAKeS Y'OLJ SO SLJRf!! 1"HA-r" 1'H Is HOSPli"AL-seRves "M.ISi"eR COF,.ee.,? l r-;;::;?"--..-,, . ! i ~ ' . . I> by Roclgtr lradfltlcl . No600Y CARES A80UT ruomoN Af.JVMORE 1•t-18 ~~ by George Lemont :t \JUSi" FOUNP A 8ASe8Al-l-IN TME: ~i"1"01..A OF MY CUP! •• by Jeff Miller & Bill Hinds MANCY I MUST CALL . IRMA ABOUT THAT CAKE RECIPE SHE GAVE ----1 ME IRMA, HOW MANY YEAST CAKES D ID YOU TELL ME ro use?_....._....,. LA.al I fOR ft'TE'4} 5AJ<f, IANK. W)UJ OLO WbR6 '«:>U UMGl WV'if~O BUIEVING TtiAT ? by Ernie Bushmiller MOON MULLINS u.-... ..... -.. .......... -. --- TODAY'S caasswaan ruzzLE PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz UNITED Feature Syndicate ACROSS .... ,,... AJI•' 6 lii'!J' d • Ill 11 Oe1"' '•11 14 f•, n ti" I.al t!iOtOW ·1111 f"'C" 16 Go ou•c>lv 11 S!., P1pl • 'e s.111ed poslfl()tl ;;>OF >191 ac.1 O<I ab•• npel• E ~P'°'" ot Can•Ol ;>3 f tr$1 Pt.f1C1 p lPS 2!> ~lum~f 78£1k s rut I ltYt! '9 l•ew·~~ 1 i i 30 Pierced w1rn 1 weaoon 12 C~tCl'I J-4 Allow wrtn OUt ClPDO~ 1ng J9Pu1on ll'lr recoid •2 Garmen! parts 43 Clostdue> 1g11n 4!>0amp 46Me~lcan dtlhl!'S 49 Potnouse s1>ec111tv !>OF1l1c:11y '4 MOie aQ•t!C.lblP Sr1I lum -.nus budt -.r. Anvs~ .. , Pon ... ·"' ~ la•t• le bO Rad•O•tl•Ye em1ss10<1s l word~ 1, J Prol1c1en1 &t> Med1eva1 ly••C D0t'""l ti' MO•t' .itf'<a •v nl' ~· ngre o•ent f '' M:l<PQ••" ·v Hem;i1ned \ld0lfJ l 1 \J~11!u1 Ou Alt! f OOWN '""'' (.1·ntn111ty ;I l'd•I of IU l>e 3 At>sotute rulPrs 4 Measurl!~ by pacing !>On 1n11 po1n1 6 Jewish 11ctt1C 1 Ratuo• 80tdEng COtn 9De1ten1ng '1 A t! Ail ----~:rn'P u.~ ~~ ~If.~~ tr I r. P 1r A If ~ T R "'"' I 1w1r: All A 0 ()" I H 0 1 I 0 l r II A I r _., Tf S !j: f H S Aii A~ l1M11 -H 1 l ~ 1r •II 11 Vt [ S S [ S au II, f I H f II .A IA l AH 0 I I I -· Alff I ~ ~ ~~~ "l H .. R ii~~ .2 H f • £ ~ ~ noose 1n T&rm•'ll ln 11 r •U•te rock 17 Anptana .. ,., tJStop 19 Templ)(lry l1sn•on ;> 1 Sip or 11Q11or 23Wralll -- 40 ArdO< 4 1 Leaser Preft" 44 Fnoe• Pret11 <1 l Renltd •8 M.:ilr.1a m•slalr.e SO Aclreu G1• 24 Su11aned 51 Armed w11n0u1 e1va1<ym1n • Pilling 52 T"dlOUS 76 Toward 53 Moun1.i1n Prel11 • Tree ,, Order 55 Hl't>rew lel JO Vouno ner tors r..,g 57 L3rgenum J t Comooser t>er .. Taylor 59 tris,, village J3 V1sual1lt! 6 1 Reier d•110 35 V1nt10• c.11 Mu11c 36 Fii•. ol • 62 Conluslorl kind 64 B•ed looCI 3 7 Ma111 et1c 1n • 65 Exe>loStve duchon un11 ccmpOtJnd 38 N1tural lal JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH ' ' .. ! • l'C u.., ~ '4c0\. ~fuWIJI uut.1 s,.\\ 7A CLAi.15 CANT eE 80Tti!:RE::> \li.IH 8K1N6IN~ ri\C:5cN7S TO 6.RDS ... He -.!JST OJ::~\l·; HAV£ -\1E' SO IF l{OIJ HAVE ANN C!IRISTMAS 51'0CKJN65 ~ llJE~E EXPECTIN6 TO H.I.. ~G UP. '()o'O 8H"E~ F~GET IT! YOIAI' >iONO~ l MA FIL,HEP ~ liXPE~Mi, MOTf.OCCO- ESO~ND COPY OF "Tl-4' WOnD'S ~&.ATi~i Cl..A'So~IC.AL. .---....~ Lt'f'l~"T'U~&" 'ltOM 11-IE 1.lf~ARY .. .' by Harold Le Doux by Ferd Johnson . r-<SOOC> ... Sf:NTIMENT IS SENTIMENT, BUT13¢ 15 13<;. THE GIRLS .... •. .. "'' • •I .. I 'J I "Htnry, I hope you'll soon ask mo what I want for Christmas::. l can 't wait to brina ii down from the attic so you can sec it." DENNIS THE MENACE ' . Q DAILY PILOT Saturday, December 18. 1979 While our two torrider trivladdicts were eacJ> gathering their second wind for the stretch drive. Olrls Trela grabbed this week's brass riog by chalking up 10 points. · Max Fraley and Nancy Prior shared second place with nine apiece, while Ed Schmerler, with eight points, snuck into a tie for first. Ina Baccua and Tom Felerabead also notched eight. while Vladimir Sokoloff scored 7'h to hOld onto a share of the lead and Brown's Travel was right behJnd at seven. In a boUy contested tournament at Max's place last Saturday, the team of Katherine Yarosh, Jan Fraley, Tom Feierabend and TT emerged vie- TRIVIA STANDINGS I. l•S<ll-.. r~tl M. •J9ffst¥rm lJI 1u VIH!mlrs.11•1•11171111 ZM z,. 11. T..,. ... i--..-Ill IU t. llM• ...... , '" 1. areww'1Tra .. 1111 4. Na11ey ~--ltl s. ,,.. aacca .. 111 "' 1"'h IL •u,.ca, .... -"9nl4Vll 111Vt u. '-"" ......... (41 110'» 14. OtaUechy1 Ill 111V1 .. ~ ............ ,, ,., 11t"- 1M ,,. u. ._,,_, 111 ,. 1. ....-. 0.1~ .. ,., .. Cllrf• , .... 1101 9. 0.....i•J•flrey IU 1U 1 .. \.'t 142 14. •aa.....,·IHMJ·.Hllftfly IJ) MV. .,,. ...try <Kel,,..; hit •I Im".,. ••If ... -------------------~ ~~~~~...-..------ torious by the slimmest of margins. The next party will be Jan. 22 al TT's with Howard Solomon host- ing. Yes, Tina Johnson, the newscaster on "Mary Hartman" should have been Clele, not Clint; sorry about that. Here's our next-to-Inst card in the fifth · trivia sweepstakes with number 10 carrying the two-point bonus. J. THE NAME, PLEASE, OF the saloon in the comic strip Tumbleweeds. 2. Identify Dan Blocker's horse on the TV series Bonanza. 3. Stanley R. Soog was the creation of what TV comedian? 4. A cat name Belle Starr appears in what com- ic strip? 5. NAME THE DOG JN THE TV series Emergency. 6. In "King Kong," Robert Armstrong had ob· tained the map or Skull Island in what city? 7. Name the bird adopted by John Pbilip Law in the movie "The Love Machine." H.td 0 •9" ly "OfMll• 0.-d! "SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY'" l~ ""'"" t"1' ,,_. ,,,,., u1•;•" ~,. •lY •f • 1 q. ~lfllt)n t::1nw•r '"' c;1r1~t '1•'f u~ M l ~ '>"'•n ' ..,,,.,.~""""M Perf •'Mf'I, "" SUNDAY, DEC. 19 AT 3 & 8 P.M . It ",.J',, '•"' rh•1'{"e ,,., "" '"'' df'i'.Qtlt 1• r~•...-;-....ta ""In~,,..,, 01 , r' • .t ,., ...,, -. S.-'bf"'b .,,Oduct.on For rH~.tioft~. call: 64'91JU 1827 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ~~ Jouth Co ast Repertor_i: --S,ECIAL MIDHIGHT SHOW Rt..uf: -... 'YESSONGS" LADIES AMO GEHTl.EMIEH THE "ROLLING STONES" An THEATRES-ORANGE COUNTY ••••·s SO COASl PLAZA hU.1 »"' Mii lt••MI M6 1m MAllN'S so. com PLAZA c .. i. .,.., ~ ....... ". ,..,,,, MAll'S SO COlSl PUZ& '"'-"-$41 lltl MAH S CIMUllAUMO .... It.., ... ....... m1t11 MANN'S ClllEIULAMD , .. , " ..... h•kl• m 1M1 MANN'S CINCMALANO , ... " ...... . .. , .. .. lblMI "MARATHON MAN',1: 10~· lti \4f \"'4--J J ... 4 tl-100.' I\ "STORY Of O" (XI , ....... , .. , ,,....._, ..... , ....... "EMAICUELU" I )\ \At MIM--l I \.t..%1.f •t ""'* .. "ROCKY" ' ... 90 \•T-1 I .. ) t .. t , .. , »• 0 JW-t JI J .......... , •• , "KING KOMG" C.-GJ c_,.._,, ..... , ,, ...... J\.f 16.l ''"' .. ,_ -U·\•noteU 0...T-U:U ..._ "MAIATHOM MAH .. ll~IM.ff Ill "SHAMPOO .. CR) I 1\4 H lt-0 ,., ...... .. MAlATHOH MAN .. , ... ,n .. •" 'THE LOH GEST Y AAD .. ' ... ,, .. By T.T. 8. Identify the principal element or the bomb stolen by Grand Fenwick ln the movie "The Mouse That Roared.'' t. "MY TONGUE 18 ASLEEP and my teeth itch" wa. a line from a comedy routine by whom? 10. Another comedy line: ''I wonder if 1 put too much Binaca under my arms." Who said it and in what movie! Lut Week's Ans•ers 1. Chubby Checker (Ernest Evans) 2. Martin Milner ln "Route66" <Tod Stiles) 3, Straight Shooters <Tom Mix rans) 4. Jackie Paper (Puff"s friend) S. Nine feet CGort's height> 6. Anita Ekberg (original Sheena> 7. Medical (Smock's pet) 8. Fidel Castro on ''The First Family" <chicken sandwich) 9. Eric (Mall Helm) 10. Walter Brennan in ''To Have and Have Not" <dead bee> SendJI your answer• to TRIVIA, clo tM Doily Pilot, 80£1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All mtnt-1 mun be recri~ by Wedne!daJI, other'UJUe boll the player's 14!1 acortt wiU beat00Nkd. Ann, Andy Vnder Way r..os ANGELES (AP> -The animated feature "Raggedy Ann & Andy" will be in theaters next Easter under a djstribution agreement between Twentieth Century Fox and the International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. The feature was produced by JTT's publishing subsidiary, the Bobbs-Merrill Co., from the charac· ters created by the late Indianapolis Star cartoonist JohnGruelle. •. CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMESJ THE NEWEST, PINKEST PANTHER OF All ____ .... r ·- SORRY. NO PASSES 1111~ HERBERl tOr.i w11~ COLIN BLAKELY lEOIWO ROSSITER LESL£HHN£ DOWN ,_,llOll by RICHARD WlltlAMS STUDIO M11$1C by HEHRY MANCIHI b•illt Pudtttr TONY ADAMS· C.. lt IU ~ J) TOM JONES Wrrttt11 liy FRANK WALDMAN alld BLAKE EDWARDS MON.-THURS.: 7:15-9:15 FRIDAY: 7:15-9:15-11:05 SATURDAY: 1·3.S-7:15-9:15-11:05 SUNDAY: 1·3.S-7:15-9:15 FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER • ••• • •• • •• TOGfTHUI WITH (A) Sean Calnery ComeUa Sharpe "The Nex1 Man" . ~-" . -. . " • O'ConDor 'Likes Archie', LOS ANGELES (AP> -Ttus Call, Carroll O'Connor signed a CBS contract to play Archie Bunker again, should the network bring back its hit "All in the Family" senes next season CBS probably wlll bnng it back Which raises a year-ahead question· Doei. the ~-year-old actor. who says bis "Fanuly" contract onJy is for next season, want to leave after that or try a ninth season? pubU.Shed last fall that suid he hates "All In the Family," the series that mode tum Vt!ry wealthy as well as a star "Regardless or what you may have read anyplace in the pr~s. 1 have never haled .~his series never hated Uus part bf Arch.le Bunker, he says. '..It's the most fi&l>clnating role I've ever played as an actor "I'd consider it carefully," O'Connor says Producer Takes Role cautiously. "But I don't think anybody is prepared to say t~ years in advance. 'Yes, I want to do <t LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pl"oducer Ivan Tors ninth year.' Ir you 're a.i.lung me, do l hate the idea. will make his acting debut at the age of 60 in no, I don't." "Escape from Angola." What ir CBS popped the runth-season question Tors, noted for such series as ''Daklari," ''Flip· today? · per," "Gentle Ben," and "Sea Hunt," plays a game "I haven't made up my mind."' he said . ''All I farmer in.South West Afnca who tries to save the can tell you is that I certainly wouldn't rule it out. wild animals from terronsts. On the other hand, I do feel that getting on with -------------------other things has its attractions. too." O'Connor took the opportunity of a phone in- terview about his plans to lay to rest reports 11HETWORK" lRJ '"THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME" CPGI "THE SHAGGY D.A.•• 0 RIDE A WILD PONY .. CGJ .. OHE FLEW ova ntE CUCKOO'S HEST" .. LEHMr' CRI "SIUMr MOVIE" '"IANAMAS .. CPGt "MAIATMOH MAM .. llU "HORMAN. IS THAT YOU?" 11KING KONG" lPGI The most exciting original motion picture event of all time. 2 MILES SOllTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY. FRIDAY: 7:15-9:45 SAT-SU~: i :00-3:30-6:00 d:40-ll:l0 METRO-GOLDWYN-MA YER pru•nts SORRY, (R) FAYE DUNAWAY NO PASSES WILLIAM HOLDEN PETER FINCH ROBERT DUVALL in "llE1WORK11 THURS.·f'RI.: 7:15-9:30 SAT.·SUN.: 1 :30-3:50-e:15-8:3().10:45 edwards BRISTOL CINEMA llUSTOL AT MACARTHUR 540.7444 /)_If[) A STORY OF A BOY AND HIS~ H.-Mt ..... .,... (Mh~•'1t tt4t IT'S LAUGHTER UNLEASHED! CINEMA CENTER HARBOR AT ADAMS, COSTA MESA MESA VERDECEMTER 979-4141 CINEMA VIEJO S.D.FREEWAYTOLA P.AZ MISSION VIEJO 830-6990 ,.~,.,.•W1)•llil ~ .. .._... •t.t•W """"••• h""' GENE WILDER JILL CLAYBURGH RICHARD PRYOR' ............... ~ .... "SILVEasTREAK",.,. ... ...,. ~ ... .,,,...,.,.,..,. :...oa:J ... c,.,,..., ..... ~-"PATRICK McGOOHAN .... ..,., __ ) ( .......... ~ .. \4M1' .. ._ ......... ~ .... ,~..,,....... l ............. ~)'-~tit..tlOWiN'O"".,., 1-..... ~ .. u~ .... _.,._o,.,.,._~ " ~Nl:lfll .... ~01 .............. W...H '"'''"'''•\\If' (ii) I ; l~---· ·-·"'-.J . I .iJ ,. ' .. . 'Rocky' Rocking 'Em Sleeper Movie Vaults Bit Player to Stardom By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES (AP) -Are movte audiences ready for hope and love on the screen? Perhaps so, judging Crom the overwhelming re- action to a $860.000 movie called "Rocky." The film trade is calling it the Sleeper of the Year, maybe of Ute decade. bit player; I've gol to produce a level of qualily fromoowon.'' Stallone is not what you expect. He arrives for an interview resplendent in tan booU, square-patch jeans, flowered tie, jean vest with embroidered bird oo the back. His full black hair frames a handsome face with limpid eyes and Dick Tracy chin. His con- versation ls marked by bunts ol Rocky-like humor combined with a writer's insight. Lee Grant Debuts Q8 fflrector LOS ANGELES CAP) -Lee Grant, w~o WQCl an Osca.r for supponng actress In "Shampoo" last year, may be in con· t.ention for an Academy award in 1976 -as a director. Saturd41y. Oec1mb1r 18. 1978 DAILY PILOT C7 ENTERTAINMENT Colllposer Signed On 'Rollercoast er' LOS ANGELES <AP) LaJoScblfrin will write the music for the moUon picture "Rollercoast.er," now being filmed at Ma,tc Mountain. · He will also conduct the <Wcbestta ln 1corin1 the suspense-adventure, which stars Oeoree Segal Richard Widmark, Timotby Bottoms, Susa~ Struberg and Henry Fonda. Scbifrin composed the mwslc for "Cool Hand Luke," "The Fox," "The ClnclnnaU Kld, •• "Charley Varrlck," "Joe Kidd" and "Maioum Force.'' .. Critics have been m011Uy enthusiastic, although a few exhibit perplexity. Alter a steady diet of violence and hopelessness, they seem unable to ad· just lo a UtUe film that shows one of.life's losers sud· de.nly turning into a winner. Reviewers have bad to hark back to "Marty," "On the Waterfront" and Frank Capra's films or the 1930s to find com- parisons. He waa born in New York City, son of an Italian immigrant father and a molher wilb French and German ancestors. The boy grew up as a brawling Under a grant from the American Film Institute, the actress made a short film , "The----------------------------- All this delights Sylvester Stallone, the brawny 30-year-old who made it all happen. troublemaker in Montgomery Hill, Md. "KIDS CALLED ME SYLVIA or Silvio or Sillyvester or worse," said Stallone, who goes by the diminutive Sly. "'Ibe names resulted in quite a few fight.a. I developed a left. book to the stomach that was so fast that I was on the way to the prin· cipal'~ office before the kid bit the ground." Stronger," with Susan Slraaberg and Dolores Dom. "I DIDN'T INVEST 110S formula of the little guy who beats the system," says the author-writer. "Frank Capra did very well with it, and so did Charlie Chaplin. Jr 'Rocky' proves anything, it's that old formulas never die. His parents had to put Sty into a foster home lo straighten him out, and after high school he taught. ___ ;.;.,;.;.;.;.;:;;;;:.;.:.:.:~:.-.;.,, diplomat.a' children at a Swiss college. He returned to graduate from the University of Miami, turned to acting with dim results. He appeared in "Capone," "Death Race 2000" and most not.ably in "The Lords of Flatbush," plus a dismal string of TV dramas - "I played the anti-social, anti-American, anti- "The bottom line is humanity. You gotta go in- side the citadel, the private world where most peo- ple are living. You gotta get lo their emotions and give them a chance to root for themselves. They ha- ven't been gelling that in movies. l hope 'Rocky' becomes trendy. for that reason." 'L'rendy or not, "Rocky" has produced today's superhero -and perhaps tomorrow's superstar. After years as a bit player he is thrilled but wary. "THE PRESSURE l'M GETTING now is un- believable." he remarked. "Everything I do from now on will be suspect, whatever I do will undergo heavy scrutiny. J 'm no longer Sylvester Stallone the buman, the neighborhood nightmare." Marri~ and father of a young daughter, bis career goang nowhere, Stallone decided time was running out. "~realized if I didn't hit pretty soon. I'd end up teaching other actors how to act," he said. "I could have been complacent and settled down to a TV career. Or I could make one last-ditch attempt at the gold ring. ••1 DECIDED TO WRITE a script that had heart, energy and humor, that showed off my best sides, acting and physical. What about a boxing story? There hadn't been a fight story for a long LA MIRADA 4 • LAKEWOOD CENTER 4: time. 1 sat down and wrote the first draft of 'Rocky' wAUt.11• 1u0.t111 "''c•" so m· three and a half days •· ltOllOAY .. ,,. UfU~OAY (h u-' IM41ff1'1 ll:M to l:tt • 11111110' 1101.1oan tH• to •• Stallone, who had sold some TV scripts "---::=======:;i-~,~-:;;;:,::;"'"';;=::!.._.Ji polished "Rocky" and presented it to producer~ ~i,;IXM;I 1 - -I~ Winkler and Robert Chartof!. Great, they pro--1 J'1M!iilb i.._~ AOAllCIT A~ SIT~ claimed, and they started considering Burt ~--··· ·-. .,. MIAY AMllKAH cowae>Ttet Reynolds, James Caan or Ryan O'Neal for the lead. "Wait a minute," replied Stallone. "I'm not ...... •t>of-531·9580 ...... .. c- 531-9580 '"".._, • ..... ,... IWllYT selling unless J play it." onm SIDI Of ntl MOUNTAINl"I He held bis ground, even though the producers MUST -raised the script price to $265,000. They relented ANO COUHTIT«•I and he sold it for the Writers Guild minimum of ""°"w.u MU MLllll W lllt•I "Iii llOlUIUll «•l QMT~ OU!UW JOSIC WWS1"1 ""' SMA.D0W Of TMf MAWl!"I llllNAWAY "" MUl_, Wllf 1•1 ""' llOlUHAll .. I MAU tt!Dlfl I Ulll TW MAIN\"! OTMll SIOI Of nil MOUtnAINcN I ""' MUSTANG COUNTIT Ill -•-elHUl- SHOllJ AT nlf DmlCN J 1\1/t Oll.U Sc.ouT A CAYMMI lMUISDAf ,,., ~WIWOOI OU!UW ~ WAUS('OI ""' SMAOOW Of M MAWK'"' -1•1111•-· SlUOCNf IOOT i-1 "VI Ml wmt A SIM.I rt1 $20,000. John Avildsen directed "Rocky" in 28 days, and Stallone starred at $625 a week. Don't reel sorry for him. He has a profit percentage. and United Artists is predicting a gross between $30 million and $40 million. Golden Auxird Set For Edgar Bergen . LOS A::GELES CAP> -Edgar Bergen will re- ce1~e the Golden Award" during the American Guild of Variety Artist&' seventh annual AGCA Entertainer of the Year Awards in Las Vegas on Sunday. The award goes annually\oa "distinguished star wbobas been entertaining the public for 50 years or more." Previous recl- pent.shave been Jimmy Durante Jack Benny, George Burns' Lucille Ball, Jack Haley Sr. and Kate Smith. 1UHt' The Awards presentation will be aired on CBS. Olivier Cast in 'Betsy' LOS ANGELES (AP> -Laurence Olivier has been cast as an automobile magnate in the film version of Harold Robbins' novel, •'The Betsy.·' The film is scheduled to begin shooting in May o( next year. Allied Artists will release the film in the United States, United Artists In the rest or the world. Daniel Petrie will be the director. ~ CITY ClHTRl C INEMAS SA. FAWV IMANCHESTEA EX .I O.G. fAWV (CITY OA. EX.I ,+· WAL.T DISHlY'S "THI SHAGGY D.4." fGI A WALT DISHIY'S ~ '"THE SHAGGY D.A.'" CGI ~ "l\iGST MALOHr "TH! llCi IUS" ll"GI "AGAINST A CROOKED SKY" "THE OAEAT AMERtCAN COWBOY" (0) _.&Y .. ., UUUI CM11t111 11\1/f 1ouuuu,.1 THE NEWEST, PINKEST PANTHER OF Alli -tlllllS • PM JMM1 AllGI ....... CNI .eOM ~ 1'Mlll l't) "Ml lutMICI .. """ lllltM'r' MullM1t1 ""' ftNlll IWMl'I ran ---~ ... f Wl\llUI IOOlMN NnwOIK 1•1 "ut lfTVIW Of .I MIC Wllt llC*I (I) _.,, "° , ..... .......... * •• _.._.. MUll•r-i P\¥1 ftNl9I """(11 --. HERBERT LDM THE All·lllW AIMNTUllEI OF THE WORlO'I MOil IUMIUNI OOEGTM with COLIN BLAKUY ·LEONARD ROSSlll;R • LESlIY-AJIHE DOWN • &.lmetiea by RICHARD WIUIAMS STUDIO Music by HENRY MANCINI · Aatedtte ,,_.,TONY ADAMS ··c.' ,... 1u110 ~TOM JONES / wnn• b1 FRANK WALDMAN ,,.. BLAKE EDWARDS l'fM«ed lid Dirteted -, BLAKE EDWARDS · Fit111td ill PANAY1SIO"M. COLOR by Deluxe tla'lllli81iilii I '""''" hl1NI • Newl!On Cenler Ntw'°'' llwdl •I" 0110 His whole life was a million-to-one shot. ~~mm L~IDfH~WIN WINKlrn . j~HN b N 1rn~rn . ~n~f~Irn ~~lmNf J~L~· ..... \,, J• • y f~uA ~~1rif ~~m m~~b ·L~hl \',[~IHrn~ · [~~m~~ Mrnrn1rn · ~~[~[~![~ ~~li~Nf I .,,. i~v~1N v;,· ~rn.~. ~~mm L~Afnmr · j[~, .. ~ ~~1rn~fN · tt 1f ~i~1~:~~~ · ~[[t~~II la:~J~~~~-~I Santa An•• 5;!1·1271 "'#ETWOll' HAS VITALITY AllD A PROVOCATIVE EXCITEMEllT THAT IS FOREVER RARE. t:llAYEFSIY DOES NOT BITE THE HAllD THAT FED HIM ... HE RIPS IT OFF AT 1HE SHOULDER." -Ch1rlH Ch1mplln, L.A. Timff "'NETWORK' IS THE BEST THING /'VE SEEN SINCE 'CITIZEN KANE'/ IT HAS OSCAR WRITTEN ALL 0 VER /T. '~qon1 l1rrell, ABC-TV Good Morning Am1rlc1 "INTOXICATING. YOU REEL DRUNKENLY AWAY, STUNNED BY ITS AUDACITY AND CLEARHEADED HONESTY, MADE GIDDY BY ITS HECTIC PACE." -Rlcherd Cuskelly, L.A. Hereld·Eumlner 1111/ETWORI IS OUTRAQEOUS. IT'S ALSO BRILLIANTLY DRllELLY FUNNY.'' -Vll1eenl C.an•lf, N.Y. Tlmu M£11UHO~AY£1\ pmtnll FAYE WILLIAM PETER ROBERT DUNAWAY HOLDEN FINCH DUVALL •n NETWORK PADDY~KY DlrectH., llDlllY LIMft Prod~ .,HGWAIUI IOTTFlllED ' Mm«Ol.tlA G ~ .... . ... ...._.~....,..::...i IMAVTtlOH• MOM y ...... .... ~·-···"""'- l Llncot" Av~u• W. of IC"Ott 8uttn1 P.a"' •U?-2%23 Here's Kong A,.Wlre""°'o Parisians arc held back by police barriers a5 they strain t o get a close look at King Kong, sprawled out on the Champes Elysees with actress J c:ssica Lange aboard in a publici- ty stunt preceding the movie's opening in the French capital. 'Fariller' Movie Set for Coluniliia LOS ANGELES !AP> Columbia Pic'turcs will release Gary Conway's self-made movie, "'The Farmer." Conway realizl'd th(' actor's amb1uon by acqu1r· ing financing and producing a vehicle for himself. tie filmed "The F <1rmer" on location in Georgia with himself, Angel Tompkins, Michael Dante and George Memmoli in the cast. David Berlatsky was tbedlrector. "The Furm(·r·· is a story of a decorated veteran <JI World War JI who returns home to find more con· Diet in attem pling lo save h.s farm. ClMIMAUHO THUTitE ........ 635·7601 DAILY PILOT STADIUM DIUYEIM ~ 639-1770 NOW OPEN Humble Ha" & Bashful Bill rother 'nLaws COCKTAILS & DANCING NIGHTLY How Appt&il"J GIL SHELTON GROUP o,_ 4 p.&-2 a.nL • T•. thru Sat. COME WATCH US GET OUR ACT TOGETHER 16903 Al09R•I" Hari»or Mall • ,.. . • HUHTIHGTOH HACH '~~ t ,. \ CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! rat Quality TE BOARDS ... w OSI DAYPAQCS , __ K PACKS '1 Spielberg Trying to Forget 'Jaws' "'°'----By BOB TIIOMAS LOS ANGELES CAP> -How does Steven Spielberg feel about "Jaws," which he directed to the biggest money-makmg film of all time? "I'm trying to forget 'Jaws· Why forget it? Because of the physical and mental deterioration that It caused. 1 st1U have recurring dreams that I am on Martha's Vmeyard trying to finbh the pie· lure. How much 1s aJI Lhat money worth? "It waa probably the worst experience of my career. Man was not made to go out on the ocean 12 hours a day for six months. We didn't have the patience to deal with the situation but the ocean did. When the ocean was ready, we made a shol. not before." Spielberg, who wil l be 29 lhis month, is in the process of com- pleting his third feature film, which is far removed from the shark epic. The new ooe is caJled "CICMSe Encounters or the Third '"'ILHll~ Kind." and it concerns extraterrestrial visitors to our planet "RIGHT NOW l 'M DEEPLY into post. production and will be workmg on a first cut," he reported. "l 've got one more five-minute scene lo film In Bombay tn mid-January. I'll shoot in the Bombay market streets and in some nearby caves that have e rotic art. The picture will be completed in May, and Columbia will release it either in August or in winter 1977." There's no presi:.ure this time. Spielberg almost got fired when ".Jaws" went perilously over schedule. But Columbia Pictures didn't blink when the director spent $13 mill.Jon on a long location al a Mobile, Ala .. airplane hangar, as well as in Gillette, Wyo. " What are "Close Encounters or The Third Kind"? Spielberg expJaJ.na that the ftrat ltind o! encoun· ters are sighting ol an unldenU!ied Oying object. The second : physical evidence after a sigbtmg. ntlrd: contact between alien beings. DOES HE BELIEVE IN such things? "I will have to say that I am an ainostic. I always have to see something to believe it. But I consider myself a rational, logical person. and I believe that enough evidence has been amassed to confirm the reality of UFOs. Men have been banged for murder on much leas evidence." Spielberg objects to TV series like "Star Trek" and "Space: 1999" which portray relationships between the planets in an adversary manner - "the good iuys vs. the bad guys." He continued: "In 30 years of UFO reportings. the encounters have been very benevolent. No sci·fi dealb rays, no radiation poisoning. Eighty.five per- cent or the reports indicate that the visitors have been totaJly raUonaJ and benevolent. "THAT'S THE AITlTUDE I take in the pie· lure. l have tried to take inter-space relationships out of the science fiction closet and give them an aura of respectability." Spielberg, a s lender, clean.shaven man with dreamy, far .away eyes, said that "Close Encoun- ters or the Third Kind" is actually a sequel to a film he made at 17. "ll was called 'Firelight' an<lit was hard·core sci-Ci. full of the creeping unknown," the director recalled. "I shot it in ~m and the running time was two and a hall hour~ It cost me ~. but I made it back with one showing. My father was be· ing transferred from Phoenix to San Francisco, so I rented a theater for a night and made $600." Although his father was a science fiction addict, LOVE. ACTION. OOMEDY. SUSPENSE. M~ STARTS WED .• DEC. 22 E'OWARDS llfEW HUNTINGTON QF AYAH O'Hf.AL •TATUM O"NUL "'PQ}o llSUAT REYHOl.OS ST ARTS WED., DEC. 22 EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA "One ot the Year's Best" lWlfrITUH Tnt·SQ~·roiAlltS·Tnt-SAHt ( .... ,... . .. . ,,. ' ... \ .. WED., TI4URS: 7:15-9:15 FRIDAY: 7:15-9:15-11 :05 SAT.: 1:00.3:00.5:00-7:15- 9:15-11:05 SUN.: 1-3-5-7:15-9:15 PG). SORRY, NO PASSES NEWPORT CINEMAS Ht.U CO.UTHW'I &M .. CAlTMUll -!!""°"'On:om:• 644·07' "YOU'RE GOING TO MAYE A GOOD TIME AT THIS UNEI'' -QON,. aAOOETl, "80-TV PLUS PlUS (0) "FANTASY ON SKllS" --=c1..,..,.,,,N£M:"'!"':A-=cE=NT=ER,---.... M.UIOI AT.t..DAMl COUAMOA HAYHDIClHTU t7'-4141 CINEMA VIEJO \.0 -•YTO~'AI MIHIOM YllJO IJO.HtO ED.-FRI. "THE BIG BUS" .............. SAT.-TUES. "SHOUT --SA.NCJIJf AT THE DEVIL" ROGER MOORE LEE MARVIN CINEMA CENTER MU IOI AT .. D4 .. l,COlT .. lolUA MHA \tH DICINTlll '7• .. I '1 PlUS lnthew<>t1d Of apylng Ondct,1ng. ~'* !tie ulll\lflai. weapon, Steven resisted readllla the many maaulnes and books on the subJecl that cluttered the bowse. Steven was a movie nut, Wld tus education came from such films a1> "The Angry Red Planet," as well as early outer-space TV sen es. Beatles Back On '62 Tape LONDON CAP) Butcher "Klng Size" Taylor once turned down $50 for a tape recording he made in 1962 of a group of young, tough Liverpool boys. That tape or the Beatles may make $16 milllon u a double LP record to be released soon, accordlnc to London's Even mg News. However. the release of the Lape made in Ham· burg, Germany. when the Beatles were playing for a few dollars a mght. 1s almost certain to lead to more courtroom battles for John Lennon, Paul McCartney. George Harnson and Ringo Starr. The former members of the now-scattered group are not eager for the record to be released, the newspaper said Saturday. Those who have heard the old recording, wbicb has been remixed to upgrade the technical quality of the tape. describe 1t as being far rougher than their later work. But they say the tape captures a raw Beatles sound rarely heard before. The tape includes stage talk from the Beatles aimed al their: German audience. John Lennon la heard bawling at the boozy. brawling crowed to "sburrup" (shut up>, and yelling al his girlfriend o( the time. a barmaid named Bettina, to bring more beer. WEEKDAYS: 7:00. . 3:55-1 0:50 SATURDAY-SUNDAY: 1 :1 S-3:1~5:05-7:00. 9:00.10:55 JAlllHCMN• ALANAlllCIN Freebie and the Bean "TN Next Man"' llAN CON .. AY OOAHEUA llHAAPll . " ., \ ............. A.-PROACHIMG PBlFECTIOH ...••. In design in Quality . • in l1vab1llty. This impeccable Mesa Verde executive family home can be the answer to yol!r 1977 dreams Featun"9 lormal living plus e big family room Each with a fireplace Formal dining and a large kitchen 5 b1q bedrooms 2680 SQ It in all The rest 19 breathtaking. 1st time advertised s1 12 500 Call 546-2313 i:...._____.. .. -v ~ ,. SECLUDED EXECUTIVE ESTATE 4 IR • IEACH AREA Arched formal two <>tory entrance to new world ot elegance Spacious sunken living room with crackhng floor to ceiling fireplace Cathedral ceiling Huge family room with convenient wet bar has commanding view of pool sized yard and terrace through wall of glass Gourmet kitchen Dine Sweeping stairs to 2 huge master suites and guest Quarter Hurry. won I las! $84 900 full price Call 963-788t IEACH IETUAT-$41,350 >taps to pounding surf and c~tal sand' Back yard 1s pay area play ground Winding wooden walkways to secluded entry• Gourmet kitchen lavish hlf. room with steo-Oown conveniat1on area + fireplace• Sunshine b<eaklast pallo Pool • Jacuzzi • volleyball make this garden living at its finest Wont last Call 847-0010 1/J ACRE POOL ESTATI $67,560 Secluded cul·de·sac sheltered by towering pines leads to this executive double door entry to lavish hv1ng room' Separate lam1ly room with Palos Verdes stone fireplace' Eo1curean kitchen w.th d1ninq1 Sweeping ma'iter bedroom retreat • 2" Rambling • J acre grounds with fenced ch1ld""58IA POOi' Owner c;ays bnng an offer' For Quick app01ntment call 847.aQ10 UMCHO SAN JOA..,UIH VIEW· SH,900 Beauhful San Joaquin model Golf course lfiew' 2 bedroom + don Gourmet deltghl k•tcheli Step · dOwn living room G1arit bock fireplace Wet bar deeo pile carpeting Vacam1 Never hved in Hurry won r last• Call 752· 1 7M COVIHG TOM 4 Pl.EX -S 123,500 1 700 SQ. ft owmtr's so1t8'Wlth ltreplace plus three huge bedrooms Three 2 bedroom. 2 bath apart· ments 5 car garage Best buy in this very PO~lar model. Call today 646-7171 4 fllLIX • HUMTIMGTOH IEACH Beach area. pride ol ~IP and excellent rental! Bike to oce\n from 3 Br owner's unit with flrec>lace Two 2 Br plus a 1 Br unit! S.ller bought new and must sell immediately Try any offer '847-6010 ... OPEN 'TIL 9 t_New Ho1neForl97?! ((11 .. "\_ Ring the New Year in RIGHT! Get a head start on 1977 by I/ / '~ a ·~ deciding your future in 19761 And a good place to start is with us! 1, The Real Estaters. now with over 160 professionals to help you, COST' A MESA CHARMIR Fantastic 3 Br ram1ly hOme Costa Mesas most pcpular area Assumable VA loan Easy monthly payments Don t miss this one $47.500 full price Call now 646-7171 A WARM SETTING FOR HAPPY UVIHG Great 3 bedroom home located in Californla Homes Call for an appointment 10 see the cozy family room with flreploce. separate dining room and super kitchen for mom The children will love the yard and ideal location Good value at $70.000 Call 673-8550 MOT A CREA TUIE IS mRltMG This vacant Mese Verde 3 bedroom family room h<>me with fireplace 1s ready to move into right now' With a great recreational patio Located in a real pnde or ownership ne1ghborh00d. At only $67.9001 Call 546·2313 TRANSFER -MUST SB.L 4 IR -2 STY -POOL -$67,500 Tree llneci street 1n prime beach neighborhood Formal entry to large Family Living Room. Brick floor to ceiling fireplace Country kitchen. Dine Flagstone terrace. Hideaway Mester Suite 3 baths 22' Family Entertainment Room. Many decorallon items, i e custom shutters and drapes Hurry• Won't last Call 963-7881 MUSTSB.1.! OWMEll ANXIOUS Large 3 bedroom + den home on Quiet tree-lined street Professionally landscaped. OV8f'l1zed lot Custom decorator dras:>es. no-wax floors and beaul1lul, new plush carpettno See this home 1mmed1atelyl Call 842-2535 l IB>ROOM PLUS 22 a 20 FAMILY ROOM Presttge home 1n·prest1ge locatton Secluded on quiet Cul·de·Sac Street Walk to schools. churches. parks and shopping center. Custom built 22 x 20 Family Room with beam ceilings can~161 LUXURY JM llG C4HYOH Just reduced $20,000 Spacious three bedroom. family room and dining room with fantastic view of the Newpert Harbor area as well as night I hghta. Beautifully upgraded with enclosed private patio and attraclolfe landscaping Now S215.000 Cell 673-8550. will be happy to answer any Questions. Make the experience of selling your home a pleasant one. Invest in your future by talking with us while there is still time in 1976 to plan for 1977! 4 IEDROOM Secluded on tree hned cul-de-sac street One mile to beach Highly uogred9d hOme hardwood ftoor throughout Vaulted ceilings Formal dine. gourmet kitchen Assumable VA Payments $276 00 per month Call 963-6767 UVE-IM INVESTMENT PROPHTY 8eautlful owner's unit in this pride of ownership income property Ideal for the liv&-in owner manager Also 2 apdrtments tor tax sheller and waiting hst ot nice tenants No deferred maintenance here Real value at $149.000. Call 673-8550 MHEDITH GAIDIHS ISTATI Formal entry into huge living room Formal Dining Room Gourmet Kitchen with Breakfast area Huge Family Room with craciding fireplace Walk·in closet in Master Suite ONner will help finance. Try $9.000 down Cell 983-6767 SPANISH MANSION OH HILL POOL + BEACH -Ql,210 Secluded courtyard entry to magnificent entertainers penthouse Vaulted ceilings add drama to ar11st1c setting Huge lloor·lo·ceiling crackl1no fireplace Gourmet oub kitchen Massive hideaway master suite + guest Quarters Terrace overlooks sparkling pool & grounds. 963-7881 4 IR • $66, 900 VA • O.K.! Prime Irvine location Tree lined cul-de-'sac. Private courtyard entry Bncil fireplace. Gourmet style kitchen. 4 Queensize bedrooms. FRESHLY PAINTED' Bright & cheery · VA buyers welcome' Hurry lo see • call 752·1700 l IR • MISA AXER + POOL SPA · $51,900 Tree fined street Curved drive Mexican red tile entry Copper hooded white brick fireplace family room • driftwood paneled Convenience kitchen 3 family size bedrooms • bookshelves 1001 Inside laundry TWO giant patios EZ care yard Sparkling .. L shaped DOOi + spat Vacant THE LAMOIMG • VllW Fabulous "better than the model" tiome only 9 rnos. newt Secluded double door tile entry to earth tone carpet and sunShine 00walls of glass .. ! Format dine highlighted by sparkhng gourmet kitchen • separate famlly room with toasty hreplacel Soaring sta1~ to sweeping master bedroom retreat with dressing area and Roman tub. Immaculate In every detail and upgraded In every area For the dernand1no home buyer only For app0intment to see call 847-6010 Two large new homes on a lot located 1n prune Huntington Beach rental area Each home has (3) three large bedrooms and double garage. The massive kitchens have all the bu1IHns Owner is willing to sell on an interest only loan Cell for showing appointment -(714) 842·2535 fiEORfalAH COLONIAL SIX llDROOM-...a llACH Formal double door entry to classic old world charm. Large living room with floor to celling fireplace. BanQuet sized formal dining room la conveniently secluded from huge country kitchen. Casual entertainment famlly room overlooks grounds. Guest quarters. Sweeping oPen bannister stairs io massive bedroom suites. Hurry for this "Gone 'Mth The Wind" charmer. Call 963-7881 l + FAMILY IOOM Tile entry to huge llvlng room. Raised family room with floor to ceiling used brick fireplace. No wax tile In kitchen. 2 patios assumable V.A., payment $244.36 per month. Call 963-8767. MESA YEIDE 4 II + F~LY·Sl4,500 Immaculate Mesa Verde 4 Br dollhou&el Beautiful Pacesetter home. Slate entryway. Gigantic formal • livino room -mas.Ive wall of fireplaoe. Huge family room. Sp0t1ess gourmet kitchen. Secluded master wing plus 3 more fam{IY sized bedrooms. Owner transferred. Must see to believe. Hurry call 5-46-2313 now! IT ISM"T C ... STMAS Yin and wa111ng! Hurry' Call 752-1700. ,...) t UMITS-OCIAH But don't wait. You must see this super family home with 5 bedrooms. 2 ltorles. Is on a comer lot near all schools, shopping and Huntington State Beach. All for only $83.500. C&ll 5'46-2313 belor• it's too late! PRIME AHA -$161,500 2 short blocks to Ocean In pride of ownership neighborhood. High stable Income will show cash flow with minimum required down payment. Hurry! Call for complete details and preview of this unique oppartunity. Cell 963-7881 PllCI SLASIB $3000 5 IEDIOOM Wmt POOL· $6',tOO Spread out In this huga 5 bOdrOOf'l home plus bonus room and dellghtful swimming pool. Ideal for famllies who like their recreation at home • pool table Is Included Call for appointment • 842·2535. TOP PRODUCERS PEOPLE BEFORE PIOFll Claudia McGanr, BeaohOlfice 1700~11¥d. ... 7171 ~: ~ ·~e .. ~ .. ·· ' . ' ~ Bob Ferdinand Harbor Olfloe Jeff Jameson Fountlln Vlfley . ... na Hoppe &rookhurat Office WaltJonel Warne~e Office HUNTINGTON BEACH 17'11131 8"ch 81¥d. 21030 Btoc*hWlt 8014 Wlllf* 842·2535 93&4717 .. ,.,,0 " .. ~ • .. The pride that makJS our team what it is at The Real Estaters . A concerned group of people that realty care for you. Join the REAL people at1he Real Estaters. You will be glad you did C•nd so will we). Call Gisela at 640-2500 . •• ) ·.:All They Want tor Clarithnaatfl. •• .... What these youngsters from classes in Gr and Rapids, Mi chigan's Fairview ,., . Elementary School want from Santa is "'~ right at the tip of their tongues. From left , lop, J enny. Kim, Graig. Sara and Jack. Bottom, Shawn. Lee and Mike. They are all fifth grade r s ~~Obese Take Hope Fasting • Ill .;Despite Medical Reservations " 'I hove found a perfect heaJth,.a " l'W!W ltcUe of emtence. a feeling 0/ ·• ·punty and hoppineu -aometlung • .,.;::un1mown lo human.s .. " -Upton ... Sinckllr. "The F'o.sting Cure," 1923. By the Associated Press ,,, Green peas and poached eggs. Dry toast and tea. Not exaclly a delightful array of delicacies, but a memorable meal Cor Donna Joba. It was her first in 14 .. ~months. Mrs. Joba, a 33 year-old cake de~orator from Parma, Ohio. weighed 400 pounds lru;t year. -. .She had been rat all her lJfe and ;.tried every imaginable diet with little success. Now she weighs 1'13't~ pounds, just about 2e -l>QWlds from her target: 115. . HOW DID SHE achieve this as· tounding reduction of over 250 pounds? By trying the ultimate diet : fastln~. For over a year. Mrs. Joba. un· der a doctor's superv1s1on. ex1sl· ed on non-caloric Ouids. a protein '.s upplement , vitam ins a nd minerals. She did not chew or . swallow whole food until a week ·-after Thanksgiving. Thousands or grossly <and ~even some not so l(ro.,sly > oh<'sl' people are willing lo shl'll out as much as Sl,000 a month not to .eat They arc participating in health spa and hosp1l..i.I weight· )oss-through·fastmg programs set up by doctorc; and weight specialists across the nation THEY ARE PEOPLE "ho have put their bodies and minds through every sort of torture and denial to s hed exc~s rat and .failed every time They are pe<>· pie who well know lhl' danJ?er-; associated with obPs1ty d 1 a b e t e s . h e ..i r t d 1 s e a ~ l' hypertension They are despl•rotc rat people t rying one last mC'thod, a method many in the medical community 11ay can bc ha1ardnu'\ "I knt'w I had to do something or I would probablv tM' dead in a year or less," Mr5 Joba said. · When you hav1• trem,.ndou" headaches that wake you out or J sound •leep. and you can 't breathe or Wd lk. you have to do somethinl? " T II F t· t: I> t: R i\ I gO\.f'rnment cloei. not hJ\t' ataUst1cs on the perct'fltage of the· ~ population tbat is overweight, but a 1974 survey prepared by Metropolitan Life estimates that more than 31 million men and women over age 20 are over weight by more lhan 10 percent. Increased awareness of the health hazards as~1ated with obesity and society·~ equation of beauty \.\ith sLimn~s have con· tributcd lo the P<Jpulanty or fast · mg for a growing number of those 31 million. · It is quick and easy and medically controversial It's also cheap; no more food bill. "OBESITY IS AT epidemic levels,'' says Dr. Robert Linn. a New York a nd Philadelphia bariatric physician (obesity ~~ 'Wlae11 11011 ·1aa"e tre•e11dou• laeadaclaf!• that ~alee you out of a som1d sleep, a11d you catt,f fw~afla~ or a.calk.. ,,.., h a ~ ~ ' o d o •OJJ1~tlaf119 • .,, spt>c1alisll He's dl'velopcd ii pro· tein·spanng fo btmg method he's described in a new book on lhe subject "fasting mi,!!ht JU' .. t revol u- t1oruze the obes1t} fa<'tor in the U.S But it must be done under a dO<'lor':c; surerv1s111n." he said Many m lhl' med1ral rommun1· ty attack Castin~ as a radical, potentially dangerous mC'thod or weight redurl1on And there arf' side effects. dol'lors say. vertigo, diarrhea. nausl'a, had breath. hatr loss. gas and abdominal dis comfort WHAT MAY BE worse ;it least m an ob1•s<' pcr.,on 's cyC''> many experts say Castin~ is rar Crom a sure thing Th•) say \.\eiJ!hl d1w s d1sap!)('ur rap1dlv from Cai..l1ng. hut 1t n•appcars Just as quick I) Proponent., .ir).(lll' that under c•xpert care 1t 1.., .i j?nod and safe method to rlurn-. .. lhe l>ody and to give lhL• < t•ntral nervous system a r<'-.t Thev sa'I-the dis· quieting s1df' t Hects cru1 I><' con l rolll'<l Jn<l nl'\.\ l'.1lmg habits can be lt•arr11•d unu· the weight 1s lost ,..._ A•(!;ilcu Gather . "Fasting does go against the established m edical tradition or not starving people," saxs Dr. Leonard Halm es, dlrecfor or Nutrition and Barialric Medicine at Cedars of L<'banon Health Care Center in Miami. "But 1 personally do not see any harm in a person going into a fast for oneortwodays." OR. PHILIP L. WtUTE, direc- tor of the American Medical As· sociataon 's Com m1ttcc on Food and Nutrilton, says the most im- portant concern is the loss of body protein during a fast. "Generall y. three or four days are required for accommodation of the fasting state," he said. "It taJces that long for the metabolic machinery to shift gears. The loss of protein can reduce m etabolic e rricien cy, can jeopardize our immune system and can result in significant im· balances.'' Many physicians oppose fast- ing because, they say, it is not a realistic answer to lhc problems or obesity . "WE WANT A PERSON'S nutritional habits to continue for the rest of his hfe." says Dr. Peter Miller. director of the Weight Control Center of Hilton Head , S.C .. Hospital. "It's better lo teach norm al eating habits - three meals a day -than Cast- ing·· What happen!. to the body when a person fasts? After about a day or two. the body's stor es of carbohydrates, energy producers that fuel the brain and muscles. begin to burn out. Next stored fats are broken down and p artially used for energy. So far, t hat's all lo the good: weight is being lost. BUT SI NCE THERE ls no food coming into the body for con· version to e nergy, the body also begins to break down the protein In muscles. Unsavory as it may seem, the body hteraJly begins to digest Itself. If the protein is not replaced. the body's vital organs hcnrt. lungs, muscles -will atrophy. they will be "eaten" away That 's why protein supple ments are given to !asters who go lo hoi.p1tab for treatment. !lve former queem ol the Mist America Beauty Pqeont gathered tn Los An1e1es· recenUy to compare notes on what's hap· pened since. They are, from left. Jean Bartel, 1M3; Lawie Lea Schaefer. i.»72: RoHlflll'Y LaPlu~ht, 19U: Jo·CarroU DenniSon, 19'2 and Lee Ann Meriwether, 1955. The Jona nmnlng pa1cant bas been booked ogaln in 1977 at Atlantic City, N.J ., Sept. 10. 'I Never Did Feel Old' Philadelphia's O~andy Defies Retirement 87 DOLOaES ILUQAY PHILADELPHIA (AP ) - Eugene Ormandy ls engulfed lo the spacious back seat of his limouaine, speeding along to an early morning rehearsal at the new Robin Hood Dell. He seems unmoved by the elaborate dis· playa Philadelphia has erected to celebrate the bicentennial. ln fact, his only concern is that his driver l ake the fastest and most direct route to the massive outdoor amphitheater. HE CARRIES a stopwatch and radio wherever he goes. The radio is for listening to music. The s topwatch is lo Ume things -everything. "I'm always ahead of time," Ormandy boasts. Durinc the 40 years Ormandy_ has directed the Philadelphia Orchestra, it has become one of the world's most recorded, most traveled and most listened to symphonic groups. He has been with the orchestra tor so looe. since replacing the flamboyant Leopold Stokowski as conductor, that it has been dubbed "the Ormandy sound." AT 71, HE IS well past the mandatory retirement age other members of the orchestra face. His retirement, he says, "is up to the critics, the board or directors and the popularity of the re<:ord· ings." "A conductor nowadays should not set himself up as a czar," Ormandy s ays. "He's not a czar, he's a fellow worker." SYMPHONY CONDUCTOR M•eatro Eugene Ormancty life" during an interview at bia apartment in historic and fashionable Rittenhouse Square. There were few tragedies and on· ly initial struggles, be said. But there was, and remains, one regret. '·I think I'm the only living con- ductor who wanted lo be a great violinist," he said. EVEN 818 FATHER was sorry hls son did not. master the violin -the instrument be learned as a child and came to this country to play. In 1936, Ormandy returned lo his native land, Hungary, to con· York lo San P'ranclaco. just UJS be had thrilled the monarchs ot hls native land. But Instead he found himselr with a worthless contract and no friends or m oney. I le had his violin and a bundle or determina· Uon. He also h ad luck Through quirks of erratic ser endipity be eventually landed the job or concert master with thu Capitol Theate r Symphony Orchcstra ln New York City. "FOUR OR FIVE months later. one or the conductors did not come In,·· he remembered. "The m anoger gave me four minutes to change and go aut front as conductor." It was Ormandy's rlrsl performance from the podium. tie conducted Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony. Soon be rose to an associate conductorship. The violin began to slowly recede into the shadow oC Ormandy's musical life. SOON THEREAFTER, tbe late dancer Isadora Duncan asked Ormandy to conduct a classical dance r ecital at Carnegie Hall. In the audience wa.,..s the manager or the ~delphla Orchestra. In 1931, Ormandy was sum· moned to substitute for the great Arturo Toscant,ni who, because or bursitis, could not appear as gueat conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra. . "Toscanini. .. " Ormandy said reverently. "I would call him my musical god. He was such ap inspiration to me pertonally and to the orchestras he's conducted. "IT WAS HE WHO told me how The limousine cruises past the manicured gardens or the Dell. The s mall, ruddy.faced man with white tufts o r hair on a n otherwise balding head steps from the car to greet his sub· jects. They murmur a collective "maestro.'· • 'Thf• -i•··elHlt--• dtotdd be dohlg, aad right or a.crOllfl I do lt.' tuel b1t.Q w.Lbuoe..,.du;ep., ... l.Mf._ ..... ......,. __ _ poser's mind and bow he r eads about them," Orma ndy said. "He inspired me to do the same thing." "l 'VE BEEN IN Uus place for 40 years. and I still act and feel and c onduct like a young person," the m aestro says. "I don't reel old: 1 never did reel old. I feel younger now than 1 did 20 years ago.'' All a septagenarlan. Ormandy says he stlll flirts with attractive women and speaks or his many tomorrows. duct the Budapest Symphony Orchestra during an annual music festival. It was the fi~l time his Cather had seen him con· duct. "On the way from the concert, I rode with my father and said, 'Well rather, not a word? You've never seen me conduct. Aren't you proud ?' · • Ormandy re· called. It was indeed a daring real for any conductor to substitute for Toscanini, who in turn was a guest conductor for the equally esteemed Leopold Stokowski. · But Ormandy, who soon w'as lo become conductor of the Miri- neapolis Symphony Orchestra, bad nerve. Ormandy approaches the podium with slowed steps and a slight hitch -the result or a re· cent bJp operation . He seems lost in the 102·piece orchestra. His hands tremble s lighUy as he lifts the baton. ORMANDY WILL CONDUCT the orchestra and the 375-voice Mormo n T a b ernacle Choir. There are a lmost 500 people on the mons trous birch-paneled stage. All eyes are on the white· haired man at the podium. He raises his arms and signals. Suddenly voices and other lnslnl· ments blend as one. Ormandy is ferocious in his movements. Gone is the twinkle in the eye. Gone is the shaking of the hands. Gone is the slowness. He is mov· ing swirtly in a world he knows well. "WHEN I CONDUCT, I first try to know the composer," he says. "Then I try to get into the music, and I hope to approach it as close as humanly possible," he says. The day before. Ormandy dis· cussed whal he called his "young "MY FATHER BURST out c rying." he said. "Then he tWTled to me and said, 'All I could think of all evening was if I had used that whip on you more often you could have been play- ing the violin tonight instead of conducting.' ·• It was the promise or a reward· ing and exciting career that faced lbe young Ormandy when he entered the Royal Academy of Music in Budapest at lhe age or 5. He s tudied violin under one of Europe's foremost masters - Jeno Hu bay. Ormandy dazzled music lovers in Central Europe. By the time he was 10. he was performing for the royal family of Austria· Hungary. At 17, he had his pro· fcssor's diploma in violin. com· position and counterpoint. ORMANDY €AME TO the Untted States in ·1m wtth an In· experienced manager for a long· awaited concert lour. Fresh. young, unaware and trusting, the 2.2-year·old Hungarian dreamt of captivatin g audiences from New "I never analyze myself - what I do and why I do it," be said. "I say, 'This is what I should be doing,· and right or wrong I do it. "IF IT'S WRONG, then l 've made a mistake. If it's right - well in some cases it's really more right than wrong." Stokowski r esigned from the coveted spot with th e Philadelphia Orchestra in 1936. Ormandy replaced him. As musical director, Ormandy said he has tried to present new music lo his audiences. Over the years, he has given world pre· rnieres to Bartok's 11Urd Piano Conc(!rto, Milhaud's Suite for Violin and Orchestra, Schon· berg's Violin Concerto and Gesenway's Commemoration Symphony In F Sharp, among many others. WHEN NOT IN Philadelphia or on the road with the orchestra. Ormandy is at his summer home in Massachusetts. There, with his wife, transistor radio and stopwatch, he con- s umes the splendor of the Berkshires. living, he says, the start of hls "middle life." Swami Speaks Out Leader, 00, Defends 'Braimooshing' By GEORGE W. CORNELL •~ .... ftt .. wn1 ... NEW YORK -He sat cr06s·leeged on a throne or pillows. an aging swami, clad in saffron dhoti and tunic, a garland or nowers and tukl beads about his neck. his brown brow daubed wilh gold·colored san- dalwood pulp Devotees, on entering, knelt and bowed to the n oor before him. To his Hare Krishna foll owers, A.C . Baktivedanta Swami Prabhupada represents and speaks for God,. "GENERALLY P EOPLE ARE WORKING on the bodily concept of Ufe," he said in one of his rare interviews. "We arc working on the spiritual plat- form ... thoRe working on the bodily platform a re working on the dead pl atform ... We are working on the platform of life." This disjunction of splrlt·lllt from matter, a dualism character1stlc ot eastern rell•lons which see the physical world as a binding prison from which the soul aeeks escape, ran through the circuitous di1coorae oC two houra, laden with earthy analogies. He described the material exl11tence or most people as like be· inl in jail, hammering bricks. while he and bis followers are trylnl to teach tbe otber1 that "J3il life Is no good," that "to live in the jail ls not desirable." "WE ilE TRYING to educate tb -i P.rlaonert," he Hid. 'They are such foola and r aac1l1 that they ~ cannot understand that · without Jail one CH live.'' Tb•J uo "wol'tlnc hard. • .bammtrlna llrlcu, ''he added, and ue en-.loua beeawe hll dle· dplu are not also "bammutna bricks" and P&rtldp1Un1 ln "Jail llle," liliut bla diaclples know lt 11 not ''lood buafn.a" -t.ht lt 11 "punishment. 'ndl ta real lmowledH .. '' .................. Asked if that wasn't a negaltve view or earthly existence, he s aid it ''IS a focl. .. a positive un· derstandlng." Told that traditional western religions. Judais m and ChrisUanlty, cherish the physical world itself as good, he said, "that is igno. ance." In connection with questions about whether the Hare Krishna view didn't tend to cut followers off from concerns In this world, he was asked what he thought or Jimmy Carter. "I DO NOT KNOW OF IDM, nor do I care," he said. Told who Carter is, "What improvements have been made by having this president and that presi· dent? The world ha..'I had so many hundreds and thousands of presidents. What is the improvement 1n apiritual knowledge? ... We are more for the aptrit-soul than the body.'' When he said he personally never voted in elec· Uona, he was asked if his disclplei followed bjs ex· ample. "I do not know," be said, addinl that votln8 for th.la man or that manolfered no "spiritual benefit," which ''is our concern." Hts movement is called the international Socle· ty of Krishna CoOKlousness. which be founded here in 1966. IT HAS ABOUT 10,0IO rull·Ume communal members in about 100 temples acroea the country, . and claims 50,000to100,000 parl-lJme supporters. General secretary BoU Mardan, 28, said it took in more tban $2 million last )'Car In sales or i\I ma1aatne. "B•ck to Godhead" and 55 books of Vedic acriptqre wbieh&wamJ .Prabtw,pada ttanalat· Id from ••nt~rtt lnto -Uab. Thf 1wat1a1, w.ho turn.ct to th~ tau, was asked about crttlolam from parent. and ex·rnetnbert who •Y the 1roup ua .. ''brainwuhlna'1 ln Ill hca\'y In· doctrtQat.loq oC bOUll ol dally obanUn1 of t:'fae Haro ~around•. · 0 ft '8 DUE TO lDIUNDlla&TANDING, '' he llld. '1:'h1y do Dot ~ Wta..t ltlbd of tdllc•· tioa we are 1l\'1n1. We.,.. 1Mot ech&caUon on bow lo become free or U)c hammerin1 ln tha Jail . . Th.er do not understand that we are ulkln1 on the 1p1.rttu.a1 plaUorm a.ad tbtY ar• on the matM\aJ bodily plaUorm." ' Singing Career Cole's Girl Finds Way LOS ANGELES IAP> -Takr an untr:m wd but above.average VOlC<', add a lc..:cndary la:.t nJrnc and mix well with some of that ol' time religion, and what do you get? Instant career, 1( you 're Natalie Cole. Two Gr ammies, a p:.ur of gold albums a nd several hit s ingles have comt.> her way sinn: that day a rew years ago when Miss Cole decu.led to chuck plans or bccominl! a brain surgeon and en tered the trade mastered by her Cather. the late N11t ".IGng" Cole. IT MIGHT BE UNFAIR TO say il':. bl'cn t-asy for Miss Cole, but ma business m which many sell their souls for a shot at a recordrng contract. Natalie's idea of hard limes were "wh<:n we couldn 't ny everywhere and had to dnve to our gigs, sometimes eight or nine hours." "rt was n't hard getting through the door," Natalie admits, but she says she was faced with another problem unique to chJldrr n or star:. who try to follow an their parents' fooL'>teps . "It was hard geU.mg rccogmzcd as myself. That was the hard part," Natalie says. ··c;1ub owne rs would invariably say, 'Why don't you sing more or your father 's songs'! You're r<.•:tlly doing the wrong type or material.' " BUT NATALIE KNEW WHAT SHE could be~t get o ut of her bluesy, Arclh<i Franklin-type voice - rhythm and blues with a dash of jazz -so she didn't press. A pop· music carc•cr didn't m ean that much to her anyway, so why submit to th£' dictates of a few cigar-chomp ing night<'lub owners? "It bother ed me," she says of th£' pressure to capitalize on ht:r father's name. •·But then again, 1t didn't really bother JllC. I had my degree in psycholoJ!y I U n1 vcrs1fY of M as:-sac husctts J. and I knew that 1f they really got on my ncrv1·s. l could say, 'Well, so he 1l, good b ye. 1 '11 j ust go d o something else.'" Natalie says she h ad never thought of an entertainment care<'r anyway, always ""'ant ing to go into ml·d1cine I wanted lo be a brain surgeon ·· It w<.1s nol until s trcp·throat :.truck a college chum who san~ in a loC'a l band thal a career in mus ic struck Natalie The f riend as ked her to 1:im "'1th the group. "so I did, and we C'l1ckc11 , .. she s.iys NATALIE COLE "We worked the rest of my M·n1or yt·ar at a col lcge pub. An agt•nt from C11nm·cl1l'Ul "taw me and a<>k~d me tn do a few dubs "I said, 'Sur{',· ;md 1t all "tta1ll'd from there " AFTF.R G F.TTI N<; U\' i\ Jo·..:w <'l.l '80WNE RS who wanted ht•r to ~ing lhHlctv's <: n•atl'st Hits. Natalie was on h(•r w~1y Sht· ~old a tape "'hi<-h became .. lnsepar~1hlt' to Capitol an W72, anti found herself on top <1r the-tharts. It anti II, as wl'll as pop. Whal Natali <' lac•kt.'d in 1lrn 1111! amh1t1•in to su1 ceed in the mus ic game, sht• d1tln t e·wctlv makt• 1111 for in confidence Until. thJl ts a rrw111l turnl•d hl'r on lo thC' hot s,1U('t' gos1>d or !ht• 11.Jpllst ( 'hurch · I v. anh'd tn maintain m\ til.•l kn1•s-, · shP 1·-< plains .. but I iluln t rc•.11lv h.1~·1· th.11 r11 h f1rSt ·h<intl \')(J:>t'rt1'll<'t' o( ~o..,pd or bl.ad .. 111us1c· I h,ul to g1•t 11 through r1•c11rds "TllF.N I.\ "T YE.\R, I.' J\ "\ •:. I "',,,, baplisc•d as a Ha pt 1st It v. "' reall) ,, rc•ln:mus n:pcra('nce I frll I hart IJN•n huldinlol ~om<.>lhani.: ti.1l'k It was real h Oil''' I said. ·1 «an't sound hk1• this' Two years a~o. I v.:i._n·t ''"lol'"~ at1)lh1n~ llkl· thl'> Jt all ' J st.1rt-"<I '>lnl!lnl! 1n J V.J\ th,1t I know l'vC' nl·ver sung "'''ore 1 n rn y Ii fr · · The execut 1 \ , . ., ;1t l' ..ip1lnl 11r11'1.1lil y 1•x pc•ri<·ncl'tl soml'lhin~ akin to a n·h~111u-. t')(fH'r lt•nt·e wht•n N.1tal1t• " 111· '1 r!'lc"1't' "S11ph1sttt·..1t1·d Lad.", · womt•tJ l,1 i.:old -.t.1111., .ind th<• 11th.• tr<1<'k hl"c;1m1· ;1 hit ""J!h• 111'1 111'\.\l'..,t ;1lh11m "!'>l'I for r1'11·a~w nc•xt t't•hruar), .1r11I :-.. .1l.1l11· has l1ltlt• dtJUhl ht·r fo1 mulJ for !>Ul'Ct''" "'111 f J1l her ANO l'-llt,'~ (,I.AU :-.ht• shart•' '\.it < 1111·· .. I 1..i n;1m<· . If he• "'"'"'" I Ill\ r.1ttwr . 'ltll' '-<I\' I d Sol\ that probably I wouhi h.1\.t' l!ont' 1111 to lu a do1·tor:1 lhank "' • 1\111, ..... r.111· wuulll h;1v1· It College or Not? I ,~,, \ 'l __ :." _ .. ~~- Laguna Problem Studied I ncorporatio n o r cstabhshcd businesses m str e-et art a nd craru. sales might be one way or easing strained re la· tion s betwee n the Laguna Beach b~iness community and the Laguna Craft Guild. That was a n assess- ment or George fowler. city director of human affairs. Fowler has been charged by the Laguna City Counci l w ith l'oordinating the s treet sales. THE CO UNCI L r e· ce1ved yet another 1X't1- llon from city merchants protC'sling the outdoor sales. which they charge draw cust omers from thl•1r stores or hamper ~hopping because park· mg spaces arc C'l1minat· 1-tl during st rcrtsalcs Fowler said he will be organmng a meeting an .January f o r th e merchants, c raftsmen and other interest ed parties to discuss ttic future of the outdoor ~hows "EXPOSl 'R F. FOR the establishe d merch ants 1s really whut we're ta lking ahout. It seems to me at would be .1 goo1l way for lhl' m er cha nts in Village Fairl' and the Art Center to bt•comc active and let Pl'OPI<• know wherl' ttwy'n• at," Fowler said. lie s;iad 1t 1s obvious the art shows attr:.1ct a lot of out of towners, and that by an crc..asing their market1n~ c•rforb throui?h show p romotion. the merchants could an- cre<1sc trade The Chamber or Com· mcrce and other in· d1ndual mrrcl11Jnts have twen cntit·al uf th!.' out· door shows Jnd asked the· c:ounc1l to hall them. Mesan Tafci.ng Research Post W:lr<l D Saunders. son of Mr Walk<•r D. S~1un cl1•rs of Cost ,1 M l'~a. hao.; ht•en 11pp111nlt•d u rt• •q•art•h as~1 s tant 1n t·hcm1cal r ngmccrang ;1t W as hin ~t11 11 StJ t <.: t Jmvers1ty. S a u n d l' r s . "' ho n• c e1ved his H I\ 1n meteorolo,gv rrnm IJCl.J\ 1n 197!l ,., work1n~ toward' .1 rua~l1•1 ~ cfc.:r('e Tip on Being !!-Jockey Our J oyce: I am a hlith school Junior and would Ilk<-l-0 bccomc· a jockfoy. This l'I Vt'I")' Important to mf'. Oo I have.' to l(o to collf'ge? D. f'., HJgcrstown. Md .. You need post-gate work but not tol lege. Get free info from Th!.' Jockey Club, 300 Park Ave , New Ynrk. N Y 10022, and Jocke) 's Guild, lnr , 555 "\ Fifth Ave .. N •w York. N Y 10017 Dear Joyct: I am really lnterrstf'd ln starting a cart"er as a proJtttioeJst ln a movie theater, bat I'm not sure bow 14 get the oecf'ssary lralnlng and what aalary I could expect after being tnlned. T .J ., Kansas City, Mo You're eyeing a field with more ap- plicants thin jobs. Pay bounce11 311 over the screen. but in tar~e urban areas the r ange 111 roughly $4.75 to $13 a n hour, with a 40 to SO hour workweek Mo.11t theater s In urban areaR are un ionized and in these pl uces, you must complete a union apprcnUceshlp or one to two years. (In nonunion theaters, you can 11tart as an usher and learn on the job.) Check with a local of tht lntemo tloaal A11Jonce of Thealrtclll "St age Employea and Movtn1 Picture ()per•ton. or write to that anion's na- Uooal publicity dlrtctor, Rene Ash, alt .... ( Career Corner J 1515 Broad way, Nl'W \ nrk. NY. 10036 Dear Joyce: I havt> some old books and would like to know If they're wortb anything. Also, lh(' rare·book bll!ilne!'ll Itself lnterestli me. J.E .. Collierville, Tenn After the firs t of the year. the Anti quarian Bookseller Center (630 Firth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020) will offer its revised pa mphlet ~iving Rencral lips on what m akes a book valuable and listing r ar e-book dealers in the U.S. Recommended by the center: "The Pleasures of Rook Collecting'' by Salvadore Iacone, Harper and Row, 1976. Oear Joyce: I am an l .PN who need• Information on 1ebolar1hlp1 avallable to nursln• stwknta In an RN (realatered nurse> prosram. -R.R., Wanatah, Tnd. For a single> copy of "Scholnrshtpl and Loans for Beginnlllll Education In Nunlna." send 75 cent.a to National League for Nursing, 10 Columbus Cit· cle, New York, N.Y.10019. J oyce Laln Kennedy wclcomts let · t~rs lor posalble use ln this column but the volume of mail malt~ personal repUcs Impossible. PlJBLIC NOTICE 1'1Cl1TIOIJ$ a us111•» NAMI $TATIMI NT n.. looow1..., poor...,., " •no """ -"'' •rne s •ovT•OuE _,,.Alton lo """''"9ton ... , .. CA.,_ Bette C•t"4it•fti~ J.ot1i1i1u.DM •111 """' .. 'a,.. (i•rO.ft C-•v~ C...•t..,) Thi\ bU\f"4n\ t't e 01\0~t"'<t Ot' •n In G;vtOU•I n.tt,. t t--1111,.,,,~ f ".i\ \l•letn,.nt •A\ f1lfd Wiit\ t"'9 r.ot.t,..tt Ct••k ot O••.,•>t: Covnty on NO\! ..... bo, )0 191• PlJBUC NOTICE l'ICllTIOUS •us1 .. 1u NAMI HATIMINT TM foOow1~ o.-r"'"1' •'~ (k)o•iq bu" ,., ... , llt.'-MEAT CO llOI [ &••-Nv C ... ,.._1 CA•li.J JAM ~Olt 8 '" l(ll E 8•1btU N J (. ... .., .... ,, CA•l ... ~ If-fl I\•••" 11•11 '001 l llolUO. .... c ..... oort c ... , .. I 1~· ~""'"'I\ t\ tonctuc.tfd t>¥ • O"M••l~rtMr f'Hl Ruott l:hll \c'ou BAii Saturday. December 18 1976 P UBLIC NOTICE U ATIMl .. T 0 1' ••ANOO .. Ml .. T 01' Utl 0 1' l'ICTITtOVS I USINIU NAME ,.,. toUO•I~ ~,\Oft "•""' 4ll tn ~ tfM> UH' t)f I"• f,( t1l•W l'il.l'W'W\~ ,._,•I!. It PAOPCllTt(> fl l~ll7 ttwrOOV•O Avf't Ir 11m~ CA 9-•ll• f,..tlC111to;,,• Ckl\oM\\ n•tn#tt l•tr•O It •bt .... "'"' hh-tJ 1n Ot.,.,,_ (UUfth t-.n ""''I \ .. I\ JOM H II·,"" 1u11 l••rrt>•u .. 1 Aw lt•IM C• •llU qwdy Iv•" • •t.• t ur•\t A-w,,. JOftft\ftwwh PA 1\'t~/ P UBLIC NOTICE ~1'ATU•l•NT 0' WITHO•AWAL 1'•011111 .. A•TNl!IUNll" '"" vl'lil)tt\IQM'd Mt~O'I \t.C•• 1\1 fM tlCUtlOU\ OU\lf'h\l f\.a"'-.. '"" o•rtn•t\f\ip I 1HUN0f.tt PlllOOU(.1'> 11 fn• 11ct1t1ou Uv•tl\i'\.\ n\rrw t••wn•ot t)f tM u u·IN-t\ftlp w.n •1Mr\t 1n()f~~(ounhon ~ou1u '"' ,,, fhf "' nt•O~t o•• • ot tM.NfW'\\Of tf'llll NrtMt,f\1C>" oc,et• d 4f ft) W 1Mh \h•et P4ewputt 0.-•cn C•htOt"•• "*' ••> ow o.,a1M•t w1ttwtrA•i~ hom DAILY PILOT ""'•••o• cou•ToirtM• U ATI Of'CAUl'O•NIAllCMI TNI COUNTY 0 1' 011AN08 N• A ..... ltOTICI 01' NIA.INO O" l'lel'f U1UNOIO l'lflflON l'O• 1'•09ATI 0 1' WILL ANO ~ ... 'f. TIHlHTAMINTA•V C\l•I• ol MOWA•O A WI TM~~. 0.C••vd ,..,..,., ''"' ''•'•"'•"' ., ... '''" ... ,,,. ow ~••n' A 4)~, '' 264 V 1ult'1f \t ~M\town P& ,,..,~·u I"" ~rtr\•r ,n,p I\ l"Ml l> Ol -.()\ llM rfl"\IO•rt(J tf ,.._,, ef"UM t •"' Hvut •nQ1on 6tff'P\ (•l•tornt\110 ._.. H()llCI! IS H(Al'UV <;IVS .... , JAME\ A WI IHI!. A\ M• lllllCI rwre61\• c..t1t1on •or ''''' •m.,Mhrd fl~ ,. WtH •nd •or ,,,u,.t\C• of &...•••-'' To•~1•1tf'll•r~ 10 tn• 11«111._f, rt fff9ftC't to whH.h •~ •1'•6-•or ~ Nth<u•ttrt ""0 ""'' •M t1m• .. 1Clel .. ol hHrlnQ 1114' •m• II•• Ol..-1 ..,. l9t' .14'~\Mr'f ,. 1•11 ••f 10 00 • rn , If\ ltle c...nroom o1 Oep.o1ln1t"I ,.., l Of -.Id <Ov'I ol 100 (I•" (•nlor Ori•• W..\, II\ '""Cltyol\...,I• An• Colllorll!., t~I~ Or111'\QW Co•\I D•.dy Pilot "°""°'' (lett. 01 Ot•n0t• (•lllnhVlt °"'< De-•mt.or• II tt H ,.,. )016 I• t 1•1' Mlt~ttl C RNh"' U~ M• Rov•I ljlv~ Alt1\A)rl fl,o ~ f'A I \1110 PUBLIC NOTICE , .. ,,. Pvt>ll\PWd ,,, •"9'" to•'' o _..,., Piiot 1)9( 11 It U . 1•1~ olld J 11o I mt HU\ tM.l\•n•\~ ••• , conU~IMf Dy ·' ~,...,., P••tAit•''"''' ---,,-,c-,,-1-,-, o_u_s_a_u_s_t_N_l_S)---I Yl'l'> 1° John H It• •h• r "1..,.., PvtM•\h-•ft Or •no"' C«>•'' O•llV Pilot ~(,.mbN' ti t>4 J\. '91• ojr\{j JM\loltY I .. ,, )Ii. I• .. AMIJTAT!Ml .. f Jh• loHowlnu uer Wit 1, dOinQ bu\ """"' 801t S C,lJ .. ~HOP 1 .. 16 l!foMh llvd W••.1on1MIH CA •lt.U A,,bt,.I J Allvn, •• ,,.., Winctiv"w" l n 14 unllnQlon 8••< h CA 0•·11 l •\•'\ bu\ Inf\\ '•, t onduc ted by M\ In dh;1<N•I Aot>flrt J AUt'" Thi\ \1Atemt"nt wo\ •••f'tl ... ,," t"" C.ouniv Cl•fi< flt (Ir Mu• tounty Of\ Nov ..,,OI, ll 191• l't1!14 Pvb41\""d Ot•no• t04\I D•tly Pit.a\ Nov 71 •nd Oe< ' \ 1 11 Uo l""'I\ '' PUBLIC NOTICE Al'l'LICA TIOPI TO II EGISTER LAU .. OllY SUPPLY OESCllll"llO,. , .. THE COU>ITYOr<OllANGE TO COUNTY CLf U>\ ORANC.E OU~,l r 'If Aoo11• '"' .ubm.t• ,,..,. .. W1tl'I \IU •I) ff'" f\I tV) 0' t ,,,., '''·tltnoJ OUf'\odlf'\I I'> Uw \H<l" 101 ~ ol ~ ( t ...n U41t U•I) ot t'1• bu 1nt·"• Jnd Prol•\\1on\ ("'J•· r r l1•f1ftQ I'> L AU .. ORV SUPPLY DES1C.N• TIO .. >; "'•"'• ot Appl1<,1n t E .. VlllO .. MENlAl..5 l!iC. 8u\1M\~ Al1fl't ' (.1tJ1 Stnh· 'J>" NrJtft'I £urt•d Ar'.t"ro'Tl Cttlll1J"\'" It (tHpor.ll•on q,v,. 51.il" ot CutO'J'•non C.ullforni.t (nq.t'l•'t:I ,,, fh1· A1J ·'"'''' .,, ~IY•fl'l .-pp111...•ht own 'l•tr't~t\t" IOW'°I\, t.tbll• luu;, IHl\J l1th•fl\ \UrQtct1tl ''""n' nn· f"'"'' '"'' "' bo•d'\OrAlld\ m11tt,. .• ,.,.,.,,_ Ol.•1)1"'1' \Ut"C.tfthlt'd hn1 t\\ Mr hllblu\ 1 Int rly ,,nn 111 rtf'lt•.nn\ 11nd nttll'r .. '"'''"'" .rtirl• \ ,,, 0 '"(~U'·'' \t•rYt{I", &Jt''•Od•< .,11., •· 11rhnnQ1nq <f.-,;tn art1clr\ fM ~, .. d, tur t•A.•O compen\dt•on. on "'" tJ4 wr\11 n •" ,, 1 ... \ tMP ""'tt'a ,, ~nAmt f\ U't'd ,\McJ ... tflt'~cJ d'1 HO 1nr)1(1Vm 4°tf OW'l' r\~10 St.tt,.mt•nt o• N.tnu•, M,.,i.,.. "' ()r'YIC'°\ IL)'• •Hlt\\I lhd1 t l UKU1t' \1Jf10IY C>t · ,,,,.. 1t1t1'' tiQ')Pt T Al l llif N (;(Nl;A"l INOUSTAIAl UN•rOAM AfNT'Al \PFCIALl7FD LINEN \£1'Vl([ 5PE.CIALIZED ll N [N R£NTAL '>ERVICE <,PfrlAlllfD LINfN R(NT•L. \PECIAl..ll(O LINf .. HChPITAL l ft.IEN SERVICE llO';PITAL LINEN IH tHAl \f AVICE HOSPITAl Ll .. E.N Rf NIAL dnd ENVIAO .. Mf NTAL!o INC \.t1d l..tuOIJtv \uOOl'I ""' 1Qn1t1on• .,..,,. nut~ ftl'"d 6f'Mi , ... ,, .• t; tf"d w th'"" c.,.. rPt•rv ot Sl1tlta \.•• 1tntn•.t "" ")c: ,,,.,,,,.,,. t~I~ ,rw;1 w•'"' ttulv ••ltad with ,.,. Or•~ County Ch•'"-O'l NOY*m~r ).) .. ,~ ENVIAO .. ME .. fAlS INC 8YJ0SE.P .. S DORFMAN "''' p,,.\10-... t ICOl'ALO A .. 0 MAR~ Alto,,..~ -Olympo< 81•t 8t.,.rly Holt\, CA 90111 Puot1Vwd o"'"fl' rn"•t 0~11v P,,,,, °'"••nb>'r 11 18 11 1•1~ \181 11, P UBLIC NOTICE STATEMIE,.TOFABA .. 00 .. MIENT OF USE Or< FICTITIOUS OUSIOllESS .. AME tnr fntlo#•nq 0"''4'>"~ .,,.._,,. tlt>ctn· dtJ~ ltH' \J\"' Qt lhf• fl(t1t101J5i UiCIS•ftL"'\\ notHf• P UBLIC NOTICE \·OU1 HOTICI! 01' SALi No. JU Uo WIO - Notit4t h ~rfbV Qivtn trtft~ ttwt •JA O.t \l(Jnt.'d w•ll dl 'ii JO ,. m on In.. l'9tt1 do ot O<Komb<>• 19/b ~I C.MAC """ Dove Stt••t. 1., ""-~ City ot ..,.W'f'Ort 6e4tft County nt Or•n~. \tca1~ rd C.Uff')ff"'U. \•II at OVbllC •u<flM tn '"' "•Of"lt'\\ O•Ol)er for CA\H ow fo\flo.iwf"'I ~ rlbc'd pt1rton•I Of00t"t'1 'f' 1n7 O.cwn 1•0l. !M·• HL'>IO'J• .... L>< 1'8011.ClllL•C I nw coll•l•rat '' P'~""'""• 'trwf"<I Md "'4Y ~ "'""'" rtt 11600 8P• fl bl1i114J. We'\tm1n\let C••1fotn•• Wt,~._,.,...,.,. tM r1Qnt to buj onthlt CJf'f\ CMtrty (,ENE A AL MOTOR'> ACCE PTA .. C F COAP()llA~ION tU\ Wit~" Ro-<td ar· •nQtQn .,., tQtU\ HI &llOS Pubt·~O Or.1~ C04\I D•~·· Pttt)f 0.Ulllb<>f II 191• )11'>,. PUBLIC NOTICE SUl'IElllOll COU•1' Or< THE STATE Or< CALI l'OllNIA l'Oll THE COUN1'Y Ol'OAANGE ... A Hl17 ,.OTICl OP' N l!AlllNO 01' l'lllTION P'Oll l"llOaATE Or< WILL ANO r<Oll LETTERS fl!.STAMIEN· TAllV ANO 110 11 AUTHOllll.ATION TO AOMINISTIE• UNOElt 1'HI!. INOEPIENOIEMT ADMINISTRATION Or< UTA1'ES AC1' IPllOllATE CODE '" IET SIEQI E\l.iont JAMESD M"THENY,dk• J 0 MAlHfN'!', Otc~••••ll NOTICE IS HE RE6Y (ilVE .. llMI BA .. ~ OF .l\MEl'llCA .. AllONAl TRUST A SAVI .. (,\ .. ,o;oc1•r10 .. ""'filed ~rf1n "C>f'l+t•on tor PrObllt(l 04 Wilt •nd 'O' '''U~tf'tC~ f'tf L"""'~ ff"\tamtf'lh-.ry to th" C)f't11t0f'Hl'r And '°' Avth0r11~t1on II) AOm1n1\I,., ~' ,,,.,. lnar~,lnt .A11m1n1\tr.u1on of E\tt\1r\ Act tPT"')CHt11t (Ddf" '\•1 f't YQl. rf" r~f'.nt.r-to •h•ch •\ mt11ctf' fOf f•Jrthfr oeirUcut•n itnd '"'•'If\~ l1m"'"""'Ol.C. of ""°"''nfl 1rw-\ftmr ""' nN>n "'' fM l•nu.rv • ,,.,, •t ,,, oo • m "' ttM-cOUf'trocwn ot °"""CM"tMf'f'lt NG 1 Of 'tt•d tourt.•t 100CtVIC C.-nt,., O•IV"' Wr\t 1n ttloPC•ttOf s.t.nt~ An• C•1t•0'"4• O•lt<I OM""""' 14 .,,., ...,ILLIAM E SI JOH .. County Cl•r~ OAVIOSTEllLING TINGLlll LAW CO•l'OllATION SOO N•'W,of't C.nter Drtve SUl••ttt _...,, auch, C• •7'.o t'114I M4-S03 A"Of'ft•Yt•or· l'•tlUoM,. P\i1>11s""a OranQt to••I O.•IY P1tot ~< II, II, 24, IUb !7•1 lb PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE 111u1T1oui euiu~ns PIA ... I ~TATl!Ml!NT lh1 fl'>llow1no ewr wni •'f OOlnQ l>V\I nt \\ t\ OAA .. C.E COU .. IY RU«~ER \UPPLY COMP•NV. 1*LOQo>nAvt' (O'\IA ""-'~A C:• tt&1' IP 0 lloll•l•I Ot•nllf' Countv RuDOt>• Co In< • C•l1tornl• coroor•l•on tJM> loQ•l'll AYf' (O\I• Moo, CA .,U, IP 0 llo• ,,,,. TP\t\ bUttM\\ t\ COf'WhKt,.<S by~ (Of OO<tl•.,., OAA .. C.E COUNl V RUB8E,RCO INC th•rlt-\A Oo\tOvt.. Jr p,,.'\J~nt Tr'" \l•tirmrt'!t ""'"" "'"'° #otn tn. eo....iv Cle•~o• O••nll" Coun11on DK I IU• l't7'et Pvl>llU..d 0••"<1<' Cont 0 .. 1. P•IOI OK 4, II, It, H "I~ IOU I' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO C•IOITOAS SUPllllOll COUllT 0 ' fl4l STAT! 01' CALI l'OltNIA FOii THE COUNTY Or<OllANG~ NO A t9Q1' [\lat• ol MAAC. ... RE T CHURCH Oe<.l"t,\ed .. OTtCE IS MEAEOV GIVE .. fol"" crt01t0t' ot th~ i1tbovfl nem~ dt:'n•cttiont U'loflt all ciitr\on .. hAYlf'<I cla•nn 6"),lllft'tt lht \alO Otte~"' art r•qulfe<S to tilt> Ov.m, wUh tn .. ""''"'\arv YOU(,_.,,., 1n lt'w' ntflt•• nt th,.< 1tir9' ot thft 1lhnvt' "" 1111t41 COUr'I or 10 P'"'~nt t~rm W•th thf' nf<t\\Ar., YOVCF\M\ to lf'le-un0t:t\19"'!'d ., '"' o"u•· ,.., t(At1N, STERN llLA .. EY •NO ICITIRELL. AllM,..V•· at Uiw, ~~'9 Wr\I C.ent\lry 8t¥O Su•h~ '00 Lo' An'lfillfll\. Ctt1rorn,_.. ~S wtucf\ ., tn.to o•d'C«' '>f bu\tn' \\ i>f tn. un ~r'\tqntrd in au mc.ttlf'" lW'''"'"'nq lO ttw-"'\l11te of • .t1d Ck'U·d~nl w1fl'\1n four t'l"W)nO"'l•U"'t tnt-l 1f\I OUf>lt(4fttW'IOf \h1\ nl)tl<f' D•le<I No'lf!mbf'r '1. 1'7t. ~urtty PA(.lfl( N dttOitW' 8dl"lk A fr•U1t1ot"t•t 8•J\.,•nq AUOC.t•IUW\ E.-t>rulor ot th., Will ot Int "tM°t"'" n•M•"fJ Ort f'dt·f\t KAHN, STll•N, •LANEY MdKITTllllLL Al-Y••IUw ~ Wt\I C.tlwry l lvt. s..11• 100 LH ........ C.lllerftt•-41 r.1 nu> n .... ,. AttOtM'tt fw E ••cut or P\lt)oll\~ Or~nofl Cott\t Oc.ttl'f P1tnt Dt<•mber • 11 11 H. IU• ICM I& PUBLIC NOTICE OllOIOIAPICE .. 0 ~SI A,; OllOINANCE OP: TM E COU .. TV 01' OlllANGI , CALll'O•NIA. AOOPTEO PURSUANT TO T HI STAT£ l'L A .... IOI G A,.O lO .. tNG LAW llECLASSlllVl .. G APPROXIMATElY 1,llS ACRES 01' LA .. 0 IPI THE NO ATH f!llN EL TOllO A•I A l'•OM THE A·1 "GE,.f!lllAL AOlllCUL TUlllAL" DISTRICT (WITH l'OllTIONS su•JICl TO SR "SIGN llESllllCTIO .. S" A .. O l'P·l "l'LOOO llLAIN" OVE llLAV REGULATIONS) TO TH! l"C "l'LANNIO COMMUNITY" OISTlllCT IWITH l'OATIO .. S 'UeJECT TO THIE SR "SIGN •UTRICllO .. S" A .. 0 r<P.2 "f'lOOD PLAI .... ,,.,.,,., ~ V.111m •G•rw'"' "•'''"" Stot•!'tlf'nt tiled Witt\ tlw C"ountv Cto"' otO•t~Covntyon O•u"'bo' • t•lt ,um Puoh-.hti-0 Oranf]t Coa\t Ottll'f P!tnt 0.C 11 18, H , UI• •nO Jon I "" ~, PUBUC NOTICE "CYITIOUl a us1 .. us .. AME ST ATIEllllllENT T hft tollowu l'\O oer ')(N\\ '"'' doir'tC') bu\1 f'W\\ f\ HEAL !'i CA RE SV!.TCMS CYBER .. ETICS. 1 .. C IGAI Nt wm<)n .I\••• #708, Hun1•,.qton 8'o.\<!h, CA 91"41 Cvtw1,.,.11u l"C I C•lltornia tor Pl>"•t10ft to-tt H11wm•" Ave. •?OI .. unllnql0f'l 8Utll. CA •1'•1 lfti\ bu· IN-\~ t\ tondu<tlld by li (Of DOtdftOfl (YllEANETICS INC Jff f Sll•IOOn Vtff'O p,~,1c>ettl nu' ''"' .. ""'"' w h 1111<1 w•t" '""' <:.ovn•v , ... ,.or 0'•"9' Coilf'l1Y<W'I t~ov "''""" n '"• 0.1941 Ool<•mlltr I~ 191• WILLIAM I 51JOHN, County Cler• JMollSA WITHE•S 1'.0 ... •)71 111.i ... ~1"''· '" •nu Toi: 1110 114-JtM Anor..o ..,, "'""',..' Publl•Md Oronoe tOnl O•il'f 0t< II, II, 20, 1•1· 0 PUBLIC NOTICE "t TITIOUS e USINHS .. AlllllE UATIMl!Nf TM to11owl..q ~'"'" 1~ dO>f'9 nt~\ 6\ \ON\'it,.E LA N OSC ..... E MAl,.TE .. A .. Cf 11 .. 1 tl•OO•,,.,... • ,..,,,,,...,,°" 8u<n CA•1Uo 00~01• l••n•• t<och >101 8'00,~u"I SI .. u,.h"')lon 8"..U.""" ., ..... Thi bu\1¥\\ 1\ conoucttid bv ..n •n l'UJ11 d•••du.11 Pulll1\IU•<I 0ritn9f" Coa\t O•HY folllot OovQ1o\ J Koc.n No-. JI and 0.< ... 1 t 11. t91• 4'tl1 • Ou\ ·.t-.1t"m,.n1 w~~ t1t1-d w1tt11 '"" P UBLIC NOTICE .. OTICE Or< •EOIMl'TfOff 0" 1Wll SHAllESOI' COMMO .. STOCK .. OltC£ I\ HEREBY GIVEN trloll oursl.Mnl to Ae\Olut1on to tM AoMrt Of 01r~tlOr\ duly "'ooted on Novtmbci Covn1y Cl.,_ of Oranoe CovnlY .., DK•m~r •· 1'1• PUBLIC N011C., 7l 1911>. Ar\ci~nl M•r•fttr Ru\I .. OTICIE fOClllEOITOllS ""'l•(tlh In< '""•ln•llftr r.te .. ~<110.. SUl"t:•IOll cou "' 01' TMr ("Ti.e Com1>•n'f"), ha< e~~r<•\"<I It STATE OF CALIFOA .. IA l'Oll r1on1 lo re""4!m >1nd will rfdtem, Oil THE COUNTV Or<OAANG • O.•omoer 31. 1416. HOO •h•re\ 01 its Ho. A·.,tl2 ou1't.•ndlno <ornmon •lc>O o.~:;~~: ~I E 0 IT H M. W)L IE, ~!":...:~:e:Pll~~rl'~,~~:~ :~::;: ::?~ .. OT1CE IS HE RE6Y GIVEN lo I .. fOf r~mptlo,,, wlll bfo<Om• ctur·• 11na Crf'Ch,Or\ of lhe •boYll Nm.ci dc<~t oa~"Oll" 6\ fOllOW' ,~.000 00 '"811 °" '""' 411111 Qi('r• Oh\ hth'•"O (' 1~1m, 4Q411"\t OAtd on or bt-tore o~c•mtwr Jt, 14U~ IN-"910 d+•(f•drnt tHl' fl"'QUll<1d to .... t~o·"ft"'' tP\e rfloM31nltu~ bA1anc• \t\all 1ht'm with thf nf'!t"~"•'Y vou<he't'\, '" t>--d1\tr1but•d 1n fl\lt' .. Qua a '"'taUFnf"nl\ t~ Off•c_. ot thr -. lrrk of thf ~.,,.. <.Of'ltnf!t\CU'9 M Jt\nu•rv 1. 1tn ~ 11Uf"dtour1 or too'"'''"' trwi-m.w\t"t'N.'o tot\ttnuinQ to M Pt'l•<I r>n fl-"< hMw:leW>rv nH.f""\\4r'f YOUtt'Mtr\ to ltw ~''~ )rd""' ol Januorv In '"" yUr\ 1•1• •II, .... Oll•C• OI (Alli.. O•KLEY ANO 191' l9'0 """ 1~1 ~ornple ''"~t\I •I EOC.AA J MElC .. IONE AllOl,_y,.ol t~ rl\tt of 1·,,, prrr .. t1t °"'' IM"nurft wlll L"w 611 ~"'" Ohvp Stu••t, Su•tet 011. bt o;tid on 4.tH 1n\t.tllMl'"'' p.t'(f'neftt\ L.O\ •n<tf'lr\ C•iiforn1a 'Oat•. W'N<-" ~' TI\e Oii<~ tor oavm,,.nt of \d1d ,,. ttw• pl1<4'of bU'\•M\\ ofltw undH~•Qnf'd Ofre""'° \Mtti f')f ''OC'-'~" ~ ~t )SQ •n•t1m.ttlfr\CJ1ttt•1n1n91othfo ~\•~OI N1wport C"'nt e r O"'"" Su1Ut A w1ddil'<~~"' w1th1ntourmonlf\\•ftftr Nflw(lOft BtaCh , ..... ,,,n.~ TM ll'llf•AI ow .. ,,, OUbl•l•lton Of H'll~ notice. u.vment of tM r•dftmptton P'•<,.M \.A1CI OatPO Oe<em~r U 1'16 '-Mrt' ~,.,.by c.ttu·d •or t""dt',,,..,Otl VtRGINIAM W EIAt(t( "'-'tit~ mao. on or hltflr o.i.ct""°""' 11 E •tcutf'u 01 tl'W' W11tof t•1' upon tM pr,wnt•hon 1nd \U lM•bown1m~d"C~"'t rf'fldtro<llW'<4•0•11••~<.rlll•Utr~al EA•L OAKLEY ANO IE\ J, 1""4Do""m~n11ont•<Hddt"\\ M!LCHION! OAT E 0 Dt-<•ml>Or 1n "I' AttOfMYUI Low #oN(IENT MAllll .. ER •17Sou1~0lluSlretl, Su1t1111t RUSTY PELICA .. , ,,., '-""-1••. c.tlllornt•-14 8v OouqlH Ry\. h i (11JI tU 11)1 ~,~larv Attonwv1 for f ucutrta Publl\he<I OranO'" COd\I O•llv Po101 P\il>ll\~«O Oranq .. Co•\I O~ll'f ~11ot, Ot<ember 11, 18. IWb Sl'fl '6 ~t 18.H. 191~& Jdn 1 8. 1'11 Sl.ft..1• P UBLIC NOTICE ATTF.ST lU .. E ALf)(ANOER Cl,.,.• ot tne lioard nt Suor• '""'' ot Or.)no-County C.ahforn1A STAT(QFCALiFOANIA I l ·' P UBLIC NOTICE. A Al PH A Ol(OAICH Ctu.,rn11nof lhfl' 8oJrdot >•tl>f''"' ,,,,.,of()t;,nq. Cou,,tv Catuo,m•a .. F WPORT OCEANAUTICS AfCAE•TIONAL IN\11TUTE 11\Sl 1('"'""'04 Ldrw-Hunt1noton Bf'iK~ CA .,,,..,. Af)Ol-,-f t(,.!1h 81utt >l\U KAn'°'~Ool L"'nr Hun11nr.,ton RftcUh C.9' trlt.A& Aon•lfl " All""·H•O 10117 A""'"""' Or S..nta An• .. (II, CA "7101 cou .. TYOFOAA .. GE I OVEllLAV llEGULATIO N$1 ... o AOOl'TING THIE .... CHO OE LOS ALtSOS I I IUN£ Al r l( ANO ER Cl•rllt>llht'floMOo• ~-··""" do 11e1eby COl'l•I" l'LANNfOCOMMU .. flY OEVf:LOl'MI NT l'LAN IMI .. , a ·~qui"' "I"' !IMO o< '"'" f1MHI n• ~11f)('rVo\Or\ ot °'""<I" COUJ\IY ~Board ot SuPPrvhor~ oi t~ CN,..ty ot OranQ'" C.-il1f'H"l8. 001nord•jn •' C..l•torni..t hl'i(1 i,n tf'W't 110 '1.1V n4 DH"mf>I',. tQtf, .,,,~ torf'i')'t1nQ ord•n•ncP (rw, fotlOW\ f .. 1n1nq lh:n"• 41' ·.e(.tlf)l1'"o W10 f)111\\l"dAr\(I -OOOIHI hV lhfl' tollOWlnQ VOt,. • SECTION I SP<llOMI Ol\11lcl MAO\ 16 1 18 ~I 11 17 I) U Ind 11 ond AYES SUPEAVl50RS T .. OM•SF RILEY PHILIPL A .. THONY ,._._, IZC It. )41 "'" h•r•by _..., •• '""'"° d"""' m•P• of tht' Count• nl 1 LAUAE,.C( J SCl~MIT AAl..P,.fl CLARI! At,• Tht\ ,,.,, •.• n~,, Wtl\ c.ond\ICtM by • tptnet•I Odrtrwr\htp Aobfo•I It Bluf' ftti' \tel~l"f'lflllnl W.11, ftlNf With ,,..,.. r"'J>iJnty Clflrk ,,, OrM\O~ CouHty011 De< U Ill~ r<Utu Putil•\rtt-d Q,.•n'V' C~'t 0-11•1'¥ Pilot. )fo( 19 7S 1'7' "n<I J•n I. t 1911 ~?J.1.16 ' . . , , ~=and • .,., .. ., 10 SMl'Of\ '' .. Ol lr\e C.on•••t<I OrC!lMt\t•I"' ..... '"""'V ot RALP .... OIEORIC:H S«l•on 1 Pur\u•nl 10 So-<1-1• IOlll>I ol 1"" '°"'''"" Ortl•n•nct• MI ... , .. oes SUPERVISOAS NONI; Couniv o4 0<1!'0• '"" Rlr\C.., dfo IOI AH\01 Pl .. nnf'd (1'""nunoly O•vrloom•nt • A85E .. I \UPERVISOAS .. ONF . ~ Pl ..... he••bv •dOPIMI lo boo MIKllV• -fl(Ord•llon PU""""' lo !H?chO<l. I .. Wlf .. ESS WMEAEOI" I hdVl' ""••un1o "''my hat\CI """ •lll<t•d '""al• 7 ... 10Jfb)andYc11onJofth1\ord1~• '••c•al Y.11tl 01 th" Bo••d "' Suot'""•\Ct"~ .,, tfV' (->Utttv o• Or4'nocJf' St•lt of SECTION l Tf"l1\ Otd1naf'lltlft ~II 1allt tit""' M<I tr 1n tull fort fl thirtv •)Ol (,ahtorn.a tM\ 1th ddvot()t·<~"*'' to7,. ~ fmm and •ft,.,. 1t\ e>'t\\.~ And ~'°",. ttw f'•O•,.~llon Oi hltte11 fl\\ f'.J.l•' JUNE ALEllANOEll C ,,.., 11 ,f '"' Bc\.irdof Wcwtvfjo,1 el 0'·'"04 Counlo; Cdhto--n4't .tflet the~\\~ tf\trrool \.f\411 Ot PV4>11\""'d 1n tfW" Cnvnty of OrAn~ StAftt of C•lltornt• too-1her wlfn tn.-Mn'W'\ nt ,., .. tnfmbf'n of IN> Bo•rd ot Suo•u·..-1.or, vot+nq tOf' and &q•1n .. t IM "11,,... ISEALI ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SEAL> 1 PuDll\ht<I O•dnQ" CO.t\I Odlly Polo! Ooo<-mC>ot 11 ttl6 s1o..7' • IU 'I / . ' .. .{ ·1< / .. ( ' I •. zc 76 -34 .-~< , \ / ,,. •I \ ,.\ \ I ' PLANNED RANCHO ADOPTED/BY · COMMUNITY DE OF LOS PLANN~NG COMMISSION: ,' O~T. 11, 1976 I I BOARD OF SUPERVISOR.S :' DEC .'··7, 1976 \ I ORDINANCE I . \ I' ~j , r ' ' NO. :2951 __ \ / ,. ' ' ' . I ~ff?~-,, .....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' ' ' ' AREA. .. '0 ·~, • I ' 2000FT I / ,/ / / ' ,I 11 ~ .. • DAflVPILOT ''C'TITIOUI •u11NHI NAM• IU'r•M•Nf ffll-l"t per10ftl ert Gel"' tivtl ea t M.\(HINe oe llllVI, , .. ,. Mortl $t., l'ollflt•ln Vel .. T, CA Ill M. M(Ket\Jlt . t!Oft Ille# . '°4tintlnqtOll IH<ll, CA - •1111 M "•''· 1:tUt flt91f'll"St., nC•ov•.CAttUJ I\ "u"n' • • undu<IH by • ••I O-ftne,,hlp '4••11 M M< ltt ntle ' tltl•mtlll wo 111.0 wlll\ Ille '1 (ltr-of Oreno-County on "IO'I ,. l'ICTITIOU$ 8USIMIU NAME STATIMINT '"''Ow1no ()trlOI\ '' doing bu~ .. E lllfSTOllll;lll'S EMPORIUM. I 11th SI , Colla Mt\•, CA 'ltz7 flr~v Alen &Uumontt, l!S~ E Str~I. Co•!" MeH, CA. '1671 i\ bu\llM:\\ I\ conau< ted ~ af\ lflli Cl -I Jtll Buumontt Saturda , t>.aember 18, 1116 PUBUCNOnCE .. ICTITIOUt au11i.aas NAMI ITA'rllltlt81f'r Tiit IOllOWl"<I perto11 It "°'"' Du>• ,." .,. COAST AUTO Al It, t601 l'IMt ... la, Co>ta Mt••. (A .,.,, Getty Halmt, ut W. ).4111 11 • ~ -o.CA '0711 Tiii• Dutlne" "con<lucttO l>V an tn. dlvl~al O•rry M•lml Tiii\ ttat tf'lltnt w•• 111.,i .. 1111 l~t County Cl~r k or Or•noe ~unly on O.Ctrni.r 1, ltlt, ... ,.., l'\lbll_., OrtnQt Co••I Ottlly ftllot, OoumtJe• •. 11, 1•. U. 1•1• ICm·lt PUBLIC NO'nCE "CTITIOUS 8USINIH NAMI ITATIMINT Ti.. lollow1119 "' wn h CIOl<IQ °""' MU•\ A1( I OOY SHOP. 1)11 All41 ... 111l A .. , C.0.ta Meta tfl7' JoM $olr•n~o. 710 11111 \t • 11 H""llllQ\Oll IHet h, Celll Tl)I\ blltllltU h COll<lllCtecl llv ar1 on <llvtOU•I Jo,,n !iofra,.-.o °'" sl•t•m.nl *•> l•I~ with t~ C.ounty C.ltr-Of Oran;• County on Nov· •mbtr U, 1•7'. " \t••trn•n1 w• .. t11ed with ttw ly (lork o•Or•119e CounlY on Do< t '1•. P't7J76 l>u011'1\eO Or•n;o (OA>I O.i11 Pl!Of, .... ,OI ·NOV 17, •n<I Ott •• " 18, l .. S W/ .. 7' ublllMtd Or•nv• COHI O••IY P1to1. It, U, 191Und Jon t 8 1917 S?71·7~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIN(IS NAMI STATl.MINT * f0How1nv per\On\ ar• Ooi"9 butt• b> NU•MA TIC CO . 17.0 INJNOv••. e A20, (o\I• Me><t, CA 'IU11 N um.tltQ. lnrtu\trtt\ ~Inc, • Jfornltl <orpor•t•on 11tt0 Monrov•~. t AJO. Co.ta M"*• CA '1'1617 IJ butl""n 1, <onOuct•d l>Y • cor llot\ Num•Hc 11'\du\trl•t h \l•l•ment w1s flted w1tt, t~ MV (ltrk ol Oron9e County on Nov ., .. 's 11640 "PICTITIOUS I USIMISS NAMl.STATEMEHT ' followlno ~rs.on I\ do1no bu\I 4\ THE VIL~A wooos. e1111w ... "" S1 nl Rut,,• PMlt, C•l•torn1i'fJ0621 R•boort E M•uter. h817 AM•luc:I• te, M1u1orr"V1e10, C•llf,,rn1it '147\ •\ bU\ln,.~'I) tonduttf'"Q bt ~"•rt di uol An°"r E M eurtr- 1\ ')t1terrient wA1' tdtd with '~" ty C.ler~ ot Or4nq,· C1Junty on m""r 10, 1!1• l'HS74 Dh,t\f'd Orttl"I()~ (OAlf,f o"''" Pi101. 1•.1>. 19lt ~nO J•n I &. 1911 \1\0 1~ PUBLIC NOTICE l"ICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME STATEMf:HT ' followlnQ oer\on I\ doing bu\I· _, NEWPf)IH OCEANAUTICS. S04 wll0r1 81Vd , Suite )OJ, ....,wpor1 . CA ~lblil ~ot'>.f!rt I('"' Rtu•, 1t\\1 KA'1nkot1 . MunOnqfon 9,.,.,.,, CA '16-1"1 I\ b\n~neu IS. conduc•ed bV .1n '" di • Rnbf'd K S•u~ f""'" •,t ~lf"m~ot Wiii\ fllM w ith ttwi Ulu<llV Cl•rk of Or•n~• C.ountv"" ~c 1f .. ~ ~~h1·d Or l-IPHI" r ,-,,,.,1 D·"'"'F~1~',o 0-.·li 7" t~1h """Jim ' ft I'll! ~7~ ,. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINlSS NAME STATEMEHT T~ 1011~ "'''°" I• doino bust· nr\\ 8\ • 8 & A AUTO PAINTING Ult ~ •• ,., Hunr1nq1on 9f",rlfl'I C•. 91~ 81H R Yrmnt1 Jl>~H Mffpt>tJr I 1Jftt1' l')toArf\, (.(I CW)ltfW\ Th1 \ OM'1M\\. '~ tnnovt t•'<J oi; .,, 10 <t1v1du•t Allt A .ti; Vnont 1 ,,,4, ''"'"'""nt w,., lilt•d w1tn '"'" 'Ovoty ''"'"-ot Or.tnQe County on Nn11 .. .,..,., n. 7'1~ _a 1"'1S7' flvb41ti.h4'0 f1f ttH')I' (Q+1'f 0-J•ly P1lo'. Nov 11 •nd Oft< • 11 t•. 1'7• .,,,,._,, PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTl•lOUS BUSI NESS NAME STATEME•H t~ folhJ11•on9 p .. r\On '' OOt""'l bv'iil ,...,. IH[ OE~tr.N(R\ CC'lll frTl()>i 'MJ.AW Httrvtrf1 ~•nt.tA"4f (A A•yrtW'tn'J f-Phdf"t1u f '"'\ l>4J'-1""°'' I\ (f'JMufffotl "" •1'1 if'\ f1t•t0V•' W.)ytnl)''ll'f f P,_.lliMrl t '°It' ''•'"ITl•'l\t W.t\ fll"'11 w it" ,,.... • "''"'" ... ,,.,,, 1lt Ut•rt()tt C.ounh on("»(" , "'• F-l-'UhU\~ flt tn'J'" c .,,, I Ut1fo/ P1ft)f r,.,. IR 11 1'/~and 1 ... I t I'll \')44 ,, PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IU$1N(\.S NA"'l STATEMENT Tf'Wt fano.+nQ Pf'r~"' 1., dou10 Du\t ""'-'., 8R0(1CM'IN I NllF ~f MENT ("0 llt O hcu >JH tn •• '"'.,...' ,.,,"WtPJl'"t ...... ~ t..tl ., .. I An..-rt l n,jl.t •ru .. '1 171 .,,, ~~ N•wnMt flfiA"" r "' •ltiAl fhi-\ f)\l"'-1'*'-' '' HUUJ\J~ trft by_..,'" •••<'Ml lt~r.trl l brot kmA" T'f"t1\ \tA1~m~n1 w41' tllflCI with '"-C....~ly c.1~r• "' Or•it0t C°""ty on OttOM!le• I 1~1' ,.,,,,.. 11\ibl•-<I O••rt<I" (QA\I 0..lly PtlOI OH""'tw' • 11. II, ti 1'16 lO;».!t PUBLIC NOTICE ,ICTITIOU' IUSINIU NAME STATllMINT ,,_ to1tow1nq ~'On '' ctcMnca bv"• ,..,, .. , Piil'\ Vll l.l'GE SHELL, 10.\ 11!1 <..Mine>. (n\IO M••• {•H7•>& P4'1rtCk E,or l• "•11n1on, 7>7 (am, ""°'. N~woort a.~cn. CA '?MO Thll W \"ll'n h <l>flOll<!Od l)'f ~ "' &1v1c111a1 Po1r.rk E '•u111on f M\ "•tt>n\Mll w•\ lll!ld wllh tilt Collfltl'( Cl~•k !If O••nQe County on Nov •mhf• n. ,.,. "•''1' ""'111$/M!Cf O••no-Co"o O•tlv P•lol ....... 11,•nd 09< .•• 11, te .. ,, • ..,.. 74 PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITtOU' 8UllNISS llUIM. IT ATUH lfT fW\~\'.OllOWlllQ ~r101t il cMf!'l llMll• CALIFOltNIA CASUALS. !Mt =nolle St., l'ovntaln Vall•Y, CA ~"· i.tcht, ~-1 .... ,,.,, 1, ... t4\lnllnql0ft llH(ll, tA ttM4 n il illlllNU h COllclucl•d CIT 111111• 411MdNI So!•• flocllt Tiii• tf'"-llMllt ••• "'" ""'" '"' Couf!tv c...-. of ~eft9t Collflly °" ~. 1, 1"16. ..... Pvbtlllleel ~lflOt Coatt O"°IY '11~, OK.•. 11, 11, n, 1916 ,_,. PUBLIC NOTICt PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU$ IU"NIU NAME S'rATIMI NT Tht' tollowlno M""°" I\ d01n(j Du,1 ,.,, ., MILLERS SUPPlV, 1100 Acl<tm\ '-Vf , Sullr• lll, (o\lb M .. t . Ct,..,.,. ~t\lnlev M. J,.,.,.,,.._o 18\1 K1~1,t Cl Co\I• MO•, CA •101' T,,, .. bu11n•u-" COf1dY<f•d Oy .,, •n· c!lvldUAI !>t&11lay M. Jerenko lhl\ \tat&mf"nt Wh\ fll~o w 1m tlll County ''"''' Of Oranve County on O..C ~ ~ lt76 ,. .. 111 Publ1\h"d Or""" COl\t Ot,llV P1lol, 0.( 11, II, H. "" •nd J•n I, 1'77 '°" .. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS I U$1NllU H,lMI[ STATEMl!HT l""~ loltowl"ia perM>n$ •'• Oolnq bv~• NUI\ ?HE JEWEL THIEF, lUO So. Pl•t• Orivt, Unit 74, !>•nlo A,,., C4 '1707 Robert W l ld•r\ dnd M•udy ~1~;;;. lit! FuClll,. St. tCKI• Mtu , Tl\I\ bu\•f'\th I\ conducted by •n in· dfv1~•• Robert lo MtuOy Wiidt" Th,\ tt•t•"'enl w•\ tiled •1th tM County Clerk OI Oronge County on No•. ,, 1'176. ,. .. , .. Publ1\he<t OrAn99 Co•tt 0•1ly Pilot, 09< •.I 1, ti, H. 1'1' SIM,_74 PUBLIC NOTICE ll'ICTl'PIOUS 1 us1-.lss NAMI STATIMENT Ttr.ie fofiow1no 1Hrt0ns tr• OOlnQ b\1\i Ml\tt .. PA(ll'IC0001'1TE, 1'16?Cul,..f)o per C1rc••· Huntington 8@1ch, (4 4t1M1 (\rue~ W W1tkln\. U16, (Ul~P(9 • C1rt,ltt1 Hunt1nqton 8t•Cf\ CA '11,...1 G (rt11Q At'\cCt11rty, 16117 Mot'\\('H, Lii,,.., HvntlnQlon ll•ocr" CA ttM7 Tn., bu'"'"''' ,,, (onduct,.d .,., 4 Qtntr•I partnef\t11p Brulr w Welk,.,\ TP\h s11te'1"1@nt WI' Utfl'd w1•h t!w ~~~~ (lerlr. 01 OronQ<t County on Oct, f>uUll\ned Or.•n~o (n.l\t Od•lv"~ O_, 16 71, 1~14 •nil HI\ 1 a' im . nst-1• PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IU$1NfSS NAME STATE Ml NT f"" tollowl~Q r>erM>n h Ooinq bu" 1'111!"\.I •\ LAGUN4 OEL MAR RE~IOEN TIAL REST HOMES, ?09 Qllllon. U9<1ne 0.o<h, (4 fl&SI Wtty'le Eow.,rtt Pc@ry 1t:JI W.VO\ r .. '"''" L~....., 8H<h, CA ms1 Tt.i\ butin.--.s I\ conducted by ttn '" divlCJUol Way,,.. Pe,.rv Tf'lll\ ,,,.,,,.,,,,, """' t1t;od won ir'W' (1}4Jf"lf'V f'r~rl.. f)'t 0f'4"0-County Ml~ )), .~,. F ..... } Pvflt"n~ Or-tM..J' l'l • t lM1ly Pilot, 00<. 19. 2S. l~l••noJ•n 1.s. t07 \111·1b P UBLJC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUStNESS NAMfHATEMfNT fhfl' fQftOllJlll'l"O 0~' "°"' '°''• 00.t\Q bu\• M \\1\-\ T"I!> P-t+f"ltftd Po"um l08 Avttn1n.• Co•IO\ N•*Po•I & .. C!I. CA l()f'N'\tf' L•~ \\ltter 1u• ..:'.fl'/ v,.,..,, '""'''" 0.1 Mor C.~IOI •1us V1ttor1• 4,..,. 01~''· JOI .t.·~rt1di1 C.•10, N•wD•>rt lu<ll. C•lll ~ Tn1\ OU''"«'~ '' condu<t•d bv ,. 9"1W''*' niertn.tnnlo t ~'"• l•• \utttr Ott\ U•t•M•fll w ... tiled Wtll\ .... Coontv C•tt•• m 0"•"~ County on "'fOlt' .,,.., .... ,~,. ... o .. Pvl><l"'M Qr•nq• Cout Dally Piii)!, Nov 11 •"<I 0•< •. 1 I ti, tt7• "-1().7' P UBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOU• I USINlll NA"'I STATIMIHf f"-rot1ow1nq Pf''"'"' 1, doing Oiut• ,.,~ ~--llNOTtl ER ltOAOStOE An1tA' flON l••U \Gull\ c ... ,t Hwy '°"'ft UtQV'M CA P~ul JO'l"t>'• ck $mil. )16'7 )'II A.,. '\oulOI' ~QUM, CA '1l71 '"'' ......... " "<onCllKlff ""' •<1 l'I• ,,,._~._.., ,. • .,, J M ''"II f'lll •l•ttmenl wu 111.0 wllll ,,_ C.OU..ty '"'' 04 Ora"" County Oii Nw. 30, ,., •. ~""' f'\lf>ll\11""' ~f"9' GHii 0811¥ l"itte. °"" • 11. "· u. "" !01"7• A I.Hometown Jnews. If It happens ' ' l near YOUR ~home, ~ I we're there ' to bring it to your doorstep. l Every day. ·----· 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 The Biaaest Marketplace on the Oranee Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can ~II It, Find It, ( 642 • S&?S ] Trade It With a Want~ One Cat I Service Fast Credit Approval Reot ht ate . . . 1()()().2999 Allf19Ynurnents. Peno ', lo1t & Fo_vnd ...... 5050-~99 MerchondiH . 80()0,8099 Rentol1 . . 3000-'699 BuJineu, lnvHfment & Servicei & frepolrs 600().6099 Employment & Boots & Mot1ne Equipment . . . . 9000.9099 flnonciol . . . ..... 5000.5049 Preparation . . . . . 1000· 7199 Automo biles & other Tron,portotion . 9100.99W ~~~~! .~~ ~"!: ....... ·I ~~~~~.~~~.~~:. ...... . GtMnl I 002 weMral I 002 ·•······•·•·•·········· ········•··•······••··• Cameo Shores 0,... HouH W r~• dUJ I te 4 PM 4600 Ro.dMry P'h: '4 ... 4140 'rof•sllOlltlr DtcOl"Cllhcl Pool & ,.,..._ Gro.cll Lrge U•incJ Room Se,..... Di11M9 R"' "-lty RM 3 .._ -2 laths ly Owner $119,500 ·t---------Gtft4trol 1002 •eeeee•e•A••••••••••••• MRORS: Advertiaers 1--------should check their ads daily and ~port ~r ron l"'"'f! dlatety. The DAILY PILOT auumu Hablllty for tlM fh·•t in· cotTect ins~rtlon only. PMblither'a Notice: All real estate ad verl 1se<J In this newspaper ls !IUb· ject I~ the Federal Fair H ousing Act of 1961! which makes 1t illegal lo advertise "any pre. ference. lim1latl~n. or ctiscrlm1nat1on hased-Q.n race, color, rcli~iun, sex. or national Ortl.!in, or an intention to mnk<> any i.uch preference, lim11 :1 lion. ur d1scnm111alloll. ·• This newsp;11~r will not knu"' 1nl{IY an·t·11t uny adv1•rt1 ~111 i: for rt•uJ eslalt• wh1d1 " 111 vwla HOLIDAY srECl.AL Quick act ion will put you in this deltghtt ul '1 bdrm .. family/dinin1c Mcs u Verde home, ~1tl111i.: on .1 large lo<, :1 r1111n11 ('U&lom homes WATERFRONT Pier trloat Chui~·e loca· t1on, <l BR, :J h:iths, 2 frplcs., ll(c. 1rnttu, new dee Won't litl!l long <rt Sl'nl.SOO NEWPORT HTS. J\ tll'li>:ht 111 s how 1 Spac1ou~ 3 liR, :1 ha , JlOnl home 2 Frplc~ . "undt·~·k over g;.iralo(e with on .. in view ' SJJ!J.SOO <Or will lcai.e ut .$fi5U mo yearly) Balboa Bay Prop. Re at tort • 675-7060 . DOVER SHORES ttoo of th1· 1,1"' -Spal'1ous 4 hdrm ., Gt'Mral 1002 custom built, one uwnt'r' ••••••••••••••••••••••• residence In 11 11r1m~. MESA DELMAR Super sharp I\ bedroom & fam ily. Fresh pa int, n1•-... «a rpets thruoul Beautiful kitchen . Lurj!c yard on quiet i.ln·r·t Ready lo move int<> 01 fered a l S68.5ul). cuu S40·ll.5l ~HERITAGE REALTORS Super Assumption! $9600. Down J';iys to existing 8'; Y /\ loan at s:137. TOT AL 11e r month with NO ·qualify m1c:. Sh<1ql '1 bcdrm, 2 ba home 111 gnort (amil) ,1rca ;I; EW t:1rpl'l 1ng roof & walt•r hl·all'r. Full IHI r l' (I n I y s ·I fi • :rn [) llUHRY! :i31·5800 or ~>3·01l!:! lnt.rnational Real Estate Network UPPER BAY CHARMER ll11:h ct•1l111g ltvini.: roum. I year nt'W 4 licdrms . 21 i baths. lgc fa mily t o o m YLLL&.r e p I a c c . Landsl'prl beautifully, rO<lm for pool 11nrl motor home. Mally e l\lt ,1 ~. Sll5,000. (;.di tc> s1·1· this n1'W listing OWNER SAYS! Move In Before C.hr1!4lma!I Low. l>own l'aymC'nl Down l'aymt·nt lJp2radc l.I t'o11ta Ml'~~ home. 3 Udrm . 2 U11 Fireplace. bltns .. new cpta., profcss1onally painted. Dbl. garage, lg backyard w/BBQ. blk wall fence. Vucant, car: &how day or night. 646·3928, eves; 646-81 view urea 11( S;111(1JJ!O Dr)vc. fum1lv rm. with wilt bur, mar1<>lou.s St Chltrles 1~l<rml k1t<.:hen, very larJle, lormal d1n1rti; rm : spac·c fur a pool. $239.500. LcuseholtJ EILEEN HUDSON REALTOR 644-0322 WANT Sl 0,000? STEAL $42,900. You'll m a ke over SI0.000. next year JUsl by buyini; tht.s N EW S4:!.900. 3 bdr m, 2 bo th plu11 fireplace home. Pool & jacuzzi, massive master bdrm, built1n~. lluycr's choice or rrpls & l.lrp~. pleae call today 898-e755 540·3466 GfiMlJ> We're here to he lp ! VA OK!! Four months nt·w, :I lit•drm. :! bath, many l'X tra:.! 1 Pool :.11cd yartl Sli~.700 C;ill 101 1nlnrma tum. 645-3474 .~1-0- RENTALS SpyCJlass Best Vi~w 4BH, (am rm, pt11111ra m 11' v11 lot. Furn. or unfurn. l~,'attt ldscp. •I yr nltl 1-;-.; t!C. homt•. Sl2.'>41/mo run furn l Yr ly be co,,. Cod Home in <:DM · sun, :lha. w /fam rm .. lot• al 519 Marguentt: Newly pointed. very un· usual lrl.! hrmie rm lot h v 1tst•lr $7<Kl 1mo. Yrly Ir-•: (t\vail I 15 77> 28R, I BA. SPECIAL l>HIVE HY ANU SF.I-: /\NV ONE OFTllHEE 002 1 .. Narcissu!. < IJ~ck hse l ...... s:l25mo 700 Maq:uente <FTnt h11el ...... $J7Smo 706'·~ Maritucntc (Upstri1 hk > .• $:1:!5mo Ltb <//IUIP Z?~ RCA~ £STATE 644·6397 ~~~~I HEIGHTS-UNDER Looking for a house. Tell me what you would like I'll find 11 for you. lOO's of houses to work with. Call Jack 546·H354Aat. ---- Sell thin1ts fast with Daily Pllot Want Ads. -v. OW lfte °"~"°' rMllr...._ .... 111Mt .. "-In rc>vr IOCll ltfllfll11111t, ••• ~•..., "*"'"'" $60,000. Ch urrnlni:t 3 bedroom wlth hordwood noors. 1111 u big l ot . Newport Harbor llii;h School Ult-· trl ct. Spruce up ond save. CAI.I. 751 31!11 C:::SELECT IPROPERTJES COMPARE THIS $82,000 • .Sdrm.. bonus room ; huac country kitchen with frpk. 01'f!8\ locoUon ne ar park " t c nni:s rourts. 'lulct qui de sac alreet. Auumable V.A. loanot8~% C. F. Coles•orthv RULTORS 640.00f 0 Clautlled ad• aoll bla llema. 1mall Items or any Item. Jus ~ c all M2N78. HouH1 for Sate HouMs for Solt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gtnerot I 002 Ge-.-rol I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $59,950 ·I Bedroom . ~ bath , churmlna homl' with llcl.lr nl.lw plu!ih t•arpl.ll• 1111( Wood i.h1n.:l1· root lic uullrul lanl.IHaµ111µ with i.pri11kler$. Locuktl Ill fine nelithborhood nr ::.. Coust l'luza OPEN DAILY 1 ·5 2308 Rectand1, HI •formal lhntl\& Hoom• Como &tic tor your11c lt th1K well ki;pt homt• :1 Ii: Bllrm~. 2 Huth~. II\ 1111.' rill + Dl'n, fin•11la\'t· bllnis., ulll 1 m , new cpts. Over111tcrl <H>I 1:.1r111: ... ~u•t. :.11.ll' )(I, ro1 IJuttlu1 1·am1J<."r ' 11 fffwP()f't ti. <pto~ 64o·8~n ANYTIME - 64\t·J'J:!l:I, C VOS. 1173 1\577 Lachenmyer Realtor General I 002 Getteral I 002 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• filc~t~~«;!.~,..~~!f THE HOMES LISTED BELOW ARE ON THE WATER OR HA VE OCEAN OR BAY VIEWS. FOR INFORMATION ON THESE OR OTHERS. C IVE US A CALL. SPECTACULAR OCIAN VIEW One of a kind home featuring 3 bedrooms, guest house, JY\r baths , formal dining, family room , 2 fireplaces. Has office. workshop and rec. vehicle parking. All this including Old Corona del Mar charm . $275,000. OPEN 1-4. 3328 OCIAN ILVD. HILLTOP PRIVACY -VIEW Spacious four bedroom pool home. Ocean view from "your Library desk". Great living area for fami - ly & formal entertaining $195,000 fee LINDA ISLE 3 bedroom, 3 bath Spanish sing le story. New carpets. drapes, Large waterfront patio overlooking your private pier and 36' sli p. $245 ,000 EMERALD IA Y -llG VIEW From huge private deck & mos t rooms. R e m odeled throughout. gourm et kitc hen, massive living room w /cathedral beamed ceiling. two mast er suites. guest house, den & walking distance to beach. pools & tennis courts. $279,500. ARCHITEC:TUUU Y B.EGAMT Fantastic designed & decorated 4 b e droom h ome on Balboa P eninsula. Bay view, 1 block to pier & launching ramp. Complete with 2 fireplaces, upstairs terrace plus 3 car garage. $225.000 LAGUNA OCEANSIDE Lag unita Architectural Digest classic by A . Quincy Jones. 180" white water ocean vie w. Within steps of beach in secured private community. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths on 2 large Jots w /room for pool. $375,000 LOOK TO THE SEA From both s pacious uruts of uni- que Corona del Mar duplex. Vault· ed wood beam ceilings plus 2 bedrooms, 2 baths in each. Custom designed for entertaining on secluded oversized lot. $245,000 FaOMT ROW IRVIME TERRACE One of Ci kind estate sized g rounds. Nearly 1f.z acre. Rambling 4 bedroom family home, view, pool, huge family & garden room. 3 1ri baths . Hurry. $295,000 RlEt4CH CHA TUU OH THE IA Y One of a kind view w/~' on the water plus pool. 4 bedroom, 3 bath. m any custom features. Family sized kitchen, large living room, curving staircase. All with a feel· ing of quiet elegance. $175,000 fee. EMERALD IAY HIUTOP Fantastic view, pool. 5·bcdrooms,. 4 baths, den. Lower floor excellent gues t suite. $225,000. IA YFltOMT IST A Tl Superbly constructed 5 bedroom home + servant's wing, complete w /butler's pantry ,elevator & base· ment. Other amenities include pier & slip, sandy beach , beautiful pool in formal garden setting & parkin g for 12 cars. Peninsula location, on fee, for $895,000. IAIE IA YNONT 0Pr09'TUMITY Waterfront condominium with 2 bedrooms & den or 3 bedrooms, 3 bath. 2500 s q.ft. of sheer Juxury bayfront llvlng, featuring enchanl· ing day & n ight views. Never oc- cupied, new carpet & drapes & levelors . Only $1.85,000 Fee. A ,eo&.DWaL IANI• CO. 644-1766 . '1tf IANJOAOUINHILLIAO. I .. fo!SWP01'1 C:ENTlft ~~!~! .'":'.~ .~~~ ........ I~~~!~~!.~~~~ ...... . GtMrol I 002 Gtt1erol I 002 ....... ., ..........••...•. ·•············•·•••···· llAMS, IRICK AND PINE That "back East" feeling just one1 block from the Pacific. Three bedrooms , two charming baths, spacious Ji vjng room with wall to wall used brick fireplace and opening onto a colorful patio. A Corona del Mar classic. Presented al $155,000. U ~I ClU I: tt()Mt:S A EAL TORS''. 675·6000 24 43 Edst Coa~t Highway, Corona <.Jul M.ir ..rlso u1 M>'Sd V•.,Ut:, ut 54G 5990 Getttrol 1ooz·G ..... ra1 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macneb I Irvine realty FINER HOMES NOM $4 3.500 TO Sl,200,000 HARIOR VllW HOM!S C:AllM.IL putstanding ad ult home on extra· wide street. Only doors Crom park & c lubhouse. or&4 SAT. & SUM. U-5 P.M. 1126 'OIT CHARLIS. (\123) LINDA ISLE EXCWSIVE Elegant e ntry courtyard in- troduces stylish bayfront living. 5 spacious bedrooms, formal dining + family room. Sheltered location provides for m aximum enjoyment of cantilevered deck + pier & slip . Offered at $297 ,500 leasehold. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235. (V24) THIS HOMI HAS EVBYTHIMG! Ocean vie w -city lights-2· stories of built-in elegance w /spacious e ntry, spiral staircase, cathedr al ceilings, 4 bedrooms, family room w /brick fireplace wall, dinette, formal dining /living room w /fireplace + huge recrea-' tion room w /ocean view & balcony. Gorgeous pool & jacuzzi + 8' firepit. $299.500. Marjorie Mahon 644 ·6200. <V25) LOCK & RUM UVIMGI Beautifu I , cxclus i ve DeAnza Bayside Village .. Private, beach, pool. jacuzzi & avail. boat docks. 112-m obile ; l/z-real house on foun- dation. 2 bedrooms -2 baths - family room -MODEL HOME! $43,500. Lois Miller 642·8235. (V26) 5 IEOROOMS! Westcliff Area! Boat or trailer storage space -lg. yard -just reduced for _quick sale -don't miss this on e! Roy Romey 642-8235. ( V27 ) HARIOR VIEW A very s pecial Portofino w /4 bedrooms. 5 baths + guest home. Quarry t ile entry, hallway, dining room & fireplace. A separate guest unit ideal for . in-laws. Completely private. Intercom thruout. $159,000. Lynne Rothell 644-6200. (V28) "DEi.ORES" IN THE IEAUTIFUL ILUFFS View the bay & sunsets from Front-Row, well decorated, end· unit with wrap-around patio + fenced "play'' area. 3 bedrooms - lovely carpets & drapes +fully air conditionccl )J\ppt. only. Owner will conside r lease /option. $152,SOO. leasehold . Cathy Schweickert 642-8235. (V29) llG CAHYOH A s mashing contemporary home. Huge rear yard has a completely private "N<Jture Park" W/jacuzzi & Jg. koi pool. Corner location - professionally decorated -atrium model -ever y room opens out· s ide. $235,000. Lynne Rothell 644-6200. <V30) WHTCUff Great home on a great street! 3 bedrooms -pool -garden dining -$114 ,750. Barbara Aune 642·8235. (V31 ) IA YCREST -MIW LISTING Cu.stom~built home w /3300 s(f.ft. of c harm . • bedroom~. 21h baths, formal dining room & f a mity room or den w /fireplace. Beautiful cov- ered patio w /bullt·in BBQ -great entertaining area -inviting pool w /extra play a rea s urrounding. Excellent location! $18.5,000. Mary Lou Marion 642·~. (V32) IAYPIOMT LOT The only lot for sale on Prom on· tory Ray! Large (approx. 50x100) -well located -the wide·end. Owner has Coastal permit for dock. A real value at $189,500. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235. (V33) 642·8235 901 Dover Drlv. 644-6200 H.trbor Vltw Ceni.r ) S.turday December 18, 1978 DAIL. Y PILOT •S We Don't Want Your Business Once ••• TM We Want It For 11fell i OUR ACTION W ARRAMTY Guarantees Our Service A61& for Y041" frN copy of_. MActiCMI WWTOl'tfy." It CJYWOlltHs in wrHl119 ~ 1er•lct1 w• pwf°"" for ow c:111t0111.,.'-Titot's o boW st•P· W• thi11k our cuttom.rs dH ft''f• It. Sow• ,.,tit 111 writl!MJ • , • Glftd MC)!' OMr" "°"'" to It. Wt thh* you'I •fllOY dediflC) wlttl ,. •• proud ltM*IJh to offft' wch o worr"anty. ,,,,,,,, ' \,.,, ',,,, ... , ,,, """' ,.,.,,,,,. • 8 lfl.fytf'\ ' • lt"ijwlotly v!>du••d ,,..,,.,.ool • (Ot1'119f"1.At ty(n11oft M'Of ···••Of • ()n4I ft" •nhodut..tOily dou • Anfftd c.rnf' Of ""°"• t'uu•• ~ """' TUES., Wt O., THURS., J.10 PM SAT. t-12 AM S99.00 t•UM incll*s texW M4 llctlres f,.,, ''"''''''"' ~/./11,U'\/l'I' c.1 55a.t).JI COSTA MESA EL TORO FOUNTAIN VALLEY HUNTINGTON BEACH · HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH ../ Investors Tak~ Hotlc:• •S ltOPP l NG CENTER !'ti le partially developed. 2 3 acres to IX> completed , Th1o; off1<'e only exdu-.1vt·' •C0\1M ERCIAI. building, center of Co-,ta Me,.i. C 2. all terms. Ex· change: CNL: CL: will consider lcaw hut·r.. Century '.!l Duhan & l)ovh• ,) Ill J J 11fj > ••• Ea.st Costa Mna Rentals A vaUable ~Bit'-;• 5290 mo Call for more 11110 <'cnlury 21Wcstchrr64~7221 Don't Ld This Sip ly! 0,... HoetM Sat /5-I 0..4 Beautiful home -owner LS leuvin" area' ! 22782 A val on St. El Toro. 2 story. l h yrs new 2 bedrm. l bath. Huge bo nus rm unfinished. all plumbed for bathroom & fun room. Beaut pool, jacua1, bltn ring BBQ Fully insulated. Century 21 Duban & Doyle. 5-18-1168 On the Lake A former model has become a\'a1lable. 4 Bedroom'>. J bath-;, hvm~ room. dinini: room, muC'h, much more and a BOAT DOCK Hurry' Call for un u11pomtmmt! Century 21 Uerg 962 1!891 or 640-4950. FOUNTAIN VALLEY CORONA DEL MAR Shor ecliffs W.irmth of a -.ummer day Jll year 'round G '' ,. the gift enJO\ ed 36.5 duy, a yc Jr with this art·h1tl•Cl d~1i:nc1I, qut1lltv 1·on,1ructed, view homt· on a huge lot with a pnvale bcac h Ct•ntury 21 Marlen Real !:::,talc 6-10 ~J57 Bee Smcrt Honey for Money Vacunl hous e Oµr.><ft .nlty owner wants a ·C·l·i 0.. t. y t-drms. 1 ·1· baths, onl) L.. ~" old (;cntury Park S74.t ~ Century 21 Duhan Uoylc 5 18 11611 Open Sal/Sun 1-4: !mO W:irbler Ave. FV. Fantastic Ff replace Is Santa's enlrtinCl' to a '>Pt.'t1.acular 2 story 4 Bedroom l~auty Super large IOl surroundll th1-; spectacular home. Owners anxious. mu'>l -;ell ASAP. hurry • We need help. Century 21 Berg 640 4~ or 962·8891 HUNTINGTON BEACH Mer.dlth Mcinsion This OUL'itanding Meredith Garden<; home shows hke a model with fresh paint, beautiful new carJ)l't.s. 3 lge bedrooms. 21, bJlh'i lgv family room & formal d1111nA room H you're fussy, you'll lme 1t A top area. Open llouse Sal !Sun : 20302 Ravenwood, llunt1ni:1tlln Beach. Century 21 Emery 846 3301 1000 Lakes Wouldn't Take You Away from this beautiful Frandscan Pool Home! A garden kitchen Oowtnl! mto a beautiful patio pool area hi.:hlights th!' spacious t bdrm. t'\~ bath family home wtlh upgrades lhruout. Close to new central park, srhools, beaches & shoppin~ Thls week's best pool buy! Century 21 Emery 846-3301 PrlYate Courtycrd And a pcrfo<'l floor plun for th1· at·tive young fam1lv. h1ghhi;tht th111 beautiful J liedroom farrulv room and dmini; room, 2 B,1th Strutford Home A lcit or hou'c for the monev al ooly ''3 000. Cenlur} 21 Em1>ry St6 331)1 Aetult Hide-Away The M ustcr Suite or th1:1 tx·aut1ru1 party home is located all by itself on the sec·ond floor. ovl•rlooking a fabulous pool and 1at·un.1 A ~round fl oor l'ntt•rta1nmcnl ccnli:r uncl i:ourmcl k itchen are add1tionJI h1 ghltKhlS to lh1:-. 4 Uedroom. 3 Bath, hi1:hly upi:ra<fod home One or a kind at onlv ~12.500 Century 21 Emery 846·3.10 I Landmark Giant Warm 2 s tory. family home on qwet cul·d e·sac lot. Decorated like a model horn" with land~caping to match: 4 Bedrooms, 21h baths. comfortable family room & formal l.Jving room 579,900 Oon't wail, call now wc·re anxious to help. Call 645 7221 Centurv 21 Wes t<'l1fr Heally Still Here! Beautiful 4 bedroom . 3 bath I.a Cuesta By the Sea. A!.Sumable loan. Corner lot New drapei., all this and more for $89.!195. Century 21 Berg 64().4950 962·8891 I For Rent, 2 For Sale LaCuHta Vilas Ready for )<>U and your fam1lv Out.,tand111.1: bargain 3 Bedrms. 2 bath. cloM? to -.t·hoob. ~hopping and bea<'h. Hurrv. Century 21 Rcr" 962-8891 or 640-4950 ew 1 Turtterodc View of Irvine Hills and <seross the• street from the p<srk. Walk lo schools, community pool, & tennis <'ourt:-. 2 Sty. 4 bed rm. 3 bath & a LUXURY CUSTOM BUILT den or study w /wel bar. Quabty upgraded thruoul Truly deserves your Ill· s pection $112.500 whlrh INCLUDES THE LAND. WE'RE llERE TO HELP, call 645·7221 Cen- tury 21 Westrtarr Introducing · Bob & Theo Whitehead Thesl' bl•autiful people ltvt• in Turtlerock and provide 11 pt·r..,onahzcd professional real eo-late scrv1te for home owners and buVl'rs in the Newport Beach & ln•me arl'il They are e31)eCtallY -,k 1 lled 1 n ev a I u allnl( Irvine prol)t:rt1e::. huvinl'( recently listed and i;old several homes in that area :Put yourself m the hands of the~c profc'lsio nals b'y <-ailing Century 21 Mart en Real Eiit11le 1140 $.1~7 5916 Worner A•e. CALL or STOP BY one of the offices listed HERE for fast, efficient help: Huntinqton Beach 846-330 I 19891 lrooldlurst 200 Mewpoti C_..,. Dr. Huntinqton leach 962.8191 Mewpori l each 640.5357 I 7 3 l W flfdiff Dr. Newport l each 645-722 1 1740 o,,_.,. An. Costa Mesa 548-1161 We're NATIONAL, but we're 'llEIGHBORL Y. 621 W. ltthSt. Costa Me.a 642°5062 2418 Moc Arthur at Ford Rd. HI 640.4950 Prlcleof Ow11 ......... · . . . beyond compare accents lbis dramat1caJly decorated home. 2700 Sq. rt .• 5 bedrms, or which a can be usf!d as hobby or game rooms etc .• 3 bathrooms, dining rm, ram rm & 2 C1repla<'es . 10x63 RV PARKING SLAB. cov patio & m atur ed landscpg. Also has Holiday Road address. What m ore cou ld you want? Give us a call, we're anxious lo help, 645·7221 . Century 21 Westclirr. lluff Condo Former model with those extras you've always wanted Paneling. w11llpaper. sculpt ured concrete walks. End unit with added privacy and outdoot' entertaining 11reo. Plan X, 3 bedrm, 2'11 bath, only fll0.000. Century 21 Marlen Real Estate, &10-5357 . ••unique .. Fisherman's Villaae Polenlial in lhl.s umque shopping center Next lo the world famous San· Juan Capistrano Mission. M&ktf your investment a profitable hob~y with· your walk back into early California. Call Century 21 Marten. l\eal Estate 640·5357 ~'!':!~! !.~~ .~~-~ .. . . . . . ~'!':!:! .~~~ .~~ ..... ·· I ~.'!'!!~!.~~~~'!:........ ~'!'!!:! !.~~ ~~:. ....... I ~'!':!::-~~ .~~.e... .. . . . ~~~!:! .~~~ .~~~.. .. . . . . ~~~::! !.~~ ~~ ..... :;. General I 002 Ge-Mrol I 002 G~Mr"ol I 002 Gnffal I 0021GeMrol I 002 Ge-nerol I 002 Ge-Mral I OOJ. " ...•..•.•.......•......•••.•..........•.••.•••••.......•.•.....••.••• ···••···•·······•···•·······•••••••••······•··· .•.•.••..•.......••.... ······················~-· VA Buyers Call Now TIRED OF SHOPPING ??? Long and Shor:t! Quilt As You Sew :>.u monl'} down Manv to l'hoo:.i: Cro m. Call for more mformal1on l' Rx for ach ing feet...let Davidson Realty's trained professionals find the 'right property for you! ftlt ~,,,, •,tMr>Hh' '' ,n .plrndhl "" tt1011r•11 vou d •~r Ill" drr,, both hnr t ln 1 ""l ,.,, ~ •v .1n•I ~1"< r ooosr o•ou• r.h3mt"~• ~~" P11nt rd r~11r111 u' 7 .,., ·'t' >11r$ll IO 1> • f. IR '1 ~11,. J ' hu·t ' o ~' 'Jfd\ 4'1 ,,, "' itnd 11 00 •or nrh OJ!Jttn ldd 3 " lt1• •Jrh pJllt rn lo• uil r t,1', 1 •mJ• ll~ndhnt >end to 1Aart11n M.111t11 ;)attf'rr1 Oe111 .14,> )a1ly P1101 132 W°'•I 18th ~I No•w V'ork NY 10011 Pr 111 ~AME ADDRESS ZIP SI Z E and STYLE NUMBER Oo ro11 ~no• ho11 to tat a p1th111 Int' Send now !tr evr 11tw r111.w1nttr Pattern C1t1le1-cllp coupon 1n1lde for frt1 111tt11n of your choice St•I 75-now' Stw ... Knit loo~ $US lnsU•t Mon11 Cralll 51.00 lftltlfll htlllOll look 51.00 l111t111t Stwlna ltok 51 .oo 7196 ~··~ teo~ O•VO•~· •ht\ rem••~Abt~ ,~,.~()() D•ll~·~nt fUN Oonll .t\ v11·1 illage Real Estate 963·4569 • 963-1786 Mesa del Mar Pool Home I fkdroum or 11 you r>re· kr :1 hcu1uom + formal thnini.: I,. Jnla~lll' µool w J<H'llLll outd1•ur ht',, I•· r,, It ;i ' Ii HQ ~:nd•1!\t•d lrunl n1urt 'arc! ·"'"' 111lh on .. nlJI l(,tnh•n ,111d l1~h pond St.'t' 1111, UIWIUP home to a ppn•' 111 ti• S7H 100 OPEN llOUSl•; ~111 Sun I !i, 111i.'1Sun11r.1, CM 640-61 6 1 ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. MESA VERDE Decur.i111r ':. l'hollt' Supc·r 'I ht•clrm + dt•ll ~ t.'illtlrllll: 2 I tr\!l)IJ•"l"I. lol' or pa11cl1n~. \o\,1llpJJM'r, plu~h c q1ls, l.:c· ht•cl1 m~ \'Jra111. rt• Jd\ ffll )Ullr 111'111·c11nn' Pr111·cl onh Kii 11110 I ~K·at«d 111 Mt•1,.1 \'t'rde CHll 546-5880 ~HERITAGE ·~· REALTORS m~rt~ on ,,.,. •~ir•rr \r" Nr1 ---------1 LIDO ISLE DISCOVERY Charming 4,' bdrm., 3 bath home with hard-to-find family dining /kitchen & South patio. Paneled living rm. frplc. wall, lined with bookcases. $159,500 NEWPORT WATIRAlOHT 3 Bdrm. + family rm., 2 bath home; newly re· decorated. $110.00> 5 UNITS IN DAMA POIMT Prime ren· tals: cannot be duplicated. Two 1- bdrm. + 3 bachelors. 1h Mile to beach & marina. $135,000 LIDO ISLE TRIPLEX New Orleans ar chitecture; some bay view: private balconies, patio. perfect owner-user $375,000 CAMMERY VILLAGE Vacant com - mercial zoned cottage in desirable location. Good off-s treet parking $8.5,500 UDO ISLE REMT AL 4 Bdrm.. 4 baths; bit-in k itchen. Yearly .~ Month. DAVIDSON REALTY 5801 W Coo\t Hwy N 8 645 • 7575 3116 Newport Blvd , N B 673· 9060 Gfltffol I 002 GPerol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE OPEM SUM. 1-4 I 16 VIA GEMOA "" Allor WtnfY>,., 11·1.tl ot ~ I 1nt1•1t1n1n•, 1( n~· "' Yrw ·' Pn1nv ot' "'•''"" • •11 hall\, _________ , Charming 3 hdrm .. HARBOR VU HILLS I~ U S K H 0 M E :1 Bedroom + family. Va <·ant and ready for im med ot!r up 350~ Surf view. $134,950 oatr~ 1111ti n NEWPORT SHORES Vf'rsat1lc bonus rm .. on SI.DO lor uc~ oai1-.rn Add 2 Story A·frame. wood wide lot. HiAh bcumed 3Sr ucnoallt•n f1ir f1rst-<:la\\ bt•amcd ccil in l(i.. 4 ceilings. South patio. a rma Jnd ~1n ~l·nv Stnd to b d r m s . . 2 b a l h 8 , Sl98,000 At "Orono<• secluded patio Walk tn LAWSON REALTY Nf)f'(Jlr·rr:ill 0Pr 1 Ill'> bearh. pools & tennis * 675-4562 * ua•1v P1101 Mllw Schloeuman HF.Al.TOH 714/644°6397 Want Ad 111.>lp ? Bo" 163 01<1 c.,,., .. P,1 Sta Reduced lo S8S.OOO New Yorio. NY H)Oll Pronl TWO UNITS Name AClll••''' z 0 A 3 bdrm. +single On Pau .. rn Numl:IP• larJ:e It 2 lot. Xlnt iwm S©R~lA-~£c!r ~8 That lrtfriguin g Word Game with a Chuckle --..----...... ~y CIAT A ,OIU•N MORE than ever before' 20C mer twintcr renlul .J 11st deslgns plusJfrecorlnt~~ln· :o.l l'pS to lhll o.:cun sld~ NEW 1916 Nf(Ol£Cll.t,P Pnced aU97.500. Q •-•0<>0• '-""" ot "'• CAJAlOG' lfA' ~vo1yth1n11. 75c IA YFROMT IOU• ><•o ... bl<ld wo•d• b• Crocht with Squares \ 1 00 h low io lo•"' Cour .. ,.,.,i. WOfd• 4 Hdrrns .. 4 but 11, new, ,..--------. Crochet • Wardrob r SI CO never occupied! 2 Story. I• F A M E N 0 Nifty nrty Qullu ~ l .00 lnts nr wood & J(l8MI. pier . . I' I Ripple Crtchet St.00 for boat Nice water ..._...__.___._._ _ __.. _ __, Sew 4-lllllt l ook $ t.25 view 128!),5()0 Nudl1~111t ltoll $1.00 673 ... .,,,.. .. • ., ...,., .. EvAs 1 .... --y-_, __ ..,;-_,. 1 newm Cnlclltt leolc SI .DO ,,_., "" --" ..... R E P P A . Halrpl• Crochet looll SI .00 I' I I I lnst111t Croclltl l tok S 1,00 . . . . lnstHl Mae111111 Book $I oo CoM,lttt lllft looll Sl.00 -.... --.-..---..--t ., llol'l>tnce beg Int wtll't t r111wt Mtftty loott s 1.00 I IC 0 s E T I C•m•lett Al&111ns 11 4 S 1.00 I' I I I ptlnct ktulng 11n ·~I, and 12 Prize Af&hlttl 112 50t · · · -· · enda w11h • IJ•tcl.llttded men l oolt of 18 Qullta 61 501 REDUCED!! .... 1 ------... 1 vawnlno -• -woMon Museum Quilt loot n SOt G E E T A N ,, ,1 15 Quilt• for Ttd1y n 50-$6100 I I ,. I' I • C.Mnt~·· •h• clwckte qvOled 10011 of ti Jll"' .... , ..,., . _ . _ . .!"' t,11,~v 1~ "'• ....... o """'d' '' ·• "" Owner m utt 11ell quick ._.....__.___.._..._ ..... ~..., .,.,. • ..,_ ''°"' Ol'Op No 3 bttow IJaln. XJnt Mtaa Verd• 11 r r r r r 1 "People Serving People" MEWPOITS FtMEST Tbe pri vacy of security gat ed community along with s pacious elegance of this 3 bedroom home w ith 2 jacuzzis and a pool, could be you r s . $285.000. Shown by appoin tment only. LIVE IY THE IEACH In this custom- b u i l t Con t em· p o r a r y 4 bedroom. 2 bath Peninsula ho me. Terrano, natural wood, huge patio. Great for in · formal l iving. $132.005 640-9900 14 7 0 JAMBOREE Y7ie~ 8~ 9"~ Valley Realty G.nerol 1002Generot 1002 ········•·················••·•·•••············ KATELLA REALTY bskllllttGI lrokerop COMpGRy la~ for• f•w ,..,.. -~lltg 111 or - M.ttioMJ • c-"' .... field of RESIDENTIAi. REAL ESTATE SALES If Y" wllftt to~ Ill s.te Ait• • C.,. MIN • t~IM. Rt.t h t ... lc.w ,....,_ WI Wll.l TUIM YOU CONT.ACT: G..,.ral ROIERT TRUMPIS 3825 Soulh Bnslol Strfft Sanl1 Ana. Celllornia 92704 :n 011.,,.. '""""O llnul ...... Cielol • 17 I 4t 557-5311 1002GtMrol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 2 FOR I SALE I LOT -2 HOUSH .zoned R-2. $75,000 takes all I ! ' 370 & 3701Aa La Perle Ln. Costa Mesa ora. HOUSE SATURDAY 1-4 DAMA PCMMT DUP\.O 3 bdrm & 2 bdrm. balconies & ocellJl views. $112,500. Call for det,alls. c I • \ I c \\ , , ' I •, I I I . I I '.I I ' I * OPEN HOUSE * 603 VISTA IOHITA. M.I. "BEST BUY IN BEAUTIFUL · .• ~ BLUFFS" ... 3 bdrm., 21.h bath condo. newly decorated & avail. now! 1'-" $112.000 -Or may lease with one year .• ·· option to buy, saving a full year's ap- preciation. Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5 COMMERC.· • PROFESS. BLDG. 10 Offices, 2 secretary's ofCices, law library room & large lobby, with land space for expansion. An xlnt tax shelter investment. $235,000 With favorable terms. • • CORONA DEL MAR· 675-3000 . . .. ,.., ' ,.. ... Ge-neral I 1002GeMrot 1002 .............................................. 1141, Luxurious 4 BR. home. Family rm. & formal d ining,· with view toward Harbor Island. Boat slip. $32.5,000 s Bdrms .. 4 ~ baths. family rm . & form al dining . Large tile patio & waterfront deck. $275,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ' 3·11 Buy\1rl1• D"v" N B bl~ 616 I ' . 'I ' ". ,,,, ' .. .... •)'•l "~· I ,, !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",,..' r-~~~~~~~-=--1 ~~~~~~~-~ SEEK & FINO. HODGE PODGE "Kl H "'" A T R K I l L D E E R U H l E I K 0 T K C K W A K I T T Y H A W K 0 M I N G IEJ KllVOTTAWOL IKOTN l Al £1H (J D GEY K I l 0 GRA M E A E I K N I K T P K I D N E Y S I C T ·u R M I H K l M 0 N 0 T N Y T 1 K A R E T A 0 T I l E 0 K I l E l K E N P A A 0 N K 1 E V P G W H A T K C I D T G CHJAK lLWjKINT IA WWA R E l A H W R £ l l t K G 1 H W H U T E DB R 0 HK WA K (TY K00 TA 0 N 0 F k 0 K I L } 0 G Y E N R A l l I K N D E I T I W H T A R K I L 0 I 0 T I I M A I l K E T R E C E 0 H I K R A O K R H A G N E l T U B B I K Y E A R D S ., ,.,.. -I ·~ lnurvc1lon1 Hlddtn word• btlow ewur lorwattl, l>Kk· 11 weffl, up, CIOYm 01 dlaoon•lly. Find uch end bo" It In, l ._ K1l1manJ1ro Kilowatt Kitt :. ~ K1ll1rney K11t kitten . ~ -" 'I( wr1 .• ·1 P.FACll 1'.All\C•ll '" t. '" ~~~~~~~~~[!~!!!!!!!~!!f!~ ly ! ! ! Hi• lou your loc:atlon Open boua. Sun . r r 1 D 0 II I I;. p II 0 t Claulrled Adi se11 bl& l 5. 110G OOlhU Pl CM. Qualrlcd Ad to bt.1¥, sell ltcm1, 1 ma1I ltt011 or Soulhern C1 ltr Rlt,y • • 11 1 Killer Whale kimono K1tt.y Hawk 1• .~ K11n K1ndtrg1rten Kiwi To.orrow: ?????? or rent aotnethlna. any Item. &U 5671. 1S2-0S68 ft Me·~ I~ • ... ~ --~~ ....... --~~~--::--~~~---1r-~~._ JHI OAILYPILOT Saturdoy.Oecemberl8, 1976 ~~:.~~.~ ........ !~~~.~~ ....... ~~:.~~.~ ........ !~~!!!.~~.~~ ........ ~~:!:!.~~~~ ....... !~~!!:.~~.~~ ....... . ~~::~.~-~ ...... J~c:!!!!.F;>;~.~~ ....... ~~!.~~.~~ ....... ~~~ .......... !!.~~~~~~~ .......... !?~~ ~~ .......... !?.~~ ~~~~ .......... !!~~ ~~~ .......... !?.~~~~~~! .......... !?.~~ G...,.ol I 002 GeNrol I 002 ~ol I 002 ..............•..................•....•....•.. •····•········••••••·•· ESLEY N ~YLOR CO. REALTORS ~.iuct.: t H'l() llG CANYON CHAR.ISMA Elegan('e abounds in this 2-story beau- ty w /suns et & golf course view! Boasts or 3 utlrrru;, form DR. wet bar Sw1kcn Roman tub m M BR sle & ex c itmg jacuu1. Bwlt by Deane Jfomt>s & prof. dccoratctl. 3 Patios & lush landscapmg. A joy lo see! $28.5 ,000 7 Rue Gr:rnd Vallee S,.S 12:30·4 30 ltG CAHYOH TOWNHOMES OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUH 12:30..4:30 Brand New! Countl<>ss amenities : Golf course views, µ1 cturcsquc splat levels <& 1 level) with l'Cclar s hingle exterior. Private patios, hcaut ldscp. security gate. garden c:ourt entries. Vaulted l'eih ngs, wet bars. formal OR. Pools. Jacuzzi, tennis court Pres t1g1ous area. Choose from 2 & J bdrm homes. Buy today & save! For lease from $700 to roso m o. For sale rrom $118,500 lo $15!.1,500. Sec Oroker :12 Canyon Isl:.and Dr. (()ff Ford Hd.) SHORECLIFFS-POOL-$235,000 Want an exclusive addrc~s·' A most distinguis hed looking cxtt·nor" Quiet neighborhood'? A lovely 3 BH English rustic home with a picturesque set ling? Then hurry to sec this! 201 MORNfNG CYN. ~f.:i 12 30-4 .30 IA YSHORES CHARM Jn this totally remod. ~·stciry. '1 Hfl. . FR, 21h bas. ·cedar inside & out. Lgc. brick frpl. Water view from upstairs. By app'l llG CAHYOH -HEW EXCLUSIVE Lovely \'iC'w of area from this prof. de· coratcd 4 AR & fam rm home. Forma l dining rm & cozy conversation area in LR. Many lovely features. $:!35,000 2 I I I San Joacpiin Hlllt Rood NEWPORT CEHTBt H.I. 644-4910 H~W OH THE MARKET LEMON HEIGKTS $239.500 SENSATIONAL HOME with POOl, VIEW Clftd ALL AMEHmES. Mothi'"J is needed but tfte ri«)ht farnlty who wonts a "Showpoce Home". HiCJh on a hilt & Ylew of the worid below with 4 ldrms. IC1r99 family ro°"" qlamorovs kitchen, formal diftiftg roont Clnd o Ma.tiM pG°' mtd patio area. Fantctstic grounds. Shown by oppoi1thnenf. A UHl9UE WATBtROKT HOME $239,000 UNUSUAL -Irick -hams & Wannth witft a 2 story unit attoched fw income. Eacitinq l ~ ~ wit+. dining room, fornlly nn. pitched b.°"' ceilin91 and stained qlals windows. n.. ,.....al unit hos I lct-m & loft witti o ,...... roof Cllld a "Ofte of a kind" 2 'tory 11.,. i11MJ rM. Open Sot fS-t 1-5 PM. llG CANYON $191,500 SP AR KLING HEW fl'OOl Sophi1ticoted EncutiYe lordeoui Madet °" tt..e Ilg Cmtyen Goff Coww with lay &: ni9ht li9ht •l•ws. Gt..,. ous 2 Id"" t. Deft, dtconlfed In CflHt CJOOd tcnte. Fent escrow po11ibM. LI VE OH UDO $156,500 HEW IH & OUT OM of ttt. bnt ...... to ,..,.... loco- HOIH °"Udo mo 3 ~ ho!M. Ye. s.til hn• ti•• to dtooM yow carpd & .,.mtcn.. UHIEUEYAILE!! SI 59,500 UNUSUAL 2 STORY CalOIWiol Styte .._I. ... wport leecJa. IR o locCIHClft connwlftlt to an. nw bnt of dtcorat.. Inc] a tM1 4 I ..... 4 bath, fwNty room. fan.al ch*9 rOOM e.... o..tst~ pool and jocuni with patio for cr-ciou~ ovtdoor coifcc tal I =r OWMr ii rHdy to MO•e. Optft ho.$e s.f f'S- 1-5. ,. OCEAHFltOMT LOT $155.000 In a pntH«Jlon CQU&U&ity. ~ MCW'fty ..ct fmtmtk locatfaa. LAIG-E WATER YIEW DUPUX $154.500 '00' FltOMJ AGE CM ,,..... pen wtth beoclaroy.,..-.d ......... u ....... ..... ..,,. .ct °"' ..... -IBfT o.ut the 3 ldnn for•-& dlpreclo- tl0& HOME OM THE WATB SI 19.SOO Graci_. 2 Story ...... with 4 lcrgt ...,..,_ l.ovtif.i pcaffo for lttdoor- ..,. cw ettttrlalr b I I~ fw falNty ltti.g llt a bffch c_.....,. /'f OH THE WATa $91 ,500 llk09f & Fcmtadlc •iew from thla c..torlebl• 2 ldrUll Cmtdo H-... ..... , ........ WATERFRONT HOMES 2'• \I W Cni-1 I !J"f,.,•v l\1'\~1n lk l<li (I I \111 II l·h•t 3 BEDROOM + GUEST SUITE Wl•ll le11:,1ll'cl ;1 h1•tlru11m 2 l1.11h hu111c w llh tll'W pumt 111 & 11111, :..c·11.11 Jtc 1-:Ul''I ... 111U• ha" lh 11wn li.11 h ;uni out '>Ilk 1•111 r\ Full ptll''-' $it..:;OU l' \LL :.511!~ !pPR~~~~TIES Give Your Wife A Home For Christmas /\ llunl1ni.:tut1 lln1d1 ilt'Jlll.' Jlt>llll'. t hJl Ill! Clc;.i11. 01.'Jl. 11 llrlrm, fam cm. n·t < ntl~ p,11nt1·d 111 :iml uul l\u,11 tloor pJI"• hw b ... k)Jrtl Xl11t 1.11111 h ll1111ll' lJl lt·11·d ..il J h•~ ~Al 5ull ~UPERB HOMES n A T 1 INC 155SW 8aker,C M Nut to Markel Ba~k•I 549·865> SUNSHINE THRUOUT J l~·d1uwn :! II.1th wllh n1·w nM1I lll'\I/ 11J1nt. in :-111!: <ind •Jul rww c .irpi:l. m·~ p.Jl1n. cww l.111cl""•'I' 1n~µml fruit ll'l'l"•· $55,950 Ol't-;i': S \I' SlJ\J l 5 l'lt~i W. Wilw11, t.: \1 ANYTIME FABULOUS DEANE HOME '1Ji.:nil11·<•11t :.! ~tory w/'J huJ,:!' lxts. 3 ti.". I um rm & F H .\1 I. d 1 11 r rn l'rulc,.,,.,1011:dlv lndsl·pd lmµrl',.,:..1\1· <1111r1 ytl en try. 13111 hH'.1t111n in fal>t J p JI r l' l' I .1 I I n i.: •• I l' ,, f>.1111'i11 61!!1 VILLAGE WALK TRI-LEVEL SpaC:IOUS :1 hilrm. a IM. Yi /l11i.: i,:J1111· 1 m l1H' -.:tra l:tmily to1.wtlwrm·~.., ... 2 hlfl f)Jlltl ;Jfl',I,, &_ l111t dhl 1·,11 1:.11 .I~'<' lllt'otl lol',I 111111 111 Plt•,llllll\ lo S.1 l 00J'l l'IJ1J ti-Iii i71 I dl!I EXEC MESA VERDE HUGE LOT 1 l,d .! h.1 hlllll\ Ill I h1111·1 \lt•,,1 \ t•rd1• I .L!I' l.11 " ''"111· 11 ph', II nil tl11 rm. 1.1111 l.11t·h1•11 l'ul iii· '• 1< ~l &, 'II ,1lj.!1•1111 '\t•W " 11 .. ll'll .11 ~I IS 000 .1:).!Jl!ll l.o\l•I\ ·1 t1tl :! ha home I l.1.., 111 1• 1 1 pt' 1"1.. cir II" 1/1,11!1,tlll lllHlf 111 1·1•1hn1t •IHrll' lrph \II 111 lh1·, + i.:ur·'I .1pl " h1I LH. & h.ilh 11111\ )tiS,950 .• 1 ... I I'll Rt fll v upi.: r :1tfod. \Cry .. pat·11111., h1m11· on itoll tour-.1· I 1111 , m.1:.tcr ck>Yill • .! , 11.1. lrml din I.:•· I 1tn rm .,..,., h.1r & (•'\Jl,1fhl\t' IU'W 515 !Jl!JI OCUHVIEW North l.at.(una lk3ch t 'mHlo. l.ari.:1' I hc•tlrm, 11 i buth, f1replat•t•. ~x· lt'tL~• ~1· sunclc~·k w fun tast1c view Exclu111 H' $86,500. 644·7270 "4t«< S,,,a' 9"/fMtM REALTORS Finest In C'osta Mesa In beouuful Mesa De-I Mnr, this 4 hedrm, 2 bath pool home has 1t oll fo1 you Close to pnrk, ten nu;, i;rhonl~ & 11hopplna Pn ccd :it $112,500. 546-414 I ~ COATSs. WALLACE REAL ESTATE INC WI LOYI TO SIO, so we know you'll like thi~ cff 1elency sized condo in Sun Valley, Idaho. Walk to ski lift & tennis facilities. For only $15,500 you can leave your skis here all year. Pay- ments arc low, truces just $230. Why not be a Sun Valley lover? TWO OLDH CdM DUPUXIS Side by side on identical lots. these four J. bdrm. units are praying for help. If you arc one of the special people who can env1s 1on what they can be, then these are for you. CaJl 673-4400 to get started. INVESTMENT Ol'POtlTUMfTY 4 Vacant lots with 250 ft. frontage on Chapman Ave., Garden Grove; zoned of- fi ce /professional. Near pro1>o.5ed new Kaiser Hospit al. At only $93,500 this would seem like an xlnt investment. Check with us for terms & exact loca- tion. L et Harbor Realty help you grow. P1Bl & FLOAT AVAILAILE If you'd like a nice place to dock your boat, see this; you .can lease out the duplex that goes with it whHe it grows in value enough to pay for a bigger boat for next Christmas. LIDO HHIHSULA For lease: 3 bdrm., 2 bath apt. on the Rhine with 975 sq . ft. workshop & s maller apt. or office on first floor. Parking for 8 cars. All for $1500 per month. Sub-lease part if you'd like. 673-4400 Getterol I 002° GHerol .........•.•.......•... ·•••·········•·•••·•··· * Rich Reaftg * CAMEO SHORES PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW EXCLUSIVE NEW LISTING BecJClftl 3 bclna., 3 baltl & Ca.Ywf. deft i.o.... bufft around by,..._.._. pool & patio. 3 Frpks., iftcL two of exc.fting fouJI stone in Ii•. ""· & fanua cla.""' DraiwaHc, higll beom~d cefllncp. Custom fe.tur•• ......,., Ju1t it.pl frOM 3 pri•. beachH & c: ;cuMty park. Spectaclll4r oc ... & ietty 'finn! can far details & opp't .• yo.'8 .,. fj.od you did! $235,000. OPEN I TO 5 SUMDA Y 4533 PBHAM 1040 COIOHA DB. MAR CCllHO Shorn Rftideftt Specioli1h CALL 673-7040 673-7040 673-0510 General ... 4 ...... --...-' CE GEORGE BLllNS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SCRVtCE eOPEN SAT. & SUM. l ·S # 16 DEHWOOD LH -llG CAHYOM 4 Bedrooms Highly Upgraded Broadmoor Ill. Fantastic View! J acuzzi Adjacent to Mstr Br Suite . Bright Sunny Atmosphere w /Garden View From Each Room. Oversized Lot on Quiet Cul De Sac. Amenities Too Numerous To Mention. $295,000 e IY APPOINTMENT COIOHA DEL MU W/tHCOME Custom Built b y Wilton Beck Plus Income Unit. Owner's Home w /3 Spacious Br, Open Beam Ceilings. Copper Plumbing, Fam Rm, Wet Bar, Countless Amenities. Rental Unit 3 Br, 2 Ba. Prime Location. Exclusive by "Joy of Newport" 1112 GALAXY DllVE Dover Shores Outs t :rnding 3 Bedroom. One or Newport's Finest Areas. Make Plans to See This Luxuriously App<>inted Residence. Outside Di n i n g w /Bubbling Fountain, Breathtaking View. Call Today $289,000 auFFS ''GOLD COAST" CONDO Spectacular Front Row Location! Great View of North Bay & Ecological Preserve. 3 Levels with 2 Bedrooms. 211'.i Baths, Family, Room, 2 Patios. Highly Upgraded $150,000 or Lease Option. PWSH IA YFaONT APAltTMIMT SS Ft Balcony Overlooks Lido Channel. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Van Luit Wallpaper, Parquet Floors in E ntry & Hall. Low Monthly Maintenance $130,000 Lease home. 111 DOYa DllYI 631·1• ,, REALTORS 675-551 I OPEN HOUSE # 11 CANYON I St. DRIVE: llCJ Cmyoa Co•do•h1lu•. l ledroo1n aad d•ft, c ....... c4"""9-. tpodous, IJ"OCIOUS IMrMJ -Pool & .._,,, llt the ..._.. of Newport Itch. $151,400. OPIM SUHD4Y 1·4 JASMIN! CREEK: bdffftg .spiMe•el home with OCEAN VIEW: Molly WIMlt featw" -a..ttM ..ifT'Of'I. top...-., ~cmc•L 3 l ... oom, 21/2 Mth. f_.ly '°""" Mt JASMINE CREE« ........... hillcJ I• CJ"fff. lleMelllbet, I HYe ...... too -_,... CoMI 24 how HC.;ty CJlllll'd. pool, jocuuf, TEN- NIS COURTS, c.....,_., SI 7 I ,500. COIOHA .OR MAI -CHIMA COYI: Practfc., ..._ Ollly lot crrallatale 6n the crea with an outstClftcincJ i.-.Y ..ct OCEAN VIEW. Clo•• to beodi area. G...ety llopMcJ. •a•y to build OR Clftd OWNER WILL SUIOIDIMA TE OH FIMAHCIHG-. luild 'fOl/11' own dreonl house. COLE OF NEWPORT REAL TORS 251 5 E. Coast Hwy., Corona def M.- 67 S.5511 Pete Barrel f f<eaft'I prejsnt~ AU IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS! FOil $75,000 -on large lot. -t•.xtr a large garage lo use for workshop or hobby room -2 tx'<irm home Just waitmg for your own creall\ c ideas 515 lniM An. Hw(lit lch Sat/Swt 1·5 THIS YEAR IT'S A BARGAIN! AT 116,000 -This home is in "m ovc- in" rondit1on 4 tx'<lrms, 2 baths. family <lining room. Elcc.:t1·1c kitl·hcn, large yard. 2121 T~. Meta V.... s-dey 1·5 CUTE CAPE COO FALL IM LOVE -wilh this newly re furbis hed Doll House. 3 Bedrms. new carpets. paint, lotchen & bath fi x tures. Great back yard especially for children & pets. $9,500. REWARD FOR WAITING THIS EXCEf'TIOMAL WESTCUFF HOME! All top notc h decorating. Lovely pane ling, lilcs. wall pa pers in this 3 be drm. 3 bath family room home. Bonus -1l's location ! On hidden , street , away from traffic. $137 ,000. DIRECTORY Keep thl• h•ndy directory with you thl• weekend •• you go hou•e-huntlng. All the locations listed below are de•cnbed In 9reater detall by advertltlng elHwhere In today'• DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Patrona thow1ng open houaes for Hie or rent are urged to lltt such lnform1tlon ln thl• column ••ch Saturday end Sund1y. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 515 Irvini! A vc., Npt. Hgts, NB 642-5200 $75,000 Sat ,.Sun 1·5 21 Wintergr een (Deerfield ) Irv 644-6200 ~3,000 Sat ,Sun :L-5 59 Sea Pine Ln. (Big Canyon ) NB 642-8235 $127 ,500 Sat ,Sun lA #3 Carob {The Terrace) lrvine 551-2000 $1>8,900 Sat ,Sun 1·5 2 IR & FAM RM or DEH 707 lltb St. Huntington Beach 536-1484 Sat ,Sun 12·4 23162nd St .. Newport Shores, NB 540-1151 $73,500 Sat ,Sun 1-5 460 Prospect, Newport Bch 642-0417 $73.000 SattSun 12·4 2816 Cliff Dr .. Newport Beach 645·3474 $149,500 Sat ,Sun 12·5 3 IEOROOM 30942 W. Green Or. Laguna Niguel 645-8806 Sat tSun 11 ·5 6801 Bonnie Or. <Sunshine) HB 536-6565 $.58,500 Sat ,.Sun 10·5 128 Via Yella, Newport Bch 673-1610 $150,000 Sat ,.Sun 1·4 226 Via Graziana (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $147,000 Sun. 1·4 866 W. Wilson. Costa Mesa 645-7033 $55,950 Sat tSun 1 ·5 559 Vista Flora, Newport Beach 673-1181 Sat ,.Sun 1-5 526 Santa Ana, Newport Heights 675-6670 $88,500 Sun 1·5 •201 Morning Cyn {Shoreclfs) CdM 644-4910 $235,000 S IS 12'30-4:30 7 Rue Grand Vallee (Big Cyn) N.B. 644-4910 $285,000 S,S 12:30-4 :30 'lZ1 Apolena, Balboa Isla nd 675-6000 $119,500 Sat tSun 1·5 1986 Tustin, Eastside C.M. 546-5990 $76,000 Sat ,Sun 1·5 3 IR & FAM RM or DEH 13 Goleta Pt Dr. (Spygls Hls) CdM 640.1751 Sal/Sun 1-4 21895 Michigan Ln, El Toro 8.10-1628 $79.900 Sat,.Sun 12-4 1706 Oahu Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 752-0558 $72,900 Sun. 1-5 2006 Pt. Bristol (HVHms) N.B. 644-6200 Sat/Sun 1·5 2308 Redlands, Newport Beach 64S.3928, eve: 673-4577 Daily 1·5 •2257 Cornell, College Pk, CM 546-2313 Sat ,.Sun 1-5 442 El Modena, Npt Hgts, N.B. 546-2313 Satf.)un 12-4:30 1826 Port Charles (HWlomes) NB 642-8235 Sat ,.Sun 12·5 2917 Chestnut, Mesa Verde, CM 540-0942 $73,000 Sat ,Sun 10..5 1234 Sand Key. HVIDlls, CdM 675-6000 $155,000 Sunday 1·5 18 Canyon lSt. Drive, Newport Bch. 675-.5511 $158,400 Sun 1-4 216 Sanderling (Deerfield) Irv. 551-2000 $79,500 Sat f.)un 1·5 1132 White Sails Wy, lMlills, CdM 675-6000 $124,000 Sat,Sun 1·5 •1824 Pt. Shemeld (lNHomes) NB 675-6000 $159,500 Sat ,Sun 1-5 219 Ja.sminel. Old Corona del Mar 675-6000 n49,500 Sat ,.Sun 1·5 3429 S. Ramona Dr. nr S. Cst Plaza 540.1151 $65,900 Sunday 1·5 4951 Persimmon, Deane Hms, Irv. 646-nll Satf.>un 1·5 4 BEDROOM 15561 lllghchff. Westminster 847 -8553 $.57 ,900 Sat 11 . 30·4 30 17112 Greentree, Huntington Bch 842-4466 $110 ,000 Sat ,Sun 12-4 207 Via Orvieto (Lido) Nwpt Bch 673·6026 $157 ,500 Sunday 1·5 928 Salvadore Ave., San Clem ente 493-2143 $115,00.> Sat ,Sun 1-5 t6261 Serenade Lane, Hunt Beach 842-4897 $87,500 Sat ,Sun 10·4 4 IR & FAM RM or DEN •2600 Ll'th'se, HarVuBrdmr. CdM 675-6900 Sat tSun 12·4 1100 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 644-0322 $239 ,50<> Sun. 1·5 9571 Orient, Huntington lk h. 962-8891 ~9.950 Sal. only J.:; 49472 Sierra Chula, Irvine 675-5930 Sat tSun 1-5 2489 Fairway Or. Costa Mes a 646·6149 $73.900 Sat tSun. 16 Deerwood Lane, Big Canyon 631·1800 $295,000 Sat /Sun 1-5 #12 Ima Loa Court, Newport Beach 752-7314 $88,200 Sat ,.Sun 1·5 1718 Port Sheffield, Harb Vu 640-4950 $139,500 Sat 12-5 •865 Sonora, Mesa de! Mar, CM 557 -5292 $76,300 Sat ,.Sun l ·5 31901 Paseo Cielo, San .Juan Capis. 831-9411 $164 .500 Sun Jl-5 468 OeSola Terrace, CdM 644-7211 $165,000 Sun. 1-5 395 Granada Way. Back Bay, CM 646-3255 $125,000 Sat tSun l ·S •1906 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 631-1400 $159,500 Sal tSun 1·5 5 IR & FAM RM or D~ •17 Royal St George, Big Cyn, NB 640-6161 $385.000 Sat ,.Sun 1·5 Z773 Sandpiper , Mesa Verde, CM 546-2313 Sal tSun 12·5 19822 Fellc liff, Huntington Bch 536-1461 $86.000 Sat ,Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 32 Canyon lsl. Or. <Bi~ Cyn) N.B. 644-4910 $118,500 StS 12:30-4 :30 3 IEDROOM 603 Vi st.a Bonita (Bluffs) N. B. 675:JOOO $112,000 Sat,.Sunl-5 2167 Vista Entrada (Bluffs) NB 640·55fill $135,000 Sal ,.Sun. 1-5 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE 3 IEDROOM •8450 BcnJamin Ave .. I lunt. Och 540-992:l ~rn.ooo Snt /Sun 12 5 HOME AMB INCOME 3 IR & FAlil IM or DEM •312 Grand C;,inal. Balhoa ls lanc.J 631·1400 $239,0<X) Sat ,Sun 1-5 •1979 Tustin Av. Costa Ml:sa 752-1920 Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE Z llOROOMS EACH . •21 Rana, Rancho San Joaquin, lrv. 675-6000 $1.10,000 Satf.)un 1·5 * ** ~'!:!:!.~~.~~ ....... ~!!!.~.~~ ..•..... ~~!!.r:c:~.~ ..•.••. ~~!!!.~~!.~ ....... ~!!.~.~~ ......... ,~::!.~~.~ ....... . a._r.. I 002 a.ta M.to I 024 ~°" leo~h I 040 Hwat~on ,,.,,_ I OH fn'IM I 044 Saturday Oocemt>er 18, 1976 DAii Y PILOT 01· ~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~-~--- .•••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ I 042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ou you nc...-"Cd murt! room '' ••• • • •• • • ••• • ••• • •• ••• • t; !;Ide 4br, rom rm, 21,o; b11, $73.000 Uy owner l'n n unly t'46·6149 tibr, 3bu, all new c:pU! & ON WATF.H, JO' tJOAT :.ol • .mum floors. Jrca for SLIP Sbr + 3bu Condo ltV, IR~ PJhu, S mm lo Mklng $lS8.990 Make IAHCH UALTY LapM IHch I 041 L.,.. leach I 048 Mluloft V&.Jo I on ..................................................................... MYSTIC HILLS • '49.~ IAlvt'I)' 2 hr apt GllACIOUS HOMI! heh !ltiH ~ olr Ownr, '71411!40 Ut19 --------3 +'oof +FR S&S K•'l>dh.• Spcc1alisLa 3, '".,_ I 044 J br 3 bu, Sauna, spec l»c11lar vu. great Exec. horn~ $1S5,000 Open House Sun 1-5, 1433 Coral, All. 873-780) 0 c n s Id tl 0 r H w y In chou:t! Ufl'.t, un 1tu.1t!l 497 JSSS, 41>4 632U_»_at_. __ 1 i.lreol: s r•ul'C lllllorc I Jnd 5 hdrmi. • :I bialh.~. Ne-.t h••I If"! ru:.llc ~ectmn l or~bdrmmodelsa vdtl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ur l:o!.lJ Mt'~~ on th\.' cu1 ~ulrlc "' pools 1168-460'.! OPEN SUH. 12-5 dcll1thlful furrllly rm • 32641 Mecta.,,...... aarden kttl'ht.•n ('Ombtn!I· HAPPINESS IS 11er vi 2U.t Jnd Orilngc P..r1nin._1on Prupertws Wt! JU';!,: ... lov('ly hUlllt' .. del JUIJt 1cc..irpc tt"d .111d ...Of'OftCI Mor I 022 11111nwd Sunny kttchl•U 3 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• l"S.·drm-. +-fJ nttly rc>c>m PRIY ATE & a n Ji.km.: llrt('t! ur unly llACH ACCESS $tli,OOO Open !louse Sun 4 BR Redllc•d fl " y I 2 · 4 I'M • 2 u !17 Oran1:(•, to SI 09 ,SOO. t:cntury 21 Surf Really The pnce ts r1~hl , the 979·1050 lucat1on 1s i:n ·ul, lhl·1----------1 IJll>lr Ldrm b i:1ant, I he• Real Estate byMC/AY EXECUTIVE Owning lh1s cAlremcly well J unt• i'lun 102 111 "The Wiiiows". Tht!> hom e l e 11turu s 3 bt!<lroom, formal dining + contr3ctor adde d fllmlly room! Central ollr. upgraded carpeting & wull cuverings. Live, love & be happy an lll!uu.tlful Irvine 651-2000 SPECTACULAR TURTLE ROCK VIEW. This beautiful 3 bdrm 21t2 bath Plan SO in Turtle Rock Tcrr~ce has u fantastic vie~ by day & night! Livin g rm & s pacious family rm with b,~autiful Palos Verdes Stone f 1replaces. Upgraded carpeting & dra~s thn~out. Covered patio. Rear yard 1s so b1g there's room for a pool! Wet bar. Large formal dining rm. $141,900. ~Ou•View Secluded l!::.i~y llv'f , 2 br, den, 2,,.. ba. wood Ii slass. Earth tonrd t'fln· do $98.~ 400 ... 1'8 Monar<'h Buy 'f(•traco lion; for nu I d1nrni; rm. & Entcrt .. 1nm1•nt 1n th11 extra l.1raie. llcuullfully hom\.' l't'nter> :.i round M 11ndac11x·d yJrd ~1t1nv proll!ct«..'<i pool & JllC'U/71 cxtr1t11 Won 'l l;i:it long JI palm, l~e. kitchen with ~.ooo adJ0111lnll family rrn., SPllCIOUS llv1oa rm ., mA "-separute d1n1nic rm., 4 : · lJ~ ~If~ bdrnu., 3 batrui, natural ID»fniltl~ wood beamed celllnics 4911·2MO UU'UOul , with loll! of wood -- poncltna & lcxlured CORONADO yard IS ~JOI !.l/t•d, tlw __________ , I t1 II tl i ., I ,. l • I h (' 3 &.droom/2 lofft ESTATE ''LA CUESTA "F:J Ca- Jon mtxll'I home leatur 1ng ot HH, bo nui. rm , forml dining, J b..iths & 1111• 111 Jlunt'g. Bench '• 111u~l prcst1i::wu.s area l.01\LLIJ.t:! !1371 hathro0mi-. :ire• two <.1 nd Ul1I•• i:.1rJg\.' Fl·llcctl U~ fireplace., J n' tuo ~ uc <.I $S0,7~ Term'I 644-7211 Roy McCordl• \-R~ottor 1810Hewport ~1_eo_s.to•M-H•o•5•4•8···7•7•2•9 OPEHHOUSE Sat/S..n 12-4 2000 L1ghthOU!>l' L.t. Harb Vu lroodmoor <l !Jr 21.h.1,rr !JOOI Jill Jm m J l· hom' lri·,h ~1111, new "'"'" 1 J tll•·t thruout Parll'h•oJ l.1m1h rm, 2 l'r:H'kh111• 111 p;1rtv SI/A' Jdl.'Ul/I ,'(. < ll l 1111111 $1113,!J:-i-O. Wcllun ~ < 11 1.1:-i woo. Harbor Vie w Hills 4 l1r lle l\Ctlcro• 111111. :!ho :.! I rµk:., tr 1 pl\.' l' Jr '""" • lot~ of XlTJ :. ~1:,li,tJOO ,A~en~ 7j!J 110.,:1 "OLD CORONA" 'J'w1n duplcxt"'· $!1:J 111111 1·a1•h' Uett~1' hurr y 011 llll''\C' Balboa Boy Prop. Realtors * 675-7060 * OPEN HOUSE BRAND NEW 4BR +DEM 'I \• 1tlo•:il n1ml11n.1111111 •11 a n•·W hu1u•• 'n .-, '' 1• ~ t ;i h I 1 " lo 1• II n1·1r.hlo11111 ..... 1, r. ··' urllll' .ill t he I.ii•· t ·'l'l'"llll ll m1·nh. ''" r ,11.l·tl 1:.11 , 1:1· l:.iri:t• r uorn•., :1 hJlh' • :ool\•jl •J111'o 11 \Ht hJI, 1111111 lll'l'Oln \II"* 1\11 YI JI~ In~· 1l1 '<l a n 1·1• 111 11riL1t1• lll".ll'h Only ~1111 1100 fro· OPEN SUHOA Y 1-5 468 D~Solo Terrace ; (l•flrll1.'l"S.'o1W:Jrd J!tl) Coll 644-721 I ... 1111 & UAH Al'T :• ('11~ pat""· n11·•·t.> fur 11 !:--•> uf J lwy I ~roo,• ,., " •. ~I 11l11 Cuuld IJl' """ l llll r \.117:1 :r':2'l H~ O" ncr 4 br, 2 h a lor111JI tl1n rm, lrµk , l>llll\, " " C'rj)l\, dqt:.. 11.1l1os, tlc un Culll·~c 1';1rk 'l,t•;.1r 'ic-hnols & "ho 11 11 I n ~ ~lo to , 5 0 0 ~. 1~ or ,,111 U !lll Ope n hoU\l' ~UIHIJy \1 \t-.fo: \I0\:1-;Y \o\<11111 fo!H'I ~llfll' E l:-t• ,., Sp1·11cl111i.: llt1·1r -.' We Ill l'" •• \ J IU4· l'IJfl:-Ol'IUUS IJll\ 1·1 Im I h1' 1 Br :.! Ba Ill I 1111• fo: ,1 ,., I ' I <I(' , ,f l ~ •. 1111~1 V.11 h \Int Terms \~'1'111 t.I" fi:lliR lwo :i llH lluuw,.,, on 'I' IJ t 1 1111.,, 111·,11· t' 'vt l 01v11· ('1·n t1·r $1.),111111. ,,.., !'>17 1x:11 aft. fipm nr 71J:!. 2'111 :i IOtl Uw111•1· DON'T MOVE OMLY $56,900. l1<nr'I 11111\l' "" 1111 Ir unl rl SAHTACLAUS ARRIVES EARLY r .untt-cl 111'>1clc & uul lhls I bt.·llroom . :! halh, frplc- h m 11> l1cJU l 1full y la11<ht·.11JCd & 111 pnm1 louiuon. Furccd ~Jlc at WESTSIDE REAL TV INC. 848-2323 OPEH HOUSE SUH 1-5 6542 Mo"'in9 Tide Dr. llc:1ultlul ·I Hr. :J lfo, f:.im rro. :J 1•ar ~.ir , pool "' J.1<·u111. unu~ual m st1 l1<lrrn "' "'""'.! hurn 11111 r r r 1 '" h u ~ ,. w :i t k 1 n t lo~ct . rt'.•tly to mo\ll' in t11. nn l~ ': hlk from S.•ad 1H Co1unlry C:luli & <;oll (.°oUf)<l' ~J 1& 001) Your 1111~11•,)> Hm.t• S1rn11111.tn PACERA REALTY (213) 945·2621 '"'1 11• "·o·n th1-.. HJ11d1 i.;1• \l' :! ::;t \ 1 \ r ultJ ~t:rlt• l1o.,111lv ;it l;o-..l 'tr' l,.11111111.11 I..· h111 ;11 prc - 11111·" :1 Sp.1l''""' h•trm' ~ ll).'t' .1ri•.1 :1 < ·.11 1'.11'.tl!•' 1 ~ 11.alli, 1 lr1<·ndh I llr, .s h a I 1 \ r 111 I 11, :ii." 1· .\ I\ c I• 11m; '' lrplc, I.om rm '~ hJr 11111111 l'lt·,"l t·;ill 1·,.r.11n1l' t•lt• t•ntr-l.'slm 540-3666 I 11l1 r I II r 111• '11( ,, l d tho uuut 'Ill~'··~·•> OpPn Q zQ) r:;::A~~~~:,'":"~~~: We're here to help' Dona Point 1026 ....................... REDUCED S7,000 I 1111 h· fr om h.11 hor, :!t.OI "'I II lll1,;:•,11a,l,1m 1111'-lrpll• I d t•r1.l11l,tl I)' ll 11 g I' ,1 d c• ti , 11 I e1 II•'"'""''""' htol, ... ,oJ. II• v;onl worl. '11!1,:100 1'1111 0 111 v 1•11: 11·1·1 I "h;i rp :J11r :!ll.1 1 .otlwrol,ol TAX SHELTER Just Reduced! ~" ,h,11 p 1 ommen·1J I 111111,, m»tr tlw hl•:.ith <:oud parking, upgrtidt•d 'urr11 u11tl 111.:-.. F .111 l.1sti10,tll\· prl(Ttl pr111w r t \ . a :\! ti S 1' ~ I·; !·; 'I OD\Y' Woterlront Prop, Inc. 12131592-2813 12131425-3336 1·1•1lin1• l1pl•· 1u1v.111 l•--------- t·arl\•111 ''"'' 11 Ir .11·1·1 .,, lo(.11 ,,1!•' tlr opnr, 1~,.1..,. BY OW'\EH L'll'J.:J11t !J hr ,111111 .. 1 If\ top l"l"'''"" :! IJa :.1111.!lt· ::;t 1 a lr11ml. ,1 k111•\jt 'J:.il 11\'IA q 1h . lrpll', 1'01 D H bo R al l•-1l 1fl 'UKl"t ll 1)11\.'ll !'>.1l ono or r e ty ,, 'o11n W:!t.1 'oNl:11J•h.: 1.11 496-2790 \Hi cA~I (.~II 8<12 4/l!li ::Oita Mesa I 024 8 Toro I 032 WALK TO BEACH ...........••.••....... "lllt' MC"lll \ ••rtt. :! Stor~ '• Hr , <!'·1 lt.1 , 111 111 .1111 n1l11·~ S:11;,.t111 t'h , •I .r.1.11111rt11 univ FIXER UPPER 111 ''"" lll'q•l1h11rl '' "' (J1rrn~ ~1111 l•Jtnt tv. I l.1 .S>iU .UOU Jf\'.i J l.111-. "J,:K)() /\"I lo I 71111 .1 •. ,,, \ , ... 1.. ' "' .... 1.1111 ol111 I-! ,.,, II\ "' I.lo(•' l '>i1 lll vi1vl " I 11 tl/11 <"t1\1·r1·1I p.1111• 11-.1n 111 • tppt J..41 t 1:11 51.'l>,l"~I GRACIOUS LIVIH~ + INCOME UNIT ·111n<t• lu\1111 .. u I~ I 111 be~drnou1 ~ • noft • ''' 111 t1t1r 1 ..... 1 I 1 I °'' la• ""' 1 ilfl$!~ 1111' .!ll~I" lo\111; •• ••••••• • • •• • •• • •• • • •• «u~hifu 2 BH & dt•u nr a "' t>\\:... ~.It lh·1l1.1t ,.cl Jttt 11ool & pruu1 . .i\c.1r •ll-• \lu•I •I 11n'111·11i'"''~'\S1 huoh '" ' I• tno· '' .uh 1 °tk< I' \I l '"'l.K·r & ·''"w ~""'' \ 1ll 1ro• \1,1n1w1 , •,:jfi l 1111 5.14, K021. B1 If," ' · t•~• ·' r. r.u 111 "I""' 1 I 111.tlt\ 1111 1 Ur I" B.1 , lalolf k "Jllt•tJ •. 1.1d1 •I '~ 1 •1011 O:w11 km• 1nHI p .. 1111, 1111 ~. h1•1i-1· 'o.ol •\ Su11 l.! I 11q .... '"'''' l111:1 1•a\ 'l'hi'o, 'll\'!:1 \1 <ht o.1n l.11 . 11 "'n1t1r hi JI • 11lt1·1t1 .'!. 11110 1'1'1"'" 11;•-. m ;qor -..horn~ 1 Ir kM#ltoin Valle y s111:.110 11 111~r.111 111 I 034 .. 11. 1,')I;, \1:1·111 •••..•...........•..••• I• l)H !'o,\l.I', '" "" m•r 111 1•1111111 11n \ ullo·\ .ll1d • ~1.1 f .I IU I fl1 ho flt• I 1t 1l••ll1 1111 I\ 1111 11<1111 .oil 1, ,. I II I I I II'. h ,. d \\ 0\1 I -..111 If J1 dtO "\ llllU h fllqlf• )';11\ I l• ·1 If!' I oll 1Md 7to l Hunhnqfon hoc:h I 040 ...........•..••••••••. \ \ 1 · \' I I 111< .I II \ hr.inol 111°1\ 1 1111~1 \p 1no\ .!l•Ml "f It h' , . .,, llf'I '"' .I I '" l'oll "'" n h11ti'•' S tl "•111 I~ I 1711 ' f,ro t•ntr1 1· "'' ..... 1111• I Cit .... 1 ... t I htr J s 1111111111 ll1\t1r llkr Mt:! l lti>;.\ >-In l'•IX OHLY $67.500 14656 OrClnCJt Acre• ~ RAH CH REAL TY 551-2000 IT'S GOT EVERYTHING! l"untu bulo us Columbia ~udel 1n Colll'#(e Park foaturm~: Corntni: W Jrc lop r an.:c. Gt: 3elf clean tnlC oven, liu1lt 1n m1rro· ..-.ave (oven, t\1tchenu1d d 1~hwashcr . Ue aco up cabrnc h Supe r plus h car~trng, Wall & wrn dow <lt·nar.1t111g. A mu.st to see! Prolc·s<;t0na lly l a 11d :>l'apl•d ~ a rd ~ w u;pranklers, M11l1bu lii.;hls & a r C<"rcalinnal SI.lei GJr.1~c has t'lcl'tr1c d1•1r 111K•ncrs & loud~ ol (',1lnnl.'l st11r;ii,:1• spticc 3485 HOE STREET I RAMCH REAL TY 551-2000 COZY& COMFORT ABLE 'THE TERRACE" ONLY $68,900 l'o11ul.1r <.:.1rd1lr Model l\llra1 ll n •ly up~ratJl·1J Fc11lurc!>' <.:er11m 11.: tile t•ntry, uni: 1A ,1ll mural, upgradl'tl lt i;:ht f1x1url'~. 11,·w palm uiv\'r , n1~ht 11 ).(hh l1h•ull :. loratetl Nl•ar park, 11<K>ls & i.hOf)· 1•111/.! ()" fll•r Wiii {'011 ,.,1ol1·r 1·11 r ry1ng llal·k a :!ml Tl> OPEN HOUSE I ·S #3 CAROB ~ RANCH REALTY 551-2000 SHARP SHARP Ut·rrfll'ld 1\s pen plan ll•11tu1rni: ;1 hr , ram rm, •hn rm. <'lll tic sa1· loC'U· l111n w /l.11 i,:t• lot U p· gr Jlll••I 1·ar11cts, tilt: lit 1h'.•µn ·1111k d \\tmln..-., 1n li v rm & s•·11 l'll•nnrni: •l\l'll & upi:rnctcd 111 ~ hw,l\ht·1 1n klt<'ht•n. A~k 111).! '$7!1,51.JO, 26 SonderUng Open H0t.iH I· 5 ~ RANCH REAL TY 551-2000 THE PRESTIGIOUS RACQUET CLUI rn.1m ,,.,.,, ,: .. ~· .. 1 h•'U'H 3 l.tr i•.ar.t ~··· IA 'h hop s~r..11 • 11111 I• ,ft 111.1 ko· tt11 .1 "'"1ndt•r I ull\ 1 lc•\lhh ho11lll' f.., I 1,11 'I l.ltnll\ No•w 11.1111t ,,,,,1 1•l11,h '""l"'l1n I••" 1'1 IS Rc-n t.11 l n11 111 1 .11 ~ Ol'fo'.111 111 II SI: 'ol .... I , 1:ri'I T11-..1 in DOLL HOUSE The o wner in l-.u r111w lltl)ll • ~t'll" h 111 ll:.n:.1•1 .ind Grr 11•I llrc-.1m h1111it• llP m u•t Ira vc-h1<; I l)l•tlrrn. ;! hath 1\111111• w llh 1.1 · puol .11111 "ll·• Y 11u II lovl' a ll l ht• w1101I J ntl li11t·k ~<'t' t hr" op potlUlltl y JUST LISTED I 11,_r,11t1·1l :i 1!1•111 •wm \'11 1 ~ltlV. II \'ill.1 With • "''111n •''·II"'' ,\,,um.1 hit• F II i\ I.OJ II I '.ii I \nvt111w' SCOTT RfALTY 536-7533 l'1111ulor llrr~IJtll\c Mud1•I f1•Jturtn~ 4 lwtlt nllm . fonuh room, lorm.tl 11111 1111• ro.111111 t ho11u' room 1'11h :>70() '"I II honw 1:. ltlt•ul livm~ for Hw <·x· l'C'll\lVl' & lllll faintly l'r1t•1• r1•1l11<•t•1I for fo~l ~.Jlo•'' CHOICE EASTSIDE 4UH 4.illi\ hMtlt• nl'.ir I Wl:.S ldiff )o hllppln•! & :1d1ol)IS l'loyh1.1u,4• rn n · ur y ard. hont c·,111lJ)er i.lora11\.'. Ci\1.1. l11<la1 '" SC(' lht'I rt nl' f.1 rlltly home, &15 6ti-CtJ CLASSIC BY THE SEA Ot·<•.111 IJr t-1•1:1''> pl .1 \' ;.1 ior1•n ,; llllnl? Mo und lh1,. :1 h1•drm n1·m l'lu:1 h CJrtJt'l'I, lu'lh lrtOlht·p.: & 11up..•rb dt•ror mo kr th" nn C\'Ct'pt1onul huy nt S57,950.Vacant m.~ Co.try ,_.adtwl II 1 Sh;utt> trl'<':1 tmrrounrl" an Roberts EZ care yarrl with !lm,111 garden ;.1rcn. Cover<'1l Realty 'p1H10 Wtlh JlOt b<'lly it:z411..,1>11.- ~loH', bnck <'lumnl'y ror 11.,..111C1M .. a.ell Santa. 3 lkdrnnm11, 2 full i----------bath&. Extru den, formal , d.lning, <;rocrnl 11l1<'d llv ln11 quartor11 Tho prH'(' b nghl, call S40 1720 TARMLL "# t In C:oUfomlo" LANDMARK WtTH POOL $RR J no Li.1 r11c fom1h room upgrud<'d. c:u~tom pool & j111•uu.1, low tnnint ynrd l'rl1•1•cl at $8/J,000. All<'nt $:18 l <IUI or llli2 117117 LANDMARK Ry nwnt>r 48r. fam rm. bo:1t fllW Call 1168 8019 •\v111J Im med 3 • tl1•n or 4 3 Mi To Beach ;1 ltr. Suµu S lrnrJJ Tuwnh!>i: E nd unit, loh of 11111<r.•d<''. l'om m 1>0111 Ha 11 k ii I' 1• r n i u · d J t $4!J.OllO. (;till M0 11922 a...- Real Estate byl&NAY LOO« INTO SPACE S11lH'tou11 2 r;tnrle!I, 500 y dio to or run. Plus h ('tlrfWl!';, wovt•n woods, tiled entry. <I Bdrm f'um. rm .. f\ !'hoWj)IOrt• on ovc"'iU'd lot <.;ustom features of quollt,v & roor1Jlnution. 008 <l456 WALK TO llAC:H Super upgratlcd. 3 Br. Only S5fi,il00 Owner wlll OPIH SUH t-5 13561 ESPIRIT ~ RANCH REAL TY sst.2000 ---Woodbndlo(e 1'.1t11l llo me 4.Br. E plan. Buy now A- $8vr Own('r t>4'1 ·r1-WR CUSTOMIIID drapes, IA?\'Clors & ur icraded plush cur~t1n1: & Ooor ('(IV('rlnl(S lhrUOUl Bncked atrium it p11ti< even l l'a~ tove & ovtn. arc upgradrd. clo~"' t park•. Po<'I~. jncu7.tl shopplna J Udrrn11 •. hu ttu , dlnln11 rm l lnlveon11ty Purlc $77,SUO 552·70~0 THE · .'.'. · - VILLAGE. · · · RE ALTORS help flnAnce. call Today! Oon'I drop t.hr ball ' Get 11 lnlrrnullonal job with 11 low C'0:1I D111ly ttcnl ~l11tc Nl'twork l>llol <'lu111f lod Ad w:dlp11per11. Slll<l,000 CHARMER IM!RALD IAY !\har1> :um, H.UA, HOO f9 I 9f HORWOOD THRACE REAL ESTATE Beautiful view Jot Jn sq fl. s uper pJtiu, lrpk, quiet section of F.m,•rnlrl air , hltn~. Nr Snd· Bay. l:.:oally buUdahlc <llC'huck <.;oil. $73,000 . SSS.000 Oven Sun l -5 . Call HOLMAN REAL.TY ' (714 ) 493.0695 ---- 1044 Irvine 1044 CAMALAGUMA CHARM COTT AGE ·······•·•·•••········· .........•......••.... , llCHIC? •ff""~ J• Popular 2 story Dorado TENNIS Pl.AYERS TAKE NOTICE! Super s harp 4 bedroom Piao 2-W an "'The Colony" includes hgbted teruu:o courts, communt· t y pu u l, park & d ubhou!>e. Association dues only $18 per mo. Won't last long! So a ct nuw! $68,500 3731 SUR RAH CH REAL TY 5 51 -2000 RANCHO SAH JOAQUIN 2 IDRM.-VIEW i\mt·n1t11·i; .:.ilorc · 2 b drm ~ . :! lt;i th s . I 1rc11l.1u" 1"1" lkr r m , lorm.tl !1 111111 1: rm hit·al.l.l'l 1111nk l'llll · \Cr~.1L111n · !>lllJJ!)lL t.> ", \\l'l h.1r, lln·"tnl: rm mJ:.tc:r hd 1 m . ".olk 111 dO!>l'l, !ilt111(•\I I \•tl1ng:., plu!> a horn(' bO r ... 11 l.a !>l tCJlly ch·1•o ratcd , yo11 'll Ul: J fl'J 1cd ! l'Ju:., a stun111111-: '11·"' i\11 1111~ pfu:.. 11101c l o r onl.> ~1 l5,000 red hill~: ... 552-7500 IRYINE HOMES 1'ownhouses rrom $$4,000 '1'11 •>to four Bdrm homes (mm $60,000 Xlnt term:s THE HOMESELLERS CaU 752-5353 Executive Vltto-T"'9is Her.! Rancho San J oaquin townho me 1n Irvine' E ni:ulfc d by a go lf coun.e and pork, te nnts & pool n1><1rby. Comfy patio area, ltirge ma:.ter suile 2 Bedrooms +den, full :..1ze d dining Gourm e t kitchen ~.500, call 540 1720 TA RM LL MUST SELL This sparklio~ 4 BR doll house 1s locate d in one or Jr\'rne's choice areas. Ni cely lands caped , many upgrades & ready t o mo"e into. Quick possehton possible CAL.LNOW! 639-4560 .. PRIC ED TO S ELL, by owner. SSS,000. lmmed. occupancy. Luxury 2 BR, lthrury, Hancho San Joa 11u1n Condo . Fully ap- po inted , lncld air . 547·3987 or nil. Spm & wkncb 54•1·5704 -----------1 TLC S hows throul:hout this s harp t~o ·~tory tnwnho mc. 2 BDRM, 2 H,\ PLUS FJm. rm LOVfo:l,Y p :i netmi:: a nd w J l lpup c r Fre:-.hl.> p111nk1J. F<1~l occupan C} ! »l.500 't513 CA~PIJ5Dt·IRVl~E Or'EN UAILY 8A.M T06 I'M THE PRICE IS RIGHT! Ut!auuful l'lan 1112 in "fhr Wllln"~" u r<•a 11r Irvine. Tl11s :11nglc Mory hom e tcnlur<'s 3 llcdrooms & 1h11111~ room. I!> clost' lo park, prn>l . tcn· nrs courts & Jn 1ne llrgh . !'need ror fast ~all' (;an be i-cen on open huu:.c Sunday J 5. $62,750 14582 OrOIK)t Acru @J RAMCH RE.AL TY 551-2000 Beams. rtreplace & plush carpeting; best of the old world, bes t or the new. com bined tastefully in thu. 3 Bdrm., l ,., bath w loft. Located close-in on a qwet lane. Oul-Of· town owner, for sale or rent. $89,500. G'"4)et bread Trhn On an income ll·2. Orii:lnal owner was a bwlder·bwll Lo lasl ! l un- it has 2 Bdrms .• dining, fireplace. deck & view. 2nd Wtit has 3 Bdrms., 2 fireplaces, newly r c - mod e I ed, seas oned paneling + ehurm ! In heart of V illage on peaceful cul-de-sac. Owner transfered. tnu.sl &ell F'AST! $125,000. Property Management Rentals Needed Full Ser vice Realtor 111).lSo <.:oa stHwy. LAGUNA BEA<.;11 497-2457 LAGUNA HIDEAWAY 2 Bedroom & de n rn Canyon w/secluded rear yard. Patio, terrace & tree house. One mile to town & beach. All this for only $Wl.500. Call now to sec64S 6&16 /('-f R€HIG€ HOM€~ 300N Newport, N.R. WATER WATER EVERYWHERE .: I Jbr & !am.rm. Lou. of ,,, . .,,,,_ \\uod & warm 1•nlo rs. 1105 N.Coasi Hwy.,logvnol 1'\111 p rice onl> S72,500. 494-1177 Ownr may consider 2nd ----------1 T U. llas bou.ghl & 1s On The Sand anx1ou<1. Try 1t before )OU buy It 1 Hill Thom pson Realty 1. 4 Bdrms. + 2 room 4!1~· 1810 maid's quarters & la rge ~~~t~~~~~~~·:!~~· NEED MORE ROOM? ing studios, 40 n. llvmg To this lovely s tarter rm .. sp1u·1ous dhl. lot home o n a huge . with rare old trees, 1~ beautifully 1..indscapcd walled in brick fo r lot, y ou can add two privacy. Privalestalrs lo more bcdrms . Thu. beach. Very S~l·1al for s hake-r oofc d h o me $295 000 Both of the w /ftrcplat·c 11> 111 a abov~ ~y be le»!!ed. 1. QUALITY LOCATION Is rum. & avail. by the and close to s hoppln&! week or mont h • enjoy $62.500. the h olidays o n the I' IQ ii ~ waterfront or Laguna • • UG $425 per week. Plac• * 494-7551 * Propltrtl•a 7S2-t920 •OO OUAILU NIW,Oll1 l lACH 1069 ••••••••••••••••••••• THREE ARCH IA Y Ohl country fo'reoc:h hsc in tlw most peaC'cful sec llOO or wooded PRIVATE NEJGllBORllOOD T t.>n· nts courts, clb hse, & ch1ldrcn's park ::ire a 3 mmutc walk up lbe road. Betty Kerr Realty Or s troll a c c r oss the Op.It Sat/Sun. street and do"o the tree 559 Vista Flora shaded :oit<'ps to lhc bay. Jbr, 21 ~ba e nd unit on one of l.a11una's most prelly l(re~nlK'lt. l~aul1ful bcachl's. also Come !Ice u~ Lhti. "knd pn\'all' :J Br, 2 Ba, famr J;v & llmrnt.1 rm:i, 2 frp)(',, ___ 6_7_3_· 1_18_1 11,1k l'.th111cts, lots o l hrit k N wood, blamed & ll"adl'd l!las'i lhruout. This 1s all the htJ!h(·sl <1u;.ihly and you own your own land . $179.000 4!19-4-t;>G Tll.\T'S TllE TllEME ,_________ II for th 1-; s ll<I c 1<>u 3 :1 •· Setty Kerr Rea Y BVHM. HOME. Located lest luy In in the He ights U\Crlook· llq Cmtyon 1n~ thc ''LITTLE Vll.LAGF. BELOW" Sbr, ram rm, din.rm, Unique, splil level entry Jba, 3 frplcs, i.:rcal yard c."Orrrdor has floors of red P ri v at c l' Om mun r l Y • brick Spacious, rustic NORTH END $22!.1,000673-1181 :-.Ly l e• llv. rm. hu s v A u LT E D o p ..: N Seclusion 1s lhe keynote --------- BE A .M ct:ILINGS & in lhls dis('r1m1nallng ARCHITECTS TIMBERS. BLAC K home, loaded with SPECIAL METAL FIREPLACio; amenjties. Vu, 2 bnt k New 2 story as open & 1'' RAM ED W /USED patios. Sl6S,OOO light as a g reenhouse, 3 BHJCK. The entire West ~~~~~~~~~~l Br, 3 Ba, lg fam rm, :! wall 1s all glas~ and af-* •L _.RGE LOT frpl~. jacutzi, sun deck, lords a S P ECTACULAR " all fully rn~ulated, all ell.· VIEW 01'' THE OCEAN Prelcvelcd Pad tras. S hort walk lo FROM PALOS VERDES Near Town & 81.'ac h beach. fo'eeSimple. TO SAN CLEM E~TE CounlrySctlulg * $ 139,995 * ISLAND. Dining section ,.2 .. ~~~TOH n-n Sat & Sun 1-5 has lowcrt'd ceiling & . -r opens to bilt·tn kitchen 494-lllil 1 5305 Rlnr AYt. wlth HANGF. DBL (Situated J blk S u. OV'-'N DISlfW •• SllR &. Laguna Hiiis 1 o5o Supe rior-Balboa cross· .... I In Callfomlo" Tf _ Lagwta leach I 048 T UHTLEll<H'I\ GL!';N ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' ' : . . ..................... . NUTONE CENTER . ing of PC.:11 & Whl on 1'1;111 :! Rc nl or salt'. mo'"e In n11w. lt.1 torncr cul-de- '"" lot, ti4 I Ii 1!12 G lll£1-:NTHEF: By own1•r Spac 2 Rdrm, w/hU).(l' film rm /kitchen. Htfly <ll'l'rl 'cl . L ovely ln1h1•1m .:. 011ly :bll2,000. !>SI ~JltAI 01.'cr11l'l•l Tw11h-..c J Hr 21 ~ Ba . $71.000 l.Jy 111Ane1 ~4367 ------ HAPPY HOllDAYS Sparkltni: hk<' ( 'hnst m1u. h.:ht~. v. 1th the w<i rrrtlh & c·h:irm o ( u holiday ht.•a r1 h t rulv dPsC'rt ™'" 49472 Slerrct Cltvto SPANISH SPLENDOR e:iu11r41 Syracuse Mode l 111 t:olle11e Park. This 4 bdrm home rcature s . Qintrnl 11ir, tile roo(, COV· ered patio, elec. garage door opener. trash rom pactor professlona 11) lanrutcapt>d y ard. A..-.sn.too 1455' SEROH Of'!N SUM t ·I RANCHRIALn 551-2000 Oranae \rec patio home 28r 2Ba, frpk, air cond, p oo l , tennla . UPGRADED. $.'11!,000. By uwncr. (213) 315--0636 or (213) 375·89't!l NOR INS REALTY PHICE REDUCED on this charming bnchelor rctre:.il m Hlue li1rd Ca· nyon Warmly decorated 2 Bdrm. wrlh wood huro1ni.t flrenl1H1• &. ocennvlew d<.'t'k J w,t $78,500. EXCllANG E your in come property for lhL'I contemporary-wood & gln~s. ocean vkw home . 3 Bdrms . & 2 hnlhs. $125,000. • 494-1057. F'ADULOUS Vl fo:W ;few blo<'ks t o beach ; J bdrms .. lft'I bu., d(•n, frpl. Charm in g pot10 with 88(,l. llu"e dock, dbl. garaiie. U4,500 PRESTJGE lrvlnl! Cove; secunty, beautiful undy hcach , c h11rmln11 3 bdrm , 3 bo , apac1ou11 Uv. rm .. dtn. formal din This home has heeo le· Beaut3 Br, cnlrl air, hug(• H1vcr.) Will lake tn.1de, ntinl occupied & COULD ~ar, frplc, sprklrs, close ulso need R·J • R·3 . USE SOME Sl'R UCING lO shops, schooli., lrwy. 646·0066 UP. Offered for 547.4425 ;mytim_c_.,___ LIDO ISLE __ _ S94,500 F.U Prlu Laguna Hlpl I 052 T JI A T • S T II F. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bedroom, 2 bn, lrg "WATERED DOWN" TWO.STORY patt0, modern kitchen. PKICt; SIJ !),500 by owner. Mlsslo .... Ror:"LTY NIGUELSllORES bi3·691S. " ~"' 3 Br + den. Exclusive 98SS. C:oit Hwy, Laguna j!ale g uarded nrc.1. ~11111 Tax shltr-this yr. Atocn lg PhoM494·0731 \u,mtf1J!&n1ghlltghb. dplx , vu, hm+inc. ------$12!1.500. $135M/ or bst. 675·09'l2. YOUNG AT HEAil IJcauliful brick s tairway leads lo a VICW O( the en· tire L a guna Coastline. L11rgt> derks & hke new 3 Bdrm, 2 bath hom e with a lug kitchen lo mn k<' h1·r ha1•1JY. $189.~ lMRALDIAY 1"Jm1ly lrad1t1on with game room for children. Sepuralc! Bdrm wini for adults . Family dining for all. $1 74,~ ARTIST'S LOFT Away from the rei;t or the hou11c. Lots of naturul light, funta11tic coastline view. Two Ma11ter Jldrm~ JAY W. YEATS , • REAL TOHS 4!19 2237 H4tw LtlflftC)-Vt.w --------Newport lf~li.. h ome, SEA TERRACE xlru lrg lot w /m a n y 4BR 2ba popular "J'' J)Qfls1b1ht1rs. Lols of ex Plan. Corner lol, qu1el lras her<', Call now cul dc·sar. heated J>Ck>I UHITB> IROKlRS f.llC'11t1·d m lhc pnvut•• JohnC11rcv GRl fl467414 1·oll'lm 4 tennis t•ourts. --- rec. t·cnter, wulk 11 •OPEN HOUSE• he och ENJOY Tll 1': NY.Wl'ORT llEIGllTS GOOD Lfl'E. $125,000. Sal/Sun. 12·5 C:::::::CURTIS BRADLEY S().1 El Modlna CO.,AEAL10RS $87,SOO. _!""::!_ __ • 4119~58' . Qillfor Appt. Agt. OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN ___ 7_5_2_·9_0_2_3 __ 11 5 J(Y.)42W. Gr1·en Or. Gri:at lot·allnn, on goll rour11c. 3 UR. 3 81.1, new 645-8800 •OP!N HOUSE• Sat/Slln 1·5 with baths + 1 more M111lon Vl•fo I 06 7 bdrm & bath. 1143,:SOO ••••••••••••••••••• •••. 2 t J 40th St, Hwpt Bc.h -CloM to leach Gon)eoua Patio DOLPHIN a.L Madrid 62, 4Br, outstand· 494-IH I lns cstm fr11ture:s. OJ)f'n Sun. 24602 V11s Alvur;.ido 2 ... & GMHt Qrtn. Newport Pi.r Realty 1173·2058 Nielson Rkr 644-771!8 --------· IMHALD IA y &....-HICJMI I 052 Loguno Nlguel--1052 r m.; wlndow walls open ell UftCeftlllleft •al• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing to huge , l ush . forft. llecluded patio. pool , 3 .,,_....., a..pr gara11es. S22S,000 Incl Thia 5 bedroom Emerald land 0.1 home has 1 aweep- BREATHT AKJ NG eoaat Ina view o r wh itewater view• Deluxe Oana Point ~ne Cove, Emerald condo. 3 Bdrma .• 2 ba.. d C.tall BuUt unique l&e . den, wft bar. ' an °•· dining rm., rrpl.; apocli.I five ye ors aao wlih lhe omenltle11 deck• pool f\ntst materials, reatur· -• dbl ' Sl"~ ' lnl( red c.!dar, opon bum )'»• ... , . au. -·000 t'elllngs, deluxe kitchen rltC: ALLF.N nd 3 A REALTOR 494·7S18 a a Cftr 11arnl(e. P· """ N ·pralll*d by an lndepen· i....., . Coast, La1una d • n t 8 p Pr a 11 er 8 1 131$,()00. lwo year1 ago. Th.la home la offered at a me,. fract(on ot loday'1 v•h•. CAL.L NOW FOR AN Af>POINTMtNT. sne.ooo MONARCH 14 Y VIEW Put in a pool w troom to spare for gardens & patios. 3 Bedroom, formal dining ro0m with access to outdoors. Perfect for entertaining. $160,000 A. COUMIUIAHlll CO. 496-7222 831-0836 ,..,... ....... .., .... ............. SAi.l IY OWNER W<'~L~ltk lleouty 3 hr, 2 bn. bltn w~h. & rlty. Our d1 . opton< r US4 W, Wt Ilion St Only sso.noo C'all ~ n 11 n d l' r • n n , 0 y GU U21:l, I \\'' ~Ii 2177 HR, ll ml to bch ~:t.500 M1"351 ~ l~l ~hone642 5a7I Sell Idle Items 542-587 Linn Relf Estate Rodlll.y 4'7·2419 • 1 i ; I , . • ~ . • ! • , • ~ < ' Ir. 1IJ '"I •1· tJ I ·~ ,, , iu ... 08 DAILY PILOT S111u1day Oeeembet te..J.ilS ~!'_~~-~!~~ ...... ~~~4!'.~!~ ...... ~~:.~~~~ .... ~~!.~~!~~ .... ~~!~!.~~~~~ .•.. !~::.~=~~ .... ~~:!!~~~.~~.-........ 1 ~~!~!!.~~~~ ....... ~'!'!!~.'::~~~ ....... ~-::~ 1800 ~~.~~!!! .. ~~.~~ ~.~!~!':" ... ~~.2.~ ~!~~~: ....... ?~!. ~:'t~~~~.~~~.~ ~~ ............ ??~~ ~':'~.~.~~ ... !~.6.~ ~~~.~ ... !~.6.~ ~~~~~ ••• !?~~ •U•Y•••0•·w·:::.·,:··17·"·r~··,·: 18 UNITS · ... !Jcidroom... l11qw oix•n ~ llr .! l\J, ~Jr lnrd >'I :1-11 1h1~~ul~~\1;1"& vr:~,.~~~'b".:"11 ~~,\~~;lr~i~:;t·~~c~'~·a~~ NOW IS THE OPPORTUNITY to own a popular Newport Cr~st Plan 4 Townhome loc:atcd on a quiet c·uJ-de-sal·. Enjoy the view from your step.down. lo(led ceahng living room that overlooks a park-like greenbelt Be creative w ith an outstanding floor plan that off crs up to 4 bedrms. or a separate den /:;tudy, amJ a master BR. w /pri vate retreat & sundcck. 3·Full bath:;. Steps from pool, j:.icu1.z1 & ten· nis. Minutes from lht· bt·ach. Only $88.200. CALL for d(:ta1f!.. or stop ;.md view OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN 1-5 ft 12 IMA LOA COURT CALL NOW 752-7315 DONALD M. BIRD Associates, Realtors Newport leach I 069 tWwpori leoch I 069 ....................... ····•·········•····••·• " HOW " Open Daity I 2 to 3 I 821 KIMGS ROAD!! " VIEW .. fantastic: !' 48R, 31A luilder't ~ lntmor DecorGtor't Detifjht 17141 642-3600 Hewpori Be ach I 069' Newport Beach I 069 ······················· ············•·········· ON NEWPORT BAY Unobstructed Water View 2167 VISTA EHTP.ADA OPEN TODAY I ·S THE FABULOUS BLUFFS FROtO' ROW-:e«> UMIT~EST AREA :1 Bel rm . G1 ".! haths, spilt l(•vcl : freshly painted lhruout Totally recarpeted. new drapcri(''i, vinyl floor -s potless, gleaming, vanml & move-in ready A var! on leJ :-.e at ~5 per month Purch a~c at $135.000 i.!iastinus· & cno .. ' i~raltnra Ring 640 · 5560 day or e v1.:oin•'.1 Eastbluff Professional Bldg. ,, c. ' • ' .,.. ... •><'Urnt'd la\ 111.it ruom w Jllth ~t t'hlldrt•r • -~~~ ""r "unlt•v ~ lrnl•· \l..f. :! Hr.lll<OO \t I I I I ,., ... >mo !11!17"w" &pool $.:II!\ .. u u .. • -.. , 'OU ur wr Jm1) ur 11nin~ w••lcom\.' 11 11 1$211 .....,. ""'" 'I HeariofMwptHh hUitl' )ll l :.i:I a:a1•: I' H \ E\HS OLU room. d1,hwu:.ht•1 & t~ll<J:I.'"> ~t:t-;UKIUSl'\t")o; •llllt T t, t:~ Clo:.e t\I ra.irk Jnd U-1 :.oo f\r lla7Jrdi L'NI?l:.H )lltj;,il(I t•t-.lt built In~ (1r.·pl.1rc !IV.7dJ\ll !1:,t8lm!ll !>Chouls th111 11\.'Jl J MJ.:111111.1. \\ tmn:.tr Il l l,;Nlf W11~he1 ~ 1lq ct 1n !:>nwll2 Uur111 trph. llr~. JPllh '" lllt•· l\~WLRJ HK,2 ttA. cplll, bedroom horn\· h.i., I tar CM 11~1 dutl••tl Good lt>r1111on St'J:i 11111 }.iru s;n:, ilr"t-(rnl, dihw11 hr. I II ~.,,,. h 0 o•uo> '"II "I"' 1 ~::-01..\. '' r llUIHlll'witia ••vJ•·i·r.:. lncomRPro~rty 2000 ·~ 1Quail ~ ....,.,,, monl """""'° '" · '"'1·w:. :Jll.7 11,1)" x!111•1x!11 11a11<1 s;n:i 7149G34:iW .. nd 1<1v1·I>-,·nl·loi.l'd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Placw 111 ~1 ·~ l\)tt ~o Fl!l' ) JrU $1Sl!,500 "PllCIOUll. Ill'" i! IH . ;: bu, L'l.t-: \''I J Ult ;• II\, I rpl 11 units <:0::.1.i Mt>b.i 4 2 br Propwrl:i•a IJlln'>, lpk 2 <"ar i,:ar S COLLEGE PARK ibhw,hr, 2 l .1i .:.1r ~m Tt.HTLl-:ROCK la .1-:N t PETE BARRETT & .i 1 br 110 ·~ J l'Tt! Alt 7S2•1920 .... oCllv.y SJKS mo ll7:. 60\)(1 IMMt-:u occu r :!llH 111 1'',1(11 llm, 2 Da. tl 1.~ragl'., S2t-'Sl\1 2:J': dn 1•00 ouAll n N1wPO•n llAcH l'm4ol' I lomc!I 211i\, rum rm & dbl lrpk 714 !tt;:i l.'iW "' !l:ll !l~5 mo ~ or )'t ly 1 .. c uv. nr. -REALTY-l'nn only Hill Vaughl•n. DUPLEX f ,. n cl' ti r l' u r y ll i\1.-t "lo 1-°I·•· 1>.14 51i:!I 64M200 S.1Jtl000 (.'111011.1 tl··I .'1 "1 • fo'or Lcust· ~Pvt.LASS 4 l'ltfo:bllLV f'.\l~i'n:1> .\ l .. \lt<a::!,I\ .1 111 i!'•h,1 • ,, ~ ~ liR. nt•w hurr\C. )(rl'<AI :-.lf.W CHPTC..: No ""ll> I I l h I i----.----....,~ 1•---------•I Hdrm . 21, liJ tll ) r:. view' $101111 m o Av1ul S: ., ,..,,:;:-l.im f"fn qi · < ~ w"' 11 • MEW PRIME Waterfront Condo • U~ITS Id L' I s h .• l.',.b I,·-···"7'"' 'ISO 1110 1\gt 04:.. ,U.yy ,. , ., I tl h •• h ~ I !I:. 0 r q.1 (' • · puni1> ul' r ~ " "" "" 7ll 003 -ISW Ill 5:11 115 1~. ~ant;, i\111t '1 vr 2 Wrm si)ln tlfol·h l'l\urm' Im & :1 I bdrm l'rim e pro· muculale. l'lu:. I l>Orm '! Br. 1 l>a hiiUM' Av:ul Mt•i.a Vt•rrl1• llrl'll .a hr • ,\1.rt Nn Ft:l' !. Br. ;i 11l y trl lt:v('I. formal t1111 rm GO Uoat l)l!rly . $125.000, 15'.l apt.Sl55,000 Jan lSlh t\uulls only hu, npl1>. l.lr111-. hltn,, l~l 3 llr. 2 lm. lrpl1•, xlnl loc down DAVID D. CARLSOM :-.lo pets. $350. 673·6214 uft rorncr lot. encl buck Yd Walk to twud1 AvuiJ !>lip $200 ,00(l I 'h ~5:! 70!!1 lllL GRUNDY REALTOR 833-9293 Swkuays, ull wknd Unw by :t<!O~ MmnesoLu Jun 1 s:m; 1>4ii 1;1:111 REALTOR 675-6161 5411-&m Spotl1''' 1111 :!ha Ut'.1ut.\ San Clemrnte 1076 ....•••.•.•••.......... BUY THIS For Christmas I :ulf Cour:.c h !>l' '" 1:r lookanR du<·k pond, JBr .\tnum. m1rr11rcll 'losc•I 1lr,,. tiled r 11111 \ C ~!1l·J02<J UNITS 1 1 16 11! JO 32 4K·ti1 KO W l&l S0\11-: F1,cr Uv per-., SOME hr Jnd nl•v. SO M E pr1Jt> or uv.ncr?>h1p nl"\l'l'> lb. jQuail ~ s.'=" cr.1-:\1 t-::'>ln : Plac• Would \ou ~·lll'\l' Ii unit.; Prop•rtiRa 111 S:in Clt•mcnh.' Sl95.00t 7S2-1920 ~ un 2 ::.l•par.ttc lot~. 4 201 l•OO ®Au sr ~IWl'Oltf HAO• umh & 2· l Hr un1l:1 llOWAIW JOI L'ISO"l lll::ALTY -1!17·1N4 THE VIEW ALONE IS WORTH THE PRICE O~n Sat/Sun 1-5 928 Ave. Satvadore Newport Ucarh TrapJex on c »n»I w /boaL dork Sl62.000 I ult pri<-e As· ,:;ume hi 1 D I 4112·3710 l:NITS 10, -Eust..1de. :.how~ prldt• ur uw11cr:.l1111' L'ull ti4~·0:SO:I ~·orc:.t I-~ l)l~on Inc Hltr-. RESORTPROP. 32 UNITS on ·I ut•re::. in uownLOwn BIG 111-.:Alt J i''unta:1t1<' lUO del(rct• blk:. lr11111 IJkl' Income p.muram11: \il'w "1 S.an is $50,UUIJ yrl) Sak:-. l'll.'menlA'. Dan.1 Jl,1rl11ir l'alo:. Verdi·-.. !'>.111l.1 pnct• 1-. $210,000 I ~;u 0011 llown Sdlt•r v. 111 t·arn (" JlulinJ 1 '1.inol and li.1lunce al II' ,p Ownt;, rn11t.•, ol O<l':.111. E\t1.1 ll•l'<' .i HH. :! ll.i homa· tll':.1>1:r.ilc, nt•l'<t ... r.1:.h or Frc:-.hly pa11Ht•1I ""IA tradt· , ,1rpd, Ill IA olr ,tJ>1.•:. \ .i CALL 645-6646 !)115.0flCJ --I.till \111\(' an nov. 1)111~ e PRESTIGE I HOME~ Son Juan Copistrono •PRIME PROPERTY• Newport S Back U.1} Vacant acreage Lunl!d lt2. Tv.o Jere:. "'~11·w l'nnc11>JI!' only Y~:\{;~:R Rl.-:1\LTV 556 6171 ....•.....•.••...•.••.• 1018--_. ............ ~1 Balbo.1 I s lund ('IJm mt•rt·1al hhli:. in pnntl' lol';1l11111, v. 1th apl ahcl\ e F:x1st1nl( bu:.1nc:.~ rn<.1y also lw purrhasl'd For ,1Jtl1t1011al 111form11llon S11p...r ,har11 \'111.11:1• Sa n ./ ll .1 B I 11 ~ !I h fl ll ' I' :1 ll4•dnn 1 ', hath 1.11 l!l' p.11111, ... 1n~ll' 11•\ t•I 111·,11 puol ~i:!,000 l'all WILLIAM WIMTOH llc:.il E:'italc ti75·33:Jl Income Property Beach l<H'at1on Strong net worth lt•uanl on ll'.l!'.l'. Spcn<l.1bh.: t .1:.h 11n 1·u:.h return. $50,000 do'4n Call for dclu1l11 MAYO CK l tl,.t.,•I\ \11'1"- LAGUNA BUCH '(714) 494·2146 Loh for So.le 2200 .•..•••.•..•........... Lok-Costo Meso Macnab -Irvine II I':.\ I.TY l'O :'11 1 'i\ ,\ \' SHORECLlfFS Charmmi: 2 bl'droom + dl'n. w coH•rt•ll p.ilw l''re!>hl} pa anted m & out. new car~tmi.: Ii: ba1:k yard, fireplace pnvatl.' hl·urh :J\'J11d1Jll' W<.1ter & l(ardencr inc l at SS1S mo '1 .ir) Lou \l,mon 642 8235 1 \'21 > VIEW OF BAY J Bedroom, 2 bath dupll!>. 1mml•d1all' ut·cupanry' Enclo!>ed µ;1110 i.uper locat111n on llUll't l'ul de 1-:U:.U.l(ll' " II It t 11l'n :!lit w I> I I I I' r I n ll E. 13a} ~1511 mo "allp,qM.•t -:rr·~ 'Not! X5111 67J 271!10\.\nPr llkr '-It. OCl'. :J Br :! Ba. lplr ~. ('Pb. I.Irv:,. hltn' p.1110 9b'2 5121 !Mfi 21!1 1 l Hr 2 IJ,1, 1q11 llrp, lrµl1· hltn-. "r w,•,t11\ \1 ,ill ~OU mo t:artl1·n1·1 1m·l ud K!+J I ig 1 Good 1-; Side lt11·.1t111n ~IJr North ll H llullll' 3 Hr, 2Ba S:li5 m o Jl'ro:.:. trulll p.1rk \\1111 &t:! 9-t60 J .in 15th l'l' ~;]'15 fo41ntaln Valley 3 2 3 '4 ., Br hou:.l' J ' .11 I 11u1A t ••••••••••••••••••••••• bath~ t pt!\ dq>:> Uttn~ Hl'dec 3 br, 2 ba, nu rpt.'i, S3.';C) !11>1 :is:J:I drps. Cpk. end patio S375 mo 96;1 -1Sti9 S31 9545 Aitt No let• ·2 \oil' ant. l " older huu-.l· 11\l door ll> Ill!" cr con. .. t C<1n be bou~ht CJ» .i packa~l! or ~l'par.ite Cati lor mort 1nl11r .\itt •ii'VifJOI L'n1mprnn•ll tiO>.ZIK H I \aC SSOO Mo yearly T1huron J Rr 2'• Condo Helen Wood 114 -1 tli!OO ltcfni:. U!>h.;,,shr. o;tO\I.'. 1V221 IJltns. pool. prl\1h.'l(c' 2Br2 Ha .• 11111111111111 lull Rel· att•:i ' • 1111 l1d1 l(:ir S300 l'h lilll :~ HuntlnCJf on HcrbOur 3242 .••..•.•.•....••....•.. propt'rl} udJ01111ni.: l!I iL. ,, l • i'h .. 1 •w .·1 homt• s ubrl1ns1011 nu\\ .,.:aul. uUV ex w' • l undC'r «On:.truttion l"Jll HH, 2 ba · lll<.in) l'Xlr<1!> ht· d1v1ded into l\\U $.SOO~o .yearly h11mes1tc!> !131 Paul.1rin11 WILLIAM WINTON J\\l', c M. SS2,IXJtl ca~h Hl!al f:..,tatt• ti15·:J:J:lt t:urona llli.:hland:-. 1411 Stuarl llanst>n ti7:.t :.!!;II< 111 528·2'J1" 0\\ nr .11-:L Momin,.: C<111yon Hd. ~ l'Jl\ :-.hl'11et ·th1 ... ) ' \I BH. 1';; Ha , lgc k1ll'h . oni, lnit ll-2 lot ror dµh ll:i~!>ton1: f1•1tlu, :.t·t'ludt•d ~1.uoo. t.i75·V'J22 haekyard i>G25 IHll Si H ura.75 :12u Mowttain, Desert, Resort 2400 Costa Mesa 3224 •.•••..•...........•..•......••...•........... > acres. DcM'rl l.1 \mi.:. OK r11r moh1ll.· homt• S2250 rull prtct• Ti:rm' '\.!50 down S:llJ mn in dud mt: 8', int 111 11 J67·!1!168 l\\Jtl ltt :!. llo:'I 75. 29 Palm,.. C,i. !l'.!~77 Real Estate Wonted 2900 .......••..•....•...... Wont 3 or 4 Br Mission Viejo Cash or cush lur )vu1 t''IWly DESI RAIL£ llUMI-: 2UR. :ma. lkn crpttl drJh. lorl'l·d .11r he.it ~arh cll»IJ, hltn.... 11at111 i.: .1 rag l'. w .1 I~ r I urn 1\dulL' on\,. 1111 Pl!t" R,\TI:: H f: \.'>0~1\BLt-: At:rU!>S frt>m C•Juntq Cluh 275 '1t•:.a l)r • 5-ill ti7t)G l Br. 21.J.1 Condo 1.ldllO, lhlf. J tlull:. N11 pets Sill 5>151, 551i 71i27 l•:n<· 11nly t'V('' :>375 mu ~113 J-1211 01 !Jti2 ti.) 15 FOK J.fo;Asfo; )o'ounla1n Valley 3bU. 2ba + t11m rm. htd pool. 1111 Jll.'b. ~urdt•ner & pool M:rv 111 1 I Ill ~1'1211 llHJ Cali !.16:1 :.!71>1 "'•'" Warner \'1ll.1i:t• Con I.In J lilt. 2 ll.1, 1•11,1 <· 1 I' " d rr> " 1 r 11 l l ht•i1ul1ful !11>1! :1;,511 or 1!..'tl W27 u; J 1111 .I II\, lr11I. 1bh1A .,, \l ,111~ up,:radl'" , 3K5 7 I I !lli:I l ;,h!I 11 r ~I !l..-..i5 1\1.'l '\11 ~ ,.,. LC: UO.., l.iS Rm :1 lilt :.! ll1\, frµl 1.bh1A,.hr. cµh. tlrt>!> $3'J5 714 !Jb:I l!'itiU 111 531 !J~5 1\J:I ·'" Fl'c l:ONL>O 2 'l) l Br . .!', HJ lrpl. tlshw,.hr :! tJI ~ ;1 r 11 JI I II l> :Ii-, 71 1 !JtlJ .. 15ti!1 or s:n !15-1:1 1\i.,I\ No n·c Hunti~on Beach 3240 ..•.....•...•.•........ :i Ur. :1 h.1 luwnhou:.i• S1>arkl1n1t ,.,.w 1·11ntl ::..t'ill \'all ' l.1la X.lti l:J7l ur Mlti 5-151i 1'\l'" WA.TERFROHT ;j lir l.lt•l u\l' r,1111·h w 11 11vt fl111·k "I 1'.1rly lt•a"' ISo\li :1111:1 Irvine 3244 ....................••• U~.\...,ES \\. \IL .. \llU'. L.1 \I.' 111 In Ill'-' \'ii I,• l!l' Wt· h.1H· hullll'" ,l\all l11r ,,.,, .... 'Ill " W:JtmJt~quarl' 11.1n1 h c.11 I l11m1·' IJit•rtwllJ l111\ l'J. Cuhcrdah (;ul l'.1rJ. Tu rt I•· Hol k 2 hdrm, )our l·hu1cc ol J Imm ~o to S<IOO ,j lJllrm. \llUI dllJll"l! 111 11 lrnm J:~~ Lo~i:1 1 hdrm "1ur d1tm·1• •11 11 lrom $4511 tu S550 ;\11 ft'l'" RANCH REAL TY 551-2000 Bill Thompson H1•alty •rnS· 1870 1----------•1W1111dh111ll!1' T1Anhm" :1 1t1" New ~: :-.1d1• li.:1• ddu\.l FC>ll Lt-;J\.')E :l l11.:tlrt11. :." :.! B~1 . \ l'. u11i.:n1cl1·~ tnpli:\ .! 1111 . I 1' h;a I k ••·I "1l 11r1\ 1· 111 y• I'' \\ .1ntc1I. L~1· I Hr home ol I hill W/\ ll'W, undl'r ~15UK •1 A i.: l' u t I !17 :1 '-!1 X. ·1117·24<!1 Rentals ha . hrantl 1ww I iOO M• ll •1 ' .. .: 11" ' '"' ' I rpl & 111·1 \' rl'.lr \'II • 1''rnm S31.0 m11 1\~1 d11H l..intlin~ honw " :i •·,ir (';tl11ornia llms 1 ltr .:. ha 5,')2 71XJO. 1111:h1s s:,2 11:101 i.: a r S:i25 in 11 111 l'ltl i.: nr -.l·hoob ,.., II·• rJ.~ l'ul i:.1rdl!1wr "" µt•t:-. ti•· "''"' \ c ", \lnl 1111·.1 A\'All. l"OW l.,.:e 2 'I) FOlt LE.\S E .1111•111 tll. :! 111111. );:l'.15 C.Kt 7:!U!I 11r horn<• w tlplr S4!!5 mo bu. IJrand nf'w l!.Mll.I ?>II ll i'i2 XIJli ANCHORAGE INVESTMENTS l714t 496-771 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( .111 for :tlll>l 5Si 73.'i~ J.andm>: homl• w 1111 mal Nf:W l"mti: 12l 10t.: Hou,.tf\lrnlshed uan im l.1m im. v.l'I nn: ('11 i 10 l ' s I) Ct> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M ES,, \' t: Hu~: 1,1 Ill d1 l:!l:.!h<lrin I '· l1o1lh c '11nd1" ~1111 m111Hl1 .. _, ,,, ;, • .,~· i.1:h1 lh 11~111·1· :. llH 1·11n.t11 l"nn 11nlv Ukr1 .. 12.11;11J Bolboo P~intulo l 107 hnml' .I lir, fam rm : har ~:';7:> mo ini lcl;: ~I:! 51111 \ '>S ll mt• 1' II \ •••••••• •••••• •••• • ••. • I ph 21, ha , SlilHI mo j(.inlcnl'r :"l:o ~·\:. ln.1n l'Jll 1!15 1132:1 S271\ DOW'\/ $JOO Penn. Pt Nr Ba~ & l.:1114ul• lloml•s 5 111 51r.1U Roberts Realty 'h11u~l'S ~ Uuph·>. l J 848 1688 Turll1•1111 k :mr l!h.1 • pr I. I r' 1 u I 11 ~~15 bt• ~5!1 ~>:.!~!! •OPEt<l SUH. 11·5• 3190 I PA.SEO CIElO I 01 C lkl Oll1i.110 I C:h.1rm1111! 271XI -.11 fl -!Bil on .1ppr11-c 1, t'H'n· Form.ii din p.m Ill l,Jm rm IA \\ct b:ir l'rurl) 75:! 54~ IX.~a~ i ~r . unu une S225 E S11k :! 1>1 •h·• n•I ,_ _____ • _____ I (213 1~1~-___ dr1JC>.1!·1r ,lncd }1l 1i.1l10 .. u""rrs LOCJ1111M19each 3148 :'11.il adlh !ilt. lo711 •••••••••••• •••• ••••••• J BR Sm.ill :100 ICl3."> W Fully furn collage. arros~ W1bon L(; .! lir Uupll"< !>l. lo bc·h, p1 I 11aL1os (n('d ~ti Sl:ro HI I · \ W :.kyhtcs, anllQUl'S. Avail 18th J lir nr ,rhh p.1rk» h<·h S&S hu11t l'ulll•g1• l'a1 k \Int rnml fo'µll'. :s~.'i mo dnll h11u'l' lmm.11· .l hr C.irol r.12 llMHI :!ha.~175 Ew?>trto 15:111 llt\'IN t: .! llH, :! U,1. $3<!~ 3.'>0 :.! llH, :.! Ila $3'15·525 Hiil. l! 1111 • $:J!)S llCHI :1 llH l!' ~ 1),1 , , ~&<It> 6i!S tB1t.:i1,1.m,fu1 n . $5U5 I llll , 21 ., B.1 . ~ 7!15 Jlli: l' \NYON :J lllt. :!'•Ila $71111 't523 C.ootPUs Dt· IRVl~E 01'1-:N OAll.Y K ,\ ~1 Tl) Ii I' '.\I "Et\H Nt:w <i:.IY I Hr. 2' ! H.1, Cum rm, q.11~. tlr1.1s. lhrouul Uep rcq'd lHO 0071 l)\:t•rlll'ld i".irnilv hmc. I Br 2', ll:i. IJ!C llv r m lam rm, & k1L1·h, pool. Co. n·1· 11r1Y 1nd\l ~:1u mo 751 :1:nt;; ·;-,2 u~ Turllcrn<·k (;ten :i I~ SvcJmOn'. nu 5 llr. 3 Ua . ~=ll. SWS1 l~c upt. Ownr. 5.S2 7 t:J:J .I M. 1•1•11·r~. ~:m T a ho1: nu li:c ·1 Hr 3 & vu purl(' :0. 5 !I :l h. l' o 111 0 w 11 :>J:! ;1:1:1 Wl>OIHIH llltil-: ESTt\1'1:'.S L pgr atl~ll ··Mad 1son l'rl·m1um l.ol. xlr.1 wk I: :1 Ht 2° 7 Ba. SSi5 lrl:! 1;:1:11 WOODIRIDE 1-:lr~anl :'11 arlison Jttr On lll'JUtllul Wcsl Yale l.0011 l>r \1.1ny u p grade!> \ C & l.1q.:c p\l \,art! \\all JJn IS ~'.lll b1• 01A nr hkr 1>lu 11,1:w 3248 .•..................... l llH :.: lilt-" :1 llr lll'hfrnl. 1111 t'l111 l>1 rn1 :wa:1, i;,!I :1 j 1m. '17:!:1 \'\cs. Ill.LIE l.1\liOO"ll VII.I.,\ :!Ull :!1 ,11,\ w:-.hr. dr) r rl'ln~. 1 rpl:o., tlq1,., step" t11 f.I\') h1 h, :! pooh., lcn Oh M'l'lll'll\ ,\\,Ill 121:1 )>.'ilJO l:.l ,._; la~I + $1 UU H't'tir11, ownr 11\gt IW .&2'71 or <!13 !166·17lit.i. ,1<,k lur 11011 3111 ' :mJ honll'. 18',U ~Q n lrµh-1 h1ldr~·n & pch Oh ~Jll< T1Ju.111a S4511 mo HOW ARD JOH MS OH REALTY 497-1744 SUPER CHARMER l llr Cott aj!l' \I !.15 mo STUDIO Newport Beac h I 06 Me wpori Beach I 069 lusrpd i::rouncb Sllil.500 ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • . • BOMD REAL TY• S \'II CLE~! E'llTE Wuukl you behc\'C 6 un1b 111 S.m Clemente $19S,OOO vn :! 'cp:.iratc lub. 1 2Ur unih & 2· I Br unit.. llOWAR I> JOllNSON Rfo:ALTY •n.1141 tnsummer$300 4!17-l!JGS. ------OillcRC'l'Jrk :11lr.l'ib;a ('lean, :1 hr. :! h;1, H u Ln1' 1'.1rk (.<llt•I\ .Jlir 1•pls. urp ... ~ ,.,, .. l!ar :!'' b,1, ~patio:-.:: 111111':.. $315 !JllJ 4Sti!I 5:J l !.1545 ~"> li.J11 l:ri I """. 11•> re ... Has Everytftinq ! ! ~25 mo 1ncludl's ut1I Call 4!13 :ttil I Lido Isle by Owner 1111 llo.1 I>-"I ~1 1 .. 1 ~I " •Ml <ll•'fl °'Ull I • 'Ho \I I I h \ ll'lt1 t,7,11.U.!h LIDO ISLE FErft THE DUC"S t; \LLERY oJ 11 0 \\ES I (~Ill lht• ~It {]14J831·94fl '·'" ""'"' tit 1·k i! '1' • Santa Ana I 080 ltt< \\ pl.a\ rrn :J bJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• \lot • uml W .1111. tu po<1ls. l.•1111" '"' Ul"l'Jll ~!)li ,7llX> CAYWOOD REALTY 1-548-1 ~90 • OWNR 2br. ~01.111 lot·at111n nl'wl) uccor 'td 101!1 S11 OakSl S:J6,flOU SSli 1200 Weshninst.r I 098 6 UMITS EA.STSIDE Hewporf Beoch l 169 rrplc. di>. ktl. rl'frii.:. i-hup ••••••••••••••••••••••• <·pl~. mJn) d••••otttu Lido Isle Bayfronl )(lras S-125 b1• i\11 llt.'b 3 RR, 2 ba. $850 Mo t:all 646 7521J Lido R<'alty 1i73 i31X JBr. 2bJ. (')'LS, drp:. I rpl 2Flr. 2ha Opl)( Arn1l now hlln:., 1>a l10. thldrn 1>cb to JI.Ille J!i. Nw11t Shores OK SJ.IS !J7!1 fi070 SJOO mo. SIOU<·1 IJ. Ph 5-18·8912. (<!t:J Jllli!I 1877 N 1-: w s m" i... • 1 ,. ,. T111A11h11rn1· .!111 lB.1. LOCJWHI Hills 1250 Poul. ClullhqU'l' Clu'l' l•1 • • •• •• •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • lt•nn" 11111rh :o.JK5 3 llr hou::.l' lmm a l'Ulato• Av a 1I.1hI1· 1 mm c ti Clo~,. lo :.l'ltools & shop" f>.51 +l<!'.f $.'l.'lO l:-;t• ·l!I\ Ill~:! II ti ,'\J 'f I '\ !: I' 0 :\ tl,\IUIOUH ,\Hl-:A .1 Hit. ;! l\A w hul!•' l:itn1l} r 1111 m & 1 r p k . " l' <t r ~l·hools S.1:!:1 mu l" Al.I. T 0 JI I N H I·; 1\ I. T Y Hll; 1371 WI·: t\LSO -----------IN1-:1\lt "°l''° :1 Ill!, 2 111\. lli\\'E ollwr propcrtt(•s • REMTALS • 11:.hws hr, r rpl :S3~111 lor rl·nl, lfon'll'-;, ,\pts. & 1 BR, Ul'll S 175 7 LI :1113 4!\H\1 or !\31 :JS 1:; · f11lrm • •I• 11 11 Joi• p.1t11" ltt'.llth•of , , I 11, I !II '11,) IOI '."\l'\ ••I. \..."S Hll.l. \'u. :, ••••••••••••••••••••••• llran1I 1ww units :1 Bil 111111:-.t'. 2 BH/den owners un it PL US 4 lw 1 lit•droom u111ts ll111lt ins. private pa11m., luunflry room. 1; i::ira~''' Nt!erl t11x Cree t•Hhnncc will tra d t• tluwn tu eon tlt1m1111um (I or 2) Ex Houws Unfurnished HEAR ORANGE COAST COLLEGE :JBr. <!D;i , dt•11, fam rm, l'undo, 2 UH , Ul'll s:~5 Al!1 No f1°l' 2 nn :s.1115 .1 11.11111 11pt1.ot• •I ~111 11 I qol I 11 ,\ 1••11• !>I Ii 01111 UDO REALTY .u~-: \ia l .i1lo. :'li.n. . *673-7300* 111 ' ll.1 IJ't hrantl 111•v. ht111w h\ 11v. nPr MIJ 1751 W:ltone&.Cumpa 1 ty u •• l • • " liq COftyon Estate I l,r hn .. ,fl/"" .1 \ 1.IHI ·I II \I tr hi" t nll \ 11,1k I' llld I' till• Im l'.Ullfllll"I SUIMIT SUIMIT SUIMIT L h.1mµ.1r.:111• llpc•n hou''' i•t'llenl locollott 1 $275.000 1-·r1 & St•I la."Jhl lf1r.:lu 111( •~1 ol ,\11'1".111 1~;~,w Hotht'll f>-M 1;21111 il!'n E .... 1111 \l,11:1111!1.1 1 1 1 __________ _ 111 " h.1 '.l;;,7 'KIO \J.:t X4i~ JUST LISTED ~11 m.1111,qlr~ In "l•l•I Pool 21r. S 17.000 1.11\1•1\ m11l11h· hnmi-. 111 ti1n i"•rad•1 \ t•rtlt• I' ,ark r nmmunil) f•onl. l' • Ila Call lto~c .1L RARE FIND Spanish Giant HEWPORT SHORES """ nr • •l'I.'\ ..,1111 t • 1 \ 11,.1111 It> " nu mllf.·r , lllC'lil'f1 \ 11111 lii:1 1~100 llNlrm .mil 1!1·11, I 1 lo,11 h l tlllllllf•tt I\ I olrj•I l1·tl \1r1u111 '1•'1A 1r11111 l11•l1ro11m ~ 11 \inc 1 111 1'.11Jt1\ lh• 1A.1rm11a "' ~·•"1 .11111 1 h.irm "' m1r ff•h IH1l1 •"" IA .111111 11p1·m·1 Ow111•1 111•1•d 1.1-.1 .1t.-L.111 :1111 l t:.\ ....,.HERITAGE REALTORS llGCAHYOH VIEW· $2 I 5,000 \11•w N1•v.port Ila) 111 C111lhn.11 Iron i:.1tr• 1·n try M nmm1llh ll\1ni.: room v.1lh \ ll':W' M.1r hh' C1r1·pl,11·1· P.1111'h•1I fur m11 l J m 1111t 1 1111 m \\ cl li.1r Stl.11·111u-. k 11 l'lll'n & pnnln t:\trJ l11r)l1• ma~tcr ~anl! t:l.1'-..·tl \leW P»llo l.011111. nf stor.1J!t' .I l'.1r .:ar.1lo(l' Cllll now for pcrsonJI Pn?' 1ew 752· l 100 [~.IH~IM Si\CRI l·'ICf': S•\Lt.' 3 Ur, llark Ot1y 0111.'n 12 4PM . Sfl2,llt10 :ll22 A1.urt'. '751 5314 1.11.Xl ISLI·. lh "" nn I Ill .! 11.i Ill 11.1I111 :Sl...41 l)(~I i.7.1 11.111 BUCH HOUSE "1111o·r 2 ltr 1 11+•n h11m1• \4 111/\ fl )'!I 1!1tlll lfll I l.ndwn ,<, 1t11 ... 111 l'.l.1t,., ''I :1110 x•, . 1n11·r1·-.1 \\ .!O', tl11'411 \\011 I l,1st' (',111 Iii:! .~.JO. l'ru1)(•rl) 111111'1" W l' ' 1 1· l 1 I I II ,, r I 1 11 r 1 hr.hl11ml:1 h. .. rn1 1 nrt. :i BA. r.1n11h rm. up~r:.tdcd l.1un1th rm, new rustom k1t1·h1•11 1\JIJ.lrlllt 2000 :.q It l111nt· vnl> (.'.tll ~~1:1 7i°,! I for ,I JlJll r,\ PACE RA REAL TY (213)945-2621 (71 4} 522-0872 Ottw~ Reol &tote •...•....•..•........•• Mobile HorNs For Sale 1100 ·····•············••••• M11h1lc, Mutlulur ll111t.11.1 & Uwld1n1t IJ1•ll\•l'ry. SH up. <'-' Scrv1<'e. li75·7470 1t1r free est ur info Moh1ll' llomr 21ir 111 Nt•wp0rl Uoach h-16 28111 Xx2G 11clf cont'd , rull l>lllh, • N.wport leach• JUSl refin1shrd 1niotle Set llluH' :i Bil 21, ll.1, l~I' up with uwnln~ SltOO 4·Pt.x SAN cu:M E"Tfo: HEACll UNITS "TRI l'Lf:X" Sparkllnr :! 2 2 townhsc umls just 2 blo<•k., rrnm ~ur( 1 Vri. nt'W SI 19.SllO '" m rm Jo: · 11111 n ~18-6173 • llnoh..trul'Wtl \.II'~. lge leach f'Nperty t 3 SO F O U H P L E X i.:n'l!nbcll on bluff Like •••••••••••••••••-.•••• Spacious. well planned IWW ··ond W11lk lo J>(Xlls 3 3 2' t 2 hi k l DB.UXE .. PL·" . . 2 JU!I OC' s 0 0 ) o"ner S l39,:rno ~ '"" surf $ll,529itro:;i. l'ew frl I 6529 C\ l'1>, 752·504 l Plu.sh area or .Huntington llsltn~ aLSIJ9,SOO. dd)'S Harbour . Wik lo bch •BERTHA llENRY• 201 JO.AHN PL Sl 70,000 . G llleap ie REALTORS 4!12·•121 ReallOrs. 963·8911, uk 215 Del M;ir .. San . Clem . Open Sat/Sun I 2-4 for Dianne Sterfen. paacr --- 3 aJrms . 2 oolh~. ope.n #83S0211-5R2X. <10,00~. Per Un1"t bcnm CCII • frpl • lge. ---------.,., u. m~lr bdrm • 2 pnlml', l C:O...rclol N Be h hlk to heuch MO\IC In ~ I 600 ewnnrt ac ........••...••........ "~' cond1t1on ! 11\5,000 1t your t'hcnt will pl.It up NEWPORT HACH IA YFRONT at leD!ll 2~~ down 11nd REALTY 675-1642 Offlcr bu11111n R. s pec wants between ta & 20 Mon(1('11 10 H V. oµ!'n Sut1Sun. f't'l', owm·r . up HARIOR VIEW KNOLL t,rnded 640·~5 New Vl(.'w conuo. 3 BR, t.ucuh1r vie~. luxurious units with 9 Nllwport exe<:utive oCClcea. An xlnl Be a ch add re 11, u l Investment I UNbtm $30,000 per umt, ----i 12 8!\, fam·rm, dlr\·fm, The PcrCcct Chrl11lm 1111 m uke t'r pt selection Gift. Bayfronl lul w/p1t•r. Movelo f-' . '75:-0392 Ncnr Newport Harbor Vuchl Club l,n11l oC il>c kinu, an d1·1urnbl(• Gold Cc>ost 01vls1on l:i} MIWPORJ 2 br. 2 ba. Jen. 2 1ty vlll1 S7 Owner 6?3 11682 · fi"2 04l7 owner (, lll.L GRU1'4DY CA!Lrl1thl aw41y! I RIA,I. TOR 675·6161 Ir OFACEILDG Untq14e lrl-level. ltH9 New port Ri vet, C M. $00.000 Agt 8t2--0T58 .•.•••••..•.•....••.... 3202 ••••.•.........•....•.. Tri ll!\'l•I condo, :1 Hr i.:rt.1C loeat111n Ir\ rnl ,\\c. W on l'nl\ I.Ir t1 W0<1d,trl'am l"1111fl11-.. on 1t " 1 s.iso per mo • * • •United Broken John Carey 1>46· 7414 --- Bl::LMONT SllOHt:S On wuter. 2 :o;L~ Cape Cod .:': Br. 2 Ba. ram rm, !>Un dtrk $600 m o .\ \ I .J ,1 n 433·5093 or (213 1 H!tl 53:11 ----Bdboa Penintulo 3207 .•....•..•..•.•....•••. Collftlo(e 2br, Iba, 'llO\'t'. refriit No prb or 11ngls Yrly ~00. ti14-1191J7 Corono del Mor 1222 .. , .•..•..•.....•...... 111S. or Hwy, newer. J hr. 2bu, fplc, lndry. no prls. ref.·~!!:::.· S4~5. ~s ~)- RENTALS JASMINE CRE E K ~ mos t po pular model Plan 2 with 2 bedrm~ & den. on greenbelt with ocean view fro m pal10. /\ bargain al $725 pe.r mlh on yelltly lease. l ncludrs all a m e n ities Clubhouse, pool· jac uzzi, Lennis courts. ON BEGONIA . Charm· 1ng 2 bdrm on corner lot No pet.'1 or chlldrl!n Sil~il per mlh. 0 N L A R K S I' LI It 2 bdrm. 2 bath, no t><'ts. one car gar S375 per ml.h. yearly lease. Very nioo. .BREAKERS ORIVE .. on BiB Corona Beach. I bdrm'& cO'llvertable dc-n. Fubulou.s view. $650 per fnlh. Voarly le;ase. C:Ol.I Of MIWPORT REALTORS . 2.llJS E. CslHwy, CdM 675-1111 • ,. a ll hltns. frpk, 1>at111. .f hr, fom rm . S-UH> mo RIGHT REALTY Isl, last. :-.l'cunt~ ICi:WI 979-8533 1111\.\lantl Ln II II Ownr IS-Iii t;.\-17 S.1:>1.5 mo mcldK ~ard111•r :• !Jr :! h.i Avail I 1.1 7i a'I' f.1H·tt•· cir " c.o11 11wnr ai:t 55!! llJ2ti lll'NTl:\t:To:\ 11.\IUl<JR W\Tt:ltl-"TlO'\T ~Kiili r.·11l bl' 3 Ur . .!lia. tlhl gar 40' dork. w1tk •hall I Hr 2 B • .1 ('Ul d1· .... 11· :\fr~. ncl 1213 I 125 8822 1)\ol ;'11,or S4i:> nu> 1-'nr I Br. 21, Ba. $37!'1 mu .i1111t 5-lli mo.l I•:\:. 1il41 53611113 or 1•1e" Lovely new :1 hr 2 h; w f.im1h nlOl•I fur n•nl 11r lca:.l! Xlnl lrn·.11 wn m•ar ever) thin ~ Cul !'>."l!l IJH7.1 or 5511 1<)1«1 ~t II V (' I II h I' I II I I t2131 i'lll li.'lt>ll 4 Lge In. 2 both~ Cll!an' Rrady to moH• S.1i5 mo ''' lu,L, 341~·2i37 & 'lh<! i7118 .1-.k for Elltol :! UH . S.12~1 A(.',\(;I.\ K OLI ~<; tll'W :1 ~· 2 Bit , 21, Ila $.'>~I F am It m. 1' w n h m \". l BH. l ll.i $500 \ ll'W. c·u~wm 1hru11111 J BR. IX•ll $.'.XIO $.l[J(l mo bt• Jon·c, Hltr. J BH. 2 b,1 $575 5/Mi :m.lh ;J UH. flt. ;i• I llJ • ~5() LOCJ#'IO Miquel 3252 3 Bil 2 Ha ~25 •••••• •••. •• • •. • ••. • • • • 3 HR .211... ~ oc,.;,,, \ n :w .11J11l1 :!Bil 2 Uu ~ :J Jlfl. 2 ll" S-IOO r11mm11nr1 \ .,11.11• :! Jlr :1 Bil, FR cc ll' 111•11. :.! 11.i '°'' M7~ 11111 !".7'5 1 l'N• I \II" 3 BR. 2 llJ lll'll ...., ;1 tilt. 2 Ila M Ill 2 11 r 11.1 1 \\ n h H', :1 tm. :.!'' ll.1 s.r,:l(J hl'.1utilulh 1ll'1or'1tl!•I. :J UH.:J ll.1 SWO \l('W, I t·hiitl &.. I t>t'l Of\. 4 llH. 3 Ba S.'">7~1 ~J!I.) mo SUll.21.l\.1 s.'150 HOWARDJOHHSON REALTY 497-1744 red hill ~:.:. 552-7500 Chrll>lm:I" :1 1t1 . :! h.1 '1 H r 2 H ;,i S ., n t a · l!- J IOOTufl Wa\ ~lli·7:!1i:I "'11 '"111·~ <'Jlh, drps. 'l.Jlillhou~t· 41\r 2ho. \11·w hlt1111. u va1 I now, 110 n•nl ----------~ 3 Ueclr11om Wt•.,t (."1111tJ Ml!~a S:KIO month ofl 6. li•lli 5!.111 ~7:> i hr + kuls. IH.'1 111 sin>o<ks lkuc lleomber fl'l' $15 tl:ll 2111 1 II [J..17 2St.ll 111 .lun I S.4!'10 m11 lll'W 111•1"111' S l2~1 11111 l\9ll QliO 3 Ar.:! ha. un 1·ul 11l• s;11" Ii: 4!1~ w ;:1. X:ll ;,!71"1 llkr ('1.Ei\:'111"< S llAHI' :1 llr :! Bu. hlln!I, 1·pls. drps. or 1:w Collc•l(l', Malls. & Sehools Edwar<l:111lc1I Nu point. BIJ<l. foc d . kid~. ricts ok. S425 847 21ri0t-:v~ w~nds )II. dobl' \11 •11 hb & prk , 1 •• s ;17;;. 1' t m 11 0 n I ~· ,!I Ill I • 11 1\ I 11 v. n h ~ 1• 5."i2 ()1:l0al\7PM • W !>Ulll'I ~ll'•'lll01 \lt•w Ill In\ 1·l v S1•11 l't•rrut'l' 3 BH & U\'11 l'Xl!l' hm Lr~ fnt·cl & rt•ur Siil~ y,1rll w111layh:.c, ull bltn~ In 1H1·sl11(l' urea (."a l l 1;1:. 21122 or 559· lli(i(i 150 an11. t1to1· <·••nl, lcn 11111 ch. pool, pvl urea W ~4'1'Urlt y ~till'. \lvt JI(' 1·~>1 t11ll(•,11'h M~·<ia Vi.·r<lr· 1111 2hu, no 1x·1~ H'JK 9100 Sinl{ll! stnrv cnndu N1r\' 2 FOR LE'"...... ----cuRTISBAAOlEY br $365 I m1 bch i\JCl ~IC --..... to REAlTOflS ll11p11) llardwoo\J Floor 968.44o.s. OOll-2291 Al'autiCu l Uni Yl'r-.1t~ £-~< 4119-4584 mi: 3 Br 2 Ba home.4"CI Park lo wnhno.,c• 3 • hrH·k f111t• Walk It 3 RR. 2 BA from $35<1 tklrmi.. 2 buth5, iunl(I<' MluioftVtejo 3167 i.('h1i11h & shops. llV\ plu Several In ('hlJOSl' from 1 story & uhl 11lt11t•hctl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ',1rd 350 mo Ho< plcx ell' Kent Hoiers l(ar·il(l' Walk to -1hop C'.ii.a 1)<>1 Sol Stt•sla houitc.' t:uhlHh\•Jd, HcalLor Properly Mnnagl!me nt pan~ & -.chnoli. $445 l'cr Miu1on V1CJO Adult ~. 'I . 1';vi1, 752 81711 MR-8.100. month rnmmunity. l"or h:ai.c :1 Red Hill Realty br. 2 ba $450 mo P ool &. AV L NOW 4 Br 2 Ba. 4 Br. 2 sty. 2'.2 Ba. blhl\. 544•4900 rel' cenler Fully draped and new homt' never w w cpl, ram rm Super __ ----_ & crpld New Move m h\'ed m. Good area S52S clean! 5495. 962·9571 New 2Dr. 2ba, comm pool t\OW! 1\1r. i:aragc door mo C all for 11ppl o•"'r S.'J04G8'1 k SJ9"'. 2 + 1~~ K11lc. or te:ntu.'i, &auna. eicer rm & .,.. __ 557·7355, Mr Spar a " " s 1 n g I es o k Be a<' h rlbhse. Jar S375 833 0138 2 Br condo. kids ok, no STILL LOOKING? rombcr. fro llS 6:11 2011 NF,W, N EVl-:lt LI V l-~U Jll'lS. $2751mo Nice lot:u <ir5'172SOI £'1J,presliRtoui. l't·ti•r!>" 110~ Ph ·G"5·3485 nr If you had c11lll'd Lovel) hornr nccdi. 10\cly Townhome Un1vt•r!>llY X.11fi050exl5111 5\7 898-9891 family Move 111 now, Park 4Bn. rum rm. rhn Cln 3 nr, ;t hti 1111 rul ifr Yrslerdoy. you {'(lllld be rent ~taru. Jan Isl ~· rm, uno~Lrudt•d vww, soc rncd yil covereu mavln' in toduy IOO's ul Ma.ii. & i\dums, 9113.4.)80, AUPOitTra7d"'eJ 3 s51:2r., lease . p11tfo, 1375. 'wi.r J•d. Ctil~ eonl\rmed v11t:1&nclc:1 dal IM2· 1391 ownr -..:..·-"2 7 1• _ Sllf>-1 lGS. ly. All aN1as, all prices. , BR, 2 &, avoll. Jan. 9, 3 4br, 2bll, !Im.rm. fom rm, ,.._wport leachll69 T!MIX mo's onl y . $400 m o. S490mo.Lse6or ltlmos .•••••••• 9.9 7 days 898·9891 7Sl-046S 752-6532. ' ••••••••••• •• • • Jwcury condo. 2 br. 2 bo llARDORtGISl,ER 3 Br. 2 UT1LITIES PAID in lbla New Patio Homr, 2 br. 2 frplc, hoal s lip, pool: ba. cpl, drp11, frpl. coiy coua11e home. OnJy ba + xlru Sw1mmlnR. Ja cuui. Desl view in diihw 11 hr 138S $200 tennis. JocuuJ. Adulla N9wport M11raare l 714·963'"4Sm or s:n 954S TENEX Lse $400 mo $50. Ul!4 673·Sl70 I 5, R39 087; Agt No fo'ee 9-9. 7 da)'s 8!18-989l count Cot Jan 524·96:M evc-1 .. ~· \ .. 1. '" .. II ... . . s.turday. 0.cemt>.r 18. 1978 OAILV PILOT ........ ~~d. ........ U1tfwWIMd ~ ....... UnfwnL. Aparf1M1th u.fwft. A.pa. ........ Ulwfww. I.,.. ........ ....... ...... ..~ j~6; ··•••·••·•·••·········· ·····••··•••··········· ..............•............••.••..•.•..........•.•.•.•..•••...•.•.... ........ .............. S.... Afte 1210 GeMraf 3102 Coata Mua 31 24 C.t• Me... 1114 Cost• Meta ]124 Atia lww1th """'"'-Ara I•"''' u.fw1t. Apartm.nta Unfwn. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ON ENINS(L.A t;,..calm• 3 Udrn bomt w/be11 r• & wuler acro61 lhe 5 l retl $490 / 111' ltoe 3 Dr, lrplc, yard. $300 per Bit W.ATHFllOHT :! Br .tpb from sioo <.'pl~. ..... ...... 1 .. cll 314 t..,.. •aclt lt41 Sen Cl~-nt~ 3176 mo 499·2081> \1111 N Hwltuu, crplll, dti.1t. 0 tlf1it. "nrl >" t\1d11 ok •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••h••••••••;•···~;;;· Bralol, S.A 9 Q. ht.ij!v dt!dt, 61"'•.:~· CJ iit'l' ~ ~ FREE RENT N • w o w n " r I o LAGUNA H ACH lloac uyt UVf> '*"' .. r BEST BET. lurge 3 litt MSS. lk1tchwood A11t11, 1913. Rtimodell'd 1 Bdrm 12~ Sorm· lurri ""111 i'~PECIALLY URGE 4 Bdrm " den. Fron• "'/view or walt'r, ~ob & ~l>YlhUS Hill SS75'1'no fitmlly home Crpt:. :JOOI t'lNLEY A\IF. "-I II c.a,_.1 d1• lh·rm11,,J S.. "9w Mra&noh14, U. 8 ., offrr 11' Mual ~ t.o itpprt!ll.tlc 4\MI 7i:.i drps, nice Piillu 521;5 JACOIS ltULTY ;tbr .rpt " f11n1l.1H I Et Syd Adlllt TowwlMMtsn br. Z ba, 1000 aq fl Walk to be~ch & \own ~nh Fu"'lstwd mo. 675-6670 ~l~1~h·r:n~~\.t1~\cl·~1u Jtl~~r •From $295 •Central Costa Mesa •e~urlltyAu/~l wd,'bpohol Include:. utllll1e1> orUnfumished 3t00 Tt;Nt:X ' ...,,v ~ Jlhu1.t. "· w r ~1mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Agi bll 1400 • 9 9, 7 d.i)~ 8~ 91191 lalloa lll0rtd 3806 l!>t!l> hl<l~· 1 >JIU • 2 Bdrm, 1 ~ Baths • Air conditioned Adullll only No pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• J1A1 w \\ 1bo11 • Private patios $2SO. C.tll now M gr a 2 Bdrm • 1 • ~ b.alh homl' Tit)': EXC"1TINli r.ALM )l.41ES.A .APTS. \11 NUTF-<\ TON I' I lit:! I ll AllU TO t"'l NL Ea!>tblulf Exer ~ome 4br. 2b11, fam rm. Soft wuter New crpts, drpll p.tlllt. Walk to 11Cioolt1 :.hopi.. tennl:; dub S7S0t mo Lse lid:. li40 ti77~ or tl4S·2i40 3 Br.lge yud, or Tu. .. uu t·BK. carp, bll ini. 11m RESERVE HOW FQtt IST MONTH NB 962 __ .,_lltl(J _______ -J L.11( u n a r h ..a 1 ml' r AH~ & lr\'Lne Bhd. i38: dHk 1;;.rJtte YvJr 1 & ·• lir ~111 &. ~:w 'o See Manager _ l~ Mever St ., J'ust "b l pool 1 d $400/mo mo .. ..., 11•1 k I r N /1 l I ~.,,.,, t k h 11 1·11 "' •uN <T " r, cps · · P uy .> c--•y & Co~ny . """ .., ul> o • .. l'JM: on y ~ .\ o 11 r ,. 1 1 r1·n 111 1wts . n off l9th Street n 0 p e l i. . 2 2 o II 11. , -- cy Pruett. no foe ~14·234:1!Ho 5 ltllh. Apl U&C h7:J 17ll1 Oelawurc. 536•0059. 1104 Su (;ou~tl "v W--•• -"'--L..-...... -.. 3298 •--"'--a '-'--··'a 38 07 Wt!ekdays 11 ·5 Sat/Sun 10-4 -----LAUUNA UEACil B,11•h , l&.2 llH lrurn ~HIS A<l11th. No l 'l'I» 1:!4il Ml'~.1 1>1 "' ...,... .... -• .,anu1 Li:" .I hr ;: 11,1 Ill\\ nhnuM· 64,. " I ...a.- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lnqu1\•ln1m11h:' (;JrJ~l' -z l "'-•Lu-rri 497·2457 St b b •· Deluxe 3 br, 21, bu, 11lt. --2 y, 4 r, 2 a , nu l'Jllb. l ar tluµl\•JC Crui.i. bl t11 "' 1101111 l\d11lh uni)' Nu dbl 111r., patio, frplc. t7t 2. Bd, 2 bu, 2 Mory t-nd u11 (j lllk~ 1~11,,1111 Nt'" por l BIHi ) dr~. Cplc. L>W. ~3!'>/mo l)l•ach. \ rly 1''1 party 1x·l~ uz;, 1>1:, :1:JKI or Ala bu m a, 536.3465 or 1t , &icroi.s lrom t1•nn1~ 1163·"500 :>:It !IS4S Aa,:l N !°>59·5'i91ur1m 120.1 li:r7 !1~17 Costa Mt'la 3124 Costa Meta 1124 ~.1718 c rt:i & h 1 ~ h ,. ,. huo I S.lti !llllill IJV Hm11, Curmel l 81 + nt. nr park & a;cbool $M0 m o 7S2·0ti17 Cl.~. N I I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •--·am"d c"1'l111u• Xl11t ---l..rg Jl:lr, i:!h11 ~rl.> lkh, t•w 2 >r, 21111, i;.1r, a1 uh uc ~ ' ..... • CLEAN 4 lir, 2 liu, frpl, ll'nn1s. frpl , pat111 llf•JX'ti. s;!ti5&~~~ l:J12 M 'l'ooded Ol'Nlll vu ~JH~ lrvlne-.Newport Costa Mo o Hlurfi. I le\d 3 BR. : bs u1H!I) i:rcen bell & )<XII. S450 A ).'t ti4~ 1133 c.bhwshr, 1:pll>. drp~. Cls cbhw1hr, Llln.s ihlll", nu Wullan•. lil5 JJSli *LCS'CJI ,.._W Apts* per mo Avail Ju11 ICI t.o schls & ~hop'f:. $365 pell. $400 mo IMO 1>3:1~ FOX HOLLOW VILLAGE l 2·3 bedroom , chlld~en 4~17'JM 7!4 963·4569 or s:.H·!J.54S. • l'Hll>l.~:x flne»t lot.u\11111 ok, pel's cons1oercd, - Agt.NoFee Cap11trano .. och lll8 Owucr~ lanw unit. 11ro SK urityt>epositW,,,.,ed d111hwa:.her:.. curpeli:.. Pleu:.unl LU \hr u11•11111 --••••••••••••••••••••••• h•,:1111n.elh lletorul\'u .! For IMllfied 1 drapes, clo:.ed garage. upl Maneloui. \ w-. 111 2 STOKV 4 lir, 2 OJ, nc" :X:EAN\'tf:W ;i Br . :t ha "'"ll :.11<• hdrm>.. I.I' l ~ T....... dose lo schools. :.upcr lx·h. bus. :.tor ... !> ~\IS 111 Our rental 1opeciall.b. cpl & drpe., frpl Cor _lot Cls to beJl'h $325 mu 11.11111 IH•Julllul l!Ull't l..1ve on your own private street in a 2 ni1:e 4 plex!'t. furniture cl11llut1l Adulb. nu1ll'" liurbara or Carol. ire Bout gute s.i.,o Bkr.ti4S·b:J!J<1u..,kf,,rli•d i:rounrl;, llhl i•nd i.:.ir bedroom townhousewith yard&large i.v.11luble Call <IUl <l177 llllK"" <.:'1 ulway:. uvuilable to Mp 714·~·4Sfll or 5:11 \1545. .:.1:. \\al\'1 pal\I ;-..11 1wh patio, wood burning fireplace & al· 1714l847·75ti6, 1uam·Spm 11"~ )llll llnd a tenant. 011! All\.No~'ee Coro..adelMarr 38 22 ~laturi· 111·1m,1n\·11t t ached garage. LOTS OF ROOM FOR 7days Distinctive Adult )ou ur~ rentru~. hcJ1-1 )OU ••••••••••••••••••••••• pJt l1l·uf,H c:uu,tll' \\ arll STORAGE AND HOBBIES! :----------•IMlwporf leach 3869 l ucate your new 1e · Coftdotftiftit•1" t·d :-.1.!:i .1111t ll'lld ur ••••••••••••••••••••••• APARTMENTS ~ 11ut:.tun1hn11 hcJm1 11 n •1lmi.t Jill plan~ .r \ .111 t"urn ur unfurn liJl'h l br. l hJ. :! hJlh !>ldc11ce Unfurnished 1425 rS -. ~>14 !Ill.lo Adults. $375 lay & .. ach ....................... '[!., /l.~!"!:!... 621 W. Wihon. Cost. M..-Re~ 675·l000 ~WPT CHEST dclu'll' \1tult tJl:luiw I 1t1 l'l>t... 64 .. 2010 .~~--·,---~~~~~! i:!BR. 2BA. Ir~. drn. 1JC>0I rlrll' '>lt1\• ri•lrig JBr. 2ba ~8 Conrlo Tei· mi.. pool. rrplr. 2 car gut Uc\ u $475 yrly. ti7S :1823 fhe Dlu!fo.. 3 br, 21' ba. 01 :.ul)l'r i.:r\·cn belt $-190 mu. 64 t Ki:rl 8.\YCHE~T. 3 Ur LJ.: ~;ird. i:ard c ner incl'd $Oil.'>. f>.11S·OJU7. U.&6·7711 . - ll;irhor View ll rn\ C;irmd :JIJr, <!bu. din.rm. mnamu11ll.Y puul. SH50 fllll tl4U 1:177 tennis$450 645·~7 COHO:\A Ul::LM \It. lhh-.hr lq1h i.:.1r, pool i Ur To-. nhou,,l'. I r1lh' '\o lll'h HJ7:'> 1 'omunJ Sew, ""clu:.rH~. lull security cun &J o 111 Newporl lk:it·h J hr 21 • bu w, Cr pk Ill ma:.lcr bdrm & ~unkt•n II\ rm Plush t•arpl'lrni: & enter Pool. lcnn1!> ~mt• m·i·.111 .• ix :1w7 & CalJ!rna \It'\\:. \.'111,l' Lo ~hu1.1p1n~ .!.. l11w ht•J • II 64<1 21>1 I 1:om lhruoul l>l'lux1 ! BH . .! ba S''"'ll"h lrpl. krlcht>n" n"w 14;,,,her X. '''' t.I f)<Jl1u 110 1 lt elrl or \l1"•J \ l I dt• :! Hr. :!lt.1 ''"" II\ rm " trph 11111 1111 ,\ i:.u l'I-. l•1 -.hup &.. tr.111,,p lmrrwol u1·<·u11 lo~ S ti ffi II I •I• ;J 'J 7 7 !>Iii l~)(f.I dryrr Man)' rn1rrorl'? pets . 'll:1:t:1.1110 721111 i ·uml ~ :!Iii dupt•·\. 111 . ._ I\ w11lb. & huge 1•111:.cl:. .• _ -__ --1t•tl\·~· l'•l\·I gar. lm\•I~ \•11r l(arai.:c '' ;1ul11 01Jo1 ~~~~ .. ,.,.111 ,I. :!l!r \'eri.;1111,1 1•i or>~lr Pool. ll'lllll,,.,l'IJlll'IS CUTE M,11•n1·d I"'" 11111) nu j11cuu1 & l>.iu11.1 .JOO 'If Ont• lit·droom. unt• 11,11 h de d d 1 l' II it ;i U<J rn., fl. ul h1xur1011'. ll\11.1~· :.p.orlml'nt:. ~111.1lh 111 i;1r, :1:1111 1.l'U1>t·~ l11r lotJ;>I) C.d luglrnay. l'lo,,1• 1o1 IJl·.id1 :-1"YJl()rl lli;hll> L>uplcx. 2 M tiJili .ind ,hop~ :):!j(I 1n·1 $1't5 :.' tlr " lia 111•-. I) 111•1·11 d. 1111111 ,,;31~1 hr hltn,.. fncd ytl. gar . ;,,1,. \'.\\'IL'\\' .1 1111 .,. m•rnlh ,\~k l•tr \1..,,1. II llh '11 l' l !> o k S 3 I 0 ..._ '1 ,' r. ' h b75·ZJ l 1 li lli i,H!I :~g :'/lti-1 l'Jl!C t:filC. lA I .11111;,. h.1!1:011). db _ _... _ _... ___ -~ ..... _. ._.r, ...-tr lr,h pd tlt·1 lmmJ1 :• hr . J •, Ii.• \\.\LI-\ TO Bto:.\CH ;i lklrm l>upll'" S4ISI) m1J Cd~I UESTSTlll-:1'.:T L1k• Ill'" 2 Udrrn '' } ;1nl &i:arJ~t· ~:>1111 mu I' t-;;\ 1 '-'Sll LA 1'0 I :-.iT 1 llurm\ " hak•Jrlll"• 1'1·c-.11i;1uu' """"' tnlr (... t•\lr, lll:Jlll' ~ "urmlh SOio \ rh h•J-.t' \\' \ l;i';IH HO VI' 110)1 !:;~ 1;.11 1100 Uv\t•r !'h•1n·"· fr1111t row :; P" "JjjJ " t...1· ; ... 111 u:n 1 THE B.+.SI L LEAF 'tU<lto 11.11111 523<> Sai ,Juan :1 Br 2 Ba fph' ::-.cwlv n·dclor .. 11·tl .! OW. l!••r ,\,,nl ~J~ lxlam: 1 hJ u11t !'mil 1111 11:1:1 W8:J N"a' lll:.11·h \1lulh :..ltMJ mo. Tonthouse 646-0883 \nfumished 3525 - ·•••••••••••••• ••••••• Lt!l· .! 111 . .! h.J I 1 pit llll1ND :o-a;w J Ur 21 , HJ. f Pit 1 J m1 f1 nm Uohl·nl') ~l. )kh & UlHlJ Wh;1rf s.l!i pl'r mu 1iJ I !lllll ll·Sl\I. 5~1 I012 t:,~ IJCJm.,. q11' "-1111" E"'" un l •11' ~t'W lBH qu11·I l:.11 ~111 :1112H lkllt•t 11r ,1 tt-d ::0111:. Lg.. I It• \\ t><H>I \\ Jlk lo :-hup' \l tlUll' .11111' pn•I '\u t·l11l1f11·11 1111 t1t•h IH87 \\11nr11\ 1a .; Iii i\Y.! I \1tr,1tll\" I hr " " 1·pl' '" ,,,. ult"'· Jllulh llCI lll'l' l ,,-.1.111 ,, l!li ll \\ .111.11 ,. 1 .. 11.<11 i ii ~00 mu Costa M~sa 3824 Costa MH a 3824 ..........•........•.....•....••......••.••••• ~Br, lltl'c & dcJn, clol>C lo l! Ur w i:ar ~JO New ,huppml(. i\dull:. uni) crpt. lt:l' fni:d )d w ,palm 'iopets.ti-15-11!13\I Wi.ter pd :.!224 .. 0 .. · PluccnllJ, call bclwn t·S '.!Bil. 2 ll.\. apl fu1 1136-4120 Sn5. 541i 4141 .! Br uJlll('f, llC\\I}' dt:'l' d 2 Br:! lkr, fpk, pool, 2 sly E ·Srdc Children OK S200 54!1.()lllti S 2 :Jo I\: 11 pt• h 7 7 I) Shalimar, 54:'.i<Jl!KI :J Br. 2 bu, luxury lwnh:w New s hag & kit appl. Hugt' m !>lr. N pt Ill!! lur. C...1163:1 70S!I or S<IS 4931 I & :! Ur upt1-1; .. ,, ~><JIU 100 :i-lcrnrnac Wa)'. A1>I :.! !J79 J!)ll l..1rf.,\l' :! lir, l ha colt a f.:l· End 1taraJ{c l'.:a:.l C ,\f \dull!> onl), no l>l'1" :s:JO(J 5-ll!. 5300 ;>;EW BHEED Al'TS J Br <tl)l, l'nel i.:Jrai.:e l-'rµlc . Jppln,.. p11ul & pl·u111 8::!30 6-15-1411 Mc» if \·erdl' 2 Ur . I , Ua 1lt1 1lu~'· JH I pal II>. ,I\ 1111 <:1\SA Vl<;TOHli\ I & 2 HR. unf ur furn, f.,\ai. & wtr r.t<J i\dh:.. no pell>. 1'01il, rl'1: rm. M'l. l(all! ~ Vil'lur1J u12 S!no Dana Point 1126 ...........•.•......... l::x h:c 2 br. i:! ba. Crµk. tlrl!:.-.1111( rm Adult:. + 1 tc ... nai.:cr. 1-'rom $:.!95 Ga:. & wal\'r pd 4!16 7379 I I:? :):!:lomo :W:J:!ilil 2 Hr 2 llu. d:.hwi.hr, g.tr S275 mu Avail I:! 20. SUPER CLEAN l!Jti 2!1SS or 963·5758 .1111 . <!ha. S26S rnu :"\o r-.-t 1 Val'-383 .. pt'l~ ~u; !KIKO. 5-lti mxs .--an ocy .. .••..•...•..........••. ON BEACH Bachelor $280 1Hdrm $29S 2 B<lrm lrom $320 J Bdrm Crom $4!1S •Summer & wir.ler ut bt'ach is ticuu1 ·tul • V 1 e w s o r o 1· c a n Culallna & Palu:, Vl'rdl':. • LHriw 1.1n 1·ute decks • llcalt:<.I Pool Saun;il> \ •t'baia,:ned t•flvr d prki; •Additional frt•c parking •Maid scrvtct: avail. •l-'urnrlurc avual. NOP~TS Open M F!l:30·5·JO Sal lU S. Sun 12·5 Huntington Pacific 711 <X·cun /\vt:OUl' lil4 lS36·14l!7 l\lan;igcd I>) Wilham Walters Co DELUX1': 1 lir. £rpl. lull amt'nllll'S \I lull n·1· fo<·1b St'e lo lwlie\C' S47 ti407 Br&ioo new, 3 bdrm apls. studio & C'un\ cntion&il. Xmu.s move rn al lowance, 2 wki. rrcc rent (7141 lU7·7S66, IOam Spm WATERFRONT VIEWS IN NEWPORT. StrtklnQ Ot\IQn JnCI .'In tteoant txc111m.1 wav to 11ve cnoose tofts OJV windows ~kvllonu I rt plate\ Your own or•vate OJt10 or oaiconv A tr1l'nn1v m1111on oonar rec ctmer Te11n1s COUI ts lOO luxury ~dult ren1~1s er om $550 montnlv :1()(' r>romonrorv or wesr JU), .1ortn 01 J,1mborel' on Pacific coast HIQl\wav Teteonont! 17141 i>7S·BOOV owned ana managto ov Tne Irvine Compa11v PARK NEWPORT APARTMEMTS 1 ur :! 8edrooml> .inti T11wnhou~t'' i"romS~!/ .~I 0Jlt,'n !1 t. Ua1h Spa Pool:-. Tl'nt11' A<·ru'l> Ir om 1-'a,h1111 bland al .l11mhon·l' •11 S;in Joaqu111 11111-. lfo.1tl 17141644-190 0 I• 110.\1 i.:!40 lu ~:JO:, l.ri;hlt•il h•nm~ n1u1h :! .,lur\ t lulihw. t,1ll1Jnh :.w1mn11n~. hydro ... p .1, i.n m, ... ur>crb kak v.11. rl·OIJI lurnrturc· JI Jrl 5~ Paulannn C:\\ 111-t r~l~l l:lll~ I >1~·11 'I '.• l>:11lv Ir 0111 ~~40 lu ~:1os llr;11ul 111·-.' lm111Pth11ti· mTupallr~ :. lw,1ut apl 111.111,, 11\.HI turn 11r uni U.ith. I lu 1·u1 t1PI 1 llr :! hr .! hr :! h.1111' l!.·.1m1··I II' rm'. 111111111.: ;1n·.1 ,1u1 ,1 ·:t• p.1lw-. 1kt "'· l.11Hb< .ip' II 1;round lU\ pJI I..!! ha:hted I• 11 "" \olllt-.\ ti.ill. ·~ ~·. duhhu u,t· h1ll1,1rd" '" 111111\1111; ,. .... , µ111 .: 1111n1• II\ uru "'llJ i: \Ill ~l\Ull\\ p,1l1ul Soul h'I' ,.,I ( 'urewr •DELUXE• ~:0111r.:t•1 "l'" 1.11111 Eastblurt J br. 2 lJ,1 xoo l-:clrn1•1·1 II a Lea:.!! Ind 'llJt' 01;1,l1 1 711 1111, 'HAl.1 ~u1te , din rm & tltJt ()\'I~'\ •1.1 II \ILY llr 5 ll:i, unlit-ht•\ ,iltll :1 111 t ho11u-.. l ha ttal·k ,11:-. ·''-"' J .. n 10 1 • SI.,,., , 1 .. ,1 111111 lay l:ph. dqo:,, l1ltt1» """ l>l r m•i ,.., ~l~S-ll.'..1:1 µark111i.:. 11001. 111111 \ l.u· plu.'h 1 pl:. S21i5 I 11111·11 llkr ... l.ou1-.1 1>11; i II I. ur \IP".. !/11:! ll~>,'1,j l'l.I·. \'\ l..:1· .! ll r l11-.1·r ,JJll, 111 I Jiit·~ ( Ill~. tlql' 'li"c·d ~:.11 .11luth 1111 1•·1, \1>1·lw.1l1111, 1ai..1·11 11111\ Ii l.'l 7 lli:'i Sib."> l lir tlpl'<. Kteb or 2 ,,tor) 1:und11, :! Lr. I', bu, ~111)lll·"· lkarhn1mlwr. d:.hwhr, ~ara)!t'. l0JJl!'t. 2 Br. 2 lJ;i n mdu. (luiet t1·1: Sl5 ti:ll :!Utt or drp:s, pool. $325 mu /\dultsonly Pool&n·c .>17·2501 \/try nit·1·. K!!4·l l!05 ctr. S:MS. mo. 552 3280 garui.:l' Auto 111101 opt>ner avad J>oul & Room$ 4000 ret..·rcnl1on an.•,1 i\cluhl'\ ••••• ••• •• •• ••• ••••• • •• onl~ No pl'll>. ~·r11111 :0::11~1 Sl1•1•1111111 r "" ~i(J )I0,1 11.u Sµ) ;.:I:..,~. nl·-. leunrt•. I l1r. ~es Unfuni 3600 t!fCdl 'll"'". Ut"c.:orull•J ,If.: ••••,••••••••••• •••••• J\,111 ~t'l> I IA·a~L· or l'\l :!llr.:!lla l1t•aul1lull~ Ul'l'llfJ((•1r. P' I 111111'~ I Ill 1n ·1 i.:urai.:1:. Jl\l 11.11111 ::.3.".0mu 1,;;, :!01:. S260. lBR, 28.A 3 Ur. 2 Ba, 111 I plcx. <! l·ar :! Ur I ba. l~l'W p;iml & " 111· J' / 11 •• 1-.1111,t· hi k t p:.la1r::. for lamel\' :'\r encl j!ur . putlo. frJ1l1:, crpt Nr rnuJor s hoppini.: Hti.'iAm111.1~w.,, ,\II ,:.o 1\k Sh:1r1• l..1t Mana.t:\•tl II\ h;d It !'>h im n :'ol 1111 :-..11 k"w opllun ::;1ouo. mu :1 Hr <flu. cpl.'>. tlrµ~. I hi!. 1~~1 li70!1 hl•h, ~1!15 rno l ) r l"l' Super !>harp l llll, I 11,1 l!•ll°.) art! ;,21 1 ·,11 n.111u11 SJ.IS. mn 1; IU 71 !IO t pl1 i.:..r. l).!t' 11•11111 adlh !'-><> Ci.l l'li1za 5'15·Si!~ nicl' ar\•a OOll 94H &. try\\ s No ~ts. $22.'i. , ~&a·11if10 Grunuda M1tm'1 ('11 I 11111~' l'.it I . 11 II I )"ll lll'l!-o 1 l'tl d : .. 1ti lJOali 11r 5100 _!e11tun t'. ti-Iii s:1w Nl•WI)' rl•tll't"r;il,•11 Chit , Jl.r\l'n llumt· :1111. :!.Ila. ~nts Fvrnish.d t<V Jn·.a. nu 1.ct:.. ~15t •••••••••••••••••••••• 11111 6731$457 ~Island 3706 ···•·•················ 1"' pd~ s·r;:, :!Hi t-:lu•·n C t M 3824 Costa Masa 3824 \11• !li !I lli.1X i-;,,_ OS 0 eso ... till· 11127 1.; .. ,hul1· 1\11··· :! 111 .! 11.1. ••11d ,!.II . 1 dHl\I ()h .. ,;!i~1 Ii r~ :~IHH ······························•·•·•·····•····· :'oil'" 11t1rl Sh111 l':. .J llr. <! U.1. ne.1r lwh ,._ 11·nn1" "'"'m'. fr1>k 111 f,11n rm i... .... l. ~ l.~1 mu I 11 utUl I l1111w~. 1,n •.oaJO Cu.,turn \ u. :! Ill :!': Ila. rt'l' rm . hlln" w,,IH 1lr)r. lplc. i.tar. ~:!5 nw ilO' · lll•ho111111t• ti~O o;J7:! l.ariwum· lx•tJroom u" ~ \: . . h-.Jiter "a~ht•r dn<·r Costa M~sa 38 24 ;,11~~:~"!';;1,} llr .1clult" Mediterranean Village \"('U""" fi';j ~J1~ .. ••••••••••••• •••••••• •• ... 1.11. 11:,11'1 •--''--,. , ___ , )]O? \I 1-:S \ VE IC J) E .1 r ... 1 •Beamed ceilings, wood p<.1nchng '''" JM11 t l r1•,1 t'11nd11 --.....-o llonw alrno:-11le.·n ·• ~ I !·~1,.,1.,111•· .! Hit •••••••••••••••••••••• tu c~lu~t-t ~Pl' a.u_, \n;n J)\l \HI .•dull ~ • Grasscloth wallcovering • Fireplaces. wet bars J. t I ' I' • llC I• ,1 II \ I C 'I' l..l(e hr, :! h.1 1111'1 ulll ~IO 'r 11.'al·h ::..125 11 IS \\ WHY .... OT? '1 Iii :r77ti • Dishwasheis, walk·in closets ''"'"" I 7;;1J ~11 Ct :1 Hit ., 1111 11i-1111 JIUI' th 11,:/11 'u l.ll'h :.lillll I ~. •:llol ti..• 131\t!!1ii20~5 Sunkl'nhvini.:rnom I lllt . .! fl\. frpl I 1111.. +- lrom 111·1·un Yrl~ Hen 1 .. 1 "-17~ \l/l f.111 I )';J \ \.. lur IA.'' ;: t . Ol'.Jr U;iy "enter s.J>. ~··Jrl) S.1."J4.1 E'"' 6'·~122. ur Jurr Whit~ R~alt~r 2901 Hewporl BlvCI H B l!LL l'l-'S. dh J Ur 2' J t$.l f714) 1t7S·4630 Flt. fph-. l·~c p.1t10. nr CJlhcdral 1:1·!11111: 2 liedroom' I' · h.1tlh ,\ttaehc•iJ l!JI' JJ.:>' Wa,ht•r df\l'r ho<>k UJI l'\I \ .1nl "llh p,1\1u \dulh ~l7S n1u VO~ llOl,1.()V. \ILL \Ci.I-. pi-..11 '<this, park.,, ~h111r.. 'e11tl) I llr luru. olttl 1111 11111kt·11r, ,1\ 111 SSOO Up1• p\I hd1 l1111lm.1 Jn•J .1 I.? :11'\1, 411\1s lJ Homa ~Ill mu ti7.l li7:HI li''I \\ W1h1111,l 0 ;\I ltlh llllU lh I h.1 I '•till ~ha~ cJrs11-. 11:11111. 111111'. h1•:1111 I <'I I cl !o h " le I ~' •• I <\dult" ~J11 ;!11:i.1 1-:11k11 5J7 :11:!.• 1.111 II I Ill CostaMHa 3724 HlC ~:y:-.; Ne "••••••••••••••••••••••• 111-. nhum1·' for li.1 $40.00 WEEK & UP l\r,1nd "''" .! & 3 lilt Tt•I 11111 l0t . vool. 1·11• S 100 'I SIC'10 mu ~ t')ll l:;liui Ol>t'n S S •Slu1leo ,,,, I BR \pt~ •T\' & \l,11d Sen 1\\~111 • l'l\<lnl· S(•n, I llll 11 ... ,1 ~Iii ~t'"' 1w1rt HI\ <I I. \l ~ Br. q1t". 111111-.. 1..111-. 111. S:!llJ m .. VILLA CORDOVA I &2 Br from $21 0 Mo to Mo. •S11(•1·1.il t ;il11m•1 'P.tt'l' • Lm·kl•tl ):Jr " h: ;,lur •I> W d1,...pl. lmlr~ rrn •!:a, t·oukmi:, ht "Ir 11<1 • \&11111,... rlll Jll'l:> .!:l:!:I l.:let.•11 ,\\I• (' \1 11111 1111:1:! GRAND OPEtONG J II I) II ,\I ll l I 11 \ t• 'l't>\\ nh111.~t·~. :\:!XII ~:lll:i 1111, \1li1lt~. 1111 1wh ::wP S:11 ,'I. 'o1111 I ~, a1 1!11!1 \11a111·1111 St \'\J • Balconies, patios • P ark-Jike landscaping ·Swimming pools. jacuzzi • Lighted tennis courts • Minutes to freeways & beaches • Security systems I IEOllOOM I HDROOM & DEH 2 IR - 2 II TOWHHOUSIE A special section for those w1lh a small pet. Adults Only Office Open Daily 9 to 6 ~ ........ 1714) 557-1020 °"'*-" 2400 Harbor Blvd., Costa M esa, Calif. WHwy M. Taylor O . .'\,.,.pull l'\•nh-r !>~ ~17~ .. , ··~~ ~11.7 SUS CASITAS \11nutt'., to "lill I 1111 furn \flulh no 1wh 1'110Nl'\\ptlll lll\ll t '\I \rlull ~-~uh· .! lo1 1•n1·, a:ar. Jlulm 1.ikt• Ill'\\ '" Costo Meso 3824 Costa Mesa 3124 Cotta Mesa 3824 ~b. t,..i~ UH7H •••••• ••• •• • ••• • •• ••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••• ••••• R,•altor, 1o11 flt 1 Kl>tUI f .1m1h m l~•M \\'Oil. J.•n1111 l'I) "40~ 'Ii•.! tllt.I )l:JI) li.•t·h I. Utll • pu11I .l kit 2 Ka. llJthor :11·" lk.,11 hi·omlM•r , fr•· ~1.; d1lulb, SSSO mo Jc·J" t.Jl :.!illl or 5 Ii <!Jill ~lfaa!t' !rt I <1L1l U11: (')11. s ;:1 (.Jnf)n h nu :! Br d1·n. 3 ft. $1!1. ).,._• upl Uwnr SS2 '133 .. LCJI Funt. 2 I r W "' dr1r.1. hflin, l'""I Adlls. 110 lll'h ):!;.!;) IAS J!nl 3,.7 C.:ompletPI) rum 1 llr lwo ol Orange Coul11'( s • ttdulti.. no lll'l' ~1 1:; mOSI beounful aporlment • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •· • • • • • • 646· 78113 communllles A re!Oxlng E I r ll ·' n I (; .,,_ 11 m o r sem wtltl str l"ort'\'cr Vl,•w. ,hown h HufttincJton .. oc h )74C ng eoms. 1111111 only, (.'1111 btwr ••••••••••••••••••••••• woterlalls,andmajestlc 11 K .301'~. 4!1'10!115 L111: Sl.20. mo Ila ch rotluJo:I! !lees. Feotunng poots. •'nlY. S7.\0 m~nclds as All ul1I. Ptil» t. singles JOcuul. souno. bMUards, wc fee k Inds pnl{. Uear hcomtwr. rec Sl.l and exciting clubhOuse . --631·201lor547 ·2.SOI .. -soc1Af eve"IS Tennis Spnc1ow 3Bd, Ba. & de n ----- -""11 "" " " ' Htd pool on oll course '""" 37 4.. gym, and VOleyt>oA at Man ) l' x t r11 ~ s 4 7 s ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Vftlage. More or 494-84S3 $160. Mon"'ty ~ing vou·re looklng p~-;;;;;.:1 11~' 11• 2 er . Writ s hare n rrf' I rnn, IOI'. Fumllure Is ovolloble Ha. ocean , ew. pool house. pool & Jacuue Onoond~Bedroom uvuil Ml J an 8, S400mo Ml·:!M4:l Adull.lmg. ~~ Mtwport leach 3 769 omces open 9.0010 6·00 Love•y 3 Br .l BM , rot •• • •• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • Now renftng. fJilc, nu c pts, painl BALBOA Bay Club Rar h 1\.----...;;;.-----'1 d,shwsljr, rim nrca, S39S Apt. nvl 12 :.!3 $400 m o '93·1M8S _&_~_·4007~~~-~-- ~~ l27 ...................... Lge 2Br, 2ba, frplc, gar palk>. ~ lse. 673-6753 01 675-1058 OCoanlront, winter. \ BR furn .. W/frpl. & t:arage otP SAM JU4M l250 Per mo. + ulll. T h I a c arm In 1 ~ 15l2W, OceanCrr>nt bedroatn, t bath ~ der So.th L 1716 home hu plui.h carpet opna Lovely lgc 2 br Uflf>t·t. 1011. flJl!J)la e, built-Ina 4 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Dl'WI)' decorated. ltlt:nl 2 car fia ra . Won't la&I 2 BR. 2 b# on the ot't?an toe. No pcLI. $225. Mgr nl Ion&! all 6-2l5$ days; • Fum. $700 .. unfurn S600 979 2531, 2885 Mendoza A. 493·0 88 vcnln11 ' Totalaecurlty,eltvators HOLIDAY PLAZA wHk • rec. fKCIUtles. 499-283.5 Deluxe l br apt $UM> m o. J 8r t Ba Twnhme IP YOU AduJt8 only, no pet11. 1965 (U.rbor IA ) w 1a cat ~· service lo offer or Pomona Ave.. gar, fplc, bl 6 rtfril toHll, rlece an ad I Dr , c pt s, d rps, Stepa to BQ & pla) n he D a I y P 11 o atove/r"(ri g, haund, Al\r ~~erbo •. r.!~~ l ml lt Cla111f\4"1 S.ctlon · · ' No pt'ta, 11dlt1. Sll>O. ..... ....... Phone '42 5671. $$7.ro32 Adult Apartment Homes with a Winning Uf estyle. ChooSe the best comblnotion ol superb recreation. premium IOCotlon, ond all of the appointments you desire to make your Jtte complete. • Air-Conditioning • Bullf·ln Appliances • Private Patio or Balcony leisure Uf e AnractlonS Include: • SWlmmlng Pool & TheroP'f Spa •Two Lighted Tennis Courts • ClubhoUSe with Fireplace, Billiards, ~. and Porty Kitchen i/iF One and TWo Bedroom. J.r:'l ~ One Bath, No Lease ,. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ~ From $230.00 faPkMe~Vi~s 550 Pautor\no Avt .. COl10 Mao (714) 251.._ __ , 1 Ur, s;ll)O m11. 165!11 Lcl;rarul 11-lti 31~50 STl~l'S TO OCEAN I ~.IH ~t!l."il Deluxe Nwpt Short·s lir. dplx. 714-117U·92UJ • t:OllM~ -.z.; "k up "11 h 2 BH rri,m S2~>11 :t HH. :! Hi\ from SJSO 11<1 Yl· sl' \'l'ral nmt:1b to choo:sc Crom. Kent lfo;:l·r s Properly ~1Jnagt•m1:nt g.18 l3300 Nrl~ nu 2lfr. I bu. nr bch. end 1-!ar S260 mo Call 541 SiOl aft 5 30 :! BR.:! BA 4 Pl.EX Cpts. drps. df'an S215. Call !J63.25Jl or SJn· 1461 2llr. J 12 Ba. S25U mu. Goldcnwcsl & Warncr OCEANFRO .... T 2 BR .. 2 l·a. SSOO BA YFROHT HOME J BR. 2 ba. S2000 Mo y1 I) STEPS TO HACH 3 HR. 2 ba , un( S42S 3 BR. 2 b:a . unr ~IOO associated · BROK E,RS-A EAL TORS 101'. W lolboo •11·J66J 4~1·3720 IS42 6965 ---. -, . _ __ ------16<2 81 , I > Bu fwnhi.c New luxury apt. 2 Br. 2 style. bltn!>. Cl>ll>. orps B:a. I mrlc fr licath. $275 ind. Pat1u. hcat1:d 1>001 mo Cull Mr UaVI!. Adlts. no Pel~ )IK[1 I. ll:n·2.51S S2:15. 548-2682 IR.AHD MEW! FAHT ASTIC VIEW Luury Tri-PIH! of Bay & Catalina Now taking applicaUou~ llay£ronl, boat :.11 Jl 2·2BR. 1·2liR & den. Call Spac. lu'I . 2 br, 2 ha Nan al 962·7787 or terr .. pool, scrunly)lldi? 536-0007 2 i:<ir. l.i;c $ti•H1 1m11 --------6iS·855t 2 OR Paleo J\1.1t. l M 1. lo bch. Lo\'cly park I blk Ol•\•unlront l.11i..11ry 1 llr $22S.Nupets.S4H·8&10 ~G25 YJ ly rnd ulll --Enclo"rd p11rk1n~ SJ.')() 1 hr. 2 ha condo. 6iS JHZ:J Drill!. q>l:.. 'tlOYC \.'rlla Pac1r1c 1138 -114!7 Litl':? br, 2 hu lll'Ur h•.:Jc·h \earl~ t.l:! l:.!1111 t'\l'~ ti. Cozy ll1dc a -way. l Br wknd.~ Townho u!>t' w l>u11lin!> PallO. pool. tc•nnrs $:!50 S11.1c1ous nc·w :! ~ SJli-8013 or S3tH-&IU Udrmi.. 2 h.11 h 111111, 3 br, ti 2 bJ, (rplt·. paLJo. encl. i.:ar /\\'all Ju11 I ~.S. 84G 4990 aero:..' from lll'l'anlr1111l .\. n1•w t•1ly rccrcJt111n.1l 1fl' H•lopml'nt lmm1•d 01· rupanC'y FJmtl1•'' It Nr lla-m~H-o_n_l_l_rc.,:;kh~r~l Jlt'Lo; lltTl'lllcd. :U.i us> lii5·4!11 l Hrk 1 2br. 2ha, J>:ar, pulio. Sml chlll ok. S'l85. !lf.2-0778 West de ff nt•w :! Ur :! Ila ~on HarbOur fpk. rcfrii;t w1•n1.1i..t·r ~ 1842 palios. w~hr1dryr !~11:11 adullll, $100 mo U7:'1 l1.l.t.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• k1ld\1'11 ~ .. 11 :1(1 \\k "" a111 ~ ~ ... II !Ii~··· 11r Ii 1~. :r.11;7 1Slcn•1ni.: Hc1 .. 111 " t·on\ 1· llll'IH'I'~ 'S:!U a \I l'l'I.. :! ll\1 F.11n 11•\\ II ti Ill \I " , l'\I'' 1!1111m 111 111-. .. 11 hur.1.· <i1111tl Im .1111111 "Ii.e n•~ 11 I' 1 1• I I 1· m ,1 I•· \I 11 i:arai:1• 1111 n· 11 :> lk ;i•t :.' It II I) II) J II I I c• II 1 I \\\·,.,tm11'''''' how I'"• m.1tun• -..111 1..111>! ,,.., "" 11r..i ti 11:11 :~u:IH Vocatian Rentob 42SO .......•....•......••.• J. \" t-: 1\ II II 0 W II ~; \I> l'rl'tl\ l,1k1• I II'" •Iii... IO ~)\)() -.i..nd. !):!I")"" ~:!.111 I lo111la\ wk 1, 1;! !1:\.111 Ill<; IH:,\11 I. \I\ I·: V Ito YI Cal11111o 171 II >11,1; ilfll -1!11 !1727 "" x:1:1 !.1 ;:1 1111; ISi·. \II Ci\lllN 211r I qtlt• 'It>;, H, II~ \\ ~ ur wknct .. ti•lll :,;,1.:i bntals to Sha re 4300 ..•.•......••••.•...... W.\N'l l•:u Inn 111 ~hf.(" n:nt.11 s1 1:1 1 , 11111111·-. Newporl ( '1 ,.,I .11 10" Crom h•11111-. 11 h & p<uel C'hl·nl h:IJ .l;!:l.J l>u11 Wllltil'i 1•c·m<1lc• rmmfr lo ,h.H•· h111,.,1· 1 .• 1j!u11;1 "li1i:111·I \•I.. lor Sh1•n•1•n l'>."i GI t I Need A Roommat~? 1(1 l'111l""""'alh Frn1I 111.\T 1t1<:1' I l 'l .• lt:0.<1'\ Qvi1., r PAT1.\ dNt1M11TJ1 l.{ l.r ... ("( I-""'?~· l•'i<"tli\'<t "'' ·'4K'-Jlt\ }A,,4 ... t....,,l x;i:.: 41:11 S1 n<'t' t •17 I Lg studio. cross from brh. 1':1\ST Bl.Ul•I" Stun11111)! 1-'i•m e n'llr1l wan led 1., bltns. cpL'I. Crpl, pool & 2br. 2bu upl 1n l'r1•11111;c i.horr• nll•<• lu•h h:.r· M.1,.1 ji.c. (213) 592·5813. area. 'l'ownhnui.e floi•r xlra~ $lllU 7:,1 2.l;,7 I-1....... 3844 J>lun. Adult!\. No pt•ls. r•-$340.640-034!1. Hrok<•r ft•m .dc· r1111mmalu 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Khur<· :t Bit honlr on r.ARK WEST 4PTS z Ur. u pper op\. ltefe ljl, Llalhoa l!tl .lml 11 l"urn Adult & family apts. blln stove. ~u.ko~l.I'. ulll tst & lust mu fl'lll 1 Crom S24S. Tennis, health pd. S.1<JO mo. li42 HiS'.l. dt•an dl'P 1>75 •11174 rJt.tb. prden view. 3883 WESTCl.11"1" 2br. mut P arkv1ew Lane, Ir vine. adlts. 110 fl('\~ ~KS l nq Owned. & managed by l7ll0 Wc:;lt•hrf l>r, npt IK II You rt· Ft·mulc btw11 ;••, f. 4~. d11ldrl'n OK, lhu. rnun nwl <1.1., will !thJr" The Irvine Co .. M2·9200 Cute & Co:r.y 2 Ur , Ir pll your pl.11·1· 1'11y your WOODBRIDGE view. $425 mo. Xlnl l1>r rl•nl I' 0 llox 33:J4i, ~ •• n PINES APTS . Bkr tHS·6392 msk ror Tt•il Cleml'nll'. <"11 9'l6i<! l , 2 & 3 bdrm units. -----Oesl g ned like early 2 Br yearly. garu).(c. w/or GcrcMJH forRHt 4350 California bungalows. without bout dock S3i5 •••••••••••••••••••••• F r o m S 2 7 0 . 1 I S 673.2493 M1111le S:..O doubh• .,._ncstonc. Ofc hrs 3·S: Stora1e<' only Wutsldc wkdays. 9·5:30 wknds Oft The lay Costa Mesa. 494 171l3 552·0100 Lovely 4br, 2 ba upper Beam relllnit. frpl<'. Offic.. Refttal 4400 s 160. Moftthly Will share n il'C I rvine house. pool & Jacuul. 551·3""3. patio, dshws hr, s11r, ••••••••••••••••••••••• storage. SMO. 673·5719 or ~ ~1720 CORON.A DEL M.AR ----------1Small 1 Bn un Oalhoa OHltt' spuce nvo1l11blt• Upgrade d 2Br. 2 ba. Pen. Crt>l!.. drps. rerrt11 . Southside of hrghwnv Deelrable WALNU $1SOmo.yrly.833·1288 $175/manih . Call IQUARE. Encl gar. l .____ 675-2311, ask for Mls111. enc.I yd. 552.6095, 962-8111 1 BR Park Newport top ~ noor. Avail June l or - -~ ••h 3141 lonaer, Below mkl pli« 7,000 sq.ft. of(' bld'lll7th & ...................... 1289.50. &t4·8481. an 5pm. Newpart 8Jv1l C/l, lCOOC!. Ptlmci fo r urchllecl: e nalncer i1 : rC'fllOnal acr v I ad mlnl!llr11ti vc rntr: -or ? Wiii neg IH1 for major tcnont. Ownr. 644-0W7 Le• l br apt. AlmOlt o s.a.-..te 3176 Nnd. Xlnt ocean vi.w ..._ I .,,., -. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·00 ae ...... ---.. OCEANFRONT Luxury 2 F'tnd what you want br den, frpt, pvt 'WPI lo O.lly Piiot Cl&lalfleda. ~ $585 499-280'1 I ( DJ 0 DAILY PILOT Saturdoy. December 18, 197& Add 1t...Build it ... Oiaper it...Hammer it... Carpet SERVICE 1t.~.Ccment it ... Wlre it ... Hoe it ... Clean it ... M ove it ... Pre">s it. .. Paint it...Nall it ... Plaster it ... Fix it ... DIRECTORY App)anu Repair Carpet S.nlu C:....ltt/C~ ~-MJ Hc:uwcleanl.Hj ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~:':':!•••••••••••••••Pointing•• I'•. riftw ~~~~~••••••••• !~:!t'::~~t••••••• APrl..IANCE REPAIR $10 Sen 11.-.• ("toll 11141549 2422 labytittinq .....•..............•.. Nt•t.'<J u bahy'11ltcr·• ll(•hJ hie• mtilure adult. c.; M ;,in~a Pat 64.:! 7237 S1U1·r llt•cdcd' WklJ,1) ~ •••• • ••••••••••••••• Shampoo & steam clean SECURITY BUILDERS GARDJ::NING SERVlCE CLEANING llY AC-.N FrC'C !!:st Slump..tone, t1le, paiftt Yow Cettfte VERY NE/\'r PA'l'CH CANPPVTV STC CO. mg C.:olor brightenen; All ph113es concrete, Cl. EAN UP JO BS & Expencnccd , with n ·f:. blockwtill:>, brn·k. plun JOBS & TEXTUJ\E lfl Rato Servi~ whl carpt s 10 mlo blockw111l and cui.tom HAULING ReHonable AtlerSPM,4!13 0ti>IO lt'r~ Qu1tllly wurk Ill re Avr.:ExtrlSty$34$ Fret!~t. K93-l'39 aU'••r l'rices•M833 bleat·h Clean hv rm, dm bnck work. Licensed and r.ilei., Newport. Costa -------n pncc11 Hob 7~ 9W. 2 ~ty S46.')/lnlrS4Srm rm & h.tll $15 Av14 nn boclded ws-2031 Mesa Corono del M.ir PAT'S JANJTOtllA I. !).()~ .• , l'm~:111nclmtr'l/l11bor DarreU's PAINT&STUC· •I~ $750,rnuch$10,<'h.ur $S --llwiti~lflon 6457S88 'SERV You lilrtyem,wc Guur,1n1rd,freee11l. CO. Qual wrk, r e a S •••••,-•••••••••••••••• Gu11r cllm ~l odor <.:rpt Child Care --clean em Spc1·1.1h11n~ 1n Mo•incJ Tt~ 708S orSS2-0134 prk-es. 548 1671 Ra•m ala, tritnm1n11 , rt-p:.ur 1!> yr'I ex pr. C>o ....................... Grading vacant hornu1. L1 c 'd. ....................... PETERS PALNTING ~ · c. free eat. 1.ic'd work my:>df. Heh VILLACEC.:lllLUCARE ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9687914 MOVING• Let 2 c-c11rd E '<1 l f "-"" FuU lnsured.SU-2624 5Jl 0101. Corona del M.tr, full day Slclf)I08ckr. dump trU<'k - --.-----m1·n mo\o• yvu Ht111. xpr 1'Jai.. r ues, rel!••••••••••••••••••••••• ----r ------ cure pre-i.d1oolenv1ron huulmg, tree wk. !(rad JAPANESE. Houseclean w1N!IS 494W3o.~Sll583 est.Cal ene5S2-04S8 10 '1>offw/11d. Plumbln&. Rem vina, trimming. menl , enrldimt•nt op mi,:,dt!mo,etc 7s1 :l!IJO mg.Own~r.aos,dep.!ndu 1, t 1 L• R wt.r' svs. leaks, batbrm top Ina. lns''d, Ile, ble 675 4672 1''r1endl)' Movini,: ro Jo:Hi iun tni; nl/ c.Xt. eas, encl. !tells 832·2468 bon d . Winter r11les. only Coot.I l'Urt' 7 JO lo Carpl'l "dan "'Ill lay }vur~ 5 .• lO,rnyhornc 548 1101 u1 m111c . Hepa1rs & ~;; S.r•ice <kanms loo' Guar .work •• ••••• •• •• ••. •. •. ••. •• ..il ba)t~t.·r !>.& \ u1~!>. I' r est portun1lhi11. L1ceoi.cJ, Hauling · _. __ tienl, frll'tldly 1>~fYI\'<" depentluble Free est. o..:. experienct•d , t•rcdcn H Hid Cl Ca11Jay645796S ER I ....., haled . 675 ?!ISO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orne 0 1 ay r.i111111;, l.ow1•i.l pu11~ ra Lc11 _ _:. _____ ,PLUMB ·Hepa r, re· ---1~------- Bonkk1•cp1n~ & Of flct• ~t 1 \'H'e' thr11 -.ta tt• nwnts. typ ing, 111a1h111(~ ~.18 0 .. 124 or 6.12 I 7'!5 YOU llAVE IT RF.AOV wmdows,111lver.wnxm". ij47099'.! W k h G 'd pipe, ins tullutlon J:Cneral clt'.,.tntni.: P it-aM' · or mllns ip .uarn services. G . Gidley, 'RE , C 1 . I'll provide loving warm l 'LLllAUl.ITAWAY call Mik" afl Spm '°''-t.t'nn/Po..,.-'ng--1.nt<'r/1':.xter .. l-'ree,e.st ,. • .,m•is. I' ,I'. i.o a t• 1•11 n1n~ atmosphere tor your ___ ·1_'IM S48<JJOO 008-4143_ ~ ••• ~! •• ~ .•• :.·.':'........ 25Yrlltxp.642-029S. .,....,,, -------• w/m1nimum carpel cblld while you work or R "-• NSIUNEBOYS• sll'am dt'.llll'd 546-68Ht ~twp anytime. 768 5110<&. SoMy & Jer. Free haul f ast, pro fes?.ional quuhly •CUSTO'.'vt PAINTING• oo .. ,.., Q I k r 645 3(;46 lnll, dea11up, trc11 work Cleaning, Wa&hi11i:, Iron pa1nl10K ut very low Jntr/Extr Rea11 Rat.es ••••••••••••••••••••••• u wor • ree e s t. Carpenter l'Altl'l·:·rct.t::ANINt; Contractor for wsable rtems . Fe n lllR. R e l111bl c, uwn rati:s 5488424 Ca11Hr uce 546·0720eves Repairs & Composition=~ ~~ & 673·2410 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $7 HOOI\l <.:ALL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ct•..,/ hid gs r emove<! _tr_ar_1S_po_r_ta_t_io_n645·7487 -------Shingles. Inspections . _ _._ _______ _ fo'INISll, R F.MODEL •"'-f.4fi 5\bi Al-wrEH NOON LEE M. JARVIS 557 200!1 PAPERllANf:ING Don't be hornswaagtad lnsrdllicd. Low prices. fr I( ~ 11 b UK ----Two high school g1rb v. 111 " I k f II ., • .,.,,.. ""''0 otAl .. 930 Jlr. • m..i Jv:. C.rnent/Concrete Additions &Rcmudl'llng ---house l'lean da\'> tiood ..,ua wur • u )l(Ulll'. Forfinequal paintin&& _es t.,.,.,...., .. or ..... ,, Ht .is. !179 o:n'l "'-~•.5573 Lie 3178~ l1Ju1111g, mvrn111. dc11nu1 • !teas, ref~.~ •ll<W 11 To Pince your ----••••••••••••••••••••••• """ "" $71up. Treework Reas refs Call Sue 979-002101 -fair pri cci. too. ca S.winc)/Alteratk»nt .. l.1111· .. llornl' Repairs fln_h~r·an IU Connl'lt• Inc Gcrdeninq last, rree e!ll 8'\2 15!17 Tummy S45 !llti& P,lpcr, PJtnl 20)'rS C\P Richard I hl-pressurt! ••••••••••••••••••••••• I "Fast Result" :10 ~'" l''<Pr ('.1fllt'lltn C,l•1w1al l·1111l'1l'l•'Y>ork ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 •. d 1:.c be Corl• cleun first. dv they" Mendmgdone neaUy. !Service Directory lowk~. tlt)(Jt' p • .nt'l111~ 6. ( ·.,m1111., t t.il ll"ul•·ul iJI Exllrd llJv.ii.rn f!drdener HouHcJ.onirt9 You don t n!'cd a ~tlll to l"hri:.tmJ... !).ills lo(Uar l.tc1lns 8J6 S5SS 1900 1-'ederal. C.M. d C 11 N d l't l111·al S~I <!11!>4 t:JI! OIU.1 Lie UO'.HI Yd rlea nu"!', l rimmml( ••••••••••••••••••••••• "tlraw Cast" wh1·n Y1>U ~o wail, frt•c t ~l !ltiO 3!IOb 645-5118 8 • • • • 8 ow ,.... llot s f:CLE'\NING placl' a 11 .id tn the D.11h lntr/Exl PaintinR. Avg 642·5678 llavl' 'uml"lh1n;: to M·ll' Find ~h.11 } uu v. Jot m II run 1 n I(· L l ll .i u 1 · ~ Hy rcha llll' t·ouple Pilot W.mt 1\d.,' LJll now OriCJ ~perqraphics rrn $35, itll pnces incl SELL idle llems with ht. 122 Clc1.~:.1fll•<l J<h d111t well !>Joi~ Pilot C'la:.i.rr1eds t~ls.ID117. flt•f.., 963 5813 -~·5Ci7h ('u~tom ~tur.ib 11.16 5555 p.11nl 1-'re~· !_Sl_. 642_' ·_31~ _ ~ai'X P~ot Cla:.s1ried Ad . .,.. ________ .. Offlcr Rentaf 4400 Business Rrntal 4450 Money to Loan 5025 lost & Found 5300 He-Ip Wcmtrd 7100 ..•..•.......•........•.•..•.............•..•..•....•••.•....•....•..••••.•...•..•.•..•••.•• ••·•·•·······•·••····•• ~!.~~t:.~ ..... ~!.~~ ~~~~·:.~ ..... ~!.~~ ~!~~.~ ..... ~!.~~ ~~~~ .... :!!~~ WESTCLIFF BLOG. •:NEWPORT BEACH Cotn•r *••lcflll Dt••• IM II .,ne ~•• ./ Ah C 6nd.,IOftlf'\iQ ../ C°"""''•'• 1•,.••0Hll ,/ ... U\IC .,/,. .• .,.,°' ,/ F ulf •1•• b•h· oni•• ./ .(c101 W"-tU ./ ~' ..,.,.,, .... it ./ A'f'lu'• P••• 1"'0 Call Mr. Howard · 045·6101 •I \II) Fill':!·: II ~;;'l;T • I · :1 H111 ull1 n, 11 •1111 :) I •• ~. I' I' I 11111 ,\ I I J 1\1q111r11·r llut.·I ;\• lt'J"' 1 • 'I X.J.I .l:!:!J I 11 m1•111 60 PER SQ FT ... '"' sn ·1111 '\Is \ 1, I ol I ",11:1 • I SO I Wuteliff Or. '\,·1~11<111 F 111J11 11 l 11 leas1n9 Office Spa ce I oJl 1111 ... 111 \1 ,111.l"l'r .o1 111o1·· 1111.·111 ;!11; I \ 1 .. 1 :>,,, d \ ": Jlll·•l ,\ I 11 111.l11·ol IJl lH•· I Ill I It t· I .. \ I I \ I f \ I•: 11 r: llo-111 111• J 11111 l I• m i• 11 ,., pl , ph11111 ,'\. ,.,, I ii 1· 1 I I 1 ,. II t 1 I /(.; J 1111ln11 11 -.;, t I .., ,\ till 1 •1111 11 ,I\ .1 if '\1•\1 poi l (I fllt•I I.Iii i\.CI I f I \1 of I\ I 11 I• I I II Ill ,:> I ,1(1 I 111 trt• Id \ I ,1111pl1• 1111 1-:. 1.11111 .. ri .... "~'°'' 1'11 1111' '""" 11111 Ill 1lt111I I II v I 1 l fl I! • .• I h " J1 f\f1K1J.h111 I :-«HI '1IL1tl' f 1•1•1. :"'11111• lo • I! 1 I rlt• n l I fK ''tt11• ur ,,ltH i' t ~uofl t·' I" '"1r1 • ,, 't ~ll• I 11.t r k 1111 I 111 \I r l'l111111nt•r ... , ... .,, \l'l'l'I I 'I: 4tMI "I II I ~ It I ti r 1,a1 '-1 'io:! ,11 "'" I···~ I . "' tl t I DElUXE OFFICES f f t I • MOW AVAILABLE r .mt,l'>lf(• llu,tn<·~,. IOl'a 111111 l.1!111 J\rt•.i, Jl;pru"< I llllJ 'I It , 11lt·11L1 ful p.irk1111:. t.d '11 .~0 ur 1,t' .,.,., $C H~ f0t1 ~0 l.Jtlu·<\ Hin.: AS ~ Call to 1dt•nlll) l'Vl':. 110~11': OWN 1-;1ts 001 roy, t>otti 2!H7 at low bank ratci. to con U)S'f Sm br;wn poodle ~olidate debt:.. puy laxe~. namt• ··cm·o"' kewanl' t.1kt· a vacalwn, room llunt Harh IHn' M t!J • <u.ld111un, ~v. 11n paol. pa) · llt1 ~1nt •.s H1•nt:il llo1t111u1turt• l'rl'I fy,1llt Ullf UI rt ll"l'Clfll I 1;:11 :.!lo~ti 1l''v1 1c.tllhl"'111;&i P\1 orr ex1sling <!nd or an> Pffsonals 5350 purpose ••••••••••••••••••••••• MECHANICS Onr1kinl( vrohlem" NATIONAL BAHK C;ill Alt'Ohol llelphne I 7141618-19 54 Z<I hrs a dny 835 3830 Business/Invest/ finoncr ....................... Businen Opportunity 5P05 ht, 2nd & lrd T.D.'s 1.0,\ -..;~AV All.A Ill. t-: l'n•<l1t nol 1mpurt.111l lii:l·•lllXJ Brokl'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mo.rt~~s. Trust 1<1•.11 i-: .. t.1Lc Of1 11·1· Deeds 5035 ('01rtpl1•11•k" furn1 h•·d ••••••••••••••••••••••• v••.cl Im .111<111 llnt1; 111 h 1·111 ~""' or lr Jlll , 1111 1·•11i1h ;,,f -t lo.'!I Mfg-Power Tool$ I 'r111 •· .... n.0011 111 i t. n n h ::.:r ,\Nill I I' 0\\ 1wr I t•t 111111' \\ 1111 11 .. ,1 UBI Aqt, 751-3741 Con sidtrin9 a Bus? .. Bl•.' IJl HOW;>.. llOS.'-) "i7 LOANS 9% Abo 2nd TD Loons F .11n"il Tei in' '-IOC<' 1!>4!1 Scrtffer Mtq.. Co. 642-2171 545°0611 SAVE SS l'n\alc 1>arly v.-111 huy 111ur :.!1111 I' J) frl:! :JliJ o, .. r ;,011 .u t1vc lrn:JI l1u.., I 't & 2nd TD laan5 lt~llllli ' l'l1•i.JW l'<lll 111 H '•' r l;I<) lj~'!I~ ~lc1t1 h\ l11r lro·t• 111!11 1\ll ln uw 1'J 1•1lle Fma11nal 1 ,1l1·~''ll'll"· ,\:(\Ill'~ 'Wt• 1:11.11 .'111lo ·1· lo plc aw \11\l Announcemrnh/ 751-1741 Pehonals/ l NITEI> lll1Sl:'\1,'.SS lost & Found J'\:Vl-:~T:0.1t;'\ I'~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.;:.!~ "' ~.1 \,.,.11 .. l>r ~: Alvtouncemrnts 5100 t 1i-rn't~ lrorn t\on.1 Lu.,) ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• • Su1ll' l!lt1 (11,.1;, \lt·• .. 1 \ rl 1 ~ l • & ('I' a II i. m c n ·111 011tn l tl ,t,.., 11t•t·t1 .. 11 111r wknll l'r.ift S J!t-. llt JJor ~hop 'g "DVERTISIHG u.·111,.,. s.1 p d.1v ;><111 <>'.HO ..,,·• io i '\~;T Lost & Found 5300 PHl':GNANT? Ca rin~ l011nt r<lcnl1al counschni.: &. rl'ftorr.il Aborllon, a 1lt11H11111 & lceepini.: i\PCAHE 517 :!:)tjJ •SHARON'S* Ol'TC \I.I. MAS~ \G F: 1·~ 1224 .. TJJt-: ~Al't-:JUJo.~CI-.' ,\dull molel l.'111 ... ed l'1n·wt 1 \' For llc,t•na t..>n. ... f>.18 !17 ~.s •KAREN'S* OUT•' ,\LL ~V\SS \(; f; fll'M 2A~1 H:U.·17110 MASSAGE FIGURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCALL OHL Y 631-381 I ABORTIOH Counsl'hnl( &: R<'ferrul Pr<'R ll•st ,1va1l wknd~ :!1llr11 .. 111hn1· ;,17 •11:1:; •S l'IHITl'l\L HEAl>F.H 1-·u11\ l.1(·t•n ... •·l1 IHIS:l 1.i C.unmri Ht·;1I S.111 I 'lo·11w1tl" I· 111 ,, 11pl I!/.! ~~1:1 1 1!1:! 74!!1f1 ALARM IMST ALLER Exprnenc£'d &12 3400 AHClllTECTlJf<AI. D It Af'TS 't.\ "l M111imum 3 yrs rc ... 11!1·11 l1al t'XJ)<'r C111l for dl•l'l 7J!I lr.!13 ASSEMBLY Ll'.111 Cor(•man, pt•rs u11 t•:i pahlt• of <k"IJ!n'~ . 111111 proving ,v,, u:-.1 11~· ;i, -wmhly r1xturt•s l11r pre· t1s 1on Upl1 c :..l :..s ~cmhlie~ ix·r t.lr..t" 1ng .. l.. specs EXOTIC' MA'n:Hli\l.S 291;8 n.11ulolph ,\ \l C \I 5-15 '1425 \SSl-:'1BLY. lllll' dl't' t ron11:~ 1 .ind en~r J \'111~ Wall tnim ~·t·mak prd 1!1).!hl bJndt•tl requ1rl·il I• ull or part llllll' co~lJ Mt.'l>d Wl !li5u BOAT Ct.f':ltK TYl'IST for lrade HELP WANTEI?, Layout Medical Recpt. ,1sso1·1Jt1t1n 60 wpm, Pai.teup, full_ tame, e_xp Exp. required. Type SS CARPENTERS 11011d ~fM·llm~ & gram or will train. T yping WPM. Able to work un· An· 1ou •t l1<1a1 t'Jt1>entcr 111,.r r,·q"•1 :-i days. !1·5 mandatory· Also 11art der pressure. Takes own mtt-n•i.lt•d in w111 t.in1t tor I' hone for Interview, timt! Proof Rea~er. App In i l 1 at iv e. Hand I e lhl' mri.:r •ii llw w .,rid ·s ~-.."17 7!.l70 ly 1660 Placenl1a, C,osl responsibihtles well. CaU f 1 n 1· ~ l ,, 1 I Ito a t s ·! Mesa. for appt. Aslt for Susan, Wl'sl~.111 Corp , m.1k1·r uf COOK ~0140 llus t;X t'dl\•nl t 1,111 ' " 1-;,~·r Apply in person Ho~ekccpcr, liv·in, ~r· -------- ouw m ·•·l•1Jt1nl! a1111l1<';o tn Sam's Seilfood No. 2. rc q d. CdM ureu. Ca MED.LAI.ASSIST. t11111i; frurn -.k 1il1·d hto;i l :~.101 ,.: Cousl llwy, Cd:vl. _759_-_112_1_3_·______ Exp. in blood drawing. 1•a1 ill' Ill<'•" with at lt•a!il :? llousekeepl!r & v;irlo CaliC. Lie. not rcq. Preftr \is wnocl\\ni l.1111: 1·\pr 111 l'OUN'n :n 111-:LP duties, mature. F CLA. Call for appl. Aak tlw l••·•l •11i: 111tl11,lry for IOAM to6 PM .:uest homl'. 3·ll shi . forSusun.640·0140 rull 111m ur 1111•11• work W1n1·locll'?. Donut. 2$3 E . !)46.671r. C.M. l'111f1l1111111 11t 11 ~ 11u arc 17lh St, l'M ___ ,....,.. J 11 U II t' 11111111 0 1111 ~111 ~ 1·r,llh 111.111. "h111:1 v1·-, 110 ly lht• IM" I 11! h1111st•ll tu "'' Joth, ,1f lfl l\ to thr n· t l" µI I 11 11 I s l .1 I • i ~ \lt ('11rr111d. r11 ... la \1,.,,, Bocrt Carpent~r. i\ I I .1 11 I I t' I' .1 I' I ( I (' \1 Jril 1int• t'11 mpan y 1.u. ·,1•11 DATA ENTRY OPERATOR JIOUSEK EJ-:PEH. Stud~nl OK . 1'/T1mdS~ hr. 119 Sundanl'C Dr, 113 '642·1225 Th<' Jolly llo~l·r. lnr. 1s ------+-r-tak10~ .ipph<'a11nns f<1r a HOUSEKEEPEH ~r U,1la Entry Opl·r.itor Bc;iuly Shop. 1"ull l1"'. Min of I yr'< t-'tpt'r 011 642 0194 llw 111.\l :J'i41 tir J7 ll 1s re ,-, --k ---.d- qt1111·1 erm .. nenl hve m to l;ike eh Ji!C Mf(ml Trne, perm. Earn $175·$200 wk. Fuller .Hrush S:iles. 554·78Sl. MICROFILM CLYK A TTRACTIYE GIRL IY1.1h i P ou:;e <•t•prr, exp~ I !1111t· tl.1y :.h1ft 1\11\ an-Fam of 2 .:d luc C:. • < rn1 111 l u l 11 111 pulcr Top loc &. IJvmg c ru, '11"'' a lo r 1'"''1hlc> f or Days 833 9410 vet n i:ht 1111h\' 1'.1\ v. 111 be G44-S4J5 Nighl shift SPM·l :30AM. E xper helpful, but not re· q'd. for f1lminJ!, process- ing, !>luffing & related duties. Also: position open for just hlmin~. 1 2. JOA 1tt ·9A t.1.. Ph Cl44 ·4360 f or in· ten1c111, pleiue call a!t Sl'M So11tu~ucalctl, ~tJlJlt· ot I Aunbly /Carpentrr \m1•r1c·an .1:1rl l> ~· 111t't '"" p ,. r 1 1· 11 ti i.: u o d l•~:ure to mo>1h·I P"' .ol•·h l~·1ll'lih ,q,1111 \'11.i...t..il :1 I hr~ v.c·<·k liH•.11 I'•'' H1·1 ''"'\11111 1, 1 • • lll·n.tn I 111111'1 1li"1·rd11111 llti.1 ,\\t' 111 .1 111 ,f1."l1 h I I' •1 0 u r ~ w r I I ,. <.:l.1~-..l a•ll Ad 'IKO:l. I >.111\ l'1lnt I' II Bo\ 1:1fitl I ·o.,t.1 :'lll·sa ~l:!fi:.?ti AUDIT CLERK R<'q·~ a1•t 111".Jlt• l11:11rt· a ppl w kn11v. l1•Jgc 11i Ill kt'y, Ill" lvpang. Will t r ain hrighl per"•ll w/mm t \'r bu-.ine~s t'\ l"'r 51'M 1 :10,\ \1 '<.lot v.ork1nJ.! concl & Co ht•nt•C 1b l'h b4 I "1:lll0 e xl 121 or ;1pply IRO "'''"' 1i<trt l'lr L>r N B H '\I .>l'\1 Avpht Jl111n.., y, 111 h<• a c ("l'fll l·d Uct ~ht BOOKKEEPER 111 lm·al .u'"' tit >111rk .11 hm. ;1pp1 11\ Kii l ~ll hi , 111•1 11111 M u .1 lw at t'UI .1tt•. I '''1"111 ~l'lll) It' ::.um1· to lllJ:\11 · I' \I llox (' 1 :1;,,1~1. Ir\ 'ra •1i 11:1 BOOKKEEPER 1• ... ,. t'\(t 111 l'uhl11 ,\c• d ~ 011' f'.tll "'1r Salin tlo'""" 111 \11 ·1 r.1pp \\ t• ·, l t I II f\ II ' I II t• '~ "'I' 11·•·' ~,t..l \\ l'tlli SI l'\t ••I"' 11!1:.! BOOKKEEPER lt,1w1j 1111 t'\Jwr le\ cl __ · 1\p11I\ 1n per ""11 K,\ \1 HO ll S Jo: K E F. P . H J l'\1 \111111lu1 1111 u h 1 COMPANION 4 ll U ll~ d.t.\. li W2 t~1lldll' "'"' DAILY . Plltf"E . lrvml' 6-15-tm -llou:.cw1vc:1·par~ lime IJ~;u \. E lt Y :\1 \ -..:. :i tlay~ hel11, day!>. 11·3. l{Jgu.1111 p "k I. \ 'I inw~. lam pcr..on. a..1!>·52'12 1 __ liam '(Ill NI, M \N lt•r 1 hrs v.11rk S1111 1\l\l :.!':\tl Ii ~I N1·v.1)<tt I Uch. ti?:I 2~11 '1 or H Hi M 1:1 Udt\1·11 111.1n . t Jrlv AM T11111·~ 1111Jll·, \ osla Mt·..,... Nu 1·11111·1·11ni.:. mu~l h.l\t' 1le1wndJl)k l Jr 5-11, MlSI 11 .. 111.tl \-.~t chr~d . p l1m1· X r:1)' 1''.1!'<i "'"no Sat' llll S41> :l!'i40 JANITO Day t i m e jan1 r for l'vunlry Club. or 1n ll'r\ ICW call t;ol4· I. Kl::Yl'UNC.:11 DAT.A EMT Y OPERAT" MOTOR ROUTE DB.IYIERY Sun<loy Only delivery ol the Daily Pilol lo car- riers In South Laguna and Lu11Uria Niguel. Re· l1u1rc~ station wagon or van. Phone 642·4321, ask for I ht rry Scl'ley. Equal Opportunit y Emplo)er ------ Mus1col lnl1lruments Mfl( need!> trainees & ex ix•r. wood shop worker. Call 545.7255 MlrM1 Aide $35 3-11 & 11-7 -.,,,_.,•I 1 UH11l1.t 'il"4"t't:ell \ ••••• ••• • • •• • •• • • • ••••• I 1mp.1m J.; I. ·•111·r.1l111n I os·t JI. .. J ("111 k(•r tJllh ."•' •I •\\II ;-..,.., 1·" ~l;,1111• ,· t It~~ 1:11l1k11 1'.11111111: 1• ·111 1 , Ht "''"· xii. ~i·rn:J ,,1 r11~;:·1~1~:~~;l ~~A-~~:~':.~r \l, I 0 ~I El'll 1-:,11 cl h"J' > tlul~ \nwr , .11 ~ OEMTAL 1•vt. duty~ci.s fees . $3'l. llospl. st aff relief No fi>e:.. t.csroulle Med. Serv , l.'.il llo!ip1tal Hd .. NU . JI• .un.1!11 "t ,,.,-. Ull/Agt 751-3741 "'.1. '·' 0111t·,1JI, •1 •1. 1•11 ~I II ,\pplv 111 r)('r"m \li·sJ .al" I .1h•ll• .It cum tor :! l"lr \utO!l'Utl\l' 1'"• E OFFICE MGR. tOl '\11 f""ull j..l llWll ''I'\ II I'\ I It '\~I fJ I f> C:11ht. n ltt·trin tr m.ilt• I· 11 11 I :-; 1 H I· ll I H I 1'~ \ 11 1 • 1 flv. , & r>u1111v St It t> •\I. i;.s I \ I 1-. 1!1• ••I 1 '•I \I •.4u 17~., I' II f, ' 0 \I I:' "' \ I. II I I I I~ "\; C. 1 •mu r • U.·1 ':! :!X 1111 hh 5 ttJ\. lt;th !'ii • ( '\1 lo•l1 1111.. 'k1111i.:. mt>111\ :.hit Yo' 1,.1) .!H.!1 I I 1111 Aut11m1111v1• "ll1·w U1.•t.11I Shnp ll<'l'<b t it 1wr.1I hkkp111-: tlul1•.., 'l \llltl ' 11·•1 •I 1'1 .. 11·1 \111um111111.· 1 \jwr t .ill 11, 11111•• 11 ll;uu•r \1111111 ' I '11· l.1 ;\h: .1. '17'1 !SU\l BOOKKEEPER '' isl.1111. mu~I ht• i;u11<1 y, 1th numl~·•" ... 1111111.; rh• 1.111. \\ 11lm1-: 111 han•llt "'1m1> 1·1l-r11 .11 1,1nt'l 1un\ ('\1'1 11 .. 111 \\ftl k lni' 1'1111111 1 11111~ f•:\pl'r11'1)l'I' ,I 111th l In 11w .1r1·.1 St nd -.,ilary h1• t111 \ 111 I' 0 Uu,\ rn:1:1J, 11\1111·, Cd ,r,!il:I l:\pl'tll'lll I' 11Ct:CS!>JT) llu'' 11r.u·t 1te Shn rl ""'!. ..,,.,I. Bene fit::. ll11nt 1 n~ton llcal'h M7 W '1h The Jolly llo~cr .;I nr. h takmJ.! apphtalwi. lor a Data l:'.nlr y Opblor Mm or \ yrs exper\m th( tnM 3741 or :rH2 s n• ~u1rcd P t•rm. cnt C lime day !.hlfi 1·an ccml'nl lo ulfn tea o per.<tor pn'>s1hl for ni:ht tndl'' l'uy y, Ix' ba~ed nn ex1wr I ·cl Apply 111 µc•ri.on \1 51';.t ~lond:•I thru day. li04:! G1llcllc l tYtnC' 642-9955 654-9954 ---- NURSES AIDES I .di "!I ! llAI \\ ... 11 : I " I I .. fl I " ,..I J f I \t II t1tl1 l•·I 1"111 I h11 1 I ,oi " ··1 I I ( 1:.i1 t>•1.1 11111 ..... II "'" '" I 111 l•i• t • 1 11.1 I I l ~~''' \,I \1 l'Al I• 111',1, 11 fl t l'h 111 U" \ t I,, II II " r p.11 I..-\1,,,,,., ""' 11 ~t 111'"1'11 f -..1• 1 I '• II I H \\1 .1.l11 I» \.i I , t . I 11 h • I 1 I \< • 1111 ll' 110,t.41 '' •'•I 1Jk) ,HfJ llf' '• r J 1 Ir,. 111111 II• •1 ''I It 111 111 I, 1 I l lU lllo l'\tl~l t 1' I Al. I I \I ~ I .. , .. II I. I I. ti 1-1 I ,.Is., l. •II JI .. t 1, 1 ,s..,,,o , .. I tlll•ott ti I r'o I 1 on } • .l • 1 1 II • fl 1t>b11 l'I "· • • • 11.111 I • I I II t 111 I •I a I r II I • I I 1 I I I l In UI .1111 t• l\1 11k1 \olf' q1 .. tl<• p..trk111 • ..,,.~ 1.-11 I lll"tl ;11li!r1•" T h11•1· hlttt 1h .. ,k • t.()I) otl fl ~h.1 lltr•. l'lo•,l'j{• (.ill •• ~ .• j!J;jl Mof\ Fri .W...n Rental 4450 ....................... (/\Mint 1ht St r t'l 111 to n • ., \ .& i I l ',111 r ... r y .1 r ,, .t Ciood for ant 111u1·' 'tc N• it l:lrt1<1k' r.,.11; .. •11 LAGUMA BEACH V1llaic1• 1-'ulrt• \om mer c1al Shop .. Ol I 1ct' i.p<IC\! S1111c1·~ from 1:w ~fl t\. lo 1:100 'ltl rt Am plr 'J>ar km•• ncxt tn l'M tel')' Sh11t k LcJ.,1nJ,t lrom $320 mo :t000 SQ II zont•d M I in l..\tuna Canyo n EAl.lbl1shed loc .1l1un S15IO/mo a.ney & Compony 1104 So. Coa!ll I fwy LAGUNA Bt:~CH 497·2457 ---Bal~a l hlnnd; rclull, co (l\m~r c o r o trlce spike. 0Cf SlfC('l park inf!, Approx. 500 S(l Ct.. pri • rest room. IOlr 64443431\ton lo Fri .. 9.5 ----s J AP STOR E S70 MJ .• CaminoC••ll· !\Jo of Ml Ion. S310 JWr mo 11® Sq rt Al"o Pll ~.6750170 ,,,,.,,.,, trn f'i tt•dt.d , " 1w1• Ill' 1.nl-.11 \11" 7 ,•11111·1 •FAST FOOD • \II I I pn .ill ~I/~ 1S 1·3741 IAt>-1 111:. 1;.,., 'l11v I-cm f' 111rll1• V.hl :.!1111 on d1t''>I In"' "'11JC fll'U •·111 l.11 '\Ir 144'.ll'h \ nrklown Ht·"' u1 d .1~5 i.x;);j 1.11 ... t H1·w.ir<I . s m.11 1 ansv. l·r ~.:n 1111 t·'llt i 57 \tA'-S \(,;: Ou11·.11l .,outh from 1'11r11n" old :\1.11 (lt•1-:1t l lil'.102W 'Ji(ool1• tv "i1mmt·r. at1r.1c U\l' 1 t•tlhl'.ttl:. would Ilk<• lll ntt·t•t vt•nllf'mPn for tfo.v "'"' ~ ,. 1 u11 5:1., r1:11,:J hl'l11 'I np w.1~1·' l'·••d l.11 i mt• ~kattlt'I ' c11;.: 1"111111'1,, huf11·1., & pol .... ht•r... uµ hoblt·r~ .11 .111111011t r' thcck 0111, p11 k 1111 "' cle llv!'ry A1>11~· at 20."i!J llarhor HI l"'1 ti-\5-IU:IO l '''ITl-'ll 111 -;1"11 ESS 1' v1.s·, "t-:"llTs l1t.11·k tlu~ w1wht Chl''l· 'k 1 n n y I 1· i.: i. • m a I e 1~1:.i 1303 aft ~. 30pm SodalChabs 54001--------------·1 I • v, \lo·'• \ t I •h• 111 1-: 1"'<1t'Nll 1 cd Doxie pup 1 .JC'M ,,. 11 um h 11nu I .n~ I VIC '1.o1n II< s PolOL"o, II. B '\11111· 11111 1 ·11-.1.1 \1t•,J st.11tlm1. ,,,1:; 0:1114 an 4 I Ill <ll"'n 7 o1 tV" C KTL·Hiqht Club :\.'ti lh.I lll'l ~·.1dt loll Hll''\oll ,i1v1·r tt.1n hllc ma I•· Y "1 k 1 r ·• V • <' 11 ,t r h 11 r H I v <I , C' M ••II ~HJ C\I llU u f .. 11 ti ti4, I I '!lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIN<iLI'! Tired of lhl· t,arr;, "Meet M11rkel~?" l.rmk into Virh.•1n1ew and you'll f1n<l br11tht, art 1v1., hap py people who 'lharc ynur I n t l' 1 c -. l :.. A t yo u 1 clubh~<· wt' havf' tt'nms \ • r , t r 1 l iJ' I 1 ~ n pt•f J 111111 I l.1 n·• 101111·• t11111 n 111 J ll~ tlllllJ:: ~ll11tl.ir Ill d.tn1•111~· pa rtit•,; & J """11"" Ii 1 It S.•lh•i Hit r l't \\t•al!h ol a1 t1v1llt''> <.:all "'I· 751-37 41 ~ .... nl.i \u.i ll~ht... ·•rt "' Vul1·1111l·w todu\ ., .... ' UBI AVON Chnstmas Earninqs le9in Mow ForAYOH REPRESENTATIVES Best time to e~tabhsh 1·u::.1omer:. lnll'fl'"led • Call 540-7041 or Zenith 7-1359 BOYS AHD GIRLS for Ua1ly l1tl11l 1•1ulc:. 111 /\rt h llt':11 h an•a ol 1.a)(lln.1 l~·.11 h Mu111 he at 11•:.i .. 1 10 Yt!Jrl• old l'hunc f,I\;! l:l<!I, M ok fur C1rl'ulat 11111 BOYS .AHD GIRLS JO lti 1:, \1 .tr Jo.,1r11 Chns tm.1-. 111•1111 \ '''U lo S.10 p..•r wN•I. '' ll1n)! 'uh DENTAL fJr•nt ..i l Sct:/rf'1 pl \fJIOl't' I' lllOC, llll'<S lull tum· Idler ~ !iO per hi' l•l I 111>1 I l>cntal ORTHODONTIC Cholrslde Auid F.xpr fll'l•lcri l'tl C.:M . 5'111 :11711 Ot•nto I Ht'rl'pt . for S Lai.:um1 01 t· I' •'1'1m1• Expcr, wil111• hkpn1-:. l'J!J 13'\<I IA•'k dt:'1 k full lime. Tht· l11n .11 t..1.,u11.l 211 No Coast 11~' . l .. 1guna Dcoch Apply io pen.on. Legal St•C::rl•lary, malu , To start aflcr lhe N Yl'ar &14·5730. LEGAL SECRETARY P e rmanant Jl /l l m NcwJ>Orl llcal'11. t:x11r· n·quin·l'l (':111 JX.vcrl 11 S. al ll:l.'l·377t.i. All Shifts Exper µref'd Will train 1( nt•t' !Tl:! 2'110 NURSES AIDES 11PM·7AM. Expcr pre· f'd. Mc~a Verde Cnnv. llosp. 661 Ccntrr Sl, \:M l'AINTl::H, s k i llet! 1r1 s pruy fi 111 ~hcs, 1·ulor rru1tchml(. sl111n1n11 Cull Mr. l'arudls, ~•56·3937 for appl PIX Answer Sen. ;xper prerd. hot w il l rain. l'a1ll while lra111 f! F. () !:~. 11411-0262 PEOT'L~ PEllSO'\I cc neNb p/t1mP .. in whi.le '"Piii) I 111 ·a1l1l:ihll'" li73·22:!:1 !'.J7 W~'11 !1117 ~oil Ll9UOR STORE 1,.,,1 llul}t'rman r.erm lillfi 1-: C'h.Jµm:in /Iv -----------i scnpl1on' It• llw 1>.111\ Lt'J(al Trumcc. Dr111hl. xlnl typing :;k ills for 1·a rttr upporl on MAC: JI tyP<'wr1ler m N<•wport ll<!ach. t>i.lale planninJ.!. t·orpornlc law pruC'l1r!' MAC. II r'llper prt:lerred but will l r u1n . <.:all DIR f:l:T S \LES <ii I 111:1:1 !~IXJ 11111 .,,,,,.. pro· .. 111:.-hw :...h1 P m .11.-look:. llke Orani.:l' B11by11lle r nee ded. 2 Piiot. Tr.111~r1nrt.1t ion pro\'1ded l'l;o dt'11 \'!'rlt'' or colle<·l 1ng l•h on1· 5.16 97l2 Lg comp ... ny mis p t & Cit -------- '·'"'' t.:.:. Ollll "''' 11011!. h h 'ltnall children Mon Fri eves SS9\83R lr\'lnC help Manujler trainees MAID alsoneedcd SlartinJan. f ULLTIME HONE SALES 1>11hcrm,111 w llt' < c..,l Travel 5450 ,h11w11 $1o<X.ll mo n•I \1t· Pt'mh.i & \1csa ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wol, 1•11n,111t•r '"' 111 t .ot l \,1th· C\1 ""'•'Verde •1 "' k 1•11 .. ,.. • .i, 1 1h ,u t ,, , , 1.1 .:is.I.'\ Ne<•<l rull'N lo s hare ex UBI A-:ft. 75 1-37,.1 Pt!""''~ to Ocnver l.~a\- Dab)'siller wanll'd for 9 > r o ld C '.\'I . nrl';1 Own lr ans. Aft school & !>llmt' eves. Nou sm c>kf'r <.:.ill 556-8826 or 644 t:l&J BOYS AHD GIRLS Mllls1011 \ 11·10 l':I Toro arc•a F.ar11 ~our own mooey !!l•lhnH ut ... \·np tiom. Hftcr ,..imol l"or in formal11111. t·ull 830 o:llJ Phone & car ncces~. Pd .\1csa Verde t;onv 110,p ronvcntinn this May in ti6I Center St. c M London . f't•n:rnin proJ,t. + - e Sale~ p1•t1pl1· or female, Ill 10 H, (If 1111e Gua r.intt•c•tl krr /WiM Ta 11•rn F () ( ;-.. II (; .. rm H n IOI! Ut·l· 20979 4910. '-h.,1thJ1r"d l111111tcr • . . •• v n,,11 ,.1111,,1 llomc>i. .> Wt•ck11 In Europe . 2 ,1ri.,1 4~,., hli:Mll· vr~. Cht!ri mr.1ls p/day. Cruise ln munv other bcnefil1 M.tn.t.:cm l'nl Trnlnl't' 11>\2 27111orMfi 3871 Y11uni: man w work 1n wa.i or C'omml'<~I"',' 250 ·;1'1 17th !'\!11 •I. S uitt o l'o~la 1\1t·'·'· betw1 n 'l.00 ~ 8 .30 pm 64fl <t<! ~.; i''l S..•Ol \1 I I l'lu~h ,.,, twr in ,1t•'.I BU!>y '-)11 n •I 0 111 ~I .111d111.: p.111..111~1 l)wr\••r ITlll'I lt•a\!' ... 111!<' tr• ti.1nt!Jo• r1rn but.• pml)(•rt)' 1\n'tm1" <ioud tl'rm~ i\1(t K:n llllO BURGER ST AMD Lu.:1111.1 llc•:l"h FOL:"JI> 111.111( female I.ah mix.\ 1c· OCC. 1\46 9020 FOL ~D Poodle, l.'ham pagn<'. miniJlurc mnle nr Milt• Square Pork 113:) 556n Ath ens. Englund, A~tria. Fruncc. Italy S1821l No :ii.:<• limit 49Hll10 Babysitter, 1nlanl my home. low hr!<, ~•11><1 p11v Ref's Call ;,~,., :.!~1111 11r ~101131 W d I J "· Donkmg ontc · { 1 r r to .uo.>slnn J UNIOM BANK way, lt>avlng m i d · Jl&tlunr>:_ 1142 X!H1f1~vcs """°Y""nf & ftreporoffon ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sdloola& I Has :in 11nmed1a1c O(l4'n m11 for u :.are de110:111 clerk Thii; person :ihoulii CABDRIVERS ~t'll or W11m('n Mu!lt ht· 25 or ovf'r /I 11ply In l1cr.~1111 Y•llo'l'!' Cob 11:.!51 Sli1lt•r '\vt'ntlt' 1"011111 <•111 \'alley I 'HY COOK part l1nw Dick Church'' R•staurant :.;tNK N1•wr111rl HI ,(' "'1 lm.t•rt I Huie <11•11«ral l\cct I(. $750 •\lollity, k n11wll'di.:c ol I·:lll' Xlnl ('11 l11•m1f1ts l'lt.'1•"' r11ll for ap('L In int• l•1•r:111nn.-I Al(ency .u!K 1-: 17ll1 l'oslll M c~a Su1lc 2l!4 !142-1170 111!->Cl'l l llult• F't 1•(' .. 1 111d1n.i ttu11111111( w11h 111t•nl \ ur pJrk1nl( r:ru .. ~e" Sl~ 000 ITlo y1•ur round o .... n!'r r"unnit Will ,tt·cl!'J>l :.?9', down. 1\l!l S.17 4:!00 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Foeman -Paper Stoke -Negate IMtnctlo" 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• he adt•pl at workin~ with l'/\HINET 1\1 ,\1\t:ll, l'X 11.iun"•. IA· µr11til·1ent ''" 1>Cr in t.11i.pl;i\ /lot 'ltlr<' fix a lOkr" nclrhn.i: m11rh11t1', turf'' l'.111 \1r l'aradl:., Hahl iypmJt & h11v1· u 5.'!63!1.nrnr.1ppl 1K!at appeara11cf• (il-:NIWAL 0 1-'t', P 1T . ('/\ll P fo:T ('l.EANl':RS , ,ll'nd:v work. lilt' 11h111 COFFEE SHOP !It 1-:TS $2000 M 0 £•erfrC'l Mom & Pop loca· lion free 11lantiing bwld - 1nl{ with plenty of park· tnR H.-. \ v fool lrarf1r hx· Short hour" Good lrrmo; 1\l(t 837 4200 AT A FAT Romance beglns with u pnnce klssini;t an angel, and ends with a bald headed man yawning AT A fATwornao MEN WOMEN TRAIN FOR Ple:ise a ppl.) 1ri PN~on 111 •ARTE.to..IDIHG l>nris M 1trh .. 11 . 1110 1.•x1• liootl p,1y ror right 11in>: cl11L1c~. rcpki:n ll or prri.ttn\ li4ti t>lt7 ,.m fu,tf'n<'MI 711 W 17th ''"" Newport CL•ntt•r Ur. C"'DW'"SHHELP TWO WE F:K CLASS Newport Ek><ich 558 52110 """ "" NATIONWIU,.;JQU 1-;qual Oppnrtunil) .1"lt111w P llm\' Pt.AC EM ENT Em ployer Over IK All po1\1t ions ASSISTAN<.:£ <5 1 Lornt11rn' GOODJOH HANKING METRO<.:l\HWASH FOUND: Fe mole kitten. orrORTUNlTI t:S JU .... IOR CUC 2950 Jl,Jrlior Hlvcl, CM IO mos cream cir w /blk ,.... A.to Wreckm-? on ears Vic Cypres~ & AMUUCAH Typing, mlcrohlmm11 & CASHIER Or Str.00. MONF. Brist-Oi,S.A. Jlt.s. 546·7397 I ARTE M D l R S stock rm. e xp. r cq'd W .... k ... ni•:. (lt'rmnnc nt, 30jt<' & L .A. Counties aftSpm. SCHOOL Must have valid (.'ahf n " ' loCations i''\llly lleensed. Jt04 E. 11th St., SA Driver·s Lie A1>pl y In II R nn,hl. tlt•1x·ntlablt• Sl. C' \1 f>11i !>200 GeMnil Office 5 Dny wk, pl. time. af\er· noons. Typing req, SH opt.ion1Jl:Salary depends oo akllls. must like work ln11 with numbers. Xlnt benefit.a. Nwpt Cntr loe. Contue\ Rll11 Ol1dstone for e ppt. SU· 1230 <EOE) /\)ti H.17 1200 FOUND· Doir. rN"t Poo au.l.-. rnrsun. Mimnt•r, Sllv Will lra1n. l'nll 1117-8581 --die. all hlnt•k, male ..... """ •-L 15 l "' for appl lli\M lo 120<. •-w•r• & Pl-ts c Schools Cout To Coast n g a "" o a n . " N GU •ADS ~ -. Wes tm1nstn rl, M. Westclsff Dr .. Newport oon. "' Net.5131~ mo. ~·2422 Help Wmrted 7100 Beach. Equ11l Oppor. CLEANING I.ADY Cotto Meta San f'renclaco slylr . l ••• .. •••••••••• .. •••••• Employer Whal I .... ·1 n l r o r Permanen\. fo'ull & Part· r.,non op('lrallon. Busy LOST: Su1mese cat, Meao .. u l>h ,,_ t Mall loc. Only 131.~ V4'rd~ area, name tag ADMIM SIC'Y BAR GIRL Nl11M.1 At· Chrtstmu I~ u rhnrm me. onr"' r11m11p re· full prtcr, with terms. w/Oallas Tex, addren. l>enonnel, 1.2 m o's., 8 hr. tractive. Colh:gc OK. in~. rellabl~. d11pend1t q 'd. Retired welcome. 837 R~ARD. ~ day. u lary r:iuie: '893 SaJary + Me,5544 blo. honest. rt'uaom1hlo. CUJll S46w·0274, ore hrs 10-2. Ail· 9 ·"200 tollOt!S pcir mo . + fl'lnie · expertenced lntly with l~d edriesday. Growini; T out ll1•nl.il BwnncSs, mu!ll bf> neot in apJ)t!aranC'c & have vPry neat handwn li111t. 6 dtlY wk. w 1week day off. P ref. murried mun fo permanent, res pons ible l':q I Opporturnt y :mployer J)OS1llon, exper. nul re .__ q d. apply 1930 Newport J>nol t•k1tlc1 t'\I' ·r'tl. Blvd. Costa Mes11. mu.~t ha\11 truck \\-1•!>l'~ MANAGERS Exp'd COU· J>oolS~Pll)' 4f),'l rn~I - pie lo manage 61 unlla. l'/l SJlei;, ~Q $711 "k u11. adult complex. C.M ML•n, laci1•!>. ~tuilcnb 2Blt, 2ho. apt, utll'11 & l!:ves/ti 1t !\:11 7851 , s a I 1t r y . Sou l h I I n d 839 7006. Propt'rt1es Managemenl - 548 5300 HAL lSlA TE M t I T If F. Y.V t-: l A G f, anagem e n nte rna· SA.1.F.SP RS01' IN OUtt t lonel M~rc handl111n OFl-'ICF. 1':1.1~'1 OVER Parm offers suppllmen, SJ mllllo doll.tr. a year t11I Income opportunil ln mcom~iropirty anti for an ambitious rouple. homes. 'tt•ttlruplt'd lncoml' 1·ommrn1urale sales l as~cJr and SJ with ab1hly 55&·6307 million 10 r\UUon a M ~SSIUSI month. o r rtcwport "' Beach om 1. t•xpand· (18·28) for le&illmale rut I"' •.od Ill w 250C lime p.o 1 HI on In square t tudllly on Masure. No exp. nee. Kalelle In nn~ Is be· We tTA•n. Call 752·9561 In& butlt. (24hr11). 211 2 Harbor If you havf' I: ·nl Est•lr C.M. 29:10 W. P11clfl1 1.lccnse 8jd u proven Coast Hwy, N.n. u lea r ecotl 10 Real M at u ~; e 0 u p I e f n, Eal late or eliewbtre. and rmcraency houae tor wenl to lea"11 to list and Water Co, (rff rent u\11 &ell lncomepropu-ty (We salary, call g.5 PM , ol!lo sell hornea, ol MS-1060 counie), cotlact 111 for an ---------1 appolntmc1l Our roc:lll· COCKTAILS GARAO£ SALE ads In bent'•. Shlhd. uo wpm, GARAGE SALE ads In refs. l day 8 Wt'~k for You don 't need a gun t NewPQrl Boach Ui. Daily Pllol brln1 hlp t,ypin• IO wpm, Apply the Dally Pilot btlni: hap couple Ncwp:irt arl'IA "draw fo11l" whrn you 11'le raatc3l draw In \he r I u • b, •cu u l O O. py rffulta. To place you Otst. Ofc., U.1una Sch. PY rcaulta. To place your Start efler < hra -.tmos place ian ad In \he D ully West.· • .A Dall1 J>llnt ly will be open In 19'17. Plan ttheid now. Call Ken WaNn at QUAlt. PJ.ACP. ino r 1-:RTIES INC , 7141 '!2·19:0 _ Partners feuJln1. drawlna card, phon Unlfled chi. Ols,, drawlna car d , phone ~l ~rll,_S 3ll!O Pilot Want Ads ! Cllllnow Clu11lfled All. Phone T~rm" Act. I.Tr 4~ 642-5'18 today· ._,a.54t1 btf. 12/30/76 6'2·5S18 lodl\y Went Ads C1All 842 !Wl7 &12 ~78 642-5678. ' ·) I .-. ~ . H.-p We111ted 7 100 H.-p W•ted 710CI ......... 1 1005 llcyde1 IOJO Frnto Y<MI 1045 FwMtw• 101 0 Saturday, Decemti.r 18, 1971 DAILY PILOT 8JJ •••·•·•••··········•··· ·•·····•··············· ···•••···•············· •.•..•....•.......•.... ··•········•·····•·•··· ..•....••............•. RICS'TIOHIST Tdlllhuoo Ans Scrv 1-:x An ll q 1.1 c c-Inc le 9 • USED. HI:: BUILT "Male h u h ~Ucr. 2 y,. MUST S t LL. Cid wrabt CitropSole IOSI Hones 1060 Mlacel-MS 1010 prr'd or w11l tra;ln Swl.na Amer1tJ n, ~uropl'u n. G1Uranwed . ~II typc-s, old. Ail llho~. iron ~h1 tuv •d tbl $1S, 9' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Altrart1 V(.'. (>\Cl l8, ror m •:AL·n 1 SPA W•· w11 tr1un ritihl pcenon for t•a:;y fun Job Mr G1111 ~o. (24.hn)7:i2 !l!lffl .ftECEPTIONlST/'l'V f' 1s· Cor Real t;,.talc ofr ~h•rv. wt!ll $:room t•( 1-'HONTolc <•~!JC:.&rance Ooll(Orll~ pc!r'lon•hty ~ l.OU..\t! Gc1 IYJllnl.( skW11 • Call Mon. uft. 8 JO 833 8551 lleC41pt/Stcretory M ()d1 c1t I of<' 1..1 i:u n ,, lH C'l.I 4 dJY wk . na mt'dlcat t•xl>t'r m•1• ~t.ih u11c & work ex per lo Ho~ 1!!!02, Dally Pilot. PO »ox 1560, CM Cu :Y.!li2G HECEPTIUNIS'l' ScCtU:Ti\ll'r" Neat, a ttr.11·l1Vl'. lor 11cw l>JnJ 1'<111H Y .1dll l:lub 1714 ) ol'l(i t~.Xl RECWTIOMIST TYPIST for Nat101111t Sporh l)q~an11.alio11, p ll'J'>ant folrl't!lllr &. ~·ood phoni: \OICI! ncces::;ary. llu:.1l ofltcc :.11.111:. & w1lhni;ne:;' l o lc..irn c .. 11 M:. 1 ... wrl•nc'\: at i~.I ~ Hr pro Typist ~..inkd S11 La1:u11..t arc<i l.rl(ht :-.c•1·14•{Jlli1I ~ • lt•11c J I dulic~ ('all fu1 mlen It!"' dflpt 4!1\l \'ihJ ltcldtl :...ilc' 111 1\1 l'swn Vrl'JO, <•JJPrll'< ··o hr•, ~ k l'o t•xpcr lh'l" Mu!>l ll" ,1\al) Let 11111111 ,v,, ipm Appl11 :JI t'ulmnal C.'or v 768-4171. SAil CUTTERS HA~D WORKERS & i,:rnvey11rd :r.hllt:.. Ja~~e school cloclu p!U1.ll, repairs f r 1&dcH n1> 644H~~7 j1.ld/wbL sol: Jl~ 2·&1d Dryer, 8 t ruck l ave dck, Pror tra ined bunter Yda ood od G Id SJO 1777 lJYl<J o/I. ~3'J32 11%"8tb a<-~'Ypt00631 2101 CUT"' CUDD' v "UP bi&1hbck Vt!hl c hn $12S rad tO/l'l'('Ord P.1 .. ,.tr, Grt!y 7 yris lS 3 handll. l~. ""'' l $7u: 0 ' --- -.... ... I r . .. ~wnt.er. \!le. SUl. la. . • ...... ,"""rpe .. TELUR/r{TIME St.He Boys Schwmn St ingray 1'11-:S. lo gd homl' br.th,2gldlamft:'$40 e1&, E l MhSl CM Ar&bl(olu.-rter. $1000. lo 494•1 bike w1sr1t·c•rlcimeter Uib/Germ shnhr. 7 wh 11111 murblc lo~ wrahl - -· the nbbon.~' Mu.t H ll' llr.111~ h ore M.'\.'ks oonda· Antq. ~y Gr...ct Pt-tf l"Olld. S40 t.40 ll400 • old. 496-2SJS 11·00 tbl $..1:,, aid cor thl New •lwfcd toys & gilt nooo. 494 3422 .,.arberwa.ro 1'ur bo Oven. lJI" Tel lf.'r l o w o rk Oroat.e.Xlntcood S'l600 -~. tr.: Medll. cur lbl iwnu ~ pntc. Coi2'h on --pur table. Clean 11 aelr 11 llm•· 1-~xper pr('f'd 5J2 moor7~1 944;8 Xlnl Chn1tm.o; prC!>Cnl, 1-'ree to good home & '"" S3S 67S-Z4~ lyl Sal-Sun 10 3 ~7 l £ s yr o ld s a gold. Ui whll• cookln1 u ... loH C.:UlllJ l't Hilda Terr.move --~-• ---St·h,,,.11\n &..a1:h Crw:.cr )"ard. M.Ue l nsh Setter. -t6lhSt. c M hands, blJ ck w/2 ,,,.hilt! e lec pwr l b an ·m oll (714) 64-t·Tm A,.,.1 IQUE SALE v. sprin.:n "11,.,olulel.> Adult only b45· ltt:!'7 P l11mm •r 1o. rl1·~k bind. i.ocb ~. w /tack ovens. $139 new. hardly Wc~tcrn ~·~erul Su v1n.:i. l\fu'\l makl.' room for up· xlnt i·vntJ MS 1111<9 . Teak roll top Oldel Srou\3 tJpu..ni & Can )Um p' 64S IOJti used $90 Ph 844·282S -.'744 to: t:oast Hwy. CcJM <.'0111.tn" :;h1pmcnl Man> --Lovable, lnendly kids $100 ~'1 2bi4 .&kc S.lc. SMt. lG-2. (;lrl ------ -------·------- &jual Oppor Employer l 1oe ple<.•t:) :;old JI lf(-d llulfytiH·ydclor l wo dog. Dane/Shepherd "'l<"UI 'lT "' ( ) S<'OUt>he1700W.Bulbo;i RENTh Pony1and/orhorseou mod. flOU cart. Nu ---cosl/bclow, O(f\'nn" $7~. llasshols&lrc 84278·H ... ,, .,.. S ... , new Blvd N.B. w il opt on l o buy . p/u mctl.11 lool box. Nu l'r.&.lnee.Mulcort'ernale. Amcrkan & 1:·11rnpc1.111 6750'Jl3 ---HOUNt> BM > (cll!>lom ) --"967946uJt6pm . motor home air rood.I Window t111t m1: 557 WSi rurnllu (! • l • . l I - -----Ab l s s 1n1 an J Yr i1. M I H k 0 R ,.: l) U ~A 0 PIANO. Washer, acutaa , tloacr 189 Vlri mia Pl nr549 1!1'71 l•\1:1> china rt-l •:I~ a~• u~h Girl'-; Utkt' $40. Mint neulcred, ticcluwed, lov 130ARl>. Wh ite polMr ·as Bwrk, Cycle ttt-l', 24!1 Chrtalmas? Rei;btert'd '4 · · - -more.'Squcare n:~k ~able c..-ond. ~ 74~ i-·n 11CI. 4, t•s klds,642·5101 ~a.r (ur sp~ead. 2 sell! Brentwood , CM, Sat. Arabian gelding, $450 or Porta ble swl"?ml~a pool rravel lll:t'n<'y mgr. fo1 w/claw feet 4 chai.n 2 a ll day Sul/Sun L• , G Id 1 :.o&lin linens + bench. 548-4923 besl ofr. 54S·142S & Cl Iler 12 x3 . UO new ofc N B flre:A ' • r ree. 0 ldrievcr MUSTSELLw/i.n3dMys --Children 's barrel sllch He13i l i•xv req'll l~~ves. Wu~·· now Doy's Schwinn yt>llow s Mix. Spayed , shots. SAC 7590077 Movina::. mu.H &e ll : Thoroua h~red Geld1na $50 640-0W 11\!MIOW'I 111 co11t11Jence $3311. Starts J hur sd"y speed w1rack. $60. Xlnl N~ds allenllon & yard . . Re f ri g .:a s stove, Ow:stnutlo.2,t3yt),xlAI --·-------- to /\d 11·110, D111ly l'1!11t ll>~h thru lSth. Hour!> ron<I. 644-1163 586-0790 Sofa & toveseal, r ecrnll) was her, )brn., mower , L>rcs~ge. 631· rnu PLAY BOY Ma gu lne 1'0 Hoic 1~110, 1;,\f, c.i lOamtoUpm. ----bou 1:ht, h rown /be1gc garde n t ools k nic k · Ba M 5 Id E a r ly e ditio ns to re 'T.:li:.~; Mt:mory Lane Antiques Girls Sc:hw111n b1kL', nt-vcr Cute, m a le Terri Pno plaid $250 tS-1_ o tli:r7 __ knac~ l S44 A• towa St. Y are, yr o · cent-.lmo1>t comp! set . -_ 21!1 A\e, Del Mur, Sun usl!d, 3 i.vd. $70. Call Christmas puppy. g1fl C M ' ' Bcisl orft:r 6'4-SM2 Clemente 833 3'!.S~. wruppcd, 642·28111 D I n 1 n .: t 1.1 b I e . -· · 646·97'7 -----------.-.--::;r --. T hom as v 111 e. 8 0 '' '""'---G--S•" SAUNA UA1'11. Porcello fj,) 75"' pm t:11 k:n~ b:irk An liq ue f Uort11 l u r ll luildf .... Matttials 8025 1'"ree lo lovmg bomt-.. 4 \'r (leuvC'S) ti (',l lll' bl< dlr~. '.. ---,. ,....__Id Goo ...... 1065 nbinet. Portable. $100. ~1111.111d Will train A/I' tw·aul1ful, will bell bi.I of ··~ old neul cal. l'a.rt1ally t l & • ltl l·•n •·•···· CJott..1! ClotMs! ~ """' •'nlt".u a u 2 '-""'' o l t · t I l fr I ,. 11"•2 7611 ••••••••••••••••••••••• d lC '""3 0306 w 1 i;o • "' · ...,..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" ..,.....""" ~ m o :-. "r · " n r ...,..i .... . d t:t · ,,.., · 49'J IWI • •N<YrHING OV t:n SS• ----------1n1<il! hc:11cf1h. A1111ly in , • Conslru..-tion ShC' S~S . . ---17160rim ge Cor.ncr of Ne w Pt'rsian 4xS Qum Ell!c luwn m ower. Black 1,~,.r!>nn Uoh Li•uH•rlon, < L () < !\. V 1 en n n F'r~ couch. & tha.ir. !l5t lcxkapoo h~bt Beige mix Mo\'IOI!. Jpr i.cold !IC<'· Oran~t>/ l7th S t. CM . Cpt. Deep rt'd & btl&es & uecker, xlnt cond $30. Int·, J'l1imbiu~ ('ontr. He g u I at or 3 w l' Ma~~llun. <:_:'II__ __ b~ ~ Mos old. Very tional, ~drm r urn. & Open ( 7 1 4 ) 8 9 7 l 2 5 9 , g:n.9304 a ft SPM lt>7:!1 llalc, lrvmc malchmg en.:r..ived lace Camtras & ~v1nJ!. 644·2.i98. nm.c eve r)' Wed/T h u r s/Fr i (213)545-2964 ---wts & Pt'ndulum. l'crf E-" t 8030 r...mlture 8050 S4H l77tl 10_4 Beig e drapes 2·9'x27, TYPIST <'ond 557 3391 ..,...pmtn "' ---.-~ 8070 2-9'x14. Weber BBQ S2S --------••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Simmon. .. slct•pt:r :-.oC.1, Solid Stale :.tcrco W/mte ••• :::.~ ••••••••••••••• double SI.Dk , while, sis: llusyolc inUrangcCoun Wholcsule lo the trade CJmrrus,S I. I< &TI. It Glass 1:11rlc·c talJle & cosl$750 sl'll S89. l(r,ated c1rcwl. llarl's Ure cha t.nS 8.20xU , $10. Iv i\irvorl 11n·.1. nd~ Onentul Antique:. 230lJ m1'>1: t'qu1vt l"L l't.v 1Tldtchmi;l'ndtal>le$22S· Call64~UtWS skt~. NG t>. bindings WANTED 640-1654 0 IH'll w flr•>~~JllH:d Moulton Prkwy, La.eunu lliO'il llobd Ch1c:.1. H.U l.\laj!navoi.:.tereoc:onsoll· -----2'"'-''All A CM ----------ntJd11nc e-<ix·r SIJrlrnv Dw.1ne~s l',1rk 7hll·56JJ Call1141illl'IKIS in a bt-aut 1£ul ~alnul Oupl<.''t lkdi., lll'W w /2 .....,vu ~ge ve, T O P CASH DOL LAR S ddl W l d ~al $600. + travel or 4.~_.. .... c,. ll $150 u PA lO 1-·on Y OUR a k el,k es e:.,r:.;, Caanll ' "•..,.,.,., - -<·ab 1 net $175 · ca 11 ma rcs.,l's, • pa1 l)avcnport, chair, kit. tbl u1c 1 e ne w -bl•11d1ts S.:ndres11rnt•or ---C\:\H:H1\ Moue l'rol t>t20l:lll :'II l s II' ~ CornerMuplcde:-.k, & 4 ch r s. dresser, J EWfil.llY, WA'l'CllES. ~.,S14 · ' ll•ll .. rtoadll7!J:l,1•/0J>ai 801 0 lk•llllowt•ll l6mm 70 .wi . .:_ --$25,JOOO~JVicw,CdM vacuum clnr. books, ARTOllJt.:<.JS.GOLD, 111 l'ilut New,11.11>e1. I' 0 Appliances UL Fllmo Tur rel w 1J :-;.it~ cir llcrculon Sofa & 673 0252 mlSl' 42<J l.!e.ionia Ave., S IL V E K SER V ICE, 7• Arllf1clal Christmas llo\ 1560, Co,t.1 Mc!>a ••••••••••••••••••••••• tense:. l'\·rr 1.011d. to,1.•1>l'al. harrel ch.iir - ---CdM G75_347ssat/S un F lNE f'UR N & A N · tree. Ve r y full $20. l pr <"a •121;21: _ DHYERS. Del'< (; ..i.; or w tJse 1;.i 111~1<! 11.ni.t m ~n stic Ut-drooom Klng!>11l'lied SM..I French ()-I." "''STA-TL' lT-EMS TIQUES. 645-2200 blue lampe $20 ca. 1 pr ._, !'.:Ice S85 ea. Wa•her &. :-.iutc w /armorrc•, mat 1•rcn1111:1JI l11t•:.!. $1>5 _..,c..: .,, ---antique gold ve l vet UTOTEM l:ds <lrvcr, malchl'd pr W\NTEI> k:ngll,,h horn trcs-.es.& ,til wood gumc 751 btl74 510-.c, t rc11dle m ach , MOLLJES <}OLD Ml;-1E.: :.w1 vel c hairs $100 ea~ IU•:'l All.('1.l•:H"S Sl·I'. Like new cond. for youn i: !>.l u<lc nl l 11 1 h fl lamp titn baby cradle U'.11quc 14K gold c-hams 8"2·9639 WJnta•d Oppm tunitil'·. c;u11r. 750..t.HI K30 5869. alt Gl'\1 M' wi 1 ma <' mi: ro 1."t· s.t" Round 11Jk lbl, anlr tnb 'chest or drawers ·n bracclc~. d w rnond11 --·-------- tor ,111\·;int·<'mi·nl :i\'iHI -----lJules. ::;erwr, wall umt. c1uc to11 rt'JJfotludwn mob.rle P A syste m , llO·lZ ·n' e mera lds 'o' r111~i. & W11nted : good used Violin Op1•r1rug~ "' C'o..,1,1 \1t•,a REFRlG f:H \'l'Ol1S 1\:5 Omega U:! cnlar~cr. <~rimd~~. ~7..,~c:a::.cs. xlnt b;1se, 4 t-hr~. t\73 tlWi! volt, lots or misc. Sat & thlD!!b· Uy a~pl on.ty. Bow & ha rd s he U c<&~c. Anahirm.<ianl<·n(irun WASllt::HS·UllYEHS $175, l!imrn Bo l ex ., ...,...,.,.., -------Son.2511JSantaAnaAve Bulbo'.Alsland ,1>75·1572. 546 1960 & Wl"•lrnui-.ti•r Hetundrtronl> lleprus &. CUml'ra SISO. TDC.: "l1>rc11 MUST SELL !! CM. ------------• 642•7702 1''r1,'\ IJama~c . Gu11r1 I.kl t•amcr;i ~5. Krnnk n roll **I BUY** Home lull of beautifu l _ 0 11\MONO RING. 10 di11, Potters Wheel. new. e lec. 1 TYPIST :!'J Yrs 111 ()r;rnge Co h1·ki.ir1HI holder SlOO, Goud usNI t'urnituf'l! & furn. t1>1> quality in A l SUP t:;R GA HAGER SIS lOlal 2Cl, .°'."~t gold. $350 H11ms ey Winch OC-9.J Th;· 1n11n11L111111vr 111 lh<· \'i•h•l'ln.ir~ HcCl'pl. l'\(ICI DUMLAP'S 115mm I•' 1.~ ll·ns S40, Appliantes-OH I will Co111I 1136 4170 O>mcr l'urk & <.;arncl Cash 545·.l:IO!I for J ee ps. Johnson CB b.·..rul1ful Wc·~h;11I n u1' prl"li•rrl•d, hul uut f'(' llndul 1>0srng h<'nC'h S75, sell or Sf.LI. ror YQu MUST S 1-: i-: TO AP i\\e. Ualboa Isle Wh"t... It L t 323. VIII-' Manne radio· tn~ : ... 11tlt11.t1~ 11.: 11n 111111 ,.cl ., llav "l·i·I-IMl.'iN1·"'1,,.,rt l1I C.\I l"'"11g '>llw,armS<1u.21, MASTERSAUCTION P IU:c• ---In:' as s tele phone. Bendix 925. 11wil1all'<•1>1•11111~:· ... 1r,.111 ·~~l\Ll~I l'\LL5·11S77!11J l>utton m.11.'h ~:iuo. ----SUNl>AY9lo4.L1ttleB1t Just returned Crom In Coas talNav11(ator.r adio 11111•·1-. h.11111 \111rk1·1· -Caluinl"l:. :-. pr111l pro 646-8686&833·9625 A11t1que :-.rd\•lmard, al~o 1•f Evcrylhing. Jti702 ln· <llan Ke~crvauon w/very dtrect1onfm der . Walkte · "'1h .1llt•a-.tl\1 "'xp1 rn \1,1\'\'rl''.I> \111'1 c111,n WASHER·DRYER l'l':>r"' ;ill 111:c·l·so; $llO() ·-bulfrl.~lrr<·u chr.,, i.h1l trep1dLn.llunlllrbr c h oice T u r q uoise T a lk ie11 . J ohn s on ~ • .11lm..aktn1:. ~lu:.l laJ\l· 1,.:cmlc & lro~11c..al 11::.ti. JI Late mu<ld, ::.uper d.-lu'\ Kil:! ru77 urt.IH2 za;H SAVE' Nl'w & used furn. ~aml• lbl. I l·hrs. Sl75 30:1 - -------Jew e lry. Old U c.ad Messen ge r 109. Ai r I It I \ I I t k -appl's, misc. Wilson'l> l.aJolla l)r N II f•.,"'"tl"' C:1"11l R"mma"e SJ le. P"wn.So"k''allery.·•·•cc ("1 u 1d c Co mpa ss. 0\411 1J11< 1111.., ' l•P} 11 vnu 11111 l c•11111) wur 111g Mulll·t') de. Ilk<-11ew 3 B N k N ., ~ '"'"' .. .. .. -.. v .,......, ·.1oh11 \)n. 11;:Jll l'lJl"l'll il1111'1 ·ll•IJIV' J\qu..at11 l'erf. cond S11cr1hl'4' .11 Cats 80 S urga1n no • ow ---Edison H igh School Via L ido C. Drol) 111 i\quanum s.673·0168 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stores -545 & 814 W MUST SELL 8 !>Illa, lrun P ~rkinu Lot. S<Jt/Sun. Thurs. eve. ror som" l rJ. C~ ur h·.1H Jpµl11 .1 I 1111111al.., 1.,111 llJkl•r . S2:!5 f•>r bolh. Call 19 h C ~I >; ·o & I d " " ' tton y,ith :-.t•l·urrt) i;u.11t1 1 \\ ;51 ;177 l'ers1Jn & ll1m.1IJ)..1n 1 • ·• · i;1:..· !lJ dl· ~d'>. '"lws, nll ... c !Jum·3 JOpm. rerr esbin.: Chrislm u:.IS l!:L L I NG OUT. All .rt 275 \1d"urrn1tk ,,,1. - ---k1llen&c..al.rct:1 ... tcrcd& 5411·~:.._ WEHUV __ 4.!I:! Sl·..i:>horc N .li cheer Served 69pm . Shaklet'ProduclS:ilrosl. l."o·.lJ\lt,J Wom1•11,t.Jrlth1nu•'l'Jl llr:ind11t•wfro,tfreec..ht '>h•1ts.:;.lt.!l'J1i.5 All Y.Ood 1::imt-~t:t G7312fl.I 2 Marble Top.Tables. Call673-1873 2007 Santa A n a Ave, Sa II d"' I(" h \\ .t I.. t• I ~ C.L•nt•raf Fur11l f'r 1•11 & \\-J1trc-.~1n~· \.111011• hours .l\;.irl , 111 11111 loH• I~· tu111 tol 111 .. ( 111llll\ { • 11 U 11 l r V I, I I I' h I' I 1t1· .. l.1u1 .111t \11 \l't hof'~ Un tin: t.11•,·11 111 'i l'o,..,I V1ll;iJ.!i' l';ill .11111. ht1>11. &51'1\l l11r ,q1111 : •. 111>11..i1 SECRET ARIE S Con-.l l11 SI •01. l.q:.11 I 11 'S!lOI l\ul"'' u;.; ~t 1110 t Emplo1,t•1·., p,1 v All fl'<'" Lit. Hv1111J1·r·, \1•1·111 y 10:!0 ll11 c·h SI ~Ii-Ill I l'\cw1.1ort l1t•ad1" x.1:111 1 ~J t:.ill fur /\ppl t-:,1,11t '1,.1 s 1-:nn: 1 \ ll v F 1 n ,1 n l 1 ,1 I I A 1 I 111 1 n .., Ir 1l l\1' ,,,.,,, ,1 tu i.I 1/1)11 l'•·r..,on Fr11l.1\ 111 sxi111 Emplml't!• l'.1~ \II I •·cs I .11 H• 111111•1, \1•1·111 \ '11r•11111r1 h:--1 , ~1. l•.11 ;\1•\• l••r l II•• H h I\ 11 "I'll, ci11 1 .. 1 .111111 1·,1.111 •·. SI I ltl-,1 \I(\' I 1.rrl ••II 11·•• I\ l'llh' 'ii I ll.1:1&1 ho11kk1·•·11111 • 1m 111t•cl 111H11t11•• \'.di 1111 .IJ'f>I II I>! 11.J I ~c·r \Ill' ""'' "''l .\I IL rl cl.wt. ,. qwr ti l>.1} ,\ l-:\l•, l'ull ~ p l11111• \p 11h. "111·11 .... t.1111111,11111 ~ In 11w 'I. fl ~ll I \Ill.I·. \.""II(' t11'1thd 11~ I \l.t Ill ~h,j,• I ull\ '.11tot.il111•tl s u,. "I \ 11 I I Ill 1· 11111 w1lh -.11m1· 1:\lrv rcfn". ~lo\tn~ must ,ell f'l;ll'l f·.~. L'. l•l1_1·L· .. '"S ---Teakwood Cha 1 r · 2 ----------Cnsla Mesa 548·5253 .. , .-.,r , • ... , w m.1lchm1:" s ... nl'r. l·nr Cu11tom rn.11ll' i:re<•n Hound O..ak Mtrror-.. Dl,''"0.''D l'i"r<·cd L"ur l 1·.h lnl<'l l'\lccl·· Jl1•l1 nc>w SJSO l'll!ase .... all r bl II k ""' ., ' "' rtll' 111 111 , hu-.ane:.~ 7;;1.76111 afll.i CFAr1:i::1:.tcr,•d t·i l s c\ ~;i unrt. in~· wroui:ht 11011 &. l(llJ~' llxJCi"' O..ik Mirror, lot~ rings l ·'• C:..iral, co:-.l Bny'!>. 3 speed bike $20. l>i.in;''lliill!J:,7 --~1t.:l l:!O:i or <1 111·t·o hdrm :.i·I m..ikt optlil~ -.1•at Sl!IS more 4642 AIJbot-.wood $2300. lht orr. PP. Girl's Ridell ire skates. -Wfo~11~l:llOL'Sfo: 1-·ro::.1 ('l•'i' w Jrmmrl' i;l.i:-.:-. lop wf t;ood g1Cl uk.1 IA~ Ullllt Cir . Irvine 551 25;!tl 67~~9 51,,, $15. Port. record WO\l l•:'l wlw nol 'l.1rt lh• I-rt'(' llt•I ri1: $'15 l>JY ll1mrl.i\•oin 1\1111•11> Ct'i' lbl. 1:1..i~" 1011 palm Cl V I •IS. r -& ---. -pl;iyrr SIS. 644·~ 111.w ""·" ..... th .,,1111c l"\ .,_11, !~1>1 1-:"' HI;! 11711 lki.:1-.kr1•d lhl. 1.11n1•'· c·ot H ·h1 L If l..im1><ign1: 1·" • 'J llou-.t· S..ill'. m..iny IRc Uv~stock 807~ --- 1 r ,1 i ,1 ,11 11111•1 ,. , lt·d • 71111 1771i "' r a. Ii' I u' t' ~H' J t Lo' l"'1"1 l l't• 11t l111uM• plant-.. P"' r loot-.., m11o.c. •••••• •• ••••••••• ••• •• • Hcfnlo!. t"' tn lx-ds com pl, ;i lh·tp 1111, 111 111> liu\lnc::.> !:><·Jr,., l'11llbi,.11 l·ro~11,.,, twnulon 11r r1.1ui.: ~ol a & <)u.ilil Y •• .\ lnl r 11nd btkl's. Ski cl11ll1l'>;. e\'l•r· Hrg. Morcan mart'. hroki• chc'l or drwrs, ladies t 'Jll:O.hJr••ll. 5~,i, IJ.li frtr, !:!. c·u 11 :! .,,1, old l•urr h •rl t'h11,.,1111a ... t.rtt l•rH':>l'lll. h: 1hiill'>. xlnt 5:l'l 471~1 Hhing 1;1>1.''I 701 Aeat1a. lo r 1tlc IV dnvc hlk htke, artn. flocked t ree. s17., lr.,l ofr :It.:! t111~1 <"Vi\ ll11n.il,•1 ,111-. 'll''-''' & rn111l :.:.1 ·lil~l CdM S;il Sun parade Mor~Jn "l·ictmu. cych.• helml'l, ll(e .:.Ola \\'()CliJ WOHKEllS i1.')W J71h!'>t l'n11 F. Co~t J '11··,:i S1•t• ll,1r11l1I nam1• 11<11111'> li:IX 11'.J.1~1 I.JI' \l,JTY I lldc ..i Ul'U!>, .E w , t . " ( 7 l ;1 valet thr, wrne rack~. I ..... ,r 11111 J. ,111·,1110 "'"'l Ulll-:Xi':l. ruuncl 5-1'" Utn H1·~: !'.1 )l!•U. l)ll Sl'l5. llahbrl l'J"es h dbrd ni::. 1:1> 1.'rll .w 1,....... ""''"""' k ,, ' n...-8040 . • I ,.. • • . 338-IOll .,. .. ·'""" or .,.,,,.,,.,.,., a11 1;11;houi.i• il'f1r1:. go11d --.,.. 111~ lhl w 11 thJ1r~. :! !'•1ta "' 11\·1·:-.1»11~ S:.!115 toys. t•h1thl':.. mrsr. _ for Ann 1•;1nd ni'W c 11mprt·:o.!>nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• leavei., cll!t·urator l·olori. IA~1"'.'., pillnw l211 h1il.'.' a ~~15 5!>711 31.174 Molokai, MUST Sac. Silver Show --------- Sl75 ~11 tJll POODLES·R·PEOPLIE Vl'ry ~<I ton<.I lk11u1dul hl'd s~.x:, .. ~:~amt• ~l·~~ ,~lfiO. 0 1 Saddk. S4:!5. RO LL B/\R for s hortbcd Antiques 8005 All l'lri. (71 l I 5'1il :.'lVtl! Iv loornNI tahlct'lolh 111 ril!l'111 •11111 l.irnps, :SJ;ilup 962 72!l0 aft GPM Pickup. $50. ••••••••••••••••••••••• :> Yr ("uht:.riot -.111t.,,111... !"Id ;:,17.'i. LOVl':s1-:AT. 5 I'..-corne1 i.truup Lri.: l;J:; kit r.in~t·, lrg -------5'10.5311:1 rl·tng n1•11ft, l't•rl l 'mul <..'h11~lma:-11u111111'' Fern gold vel\CI, 111u11Nl loo:;1• ~:i25,t);.11>, Kni: 1>r </11 1d111: Ira. sleet d:-.k Machinery 8078 ----Wonderland S:li5. H41 ~77Wl <:crmun Shq1tll'rd pup 11111Jl'i cd M•al & liul'k Bctlroorn s;:iu. t:11fC1•1• wt:-.cc'ts chr, m1:-.c hshhl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Force air furn. 80.000 BTU Of A t • 1 JI). ~:1 ,\,;ill 1 !./th Dt•t·. cushion:., rnrl I m.i tchmg lalJll',.,. )I:!,; lll•m.s. Sat. lt! ~~Id. 203ll f{ OC Kw E I. L TI\ u L 1-: $90. ~a rs 1»hP i;p~ay ft 1ques. ·~fivlag Gali l>r)w Sl25, fi4:! a:m 1)1llow11. I.AM I' Taulc THE FURNITURE Pomon.1 Apt r.:.~M __ SAW 311P. 2 phal>l', 2 t bt romp i guns. 646·5632 ' 11 l <: E w .i r ch o u :-. " ~t·nmorc c.a, L>ryer S•IS, t I d I I COHHECTIOH I '"IJlrlriiuil .,.,1111 ll\<'r '·"" Kc•nmorc Wa!>her or 1.11/\...,\Al'SOl'l'l'l'flo:S wi 1 r.iwt!r, l>ll 11 GARAl.E S/\Lf; 9AM top~,. 1kc new $2SO. Bicycles.typcwrtr ,accor• ' ~ """ c· t• L"I D s~s w:slnut, l:d cond SIO '3.Sl lll'1l.''111LI , S'AT . .,.,o AVL"~'UL' LJ L'L G7J.1(182 d1 an. p·1~no . c lar1·nel, rn1J .. •t ltox"'· n11·kel11 ' , ~· "<' .nl.·:. 1 i'J Ii "'I.'· IJ e •1 u tr I u l L t bl 1 I t " "' "'" "' "' " ( I I 5'1ti u1 ..• , •· I •· ump a e, sm • wu nu ~.1t Sun 10 5 1\.1:! 121 \ MAR ~AN CLEM E'.NT E "hop S mrlh ~,1 K .• w / Jlll'cn". 642 6935 dc<•m Jn.ino~ , .,, us ur 1U,1r 11· . ·o "' l•Urt un•1 , mu~l ~u u) $20 <.:all SSl-W I:! all h -.., ,.. ,, " i;Jns ~.11 1 c lul'k " llt·Ct 1~ <: i-: Cro .. , Top Ct1rt~1ni""• ~111 ~al pm <i1e1•11 uau i.:,ah ycll• GARAGESALE jotntcr. jigs aw / l.llhr ESTATES/Ii.LE J.!1,1111Jfa1h1·r c lotks frt1•!f•r .'.\Int tollil Si5 li-Ml51ili.'> ----r1•dml'f \er) WX>lliornl S \l"&SU~93 tool!>. Like ll<'W $750. Whit ney by K rmbl.fll IJ\1111.1tm1• .1nt11111c•s ~ fi4:!5 Gl•nwne lthr h1 hk C\er s;;o 1,11, ;!113" 1 • ' • 642-l!IJSor646 61~•3 lh• 1 ')I 101 l~JoWurth _ Shl'llll' 1'11pprf',. rt'ail~ f11r i·hr, nl'ctls :.c;un \\llrk .\llJ>l' lutn. hooks. marine -----------p111no i.pinN si.i.e. J YN ,,n11·111.111 ln1 .. 1n.111on.1I f·rr.:11Lllrt' ~n.:I door Chrr-.lma" ~1 ~."> St:ind111;H1an blUl' Frl'IJl'h 1'r11\1111·i.1I JpH'l'e haul~Jrl· 11 rn.ii;h ~~im Miscellaneous 8080 old ll!rl'cll eon<l, $550 1:.1lll'll•·~ 11111:.> I "1·l11·r rl'lrtl!. ~1,. mui.t t.ike !ltiX 114117 uvhols ll ,hr. "' tcdl. w1t111nal i;d t ond S:!OO l..atl<ll•r, Jl•wdn Much ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4!1J·321_0 ______ _ n.: St tr '1111• 'I.-! lhr~ wkml 1;7') t;Mtil "KC HO n 11-: l'L I'S, :~ r1 amt•. S:!'i L'ofll'l' thl !11~1 h . .!:!:! more, n•'" & uwt.I Bunk bed" no m:sllrC.'>se~ CArtf>l-:f NEW 52 Ytl 7:>4 I 1 •' 111tt n Y..t•cl thru , . mo ... m..ill·~. 1 n·d, l hlk v.alnul ~moke gl;1,:-., 1011. G S I 8055 413 JJ,mmi• ,\ H' Cd:\J S25 : Ortho supt.•r r1rm dbl Gold N) Ion Sh~rl ShJ~., !-Mt ~ \ '1 11d l'\I \ r-.1t ' i\clm1ruJ 15<.u H r<•£11~ t.'nr" nopped All shol.5 t" n l cm p. t u I' II 1 t y. aroqe a e Ant11 rnd o11i.. din tbl & bed $45; d1n1ng t ble & 4 $2 50 yd f.75·5906 l1t.'t'Ler fro!<l free gti $200 '~lufr !J6R i9l4 :!S"W"ti' Lxlti' JI $300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dr:.r. lwn beds, skis. chrs, eggshell walnut ---- PUILIC AUCTIOH l'Ond SIOO 646·1762 • --675-~13 PUBLIC AUCTION bkN:s. clothe.,. ehma & $25. All mw.l 510. Movrn~. CARPET. ore.white s haK . ~1 \'llY I-l"f'. I rt-:\1S OF -St Bernard. fem al<• '' :'\tA:\fV Fl:'>JE rrt-:\1 S CW misc. 17332 Hoscwood, makeoHe r Call 002·6WI xlnt qualny. 18','.a'xl3" 1-.Sl\l l<: .1 ~:\o,.t-;1,HY H.elocalcd . mu~l :.ell month!! Al\C Ch:.ampNEWU11wttf'S{·t.r"ld1n~ EST\TI-: .JEWl-:LHY. In orr 't 1chelson & -Baritam $67675·6462 \HT OHll-t .. 1:0. 1\'I Sl!ars ~ashi•r & ~a., bloodlrne~50.5:>7·33'JI leaves,:! dirs '•·llow, i\RT OU.IF:CTS. J\N. FIREWOOD rll)t!l:.s ~·I'd·: Fl'll"'. drn-1 s yrs ohl ~lnl chroml· l1·g:-. PD S200. Tl<lUl-:S. FINI-; FUHN .• lordJn,SATONl.V_.__ . Rockwell 12" radial a rm 1-~lt" l'llll'q; I OH I'\ f•1111d lnuw S51 20i0 S1·h11JU11•r. m1n1atun· SJtnlr~'eS'I~ f..t:i20!)4 Hone$ 8060 PmeSJOOcord .stackl'd & saw hke new Carbide • . . . . . /\KC. svayt•d Ct•malc, 7 . --. . - . -~ l::'t C. l'JIUN ~: l•'Oll fN. dlvd. 540-7023 & 646· 14 I:! ;.I d• •n501 r ·,,,., "r.77 Ill t. HHO<ll U Ht<: l'IL ltl("ll\J()lt'' llJJI J>1nrmbt•l,""'-'mok0 Ash". l''O & UJtO(;ll U H I!:.••••••••••••••••••••••• ---u ae.~, or.""°""" 1.1. , ,.1 ' ·.,. ',., , ," • ) r., uld. movrnl{ force~ <> ~ N • 3 d I k ----S1 $!!.'> t . .:~ .. <Ir I• /I• Sll5 Miil' 1tf l,1m1ly dot(, S20 :a I I . w ti . 4 r hr s ' 1;.i5.2.,.'>()() ---For Sole· 2 ponies & show ew ~oman s. s p II ,c Commcrclul Swing Sci. <' ll \ \ I> I" \ I' H I•: II tlt1lh l!U:&r '~' •1'141 642 tl!Yl:l h uH·h <IRl' >. Lgc Coffee c; ar a,, c Sa I • TV. s quarte~huri.i:: $75, Golf cl!-''?5 $75, ~cn~1s Custom, big $100 I .. k -thl & <'Om mod• ult wood " c • (.:;111 84t-1091 rqt $20. USEIJ sofa hcd, '"6 0020 1 All "r.,11"'J 1'"141· o;i ·~1 1· rf &S·fll•r lrrn c, ' tvpewrita•r <·lothrs ---ch"st oC rlrwrs. 2 bdrm ... •··•"' ~ 1nn1111: ~1;:1.:; • 1't11 ~·~~ .; '1 .' 'h 1•·1 Hf'"'li;l1'rcil 1.hai>a i\p::.o w1:1lnul ctr. 2 ma t1·h d1rs. · • • . • " ---1 • ~1 111 .. 111i.:t "' Ill.ill 11111 1.nipJltl'' mah•,_ ri•malc ht hui•k r1>cl Vl'lvet All w h11 m td1r1cr .. ' ,11:l·uum. Appaloosa Quarter hnrse hanRin~ lam ps, Steffel Bumper pool-"3 in l lable, 1' ·• l11~KI ~ :1 '1 , old $1:.!il a'hJlllll -.irt·il, SISu & up' MIN'l'i•;mti !HiZ·l!lf>l dresser. h.1h11r:ul, prc· Good contirmat1on t;ocid l am p & m 1sr items. ncwSIOO Cnll 11,11.., ... r 111pho.1nl. l!lli>d t.1.>IMdi 17 \.11 7:11111222 ---lure::., lot" 1111•rc tJ700 color.837-20AA 00·2279 64110177 l 'l I 1 W1.1lr1ut Dt·~k. 2 chair~. Hit•klt•y, Dr. llnti.i Bl•h -----~ '-.t rr11•1 "1nt1 ·I \1·\\1•1H 1011 ' 11 ''" t,a ,.,. Bicycl•• 8020 UK · A L' k .._ t •sun Noonlrl4l 'M J•w•lry 8070 •-w-•ry 1070Jewelry 1070 l•· I 1· Ir 1 JI ~ " lit ndw .. •I.I'• :11•1.1 ..... C mPr1can r ..i> 1mu ll.Jnl cund S295 .,;i °' · · __ . "" .,.. '" w•Jf l ,,, UUI ,-f,.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• (SJ..)atl) 7 wk~. '1:!5 548·8372 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 n ,,,,. \" · "I' 1111' llOH...,~. lHI \\\' \\' \Tt:tt Sc.'h~1n11 1•ar,1mounl i1'" 1>42 3:!1i!i Mi,\ mg. ~AT. 1' SJ() f'urn .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•'>I I U I \\ \l,ll, )1,01 lull CJ ITIJ.i). 'Int rond ---Anl111ue Bahy G r und & llsehr1ld rlt'ffi' Fn•e P • t • I I AK(' 111,/\C:K LAk :-.1/\LE Piano Chippendall' limo Luli Shep l'up. 2l8:J STORE RM. CLERu .,., .. 11r1 """' "' I $J,•;o 11\l 11 r • •t s CM " 1".v!'~5'1!.10Mtih .•ll•07:!4 l'lll'l'l1';S 'l WEEKS Couch, 2 Rik Marbll' 1>1ner.l . • Yt .·.h.1 I t HI' 111 •. 1 111-:cuys \nt111111 Ill.I>, SllUTS, FAMILY Commode:... Brown Furniture l'lothC':-. l'lc '·"·""' '"'·'I"''"" !Hill 1•1·•11 Xlnl ~111:..111:1rl, :1 .,,,..,.tl :!h ll O (; & <; 0 () U SuedeCha1r,Teak &Oak · ·: • "1111 •11 lt·.a 1 I 'r '''111 •O r;c I'll n-U 11:>1..: Sl'h"'rnn. like• n1·w { ·"h 11 l NT 1-: rt<; $ l 4! 5 Om1nic ~l. ll73·5394 ~nd.ay 10·5 1930 <.hurt h :..111< l..ru••m ,..,,;: \t.1ran1• -11111\ <;;,:; trl;! 1lil~I fo-1 2 111'14. 1.'1r. tl708 & ---St• Cii-.ta Mc:rn __ '"" ~ 1011111 '''I'' I'''" ----------i <H11!>)4<ili 2:1J:> Comer group w 'lbl. bx RADIO <"<introl ,1 l h•rr1·d 11111 will n1n~11l1•r 'whwann .I 'I'll, i.;irl 's1111 -s prings. lrke nl'w S75 • c cc rrc ".11lnJ: hurh ,.1th .1 rC'ul ff •AUCTION* ~r.J), ,1111 101111. $5 .• York11: l'uµ,.., t•ham11 llound'i tooth :.OfJ $75. ~1~e1['/r:t':.at:7vl'f;.fl know how .\µi1lv t•> tlw t.t2 iHO'l i.1r1:1I, lll',1utrful coab, c·nb$:IO 96."l·74ifl > • 2 1 d ~a 1er Van rl'; 1·flt111n1,1 .11 :'7.J •THIS WEIEt<lHD• writ hohl lll Chrt!.lma:., ----non. spec !I, C' I.'. cry Mc-Cormu k \n:. Cn'ltu l\\1 11'M:-.\rSt.'N B1.1nch1 c;ran Prl•m111 '"'211717 Antq rcllow bdrm :o.urte soph1st1c:itcd tov Over :'th'.,J ltnll Top lk',k'I tulJular whl'<'I" $.l'i • ---dbl bd, armoire tr pl drsr. S 11100 · re PI ,a t'c men l i'urnrtun• 7!i2 H~i1 · SamOyl'iJ AKC. m:ilc pup mle stnd, lamp:. & mir Sa cnr1t-e $500 ln<'lutie!> ~11 11> 1-:N-r-; IF MOMEYIS IECOMIHG TO YOU YOO SHOUL D B i-; COMIN(; 1·0 US Work trmr)(ll'!lrY 11s~i,1:n m1•11ls dunni: Christma s vaeat1011 llr~l~t1•r now. ~o~ of fi c e • ~OY overlo a d 557-006 I lntel'vtew Hrs !l·J :10 372.'J B1reh Sl, N R ll>1tl 'frl'<''I • prr,.., Ii wk.,, C'hamp hne, rnr $500 64'1 7789 C'verylhmJ;. tl75 :J4iG2 or l~cor;itor 1tcm1o. 111 Sp 1-: (., f) S N t' w $200 5W !11711, 9!12 1536 -- - --C.45 2200 S11l1'mans S.1m11lt''< 17141 L..1vrnl( rm furn. like new. --·-----•Door Prlu• Wholes11le. 21", $80 2.1". ---2 Danish chrs & curvci Thurs. Fri. & Sut. 16728 FRIAR TUCK 'llJJ)t'r lr1thl wer)(hl, dhl AKC Cot·kl•r l'up~. hlks & scrt1onal 'n llerrulon. 2 Da1:.y /\vc • F . V. Round huttl'd frame. lull alloy blond, m ule-& fe male. b I k Nau g W a I n u l Oak Tbl. Oak Rocker , ANTIQUES <·11u111 $.1tlS.1J44 4882 __ _!!00. $175 1171).1471 __ barslool11. 551·1701 T run_k_. ------t Snn 01c-i;o l r wy ~:xit Girl's l ll:'lpd $60. AKC 1.>ohcrma n Pups. H Ope Danish Teak Din.rm Misc househo ld & de· I\ very 0 N L Y 27324 Boy's Jspd Stingray $35. w<.-eks. block & r ust. Xlnt set ssoo. Carved Pecan r.orator lkm11. Xlu L to C11 mrn0Cap111lr11no. Laiz 556-0149 pos11fbil1tles. $1119. Call Hdbrd $35. Antique Ho<'k good quulity. S kis, n mp, Nii.!U"I. rnllow R1tllroad 0 . Sh k uftcr 2 pm. 493·7591 Maple Ref rectory Lbl hook s & records. 227 trprk~ to c•nrt building. J an (,umey Mono·. oc -.-, ---Sl25.551·ll94 Colt on Sl, Ne w p o rL m l norlh o r Alle n B1ke,llkenew .has Moto· AKC S 1ber1an llu s k y ---Shores. <Garage in 111· Cadillac Ml ·1900 Mags, Red Line Forks, Pups, some blue eyes s· Green MollM~e Sof a. Icy). Sat & Sun 9 to 3 Sshluhula Cr ank S120. $125ench MG 2o.51 lovely, ,\'ill sell for $100. only. Also Schwinn Motocross ---64.S-0940 -~---------1 ---------• Blke w/heavy duly rims Chrlstmn11 girt! Bea u l. . Sat. only 9.4, T rundle bed, 01\K ROPE Bed. $300 or le Motocross burs, like Creal P yre n ees/ Lab From ~tate: 9 ptece dln· cofC. tbls. sew. mach , ---------best ofCe r : Mahogany new$60.~·7468 pups w /shot.s. Ve ry gd Ina room set. occasional c hina cab, t ool1, ba r T•x PR ... •RER Din table. 499-3001 . .• w/chlld $25/ofr. &46-1523 tables, cbalr.s. la mps, refrg, misc. 2382 Car lton "' ....-"' ----Girls 20 S pyder. xlnt bedroom Cunuture . Xlnt Pl CM 646·2703 Full timr, prrv. exp. a Sq Oak tbt 42"' diam eter cond. $33 AKC Golde n Retriever cood. 838-5615 t--·--· -------I must. To wor k in y r w/carvmJC. 4 press bck 549-3639 Pups. xlnl hunters . faml· MOVINC-Musl Sell ! round ofc. Ca)I Mr. Saun· Oa k ch rs xlnt. $500 ly pet, wtr dog. 493·6861 Divan Bed. vinyl. cam el Btl1 Druel Dresse r 1100. d e rson or Mr Tra pp . 547-4526 ·Girls 24•• 3 spd. Seara tan. like new . Recliner s· Herculon hlde·•·bed ·w es t e r n Rus ln<'ss FreeSpirilb1ko.Blue& Cocker Spaniel puppiea. chair , black, Ilk~ Y.t sofaS80,8'sofa S30,eod ServiC\'s, 563 w. 19th Sl., Antiqu e Sal~: clocks. wht. G d c o nd. $40. ~ 7 wka old , $175. price. Sears 15" colos TV tbls, lamps, patlo set, CM. 642-0212 chain. desk. r ockina 6'4·9946 8 & cart, s a me as oe w, t•nt.s, all under S15. Fr i, chairs. 675-2236 E-.... toy 1045 ~-.... ain 646-6714 Su Wall s ---------Campana tte wt. 10 spd. rT-ww ou .,...8 • t, n,2016 ace l, 642·5678 0 L D & A NT I Q U £ towinl blke, a lum. whls, ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW Twin Sprtn'l·Alre CM.~ ---------I CLOCKS for sale. The hi pres. tires. 962·08'73 Wanted : Good home for b e d c o m p l e l c MOVING SA.Lii O assifitd Ad!f . For Ad Action CaUa Dai~ Pilot AD-VISOR 642·5678 Ideal Cbrlstmu flft· 4y r old m a le cfll . w/brasaplateheadboardi Ame ric an. Eoal a)I . Two 10 Speis, Boys Bini. Neutered. strictly indoor Sl?S com p l. or sel Plano, tourlna bikes, French & Germ.an . Wall orange Motobecane, f75 c•l, nm used to chlldren. aeparately. 646-400S elcc typewrltor , Slereo, & m:intrl ty1w-. 641·2719 brown Volkc yde, $60. Ownr l c a v 'g s tate. weight H l w /bon cb , <t-5> Pvt pty. 875-1250 000-3870 or 962·!5655 an P'lne furn.llu.re. btn ch ina lawnmower. many otbe.r S·30pm cabinet, pecan lln. $525. valuable It.em•. Sal only. Pill-CHRISTMAS Boy's Schwinn Vanity · · 751-1529 Don't mlu Ill 1820 Irvine SALi 10-apd, llkc new. $76. WOEFUi.. Bea11e nd1 --------1 Ave.NB .Bo y 's J r . A m e rican home. 5fr old fem. Likes White Early Amer. twtn•---'--------1 Loads of furn . c hin a , Ea&le btke tao. 4M2·7VOS children le food. 557.7742 canopy bed, dreuer m lr· Twtlerock Ceramics Sale mir rors, Ille llxtures, ror, deak. 400.20U a ft. G 1 day only. Saturday etc. Qlrl1 l 0 speed b l k o 1 yr old Oerm. Sht1p m ix Barsatn Chr11trnu glt\f. Cornucopia AnUquca ,.ro f u t lon ally a I · female, ~ebrkn, ahot.a 6 Beautiful yellow/bel&t a· Follow 1l1N from C.m -40931.al St, N.B. Mmbled. Rlddon on ce He'd . To 1o od home ao(a '200. Olan top cof· P\19 Dr. le Turtltrock Dr ll·5Tui-1 Um1Sun '755111-4181 w/yd.Ml·~n ev.1. reetblll00.$36-9581 to13 Beth.an.Y .Dr. I I 11 OML Y 2 AUCTIONS LEFT TILL CHRISTMAS 2542 West Coast Highway, Newport hoc:h. Calf. 92661 17141 64S.2200 You've heard about us from satisfied customers. Perhaps you've been meaning to come In . Well. there's no better t ime than now! We have one of the largest select ions in Southern California of Fine Contamporary Antique Jewelry, Fine Lead Crystal. Porcelains, China. Bronzes, European Furniture. Etc. • AU SOU> AT AUCTIOH IYBY AIOAY, SA1UDAY fr SUHDAY AT I P.M. DOORS~ AT 1 r.M. POI INSPICTJON ... ADMISSIONS Addltlo••I IHp~tlo• Hd Our t•• Cow•t•r S•IH. th1•1YTllHdaJ....,._, _. StilwclllJ ..._ .. IPM or S.., J..SPM Why pay retail or "so called" Wholeaate prices When you can name your own prfce. Many brand new Items from Bankruptci9,$ and UQUklatlont. Mott Items sold at Auction are guaranteed. we do not Mii as is. 8 of A -Mast..-charge -Pereonal Checks Some terms atTanQed on large purchuee. WE BUY ESTATES FOR C~SH. ... D IZ DAIL y PILOT Saturday December 18 1018 "' • Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dime-A-Lines • Bring them or mall th•m with corr•ct cath our famous FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU DEA 0 LINE : 3 p.m . ,Srrdtty 330 W 8'1y St., C M. H noon All br1nch olflcH to one of our 5 convenient offices • No llveatock. produce or pl ent• • Ho commercial ads allowed • l.tach Item must ba priced with no nem over S26. DIME -A-LINES • LAGUNA BEACH 1180 Olenneyre St. • COSTA MESA . 330 Wat t Day • HUNTINGTON BEACH 171758Hch Blvd, ... • SADDLEBACK VALLEY2S201 LaPaz Rd., Lagun• Hiii• ANTIQUt: trurik S25 T WO bup kJUl'r H•' MERC:J::l>r-:s dlt"'d 220 bn·11dou11h urnum<'nt-. !>k,1h•:-. loltl' 5 .i11d 7 Sl2 :-.hort bl11d, $:!~ llc-.ii.l S2 50. ltah11n !'l.ul1v1t> l';.u:h J i.:1fl 11f c upp•r for $1: 50 '\h·rc•l.'dl·~ Dl'Oot ~t·enfi; SI ~. <lru•d tlr lht-bl('t·111, 11n1JI f.trtur)' .H'f\ll't: 111.inii.11. r .. n g l' m (' n l' s ~. hl'lrluuin 1:1fh of lumor ('OSI $30 s1:. Tav1wt Ikntwuod ar111ch.J1r ~ roOA. 1ww l.Jlll'flY ho"AI 'ATC'lll'hc~. "l'l $(i Sd .. , of t w In 11 n d ti 11 u ti It' J11c.J v1td1cr~ and •>lhl•r ·i;7 l1K M ultL.lllK wire b<-l'lliPll.'Ud'ISIUl·a~h ltlP sttltW.il\' Jfld Jl'~t·lt y wht't!I l'O'l<('ffl, $15 1·.11·h r 0 TT 1-; H Y $1 $ 2!> 2U 30 CAL tra~h c .in~ $t 1"1 r F.W I( I n ; tht .i11d SIU WATF.H hl•Utl't i. JO gal C II R I S T M A S t rt~ l'. SKJ1 .. l'LE lJowl & SkltUI.' Jl·~diy $1 t.!5 Sut 0...'<· Culvam.wd horH• h•rtlcr 2 LIO)tl tape• fl'l'urdt·r' $25 1:1Hh 20 11111 S\O a1t1rk1al 6', S~ Cilrt ·11 Poot, S3 3Stln~ruy bo)' ll! !14 I> M 91fill J::I Verde 110 kits SIU WhN·lbloU' hkt• n1•w ~ll l'.ll'h ('lock t'a<·h Wull hl•all•r?C $6 hike SM Smullr tutu, l bOl\'S S.S-l'lS Elcclnc or Cir l''uunt;iin Vulh'Y ru~s SW~ ('.11Jlctll, ti 1.i1J1u, ""rk1nii. ~7 2 \•ach 1.av.1tonl'liS-,eurh 111nk , I red, $2 rach 41an $22. Dl'nch, S3 tSlalt•r&~.ignolla > for $20 Svrinkln" s.; '1nyl :o.tr Jll(ht b111·k f)oor:i l'Xlt'rror?C, SS Blul'l. t11o:ht:s $2 Tonka Am~lltler S\O Floor ~NASON I(.' AM Jo'M Aquarium~ lh1dl·a~<.-:. rhu1r:1, ltkt-n,·"· SIO e11ch; intn111ri;, s.1e11ch, ttuck m ixer $2 Huir hamp ,Sl.~O. D1i.be11 & $5~>() Mann ... •uin:. S!O 1-.i rh 2 uuto m u l11' wcllld :it'1l•1•n <loon, S2 dryer "A1lh houd $2.50. at&llStll lC·lOr Good s~oci; $.'i, throw 1 ui:~ ~. S2 $22 .:ol<i tht•rmu f.4~ H IO C'lm·k r udw in walnut • .., h I 1 •r $10 A!>t.Orlcd hnnd tools lt'k1Jhllnl.' d1all'r:. $15 ~ \'ilCh, T111lrt '-l'l Sl5 8oy's 11hltb, vunL:s. un e,ull awn ~t wt · l'Ulil' 125 Lunl(m,•s AM ~c ~ {;ttrdt'll lnols &! $."<I :! 11ole!lman 'li t•ulom Tull d I :sn k $ti CT :i~ d1•rw\•11r, 1•xccllc11t. some Colcher SS. Ed aer $4. Air 1111luw'I SI l'at·h, Jou\ 1•r('(j ct 1 .1 p ,. ' . I t k l' n 1'" ----·-- 11crccn $:.!:1 , pl<H1uc'> ~ 11 1' ll.IOOX. S2:.!. duld~ KABA}( ril!.:mg kn1fc S12. 1·r11·h. 1>u111t111u:o. $.~ $25 r•it·ktnt.! 1·h.ii1 "hit1· SJll Wood tackle !Jox SJ3 201nn Jlal•t·111 <:11 t:ll·. hui.:h '>tuffc·ll 1·.u111•l St.'i l5"x24" cu~lom woud llW1t111i:t•m lll'arh <'°'1·.ir hkt· nt•w. Jllrtk 1lt-n11,11111 ,·aliinl'l. 49 drawer'>. t!5 II r o u k h u 1 '> t .i 1111 lump, 11111· for i.:1rb 1110111 ~,1 1 afll•x & l't·n w1 ck FM d1l(1tul clock radio llcw•krv $22 Tov c•helil .... each. Custom m olOrl'Y madl.' c11rrymll ru ... cs, $20 sto1(·1> "mull . ~ eurh new, i>lll'i> 10 IK, ~·1.· SI . "' , · , ...... ~ Longrne!> duulllc 51"' de seat $10 S1ssybur S.'> 1•11('11 2 \lll)'I l'hmr~ on larJ.(1·, $10 c•arh. 9xl2 Hird «'lll!e ~ 5<16·2472 ~peakt!rcablnci.s S3 AM· akcr AM l'M portabll' 1'numph tank $3 Ch.urs cw1lc1~. hk1• nt·w. SI!; cnr1icils.$l2e11t·h.Uu11l1n 1376 Ga11in1-:furd St , F M hi-fl c:on llolc $20 ror llulll'ry or clectnl' ,... M Mll"'Y •'ood. 0111nes c•1r $2·$15. Dres:.er:-., $15 cat•h. All hum1d1fic•r, stoVl' $25 Bullttn hood '-. " ,. " ' • $2!> Symphonc lt c: --•et••·toyu 50c*"' Cu.~h J\tlant;.i' ~I:!. l•IU't 11· ~ ,.11.... ·lllc.J CUhlOm pOIC'll SIS, ~o. t'ill'h. M<J\•re <'unH•ra~ 11cw, $10 !-.mull 111untJ $?5. liullt1n c.Joubll.' i.utk " ·•"" "• ...... ., , . "ho1·twu v t• AM ·l-'M REMIN('1'0N rt•bl" I 10 4pm 014" SIU·$15. Craflsmim cit<' 11lus:1 top, 11111lal111n rnur· $'.!5 Lc•n.:th or copper • • P11 '' ~ IHI Y · • • .. '" ll(ll1Jble 111 lcathcir ('a:.e tnr hl>dge trim m.i1· SS blr, tabh· $111 2 'llll' tubrn)l $4 $G l'lumhing, sc"A Ill!?. murhin L' $25. Swuf\.llcll Lil. 11.R. NCM1111 $!5. All rudw~ like new 8-spool 35mm film de· tables, S'.!5 cuth. Coffee ell'<'lnr fixtures lOc-$5 l.Alvc t1ucut • 1h'r<'u,,lon up-~ til!noll u & Ad am&. -------wh1k hanl(111~ I.imp ~; $!5 Penn 25. 2G. 27, 1~1 1962 Copyn~hl i':\l'CUllVl' 'All!> Siii. "·'' IH•>-s. '>LjUldl•r 'l'l'h $1U s:m l·ol o111111 houk $~;, h.ilhrnom ,1,111din~ to\\1•l l:trl's rloth 'lwulll<·1 &16280l_u__ r.11·1< "h1t1· S4 IJ1)!1· '>Imp 11urM? SS l.:11hei- REGLILAR and ~up<·r h orani.:1· lh•w1•r <irt .111.:1• :! 'x:JO" roppn IH•ll S5 movu· •«lltor ~IJ tt1m 11wn1 on d11•ruh h,1,1· Si Sch"' inn 1111.c• 1111 k & l2 5o clock only 84.5 Our ho'.stery -· 6•" wt~• 963 "••1 vcloping lank $15 35mm table, all mnlrhini: u1.'· 16861'u::.llll CM. 9-4 " ...,... ~u ,.,.. ~ '• rcllSl t M dt•velopmg 1>JX>uls ~25 Ml(n, S2.5 Lumber c1ghl -' pt>des lul $:1 l.udles f • pldc 8mm movi" outfit IWh .11!71<11 l:uti 1!!1111 <.hu1n $10 12 Gu11·1J w A .. . d <onion :.urr poh· & l.t.'l' • rgu~ <;imeru :'11 WO"l:UElt hrnw ''<'' ud $25 l\>t1khcll IU2&3m.rc UHE.-.Sl-:H S20 Table & ii S1de v1ew mirror SI.~ 16' lcn.:th, :!i.4. four 8 OLD .1nl1 q u e w oud polyesl{•r i;hor t11 $1 pair. 5 llONEYCOM ~ mags f6 chJtrsS2U. Kollawayt·ot (ioH cub 75<-. Y...url. ll'n.:th.4"14 lc•nl!'lcni.,'lh, rncdll'lnt l'Jlilllt'l with WoodgrainFormlc:a3x4' 1''\reb1rd or Cht"vy • .._ St! Hl!frii:crulur . 1w1:1 Jumpsui t Sl Cold 2x•I ;Jll for $15 1 • & 1 ('an1n1: $:!5 5 "Aooc.J ~hl'Cl. $1 50 J.auws de-each 4 1-'lrebird H~ly gond$1U 916W lHthSt "Aealh~r Jomp:rn1t $7 <'Onlluitb•ndllll:toolSlU k clctnn tha111> ;ill mm JUCkc'l'4 $.'i t',l!:h 3 wh~ls,$12ea~h.Ponllut· t'tlbt;.i Me!>a 20101 Birt:h ~t Hade flJy 2 10111 huH~. M '""'h A., ,,,.,.,,..,, $11 l'arh Hill rins.: nuteboo.k <:1wcr:. 25<• starter SlO. Car ratlJOt> 7SllY.!20 sorlt·d nacchanieal , \\•litl1, 111oto1 nrle each 6' 2'4'!i 50<' l'llCh SS-SlO.Hcavy,dutyChevy 1>tll\Ler. hoth $20 JU!>hhkl'nt'" ~ 1:1 .1 .. ,1 &~s I> ·I. I • Vu1ghtlundcr t'JIOcrJ cs .,.; "'"' ut I l S20 35 1 d. 1 . '.Cle t).11-. b1kt• "''h 11.1111111,,: ('fl\l> ~'J. St Oi·:.crl rnl • • ~ 1 t •• ra)' ', whccb S8 it: m.111>. 11:11nl1ng. 16 x:!tl & 1 ,1rh 35 i.lldt n111lJlflll!> thrt'C sucl·d Sc·h,.lnn r ... .,.,5 C I SJ 50 t'Jl'h 160il IJQI~., ,. · ramt~. -U!tlom u Ch 11 l rwt•ds lilllt• "ork $111 tra hie pole ~ rel'I ~ 1 r J u n 1 n .: l on h d . d . 1· \' I lk;.ich 1141, 08llK ..rn m.i c ><,.>tic:-Mo:.t 1ll•m:-. neH•r U'>t1I , _ _ $1. handmJdc l.11ht'' .di 1trm'> hkc ne" Sal COLLECTOR'S 111'111, '>hJwl ~ JC\\l'ir~ SI SS 1:1·12 548·~2 Crobll!y radiu or tht· 10 '· :!II tx11" IJ1kt• ha., rronl S!O 962 8010 111~1· brak1• .111d h;it·k ----I Uil"ll'I bl Jkt: S2!) lnkt' CIR!.'\ Sl'h"A inn :J 'llt'i.11 SJ. 2'1 ,:?1rl" He:1ch hikl' S25. Girh lluff) $:!0 , rttfrm' top ~I Motot•ros-. $19, JO "llt'l'<i Jii:-.aw pu11l1•s 25.: lO llufrv S25 , li•n ., .. mall lw>~:. fltl(hni.1:1 $20 S;itu1 lukl' $.I , Mc.loc·r•"" tnt·y day Jnd S11n1l.1y after l'll·S7 75171147 :i"m 9671 J\Jb.it:Ull' Ur1vt•, ll11nt1n~t 11n CEMENT .. 1epp111i: 'tunt'' llearh 962 2:lb5 15' ·x1:;1,, ~I 1o;1d1 1!~~12 -- l'<ntl1ne l.;.int", H unt 11..'t·: i.kalclt, "Aorn •lnC\', m~lrm lk:id1 00:1 3li07 ow n·,, bl<1rk.s1Xl' 10 $15. -l , -1. L' SI . . 1.11111•., 11 t111c ~11e 111, ~1:; lJ ~"' '\. ZE n1utt1 l'" !lf~1 9'HI ;ind spnni.:' i:uotl 1·1111111 MOVIE prOJl't·tur \. ll'°" t.:r. CO~l $250, $25 \\ alkll' Talkie $12. Sl'r('t'll dt•Jr $. Metal foldm.I! 1roruni: board SS 12" 11u1 tabil' TV SLO. Hu) al l.)'µl'wntt•r S8. Army !>trctcher S5 l'holo copter prinlrr SS ~ Hevl'll !>IOI l'ar :.ct SIS. Snow sk1;. Sl2 '.17 f1Jrd carburetor. rcltlult $14 Christ ma' 1111· ;1Juminum. S5 l\11)1C''> 111 decornl111n~. S:I hu:. ·rm' 25C·S25 RJ'J 21450 . win ~:;. l\\m ''"' t>l•l. \l ~:w 1•11,tumc Je"<>lr~ l2" UIKF. w1lh tra1nin1t m:111l1• ;.in•l t·u111pll0h' S!iJ St·Slll Man ., ">Ult, l>Ht "Aheeb Sl5 '1'11kl' SICI H!1:1 :11!11 42. $10 Vinor poll!>hrr SS f'm~ .. ngin1· $15 llum1,trr WO''d>l·:llllllHS~: ~~ <'hrrstmas orndmenb ragl'S2 13 llrc\\1lhnm 25<· SJ <"lin<ilmai-Jr S2 .>ia-8215 WIWUGllT iron h:in1: 1ni.: lamp $25 ~ork blmrh $15 Hoth ltkc new Phune540 1760 llANDKNIT wh1Je ~hawl f!S. Elert rr<' i.c1ssors, neH·r uwd SIO Old Un dc•rwood l~ pcwrllcr portable S I 5 . I' hone 548·502'J PING·PONCi table. com plete $25 lloover noor poh~he1 SS. 557·2674 BAAY lwd & matlr~~. good cundi!1on, SIO Stora.:e lalilci-.. complete with Mwh11.':. underneath, ~Ill c•tl'h 45 111' M re orcb f>C t•ath Child :; Tip & f<ock t•hair:.. 2 Qf tht':-l', SI each Pu ... h lawn mo"Aer, S.5 Wrou_ght iron guard fur "1nduw $10 l1111Sl'll <·urvel sweeper $2 Kitchen :srn k $7 .50. Movie J>Q'>lcrs $1 cat·h. llan.:ing candle S20. Commer<·i.il v acuum cll'<1 ner $2!i. Clothes hani.ier°' 10<' COJch 20331 D.inc:r•>fl <.:1rde. llWll· 1111(ton 8 C'JCh Sul & Sun IOAM ·Sl'.M ""'"' 11n1I l,11111 ' hlk\• ~'> I ,1Ch h;.ilt1 .lllcl lt1tltllH lu\' 1111 " h,11)1 t ,fl 't'otl <1, hk1· Ill'\\ pl.11 llf'n ')I, ·.m.1tl r.!11 h ti1k1· ~ 11.f.1111 '"llllo! S.1 ~1ri.t1"r $X h.1h) ti.11" p.11 I.•' ~ h•~ "h1·1·I '\'I tl1 ,,,.., p.111 ~l 11)1.1111 h.1lhtult ~I !Jl.l :.~1?1; :11 \(; ~O\ O'\ t·nl111 I\ 1·•11nho • t1·r1·11.11111t1•t·111 ti lllil\ l'I l'\1'1'111 Ill f'llllfll 111111 ·1 \' 111•1•11 ""' k 7;.r 7fl1~ r;.in1:1•m1•11t:. 50t' $1 To~,, --------- )fl;$:! C.inc.J lcs 50tSI C llll.U S trit vtlc·, H"<l'1.m .id Ilk~· n,·~. S5 pcrf{'l'l S'.I Child' l>1k{' 1>un1· hu~I!> b11c.J~ S25 S•-.11 S:I 5t• 2 ,irt1f1nJI \l o It I 1\ Jiii kup ChnM1n,1., lrt'l'' S3 :! "'1111ht111'11t $111 t.:I Spntl' "'Oml.'n l> pcirlJltll' ha11 tonru.111 1•11\1•r $20 ('on clr~er :. $:! Wumcn., \tt til•ll-hu.11 sro Tu11I dothl''i. nit:l' 9 12 It, 5'1c 21"GIRLS. l.id1es crwser k1l me ludini: Jark Sto lhc:ydl' p;irt,. 20 S! Old bike $15. ci.cerc1se roller ,\II 111•111' 1•ni.:111.1l 1qu1µ tork scrL'\\ ~ S2 :! c•lc..I $10.~uper !>Occer game nwnl \11'1.11 't·ulpt111I' ... trd1ght r.1111r'> $2 SO S2 ; carrom game SI 50, 1111·1· ('hr1 ... 1m ." ).!1f1, . .\von ,·;.ir huttlt·~. full, ~ame'> SI each. child's S'l S.:5 11~1:1 Ho~:. :-.1 , t'cr..lJ S! 511 Hon-.un l1~hter., C! pool tubll' Sl..'iO 6-16· IJ.'iS ;\k,,1 \'W c.ar r:Jd10, AM l''M, S '-'LVANIA 1'V 13· h SIO t,un rul'lt & druwcr ' inc 11 !-.I I.\ h E l'h11,t111.1:. t rt'<' l..\t'~. t.1hlt• r•lnlto ;1>-~t . Siii l':l1·1·111c l;il'I ~ .I:! 1~\1111'! ~II! !l•o:' 114110 1'.d111ol clt•\I<', S:W 1•ad1 T" 111 mattn·'" 'l'l S!O ~~I I ;Al ,I ,t IN I 1,h t a11k ">!'1. !'><·h" 1n11 llil) '· Ilic·\ dl' -.ta11d ~o !'.d11\111n i:1rt:. Sl:i Small rc•clw11od :w. ll1kl' ~: .. d11ldn•11 • t,..rH ll s:J Allt-1 I:! 1111cm lulctini: 1aJ1l1• .11111 f11ur ~.11 1;.1:i lil~.X t' h ii I I ' $ :! II S II I ~ , , --.-- If 1tll11' n1,l k 1• 1 11 1111 s;1 WOOi> b~d fr.unc~ '"" i; I': 111.,h"' ·"h"' "it., c.:. pl•· ,.,11 r.. m.11111· ,,ak .\ F11rd 1·,1r 111,.:111,. \111 11lh1-r' ll41~ .• ~1111· $.'1 1f1111 lllt7H 1.'i ,t1.,.1 ldtlt.il t111., hie Sth 2lQ\~~ 1-.1 ( .111111. \'i, Jl h !Iii~ x l7i' L1i::un.1 '\ 1~u1•l 1•1:~:1:~-. SI Antique rty rod~ $10 1.Hal•k & white $25. Woud ~i.ll·11~11111 l;.idder 646·1i7t_1 ______ _ ~I ~11 l'ort:1hll.' TV 'hind C ll lllST M AS outdoor S:! ~!) An111111t• 1111t·ra lights S\ pl'r string-. h 1 n •• r 11 I ·' r " $ :.! ~ Movie f1I~ viewer Sf!; t' h II cl rt• n s & lrn IH l3lb. bowhng ball & bag d11t111•-; Jltr Poker r .it·k & $12 548 7408 r t11p:. $.'i V. ht·C'I for <.::.ipn --· ---------1 ~I l\1kht•11 ~1·alt•-. S2 2 GIRL'S bikes, 3 speed, 1 .. 1d11•' i.:nltl <·ha in &. good condition . $20 each. ho< l.t•I ~.). 'Iii Che~ n1d10 545.{)8;1 ~7 WUK(' Fon..>Sl "> ,\11t1111w 11·1l VJS<' $15 Costa Mesa 11111111011 or1·.H1 rod $:! -----------1 Ill .1d1 11.. 1\LIJllLJ , 11 D Sf ARTER Sl'l golf club6 .:!ti :13:u; & ball SIO Golf cart $10 llH<lf' 1,.,,, ""'"''' •ltninl! 1;1111 . '> 211 h1k1· "''" _ _ 67S.~« •1hl1• 111"tl ri·llni,h111)! 1'•11111 _111'" 1111'' s:!:. tttl-.. \rl\'l: Pl1\lhm.I!' ---------~ ·1 ' 111 ,, p I• • h , •• 1 -ix ll).lt _ i11<J.1.,1 ''""' Sl.'.i 011.l l PAIR Motorr}C'le boolS. '..!.\Ill ~ .. "1111 .. 1'1\1 I t,(,1"'-S l .irlll\,il ~' ~ \\ q11cl c Jn (11• $2;, !>IZe ll';E , $20 1 M:!l '>l.1('nil1,1, ..,. '""' Ut•JH•" inn t.'• '>Ill c•ulunn" ,(ll•IH''> \.1 Lad1e.,golfclubs,good .Ir.ti I .• n ,.,, .. , "11.111 .. '"I " I I J $ I ~ :! I f\1!..1•, II Ike·' 1111.l!l?I\'~ & comht1on S25 11 '6" SUI ot1t '''"'"' ··~·· !'It l .indli-.tiri. .. Siii ~-· 1-..1 .. un tm~ ~ \.'> 1111,.,1 flx>arc.J S25 2 VW linow ·~.x 1.101 l ot>kll 1,11 111 < .mu~i \! ~.111111.i cr..ii.:,11.1111.,, l~K· lrrl'l> $2U <•uch. Youth ~I """"I .1n•t l11111lln1 1:1 .. 1 f•11n1ht lll(I ., I Ill I\\ flll 1. m11t11r1' 11· , .11 1i"r ~1 > h111I !'.IL II:! 1 t•l1111l1 h1 .1d, \1 ' 14-17 711 I t' \II Jo.fl '~' ...... t. h111 1-.11· l.1<111·' 111• , (i, ,_,,.,.( , on 1llt111n ~!fl ltl.11 .. l1-.1th1•1 lo I' ,1,.,11•, I hll I/• ·1 hlo.1• Ill'\\ ~Ill h,1h1l1 ,Ill tlllt'I jll,.l'\•"ll lt l;,> 1111 $2!1 Ll'llll\ l'Utl'l'lt•ul 1 .. 1111 Ho ho.it $1~• !'om 111g1a) $25. Wet suit SS ,w~m Sil ll•·~n . i·t ~· ,,,1.ltlll• S25 11;.ili\ nth ~>O VW mrddlc sent van $10 1.11,. • ..,lt'rl•'' Siii SI, \'w ('h1lrlr 1·n :-~.lrTil"> :?;•< t! V1br.llrng machine ror turi.in """"' $'i ~:"• f>tS tM2 hark S?5. al&o for reduc (O'\lUn11 Jf"Al'\\I l<'\\t·lr\ --lllll 673 •i-119 'O • ' ('1111\1 n(I( lt'J wl J'\ · 1'1·1\' j!nod. s:!:. (; I': "\..', 1 htld , roe._, r !>lll t.111k '.11111irn (.. atl.wh ll1t!tth SI !'1 1\flt• r IH:tm 'I •fll 'l>t'' ""' Cal.•· "'' c.i6 1:125 srn <:111wl hro" 11 \".•t p+·1 _ 111..: S.25 fitl •i>IK'.I 17111 \.,\~Sl:"C 'I' 1•ak 1•r 112 ll.t1f1C1rl \\a\, '\t•\41.1111"1 \\U<•fc•r 4 ' l14cl'ltl'• Ill 1\1•.Jt'h :.'J "'<29 Wltlnlll l'f11l.~11(,• 1 .1hint•L, $25 Rck u kut :,,1 thr1·•· '"'"'"'''" 111 ' 1 1 .. \lll\ loq•dt 1• llo!•' 11.1\\ 111 , ntnhli• 1o:?5 f\()j!l'n i.,•.. /1111 I II' I •• Ill•' I ,, ~Ill I I ~k I m.11 l11ni· $111 :l i\ ~1 ~ M I 1JnC'r 11m11lir11•r c.1rt n1h ,. r' 111· \:'O mm l'h.uw l11u11r.:t' .11 unun 1 11 l' t' ti ., 1 l' JI J 1 r 1 s 111 WlllTF. rnarhl•l1Zl'd f nrm1r1.1 dint•lte Li.lble :l.'ix72, S25 r. white• r hmrs S!!i Wrll ~l'll separately. ll1fold clCJH'I doors, 4 punelh. e:H·h 20 '• + hartlwurr $2~1. Shower cuartam rod t'i. Shower cur1ulns $.5 U pholst ery rabnc S.'i yard Jxll green shag rug $8 644 1107 ---l" , ... , .. 11 SK l'Jn."11n11 k um 11lm1"t n1·" $lfl 1•.11 h , ~.l!I 14114 trnrk 111.n 1•1 ~·111 •It· '1;1·" k 1ni.: lll'di>r>r f'ad -----------STUR OY work benrh ro1 .111~lf111>1·r1 111·1 ''"' lflllllttl 1umnlt•mp111,1n -.JOJVTllWl•.S l' .. :lt'I ).!utr with M clruwt•r ., S25 Cur ~.111111111 •11 111 .,, , Ill" 1 dl11" br "" 11 ~111 I '.11111 dul>«. ,1,ir11·r .,,., :11r11n~ fre ta hit• $4 M alrh1n~ '11111k 11·1 .. rilrni.; '"''"' 7 1111: 11111(111.il '''"" .1J" :l "AllO(h. & .1 v11t11·1 t''< end uible~ S:i l.'arh Quail r .. 1·1 10 t•·tl ~·' ,, Ir •' ~Ill lh"n \ <lul' I\ 1 n.•ll1•11l 11111111111111 VII !'iii:,. ~:; JI o 'I I) f rt•lt•·l'l '""I' 1•1,1\11111 11 l(.tr.11:1• 'ht'I\ Ill•' St•i ~!o.i7M:1 Chri.,tma' l1 ~·hli. $4 "'''"' ,. 1.11h Ill \\l"Jl 1.';''.l 'lll:!Lill \ .. I BHllH:s j.!0\\11 hkt• "''"'· L\11\' l<Jm ht.'llOCl $1 pt·r 'I 11th 1,1.;, ~ Sh00 11l dl•r pJds $1 l\••L•I. I• ,t..m .. t" 11,,.1,.: \\ lll>IH '\ 1111 1.111 Siii '"" hi I lt.1n11ll\ l.11 l' 1<.11 <'"-:" ,, t Si lun111r 1-.11H• limi: ,1,·1·\ , • ., llJl MO 3498 __ _ r.:vlt rluh :.d h,11! ~(., St (r,111 n1·1·lo, 11111· lull R ('A :!II cnlnr TV llFI I .11111 111•1><1 II"'"'''' 1n1o: 1.1\ t11k•• SI.• "'t'" rh.iµ.•l Lnm h1•,11l plt'«'I'. need:. antl•nn;.i $25 r,11111·1.1 ""'"', ,rdltnt S•·,•r" fn11nt.11n 11110111 fl""I!' uf l,1H' Jl'~l1"1 l'nrver'\IJI 12 !oop<'aker. s ., • It,. Ill I II I' l II II ;!1•(11 1•.11lnn h•llll $111 tnm ~11nlt111,t \,\'II ~· pcrfod. $25 "'10·7196 t~ 111"11t1 r "'" 111 1:111tl kmi; '111· ,,,re .111 S• "1:1•" JIJll hi!~' ha'4•huU ""''''~ l•"t .1111r11.1t11 .,-,, 111.1 -1=1" . ..,,,,. 1; 7 $.I l'.11r (;lf'fL'S lllk<'. good rondr l'illllt'r" •, '\h111i "J\I' $1111' "Ahlll' IC'I' ~kah•s, llllh, 1 'lpt.:Cd $15 Cl'l!)-01:11\ rerl'i\'\'I ""'~" \N\ llHH'i<: 1•11.1t l-nl111 ... h '<Ill' 7'• ltkl· flt'\\, SS GrayMln wt·ll s:z~, 1:.1rr.11tl l•'\'lllll SI~ F.11 u11i1t1on 'lllt~ Nrw hi.irk ur "Al11t1• ~hc141 -th.in~i·r 'Ii ·,0 c: r: "A1·1ol\•rn t'u,lom ma<le ro lll!r ~k a lt•i-fur GRF.ENgmg<•rJorl11mp!l c•hilitr,•n, ,.lo·rt 1 w 11•1.,1111 ~!1 :.:.i :!li7 I ('hrt'f m ''"· m 11 n v !>ll<'S SI~ each. $25 plllr Wnr· µt,1_1, r. 111.1•11:-. "irt"• t•i t1<· -for ~1rl' and Im\·~ ~ u 1n1.1 clcrlrl(' 11·!' cr11sh('r ~·n l. Cl A \.'.A 'I hPtl on .. 111r )''rc•nch 1'niv11w1al Si 50. Mor1tan 1(•1• huck<'t otL•t'h1•1l 111 <';1111 ltl~1· ~ rcoll»r' "1th innrr,prrnw ,. I I t SI~ I S1 64<1 9818 Lhl t•t• p11 111t Ill~' s:• rill nt.llltl''!> ~;. 3 '''"<'ti 20' 11' l'\l lSIOn ('II 11n1· . n --_. ------ eod't. di.ilk hoard~ ~~I 1'lt•1t1t<· f.111 on '<land ~I~ dr•or l';.imt•rft lll!hl:! $4 AQtJARIUM 201t11llon oll prn ~ 1111111t tuhk . .-:0•11t (,olf r11rt, ~1 lv1 r &. l'll.i<'k . lrnkf,1nt hikr !1Cn''111t11 ~1'3• ·1~~0''• ~1 .. ~11 Siil l.1 ..:ht SS. P1;mp frume "A:lfl>t••I 'late• Siii :.lurtl) S4 Comm< n•rnl 1. 1' nt'w, · '". · S.I Viltn S2 llcaler S2. 1111( C'lulh ~ w1111ih S1 cw lll'C 7 35·14. SIO "'" 494 47'18 earh . ll 1r1m11 ~ ~"'"u<'h f\JW ffH· l'\tini:uio;lwr tic.nal C:Mi:;,raph11·11. 2 for pultcr S:I huii S:l ~l "Alli SIO Slurrlr Ii rl r u"An 2.'>t:, &. olut•r 25<: 1•111·h F.LF.CTRlC slovcl doubl(' ----------1 h .1 I h.•ulhl.'rs, boy s :-.11.1~ 25-28 Sat & Sun 12 ~l'.I mp Sun. r11d11.1tor S20: 68 CAmaro TIRES three 8 25 15. SS }ur;.iu ic clu•tncdl wa1i.t. lloc>b. i.ltc7'-i. S!5 Mon, Tues Ila m tu Sp m transmiss ion & c~n each; l Goody<.•ar It.Uk~ tool:. & cttu1pml'nl SI S25 t-'ull fare: helmet SI:!. Red • • . verter. 125 each . 68 · l'Jch 2 elt•t'lnc 12v Jie:.cl V'""ro t"nk <->5 r..c L~ord Ll•GGAG E Mens rar'""· Camaro Rally wheel"· GT. ra1:.cd lelllr.., horn~. SJS t-ad1 Wood<-n .. ~ u .,,.. .,., r I $5 26" '" $12 h Ch G·60 H . 10 "1dl', $10 '57 cabml!l on ' t•a,lcrs $1.5 J>lt•kup r ear frnder~ S25 oo um crseal up. . enc . evy air roe\ Che\y hood $15 Chl'\) Fifll'en 4• l>uuttls 1 wide All lake nC'w ,.0111111100. per lugg;.ige $5. lhur d1uon compressor $'2S. l man 1 f o Id fo 1 J "A ood . SIO rnr :ill b44G74!1 b451<14G dryer:., like new. 3 n ear new glass pack carburetors ~horl block . di) t•rs, bonnel type. ulso murncrs, $2() pair. '7l Secretai·y l'l1<iir, ~uo<l !NL.ANT ,!.0 a1 ..... Expand· pli.i!>lt<' beauty i.hop tvpc it'irebird AM radio & R S25. 2 slad1um seal!>, SS d t ~., '" • o ,. " <A> J each 6-16·2727 <'on 1 ion ..., rive """ m~ µlay yard $9 Alm05l ~ l'JCh Near new porta track tape, $25 each panels ',.. S.'l t'al·h 3 n l' w µl ay pc n S 1 O ble v.iruum with all11ch 548·8779 LARGF. women's dolhc~ blOOll>, $3 e.irh Grllldl•r, llal11tra1I l'quipmcnt, 2 mcnts $5. New, tn box bal - panti.. 18·22. cht•.ip, llhp, SIO Shuµ v;.i.:uum boxe s, $9 Scars but· elerlric paper towrl and TALL table l11~ps •. ap $1 -SC!. drc sst·~. 2U'J SlO Stcl'I rablllt:l $25 tonholcr $1. Twin size wax puper dispenser $5. proximately 46 higA;. blouses, Sl; ;iqu.i !>k1rt & t::lectrumt· bt•rwh $2.5 12 l'aOQp y & du:.l ruffle. Ulue ChXip stamp baook.s b.lue glass with bras., Vl'St . 1812. S4 , Jong heavy duty c·ut.hlon rub light ycllnw, S4 complete. $2 each. Poloroid 11)() de· s ilk shade; beige & while dre::.ses $.5. 645·1573 ber rnal::. for l'Ont•rctc. S.'i <:old & w/11lt: obr $5. l-Uk· luxe model <:a:.e flash ceramic, cloth shade, S?o 6. CHRISTMAS tre" K' l.'ach ll:iir rl.'moval r;.id111 ing hoots, sL~e 7, S2 close-up lens kit copy k1l each. Call Sun. 546·2937 , ... , frequency apµ;.ir:ilus $25. Wooden potty chair $1.50. $25. 751·3173 Odyssey s ho11l1111( uallery JO & GO 11m1• lu:.t· IKJXC:. 1-; n !l Ii sh d Is he s• ----------JI~" PI PE, IOc per ft • $:10 C iblt' lights. SIS w ith swill'h, SIO l':tC'h 2 I' kf S3 l S VW part:-.' 611 VW _6_7_5·_52_58 ______ _ I fraction Ill' n1c1lor.· with •UC C'rn. · .;.iiy • usan d h' Id S20 -each . Stereo .imp 1f1or ·' hruss SJ 50 9fi2 4223 wm 1> ie · wiper VW or Baja tow bal" w 1 L h 8 -l r ark $2 5 ~{·;.ir redu1·t11111, :lOO rpm, ---motor SIS. fl'ndc•rs $15 si7.50. vw benrh enginu Matrhmg turntabll' $10 one> brunet Ill'"'. Sl5 t•a1:h w .. :rSLJITS· Sea i.uat lonit t>;.ich, .r1ghl d oor S25. mounl SlO. vw rocoa Speakers, Sl c;ich. !TI' Fool conlrol for ~ew111g John, small SIS. Bod) front bumpl!r $20, ~cur mals, complete set J turntable, need;. rc11aar machinl' Ol1Jtur SI! lly KIOVl' Jackel. exlra s mall bu m pc r S I 5 . 7 \ SH 50. vw chrome valvtf S2 Old record album::., Sl Fry <·ookc•r $10 TV WI $.15 Short ~ll'evc sea s wt squarebar k rear bumper covers Sil SCI vw powe~ each. Carrom ooard $2 te nna $.., Two ft 8.'>i; 15 Jackel SIO All like new & $15, he~d & tail hgblS pulley Sl2.SO. vw ucfJ Electric shoe polisher. llrt'S, ~ood cond1t1un. S5 Huur hockey !>k a l es. S.'>·$10: 6 volt generator JUSLablc push rod lube9. like new, $3. Elcctnr each Four 3' wtndu"A u-.cd 4 llmei-. only, size 5, $15. 67 earlier brake S2.50 each. van lu.cgagc football clock $3. Eleclnc s hades, $5 c:a·h Tt·r SIO 642 1:1111; drums Si each 536 ij.')12 rack $25. F iberglass se;.il ran opener SI. Electnr r an um kit Sl Man " IU Comlngware :.k1llel $IS spcl!d b1kl• $25 (}uadr:J GAS lug ~wt SIS Ornamcn· PENNEY'S full site guld & COV('r. $15 each. Van Chrome lo"Acl lrl!c SS. Jl.'l carburetor, rebu1ld.i I.ii"' rnuitht iron shel\ IOI! thermal blankclr.. hke carpel1ng $25. Assorted 19x48" coffee lablc SJ IJle, SlO Woodt>n <'Jb1nt·l Siii Cu,lorn wooden pad· new h;ilf prrcc>. ~~ ao BaJa body pods, SlO ·'I b ·h ua"h l'e nnu • full •11" each. Viny l wheel cov Large table lamps $3-SS. $10 3 elcctrrc ht•;.ikr'i I u lo o,1q J ~I.> s eet ~ ' ·' , ., ' 2 pole lamps S3 & $.5. yl!arold, $1Ucach 3:.llop i:IJ~s. 38' xl:J :Kie 1•ach polyci.lcr p1llO"A1>. $7 i.'rs. $l2 each. 3 piece 50 Lrghl bar $2. Car rad1oc. stools, $.'i \•;1ch Air pre Bl'aut1ful la11tt•1·<>ff••l'l<I ria1r 1-'ull poly rill gal. gas tank. $12.SO $3. Electnc pet chppcr ~sure n·gulolor, C•im blc SltJ :ino fo'lo"Aer St. h~hlwe1ghl flowen•d e;ich . 800xl6.5 slcel belt.- $.5. Folding redwood ptc· plete with ritten., ~Jl-:l'. (' M .>ia 84:!8 bcdsprl'<id $5. Life lrkl• cd tires, $17 .SO each,. me table & benche:-. $15 v<ilve. hke n1'W. $2!'> 20" dogs, 12"x8" • nnd hl'llc:I. _548_·_8_l6_2 ______ ....., Redwood plunter $3 3 fan SI 0 S .1 l I S u n S70 ST f; It EO r ''t!ord poodle, boxer. terrier. $4 NEW I k 'f h ..,.• Chan .. ~r l•k·· II""' IMC "ach. Anar·t1f1'~1:1f nu"·cr e ccln<'. "'oc s a.,~ "I<' cl r 1·,. bar he cue anytime 5111 ·2.J06 ,.. ' ' -..,.... " .. ' · -$3 C d I ;;,otors, $1 each Deep Small Hry old 2 clr;1wer arrnemcnts Sl·Sl. Anti peuer $l50. A r sc . c ux rrver $2 Marble chess NF.W uphubt l'rl'd chair' ~t and $i!5. <'vlnr or,1.:;.in $.'> quc siold anl(t>l :.I :Jlues. 1 ro !1 · um 1,n u 11) set $2() Chess Sl't S3 Lu"· $25. 1'uh1n d;incc uutftl S ;.i I, I tJ 4 un I\'. <1 112 12 'high, $1 .'i0·$2.5tl. J.ov Christmas tree, 6 • s:J. ... .... I' l 11 t t M· "11011" St (''I t·11r "IY '\/hit" blu". r1b"·1n Assorted. games, teddy, g"Jge rark $1. Chaise Sl "':" or a , c vpewn er ,,,.. u • •• ' , , " .,. be f d II ~ s:r Small tage $2. Maga1.me $25 New bowling hall, _n_1·r_hot1H' horsl'~' $12 pair (;tided .. "; & .s~ 1 0 • :'>c· · ra"k r->. 0 ·111 .. 11 .. Labl" '"'. undnllrcl, w.1th case Sl5 c a g l's w 1th h 1 ril s. SIZI~ 6 :;kales $2. SlzeJ Spindle typ'e rc~o"",;, Uscdballw1thl·11st•$450 ROY 'S h11<e 211' SIX flowers rolorcdliuhts SO snow boot.,. S now Sh.'U dl.\11·der ...,o Win•· rack .. , 8·Lruck lock •.n tupc deck Portable Webror vhono p:ur S~n Francisco ~ol· with steerin g wheel 4c ""' ~ ....... ,0 1 d .., t k $15 Craflsmun r1·t'l rf 1 . • ·t • brake $4. E l ec tric Dishwa s her, need!> ""' ,a Y ..,c uc t·~n· power mowt•r S25 o u sccnac cous crs"' Hawaiian guitar wltti pump. SlO. Clolhf'o; S?lette ha~r dryer St,~ Tr:uler pullin11 remova· ront;.i1nc rs, S2.50 s rt. amplifier S25 Unicycle hamper .... World .,111 .... , G.ood movie screc·n S2 .~! ,. Man's size 9 s1mulalt'<I · ""' " "" h . ble mirrors S7 '\O. 40" d d & b $1 S1 50 546·4871 $1. Ty pewriter table SS C lnl.'S<' end 1 .. ;1bti•. SG rt>und table S12 Car iamon rrnSl ox l . . • Vnpanzer $2. Rack pack Luggal?c SI ·$It .;o ~ creepcr-clol ly SS Car Lu d I cs s Im u l ;.i l c d BOYS'S Schwinn fi·spet1Cf SlO. Readers D1gesl con· elcclrrc: shav<•r S2 ;,/) r.1u111SS.f>IL llli:I diamond band & cngl?C Stlnray S2S. Beach densed bool<<i !iOc·SI Smglr bed fram(' with __ ment nng, set, box, $14. cruiser $25. Men's Se~ Young folks hhrarv, 10 rug rollers S:?O S1~k with l'Al>S lor WJlcr bed Ladies <'Omb1natro n 3·S(>('ed $25.842-7917 " books $5 Old WOo<kn Delt;.i faurcl S6 1-.lectnt' lrames. k1ni:s111• ..ell tour s rmulatcd diamond ---------- coke box s:?. Large bird hrater S2 41:118 Surrc} stdl"i ~u n,11,1 ur clunl· cocktail rtn~. or scparule fAPE rerorder. ro8t h 0 u 5 e s 1 0 . s ma I I Dr. Camt•o I hi.:hlands hui:g\ hi-.111.-r-.. II\' Jr nc" IOCk·Sl't & wear band & $49.95. !iell for $10. 4~· windmill .... IJsed brrcks S25 11o12 7!!:17 cuckl:irl ran~ . .$12. lland kite $4. Women's clothl-s. ...,, SLEf,PER C•luch $25 crorhclC'd im po rted 10·1 l. cheap. Sl ·S3. 15c each Tool or fi.,hmi: Wood Sl'wing m .1rhme POOL.tables S?S. Puol ar ladies h;.i b sl•vt.!ral 645-1573 box SI Tool stora);c box rabmcl Siii ('1111~11h• TV res-.ones $10 Tu" bar S3 '>hades. SI 50 i.'ach ... -;1iw ---------- Sol 2 LO· s peed bikr & r crurd plJyer $211 Mag rim S4 Can1llar 7.9 JUntor dresse!>. 11anL'l, PO~TARl.E TV. Adn:ilral rrumes. SIO. $l5 3 ne~ Baby ~Cale S3 S<J Aul<i radio $5 Twin truckers some new. S2 $8. 645·1674 19 · B&W. S20 Go_<XJ hike tires. :!6xl '•. SJ.SO da\'e !';Lerih1\.'r S..'i Nc" antennas S7 50 fi7:l 2912 afler 1 00 <Jfll•rnoons sound & pict ure w1lh each 2 20xl.85. $1 50. 3 !>hag carvl'l I i::old, S2 ---UHF' C:ish only 540-0044 pair new bike r>edals for yd oranl(I.' $1 yd, PORTABLE TV . h lack NEW crock rw t, !>1111 an imports, Sl pJ1r. New. nuthinl{ nvi•r S25. Flamt• & while. two, '1,,5 1•aeh. box. s 14 El('C\rlC MI NI indoor. outdoor lit• n<>ver u sed tl4in ~17.c proof Chnstma::. lrt•c SJ 2420 Sar;it11#?C1 W..it. C.M. aslroloi.:y clotk S9 Anti ble Ltnms Cpm,a:: pon,a::1 quilted bedspr('ach, I 645-5016 Mont1rl'l10Townhouses qui.' lamps. S25 each !'.llll m box. h,Y l~lernu blue. I yellow , SIS earh ------Mud el wood cov('red t1onal, fl· Girl s Slmgray F.astblufr, 64<1 · 1765 NEW H1vul :;1 .i <ti no~·k HIKES· Girl's 24 ' single wal(on l;imp s15. Ulack $8. 751·5327 1 2 END Lablci.. S8 each. 2 lam p s, $8 carh Bookcase SIS. While dou· ble bed frame: SIS. W11JI unit shelves $20. Bell & Howell 8mm movie 11utf1t S!O. Shelf & mirror SS 16182 Mt. Nimbus Ctr , F V 8.19·8043 TWrN lwd framP, mut tresll & bOx spnn).( Sj!.'i Studio bed Sl!i Hardwood table with z leaves S25 . m :llchrnl? l'hairs. SS f'ach , ~ 111 ~ell i;eparalely New drapes, various s17.es, SIO pair I .amps. hke rww. S8 SIO each. Exl!rCl!';C' htnrh $20 968.6893 TWO Honda 350 motorcy cle street wheC'ls & tire·~. $8 e;ich llonda 305 motorcyde 1rn~ I ank ~'i '!>3 Cadillac F.I I>ora<lo wire whl!cl $25 '68 Flllt 850 Spilftrt> Tonto ('O\'C'r $20. 2 t!lcclrlt· I /51\1) motors. SIO \'IJCh. 6 IW clcoetric> wntc•r tw111"r $20 '74 Vl.'1!3 bll<'k J>l•11l, tll'W1 $15. Kingsiz<.' mattress & 11µring!l. $25 scl. 2 hc11t lamp bars wllh Monds. SIS each 898·3654 or 837.0398 "'IL $15 ~• .. w n11rdl('S!. & :1 ~pl'C'd. $15 & $20 h h "" I b . ~ "' . :~, ' . . l' • s h SL' <' mu pant l'r..,:; }11 Y s PROPANE tank Sl2. Bat dectnr !j/Jl•l' i.hrnl• krl ,oy s c· wrnn · injlray auto ch;.i1r $JS Aftt•r l · tub r ail $2. Dostilrh st;f. $10. N1•ar new ll;.ihvhM1 $25 Boy's 24 .. S speed s l II n• 0922 119 cur!Jni;: 1r11n ~ t141i·72M $20. 20 mens' Rolf club~ S1 • a · 0~ cu 1 " · , p ie (tun $2 4 boxe')\ ('ach . Uook~ rn print, 197'1 :J4th St. Apl A Out k staples $1 Divan wilh GOLD r 1• c I 1 n 1' r S25 aulhors·Lilles, 4 volumes door ___ bolRtcrs S25 Spool t abl.\i 6'12·1217 _ $10 After 12. 49-1-6228 CIJll.O'S :mtlrpa• wicker ~~: ~· r~~~ad~~~·chst'. CllEVY purb. orw µll'<'c LAMPS $7.50 & $10. llanr.?· rocker. ~O l)phol&Lcred 646-56.12 frlx>rg lass front 1•111! for rni:: candJ<.'a bra $25. r h li? s .rorker SIU ---------- '56 Chevy $25 IJll"'t'r Rookca!>c S20. Prcture.., Child~ w,irdro~~ with 4 INSTA·HHOIL. portable brake um $2U, rud11J $2·115 F · S7 so o k drawers $2() 1 ull ~•7c broiler with aulom ati(" $1 0 oltcrna t or $8 h $2' a~ t . · I~-bookc:ise hcadbourd SIO umcr contro l Broil~ QuadraJel nwmfold S15 ~<'~1~10 '\1e: ~~~~~ s~ze 2 bar sl1Xils uphol~Lcrl"<l both side<; al once, $?() 3Z7 & 3'J6 hcadl'ri-Sl5. G c•omfoM«r $15 llardback ~eats $\5 for both. 2 neur fi45 1876 cvlmder ,Larlt•r s.., Ii book 5l>e . h 1 • 11 new full s1ie hox s µnngb ----------* cylinder head SIS :r.IG beh ~d 427~ac L· nk a ey Siil each Marble top cof COl.F balls. lrke nc·w. 33<.' pistom1, 53 earh !'imns: C'or~~a del Mar ar spur, fee I able S25. 2 mar1lf' f'nd PraC'ltce bulls 5c 21~ pump ss 3 r.vccd sleptablesSl5 Rotnhgh~ Poinscll1a. Corona dtl tr11nsm1<,s1on SI O 55 /\LI, Jllll11•r -.k1 c•qurp weight fold1nit mc•t:JI cell Mar _ , , Ch('v\ hcllhou:-1n.1t $25 mC'nl .larl.rt-1 $.'i l>lt"-11 "Ailh pad $10 fire wood PING n table 'It' Aluminum brllh<1u!>1nf:? JaCkt•t!<o $15 W;.irm up ~ai.k1~1 ,,t:.i h Tr,icyc~e ~ fold~ fu:. ~l;.iyback t'i' $15 Tires on C'hrvv nm.' pant!> ~s !"~rall'Jlj S'i : ~a ~ w ee trr l' . cell<.'nt condalion • $25 s:J SIO cuth '"kw torqu1• Race helml!ls $10, $12 ~ .l!lrl s bike S20 :12, 640 0239 • converter szo ·~ Chti•y Skt JlaM~ S3. S7, SIS t.111 n .-0 headed 11oll $'> .I IO'ldl' chrome' ln m $25 w In ii sh Ir Is $2 lari:I' paer cs.cnrJll'l $12 HOY'S Motocross Stli1 ·511 l'h1•vv li.1lhRhlll S.'i.1 SnowmolJilc• hoot!> S5 ull 3x4 s hettll. 1'orm1re i:rny hik(' $25. Sun. after Air c·onfl1t1on l'Om Band11ll('I S.S. ll<J train 75<' t'llt'h C.:hlltJrH•I 10plt•u~t'.646·36llO prcl!!tOr $HJ :.!115 ('hi•vy parts $1 Cast iron bar ma~t1•r c:orcllei.i; rndto ~ hlO('k $25 , sohrl s1.1tr hells 30c 1111und York Re11lr'>llt: AM IF M auto MA P LE rockin,ll chair,. radio $20 , ::cpeak<'rll, $:! h<'nrh $20 ~unday port11hlf' 12 Voll '~r bttl very good condition. $15 l'Urh. Ford port~ 2 &l2 OlfiO ll'r)' :iolll for $9!1 !).,, t,1kc 6'10·02.'HI 11 barrrl r:irhur('tor Sit 2!12 -S'l5. :JI}() l'Opyi. Pluybcw~ --·r starter i.s· 280 oil t>~mp 2 llU r·'Jo'Y W1ldf1rl' b1kl·:. 'fl8. 74, :i:;~· l'll<'h 1'wm REC!,INl':H cha ir , orr.~ n t•w , $5 .. 21l!I ~ll rk $20t•uch Girl sSlm~nl\ rna11ll·lwdw1lh lrlal~r<'llll whll('!'lllor.prrfct'tC'On• oollhou~11111 $10, 7"xl!'>" bike f\1 !>79 5291\ <iflcr !I & hox •prtlllli. SIS SpoM <lll111n, "2~. CH<! 2841 ,y wirr mo"~) $20 t•uch AM run :1 k 111 t•h11a rd SS ic:t'/\"'l"ll t I r . . ~; . Sk·1tcl11n.111I $2 ">() 2 M<!tal ~· ,, " s Y c pccon «'O 111, x I S Am<' r I can CllEST of drawers $1l! twd fr·imi·" S,:., ·,. cni:h hot• tuhlr•, hlu<'k s late lOfl mugs, fl() <'uCh. rlalhcnd Drop leaf illnelle lablc• 1) h • 25 . SI ''I th SIO 640·0239 11 Jo'O d h I •JO h l:t l'~ C· "o Hilt · honwrnad\,' 111111 rhr~I ('h••mi•. try •. nt S:I .·1 •1ut 'c>ll llt'llllr.1tt'I\ ·'"~1111('(J t1 r .. I ' ,, " • ove1111 & dra"A 1•rfl. ~nod wullp,1pt•t full .rnd "'ml m.l f' 0 '' mllll'rllt · door flil'1tl h,,:hL' !II 1•:ich tonditlon. szs 6'1'1 Ul!06 GENUINE amber rinit & full rol1' SI SO'.'i 11.,,1111nt \Cni•4•r front. ~. 111'<1" ~5 n•1·01d'i Ill<' rarh 341'12 J>('ndunt $15 cach 165'<1'1 . r • ears, ., enc • 18 Old b r a ss lined tor.$3 s111 lot Sun !\!)7 Vi c /\SSOH'n;u dolls, ne~ <'llrl>urctors. S3 <'Och , tireplarei;creen$1 Eke.· •A;.&2 1'1'1:'1 ii( rl111tnhutor S.'J: fun ~: tnc clothet1 dryi•r. Ken ~mn I • · · condil1on, $1-SIU 673·251 cl11lht'" rn.unl\ "A onw11 , rn rn nit• rt' I a I t 1 Jll' H1rrh • 1 hl111k "''"l or P ICKlJr truck bed $25 rad1ul S4 81 5x 15 S3 ~ s:. 11111 t,illh• •irl(un HlarklappC'r m.i rhinl' M:i111 on Mat i\tlhur New ron1e<' hood S25 ,_.. 700xl4 $2, NlltlOllOI Gt.-c>- "ith so1111 hnnl. $1'?. 01 lnwn rn1>14 er SZS 549·Z.'J41i roul(h i1own exterior l(r11ph1c , MC'c hnm1x, sorlt.>d binrlc• port" llrownil'rt'fl""'"lthnu.,~ -ound--plywooc.l,$1lt'11rh Tuned boat1n11 ma,,::11in~s tOe $0l' ss !IJ5J v cr•>lll<'ll S6 llro"nrc flash 2 RIROca.il•&'>tJlltl.r l'xliou~t for llonc:la 360, each Alter 10 pleusl! ,,.. 11 1 1•:tml'rn !Iii Kod.dlc 2 8 · • h 1 it h . SI II ~ .... ""'r "ylind"r Tra.ffi" .,.,, '''""" ut'hc, untmi.:ton lt'llrh f I ""'' r~ ' ... ' '""'·><""' torr Ynrkto"An and ushhold1·r for Toai;Lmastt•r O\'l'n. hke !lftinol $2S Low hllck ----------Ma~noh u Soturcla\ nnd ll.i"A k l') l' llull~•·yc "' nt<w S20 l1.1µcr lnirks bucket seal& for Chevy. BARSTOOLS SIS each. Sunday otil)' OC.S 1579 l\0tlak <lur .1flc•x :l, $3 50 l ">C' Antique l> 11ewntcr both ror S2S lliith rh11r Old record.1 Sl $11 Pin~ llr iH} dut ~ H h o11l $;!() Stenolvpc mactune S~ T o1lct 125 Oval Pong L'!ble with t.'tjulp lt PISTC>t. $8. 10 ~l>t't'<l i:round l )'Jll' 'lwln~ S25 SCth ·rhomn" Eh-c bathroom 11lnk $1~ New menl ~. ~rv1ni: cl\rt yclr $2$; bu1I\ In 1as ,;\and. lhand only, nu ut tronl<' m('Lrunome SlS. Honda 750 lunf'd ellhlllllll SJO. Slideru le>ll $1 $9. c>n and ranite. pink, lachrmcnl ~. chains or Clcrtll('S 2.Sc S6 Yaahlca 11ystem S25 per cyllndt'T' Chairs '3·11 <.:amt'ra m. $2!>. cook lop ond hood 4t'lltl, S25. VC'rt hrovy camera S25 2138 Ctllll'ge Siu pan!JI, 32w :IOI,. Si2S Plclu rc1 $1•$9 Gomes. JiS . pink doubh• kltchm 11 1 0 r 9 ll e ~· 0 0 I n i! t • /l.v1t, Cost:i Meu \forlne varnish. ~ i;:al hookl $1-~. 1131 1431 sink and fau<'t't SIS. und S9"x29"xl!f • 2-<4 ron Door11 $11) Window~ untllet1$1 ,T V rorpa.rts atructlon. masonih• lop,S FONTS type.In 314 S5·S10 f'l r c-wood $2 TOAS-flMASTER toblc· ..... .,. ..A 1 panrlrd aide~. d e· r 11ses. SlOt'A<'h G2 Ford T k 1 d I b 8 lk .,., ~ara udl u <>n l)'JX' corallve dootll & I llhrlf. Vnn doors. SlO ettch. rue 00 · $5 l> cleup t'()ller llS. ob~ wa er, hnlr dryer. barely 11100 brown i:olor, $5. 2211 Prln ll23..s7Sl t r uC'k fond Ford car u:'ll'd once $10 New baby S20 . ~ h nlr clipper iwt ra dloSls. 64~·3900 back paC'k 110 Regal S,,; walnut stereo "t1uwl c.l•ton Dr CM . ~~7·3009, TOYS · mon key • SS , electric rrypan $10. 18; 11lt"pln11 l>aa11 S2 $8: s111 only R·5 clown~ ~. pen1luln11 S1: SF.ARS vcrtlcnl broiler Un 1v c r a a I h "t b()JC Cole m on inovc~ $10, duck• Sl: roo1trr~ $1 : WJthdrtp pan_. works like hairdryer $5. Bo:upring Colemon Ice cheat SlO. JUNKTNO oul complete 11t1ck horr1ea 16 ; pllloWI " tou\er cor 11te11k, ~. Blue bathroom sink COlrmun llmlt1rn, double '66 VW ku t'nalne & 14. Sit~ 11-20 drc~scs & b acon· etc · • vocado w It It fa u <' <' t • SS drrveahufl $10 , 40 mQrc$20 Ktnl('lite hrad bcll~<>UlUOll SIS· Ill ta.kt-bourd SIO K1n1ti;ttl' h<'(I manrfolrl $1), n<·w hcl.ld frnmc SIO Older rtoval ~a~kcltt. SS 1.1:11r . MOP•tr deick t yp<'wrltcr woi k$ s tick bcl!housln~ S20. llOOCI. SlO 2S:tfJ Nf'wpon clutch S20. pre~surl' lllvcl, C M ~S·4183 plat<' S20 . recondstrull ed Pontwr hr·11d~ S25COF'F£fo; t11blr Sin Psch Snow rhain~ $10 l.Jnen<i SI S2 2 end h1bll•ic Lor11e bnttrry chargt'r $.'. <>nch Crib S'lO l..&mps SIS 893 3050 $2 $20 King<1rzc mattress $20 Kmts11(' box s prings BATHTUB. <'&llt Iron, Jrf\. 110 t-aeh King head- band rorner, m1tlchln~ hoard SlO K1 n g8izc !ink, tollt• t, S23 ('1crh frnmt• $1~ Record Wfll ~t'll 11opa1 utcly c;ibmi!t 1.5. Ro<'kor S.S. 548·~ Ga.Jvanlicd wai.h tub $..'>. \~ CHEVY c·ui1tum cnb Ol:1hes lOc 5()(-Cookln• • to f t c:1 k""' vo11el11 50r $2 High , n ron i·n 'wrec "' "h air 4 -. Stro1!Ar S7. driver d(>Or S2~ Driver ~ "" " Id r l .... s ., Ch 11 d • a d r es s er $8 1 e eni er""'"· t•nl .,(l Child '~ book case 11 Power steering unit S\O. C .. lld 'll nl~hl tAblc 8 Chrome b um t1f'r $10 11 .., Back window <full) S!O Corner dt-11 $5. '7~1-«74, J0.9 W Wllicon 642·9618 _$45-_24_77 ______ 1 mantle $8. bo11kelballs Sl tr11 n11mlsslon. Wlnduwa s1n\a $1·$10. DulloM, fell , a rem. S\2 50 &45-18'76 Vt.ematlc veaelabll' nch: C'h('vroltt 6 lua 110. Ooor S20 Other pllN CJUlll scraps, craft &\JP· cutter $4. 2 end l1o1blcs S3 0 I R L • S 27 tpar~ tire and rim $8, Sl·l2 M er J2 Sat. all plies 50c·$1 263 2111t. OLD rultar. nffdt 2 alt each . TV stud S2 . SchwlnnS25 i\RTIFIClAL Chriltmall J ,pcco tree, 6 ft white flocked bum~r JM'k 12. GGM6M dll)' &Jn $40·'1M ec.ta MeH mp .•. MS~ 8'2.9235 6-'8 Cl507 ---r • \ -l" 4 '67 Cousar bubcAPll $4 each &46•6102 ..... --·····--·-·-·····-· . . . . ~.'<'efl••• IOIOjMlautl....w IOIO '•ta 10'7 loob Mwlt1t ~n. S•/ ~ycte1/ Sltvrd!t. O.Cemt>.r 111. 1m DAILY PILO'f 8J3 •••••••••• •• • • •••• • • • •••••• •••• • • ••• • • • • • •• •••• •••• • • •• •• • • •• •• • • • ~pnw"t 9 0 l 0 ll.t.t 9 120 Scooten 9 I SO --.;;;...;;;..;;~~~-..;;.....;.""""'-....-..-----....;;.;..;;.;;..;..;o.;.;;;~..---.= Baby Albino Cot'katlel ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t wt.t.I Drf¥91 fllO Vcma 9170 , 1"'90rl9d 3 0 3 0 FF romplct.t'ly tumf'd. $12S' RADIO Control El<'ctric Sule· 'H DODOE 1 Ton ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••.•••~~~.-•• ~••••••••• w/t'ilil~ 67S-9'752 MO<kl l'T Boat, over 3 It Camper Miany cxtru1. YIAI IHD ltTS Ford r -2'04x4 12 Ford f"'lOO. VB. uuto, IMW 971 Z lon.:. 1uren, waler cnn Sucrlflt'c 1'700/bit CLIAlAMCI Aut-0tra1U,pwrbraku PS, ewlvel 11111, ••••••••••••••••••••••• O J'arrot 2 yra old. Me1m·1111 non. a 1peeds, ett' Very IWO-llZ'J'Jur846 59'0 SALi (7H)M'f.looa AM/FM, 8 atereo, Ice Rf'd Head W/wrought aophbtlc•t~d toy Over • 7 0 v w p T llurll!)' D1&vld1011 or box, ~··· aid• pipe•, QUITTING BUSINESS lronngeS200. M7·3391 5.~~oo 1t•pl11n·ment Westph1&ll• C~mp~i Wei.tmloster, 0308 &In PP,l3800 "7·71112 Eves SADDLEBACK Habb1ts ·Babies & adulll, Su(nh~~ ~ Includes R~blt, R11frll(. new pain· Ave, Weatm 53164•0 rruxed & purebred $2 & everyt an& en 3002 or l rud1~t:, ~ 4.92 3108 .. ...,.. .... '"' IN• "'°""'' $S 5'6-99M 6'5 2200 4!Jll 3tlt6 Motof' HCHMI, " -&--L PARROTS, Blue Front locrh Power 904 0 lllb7 VW Cu,1en1 cumper . S./llent 9160 llrl.-Y •~ Arna10n1, band l11me wall ., ••• ;••••••••••••••••• ltect>nl Oil tr.uu & cn11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ln• ... ory SB.I. OUT talk . .iM·S.97 1~ f'M'F:MAKY.lt J4. t'ully 111~ul11tt1d, ex · MotwHotRe R...tal 1 ,._.._JltUZ ISH • • · ~ellcnt condition, aood Ill/ •to ~1· -.-~ 'S VW Van, '7t> eng, v ... y lood cond, HklDI S2000. 840-1296 BMW '77 BMWs HERE NOW n lrkahln On1m. 11lps 6, tlreK SIW~ <.:Mil &46-W2 2 ,. It's Outdoor Time. ' Plano1 & Orgatl1 8090 wry dran $2S.~/ofr. or M8·&7?S after 6 pm Pully Kif c:ontalned (<tlMGIV). Dodge '74 '*• T nuaxl·vnn, e 6 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Wn:itlJ --. lttostavc nowtor 13999 V·8, auto, P/S, l'/U. IMWSALIS ur sr'J Gl .. AGlft ,::: llo<.1l w /tro1ler w 11• Motorisedllua 9140 Holldiacy Wkndlt $450().()46.340() '70 "UOCS·• ,.,, 3601 E•st c ...... H"gh Of Mualc i'u· OU, $700 -25 1iP ue ..••..•••••.•.••...•••• RJJ}:~ R~:f>I&R um Mu_x_I V_a_n_l_t_on_, D-U-t-o,·I ~7~~~~A' •• , ...... RKK,1 • ~l I way Sear's aplntil or1an 2 motor, $100, 642·3124 HACH IMPORTS 925N. Harbor Blvd S.A. I ' di ~ .. ~ -key bowrd. t•hord J)t!dul11 HAS MO-PEDS ti r, I ll, ra o, 37,000 ml, '7 S ll . 0 CS • 4 1 p Corona del M• Like new rood1t1on S9CHRISCRA.l"T30',twn aeroreyou buy.~1veu1 1A ••531·2~3•• '3100.Willtr.de,pvtrJly. (967KLM). Move(!, to amall laonle, en1. hauled, ~flnlahed, cwll 1 26' GMC MOTORHOME ~l. 7~1-6801 • 71 8 o v li rl a·• •I> ;:~55~ore room. ~Oil Sept. 76, $9300. 646·~ IEACH IMPORTS Sips ti. Wnlr ratea. Pvt 'Gil Dodp Sport Van. V8, ~~p:~~·4 I'10 • 4 ~ n . --24 • V c 11 vu o Y <: u bin 841 DOV~ ST. pty 833 :t6t6, lluto, new Urea & •hocks, C3411VM ). ,. Mlac.u.... IOIOIMl•ctllaneou1 eoeo steinWil)' Grund t.:oon) Cru1\Cr, clt.•Jn, vm-. N!WPORTHACH 6424097 ~wpl ·~!~~:t~~\Jt~~g: :~l~l29S. 64&..SH8 or '752002/\ (()341) ·~,··•••••••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••Piano, Mdl ·M 22511P,wtrlr~l~7:l 752•0900 Rl·nl· New 23 Fireball, muattoll.$1300,uktor '75~1AA.(llOOMVO> ----------------Ser11t7~$JOOO.ll:Jt oa~9 lO'FlberiOM'ft,-;--74 selr cont, lowca of Win· HenryU3-4483. 9190 SADDLllACIC dows & counter apace -Alltot W•ted vu •n CHRISTMAS TREE LOT s .. s..a ... ClllCKJ::lllNG Upn11ht all)!I ~. flyhmli;e, t'ltic. Moped, l>emm 70 ml old, &il5·22.83 Plymouth Trail Duster •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• __. IMPO•TS P11100 ~uturul tlnlsh 1 drh:. VIit", t:U, F•tll , Pt'rfect rond, $300. Joy •74 tX4 \18 A/C A/T CASH FOR CAlSI IJ 1-2040 495.4949 F'a1r price $l:tOO, m v 1 n l c r c· om, , l c: r ~ o. uft 8PM 840·1507 GMC Lale '73, xlnl. cond., p /S / B ' rf 'rack ' skid Top $ Doll • Id f pnw $'725. Lewis P1 .. no 1·harger. :.ync , twin sips 6 $19 200 12311 I ' II b ~ ar •pa or ~nice. Laguna 494 8440 225 ':., vul n •'. "•' r~. rod Polaris' NB s3J.281s P •tes, ro ar reat clean used cars, true Ice & ~.. ., • · t'Olld. Rarely orf road. Corve\tea. Aak for Paul CREVIER 24000 Magnolia at Indianapolis Huntington Beach o,_ I AM to IO PM Dalfr * * SA HT A WILL YISrT * * Kam ball walnu~ b-;b)' holderi., liWllT\ :.lei>, etc THfFOXI MOPED Dale's RV Renlult> ~/orr.833-8227 O'NeUI. gr;.intl S219Sfarm O\l•r SJO.OllV tt·pluce Choice of model' & col 5Acres'7S/'76modd:i HOWARD Che It o·sr ~llOADWAY SlS·7491 ml'nl ,bk1ni,: St7 !JOO or~ $15 wurth uf accoM1 Inane. 559·4446 '72 CHlVY ILAUR ~ • SAMTA AMA _ ---SJ•· \1u:.l~ell 675 l:!JK F IU'.fo: w/•ny MOPBU 3SO V8, auto, full pwr, N~;~~~k~~ll 835·3171 j\nlaquc piano, Jui.L iil ts•• (,lan~ron, Mdl 156, purcha:.e '73 wcwti•• AM /FM 8 track, many 1----------1 THfUUIMAl&INllVINOlilAC"'"L Saturday & Sunday Only 5 lo 8 PM. II row n e u Pr I I( ht ('11llll'dr11l hull Less Lh.m flowe Points Mof"d 25' Dodge V-8, auto, P/S, xlras. Should be seen to WE PAY TOP DOLi.AR USID IMW' Eni;land.$600 !>41i2fitll SO hr,. 40 hp t.:vln1u1lc l!<•nchatMaln P1B. AM /i''M 11.tr k, bcupprec.$4~·551·1424 FORTOPUSEDCARS * 1 * 13.Jby Grand piano. Lolli:. el~'·.~t.1rl. $18~. P\l lllY l-'l\e t>olntsShopn'l((.;lr generator , roor air. eves, 752·&924 duys.Jlm FOREIGN, DOMESTIC '7SBavarla-(90Gl.VY) xv cubanct. blfl walnul 1,,,1 > ~_1__ lluntmi<ton Heach nwse control, awnan11, or7S2·62'6 orCLASSICS :-:=~=~ stliined ~olld m.i ho~uny lloah, Re"t/ Mon Fr• 1.iPM. Kl' M roof ruck & li.dder. hitch .. 71 Toyota Land cruiser If your car Is extra dean CloNd On S. da Bring ad for S3 Off on ANY Tree ~-.-11___.,1 w/lloltl tcur trim $41!~ Ch---L.r Sut 10·5 Sun 12 4 Io w mi I es,. SI ps 7 1rr.whale. Xlnl runnlng st.-e us flr:sl. 8 ye ,____ 1080 Mitcelloneous 8080 f>40-!1356 ~· 9050 848-8828 <03 t 1 llNW) Sales price rond . New brakes, IAUIRIUICX •H•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIG,9'J5. rad11i1lor . HD c lutch. 2112SHarborBlvd. ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDIST s&ndUres, 16"Goodyeor, TRAIN SETS·' Mini Hummond Spmct LCWO •Nl::Wl'ORTllAllllOll • -----'73APOLLO $2700.5527855 Costa Mesa 9'79·2!IOO U1htrlm1. Trax"N:St•Jle;3ft XHft ()r((un. sacraf1cc $575 l'AHADl::OFl.IC:llTS MoJ)l'clU:itavu!-26' Motor llume, aulo, 642.3379 ticrman l:'U:>tom layout 1>7:!·0570. CHUlSlt:S /\V/\IL/\llLE Xlntcund. I mo old. Uodge Y·8, aulo, l'/S, TNCkt 9560 Pa .lr .. •ed sa'deplpesSlO with stations. \tll<.11ic.1,1 \N(l K 11--•. Dtlcll!23.U7!i >IK6tl Mustsell.54~·t)(J54 PIO. stereo, dush air,••••••••••••••••••••••• WE BUY CLIAHCA•S &TRUCKS .... mounlams, lakc, lunneb. • 1 • 0 1 c r '" • generator, roof air, rack Ford Ranchero, '69, nu 18x24 H.D. cutler foa lortHil. etc. M ui.t l:trl1p1Jcll Wttlnut ~piru•t. Mopc<l.Jawll R1tbellll,ltkl:' & I dd i ti $1500 be l rr c.irdboard or light metal. sacr1r1ee 1 Call t'42 0138 mu:.t sac. Fme cu11<I loc:rts, Sall 9060 new 5200 or bst ofr. Afl. 8 e r ; awn n 11 ' res. or 5 0 er· l hp 3-phase molur $25. ~.00.546-0294 ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• ~PM.&15·1631 :;~~l~rSl(r~~llM) A real •645~_2 ______ _ l''ml axle & whl" for '24 WA.,..TED "'-1 -M -h. -8093 llulne lti, trlr, new lr:in' & L'J REGENCY •10TOR 72 Ch.evy Luv w/shell, CONNELL CHEVROLET Chev. $75. Emblems & 1""111 ~· fMJ ac IMS m()re. $1 ,4~ trl611255 "' r. CClrtt' Moped " l A kl $2500 TOP CA::,11 UOLLAR •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 51117505 LC''"than650miles llOM~RENTAL new an· 11 ng · ~~~~!~.h\"n .. ~~1~,8·~~ PAID l''U R YOUltSl'ar-. Zig-i.1 ~ c011,11ll' ---J\,k1nl(S:t75 1;.i4 -2tSll 9'~N.llurborlllvd S.A. P .P. 631·1750 or evea r~ad" buokli & record!., JBWl::LHY. W \TCllES. 'l'"llll? machine• MJkc~ EH IC S 0 N 2 9. I u 11 --tr•SJl 2S03tr * _6_75_·_3926 __ . ------2821Harbor Blvd. cost SlOO, i.cll fur $25. AllT OBJECTS, (;OLU fancy !>l1lcht•s & hutton cruascl ruce, Sll ,0011 ol Motorcycles/ Sale· WINNEHAGO 1973 '61 CHEVY Truck. Stake COSTA MESA ll42-337!1 S il.VEii sio:rtVI CI': holes 673-23~ rl•r . b7S 1830 eVt''J & Scooters 9150 L . L d d I h<Hh 8x7~X31 J w '611 546-1200 i''I NI': t•l llN & A:--1 . "lrnds ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 m1. 00 8 ' x nt muto~ and trans. Stcpl----------- T · Spo~1nn Goo .. -8094 7" " " 'fM · 5 L rond. 5s7-I035 TOI' DOLLAR White bO'te :. ror Christmas gift:., MOl.ll's or l.'iindy. 2"'4 ·• h1 •1 ~ K loog & 6 5/8 w1d~. :ic cu ~2·3J7!1 NORf TAKI:: "Hose· marie" 12 com plete pt1ce sellinl!l>, approx 100 pcs. Hose w /~liver hand. Many :;cnmi: IJC' Beuul & dl'hllt'ute c·hina 5$1-6042 Never used. llvy dut y tycwr1ter 'l'ahlc sland, s1•l t•u:.lrr~ '"' 2 drop lea\ cs, nt•w, nt•vcr u~ed COST ~75. t, II l1Jr S Ill 1'.ni: S111• ullted Urtocu dspread, l(ood cone! $20. Cull 551 li042 ul'l $p.m. ---- Oversturr chair & ot toman, nds covering $35/bsl ofr • 12 Sheet.s or uuutation 3l·J'', all for $20. sm chest or drawtr\ ~. wd ironm.: board S5. melal kit lbl SS, no 1 h1' (;i.I! aft 5 10pm fi4~ 7>i:.7 Cl!nop) ur 1 po~tcr lll'il r r ,. m ,. S 3 J :>.. 1· w Techn1l11lor Showt J-.~ ProJet·tor "'2'1'> •11.0 1.7 14 fQU~ 114:; uuo n ~ <n •• ,.,111u"1 12 . ay -bumper, ll/ll, air horns. ---••••••••• .. •••••••• .. •• HOBIE CAT 3.S Meter ot" n Boge shocks, 30 Bil sooo1orr. Must sell before PAil) LUGGAGE TAGS 16'HANGGLIDER lll''l 1-'t i.m<.11ler '~Nun \lukuna carb. OG hd, . Chn:.tmas6'26135 IMMEDIATELY lrom >our bu:. me:.:. ci.rd. Good com.I, great g1fl for ol llohw 1 It & J 11 L1kl• 1J111 ll·r h ch nm 1cns1on, .. •·oR ALL St:nd one curd for euch adventurous youngster new. lt1l<m:1l -.ail:. ,incl 5W 1 hum k1l lii.t olr I I 8. Servis Utll bed for F'ORBIGN CARS tui: plus one iop<.1rC' WC' Call Duve. 675-4636 l'~lrus <:rt'11l for bins 540 ool!I ~iillilll•llliilillill.: '1 f>r :Y. ton truck. Ask· CALL OR COME IN £1r'>I 1·u1. Verv l<t-.t $6i111 sng; TO SEE US rdurn 1Jl'rm<1111·nll\'.Tennis Lobber nearly ti753b(i2or645Uoo '7:1 YA MAHA 360 'I X. Sl75 Cal1962·343S NEWPORTIMPORTS ~ealcd attracti\e la1: .'!.. new $200. New' rat'ktlii -factory orti:in11l. M1nl ~lrJJ>. mel'lin~ .i111,1111• slr~ng & unstrung: LIDO 14-M4'stSell c·ond SOOO/bs\.557·45'13 '76l>odl(e 1,;tonBlOO.Ful· llOOW.CstHwy,NB I l> reqwn·ment:. I n· S10·S25 new Ad<11uyten ONL ,, ~50 673 J122 ~----St ere o I a o e. ly loaded. lo ml, $5600. 642·9405 \C11l lni.s & Lheft ' For u r11lo sh~~. :w . of""-l·.dl '73 Jlunda 504, m~t ~ell, Tacoma wheels. t•ush. 9115·3SOG,898·7334. i--------- µcri.ondh1.cd ta(( er:iclo:.c JamorDou1: 631 .1011 •1..ast!r + dolly~750 rnukc oHcr, b~aulilul Just 1n time for WE BUY wallpaper, £abrll· 111 · l>ubot rowboal$4!5o. t.:ull84ti57'\8 Ch r 1 s Im a s · 76 Dod1te 318 Truck, full •USEDCAHS& "U:..y <ilo ' PUJl•·r & wi COLLECTORAMA Ltdotl,mam 1 Jill$125 (2o48PCX) tamc4wheel drive. TRUCKS~ will hut·k & trun you1 Dec.ll&l9. i;7!)577~ 7fiSu1.ukiRM370 '4299 549·0726 ComeinorColl tai:~ Ur try two 1'.mb Like new S!l50 Oflcr FREE Appral1cd burk w bark. Buy · Sell· Tra~ il l'olurnlJ1..a Chall1·11g1·1 M!l.:1842 '73 G MV ''l ton, super Groth Chevrolet l'HICES We;ipons, ;intiqut• & ''I" o\ .Jo hnson 11111•. l'U.'>lom, short bd 53400. $i! 1;11 or ·1 SS modern. relo<.1tJ11111. sup ~u~.10 1,;5 O\ll:J 1\171; Yamaha 125 YZX Call 002·7188 before IOam 18211 Beach Blvd. 1 ~1.•l!s~I ti01:u plies Leather, hucli:c:.. Greul 1·ond. mu1>l !>ell. ora£l2pm._____ Huntington Beach ti !H:i11s$1 50ea. buckles, war ~ur11lu1-. un 1'.ITF 1 )I oltJ, \Int ~700 Call.~7~1 -. __ 847-6087 * 549-3331 IOnr more $1 40 ea 1l•1rrn~. p111 r·he:., i·o1n~ o.:1111u 'frlluw $1;clt) ·74 SUZUKI 100. -----'73 Chevy Luv. TOP DOLLAR PAID Sulc:i Tax lndutled (gold & s1hcr l All l'UI C.ill trli! l!llO 400 ml. Like new. Trailers, TroYel 9170 536 8649. !"OCARlP lcc l.1blc itl•ini. 'I he 2'i Cutter H1J1 Cl i.S1t' $400 673-0849 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>raw your own or semi pul>hc 1:. wclcomt• to hr ,1111 •·ond \Ina' ..i mu!.t '72· '73 Roadhner 22'. Self n.1me. addrcsi.. i;hon1· ti.. llll! items ror lr1·1· ;i11 ,,.,. ,~.~JO ~fr %0'1710 ;,r ·7~ CB~ !:'our. w /B~tes cont. set.up on lul wt•ll makeonP cJ1tl 111·1 prdt!>al:. Hours 115 1,7,,,1Jtl i'a1nng, new rear tire. w/8x16'cabanaNpt Ray tag.Add ZS· each Orangt! ('ou111v I .11r Very gd cond. Musl sell. S5500 675-7984 ~nd cht•ck or money or Grounds, :'\t'w Produt b llORI 1-: 11 SloOO S750 540-34!111 T. .,_ Util'ty 9180 tl\-1 10 P .. v1llon. MK F.11r Ur L \I\ 1-; Fon EST rot~rs. I PILOT PRIMTIMG ~t ... \11•,.1 ~t 11477 13 Su1uk1 250 cc ••••••••• ............. . ~t ord1rt. liood cond. 4'x8' Ut1I Trlr, w/2' :solid S3Sob-.ttJlr.li7:lfii:.!ti $1debo11rd~. like new. I' 0 Rox IS!iO \lo-.tl\· m·w I rapp1•u1 & <.:06L.l Mi-sa. Ca.112t.2U '"rlllCJ SI.I Booh, i.17('' 8't'r d rJl\cr, hold• '• Kl'lt 11. II' 1. SSO SIOO llt•\c·t•I & oJ bf-er, nc" rnnd $200 l~·ntur' Ski-.. lllJl rn tu t.'73 5271! Cu II a ft JI A \1 _'Ml'm S:.CI $1711 0 lln.111 ----\\.al1·r Ski-.. 61i" t;lj • & •,\II ;'\t'W \lnri:un :.!i lmml•d dt•I S1\\"!-; SS Bkr Slwltt>r <.:o\C ~1<.1ran.a lt17 11().'\ llOOAK" !!II $225. 6'7 5.4002 1511 L>l lff BIKE Auto Sffvice,Porh 675-litj412 & Aceessoriu 9400 --...................... . ·72 Courier. Roll bar & ~rill g rd , K .C.'s. J.ickmans + much more. Must see to ap· prcc. :'ltusl sell be( the Ul. Wknd:. & Eve, 492-6564. Days, 492·0682 '57 Chevy P U. 327. Auto, new tires, nds paint. SiOO ~-5918 '76 INTIRNA TIONA.L TERRA SCOUT FOR CLEAN IMPORT CARS ALL MODELS ~ UllU!. lil A(; H OL VIJ HUNTINGTON AF AC H M ;>-111!1 !>40·0441 Sale11·Serv1ce·Leasini: Roy CcrYer,lnc. Rolls koyce BMW 1540Jamborec Newport llcurh 640·6444 ------lllm BMW moo. AM 1''1\1 , Mlchelins. $1395 673 5LS7 1133 5M6 197' IMW 2002 Blue metall ll Autom1&l1C, ulr cond SW\l'OOf, stert!() & ONL \ 4000MlLl::s! CMVl421 ) MISSIOM VIEJO IMPORTS Avery Pkwy . .S.O. Frwy. 28701 Murguerilc Pkwy 831-1748 7S 2002 Sunroof. bterco, xlnl. cond. Mu!>l 1>1dl! $6200. 675·9752 BMW '74 Bavuria 4spd, uir cont!. sunrr. etc. 35,000 mi, S7.595. Wkdys. 5!'>1!·6!nll. Wknds & eYCli, 644 9'.ltH '73 RMW :.!00:.! 4 lip, AM /FM cassell('. s nrf, Koni:s, Lucas, Plrelhs, must sell by Der 21! $4990/bat. PP. 631·1757 Capri 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NIW '76 CAPRI llMPG {;I\\' ~oursell .1 vr•'" 111 1\11 n.1turJI "'"•:h1 '"" products. Gu'4rianteed Lu work. PUILlc.AUCTION 70 , SllO St.it>. b4'1 ~ \11\'1Y ITEMS M' fo'l ~F. S ti "h . · u • l:! Kite. "lnl 1•<1n1l tolnn•d, mu-.1 ~t·ll S55o •179 6'.1!18 or 'l!17 :?;Jiii ·;1; N1~h1k1 lnternutlon;1l 4 u.., M , h I • 'i•w S230, Sell $165. Call ., a II w ti "' 111~ ll'll'I Goodyear S tl Bild ' · · --lhdials. ltl5·SB 13 . For Complete with rronl d1:st' brukci.. steel belte d radials, styled s teel wheel covers, rack & pmon sleerani:. retllnln& bucket seats, fold down 1----------1 bench i.eals, vinyl lop. PICKUP 4 wheel drive, deluxe ex· MECHANIC wants run· Lerior & interior, door ning repairable or edie guards. body side wrecked cari.. 847·4995. I need d1slrahuton • 645-:?Ml & !;.&fl 7'1:1..1 ~:ST1\rt: J1-:w1-:LRY .. 11u i .,_01c 11.~. '1ir AHT OH.JJ-:CTS, "N lho.inl and 1.10\'~r n1rd I I lJl '1':.". FI' E FU H"" SliO. 9l.l!·Q.13H i:.,·c. PllONI:: f"OR IN "llumlx'r 1 Sun l.1d1l'' :.k1 fO & BR OC II URE t11 h nH •r.tlb S1H' l:! 1145 220tl '11'w MO .~.1:-, 4713J l!ti . ., Su11La11a .is·. 1 , T r,11'1'. rruai;c, h ha1: .. l"as l l'lt•an ~11,.1100 117" :.MXil 'ii Yumuha lOOMX. Looks 8210 Toyota. Coll. etc. ,\ runi. ~ lnl. S.."95. or best. $150. 642·5770 if1<! 8tllll ---------VW EMGIHES '7:1 Yllmaha100 MX. Xlnt USED . Jl.EBUILT 12· Kltr w <<1tn•1•l trlr. ' mncl . m•H·r rac ... d S:JOO 40hp, 1300, t500, HiOOc:c mouldings F0092FGD40963. $5395. Late 601 earfy 701 VAN Wanted In gd cond. reasonable mileage. Call 645·5250 $108.17 Mo. ltA \'F: SA:"ol'fJ\ \'l~ll SOMEONE YUU LO\-I Muke your rc~cn·.111011 'low. 640-20'.!ll, d.i'~ ttl @Vtill. Merry Chni.tm"' WATERBEDS YurnuhJ "'0:1l'\f Solam.111 11u11 1111. 11t11td c·ond ~•lf>«~K7 Dual Ports 530·6940 h111cl1111:,. ~tu F1.,d\t'r ~1<10 :14111 I\'< 125 Kawasuk1. Xlnl _DERDUGGYSllOP ATLAS CHRYSllR PLYMOUTH With only lux & lie down ($326.30 for 4H month~ on approval or your good credit. Tolal cash price Incl. tux & lie. $4315. Deferred payment prlco ----------• Including lax. lit'. & in· Small or Compact car, lo tcrul $5552. Annual R'ADIO l'crntrol 1-;1, c trir ~odel PT B<.•Jl. IJ\ "' 1 rt long. :. ir·en. "".itrr , ,, n non. ~ apeeds. tt<· \ 1·1' i()l)hlalu.:111.cd lo~ lh rr $11100 replH~m enl Sacrtftt'e S.'IOO ln1 lull•" ~~an& tl73 31.t.i ,,, 1-'rnm $1 lU Ill l'llmpll'lr 1·1.11ne ri~ef ffiJI 11111·1 \\1th h(':tlt•r &. 1lt l11t'I\ 1 "''' '<!vie <1111cuur111 .. 1 f;; 11 r o fl ,, X (' o u n t q lliOl' \I JU " :! I" Cl 1975 Bucc:oneer 240 l'Olld. FM:>. xtra:i. 13cst HEULT. ChC\'Y 292 eng. 1711C'~I " mi1rk•·r 11111<1 i. lip mtr liJll& winchl·,; _or_re_r _5_59_·_5<_)4_!l ___ • __ complete S<!OO Open Dn1ly&Sunday m i I e a g e • A m e r · , percentage rule 12.96'/.., Forei Rn . Good t'Ond. Ser. GAECSK.2454.2. 673-6897. 1nl(,. $fj4J H11~i.1 ')trul11 putp1h. t;rc Im~!>. cllx 1n°l. 1976 Suzuki RM250. Many ___ 546 3i!02 'Iii IO PM lt.OC''f $20 .\1rl itl 1!c•l('1 J.:Jlh·v. hl'utl. & mort> exlra~. Lealhers. lxiols. ROLL BAR for shorlbcd 2929 Harbor Blvd ... ..a..-1, lmpo .... -d 1or ~1511 '1 1't' II o Hcplc1\('mnl 1·oi.l ~!llSOO, ('\t'fyth1ng you need. Pickup.~. Costa Mesa -.v .,... truin~ & pJn~ l'ur.1 'tl•Jl1l furSOOU5 6:0 W IO SR7~ <'1111642-05\4 540·5383 546·1934 ~·•••••••••••••• mnunl twn1 h pre·" S:IO Newport Pacific So. . 7 •, II o n d CA XL l :> • _....,.,."' 970 I \1111.1 Hr11 vt"n K.10 ""•:' GUSTAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd tfuntangton Beach 842-8844 Co((ce & l""" m.11• h1n11 nt~rm.1r rncl 1.1hll·~ )3( •·I !-ouper JUICl'f ~I~ 1,.a,2 701>"7 8081 1 ·11~t 1nm h.1r h••ll' 1111 lh v p • -J '71 Ford R1nchero. PS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \l1·n ·.,k1l111oh •1t•'' Mu't ,,11 I'" V1tx·ri:I·•"' "cover. mony extras.AutosforSol~ Pwr disc brks. auto RARE'62 '74 Capra, V6 , air, "111 Jr 'k1 l"llllJ.l ...,,.., l .. 11 "'" •11H·r1\.,.,,1nclcl11l gilcond $525 64609L6 ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• medium ml'g. Very g M"'-<ERATI AM/FM, Xlnl cond w .1111• •I 1 .:• 111 rc11 11 101" 11 L•n•, ~ .. ,,, 1 •· · 1· .. t ·1•1 ----"-'"' / d 0 •t rr '"5""64 """' <:u11bo1trd Ill l(ood t·ond 1.1:> lllf.0 • \ ;).. ....... l ,) ·n 110 Sports lcr. EleclrtC' c~r 9520 ~7' 0 er '" . ..., 3500 GT Coupe $2300. Pvt pty, 675 1482 & Call mt· ill 1'17 lOll I \Ill Tl K Fl Cll ~;s c;i 1 hi ~tart. $1500 or bst ofr 011 ct · 5 Spda, new llre1, Dor 1_S._1_·8006 _______ _ Snuna he1tena r.11 .. s.1u11.1 TV. Radio. .t • w ~,hull :12 l..a Ca~l842 6152 ____ ·~~~·~:;;·;;••••;:.:;;·Yam 9570 ronl wlre wheels. fuel an• '76 CAPRI CPE plaos. •KW RIO &KW Hil'i, Sterro 8098 ~1n•nl' AH•r y & l" .73 Yomaha 80l'c good ASE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jection, aluminum body. V.fl,4!lpeed.powersteer· $tl9. ~ ...,sic• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tJiS 81r.M> ·o d t d t b.k'e $199 35oo GT COUPE I 975 GMC 'Xlnt eond. Very full in", radio. heuter. Sun.r t ..__........ 1011 • . c .. n 1 ion ir 1 S Sl)(!s, new tires, Dor· 23,000 ml. Too hot tor my " ""' CUSTOM M~rn. C'-0mpl1•1t· Skreo fur ... itr 26 l'.ndru vor Sloop, S lall 008·0438 ronf wire wheels, ruel a·n. SURP!R VAH ~· ,· re . Tr a d • f o r nice (736NCA I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1n C'Jtnnt·t + 'ipc.•.akt·r~ l l nt l I c w ... $3795 Wov ..... WOODS Conn 'fln·O \lflllr rlt>r (t7!i 1;.11 76~:; !IJI s. 'Pll 1 1 1 1' ·75 YZllO ModHied by Jrrl Jt'ctlon. aluminum body Autom atic, olr cond . something lamor, Pan • ...,. 11 l .• ta1nci,, t.1kc nc1•w •. llrar'· I' Ward. Like new Never Xlnt cond. Very fast! t>unroof, portholes, dt.!· lera, Lotus. Etc. or ?? 540 5630 50', TO 80'.~ Ot'F f1~~~~.x1~<'1, c~'l2 ~~~;ut 1u .. r k & Whill' ~ 1JI S5.25U "1 . X!~~ 11 U r.iced. sac. $3~. 23,000 ml. Too hol for my luxe lr1m, chromo wire Pvt ply . 67S 3662 or • 1011 ~so~ & so~ Ovor40 ln•11tock patl~rna -----TV, J>Ort Sti~ ).Jnt 550 7.111.~ nr H.l:I 2:!4 I or Call 830·2461 w i ( e . T r 11 d e r or wheels & 8 truck xtcreo. 645·2200 AlaoMINl·Blind11 Trumpet Olds Am rond. Aft5·J0.645·78S7. ~-Ol4:.! ---------:o.ometh1n1t Lamer. Plln (0'7•9). 1----------1 • I INCOl N· MfllClJICY &U-1950 U1 mo holia.ulor. goo<I rond1 11• A:\11'' Mans Fish xlnl llONDA 2~ Elsinore MT leru, Lotus, Etc, or " SADDLEIACK '68 MG. New r adials. f"M •i()T;;tn eol, rl''1dy tn-a-o, ttoBn. 1'65 Galuy Or M.aranti 2'140 il50 Small t•nnii Mu:.l ~l·ll ·5250. t,rana. Very ~ood 1·ond. ~,vt Pty. 675-3662 cir VAUIY IMPOlTS stereo. $800 or best ofrer 2626HARIOR ILVD. " N t'r:i11t 1-'M ~tc·n:o SSO. illlli 511()7 .John Skid pl ales. 3 1 gut tank. G45·2200 U 1•2040 495•4949 5'6·0841 ~0$TA MESA ptrf cond $35. Ca 11 -· · J Bl. Spcukcr~. Urrndes • _ 1\!i;o full cover tu:lmet, Alfa lto•o 9701 '72 Ca rt XI d A 7S2·232l. Lewis He rm an Viol In ~~ oo ro 1 r& d t o 1 ot w 11l~~ Chnstmu11 Luser. rrudle _$1,.'iO/bl't orr. 551·035~ '62 VOLVO I 22S ,64 Ford Window Van, e ••••••••••••••••••••••• Disr Pbrks n~~o~r~ 0'!,~'; Nowport Beach Tenntt ~~1'1i ~e:S'. ~~csJ;~,: w/~,~~ake~~ t~cw ~ ~~;er. lilt• blue, '73Yamahll250MX. ~0°~f1~~~ .. r~~;<';5~d'<~c~ cyl, stick, ortainal In/· Alfa Bertina '7' 2000. S1~.968·0034aft6pm ClbM•mbe~hlp bat I oCr. C asc In cl c1rtrld11e S300 499 4729 -S· Curnultsshocks. PSZ3651 out. Reblt eng, drives Sspd, low mi, 2'7mp11, xlnt•-------..;_- ·673-l'm aa-M23 -u 11c:inti Dinghy, $250. $400 673·3127 •TH! CAR PLA.CI• perfect. Must see! rond. $4100. rr. 559·0364 '73 V6, 4 1pd, deluxe ant . ---------as·· RCA col or TV . i-·tnn al 1850 Trailer . , Sacrifice $995. "8·977S at.crco, sun roof, $2800. Old OaW'f"-'!"bt 1 BaLb tudb • 90B Flute, Re mote con l rot lb I a va•lablc· Pleu!>l' call 75 Yamalia 400 Mono 2100 llarbor Blvd, CM an.. & Alfa 71 Sdn, radio, good 830·7888, 830-<1101 SUS. C:O ... 14 l k$$0ln • •n 5 moe old, $300. model. $250. 6'4·2228 f;7:\.t2X.'l ' · ~hOt'k. Lake new. $975. Ph 63\.2620 ,75 C'"-id ti cond. Muel sell. $2000. "_._~ 97,.0 t~As,o roe fchr C.11"2He0or751-829'7 bt S.7 . m5 136l no:VY w/w e rea, 673-5720;213·792·'610 __.. a e, eurfboard & wet1ult · wn pm 1 1 d 24 M b --:r7 Chevy. Black Sedan. mags, 28 .• ooo ml, sharp, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slf.2137 ' Beaut Yamaha FG30C Macnavox contole 23" ~ta°n~e~~ 5 s~at!>.° ti°s~ '68 Yamaha Enduro 80. restored, ortglnal. Xlnl 6'2·9738or6'5-8085 Audi 9707 DllVi A NiW Mlcrc.cope + CHt •t~l alrin~ Gu1t.r S350 eoror TV remote con d r 11 1 d Gd st.reel or dart $175 Call cond. Mutt aell. Ofr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~aUdes Was~ now Good V ol1n . S250 trot. perl cond 122~'. C::O~Y~~u~r.;962 !1687814 . SJS.1701 ~41~F~ltl~Bvai::~od '74Fox.4dr .. AC,Sunrf .. 8 LITILE ..• · · . · 752-8291 646-51 lh ---- -, . • • ' track atereo. 4apd. S3:i()() • . Also many rmc toys __ T·Cal 11341 &ood cond 74 Yam<1ha. Loaded. Oar· 26 Model T Ford, S2SOO. eystem, cu11tom ah11 tnt. 6'$-!I06l. SAVE A LOT 2217 SUN DY FLUT t-:. xlnt ..... & Marine w/traUcr. sisoo Call • Ing, ramnga, windshield, See at IM3 Darrell St. sU bltl, ma&e at much SHOP •COMPARfo: TAILV'd G cond s100 hrrrl .,.,..... 8451491 lach. 4000 ma. $495 C.M. more.$4650.493·7438 '73 Audi 100~. AM /FM. IUWICICDATSUM le or, tra~;> Cb~::: &42·556S •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• loah SU 49!l-4l'8 '57 Thunderbird, all 'MVW, reblt ena, brakes, ~~d = ~;:!:J~i SanJuanCaplltrano S.S447eves. Clar1neL. Bundy xlnt Gfterd 901 Do.:..__,./ 9070 '76 Honda 750K. Mint orlatnal, brlabt red, 11tarter, lit $1000 t.Ues, 1'ava 0 'r e1 '5.eaa ~ lll·ll7'49).ll75 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... d x $4()()() 546-5 I"' ll8f.<X500 d I • ca mer us StO ,... cond .• lllO or best ofter. RADIO -ntrol "'l""lrlc ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• ton . In t v a I u e . . ---------evcs/wknd:. .... 544-9947 "" "'"'" . $1700/bstotr. 5411-1240 • Che c .. .. ---------' •rold SJC70 13S: Olr· Model PT Boal, over 3 fl. Boat Slip wanted, 51 1h11 35 vy2dr oat11. '70 FORD CHA.Tc.AU. 1 ,73 100 LS. AutomaUc, ard turn lb I e $15 . Office,_,.,......, )ens. elren, water can· ror live aboard, '168·5243 :74 Honda Elsinore 125. 100% orl1. 3rd ownr. owner, lo ml, tzeOO. Pb 21.soo m l. Xtras. S2900 '$H188 ... ,...... 8015 non, 2 1peed5. etc Very _!.ft 7PM. Been atorcd l yr. s:w: Call 547·5231 IM-tTW firm. 557·26'74 ~ue Iron bed frame""••••••••••••••••••••• llOSlhlaUcated toy. Over SL.IP Wanted, Newport 64.">-14-46.&44~749 19'9 Roll1/8.onlley rare 7S Dode• Van, Ell. Cond. ·r;a1f• sis. Oct11onal ~ple~dort~ce aet.-up; l!'~~· r~cfn~le~!~ areu 38' Sca~olng huu!lc '7l Rickman l '1Scc P1rkward ~onventble, map, side plpes. 33,000 IMW 9712 . a~ 8•me or dlnln1 1ta'r fa ·~7c:;::,· ev~ryt~ng. 675-366~ or boat. John Pot1cy. Y1unnha dirt bike, en1. reawred,S22.S00.642·71t'TI ml, cpt. bed, ask ina ... , •• ,.7•,••IM•••W•••J•O•O••J•••• ble with• chalr11 StU. ~ vz 1 •so. • • MS-2200 (213)795 77~7 or l'YU w /rced valve lnlake $4.2S0.4!M-4?.30 · uUc awnlnRfl. lar1e. Y Bcst'b Rily. (213)794 98\9 • S.100/h11tofr 962·0873 Vthldt tllO '7SCbe ..,, 350 3 'apeed, Behr air cond.1 ~c:r (~':! "dr~~'l; 2 Orundla steno dlctaUoa loQM...... Slip apace for 25"3!'1' •74 HONDA. 300 CL. Lo ........ ! ............. 1pd, rf,IOOto':nt, ::'loo. ::'c~3~~ffM quao aple) tlnlabed bolh macha, ull acceHoriee ,_... 9010 flber1lou ullboat. miloaato. Xtraa Uke oow. CHIUSTMAS --SUPlllHAaPI ..... ..... •• off for boa• It He., Jutt ....................... NewportDch.675·1213 S6SO Ph~ 1 "'-Y"'-'W"'-Y -or -er. tent~. '100. 675-0811 17W Dory • -"' "' MlliCLI MAIDA ' to Mil. C.U 5&'7"'305 ,..._ • IOl7 w /hell of oart. Have Boat. n~Up for '71 Kawasa.ld 800. 4·1, 16" VAN It CAM PER J'Cll' Claulfttd Acl ll.IORarbor Bl~ C.M. me. •••••••••••••••••••••• C.Uevea,87&·2411 C..l15.Anypla • rim, c:113tom se•t.. fair· va::S:.ta~RV ACTION 645-1700 I dolly, Kotley dual So. WHt Pel Cf'nler~ Roat moldt, l4' Whaler 644 5010 or 873-7652 lnp. $l095. Ph M2·U22 Servtc .... Jnaur. Work. Call a pusp carb w /bl·rlH W9rld 'a lar1teat, type, MliO. 14' 11llboal SLIP for 30·3$' Boat. 1'71 Honda CR·W, top Fonda'eRVS.rvtce Da.l.l)'Pllot m&Allol4. Hotld• to Mlnl Brlalol/McArthur S.A, $300, u • Catamaran, Balboa Penn. eut of cond. Very d n. '39$. Call 21'17 ltarbor Dlvd AD-VISOR trall.18z.1915Stev. •llM S300, JUnry.14S-Om PavlUon 67U790 642-1321 Colla Ma. '45·1961 &42-se78 ..:--.I • ', '' ' "12 BMW 2002. Sunroof, air C'OOd,. ltonl abockl, ._.pelt New redltla. •ooo. '73..UU NLWPORf DATSUN SPICIAl.S mo 4 Door •• speed. <TISTLS> • MOW$2195 IMDOVESTl\r;F.T Near Mae!Arthur liJemboree Rond"' IJJ.IJOO T:SUY• • . ••••ti Topi tlaar pald or lmporta. COSTAMISA. .DATSUN 2M5 Harbor Blvd Cott.a Mua MO-MIO AMtoa, IMporhd Avtoa, lmporiM Auto•. Im~ Aldo•. Imported Autoa, lmport.d Atlto1. l111potffd •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D 14 DAIL y PILOT Saturday. December 18, 1978 Aado1, haporf9<1 Aaltot, h•ported Aaltot. l111porf9<1 M11ra•11ettt 9740 PorMe. 9750 Toyota 9765 V~klw•n 9770 VolkswCICJltt 9770 V9'Yo 9771 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dohun 9720 Rat 9725 Merc.dH hna 9740 MH •76 ZttOS. Ivory, linrf. '7~ 914 2 hlrc 4,500 ml .74 Tt• ota C't•hi-n H••d ;-1111t vw. new p11111t. 'tit Vo l vo ~4'. 7 ~·;w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t rulse cont. ll1twh.ibs. I erfect con~. $7,000. or A/I.: > & l•JudNl 34 000 1972 VW Wl'lK·r 4ij's, CR gears, restored, needs mhwr '71 Datsun 1200. L(> mt. 4 73 F IAT 12K SLC, new HAS YOUR LEASE 2300 m i, $16,200. 898 2720 lltit ofr. 673·~--nut .. ~ s:1500 6-12 3000 ' CA.MPH V AM li!OOl't.blroker. etc-. Over work. s.ac. as 111 $4~. spd. MWit sell. $1400. Pb engine, 10,000 mi, rturud IEEH TURHED ----In rm.-c 1·011d1tion with Cull $3300 m car, sac $2250. Steve ~-91.53or 960 37~ 494-11.38 wh ee t s. JU s T '65MZl600 Totallylestontd l'a mt.>t4r t>\1u11rn1e11t 4008671 ----------1 REPAfNTED, "Low" DOWH7 Jmmac. Unusually low '59 356A. New intr. body 19!r.f•'WC J. llcduccd for ----------• '71Vol•o14SS Oat. '73, 240Z, 25M, air, mags, AM/FM casi>ctle t.:etusrev1ewly0Wurf~an· mi 'g. Documcnle<l &pa13n~.M int.SS500 Pvt \IUllk:rnkat '65VWS..-.bock Auto. Trarui, air, conll, AM/f'M, auto, Like new, oew interior, looks brand c1al pc>tentla · e ave service r eds ror ca 3,UOO ply. I> ·3199 OHL y $2998 $850 642--49'5 ste~. roof rnck. Super nuradiah;,$4985.Ask/AI, new!645.7588 over 2'1 plans geared lo mi. The ultimate 11 h 11 r p . s a 4 9 5. Days, 833-bSSl. Wknd." & ---------put you into a Mercedes Chrlstma:; ~•ft. $ll.~5. '70 IJll~. Sportomuli<-. l 73 VW. AM/FM, alr, xlnt <Uc 09DCKX> cves,552·4831. Bent. Cull ownr,64•l·~7l!J.-owner, new t11c!'I . ...6co•o••" 197 1VWVAN cond $2300.orbest uffer. •THECARPLACIE• --------1Honda 9727 AM I F M • 4 7 · ooo m 1 · ' "' -..-STATIOMWAGON 642 9321or540-8728 73 D Tsu HOUSE OF 644-5475 SEO"..... 2100 Har bor Blvd. CM • A N ••••••••••••••••••••••• •'73 MBZ, 450 SLC, im· -------""" 7 pa ~Hcn•!l'r model Co bl I . U31·2t.i20 1210 • * * * • * • • • * • • • IMPORTS mac, like new, lo m1, ·75 Porst·he !H4 2.o, hon. Auto trans . low. 1tH~CAXJ Now rt:duced 7be1 t "rvrerti0 e.t odw m,01• 1---------- " ~""""d, radio. h•·titcr. ! •. sac., musl selJ, PP. (714) ,. I o w m 1 I e :. Lo s 0 er. r ra e r Aaltos. Used ~ ..... ~ " ~ 2131921-8588 per, metalh<'. blk lilt. (560NEQJ PU truck. 645·0785 Gas saver! t209JJC). ,. ,. 714/523-7250 \174·176'7 mags, xtru i.h:'.lrp, xtra~. ONLY S 1998 •••••••••••••••••••••tt $1995 • it ,69 Mercedes 250, 4 dr racing steering whl. new '2999 MARQUIS TOYOTA 6 7 V W Fastba c k . Gertffal 990 I • ,. ,. Lease Sedan . xlnt cond, air s pkrs, rear refl~<'lors, MISSION Vlt:JO Bt'i~e/ Blk. Under t>OM ••••••••••••••••••••••• 540-5630 : : New·UMd <.'Ond,$3950.646.7803 ~~-~7~4;~4464 day or 8 3 1•2880495_1210 ~~ifo:· Xlnt cond. Ofr. l~i'i:,'ilia~::~~~;g~ IOll~SO~ & SOX • LINCOLN·MERCURY ,.. : OVER I 00 1975 Mercedes 450 SE, un· Renault 9755 67 VW Bug, many xtras, _Pl_y_. 963-__ ooss _____ _ Es der 6,000 m1, l ownr. vw S "LE .. MERCED $16,500.PP.5486577 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" SIOOO 548-936JAMC 9905 • ON DISPLAY Must sell '65 t:dravclle 't;:l VW <GMZ91S5J. ••••••••••••••••••••••• H-.. .. a of llll~I MG 9742 convert wt remo\'dhle .70 COHO NA I ownrr (;ti OMLY S899 1969 VW o~0s.8orcer. •75 GHMLIH 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA --•••••• • •••••• • •• ••• •••• JI / T . New c J u t c h 541-2 Air, radio, 32,000 a clu"1 AUTHORIZ ,0 MG77's ond 76's $7()()/bst ofr. 751-024!0 cur J1~ ~~l~ p . SI I... ;>;,00 68 VW <3'MMXI ). -------1 miles (446NID> M~~,?.,EM.Da~i?e~~~.ER Xlnl buy plan, s tructured ly AM OMLY SI 199 71 VW Bus. New radials, $2495 "°""' ., J'k I bl n-1 '74ToyotaSl(5 Xl11tn1111l painl. AM -FM. Xlnt Bueoa Park 1 e a e ase · l>e nM e "'""Is Royce 9756 l'ond . S2850 645·0415 '7l DATSUM WAGON 4 spee d, air conditioning. stereo tape (U3649). 52399 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 l•ocfll l•d !U 1 8~\C, "UNllMf.ION llACM ID Datsun :?000 Roadster great shape nu head val YCS, lop SJ.l:.t51ot rr 84.2·6117. ·7:1 Datsun ti!O wa~on. Air 1\M·l"M s tereo tape. 1;.11-3028 523•7250 payments. Call Brtl1sh ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must :.t'll. N1•w ttrt•lo, gd Newporte r Motors Car Co for a quote on "lDEALERINU.S.A. senH'l', lo gu~ 1111 . lXllllarliorBlvtl ,C.M. On the .Santa Ana Fwy. stock and special plans. [)52-5505 642-0795 74 \'W Sun Bug, xlnt mechanical cond, super dean. $2400 Must see. • t'""' 1959 ,.,SL .• orig BRITISH CAR co. I JR[ r OY Triumph -----9 7 6 7 --- own <>r & restored. 2131990·2525 R CARVER ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1973Super8eeffe _SSOOO/hst ofr. 842·363\J_._ 714/694-2854 r ROLLS·ROYC£ ,. ~ • "* • • * * .. 4 l>IWt>d, 8 traek tape & 66 VW Bug, good eoud. ----llo40J~mbo•••· ,. ]It low mile-;. (313JES I. k l!n4 280 4-dr sed , $8900. ru; mg $900. '1181111!1••1111~ (>hve green, XLNT cond. '74 MG MIDGET ,.....,Port o.o~cr1 • 1• SAODLEBACK 675-2638 832.UOOg, 896-5218 ~ MCHU. .. .. v ... LlEY IMPORTS ---------~~~~~o~~r'". ~~,,:.~g;;~ ~~w"t'~0s~~~ssv!;:.~~ ciosEosuN~~ : ': 83j.2040 49s-4 9 49 61 vw. Runs great, good ~::;:::::::;~~~Ff."f • 549!>361or4!l3-3745. pnce: GORGEOUS '64 Holts ,. l ~ -----body & int, new tires, • $3495 £{<1ycc, S1l vn cloud 111. ,. l ... CLOSEOUT SALE ~-97_9_-~oo_. 6_7_3·_25_25_. _ ,. 1961MBI190SL BRITISH CAR CO. IMMACULATJ-;! 2!1,1mo * ~' ,. 19 76 RABBITS 1~ VW Station Wagon. it••*****••••• COUPEROADSTER 2131990_2525 org. miles . NEWLY +~ ,. Mixll'll7:!l-Th1::.1ncludc::. beige,Clean.$600or best llardlop. Or1g1nal UP HOLSTEHt-;u • ' ,. ln·1i.:h1 , dt-alcr prep, offcr.962-5758 Br&Wtd Hew '76 lt«1thcr with 71 ,000 miles. 714/694-2854 thruout w ClllNt.:lllLLA • • glu1t'. 4 speed. AM/FM ---------1 HONDA.Cars Mu~t1>ec ! 10l6NLE>. ,73 MG MIDG_ET_ F UR. SEE TWICt: TO • : radio, bumper guards. ;s VW Baja Camper, B EL I E V t-: ! I N · • I :.tccl lleltcd radials & fresh lge eng & trans. OVERIOO 1958MBil90SL SuperSharp!AM·f'MLo C R E 0 l H LY: / : f r ont di::.c brakes $1795.64li·l823 ToChooffFrom! COUPEROADSTER miles(623NMMl BEAUTIF UL. MUST ,. --~it mt.i302St;H!fl. OthNs al UNIVERSITY llardtop & soft top. $2718 S ELL w11n four da)~. it 11t:1111FICll 111.A,llf.11 • :.imiharsavmgs loo' 759 0077 it 1:-. '1 '"1'<-,. HOW $3797 09 on~mallt>atht>r w/rad10. BRITISH CARCO. . ,. GREAT D E ALS,. · tllli7 VW Camper bus . Runs good. $750. Steve, 675-8714 Ward S.Lee AMC 547-5826 I: j~ So M,,,., 5t S.1111 .1 An.t '72J4VELIM Auto, air, pc>wer steer· i n g . L o w Milea s e ! (059HGM) $2295 Ward S.Lee AMC 547-5826 1734 So M""' S1 S.Jnf,1 An.1 '73 DATSUN 610 SPORTSCOUPE Oldtmobil• Honda Can • GMC Trucks 1\Classic1 CITX775). 213/990·2525 '67 Rolls Royce Sliver ' ~ BILL YATES SADDLEBACK 714/694-2854 Shadow. Mulliner coupe, ,. VW-PORSCHE VALLEY IMPORTS --------:. .. me as Corn1chc. Hill>. ,. 00 VW Sql>k. auto .. looks '68 Javelin, runs great, ~ootl, run s good . air /schks, pos, mags', 2850 Harbor Blvd. Art·l 1l' while w t hlat'k Coslal\ik:-a S-10!16411 :-µorb.mo! & inll'nor .; i-.pct·rt. I"~ radio. alt F5Ch it-lh1khbaC'k.lnm1. tond &. le·"~ than 31; 5t)( :<Int cond. S2llOO or h~.'!'>l m 1l<•'i 005t:CS I utfcr 1;.1ti H.'>41 ONLY $2498 '71DATSUN510 STATIOHWAGOM .1 "iX'('d. r.1rl10 & heJlcr 1 lliOCl'Cl. ONLY $1298 MARQUIS TOY OT A MISS I ON \' Jlo:,J () 831 -2880 495-1210 ---- Jaquar 9730 ..••..•......•......... JAGUARS 76's Nl'w Buy l't.111, s1·nsil1h· pi1)'mL'Ols Struct11r t·d hkl• a ll'ase Call tor .. onl 11uote ·~ BRITISH CAR CO. 213/990-2525 714/694-2854 7l Oat:.un 1:!011, 5x.uou mi. _ nu ratl 1al'i, 1\M /FM :-lcn••1. :15 \1 P(; Sl:.!lnl or •.l ai: '67 XK E C'pe lbt ltHll..'g l'JI Iii ltl\\ll S:Jl'.1(.10 111:1-.cot 1 ti7:) :1·, ;.; IJ<•,..1 olfr·r Iii~ UliXli 1:1 :!-111/., s llH·r 11o, hlk int. *·~I 1/\1' v /" I 11 '"ilt· \ '·t I '\\.. . I ) ' r I< ' ' ' ·'" '' ' '" ' 1• " , , "\ "#-.!~I( llH :)·I.ii I ltk1• th'\\ 1·nrnl I .1r ::l!Ti M002Ht 1.11, <'.dli~il k!llO 9 7 25 .•••..•...•...........• l'r 1-.at1· l'.11 l\ ;:1 .I.ii 11.11 X./.1; ·s:l"·r . hl;lf'k Vt•n dt•an. S.'>'l!l:'i !~lli.l{iO ~•IX :ll!lfi. 831-2040495-4949 ·72 MG Midget, AM 1FM. s uperb cond, $20,500 ,.. -----lugg a ge rac k , n e w 642-7978 • '73 45~SE . _:!~td1. Sl900. !!68-7870 Toyota 9765 ; C~n<•our~. ~,on d1t1on '58 MUA Classic. ne w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. \!:lli().J LW 1 Salt lires, cng, on g. rnill•s, l It * • • • * • • "* * * • • $10,999 £am1ly SI000.673-4119 it ,. • _.1:=:::::;~~~1 HOUSE OF ·73 MG Mid get. grt'at : ~· : ! ! IMPORTS cond. 2!!.000 M1. Musl s<:ll ,. it • • S2SOO./olter. 752·6909 ,. • , ',.-• it • • * • • • • • * • • • 213 /921-8588 -------.. .. 714/523-7250 61 MGA Rvadstcr, n1•w • ,. 1976 Triumph TR7 _ _ --lop. new lt'alh<'r uphol • · • i • 6 cyl., 1 :-;pt••·d. power '72 MBZ 350SL ~~· 646·lgzi ______ ! ~ • d1s1· lirak1•,, lw.1ter. tint llolh Tu11!>' 17-IOFLY I MGB 9744 ,. ,.. f•<l glass. i\ 'vi ' FM :-.lcrro. SI0,499 ~ ! fan<·y wh1•(•I, & ouly ••••••••••••••••••••••• • -,. 11 ,000 mtlt-s lrn · '71 MGB Rdstr, :<Int met:h : / ,. lll.il<'ulall'' M85N.J1'1 HOUSE OF t-oml.A:.king$21100. ··----_J ~ ... OWS5595 IMPORTS ca11sn·m~1 ... " 213/921-8588 ----HEWPORTDATSUM '65 MGB ,. llERll t Rll<llL ""'"fl .. AA)j DOVE S'I' 714/523-7250 Ork Grn C.:onvl. <.ttl it .. .., M ""'1' it Nr:Wl'Ol<T FIEACll •7 3 450SLC Cond. S.(J()() mi on rblt : GR EA'.f D E AL.<;;: 8 33-1300 cog. $1 ,()()() or will swap • Sunrool, alloy whet•ls. for Yau. (;;.ill t..tS-525() • =f:!~~~~~b SI•· r 1· o, L v M 1 l cl> -------• ll>"'8Ph.ll I 1976 MGB Roadster •<: $15,499 4 speed. stcrt·o & ruck· ,. :::i LIKEN r~w • c21!1Plll' ). ·~ HOUSE OF Sa.le Priee-S4675 !~ TR's 76's Xl11t liu~ pl;.in with ..,<·11~1 ble 1>ay mt·nls St r111 lurl'd likl' a ka"l' 'l't•1 nttn .. tock on h .. nct IMPORTS MIRACLEMAIDA ·~ Kormann Ghia 213/921-8588 2150 llarhor Bhd., C.M. • .................. !?.~~ 714/523-7 2 50 645-5700 : 537-5464 : BRITIS H CAR CO. 213/990-2 525 714/694-2854 KaNNSM Ghia ::-.t·vl•ral (iualttv Sclecllon '73 MGB ! c.AAUEN r:NEFWY : S.'l.'>tl l"101r .. 11; .. 11!1 <!IS<1·,.,,,, .. ,.k\iow1 Call (li43RFlil Xlnt rond ••••••••••••• fnr l.1 .. 1:-.<• lluy !'Ian. Very low mile:.. \lu~l ~di ~·n,Jtih-1';1,\ rrwnts 1 mmt<J1:.tl'lv s:11 50 nr 11('-.t flll1·1 .l'Jll l'l'lt·t 7Sl X!IHI '75 TH7, xlnl <"Ond ('all 752 7:),'>5 ht'l. I :su &. :! :Ill, Jfl 3. !It~) 20;~1 • Ii !l <;TI) r r I ll m ,, h .\M V.\l. \1•n 1'11 ;111. I Ollo 11r, $1fi!l'.1 I' I' 'll>H 'ii!l:I San Juap Ca1Jtslrano 837-4800493.4511 '74 DASHER to. 33.000 Ul't ual mrl<'s. GOOD r..:CONO NY! l496MV1\ l 2995 ·m vw BUG. Hl·d, gc1od ('IJlld $90(1 ofr !}liH2223 l!Mi7 VW ('u..,tnm tam1wr Hel'1•nl 0 11 lran~. & ti ng. Full\ 1n~u l:Unl , ex · t:l'llcnl rnnd1t1on. good t m •.., Sl!>!J5 Ca II 64ti 5882 •1rf>.lli ><77Halll·r6 pm. ----- \iW 1'1111 Top Ca mpe r JO,INIO 1111 on Jls:l5CC eng .. /\M, FM tape dek. ma n) \Ir<" $:!2!15 <l!lli 1617 '1t \'W fiUC:, 2 <.Ir A \I\ FM s ll'reo. lo w mi!PJ J.:C, t·ompl'litlun 111,111g<'. Very Sharp! (C0L212 ) Now ouly $:!~15 H r,ca :Nl'Y MOToti 110:\H ; H ENT i\L HOUSE OF IMPORTS 213/921 -8588 714/523-7250 Opel 9746 '77 TOYOTAs '70 SPITFIRE !12;, N ll11rl"1r Bl vd, S.i\. E1·011orn .v w1•t•k1•1HI . 0 '581• ~;,ci:i• __ _ :~=::::::;~~W'r • • 9738 .....................•• i i \l.i11l.1 ll \:J Cuuf)I', I .,pd , untl1·r "rnl\ \'t'f\ , 1t·.1n 11:17 ;r•o;> 'if \l.11d,1 IC\ I I .,.. '1 'A 1·11.: -11 I .1t11.1l 1111 '· \llll • nn<I •11;:J 11, ,;1 • 'i I \l.11d.1 II\ I \ul•• \\I I· \I I< I 1 "• I. In • * • • • 11 ••• '* • • • rndt•,tt.!t•, J,4t.l lt>Ud :il tOO !171).ti l ~Jlorl Xl11\ 1·11n1t. 11-h, ;.•J 1>1 lo m1 .. l t111~ s:woo. <:.di ;.1 I< x • 1411 •111111 •111 ~~l!I\'\''' ""\Ao 1111•' -; .... nrw1 r:.1 6 eyl . auto. trans .. air cond1t 1on1ng, p o wer stoerlng. power windows. stereo tape IURH409' '2199 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA tlll• l•oct.ll•d 14 1 I~'\ MUNflNl#tO•,i II A(H SHARP x I 9 °1' !Uh 'tlf);I 1 '17~ llr on1t· low ~rc~•s~n~ 974 0 . ..,,)('l""'S .,.11uu1 ". ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Vf'I ;" , -",. m I 1 C rHH n11lt•:i1:1 11r1rn1· 111nd. ful ltrn. rl"'' 11 .. 11 h1•1. ,1111 h {'•1w1>. 1nt 111 yM20U 1973 MBI 4SOSE r•11.if.~lt'"'" lo;uli'<I fiiJ·~l!'1t BluC' hl111• 111trrinr Lo-.. :l5<>SI, 1%7. t>11tlt top:-. .•••••.....•....•...... 1u;o IN ('()l,()H. GHE!'.N WITll i':NV\'' W OIX'I t:T Hc·d i'l'W t1rrs, rww hrakc•s, I Otl>f' d1•1·k A ~lto;.1 I lo1r S.1100 (~001Jel11w lo\~ bovk 1 642 ti8% 'tili Kad<'ll t;1wd l1n•s nrw bal11•rv. :llMlllm1. 1111 cng. CIL•a11 . body. l'<'ortn trans. NeL·d hrakcs. S~Oll 6-16·0'J49 HERE NOW •HEW COLORS •HEW MODELS llu~e Savings on ALL t l' m.11nin g new 11;.., & lx•mos Tht• 134.-tlt•r Bargain MAR9UIS TOY OT A !'wllSSION VIE.JO 831·2880 495-1210 :;p1•1·1;1I ' (ln1• ot .1 kind titi llug, 7.0IJO mi on WOO C};t:Jl'l'X) lT cng, 1 "''alrr. clean, ONLY $1975 makeofr 4113·7732 BRITIS H CAR CO. 213/990-2 525 714/694-2854 1972 Triumph TR6 4 "Jlt.•t>d, yellow exterior, AM VM stereo & vcr) l'kan ' (~32Fl'LI. -----·~ l:htg. Lgl blue, xlnl eond. l'orrlµlt n·blt, all p.1pi·r 5 . M us t i,('1 1. h~I ol r aft Ii. ti44-4-l:J7 , 1:113 I Jll(} lti26 ·71 VW C'am1>l'r ori~inal mnd, xl11t mechanically .l:Jll62Jol • Porsche 9 750 '74 C.:l•lil'a GT. air, 5 s p1·t•d . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al\1 /FM $30!15. Call Sale Price-$3395 MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd , C.M. 645-5700 $SAVENOWS I 976 VW DASHER 4 D o <1 r S c d a n /\ulornat1t· lt•atlwn•Ue, lllltf'Cl glJSS, rJollfl & l'OM rru1 1~. (32ti20G.C!IXfiJ IJIS· 1972 Porsche 91 IT 5 ~peed. air tond .. pwr. windows, mags & :-.1lvo·r wt hlark 1nter1o r . n9srrn SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495-4949 R:ll 03..'IO '72 SPITFIRE TOYOTA t"arlory HT. llu<lio CHRISTMAS S.ALE Cu~torn dt"luxt· 111lN1or < 1021-'l'S I 1969 COROMA $3 175 DELUXE SEO AM BRITIS H C AR C O. /\ u lo m a l 1 l' . r a ti i o . 2 13/990-2525 heatt!r. onl' owner & a 7 141694_2854 low m1lcagc t1tr . 1;ou11ted to · JUST $5205.64 BILL YATES VW-PORSCHE S.m Julln Cu pistrano 837-4800 493-4511 $1200/bsl ofr. 496·9789 headers, must sell. Best -----orrer. 673-5295 aft. 4 '70 VW, xtra deun, eng. 1-------~-..... recently ov~uled. New tire!!, air cond . .Sac. SlSOO. ti44·6030 7 6 AMC GREMLIN complete with 6 cylinder, automatic, pc>wer steer · ·"'"'68=V=W=-==A=u==to=.=x=tn=l=co=n=d=t 1 ng. a lr-cond it ion i n g, radio. heater, roof rack. all ways I.gt blue, SllSO. Ser. #AGA4GSEl86350. I 'h 541).!l(J2(1 Volvo 9772 .•..............•••.... '77 VOLVO HERE MOW •HEW COLORS •HEW MODELS H~e savin~s on all re- ma 111 in g new 7tis & l>cmos in stock. MARQUIS VOLVO MISSION VIE.JO 831-2880495-1210 ORAMGE COUNTY VOLVO EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO Largest Volvo Dealer in Orange County! BUY or L El\S !!: DIR~CT t'l:rt'Z~, 2025 S. Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 '73 Volvo 144, fuel inject- ed. PS, auto, air, $3050 644-2038. •SALES . •SERVICE •LEA-SING Overseas Deli.,ery Sen H'c & parts nuw ol)<'n on Sal's H lo 4 for your l'Ull\·enu~m:c. $2886 GUSTAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach 842-8844 '72 SPORT 410UT Hornet wagon, auto, air. pwr s~ring. roof rack low mileage · good economy (745FVE) $2495 Ward S.Le e AMC 547-5826 1234 So M.1tn St S""'" An" '72AMC J.A VELIM CPE V-R. automatic. air con- dit1onmg, power steer· ini:. power brakes, radio. heater, vinyl roof. 417fBll. s 1895. ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open Daily & Sunday 'til 10 P M 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 Buick 9910 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '73 BUICK CENTURY 3 seat Sta. Wf{n. Powrr !>leering & brakes, power windows & seats . lllt whl'l'I. radio, air cond., a sreal wagon, clean ai; t h e y come . While , maroon in terio r . (452117..S). $3295. 540-5630 ;ll Sp} cl1•r /j;i(J I 'om t•rt 'Xlnl nmd :\tom nc•c·d'I l.tr~c·r CJr $10;,urnfr t.i3 01113 nulefl, Cully et111111JX•tl & 11\'w \11<'hcl111 .... run· 1·ar1 in cxC't·llt•nt cond1t 1110 .,;;1 :~:worfl7a-:1:102 <DLR~> '72 !114 Porsc·he Appear;inn· <:rnup s.3!)50. t>-14·1755 <XSS530 l. V~lcswo<jen 9 770 fill vw ~til1t·k. Radi;ll VOL VO ONLY S 1198 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l1n•s. 11 'ltll cng, l:"M 2626HARBOR BLVD. 1011 XSOX & SOX • LINCOLN· MERCURY Fl.\TIUYERS lh•rb Frlcdlandcr 1:-. or lrrln~ so 1rnllon"f or ~a~ FREE with lh1!1 ad at the trmc or puN·h.1sc on a 1wwF1;it, Herb Frl•clander Imports 13750 Be:ich lllvcl WESTM!NSTF.n 537.7777 898-6777 '70 124 SPIDER A M-FM L o mrles Che rry! UJ73VLUl Special at $2350 IRITISH CAR CO. 213f990-2525 7141694-2854 197 3 MBZ 450Sl Clatsic Men:~•• 1'1702liOSE Cn\l. Xlnt <'1mcl sn .~.oo 5!'>2 1m11 M{'lJllll' i.(11111 na111boo 111 1rr1or Fu llv 1·qu1rr>t·1t like NEW' li!IS8.ll'1':i 'i:>:!!«IS, 1111• hllw luxury ca1. fully t•11u1p1 xlnl ('lll\Cl, 752 6240 1975 MBZ 230S Rluc/hlul• mlerior. Fully ·r,5 Merl'l'clcs 300SE eqwpprtl, in MI NT con l.l'alh<'r intc•rior. oriiunal d1tion & still under f1H: throughou t. 547-til57, CLASSY CLASSIC 'G4 356 SC, red w/hlk int, 11potless. Mint c·oncl S6000. or bcsl offl•r. Pvt ply_ SJC 496-1977 -------'74 914 Porsche Xlnt cnnd. Be:H offer <.:all aft 5, !!75·1>265 t n r v w 11 r r .1 n l y M0.7UO . 1434MXU I. ----73 914. Xlr!I c lt!an ONLY $9495 '75 450SEl $4500/firm . Wkd y!l . Mlsslo .... VIEJO Stiver w/ black interior. 640-0917 Eves . & wknds : " Leather, sunroor, stereo 495-6618 IMPORTS tatJC. <52SLWG I Special · _6_6_P_o_r_s-c h_e_9_l_2_c_o_mp. Averyf'kwy -S.O.Frwy al resto r ed , l 750cc . 28701 Margul'rite Pkwy $16.399 balanced eng, $5500 eves. ___ 8 _3 _1·1748 HOUSE OF wkc nds536·6752. __ _ '61 JOO S. E. Coupe Ele<.'t. roof, leather. spec whli;. radials. nds merh. work. $3995. 774-0311 IMPORTS 213/921-8588 714/523-7250 914 Por '72. AM/FM, new eng. $3995/bsl ofr. PP.ll313S27. btos •. Mew 9100 AutoJ, Mew 9800 Autoa, Mew '65 Porsche 356.SC, recon· 62 VW V:oo N1•w 1·11i: & ~l•·ri·o. 5:12 :1olJ2. _ _ _ 1966 Harbor C.M. 646·9303 COSTA MESA 1973 COROLLA t1re11. SR5o Cull 551; 11~:1 1 ----- MARK 11 COUPE <'v<'s Autos, New 9800 Autos, Mew 9800 Autoa, Mew 9100 II d d ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Or. ar top ~ ~per . 70 Bui.: Oni.: owrwr, Gi!M radio. heater, air c<1nd., n11. \'11k11n <:old V1·ry pwr. Sll'cr1ng + hr:ike::. & d1•an Sl.Stl51ofr. ti111447K l<•ss lh<in :14,000 milr!'I .•ft fl• l386Hl'Qt O~Y $2398 1975COROLLA DELUXE COUPE 2 Dr. 4 spec<! with rml111I lires & in cxcclh•11t t·o11<l1 lion! (249M XU 1. ONLY $2498 MARQUIS TOY OT A MISSION VIF.JO 831-2880 495-12 I 0 Iii VW l!aJa llug Nrw J.1 a In l, It r c·'. 1• 111:, ,\M l"M . a~k•nl( $1250 c.111 !1112 :~1r.:1 '71 VW Cic ml)t'r l'c)I) '!'up Fully 1•qu1p1M•rl S54 oo 5,m !l&tR (i(i VAN, lfi(J01·1· rng, $795 Call art 5 30. M:/·20411 1973 VWBUS 7 passenKcr model. llas AMffM II track stereo & low miles ( \581 IOK I S• Pric•·S337S MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Hnrbor Ul vtl., C.M. 645-5700 CHRISTMAS CASH REBATE! OHALLMIWPACHS . ~~~~~ All 1977 GREMLINS dilioned e ng, re cent --------- ,.. ... ""'"' • lo• 0 A (. 0.. JO "'°"'h Q,......,., ....,,., Cop. 101< uno '°'"' bol. u' .ss. 1s.rco1 No s.sn 1 pnint , new uphol, xlnt M8·7558 alt 6PM GREAT CHRISTMAS Gin '66 9ll same as currrnt mode;! at v.. price. $4,950 or best ofter. (Possible : fi'I IT f : 1t:1V>H r . WTllORIZlm • : trade for 4 dr. BMW). • .'Wtlf'11, ,t;,.,,.;,.,.. l.4•n11i'IJl & ON•r1wn11 'l>••llr1•ry • _83_1·_22Z7 ________ 1 L 120 W. WARNER at So. Main, SANTA AN:_) 9121966, lowner. . . • 557-2132 • $4500. •••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• 613.0llM '68 Toyota Corona 4·dr. :led, lo ml, auto, $750. cau <1w 552-7635. 197STOYOTA COROLLA SRS , 5 speed, stereo & low m iles. l>ciad s harp! <460LUK). S• Prlc .. S2HS MIRACLE M4%DA 21SO Harbor Blvd .• C.M. 645-5700 .. _, $300.• REIATE TO USE .AS YOU PLIEA.5 e • UPQn putehllsc of nny new or demo YW orcer go<)(t U\1'(1ugh 12/19/76. IOI WITHAM vw 7600 Wcstminstcr Blvd. Weatmtnat.er 893·7~'i1 ' :(!) 'Nabers Cadillac pallty and Price Guaranteed l.rasing Spec1Jf•'" Preferred R.itc\ J..irgcH Selection ot New & U"'d CaJ1flac\ in Orangl County Open SunJJy Cadillctc Master Dealer .!fiOO H.irnl)r Blvd C "'1.i Mc~.i 5411 'II oo Nabers 'ad iliac ~9974 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE V8, 11utom atlc:, factory :iir l'Ond., full po\\er inc "ll:cring, disc lir.1kl''· windows + :..~·:it~. w~ulewall t1rci.. t1nH·d J!f.iS:>, leathe r interior. c ru:..1se c ontrol & Al\J i-·M .'>ter c11 Im ffidCUlale I fJOli\ l.1 1 HOW$5695 NEWPORT DATSUH 888 l>OVEST "\.t-:WPORT Bl':ACll 133-1300 · '73 CADILLAC '13 Cad Cµe Oe V1llil Ong own!'r, x t ra clea n . l~:tded. must sell. Bst Offer. Call 673·9192. C...1u:.s1c 'tr! Uurt, \ K J trltl lMl Lincoln Coupe·l"ull 1'1S, 1rnrnuc. now 1111 . power, leather uph., S6001b:.tofr S411 :1$1;8. c...,,.o 9917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 Cumaro . VB, auto. radio, PS, iair, radials. ~ood cood . S1800/ofr 640-115116 eves. 75 Camaro, 6 cyl auto, near new radial tires, rallcy wheels, P /S, I' I B, only 8100 mi. hke new, ~.673·7506 9920 •·••···•·••············ t975 CHEVY vmyl top, new :.teel belt· ed r adia ls & in 1m· m11culale con dition ! t467BSX). Special at ONLY $2575 GUSTAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-8844 MOHZA 2 + 2 '73 4 DR. Gold & Wht . ii 11 Auto m a t ic, rudlo & pwr ,xlot,$4200 heate r . Super ,clean! 631-0300 !980LWA>. ONLY $2698 MAR9UIS VOLVO MISSION VJEJO 131-2880 495-1210 ----- '75 LUY '75LIHCOLN MARklV .i to choose rrorn. Thc!>l' fine luxury c·ur~ are all sen ked and ready to i.:u Stop 1n & ~ct• them toda v t691LP\ 1 Pt1ccd as lnw 1'1<.'kup, 4 s peed. H~ry as et·onomlral Hard to find I 170840Z ) 2495 $8895. 540-5630 IOllXSO~ & SOX • LINCOLN·MfRCURY 2626 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA M ESA '68 Dodge PolarJ Stu Wgn. ;1 ~eut~. I'S, I' B, AC, $775 5'111 :!"*05 ·72 LTD l! dr. Landau top. I'S PH . VI 1 n I t·o n d' Sl!IOO lJ,t ofr tl73 3219 ~\'~' 75 F•1rd (;ranada Stl'rC'<>. -,nr(, i.1h t•r ~ 'burj!undy int Sharr' S tl 9S t>lt 1755 '70 M.1\,•r1t k :!dr. air. aulomalll' Si!.15 962 8555 .:., SEDAN DEVILLE lfi,odi.ome 4 d r. with full puw<'r. air cond . autl) tran:.m1sslon. rlee hrown with mulc:hini: in tarwr. See 1t nuw Stk :111112a. Only '70 Leather· ·\ '.\t 'I-M ·n llanc·ht•ro CT Air, all stereo. air . I-"' r . ell' pwr, stl'rNi, 12!1 cu l'ni;:, -$12'J5 54!.1-897!1 JO 000 m1 $2:1~10 C.all '71) ~onte Carlo. Just llkc Cor vett-;-99 32 t>I'> '•7117 QCW only 14!.SOU Oll ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSTSt:LL493·1;r.Y,I fi8 l"ord Wa!•nn --CORVETIES Good <.'oncJ ~1;011 $4896. ..,'ft"l~.,..'ft'l-IWl-l'ft 'M Impala 2 Dr SS. 1-'loor $45·21:.ti stick . 2!l3 enic Fine mechanical cond tiood CHOICE OF I 2 tlJ"('S,<.'ouldu1wp111ntJoh 1961THRU1976 Sl,'j() (;;ill 89J·lrlll0 aftt·r 7PM ·; Gold Cud Con\'erl. '75 :\ov11 ..! dr \~ I"'\ ~llt-ctor5. gd c ond stereo t..11x" \llll •und ~(.lOll m1 M ukc offer $31100 CJll f.t•i :1!lt .. ' ,11, 1,12ll:!23evc~ G·30pm 'ii ('(le de VIiie l.vatl1·d 68 Ch<'vy, ·lH I.. ~urnJ li rl·;11 cund $..139.> l'h ttJns l400 'Ml Jl<OO 55 7 : I 11 a fll' r :1 1 ::-pet'<!~ & AutM.111tlr~ Or~Cowdy'1 Lc1·9Ht & Flnrst S.led ion ~l.FINA:-.;('l~G WEU:ASI-: CORVETTES HOW A.RD Chevrolet [)(" t· & (Jua1l Strl't'h "\ l';WJ'lll!T Ut-: \CH 833-0555 '72 Pinto Sedan U.irk green, :iutomat11· t rJn :>l'Dl '\,rnn. n\·W hrakt-.. Ai huttt'r) run11 ;.:r1: 1t 1;01111 l'COllOm) c ar" ~.Jfi 7~1.i l Lea vl' ml'•• a):<' for l.tndn £.II Forti Fmrlone 4dr S400. 552·8558 'ti6 I.Tl 1, 7'1 ()Ill) m1 f'M . I~. l'U. l!t•od 1:ond. $750 fit''• 75 1971 CADILLAC Sl':DAH DEVILLE 4<1.IJOU oriizinal 111tl1•, 111 ~llllc rb ron d111u11 1f12! PKO l ill Chl''' ,,,, .1 4 cir wd \ C I' S I' II \ ·1 l.11..1 rWW $4500 171 1 t.J~ 71)J.'l Couqcr 9933 Lincoh1 166 CM• IMP ALA •• •••••• •••••• • •••• •••• ••••••• • ••••••••••••••• ~ &\.: ~·1-45 i I .-...... 11 Xfl i mint '62 Con!in•ntat. • SADDLEBACk VALLEY IM,0"15 831-2040 49 5.4949 <111111 m~111~ .,t r.1 11111111 $ll()() 640 65&t aft 6, ·n Lu'. ma.11:1. :.110"' tire~. nu. 1.-,111Ht'r s 1:; ow7 - - 'hell w boot \ M n1 '73 LINCOLN t·a:. .... g trio. xtr""· ti ... t 111r '72 COUGAR COU,E ... '6:! (·AD Coupe. I o"' ner . n.•hlt cnR & trurL' 'l.t•" IJdlOI. Imm.a<.' Hu11:-& )ollil>' lx-aut 646 7:!:114 t;.w l~S XR·7 iu C.1pn c(' :!or 111.11 11 v1111 11wr Slt•rf'o t;1111.'. lmrnat cond . P \l pr> ~129!> ·73 CJd Sdn lk•\'rll1• Lo" (2131~92 11>41l 1111\\t•r hrakl's d. •.l•'l'r 111r \\I r.1d1n \\ t.1p" •IN'k liu•kl'I :O.l'.tb. ;i.c 1.·11nol nw.t111111 ~ r1•1·11 "'1th "Int<· 1nt1•ri111 .<:. \\ h I I I' \ I 11 \' I I II 11 I t 13~H<iC L "J f. xtru 1·le<rn • 1 ~1•1il r"--ltr ~-.:! ·1:a:1 -· ,. 9925 0i.'1 I 'hPVV :\111111)11 ("111,,rc· \llll <Ond, 2~ 0011 Int 111'\o\ hfl'1o 1\l', ·•UW. '""I 11111 r11.1kt' offer 1131 01 ·1K t J1I i6 CU\' r 1lo1 Ith• 'Ctr.,, lom1 .. h.11 p '11~141 l'r 11tv 492 1112 l'laM 1c '76 Cod t.ltl111 ado l'onH•rl hrllv ln.11lrfl \Int <"l•m.l 117 mo c .-11 \ 11 IPOIJ llJS .I.! I.! ur :..nmJH C. 1\7 SDV, 11r1i,:rn<1I ' t rond. f().11.le•I. 644 Q!ll\;> .....•..•.............. '76 CHRYSLU $2495. CORDOIA 540-5630 \' R ,1utom11t1r .11r rnn 1htr11n111~. 1,.1w1·1 '<l•·,·r I w i~l&l ma. powt>r bn1kt!11. pow.-r ! t • • • windowK, AM f\1 nodio. 2626 HARBOR ILVD hewt<•r. Whlt <'wall ures · 'lnyl roof, leuther bucket COSTA ME SA beitt:1. ~•de mouhlinits Dodcfe 9935 t!H!lf' r>z > SSJ95. AT LAS CH RYSllR PIYMOUTH .••.••...••.....•..•... 70 Ch.1ll1·n~·"r .11iln. VII. purph.-" "httt· '1n' I'"" (;d ( •tnrl ·..ir. Ulffl IFYOU ~n Dally & Sund1y hove a S••n 1t't! 111 offt·r r11 ·,1 llh1rk Elllor.1<111 't1llOPl\f 1?ocids t11,1·ll pl.1tt'.rn.ul ll1•aut1ful d<'CP 11rl'rn \\ wh1lf' v1nvl roof ;.ind lull rower.' u1r cond . autom:i tic trans .. ,\ M 1 I-' M r 11 d 1 o . t ll:IH KZ.L 'this lx!11._uty "" '.'lulc riow only $4895. $40-5630 lonxso~ & so~ •• UNCOl.N MlflCURY l 626 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA '71 LINCOLN 4 DR. SEO. {ir('at fnmlly ... cdan, rull P''"l'r rotJl11 111r cond t 12:!k. I.I I 1 $2695. 540 ~5630 1011 ~so~ & SOX • I INCOlN·MlHCL•HY L(ladt!d, hlw n!'-.' l!l.OUO 2929 Harbor Rh•d 1 n l h c U" II ) I' II o l rrii New Mtchrlln t1rt"1. t'Mla Me"a Cla~s1f1f'd Sect Inn 2626 HARBOR llVD. tl-&5 2'.J&, 546· I .!J4 PhonP M2 51171' COSTA MESA AMtea. New HOG AMtot, Mew 9100 Aalfo1, New HOO Alttoa, Mtw 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTOR HOME CR~FTSMt\NSH1P AT'tTS FINEST! • Oorptout, ~ color-coordlnat•d turnlturt tabrlu, lush dHP Pll• car,,.llng . • EKcltlng (ltlW ptut•I body COfOfl - halmonlz/ng dH per· ton• •~ctnt 1rrfplng. • B•,utlful ntw w1tnut pane/Ing end c1bln1t1. Concealed herdwert, touch.m1t1c l•t~hea. • A wldt range of new floor pt11n• -OM'• /uat right for your f1mlly. • New hind/Ing east attd rld/n~ comfort, • T11vco hlgh•/flltOrlty tt•.., .. fld·ftbe rglH• con•lructlon PfO'lldH ttrtftglh tftd rtlfM#llty. • 32', ~0-end 2r modtlJ. tlld th• •tN•nc•d·doalgn 22' L'Elf'1((1'11 ,,,,~, "'°'O' 1rom1. • •• 540-5630 IOllXSOX & SOX • LINCOLN -MERCURY '75 MUST AHG II 4 !lfX'ed. radio. heater & in ex• t'PltonJlly nice con d1tJ11n I ( l l()'l75) ONLY Si698 MARQUIS VOLVO \11SSION VIEJO 831-2810 495-1210 Autos, Used Auto1, Used HERE IS SOlfDPROOf >< -4 \\E \I \Kt \Ill R SEI El" TIU:\ t:.\~ \' .E\ t:HY Ill'· .... fOOT PRtl E Iii cu:ARU' -4 \l \RKEO 0:\ Tllf: \\I:\· SlllEl.O or t: \( H 't::Yt & "M l •ED \ EHlfl.t. "' f'Rt:t: APPR•\ISAI. <JN YOl'R PRE!IEST \'EllKU: WITH ABSOLUTF.l.Y '40 OBl.IGA· TION TO \'ot'. YOl"LL llAVE C0"Pl.f.TP. PRlflSG IWOR."ATIO~ BEF'ORE \'OU FILL Oll'T A CRE DIT APl'LICATI01i OR SIGN A THIS9. wm:' rcit \Rt: 1u:\llr, Ol R POI.Ill-'. i.ALE. Pt'O· PL~; \\ILL f.I\ E YOl' Tiff 1'1. "' n crs .. o~ E:\r.1,r.. t.qllP\1E:O. T \:\0 Pf:HFOR· ~I \\CE' "'E'LJ, llAPPll.Y SllOW Y<ll' Tiit: KELl.1-;Y nu · .. : ROOK PRICE ()'4 t\:I;\' rs~;I) ('All IS llT'OC'K' ATLAS CHRYSllR PLYMOUTH ·~ 'l\•101>t·~l C'o11vtirtibk bct1l 11lf··· t .11 •• , r; Ill l~;'jh C\ t'l> Thunder blrd '970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Open Ua1ly & Sunda~ ·71 T lhnl .111111, 1111 pwr • 'Iii JO PM Jll ·;:trJ' r.1durl tire~ 2929 11arhorlllvd ~?M n11 i:d coo d Cos~a ~l!lia SUllO mk 11Cr P I' 546-1934 ~~l ~oc ''" Veoo '974 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• POHlJAC SALi '68 .1-'lreblrd tW•'V•OO> OMLY $1499 '64 Pont Waito n <TMX663l ONLY $699 M~wport•r Motora 19ti9 Harbor Blvd , t• M CALL 642-0795 '74 H11t1.·hllill'IC. ,\ T lu m 1 nu 11n ·., \ 1 $1111 • IOI OtlOO. ~11 21177 H \'cgu llld1bck rt•1I , 1,.pd. air new tlrei. \'1700 J k I~~ 1747 '73 \\·.:a. Hal'lllA Yello" £'1:rt 1:111 for <'Olll!&C or h1&th\Chool ... 1udt•nl. Xhll o•ontl :l~.000 mi. AM1FM ll41 KM.! MUT Ron McLeod THf NIW GENERAL MANAG!lt I'd l·"~fopt?rM>nally•'"'~''!1 ,,. '·• 1.it11•n 10 ,on't ,, and Vl\•I Sc!' ror your~Pl f lholl Wt ,,,,. •ll>W 1'1•· deal1·r~h1µ chclr o\ truly 01llt•11 111 11,, )" 1•••• 011 •n/ SdlP\ dnd ~rv1re '"-'"'' knoN 1h,lt ""''" ••' ft'"',,,. dnd txlrd \trv•(P 1'i lh4• <ml'f t• 1; ''' l•u tH ,,,,,,,,.0 cu~1omer {Olll •ll"n<l' \\II\ \llT tol\~ t " \ tlf\"1 111 f•11rl\I'. \\11\T \\I"'\\ -·~FOR KIDS · , -ONLY! _..,, FOi EACH CHILD SANTA WILL BE HERE SAT. & SUN . 10-4 AND MON. thru THUR . 4-8! / COOKllS & CO,,H Will IE SIRVIDI ••• ADULT TOYS REASONABLY PRICED 'ONTIACS e GMC1 e HHAUlfl OH /MT WOU DONI IN OUI lllVM:I DI". OI IOOY tMM IN DIC1MIUt . I .. ... DJI DAILY PILOT Saturdly. December 18, 1979 BRAID IEW 1977 FIREBIRD • V-6 Engine • Automatic T ransmissioo $ • WSW Steel Belted Tires •Console • Tmted Glass • Power Disc Brakes • Power Steering • Rallye II Wheels • Body Side Mouldings IMMEDIATE DEUYERY • • • '76 SUNBIRD 4 cyl. engine. tint~ glass. 3 speed transm1ss1on. w.s.w tires. 5 year-60.000 mile engme guarantee. body side mldgs Ser. #2M2786C104846 $ SEE us Custom seat belts. tinted glass. console. 4 cyt. engine. 5 speed trans .. w.s.w. steel belted radial tires. clock. radio. luxury trim group. body side mldgs .. 5 year-60.000 mile engine guarantee. Ser. #2M2786C101914. $ '76 SUlllRD .. 4 cyl. engine. steel belted radial tires. front and rear bumper guards. body side mldgs .. 3 speed transmission. 5 year-60 .000 mile eng ine guarantee. Ser #2M2786C107494 • '76 SUNBIRD 4 cyl. engine. 3 speed transmission. radial tires, bumper protection group, body side mldgs.. 5 year-60,000 mile engine guarantee. Ser. #2M27B6C106590. 445 TODA YI 4 cylinder 4 sp•ed. radio. rallye wheels (OY07NC30331 73) $2695 1972 DODGE DART Swinger V-8 auto trans lact:>ry 11r oolld11tontng. power steeM9 A"'1 radio ~dndau loP rallye '#1\eets Ot 2G1Xl •2 195 197 3 FORD MAVERICK V-8 a·J!O tra'l~ lactorv air c:ondrt1on1rig pawer steenng Landau too AM·FM stereo taoe 12BeJGUI $21 95 '75 PONT. Le Mans AYto 1r1ns lactorv a11 oonditlorung. oower steenng, radt0 heater vinyl rool 1987LMVI •2995 1974 CHEVROLET Blazer 4 wheel dnve V-8. auto tntns . factory 1ir conditioning power steenng AM radlO, tilt steering. (501 NIJl •4995 197 5 Mere. Monarch Ghia V-8. auto trans., !act()()' air cond111oning. power steenng. power windows. Landau loP. AM·FM stereo ( 41713P) •4395 197 4 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass v~ auto. trans . fact()()' air oondrtiornng. power steering, oower Windows. Landau IOI>. AM-FM stereo (198358) •3795 197 5 BUICK REGAL V-8 auto I rans lactOtY air oond1tt0n1ng, AM radtO. Landau too. cruise control. 1111 steenng (62tMVF) •4795 197 5 CAD El Dorado Flciory air cond11ton1ng. lvlt power. AM·FM stereo. low mies red with while leather seals. white landau IOP. (6&4MCB1 SAYE 1975 CHRYSLER Cordoba V-8. auto. trans • factOtY alr oondtltonlng power steenng, =oo~. ii ii+FM .,_ 1975 PONTIAC ASTRE 4 cyl . auto trans . AM radio Example (605NACI Stx to choose from •1995 1976 DODGE B200 VAN V-8. auto trans .. power steering. paneled ( 16805 761. •4995 1973 PONTIAC Grand Prix V-8. auto lrana.. 18':1()()' air concl11toning .,ower steenrig. pe>wer disc brakes, pawer Windows. :.andau lop AM·FM stereo. rallya Wheels. (33 t JEY) •2995 197 5 CHEV Monte Carlo V-8. auto trans . lactOtY air oond11ton1ng. power steering. Landau top (090L Y JI •4395 .... 197 5 PONT Grand Prix V-8. auto trans • fact()()' a.tr oondrt1on1ng. l)OW9r steenng. power disc brakes. oower Windows. PC>Wer seats. rallye =~c;i iii j ·~ ·~ '72 VWBUG 4 speed, AM/FM rldto, tape dectt (81 IOKW) •1695 1973 FORD Tlulderbird V-8. auto irans .. fact()()' air conditioning. power steering, power windows. power seats. Landau too. AM-FM stereo taoe. cruise control, ltlt steenng. ( 107025). •2195 '71 CAD. B Dorado Auto. trans .. factory alr, p. steer .. p. brll<es. p. wind .. P. aeata. AM/FM stereo radio. tape d.ctc. heater. wsw. vinyl rf . tnt. gls . whl. cvrs , 181181', etc. (180018). •2795 197 4 BUICK Umlted V-8. factory air condrtioning. lull power, AM-fM stereo. (173KEE). •3195 OPEN DAILY - 9 A.M. TO I 0 P.M. WI uran y DO PONTIAC WAlUMTY wou IEGAlDUSS Of WHEIE YOU OllGIMAU Y MCHASID YOUll CAI WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS ,